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Frozen Dessert Recipes

Some of the recipes use these recipes:

Simple Syrup:
4 cups sugar
4 cups water
Place the water and sugar in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar is dissolved. Cool to room
temperature, then
refrigerate in a covered jar.
Maes a!out " #uart
Custard Ice Cream Base:
$his !ase will eep for % to 4 da&s in the refrigerator in a tightl&'covered jar.
(t is important that the jar !e well sealed or the !ase will pic up flavors from other foods. (f &ou
prefer to use tur!inado sugar, su!stitute it for the granulated in the recipe.
" cup whole mil
%)4 cup sugar
4 egg &ols
% cups heav& cream
*eat the cream, mil and sugar in a heav&'!ottomed saucepan, stirring occasionall& until the
sugar is dissolved and the mi+ture is hot. Place the egg &ols in a !owl and whis !riefl&. ,till
whising, slowl& pour in a!out " cup of the hot li#uid. -hen the mi+ture is smooth, slowl& pour it
into the li#uid in the saucepan, whising constantl&. Coo over medium heat, stirring constantl&,
until the mi+ture thicens slightl& and coats the !ac of a spoon, a!out . minutes. /e sure not let
the mi+ture !oil at an& time or will curdle. ,train into a clean !owl and use as directed in the
specific recipes. ,tir in the nuts.
Maes " #uart.
")4 cup !lanched almonds
0 cups mil
0)% cup heav& cream
% egg &ols
")0 cup sugar
Reduce the almonds to a powder. 1dd the mil and heav& cream, mi+ thoroughl& together. (n a
saucepan, heat the almond mi+ture and !ring it to a !oil. Remove from heat and reserve.
(n a !owl, mi+ the egg &ols and sugar until light and fluff&. 1dd the almond mi+ture and mi+ well
with wooden spoon. Return the mi+ture to the saucepan. ,tir over medium'low heat until the
custard thicens and coats the !ac of a spoon, do not !oil.
,train custard into a clean !owl and refrigerate until cold. Process custard in ice cream maer
according to manufacturer2s instruction. $ransfer to covered container and freeze until firm.
0 apples, cored, peeled, chopped
0 cups whipping cream
")0 teaspon cinnamon
" cup mil
% egg &ols
%)4 cup sugar
")4 chopped walnuts
,team apples until soft. Puree with ")4 cup of sugar, " cup of cream and cinnamon /eat egg
&ols. /eat ")0 cup of sugar. *eat mil and " cup of cream just short of !oiling. ,tir into egg &ols.
Mi+ mil)egg and apple mi+tures. Cool. Mi+ in machine. 1dd walnuts when ice cream nearl&
$wo "3'oz. cans apricots paced in heav& s&rup, drained, li#uid discarded
%)4 cup simple s&rup
0 ta!lespoons fresh lemon juice
" cup heav& cream
Pur4e the apricots in a food processor. 1dd the s&rup. lemon juice and cream.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart.
56ield7 a !it more than " pt8
" pt. half and half 5" cup mil 9 " cup cream8
")0 cup sugar
% &ols
")4 cup dar rum
0 ripe *aas avocadoes, pureed
juice and zest of one lime
First mae " pint creme anglaise7 *eat to a simmer " pt. half and half and ")0 cup sugar. (n a
!owl, whis % &ols.
Mi+ ")% of the hot li#uid with the &ols, whising. $his warms the &ols. :ow whis the &ol
mi+ture !ac into the hot li#uid ;FF $*< F=1M<. =et cool.
-hen cool, add flavoring7 ")4 cup dar rum 0 ripe *aas avocadoes, pureed juice and zest of one
lime. Freeze in an ice cream freezer according to the manufacturer>s instructions.
:otes7 '''''' 1s &ou can see, this recipe is constructed so that it is eas& to add an& flavoring to the
!asic custard.
-here it ass to add flavoring, tr&7 /alsamic vinegar7 1dd 0 ta!lespoons !alsamic vinegar. 5nutt&
and vanilla lie, !ut slightl& tangier. :o one will even guess8
Cognac7 1dd ")% cup cognac
Passionfruit7 1dd ")4 cup passionfruit puree.
BANANA $ersio% &
0 cups mil
0 cups heav& cream
0 eggs, !eaten
" ")4 cup sugar
")4 teaspoon salt
" cup pur4e !ananas
")0 teaspoon vanilla e+tract
"). teaspoon nutmeg
(n a saucepan, com!ine the mil, cream, eggs, sugar and salt. Coo and stir over low heat until
mi+ture thicens slightl& and coats the !ac of a spoon. Refrigerate the mi+ture until cool.
Com!ine the cooled custard with the !ananas, vanilla and nutmeg. Pour into freezer container.
Freeze according to manufacturer2s instructions.
BANANA $ersio% '
$he riper the !ananas, the more flavor.
4 ripe !ananas
%)4 cup simple s&rup
% ta!lespoons fresh lemon juice
" cup heav& cream
-oring #uicl& to eep the !ananas from darening, peel and place them in a food processor
with the lemon juice. pur4e until smooth. 6ou should have a!out 0 cups of pur4e. ,tir in the
simple s&rup, then the cream Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart.
% cups mil
% eggs
" cup sugar
" cup whipping cream
")0 cup peanut !utter
% ripe !ananas
" lemon, juice
/eat eggs in a !owl. /eat in sugar. *eat mil to almost !oiling. ,tir into eggs. 1dd cream. Cool.
,tir " cup of mil mi+ture into peanut !utter to mae peanut !utter more li#uid. Pour peanut !utter
mi+ture into mil mi+ture. Mi+ in machine. -hile mi+ing, mash !ananas. 1dd juice of lemon to
!ananas. -hen ice cream almost solid, add
!ananas and freeze until done.
" cup mil
0 eggs
")% cup sugar
0 !ananas, mashed
" cup cream
")0 cup walnut pieces
/eat eggs in a !owl. /eat in sugar. *eat mil to almost !oiling. ,tir into eggs. ,tir mil)egg
mi+ture into !ananas. Cool. 1dd cream. Mi+ in machine. 1dd walnuts shortl& !efore done.
BE""() BE""( S!"AWBE""(
$his is !est made with fresh straw!erries in season. ;f course, that means &ou can onl& enjo& for
a few wees in the late spring, then &ou have to wait a whole &ear. (t>s worth the wait.
$ae two pints of fresh, ripe straw!erries, and prepare them !& cleaning and topping them and
cutting them into medium sized pieces. $hen add in ")0 cup of sugar and the juice of ")0 lemon.
=et them sit in the refrigerator overnight and then when the ice cream mi+ 5see ;ld $ime
?anilla recipe8 has !een prepared and aged 5chilled in the refrigerator for four hours8, add the
juice from the straw!err& preparation to the mi+ along with "@ drops of red food coloring and place
the remaining straw!erries in the freezer compartment of &our refrigerator while &ou
freeze the mi+ according to the manufacturer2s directions. -hen the ice cream is almost frozen,
add in the straw!erries and finish freezing.
BLEBE""( $ersio% &
0 pints !lue!erries
" ")0 cups sugar
% ta!lespoons orange juice
4 cups light cream
" teaspoon vanilla e+tract
(n a %'#uart saucepan com!ines !lue!erries, sugar and orange juice. Mash !erries slightl& and
coo over medium heat, stirring occasionall&, until the mi+ture comes to a !oil. ,immer A minutes.
Remove from heat and puree in a food processor or !lender. Push mi+ture through a strainer with
the !ac of a wooden spoon. Cool the mi+ture. (n the chilled canister of ice'cream maer com!ine
!lue!err& mi+ture, cream and vanilla. Freeze according to manufacturer>s directions.
BLEBE""( $ersio% '
% cups !lue!erries
% cups ta!le cream
" ")4 cups sugar
/lend in !lender just !efore putting in machine.
,imple recipe, great ice cream. :ice te+ture, nice flavor 5not too sweet8.
" cup mil
" scant paced cup !rown sugar
4 egg &ols
% cups heav& cream
" cup pecan pieces
*eat the cream. mil and sugar in a heav&'!ottomed saucepan, stirring occasionall& until the
sugar is dissolved and the mi+ture is hot. place the egg &ols in a !owl and whis !riefl&. ,till
whising, slowl& pour in a!out " cup of the hot li#uid. -hen the mi+ture is !lended, slowl& pour it
into the li#uid in the saucepan, whising constantl&. Coo over heat, stirring constantl& until the
mi+ture thicens slightl& and coats the !ac of a spoon, a!out . minutes. /e sure not let the
mi+ture !oil at an& time or will curdle. strain into a clean !owl and cool thoroughl&. ,tir in the nuts.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes A cups.
56ields7 " Buart or CA@ ml8
" C 5"C@ g8 granulated sugar
" C 504@ ml8 *;$ water
4 eggs
")0 C 54@g8 powdered sugar
0 C 54A@ ml8 heav& cream
" tsp vanilla e+tract
*eat granulated sugar and ")4 C 53@ ml8 of the water in a large sillet on medium high heat until
the sugar melts and !oils, stirring occasionall&. /oil until mi+ture is a dar !rownD remove from
heat. Eraduall& stir in remaining %)4 C 5".@ ml8 water. 5( love this part, cause the s&rup !oils up
when the hot water is added8 Cool to room temperature and set aside. /eat eggs in a medium
!owl until thic and lemon coloredD graduall& !eat in powdered sugar. ,tir in cream and vanillaD stir
in the caramel mi+ture. Chill. Freeze in an ice cream machine according to manufacturer2s
0 cups light cream
" cup !rown sugar
0 ta!lespoons !utter
0 cups heav& cream
" teaspoon vanilla e+tract
")0 cup toasted chopped pecans
Com!ine the light cream, sugar, and !utter in a medium saucepan. Coo, stirring constantl& over
low heat until !u!!les form around the edges of the pan. =et the mi+ture cool and put it in $he ice
cream machine. ,tir in heav& cream and vanilla. Freeze as directed !& &our machine2s
manufacturer. 1dd pecan after ice cream !egins to harden.
A large egg &ols
")3 t. salt
. t. water
0)% cup 9 4 t. sugar
" ")0 cups mil
" ")0 cups heav& whipping cream
Place the egg &ols in a large mi+ing !owl. 1dd the salt and whis until smooth. ,et aside.
Com!ine the sugar and water in a heav&'!ottomed saucepan large enough to eventuall& hold the
mil and cream. Dissolve the sugar in the water over low heat. $his ma& tae a while. 1n
alternative is to use the microwave, and then transfer the sugar solution to a saucepan. (ncrease
to high heat and coo the s&rup until it is golden am!er colored. -hile the sugar is carmelizing,
scald the mil and cream. 1s soon as the caramel is a golden'am!er color, slowl& add the mil
and cream, 0 $. at a time. /e ver& careful, as the mi+ture will !u!!le up. -his the caramel
cream into the eggs. ,train and refrigerate until cold. Freeze according to ice cream machine
" cup sugar
" cup !oiling water
4 cups heav& cream
")0 cup sugar
3 egg &ols, lightl& !eaten
pinch of salt
" tsp. vanilla
toasted almonds
(n heav& pan, heat " cup sugar until it melts and !ecomes golden in color. C1R<FF==6 add
!oiling water to s&rup5partiall& cover pan while doing this so the caramel doesn>t splash on &ou.8
,tir until dissolved. /ring to !oil and coo until thic5C'"@ min.8 ,et aside. (n another pan scald
cream. 1dd sugar and mi+ well. Pour cream slowl& over egg &ols, stirring constantl&. Return to
saucepan and coo over medium heat, stirring constantl&, until thicened. 1dd salt, vanilla, and
%)4 cups of the caramel s&rup5saving the rest.8 Mi+ well. Freeze in ice cream maer according to
instructions. ,erve topped with remaining caramel s&rup and toasted almonds.
%)4 cup dried cherries
")0 cup rum
0 ")0 cups light cream
")0 cup sugar
4 egg &ols
")4 teaspoon vanilla
Place the cherries in a !owl and cover with rum. 1llow to soa for several hours or overnight.
*eat the light cream and sugar together until the sugar is dissolved and !u!!les !egin to form
around edge of the pot. -his &ols until cream&. 1dd ")0 cup of the warm cream to the egg
&ols. Pour the warmed &ols !ac into the half'and'half and continue to coo, stirring, until the
custard mi+ture coats the !ac of a spoon. Do not !oil the mi+ture or it will curdle. ,tir in the
vanilla, allow to cool completel&, then chill. Pour into the ice'cream maer and freeze according to
manufacturer>s directions. Drain the cherries. -hen the mi+ture !egins to thicen as it freezes,
add the cherries and freeze until ice cream is the proper consistenc&.
C+E""( BE""(
0 <nv unflavored gelatin
" ")0 c ,ugar
")0 c -ater
"@ oz Frozen sliced straw!erries
0 c Dar sweet cherries
4 c =ight cream or half G half
0 c -hipping cream
0 ts ?anilla
(n a small saucepan com!ine unflavored gelatin and sugar. 1dd water and straw!erries. Coo
over medium heat, stirring constantl&, until mi+ture just comes to a !oil. Remove from heat and
cool to room temperature. Meanwhile, chop cherries. (n a % #uart or larger ice cream freezer
com!ine half and half, whipping cream, vanilla, straw!err& mi+ture and cherries. Freeze according
to manufacturer>s direction or place in freezer containers and freeze at least 4 hours. Maes a!out
% #uarts.
C+OCOLA!E $ersio% &
4 egg &ols, lightl& !eaten
" cup sugar
0 cups ta!le cream 5".H mil fat8
" ")0 cups mil
")0 cup cocoa powder 5sifted8
0 tsp pure vanilla e+tract
/eat egg &ols lightl&. /eat in sugar. *eat the cream)mil on the stove. 1s it>s heating, !eat in
cocoa powder. *eat cream)mil)cocoa mi+ until steaming. ,tir into egg)sugar mi+. 1dd vanilla
e+tract. Cool. Freeze in ice cream maer.
( use Dutch processed cocoa 5instead of 1merican processed8, !ut (>m not sure how much
difference it maes. (>ve tried using a higher mil fat content, !ut then the mi+ taes on the
consistenc& of pudding when cooled, and doesn>t freeze hard enough in ice cream maer.
C+OCOLA!E $ersio% '
4 oz unsweetened chocolate 5( used Ehirardelli8
" ")4 cup mil
0 eggs, lightl& !eaten
" cup sugar
" cup cream
" pinch salt
" tsp pure vanilla e+tract
")0 cup mil
Melt chocolate over low heat while heating mil over low heat. Eraduall& stir mil into melted
chocolate. (f &ou don>t stir mil in graduall&, chocolate will clump and &ou will have difficult&
!reaing it down. (f &ou stir mil in graduall&, chocolate will clump, !ut &ou>ll !e a!le to !rea it
down when &ou add a little more mil. *eat while stirring until smooth. Mi+ture will !ecome thic.
/eat sugar into eggs. ,tir in hot chocolate)mil mi+ture into eggs. 1dd cream, salt, vanilla, and
e+tra ")0 cup mil. Cool. Freeze in ice cream maer.
C+OCOLA!E $ersio% ,
% eggs
")0 cup sugar
. oz !ittersweet chocolate
" cup mil
0 cups ta!le cream 5".H mil fat8
" ta!lespoon cocoa powder
" ta!lespoon vanilla e+tract
/eat eggs lightl&. /eat sugar into eggs. *eat chocolate, mil, and " cup of cream together in a
sauce pan. ,tir occasionall& until chocolate starts to melt. -hen chocolate partiall& melted, stir in
cocoa powder. -hen hot 5and chocolate full& melted and cocoa dissolved8 !ut not !oiling, remove
from stove and stir in to eggs. 1dd second cup of cream and vanilla. Cool. and mae in ice cream
Chocolate (ce Cream mi+ 5see recipe8
%)4 cup toasted almonds
Mae a !atch of chocolate ice cream 5see recipe8. -hen nearl& frozen, add the toasted
:ote7 6ou will o!tain !etter results if &ou toast &our own almonds. /u& !lanched almonds, toast in
the oven at 0A@ for 0'4 minutes 5watch them carefull& so the& don>t !urn8. 6ou ma& want to chop
the almonds !efore toasting if &ou prefer smaller pieces.
0 oz !ittersweet chocolate
A $!l cocoa powder
0 cup mil
% eggs, lightl& !eaten
" cup sugar
" cup cream
".A tsp pure vanilla e+tract
%)4 cup almond !utter
Melt chocolate over low heat.
Eraduall& stir in cocoa powder and mil while continuing to heat. 6ou want the consistenc& to !e
thic !ut not solid as &ou add the mil and cocoa powder. /eat sugar into eggs. ,tir hot
chocolate)mil mi+ture into eggs. 1dd cream and vanilla e+tract. Cool. Iust !efore adding to ice
cream maer, stir a cup of ice cream mi+ture into almond !utter. ;nce mi+ed, stir into rest of ice
cream mi+ture. Freeze in ice cream maer according to manufacturer>s instructions.
% eggs
" cup sugar
0 oz !ittersweet chocolate
0 cups ta!le cream 5".H milfat8
" ")0 cups mil
3 ta!lespoons cocoa powder
" ta!lespoon vanilla e+tract
% over'ripe !ananas
Iuice of " lemon
/eat eggs lightl&
/eat sugar in to eggs
Melt chocolate in mil and cream
-hen chocolate partiall& melted, stir in cocoa powder.
Continue stirring chocolate)cream mi+ture until hot !ut not #uite !oiling
,tir hot chocolate)cream mi+ture in to eggs.
,tir in vanilla e+tract.
-hen read& to mae, mash !ananas and lemon juice together
Mae chocolate mi+ture in ice cream maer.
Iust !efore read&, add !anana mi+ture.
:ote7 Fse good #ualit&, Jver&J ripe !ananas. ;therwise &our ice cream will have a strange flavor.
0 c Mil
" %)4 c ,ugar
")0 ts ,alt
0 c *alf G *alf
" t! ?anilla <+tract
4 c -hipping Cream
Pills!ur& Chocolate Chip ' Cooie Dough 5large size8 ' ;R homemade cooie dough
$ae the chocolate cooie dough out of fridge and leave out till needed. ,cald mil until !u!!les
form around edge. Remove from heat. 1dd sugar and salt. ,tir until dissolved. ,tir in half and half,
vanilla, and whipping cream. Cover and refrigerate %@ minutes. Freeze as directed !& &our ice
cream machine>s instructions. ;nce ice cream has !een through the entire ice cream machine
process and is now a chilled soft ice cream, add the chocolate chip cooie dough. Iust !rea up
the dough as !est &ou can with &our hands and drop it in small clusters into the soft ice cream.
$r& to mi+ it around to ensure that the cooie dough is evenl& distri!uted throughout the ice
cream. Put the ice cream in the freezer for several hours until hardened.
0 C heav& cream, whipped stiff
")4 tsp salt
%)4 C chocolate s&rup 5ie :estles8
" whole fresh egg, slightl& !eaten
" serving of instant coffee powder, &our choice of international flavor 5mocha, vienna, etc8
1dd the salt and egg to the whipped cream. /eat until well !lended. 1dd, folding gentl&, !ut
thoroughl&, the chocolate s&rup and instant coffee. Freeze as is for % hours.
(f &ou lie little chew& !its of dar chocolate in &our ice cream then this chocolate chip is just the
thing for &ou. $his is prepared just lie the Dou!le Chocolate 5see recipe8, e+cept when the
chocolate is dissolved in the dou!le !oiler, pour the thic chocolate sauce directl& into the
prepared ice cream mi+. $he chocolate will KshatterK into thousands of chocolate !its and a few
large clumps. (mmediatel& !eat on low speed mi+er until all the large clumps are !roen up into
tin& chocolate flaes. 1llow to cool completel&, chilling in the refrigerator for a!out four hours 5this
KagesK the mi+8, and freeze in &our ice cream freezer.
C+OCOLA!E /"O0EN (O*"!
%)4 cup sugar
0 teaspoons cornstarch
"0 ounces evaporated lowfat mil
" teaspoon vanilla
" cup plain &ogurt
0 ounces semisweet chocolate chips
(n medium saucepan, com!ine the sugar and cornstarch. ,tir in mil. Coo and stir over
moderate heat until thicened and !u!!l&. Remove from heatD let the mi+ture in the refrigerator.
1dd the vanilla and &ogurt. Refrigerate until the mi+ture is cold. Melt the chocolate. -hile the
chocolate is hot, pour it ver& slowl& into the chilled &ogurt mi+ture while stirring gentl&. Freeze in a
ice'cream maer according to manufacturer>s directions.
3 egg &ols
")0 cup of sugar
" cup ta!le cream
" cup mil
4 oz semi'sweet chocolate
" cup whipping cream
" pinch of salt
" tsp vanilla
" A oz can Macadamia nuts
/eat eggs &ols in !owlD !eat in sugar. *eat ta!le cream and mil in a pan over medium heat.
Melt chocolate over low heat. -hen mil is hot, mi+ a small amount into chocolate and stir until
!lended. Repeat with small amounts of mil until all mil is added. 1dd hot mil)chocolate mi+ to
eggs, stirring as &ou add. Cool, add whipping cream, vanilla and salt. Chop Macadamia nuts.
Freeze in ice cream maer. -hen almost frozen, add nuts.
5Maes " Eallon8
" c. sugar
3 eggs
" $!sp. flour
" can *ershe&>s chocolate s&rup
0 c. miniature marshmallows
" large can evaporated mil
" can <agle /rand mil
Eraduall& add sugar to eggs, !eating thoroughl&. 1dd flour, evaporated mil, <agle /rand mil,
chocolate s&rup and marshmallows. -hip thoroughl& together. Put all this in dou!le !oiler and
coo until it coats the spoon. Cool. Pour in freezer can and finish filling the freezer can with whole
milD freeze.
" ")4 cup heav& cream
" cup mil
")% cup sugar
" cup mint chocolate chips
0 egg &ols
"). teaspoon salt
Com!ine " ")4 cups heav& cream, the mil, sugar and the mint chocolate chips in a saucepan.
Coo over low heat, stirring with a wire whis, until the chips are melted and mi+ture is smooth.
Remove from heat. (n a medium !owl, !eat the egg &ols and the salt until thic. Eraduall& add
the chocolate mi+ture. /eat until well !lended and chill %@ minutes. Pour the chilled chocolate)egg
mi+ture into an electric ice cream freezerD churn until thic. Cover and store in freeze until read& to
% oz !ittersweet chocolate
3 $!l cocoa powder
0 ")0 cup mil
% eggs, lightl& !eaten
" cup sugar
" whipping cup cream
".A tsp pure vanilla e+tract
%)4 cup peanut !utter
Melt chocolate over low heat. Eraduall& stir in cocoa powder and mil while continuing to heat.
6ou want the consistenc& to !e thic !ut not solid as &ou add the mil and cocoa powder. /eat
sugar into eggs. ,tir hot chocolate)mil mi+ture into eggs. 1dd cream and vanilla e+tract. Cool.
Iust !efore adding to ice cream maer, stir a cup of ice cream mi+ture into peanut !utter. ;nce
mi+ed, stir into rest of ice cream mi+ture. Freeze in ice cream maer according to manufacturer>s
instructions. Fse fresh ground peanut !utter if possi!le 5ie, it should !e "@@H peanuts8.
:ice !its of rich chocolate and cream& peanut !utter are scattered through this rich flavored ice
For this great recipe use ;ld $ime ?anilla 5see recipe8 ice cream and when almost frozen stir
in ")4 cup ,emi',weet Chocolate mini'chips and ")4 cup peanut !utter chips.
Chocolate (ce Cream mi+ 5reduce to " tsp vanilla e+tract8
" cup rasp!erries
Mash rasp!erries together with ")4 cup sugar. Iust !efore adding to ice cream maer, stir juice
from !erries into mi+. Freeze in ice cream maer according to manufacturer>s instructions. Iust
!efore frozen, add !erries. :ote7 Fresh rasp!erries produce !etter ice cream, !ut frozen
rasp!erries will still mae an e+cellent treat 5!ut don>t use rasp!erries frozen in s&rup8.
CINNAMON $ersio% &
% cups heav& cream
" ")0 cups whole mil
0 vanilla !eans, split lengthwise
" cup plus 0 ta!lespoons sugar
3 egg &ols
0 ")0 teaspoon cinnamon
Com!ine cream and mil in a large sauce pan. ,crape in seeds from vanilla !eansD add !eans.
/ring just to simmer. -his sugar and &ols in large !owl to !lend. Eraduall& whis in hot cream
mi+ture. Return mi+ture to same saucepan. ,tir over medium'low heat until custard thicens and
leaves path on !ac of spoon when finger is drawn across, a!out 3 min. 5do not !oil8. ,train into
large !owl. -his in ground cinnamon. Chill until cold, a!out % hours. $ransfer custard to ice
cream maer and process according to manufacturer>s instructions. $ransfer ice cream to
a covered container and freeze until firm. 5Can !e made % da&s ahead. Meep frozen8.
CINNAMON $ersio% '
")4 cup non'instant sim mil powder
0)% cup sugar
0 cups ta!le cream
" cup mil
0 egg &ols
" ta!lespoon cinnamon
Mi+ sim mil powder and ")% cup of sugar in a large !owl. ,lowl& !eat in creamD &ou want to
dissolve the solids in the cream, !ut just !arel&. 1void clumping. /eat until smooth, and then !eat
in mil. =ightl& !eat eggs &olsD !eat in remaining sugar. *eat cream)mil)sugar mi+ture to almost
!oiling. Pour hot cream)etc mi+ onto egg &ols while constantl& stirring. Cool, and put in ice cream
machine. ,hortl& !efore ice cream is read& 5it should have thicened8, add cinnamon.
CINNAMON $ersio% ,
$r& this with hot apple pie
" recipe Custard (ce Cream /ase
")0 teaspoons ground cinnamon or 0 cinnamon stics
Put a!out 0 cups of the Custard (ce Cream /ase with the cinnamon in a saucepan. Coo over low
heat, stirring constantl&, A to "@ min, or until the mi+ture is warm and suffused with cinnamon
flavor. Cool thoroughl&. Remove cinnamon stics, if used. Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the
machine and freeze. Maes a!out " #uart.
$his is a favorite for the fall and winter holida&s. Cinnamons and pecans in a rich vanilla.
Prepare a !atch of Fltimate /utter Pecan 5see recipe8 (ce Cream, !ut use an additional ")4
cup of !rown sugar, and add 0 ta!lespoons of ground cinnamon to the !ase mi+.
% ")0 dl mil 5ma& !e lowfat8
0 ")0 dl cream
0 ")0 dl sweetened coconut s&rup
" t!sp fresh or dried grated coconut 5optional8 ,tir ever&thing together and pour in the ice cream
maer. Freeze in the machine until stiff. $he #uantities are right for the popular (talian Cadd& ice
cream maer which maes a!out " pint.
CO//EE $ersio% &
" can sweetened condensed mil
" C ver& strong coffee li#uid
"). tsp salt
" tsp vanilla
" C heav& cream, whipped stiff
" egg white, stiffl& !eaten
Mi+ the ingredients together in the order listed a!ove and stir well. Freeze in a refrigerator tra&
until mush& or a!out " short hour. ,crape !ottom and sides, and !eat mi+ture until smooth.
Return to refrigerator and freeze until firm, a!out % hours.
Comments7 ''''''''' ( have mi+ed the ingredients together and just left it in a wide tupperware
dish in the freezer until frozen, without the e+tra !eating and it was just fine. $his ice cream is one
of m& favorites. (t has a smooth te+ture and &ou can var& the intensit& of the flavor !& how strong
&ou mae the coffee. Personall&, ( lie it strong and will mae the coffee !& mi+ing " cup of a good
#ualit&, freshl& ground coffee with " cup of hot water and letting it steep for a few minutes. $hen (
strain out the coffee grounds with cheese cloth or a coffee filter.
CO//EE $ersio% '
" cup mil
")4 cup ground coffee
" cup sugar
% large eggs, !eaten
"). tsp. salt
" $!s. vanilla e+tract
% cups half and half
*eat mil in a heav& saucepan over medium high heat. -hen !u!!les form around the edges of
pan, remove from heat. ,tir in coffee and half the sugar. (n a slow and stead& stream, whis hot
mi+ture into !owl with !eaten eggs, whising constantl&. Return to saucepan. 1dd remaining
sugar and salt. ,tir constantl& over medium high heat %'4 minutes until mi+ture is thicened. ,tir
in vanilla and " cup half and half and chill in refrigerator. ,train through a ver& fine sieve or
cheesecloth. 1dd remaining half and half and freeze in an ice cream maer 0@'%@ minutes until
CO//EE $ersio% ,
" recipe Custard (ce Cream /ase
")4 cup instant coffee granules, prefera!le espresso
Mi+ a!out " cup of the Custard (ce Cream /ase together with the coffee. ,tir over low heat until
the coffee is dissolved. Mi+ with the remaining !ase. Cool thoroughl&. Pour the mi+ture into the
!owl of the machine and freeze. Maes a!out " #uart.
0 cups mil
" %)4 cup sugar
")0 teaspoon salt
" ta!lespoon vanilla
4 cups heav& cream
" cup chocolate chip cooie dough
0 cups light cream
,cald mil until !u!!les form around edge. Remove from heat. 1dd the sugar and salt. ,tir until
dissolved. ,tir in light cream, vanilla, and the heav& cream. Cover and refrigerate for at least %@
minutes. Freeze as directed !& &our ice cream machine>s instructions. ;nce ice cream has !een
through the entire ice cream machine process and is now a chilled soft ice cream, add the
chocolate chip cooie dough. Iust !rea up the dough as !est &ou can with &our hands and drop
it in small clusters into the soft ice cream. $r& to mi+ it around to ensure that the cooie dough is
evenl& distri!uted throughout the ice cream. Put the ice cream in the freezer for several hours
until hardened.
(t comes on ind of slow, lie an& good cr&.
First slice open " to % ripe ca&enne peppers 5depending on how close the fire department is8 and
remove the placenta and seeds, then chop fine. $hen add them to a !atch of the ;ld $ime ?anilla
(ce Cream mi+. /e sure to let this mi+ age in the refrigerator for at least four hours !efore
4 ounces unsweetened chocolate
" cup mil
0 eggs
" cup sugar
" cup heav& cream
" teaspoon vanilla e+tract
" pinch salt
Melt chocolate in dou!le !oiler over hot 5not !oiling8 water. Eraduall& whis in mil, stir until
smooth. Remove from heat and let it cool. -his eggs in a mi+ing !owl until light and fluff&.
Eraduall& whis in sugar, then continue whising " minute, until completel& !lended. 1dd the
cream, vanilla, and saltD whis. 1dd the chocolate mi+tureD !lend well. Cover, chill, and freeze
according to ice cream maer>s directions.
DA"- /D*E
3 oz Fnsweetened chocolate
0 t! /utter
0 c ,ugar
")% c =ight corn s&rup
0 c *alf and half
4 <ggs
0 ts ?anilla e+tract
0 c -hipping cream
(n a large, heav& saucepan, melt chocolate and !utter over low heat, stirring often. ,tir in sugar,
corn s&rup and 0)% cup of the half and half. ,tir over medium'low heat until mi+ture comes to a
!oil. ,immer 4 minutes without stirringD set aside. (n a small !owl, !eat eggs until !lended. ,tir in
")0 cup of hot chocolate mi+ture. ,tir egg mi+ture into remaining chocolate mi+ture. Coo and stir
over medium heat until slightl& thicened, a!out " minute. Cool to luewarm. ,tir in vanilla,
whipping cream and the rest of the half and half. Freeze in ice'cream maer according to
manufacturer>s directions. 6ield7 " ")0 #uarts.
. oz Pet =ite Mil
4 p ,ugar ,u!stitute
" ts ?anilla
1DD ;:< ;F $*< F;==;-(:E
0 ea Peach, peeled and diced
" ea /anana, mashed
4 sl Pineapple with juice
. oz ;range Iuice
0 c ,traw!erries, crushed
Directions7 Mi+ all together and put in freezer of refrigerator until hardened. Remove ' !rea up '
put in !lender and whip until cream&. ,erve. Can also !e made in one of the small electric
machines, or one of those that goes in freezer. Calories7 NA cal. <+changes7 ")0 Mil and ")0 Fruit
$his was designed for our e+pectant mothers. ,ort of com!ines the whole shootin> match in one
dish. People alwa&s want to now, is it dill or sweetO -ell, it>s !oth, and it>s much !etter than &ou>d
thin. For this unusual !ut ver& tast& ice cream, use the ice cream !ase for the ;ld $ime ?anilla
(ce Cream. $hen add 0 teaspoons of dill weed and freeze according to the manufacturer2s
directions. -hen the ice cream is nearl& frozen, add in %)4 cup of chopped sweet picles.
$his is a dou!le chocolate ice cream guaranteed to get &our endorphins flowing. (t>s made from
!oth Dutch process cocoa and /aer>s chocolate li#ueur. Prepare the mi+ as for the ;ld $ime
?anilla 5see recipe8 ice cream, !ut instead of the !rown sugar, use P cup of white granulated
sugar. ,et the mi+ near!& after it is prepared. $hen in a dou!le !oiler with the water hot !ut not
!oiling, melt 0 ounces of good #ualit& !aer2s unsweetened chocolate. -hen completel& melted,
add " ta!lespoon of Dutch chocolate cocoa powder. $his chocolate sauce will thicen
immediatel&, so #uicl& add some of the !ase mi+, ")4 cup at a time stirring constantl&. $he
chocolate sauce will now thicen into a massive thic !all of chocolate. Meep adding !ase mi+ up
to a cup and eep stirring until &ou have a smooth thic chocolate sauce. -hen it has cooled
slightl&, add to the !ase mi+ and stir vigorousl&. :ot all the chocolate will dissolveD &ou2ll still have
thousands of ver& tin& chocolate !its in the mi+, which is as it should !e, !ut &ou>ll pr!a!l& need to
strain out a num!er of the larger chuns, perhaps several ta!lespoonfuls, !ut that>s o, that>s how
&ou now &ou have a supersaturated suspension of chocolateL =et the mi+ chill in the refrigerator
for four hours 5allowing it to age8 and then freeze according to the directions with &our ice cream
A <ggs
Pinch of ,alt
0 c ,ugar
0 p (nstant vanilla pudding mi+
" cn <vaporated mil
0 Bt. Mil
/eat eggs well. add salt. !lend in sugar and pudding mi+. add mils. stir well. Pour in container,
5plastic wors !est8, store in freezer at least over night.
3 eggs, separated
"@ ta!lespoons sugar
pinch of salt
")4 cup !rand&
")4 cup rum
0 ta!lespoons dr& sherr&
" cup mil
0 cup heav& cream
")4 teaspoon nutmeg, freshl& grated
Coo the egg &ols, sugar, salt, !rand&, rum and sherr& in a dou!le !oiler until ver& light and
thicened. Remove from heat, add the mil and creamD cool. /eat the egg whites until stiff, fold
them in the cream mi+ture. Pour into a ice cream machine and process according to
manufacturer>s directions. ,prinle with nutmeg !efore serving.
$his is an e+tremel& rich custard ice cream in the !est French tradition and flavored with real
vanilla !eans. (n a large mi+ing !owl, whis three eggs, add " can <agle /rand sweetened
condensed mil, ")4 cup !rown sugar, " pint whipping cream, " pint *alf and *alf, and "). tsp
salt. Mi+ thoroughl& and transfer to large saucepan. $ae one long vanilla !ean, split lengthwise
and chop into ")4K lengths, then add them to the saucepan. *eat the mi+ while stirring constantl&
to a low simmer and continue to simmer for a!out "A minutes. ,train into a large !owl, straining
out the larger pieces of vanilla !ean. 1llow to cool and age in the refrigerator for a!out four hours
and then freeze in an ice cream freezer according to the manufacturer>s directions.;oh'la'laL
/"ES+ /"I!
4 c. mil
4 eggs, !eaten
0 c. sugar
")0 t. salt
0 c. heav& cream
0 $. vanilla
,liced Peaches or ,traw!erries
Prepare sliced peaches or straw!erries and sprinle with sugar and allow to set until the mae
juice. Fse enough fruit to mae a!out " #t. of fruit puree. Put fruit and juice into !lender and
coarsel& puree. 6ou should have a!out " !lender full or a!out " #t. 1dd fruit puree to the custard
mi+ture which has !een cooled or chilled overnight in the refrigerator. 5( alwa&s mae the custard
the da& !efore and put in refrigerator. ( prepare the fruit and let it sit overnight in the refrigerator as
well.8 $his recipe assumes &ou have a " gallon freezer. $he freezer can should never !e filled
more that %)4 full !ecause the ice cream e+pands as it freezes and it will overflow if the can is too
full. 6ou can also mae rasp!err& ice cream !ut don>t use as man& rasp!erries 5pro!a!l& 0 cups
of puree is enough8 as the& have a much more intense flavor. 1ctuall& &ou can add just a!out an&
fruit &ou would lie to tr& !ut these are all the ones ( have tried.
0 c Ripe peachesD finel& chopped
" ")4 c ,ugar
")0 Iuice of lemon
0 lg <ggs
0 c *eav& or whipping cream
" c Mil
:ote7 ,mall peaches !ecause have more flavor and less water than the larger ones. Com!ine the
peaches, P cup of the sugar, and the lemon juice in a !owl. Cover and refrigerate for 0 hours,
stirring the mi+ture ever& %@ minutes. Remove the peaches from the refrigerator and drain the
juice into another !owl. Return the peaches to the refrigerator. -his the eggs in a mi+ing !owl
until light and fluff&, "'0 minutes. -his in the remaining %)4 cup sugar, a little at a time, then
continue whising until completel& !lended, a!out " minute more. Pour in the cream and mil and
whis to !lend. 1dd the peach juice and !lend. $ransfer the mi+ture to an ice cream maer and
freeze following manufacturer>s instructions. 1fter the ice cream stiffens 5a!out 0 minutes !efore if
is done8 add the peaches, then continue freezing until the ice cream is read&. Maes " generous
0 ")0 t Fnflavored gelatin
"). t ,alt
")0 c ,ugar
" ")4 c Frozen fruit and)or !err& 'juice concentrate, thawed
"@ ea 5oz8 soft tofu or silen 'tofu, drained
")4 c ,afflower oil
% $ Fresh lemon juice
")0 t ?anilla e+tract
,prinle gelatin over %)4 cup water 5in saucepan8 and allow to sit % minutes. Coo over ver& low
heat until gelatin is dissolved. Mi+ in salt and sugar and coo, stirring to dissolve sugar. Remove
from heat. (n !lender, or processor, com!ine juice, tofu, oil, lemon juice, vanilla, %)4 cup water and
process until ver& smooth. 1dd gelatin mi+ture. Freeze in ice cream machine, according to
manufacturers, instructions,
Maes " #uart.
" ")4 cups mil
" cup heav& cream
")% cup sugar
% egg &ols
" $!sp. finel& chopped cr&stallized ginger5( love this so ( use more8
")0 cup water
")% cup sugar
0 $!sp. grated, peeled, fresh ginger root
$o mae ,&rup7
(n pan, simmer water, sugar, and fresh ginger %'4 min., stirring occasionall&. ,et aside to cool A
$o mae (ce Cream7
(n another pan, scald mil and cream 5don>t !oil8. Remove from heat and stir in remaining sugar
and the s&rup. ,et aside "A min. to let flavors !lend. $hen strain ginger solids from mil mi+ture.
-his in the egg &ols and cr&stallized ginger. Return to heat5use either dou!le !oiler or heat
diffuser.8 *eat gentl&, stirring constantl&, until it !ecomes a thin custard. Don>t allow it to simmer or
!oil. Cool mi+ture and freeze according to instructions.
Erape flavored sher!et. $his one is the coldest, most refreshing treat (>ve ever found for a hot
summer da&.
-his " eggJ in a !owl and add " can sweetened condensed mil. -hen thoroughl& mi+ed, add
")0 cup heav& whipping cream. $ae a 0 litre !ottle of grape soda and shae it carefull& until all
the KfizzK is gone and add it to the mi+. Chill completel& in the refrigerator !efore freezing, then
freeze in &our ice cream freezer. J(f &ou are concerned a!out the possi!ilit& of ,almonella from
uncooed eggs, su!stitute an e#uivalent amount of <gg /eaters.
" Cup Erapefruit juice
" Cup ,ugar
" Cup -hipping Cream
")0 Cup -hole Mil
Mi+ ingredients just !efore putting in machine. ?er& nice te+ture. ,trong grapefruit flavor.
,urprisingl& good. <ven those who grimaced on !eing told the flavor of the da& had seconds.
:ote7 Fresh s#ueezed grapefruit juice is far !etter than !ottled. 1lso, use pin or red grapefruit.
,tart on *alloween and mae it right through $hansgiving. :o one will eat pumpin pie again
after tr&ing this holida& treat.
For this recipe, prepare a !atch of the Fltimate /utter Pecan ice cream mi+, !ut omit the pecans.
$hen tae an additional 0 eggsJ and lightl& !eat them in a separate !owl, and add an additional
")0 cup sugar. 1dd one cup of the prepared /utter Pecan ice cream mi+, and when !lended
thoroughl&, add one "A oz. can of pumpin, and 0 t!sp cinnamon. 1dd this to the /utter Pecan
mi+ and freeze in &our ice cream freezer. J(f &ou are concerned a!out the possi!ilit& of ,almonella
from uncooed eggs, su!stitute an e#uivalent amount of <gg /eaters.
" #uart mil
")0 ounce powdered Iapanese Ereen tea
"A egg &ols
" pound sugar
" cup heav& cream
" cup half and half
/ring mil to a !oil. Remove from heat and add green tea. Mi+ well. (n a separate !owl, !eat egg
&ols and sugar together until the& form a ri!!on. Com!ine egg mi+ture and mil, then strain into
a saucepan. Coo over mediumhigh heat until just !efore the mi+ture reaches a !oil. Remove
from heat and cool completel& over ice water. /eat heav& cream and half and half over ice water
until froth&. Pour into egg mi+ture and mi+ well. Process in ice cream maer according to
manufacturer>s instructions. Freeze 0'% hours !efore serving.
Recommend serving with the following rasp!err& sauce7
Rasp!err& ,auce7
" ")0 pints rasp!erries
" cup sugar
" cup water
Place all in a saucepan, !oil for "A minutes, stirring occasionall&. Puree in a food processor, strain
and cool in refrigerator !efore using.
" cup water
0 ta!lespoons cornstarch
")0 cup sweetened condensed mil
" ")0 cups evaporated mil
")4 teaspoon salt
")0 cup sugar
")0 cup Euinness stout
(n a heav& saucepan whis together the water and the cornstarch and simmer the mi+ture over
moderate heat, whising, for 0 minutes. 1dd the mils, the salt, and the sugar, heat the mi+ture
over moderatel& low heat, whising, for " to 0 minutes, or until the sugar is dissolved, and remove
the pan from the heat. =et the mi+ture cool completel&, stir in the Euinness, and freeze the
mi+ture in an ice'cream freezer according to the manufacturer>s instructions.
" cup hazelnuts
4 cups light cream
%)4 cup sugar
% egg &ols
" ")0 teaspoons vanilla e+tract
Preheat the oven to %A@ F. Place the hazelnuts on a cooie sheet and !ae for "A minutes. Cover
and let stand for "A minutes. -rap the hazelnuts in a itchen towel and ru! to loosen the sins.
Cool completel&. Finel& grind the hazelnuts in a food processor and set aside. ,cald the cream in
a saucepan. -his the egg &ols and sugar in a !owl. Eraduall& whis in the hot cream. Return
mi+ture to the saucepan and stir over medium heat until custard thicens and leave a path on the
!ac of the spoon when &ou draw &our finger across. Do not let the mi+ture !oil. Remove from
heat stir in the vanilla. ,train mi+ture in a large !owl, cover and refrigerate. $ransfer the mi+ture to
the ice cream machine, add the nuts and process according to manufacturer2s instructions.
+OMEMADE #ANILLA $ersio% &
" cup granulated sugar
" cup Maro light corn s&rup
4 eggs
" ")0 to 0 #uarts *alf'n'*alf
Mi+ the sugar and Maro s&rup with an electric or hand rotar& !eater. 1dd one egg at a time, mi+ing
completel& after each one. 1dd " #uart of *alf'n'*alf and mi+ thoroughl&.
;ptional7 1t this point &ou can add fresh fruit or chocolate if &ou lie flavored ice cream. Pour into
the metal can from the ice cream maer, also put in the paddle thing. 1dd enough of the 0nd
#uart of *alf'n'*alf to the fill line mar. Put the can into the outside !ucet, pac chuns of ice
and roc salt 5do in la&ers of a!out 0K inches of ice then 0'% handfuls of salt8. $urn on the ice
cream maer and let it go until done. 1fter it is done, remove the paddle and scrap off the ice
cream, put the lid !ac on and pac more ice and salt up over the top and let it sit for 0'% hours
+OMEMADE #ANILLA $ersio% '
" $ cornstarch
3 C mil
"9")0 C sugar
4 eggs
")0 t salt
4 C whipping cream
" $ pure vanilla e+tract
Mi+ cornstarch to a thin, smooth paste with a little of the mil. Com!ine with 4 C of the mil and all
the sugar, and coo in top of dou!le !oiler over !oiling water, with occasional stirring, for 0@
minutes. Remove from heat. /eat eggs until light coloredD graduall& stir into the hot mi+ture and
return to heat. Coo 0 minutes longer, stirring constantl&. Cool, pour through a strainer into &our
ice'cream'maer>s canister, and add the remaining ingredients, stirring well. Q(f &ou want to throw
in crushed fruit or other e+tras, now>s the time.R ;nce the lid>s on the canister, follow &our usual
ice'roc salt'craning routine. Maes S 4 #uarts.
:otes7 ( usuall& pour the final 0 C mil, salt, whipping cream, and vanilla e+tract into the canister
and have it sitting in the >fridge while ( coo the rest of the mi+ture. ;nce ever&thing>s cooed and
in the canister, &ou don>t have to cran it right awa&, so the cooing part can !e done wa& ahead
of time. -ith our hand'craned maer Qcraning until it>s e+tremel& hard to turn the cranR, the
stuff emerges at a eas&'to'slide'down'&our'throat consistenc&. -e lie to finish maing it !efore
the dinner guests arrive, then eep it in the freezer until time for dessert, at which point the
consistenc& seems ideal. /& the ne+t morning, it>s much harder than store'!ought'with'
preservatives varieties.
1 !ig hit at the *ighland Eames in Mansas Cit& it>s a hone&)oatmeal flavor.
Prepare a 0 #t !atch of the ;ld $ime ?anilla mi+ and then add " cup of hone&. Mi+ thoroughl& and
set in the refrigerator to age the mi+. -hile the mi+ is aging, tae ")0 cup oatmeal and !oil for
a!out fifteen minutes in " P cups of water. ,train the water through a fine strainer and save the
water. $he cooed oatmeal can !e eaten or discarded. 1dd the water to the ice cream mi+ and let
it chill in the refrigerator for three hours. Freeze in an ice cream freezer according to the
manufacturer2s directions.
")% cup raisins
" cup water
" cup whole mil
" cup half and half
")0 cup hone&
4 egg &ols
")4 cup apple s&rup
" cup cream
" tsp cinnamon
")% cup chopped walnuts
,oa the raisins in the water overnight. /eat egg &ols in a !owl Mi+ mil, half and half, and hone&
in a pan. *eat to a !oil. Pour half of mil)hone& mi+ture into egg &ols, !eating while &ou pour.
/eat well, and !eat into remaining mil)hone& mi+ture in pan. Mi+ over low heat for %'A minutes
Mi+ in apple s&rup =et cool and add cream. Right !efore adding to ice cream maer, !eat in
cinnamon. Drain raisins and mi+ with walnuts -hen ice cream has stiffened 50 minutes !efore
done8, add raisins and walnuts
4 !ananas
0 t!sp lemon juice
4 egg &ols
P can sweetened condensed mil
" P cups sugar
" P pt whipping cream
P pt whole mil
P tsp salt
0 t!sp vanilla
$his is a dense ver& flavorful (talian ice cream. $his one is so good it might create a new !anana
growing industr& in (tal&. $he secret to this recipe is to use ver& ripe !ananas. (f the& are slightl&
over'ripe, that is even !etter. Crush !ananas and add lemon juice and set aside. (n a large mi+ing
!owl, whis together egg &ols, sweetened condensed mil, sugar, whipping cream and whole
mil. $hen add salt and vanilla e+tract. Freeze this mi+ in an ice cream freezer and when thic
add the prepared !ananas and continue to freeze. $his is !est when served ver& cold. (t has
e+traordinar& flavor and KmouthfeelK. J(f &ou are concerned a!out the possi!ilit& of ,almonella
from uncooed eggs, su!stitute an e#uivalent amount of <gg /eaters.
For &ou jalapeno lovers7
,tart with slicing open "'% ripe jalapeno chile peppers 5depending on &our macho rating8, remove
the placenta and seeds, and chop them ver& fine. $hen add them to a !atch of the ;ld $ime
?anilla (ce Cream, also adding " tsp of mint e+tract. =et the mi+ age in the refrigerator for at least
four hours !efore freezing. Mucho /uenoLLL
LEMON $ersio% &
A@@ ml ta!le cream
0A@ ml mil
A lemons
0)% cup sugar
. egg &ols
/ring a thin peel of the lemons to a !oil with the cream, the mil, and the sugar. Mi+ into egg
&ols, and heat on low until slightl& thicened. ,train and cool. Iuice lemons and add to mi+. Mae
in ice cream machine. Notes: Don>t add lemon juice until just !efore mi+ing in ice cream machine.
LEMON $ersio% '
"A@ gr sugar
0@@ cc whipping cream
0@@ cc mil
a little salt
juice of a!out % lemons
Mi+ the white of the egg till it>s Tcompact>. Mi+ all the other ingredients completel&. Pour it in the
ice'maer or an& other !owl. -hen using an ice'maer it will !e read& in 0@ minutes. -hen &ou
have not put it in the freezer and mi+ it ever& A minutes first, and after a while ever& "@ minutes.
Don>t scoff until &ou>ve tried this un!elieva!le ice creamLL
Fse the recipe for the ;ld $ime ?anilla, !ut su!stute white granular sugar for the !rown sugar,
and add % $/,P =emon Dill Mustard.
1 one an> a two...=awrence -el would have loved it. <+#uisite lemon flavor !lended with a heft&
vanilla. Clean three ripe lemons s#ueeze out the juice saving ")0 cup of strained juice. Erate the
zest from the s#ueezed lemons and add it to the juice. Mi+ a two #uart !atch of the ;ld $ime
?anilla 5see recipe8 (ce Cream omitting the !rown sugar. /efore freezing the ice cream, add the
strained lemon juice and add "cup of granulated sugar. Mi+ thoroughl& and then age 5chill in the
refrigerator8 for four hours. :ow freeze in an ice cream freezer according the the manufacturer2s
3 large egg &ols
"'")0 cups mil
"'")4 cups heav& cream
")0 cup sugar
"@ one inch soft !lac licorice candies
" $!s. Pernod li#ueur
" tsp. vanilla e+tract
=ightl& whis egg &ols in a large !owl. Com!ine remaining ingredients, e+cept vanilla, in a heav&
saucepan over medium high heat. ,tir fre#uentl& until mi+ture just comes to a !oil. (n a stead&
stream, slowl& whis mi+ture into !eaten egg &ols. Return mi+ture to pan over medium low heat
and coo, stirring constantl&, until it registers "N@U F on a cand& thermometer 5do not !oil8.
Remove from heat. ,tir in vanilla and strain mi+ture through a fine sieve into a !owl. Discard
licorice pieces. Cover and chill in refrigerator. Freeze in an ice cream maer 0@'%@ minutes until
" ")% Cup =ime juice
" ")% Cup ,ugar
" Cup -hipping Cream
" Cup -hole Mil
Mi+ ingrediants just !efore putting in machine. ?er& strong lime flavor. ( felt it was too strong.
;ther>s lied it this strong. (f ( made it again, ( would reduce the lime juice and sugar to %)4 cup
each, reduce the mil to ")0 cup, and leave the amount of cream unchanged at " cup.
% cups !lue!erries
" cup maple s&rup
" cup whipping cream 5optional8
Puree !lue!erries. 1dd maple s&rup and cream. Freeze in ice cream maer.
Notes: ;ne of the simpler ice creams to mae.
4 egg &ols
% cups ta!le cream
%)4 cup walnut pieces
" cup am!er maple s&rup
/eat egg &ols.
Put ta!le cream in a sauce pan and !ring almost to a !oil.
/eat heated cream into eggs.
Mi+ in maple s&rup just !efore freezing in ice cream machine.
-hen almost done, stir in walnut pieces.
:otes7 $his also maes a good Maple (ce Cream Recipe
(f &ou can get Erade / maple s&rup, use it instead and reduce it to half'a'cup 5&ou
ma& need to e+periment hereD possi!l& %)4 cup would !e !etter8. :ote7 ( used to
recommend getting Erade C, !ut apparentl& the high'end of that has !een renamed
Erade /, and the low end of that is illegal to sell in retail stores 5at least in ?ermont8.
/e careful with the cream7 (f &ou decrease the milfat content, then the ice cream will
!e slush& and have a poor te+ture.
"@ large marshmallows
" cup mil
")4 cup sugar
" cup whipping cream
")0 tsp vanilla
Mi+ marshmallows, ")0 cup of mil, and sugar in a pan.
*eat over low heat until marshmallows melt.
1dd remaining ingredients and cool.
Mae in ice cream maer.
Notes: 1 little sweet, a little ic&, not ver& rich. Perhaps mae with 0 eggs 5technicall& not needed,
as marshmellows should have emulsifiers8
Remem!er ordering a K4@@K at the soda fountainO -ell now &ou can have it frozen. (c&, almost a
granita. 6ou>ll love it.
Melt 0 oz. /aer>s chocolate, and add " cup whole mil, and " %)4cups sugar, 0 t!sp vanilla
e+tract, and 4 cups water. Mi+ thoroughl& and freeze in the freezer section of &our refrigerator in a
shallow rectangular cae pan, stirring ever& 0@ minutes with a for until frozen.
$his one is delicious when frozen in a graham cracer crust pie shell. Earnish it with chocolate
rose petals &ou can mae &ourself.
Mae a !atch of the ;ld $ime ?anilla recipe, !ut use ")% cup sugar instead of the !rown sugar.
1dd " ")0 tsp of mint e+tract and when the ice cream is almost frozen, add " cup semi'sweet mini
chocolate chips. $his recipe is just the right amount to put into two CK graham cracer crust pie
shells for a great ice cream pie. $o reall& dress up &our ice cream pie, tae a few small leaves
from the rose !ush out !ac, wash and dr& them thoroughl&. $ae the remaining chocolate chips
and melt them in a dou!le !oiler. Fse a !utter nife to spread a thin la&er of melted chocolate on
the !ac side of the leaves and place them in the freezer for a!out twent& minutes. $hen add one
more coating of chocolate and replace the leaves in the freezer. 1fter the leaves are frozen, peel
the leaves from the chocolate and garnish the pie. /etween coatings, tae a little melted
chocolate and spread it ver& thinl& on a cool cooie sheet and place it in the refrigerator. -hen
&ou have finished the second coating of the leaves, tae the cooie sheet from the refrigerator
and with a sharp metal spatula, scrape up the chocolate into curls. 1long with the chocolate
leaves, these mae a reall& nice garnish.
0 C heav& cream, whipped stiff
")4 tsp salt
%)4 C chocolate s&rup 5lie *ershe&>s Fudge sauce8
" whole fresh egg
" individual serving (nternational Coffee instant powder
$o the heav& cream whipped with the salt, add the slightl& !eaten whole fresh egg and !eat until
well !lended. 1dd, folding gentl&, !ut thoroughl&, the chocolate and instant coffee. Freeze in ice
cream maer
:otes7 '''''' 1dd the salt after the cream has !een whipped stiff.
$his ice cream is ?<RRRR6 smooth and delicious. (t was originall& a recipe for chocolate mousse
ice cream and called for a generous %)4 C chocolate sauce, !ut ( ran out and added the instant
coffee 5mocha flavor8 to intensif& the flavor.
6ou>ll feel lie an old time prospector when &ou dig into this mountain of ice cream. Eolden !its of
!utter !ricle will !e &our reward when &ou hit the mother lode.
$his ice cream uses the ;ld $ime ?anilla 5see recipe8 for a !ase mi+. $he !utter !ricle is
folded into the ice cream after it is frozen. $he !utter !ricle is prepared as follows. =ightl& grease
a large cooie sheet and then melt 4 ta!lespoons of !utter in a saucepan. $hen add ")% cup sugar
and " ta!lespoon water and !ring to a !oil. Continue heating with constant stirring until the
preparation reaches %@@o. Remove from heat and add ")0 cup of chopped pecans. ,pread on the
cooie sheet and when cool !rea into small pieces. Fold this preparation into the ice cream when
1n 1ransas specialt&, !est with home grown grapes.
Prepare a 0 #uart !atch of the ;ld $ime ?anilla (ce Cream and when nearl& frozen stir in one
small jar of Muscadine Erape Iell&. 1dd a!out ten drops of !lue food coloring and ten drops of red
food coloring.
0 teaspoons osher gelatin
")4 guava or other tropical fruit juice
")4 cup hone&
0'")4 cups vanilla so& mil
" cup mashed !ananas 50 medium !ananas8
" teaspoon vanilla
")4 cup finel& shredded coconut
". (n a small !owl, sprinle gelatin over apple juice. =et sit, stirring occasionall&, until gelatin is
dissolved and softened, a!out "@ minutes.
0. (n a medium saucepan, whis together hone& and 0 cups so& mil. Coo until just hot, stirring
fre#uentl&D remove from heat. 1dd softened gelatin to hot mil mi+ture, stirring until gelatin is
completel& dissolved. ,tir in remaining so& mil, !ananas, and vanillaD let cool, cover, and
refrigerate until ver& well'chilled.
%. ,poon chilled mi+ture into the canister of an ice cream maer and freeze according to
manufacturer>s directions, adding coconut halfwa& through freezing time.
Maes a!out " #uart.
0 teaspoons osher gelatin
")4 cup peppermint tea, room temperature
")4 cup hone&
%'")4 cups chocolate so& mil
")0 teaspoon peppermint e+tract
". (n a small !owl, sprinle gelatin over apple juice. =et sit, stirring occasionall&, until gelatin is
dissolved and softened, a!out "@ minutes.
0. (n a medium saucepan, whis together hone& and 0 cups so& mil. Coo until just hot, stirring
fre#uentl&D remove from heat. 1dd softened gelatin to hot mil mi+ture, stirring until gelatin is
completel& dissolved. ,tir in remaining so& mil and peppermint e+tractD let cool, cover, and
refrigerate until ver& well'chilled
%. ,poon chilled mi+ture into the canister of an ice cream maer and freeze according to
manufacturer>s directions.
Maes a!out " #uart.
0 teaspoons osher gelatin
")4 cup apple juice
")4 cup hone&
" teaspoon cinnamon
% cups vanilla so& mil
" teaspoon vanilla
")% cup coarsel& chopped raisins
". (n a small !owl, sprinle gelatin over apple juice. =et sit, stirring occasionall&, until gelatin is
dissolved and softened, a!out "@ minutes.
0. (n a medium saucepan, whis together hone&, cinnamon, and 0 cups so& mil. Coo until just
hot, stirring fre#uentl&D remove from heat. 1dd softened gelatin to hot mil mi+ture, stirring until
gelatin is completel& dissolved. ,tir in remaining so& mil, vanilla, and raisinsD let cool, cover, and
refrigerate until ver& well'chilled.
%. ,poon chilled mi+ture into the canister of an ice cream maer and freeze according to
manufacturer>s directions.
Maes a!out " #uart.
0 teaspoons osher gelatin
")4 cup espresso or strong coffee, room temperature
")4 cup maple s&rup
%'")4 cups vanilla so& mil
0 teaspoons vanilla
0 teaspoons ground espresso !eans
". (n a small !owl, sprinle gelatin over coffee. =et sit, stirring occasionall&, until gelatin is
dissolved and softened, a!out "@ minutes.
0. (n a medium saucepan, whis together maple s&rup and 0 cups so& mil. Coo until just hot,
stirring fre#uentl&D remove from heat. 1dd softened gelatin to hot mil mi+ture, stirring until gelatin
is completel& dissolved. ,tir in remaining so& mil and vanillaD let cool, cover, and refrigerate until
%. ,poon chilled mi+ture into the canister of an ice cream maer and freeze according to
manufacturer>s directions, adding ground espresso !eans halfwa& through freezing time.
Maes a!out " #uart.
0 teaspoons osher gelatin
")4 cup apple'straw!err& juice
0)% cup all'fruit straw!err& jam
% cups vanilla so& mil
" teaspoon vanilla
". (n a small !owl, sprinle gelatin over apple juice. =et sit, stirring occasionall&, until gelatin is
dissolved and softened, a!out "@ minutes.
0. (n a medium saucepan, whis together jam and 0 cups so& mil. Coo until just hot, stirring
fre#uentl&D remove from heat. 1dd softened gelatin to hot mil mi+ture, stirring until gelatin is
completel& dissolved. ,tir in remaining so& mil and vanillaD let cool, cover, and refrigerate until
ver& well'chilled.
%. ,poon chilled mi+ture into the canister of an ice cream maer and freeze according to
manufacturer>s directions.
Maes a!out " #uart.
0 teaspoons osher gelatin
")4 cup apple juice
")4 cup hone&
%'")4 cups vanilla so& mil
0 teaspoons vanilla
". (n a small !owl, sprinle gelatin over apple juice. =et sit, stirring occasionall&, until gelatin is
dissolved and softened, a!out "@ minutes.
0. (n a medium saucepan, whis together hone& and 0 cups so& mil. Coo until just hot, stirring
fre#uentl&D remove from heat. 1dd softened gelatin to hot mil mi+ture, stirring until gelatin is
completel& dissolved. ,tir in remaining so& mil and vanillaD let cool, cover, and refrigerate until
ver& well'chilled.
%. ,poon chilled mi+ture into the canister of an ice cream maer and freeze according to
manufacturer>s directions.
Maes a!out " #uart.
First, we>ll prepare the toffee crunch. =ightl& grease a large cooie sheet, and melt 4 t!sp !utter in
a sauce pan. 1dd ")% cup granulated sugar and " t!sp water. /ring the mi+ture to a !oil and
continue cooing while constantl& stirring until the mi+ reaches %@@ degrees. Remove from heat,
spread #uicl& on the cooie sheet as thinl& as &ou can. -hen cool !rea up into ver& small
crunchies. :e+t, tae " cup sugar and coo it in a sauce pan until it !ecomes a nice golden !rown
color. 1dd " ")0 cups half G half and " pint whipping cream. $he toffee will immediatel& !ecome
roc hard. Meep cooing until the cream is nearl& !oiling and as &ou continue cooing the toffee
will dissolve. -hen the toffee is all dissolved, remove from heat and cool completel&. :ow, in a
large mi+ing !owl, lightl& whis two eggsJ, then whis in " can <agle /rand sweetened condensed
mil, and ")% cup !rown sugar. -hen completel& mi+ed, add 0 ")0 t!sp vanilla e+tract and ")4 tsp
salt, and the toffee)cream mi+, 5don>t add the crunchies &et8 and mi+ thoroughl&. 1ge 5chill in the
refrigerator8 for four hours. 1fter aging, fill the canister no more than %)4 full and freeze according
to the ice cream freezer manufacturer>s directions. -hen the ice cream is almost frozen, add in
the crunchies.
J(f &ou are concerned a!out the possi!ilit& of ,almonella from uncooed eggs, su!stitute an
e#uivalent amount of <gg /eaters.
" large egg
" c half and half
%)4 cup sugar
" t!sp vanilla e+tract
% c heav& cream 5note7 sometimes ( do this as " c half and half, 0 c cream8
Put the egg, " c half and half, sugar, and vanilla in a !lender and !lend on medium speed until the
mi+ture us smooth and sugar is dissolved. ,lowl& add the % c cream and continue !lending until
mi+ture is smooth, a!out %@ seconds. $ransfer the mi+ture to ice cream machine and freeze
according to manufacturer>s directions. Maes slightl& more than " #t.
:otes7 '''''' *ints on freezing with ice and salt7 if the ice cream is not getting hard in 0@'%@
minutes, it>s alwa&s !een m& e+perience that there is a pro!lem with the ice'salt mi+ture, and
almost alwa&s it>s that &ou are using too little salt. ,tart the canister chilling with the ice and salt
!efore &ou mae the a!ove mi+ture, to give it a good head start. /e sure to use =;$, of saltD the
salt is what lowers the temperature to mae the ice cream mi+ture freeze. (f the ice is melting and
the ice cream still isn>t hard, add more ice and more salt. (f &ou are maing ice cream with alcohol
in it 5the a!ove serves as a great !ase for Mahlua Chip8, (>ve found it useful to put the alcohol in
when the ice cream is almost done. $he alcohol interferes with the freezing process, so adding it
later seems to help. ,ame with small solids lie chocolate chipsD putting them in late gets them
evenl& distri!uted, rather than all at the !ottom. ''
(n a large mi+ing !owl whis two eggsJ, add " can of sweetened condensed mil and whis
together until thoroughl& mi+ed. $hen add ")4 cup sugar, ")4 cup !rown sugar and again mi+
thoroughl&. Don2t pac the !rown sugar into the measuring cup, let it sta& loose just as it comes
out of the !o+. $hen add " pint of heav& whipping cream, " pint of half and half, ")4 tsp salt and 0
")0 ta!lespoons of real vanilla e+tract. For the ver& !est results 5who wants an&thing lessO8, let the
mi+ chill in the refrigerator for a!out four hours which allows the mi+ to KageK !efore freezing
according to the directions with &our ice cream freezer.. J(f &ou are concerned a!out the possi!ilit&
of ,almonella from uncooed eggs, su!stitute an e#uivalent amount of <gg /eaters.
0 c ,ugar
0)% c *ershe&>s Cocoa
")4 c 1ll'purpose flour
")4 ts ,alt
0 c Mil
0 <ggs, slightl& !eaten
" t! ?anilla e+tract
" #t =ight cream
")0 pt -hipping cream
(n medium saucepan, com!ine sugar, cocoa, flour and saltD stir in mil and eggs. Coo over
medium heat, stirring constantl&, until mi+ture !oilsD !oil and stir " minute. Remove from heat. ,tir
in vanilla, light cream and whipping cream. Refrigerate until cold. Freeze in ice cream freezer
according to manufacturer>s directions. 1!out 0'")0 #uarts ice cream.
" pt ,traw!erries
" c ,ugar
" <gg
" c *alf and half
" t ?anilla
% c *eav& cream
*ull the !erries and cut the larger ones in half. Place the !erries in a dou!le !oiler and add ")0
cup sugar. *eat for "@'"A minutes, stirring occasionall&, until the fruit is ver& soft. Puree the fruit in
a !lender. $ransfer puree to a !owl and cool in the refrigerator. Put the egg, half and half,
remaining sugar and vanilla e+tract in the !lender and !lend on medium speed till mi+ture is
smooth and the sugar is dissolved. ,lowl& add the cream and continue !lending on low speed for
%@ seconds. $ransfer the mi+ture to &our ice cream freezer and freeze according to
manufacturer>s instructions. -hen the ice cream is a!out half frozen, add the straw!err& puree to
the mi+ture. Continue freezing. Maes slightl& more than " #uart.
*ere>s a down home recipe for &ou fols who live in the hills of the ;zars and ,outhern F.,. $he
Pawpaw is more nutritious than the !anana, !ut with all that great !anana flavor. ,in and remove
the seeds from two medium sized ver& ripe pawpaws. Place in a !lender with two eggsJ, ")0 cup
sugar, ")4 cup !rown sugar, and " can sweetened condensed mil 5<agle /rand8. /lend on high
for a!out 0@ seconds or until well !lended. 1dd " pint whipping cream, " pint *alf and *alf, 0
$/,P vanilla e+tract, and ")4 tsp salt, mi+ well, age in refrigerator for a!out 4 hours then freeze in
ice cream freezer according to the manufacturer>s directions.
J(f &ou are concerned a!out the possi!ilit& of ,almonella from uncooed eggs, su!stitute an
e#uivalent amount of <gg /eaters.
1 delicious ice cream utilizing the proven com!ination of chocolate and peanut !utterL
For this ice cream, prepare the !ase mi+ using the recipe for ;ld $ime ?anilla 5see recipe8,
!ut when mi+ing the eggs, sugar, !rown sugar and sweetened condensed mil, stir in one cup of
crunch& peanut !utter. $hen add the remaining ingredients according to the ;ld $ime ?anilla
recipe, and when the ice cream is nearl& frozen, add ")0 cup of mini semi'sweet chocolate chips.
PEAC+ $ersio% &
" ")0 Cups -hole Mil
")0 cup sugar
% eggs
" ta!lespoon pure vanilla e+tract
" cup whipping cream
0 cups pureed sinned peaches 5with additional 0)% cup sugar8
/eat eggs litel&. /eat in sugar slowl&, !eating an additional " minute when all sugar is added.
*eat mil almost to a !oil, and add 5still hot8 to the egg mi+ture, stirring constantl&. Cool.
1dd vanilla e+tract, cream, and peach)sugar puree. Mi+ed opinionsD tasted a !it sour. Might tr&
waiting to add peaches until just !efore adding to machine.
PEAC+ $ersio% '
3 medium peaches 5a!out 0 l!s8, peeled and stoned, or 4 cups frozen unsweetened peach slices,
" cup sugar
% cups heav& cream
" cup mil
0 teaspoons vanilla e+tract
". (n a large !owl, mash the peaches into a course puree. ,tir in ")4 cup of the sugar. =et stand "
0. 1dd the cream, mil, remaining %)4 cup sugar, and vanilla to peaches, stirring to !lend.
Refrigerate, covered,
until ver& cold, at least % hours or as long as % da&s.
%. ,tir the mi+ture to !lend and pour in to the canister of an ice cream maer. Freeze according to
the manufacturer>s directions. <at at once or transfer to a covered container and freeze up to .
0 eggs
")0 cup sugar
")0 cup chun& peanut !utter
" ")0 cups heav& cream
" ")0 cups mil
-his together the eggs and sugar until light and fluff&. 1dd the peanut !utter and whis until
smooth. Mi+ in the whipping cream and mil. $ransfer the mi+ture to the ice cream maer and
process according to manufacturer2s instructions.
$he onl& peril here is to &our waistline. $his is a cream& pecan praline ice cream worth& of the
praline e+perts in the deep south.
$his pecan praline ice cream is made using the recipe for Fltimate /utter Pecan 5see recipe8
(ce Cream. $he pecans are prepared just as for the /utter Pecan ice cream. Coo for ten minutes
in a saucepan ")0 cup !rown sugar, 0 t!sp light corn s&rup, ")4 cup half and half and "). tsp salt.
$hen add the prepared pecans to this sauce. $he pecan sauce with the pecans is then swirled
into the ice cream after freezing.
0 cups cream
")% cup sugar
" cup !lue!erries, pureed
*eat cream until it starts steaming 5or until !u!!les appear8.
Remove from heat and stir in sugar until dissolved.
1dd pureed !lue!erries and cool.
Mi+ in machine.
$his recipe com!ines the tartness of pineapple with the delightful sweetness of Maraschino
cherries. Prepare the mi+ as for ;ld $ime ?anilla 5see recipe8, !ut omit the !rown sugar and
add an additional")0 cup sugar, and "@ oz canned crushed pineapple. 5Do not use fresh
pineapple, which contains an acid which causes the cream to curdle. $he canning process
neutralizes this acid. -hen the ice cream is almost frozen, add 3 oz chopped Maraschino
Cherries and just a little of the juice. Mmmmmm....
" ")4 cups pistachio
0 ")0 cups mil
% eggs
" cup sugar
" cup heav& cream whipped
" teaspoon almond e+tract
" teaspoon vanilla e+tract
,hell the pistachio. /lanch the nuts !& placing them in a !owl and pouring !oiling water over it. =et
stand for " minute. Drain, and peel the pistachios. /lend the nuts, the mil, the eggs, and the
sugar until &ou have a green smooth li#uid. Pour into a saucepan. Coo over low heat until the
custard thicens, a!out 0A minutes or so. Do not !oil or it will curdle. =et the mi+ture cool and add
vanilla and almond e+tracts. ,tir and Fold in whipped cream.
% <ggs
" %)4 c =ight !rown sugarD firm pac
% c Mil
% c -hipping cream
" t! ?anilla
")4 ts Maple flavoring 5opt8
" c ,lated pecansD chopped
/eat eggs until foam& in a large mi+ing !owl. Eraduall& add sugarD !eat until thicened. 1dd mil,
cream, vanilla, and maple flavorD mi+ well. ,tir in pecans. Chill. Churn'freeze. Maes % #uarts.
"4 oz can of pumpin
")0 cup !rown sugar
")4 tsp cinnamon
"). tsp nutmeg
")4 tsp ginger
")0 cup maple s&rup
" cup mil
0 cups whipping cream
Mi+ ingrediants and freeze in ice cream maer. $astes lie pumpin pie
3IC- "ASPBE""(
$wo "@'oz. pacages frozen rasp!erries paced in s&rup, partiall& thawed
0 cups heav& cream
=ightl& crush the rasp!erries while still in the !ag.
Pour into the !owl of the machine and add the cream and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart.
"ASPBE""( $ersio% &
% eggs plus " egg &ol
0 cup ta!le cream 5".H mil fat8
" ")0 cup sugar
0 cups rasp!erries
/eat eggs. /eat in sugar.
*eat cream until steaming. ,tir into egg)sugar mi+. Cool.
Mash rasp!erries, add to cream)egg)sugar mi+.
Freeze in ice cream maer.
"ASPBE""( $ersio% '
4 cups fresh rasp!erries
" ")0 cups sugar
Iuice of half a lemon
0 eggs
0 cups heav& cream
" cup mil
$oss the rasp!erries, %)4 cup sugar, and the lemon juice together in a !owl. Cover and refrigerate
for 0 hours, stirring ever& %@ minutes. -his the eggs in a mi+ing !owl until light and fluff&, add
the remaining %)4 cup sugar, a little at a time, then continue whising until completel& !lended.
Pour in the heav& cream and mil and whis to !lend. Drain the juice from the rasp!erries into the
cream mi+ture and !lend. Mash the rasp!erries until pureed and stir them into the cream mi+ture.
$ransfer the mi+ture to an ice cream maer and freeze following the manufacturer>s instructions.
3 ")0 cup heav& cream
0 tsp. rose water
"). tsp. salt
%)4 cup granulated sugar
")4 tsp. red food coloring
Com!ine heav& cream, rose water, salt, sugar and food coloring. Freeze. Maes ")0 gallon
%)4 cup Raisins
")0 cup Rum
" cup Mil
")0 cup ,ugar
0 <ggs
0 cups Cream
Pour rum over raisins, cover, let stand overnight. -arm the mil in a small pan. -his the eggs
with the sugar in a separate !owl. ,lowl& add warm mil to mi+ture continuing to whis. Pour
mi+ture !ac in the pan and heat slowl& until thicened, stirring constantl& 5loos lie ver& li#uid
pudding8. Do not !oilL =et cool to room temperature, add cream, and chill. 1dd rum raisins just
!efore the end of the freezing process.
" ")0 cups half'and'half
" egg
")0 gram saffron, chopped fine
")% cup sugar
,oa the saffron in a ver& small amount of !rand& 5enough to cover it8 for one hour. /oil the egg
for e+actl& 4A seconds. Com!ine all ingredients and refrigerate for ")0 hour. $hen follow the usual
procedure for &our ice'cream maer. ,erves a!out % people. $he saffron flavor was ver&
pronounced '' &ou would not want to increase the amount of saffron from the a!ove, and could
pro!a!l& get !& with less.
$his one is good as a dessert or &ou can !e reall& !old and use it as an appetizer to wae up the
taste !uds !efore a stea dinner.
$o a !atch of the ;ld $ime ?anilla (ce Cream mi+ 5see recipe8, add %)4 tsp chipotle seasoning
salt. /e sure to let this mi+ age in the refrigerator for at least four hours !efore freezing.
S!"AWBE""( $ersio% &
0 cups straw!erries, stemmed
")4 cup sugar
Iuice of ")0 lemon
" cup whipping cream
" cup ta!le cream
4 egg &ols
")0 cup sugar
,lice straw!erries, coat with ")4 sugar and lemon juice.
,tir and let sit for at least " hour.
/eat egg &olsD !eat in sugar.
*eat creams together until steaming. ,tir into egg)sugar mi+ture. Cool.
Iust !efore adding to ice cream machine, mash straw!erries and stir into cream)egg mi+ture.
Freeze in ice cream maer.
Notes: ( used Jver&J ripe straw!erries. (f straw!erries less ripe, increase sugar 5to at most " cup
S!"AWBE""( $ersio% '
0 pints straw!erries, washed and hulled
")0 cup plus 0 ta!lespoons superfine sugar
% ta!lespoons fresh lemon juice
" ")0 cups heav& cream
Pur4e the straw!erries in a food processor. ,tir in the remaining ingredients.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out % ")0 cups.
" tsp. plain gelatin
".A cups low fat mil
0 t!s. instant espresso coffee powder
%.A tsp. :utra,weet sweetener
0 t!s. nonfat dr& mil
".A cups !uttermil
" tsp. vanilla e+tract
.0A tsp cinnamon
dash salt
,often gelatin in ")0 cup mil. *eat in a small saucepan and add coffee. Coo over low heat until
gelatin and coffee dissolve. Remove from heat, stir in :utrasweet, and place saucepan in another
!owl of cold or ice water to cool to room temperature. Pour mi+ture into a !lender or food
processor, add rest of mil and remaining ingredients and !lend until smooth. Cover and chill in
the refrigerator until read& to freeze. /lend for a few seconds !efore pouring into the ice cream
maer. Freeze according to the manufacturer>s instructions.
" tsp. plain gelatin
0.A cups low fat mil
")0 cup :estle Bui ,ugar Free chocolate drin mi+
" cup drained &ogurt 5the solid half of 0 cups &ogurt strained overnight8
" tsp. vanilla e+tract
dash salt
,often gelatin in ")0 cup mil. *eat in a small saucepan until gelatin dissolves. Remove from heat
and place saucepan in another !owl of cold or ice water to cool mi+ture to room temperature.
Pour mi+ture into a !lender or food processor. 1dd remaining mil, Bui, &ogurt, vanilla and salt.
/lend until smooth. Cover and chill in the refrigerator until read& to freeze. /lend for a few
seconds !efore pouring into the ice cream maer. Follow the manufacturer>s instructions for
freezing. Maes a!out " #uart.
S*A"1/"EE /"I!(
. c P<$ =ite mil
,ugar ,u!stitute e#uivalent to ")0 c ,ugar
4 c ,traw!erries
. Pineapple, slices, canned
"3 t! Pineapple Iuice, from can
0 c ;range Iuice
Put all ingredients in a home freezer and freeze according to instructions. <+changes7 <ach " cup
,erving e#uals " Mil and %)4 Fruit.
" tsp. plain gelatin
".A cups low fat mil
%.A tsp. :utra,weet sweetener
0 t!s. nonfat dr& mil
".A cups !uttermil
dash salt
,often gelatin in ")0 cup mil. *eat in a small saucepan until the gelatin dissolves. Remove from
heat, stir in :utra,weet, and place saucepan in another !owl of cold or ice water to cool to room
temperature. Pour mi+ture into a !lender or food processor, add rest of mil and remaining
ingredients and !lend until smooth. Cover and chill in the refrigerator until read& to freeze. /lend
for a few seconds !efore pouring into the ice cream maer. Follow the manufacturer>s instructions
for freezing. Maes one #uart.
(f &ou can>t handle sugar or &ou are looing for a low calorie ice cream, this one is perfect. 6ou>ll
never !elieve it>s sugar free. (t just might !ecome &our favorite.
-his together % eggsJ and " pt of half and half. $hen mi+ together N tsp <#ual artificial
sweetener. 1dd " pt whipping cream, " pt whole mil, 0 ")0 t!sp vanilla e+tract and ")4 tsp salt.
Freeze in an ice cream freezer and eat without guilt. ;ooopsL $here2s still plent& of !utterfat hereL
J(f &ou are concerned a!out the possi!ilit& of ,almonella from uncooed eggs, su!stitute an
e#uivalent amount of <gg /eaters.
SWEE! BANANA PEPPE" ICE C"EAM: $his is a reall& sweet taste treat, &ou are guaranteed to
!e surprised at how good it is.
,lice open 0'% ripe sweet !anana peppers, remove the seeds, and chop fine. $hen add them to a
!atch of the ;ld $ime ?anilla (ce Cream mi+ !efore freezing. /e sure to let this mi+ age in the
refrigerator for at least four hours !efore freezing.
Put a spoonful in &our mouth and close &our e&es. Erass sirts, waves lapping on the shore,
uelele music. (t>s not a dream.
$ae " ")0 cups of half and half and add % cups of shredded coconut. (n a saucepan !ring this
mi+ture to a !oil and then simmer for five minutes. ,train through a fine strainer and discard the
coconut, saving the cream. $hen mi+ a 0 #t !atch of the ;ld $ime ?anilla mi+, using this half and
half preparation for the half and half in the recipe. $hen add ")% tsp coconut e+tract and freeze in
an ice cream freezer.
$his would have !een a musical piece if Eershwin had tasted this. (t>s a delicate orange in a rich
vanilla !ase served inside a frozen orange. <legant...the onl& word for it.
Clean several large oranges and slice off the stem end of the orange, saving this slice. Clean out
the orange pulp and s#ueeze the pulp into juice saving ")0 cup of strained juice. Place the shells
in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator and freeze for four hours. Mi+ a two #uart !atch of
the ;ld $ime ?anilla 5see recipe8 (ce Cream omitting the !rown sugar. /efore freezing the ice
cream, add the strained orange juice and add ")4 cup of granulated sugar. 1ge the mi+ for four
hours and freeze in an ice cream freezer according the the manufacturer2s directions. -hen
frozen, fill the orange shells, replace the orange KlidsK and replace in the freezer section of the
refrigerator for hardening.
,o !utter& &ou>ll moo. $he favorite of man&, it>s rich and cream&.
1gain, use the ;ld $ime ?anilla 5see recipe8 for the !ase recipe, !ut use %)4 cup of !rown
sugar. 1lso, add 4 ta!lespoons of melted !utter to the mi+ after adding the sweetened condensed
mil and !rown sugar. /e ver& careful melting the !utter so that it doesn2t separate or churning
might result. :ow &ou must prepare the pecans. $o do this, mi+ "cup of chopped pecans with 0
ta!lespoons of melted !utter and ")% cup of !rown sugar. 1fter the mi+ has aged 5chilled in the
refrigerator for a!out four hours8, stir thoroughl& and freeze according to the manufacturer2s
directions. -hen the mi+ is frozen, stir in the prepared pecans.
$his is a great flavorful ice cream that com!ines three characteristic flavors of Einger, Candied
Pecans, and ?anilla.
Prepare a !atch of ;ld $ime ?anilla 5see recipe8 ice cream adding 0 tsp Einger spice. -hile
the ice cream is freezing, tae one cup of chopped pecans, and add three ta!lespoons melted
!utter and ")0 cup !rown sugar and mi+ completel&.. -hen the ice cream is nearl& frozen, stir in
the pecans.
-e used to wal downtown to get a vanilla limeade at the local drugstore soda fountain.
(n a large mi+ing !owl, lightl& whis one eggJ, and then whis in " can <agle /rand sweetened
condensed mil. 1dd one 0 litre !ottle of N'up 5which has !een shaen to remove the KfizzK8, ")0
cup whipping cream, and " P t!sp vanilla e+tract. Freeze in &our ice cream freezer. J(f &ou are
concerned a!out the possi!ilit& of ,almonella from uncooed eggs, su!stitute an e#uivalent
amount of <gg /eaters.
#ANILLA $ersio% &
0 eggs
%)4 cup sugar
" cup mil
" cup ta!le cream
" cup whipping cream
" t!l vanilla
/eat egg. /eat in sugar.
Mi+ mil and ta!le cream in a sauce pan and !ring almost to a !oil.
/eat heated cream into eggs.
Cool. 1dd whipping cream, vanilla. Mae in ice cream machine.
#ANILLA $ersio% '
4 cups ta!le cream 5".H mil fat8
0)% cup sugar
0 t!l vanilla
*eat cream and sugar together until sugar is dissolved.
1dd vanilla. Cool. Mae in ice cream machine.
?ariations7 Cinnamon (ce Cream
Reduce vanilla to " ta!lespoon and add " ta!lespoon of cinnamon.
3 <gg &ols
%)4 c ,ugar
" ")4 c Mil
" ")4 c *eav& cream
" ")0 lg ?anilla !eans
")0 ts ?anilla e+tract
" pn ,alt
Cream the egg &ols and sugar together in a mi+ing !owl until thic and light. Com!ine the mil
and cream in a 0' #uart microwave'safe casserole. Cut the vanilla !eans in half lengthwise, and
scrape the seeds into the !owl. 1dd the !eans, e+tract, and salt. Coo, uncovered, at full power
53A@ to N@@ watts8 for % minutes. Remove the vanilla !eans. -ith a mi+er running on low speed,
slowl& add the mil mi+ture to the egg &ol mi+ture, stirring until smooth. Return the mi+ture to the
casserole. -hising once a minute, coo until the custard is thic and coats the !ac of a spoon,
% ")0 minutes. Do not overcoo it. 1llow the custard to cool to room temperature. $hen refrigerate
it, loosel& covered, until chilled, a minimum of % hours. Freeze in an ice cream maer according to
manufacturer>s directions. Maes A cups.
0 =arge eggs
")0 cup sugar
0)% cup !utter, melted then cooled
" $/,P vanilla e+tract
%)4 cup flour
Maes a!out si+ large cones
=ightl& !eat the eggs then add in the remaining ingredients, adding the flour last. /efore pre'
heating the pizelle, ( lightl& spra& a vegeta!le oil !ased non'stic compound 5P1M, e.g.8 on the
cooing surfaces. ,poon a!out 0 t!sp !atter onto pizelle and coo for a!out 4A seconds. $he
temperature of the pizelle 5waffle cone iron8 varies a lot in various appliances, so the first !atch
will !e an e+periment to determine the cooing time. $he edges should !e golden !rown and
cooed completel&, not too !rown on the edges, !ut not mush& in the middle. Form around a
mandrel 5( use an old wooden cone with a handle. $he& should !ecome crisp& and hold their
shape as the& cool. ( set mine in an old fashioned cone holder from an old soda shop, !ut the&
could !e set inside small juice glasses to cool.
,tart with the recipe for ;ld $ime ?anilla 5see recipe8, !ut omit the !rown sugar. 1nd instead
of adding the *alf and *alf to the mi+, put it into a !lender with a chopped ver& ripe pear. /lend on
high speed for two minutes, then add this to the ice cream mi+. Freeze in an ice cream freezer
according to the manufacturer>s directions.
0 cups light cream
4 eggs
"0 oz white chocolate coarsel& chopped
" ")0 cups sugar
0 cups heav& cream
,cald the light cream in top of dou!le !oiler set over simmering water. 1dd the chocolate. Reduce
heat so the water !arel& simmers and coo until the chocolate is melted, stirring occasionall&.
Remove from heat. Fsing a electric mi+er, !eat the eggs in medium !owl. 1dd the sugar and
continue !eating until all the sugar is dissolved. ,lowl& mi+ in the chocolate mi+ture. /eat in the
heav& cream. Refrigerate until well chilled. Pour into the ice cream maer using it according to
manufacturer>s instructions. Freeze in covered container at least 4 hours.
% cups unsweetened apple juice
;ne 3'oz. can unsweetened concentrated apple juice
% ta!lespoons fresh lemon juice
Place the apple juice, concentrate and lemon juice into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart
$wo "3'oz. cans apricots paced in heav& s&rup, drained, li#uid discarded
%)4 cup simple s&rup
% ta!lespoons fresh lemon juice
Pur4e the apricots in a food processor. 1dd the s&rup. lemon juice and cream.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart.
3 cups ripe !lac!erries
")0 cup granulated sugar
juice of 0 lemons
%)4 cup Creme de Cassis 5!lac currant li#ueur8
Com!ine all ingredients in a heav& saucepan and set over medium heat. Coo, stirring fre#uentl&,
for 0@ minutes, or until all !erries have !urst.
0. Cool mi+ture slightl& and force through a sieve or through the fine disc of a food mill. Cool the
resulting puree completel&.
%. Pour cooled mi+ture into a shallow metal pan 5a cae tin is ideal8, and set it in &our freezer.
4. -hen the mi+ture is a!out half frozen, in 0 to % hours, remove the pan from the freezer, scrape
the !lac!err& ice out of the pan into a !owl, and !eat with a wire whis until soft and ic& parts are
completel& mi+ed. Return the ice to the pan, set it !ac in the freezer, and freeze completel&.
A. $he ice will !e ver& solid. $o serve, temper in refrigerator for "A to %@ minutes !efore
attempting to dish up.
" %)4 cups plus 0 ta!lespoons Calvados
% ta!lespoons simple s&rup5!elow8
*eat " ")0 cups Calvados in a saucepan over medium heat until warm. $urn off the heat, stand
!ac and touch a lit match to the Calvados. =et it flame until the flames die down, a!out .
minutes. ,tir in remaining 3 ta!lespoons unflamed Calvados and the simple s&rup. Pour the
mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze. Maes a!out " #uart
,imple ,&rup7
4 cups sugar
4 cups water
Place the water and sugar in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar is dissolved. Cool to room
temperature, then refrigerate in a covered jar.
Maes a!out " #uart
% cups strained fresh orange juice
" cup Campari
juice of " lemon
" cup granulated sugar
".Com!ine ingredients in a saucepan and set over medium heat. ,tir constantl& until the mi+ture
is a!out to !oil and all the sugar is dissolved
0. Cool to room temperature, pour into a shallow pan 5an .'inch s#uare cae tin is
ideal8, and freeze.
%. $he mi+ture will tae from % to 3 hours to freeze and, !ecause of its relativel& low sugar
content, will !e ver& solid. $o serve, set in refrigerator for %@ minutes to temper the te+ture slightl&.
% cups prepared strong coffee, made at least partiall& with dar roast KespressoK coffee
" cup half'and'half
" cup granulated sugar
". Com!ine ingredients in a saucepan and set over medium heat. ,tir constantl& until the mi+ture
is a!out to !oil and all the sugar is dissolved.
0. . Cool to room temperature, pour into a shallow pan 5an .'inch s#uare cae tin is ideal8, and
%. $he mi+ture will tae from % to 3 hours to freeze and, !ecause of its relativel& low sugar
content, will !e ver& solid. $o serve, set in refrigerator for %@ minutes to temper the te+ture
1lcohol sor!et defrost #uicl&, so leave this in the machine until moments !efore serving. ,erve
as part of a long dinner or for dessert with fresh straw!erries.
" !ottle 5a!out % cups8 Champagne
" ")0 cups simple s&rup
Pour the Champagne and simple s&rup into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out A cups.
,imple ,&rup7
4 cups sugar
4 cups water
Place the water and sugar in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar is dissolved. Cool to room
temperature, then
refrigerate in a covered jar.
Maes a!out " #uart
C+E""( SO"BE!
0 cups simple s&rup
$wo "3'oz. cans pitted !ing cherries in heav& s&rup
")4 cup fresh lemon juice
")4 cup water
Drain the cherries, reserving 0 ta!lespoons of the s&rup. Put the cherries through a food mill. ,tir
in cherr& s&rup, lemon juice and water. Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out 4 ")0 cups.
,imple ,&rup7
4 cups sugar
4 cups water
Place the water and sugar in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar is dissolved. Cool to room
temperature, then
refrigerate in a covered jar.
Maes a!out " #uart
" #uart mil
4 ounce unsweetened chocolate
" ")% cups sugar
*eat mil and sugar together in a saucepan over low heat. (n another saucepan, melt
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes " #uart.
" #uart water
4 ounce unsweetened chocolate, !roen into chuns
" ")0 cups sugar
Fse a nife or a food processor to chop the chocolate into ver& small pieces.
*eat the water and sugar together in a saucepan. 1dd the chocolate and simmer for 0@ min until
the mi+ture is ver& smooth and not grain&. Do not !oil. Cool thoroughl&.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes " #uart.
% cups plus 3 ta!lespoons canned or !ottled cran!err& juice
")0 cup plus " ta!lespoon simple s&rup
Mi+ the cran!err& juice and simple s&rup together.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart
,imple ,&rup7
4 cups sugar
4 cups water
Place the water and sugar in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar is dissolved. Cool to room
temperature, then refrigerate in a covered jar.
Maes a!out " #uart
" large can frozen juice
" can water
" egg white
/u& one large can of frozen juice 5( usuall& use the Ke+oticK varieties such as pineapple'guava'
rasp!err& or !anana'orange'passion'fruitD there are lots of these availa!le in the F,.8 $haw the
juice concentrate. 1dd one can of water. /eat one egg white until it is foam& and mi+ it into the
fruit juice mi+ture. Freeze in &our favorite ice cream maer. $his maes just less than one #uart of
ver& smooth ice.
*"APE/"I! SO"BE!
" ")% cups simple s&rup
0 0)% cups unsweetened grapefruit juice
Mi+ the grapefruit juice and simple s&rup together.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart.
")4 cup instant coffee
")4 cup sugar or e#uivalent of sweetener
")4 cup hot water
Mi+ the a!ove ingredients until coffee and sugar is dissolved. 1dd 4 cups cold mil. ,hae well in
!lender or mil shae maer. ,erve over ice chips.
3 iwi fruits
" cup simple s&rup
% teaspoons fresh lemon juice
Peel the iwis. Pur4e in a food processor until ver& froth&. 6ou should have a!out " ") 0 cups
Pur4e.,tir in the simple s&rup and lemon juice.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart
0 cups strained fresh lemon juice
0 cups water
0 cups granulated sugar
". Com!ine lemon juice with water in a small saucepan. ,tir in the sugar.
0. ,et saucepan over moderate heat. /ring to a !oil, stirring constantl&, then remove from heat
and cool to room temperature.
%. Pour the lemon mi+ture into a shallow pan 5an .'inch s#uare cae tin is ideal8 and set it in &our
4. $he ice will !e read& in % to 3 hours, depending on the efficienc& of &our freezer. /ecause of
the high sugar content, this ice will usuall& !e soft enough to serve, so &ou ma& as well mae it
in advance of the da& &ou>ll !e needing it.
" ")0 cups fresh lemon juice
" ta!lespoon grated lemon zest
% cups simple s&rup
Place the lemon juice, zest and simple s&rup into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart
0 cups lilioi 5passion fruit8 pulp
0 cups pineapple pulp
%)4 cup sugar
0 egg whites
,train lilioi pulp and reserve seeds. Place all the ingredients in a food processor and process
until well !lended. Pour the mi+ture into a metal or plastic !owl and freeze. -hen frozen, !rea up
the ice and place a small amount at a time into the food processor. -hen whipped and froth&,
return to the !owl and freeze again. $his mi+ture will not freeze hard and solid, so it will !e eas& to
scoop out to serve. ,prinle a few of the reserved seeds over the top of the ice when it is served
or the& ma& !e added when the ice is returned to the freezer for the second time.
Five ""'oz. cans mandarin oranges paced in light s&rup
" cup superfine sugar
% ta!lespoons fresh lemon juice
Drain the oranges and reserve 0 cups of the s&rup. Pur4e the oranges in a food processor. ,tir in
the reserved s&rup, sugar and lemon juice. Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and
freeze. Maes a!out A ")0 cups.
" cup simple s&rup
4 ripe mangoes
")4 cup fresh lemon juice
Peel and pit the mangoes. Pur4e in a food processor. 6ou should have a!out % ") 0 cups Pur4e.
,tir in the simple s&rup and lemon juice. Force the mi+ture through a fine sieve Pour the mi+ture
into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart
Melt 0 oz. /aer>s chocolate, and add " cup whole mil, and " %)4cups sugar, 0 t!sp vanilla
e+tract, and 4 cups water. Freeze in ice cream maer.
0 cups fresh orange juice
juice of " lemon
" cup water
" cup sugar
*eat " cup of water and the sugar in a saucepan until dissolved. /ring to a !oil, simmer 0 minutes
and leave to cool. ,tir the orange juice and lemon juice into the sugar s&rup. Chill the mi+ture.
Freeze the mi+ture in an ice cream machine using it according to manufacturer2s instruction.
$wo "3'oz. cans peaches paced in heav& s&rup, drained, li#uid discarded
%)4 cup simple s&rup
")4 cup fresh lemon juice
Pur4e the peaches in a food processor. 1dd the s&rup, lemon juice.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart.
$wo "3'oz. cans pears paced in heav& s&rup, drained, li#uid discarded
" cup plus 0 ta!lespoons simple s&rup
3 ta!lespoons fresh lemon juice
Pur4e the pears in a food processor. 1dd the s&rup. lemon juice and cream.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart.
" cup sugar
0)% cup water
" fresh pineapple
")% cup fresh lime juice
" large egg white
Com!ine sugar and water in a saucepan over medium heatD stir until sugar dissolves and s&rup
!egins to simmer. Chill. 5( assume &ou>re supposed to tae if off the heat, first8. Cut pineapple in
half, lengthwise, leaving crown intact. Remove fruit from !oth halves, leaving ")0'inch of fruit
inside the rind. Remove core and cut fruit into "'inch chuns. Place pineapple halves in large
plastic !ags and freeze until read& to use. (n a food processor with metal !lade in place, add
pineapple chuns and process until pineapple is smooth and uniforml& pureed. 6ou should have
a!out 0 cups puree. 1dd chilled s&rup and lime juice. Process "@ seconds. Place mi+ture in metal
tra& or !owl and partiall& freeze. -ith metal !lade in place, place spoonfuls of partiall& thawed
pineapple mi+ture in !owl of processor. Mi+ !& turning processor on and off a!out . times, then
process a!out 0 minutes until completel& !lended, smooth and fluff&. -ith machine running, add
egg white through feed tu!e. Process " minute. Refreeze. ,poon into pineapple shells and serve.
" %)4 cups simple s&rup
;ne 0@'oz. can pineapple paced in its own juice
Drain the pineapple and reserve the juice for another use. Pur4e the pineapple in a food
processor until ver& froth&. 6ou should have a!out 0 cups Pur4e.,tir in the simple s&rup.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out % ")0 cups.
" ")4 cups sugar
" cup water
C ripe red plums
" teaspoon fresh lemon juice
Com!ine the sugar and water in a saucepan over low heat. ,tir until the sugar dissolves. (ncrease
heat and !ring to !oil. Cool sugar s&rup completel&. *alves and pit the plums. $ransfer to food
processor and pur4e. ,train pur4e through sieve into !owl. ,tir in " cup of the sugar s&rup
5reserve the rest for another use8 and add the lemon juice. Pour into ice cream machine and
freeze according to manufacturer>s directions.
6ou might mae e+tra pur4e and use it as a sauce under the sor!et. 1 fresh mint spring maes a
prett& garnish.
0 pints rasp!erries, washed and hulled
" ")% cup simple s&rup
")4 cup fresh lemon juice
Pur4e the rasp!erries in a food processor. 6ou should have a!out % cups. ,tir in " cup of the
simple s&rup and the lemon juice. $aste and add remaining s&rup if necessar&. Pour the mi+ture
into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out % ")0 cups.
" pint straw!erries, washed, hulled, and coarsel& chopped
")% cup superfine sugar
" ta!lespoon fresh lemon juice
0 cups sim mil
3 ta!lespoons non'fat dr& mil
" ")0 teaspoons vanilla e+tract
*eat mil, sugar, and non'fat dr& mil in saucepan, stirring until the sugar and dr& mil are
dissolved. Cool thoroughl&. ,tir in the straw!erries, lemon juice, and vanilla.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart.
0 pints straw!erries, washed and hulled
" cup plus 0 ta!lespoons superfine sugar
")4 cup fresh lemon juice
Pur4e the straw!erries in a food processor. 6ou should have a!out % cups. ,tir in " cup of the
simple s&rup and the lemon juice. $aste and add remaining s&rup if necessar&.
Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out % ")0 cups.
,imple ,&rup7
4 cups sugar
4 cups water
Place the water and sugar in a saucepan and simmer until the sugar is dissolved. Cool to room
temperature, then refrigerate in a covered jar.
Maes a!out " #uart
A fresh ripe tomatoes
")0 cup fresh lemon juice
" teaspoon salt
")0 cup simple s&rup
" ta!lespoon tomato paste
3 fresh !asil leaves, coarsel& chopped
Peel, core and seed the tomatoes. Pur4e in a food processor. 6ou should have a!out % cups
Pur4e. ,tir in remaining ingredients. Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart
$his is a !asic recipe. 6ou ma& add other flavorings, fruit pur4es or nuts according to taste
")0 cup superfine sugar
% cups sim mil
3 ta!lespoons non'fat dr& mil
" ")0 teaspoons vanilla e+tract
*eat mil, sugar, and non'fat dr& mil in saucepan, stirring until the sugar and dr& mil are
dissolved. Cool thoroughl&. ,tir in the vanilla. Pour the mi+ture into the !owl of the machine and
freeze. Maes a!out " #uart.
")% cup sugar
")4 cup water
")% cup light corn s&rup
0 cups pureed watermelon
" $!sp lemon juice
Com!ine sugar, water and s&rup in a saucepan. ,tir until it !oils. Reduce heat and simmer for A
minutes. =et cool. Refrigerate. Remove meat from the watermelon and discard seeds. Puree in a
!lender. Measure and add % cups of watermelon and lemon juice to the cold sugar, water, s&rup
mi+ture. Pour into machine for 0@'%@ minute or until desired consistenc&.
/"ES+ S!"AWBE""( /"O0EN (O*"!
0 pints straw!erries, washed and hulled
0 cups unflavored &ogurt
")% cup hone&
Pur4e the straw!erries in a food processor. 6ou should have a!out % cups. Put the &ogurt, hone&
and straw!err& pur4e into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out A cups.
+ONE( /"O0EN (O*"!
4 cups unflavored &ogurt
" cup hone&
Put the &ogurt and hone& into the !owl of the machine and freeze.
Maes a!out " #uart.
PEAC+ /"O0EN (O*"!
")0 cup sugar
" teaspoon gelatin
"). teaspoon nutmeg
")0 cup mil
0 ta!lespoons corn s&rup
" ")0 pound peaches, peeled G #uartered
" cup plain &ogurt
")0 teaspoon vanilla
Com!ine the first % ingredients in a saucepan. ,tir in milD let stand " minute. Place over low heatD
coo A minutes or until the gelatin dissolves, stirring constantl&. Remove from heatD stir in the corn
s&rup. =et the mi+ture cool completel&. (n a food processor add the peaches and process until
smoothD scraping the sides of the processor !owl occasionall&. Com!ine the peach pur4e, gelatin
mi+ture, &ogurt, and vanilla in a large !owlD stir well. Cover and chill . hours. Pour mi+ture into a
ice cream machine and freeze according to manufacturer>s instructions.
"ASPBE""( /"O0EN (O*"!
% cups rasp!erries
0)% cup sugar
" ta!lespoon cornstarch
" cup mil
")4 cup corn s&rup
" cup plain &ogurt
(n food processor pur4e the rasp!erries for a!out " minute or until smooth. ,train and discard
seeds. ,et aside. Com!ine the sugar and cornstarch in a small saucepan. 1dd the mil and !ring
to a !oil. Coo " minute, stirring constantl&. Remove from the heat. ,tir in rasp!err& pur4e and
corn s&rup. =et the mi+ture cool completel&. Com!ine the rasp!err& mi+ture and &ogurt in a !owlD
stir well. Cover and chill . hours. Pour rasp!err& mi+ture into a ice cream machine. Freeze
according to manufacturer>s instructions.
#ANILLA /"O0EN (O*"!
" teaspoon vanilla e+tract
0 ")4 cup mil
")0 cup sugar
" envelope gelatin
"). teaspoon salt
" ")0 cup plain &ogurt
")4 cup corn s&rup
Com!ine the mil, sugar, gelatin, and salt. =et stand " minute. Coo over low heat for A minutes
or until the gelatin dissolves. =et the mi+ture cool completel&. ,tir in the vanilla e+tract, &ogurt, and
corn s&rup. Pour into a !owlD cover and chill for . hours. Pour into a ice cream machine and
freeze according to manufacturer>s instructions.

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