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Sourcing Request Form Sourcing Request Form

Requested by:
Department: ES
Turnaround Time Required: 7 working days
Gender Preference for te Ro!e "#f any$: %ny
&ob '!assi(cation:
1. Job/Role Title: Sales Analyst
2. Grade: AI/SII
Position Detai!s:
1. Academic Qualification: MBA
2. Area of Specialization Marketing
3. Salary Rane -
!. Ae "rac#et 25- 28 years
$. Report% To: Nasir Bilal
&. 'ear% of ()perience 1-2 years of relevant experience
*. +ocation Laore
&ob Description:
!esponsi"le for analy#ing$ %eveloping an% reporting sales
perfor&ance$ target acieve&ent an% pro'ta"ility across te nation(
)roactively take steps to i%entify an% analy#e all relate% pro"le&s in
or%er to report te contin*ity of e+ective , pro'ta"le sales targets
attain&ent an% its possi"le e+ects-
.alc*late an% &aintain %ata of co&&issions provi%e% to all internal
participants i-e- !M/S/0Ls/0AMs/.AMs "ase% on teir perfor&ance$ in
accor%ance to te %eci%e% 1)Is in or%er to &aintain co&&ission "ase%
0ake initiative for an%ling pro2ects "ase% on internal re3*ire&ents
contri"*ting to %esire% res*lts- )repare &ontly presentations for
&anage&ent revie4- !esponsi"le for proactively preparing "*siness
cases an% an%ling pro2ects as tey co&e-
/+ectively coor%inate an% &aintain strong follo4 *p 4it all
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%epart&ental an% external to*c points in or%er to keep a track an%
'nali#e %ay to %ay agen%as an% e+ectively an% e5ciently &anage
ro*tine activities-
Tecnica!)Soft Ski!!s:
Essential Skills /+ective Sales analysis Skills(
Analytical an% )ro"le& Solving Skills(
Desirable Skills
/xcellent .o&&*nication an% Interpersonal Skills(
Strong )resentation Skills(
Micro Soft 65ce 7 /xcel$ 8or%9 $ 6*tlook$ .o&p*ter *sage
Other Details/Skills -
Rep!acement #nformation:
Employee Number
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