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Annual Certification is due and the user is a corporate office with annual certification rights.

The Annual Certification screen ready for data entry.

Screen continues on next page
.continuation of the screen from the previous page:
The same screen showing the content of the Title drop-down selection ox.
!o errors detected through the first round of chec"ing #without dataase access$. %ser is as"ed
to review and confirm entries efore it is send to the server for further error chec"ing and
Screen continues on the next page
continuation from the previous page
The Annual Certification %pdate &esults - showing a successful update.
Successful %pdate:
The ottom part of the 'nstitution (rofile screen after the successful processing of the Annual
Annual &enewal )istory screen.
)istory record of the sumitted and accepted Annual Certification
Screen continues on the next page ..
continuation from the previous page
%ser who is unale to certify will e as"ed to fill out a form shown on the screen elow.
The Annual Certification %pdate &esults showing a successful email sumission.
The ottom part of the 'nstitution (rofile screen after the user returns from sending explanation
why they were unale to certify.

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