Newsletter 1

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Miss Rockentines

September 8
-PTA meeting
September 11
- Curriculum
night K- !"#$-%"1& pm
September &
- Picture 'a(
September !
- Addams )all
)esti*al !-8 pm
+ate Starts on ,ed September
1$- 1%- . /
0ello Kindergarten
,elcome to kindergarten and our 2rst
kindergarten ne3sletter1 4 hope (ou and
(our student ha*e en5o(ed the 2rst 6e3 da(s
o6 our school (ear7 8eginning kindergarten is
a big transition and 3e 3ill be continuing to
learn and practice ne3 routines 6or the ne9t
couple o6 3eeks7
4 look 6or3ard to meeting (ou all and talking
more in depth at curriculum night- ne9t
Thursda(- September 11
7 4n the 6uture 4 3ill
be posting ne3sletters electronicall( on our
class 3ebpage7 46 (ou do not ha*e internet
access- please 3rite me a note re:uesting a
paper cop( o6 all ne3sletters7 To access our
class page" head to
s- select sta< director( on the right side o6
the main school page- and m( name is
h(perlinked to the class page7 0ere is the
direct link"
This 3eek 3e ha*e read lots o6 books about
school and kindergarten including Pete The
Cat- The Kissing Hand, David Goes to School-
and man( other books as 3ell7 ,e ha*e
learned the song- =,ho stole the cookies
6rom the cookie 5ar> and ha*e been
practicing names 3ith this song7 This 3eek
students 3orked on pages 6or a class book
about the cookie 5ar song and our 2rst da( o6
Tentative Specials Schedule:
Monday- Gym
Tuesday- Art, Music
Wednesday- Spanish
Thursday- Library (not yet up
and running for this year)
Friday- Spanish, Music, & Gym

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