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l uld lL lor ?

1o 1he Cnes Who Come AfLer Me,
As a kld, l dwelled on whaL greaL Lhlngs l would do before l lefL Lhls earLh. l dldn'L know whaL l
wanLed Lo do, l [usL knew l wanLed Lo be remembered afLer my Llme here, l wanLed Lo be a legend, Cne
day whlle Lhlnklng whaL could l do Lo make Lhls dream a reallLy," lL hlL me: LhaL's [usL lL, l can only be
remembered for whaL l was known for. l declded my legacy would be remlndlng oLhers Lo shooL for Lhelr
success and once success ls reached Lo help oLhers galn Lhelr success.
My blggesL goal ln llfe was wanLlng you Lo geL Lhrough llfe easy as posslble, and lf Lhe cholces
and Lasks l dld could help you do LhaL, Lhere was no quesLlon abouL lL, l dld Lhem! l buckled myself down
and dedlcaLed myself noL Lo my success buL Lhe conLrlbuLlon of yours. l llsLed all Lhe Lhlngs l was good aL
llke: debaLlng, wrlLlng, arL, Laklng plcLures, Lhe passlon l had for deslgnlng speclal evenLs and helplng
people flnd Lhemselves. l found ouL Lhe only reason l llked all Lhese Lhlngs Lhe ls because l loved
expresslng myself and flndlng ouL who l was, so l wanLed Lo help people do Lhose Lhlngs as well. AfLer
belng Lold Lhere was no way l could llve ouL all Lhose dreams and l would have choose, l LhoughL of you
and shook my head and declded no one could declde our desLlny, LhaL we musL become confldenL
reallze and remember we are and always be whaL we sLrlve for..excellence.
l creaLed a school of creaLlve arLs. lL ls a school based on expresslng ourselves Lhrough arL,
leLLlng all sLudenLs who were Lold Lhey couldn'L be successful by llvlng ouL Lhelr dreams, make mllllons!
Cne Lhlng l always wanLed Lo dlsplay Lo everyone who looked up Lo me ls LhaL noLhlng ls lmposslble, Lhe
word lLself says, l'm posslble." Also Lo leL Lhem acknowledge LhaL greed lmprlsons us all, buL Lhe
happlness of glvlng Lo beLLer someone else's llfe ls Lhe besL freedom. So l hope you conLlnue Lo dlsplay
my wlshes remember Lo follow your hearL and Lo glve as someone gave Lo you my love. lor you are
excellenL person who has never dreamed, slmply because everyLhlng you ever pondered up ln your
braln has become a reallLy.
Slncerely yours,

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