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B. Sc. (Hons.

) Chemistry Final
Year Project
Assessment of Oral Presentation (Part I)

Evaluation Criteria
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Objectives/ Statements
4. Materials and Methods
5. Conclusion
6. Overall performance
7. Question & Answer
Please be reminded that:
a) The first presenter for each session needs to get ready the notebook and
LCD projector for that session.
For Wednesday session (16/7/2014), venue D215: Lim Pui Shi

For Wednesday session (16/7/2014), venue D209: Hong An Nei

For Thursday session (23/7/2014), venue D215: Tan Win Ee

For Monday session (23/7/2014), venue D121: Lim Yong Wei

For Friday session (25/7/2014), venue D121: Yew Su Li

b) Kindly arrive early and save your powerpoint presentation
slides to the notebook. Please do attend the full session
and not only your own presentation slot.

c) Each student will be given maximum 10 minutes for the
presentation and 5 minutes Q&A.

d) The first bell will be rung after 8 minutes of presentation to
inform and alert the students that they have 2 minutes to
complete their presentation.

e) The second bell will be rung at the end of 10 minutes. Please
do not go beyond the time allocated.

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