TTH Story Packet

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K. Shaer, one o interiew options and retelling o scene adapted rom J.

Dube, some o actiities adapted rom lolt

The Tell!Tale Heart #$%&'()(*+,$* -*. /012( 340,5,0,(+

"# $%&' QUESTIONS FOR 1lL 1LLL-TALE HEART () *+,-. -%%-/ $&*
1. '01234 Based on the title, predict what the story
will be about.

5# 60781 9:7:;7:9<4 lrom whose point o iew is
this story told

3. 60781 9:7:;7:9<4 1o =<>? do you think the
narrator is speaking to

@# 60781 9:7:;7:9<4 Why does he say, But why
will you say that I am mad?

A# B3C>DE 9:7:;7:9<4 \hat is the narrators
problem ,Conlict,

6. '<07E 9:7:;7:9<4 \rite down what you think
the author means by I went to work.

. '<07E 9:7:;7:9<4 \hy does the narrator treat
the old man so well in the mornings

8. B0F1< 9:7:;7:9<4 Why doesnt the narrator
leae when he realizes the old man is awake

G# B3H3D1< 9:7:;7:9<4 \hat is the sound the
narrator hears

10. '3D1< 9:7:;7:9<4 \hose heart do you think
the narrator is hearing

II# 6>J7133D1< $:7:;7:9<4 \ho is at the door

12. $:7:;7:9< 80F133D :DE 83H3D133D4 \hat is the

13. $:7:;7:9<8 80F133D :DE 83H3D133D4 \hat is
the narrator eeling right now

I@# $:7:;7:9< K8L4 M>= E>NE>38 1<3
9:7:;7:9<K8L 3DEO

K. Shaer, one o interiew options and retelling o scene adapted rom J. Dube, some o actiities adapted rom lolt

""# "7>D) Listen to story again and track dierent types o irony. lind at least 1 kind o each type o irony.
6('7-2 8'$*1 /,09-0,$*-2 8'$*1 :'-%-0,4 8'$*1
-occurs when there is a
dierence between what a
character says and what another
character understands
Ex. Scar says, Its to die for.

*F:?923 P7>? '322Q':23
M3:714 ,lint: what does the
narrator say about himsel,
-when the opposite o what
one would expect to happen
actually happens
Lx. My dog Lucky was hit
by a car.

*F:?923 P7>? '322Q':23
-when the reader,audience
knows something that a
character doesnt

*F:?923 P7>? '322Q':23

\hat is the eect o this irony on the reader

"""# %0137:7) *23?3D18
1. R>>ES >7 :1?>89<373, is the oerall eeling in the story. low would you describe the mood in this story \hat
details does Poe use to create the mood

2. B)?T>208?: \hat does the heartbeat noise symbolize in the story Proide eidence rom the story.

3. low does irst paragraph P>738<:E>=, or hint at, the eents o the story Be speciic ,use a quote,!

4. 1he inal paragraph in the story builds to a kind o mad C20?:F. low does the writer use words and punctuation
to create tension - an een rhythm o a heartbeat Be speciic!

K. Shaer, one o interiew options and retelling o scene adapted rom J. Dube, some o actiities adapted rom lolt

"U# B1)23 Analyze Poes Stylistic Devices
lind examples ,quotes, o each stylistic deice used in the story and its eect on the reader
(See Poes Sinister Stylings OR notes i you need to reiew these deices.,
:(5,4( ; <=-%&2( <>>(40 $* ?(-.('
V>7E .3931010>D

2 dierent words that are repeated:

Quote showing one o the examples listed
\hat is the eect o the passage
you selected on you, the reader

2 examples o dashes or italicized words
being used:

Quote showing one o the examples listed
\hat is the eect o the passage
you selected on you, the reader
B<>71S X<>99)

Identiy a passage where Poe uses short,
choppy sentences. ,1he excerpt must hae :1
23:81 1=> short, choppy sentences.,:
\hat is the eect o the passage
you selected on you, the reader

U# YD7320:T23 /:77:1>7
1. lrom whose 9>0D1 >P H03= is this story told

2. low does this point o iew help create the single effect?

3. \hat does the narrator repeatedly claim about himsel

K. Shaer, one o interiew options and retelling o scene adapted rom J. Dube, some o actiities adapted rom lolt

4. Does this establish the narrator as a reliable source o inormation \hy or why not In other words, proide 3
examples where the narrator is trying to establish his sanity and 3 examples where the narrators sanity is called into
question. Youre looking for quotes here.
/3@< 8@/3@<

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