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Poison dart frogs

There is at least 200 species of poison dart frogs or dart-poison frogs. It is known for its skin
because if you touch it you will most likely die because it is poisonous. Some frogs skin contains
glands that sometimes cause poisonous secretions. The poison is used to keep off predators.
They are found in South and Central America. Ancient people of Columbia used the frogs for
poison darts and hunting by putting the poison on their arrows so that they will pierce skin and
inject the poison placed upon the arrow.
The golden poison dart is the most poisonous poison dart frog. It is from Columbia. 10 human
adults will die from one adults poison according to scientists. Its more poisonous then many of
other animals.
Most poisonous animals create the poison that they have. Poison dart frogs get their poison
from the animals they eat. They eat ants, mites, and termites.
Another poison dart frog is the Dyeing poison frog. It has bright skin that can be many colors.
The skin is supposed to be a warning to predators that it is poisonous. The Dyeing poison dart
frog is often a dark blue with black spots that are big and small. This pattern is also on the
bottom and there may be a stripe up the center. The blue skin blends in with the sky. All of the
Dyeing poison frogs have the stripe and spots but they come in many colors! They have pitch
black eyes. It is also known as the Dyeing poison arrow frog. It can be up to 6cm. and it can
weigh a gram.
Grant, Taran. "Poison dart frog." World Book Advanced. World Book, 2013.Web. 10 Jan. 2013.

Dyeing Poison Frog. ARKive, n.d. Web. 17 Jan. 2013.

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