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SUARY !" #UA$%"%CAT%!&S
Goal oriented strategic thinker with a diversified background in multi-channel marketing - includes marketing products & services in
the business-to-business, business-to-consumer, and retail channels through use of traditional & digital marketing.
Strategic Planning
Brand Management
endor Management
Budget Management
!vent Management
Business-to-"onsumer Marketing
Business-to-Business Marketing
"hannel Management
Product #aunch$Go-to-Market Strateg%
&ebsite Management ' S!($S!M$"ontent$PP"
)nbound & (utbound *igital "ampaigns
Social Media Marketing & PP" +dvertising
!mail Marketing "ampaigns
*igital ,ootprint "ontent "reation
AR(ET%&) C!&SU$TA&T- *allas$,t. &orth, /0$/0 ' Present 1ealth - Marketing Content Writer 1ealth empowers pharmaceutical manufacturers with comprehensive commerciali2ation solutions. Provide
content for proposals, presentations, social media and other traditional and digital deliver% channels.
nSiteSocial - Marketing Communications Consultant
nSiteSocial provides an authentic and consistent social media presence to attract and engage customers and prospects.
nSiteSocial provides strateg% & polic% development, social media management, communit% management, blogging,
content creation, reputation management, crisis management, consulting, metrics and assessments. Platforms include3
,acebook, -witter, #inked)n, Google4, &ordpress, Pinterest, 5ou-ube, & more. Primar% target clients - small to medium
si2e businesses.
1"S" - Blue "ross Blue Shield of )#, (6, M-, 7M & -8 - Marketing Communications Consultant
"ommunicated updates to internal and e.ternal audiences in regards to the +ffordable "are +ct through content creation
for branded and non-branded +"+ education campaign. )ncluded content for consumer facing email campaign, partner
facing email campaign, newsletters and educational literature. 9rgent communications content creation for natural
disasters and provider disruptions for multiple target audiences.
*!R(%&) S!$UT%!&S Plano, /$/0 ' /0$/0
Director of Marketing ' "orporate 1ead:uarters
*eveloped, managed, and e.ecuted marketing strateg%, marketing communications, branding, B0B lead generation,
advertising and public relations for remote agent calling$contact center services and cloud based call center software
)ncluded traditional marketing tools as well as digital to include content management, S!($S!M, PP" campaigns, website,
compan% blog and social media
)ncluded management of agencies and vendors
S&E$$%&) STA""%&) SER+%CES *allas, ;$/< ' /$/0
Director of Marketing ' "orporate 1ead:uarters
*eveloped and managed B0B & B0" marketing strateg%, marketing communications, branding, advertising and public
relations for /0<4 independentl% owned franchises and corporate owned locations
)ncluded traditional marketing tools as well as digital communications =inbound and outbound>, content management,
S!($S!M, PP" "ampaigns, digital ad network placements, and social media marketing
)ncluded management of agencies, vendors, and multimillion dollar advertising and marketing budget? group manager of
,TE USA @ichardson, 0$<A ' ;$/<
Sr. Marketing Manager - &ireless 1andsets & )nfrastructure
+warded 0<<A Global Brand Manager of the 5ear
"reated, implemented, and managed strategic marketing plans, product launches, internal communication programs,
e.ternal communication programs, and promotions for wireless handsets and infrastructure
Managed all marketing, advertising and public relations for 9S+ division? included vendor management, promotional
programs and trade shows. Managed multimillion dollar advertising and marketing budget? group manager of staff
SA&Y! E&ER)Y USA ,risco, A$<; ' 0$<A
Product Marketing Manager ' @etail "hannel
"reated, implemented, and managed strategic marketing plans, product launches, internal communication programs,
e.ternal communication programs, and promotions in the retail sales channel for consumer rechargeable batter% products?
channel management included big bo. and specialt% retailers
Managed all marketing, advertising and public relations for retail division? included vendor management, promotional
programs and trade shows? included management of annual "!S show and regional shows for retail and solar divisions
@esponsible for multimillion dollar advertising and marketing budget
Managed http3$$ website for content and promotional activities? managed S!(, S!M, PP" "ampaigns
and online advertising
SASU&) TE$EC!U&%CAT%!&S AER%CA- %&C.- @ichardson, 0$<;- A$<; =contractor>
B$AC ' D$AA =full-time emplo%ee>
Marketing Manager ' "*M+ wireless handsets
Spearheaded creation of product launch materials including product packaging, in bo. materials, launch kits, market
teasers, P@ program e.ecution, and promotional item e.ecution
Maintained budget b% submission of program proposals, e.ecution orders, @() preparation and reporting actual
@(). ,ollow thru and maintenance of legal documentation to include #(+Es and MS+Es
Provided direction to strategic marketing group for product literature, lifest%le photograph%, merchandising, multimedia
presentations, education tools, web marketing, P@ and advertising
Spearheaded strategic marketing plans and implementation in conFunction with sales team for S-+Es launch into
the "anadian marketplace. )ncluded launch kits, collateral, trade shows, training, and account management of
the Bell Mobilit% account
*irected accessor% marketing. "reated brochures and collateral. Managed accessor% vendor
"reated and managed toll-free and )nternet *ealer #ocator program in support of mass media campaign
+ssisted Sprint P"S Marketing Manager on special proFects in support of Sprint P"S special promotions
S%EE&S *%RE$ESS TER%&A$S- @ichardson, C$AG ' B$AC
Product Manager ' GSM handsets =note3 division was closed and C<H of emplo%ees were laid off>
Managed cross functional team consisting of hardware development, software development, marketing,
customer service, training, regulator%, sales, logistics, integration and testing for the manufacturing of a low-cost
GSM P"S consumer handset. )ncluded working with teams in German%
"reated product concept and reali2ation documentation for e.ecutive reviews and approvals
,acilitated research with various design vendors and plastics vendors for form factors, cosmetics, features and
functionalit% in order to gain ideas for possible implementation into future handsets
SubFect matter e.pert on specific handsets for trade shows, editing of user guides, training, and sales collateral
+ER%,!& ./ormer0y )TE1- )rving, I$AG ' C$AG
Business Process Specialist - Process, Planning & )mplementation, Service *eliver% - "#!"
@esponsible for G-! #ong *istance product integration into new convergent billing s%stem to bundle services
with local, paging, cellular and )nternet.
SPR%&T, *allas, /$A0 - I$AG
Program Manager - #arge Business Marketing, Business Services Group /<$A; - I$AG
*eveloped and implemented marketing programs for voice and international program roll outs
"ross-functional program management of market strateg%$development, network management, billing, customer
service, sales, marketing communications, internal training, trade shows and events, and other MB9Es
Provided strategic direction to events marketing organi2ation for large business events marketing plan? included
business development seminars, trade shows, e.ecutive event series and misc. events and sponsorships
Project Manager - "ustomer "o-Marketing, Business Services Group //$AD - A$A;
Marketing Analyst - Prepaid Phone "ards, 1ospitalit% Market Group /$A0 - /<$AD
Uniersity of !ort" #e$as - BBA Marketing

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