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Name: Allan J.

Gabia Date: 07-01-11

Subject: English 111 Yr. /!r. /Sec.: 1-"S#E-A
$ am 'riting a st!r( )!r sch!!l maga*ine !n c!l!r as stimulant in the classr!!m. $ ha+e
researche, an, )!un, that (ell!' is a '!n,er)ul c!l!r t! use !n the classr!!m because it
actuall( stimulates the brain cells- Green is als! g!!, because it #r!+i,es b!th m!ti+ati!n
an, balance. $n m( !#ini!n (!ur gra( 'alls are certainl( ha+e a negati+e e))ect in the
learning en+ir!nment !) the classr!!m.
$.m ,!ing research in h!' the c!l!rs re,/ blac0 an, light blue might a))ect the el,erl(.
$.m assuming that light blue 'ill be calming/ re, might cause agitati!n/ an, blac0 might
be ,e#ressing !r ma0e them tire,. An( in#ut 'ith s!urces '!ul, greatl( a##reciate.
$n m( !'n research/ $.+e learne, that re, 'ill increase heart an, res#irat!r( rates 'ill
ha+e the !##!site e))ect/ blac0 can be ,e#ressing but i) use, can be c!m)!rting
1. Stimulant 1
2. %!ti+ati!n
3. $n#ut

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