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2012 Engineer of the Year Award

Lnglneerlng has ofLen been descrlbed as Lhe SLealLh rofesslon" - mosL people do noL know Lhe exLenL
Lo whlch englneers affecL Lhelr llves for Lhe beLLer. Lnglneers creaLe a world LhaL never was by applylng
sclenLlflc and maLhemaLlcal prlnclples, experlence, [udgmenL and common sense. 1oday Lhe
parLlclpaLlng socleLles honor one such deslgner, creaLor and lnvenLor. lease [oln us ln recognlzlng and
appreclaLlng Lhe followlng 2012 Lnglneer of Lhe ?ear ln Lhe 1ampa 8ay area for ouLsLandlng
conLrlbuLlons and professlonal servlces Lo Lhelr socleLles and Lhe englneerlng professlon.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Florida West Coast Chapter
Rasim Guldiken, Ph.D.

ur. 8aslm Culdlken ls an AsslsLanL rofessor of Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng aL Lhe unlverslLy of SouLh
llorlda. Pe recelved hls bachelor's degree from Mlddle LasL 1echnlcal unlverslLy ln 1urkey, hls MasLer of
Sclence degree from norLheasLern unlverslLy and hls uocLoraLe degree from Ceorgla lnsLlLuLe of
1echnology. ur. Culdlken ls an acLlve member ln ASML, ASLL, ASA, lLLL and Lhe ASCL. AL uSl, ur.
Culdlken Leaches lluld sysLems, lluld uynamlcs and Advanced lluld Mechanlcs and has clearly
dlsLlngulshed hlmself as an excepLlonal Leacher, menLor and researcher. Pe has a remarkable capaclLy Lo
help oLhers achleve beyond Lhelr expecLaLlons. Pe has also been lnsLrumenLal ln obLalnlng more Lhan
$1.1 mllllon granLs for uSl. ur. Culdlken has four u.S. paLenLs pendlng: SynLheLlc hased Array Surface
AcousLlc Wave Sensor and MeLhod for CuanLlfylng 8olL 1enslon, 1wo SLage Mlcrofluldlc uevlce for
AcousLlc arLlcle ManlpulaLlon and MeLhods of SeparaLlon, SysLems and MeLhods for ulagnoslng
Cvarlan Cancer and SysLems and MeLhods for ueLecLlng 8lologlcal Molecules.

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