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To be pro at cs or css (counter strike/counter-strike: source) you would have to

practice a lot...

But to make it easier for you guys, here are some tips to inprove ur game and make
you pro a lot faster!:

1) When shooting from distance, don't hold down the shooting button, instead, tap
the shooting button while crouching and aiming at the head.

2) Use the walk button! It great when playing games when there's not many people
on. When you walk (Hold down shift normaly) it makes it impossible for others to
hear you!

3) Use crouch! When you crouch, your aim becomes a lot steady and makes it easier
for you to head shot the opposition! It can also confuse your opponment if the think
you are standing up when your are actually crouching!

4) When knifing, use your right-click button on your mouse to attack! If you use
the left-click button, it is called slapping and is very weak and can take up to 6-7 hits
to kill someone, if you right-click which is called actually using the knife correctly it
would take 2 hits to kill someone!

Best Weapons to use:

There is no best weapon in the game, e.g. the machine guns is the most expencive gun
in the game and I hate it!

But I would tell you the guns you should not buy!

1) The first pistol on the pistol menu (The gun terrorists have for free)

2) The first rifle on the rifle menu (Only available to terrorists)


4) Machine gun which costs a fortune and it's so hard to aim with but when you throw
a smoke grenade, you should shoot randomly and you should get few kills.

With this information you would improve heaps and might become a pro!

5) If you can't shoot without the cross hair or reticle (the + in the middle of the screen)
don't use the sniper rifles
LCP agrees with the above

but wants to point out to NOT play on surf maps they'll ruin you!!

I disagree with alot of that.

If you want to improve a lot, find yourself a deathmatch with about 10 people on it
and run around using your favorite gun and that only for as long as posible. Using that
one gun will teach you what distances it is good at, the recoil etc.

If you are firing long distances, try to never run / walk around while firing. We have
all got some sick running headshots before but the majority come from strafing,
stopping briefly and letting rip 1 or 2 bullets.

Try to fire in bursts with automatic weapons. Try to never spray unless you could slap
the person you are firing at in close range. At long to medium range with any
automatic gun try to strafe, shoot a bullet or two, strafe, etc.

Learn your maps! Seriously this is the best advice you can get. Being able to run
around Wan Deaging everyone won't help if you dont know where your enemy is
going to come from. Run around the maps, watch demo's of teams playing, spectate
some pub, anything to teach you where people camp or watch from. When you come
round corners, aim your crossair on these places.

This guide will not help you become pro at CSS, not will it help you much atall. Try
and get yourself in a helpful clan that often plays matches (But only low skill
ofcourse) and does training often to help you learn maps. You can play public for
years and only get to a certain skill, you need a clan to get pro.

I agree with much of the above, but snipers are the backbone of a good CS team! A
true pro can headshot 4 out of 5 times with an AWP. I strongly suggest learning to use
the AWP as an offensive weapon. You may think headshotting an opponent with an
AWP is impossible, but it is one of the best ways to show off your "pro-ness".

If you want something more "pro" than the AWP, try the scout. Yes, it is weaker, but
a headshot is always a one hit kill and requires much skill.
Counter Strike Sniper Aim
A lot of players think AWP is for newbies, a weapon for the unskilled but how wrong
could those who think this be?

Lets look at this from all angles, if a player uses the AWP sniper rifle he /she may
only rerquire one good shot to get the kill rather than a good few rounds of fire from
weapons like the MP5 & AK-47. Because of this you could class it as an advantage to
the AWP player and therefore he/she is playing the newbie route, taking the easy

However lets look at the skill required when going down the AWP route. First up the
player needs to be able to aim with it if he/she is to get that one shot kill. I've seen
many newbies try and use the AWP only to be gunned down without even getting one
round off! Secondly they have no real backup weapon when using an AWP only a
side arm can be carried and close up against the likes of the M4a1 or AK-47 the side
arm makes it a very hard fight.

One of the biggest skills with the AWP is movement & fast aiming. Without it the
player would be dead in seconds and when you see a good sniper player in a server
these are skills you will spot. AWP players must place themselves in safe locations
where the only line of attack is covered by their aim. Quick weapon switching & fast
movement when required is a skill that is mastered over time and most sniper players
will tell you that.

So no matter what some one says about AWP users the weapon itself require much
skill if it is to be deadly. For those players who say AWP is lame I bet they don't have
the skills required to use such a weapon and that's one of the main reasons they don't
like it being used.
How to become better with AWP

1) First of all you need to get a few simple changes done to your config.cfg, such as
getting a quick weapon switch aliase running rather than using the standard weapon
change menu. This will greatly speed up the switch of AWP & your side arm. Why is
this so important? Well you move faster using a side arm or knife in hand than
carrying a fully loaded AWP rifle.

So fast switch between AWP & side arm for faster movement around maps & to get
out of danger quicker. The use of fast weapon switch between AWP & your chosen
side arm also greatly speeds up your zooming out. By switch weapons instead of
zooming out you will save vital time and could mean the difference of life & death.

2) You need to get the feel for the aim this will only come about by playing more &
more with the weapon in first Sniper deadicated servers then more into standard
public servers. I rcommend the UK2Net Sniper servers to get started on as there is a
good mix of skilled & non skilled players.

Never move when taking a shot or you'll miss, at the same time never move around
the map with the AWP on... use knife or side arm as you move quicker.

3) Scan quick & don't leave you scope zoomed too long! When I say this what I'm
talking about is high speed and good quality scanning of the target zone. Don't hange
about in full zoom & move around the map... You will be open to attack. To see other
players it's better to remain zoomed out and only zoom when taking a shot or to scan
an area. If you watch the pro's play they scan areas very fast & pin point precision not
missing any possible hiding spot or window that another player maybe hiding in.
Full zoom should only really be used seconds before taking a shot, part zoom is better
for scanning as you can see more area.

4) Be fast but hiden. The sniper is best when not seen but camping can be a bad move
if you are in a bad position as one or two shots will give away your location to others.
It's good to scan the map ahead but be quick about it, don't hange about or you will
find the lights go out!

5) Aiming with the weapon is not a skill that only the elite can have. If you find you
take shots but never hit or kill anything then I ask you one simple question. Did you
move to get out of danger when you took the shot? The AWP & other sniper weapons
will only ever hit if you remain still when the shot is taken. Never run behind a wall
when taking the shot because although your crosshair may have been on the target the
shot will almost always go completely off target.

The best thing to do is jump out fast and while in the air go full zoom & line-up with
the zone you expect to see the enemy in. As you land go straight into ducking mode
reposition your crosshair if needed and take the shot, then get out of sight/danger. If
you find the player isn't in your zoomed field of vision then counter react or get back
out of sign QUICK!!

6) Watch your back, When using AWP your use of sound is far greater. You must
keep track of who is where all the time. Sound will give away the location of players
and using AWP you will be far more open to attack and will need to covery your six
o'clock position from knife attacks and like wise.

You also need to think about where you place yourself within the map. some objects
can be shot through like boxs, corner of walls, class windows, doors and even some
walls have areas where bullits from high power weapons can penetrate.

The super elite players equiped with full blown A3D Sound can track movement from
any player on the map whether or not he/she can be seen. Taken some one out from
behind a wall is a skill that comes from time & use of sound, sneaking around maybe
slower but in some situlations it's the best means of staying alive.

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