Using Pronouns Correctly Practice

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Name _________________________________ Class ______________________ Date ________________________


Lesson 10: Using Pronouns Correct!
W"#t #re t"e c#ses o$ %erson# %ronouns& T"e no'in#ti(e c#se
For each of the following sentences, choose the correct form of the pronoun in parentheses.
1. Jos and (me, I) are the only candidates for treasurer.
2. Maura and (he, him) will move to uerto !ico.
". #ow did you $now the mystery %uest was (her, she)&
'. (ou and (we, us) were the first visitors.
). *he youn%est tour %uides were (they, them).
W"#t #re t"e c#ses o$ %erson# %ronouns& T"e o)*ecti(e c#se
For each of the following sentences, choose the correct form of the pronoun in parentheses.
1. + found Nina and (she, her) on the soccer field.
2. *he newest mem,ers of the team are (they, them).
". -ill .eith and (he, him) enter the art contest&
'. Mr. Cru/ sent (I, me) a 0ostcard from eru.
). -ould you li$e to 0lay a word %ame with 1red and (I, me)&
2ri%inal content Co0yri%ht 3 ,y #olt4 !inehart and -inston. 5dditions and chan%es to the ori%inal content are the res0onsi,ility of the instructor.
Name _________________________________ Class ______________________ Date ________________________
Lesson 10: Using Pronouns Correct!
W"#t #re t"e c#ses o$ %erson# %ronouns& T"e %ossessi(e c#se
For each of the following sentences, choose the correct form of the pronoun in parentheses.
1. .en admires (him, his) ,ase,all coach.
2. (They, Them) ate some cheese and %ra0es.
". *he server ,rou%ht some 0e00er for (we, us).
'. 6eave (your, yours) suitcase in the hallway.
). Martin has already finished his 0ro7ect4 ,ut we haven8t finished (our, ours) yet.
2ri%inal content Co0yri%ht 3 ,y #olt4 !inehart and -inston. 5dditions and chan%es to the ori%inal content are the res0onsi,ility of the instructor.

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