SOP Section Rolling Machine #1001123456789

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Operation of Section Rolling
Equipment Number(s)
Efectie !ate "age
"roce#ure "urpose:
$nstruct emplo%ees on the safe operation of the Section Rolling Machine
The steel section to be rolle# &ill be fe# into the machine' The rollers &ill pinch the
steel section an# pull it through the machine' $f the section is not at the correct
curature the machine &ill hae to be reerse# an# the steel section rolle# again
until the correct curature is reache#' (arge steel sections &ill require t&o people to
operate the machine'
Responsible $n#ii#uals: NA
Standard Operating Procedure Sections
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS (Equipment, Knowledge Required):
NEVER operate, service or adjust the rolling machine, or install dies, without proper instructions.
NEVER place your hands, fingers or any other part of your ody into the danger areas of the
machine, unless the motor is turned off and all main power switches are loc!ed in the off position
and tagged.
"anger #reas are:
$) "ie #rea
NEVER attempt to adjust, install or remove dies without first shutting off the power to the ending
machine and loc!ing and tagging the main power source in the off position.
NEVER attempt to pull a part out of the die with your hands. %f the part stic!s in the die, stop the
ending machine and call your supervisor.
NEVER tal! to another person while engaged in the operation of the rolling machine. %f tal!ing is
necessary, stop the machine and step aside away from the machine until the conversation is
NEVER wear jewelry, nec!ties or loose clothing when wor!ing on or near machinery.
NEVER leave the machine running unattended
Initial Rolling
$) &wo people are required at all times to roll a large wor! piece. # small wor! piece may e
handled y a single person
') &he wor! piece is loaded manually onto the roller tale that feeds the section roller.
() &he wor! piece is moved forward into the section roller until it ma!es contact with the
)) &he section roller is then turned on. &he wor! piece will then e drawn into the machine.
*) #s the steel is e+iting the machine one person will person will grasp the wor! piece as it
e+ists the machine to prevent it from rolling over.
,) &wo people must always e holding large wor! pieces as it is e+iting the machine.
Correcting Radius
%f the radius is incorrect, the arc must e corrected.
Doule Pull
$) &wo people are required at all times to rewor! the wor! piece.
') Each person will grasp the wor! piece at one end. -ne person will coordinate the effort y
giving a count eg one, two, pull. -n the pull signal each person will pull on the channel.
.everal pulls may e necessary to correct the prolem.
Single Pull
$) &wo people are required at all times to rewor! a large wor! piece.
') Each person will grasp one end of the wor! piece. &hey will then position one end under
the angle welded on the column.

() /ith the wor! piece securely placed under the angle one person will pull on the opposite
end of the channel to correct the arc.
$) &wo people are required at all times to re0roll a large wor! piece.
') &he wor! piece must lifted and fed into the machine in the reverse direction.
() -nce the wor! piece has een positioned into the machine it can then e turned on in the
reverse direction.

)) &he wor! piece is fed through the section roller until aout $12 is remaining.
*) #t this point the wor! piece must e fed through y umping the machine until the end
of the channel is reached. &he section roller does not have a ra!e and will coast when
the machine is shut off.
,) &he wor! piece must not e allowed to completely roll through the machine, as there is
no support and it will tip over.

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