Book of Shadows (Basic Text)

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The Book of Shadows

A guide to magic in the world of Charmed.

by Jeff Slick
All non-proprietary material in this document is Copyright Jeff Slick, 2!. "his work
is in the public domain and may be distributed freely, so long as all copyright info #i.e.
this page$ remains intact.
The Unisystem is Copyright and Trademark CJ Carella and Eden Studios, 2003, published under exclusive
license by Eden Studios.
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%ew &ualities'
%atural (mpath
) point drawback, or * or +2 ,oint &uality
An (mpath is a mortal who can feel the emotions of those around her. "he (mpath
chooses to either embrace the gift or re-ect it. .f she chooses to re-ect her empathic abilities, the
emotions easily will begin to o/erwhelm her. She feels emotions of e/eryone within a mile of
her location. She can handle the emotions of up to ten people, but any more than that has an
ad/erse effect. 0or each additional ten people within a mile of the empath, she has a -2 to all
actions, if there are more than a hundred people in the area she can do little more than cower and
cry. "his is an ) point drawback.
An empath who embraces the gift has the ability to feel the emotions of e/eryone around
her. "his power e1tends to a range of one mile. She has become accustom to the constant influ1
of emotions and has become able to ignore them to an e1tent, allowing her to be unaffected by
the emotions of those around her. At any time she may read the emotions of anyone she knows
withing the area, this re2uires no roll and she can feel any emotions that the target is feeling.
"he ability to feel all the emotions of a target allow the (mpath to easier influence other people,
she gains a 32 to influence rolls.
4hen an (mpath who has e1cepted the gift dies, she is gi/en the chance to return to
earth and use her gift to aid and guide others as a %atural (mpath. "hese people often pose as
teachers, mentors or clergy members in order to get close to people in need. A %atural (mpath5s
gift e1tends to a number of miles e2ual to twice her willpower, but works in all other ways like
her original empathic gift. She retains her 32 to influence rolls and also gains a number of other
abilities. She is .mmortal and gains 6 le/el of 7ard to 8ill #may ha/e up too + le/els$. She can
also heal people by concentrating the good emotions of those around her, she must concentrate
for one round and place her hands on the in-ured person, this heals 2 life points, this can be
done once per hour. An empath in the 9nderworld or any other demon dimension finds this
ability se/erely limited, she can only heal * life points in a round and may only do this once per
si1 hours due to the stress on her mind. Con/ersely, an empath in a 7ea/enly dimension finds
she is able to heal all wounds in one round and can also remo/e any poison, disease or mental
problem, and is able to do this once per minute.
4itch :octor
15 Point Quality
Witch Doctor: Let me guess, you were expecting someone with a bone thought the nose
and a shrunken head necklace perhaps
!5:1" #bsessions
4itch :octors are sort of like metaphysical ;rken <en. "heir main purpose is to
e1orcise spirits and poltergeists from locations that build up large amounts of spiritual or magical
residue, like the Charmed ;ne5s home. 4ell not e/il, 4itch :octors are not abo/e murder if
they feel it will further the greater good, leading a number of good beings to a/oid working with
them if possible.
4itch :octors possess the following abilities'
l Calling - A 4itch :octor can call an item she can see simply by thinking about
it. "he item must be small enough to fit in the palm of her hand, it disappears
from its location and reappears in her hand instantly.
l (1pel Spirits - =y making a 4illpower 3 ;ccultism roll a 4itch :octor can
destroy a poltergeist, the poltergeist resists with a 4illpower roll. >hosts can also be
destroyed in this manner, but they get a 32 to their 4illpower roll to resist.
l 7e1 - 4ith a simple ritual a 4itch :octor can cause a persons character
flaws to become an obsession. "o do this she needs an ob-ect belonging to the
intended target, she then creates a poppet #a small doll$ and attach5s the item to
it. She then performs a fi/e minute ritual ending with dropping the poppet into
a bubbling cauldron. At the completion of the ritual the /ictims eyes glow for
a second and then the he1 takes effect. "he /ictim gains the ;bsession
drawback associated with her biggest character flaw. "he obsession lasts until
the 4itch :octor ends the he1 or the character o/ercomes the obsession,
through some ma-or role playing.
l "eleport ? A 4itch :octor can teleport instantly to the lodge that he was
trained at.
l Contacts #Supernatural ? 2$ All 4itch :octors ha/e a two point
supernatural contact in their lodge brethren. "he character may increase this
le/el through normal means, but all 4itch :octors ha/e at least this le/el.
l ;bligation ? All 4itch :octors belong to a lodge, or group of 4itch
:octors. "hey are e1pected to obey the orders of the elders and possibly go
into dangerous situations in the name of her lodge.
%ew 4itch ,owers'
@ ,oint &uality
;ne of the most powerful of 4itch abilities this allows the witch to deflect any
4itch ,ower or :emonic ,ower back at its user. She must be aware of the attack to be
able to deflect it, any attack she is unaware of is defended against as normal. A 4itch
with the Situational Awareness 2uality is allowed a %otice 3 ,erception roll before the
attackA if the roll is successful she is able to deflect the power, failure means the attack is
defended against normally.
All 4itch ,ower &ualities and :emonic ,owers are deflected by this power, it
has no effect on physical attacks #fists, swords, guns$. Any being who5s power is
deflected, must immediately defend against their own attack at a -2.
(nergy =all, 0ire =all, Acid Spray
@ or B point &uality
#%ote' "he following supersedes the rules found in the Charmed C,> Core
4ith this power a witch can pro-ect a dangerous substance from her hands
#chosen when the 2uality is taken$. 0ireballs and (nergyballs appear in the witches hand
and are then thrown at the target, Acid is sprayed in a -et toward the target. "his re2uires
a :e1terity 3 4ild Card #(nergyball, 0ireball or Acid spray$. "he @ point power deals an
amount of damage e2ual to the willpower of the caster per success le/elA the B point
/ersion deals twice willpower per success le/el. =oth powers ha/e the same range as a
pistol. All /ersions of this power are considered to deal fire damage.
B ,oint &uality
"he ability to transform your /ery essence is one of the most co/eted powers.
4ith this ability a 4itch can shape her essence, allowing her to transform into anything
from the siDe of a large book to a small car. 4ell assuming the form of an inanimate
ob-ect, she sees and hears what is going on around her, and has no need to breath of eat
well in this form. "his power also allows the 4itch to assume the form of animals and
other people. A witch who assumes an animal form, gains the physical abilities of an
a/erage member of the species. She can also make herself appear as an e1act duplicate of
any person known to her, though she must ha/e a picture of the person she wishes to look
like. She gains the physical characteristics of the person #physical ability scores and
Attracti/eness le/els$, but none of the targets supernatural or trained abilities #Sorcery,
"elepathy, Situational Awareness, etc.$.
"he 4itch may stay in a transmogrified form for as long as she wishes and can
switch between forms at any time. .f she is killed well in an alternate form, she
immediately re/erts to her natural form, but remains deceased.
,otion Craft
,otions are an important part of life for any witch, whether it5s a potion to create smoke,
attract a lo/er or /an2uish a powerful demon. <ost potions are made as part of a Ean2uishing
spell, meant to destroy a demonA but potions can be used to do a great deal more.
Creating a potion works the same way as creating a spell, e1cept potions always ha/e a
casting time of FCitualG length #3 modifier$. ,otions are also slightly more difficult to create
#3+ power le/el$ than a comparable spell, due to the witch trying to bind powerful forces within
a small /ial of li2uid.
"he witch makes a 4illpower 3 ;ccultism 3 Sorcery roll, if she ac2uires a number of
successes e2ual to the ,ower He/el of the ,otion she succeeds in creating the potion. 0or e/ery
success le/el she ac2uires in e1cess of the number she needs, she has brewed enough of the
potion to use more then onceA she gets one additional potion for each e1tra success le/el, to a
ma1imum number of e1tra potions e2ual to half her Sorcery le/el rounded down.
0or the potion to take effect it must come into contact with the target, either by poring it
on the target or throwing a /ial of it at the target. "hrowing the potion re2uires a :e1terity 3
>etting <edie/al roll /ersus the targets dodgeA success means the potion /ial has broken on the
/ictim, failure destroys the /ial and the potion without effect.
%ew Spells'
Source: Earious
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: *
Requirements: "he caster needs a 2uarts crystal which is tied to a string and a
map of the area she wishes to scry. She also needs a item belonging to the person she
wishes to scry for or a sample of the targets hair or blood. A witch scrying for someone
she has a close emotional attachment to #family member, lo/er, best friend$ does not need
a personal ob-ect of the one they are scrying for.
Effect: "he spell can be used to locate any person that is known to the caster.
4hen the spell is cast, the witch concentrates on the target and slowly swings the crystal
like a pendulum o/er the map. After a few moments the caster will feel a tug as the
crystal pulls itself to the map, landing on the location of the person being scryed for.
;b/iously the smaller the area co/ered by the map, the more e1act the information gi/en
by the scryingA though if the target is not in the area co/ered by the map the spell fails. .t
may take se/eral attempts to locate the target and narrow the search.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #few moments$ #3+$, Awesome Scope #<ap Area$
#3*$, 9nusual .ngredients #-+$, <inor (ffect #3$.
"o Call a Spirit
$%ear these words, hear my cries, spirit &rom the other side, come to me, ' summon thee,
cross now the great di(ide)*
Source: Earious
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: !
Requirements: "he caster must focus on a departed relati/e who she wishes to speak too. She
can only call the spirit of a relati/e she knew personally.
Effect: 4hen the spell is cast the spirit of the relati/e appears before the caster. "he spirit is
insubstantial, but may at the directors discretion retain some of the powers she may ha/e had in
life. "he spirit can refuse to appear and may lea/e at any time.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #a few moments$ #3+$, %oticeable Scope #one being$ #3+$, Hong
:uration #one hour per success$ #3+$, :ifficult use #-+$, Se/ere (ffect #32$
=inding a 4itches ,owers
$' take your hands in mine, and with this string ' will entwine, your powers ' will &ore(er
entwine, &rom now until the end o& time)*
Source: ,re +'+, 2'2 <orality =ites #%e/er Cast$
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: I
Requirements: "he witch must recite the spell well her target is within sight.
Effect: "he spell binds the target witches powers, keeping her from using any 4itch ,ower or
<agic. 4ell the spell is in effect the witch loses all 4itch ,ower &ualities and Sorcery He/els.
"he caster can end the spell at anytime, she may also choose to allow the spell to be ended by the
target. .f she wishes to allow the target to end the effect, she must write an in/ocation to recei/e
a witches powers. "he target needs only to read the in/ocation to reco/er her full powers.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, ,ermanent :uration #36$, Se/ere
(ffect #32$
Spell "o Attract A Ho/er
$' con+ure thee, ' con+ure thee, ' am the Queen you,re the bee, as ' desire so shall it be)*
!Piper - Pheobe
Source: +'* :ream Sorcerer
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: @
Requirements: "he caster must make a list of the 2ualities she is looking for in a lo/er. <en
must also also place a piece of 7oney Cake in their arm pit for a day. She must then recite the
list of 2ualities and a short incantation.
Effect: "he spell draws prospecti/e lo/ers to the caster. At first only one person is drawn to
her, but within a few hours doDens of people will begin making romantic ad/ances, e/en people
she doesn5t know will send her romantic gifts. After a few hours the original lo/e interest will
become obsessed with the caster, attempting to be around her at all times. .f the caster spurns his
ad/ances he will go to any lengths to be with her or become /iolent toward her for re-ecting him.
"he witch can end the spell at any time by performing a short #power le/el +$ ritual.
Aspect Analysis: Citual #3$, %oticeable Scope #one person$ #3+$, Eery Hong :uration #Se/eral
<onths$ #32$, Se/ere (ffect #36$
"ruth Spell
$.or those who want the truth re(ealed, #pened hearts and secrets unsealed, .rom now
until it is now again, /ntil then which the memory ends, those who now are in this house,Will
here truth &rom others mouths)*
! Prue
Source: +') "he "ruth .s ;ut "here And .t 7urts
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: I
Requirements: "he caster need only recite a short spell taking appro1imately a minute.
Effect: "he spell allows the caster and anyone else in the house to hear the truth from e/eryone
they come into contact with. .t is impossible for anyone to lie to her, but she can5t lie to anyone
either. After twenty-four hours the spell ends, causing e/eryone to forget any con/ersation they
had with a target of the spell. "he caster and anyone within the area of effect of the spell retain
all memories at the end of the spell.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #one minute$ #3+$, Se/ere Scope #e/eryone within the house$ #32$,
Eery Hong :uration #2! hours$ #32$, Se/ere (ffect #32$
=lood Cesurrection
$0elinda Warren, blood o& our blood1 our great, great, great, great, great, great, great
2randmother, We summon thee)*
! Prue, Piper, Pheobe
Source: +'B "he 4itch is =ack
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: I
Requirements: "he spell can only be cast by a relati/e of the deceased. "he 4itch must
perform a fi/e minute ritual, which includes placing a drop of the casters blood on an ob-ect
belonging to the deceased.
Effect: 4hen the spell is compete the relati/e appears in a ball of glowing white light. She
appears -ust as she would ha/e immediately before her death, with all abilities she possessed in
life. "he spell may be ended with a short ritual #power le/el +$. Caising the dead is not
something to be undertaken lightly and the :irector has final decision o/er whether this spell
works or notA e/en if it has worked in the past, the ,owers the =e may not allow the target to be
Aspect Analysis: Citual #fi/e minutes$ #3$, %oticeable Scope #one person$ #3+$, ,ermanent
:uration #36$, 9nusual .ngredient #ob-ect belonging to the deceased$ #-+$, Ce2uirement #caster
must be a relati/e of the deceased$ #-+$ Awesome (ffect #3*$
Spell "o Celin2uish A 4itches ,ower
$.rom whence they came, return them now, (anish the words, (anish our powers)*
Piper, Prue - Pheobe)
Source: +'+ 4icca (n/y
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: !
Requirements: "he caster needs a magical container created specifically to contain a witches
powers. "he witch must then recite a short incantation.
Effect: "his spell remo/es all witch powers and Sorcery le/els from the caster. .f a Charmed
;ne casts the spell, she also loses the Charmed &ualityA if all three Charmed ;nes relin2uish
their powers the =ook of Shadows also becomes magically erased. "he only way to re/ers the
spell is by destroying the container holding their powers or through the inter/ention of a higher
Aspect Analysis: Caster <ust be a 4itch #-+$, Cecitation #Hess than a <inute$ #3+$, %oticeable
Scope #;ne ,erson$ #3+$, ,ermanent :uration #or until dispelled$ #36$, 4ay-Care .ngredient
#<agic Container$ #-6$, <a-or (ffect #36$
Spell to <ultiply a 4itches ,ower
$3ake my powers blessed be, multiply their strength by three)*
Source: +'+@ 4hich ,rue .s .t AnywayJ
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: I
Requirements: "he witch need only recite a short incantation.
Effect: 4hen the spell is complete there is a sound like thunder and the caster falls to her knees
surrounded by swirling lights. After a few seconds the lights dissipate and two clones of the
caster appear beside her. "hese clones are identical to the caster in all ways, e1cept that each has
only part of the personality characteristics of the witch. ;ne is much more conser/ati/e than the
witch, attempting to always maintain the status-2uoA well the other is /ery out going, willing to
do anything to get what she wants. "hough both clones ha/e differing personalities from the
caster they are in essence the same person, and neither of the clones would do anything that goes
against the morals of the witch. "he clones can be killed by normal means, though the caster
feels the pain of their death. =oth clones disappear as soon as the threat they were created to
fight is gone.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, Eery Hong :uration #until the threat
is o/er$ #32$, <a-or (ffect #36$
>host =anishing
$4shes to ashes, spirit to spirit, take his soul, banish this e(il)*
Source: +'2 "he ,ower ;f "wo
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: !
Requirements: "he witch needs to chant a short incantation, oh and she must be a ghost herself.
Effect: 4hen the spell is cast the target begins to fade away. "he witch must keep up the chant
for a number of rounds e2ual to half the targets willpower rounded up, the ghost is then sent to
whate/er afterlife they were destine for. .f she is interrupted the spell fails and she must start
o/er. .n most cases banished spirits will be sent to some hell dimension, as good spirits usually
mo/e on to the afterlife as soon as their unfinished business is competed.
Aspect Analysis: Caster must be a ghost #-+$, Cecitation #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$,
<a-or (ffect #36$
Spell to (1change ,owers
$Whats mine is yours, whats yours is mine, let our powers cross the line, ' o&&er up my
gi&t to share, switch our powers through the air)*
Piper - Prue
Source: +'2+ Ho/e 7urts
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: @
Requirements: "he witch need only recite the incantation.
Effect: "his spell transfers the powers between two beingsA 4itches, 4hite Highters and :ark
Highters can be effected by this spell. "he caster gains all the powers of her target and the target
gains her powers. "he affected people do not automaticly know how to use their new powers,
both the witch and her target must make an .ntelligence 3 ;ccultism roll with a -6 penalty to
figure out how to use the other persons powers. .f the other person e1plains how the power
works this eliminates the penalty. "he following 2ualities are transferredA :ark Highter, 4hite
Highter, 7alf 4hite Highter and all 4itch ,ower &ualities. .f one of the affected people die, the
spell is ended. Casting the spell a second time returns all powers to their original owner.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #less than a minute$ #3+$, caster must be a witch #-+$, Se/ere Scope
#two people$ #32$, Eery Hong :uration #32$, :ifficult 9se #-+$, <a-or (ffect #36$
Spell "o Accelerate "ime
$Winds o& time gather round, gi(e me wings to speed my way, rush me on my +ourney
&orward, let tomorrow be today)*
Source: +'22 :e-a Eu All ;/er Again
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: I
Requirements: "he caster must recite a short incantation.
Effect: 9pon completion of the spell, time within the house accelerates to midnight. "he world
out side goes on normally, though from the /iew of someone in the house it would appear as if
the whole world was fast forwarding. .n fact it is time inside the house that is effected, time in
the house slows to the point where the rest of the world mo/es at a pace of about an hour for
e/ery fi/e seconds that go by in the house. Anyone who enters the house will notice the effect if
they look outside or at a clock within the house. ;nce time outside the house reaches midnight
the effect ends. Someone who looked into the house would see people standing completely still,
things that may be falling would appear to be suspended in mid air.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #3+$, Se/ere Scope #Harge 7ouse$ #32$, Hong :uration #3+$, <a-or
(ffect #36$
"o >o "o "he 0uture
$%ear these words, hear the rhyme, we send to you this burning sign, then our &uture
sel(es we will &ind)*
Source: 2'2 <orality =ites
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: +
Requirements: "he spell may only be cast by the Charmed ones. "hey must burn a piece of
paper with the date they wish to tra/el to well reciting the spell.
Effect: 4hen the spell is cast the casters are transported to a specific time in the future, were
they wake up in the bodies of their future sel/es. "hey ha/e no recollection of the e/ents that
happened between the time they left and the present. After the spell is cast it disappears from the
=ook of Shadows and any future attempts to cast the spell automatically fail.
Aspect Analysis: <ultiple Casters #6 casters$ #-2$, Casters must be Charmed #-+$, Cecitation
#3+$, Se/ere Scope #32$, 4ay-restricted 9se #-*$, Awesome (ffect #3*$
Creating a :oor
$When you &ind your path is blocked, all you ha(e to do is knock)*
Source: 2'2 <orality =ites
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: @
Requirements: "he caster must draw a door on the wall where she wishes the opening to
appear. She then recites a short incantation.
Effect: 4hen the spell is cast, the wall inside of the drawn door disappears. "he spell is
powerful enough to create a passage through up to fi/e feet of concrete or wood, or up to one
foot of metal. "he wall reappears undamaged after a few minutes.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #3+$, Se/ere Scope #32$, <edium :uration #one minute per
success le/el$ #3$, <a-or (ffect #36$
"o :isempower a 4itch
$5y the passing o& this hour take away all their powers)*
Source: 2'@ "hat ;ld =lack <agic
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: 6
Requirements: "he caster must wrap a red ribbon around a fresh human heart. "hen she recites
the incantation well focusing on the witch who she wishes to disempower.
Effect: ;ne hour after the casting the spell all of the targets 4itch ,owers and all Sorcery
He/els are suppressed. "his pre/ents her from casting any spells, though she still retains the
ability to create potions. .f she attempts to create a potion she gains no bonus from any sorcery
le/els she may ha/e, but a Charmed ;ne does still retain the bonus granted by that 2uality. "he
caster may end the effect at any time and it is automatically ended if she is killed. #note' if the
rules for :emon :imension ties from the <agic =o1 are being used, this spell should
automatically be considered a Fserious turn to the dark sideG$
Aspect Analysis: Citual #3$, %oticeable Scope#3+$, Eery Hong :uration #32$, Care .ngredient
#A fresh human heart$ #-2$, Se/ere (ffect #32$
"o Create A <ate
6.rom strike o& twel(e count twenty7&our, that,s how long this spell is &or, i& to abate my
lonely heart, enchant these gi&ts ' thee impart)6
Source: 2'+6 Animal ,ragmatism
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: *
Requirements: "his spell re2uires an animal who will be turned into a human. She then needs
only to recite the in/ocation.
Effect: 4hen the spell is cast, bright lights and smoke fill the an area of about fi/e feet around
the animal. As the smoke clears the animal is turned into a human. "he new mortal has some
stereotypical characteristics of its original animal form #ie., pigs eat constantly, snakes are e/il
and rabbits, well...$. "hey also retain some physical characteristics of their original animal form
#snakes with poison fangs and slit eyes or rabbits with the ability to leap great heights$. As time
goes on they will continue to take on more characteristics of their animal sides #a man made from
a pig may ha/e his nose become more pig like$.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #3+$, Hong :uration #2! hours$ #3+$, <a-or (ffect #36$
"o (1change Souls 4ith A ,ast Hife
6'n this time and in this place, take the soul that ' displace, bring her &orth well ' go
back, to inhabit a soul so black)6
Source: 2'+! ,ardon <y ,ast
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: @
Requirements: "he caster must ha/e knowledge of the past life she wishes to e1change bodies
with, either through a spell or some more mundane method. #note' most people ha/e no
knowledge of their past li/es and no idea how to learn about them. 0inding information on a past
life should not be easy and should re2uire either drama point usage or an episode de/oted to
learning the re2uisite information or both$ She then needs only speak a short spell.
Effect: "he spell switches the casters soul with the soul of her past self, she inhabits her past
self5s body and her past self inhabits hers. =oth ha/e full control of the bodies they now inhabit,
but lack any memories of the other. A caster who is a witch or warlock in her current life would
also be such in her past life, though her past self may not ha/e the same powers as she has. =oth
souls retain their 4itch ,owers and Sorcery le/els well in the others body. "he spell is
permanent, but the caster can cast the spell again to return to her original body.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, ,ermanent :uration #36$, Care
.ngredient #past life knowledge$ #-2$, <a-or (ffect #36$
"o See "he 9nseen
6'n this ,tween time, this darkest hour, we call upon the sacred power) 3hree together
stand alone, command the unseen to be shown) 'n innocence we search the skies, enchanted are
our new &ound eyes)6
Source: 6'6 ;nce 9pon A "ime
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: 6
Requirements: "he spell can only be cast by the charmed ones, and all three must want to be
able to see the faeries and other creatures the spell will allow them to see. "hey must then recite
the in/ocation.
Effect: "he spell allows the casters to see faeries, trolls and other mythical creaturesA beings that
are normally in/isible to adults. "he caster regains a small part of her innocence and may
e1perience some child like thoughts and feelings as a result of the spell, such as the urge to sneak
a peek at a Christmas present. "hese thoughts and feeling go away within a few hours, but the
effects of the spell remain.
Aspect Analysis: <ultiple Casters #6 casters$ #-2$, Casters <ust =e Charmed #-+$, Cecitation
#3+$, ,ermanent :uration #36$, Se/ere (ffect #32$
Host and 0ound Spell
$2uiding spirits ' ask your charity, lend me your &ocus and clarity, lead me to the one '
cannot &ind, restore that and my piece o& mind)*
Source: 6'+2 4restling with :emons
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: @
Requirements: A lit candle, a crystal and two witches who recite the incantation. =oth casters
must concentrate on the person they wish to find.
Effect: 4hen the spell is complete some indication of the location of the person they are
attempting to find. "he spell always creates a subtle indication of the location of the person,
such as making all the pictures in your newspaper disappear e1cept for the image of someone
who has speaking appearance that the intended will be attending. "he director should feel free to
create new and creati/e indicators each time this spell is cast. As a side effect of the spell, other
things that the casters ha/e lost in the past begin to show up. "he set of keys she lost last week,
the wallet that came up missing two months ago and all the socks that ha/e disappeared out of
the dryer o/er the many year begin to appear. "his can become 2uite a problem when a wall of
missing socks falls out of the laundry room and e/ery old friend the caster hasn5t talked to in
years begins to call her. (ither caster may end the spell at any time by casting a dispel #power
le/el 2$.
Aspect Analysis: :ual Casters #-+$, Cecitation #a few moments$ #3+$, >reater than Awesome
Scope #3@$, <inor (ffect #3$
Summoning the Angel of :eath
68pirits o& air, land and sea, con(erge to set the angel &ree, in this wind ' send this
rhyme, bring death be&ore me, be&ore my time)6
Source: 6'+@ :eath takes a 7alliwell
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: *
Requirements: "he spell must be cast on a beach where she must chant the spell.
Effect: "he witch chants the in/ocation until the Angel of :eath appears before her. :eath does
not take kindly to people summoning him fri/olously and will lea/e if the caster does not ha/e a
good reason to summon him. :eath will not gi/e up someone he has taken nor will he be
con/inced to not take someone who5s time has come. =eing an ancient being who has seen the
death of e/ery mortal since the beginning he has a huge store of knowledge and may be willing
to answer a few short 2uestions, but all answers will be cryptic.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, <a-or (ffect #36$
(nchantment to see (/il
60agic &orces &ar and wide, enchant these so those cant hide, allow this witch to use
there in, so she can re(eal the e(il within)6
Source: !'2 Charmed Again ..
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: !
Requirements: "he caster needs something to enchant. 9sually a pair of glasses, but anything
that the caster can look through will work.
Effect: "he spell enchants a pair of glasses, that allow the caster #and only the caster$ to see the
e/il nature inside of beings. She automatically sees the demonic form of any demon or 4arlock
she looks at. ;ther e/il beings ha/e a cloudy black aura around them.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #A few moments$ #3+$, <agic .tem #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$,
Eery Hong :uration #;ne day per success le/el$ #32$, <inor (ffect #3$
Spell to Create Compromise
63hese words will tra(el through the minds, o& stubborn parties and unbind, the thoughts
to rigid to be kind, a compromise they,ll dis7entwine)6
Source: !'6 7ell 7ath %o 0ury
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: !
Requirements: "he caster must concentrate on the situation well reciting the spell.
Effect: 4hen the spell is cast, all people in/ol/ed in the situation immediately become willing
to compromise in order to create a situation e/eryone can agree too. A boss may be willing to
e1tend a deadline or a shop owner may negotiate a lower price. "he spell only effects one
situation and cannot effect a situation in/ol/ing more than a few people. .t could help to sol/e a
dispute between neighbors, but it wont create peace in the <iddle (ast.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #3+$, Se/ere Scope #two to ten people$ #32$, %oticeable (ffect #3+$
6Let the ob+ect o& ob+ection be but a dream, as ' cause the seen to be unseen)6
Source: !'6 7ell 7ath %o 0ury
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: I3
Requirements: "he caster must concentrate on the thing which she wants to disappear. "he
siDe of the ob-ect determines the power le/el of the spell.
Effect: "he spell causes anything she wishes to /anish, as if it had ne/er e1isted. .t can affect
something as small as a pimple or as large as the >olden >ate =ridge. .n the case of large ob-ect,
such as houses, anyone who was in the area /anishes as well. "hough there is no physical
e/idence that the target e/er e1isted, it does not remo/e the memory of its e1istence. "he caster
can return the /anished at any time with a caster roll #power le/el !$.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #3+$, Scope #%oticeable to Awesome$ #3+ to 3*$, Eery Hong
:uration #;ne day per success$ #32$, <a-or (ffect #36$
"o Ce/erse a Spell
62uiding spirits hear our plea, annul this magic, let it be)6
Source: !'6 7ell 7ath %o 0ury
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: 6
Requirements: "wo 4itches must write the incantation of the spell they wish to re/erse on a
slip of paper and burn it while chanting K>uiding spirits hear our plea, annul this magic, let it
Effect: 4hen the spell is completed it re/erses the effect of chosen spell. All effects of the spell
immediately end.
Aspect Analysis: :ual Casters #-+$, Citual #less than a half an hour$ #3$, %oticeable Scope
#one spell$ #3+$, <a-or (ffect #36$

"o 9nlock 4hat is Hocked
6Door unlock, no magic block)6
Source: !'+2 Host and =ound
Quick Cast: Les
Power Level: !
Requirements: A fi/e minute ritual. 0or a 4itch or 4arlock a few words and a gesture.
Effect: "his spell allows a witch to unlock any non-magical door or gate. <agical locks re2uire
two casters to say the spell in order to unlock them #this is a <a-or (ffect$. .t is also possible to
use this spell to break through an (nergy =arrier, but this use is a ,ower of "hree Spell.
Aspect Analysis: &uick Cast #3+$, Citual #0i/e <inutes$ #3$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, Se/ere
(ffect #open any lock$ #32$
"o 0ind a Host Ho/e
$Whither my lo(e, where e(er you be, through time and space take my heart nearer to
Source: !'22 4itch 4ay %owJ
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: !
Requirements: "he caster must concentrate on her lost lo/e well reciting the incantation.
Effect: 4hen the spell is cast, the casters Astral form is pro-ected to where e/er her lo/e is, well
the physical body lay comatose. "he Astral body is a physical manifestation that has all the
skills and abilities or the caster, e1cept it lacks any magical abilities. 4ell in astral for she
cannot cast spells or use and F4itch ,owers.G .f the astral form is destroyed the caster must pass
a sur/i/al test with a -+ penalty plus any penalty for damage the astral for took. Success returns
the witches mind to her body, though she is unable to take any action for two rounds due to the
stress of ha/ing Fdied.G 0ailure causes the witch5s body to die instantly. Also, the death of the
physical body instantly destroys the astral form and kills the caster. "he witch may end this spell
at anytime by simply concentrating for a round.
Aspect Analysis: Cecitation #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, <edium :uration #one minute per
success$ #3$, Se/ere (ffect #32$
Ceturning the 0inder
$9eturn thy lo(e, where e(er she be, through time and space, return her to me)*
Source: !'22 4itch 4ay %ow
Quick Cast: Les
Power Level: !
Requirements: "wo casters must recite the incantation well touching the body of the person
they wish to affect.
Effect: 4hen the spell is cast, it re/erses any 3o .ind a Lost Lo(e spell the target may ha/e
cast. "he person5s astral from is returned to her body, and she is unable to take any action more
strenuous than speaking for two rounds.
Aspect Analysis: :ual Caster #-+$, &uick Cast #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, <a-or (ffect #36$
"o Cemo/e 0ear
$Locked in, boxed in, &ull o& &ear, my panic grows manic until ' can,t hear, in need o&
reprie(e so that ' can breathe, remo(e my &ear, please make it lea(e)*
Source: *'2 A 4itch5s tail, pt 2
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: *
Requirements: "he caster must write the incantation on the floor or wall with chalk. She then
recites the incantation.
Effect: "he caster losses all fear she may ha/e had and cannot be scared by anything. 4ell
under the effects of this spell, the caster is considered to ha/e the %er/es of Steel 2uality and
three le/els of Cesistance' ,ain #both stack with whate/er 2ualities the caster may already ha/e$.
She also gains the Ceckless drawback #if she already has this drawback, the recklessness
becomes more se/ere$. "he Cecklessness grows more powerful as time goes on, after a few
hours the caster will become so reckless she will begin to consider suicidal plans to be a /iable
option. "he spell ends if the caster is able to face her fears and work through them, otherwise the
spell ends within a few days.
Aspect Analysis: Citual #3$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, Eery Hong :uration #;ne day per
success$ #32$, Se/ere (ffect #32$
"o Conceal a :oor
Source: *') A 4itch .n "ime
Quick Cast: Les
Power Level: 2
Requirements: A 4itch or 4arlock need only say FConcealeousG and gesture toward the door,
e/eryone else must perform a fi/e minute ritual. "here must also be something near by that can
co/er the door or portal #a bush or dresser would work$.
Effect: "he spell causes something in the area to mo/e in front of the door. "ree5s and other
plants are magically re-planted in front of the door. "his gi/es anyone trying to find the door a
-* on their perception3notice to see it.
Aspect Analysis: &uick Cast #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, <inor (ffect #3$
"o <ake 4hat is .n/isible Seen
$4spectus in(isus)*
Source: *') A 4itch .n "ime
Quick Cast: Les
Power Level: 6
Requirements: A 4itch or 4arlock need only say a few words and make a gesture, e/eryone
else must do a fi/e minute ritual.
Effect: 4hen the spell is cast e/erything in the room #or a thirty foot radius$ becomes /isible.
;b-ect become /isible for one minute per success le/el and people with the ability to
become in/isible cannot do so for a like amount of time.
Aspect Analysis: &uick Cast #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, <edium :uration #3$, %oticeable
Scope #3+$
"o .nduce Slumber
Source: *') A 4itch .n "ime
Quick Cast: Les
Power Level:
Requirements: A 4itch or 4arlock needs only say FSopio,G anyone else must perform a fi/e
minute ritual.
Effect: "he spell causes the /ictim to instantly fall asleep. Any action that would normally
wake a hea/y sleeper will wake the /ictim.
Aspect Analysis: &uick Cast #3+$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, <edium :uration #3$, Se/ere
(ffect #32$
Calling an ;b-ect
Source: *') A 4itch .n "ime
Quick Cast: Les
Power Level: *
Requirements: 0or 4itches and 4arlocks, a word and a gesture. 0or e/eryone else a fi/e
minute ritual.
Effect: "he spell causes a small ob-ect within the targets /iew to teleport to the casters hand.
"he ob-ect must be something that can fit in the palm of the casters hand.
Aspect Analysis: &uick Cast #3+$, %oticeable Scope #one ob-ect$ #3+$, <inor Scope #a few
yards$ #3$, <a-or (ffect #36$
"o Call a 4itch :octor
$.ree us &rom the ties that bind, o& e(il magic intertwined, we call upon the one who
cures, he who,s to the dark in+ured)*
Source: *'+6 7ouse Call
Quick Cast: %o
Power Level: !
Requirements: "he caster must perform a fi/e minute ritual in/ol/ing the brewing of special
herbs. She then recites the incantation.
Effect: "his spell teleports a 4itch :octor to the casters location. "he witch doctor appears
within a minute or two ready to destroy e/il spirits. .f the 4itch :octor is asked to do anything
else, he immediately teleports away. ;therwise he will destroy any spirits within an area up to
the siDe of a large house. 4hen all spirits in the area are destroyed, the 4itch :octor lea/es.
Aspect Analysis: Citual #3$, %oticeable Scope #3+$, ma-or (ffect #36$
"he :ark Side of <agic
%ot e/eryone who uses magic is in it to help the helpless. =elow are two
e1amples of <agic 9sers who ha/e turned their craft to the dark side.
%ame' 8ali
<oti/ation' Steal the =ook of Shadows
Critter "ype' :emonic 7igh ,riestess
Attributes' Str -- #2$ :e1 -- #6$ Con -- #6$ .nt 6 ,er 6 4ill *
Ability Scores' <uscle -- #+$ Combat +2 =rains +!
Hife ,oints' 6
:rama ,oints' 2
Special Abilities' Attracti/eness 32, 0ireball, >rant ,ower, Sorcery *, 9ni2ue 8ill
%ame' Score' :amage' %otes'
:odge +2 -- :efense Action
0ireball +6 2! 0ire
<agic +@ /aries =y Spell
,ossession +@ -- Cesisted by 4illpower :oubled
An e/il sorceress, 8ali was banished into her own dimension. She appears to
troubled youths as a reflection in a mirror, attempting to manipulate them into gaining
power for her. She grants the youth magical powers, the ability to throw fireballs
#willpower per success le/el damage$ and Sorcery +, effecti/ely making them witches.
8ali can strip these powers at any time and can only grant power to one person at a time.
4ith these new powers, she sends the youth to gain the trust of witches so they can steal
the witches spell book and with it their power.
8ali also has the power to posses anyone she has gi/en power too. .f the innocent
touches 8ali5s reflection they must make a willpower #doubled$ roll /erses 8ali5s
possession. 0ailing this roll allows her to posses the /ictim. 4ell possessing an
innocent, she is able to use her full powers and is also immune to the "emporal Stasis
power, though the person she has possessed is not. "argeting her with "emporal Stasis
causes 8ali to manifest in a physical form #use the stats abo/e$.
"he only way to permanently destroy 8ali is to destroy her reflection in a mirror.
.f she is knocked into a mirror well in physical form, she is returned to the mirror where
she remains until she can posses someone new.
3ele(ision 'nc)
"he 4iDard
%ame' 4iDard
<oti/ation' Steal the >rimoir and become the Source
Critter "ype' Hegendary being
Attributes' Str + :e1 2 Con 6 .nt 6 ,er 6 4ill *
Ability Scores' <uscle ) Combat +2 =rains +!
Hife ,oints' 6
:rama ,oints' 6
Special Abilities' Alter Ceality, (nergyball, Sorcery *, "eleport
%ame' Score' :amage' %otes'
:odge +2 -- :efense action
(nergyball +2 2 0ire
<agic +@ /aries =y spell
Staff +2 ) =ash
#>roin Shot$ B I =ashA 8nockdown
Hong thought to be e1tinct, the last 4iDard appeared as the 9nderworld was
preparing for the coronation of the new Source. 7e was determined to steal the >rimoir
and become the Source himself. 7is initial attempt to take the book failed and he was
chased by a demon into the home of the Charmed ones. 4ith some effort, he tricked the
sisters into helping him steal the book and would ha/e become the source had it not been
for the inter/ention of the Seer and, the now e/il, ,heobe.
"he 4iDard was a master of his own reality. 7e was able to create powerful
illusions that could alter reality, creating ob-ects out of thin air and make entire rooms
appear as if they were pulled straight from the underworld. "hese illusions look and feel
real, but are not, and will disappear within a few hours or when the 4iDard chooses to
end the effect. Almost anything up to the siDe of a large room can be created with this
power, but anything large than a person will be purely illusionary and lack any substance.
"he 4iDard can also make clones of people with this power, but they are unthinking and
must be told e1actly what to do.

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