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Volunteers needed for:

The Chili Festival A.K.A. Chili Channel

Saturday, October 4
11-2 p..
Family Name: __________________ (Helps to meet your 2 hour pledge)
Our family is able to:
Help anywhere and everywhere...O
The following committees or jobs fit our family's interests:
Food Vendor/Field Area Costume Parade Crafts-Orvada Site
!upervise this portion
!et"up# de$orate serving area
%ntering &hili &ontest
&oo' (otatoes
)ring &ornbread
)ring *ater
)ring &ondiments and (aper
+esign awards# donations for pri,es
Obtain donations for supplies
+onate supplies
&lean"up food area at end
-ather .endors"obin
!et"up#tables for vendors
!upervise $a'ewal'
)a'e $up$a'es for $a'ewal'
&onta$t Fiddler"/inda
!ell 0i$'ets
!ell raffle ti$'ets
1a'e a spe$ialty $a'e for the raffle
)e the 1aster of &eremonies
&lean"up area at end
Obtain parti$ipation awards
Scare Salon with
Organi,e this portion
!et"up#de$orate area
Obtain donations for supplies
+onate supplies
supervise a$tivity
&lean"up area at the end
&learing 1( room Friday night
!et"up !aturday morning
&lean"up area at end
+oes your family want to help in a way not listed (su$h as roving photographer or sign"ma'ing in
$lass)2 (lease offer other suggestions to help ma'e this event as fun and su$$essful as previous years:
0han' you3
!lyse, "aie, Kalei#h, $anna and the %pper !leentary Students
** Please return this note by Friday, September 15
to enable us to sort through your generous offers.**

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