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Name: Home group:

Year 10 Science Motion (Speed and Velocity) Workseet

!omplete all "uestions and so# all calculations $or eac
1. Write the formula used to calculate average speed and state what each part represents.
$. E%plain the difference &etween speed and velocit'.
(. Determine the average speed of each of the following)
A* A racehorse that wins the ($++m #el&ourne
!up in a time of ( min $+ sec ,answer in m*s-
.* A /angaroo fleeing a dingo which &ounds a
distance of $.0 /m in ( min ,answer in m*s-
!* A dolphin which /eeps up with a &oat for a
distance of $/m for a time of ( min ,answer /m*h-
D* 1eirin Per/ins as he completes the 10++m in a
time of 10 min ,answer in /m*h-
2. 3ow long would it ta/e 'ou to wal/ from #el&ourne to S'dne'4 a distance of 5++ /m4 if 'ou wal/ed at
an average speed of)
a* 0/m*h without stopping &* 0/m*h for 1+ hrs each da' c* 1.0 m*s without stopping
0. A swimmer swims the 1++m &reaststro/e event in 1m 6s. The event is in a 0+m pool. She finishes the event
at the same end at which she started. If she &egins the event swimming due north and ta/es (0 sec to swim
the first 0+m4 calculate her)
a. Average speed for the whole
&. Average velocit' for the
first 0+ m
c. Average velocit' for the whole
7. In a 7+/m*h speed 8one the police set up a digitector4 placing $ ca&les across the road4 0m apart. The time
ta/en for cars to cross &oth ca&les was recorded.
a. 9ne car too/ +.$ seconds to cross the ca&les. Was it speeding: If so &' how much:

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