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Amanda B.

I am fascinated by how markets are shaped by patterns in human behaviour. For this reason, and
through my inquisitive nature, I am keen to pursue a career in market research. My long term
goal is to discover and quantify consumer patterns, with the intention of aiding objectives such
as creating brands and defining policy. Through work, I want to enhance and apply my academic
research knowledge as this would help me develop personally and creatively.
The London School of Economics and Political Science (2005-2008)
Sociology BSc (Hons) 2.1
Sociological Project: A Tale of Two Wars? A comparative analysis of the framing of Right Wing
and Left Wing British Press towards the Iraq War.
Modules Studied
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
An Introduction to Sociological Sociological Analysis Sociological Project

An Introduction to Issues and Methods of Social Crime, Deviance and

Contemporary Sociology Research Control
Statistical Methods for Social Sociology of Health and Societal Psychology:
Research Medicine Theory and Applications
Perspectives on Social and Political Sociology Human Resource
Applied Psychology Management
Queen’s Gate School (1998-2005)
3 A-levels: Sociology, Spanish and English Literature AAB
9 GCSEs 4 A*s, 5 As

Social Research Computing

Content Analysis Intermediate Microsoft PowerPoint Advanced
Quantitative Data Analysis Intermediate Microsoft Word Advanced
Secondary Analysis Intermediate Microsoft Excel Advanced
Structured Questionnaire Design Intermediate Microsoft Access Intermediate
In-depth Interviewing Basic Statistical Package for Social Intermediate
Sciences (SPSS)
Spanish (Spoken and Written) Advanced
Arabic (Spoken) Intermediate

Employment Record

Rocks Lane Multi Sport Centre

Administrative Manager Aug 2008 – Sept
I was responsible for managing the day to day running of the centre. This entailed:
 Maintaining finances of bookings and courses. Responsible for obtaining payment for
football, tennis and cricket courses attended by children every day of the week. Registers
of each course are updated daily to ensure the correct numbers of children are booked
onto each course.
 Organising tennis lessons for families. Lessons are arranged on a daily basis which had to
be coordinated with coaching and court availability. Avoidance of double bookings was
essential so to minimize customer dissatisfaction.
 Booking football pitches for clients, organisations. Responsible for bookings 10 weeks in
advance; invoicing clients accordingly.
Furthermore, I was in charge of a Friday Night Football children’s league. Made up of 72 teams, I
set up fixtures for a 10 week season of 8 leagues.
 Lateral thinking was required as specific fixture requirements were proposed by several
teams which required considerable adjustments before producing the end product.
cScape Strategic Internet Services Ltd
Human Resource Assistant Jun 2007 - Nov 2007
Working alongside the Operations Director, I had to manage an influx of candidate applications
for Web Developer, Project Manager, Account Manager and Web Designer roles. Learning about
skills for each job comprised part of the training, alongside:
 Liaising with recruitment agencies and Line Managers in order to arrange interviews. That
further involved participating in weekly meetings with the CEO, Operations Director and
Account Managers discussing the progress of recruitment. This considerably enhanced
my negotiation skills as at times I had to argue my case for whether certain candidates
Curriculum Vitae
were suitable.
Short Term Work Experience

Some work placements I took up during summer vacations added to my future work endeavours
and personal development:
Clever Media Aug 2005
Productions Department: Broadcasting Intern
 Responsible for typing up a transcript of a promotional video for the Metropolitan Police.
 In charge of inputting sensitive data into Microsoft Access for archiving.
Goodlife Media Public Relations and Promotions Ltd Jul 2005
Editing Department: Summer Intern
 Responsible for making telesales to prospective clients selling advertising space in the
Goodlife magazine. Contributed to the weekly sales target by pitching the magazine to
 As part of the editing team, assisted the Editor in setting up the final draft of the summer
issue of the magazine. I oversaw the collating of the magazine from graphics through to
text which required dedication and precision.
Westminster Volunteer Bureau Aug 2004
Summer Intern
 As part of a project commissioned by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, was made
responsible for creating a report of a community centre located in North London. I
interviewed the centre’s coordinator and took pictures of areas of the centre that needed
refurbishment. The report was presented to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office which
subsequently funded the bureau to refurbish the centre; a rewarding feat due to my
passion for the cause.
Transferable Skills
Through the Sociological Project in the final year of my degree, I gained a number of skills and
insights into the field of research. The most pertinent ones included:
 Comparative analysis – the need for a complimentary research method for a particular
research topic.
 Time management – this was the essence of a well-structured and well-thought out
The most rewarding part of my project was gathering the results and concluding alongside the
theories I had set out to test. It was not without testing times as the project was a culmination of
three years of work.
The work I have carried out at Rocks Lane Multi Sport centre has further enhanced my
professional skills. Working in a customer-related environment has made me think on my feet
and has also:
 Enhanced diplomacy and negotiation skills – particularly when dealing with disgruntled
 Developed lateral thinking
 Enhanced interpersonal skills – the ability to communicate with people from varied walks
of life.

Interests & Activities

I enjoy all types of dance. Whilst at University, I attended weekly sessions of Salsa and Belly
Dancing societies. It maintains my fitness as well as being a chance to socialise with people of
the same interest. I am a keen guitarist and composed my own piece of music whilst in my Sixth
Form, which I performed in an end of year concert. Furthermore, I love travelling and exploring
different cultures. Countries I have visited include Egypt, Syria, Switzerland, France and Austria.
I have a thirst for learning about the world and different nations and regularly follow current
affairs and events.
Personal Profile

I am always willing to learn and take on new challenges. I strive to better myself whether it is
personally, academically or professionally. I approach endeavours with a fun-loving yet
inquisitive attitude and never shy away from situations that are new to me. I am a good listener,
loyal and love being around people.
Available upon request

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