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Hiking Arches National Park

1. What makes Arches National Park in Utah a unique sightseeing

A. the wildlife
B. the desert climate
C. the geology
. What is one reason gi!en for hiking with a "artner in the "ark?
A. #t make the e$"erience more en%oya&le.
B. A "artner can hel" you in case of emergency.
C. 'he entrance fee is less for two "eo"le or more.
(. According to the recording) you should wear **************
while !isiting the "ark in the summer.
A. light shoes
B. a hat
C. sturdy clothing
+. What is one item that might &e "art of the fifth "oint?
A. &andages
B. a flashlight
C. a lighter
,. Which item was N-' mentioned as a means of getting around
in the "ark?
A. a .P/ unit
B. a guide&ook
C. a ma"
0esults 1iking Arches
ESL Program Meeting
1. 1ow long is the registration "eriod for the orientation meeting?
A. 1, minutes
B. (2 minutes
C. +, minutes
3. 42 minutes
. Why does the ending time of the meeting need to &e changed?
A. 'here isn5t a room a!aila&le at that time.
B. A s"eaker is coming to address the students.
C. 6anguage testing will take longer than e$"ected.
3. 6unch will not &e ready until much later.
(. What time will the cam"us tour end?
A. 17+, P8
B. 17(2 P8
C. 722 P8
3. 71, P8
+. Why won5t the teachers &e a!aila&le to gi!e the oral inter!iews
at the scheduled time?
A. 'hey will &e attending another meeting.
B. Not all of them will ha!e arri!ed yet.
C. /ome of them will &e gi!ing a cam"us tour.
3. 'hey will &e occu"ied until that "oint.
,. Who will "re"are the "rogram guides for the orientation?
A. the man
B. the woman
C. the man and the woman
3. another "erson
0esults 96/ Program
C B 3 3 C
First Day of Class
1. What is the name of the course?
A. #ntercultural Commerce
B. #nteraction in Communication
C. #ntercultural Communication
3. #nternational Coo"eration
. What time does the class meet?
A. (72, P8 to +71, P8
B. (71, P8 to +7,2 P8
C. (7,2 P8 to +7,2 P8
3. (71, P8 to +71, P8
(. -n a!erage) how often will the class meet in the research la&
during the last "art of the course?
A. once a month
B. twice a month
C. three times a month
3. four times a month
+. #f today is 'uesday) when should the te$t&ook &e a!aila&le in
the &ookstore?
A. today after class
B. on Wednesday
C. on 'hursday
3. on :riday
,. Which item was N-' mentioned as "art of determining a
student5s final grade in the class?
A. "artici"ation
B. qui;;es
C. a research "ro%ect
3. attendance
0esults :irst 3ay of Class
C B B C 3

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