Reflection For Eportfolio - Bryant Le

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Bryant Le

College 1
Prof. Iwanicki
Did math jam help me? Ye! I wo"ld agree! that week long e#perience wa f"n. It
wa f"n $eca"e I got to meet new incoming frehmen into college and t"tor! coache!
and mentor. I wa e#pecting math jam to $e a $oring week and j"t to learn a$o"t math
$"t I wa wrong it wa the $et week I e%er had d"ring the "mmer. It did help me e#pect
on how college will $e d"ring the fall $eca"e math jam wa $aically teaching yo" on
how to $e o"tgoing and o%er come yo"r hyne. &ath jam alo enco"rage me more into
chool $eca"e e%eryone i o friendly and alo the new friend I ha%e made d"ring that
week. &ath jam teache yo" o m"ch and it o f"n at the ame time o yo" will ne%er $e
$ored $eca"e after yo"r math re%iew with the profeor yo" $reak "p into yo"r gro"p
and that when yo" go to workhop and do f"n acti%itie.
'he mot ignificant peron d"ring my math jam wo"ld $e my coach (tella
$eca"e he wa really cool and nice. (he alway ta"ght math in a f"n way with acti%itie
o it ne%er made " go to leep $eca"e it wa f"n. )lo I wo"ld ha%e to ay o"r Profeor
he wa o cool and didn*t r"h people when we were doing o"r work. D"ring my math
jam I learned a$o"t a $"ilding called the 'LC which i for firt year pathway t"dent
only. 'he good thing a$o"t thi $"ilding i that yo" ha%e mentor! coache! and co"nelor
there to help yo" on a aignment if yo" need help or may$e if yo" need omeone to talk
to they will $e there for yo". +ow ha 'LC $een helping me! well I $een going to the
'LC $eca"e they ha%e helped me on my homework! alo I wa a$o"t to print for free!
and don*t ha%e to wait in line like the li$rary. I wo"ld ay thi wo"ld $e the mot
important $"ilding for firt year pathway t"dent $eca"e later on into the emeter yo"
will need help in a cla ometime ooner or later and the 'LC will alway $e there to
help yo".

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