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1. Character the people (sometimes animals or ideas) portrayed by the actors

in the play. It is the characters who move the action, or plot of the play
forward. - dramatis personae (persons of the play)
TYPES OF CHARACTERS a.) Protagonist central or principal character
in the story. b.) Antagonist principal rival in the conflict set forth in the
play. c.) Foil is a character who defines certain characteristics in the
protagonist by exhibiting opposite traits in a greater or lesser degree. d.)
Confidante provides a ready ear to which the protagonist can address
certain remarks which should be heard by the audience but not by the
2. Plot This is what happens in the play. Plot refers to the action. -The
series/sequence of events in the story; the body of the play.
TYPES OF CONFLICT: A.) OPEN CONFLICT rely on the struggle in
which the hero through perhaps fight against all odds is not doomed.
B.FORESHADOWING in the form of ominous hints or symbolic
incidents/conditions the audience to expect certain logical developments.
C.COINCIDENCE sudden reversal of fortune plays depict climactic
ironies. D.DRAMATIC IRONY the fulfillment of a play, action or
expectation in a surprising way.
3. Theme It refers to the meaning of the play. Theme is the main idea or the
lesson to be learned from the play. In some cases, the theme of a play is
obvious other times it is quite subtle.
4. Dialogue Provides the substance of a play. Each word uttered by the
characters. Further the business of the play, contribute its effect as a whole.
5. Convention These are the techniques and methods used by the playwright
and director to create the desired stylistic effect.
6. Genre Refers to the type of play. Some examples of different genres
include, comedy, tragedy, mystery and historical play.
7. Audience This is the group of people who watch the play. Many
playwrights and actors consider the audience to be the most important
elements of drama.

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