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Department of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Ordnance Factory Estate, Yeddumailaram !"##"!, $%&% India%
$dvertisement 'umber $(D) *+ #"*,% Dated ,-",-#"*,
$pplications are invited for the assignment in a purely time bound
research pro/ect underta0en in the Department of Civil Engineering of the Institute%
'ame of the temporary
&ro/ect $ssociate 1 # &osts2
'ame of &ro/ect Damage 3odeling in Composite &lates 4sing
Finite Element $nalysis
'ame of 5ponsoring
$(6D), D(DO, 'e. Delhi
Tenure of &ro/ect * Year 1 E7tension based on performance2
Consolidated monthly
(s *8,,"""+-
Essential 9uali:cations
and e7perience
5hould have a 3asters degree 3%E+ 3%Tech in
5tructural Engineering + $pplied 3echanics+
$erospace, ;ith First class%
5hould have a bachelors degree )%E+ )%Tech in
Civil Engineering%
For technical information on the pro/ect, the candidate may contact the principal
investigator at the address+phone<
'ame< Dr. Amirtham Rajagopal
$ddress< Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Ordnance Factory Estate, Yeddumailaram% $& !"##"!% India%
Telephone 'umber < "," -#="* >"?,
Eligible persons should apply .ith their C@ via email to, on or
before August 27, 2014% 3ar0 the sub/ect as A&$ Damage 3odeling in
composites using FE$B%
Candidates .ill be short listed for intervie. based on merit and need of the
and .ill be informed via email %Candidates shortlisted for intervie. should
appear in person .ith originals of degree certi:cates, academic transcripts,
and date of birth proof along .ith other relevant information 1li0e copies of
publications, a.ards, recommendations etc%2
Selected candidate may e permitted to register !or "h.D degree as per
e#isting institute rules o! $$% &yderaad.

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