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By: Dafne Messana, March 31, 2014

Florence or Firenze in Italy, where is capital city of Italian region of Tuscany, is one of most
important and popular city in Italy. Florence is center of trade and Economics in Europe which impact to
Florence become to advance city then become rich city. Florence also is beginning of renaissance and
evolution of renaissance. Many artist travel to Florence city by hope to get opportunity for create art work,
these are causes that Florence be full of art and architecture. Billionaire city or Florence is not only city
that open change for every people to be famous artist, but also have many rich people want to support
Florence is beautiful city that stretches among Arno River. The buildings and houses of Florence
is beautiful of pattern and color, you can easy to falling in love with this city where has magical and aura
of art. Florence has a lot of famous paintings, statues and architectures these are charm of Florence
which can attach attention every class of people. Most of architecture of Florence are beautiful and
interesting both design and designer include interesting history. If you are finding place that can make you
always excite, Florence is correct choice for you.
We starting with Ponte Vecchio which is old bridge that has long history. This old bridge is cross
the arno river, main river of Florence. First time Ponte Vecchio occurred since 996 then rebuilder again in
1345 by Giorgio Vasari for Teddeo Gddi. Now, this bridge use for connect Palazzo Vechio with the
Palazzo Pitti. Second, Santa Marie Novell is one important church of Florence, this church was beginning
point of renaissance. Santa Marie Novell was built since ninth century then rebuilt in 1246 and complete
in 1360. Leone Batista Alberi, who was famous architecture designer. Designed faade of this church,
this was part that not designed by two Dominica faiars but faade is highlight of church. So, the faade of
this church made by marbles that have black and white colors.
Florence Cathedral or Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore or Il Duomo di FirenZe in Italy, where is
main church of Florence. This church was designed by Gothic style by Arrnolfo di cambio and had Filippo
Brunelleshi, who was famous engineer to be engineer, and other many artists for created this cathedral.
This church completed stature by 1436. Although structure of Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore was
completed already, but they still have plans to develop both interior and exterior of Basilica di Santa Maria
del Fiore or Florence Cathedral.
Florence also have many place that interesting such as Palazzo Vechio where is old place, have
big bell or Campanile and have Piazza della Sinoria, Palazzo Pitti where is opposite Palazzo Vechio.
Florence is amazing.


most famous statue of Michelangelo
By: Dafne Messana, March 31, 2014
David is most famous statue that made by one of most famous artist who name Michelangelo,
and be most famous statue in this time of Italy. Michelangelo started to create David in 1501 which he
used time for create this statue almost four years, so David statue complete when 1504. David is proud of
Italian, people compare David statue is hero, therefore David get both appreciation and respect from
people. Michelangelo's David is symbol of power, strength, fresh, youngster and beauty of human. David
also draw attention from other people in the world whether tourist, artist, rich people, noble and normal
people, can say David statue of Michelangelo makes famous for Italy.
David statue be high fourteen feet and three inches that like true high of people. This statue made
by marble which provide marble blocks from Carara of Tuscany. You can distinguish size if David statues
head is bigger than proper size of body, many people understand that is Michelangelos wrong work but
in true, The original intent of Michelangelo is put this statue in peak of church therefore this is forecasts to
the fact that when people look from lower place to higher place, people will look the higher place smaller
that true. Another thing is determination of Michelangelo, is right hand of David statue is also bigger than
proper size but this is meaning that many people known, David was denominated that manu fortis
Meaning of David is mistress or who was loved which true in fact because David also was
mistress of all people. David was king or god by different legend; he was living in Prehistoric period. In
one legend first David was musician who was adept harpist then he became solider and can overthrow
Goliath who can kill giant and was Philistia, this is cause that people denominate David, is hero. Iastly,
David became grand king with ability and love of people.
All of these are cause of appreciation and respect which people feel with David statue of

< vasarimap1.jpg>
Figure 1. Renaissance Florence, Florence (n.d.). Note: Copyright FLORIN WEBSITE

< pali1.jpg>
Figure 2. Italian Renaissance wedding, Baptistry, Florence (n.d.). Note: Copyright FLORIN WEBSITE

Figure 3. Graphite pencil, David (2009). Note: Copyright Daniel Montoya Studio

Image Bibliography:
Vasari, G. (Artist). (n.d.) Renaissance Florence, [Online Image]. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from MAPS
Giovanni, S. (Artist). (n.d.) Italian Renaissance wedding, [Online Image]. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from
Montoya, D. (Artist). (2009) [Graphite pencil, David], [Online Image]. Retrieved March 31, 2014, from
Daniel Montoya Studio.

Article Bibliography
Long article : Florence
Annenberg Foundation. (2014). Renaissance focus on Florence. Retrieved March 23, 2014,
This website tells about importance of Florence, shows Florence is center of beginning
Renaissance and causes of that. also shows important arts, structures and architectures in
that time. I use this web site to find out information of Florence in Renaissance. It helps me to know
important of Florence and arts for my review.

Walkabout Srl. (2012). Renaissance Florence. Retrieved March 23, 2014,
This website not only shows importance of Florence but also shows advances of Florence. These
advances of Florence include science, philosophy, art, religion, culture, politics, economy and literature.
So, I use information in side of advance of Florence unless art from this site. It let me know about
Florences social Renaissance to help me review Florence easier.

National Gallery of Art. (2014). Tour: The Early Renaissance in Florence. Retrieved March 23, 2014,
This source likes a gallery collection that collects many art of Renaissance. In each art has
description for meaning, history, and importance clearly. I can use this website to find arts of Renaissance
in Florence. I also can learn in each art to understand and can write about these art in magazine.

Short article: David (2014). Michelangelo's David. Retrieved March 23, 2014, from is team for look after this source, they tell me about history of David and
Michelangelo. They help me to know importance of David that more than shows advance of Renaissance.
This source helps me to know both history of Michelangelo and David which is way to convert story in to
Renaissance. I also use important of it for my review.

Smarthistory. (2012). Michelangelo's David. Retrieved March 23, 2014, from
This site tells me about property of David that made of marble, tall 517 cm and many more. They
also tells me about thinking of Michelangelo before create this statue that can be cause of David
Florence. This source is important for me to know the way that Michelangelo create David.

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