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Branding Guide

Me to We
Me to We is an online dating website that
caters to those who are looking for healthy
relationships which they cant find on other
dating sites. Here at Me to We, our company
recognizes the qualities and relationship that
an individual is searching for. Our company is
built and represented on three principles that
are essential for your cause; match, connec-
tion, and love.
Me to We helps set and match you up with other
singles with very similar personality types and
interests. Our advance compatibility matching
systems matches and provides you with results of
other single individuals have in common.
Once we have matched yourself up with another single,
both of you will have common traits that will allow the
two of you to mingle and connect more easily. We hope
that you will be satisfied with the results!
Love is the end goal in which you hope to find with our help.
Even when we are able to help you find many other singles
that are similar to you, we hope that you find the perfect
match that will lead on to a life of love with your significant
The Company
The logo represents three aspects; dating, love and
connection. We found objects that would represent
these aspects and put them together to create our
logo for the company.
The Logo
Rose represents dating. Flowers are sometimes given on dates
when the individuals are more serious about their dates. Roses
are seen as the love flower with the colour red giving a dating
Love is symbolized with a heart at the centre of the rose.
Rather than having a red heart which is the normal colour for
a heart, we decided to go with a white heart, as white repre-
sents pure/purity, and what many people want to find is pure
Connection is present by fusing the flower and heart
into one. Through dating is where you can find true
love. Only by truly connecting on a personal level
with another can you find pure love.
Logo Colour(Projects):
RGB: 11-103-53(green)
CMYK: 89-34-100-28(green)
Logo Colour(Standard):
RGB: 255-255-255(white)
CMYK: 0-0-0-100(black)
Me to We will be using the Mistral font as the primary
font for its logo. One of the reasons why we chose this font
was because of its cursive nature. Cursive fonts emit a more
personal feeling t its audience as well and a more serious
approach. As well, this font gives a more serious and formal
feeling as we dont want to give off a vibe that will give off a
feeling that our website is just a hookup or fling set up site.
Another reason was the uniqueness of the lettering. We
believe that not many other companies have such a font and
that this font will help us stand out to the other competitors.
Calisto MT font is chosen as the secondary type font
because it is a seriff font which gives a more formal and
serious look and is easy to read
Calisto MT
Calisto MT - Bold
Teddy Bear:
For that special date of yours
To have you looking great
when you meet up for your
Computer Mouse:
To guide your way to the
perfect date
Me to We
Business Card
Me to We
741S Spiral Blvd, Hastings, MN P: (651) 234 4534 F: (241) 245 2321
741S Spiral Blvd, Hastings, MN
Phone: 800.352.8282
fax: 241.245.2321
Eunice Lee
CEO, Me to We
Me to We
Dating Service Company
Me to We
741S Spiral Blvd, Hastings, MN
Phone: 800.352.8282
fax: 241.245.2321
Eunice Lee
CEO, Me to We
Dating Service Company
w w w . m e t o w e . c o m
7 4 1 S S p i r a l B l v d , H a s t i n g s , M N
P h o n e : 8 0 0 . 3 5 2 . 8 2 8 2
f a x : 2 4 1 . 2 4 5 . 2 3 2 1
E m a i l : s a l e s @ m e t o w e . c o m
E u n i c e L e e
C E O , M e t o W e
M e t o W e
D a t i n g S e r v i c e C o m p a n y
M e t o W e
w w w . m e t o w e . c o m
7 4 1 S S p i r a l B l v d , H a s t i n g s , M N
P h o n e : 8 0 0 . 3 5 2 . 8 2 8 2
f a x : 2 4 1 . 2 4 5 . 2 3 2 1
E m a i l : s a l e s @ m e t o w e . c o m
E u n i c e L e e
C E O , M e t o W e
D a t i n g S e r v i c e C o m p a n y

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