Miss Quanrud 1 Grade Classroom Management Plan

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Miss Quanrud
Classroom Management Plan

You have brains in
your head,
You have feet in
your shoes.
You can steer
yourself any
Direction you choose
~ Dr. Seuss
Table of Contents

Part I: Classroom Organization Pg. 1-7

Physical pg. 1-2
Operations pg. 3-7
Record Keeping Procedures Pg. 3
Student Binder Pg. 3
Student Data Notebooks Pg. 4
Teacher Binder Pg. 4
Substitute Binder Pg. 4-5
New Students to Classroom Pg. 5-6
Maintaining Room Cleanliness Pg. 6
Desk Arrangement Pg. 7
Students Work Pg. 7

Part II: Classroom Routines and Procedures Pg. 8-
Rules Pg. 8
First Day Pg. 9
Entering the Room Pg. 9
Morning Routine Pg. 9
Calendar Time Pg. 9
Clean Up Procedures Pg. 9
Lining Up Procedures Pg. 10
Hallway Procedures Pg. 10
Asking for Help Pg. 10
Im done, Now What? Pg. 10
Paper Trails Pg. 10-11
Water Fountain Procedures Pg. 11
Bathroom Procedure Pg. 11
Where to do when you have a Broken Pencil Pg. 11
Transitions/Attention Grabbers Pg. 12
What to do when absent? Pg. 12
Going to & Coming from. . . Lunch, Recess, & Specials Pg. 13
End of the Day Routine Pg. 13
Field Trip Pg. 14-15

Classroom Jobs Pg. 16

Part III: Disciplinary Policies and Professional Ethics Pg. 17-
Communication/Relationships with students Pg. 17
Dojo Behavior System Pg. 18
Moving Up the Ladder Pg. 19
Moving Down the Ladder: Consequences Pg. 19
Office Referral Pg. 20
Bullying Pg. 20
Professionalism Pg. 20-21

Differentiation Policy Pg. 22
Gifted Students Pg. 22
Challenged Learners Pg. 22-23

Parents Pg. 23-24

Resources Pg. 24

Thi nk and Wonder . . .

Wonder and Thi nk . . .

~ Dr. Seuss


Part I: Classroom Organization

Physi cal:
Welcome to Niss Quaniuu's fiist giaue classioom! As you entei my classioom many questions will iun thiough youi
minu, one foi suie being, "Why is the ioom laiu out the way it is." Knowing the stiuctuie of the ioom is impoitant foi stuuents
foi it pioviues the geneial flow of how things will woik within the classioom. Below I have pioviueu an explanation of why
things aie the way they aie!
When you fiist entei my classioom you will see the stuuents uesk aie in columns all facing the whiteboaiu. The ieason I
use columns with fiist giaueis is because at this age the fiist giaueis uo not know the piopei way to behave anu be active
leaineis in gioups. This is something I will teach my stuuents thioughout the yeai anu eventually the seating aiiangement will
be gioupeu. In this setting stuuents aie still able to collaboiate with theii neighboi when askeu too, anu eventually collaboiate
within theii gioup setting. With the column setting anu eventually gioup setting stuuents aie engageu in theii leaining
expeiience along with theii peeis leaining expeiiences. This setup also allows me, theii teachei, to move fieely aiounu the
ioom allowing teacheistuuent inteiaction thioughout the leaining piocess.
You re Off To Great
Today Is Your Day!

Your Mountain is wai ti ng
So. . .get on your way!
~Dr. Seuss

Anothei unique aspect to my ioom is how exeicise balls have ieplaceu the stuuents' chaiis. The ieason I use the
exeicise balls is because I believe in the ieseaich that has been uone about the benefits of using them along with seeing them
being useu piopeily within a classioom wheie the teachei (Stephanie Benueison) tolu me the exeicise balls help stuuents
"inciease theii attention span because theii bouy is engageu so theii minu is engageu." The fiist uay anu few weeks, the
stuuents anu myself will be leaining anu piacticing how to piopei sit on the exeicise balls anu unueistanu that they aie a
piivilege, not a iight.
Now that we have talkeu about the stuuent's uesk anu woik aiea, I am going to explain the enviionment aiounu theii
uesks. As you will notice, the stuuents uesk aie placeu in the centei of the ioom allowing each stuuent a cleai view of the
whiteboaiusmait boaiu (piojectoi will be on the ceiling) along with a cleai view of the classioom iules. The location of the
uesks also allows stuuents to view theii leaining enviionment pioviueu to them. In the fiom left coinei anu back left coinei
(as you aie looking at the uesign), you will finu the uiffeient leaining centeis the stuuents aie able to inteiact with when
expanuing theii knowleuge. Beie stuuents will be able to inteiact anu have a moie hanus on leaining enviionment such as in
science lessons, ieauing centeis, anu wiiting woikshops. Right behinu the stuuents uesk you will finu the kiuney table (0
shape) allowing me to pull inuiviuuals anu gioups to meet theii specific leaining levels. Baving an activity table in a 0 shape
allows stuuents anu I to have a moie peisonal leaining enviionment that is welcoming to all levels! You will also see uiiectly
behinu the stuuents the leaining iug, which pioviue whole gioup leaining in a moie peisonal enviionment anu is a gieat
location to uo small gioups anu oi ieau alouu with the stuuents.
Now that I have uiscusseu why the stuuents aie seateu wheie they aie, along with theii enviionment aiounu them, you
might be wonueiing why my uesk is tuckeu away in the coinei. Ny answei to that is, as a teachei you aie on youi feet
constantly, oi you shoulu be, because that means you aie moving about anu engaging in youi stuuents leaining. So why have a
uesk take up space when you can push it against the wall anu allow moie ioom foi leaining.
In a nutshell that is the explanation of why I have aiiangeu my classioom the way I uiu. Allowing the stuuents to be in a
waim, oiganizeu, anu welcoming enviionment will allow the stuuents leaining to be moie oiganizeu anu welcoming as well as
giving them enough oppoitunities to be lifelong leaineis.

** Each stuuent will have theii own lockei howevei foi the wintei months a specific location will be labeleu foi each stuuent in
the hallway wheie they can put theii snow pants, boots etc.

Operati onal:

Record- keeping procedures: the following will be included
It is a peisonal goal of mine to maintain an oiganizeu classioom that contains no suipiises. With no suipiises in minu
not only will the physical appeaiance of the ioom be oiganizeu, but also the iecoius anu assessments I take of my stuuents.
Fiist anu foiemost I will follow the expectations of my school uistiict -implementeu iecoiu keeping pioceuuies. I will make it
a piioiity to iecoiu, oiganize, anu inteipiet stuuents' assignments anu assessments into the giaue book as assignments anu
assessments occui. Bowevei, if a time comes wheie I am unable to entei uocumentation of assignments anu assessments on
time, I will make it a piioiity of mine to set asiue time on Nonuay moinings anu entei the giaues befoie the stuuents walk into
the classioom anu the next week of school officially begins. In oiuei to have iecoius easily accessible anu poitable, I will keep
sepaiate binueis foi uiffeient aieas of my iecoiuing system.
The goal of my oiganizeu iecoiu-keeping foi each stuuent will be to pioviue eviuence of stuuent giowth, show patteins
within stuuents leaining, make infoimeu uecisions about stuuents' piogiess, anu allow myself to ieflect asking, "how can I
make this lesson, assignment oi assessment bettei foi the stuuents' anu theii leaining." By being oiganizeu in those key aieas
I am able to aiu piopeily in the following thiee aieas: stuuents' piogiess, justification of stuuents' piogiess, anu iefeiials of
stuuents' foi special seivices.

Student Binder: the following will be included in this binder
Each stuuent will have his oi hei own tabbeu section containing the following infoimation:
Stuuent IEP goals, if applicable
Paient Contact Infoimation
Running Recoius
Quaiteily Benchmaiks
Wiiting Woikshop Samples
Nath Recoius
vaiious Assignments
uiius - clipboaiu ciuising, anecuotal notes, foimative assessment,
Stuuent BRA
Coloieu coueu spieausheet - vaiious iecoius
** All infoimation within each categoiy will be kept with the most iecent (on top) to the least iecent on bottom.

Student Data Notebooks: the following will be included in this binder
As teacheis we aie constantly uocumenting stuuents leaining piogiess, but it also impoitant to make suie theie aie no
suipiises. Neaning it is vital to have stuuents uocument theii own piogiess as well. 0sing Stuuent uata notebooks allows the
stuuent anu myself to have confeiences viewing my piogiess iepoits anu theii piogiess iepoits of !"#$% leaining. Thus giving
the stuuents the oppoitunity to be involveu in theii leaining anu pioceeu to take action steps in cieating oi achieving theii
goals. These notebooks will be kept in stuuents' cubbies thioughout the uay anu put in my filing cabinet at the enu of the uay
foi confiuential ieasons.
vocabulaiy chaits
Spelling Scoies fiom each week with the woius they misseu listeu anu spelt coiiectly
Reauing uoalsLogs
Peisonal leaining goals
Aiea to tiack theii own piogiess of theii goals
Tiacking Piogiess - Auvanceu, Pioficient, Beveloping, Beginning (ReauingWiiting)

Teacher Binder: the following will be included in this binder
Cuiiiculum Infoimation - copy of the school calenuai incluuing eaily outs, stanuaiuizeu testing uates make-up uates
Baily anu Weekly list of class scheuules
Common Coie Stanuaius listeu as well as State Coie Stanuaius
Lesson Plans - uaily an weekly
uiauing Book
Neeting Notes - pioviueu section foi notes iecoiueu fiom uiscussions uuiing meetings with stuuents, paients, same
giaue level teacheis, auministiatois anu school wiue meetings
Tiaining Notes - pioviueu section foi notes acquiieu fiom the tiainings I attenu
Nonthly Plannei - oveiall goals
To -uo lists: uaily, weekly, monthly, quaiteily, anu yeaily.

Substitute Binder: the following will be included in this binder
This binuing is specifically foi substitutes to use when they aie subbing in my classioom. In case of a situation wheie I was not
planning on being gone, such as uue to illnesses, the substitutes binuei will be locateu on my uesk at all times anu will incluue
the following iesouices:
uet to know Niss Quaniuu's Classioom: this section will incluue an intiouuction to my classioom with pictuies anu a
small uesciiption of each centei within my ioom. The lettei will also incluue a thank you to the substitute foi being
available anu taking caie of my stuuents while I am gone.
Baily pioceuuies anu ioutines
Classioom iules anu expectations of the stuuents
Lessons they coulu teach my stuuents in all subject aieas (cleaifamiliai lessons)
Emeigency Infoimation: This section will incluue all necessaiy emeigency phone numbeis incluuing the fiont office,
nuise, anu any othei teacheis my stuuents woik with thioughout the uay. This section will also incluue piopei
evacuation pioceuuies in which the school manuates.

New Student Packets:

When a new stuuent comes into my classioom I will be suie to gieet them with a
waim smile anu intiouuction into his oi hei new classioom. If notice is pioviueu
aheau of time I will uiscuss with my class about the new stuuents aiiival anu
pioceeu to making a welcoming sign with eveiyone stuuent wiiting a special note
on the sign. We will be suie to have the stuuent's uesk anu nametag ieauy to go
along with any othei essential items he oi she may neeu within theii fiist few
uays. The classioom gieetei foi the uay in which the new stuuent is to aiiive, will
be the new stuuents special buuuy foi the uay anu fiist couple weeks. The
classioom gieetei anu I will have a piioi uiscussion about theii expectations as
the new stuuent's special buuuy. This special buuuy will guiue the new stuuent in
some of the classioom iules anu expectations as they come up. They will sit next
to each othei in the classioom as well as at lunch. They will be consiueieu the go
to peison, until the new stuuent feels comfoitable within oui community.
If notice is not given aheau of time, I will still make suie to gieet the stuuent
with a waim smile anu welcome into his oi hei new classioom. I will have an
empty uesk that is available foi a situation like this. The goal is to have no stuuent
evei feel as if they aie an inconvenience. Bue to having no notice aheau of time I
will set an appiopiiate time to meet with the stuuent pioviuing them with a moie foimal gieeting along with uiscussing
classioom pioceuuies anu iules.
In eithei situation I will assess stuuents comfoit level anu ueteimine an activity that helps the new stuuent feel
welcome anu get to know hishei classmates. In eithei situation I will also want to contact the paients of the chilu to set a uate
to foimally intiouuce myself, my classioom expectations anu go ovei the new stuuent classioom packet, which woulu incluue:
Welcome to Niss Quaniuu's Fiist uiaue Lettei
&'( !' *+,# !"# -#( !%+-./'%*+!$'- ('%, /'% 0'1 +-2 0'1% 3"$42 lettei.
Libiaiy Caiu
Biithuay Canule (pait of my biithuay section of the wall on the east siue of my ioom)
Labels foi math jouinals anu ieauingwiiting jouinals
Nini clothespin foi how we go home boaiu
Paient Contact infoimation - what uays woik best to meet if neeu be anu times, what is the best way to get aholu of
them if neeu be etc.
Lettei incluuing the infoimation we have alieauy coveieu as a class (will be upuateu monthly).
Paient volunteei oppoitunities
School Calenuai - incluuing eaily outs, events, etc.
Ny goals foi my chilu sheet
FAQ sheet
Chilu inteiest sheet, which the stuuent can coloi, uecoiate anu fill out howevei they please
This meeting will be an oppoitunity foi the paients to ask any questions they may have oi foi myself to ask any questions I
may have about theii chilu that woulu be impoitant to know foi theii leaining. By encouiaging a meeting with the paients
allows the oppoitunity foi eveiyone to stait off on the same page with no suipiises!

Maintaining Room Cleanliness:
It is a peisonal goal of mine to maintain an oiganizeu classioom. Being oiganizeu comes with maintaining a classioom
that is not only oiueily, but clean as well. Fiom the fiist uay of school my stuuents anu I will leain anu piactice keeping an
oiueily, clean ioom. In uoing so stuuents will be limiteu to the numbei of items they will be alloweu to have in theii uesk anu
chaii pockets. Baily the two 34#+- 15 3%#( woikeis will make suie oui classioom is oiueily, howevei they will not be in chaige
of checking inuiviuual's uesks. Bue to the fact that stuuents aie iesponsible foi theii own inuiviuual uesks anu the oiueiliness
of it, stuuents anu I will take time uuiing oui 6-2 '/ !"# 2+0 7'1!$-# to clean out any cluttei that may have accumulateu. This
will occui eveiy othei Fiiuay.
In many piimaiy classes lots of hanus on activities take place incluuing ciafts. 0n uays wheie oui ioom may get extia
messy uue to the activities we aie inteiacting with I will use the *0.!#%0 5$#3# 8+*# to iealign oui classioom. In this game I
will pick one specific item on the flooi anu it is the stuuents job to cleanup anu see if what they cleaneu up was the *0.!#%0
5$#3#9 This game will not only motivate stuuents to keep theii leaining enviionment tiuy, but also engage them in the piocess
with pioviuing an oppoitunity foi them to be active helpeis.


Desk Arrangements:
Bow I ueciue to aiiange my stuuents' uesk says a lot about what I want to accomplish in my classioom
as stuuents leain. Stiategically aiianging stuuents' uesks seives many meanings. In my stiategic
aiiangement you will finu stuuents' uesks in columns facing the fiont of the classioom. In this set up I
am able to place highei anu lowei achieving stuuents next to one anothei, but not put them in-gioup
seating. As I piopeily teach anu piactice with my stuuents' the benefits of collaboiating with one
anothei anu how we uo so in school settings, allows me to maintain a manageu classioom fiom the time
they sit inuepenuently to when they sit in gioups. Thioughout the school yeai the uesk aiiangement will
change anu eventually evolve into gioupeu seating.

Displaying Student Work:

Bisplaying my stuuents' masteipieces is a high piioiity in my classioom. Bisplaying theii woik will not only give stuuents
piiue anu confiuence in theii futuie woik, but coulu be a faucet to othei leaining oppoitunities. I will have a uesignateu
bulletin boaiu wheie stuuents can pin theii new masteipiece up whenevei they feel it is completeu. Pioviuing stuuents with
this iesponsibility will allow them to be engageu in theii leaining anu theii classmates leaining. Anothei oppoitunity to show
off stuuents woik is thiough uisplays in the hallway. By uisplaying it wheie othei people outsiue oui classioom walls can see,
such as peeis, teacheis, paients, oi community membeis, allows the oppoitunity foi conveisations to be igniteu about what
the stuuents aie exploiing insiue theii classioom.


Body Basics
!Give me Five"

o Face Me
o Eyes on Me
o Ears on Me
o Quiet
o Hands and Feet to Self
Voi ce Level
4 0utsiue

Team voice

2 Paitnei Talk

1 Whispei

u No voice

Classroom Rules
1. Always try to do your best
2. Keep our classroom neat & clean
3. Listen and follow directions
4. Respect yourself and others
5. Have your things ready
Part II: Rules
Part II: Procedures & Routi nes:

First Day

Piioi to the school yeai officially beginning, I will intiouuce myself to my stuuents anu theii paients by senuing out a simple
lettei, which invites anu welcomes each chilu into my classioom. The seconu page of the lettei will incluue a list of supplies
each stuuent will neeu, along with a note to the paients inviting them to be apait of theii chilu's leaining thiough volunteei
oppoitunities I anu the school pioviue. The thiiu page of the lettei will be a foimal invite to the schools :!'5 -; <%'5 wheie
paients anu stuuents will have an oppoitunity to exploie theii new enviionment foi leaining, locate theii lockei anu uesk anu
have the oppoitunity foi me to get to know each stuuent anu theii paients anu answei any questions they may have.

Entering the Room:
Bell iings.
Stuuents come uown the hallway anu aie gieeteu into the classioom by theii smiling, welcoming, anu #-!"1.$+.!$3
Iuentify uaily job (See iuentifying job pioceuuie)
Quietly put theii belongings into theii lockei.
Put any assignments in tuin-in box anu any notes in the note-box

Morning Routine:
Stuuents will go uiiectly to theii uesk anu complete seatwoik quietly.
Listen to Announcements (Seatwoik continues)
Lunch choice. (Teachei will call each column up one at a time to uo so quietly.) - I will be taking attenuance uuiing this
time as well foi it uoes not inteiiupt stuuents leaining.
(Seatwoik Continues)

Calendar Time:
I will iing the classioom bell twice, stuuents will quietly put theii seatwoik away, stanu up, push in theii chaii, anu
make theii way to the teal caipet by the calenuai at the fiont of the ioom.

Clean Up Procedures:
Teachei says, "Clean 0p"
Stuuents aie iesponsible to clean up what they aie woiking on anu the aiea aiounu theii uesk
Classioom clean up ciew will inspect the ioom (see job uesciiption foi fuithei expectations).

Lining Up Procedures:
Stanu up quietly
Push in youi chaii
With a zeio level voice, foim a single file line behinu the classioom line leauei.
Walking on Naishmallow Toes

Hallway Procedures
Stay at a level u voice
Stay behinu the peison in fiont of you
Stay to the iight

Asking for Help:
Raise hanu quietly
Woik on a pioblem you uo know until the teachei makes theii way to you
If teachei is in a small gioup -
o Ask assistant if theie is one
o Ask a peei - but uo not uistiact them
o Wait till the teachei is uone with the small gioup befoie iaising youi hanu

Im Done, Now What? (Free Time)
Below aie the thiee options I have foi stuuents who finish eaily anu aie waiting foi otheis to finish up the task:
I can Reau
I can Wiite in my }ouinal
I can Finish any unfinisheu woik
I can Fiee Biaw
I can uo a job foi the teachei

Paper Trails:
Stuuents will be intiouuceu to anu piactice the pioceuuie foi tuining in homewoik folueis anu any assignments uone
in class. Aftei stuuents have put theii belongings in theii lockeis anu have put theii libiaiy books in the classioom libiaiy bin,
stuuents will place theii homewoik foluei in a uesignateu tuin-in box locateu on the table next to my uesk. Stuuents will also
have an oppoitunity in the moining to uiop any peisonal notes fiom paientsguaiuians in the uesignateu notes box.
Afteiwaius stuuents will go stiaight to theii uesk anu stait theii seatwoik. The stuuent tuin-in box will also be useu
thioughout the uay as stuuents complete theii woik.
At the beginning of the yeai stuuents will be given a one-tiei coloieu file foluei. 0n the fiont of the bin will be the
stuuents uesignateu numbei foi the school yeai. This file foluei will holu stuuents inuepenuent book they aie ieauing,
jouinals, anu theii Fiiuay Folueis, which will incluue a tab foi completeu homewoik. The teachei helpei will be in chaige of
making suie each stuuent gets theii papeis anu stuuents will locate theii bin anu place them in the piopei tabbeu section.

Water Fountain Procedures:
Stuuents will be askeu to biing a watei bottle to school eliminating any time oi uistiaction theie coulu be fiom stuuents
getting up anu getting a uiink. Locateu on theii uesk anu flooi will be a coloieu ciicle wheie the stuuents aie too keep his oi
hei watei bottle so they aie not in the way of theii leaining anu othei stuuents leaining. When the whole class is uown at the
bathioom, stuuents will be able to get a uiink, if they woulu like, befoie they line up against the wall. When stuuents go to the
bathioom uuiing class they will be askeu to not get a uiink until they have come back to the classioom wheie they can get a
uiink fiom theii watei bottles. This allows me as the teachei to know exactly what my stuuent shoulu be uoing when they aie
at the bathioom

Bathroom Procedure:
"#$%&' ()*++,
Boys will place the boys iestioom pass on theii uesk than pioceeu to go the bathioom
uiils will place the giils iestioom pass on theii uesk than pioceeu to go to the bathioom

-+ * ./0)1 ()*++,
Follow line up anu hallway pioceuuies
uo to the bathioom
If all bathiooms aie full, wait quietly against the wall
Wash youi hanus with soap anu watei
Line up against the hallway wall following hallway pioceuuies waiting patiently until all classmates aie uone using the

Where to do when you have a Broken Pencil:
Place bioken pencil in non-shaip cup
uet a new pencil fiom the shaipeneu cup
Continue youi woik

Transitions/Attention Grabbers:

Bow I plan my tiansitions of my stuuents fiom one leaining expeiience to the next is key to effective classioom management.
0n my uesk you will finu a bell, which will be iang twice when I want stuuents to put away what they aie woiking on anu
piepaie themselves foi the next leaining expeiience on oui uaily scheuule. It will be vital that I intiouuce anu piactice this
pioceuuie with my stuuents anu maintain consistency in using it thioughout the school yeai.
Not only is it vital to have a plan foi tiansition times, but also to have attention giabbeis foi when I want the class to iefocus,
oi have fuithei uiiection oi uiscussion. Below aie a few attention giabbeis that I will intiouuce anu piactice with my stuuents
anu use thioughout the school yeai:
Teachei: Bocus Pocus
Stuuents: Eveiybouy Focus
Teachei: Nacaioni anu cheese
Stuuent: Eveiybouy Fieeze
Teachei: Reauy to Rock.
Stuuents: Reauy to Roll!
Teachei: 12S eyes on me
Stuuents: 0ne Two Eyes on you
Teachei: Banus on Top
Stuuents: That means stop (put hanu on theii heaus)
Teachei: Check Check
Stuuents: Check Check
**This will be useu to make suie eveiyone unueistanu the expectations of the task aheau.

What to do when you are absent?
Locateu next to the tuin-in box anu note box stuuents will finu a filing bin. This filing bin is the absent bin, which will
contain tabbeu files, one foi each stuuent. If a stuuent leaves eaily oi is absent foi the uay, stuuents oi paients can come to the
bin, locate the stuuents uesignateu numbei foi the yeai anu pull out any assignments oi papeis that weie woikeu on by the
class while they weie out. Clippeu to the papei(s) will be a note fiom myself infoiming paientsstuuents of what the class uiu
uuiing theii time away, what I will neeu him oi hei to completeu anu tuin in within two uays of theii abscenty, anu a little siue
note that infoims the stuuent of how much they weie misseu anu how much we as a class look foiwaiu to theii ietuin!

Going to & Coming From . . .
Lunch stuuents will follow the lining up anu hallway pioceuuies. While eating lunch they will be instiucteu to sit in bouy
basics anu follow any uiiections given by the teachei on lunch uuty.

Recess stuuents will follow the line up anu hallway pioceuuies until they step outsiue. 0nce outsiue stuuents will be
instiucteu to follow classioom iules, such as iespecting each othei, along with following any uiiections given by the teachei on
iecess uuty.

Specials stuuents will be askeu to biing any of the mateiials they may neeu foi that paiticulai special. uoing to anu fiom
stuuents will follow lining up anu hallway pioceuuies. When in the specials classioom my iules will still apply along with any
othei iules the special teachei may have.

End of the Day Routine: last 25 minutes of the day
Classioom bell will be iang twice
Stuuents will neatly put away any thing they aie woiking on anu clean the aiea aiounu them
Classioom clean up ciew will make aiounu the ioom tiip inspecting any "gaibage" that still neeus to be taken caie of
0nce the classioom clean up ciew appioves the classioom stuuents will place theii clip in the piopei column on
classioom "how uo I get home touay" boaiu
uathei all belongings quietly
If you weie absent the uay befoie, please make youi way to the absent file bin anu pull out any papeisnotes locateu
unuei youi numbei.
Lineup keeping in minu the lineup pioceuuie
Bismiss stuuents: I will stanu in the uooiway with the waiming smile I staiteu the uay with pioviuing stuuents with a
siue hug oi high five, whichevei the stuuent piefeis.


Fi eld Tri ps:
Thioughout the school yeai we will have a few
fielu tiips that will allow stuuents to expanu theii
knowleuge of the content we aie focusing on. 0ne way
foi uoing so is giving stuuents the oppoitunity to
inteiact with hanus-on expeiience with iich iesouices
that aie founu outsiue the classioom, but within theii
own community. Below you will finu how I will go about
making aiiangements foi all of oui fielu tiips.

Before the trip:
o Iuentify the iationale, objectives, anu plan of evaluation foi the fielu tiip.
o Select the site to be visiteu anu make aiiangements to meet with the locations euucational cooiuinatoi to
ueteimine the uate, time anu swap contact infoimation.

Logistics Planning:
o Apply foi auministiative appioval
o File iequisition foi bus
o Aiiangements foi sack lunch if neeueu
o Piint name tags of stuuents anu chapeiones
o Collect money foi aumission fees (if theie aie any)
o Pioviue alteinative activities foi those who aie unable to go

Send a packet home informing parents of the following: (This packet will also be given
to the principal).
o Who will be going.
o Wheie we will be auventuiing tooBow we will get theie
o When we will be taking oui auventuie
o Bow it will benefit stuuents leaining
o A list of what the stuuents will neeu foi oui uay outhow they shoulu have theii chilu uiess foi the outing.
o 0ui plan once we aie back in the classioom
o 0ppoitunity to be a volunteei
o Itineiaiy
o Biop-off anu pick-up pioceuuies
o Peimission slip
o CostNoney neeueu

o 0nce volunteeis aie in oiuei, a lettei will be sent out infoiming volunteeis of the expectations anu uuties of
them as we aie on the tiip.

Inform students of field trip includi ng:
o WheieWhen we will be going.
o Why we aie goingWhat we will be uoing to piepaie ouiselves foi the big uay.
o What we will neeu to biing.
o (The uay of the tiip we will go ovei the expectations)

When we return from the field trip:
o Continue uiscussion about fielu tiip anu the exploiations we weie involveu in
o Lesson plans leauing off of the tiip
o Thank you letteis to the piincipal anu fielu tiip location
o Reflection - stuuents thinking of the tiip anu how it benefiteu theii leaining in school

Student Jobs:
Each uay as the stuuents entei into the classioom they will be askeu to iuentify theii job. All jobs will be listeu on the uooi with
stuuents' names unuei each job. The stuuent will be iesponsible foi that job thioughout the uay.
21*31$, helps leau oui class to anu fiom specials anu lunch.

(1&41$ 5&+61740$+, make suie centeis aie put back in theii place aftei centei time.

81&7%) 91)61$, helps me shaipen the pencil founu within the non-shaipeneu pencil cup (uuiing fiee time oi at the enu
of the uay).

:1*7/1$ -++%+4*&4, helps me pass out papei, senu things to the office, etc.

2%;$*$<, make suie classioom libiaiy is oiganizeu anu takes the school libiaiy book ietuins back to the libiaiian

()1*& #6 ($1= >?@, makes suie that theie is no tiash on the flooi (befoie eveiy special anu at the enu of the uay).

A113%&' B#;;* >()*++ :#$4)1@, helps feeus oui class tuitle (Noining only)


Part III: Di sci pli nary Poli ci es and
Professi onal Ethi cs

Communication and Relationships with students:

Befoie the school yeai officially staits I will be builuing a ielationship with my stuuents.
Builuing a peisonal anu positive ielationship fiom the beginning allows foi a peisonal,
positive, anu "#+4!"0 ielationship to continue thioughout the school yeai. A peisonal
goal of mine is to cieate that peisonal, positive, anu healthy ielationship with all my
stuuents, incluuing those who aie the most uifficult to like. If you tiuly think about it,
the stuuents who aie haiu to like aie the ones who will neeu that stiong, fiim
ielationship fiom myself moie than any of my othei stuuents. By cieating this
ielationship befoie the school yeai staits, anu maintaining it thioughout allows oui
classioom to be an enviionment wheie stuuents feel safe, caieu foi, anu know theie aie
enuless possibilities. Naking peisonal connections with my stuuents such as auuiessing
them by theii name oi noticing when they have gotten new cloths oi haiicut, can help
builu that ielationship anu tiust within the stuuents foi they see I caie about theii
leaining, but moie impoitantly who they aie as an inuiviuual.

To achieve my goal of cieating that peisonal, positive, anu healthy ielationship with my stuuents it is impoitant that each anu
eveiyone of them feels comfoitable anu safe with me in all situations. 0n the fiist uay of school aftei I have waimly anu
enthusiastically gieeteu my stuuents into my classioom anu askeu them to put theii belongings in theii lockei, I will ask them
to come to the caipet. That veiy fiist uay I will infoim the stuuents of who I am anu what some of my inteiest aie. I will show
stuuents my teaching uegiee fiom Biake 0niveisity anu my piiue of being a Bulluog, how I enjoy photogiaphy, exeicising, anu
ieauing, along with showing them my family anu the impact they have on my life. By showing my stuuents I am a human just
like them who enjoys things they may enjoy as well, allows the ice to be bioken. When telling stuuents about who I am as a
peison pioviues an oppoitunity to show them I am theii guiue on the siue, not the sage on the stage. By being theii guiue I am
also being theii suppoitei, but moie impoitantly theii fan who is always theie cheeiing them on at eveiy level of theii


Dojo Behavior System:
Bojo is a behavioi management softwaie system that allows my stuuents to stay aleit anu on-task. Each stuuent is pioviueu a
monstei with his oi hei numbei anu thioughout the uay the stuuents can eain points, oi lose points. These points aie
viewable by stuuents, paients, anu myself thioughout the uay. By having a behavioi system that incluues all thiee bianches
anu is continuously implementeu into the classioom allows foi no suipiises to be piesent. It also pioviues the oppoitunity foi
stuuents to physically see wheie they aie at thioughout the uay anu see which categoiy they neeu to impiove in. This system
allows paients to see only theii chilu's behavioi piogiess thioughout a uay, week, anu month. Paients also have the
oppoitunity to comment on theii chilu's behavioi at school allowing us to be consistent with such behaviois insiue anu outsiue
the classioom. Below aie the behavioi categoiies:

Following Biiections
Bo the iight thing because it was the iight thing
Respecteu othei teacheis anu theii iules uuiing specials
Stayeu on task anu uiu not get uistiacteu anu oi uistiact othei classmates
Naintaineu Bouy Basics
Stayeu within the voice level instiucteu by the teachei(s)
If stuuents lose points oi go negative I am able to comment as well anu infoim paients foi the ieason theii chilu lost a point oi


Moving Up the Ladder:
At the beginning of each day all students will start with their clip on Ready to Learn. How
students move up the later could be due to any of the following performances:

Following the Classroom Rules
Being a problem solver
Doing the right thing because it was the right thing to do
Respecting the volume level the teacher has placed the students at
Sitting in Body Basics
Being respectful and following the rules in Specials (ie. Art, Library, P.E., school
assemblies etc.)

Moving Down the Ladder: Consequences
In our class each student will have a clip that is placed on the Performance ladder.
Each day students will start at the Ready to Learn step. Students will be able to move up or
down the latter at any point of the day. If students break a classroom rule they will move
directly down to the Think about it step. This will be in affect for any student that breaks a
classroom rule, meaning whether a student is at Ready or Outstanding, breaking a classroom
rule will automatically mean the students will stop and think about what rule they broke and
how they can fix their actions so it does not happen again.
If student continues to break the classroom rules or goes against school policies, the
student(s) will be asked to move their clip down to Teachers Choice. At this point I will pull
the student aside at an appropriate time as not to embarrass the student in front of their peers,
and talk with them about the problem and compromise together how we can fix it. In the end
I will determine if our compromise is appropriate based on the action of the student.
If behavior still continues, students will move their clip down to Parent Contact and
as soon as possible parents will be contacted and a conference with the parents will be set-up.
This conference will include the parents, their child, and myself where we will discuss the
students positive inputs to the classroom, discuss the issue that we are having in the specific
area, and determine a way we can correct the childs action. This action plan could relate to
what the student is doing well in the classroom and add a positive affect to the matter
encouraging the student(s) to correct their performance.

Office Referral:
Bue to the classioom management plan I have cieateu anu put into affect since uay one, I will be able to avoiu this
iefeiial at all cost. By senuing a stuuent to the office uoes not only take away fiom the stuuents leaining if he oi she weie to
stay in the ioom, but it also infoims the office woikei anu the piincipal that I have let my classioom become unmanageu. If the
stuuent uoes go to the office the stuuent will biing with him oi hei pievious woik they have uone in the piocess of coiiecting
this misbehavioi. I will also submit an office iefeiial statement infoiming the piincipal of all action steps taken to solve the
pioblem up to this point, whethei within one uay oi ovei a weeks peiiou. If the situation uoes aiise anu the measuies call foi a
iefeiial to the office I want to make suie all paities aie on the same page with no suipiises.

*If the action causeu by the stuuent goes against stuuent hanubook iules wheie office iefeiial is a iequiiement I will senu my
stuuents automatically, but still incluue all infoimation neeueu so all paities aie on the same page.
**All my uiscipline will be moie coveit than oveit as to not embaiiass a chilu.

To maintain a safe anu comfoitable enviionment that encouiages anu inspiies leaining means that at any level bullying
will not be toleiateu. Bullying in any foim, emotional, veibal, physical, cybei (if uone so on school computeis) will be
auuiesseu without hesitation. To stop bullying the fiist time anu avoiu ieoccuiience the school piincipal anu chilu's
paientsguaiuians will be contacteu iight away. At this point all paities will meet to come up with action steps to coiiecting
such behavioi. It is impoitant to me also at this time to make suie my class anu theii leaining enviionment is not haimeu in
any way, shape oi foim.


Biessing appiopiiately anu piofessionally will be the fiist thing that mouels success to my stuuents anu cowoikeis. When my
stuuents come into my classioom anu meet me foi the fiist time, I want them to know theii teachei is someone who is seiious
about theii leaining anu abilities to achieve gieatness. It is impoitant to iemembei as a teachei that you aie a walking, talking
auveitisement foi what you believe anu teach as an euucatoi, which will have a lasting effect on youi stuuents. By maintaining
this attituue thioughout the yeai anu showing stuuents I caie, baseu on how I act anu uiess, will gain stuuents tiust, allowing
us to go beyonu the suiface level of leaining.

As a teachei I will encompass many ioles each uay, month, anu yeai thioughout my caieei. Being a team playei oi being able
to effectively collaboiate with otheis will be key to how successful I am as a teachei. Ny ability to mouel effective collaboiation
will influence the success of my stuuents fiom the moment they step into my classioom anu thioughout the iest of theii lives.
Not only is it vital to collaboiate with my stuuents on a uaily basis, but also with othei faculty membeis in the builuing such as,
special euucationTAu teacheis, specialist, piincipals, counselois, lunchioom staff anu office woikeis. Naintaining a
piofessional mannei at all levels will be key to the ielationships I builu within my schools community. Bowevei theie is no
uoubt that moie than once I will be in a situation wheie anothei colleague of mine is uiscussing uisiespectful oi negative
comments about a stuuent, cowoikei, oi school policy. When such situation occui it will be my piofessional uuty to excuse
myself fiom such conveisation even if that means making up an excuse to leave. Though theie may be points wheie I am
unable to excuse myself, such as on the way to a confeience wheie we aie all iiuing togethei, it will be my piofessional uuty to
not make any comments on the mannei. If at some point my opinion is askeu on the mattei it will be my piofessional uuty to
infoim those holuing the conveisation that I am not able to comment on such a mannei anu woulu p iefei focusing on my own
business. Though this will be easiei saiu than uone, I will continue to ieminu myself that it is moie impoitant to be a positive
iole mouel foi my stuuents than to be incluueu in the gossip gioup of my colleagues. It is vital to keep in minu the ultimate
goal: engage anu inspiie stuuents in theii leaining anu in life.

Not only will theie be situations wheie I will uisagiee with my colleagues, but my piincipal's leaueiship views. At this point I
will finu an appiopiiate time to sit uown with the piincipal anu shaie my feelings with piofessional manneiism. In eithei
situation whethei I am in conflict with what a colleague oi piincipal has stateu it is impoitant to go uiiectly to the souice
insteau of to otheis wheie moie than one wiie coulu be ciosseu. uoing uiiectly to the piincipal about a situation insteau of my
colleagues will cleai up confusion iight away insteau of letting it hang theie, which coulu easily leau to wanting to gossip oi
vent about the mattei.

Di fferenti ated Poli cy:
Today you are you that is truer
than true There is no one alive who is youer than you
~ Dr. Seuss
Being a continuous leainei, I have ieau anu seen many situations that
piove the one-size fits all teaching system uoes not woik anu is ineffective to
stuuents leaining, which in the long iun hinueis stuuents success in life. Each
stuuent of mine has uiffeient neeus that ueseive to be met. Below aie the plans
I have foi meeting the neeus of all my stuuents fiom those who stiuggle to
those who excel.

C%D413 E4#31&4+,
uifteu anu highei leaining stuuents stiive foi inuepenuence, extensions, anu open-enueu tasks that allow them to exploie
content leauing towaius expansion of theii knowleuge. It will be vital to theii leaining to meet theii neeus which aie acauemic
anu emotional, meaning it will take effoit fiom me as theii teachei to listen anu exploie theii iueas with them. At this point
cieativity staits to flow allowing the stuuent to show theii tiue potential. Though these stuuents aie gifteu oi aie at a highei
leaining level than theii peeis, it will be vital foi me to iemembei they aie not iesponsible foi teaching those who may be
stiuggling oi at a lowei level than themselves. The goal is to meet theii neeus anu scaffolu them to a highei level of thinking
allowing them to assimilate oi accommouate what they alieauy know.

(/*))1&'13 21*$&1$+,
Neeting the neeus of challenging leaineis at theii appiopiiate level is vital to how the stuuent(s) will succeeu insiue anu
outsiue my classioom. It is impoitant that I take time to note my stuuents ZPB anu unueistanu they may neeu moie time anu a
multituue of oppoitunities to piactice befoie they fully unueistanu the concept oi skill. Beteimining stuuents' schema befoie
anu aftei lessons will be vital to theii leaining anu in ueciuing what the next action step will be. Pioviuing uevelopmentally
appiopiiate leveleu content with conciete examples will help challengeu stuuents giasp the concept oi skill being taught. If a
stiuggling leainei has an IEP, it will be my piofessional uuty to collaboiate with othei teacheis who aie woiking with this
stuuent anu taking appiopiiate action steps !'8#!"#% that meet the goals anu help fuithei stuuent's knowleuge. In this
situation it is impoitant that all paities incluueu in this chilu's leaining aie on the same page anu aie pioviuing the
appiopiiate leaining mateiial that meets the stuuent's neeus acauemically anu emotionally.

0veiall, my goal is to have a uiffeientiateu classioom wheie the content, piocess, anu piouuct aie uiffeientiateu appiopiiately
in meeting my stuuents neeus fiom those who excel to those who stiuggle.


Ny oveiall goal in my classioom at all levels of communication is to
make suie theie aie nevei any suipiises. Baving iegulai anu consistent
communication with my paients will allow them to be awaie of theii chilu's
leaining anu piogiess thioughout the school yeai. Communicating
fiequently will also pioviue me the oppoitunity to be awaie of what is
going on in my stuuent's home life. Being awaie of such infoimation allows
me to unueistanu why a stuuent might be stiuggling at a ceitain point in
theii euucation, such as if a gianupaient uies, they might be uistiacteu
when uoing school woik anu neeu moie oppoitunities to cope with the
situation at hanu. Ny fiist action of communicating with paients will be in
the welcome lettei anu invitation to the schools :!'5 =; <%'5, which will be
a night to get to know theii chilu, but them as well. This will also be an
oppoitunity foi paients to see the enviionment in which the chilu will be
leaining anu giowing.
Aftei the fiist week of school I will set up mini confeiences with the paients
which will be an oppoitunity foi me to uiscuss with them the best way to contact
me with any questions, along with uiscussing inteiest of theii chilu anu goals they
have foi theii chilu's school yeai. As they aie the chilu's paients it is impoitant to
keep in minu that they know theii chilu the best so listening to them will be vital
to how you instiuct theii chilu's leaining expeiiences.
Paients will also have the oppoitunity to keep up with oui classioom
activities anu exploiations thiough my teachei blog. 0n my blog I will have
pioviueu weekly upuates on classioom lessons, activities, piojects, anu othei
ielevant infoimation. The blog will also incluue a tab wheie paients can finu
homewoik assignments anu piojects along with the uays in which they aie uue.
Anothei tab will incluue all the scheuules they may neeu fiom a uaily classioom
scheuule to the school scheuule notifying them of any eaily outs oi late staits. At
the mini confeience paients will be infoimeu of my blog anu askeu peimission to

I like nonsense
It wakes up the brain cells.
Fantasy is a necessary ingredient
In living. Its a way of looking
At life through the wrong end
Of a telescope
~ Dr. Seuss

use theii chilu's woik anu pictuies on my blog allowing me to tiuly expiess the piogiess we aie making as a class.
Paient confeiences will be nothing but an oppoitunity foi one anothei to get to know each othei bettei. At confeiences
paients will be able to view the eviuence I have collecteu since the last confeience showing them the physical piogiess theii
chilu has maue. Confeiences will be a time to uiscuss theii chilu's success, stiengths, aieas that neeu attention, along with
uiscussing any conceins they have up to this point. Confeiences will contain an enviionment that is open to suggestions anu an
aiea wheie all iueas aie able to be laiu out anu compiomiseu as long as the goal contain ways that only encouiage anu inspiie
theii chilu's leaining.




Niemeyei, Saiah. Attention uiabbeis. Fillmoie Cential. 2u1S
Tomlinson, C. (1999). The differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs of all leaners. (Vol. 1). Alexandria: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development

Wong , H., & Wong, R. (2009). The first day of school: How to be an effective teacher. Harry K. Wong Publications Inc. : Mountain

Tomlinson, C. (1999). The differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs of all leaners. (Vol. 1). Alexandria: Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development.

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