Analytical Chemistry: ɒmə'neɪt/) : chủ yếu

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Dng Th Mng Kha B1203452 26/8

Analytical Chemistry
Modern analytial he!i"try i" do!inated #y in"tr$!ental analy"i"% Many
analytial he!i"t" &o$" on a "ingle ty'e o& in"tr$!ent% (ade!i"
tend to either &o$" on ne) a''liation" and di"o*erie" or on ne)
!ethod" o& analy"i"% The di"o*ery o& a he!ial 're"ent in #lood
that inrea"e" the ri"+ o& aner )o$ld #e a di"o*ery that an
analytial he!i"t !ight #e in*ol*ed in% (n e&&ort to de*elo' a ne)
!ethod !ight in*ol*e the $"e o& a tunable laser to inrea"e the
"'ei&iity and "en"iti*ity o& a "'etro!etri !ethod% Many
!ethod", one de*elo'ed, are +e't '$r'o"ely "tati "o that data an
#e o!'ared o*er long 'eriod" o& ti!e% Thi" i" 'arti$larly tr$e in
ind$"trial quality assurance -.(/, &oren"i and en*iron!ental
a''liation"% (nalytial he!i"try 'lay" an inrea"ingly i!'ortant
role in the 'har!ae$tial ind$"try, a"ide &ro! .(, it i" $"ed in
di"o*ery o& ne) dr$g andidate" and in linial a''liation" )here
$nder"tanding the interation" #et)een the dr$g and the 'atient are
Do!inated0 -dmnet/ /0 h1 y2$%
3n"tr$!ental0 -/,instru'mentl//0 4ng 5, 'hng ti6n
(ade!i"0 -/kdmk//0 *i6n nghi7n 8$%
(''liation"0 -/pl'ken//0 8ng d5ng%
9i"+0 -/risk//0 ng$y %
T$na#le0 : th; <i=$ h>ng <?%
@en"iti*ity0 -/,sens'tivti//0 < nhAy%
@'etro!etri0 -spektroumetrik//0 <o 'hB, trC 'hB%
3nd$"trial0 -/indstril//0 4ng nghi6'
Dandidate"0 -/'kndideit//0 8ng E *i7n%
3nteration"0 -/intrk!"n//0 "F tng tG H$a lAi
Dlinial0 -/klinikl//0 lI! "Jn%

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