BIBLIOGRAFIA Laser Processing of Engineering Materials

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[1] Elijah Kannatey-Asibn, Jr., Principles of Laser Materials Processing, John

Wiley & Sons, Inc., (2!", IS#$% !&'--(&-1&&!'-)
[2] John *. Ion, Laser Processing of Engineering Materials, Else+ier, (2,",
IS#$% &,- -&! 1
[)] LIA Handbook of Laser Processing, E.. in *hie/% John 0. 1ea.y, 2aser
Instit3te o/ A4erica, (21", IS#$% -!12),-1,-)
[(] #.$. *hich5o+, *. 6o44a, S. $olte, 0. +on Al+ensleben, A. 73nner4ann,
0e4tosecon., 8icosecon. an. nanosecon. laser ablation o/ soli.s, Appl.
Phys. A 63, (1!!-", 8. 1!-11,. NOTA: titularul de curs isi asuma
raspunderea pt. valoarea si actualitatea didactica si stiintifica a
articolului, desi este publicat cu cativa ani inainte de anul 2000.
[,] Welder's Handbook !or "as #hielded Arc Welding$ %&y !'el ('tting )
Plas*a ('tting+, Air 9ro.3cts 92*, (1!!!". NOTA: titularul de curs isi
asuma raspunderea pt. valoarea si actualitatea didactica si stiintifica a
materialului, desi este publicat cu un an inainte de anul 2000.

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