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Marysel a Espi noza Marysel a Espi noza

1201 East Eigth Street Dallas, TX 75203 Phone: 972-925-5900 maryselaespinoa15!gmail"#om

Typing Certificate
I enjoy working with
this student, Tries to
be helpful., Always
asks questions and
seeks guidance when
not sure of what to
do., Maintains good
custoer ser!ice
relations, Takes pride
in work and stri!es to
ipro!e work
perforance.- Joy
Campbell from MLK
Student at the nationally ranked Towniew Magnet Center !n "alla#$ T%&
'#piring to be an 'rmy (#ychologi#t&
Spani#h (roficiency at )*+&
(roficient Typi#t at ,- wpm&
My hobbie# include li#tening to mu#ic and reading book#&
Towniew Magnet Center 'ugu#t *.//-(re#ent "alla#$ T%
'nticipated "iploma0 May *./1
2eleant Cour#ework0
Career Preparation
Child Development
Child Care 3roup "alla#$ T% *./,-(re#ent
- 4ecau#e of my communication #kill#$ ! am now able to communicate and get along well
with the children$ helping them under#tand what5# right from wrong&
- 6orking for Child Care 3roup a# an intern ha# helped me comprehend a child5# way of
thinking and u#ing their imagination&
- 4ecau#e of my communication #kill#$ ! wa# able to cooperate and effectiely work a# an
actual teacher&
$S %&tloo'
$S (or)
$S Po*erPoint
+in'e),n Pro-ile:
.log Pro-ile:
/0aila1le -or Part-Time 2 S&mmer (or'

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