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Jennilie Orlanda Ng

126 Teilingerstraat, 3032-AW Rotterdam, The Netherlands +31 0644 371 557

*Reference Letter, available upon request.


Regional Director, Asia Pacific June 2010 - July 2011
Responsible for the performance and sustainability of AIESECs global operations across 312
universities in 19 diverse member countries in Asia Pacific. Led Asia Pacific region for 54% growth in
2010, contributing 37% towards global goals achievement, and placing Asia Pacific in top of AIESEC
global results.
Coached AIESEC in the Philippines in terms of revenue sharing model between local and national
entity, where it led them to have an increased in their cash flow (just after 2 months implementation)
which enabled them to have from 3 full time workers into 6 full time workers.
Coached AIESEC in Malaysia in terms of their organization structure led them to re-structure their
middle managerial structure. Result: Growth of in terms of performance (from declining performance)
from only sending 42 Malaysian for internship into 300 up until end of May 2011.
Facilitated the process (through country coaching: 14 physical visit in three months and virtual) of
generating 7600 internships in just 8 months (compared to 12 months in the last term) after facing a
slowdown in terms of performance growth in the beginning of the term.

AIESEC INDONESIA Jakarta, Indonesia
Managing Director July 2009 May 2010
Led an executive team of seven people from three nationalities, which led AIESEC Indonesia to rank
globally (in terms of number of internships generated) in 2009-2010 from rank 21
in 2008-2009.
Also expanded the organizational presence from 9 to 13 campuses.
Managed the creation of a national strategic plan, operational budget of +42.000 USD, and delivery of
5 national conferences with total of 650 delegates, 25 days, delivered successful & profitable
Working in total of two years (Vice President AIESEC Indonesia: 2008-2009) turned the organization
from fiscal situation of debt (-2.500 USD) to over 42.000 USD over a two-year period.

BEDA & COMPANY Jakarta, Indonesia
Partner & Senior Business Analyst Assistant July-August 2007
Analyzed Indonesias largest telecommunications company, TELKOMs product competitiveness.
Measured the performance of ten TELKOM branches across Indonesia through variance analysis
between operational plan target and current achievement.
Compared the performance of each branch and drawing conclusions in terms of the efficiency &
certain product competitiveness in different branches (The project was delivered successfully and
delivered on time).

Involved in leadership body of AIESEC Local Branch University of Indonesia 0708 while studying.
Participant of Young Leadership Indonesia Program McKinsey Jakarta office (2008).
Conference manager and facilitated sessions on conference in total of 17 conferences in 5 countries.

Effective multicultural communication, resilience, motivating people, work well under pressure, critical
analysis of data, change management and implementation.
Familiar with basic web design (Dreamweaver) and Microsoft products.
Travelling & looking for something unique to eat (eat and taste different food from different part of the
world), to know about what people from different culture thinks/learn different perspective, to do
something bigger than myself (example: developing other people) and constant learning.
Economics Faculty, major in Finance 2004-2008
Graduated Cum Laude from the Economics Faculty (GPA: 3.81 out of 4).

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