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Running head: PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT Philosophy Statement 1

Philosophy Statement
Demers-McFarland, Stacey
EDUC 201
Foundations of Education
Instructor: Dr. LueLinda Egbert

PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT Philosophy Statement 2

Philosophy Statement
The diversity that makes up our education system helps to contribute to the many varied
philosophies regarding teaching. There is no right, and there is no wrong. As a teacher, it takes
a great deal of self-reflection to develop and understand your own personal teaching philosophy.
Many times you will have more than one, and your philosophies may change or intertwine with
others throughout the course of your career as you gain knowledge and mature in your teaching
According to our text, the philosophies that best coordinate with my personality are
perennialism and essentialism. I feel that classical literature, and the inclusion of the arts in
schools, creates a richer learning environment. Many classics present central themes that have
withstood the test of time and can be relevant to lessons modern day. I also feel that the basics
of curriculum are essential to providing a strong foundation. .
According to my philosophical beliefs all schools should teach student curriculum that
provokes higher learning, and schools should also be a source of inspiration that makes student
want to learn and offer a consistent environment. By providing and building upon a set of base
skills, you are giving students the tools to explore even more challenging concepts. The
perennialist philosophy states that in addition to great literature, curriculum should also
emphasize math and science courses because they expose students to the rigors of logical thought
and develop students intellect. I strongly agree with this statement.
The teachers role is to help include learning diversity among their students according to
the essentialism philosophy. Teachers must accept and work to include various learning
techniques and tools to enhance learning for all students. However, the students must rise to
meet the teachers standards. According to the perennialism philosophy, the teacher should lead
PHILOSOPHY STATEMENT Philosophy Statement 3

students in exploring classic themes. Exploring classical themes should lead to higher level
thinking, reflection, and personal awareness.
I am visual learner, as well as very self-motivated. Listening to lectures with the addition
of visual aids will help enhance the learning environment, as well as give the auditory learners
and visual learners tools that fit their learning styles. Curriculum should be decided upon by
central themes deemed important not only by standards, but also with the influence of critical
skills that will be developed later in life. Although in some aspects conflicting, the perennialism
and essentialism both agree that knowledge and understanding are crucial in education.
Understanding philosophies and developing your own are part of who you are as a
teacher. It is important to stand for something and be opinionated in your teaching, as well as
have honest self-reflections and always strive for personal growth. You are a role model, and
children are consistently compared to sponges soaking in all the knowledge you provide them
with. Agreeing with the central themes of perrenialism and essentialism, as well as influence
from other teaching philosophies, will help to provide me a clear path to begin my teaching

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