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The Application of OptiSystem in Optical Fi-

ber Communication Experiments
Xiang Yang
, Yang Hechao

College of Computer Science&Technology Henan Polytechnic University J iaozuo,China
College of Computer Science&Technology Henan Polytechnic University J iaozuo,China

Abstract- The basic components in Optisystem are intro-
duced in this paper. In order to overcome the traditional
shortcomings of the experiment in optical fiber communica-
tions, We use the Optisystem software to design the fiber-
optic communications system and the simulation results are
presented, which can not only enhance the understanding of
each component of the fiber-optic communications system
and its the function and provide guidance in real experi-
mental design for the students, but also lay a solid founda-
tion for the fiber-optic communication systems research in
the future.
Index Terms -Optical Fiber Communication;Simulation;
Optical fiber communication technology stood out from
the optical communication and has become one of the
main pillars of modern communications. It plays an im-
portant role in modern telecommunications networks.
Optical fiber communication as a new technology, in re-
cent years, its rapid development and the broad range of
application, are rare in the history of communications. It
becomes the denotation of the new technological revolu-
tion in the world. As a main transmission of various in-
formation tools, it is of great importance in the future in-
formation society. Now, optical communication systems
are becoming increasingly complex [1]. These systems
often include multiple signal channels, different topology
structure, nonlinear devices and non-Gaussian noise
sources [2], which make their design and analysis quite
complex and require high-intensity work. Optisystem will
allow the design and analysis of these systems become
quickly and efficiently.
The traditional optical fiber communication experi-
ments are usually conducted in the experimental box. The
various components of optical devices in these boxes are
encapsulated in comparison. So in the experiments, stu-
dents often only do their work in accordance with the in-
structions on the experimental procedure step by step. It is
difficult to understand the various parts of optical fiber
communication system functions for the students and
therefore, they lack the ability to create designs and fail to
reach the effect required in the classroom instruction.
When the OptiSystem software is introduced to the teach-
ing of the experiments, it not only help the students to
have a deep understanding of all parts of the optical fiber
communication systems, but also have a clear visual im-
pression on the optical fiber communication characteris-
tics of the various components, which can give full play to
its innovative design capabilities.
OptiSystem is an innovative optical communication
system simulation package which was explored by opti-
wave company in order to meet the academic require-
ment of the system designers, optical communications
engineers, researchers. It integrates design, test and op-
timize all types of broadband optical network physical
layer functions such as virtual optical connection. From
the long-distance communication systems to LANS and
MANS, it can be well used. It has a huge database of
active and passive components, including power, wave-
length, loss and other related parameters. Parameters al-
low the user to scan and optimization of device-specific
technical parameters on the system performance. Opti-
System has powerful simulation environment and real
components and systems of classification definitions. A
fiber optic communication system model is based on the
actual system-level simulator. Its performance can be
attached to the device user interface library and can be
completely expanded to become a widely used tool. Op-
tiSystem meet the booming market to a strong photon and
becomes a useful tool for optical system design require-
ments [3].
Here, we will simulate the relative basic optical fiber
communication experiment using the basic OptiSystem
models and then presents the simulation results.
A. Simulation of wavelength division multiplexing
WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing, WDM) is
an important progress in the development history of opti-
cal fiber communication technology. The basic principle
of the WDM is that the light signals with different wave-
lengths is put together at first, and then coupled to fiber
optic cable lines in the same fibers for transmission. At
last the receiver separates the different wavelengths by
signal processing, restores the original signal and sends
them to different terminal [4]. Figure 1 is a schematic
map of WDM systems [5].
ISBN 978-952-5726-10-7
Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Computer Science and Computational Technology(ISCSCT 10)
Jiaozuo, P. R. China, 14-15,August 2010, pp. 376-378
mux demux

Figure 1 The schematic map of WDM systems

According to Figure 1, the related modules of the sys-
tem are transferred in OptiSystem, then consists a system
diagram, shown in Figure 2. The system consists of laser,
wavelength division multiplexing, optical, demultiplexer
and optical spectrum analyzers and other devices integral.
We set the light source composed of four lasers with
emission frequency 193.1THz, 193.4 THz, 193.7 THz,
and 194.0 THz respectively. The light signals from the
four lasers are put together through the WDM combine,
and then coupled into the optical fiber. At last, the signal
wavelength demultiplexer separates the combined signal
in the terminal which is represented by optical spectrum
analyzer. According to Figure 2, connect the system and
run the simulation program, then the simulation results
can be obtained.

Figure 2 OptiSystemWDM systemdiagram
Figure 3 shows the frequency spectrum for the
WDM signal after the combined. After demultiplexing,
the frequency spectrum of each channel is shown in Fig-
ure 4.

Figure 3 Multiplexed signal spectrumafter the WDM mux

Figure 4 The channel spectrumanalysis chart after demultiplexing.
The simulation results show that the system imple-
ments the basic functions of WDM systems. In the actual
experiment, it can be realized by properly adjusting the
parameters of each device to obtain better experimental
B. Simulation of optical fiber amplification experiment
The application of optical amplifiers in communication
is a major breakthrough in the history of optical fiber
communication technology. It replaces the traditional
electronic relay station and make the dream of all-optical
communication becomes a reality, in which erbium-
doped laser amplifiers has the fastest development [6].
Figure 5 is an optical amplifier system based on EDFA,
which is designed with Optisystem. The signal and pump
light are combined together through the ideal MUX. Then
they enter into the erbium-doped fiber amplifier. By
comparing the spectrums of light changes before and
after amplified, we can observe the amplification effect.
Connect the system according to Figure 5 and run the
simulation. The center wavelength of the signal light and
pump light used here are 1550nm and 980 nm respective-
ly [7]. The signal spectrums of the optical before and
after amplified are shown in figure 6(a) and (b) respec-
tively. From this figure, we can see that the intensity of
the signal is significant enlarged. Moreover, optical sig-
nal spectrum before and after amplified has similar shape.
This means that this system has achieved the purpose of
optical amplification.

Figure 5 Optisystemoptical amplification systemchart

Optisystem provides a flexible platform for virtual ex-
periments which help students to grasp the more abstract
principle of optical fiber communication systems. Using
this software, it is beneficial to train the abilities of stu-
dents, such as independent analysis, design and ability to
solve practical problems. Moreover, it helps to enable
students the ability of connecting theory with practice,
finding some problems in the experiment, grasping the
soul of theoretical knowledge. The results show that the
actual teaching has greatly enhanced the students interest
and curiosity and lays a solid foundation for their future
research work.

(a) Signal spectrumbefore amplified

(b) Signal spectrumafter amplified
Figure 6 The signal spectrums of the optical before and after amplified.

[1] Sun Qiang, Zhou Xu. Optical fiber communication sys-
tem and its applications, Beijing: The Press of Tsinghua
University, 2004.
[2] Shi Shunxiang, Chen Guo Fu, Zhao Wei et al.. Nonlinear
optics, Xian: The Press of Xidian University, 2003.
[3] Automation net OptiSystem software for the design of
optical communication system ,
[4] Liu Zengji, Zhou Yang Yi, Hu Liaolin. The optic fiber
communication, Xian: The Press of Xidian University,
[5] Zhang Baofu, Tan Xiao, J iang Huijuan. The principle
and experiment lectures of optic fiber communication sys-
tem, Beiing: The Press of Electronics Industry, 2004.
[6] Zhang Mingde, Sun Xiaohan. The principle and system
of optical communication, Nanjing: The Press of South-
east University, 1998.
[7] Wang J ingshan, Shen Xinjie, Sun Wei. The optical fiber
communication devices, Beijing: The Press of Defense
Industry, 2003.

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