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Open Mic on

IBM Notes Traveler Best Practices

Date: 11 July, 2013
| 2013 IBM Corporation 22
Open Mic Team
Jayesh Parmar - IBM ICS Support engineer
Shrikant hire - IBM ICS Support engineer
!an"it !ai - IBM ICS S#$
%o&ussing on entire 'otes()omino
Jaya*e+ !a"en,ran - IBM ICS S#$
%o&ussing on entire 'otes()omino
-ansra" Ma+i - IBM ICS S#$
%o&ussing on 'otes()omino
.inayak $a*argeri / IBM ICS Support
%a&i+itator 0or 1pen Mi&s
| 2013 IBM Corporation 33
Agenda Items
Basi& $ra*e+er &omman,s
Monitoring 'otes $ra*e+er Ser*er
$ra*e+er &omman, in ,epth
%ine $uning the 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er
'otes $ra*e+er per0orman&e issues on .M
)ata to gather in &ase o0 pro3+em
| 2013 IBM Corporation 4
Load traveler $o start the 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er task
Tell Traveler Shutdown Stops the ser*er 0rom a&&epting ne5 5ork re6uests7 a++o5s &urrent 5ork to
&omp+ete7 an, then 6uits8
Tell Traveler Quit $he shut,o5n &omman, 5aits 0or any pen,ing syn&s to &omp+ete an, then 6uits8 $he
6uit &omman, ,oes not 5ait 0or any pen,ing syn&s to &omp+ete an, 6uits in a mu&h shorter amount o0
time8 $he ,e0au+t 6uit time 0or shut,o5n is 300 se&on,s7 an, 40 se&on,s 0or 6uit8 9ou &an o*erri,e the
,e0au+t shut,o5n an, 6uit time 3y setting the notes8ini parameters NTS_MAINTASK_SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME
an, NTS_MAINTASK_QUIT_WAIT_TIME8 $he *a+ues are in se&on,s
Retart Ta! Traveler $o restart the 'otes $ra*e+er task
Tell Traveler Hel" )isp+ays -e+p topi&s
Tell Traveler #erion )isp+ays the *ersion in0ormation 0or the IBM 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er8
Tell Traveler A$tive )isp+ays the users 5ho are &urrent+y syn&hroni:ing 5ith the ser*er8
Tell Traveler Uer
)isp+ays the users a++o&ate, on the ser*er8 $his is use0u+ in an - en*ironment 0or
un,erstan,ing ho5 users are sprea, o*er the *arious - ser*ers8 $his is not a spe&i0i& - &omman,8

Basic Traveler Commands:
| 2013 IBM Corporation ;
Tell Traveler Se$urit% AllStatu )isp+ays status o0 a++ users an, ,e*i&es
Tell Traveler Se$urit% tatu uer )isp+ays status o0 user an, ,e*i&es o5ne,
<<<<<<<<<< Se&urity !e&or, Store =Sun Ju+ 0> 1?@;>@;> IS$ 2013A <<<<<<<<<<
!e&or, Count =Sun Ju+ 0> 1?@;>@;> IS$ 2013A@ 1 B $ota+ !e&or, Count

Basic Traveler Commands:
| 2013 IBM Corporation
Tell Traveler Stat &lear C+ears the IBM 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er statisti&s
Tell Traveler Thread )isp+ay ser*er threa, poo+s an, threa, in0ormation
Tell Traveler Se$urit% Delete devi$e uer !emo*es the ,e*i&e
Tell Traveler Reet devi$e uer %or&es a syn& reset 0or a ,e*i&e
Tell Traveler Delete devi$e uer )e+etes a++ ,ata asso&iate, 5ith the spe&i0ie, user7 in&+u,ing a++ ,e*i&e
Tell Traveler Mailre"li$a how uer Sho5s &urrent mai+ rep+i&a in0ormation 3eing use, 3y IBM 'otes
$ra*e+er 0or the user
Tell Traveler du'" uer )umps the in0ormation a3out the spe&i0ie, user to a 0i+e
Basic Traveler Commands:
| 2013 IBM Corporation
Monitoring Notes Traveler Server:

In 'otes $ra*e+er *ersion o+,er than ?807 'otes $ra*e+er task &an 3e monitore, using the )omino
,ministrator &+ient 3y mo,i0ying the ,oma,min8ns0 on the +o&a+ ma&hine8

)etai+e, step o0 ho5 to a,, tra*e+er task to monitoring 5in,o5 is mentione, in the re0eren&e I!J
KShow Ta!L &omman, on ser*er &onso+e 5i++ re*ea+ 5hether 'otes $ra*e+er task is up an, running
!e0eren&e @ https@((555-3048i3m8&om(support(,o&*ie585ssDui,Es5g21;MN?3N
| 2013 IBM Corporation N
$o ,etermine i0 'otes $ra*e+er Ser*er is operating norma++y7 an, reports the resu+ts o0 the &he&k to the
Tell traveler stat show
$he &omman, Otell traveler tat howO 5i++ gi*e in0ormation a3out the statisti&s that 'otes $ra*e+er
)omino program ,o&ument &an 3e use, to esta3+ish regu+ar output o0 $ra*e+er ser*er statisti&s an,
!e0eren&e @ http@((555-018i3m8&om(support(,o&*ie585ssDui,Es5g21M13;?N
Monitoring Notes Traveler Server (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation
In,i&ator=sA to te++ me the tra*e+er ser*er is in goo, hea+th or other5iseD
Tell traveler status

$he status +e*e+s are@

Preen @ 'o Issues
9e++o5 @ Possi3+e issues that shou+, 3e in*estigate,
!e, @ Criti&a+ issues that shou+, 3e a,,resse,

$he pro3+em in0ormation 0or 9e++o5 an, !e, status is in&orporate, in the &omman, output8
!"ample (console o#p
tell traveler status
()*+,-../*0+&1,2 The I3M Note Traveler ta! ha 4een runnin5 in$e Tue 6un )7 ).-/8-/. IST ).+/9
()*+,-../*0+&1,2 The I3M Note Traveler availa4ilit% inde: i $urrentl% +.. while ervi$in5 ) uer9
()*+,-../*0+&1,2 There have 4een no u$$e;ul devi$e %n$ in$e I3M Note Traveler wa tarted9
()*+,-../*0+&1,2 The overall tatu o; I3M Note Traveler i <reen9
Preen status in,i&ates ser*er per0orman&e is goo,8
Monitoring Notes Traveler Server (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 10
Tell traveler status
Per0orms &he&ks to ,etermine i0 Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er Ser*er is operating norma++y7 an, reports the
resu+ts o0 the &he&k to the a,ministrator8
(.8+=-...10./>=2 tell traveler status
(.8+=-73AA0.87=2 .7?)/?).+/ .,-+/-.. @M Re'ote $onole $o''and iued 4% do'inoad'?A$'e- tell traveler
(++&,-*AD=0A1/.2 The Lotu Note Traveler ta! ha 4een runnin5 in$e Thu Ma% ) ++-/8-+, IST ).+/9
(++&,-*AD=0A1/.2 The lat u$$e;ul devi$e %n$ wa on Wed Ma%)) +8-+)-,1 IST ).+/9
(++&,-*AD=0A1/.2 Yellow Status Messages
(++&,-*AD=0A1/.2 The re"one ti'e ;or o"enin5 data4ae on 'ail erver &NAdo'ino?OAA$'e are
a4ove the a$$e"ta4le threhold9
(++&,-*AD=0A1/.2 Red Status Messages
(++&,-*AD=0A1/.2 The nu'4er o; a$tive HTT@ $onne$tion i +,7 "er$ent o; the +.. availa4le HTT@
(++&,-*AD=0A1/.2 The "ea! nu'4er o; HTT@ $onne$tion i )/1 "er$ent o; the +.. availa4le HTT@
[11C4:7AD8-A!"# The overall status o$ %otus &otes Traveler 's Red(
Traveler Command in dept$:
| 2013 IBM Corporation
Undertandin5 Bellow and Red tatu 'ea5e
!esponse $ime 0or opening )B G -$$P threa,s@
R Console Message: $he response times 0or opening ,ata3ases on mai+ ser*er Smai+ ser*er
nameT are a3o*e the a&&epta3+e thresho+,8
R Corrective action:
Che&k 0or net5ork ,e+ays 3et5een the Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er an, mai+ ser*er8
#ith he+p o0 ping uti+ity sen,ing +arge pa&kets =ping -n 100 -+ N1?2 ipa,,ress -tA
#ith he+p o0 tra&ert uti+ity in 5in,o5s an, tra&eroute in JinuC
R Console Message: $he num3er o0 a&ti*e -$$P &onne&tions is S&urrent per&entageT per&ent o0
the a*ai+a3+e -$$P threa,s =S-$$P $hrea,sTA8
$he peak num3er o0 -$$P &onne&tions is Speak per&entageT per&ent o0 the a*ai+a3+e -$$P
threa,s =S-$$P $hrea,sTA8
R Corrective action:
In&rease the num3er o0 http threa,s
Mo*e some o0 the users to another IBM 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er8
Traveler Command in dept$: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation
;03 Syn& Qrror7 'on-;03 syn& Qrror G )S or PS threa,s ha*e run 0or a O+ong
perio,O o0 time@
R Console Message: $here ha*e 3een Snum3er o0 ;03 !CT ,e*i&e syn& 0ai+ures 3e&ause the
ser*er is too 3usy an, returne, status &o,e ;038
R Corrective action: Qither in&rease the memory7 or mo*e some o0 the users to another Jotus
'otes $ra*e+er ser*er8
R Console Message: $here ha*e 3een Snum3er o0 error &o,e other than ;03 !CT ,e*i&e syn&
0ai+ures 0or reasons other than the ser*er is too 3usy8
R %ro&a&le cause: $here are net5ork &onne&ti*ity issues 3et5een Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er
an, the userUs ,e*i&e=sA8
R Console Message: Iser SnameT on threa, SnameT has 3een running 0or SCCT minutes8
R Corrective action:
Persistent ye++o5 &on,itions might in,i&ate a s+o5 mai+ ser*er or an o*er+oa,e, $ra*e+er ser*er8
Monitor an, +ook 0or other status &on,itions that might ha*e a 3etter in,i&ation o0 a ,iagnosis8
!estart the $ra*e+er ser*i&e8 $here is a goo, &han&e this 5i++ re6uire a &omp+ete )omino ser*er
restart an, you may nee, to ki++ the )omino ser*er in or,er 0or it to shut,o5n &omp+ete+y
Traveler Command in dept$: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation
Memory Isage7 )isk Spa&e G CPI Isage@
R Console Message: $he &urrent nati*e memory usage is S&urrent per&entageT per&ent o0 the
a*ai+a3+e memory8
R Corrective actions:
.eri0y 5hether too many -$$P $hrea,s are a++o&ate,8
!e,u&e the num3er o0 app+i&ations running on the )omino ser*er8|
!e,u&e the num3er o0 IBM 'otes $ra*e+er users on the ma&hines8
Issue Ctell traveler 'e'D &omman, to see the history o0 memory8
R Console Message: )isk spa&e 0or S+o&ationT has SVT per&ent 0ree8
R Corrective action:
!emo*e unnee,e, 0i+es to in&rease 0ree ,isk spa&e8
R Console Message: $he Jotus 'otes $ra*e+erUs CPI usage is S&urrent per&entageT per&ent o*er
the +ast SminutesT minutes o0 pro&essing8
R Corrective actions:
!e,u&e the num3er o0 app+i&ations running on the )omino ser*er8
!e,u&e the num3er o0 Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er users on the ma&hines8
Traveler Command in dept$: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation
Traveler Command in dept$: (continued..
C$ec-#T$res$old 7ello) 'ed
!esponse time 0or opening )B 10V ;V
-$$P Current G Peak Conne&tions W N0V W ?0V
)e*i&e syn& 0ai+ures ;03 W ;V W 10V
)e*i&e syn& 0ai+ures non-;03 W ;V W 10V
$hrea, run time =minutesA W 30 min W 120 min
Current Memory ='ati*eA W N;V W ?;V
)isk Spa&e X 1;V X ;V
CPI Iti+i:ation >0V ?0V
| 2013 IBM Corporation 1;
Tell traveler stat show

)isp+ays the Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er statisti&s8

Jist o0 a++ the $ra*e+er statisti&s that ha*e 3een &o++e&te, sin&e the stats 5ere +ast reset =the statisti&s
are automati&a++y reset ea&h time the $ra*e+er pro&ess is restarte,A8
$ra*e+er &he&ks the CPI usage on a perio,i& 3asis8 $his stat is a histogram sho5ing ho5 many times
the CPI per&entage 5as in the spe&i0ie, range or 3u&ket8 $he 3u&ket *a+ues are O000-010O7 O010-020O7
O020-030O7 O030-040O7 O040-0;0O7 O0;0-0M0O7 O0M0-0>0O7 O0>0-0N0O7 O0N0-0?0O7 O0?0-100O8
QCamp+e7 CPI8P&t8040-0;0 5ou+, sho5 the num3er o0 times7 CPI usage 5as 3et5een 40V an, ;0V
1ther 5ay to 0in, the CPI uti+i:ation 3y tra*e+er task@
EShow tat "lat;or'9"ro$e9travelerF
()81&-...*0)/7.2 @lat;or'9@ro$e9traveler9+9@$t&"uUtil A ,=
E how tat erver9$"u9$ount
()81&-...*0)/7.2 Server9&@U9&ount A ,
A ,=?, G +)H &@U ua5e 4% traveler ta!
Traveler Command in dept$: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 1M
Tell traveler stat show


-istogram o0 the time spent =in se&on,sA to open a ,ata3ase on the gi*en ser*er using the )omino
Ja*a PI &a++8
Ser*er is the name o0 the )omino ser*er on 5hi&h the ,ata3ase 5as opene,8 Bu&kets are O000-001O7
O001-002O7 O002-00;O7 O00;-010O7 O010-030O7 O030-0M0O7 O0M0-120O7 O120-In0O8
s an eCamp+e7
)C8)BH1PQ'8$ime8-istogram8C'E)omino1(1E&me800;-010 E 21M
)C8)BH1PQ'8$ime8-istogram8C'E)omino1(1E&me80M0-120 E >
)C8)BH1PQ'8$ime8-istogram8C'E)omino1(1E&me8120-In0 E 1>
$he a3o*e statisti&s 5ou+, sho5 the num3er o0 times the ,ata3ase on ser*er )omino1(&me 5as
opene, in respe&ti*e time 0rames
Traveler Command in dept$: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 1>
Tell traveler stat show
-istogram o0 the time spent =in se&on,sA to eCe&ute the +ookup o0 a user against $ra*e+erUs interna+
,ata3ase8 high num3er in the +arger 3u&ket in,i&ates the nee, 0or a ,e0rag8
s an QCamp+e7
Z2>;N@;>04-;3;N[ )ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8000-001 E 143?0
Z2>;N@;>04-;3;N[ )ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8001-002 E 4
Z2>;N@;>04-;3;N[ )ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8002-00; E 2
Simi+ar In0ormation a3out the a3o*e statisti&s is &o*ere, in the %ine $uning se&tion o0 )ata3ase
Traveler Command in dept$: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 1N
Tell traveler stat show
.eviceS8nc.Count stats
3o*e statisti&s is the num3er o0 ,e*i&e syn&hroni:ationUs that ha*e 0inishe, 5ith *arious return &o,es
=)e*i&eSyn&8Count8:::A8 $he return &o,es are@
200 - Su&&ess0u+
40N - )e*i&e ,i, not respon, 3e0ore the ser*er terminate, the session
40? - )e*i&e starte, a ne5 session 5hi&h &ause, this session to 3e terminate,
;00 - Inkno5n Qrror
;03 - Ser*er Busy
T$read%ool.9etT$read.ela8Time $istogram
9ou &an see i0 there is a +ong ,e+ay 3e0ore a ,e*i&e syn&hroni:ation threa, is a++o&ate,8 $his is an eCamp+e o0 a
,e*i&e syn&hroni:ation threa, histogram@
$hrea,Poo+8Pet$hrea,)e+ay$ime8)S800-02 E ;>10>1
$hrea,Poo+8Pet$hrea,)e+ay$ime8)S802-0; E 4;
$hrea,Poo+8Pet$hrea,)e+ay$ime8)S80;-10 E 2?
$hrea,Poo+8Pet$hrea,)e+ay$ime8)S810-In0 E 1>
In this eCamp+e the 0irst +ine in,i&ates that the ma"ority o0 the ,e*i&e syn&hroni:ation starts in the 0 to 2 se&on, range8
$his imp+ies that the &urrent ,e*i&e threa, &ount is su00i&ient 0or the +oa,8
Traveler Command in dept$: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 1?
Tell traveler Me)or* + Tell Traveler Me) Show
)isp+ays the amount o0 memory that IBM 'otes $ra*e+er is using an, ho5 mu&h memory is
0ree 0or use

1n 3asis o0 the &omman, output7 the Ja*a usage may *ary an, *a+ue o0 it &an 3e set a&&or,ing+y8
1n M4 3it #in,o5s Ser*er G 1000 users@ Set Ja*a memory to 204N MB
1n M4 3it #in,o5s Ser*er G 2000 users@ Set Ja*a memory to 40?M MB
Traveler Command in dept$: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 20
Tell traveler ,ser user
$he 3e+o5 &omman, ,isp+ays a++ the in0ormation an, ,e*i&es asso&iate, 5ith the spe&i0ie, user8 $his
&omman, a+so *a+i,ates 5hether the user is &orre&t+y &on0igure, 0or IBM 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er8
E tell traveler uer note ad'in
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ IBM 'otes $ra*e+er has *a+i,ate, that it &an a&&ess the ,ata3ase mai+(na,min8ns08 X-- access rig$ts to t$e user mail (ile
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Qn&rypting7 ,e&rypting an, signing messages are not
ena3+e, 3e&ause the 'otes I) is not in the mai+ 0i+e or the I) *au+t8 X-- )$et$er user is a&le to send# receive encr8pted
mail messages
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Canoni&a+ 'ame@ C'E'otes ,min(1E&me
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Internet ,,ress@ nu++
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ -ome Mai+ Ser*er@ C'ESer*er(1E&me
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ -ome Mai+ %i+e@ mai+(na,min8ns0
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Current Mai+ Ser*er@ C'ESer*er(1E&me !e+ease ?80 X-- user mail (ile details and mail replicas
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Current Mai+ %i+e@ mai+(na,min8ns0
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Mai+ %i+e !ep+i&as@ ZC'ESer*er(1E&me7 mai+(na,min8ns0[
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ CJ 0or 'otes ,min(&me@ &&essEManager Capa3i+itiesE&reate7up,ate7rea,7,e+ete7&opy Missing Capa3i+itiesEnone
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ CJ 0or Ser*er(&me@ &&essEManager Capa3i+itiesE&reate7up,ate7rea,7,e+ete7&opy Missing Capa3i+itiesEnone
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ 'otes I)@ Mai+ %i+e ,oes not &ontain the 'otes I)8
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ uto Syn& Iser State@ Monitoring ,isa3+e,
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Jast Prime Syn&@ Sun,ay7 May 1?7 2013 2@4N@3M PM IS$ X-- in(ormation a&out t$e last prime s8nc time
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Banne, )o&uments@ 0
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ )e*i&es@
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ )e*i&e I)@ n,roi,H;3e1M03e3;N?3N30
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ )e*i&e )es&ription@ samsung P$-S;3M0@n,roi, 2838M@IBM 'otes $ra*e+er(?808080 201303041;3>
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Se&urity Po+i&y Status@ 'o po+i&y
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Se&urity State@ C+ear
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ ppro*a+ State@ 'ot re6uire,
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ Jast Syn&@ Sun,ay7 May 1?7 2013 2@0M@32 PM IS$ X-- in(ormation a&out t$e last s8nc time
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ uto Syn& )e*i&e State@ Ina&ti*e
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ )e*i&e o00+ine time@ Sun,ay7 May 1?7 2013 3@;;@3? PM IS$
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ uto Syn& Conne&tion State@ )is&onne&te,
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ uto Syn& pp+i&ations to Syn&hroni:e@ mai+7 &a+en,ar7 ser*i&ea3i+ity7 se&urity
Z20)0@0031-2;?4[ uto Syn& Change %+ags@ &+ear
Traveler Command in dept$: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 21
$uning@ -$$P $hrea,s
$he )omino -$$P ser*er task must ha*e enough threa,s to han,+e the num3er o0 -$$P re6uests
0rom mo3i+e ,e*i&es a&&essing the Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er ser*i&e8
I0 the num3er o0 a&ti*e -$$P threa,s is insu00i&ient7 the 0o++o5ing pro3+ems may o&&ur@
18 pp+e ,e*i&e users may eCperien&e OCannot &onne&t to ser*erO messages or s+o5
responsi*eness 5hen opening G syn&hroni:ing ,ata8
28 1ther ,e*i&e users may see error ;03 =Ser*er 3usyA messages in the 'otes $ra*e+er &+ient
inter0a&e7 eCperien&e syn& 0ai+ures7 an, genera+ s+o5 responsi*eness
38 Ser*er CPI an, memory uti+i:ation may in&rease to a3norma+ +e*e+s
$o make these &hanges e00e&ti*e7 stop an,
restart -$$P =&onso+e &omman,@retart ta! htt"A8
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server:
| 2013 IBM Corporation 22
$uning@ -$$P $hrea,s
)e0au+t -$$P threa, *a+ues a&ti*ate, 3y 'otes $ra*e+er@

%or 32-3it )omino insta++ations7 Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er 5i++ ensures at +east 100 -$$P threa,s are
%or M4-3it )omino insta++ations7 Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er 5i++ ensure at +east 400 -$$P threa,s are
$o ,etermine num3er o0 'otes $ra*e+er ,e*i&es7 Issue the 3e+o5 &onso+e &omman,@
Tell Traveler tat how "uh9devi$e9totalF
Push8)e*i&es8$ota+ E 22;
$his in,i&ates that 22; ,e*i&es are registere, 0or syn&hroni:ation 5ith the 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er
an, that at +east 2>0 -$$P threa,s are nee,e, =182 C 22; E 2>0A8
$ip@ $he num3er o0 a&ti*e -$$P threa,s nee,e, 0or $ra*e+er is &a+&u+ate, this 5ay@ 182 C 'um3er o0
registere, ,e*i&es E 'um3er o0 nee,e, a&ti*e -$$P threa,s
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 23
$uning@ -$$P $hrea,s
Tell Traveler Threads
--- Summary =#e, May 22 1;@4>@40 IS$ 2013A ---
Shut,o5n re6ueste,@ 0a+se
$hrea,s tota+@ 14N
$hrea,s a*ai+a3+e@ 10
$hrea,s 3usy@ 13N
$hrea,s ,ea,+o&ke,@ 0
$hrea,s monitor ,ea,+o&ke,@ 0
-- Busy $hrea, Counts ='ame@ Current ( Peak ( MaCA --
)S@ 122 ( 3;? ( ;000
PS@ 4 ( 200 ( 200
#orker@ 11 ( 22; ( ;000
$C@ 1 ( 3 ( ;0
+arm@ 0 ( M ( 20
.C@ 0 ( 20 ( 20
;TT%: <=, # 333 # >=,, B $he $ota+ &ti*e threa,s set is 2;00
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 24
$uning@ -$$P $hrea,s
CI$I1'@ ++o&ating too many a&ti*e -$$P threa,s 5i++ resu+t in unne&essary ser*er memory
&onsumption7 so it is re&ommen,e, to on+y a++o&ate the ne&essary num3er o0 -$$P threa,s nee,e,
0or proper 'otes $ra*e+er operation8

#hen setting the -$$P &ti*e $hrea,s7 ensure that your system has su00i&ient resour&e to han,+e
the in&rease, threa,s8

1n a M4-3it ma&hine7 a sing+e -$$P threa, 5i++ o&&upy a3out 4 MB o0

memory an, on a 32-3it ma&hine7 this 5i++ 3e a3out 1 MB o0 memory8 %or eCamp+e7 the
memory re6uire, to han,+e a +oa, o0 1000 ,e*i&es on a M4-3it &an 3e &a+&u+ate, as 0o++o5s@
-$$P $hrea,s set to 1000\182 E 1200 threa,s mu+tip+y 3y 4 MB E 4N00 MB

:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 2;
$uning@ Memory
Ja*a Memory@

$his is the amount o0 Ja*a Memory a++o&ate,8 By ,e0au+t on a M4-3it )omino ser*er7 this is set to
1024 MB =1PBA G on 32-3it )omino ser*er7 this is set to ;12 MB8 $he Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er pro&ess
is 5ritten in Ja*a7 so Ja*a memory must 3e a++o&ate,8 $he Ja*a memory re6uire, a+so ,epen,s on
the num3er o0 the ,e*i&es &onne&te, to the 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er8
$he &onso+e &omman, to &he&k the memory usage@

'otes $ra*e+er N8;8383@
Tell Traveler Me' Show

'otes $ra*e+er N8;83 IP1(IP27 ?80@
Tell Traveler Me'or% ? Tell Traveler Me' Show
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 2M
$uning@ Memory
Memory &a&hes@ =Internet Proto&o+s / )omino #e3 Qngine ta3A

$he MaCimum &a&he, users 0ie+, is use, to store a users name7 pass5or,7 an, a +ist o0 groups that
the user 3e+ongs to8 user is a,,e, to this &a&he a0ter they su&&ess0u++y authenti&ate 5ith the
Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er8 $he ,e0au+t setting 0or this 0ie+, is M48 I0 the num3er o0 &urrent
authenti&ate, users +ogge, in eC&ee,s this *a+ue7 some per0orman&e impro*ements may 3e gaine,
3y in&reasing the num3er o0 the MaCimum &a&he, users8
Issue &omman, on tra*e+er ser*er &onso+e@ sho5 stat )omino8Ca&he8Iser\
)omino8Ca&he8Iser Ca&he8Count E NM0
)omino8Ca&he8Iser Ca&he8MaCSi:e E M4
I0 the *a+ue +iste, in the )omino8Ca&he8Iser Ca&he8Count is +arger than the )omino8Ca&he8Iser
Ca&he8MaCSi:e7 then try s+o5+y in&rementing the maCimum *a+ue 0or the OMaCimum &a&he, usersO7
as sho5n in the Memory Ca&he se&tion s&reen &apture a3o*e7 unti+ the Count no +onger rea&hes
the MaCimum
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 2>
$uning@ Memory
I0 you are running the 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er on a 32-3it Mi&roso0t #in,o5s operating
system7 then you may nee, to take steps to re,u&e the memory usage 3y the &ore
)omino ser*er8 9ou shou+, re,u&e the amount o0 memory that )omino pre-a++o&ates to
the share, memory 3u00er poo+ 3y a,,ing the 0o++o5ing +ine to the 'otes8ini in your
)omino ser*er program ,ire&tory@
I0 this +ine is not present7 then the )omino ser*er pre-a++o&ates ;12 MB o0 share,
memory 0or 3u00ers7 5hi&h ,oes not +ea*e enough memory 0or other app+i&ations running
on the ser*er8
1n #in,o5s M4 3it ser*ers7 %or M4 Bit )omino N an, +ater the ,e0au+t MaCimum IBM
si:e is 1024 MB
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 2N
)ata3ase %ragmentation
'otes $ra*e+er maintains state in0ormation a3out ea&h ,e*i&e in a )er3y re+ationa+ ,ata3ase8
$his in0ormation in&+u,es ,e*i&e in0ormation7 ,e*i&e se&urity an, ,ata that a++o5s the Jotus 'otes
$ra*e+er ser*er to kno5 i0 a ,e*i&e nee,s to syn&8 $his ,ata3aseUs 0i+es are store, on the 'otes
$ra*e+er system in the ,ata]tra*e+er]nts,3 ,ire&tory8 9ou &an &he&k the si:e o0 the 0o+,er
$ip@ )o not ,e+ete the nts,3 0o+,er on the system8 )e+eting the state in0ormation 0or&es a++ users to
resyn& their ,ata7 an, you 5i++ +ose a++ se&urity in0ormation =su&h as ,e*i&es that ha*e 3een ,enie,
a&&ess or 5ipe, an, any ,o&uments that ha*e 3een 3anne, 0rom syn&ingA8
$ip@ !un the ,e0rag &omman, approCimate+y on&e a month 0or optima+ system hea+th8
Conso+e &omman, to run ,e-0ragmentation@
tell traveler Juit
tell htt" Juit
load traveler 0de;ra5
$he ,e-0ragmentation operation may take more than 30 minutes to &omp+ete ,epen,ing on
,ata3ase si:e an, system &apa3i+ities8 I0 the )omino -$$P task is not starte, automati&a++y 3y
Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er7 then start it manua++y using the 0o++o5ing &omman,8
load htt"
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 2?
)ata3ase %ragmentation
Tell Traveler Stat Show Data4ae9Quer%9Hito5ra'9F
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8000-001 E 1MMM32?
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8001-002 E 3?N2
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8002-00; E 330?
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t800;-010 E ?4;
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8010-030 E ;0;
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8030-0M0 E >2
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t80M0-120 E 4
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8120-In0 E 2
5e++ running ,ata3ase 5ou+, sho5 a++ a&&esses in the 000-001 range as sho5n 3e+o58Per0orm a
,ata3ase ,e0rag 3y 0o++o5ing the instru&tions menione, in ear+ier s+i,e8
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8000-001 E 2N0N34
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8001-002 E >
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t8002-00; E ?
)ata3ase8Yuery8-istogram8Pu,Se+e&t800;-010 E 2
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 30
)ata3ase %ragmentation
)e0ragmentation on S&he,u+e Basis@
,, '$SH)Q%!PHI'$Q!.JH)9S to the notes8ini parameter8 %or eCamp+e7 to set
inter*a+ o0 30 ,ays a,,@
!estart the Jotus $ra*e+er ser*er8 %rom that point on7 i0 Jotus $ra*e+er ser*er is
restarte, an, it has 3een 30 ,ays sin&e the +ast ,e0rag7 then the ,e0rag operation 5i++
$o 0or&e a ,e0rag to run7 ,e+ete the parameter '$SHJS$H)Q%!P 0rom the notes8ini
0i+e an, restart the ser*er8 I0 '$SH)Q%!PHI'$Q!.JH)9S is set an, there is no
+ast ,e0rag timestamp7 then the ser*er 5i++ per0orm a ,e0rag an, reset the timestamp8
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 31
$ransa&tion Jogging
Po to the $ransa&tiona+ Jogging ta38
)isa3+e $ransa&tiona+ Jogging8 $he Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er is not a typi&a+ ser*er7 as there is
*ery +itt+e 5riting to )omino ,ata3ases8 #ith the sma++ num3er o0 5rites ne&essary7 it is not
ne&essary to ena3+e $ransa&tiona+ Jogging8
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 32
Al)a8s -eep server logging to minimal
-#hen ,e3ugging a spe&i0i& pro3+em7 the Jotus 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er shou+, on+y 3e run at a +ogging
+e*e+ o0 %I'QS$8 %or pro3+ems that a00e&t a++ users7 the o*era++ +e*e+ shou+, sti++ 3e %I'QS$8 But i0 the
pro3+em is spe&i0i& to on+y a 0e5 users7 then run on+y those users at the %I'QS$ +e*e+7 +ea*ing the other
users at the system +e*e+8
-$he $ra*e+er +ogs7 espe&ia++y i0 the %I'QS$ +e*e+ is 3eing use,7 &an in&+u,e numerous 0i+es8
-$ra*e+er &omman, to &he&k +ogging +e*e+
E Tell traveler Lo5 Show
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 Lo55in5 Statu
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 Lo5 Level- >INEST
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 A$tivit% Lo5- &-K&&ILKI3MKLotuKDo'inoKdataKI3M_TE&HNI&AL_SU
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 Error Lo5- &-K&&ILKI3MKLotuKDo'inoKdataKI3M_TE&HNI&AL_SU
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 Ua5e Lo5- &-K&&ILKI3MKLotuKDo'inoKdataKI3M_TE&HNI&AL_SU
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 Ua5e Lo55in5- Ena4led
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 Lo5 iLe li'it- 7. Million 3%te
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 Lo5 ;ile $ount- +.
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 Lo5 >ield- ASL@
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 Uer Lo55in5- Sele$ted Uer
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 &NAAd'initratorA&ME?OAA&ME >INEST
()=&=-..7/0//7=2 @a$!a5e Lo55in5- All @a$!a5e
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 33
:ine Tuning NTS parameters
- Con(iguring $o) man8 c$aracters are t8ped &e(ore t$e ?uer8 is per(ormed
* Con(iguring t$e ma"imum num&er o( results to return to t$e client
* Con(iguring )$ic$ server to per(orm t$e loo-*up against
!e0eren&e @ http@((555-108+otus8&om(+,,(,omino5iki8ns0(Cp)o&.ie5er8CspD
:ine Tuning t$e Notes Traveler server: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation 34
/ In genera+7 *irtua+ instan&es are kno5n to re,u&e o*era++ &apa&ity o0 the system 5hen &ompare, to a
physi&a+ insta++ation8 It is important to un,erstan, that 'otes $ra*e+er is a rea+-time &riti&a+ app+i&ation
an, any resour&es a++o&ate, to the Jotus $ra*e+er instan&es shou+, 3e a++o&ate, stati&a++y8
--I0 ,ynami& resour&es are use, an, other app+i&ations on the host are using resour&es 5hen nee,e, 3y
'otes $ra*e+er7 then the ser*i&e 5i++ ,egra,e8 Make sure that the *irtua+ instan&e o0 the Jotus 'otes
$ra*e+er ser*er has stati& a&&ess to the re&ommen,e, resour&es 0or a physi&a+ ser*er =5hi&h means7 it
shou+, ha*e e6ui*a+ent CPI7 memory7 an, ,isk I(1A8
Notes Traveler per(ormance issues on /M:
| 2013 IBM Corporation 3;
Statistics to c$ec- on /M
Che&k the CPI o0 the $ra*e+er ser*er
Che&k the memory &hart 0or ,e0ine, perio,
Che&k rea+ ,isk stati&s to sho5 ,isk +aten&y
Sho5 Stat P+at0orm8Jogi&a+)isk8\ &omman, 5i++ gi*e the ,isk statisti&s as 3e+o5@
@lat;or'9Lo5i$alDi!9:9Ai5nedNa'e A F
@lat;or'9Lo5i$alDi!9)9Av5QueueLen A )9)8
-lat$or)(%og'.alD's/(0(Avg1ueue%e2(Avg A 79+,=,.88,/=EN+)
@lat;or'9Lo5i$alDi!9)9Av5QueueLen9@ea! A +9=,,8*,+..7EN+*
.a+ue o0 P+at0orm8Jogi&a+)isk828*gYueueJen8*g a3o*e 082 in,i&ates that the ser*er is running into a
+imitation o0 physi&a+ resour&es
!e0eren&e @ $ttp:##)))*,+.i&>+@+=3AB
Notes Traveler per(ormance issues on /M: (continued..
| 2013 IBM Corporation
R In or,er to stay in tune 5ith +atest ,e*i&e market up,ates7 Ipgra,e the 'otes $ra*e+er to +atest
R +5ays &he&k on the tra*e+er status7 memory G CPI uti+i:ation on&e in a ,ay8
R It is re&omme,e, to ,e0rag Jotus 'otes $ra*e+erUs interna+ ,ata3ase 5hi&h 5i++ &ompa&t an,
optimi:e the ,ata3ase 0or per0orman&e8 $he ,e0rag 0eature &an on+y 3e run at startup8
!e&ommen,e, to run on&e a month8
R Be0ore raising a PM!7 &he&k 5hether the issue to 3e reporte, is not a kno5n Ser*er +imitation (
restri&tion or 'otes $ra*e+er _no5n +imitations (restri&tions8
| 2013 IBM Corporation
R $here are a num3er o0 ,i00erent 0a&tors you shou+, &onsi,er 5hen p+anning the type o0
&omputer system that 5i++ host the IBM 'otes $ra*e+er app+i&ation ser*er8 $hey are@
1perating System se+e&tion an, )omino Ser*er app+i&ation type =M4-3itA
Centra+ Pro&essing Init spee, an, &apa&ity
)isk storage &on0iguration
Physi&a+ !M a*ai+a3i+ity
Ba&k-en, net5ork spee,
%o++o5 Capa&ity p+anning gui,e+ines 0or IBM 'otes $ra*e+er@
R +5ays &+ear the temporary 0i+es on #in,o5s 1S7 5hen )omino ser*er is shut ,o5n8 9ou
&an ,o this 3y going to Start W !un W V$QMPV8 I0 you are ha*ing too mu&h &+utter in $MP
0o+,er7 then you may 0a&e pro3+ems in startup8

| 2013 IBM Corporation 3N
R $he uti+i:ation o0 high spee, &onne&tions 0or ser*ers is re&ommen,e,8 In a,,ition7 you
shou+, en,ea*or to physi&a++y p+a&e the $ra*e+er ser*ers as &+ose to the mai+ ser*ers as
possi3+e8 S+o5 spee,s a&ross the &onne&tions &an resu+t in timeout errors8
R Qnsure !e*erse proCy is a3+e to support a num3er o0 +ong-running -$$P &onne&tions
e6ua+ to the mo3i+e ,e*i&e &+ients that are in your net5ork8
R !e0eren&e @
R $he *a+ue in the Ser*er ,o&ument on the Internet Proto&o+s W -$$P ta3 in the MaCimum
num3er o0 &on&urrent net5ork sessions 0ie+, is at +east e6ua+ to or greater than the
num3er o0 a&ti*e threa,s ,e0ine,8
R $he Kte++ tra*e+erL &omman, output &an 3e ,umpe, to a 0i+e as sho5@
tell traveler 0; C$-Kte'"Kout9t:tD tatu
R $ra*e+er )ep+oyment Mo,e+
| 2013 IBM Corporation
C$ats ne) in Notes Traveler 3.,:

?80 is our 0irst ma"or )omino($ra*e+er re+ease sin&e N8;8380

Cumu+ati*e 0eature an, P! ro++-up

More ,e*i&e support an, ne5 0eatures

Contains e*erything up to an, in&+u,ing N8;83 IP2 I%1

Can 3e insta++e, on any pre*ious re+ease o0 $ra*e+er7 stan, a+one or -

Must run on )omino Ser*er .ersion ?

Same Qnterprise )B support as N8;83 IP2

Some signi0i&ant p+at0orm ,i00eren&es o*er N8;838C so nee, to re*ie5 upgra,e strategies
R Server:

)roppe, Support 0or #in,o5s 20037 SJQS 10 an, !e,hat ;

,,e, #in,o5s 2012

,,e, IBM i .M!1 an, .>!1

,,e, 'ati*e M4 3it support 0or JinuC =!e,hat M G Suse 11 M4 3itA

R .evice:

,,e, #in,o5s Phone >8;7 >8N an, N80

,,e, #in,o5s N !$ an, #in,o5s N Pro $a3+ets

,,e, B+a&kBerry 10 ,e*i&es

)epre&ate, support 0or #in,o5s Mo3i+e G 'okia Sym3ian ,e*i&e &+ients

| 2013 IBM Corporation
.ata to gat$er in case o( Traveler Server Cras$:
Note: In a++ &rash s&enarios it is re&ommen,e, to upgra,e to the +atest maintenan&e
+e*e+s o0 3oth )omino an, 'otes $ra*e+er ser*ers7 as there are many kno5n issues
5hi&h are reso+*e, in +atest maintenan&e re+ease8
R I0 the IBM 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er is a3+e to start7 run the PM! &omman, 0rom the
)omino &onso+e8
te++ tra*e+er pmr XpmrHnum3erW
R I0 you are running an - en*ironment7 use the -s 0+ag to &o++e&t ,ata 0rom a++ ser*ers8
te++ tra*e+er -s \ pmr XpmrHnum3erW
R I0 the IBM 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er 5i++ not start7 run the PM! &omman, 0rom a &omman,
uti+ity 5in,o5 0rom the ,ire&tory X)omino ,ata rootW(tra*e+er(uti+8
R %or #in,o5s` operating systems@ tra*e+erIti+8&m, PM! XpmrHnum3erW8
R %or JinuC` operating systems =must 3e root userA@ 8(tra*e+erIti+ PM! XpmrHnum3erW8
R %or IBM i operating systems =YShe++A@ 8(tra*e+erIti+ PM! XpmrHnum3erW8
| 2013 IBM Corporation
.ata to gat$er in case o( Server startup or con(iguration:
R Qna3+e, the &onso+e G threa,I) +ogging7 i0 not ena3+e,8
set con(ig console6log6ena&led1+
set con(ig .e&ug6T$readI.1+
R !epro,u&e the pro3+em 3y e,iting the notes8ini 0i+e an, remo*ing $ra*e+er 0rom the Ser*er$asks +ist8 $hen restart
)omino an, issue the 0o++o5ing &omman,@
Doad Traveler *de&ug
R I0 the IBM 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er is a3+e to start7 run the PM! &omman, 0rom the )omino &onso+e@
tell traveler pmr Epmr6num&erF
R #here XpmrHnum3erW is a proper+y 0ormatte, PM! num3er8 $his 5i++ per0orm a system,ump o0 a++ +og 0i+es7
&o++e&t them in one :ippe, 0i+e7 an, automati&a++y up+oa, =%$PA the output 0rom the +og &o++e&t to QCu!ep un,er
the ,esignate, PM! num3er8
R I0 the IBM 'otes $ra*e+er ser*er 5i++ not start7 run the PM! &omman, 0rom a &omman, uti+ity 5in,o5 0rom the
,ire&tory X)omino ,ata rootW(tra*e+er(uti+8
R %or #in,o5s operating systems@ tra*e+erIti+8&m, PM! XpmrHnum3erW8
R %or JinuC operating systems =must 3e root userA@ 8(tra*e+erIti+ PM! XpmrHnum3erW8
R %or IBM i operating systems =YShe++A@ 8(tra*e+erIti+ PM! XpmrHnum3erW8
| 2013 IBM Corporation
.ata to gat$er in case o( Server %er(ormance:
R In&rease the +ogging 0or the system 3y running the 0o++o5ing &omman,@
tell traveler log level (ine
R Initiate a system,ump to &apture the &urrent state o0 the ma&hine@
tell traveler s8stemdump
R I0 you are running an - en*ironment7 use the -s 0+ag to generate a system ,ump on a++ ser*ers8
tell traveler *s G s8stemdump
R #ait at +east t5enty minutes7 then run the 0o++o5ing &omman,@
tell traveler pmr Epmr6num&erF
R I0 you are running an - en*ironment7 use the -s 0+ag to &o++e&t ,ata 0rom a++ ser*ers8
tell traveler *s G pmr Epmr6num&erF
| 2013 IBM Corporation 43
.ata to gat$er in case o( Hser Connectivit8 and S8nc$roniIation
R Iser &onne&ti*ity an, pass5or, pro3+ems@
R Iser syn&hroni:ation pro3+ems@
R )e*i&e Jogging@
R PM! &omman, ,etai+s@
| 2013 IBM Corporation 44
R $uning -$$P a&ti*e threa,s@
R ,ministering IBM 'otes $ra*e+er ?80@
R IBM 'otes $ra*e+er $ips an, $e&hni6ues 0or a Su&&ess0u+ )ep+oyment@
| 2013 IBM Corporation 4;
Juestions 0

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