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Opportunities, Issues and Challenges in Indonesia on Safe Abortion

Indonesia with its great number of population should be considered as an important target nation in any
health program. A good management and promotion on Safe Abortion may save many people's life.

Indonesia also encounters classical problems of pro- and contra- on abortion issues. Starting from socio-
cultural issues to religious issues. These may become obstacles or even opportunities if we can handle it right.
Another important aspect is the involvement of government on this issue, which has been so far against the
act of Safe Abortion. A thorough discussion with less intimidation should be carried out in order to solve the

Indonesia has a wide variety of geographical boundaries, which may become unique
limitation in promoting and enhancing the program of Safe Abortion in all over Indonesia. Further discussion
with each of head of regions should be conducted.

Think global, but act local.... may be the best key to overcome issues and challenges on Safe Abortion in

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