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Published in 2011 by Stewart, Tabori & Chang

An imprint of A!A"S
Copyright # 2011 by San$ee% &apoor
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+ibrary of Congress Cataloging,in,Publi*ation .ata
&apoor, San$ee%, 1/01,
3ow to *oo) 4ndian 5 more than 600 *lassi* re*ipes for the modern )it*hen
7San$ee% &apoor'
p' *m'
4n*ludes inde8'
4S( /9:,1,6:19/,/1=,/ >al)' paper?
1' Coo)ing, 4ndi*' 2' Coo)boo)s' 4' Title'
T@921'6'41&2/01 2011
B.4TC!5 (atalie &aire
.BS4D(B!S5 Dalen Smith and .anielle Eoung
P!C.FCT4C( "A(ADB!5 Anet Sirna,ruder
The te8t of this boo) was *omposed in Gilosofia and ureau DrotesHue'
Stewart, Tabori & Chang boo)s are a%ailable at spe*ial dis*ounts when pur*hased in Huantity for
premiums and promotions as well as fundraising or edu*ational use' Spe*ial editions *an also be *reated
to spe*ifi*ation' Gor details, *onta*t spe*ialsalesIabramsboo)s'*om or the address below'
4n Eour &it*hen
C3APTB! 1 asi*s
C3APTB! 2 e%erages
C3APTB! = Soups and Shorbas
C3APTB! 1 Salads and !aitas
C3APTB! 6 Chaats
C3APTB! 0 &ebabs, Sna*)s, and Starters
C3APTB! 9 "ain Courses5 Jegetarian
C3APTB! : "ain Courses5 Gish, Shellfish, +amb, and Chi*)en
C3APTB! / reads
C3APTB! 10 Pulaos, iryanis, and Cther !i*e .ishes
C3APTB! 11 .als, &adhis, and Sambhars
C3APTB! 12 Pi*)les, Chutneys, and "orabbas
C3APTB! 1= Good for Gasts and Gesti%als
C3APTB! 11 4ndo,Chinese
C3APTB! 16 Sweets and "ithais
Common 4ngredients
Spe*ial Ftensils and BHuipment
4 KAS C!( 4( A S"A++ TCK( CA++B. A"A+A, whi*h is in the state of 3aryana, in (orth 4ndia' 4 spent most of
my *hildhood in .elhi, but my fatherLs $ob too) him from *ity to *ity, so we mo%ed a lot' "y mother has
family in "eerut, in Fttar Pradesh, and my paternal aunt li%es in &ol)ata, and 4 tra%eled around 4ndia
%isiting them when 4 was young' Khere%er my parents set up house, my mother e8*hanged food and
re*ipes with neighbors from other states and regions, and those dishes made their way onto our table'
B%entually 4 married Alyona, who is a &ut*hi from the western 4ndian state of Du$arat' 3er sister is a *hef
and her mother is a %ery inspirational *oo)' These a**omplished women ha%e greatly influen*ed my
own way of *oo)ing'
As an adult, 4 tra%eled to all the ma$or *ities in the south and the northeast of 4ndia' 4 ha%e %a*ationed on
the beautiful bea*hes that line 4ndiaLs e8tensi%e *oasts and en$oyed the fresh *at*h from the sea' 4 ha%e
dri%en the *o*onut,lined roads of the &on)an *oast and feasted on the robust food found there' All my
tra%els, all my e8perien*es, and all my resear*h into the history and origins of 4ndian *uisine ha%e been
instrumental in ma)ing me the *hef that 4 am' And so this boo) is filled with pie*es of my heart5 some
personal stories, a bit of history, and, of *ourse, hundreds of new and *lassi* re*ipes, many of them
modern and simplified adaptations of dishes that ha%e been en$oyed in 4ndia for *enturies'
4ndia has long been a fa%orite destination for tra%elers, in part be*ause of its astonishingly %aried
*ulture, geography, and ri*h history' 4t is a *ountry of *ontrasts and e8tremes' 4ndia has the worldLs most
re*ently formed >and still rising? mountainsAthe 3imalayasAas well as the worldLs most an*ient ro*)s'
The *ountry also has the worldLs wettest pla*eAat Chirapun$iAand the hottest desertAat Thar' There
are stret*hes of permanent snow in the 3imalayas and &ara)oram, and tropi*al rain forests in &erala' 4f
geography has any impa*t on the de%elopment of a peopleLs food, 4ndia has surely benefitted from this,
as it has *ome up with one of the ri*hest and most di%erse *uisines in the world' Eou *ould taste a new
dish e%ery day, and it would ta)e more than a few lifetimes before you would e8haust the entire
repertoire of 4ndian food'
Khen tra%eling south from the northernmost states or from east to west, you will en*ounter a distin*t
di%ersity of tastes and spi*es' Khile wheat is a staple in the northern, western, and *entral states, ri*e
predominates in the south and east' Khile heady aromas of saffron and anise wel*ome you to &ashmir,
a whiff of *urry lea%es being tempered in oil ma)es you feel at home in Tamil (adu' 4f a di%erse
presentation of pulses interests you in !a$asthan, the magnifi*ent %ariety of fish in the engal will
enthrall you'
ut while regional *uisines %ary tremendously, they share some *ommon threads' 4ndian food is healthy,
featuring grains, pulses, and loads of %egetables at e%ery mealM the dishes highlight hot, tart, sweet, and
tangy fla%ors in e8Huisite balan*eM and they are mu*h easier to *oo) than you might e8pe*t' 4n this boo),
4 try to put to rest the myth that 4ndian food has to be elaborately prepared' "any of the ingredient lists
are long, itLs true, but on*e you ha%e the basi* spi*es on hand, itLs $ust a matter of tossing them into
your pan' And while some of the re*ipes are *omposed of many separate steps, ea*h one is simple and
straightforward' Fse the best,Huality ingredients you *an find, as good ingredients are essential to good
*oo)ing' "easure, *hop, and set out the ingredients before you start heating your pan' Taste ea*h dish
before ser%ing and ad$ust the seasoning if ne*essary'
4ndian food is %ery popular be*ause of its wide %ariety of %egetarian dishes' The world is turning toward
%egetarianism, and 4 *an say emphati*ally that the best guide to %egetarian *oo)ing is 4ndian *uisine,
with its %ast array of %egetable,based main *ourses and the lentil stews *alled dals, the many yogurt
and %egetable medleys *alled raitas, and the hot and sweet pi*)les that a**ompany them' That said,
fish >both from the ri%ers and the sea?, *hi*)en, goat, and lamb are abundant, and as youLll see in these
pages, there are many dishes that use them to their best ad%antage'
Khether youL%e been *oo)ing 4ndian food for years or youLre $ust beginning, these re*ipesAsome of
them titled in 3indi, some in 3indi,Bnglish, some in regional languages to honor the spirit of where the
dishes originatedAwill ta)e you on an amaNing $ourney' This boo) is %ery important to me, and through
it 4 hope to share my passion for 4ndian food and life with you' The only things missing here are the
sound of spi*es *ra*)ling in oil and the singular aroma that rises from the pan as they sputter and siNNle'
ut that is something you *an pro%ide'
3appy *oo)ingO
CC""C(+E FSB. 4(D!B.4B(TS TC 3AJB C( 3A(.
4f you )eep these staple ingredients in your *upboard and refrigerator, a deli*ious 4ndian meal is a
simple matter of pi*)ing up a *ouple fresh %egetables or some meat and di%ing right into any of the
re*ipes in this boo)'
.als5 4f you ha%e one or two types of dal >lentils? in your pantry, youLre ne%er more than a few steps
from a hearty and satisfying meal' &eep them in glass $ars or airtight plasti* *ontainers to )eep them
fresh' See the glossary >page 6:9? for des*riptions of the %arieties of dal used in this boo)'
Darli* and red onions5 &eep plenty of alliums handy in a *ool, dry pantry or in a bas)et on the
*ountertop, as theyLre used in most of the sa%ory dishes in this boo)' Also, see the instru*tions for
ma)ing and freeNing garli* paste on page 12 and onion paste on page 11'
Dhee5 &eep a $ar of ghee in the pantry or in the refrigeratorM it should )eep for se%eral months either
way' Pust be sure to use a dry spoon ea*h time you ta)e ghee from the $ar'
Dinger5 Krap unpeeled fresh ginger in a paper towel and )eep it in the fridge, where it will stay usable
for wee)s' Cr peel, sli*e, and submerge in a *lean $ar of dry sherry for longer refrigerator storage' See
page 12 for instru*tions on ma)ing and freeNing ginger paste'
Dreen *hiles5 Gresh green *hiles are used e8tensi%ely in 4ndian *oo)ing, either whole, split, min*ed, or
purQed with other ingredients depending on, aside from te8tural *onsiderations, the amount of heat
desired5 Khole *hiles lend their fla%or without imparting too mu*h heat to a *urry, for e8ample' The
best substitute for the long, slender 4ndian green *hiles are serranos, whi*h are about the siNe and
thi*)ness of your finger, medium,dar) green, and a bit hotter than $alapeRos' To store *hiles, pull off
and dis*ard the stems, rinse them, then pat them dry >or let them sit on a sunny *ountertop on a *lean
towel to air,dry for an hour or so?, wrap in paper towels, and store in an open plasti* bag in the
refrigeratorM theyLll )eep for se%eral wee)s' Alternati%ely, store them whole or min*ed in the freeNer for
se%eral months, thawing only as many as you need at a time'
!ed *hiles5 4n this boo), where red *hile powder is indi*ated, a powder made from a milder %ariety li)e
&ashmiri red *hiles is my preferred *hile type, though (ew "e8i*o *hiles, or e%en papri)a, *an be used
as a substitute' The Huantity *an be ad$usted to taste' "any different %arieties of dried *hiles are sold in
4ndian gro*ery storesM *he*) the pa*)age label or as) the storeLs proprietor for guidan*e' 4n some re*ipes
4 indi*ate that the %ery mild and deep,red &ashmiri red *hile powder is most appropriate, and in some
*ases deghi mir*h, whi*h is %ery similar to 3ungarian papri)a, is bestM in these dishes you *ould use
papri)a instead, but donLt be tempted to substitute *ayenne, whi*h would be far too hot' (ote, too, that
F'S' S*hili powderT >with an SiT? is a mi8ture of different spi*es and herbs for ma)ing *hili, and should
not be used for these re*ipes' Khen whole dried red *hiles are *alled for, the thin, finger,length hot
*ayenne peppers >or a milder type? *an be used'
!i*e5 Gragrant, long,grained basmati ri*e is generally used in 4ndia for spe*ial o**asions and to ma)e
biryanis' There are many other types of ri*e, in*luding $asmine and short,grain ri*e and parboiled ri*e,
a%ailable at 4ndian gro*ers and regular supermar)ets' 4ndian mar)ets sell basmati ri*es at different pri*e
points depending on the length of the grains, the per*entage of bro)en grains, and o%erall Huality' Gor
more %ariety, sto*) brown basmati ri*e in your pantry as wellAitLs be*oming more a%ailable in regular
Spi*es5 4ndian *oo)ing relies on spi*es in a way unli)e any other world *uisine, and staring down a
typi*ally long ingredient list *an be intimidating if you are $ust starting to learn to *oo) 4ndian' 3owe%er,
on*e you ha%e the basi* spi*es, the re*ipes be*ome infinitely more manageable' Khole spi*es, and
many preground spi*es, will )eep for ages in airtight *ontainers in a dar) *upboard >*laims that theyLll
lose all poten*y after a mere twel%e months to the *ontrary?' A *on%enient way to store your most,used
spi*es is in a masala dhabba, a round stainless,steel *ontainer with se%en smaller *ompartments for
different spi*es' The best models will ha%e two lids, one of them %ery tight,fitting to )eep the spi*es
from mingling' Khen you begin to *oo), simply pull the whole *ontainer from the *upboard and spoon
out the spi*es you need' To start, 4Ld re*ommend filling a masala dhabba with ground *umin, ground
*oriander, turmeri*, whole mustard seeds, whole *umin seeds, whole green *ardamom, and ground
garam masala'
Tamarind5 Tamarind is a%ailable in se%eral different forms5 as whole ripe pods, whi*h you *an shell,
soa), and push through a sie%e to remo%e the seeds and fibersM as blo*)s of stiff tamarind pulp, whi*h
also need to be soa)ed and strainedM and as tamarind *on*entrate, sold in sHuat plasti* $ars' 4f youLre
using *on*entrate rather than the re*onstituted pulp, redu*e the amount in the re*ipe by half'
Jegetable oil5 Any )ind of %egetable oil will do for most of these re*ipesApeanut and mustard oils are
traditional in different regions >see page 6:/ for more about *hoosing an edible mustard oil?, but *anola
or safflower or a blend of oils *an also be used'
Eogurt5 Plain yogurt is a %ery *ommon ingredient in this boo) and is useful to ha%e on handAit )eeps
for wee)s in the refrigerator' Fse full,fat %arieties, if possible'
Eou donLt need a %ast arsenal of spe*ial )it*hen eHuipment to ma)e the re*ipes in this boo)' 3ere are
the basi*s' >EouLll find a list of spe*ialty eHuipment on page 6/1'?
.ouble boiler5 A double boiler is used to melt *ho*olate gently without burning or seiNing, and to *oo)
sau*es or thi*) liHuids that might burn if *oo)ed o%er dire*t heat' 4t *onsists of an upper %essel
>*ontaining the food to be *oo)ed? situated abo%e a lower pot of water' Khen the water is heated, the
steam produ*ed transfers heat to the upper %essel' 4f you donLt ha%e a double boiler, use a regular
sau*epan and set a heatproof metal or glass bowl on top of itM ma)e sure the water in the sau*epan
does not tou*h the bottom of the bowl'
Driddle5 "a)ing 4ndian griddle breads su*h as roti and paratha is easiest with a hea%y *ast,iron or
nonsti*) 4ndian griddle, or tawa, whi*h is either flat or slightly *on*a%e >for shallow frying?, but a large
*ast,iron s)illet will do in a pin*h'
"ini food pro*essor, blender, spi*e grinder5 "any households in 4ndia rely on an applian*e *alled a
Smi8ieT or Smi8er,blender,T a *ombination food pro*essor, blender, and wet,and,dry spi*e grinder for
the %arious purQeing and grinding reHuired in some re*ipes' A mini food pro*essor, blender, and7or
ele*tri* spi*e grinder *an handle all of these tas)s $ust as wellAand thereLs always the simple mortar
and pestle for Hui*)ly grinding small bat*hes of whole spi*es' 4f youLre short on spa*e, you might
*onsider using a regular *ountertop blender with a one,*up Sfood pro*essorT $ar atta*hment for
blending batters and purQeing small Huantities of wet ingredients >*hiles, *ilantro, ginger, and so on? for
seasoning pastes, and a *offee grinder for spi*es'
Sau*epans and soup pots5 3a%e a %ariety of sau*epans and soup or sto*) pots ready for simmering
small Huantities of sau*e *omponents and larger bat*hes of soups and dal'
SautQ pans5 EouLll need a hea%y nonsti*) or well,seasoned sautQ pan or s)illet for most of the *urries in
this boo)' A twel%e,in*h or larger one would be useful'
Steamer5 All,purpose 4ndian steamers are made of stainless steel with sta*)ed trays that *an be fit into
groo%es inside the main %esselM the lid is %ented to allow some of the steam to es*ape' Good to be
steamed is put on plates that are then set on top of the trays' A bamboo steamer will wor) for these
re*ipes if you put the food on a plate before putting it in the steamer tray' Gor idlis, steamed ri*e *a)es,
youLll need an idli stand to fit into a steamer pot >see page 6/1?'
Tempering pan5 "any of the dal and *urry re*ipes in this boo) feature a uniHuely 4ndian final step5
Tempering' A bit of %egetable oil or ghee is heated and %arious spi*es are added and *oo)ed until they
sputter and release their distin*ti%e aromas' The mi8ture is then driNNled into the dal and the pot is
*o%ered and left to stand for a *ouple minutes while the siNNling oil and spi*es meld with the lentils and
%egetables' An 4ndian tempering pan is a small *up,shaped pan with a rounded bottom and a long
handleM a %ery small, hea%y sautQ pan or s)illet is a fine substitute'
Ftensils5 A slotted spoon or wire s)immer is used e8tensi%ely throughout this boo) to stir and s*oop
frying foods out of hot oil' Tongs are used to turn griddled breads as they *oo), lift pot lids, and gently
transfer deli*ate ground,meat )abobs from s)illet to ser%ing platesAa thin metal spatula is helpful
here as well' A mortar and pestle *an be useful for grinding spi*es and ma)ing *hutneys' "uslin *loth
or *heese*loth is used to drain yogurt and fresh paneer *heese' A fine,mesh sie%e and a good
*olander are handy for draining and straining as well' S)ewersAeither bamboo or metal, thin or wide
and flatAare used to ma)e )abobs'
Ko)5 The )adai, or 4ndian wo), is a deep, flat,bottomed pan with *ur%ed sides and, usually, a looped
handle on either side' 4tLs used for Hui*) deep,frying and also for dals and *urries' A nonsti*) or well,
seasoned Chinese,style wo) or e%en a wide, deep sautQ pan or sau*epan would wor) fine for most
4ndian *oo)ing is )nown for its use of spi*es and spi*e *ombinations >*ommonly *alled masalas?' Cur
affinity with spi*es *an be tra*ed ba*) to an*ient times and is still a trademar) of *ontemporary 4ndian
*uisine' 4n my *hildhood days, there was always a flurry of a*ti%ity with the ad%ent of summer, when
family and friends prepared %arious masalas and other preser%es' Dood,Huality spi*es would be *leaned
and sun,dried or roasted before being pounded in %arious *ombinations to *reate the %ariety of masalas
to be used throughout the year'
"ost masalas *an be bought ready,made these days' ut people who li)e to ma)e their own masalas, or
those for whom pa*)aged masalas are not easily a%ailable, will find most of the basi* re*ipes that are
used widely in 4ndian *oo)ing in this *hapter' e it *hholay masala or garam masala, dhansa) masala
or sambhar masala, fresh garli* paste or fresh ginger paste, these are the go,to re*ipes for e%ery home
*oo)' 4 thin) youLll find that these masalas are worth the preparation, and that theyLre sure to please the
most dis*erning palates'
Also in this *hapter youLll find re*ipes for the ma)ing of roti, paratha, naan, appam, and other
fa%orites, whi*h are )ey in rounding out these meals'
Almond Paste
"a)es =U tablespoons'
16 almonds
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add U *up >100 ml? water' Khen the water *omes
to a boil, add the almonds and remo%e from the heat'
2' +et the almonds soa) in the hot water for 6 minutes' .rain and peel' Transfer to a spi*e grinder, add 2
tablespoons water, and grind to a smooth paste' Fse immediately or store for up to a day, *o%ered in
the refrigerator'
oiled,Cnion Paste
"a)es V *up >1/0 grams?'
= medium onions, peeled and Huartered
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add = *ups >000 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, lower the heat to medium, add the onions, *o%er, and *oo) for 20 minutes'
2' .rain and transfer the onions to a food pro*essor' Pro*ess to a smooth paste'
Cashew Paste
"a)es U *up >160 grams?'
U *up raw *ashews
1' Soa) the *ashews in a bowl with 1 *up >200 ml? water for =0 minutes'
2' .rain and transfer to a spi*e grinder' Add 17= *up >06 ml? water and grind to a smooth paste'
Darli* Paste
"a)es 0 tablespoons >100 grams?'
26 *lo%es garli*, peeled
1' Put the garli* in a food pro*essor' Add U *up >100 ml? water and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
2' Store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to a wee)'
Dinger Paste
"a)es 0 tablespoons >/0 grams?'
9,in*h >1:,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled and roughly *hopped
1' Put the ginger in a food pro*essor' Add = tablespoons water and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
2' Store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to a wee)'
Dinger,Darli* Paste
"a)es 9 tablespoons >:0 grams?'
=,in*h >9U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled and roughly *hopped
10 *lo%es garli*, peeled and roughly *hopped
1' Put the ginger and garli* in a food pro*essor' Add W *up >60 ml? water and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
2' Store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to a wee)'
Dreen Chile paste
"a)es = tablespoons >10 grams?'
12 green *hiles, stemmed and roughly *hopped
1' Put the *hiles in a food pro*essor' Add 2 tablespoons water and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
2' Store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to a wee)'
To ma)e red *hile paste, repla*e the green *hiles with 12 fresh red *hiles and follow
the re*ipe abo%e'
Germented,ri*e pan*a)es
Traditionally, fresh toddy >an al*ohol made from the sap of palm trees? is used to ferment the batter for
appams' A spe*ial type of *ast,iron wo) *alled an appam )adai is used to *oo) these pan*a)es from
the south, but any small nonsti*) wo) will wor) as well' Pust ma)e sure it has a hea%y lid' Ser%e these
with )ai)ari ishtew >page 20/?, lamb ishtew >page =:9?, or )oNhi ishtew >page 129?'
"a)es :'
1 *up >200 grams? short,grain ri*e
= sli*es white bread
U *up >96 grams? *oo)ed ri*e
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon %egetable oil
1' Put the raw ri*e in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml? water
and soa) for = to 1 hours' .rain'
2' Soa) the bread in 1 *up >200 ml? water for 16 minutes' Ta)e the sli*es out and sHueeNe to remo%e the
e8*ess water'
=' Put the raw ri*e in a spi*e grinder, add W *up >60 ml? water, and grind to a smooth paste' Transfer to a
large bowl'
1' Put the *oo)ed ri*e, *o*onut, and bread in a food pro*essor' Add 2 tablespoons water and pro*ess to
a smooth batter' Add to the ri*e paste in the bowl and stir well'
6' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and set aside in a warm pla*e to ferment o%ernight'
0' Add the salt and 2 tablespoons water and stir well'
9' Pla*e a small *ast,iron or nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat, add the oil and 1 tablespoon water, and
rotate the wo) so that the oil,water mi8ture *oats the entire wo)' Pour out the e8*ess oil and water'
:' Pour in 2 ladlefuls of batter and tilt the wo) to spread the batter' The edges should be thin and the
e8*ess batter should *olle*t at the *enter' Co%er with a hea%y lid and *oo) for 2 to = minutes or until the
edges of the appam start to lea%e the wo) and are *risp and thin and the *enter is soft and spongy'
!epeat with the remaining batter'
/' Ser%e hot'
rown !i*e
Ser%e this with dhansaa) >page 2/6?'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
2 star anise
0 to : whole *lo%es
2 large red onions, sli*ed
2 teaspoons sugar
1U *ups >=00 grams? basmati ri*e, soa)ed
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *innamon, star anise, and *lo%es, and sautQ for =0
se*onds' Add the onions and sautQ for 9 to : minutes or until well browned'
2' Add the sugar and sautQ until it dissol%es' Add the ri*e and stir' Add 6 *ups >1 liter? water and the salt,
and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for 16 minutes or until done'
=' Ser%e hot'
Perfe*t yogurt
"a)es 2U *ups >000 grams?'
2U *ups >600 ml? whole mil)
1 teaspoon good,Huality plain yogurt
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the mil)' ring to a boil' !emo%e from the heat and
set aside to *ool'
2' Khen the mil) has *ooled to 111XG716XC or is lu)ewarm, add the yogurt and stir gently with a spoon
or whis)'
=' Transfer to an earthenware pot and set aside in a warm pla*e o%ernight until the mi8ture thi*)ens' .o
not $ostle the pot' 4n the winter or at higher altitudes, wrap the pot in a blan)et or towel to )eep it
1' Khen the yogurt has thi*)ened, transfer to the refrigerator' !emember to sa%e 1 teaspoon of the
yogurt to ma)e the ne8t bat*h'
Dram,flour sna*)
This is a simple sna*) that loo)s li)e a small, stout sti*)' 4t is easily prepared using a ganthia press >page
6/1?, whi*h *an be found at most 4ndian gro*ery stores' The prepared dough is pushed through the
holes in the mold and the small sti*)s of the dough that *ome out are deep,fried'
"a)es = *ups >2=0 grams?'
2 *ups >200 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1U teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon a$wain
W *up >60 ml? plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Put the besan in a bowl' Add the salt, turmeri*, *hile powder, and a$wain, and stir'
2' 3eat W *up >60 ml? oil in a small sau*epan and add it to the besan mi8ture' Add U *up >100 ml? water
and )nead to ma)e a stiff dough' Set the dough aside to rest for =0 minutes'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), put some of the dough in a ganthia mold and press it dire*tly into the hot oil' Coo),
stirring o**asionally with a slotted spoon, until deep golden brown' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and
drain on paper towels' !epeat with the remaining dough'
1' +et *ool and store in an airtight *ontainer'
Pressed fresh *heese
"a)es 9 oun*es >200 grams?'
6 *ups >1 liter? whole mil)
1 *up >200 ml? hea%y *ream
1 tablespoon %inegar
1' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the mil)' Stir in the *ream and bring to a boil'
+ower the heat to medium, add the %inegar, and stir until the mi8ture *urdles' The solids will separate
from the whey' !emo%e from the heat'
2' Pla*e a double layer of *heese*loth o%er a strainer and pour in the paneer' Dather the edges of the
muslin and dip the wrapped paneer in a bowl of *old water' Tie up the muslin and hang it o%er a bowl
for 16 to 20 minutes or until most of the whey has drainedM reser%e the whey for another use'
=' Pla*e the wrapped paneer on a plate and put a hea%y weight on it for 10 minutes or until firm'
Fnwrap and *ut the paneer into sli*es or *ubes'
Eou will get about =U *ups >060 ml? whey, whi*h *ontains a lot of nutrients' 4t *an
be used instead of water in roti dough or e%en in soup'
asi* Paratha
4ndian griddle bread with ghee
"a)es 0'
1 *up plus 2 tablespoons >106 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
U teaspoon table salt
0 teaspoons ghee >page =9?, melted
1' Combine the atta and salt in a bowl' Add U *up >100 ml? water and )nead to ma)e a medium,soft
dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside for 16 minutes'
2' .i%ide the dough into 0 portions and shape into balls' !oll out into =,in*h >9U,*m? rounds' rush the
surfa*e of ea*h with W teaspoon ghee, then fold in half and then again in half to ma)e a triangle' !oll out
these triangles to bigger triangles with ea*h side measuring 6 to 0 in*hes'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and let it heat for 2 minutes' Pla*e a dough triangle on it
and *oo) for 1 minute, turn it o%er, and driNNle W teaspoon ghee all around the edges' Turn again and
driNNle U teaspoon ghee all around' Coo) until both sides are light golden brown' !epeat with the
remaining dough triangles'
1' Ser%e hot'
asi* !oti
asi* 4ndian bread
"a)es :'
1 *up plus 2 tablespoons >106 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
V teaspoon table salt
Dhee >page =9?
1' Combine the atta and salt in a bowl' Add U *up >100 ml? water and )nead to ma)e a medium,soft
dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside for 16 minutes'
2' .i%ide the dough into : portions and shape into balls' .ust with a little flour and roll out into 6,in*h
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and let it heat for 2 minutes' Pla*e a dough round on it and
*oo) for =0 se*onds' Turn o%er and *oo) on the other side for 16 se*onds, then, if you are using a gas
burner, hold it with tongs o%er the open flame and *oo) until it puffs' Turn and *oo) the other side'
!epeat with the remaining dough rounds'
1' Ser%e hot, topped with ghee'
.eep,fried bread
"a)es 10'
2 *ups >210 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon ghee >page =9?, softened
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Sift the maida with the salt into a large bowl' Add the ghee and 27= *up >1=6 ml? water and )nead to
ma)e a soft dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside for =0 minutes'
2' .i%ide the dough into 10 portions and shape into small balls' !oll out into =,in*h >9U,*m? rounds'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), gently slide in one dough round at a time and *oo), turning with a slotted spoon, until puffed up
and pale *ream in *olor' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Ser%e immediately'
read *oo)ed in an o%en or a tandoor
"a)es :'
1 *ups >1:0 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
1 teaspoon ba)ing powder
U teaspoon ba)ing soda
1 teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons sugar
1 whole egg >optionalM see (otes?
1 *up >200 ml? mil)
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 teaspoons )alon$i >nigellaM see (otes?
2 teaspoons butter
1' Sift the flour, ba)ing powder, ba)ing soda, and salt together into a large bowl' Add the sugar, egg >if
using?, mil), yogurt, and = tablespoons water, and )nead for about 10 minutes to ma)e a medium,soft
dough' Apply a little oil to the dough, *o%er with a damp *loth, and set aside for 1 hour in a warm pla*e'
2' Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC'
=' .i%ide the dough into : portions and shape into balls' Apply a little oil to ea*h ball and sprin)le the
)alon$i on top' Glatten ea*h ball of dough into a 0,in*h round' Stret*h the dough on one side to ma)e a
triangular shape' Pla*e the naans on a lightly greased ba)ing sheet and ba)e for 16 10 1: minutes or
until *risp and brown on both sides'
1' Ser%e hot, topped with the butter'
Eou *an omit the egg in this re*ipe' 4t will not affe*t the taste or te8ture of the naan
at all'
&alon$i >nigella? is a%ailable in 4ndian gro*ery stores and is sometimes *alled onion seeds'
Crisp flat puris
Small, *risp flat wafers made with dough, often used in 4ndian street food'
"a)es 1:'
1 *up >120 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
U teaspoon *umin seeds >optional?
6 teaspoons ghee >page =9?, melted
1 teaspoon table salt
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Put the maida in a bowl' Add the *umin >if using?, ghee, and salt, and stir' Dradually add W *up >60
ml? water and )nead to ma)e a stiff dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside to rest for 10 to 16
2' .i%ide the dough into 1: portions and shape into balls' !oll out into 2U,in*h >0U,*m? rounds' Pri*)
with a for) all o%er the surfa*e'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), gently slide in the dough rounds, two at a time, and *oo), stirring with a slotted spoon, until golden
brown and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' +et *ool to room temperature, then store in an airtight *ontainer'
&ha$oor Aur 4mli &i Chutney
Sweet date,and,tamarind *hutney
"a)es 2 *ups >000 grams?'
16 to 20 dates, pitted
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
W teaspoon fennel seeds
1 *up >200 grams? grated *ane $aggery
1 *up >=10 grams? tamarind pulp
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon bla*) salt
1 teaspoon table salt
1' !oughly *hop the dates'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *umin and fennel, and dry,roast until
fragrant' Cool slightly, then transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a powder'
=' 4n a nonsti*) sau*epan, *ombine the dates, $aggery, tamarind pulp, *umin and fennel powder, red
*hile powder, ginger, bla*) salt, table salt, and 1 *up >200 ml? water' Pla*e o%er medium heat and bring
to a boil' +ower the heat and *ontinue to *oo) for 0 to : minutes'
1' +et *ool to room temperature and ser%e, or store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to a
Pudina Aur .haniya Chutney
"int,and,*ilantro *hutney
"a)es U *up >110 grams?'
1 *up roughly *hopped fresh *ilantro
U *up roughly *hopped fresh mint
2 to = green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U teaspoon bla*) salt
W teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Put the *ilantro, mint, and *hiles in a food pro*essor' Add W *up >60 ml? water and pro*ess to a
smooth paste'
2' Add the bla*) salt and sugar, and pro*ess to *ombine'
=' Transfer to a bowl and stir in the lemon $ui*e'
To add sourness, Eou *an use *rushed anardana >dried pomegranate seeds? or
am*hur >dried mango powder? instead of the lemon $ui*e' 4n season, a bit of green mango is a good
substitute too'
Si*huan Sau*e
Spi*y Chile Sau*e
"a)es 1 *up >210 grams?'
10 to 12 dried red *hiles, stemmed and finely *hopped
10 *lo%es garli*, peeled
2 s*allions with green tops
U *up >100 ml? %egetable oil
2 green *hiles, stemmed
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, grated
U *up >100 ml? %egetable sto*) >page =0?
2, to =,in*h >6, to 9U,*m? rib *elery, *hopped
1 tablespoon tomato )et*hup
1U teaspoons table salt
2 teaspoons white %inegar
1' oil the red *hiles in 1 *up >200 ml? water for 6 to 9 minutes' .rain'
2' Ginely *hop 2 *lo%es of the garli*' Ginely *hop the s*allion whites and greens separately'
=' Put the *hiles and the remaining : *lo%es garli* in a mini food pro*essor, add 2 tablespoons water,
and grind to a fine paste'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *hopped garli*, green *hiles, s*allion whites, and ginger, and sautQ for 1
6' Add the *hile,garli* paste and sautQ for 6 minutes'
0' Add the sto*), *elery, )et*hup, and salt, and stir to blend well' Add the %inegar and stir well' Simmer
for 6 minutes and remo%e from the heat'
9' Add the s*allion greens and stir' +et *ool and store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to
2 days'
Chaat "asala
Spi*e mi8 for *haat
A spi*y and tangy mi8 used in *haats, salads, and sa%ory dishes li)e fritters, to enhan*e their taste'
"a)es U *up >66 grams?'
W *up >20 grams? *oriander seeds
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
1 teaspoon a$wain
2 or = dried red *hiles, stemmed
= tablespoons bla*) salt
U teaspoon *itri* a*id
1 teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
1 tablespoon table salt
1 teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *oriander and dry,roast until lightly
browned and fragrant' Transfer to a bowl'
2' Cne spi*e at a time, dry,roast the *umin and a$wain, and add them to the *oriander' Stir and set
aside to *ool *ompletely'
=' Transfer to a spi*e grinder' Add the *hiles, bla*) salt, *itri* a*id, am*hur, table salt, and pepper'
Drind to a fine powder'
1' Store in an airtight *ontainer'
Chai "asala
Spi*e mi8 for tea
"a)es W *up >20 grams?'
V tablespoon whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s, bro)en
10 whole *lo%es
10 green *ardamom pods
1 teaspoons ground ginger
1' Put the pepper*orns, *innamon, *lo%es, and *ardamom in a spi*e grinder, and grind to a fine powder'
2' Sift the powder into a bowl' Add the ginger and stir well'
=' Store in an airtight *ontainer'
Chholay "asala
Spi*e mi8 for ma)ing *hole >*hholay?
"a)es V *up >100 grams?'
2 tablespoons *umin seeds
= tablespoons *oriander seeds
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
: to 10 whole *lo%es
1 bla*) *ardamom pod
U teaspoon a$wain
2U teaspoons whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 teaspoon )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
= to 6 tirphal >optionalM see (ote?
2 tablespoons anardana >dried pomegranate seeds?
: to 10 bay lea%es
: to 10 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
U teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons bla*) salt
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *umin, *oriander, *innamon, *lo%es,
*ardamom, a$wain, pepper*orns, )asoori methi, tirphal >if using?, anardana, bay lea%es, and *hiles,
and dry,roast until fragrant'
2' Transfer the mi8ture to a plate and set aside to *ool *ompletely'
=' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and add the am*hur, ginger, table salt, and bla*) salt' Drind to a fine
1' Store in an airtight *ontainer'
Tirphal >not to be *onfused with triphala, a *ombination of herbs used in
Ayur%edi* medi*ine? is a spi*e from a tree that grows deep in the rain forests of western 4ndia' The
berries are dried, and the seeds are remo%ed and dis*arded' Tirphal, whi*h strongly resembles Si*huan
pepper*orns in appearan*e, has a strong woody aroma and a sharp fla%or'
.hansaa) "asala
Spi*e mi8 for dhansaa)
"a)es V *up >90 grams?'
10 dried red *hiles, stemmed
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*), bro)en
= bay lea%es
1 tablespoon *umin seeds
2 tablespoons *oriander seeds
1 to 0 bla*) *ardamom pods
2 teaspoons whole bla*) pepper*orns
U tablespoon whole *lo%es
1 teaspoon fenugree) seeds
1 tablespoon bla*) mustard seeds
2 or = blades ma*e
U tablespoon ground turmeri*
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add all the ingredients e8*ept the turmeri*, lower
the heat, and dry,roast for 6 minutes' Add the turmeri*, stir, and remo%e from the heat' Set aside to
*ool *ompletely'
2' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
=' Store in an airtight *ontainer'
Daram "asala
Spi*e mi8
A fla%or,enhan*ing blend of spi*es used widely in 4ndian *uisine'
"a)es 1 *up >96 grams?'
10 to 12 blades ma*e
: to 10 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
26 whole *lo%es
26 green *ardamom pods
10 to 12 bla*) *ardamom pods
: to 10 bay lea%es
: teaspoons *umin seeds
1 teaspoons whole bla*) pepper*orns
U teaspoon grated nutmeg
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the ma*e and dry,roast until fragrant'
Transfer to a bowl'
2' Cne spi*e at a time, dry,roast the *innamon, *lo%es, green *ardamom, bla*) *ardamom, bay lea%es,
*umin, and pepper*orns, and transfer to the bowl' Set aside to *ool *ompletely'
=' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder' Add the grated nutmeg' Store in an airtight
Doda "asala
Spi*e mi8
A highly fla%orful blend of spi*es typi*ally used in "aharashtrian food >nati%e to the western 4ndian state
of "aharastia?'
"a)es 1U *ups >1=6 grams?'
Jegetable oil
1 *up >:0 grams? *oriander seeds
2 tablespoons *umin seeds
W *up >6 grams? dagad phool >li*hen stone flowerM optionalM see (otes?
0 >2,in*h76,*m? *innamon sti*)s
10 green *ardamom pods
26 whole *lo%es
V teaspoon *araway seeds
26 whole bla*) pepper*orns
10 to 12 bay lea%es
1 teaspoon dried nag)eshar >*obra saffronM optionalM see (otes?
2 blades ma*e
= tablespoons grated dried *o*onut
1 teaspoon white sesame seeds
= dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 teaspoon asafetida
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add a *ouple drops of oil, and, one at a time,
roast all the ingredients until fragrant' Transfer to a bowl and let *ool *ompletely'
2' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
=' Store in an airtight *ontainer'
.agad phool >sometimes labeled patthar )e phool? is a fungus, a li*hen that grows
on ro*)s in the 3imalayas and mountainous regions of western and *entral 4ndia' Fsed in small
Huantities, it lends a dar) *olor and mus)y fla%or to dishes'
(ag)eshar, or *obra saffron, is an herb with a mild, slightly sweet fla%or'
(ihari "asala
Spi*e mi8
This mi8 is used spe*ifi*ally to ma)e a dish *alled nalli nihari >page =/1?'
"a)es 1 *up >100 grams?'
W *up >=6 grams? *umin seeds
W *up >=6 grams? fennel seeds
12 to 16 dried red *hiles, stemmed
20 whole *lo%es
6 green *ardamom pods
= bla*) *ardamom pods
26 to =0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
W *up >60 grams? white poppy seeds
2 bay lea%es
1 blade ma*e
2 tablespoons ground ginger
U tablespoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 or 6 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
6 tablespoons ground dalia >roasted *hana dal?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *umin, fennel, *hiles, *lo%es, green and bla*)
*ardamom, pepper*orns, poppy seeds, bay lea%es, ma*e, ginger, nutmeg, and *innamon, and dry,roast
for 6 minutes or until fragrant'
2' Add the dalia and dry,roast for 2 minutes' !emo%e from the heat and set aside to *ool' Transfer to a
spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
=' Sift through a fine sie%e and store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator'
Pa% ha$i "asala
Spi*e mi8 for pa% bha$i
A spe*ial blend of spi*es added to %egetables to ma)e a dish *alled pa% bha$i >page /0?'
"a)es 6 tablespoons >96 grams?'
1U tablespoons am*hur >dried mango powder?
U teaspoon whole bla*) pepper*orns
12 &ashmiri dried red *hiles, stemmed
2 tablespoons *umin seeds
2U tablespoons *oriander seeds
0 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
1 teaspoon table salt
W teaspoon bla*) salt
26 whole *lo%es
1 bla*) *ardamom pod
0 to : fresh *urry lea%es
2 bay lea%es
1 tablespoon fennel seeds
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add all the ingredients, one by one in the order
listed, lower the heat, and dry,roast for 6 minutes'
2' Set aside to *ool *ompletely' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
=' Store in an airtight *ontainer'
Pun$abi Daram "asala
Spi*e mi8
Another %ariety of garam masala, more popular in Pun$abi homes'
"a)es 1V *ups >200 grams?'
1 *up >100 grams? whole bla*) pepper*orns
V *up plus 1 tablespoon >120 grams? *umin seeds
11 bla*) *ardamom pods
1 or 6 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the pepper*orns and dry,roast for 1 minutes'
Transfer to a plate'
2' Cne spi*e at a time, dry,roast the *umin, *ardamom, *lo%es, and *innamon, and add them to the
pepper*orns' Set aside to *ool *ompletely'
=' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder' Store in an airtight *ontainer'
!asam Powder
Spi*e mi8
A spi*e blend used to ma)e rasam, a South 4ndian soup'
"a)es 2W *ups >260 grams?'
1 *up >:0 grams? *oriander seeds
U *up >100 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
W *up >=6 grams? *umin seeds
W *up >26 grams? whole bla*) pepper*orns
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
16 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *oriander, dals, *umin, pepper*orns,
*urry lea%es, and *hiles, and dry,roast for = to 1 minutes or until fragrant' +et *ool *ompletely'
2' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
=' Store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator or in a *ool, dry pla*e for up to 0 months'
Dround !oasted Cumin
This is an e8*ellent topping for raitas >yogurt sau*esM page 06? or *haats >page :1?'
"a)es 0 tablespoons >=0 grams?'
1U tablespoons *umin seeds
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *umin and dry,roast until lightly *olored'
Set aside to *ool *ompletely'
2' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
=' Store in an airtight *ontainer'
asi* masala for South 4ndian lentil dishes
"a)es 1 V *ups >1:0 grams?'
U *up >10 grams? *oriander seeds
1 tablespoon *umin seeds
2 tablespoons *hana dal >split engal gram?
2 tablespoons dhuli moong dal >split s)inless green gram?
2 tablespoons toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
1 tablespoon brown mustard seeds
1 tablespoon fenugree) seeds
10 to 12 whole bla*) pepper*orns
26 to =0 dried red *hiles, stemmed
2 to = tablespoons ground turmeri*
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *oriander, *umin, dals, mustard
seeds, fenugree), pepper*orns, and *hiles, and dry,roast for = to 1 minutes or until fragrant' Transfer to
a bowl and set aside to *ool *ompletely'
2' Transfer to a spi*e grinder' Add the turmeri* and grind to a fine powder'
=' Store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator or in a *ool, dry pla*e for up to 0 months'
&ashmiri garam masala
"a)es W *up plus 2 tablespoons >16 grams?'
1U tablespoons fennel seeds
1U tablespoons *araway seeds
2 bay lea%es
1 tablespoon bla*) *ardamom seeds
W teaspoon green *ardamom seeds
2U,in*h *innamon sti*)
: to 10 whole *lo%es
1 teaspoon fenugree) seeds
: to 10 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 large blade ma*e
1 star anise
W teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the fennel, *araway, bay lea%es, bla*)
*ardamom, green *ardamom, *innamon, *lo%es, fenugree), pepper*orns, ma*e, and star anise, and dry,
roast until fragrant' Set aside to *ool *ompletely'
2' Transfer to a spi*e grinder' Add the nutmeg and grind to a fine powder'
=' Store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator or in a *ool, dry pla*e'
Chi*)en Sto*)
"a)es =W *ups >060 ml?'
9 oun*es >200 grams? *hi*)en bones, su*h as wing tips, ne*), or other bones
1 medium red onion, Huartered
1 medium *arrot, roughly *hopped
2 or = sprigs fresh parsley, roughly *hopped
1 rib *elery, roughly *hopped
1 lee) with top, roughly *hopped >optional?
0 or 9 whole bla*) pepper*orns
6 or 0 whole *lo%es
1 bay leaf
1' !emo%e any e8*ess fat from the bones'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Add the bones and boil for 6
minutes' .rain off the water'
=' Add the remaining ingredients and 10 *ups >2 liters? water' Pla*e o%er high heat and bring to a boil'
+ower the heat to low' Spoon off any s*um that rises to the top and repla*e it with *old water' Simmer
for at least 1 hour and up to 1U hours'
1' Pour through a strainer into a large bowlM dis*ard the solids' +et the sto*) *ool to room temperature,
then *o%er and store in the refrigerator'
+amb Sto*)
"a)es = *ups >000 ml?'
9 oun*es >200 grams? lamb bones
1 medium red onion, Huartered
1 medium *arrot, *ut into : pie*es
1 rib *elery, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
2 or = sprigs fresh parsley
0 or 9 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 bay leaf
1' !emo%e any e8*ess fat from the bones'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Add the bones and boil for 6
minutes' .rain'
=' Add the onion, *arrot, *elery, parsley, pepper*orns, bay leaf, and 12 *ups >2'1 liters? water' Pla*e o%er
high heat and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low' Spoon off any s*um that rises to the top and
repla*e it with *old water' Simmer for at least 2 hours and up to 2U hours'
1' Pour through a strainer into a large bowlM dis*ard the solids' +et the sto*) *ool to room temperature,
then *o%er and store in the refrigerator'
Jegetable Sto*)
"a)es 2W *ups >160 ml?'
1 medium red onion, sli*ed
U medium *arrot, sli*ed
U rib *elery, *hopped
2 *lo%es garli*, *rushed
1 bay leaf
6 or 0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
2 or = whole *lo%es
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 6 *ups >1 liter? water' Add the onion, *arrot, *elery,
garli*, bay leaf, pepper*orns, and *lo%es and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium and simmer for
=0 minutes'
2' Pour through a strainer into a large bowlM dis*ard the solids' +et the sto*) *ool to room temperature,
then *o%er and store in the refrigerator'
Atta .ough
Gor sealing a pan and lid while *oo)ing biryani
"a)es 1U *ups >200 grams?'
1 *up >160 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
1' Combine the atta and V *up >160 ml? water in a bowl and )nead to ma)e a soft dough'
2' !oll the dough into a long rope' Pla*e it around the edge of the pan that needs to be sealed' Pla*e the
lid o%er the dough and press down hard' As the biryani *oo)s, the dough will dry up' Khen you remo%e
the pan from the heat, peel the dough off to open the lid' >Sin*e it will be totally dried up, it should peel
off easily'?
"a)es 1 27= *ups >=26 grams?'
2 *ups >600 grams? unsalted butter
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the butter' Khen the butter is melted, lower
the heat to low and *oo), stirring freHuently so that it does not s*or*h, for =0 minutes or until the liHuid
is light brown and the residue settles to the bottom' There will be some mil) solids that rise to the top
as foam and these should be s)immed off'
2' Set aside to *ool slightly' Strain into a *lean $ar and let *ool *ompletely' Co%er with an airtight lid and
store in the refrigerator for up to 2 wee)s'
Fnsweetened solid *ondensed mil)
"a)es 1 *up >166 grams?'
6 *ups >1 liter? full,fat buffalo or *owLs mil)
1' Pla*e a hea%y,bottomed sau*epan o%er high heat and add the mil)' Khen it *omes to a boil, lower
the heat to medium and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for about =0 minutes or until the mil) is redu*ed
and forms a thi*) lump' 4t is %ery important to stir *ontinuously and not allow a *ream to form on the
surfa*e be*ause this will affe*t the te8ture of the )hoya'
2' +et *ool *ompletely, then store in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to = days'
Gor *enturies, a potterLs wheel was used in 4ndia to ma)e earthenware pots *alled mat)as that )ept
drin)ing water *ool' Surprisingly, e%en with refrigeration and ele*tri*ity, traditional mat)as are still
used in many 4ndian homes'
4ndians lo%e *ool drin)s and *ooling foods when the weather is hot, and they en$oy warming drin)s in
the winter' 4n .elhi, the dry summer wind *alled lu not only dehydrates you but also saps all of your
energy, and a glass of *hilled watermelon $ui*e hits the spot on those hot days' 4n Pun$ab, a tall glass of
*hilled lassi >page 11? is most wel*ome in the summer, and spi*e,laden drin)s su*h as $al $eera >page
11? are ser%ed as aperitifs' And a *ool )o)um sharbat >page 1=? is ser%ed to wel*ome guests and is
essential at weddings'
.uring the winter months, a saffron,enri*hed mil)sha)e *alled Nafrani sharbat >page 10? is popular in
&ashmir, and e%en though itLs a *old drin), the spi*e is wintry and warming'
The drin)s that follow will enhan*e your appetite, refresh your palate, fill in those little gaps between
meals, or *ool your par*hed throat'
Adra) (a%ratan
Spi*y gingerade
This drin) is an e8*ellent digesti%e' 4t *an be )ept in the refrigerator for up to a wee)' .ried dates and
raisins impart natural sweetness to the drin), but if you wish to ma)e it sweeter you *an add 1 teaspoon
sugar to ea*h glass of adra) na%ratan'
Ser%es 1'
10 to 12 dried dates
1U teaspoons $ulienned tender fresh ginger
U *up >/0 grams? raisins
6 or 0 hot green *hiles, stemmed and *ut in half
U *up >100 ml? freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon bla*) salt
1' Pit the dates and thinly sli*e them lengthwise'
2' Combine the dates, ginger, raisins, *hiles, lemon $ui*e, salt, bla*) salt, and 1 *up >200 ml? water in a
bowl and stir well' Transfer the mi8ture into a wide,mouthed glass $ar' Sha)e well and set aside for 9
days or until the $ui*e turns pin)'
=' To ser%e, put 1 tablespoon of the $ui*e and 1 tablespoon of the $ulienned dates and ginger in a glass'
Gill the glass with *old water and ser%e'
!ose drin)
This rose drin) has a layer of a spe*ial type of dessert *alled malai burfi on top' Eou *an find the dessert
at any 4ndian store' As a %ariation, you *an top the drin) with a s*oop of %anilla i*e *ream instead'
Ser%es 1'
9U *ups >1'6 liters? whole mil)
U *up >126 grams? sugar
A few saffron threads
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom
2 tablespoons rose syrup
1 malai burfi >*ondensed,mil) mithai, store,bought?
10 almonds, blan*hed >see (ote?, peeled, and sli%ered
20 pista*hios, blan*hed >see (ote?, peeled, and sli%ered
1' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the mil)' +ower the heat to medium, add the
sugar, and *oo), stirring, until the sugar dissol%es' Transfer to a bowl' Add the saffron and stir until it
2' Add the *ardamom to the mil) and stir' Set aside to *ool to room temperature'
=' Add the rose syrup and stir' Pla*e the bowl in the refrigerator to *hill'
1' +adle into indi%idual glasses' Crush the malai burfi and sprin)le it o%er the top of the mil) in ea*h
glass' Darnish with almonds and pista*hios and ser%e *old'
"alai burfi5 This deli*ious 4ndian dessert is prepared by boiling mil) and redu*ing it
until most of the moisture e%aporates' Cn*e the mil) thi*)ens to a solid mass, it is fla%ored with sugar
and other ingredients' 4t is then shaped into small pie*es'
To blan*h almonds or pista*hios, put them in 1 *up >200 ml? boiling water for 6 minutes' .rain and rub
off the s)ins'
Pal Peera
!efreshing spi*y drin)
This drin) is %ery popular in 4ndian homes' e sure to use fresh *umin' Che*) with your nose5 4f the
*umin is aromati*, then the spi*e is a*ti%e and hasnLt lost its fla%or'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
2 tablespoons fresh mint,leaf paste >60 lea%es?
U teaspoon fresh *ilantro,leaf paste >W *up lea%es?
1U tablespoons am*hur >dried mango powder?
1 tablespoon bla*) salt
= tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon sugar
Gresh mint lea%es
1' 4n a large $ug, *ombine the *umin, mint paste, *ilantro paste, am*hur, bla*) salt, lemon $ui*e, and
2' Add 6 *ups >1 liter? *old water and stir until all the ingredients are well blended'
=' Pour into indi%idual glasses, garnish with mint lea%es, and ser%e *old'
&airi Panna
Tart green mango drin)
This tart mango drin) is the perfe*t *hiller for summer' Eou *an add mint lea%es for garnish if you li)e'
Ser%es 1'
1 large green mango
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
: to 10 whole bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
V teaspoon bla*) salt
Small pin*h of asafetida
U *up >126 grams? sugar
1' Kash the mango well under running water'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water' Khen it *omes to a boil, add
the mango and lower the heat to medium' Coo) for 26 minutes or until the mango is soft and the s)in
begins to peel off' +et *ool to room temperature'
=' .rain off the water and peel and pit the mangoM mash and strain the pulp into a deep bowl'
1' Add the *umin, pepper, bla*) salt, asafetida, and sugar' Stir until the sugar is dissol%ed'
6' .i%ide the mi8ture between 1 tall glasses, then fill them with *old water' Stir well and ser%e
Eou *an ma)e the pulp in bul) and store it in the refrigerator' 4t will )eep for up
to a wee)'
&ale Angoor &a Sharbat
la*) grape drin)
This delightful tangy and strong,tasting drin) is %ery popular during hot 4ndian summers' Eou *an also
prepare it a few hours before ser%ing' Chill it and then ser%e o%er *rushed i*e'
Ser%es 1'
V teaspoon *umin seeds
U teaspoon a$wain
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 tablespoon bla*) salt
1 *ups >:00 ml? bla*) grape $ui*e
1U tablespoons tamarind pulp
Crushed i*e
1' Pla*e a shallow pan o%er medium heat, add the *umin, a$wain, and fennel, and roast for 2 minutes or
until fragrant' +et *ool and transfer to a spi*e grinder' Add the bla*) salt and grind to a fine powder'
2' Pour the bla*) grape $ui*e into a $ugM add the ground spi*es and tamarind pulp and stir well'
=' Add *rushed i*e and stir' Pour into indi%idual glasses and ser%e *old'
&o)um Sharbat
!uby,red *ooler
&o)um >Dar*inia indi*a?, also )nown as gamboge in Bnglish, is a nati%e fruit of 4ndia and is grown
abundantly in &on)an, &arnata)a, and &erala along the western *oast of 4ndia due to the a%ailability of
adeHuate rainfall, good sunshine, and fertile soil in these regions' 4t is found in the Fnited States in
4ndian gro*ery stores in dried form' This drin) is a healthy substitute for *arbonated and *affeinated
drin)s' &o)um also aids digestion and fights a*idity' Eou *an repla*e the *on%entional pani in the pani
puris >page ::? with this'
Ser%es 1'
V *up >1/0 grams? sugar
1 or 6 fresh )o)um petals, or : to 10 dried pie*es >see (otes?
W teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *up >200 ml? water' Add the sugar, bring to a boil,
then lower the heat to medium' Coo), stirring freHuently, until you get a syrup of one,string *onsisten*y
>see (otes?'
2' "eanwhile, put the )o)um in a mini food pro*essor, add W *up >60 ml? water, and pro*ess to ma)e a
purQe' Add the purQe to the sugar syrup and boil for 2 to = minutes'
=' !emo%e from the heat and add the salt and *umin' Stir well and set aside to *ool to room
1' To ser%e, pour W *up >60 ml? of the )o)um syrup into ea*h glass, fill it with *old water, and stir' Ser%e
4f using dried )o)um, soa) it in U *up >100 ml? boiling water for about 20 minutes
to soften, then blend it in the same water'
To test if the sugar syrup has rea*hed one,string *onsisten*y, pla*e a drop of the slightly *ooled syrup
between your thumb and forefinger and pull them apart' 4f the syrup forms a single string, it is ready'
+assi with 3oney
Sweet yogurt drin) with honey
This is a perfe*t drin) to help you *ool off during a hot summer day'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
9 tablespoons honey
Pin*h of table salt
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Put the yogurt, honey, salt, and lemon $ui*e in a blender and blend until smooth' Add U *up >100 ml?
water and blend again'
2' Gill indi%idual glasses with i*e and pour in the lassi' Ser%e immediately'
!osewater and yogurt drin)
!osewater, )nown as gulab $al in 4ndia, is *ommonly used to add heady fragran*e to re*ipes' 3ere it is
paired with yogurt for a delightful summer drin)'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
2 to = tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon rosewater
1 s*oops %anilla i*e *ream
1 teaspoon dried or fresh untreated rose petals
1' Put the yogurt, 1U *ups >=00 ml? water, the sugar, and rosewater in a blender and blend for 1 to 2
minutes, until frothy'
2' Transfer to a deep bowl and refrigerate until %ery *old'
=' Pour into 1 indi%idual glasses, top ea*h with a s*oop of i*e *ream, and sprin)le with the rose petals'
Ser%e immediately'
"asala Soda
Spi*ed soda
This superb spi*ed drin) ma)es a great mo*)tail' 4 first fell in lo%e with it on the streets of the *ity of
"eerut and would always ma)e a point to try it whene%er 4 saw it'
Ser%es 1'
0 tablespoons >/0 ml? )o)um sharbat >page 1=?
U tablespoon bla*) salt
6 or 0 whole bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
Crushed i*e
1 Huart >:00 ml? *old seltNer
10 to 12 fresh mint lea%es, torn
1' Combine the )o)um sharbat, bla*) salt, pepper, lemon $ui*e, and about 2 *ups *rushed i*e in a glass
$ar and stir well'
2' Pour into 1 indi%idual glasses' Gill with soda and stir well' Darnish with the mint and ser%e
"asala Taa)
Spi*ed buttermil)
This simple spi*ed buttermil) is a perfe*t *ooler on a hot summer day'
Ser%es 1'
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
1 green *hile, stemmed and *hopped
U,in*h >1V,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1U teaspoons bla*) salt
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *umin seeds and roast until they turn
slightly brown' +et *ool and grind to a *oarse powder'
2' Khis) the yogurt thoroughly in a large bowl' Dradually add about 6 *ups >1 liter? *old water and whis)
=' Add the *hile, ginger, *ilantro, bla*) salt, and *umin and stir thoroughly' Pour into indi%idual tall
glasses and ser%e *old'
Zafrani Sharbat
Cold saffron,fla%ored drin)
Saffron is )nown as Nafran in Frdu' 3ere we use saffron to prepare a delightful *old drin)' +oo) for
saffron i*e *ream >)esar? at 4ndian gro*ery storesM if you *anLt find it, plain %anilla wor)s well'
Ser%es 1'
10 to 12 saffron threads
9U *ups >1'6 liters? mil), plus 2 tablespoons warmed
W *up >00 grams? sugar
Pin*h of ground green *ardamom
10 to 12 almonds, blan*hed >see (ote, page 10? and sli%ered
0 to : pista*hios, blan*hed >see (ote, page 10? and sli%ered
1 s*oops saffron i*e *ream
1' Soa) the saffron in the 2 tablespoons warm mil) and set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add the remaining mil), and bring to a boil' +ower the heat
to medium and simmer, stirring freHuently, for 10 minutes'
=' Add the sugar, *ardamom, and saffron mil) and simmer for another 6 to 0 minutes, until thi*) and
1' !emo%e from the heat, add the almonds and pista*hios, and stir well' +et *ool to room temperature,
then pla*e in the refrigerator to *hill'
6' Pour the mil) into 1 glasses, top ea*h with a s*oop of i*e *ream, and ser%e immediately'
"asala Chai with +emongrass
3ot lemongrass,fla%ored tea
This re*ipe *omes from the west *oast of 4ndia5 The Du$aratis lo%e itO Ser%e it on a rainy day with a plate
of pa)oras >fritters?Ait is simply hea%enly'
Ser%es 1'
2 *ups >100 ml? mil)
1 to 6 small stal)s fresh lemongrass, *hopped
1 teaspoons bla*) tea lea%es
U teaspoon *hai masala >spi*e mi8 for teaM page 26?
: teaspoons sugar
1' Put the mil) and 2 *ups >100 ml? water in a nonsti*) sau*epan' Pla*e o%er high heat and bring to a
2' +ower the heat to medium, add the lemongrass, tea lea%es, and *hai masala, and boil for 1 minute'
Add the sugar' Khen it *omes to a boil again, lower the heat to low and simmer for 2 to = minutes'
=' Strain into indi%idual *ups and ser%e piping hot'
Cane $aggery,fla%ored drin)
4n South 4ndia, the birth of the 3indu god +ord !ama is *elebrated during the festi%al of !ama (a%ami,
and this drin) is ser%ed to the de%otees' 4t is ser%ed in small portions after the prayers are o%er' 4n some
pla*es, lemon $ui*e is used instead of tamarind'
Ser%es 1'
V *up >160 grams? grated *ane $aggery
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e dried ginger
0 green *ardamom pods
1: to 20 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1U tablespoons tamarind pulp
1W teaspoons bla*) salt
6 or 0 fresh mint lea%es
1' Put the $aggery in a bowl, add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water, and soa) for 10 to 16 minutes' Stir until the
$aggery dissol%es' Strain the mi8ture through a fine sie%e into another bowl'
2' Put the dried ginger, *ardamom, and pepper*orns in a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder' Sift
through a fine sie%e to remo%e any large pie*es'
=' Put the tamarind pulp in a small bowl, add the spi*e powder, and stir well' Add to the $aggery water
along with the bla*) salt and stir well'
1' Ginely shred the mint and add it to the $aggery mi8ture' Stir and let stand for 10 to 16 minutes'
6' Strain into small glasses and ser%e warm'
3ot *hai masala,fla%ored mil)
Ser%es 1'
2 *ups >100 ml? mil)
: teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon *hai masala >spi*e mi8 for teaM page 26?
1' Combine the mil), 2U *ups >600 ml? water, and the sugar in a nonsti*) sau*epan, pla*e o%er high heat,
and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low, add the *hai masala, and simmer for 6 to 9 minutes, until
the fla%ors are well *ombined'
2' Strain into indi%idual tea*ups and ser%e hot'
&ali "ir*h &a .rin)
la*) pepper drin)
This drin) soothes a sore throatAor will at least *lear your sinuses'
Ser%es 1'
1 teaspoon table salt
20 whole bla*) pepper*orns
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
W teaspoon *umin seeds
1U teaspoons *oriander seeds
1 *lo%es garli*
0 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1 teaspoon *o*onut oil
U teaspoon mustard seeds
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
0 pearl onions, peeled and blan*hed
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add 6 *ups >1 liter? water and the salt and bring to a boil'
2' Put the pepper*orns, fenugree), *umin, *oriander, garli*, and red *hiles in a mortar and *rush them
with a pestle' Add the *rushed spi*es and garli* to the boiling water in the pan and stir' Add the
tamarind pulp, lower the heat to medium, *o%er, and simmer for 16 to 20 minutes'
=' !emo%e from the heat' Strain through a fine sie%e and set aside'
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add the *o*onut oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds and let them sputter' Add the *urry lea%es, green
*hiles, and onions, and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes' Add this to the prepared drin) and *o%er immediately
to trap the fla%ors'
6' +adle into indi%idual bowls and ser%e warm'
The idea of starting a meal with a soup to whet the appetite is not widely popular in traditional 4ndian
homes, where meals are not ser%ed in *ourses' Kith the e8*eption of the Anglo,4ndian standby
mulligatawny >page 60?, soupsAat least the brothy ones ser%ed in the KestAare still un*ommon here,
and we ha%e miles to go before we *an boast of a huge repertoire'
There is not mu*h histori*al do*umentation, but in this *hapter 4 present some of the *lassi* shorbas
>soups? from the royal )it*hens of yore' Ta)e, for e8ample, the *hi*)en shorba >page 01? from northern
4ndia, a dish that will re$u%enate $ust li)e your own motherLs *hi*)en soup did' Cne of my fa%orite soups
is the paya shorba >page 0=?, made from lamb trotters' 4t is %ery soothing and warming in winter' The
southern states offer thin, spi*y rasam >page 6/? that *lear up the sinuses and a terrifi* soup *alled
tomato saar >page 00?, whi*h is e8*ellent on its own or ladled o%er ri*e'
There are plenty of %egetarian options here5 The sabN ma)ai )ali mir*h )a shorba >page 6:? is li)e a
garden in a bowl'
Anar)ali Shorba
+entil soup
This dish is named after a legendary and beautiful dan*er from the *ourt of the "ughal emperor A)bar'
4t *an be prepared up to a day in ad%an*e and reheated gently before ser%ing'
Ser%es 1'
1U tablespoons butter, at room temperature
1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
2 bay lea%es
= or 1 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 green *ardamom pod
1 medium onion, *hopped
2 tablespoons toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
W *up >60 grams? masoor dal >split red lentils?
2 tablespoons raw ri*e
1U teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
1 bun*h fresh *ilantro with stems, *hopped
1 bun*h spina*h lea%es, finely *hopped
1 *up >200 ml? fresh pomegranate $ui*e
1 tablespoon *rushed bla*) pepper*orns
Arils from half a medium pomegranate
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat, add the butter, and let it melt' Add the ginger, bay
lea%es, *lo%es, *innamon, and *ardamom, and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes or until fragrant' Add the onion
and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until the onion is light golden brown'
2' Add the dals and ri*e, and *oo), stirring, for 1 to 2 minutes' Add / *ups >1': liters? water and bring to
a boil' +ower the heat to low and simmer for 16 minutes'
=' Add the salt, ground bla*) pepper, *ilantro, and spina*h' Simmer gently for 10 minutes'
1' Pour into a sie%e set o%er a bowl, transfer the liHuid to a deep nonsti*) sau*epan, and pla*e o%er low
6' !emo%e and dis*ard the *innamon sti*)' Transfer the remaining solids to a blender and blend until
smooth' Add the purQe to the liHuid in the pan and stir well' Add the pomegranate $ui*e and simmer
gently for 10 minutes'
0' +adle into indi%idual soup bowls, garnish with the *rushed pepper*orns and pomegranate arils, and
ser%e hot'
adam Shorba
Almond soup
This ri*h soup tastes best when it is freshly made' lan*hing the almonds first softens them a little and
ma)es grinding them a lot easier' 4f your almonds ha%e been sitting around in the pantry for a while, be
sure to taste them and ma)e sure that they are not ran*id'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >160 grams? almonds
1V *ups >=60 ml? mil)
2 teaspoons butter, at room temperature
1W teaspoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
U teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground white pepper
1U tablespoons hea%y *ream
1' Soa) the almonds in hot water for 1 to 6 minutes' .rain and peel them' Sli*e 10 to 12 almonds and set
them aside for garnish' Put the remaining almonds and V *up >160 ml? of the mil) in a food pro*essor,
and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add the butter, and let it melt' Add the maida, lower the
heat to medium, and sautQ for 1 minute, stirring *ontinuously to ensure that the *olor of the flour does
not *hange' Dradually add the remaining 1 *up >200 ml? mil) and stir *ontinuously so that lumps do not
=' Add the sugar, salt, and white pepper, and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, until the mi8ture *omes to a
boil' +ower the heat and simmer for 6 minutes, stirring o**asionally'
1' Add the almond and mil) paste and 2 *ups >100 ml? hot water, and simmer for 10 to 16 minutes,
stirring o**asionally, until the soup thi*)ens' +adle into indi%idual soup bowls'
6' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat' Khen it is hot, lower the heat to medium, add the
reser%ed sli*ed almonds, and toast until they $ust begin to *hange *olor' Sprin)le the toasted almonds
o%er the soup in ea*h bowl and driNNle with the *ream' Ser%e immediately'
3are "oong &a Shorba
Thin green,gram soup with ri*e %ermi*elli
This is one of the best 4ndian soups 4 ha%e e%er tasted' 4t is loaded with protein, has a fantasti* mouth,
feel, and gi%es you a burst of energy' "y wife, Alyona, is an e8pert at ma)ing it, and we wor)ed on this
re*ipe together'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >210 grams? sabut moong >whole green gram?
1 tablespoon table salt
2 bay lea%es
2 green *ardamom pods
1 whole *lo%e
1,in*h >2U ,*m? *innamon sti*)
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 or = s*allions with green tops
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
U teaspoon *umin seeds
1 *lo%es garli*, min*ed
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1U tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 *ups >296 grams? *oo)ed ri*e %ermi*elli
1' Put the sabut moong in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000
ml? water and soa) o%ernight' .rain in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water' Add 1 teaspoon of the
salt, the bay lea%es, *ardamom, *lo%e, *innamon, *hiles, and the sabut moong' Coo) o%er medium heat
for 20 minutes or until the sabut moong is soft and all the water has been absorbed or e%aporated' Set
aside to *ool *ompletely'
=' PurQe with an immersion blender' Push the mi8ture through a sie%e into a large bowl' Add 6 *ups >1
liter? water and stir' Set aside'
1' Chop the s*allion bulbs and greens separately'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Add the *umin and when it begins to
*hange *olor, add the s*allion bulbs, garli*, and ginger, and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
0' Stir in the sabut moong mi8ture and bring to a boil' +ower the heat, add the lemon $ui*e, and
simmer, un*o%ered, for 6 minutes' Add the s*allion tops and the remaining 2 teaspoons salt'
9' Add the %ermi*elli and simmer for 1 minute' +adle into indi%idual soup bowls and ser%e hot'
Spi*y Parsi,style %egetable soup
This is a hearty %egetable soup with a Kestern influen*e brought in by the Parsi *ommunity of "umbai'
Parsis *ame to 4ndia from 4ran and settled in the state of Du$arat'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 or = dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
2 small onions, sli*ed
6 *lo%es garli*, sli*ed
2 or = green *hiles, stemmed and slit
2 small potatoes, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 medium sweet potato, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 medium *arrot, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
U head *auliflower, separated into small florets
1 medium tomato, Huartered
U teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon Kor*estershire sau*e
1 teaspoon white %inegar
1 teaspoon sugar
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin and dried *hiles' Khen they begin to *hange *olor, add the onions
and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until lightly browned' Add the garli* and green *hiles, and sautQ for 1
2' Add the potatoes, sweet potato, *arrot, *auliflower, tomato, salt, and 2 to = *ups >100 to 000 ml?
water, and stir' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 6 minutes or until all the %egetables are
almost *oo)ed'
=' Add the Kor*estershire sau*e, %inegar, and sugar, stir, and *oo) for 6 to 10 minutes or until the
%egetables are *ompletely soft and the liHuid has redu*ed by about half'
1' +adle into indi%idual soup bowls and ser%e hot'
"atar &a Shorba
Dreen pea soup
This simple yet lus*ious dish is the *reation of my brother, !a$ee%' Khen he made it for me, 4 fell in lo%e
with it at first sip'
Ser%es 1'
=W *ups >600 grams? shelled fresh or froNen green peas
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, roughly *hopped
10 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and roughly *hopped
= tablespoons ghee >page =9? or %egetable oil
U teaspoon *umin seeds
2 bay lea%es
1 medium onion, min*ed
= *ups >000 ml? %egetable sto*) >page =0?
1U teaspoons table salt
: fresh mint lea%es
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 2 *ups >100 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add
the peas and *oo) for 9 minutes or until tender' +et *ool, then transfer the peas and liHuid to a blender,
and blend to a smooth purQe' Transfer to a deep bowl and set aside'
2' Put the ginger, garli*, *hiles, and = tablespoons water in a spi*e grinder, and grind to a smooth paste'
=' Pla*e the sau*epan o%er high heat, add the ghee, and heat until small bubbles appear at the bottom
of the pan' +ower the heat to medium, add the *umin and bay lea%es, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the
onion and sautQ until light golden' Add the ginger,garli*,*hile paste and sautQ for 1 minute'
1' Add the green pea purQe, stir, and *oo) for 6 minutes, stirring *ontinuously' Add the sto*), stir well,
and bring to a boil'
6' Add the salt and stir' !emo%e and dis*ard the bay lea%es' +ower the heat to low and *oo) for 6
0' This soup will be thi*)M if you prefer a thinner soup, add more water until you rea*h the *onsisten*y
you want'
9' +adle into indi%idual soup bowls' Darnish with the mint lea%es and ser%e hot'
"ulligatawny Soup
A fla%orful red lentil and %egetable soup
An Anglo,4ndian preparation, this soup is also )nown as Spepper waterT be*ause the Tamil word mulligu
means SpepperT and thanni means Swater'T ut it doesnLt stop at pepper, for the %ariations on this
soup are many' The re*ipe here is what is made in my homeM 4 sip this warm *on*o*tion when 4 feel a
*old *oming on'
Ser%es 1'
1 tablespoon besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
2 or = dried red *hiles, stemmed
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
1 whole *lo%es
1 green *ardamom pods
2 bay lea%es
12 to 16 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 to 0 *lo%es garli*
1 medium onion, Huartered
1 medium *arrot, roughly *hopped
10 to 20 fresh *urry lea%es
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
U small green apple, *ored and sli*ed
U small potato, di*ed
0 tablespoons masoor dal >split red lentil?
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
6 *ups >1 liter? %egetable sto*) >page =0?
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 tablespoon *oo)ed white ri*e
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the besan and roast o%er low heat, stirring
*ontinuously, for 1 to 6 minutes or until lightly browned and fragrant' Set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *hiles, *innamon, *lo%es, *ardamom, bay lea%es, pepper*orns, ginger, and
garli*, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the onion, *arrot, *urry lea%es, *oriander, *umin, apple, and potato,
and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the dal, turmeri*, salt, and sto*), and bring to a boil' Add the besan and
*o*onut, and *oo) for 16 to 20 minutes or until the dal and potato are *oo)ed'
=' Pour into a strainer set o%er a bowl and ladle the liHuid into indi%idual soup bowls' Darnish with the
ri*e and ser%e hot'
Pala) Shorba
Spina*h soup
4 lo%e spina*h so mu*h that friends often $o)e that 4 would ma)e a dessert with it' This soup, ri*h with
butter and fragrant with *innamon and *lo%es, will ha%e to do for now'
Ser%es 1'
2 medium bun*hes spina*h, washed and stemmed
2 tablespoons butter, at room temperature
= bla*) *ardamom pods
2 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 tablespoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
=,in*h >9U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, min*ed
2 *lo%es garli*, min*ed
1 medium onion, finely *hopped
1 or 6 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 bay lea%es
1 teaspoon table salt
W teaspoon ground white pepper
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 2 *ups >100 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add the
spina*h and blan*h for 2 to = minutes' .rain, refresh in *old water, and drain again' Transfer to a food
pro*essor and pro*ess to a smooth purQe' Set aside'
2' Pla*e the same deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add the butter, and let it melt' Add the
*ardamom, *lo%es, *innamon, and maida, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes'
=' Add the ginger, garli*, and onion, and sautQ for about 6 minutes'
1' Add the pepper*orns, bay lea%es, salt, white pepper, *umin, and 6 *ups >1 liter? water, and stir' ring
to a boil o%er high heat' +ower the heat to medium and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring o**asionally'
6' Pour into a strainer set o%er another deep nonsti*) sau*epanM dis*ard the solids' Add the spina*h
purQe to the strained liHuid and stir well'
0' Pla*e o%er medium heat and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes'
9' +adle into indi%idual soup bowls and ser%e piping hot'
SabN "a)ai &ali "ir*h &a Shorba
"i8ed %egetable soup with *orn and peppers
4 always say that it is a *hallenge to get 4ndians to eat soupAthey would rather start right in on the main
*ourse' This soup, ri*h with %egetables and spi*es, is my way of trying to *hange that'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the %egetable sto*)5
2 whole *lo%es
1 bay leaf
9 or : bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
U teaspoon table salt
U *arrot, roughly *hopped
= or 1 *auliflower stems
1 medium onion, roughly *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, roughly *hopped
Gor the soup5
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
6 or 0 *lo%es garli*, min*ed
1 *up >160 grams? *orn )ernels, *rushed
U *arrot, di*ed and blan*hed
1 or 6 small florets of bro**oli
1 or 6 hari*ots %erts or green beans, di*ed
W medium red bell pepper, seeded and di*ed
W medium yellow bell pepper, seeded and di*ed
1 teaspoon table salt
6 or 0 bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
1' "a)e the %egetable sto*)5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 6 *ups >1 liter? water, and
bring to a boil' Add the *lo%es, bay leaf, pepper*orns, salt, *arrot, *auliflower stems, onion, and ginger,
and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium and simmer for =0 minutes' Pour into a strainer set o%er a
bowlM dis*ard the solids' Set the sto*) aside'
2' "a)e the soup5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the garli* and sautQ for 6 se*onds' Add the sto*) and bring to a
=' +ower the heat to medium, add the *orn, and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 2 to = minutes'
1' Add the *arrot, bro**oli, hari*ots %erts, and red and yellow bell peppers, and stir' Add the salt and half
of the pepper*orns, and *oo) for 2 to = minutes'
6' +adle the soup into indi%idual soup bowls, sprin)le with the remaining pepper*orns, and ser%e piping
Tomato !asam
Tangy tomato soup
Called by %arious names in South 4ndiaArasam, *haaru, or saaruAthis dish will always ha%e the
imprint of the *oo), sin*e e%eryone ma)es it differently' This %ersion relies hea%ily on tomatoes and
tamarind for the essential sour fla%or' !asam is traditionally ser%ed with ri*e, but 4 li)e to ser%e it as an
appetiNer' 4 strain it, pour it into small glasses, and garnish it with lemon wedges' 4t ma)es a lo%ely warm
Ser%es 1'
W *up >00 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
1V teaspoons ground turmeri*
2U tablespoons tamarind pulp
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1U teaspoons table salt
1U teaspoons rasam powder >spi*e mi8M page =1?
W teaspoon asafetida
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
6 or 0 fresh *urry lea%es
W teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
1' Put the dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and
soa) for =0 minutes' .rain the dal in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 1U *ups >/00 ml? water and 1 teaspoon of the turmeri*,
and bring to a boil' Add the dal, lower the heat to medium, and *oo) for 16 minutes or until soft' Pour
into a strainer set o%er a bowl' .is*ard the solids and use only the liHuid'
=' Pla*e another nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the tamarind pulp, the liHuid *olle*ted in
step 2, the tomatoes, salt, the remaining turmeri*, the rasam powder, and 17: teaspoon of the
asafetida' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to medium and simmer for 10 to 16 minutes or until
redu*ed by half'
1' Add the dal *oo)ing water and the *ilantro, and simmer for = to 6 minutes' !emo%e from the heat'
This is the rasam'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) tempering pan or small sautQ pan o%er high heat and add the ghee' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the *umin,
*urry lea%es, the remaining 17: teaspoon asafetida, and the bla*) pepper' Add this tempering to the
rasam and *o%er immediately to trap the fla%ors'
0' Ser%e hot with steamed ri*e'
Tomato Saar
A thin, fla%orful tomato soup
Though this dish is typi*ally eaten with ri*e, 4 prefer to sip it as a soup'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
6 or 0 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
2 bay lea%es
16 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
/ medium tomatoes, roughly *hopped
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
W teaspoon asafetida
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the garli*, bay lea%es, 10 of the pepper*orns, and the ginger, and sautQ for
1 minute'
2' Add the tomatoes and *oo) for 10 minutes' Add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water and bring to a boil' Pour into a
strainer set o%er a bowlM reser%e the liHuid and let the solids *ool'
=' Transfer the solids to a blender and blend to a smooth purQe' Set aside'
1' Crush the remaining 6 pepper*orns'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoon oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, *urry lea%es, *rushed pepper*orns,
*umin, *hiles, asafetida, and salt, and sautQ for 1 minute'
0' Add the purQe and the strained sto*), and stir well' ring to a boil' Add the *o*onut and *ilantro'
9' +adle into indi%idual soup bowls and ser%e hot'
Chi*)en Shorba
Chi*)en soup
The aromati* *hi*)en sto*) that we prepare in this re*ipe ma)es a great base for many other dishes' Eou
*an use this sto*) instead of water when ma)ing ri*e or *ous*ous' 4t will add great depth and fla%or to
your dishes' The sto*) )eeps well in the refrigerator for up to a wee)'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? *hi*)en bones
1 medium onion, roughly *hopped
1 medium *arrot, roughly *hopped
1 bay leaf
1 whole bla*) pepper*orns
2 whole *lo%es
1 green *ardamom pods
1 bla*) *ardamom pod
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 tablespoons butter, at room temperature
1 oun*es >126 grams? boneless *hi*)en, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
2 tablespoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
U teaspoon *umin seeds
1 teaspoon *rushed fennel seeds
10 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
U teaspoon ground white pepper
V teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1W *ups >/00 ml? water' Add the *hi*)en
bones, onion, *arrot, bay leaf, pepper*orns, *lo%es, green and bla*) *ardamom, and *innamon, and
bring to a boil' oil for 20 minutes or until the liHuid is redu*ed to 2U *ups >600 ml?' Pour into a strainer
set o%er a bowlM dis*ard the solids and set the sto*) aside'
2' Pla*e the same medium sau*epan o%er high heat, add 1 tablespoon of the butter, and let it melt' Add
the *hi*)en and sautQ until *oo)ed through and tender' !emo%e from the heat and set aside'
=' Put the remaining 1 tablespoon butter in the same pan o%er medium heat' Add the maida and sautQ
for 1 to 2 minutes' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add the oil, and heat' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom, add the *umin, fennel, and garli*' SautQ for 1 minute, lower the heat to medium, and add the
maida mi8ture, the redu*ed *hi*)en sto*), white pepper, and salt' Coo) o%er high heat, stirring
*ontinuously, until the mi8ture *omes to a boil' +ower the heat to medium, add the *hi*)en, and simmer
for = to 1 minutes' +adle into indi%idual soup bowls and ser%e hot'
&oNhi &aru%eppalai Soup
Chi*)en and *urry,leaf soup
This *omes as a refreshing *hange from regular *hi*)en soup' Curry lea%es are used e8tensi%ely in the
food of South 4ndia, and in this soup they lend su*h a dominant fla%or that they are the star' 4 sometimes
s)ip the *o*onut garnish be*ause the little bits of *hi*)en suffi*e'
Ser%es 1'
=0 fresh *urry lea%es
1 pound >600 grams? *hi*)en bones
1 medium onion, roughly *hopped
1 to 0 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
1 small tomato, di*ed
1 oun*es >126 grams? boneless, s)inless *hi*)en thigh
1 teaspoon table salt, or more as needed
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon asafetida
2 tablespoons besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
U *up >00 grams? sha%ed fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut sli%ers, thawed?
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' !oughly *hop 26 of the *urry lea%es'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 9 to : *ups >1:00 ml? water and the *hi*)en bones, and
bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium, s)im the s*um from the surfa*e, and simmer for 10 minutes'
=' Add the onion, garli*, tamarind pulp, tomato, *hi*)en, salt, turmeri*, *hile powder, asafetida, and
*hopped *urry lea%es' Simmer o%er medium heat for 16 minutes' !emo%e the *hi*)en and let the soup
*ontinue to simmer' Cool the *hi*)en to room temperature, then *hop into bite,siNe pie*es'
1' Stir the besan into W *up >60 ml? water and add it into the simmering soup' Add half of the *o*onut
and stir well' Co%er and simmer for 10 to 12 minutes'
6' Pour the soup into a strainer set o%er a bowl, pressing the solids to e8tra*t their fla%or'
0' Transfer the sto*) to a *lean nonsti*) sau*epan and pla*e o%er medium heat' Add the *hopped
*hi*)en and ad$ust the seasoning' ring to a boil, then stir in the lemon $ui*e and the remaining *o*onut'
9' +adle into indi%idual soup bowls, garnish with the remaining *urry lea%es, and ser%e piping hot'
Paya Shorba
+amb trotter soup
4f you are in .elhi in wintertime, you will be surprised by the *arts that sprout up from nowhere to sell
this soup' 4 am not sure whi*h tastes better5 the homemade %ersion or the roadside %ersion' Add more
red or green *hiles if youLd li)e a spi*ier soup, or use fewer if you prefer it mild'
Ser%es 1'
: >=U,oun*e7100,gram? lamb trotters
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon table salt, or more as needed
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 tablespoon fennel seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 or 6 whole bla*) pepper*orns
U *up >100 ml? *o*onut mil)
= tablespoons sesame oil
2 star anise
2 bay lea%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, roughly *hopped
1 to 0 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
10 pearl onions, peeled
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es, finely *hopped
W teaspoon asafetida
1 medium tomato, roughly *hopped
U medium bun*h fresh *ilantro, finely *hopped
1 lemon, *ut into 1 wedges
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add the
trotters, W teaspoon of the turmeri*, and 1 teaspoon of the salt' ring to a boil and *oo) for 6 minutes'
.rain and wash the trotters under running water' This will remo%e any dirt from the trotters'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) pan o%er high heat' After 2 minutes, lower the heat to medium and add the
dried *hiles, fennel, *umin, *oriander, and pepper*orns' .ry,roast the spi*es for 2 to = minutes or until
fragrant' Transfer to a bowl and set aside to *ool to room temperature' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and
grind to a *oarse powder'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom
of the pan, add the star anise, bay lea%es, and *innamon, and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes or until fragrant'
1' Add the trotters and sautQ for = to 1 minutes, or until lightly browned' Add the ginger, garli*, onions,
green *hiles, and *urry lea%es' &eep stirring' Sprin)le the ground spi*e mi8ture, the remaining W
teaspoon turmeri*, and the asafetida o%er the trotters, and *oo) for 10 minutes, turning freHuently'
6' Add the tomato, *ilantro, the remaining 2 teaspoons salt, and about 10 *ups >2 liters? water' ring to
a boil, then lower the heat and simmer for = to 1 hours or until the soup has redu*ed by half' !emo%e
the trotters *arefully and set aside'
0' Pour the soup through a fine sie%e set o%er another nonsti*) sau*epan, pressing on the solids to
e8tra*t their fla%or' .is*ard the solids'
9' Pla*e the broth o%er high heat and bring to a boil' Ad$ust the seasoning as needed'
:' Pla*e the trotters in indi%idual soup bowls, ladle the broth o%er them, and ser%e piping hot with the
lemon wedges'
The blan*hing of the trotters should be done Hui*)ly to a%oid loss of fla%or and
gelatin' Add some peeled potatoes to the soup in step 0 if you want a thi*)er soup'
The traditional *ombination of dal, *hawal, roti, and sabNi >lentils, ri*e, 4ndian bread, and %egetables?
arrayed on an 4ndian thaliAa ser%ing platterAoften in*ludes two more types of dishes that ser%e as
perfe*t a**ompaniments5 fresh salads and yogurt relishes *alled raitas'
An 4ndian salad may be as simple as an onion thinly sli*ed into rings and sprin)led with salt and lemon
$ui*e that a**ompanies a hea%y meat or *hi*)en dish, a beet raita >page 09? that brightens up a plate of
burani, a roasted,eggplant yogurt used as a dip or spread >page 0:?, or *ubes of spi*ed mango tossed
with fresh *o*onut >page 00?' Cr it may be more *omple8, li)e the tandoori murgh salad >page :0?, a
lo%ely dish of shredded *hi*)en and *hopped %egetables that is one of my fa%orite STJ dinners'T
Ambe Sasam
!ipe mangoes and *o*onut with mustard seeds
The Dawandes, %ery dear friends of ours, urged me to try this dish, and while 4 belie%e that ripe mango is
best *onsumed plain, ambe sasam >with the right %ariety of mango? is an e8*eption'
Khen mangoes are not in season, you *an ma)e the sasam with other fruits, su*h as ripe banana,
orange, pineapple, apple, and grapes'
Ser%es 1'
= medium mangoes, ripe
V *up >/0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 dried red *hiles, preferably bedgi >see (ote page 2=1?, seeded and dry,roasted
W teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 teaspoon tamarind pulp
2 tablespoons grated *ane $aggery
U teaspoon table salt
1' Peel and pit the mangoes and *ut the flesh into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes' Eou should ha%e about 1U *ups
>=96 grams?mango'
2' Put the *o*onut, *hiles, mustard seeds, tamarind pulp, and W *up >60 ml? water in a food pro*essor
and pro*ess to a *oarse paste' Add the $aggery and a few of the mango pie*es, and pro*ess'
=' Put the mangoes in a medium bowl' Add the ground mi8ture and salt, and stir well' Co%er the bowl
with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to *hill for about =0 minutes'
1' Ser%e *old'
eet !aita
eets with yogurt and spi*es
Eou *an use yellow or red beets for this *ooling side dish'
Ser%es 1'
2 medium beets, tops remo%ed
= *ups >960 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Kash the beets thoroughly under running water to remo%e any mud'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, add the beets' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to medium and *oo) for =6 to 10 minutes or
until the beets are tender' .rain and set aside to *ool to room temperature'
=' Peel the beets and di*e them' Set aside'
1' Put the yogurt in a large bowl and beat with an immersion blender until %ery smooth' >Eou *an also
strain the yogurt through a double layer of *heese*loth to get a perfe*tly smooth *onsisten*y'?
6' Add the beets to the yogurt' Add the *umin, *hile powder, and salt' Stir well' Put in the refrigerator to
*hill for at least =0 minutes before ser%ing'
!ed beets will bleed and *hange the *olor of the yogurt to dar) pin)' Plan the
rest of your meal a**ordingly so that the *olors are well *oordinated'
Darli* yogurt
Fse Dree) yogurt to prepare this tangy, garli*)y side dish' 4t is usually ser%ed alongside biryani >pages
Ser%es 1'
2 *ups >660 grams? plain Dree) yogurt
26 to =0 *lo%es garli*, purQed
U teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon bla*) salt
U teaspoon red *hile powder
W *up >60 ml? mil)
1' Put the yogurt in a bowl' Add the garli*, table salt, bla*) salt, and *hile powder, and whis) until well
blended' Add the mil) and whis) again'
2' Spread a double layer of *heese*loth o%er another deep bowl, pour the raita o%er the *loth, gather
the edges, and sHueeNe the mi8ture through the *loth to get a smooth raita' .is*ard the solids'
=' Put in the refrigerator to *hill for at least =0 minutes before ser%ing'
uN Jangun
!oasted,eggplant yogurt
Ser%e this roasted,eggplant,and,yogurt dish as a dip or use it as a spread for *ra*)ers or bread'
Ser%es 1'
1 large eggplant
1 teaspoon %egetable oil
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
W teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
Pin*h of asafetida
V teaspoon table salt
1' Kash the eggplant and rub it with the oil' "a)e long slits in it and roast o%er a medium gas flame or a
*har*oal grill, turning it with tongs, for 16 minutes or until the inside is soft and the s)in is *ompletely
2' Put the eggplant in a bowl of *old water to *ool to room temperature' Peel and mash the eggplant in
a medium bowl'
=' Khis) the yogurt until smooth'
1' Add the yogurt, *hile powder, *umin, *hiles, asafetida, and salt to the eggplant' Stir well'
6' Put in the refrigerator to *hill for at least =0 minutes before ser%ing'
Cauliflower &oshimbir
Cauliflower salad
This sa%ory dish *an be ser%ed as a side or as a warm salad' 4f you donLt ha%e a steamer, you *an *oo)
the grated *auliflower in a mi*rowa%e o%en'
Ser%es 1'
1 medium head *auliflower, grated
1 green *hile, stemmed and *hopped
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 tablespoon grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
Pin*h of asafetida
1' Pla*e a steamer with 2 *ups >100 ml? water o%er high heat' Put the grated *auliflower in a stainless,
steel bowl and pla*e it in the top of the steamer' Co%er and steam for 10 minutes' !emo%e from the
steamer and let *ool to room temperature'
2' 4n a deep bowl, *ombine the *auliflower, *hile, *ilantro, *o*onut, lemon $ui*e, salt, and sugar'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium,high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the asafetida and
immediately pour this tempering o%er the *auliflower mi8ture' Co%er immediately to trap the fla%ors
and let stand for 6 minutes'
1' Stir well and ser%e'
Chile, Pineapple, and Anar !aita
Chile, pineapple, and pomegranate in yogurt
This *ooling side dish is perfe*t with tandoori *hi*)en >page 20:?'
Ser%es 1'
2 *ups >600 grams? plain yogurt
U teaspoon sea salt
1 fresh or *anned pineapple sli*es, *ut into *hun)s
U *up >:0 grams? fresh pomegranate arils
W teaspoon red *hile fla)es
10 to 12 fresh mint lea%es, *hopped, plus 1 sprig for garnish
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1' Put the yogurt in a bowl and whis) until smooth' Add the sea salt and whis) again'
2' Add the pineapple, pomegranate arils, *hile fla)es, and *hopped mint, and stir'
=' Sprin)le with the *umin and garnish with the mint sprig' Ser%e *hilled'
Da$ara*hi Pa*hadi
"aharashtrian,style *arrot salad
This lo%ely salad from the western 4ndian state of "aharashtra ma)es a great side to any grilled dish'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons dhuli moong dal >split s)inless green gram?
2 medium *arrots, grated
2 or = green *hiles, stemmed and finely *hopped
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 teaspoons ghee >page =9?
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
Pin*h of asafetida
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 tablespoon grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1' Put the dal in a medium bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml?
water and soa) for 1 hour' .rain the dal in a *olander'
2' Put the dal, *arrot, *hiles, *hile powder, and salt in a medium bowl, and stir well' Transfer to a food
pro*essor and pro*ess *oarsely' Add the lemon $ui*e and pro*ess' !eturn the mi8ture to the bowl'
=' Pla*e a small sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Add the mustard seeds' Khen they
sputter, add the asafetida and turmeri*, and stir' Add this tempering to the *arrot mi8ture and stir well'
1' Darnish with the *ilantro and *o*onut, and ser%e'
Dulmarg Salad
Gruit and %egetable salad
This delightful salad in a lemony dressing should be prepared $ust before ser%ingM otherwise the apples
will begin to brown'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 medium apples, *ored, Huartered, and thinly sli*ed
: to 10 fresh button mushrooms, sli*ed
1 medium orange
: lettu*e lea%es
1 tablespoon salad oil
2 dried red *hiles, seeded and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh mint
U teaspoon table salt, or to taste
V *up >100 grams? bean sprouts
1 medium *arrot, hal%ed lengthwise and thinly sli*ed
2 medium tomatoes, Huartered and sli*ed
2 medium s*allions, white and green parts, sli*ed
1' Sprin)le U tablespoon of the lemon $ui*e on the apple and mushroom sli*es, and stir gently'
2' Peel the orange and dis*ard the seeds and pith' Separate into segments and *ut ea*h of the segments
in half'
=' Trim the lettu*e lea%es, wash under running water, and set aside in a bowl of i*e water to )eep them
fresh and *risp'
1' Combine the remaining 1U tablespoons lemon $ui*e, the oil, *hiles, *ilantro, and mint in a medium
bowl' Add the salt and stir well'
6' .rain the lettu*e lea%es and tear them into bite,siNe pie*es' "a)e a bed of the lea%es on a ser%ing
dish' .riNNle with one Huarter of the dressing'
0' Combine the apples, mushrooms, orange, bean sprouts, *arrot, tomatoes, and s*allions in a large
bowl' Add the remaining dressing, toss to *ombine, and arrange the mi8ture on the lettu*e' Ser%e
&ela Anar !aita
anana and pomegranate in yogurt
A deli*ious raita of pomegranates and bananas ser%ed *hilled and garnished with mint lea%es' Ser%e
alongside your fa%orite spi*y *urry or grilled foods'
Ser%es 1'
2 medium ripe bananas
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
10 to 12 fresh mint lea%es
1 *up >120 grams? fresh pomegranate arils
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon bla*) salt
1' Peel the bananas and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes' Sprin)le with the lemon $ui*e to pre%ent
2' !eser%e 1 or 6 mint lea%es for garnish and finely *hop the rest'
=' 4n a large bowl, *ombine the bananas, pomegranate arils, yogurt, *hopped mint, *umin, sugar, and
bla*) salt' Stir well and put in the refrigerator to *hill for about =0 minutes'
1' Darnish with the reser%ed mint and ser%e *old'
&elya*he &oshimbir
Spi*y banana salad
This typi*al southern 4ndian salad or side should be prepared $ust before it is to be eaten' 4t does not
)eep long, not e%en in the refrigerator'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
1 tablespoon sugar
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 medium ripe bananas, peeled and *ut into *ubes
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Put the yogurt in a medium bowl and beat until smooth'
2' Add the sugar, *hiles, and *ilantro, and stir well with a spoon' Add the banana and salt, and stir well'
Ser%e immediately'
&hamang &a)di
Cu*umber salad
Cu*umber salads are %ery popular in 4ndia, and this is one of my fa%orites' e sure to ma)e this $ust
before ser%ing, otherwise it will be*ome too watery'
Ser%es 1'
= medium *u*umbers
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
U *up >96 grams? roasted peanuts, *oarsely ground
17= *up >10 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon ghee >page =9?
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
W teaspoon *umin seeds
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Peel, wash, and hal%e the *u*umbers lengthwise' !emo%e the seeds and finely *hop the flesh' Put in a
bowl and add the *hiles, peanuts, *o*onut, lemon $ui*e, and sugar, and stir well'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the *umin seeds and sautQ for
=0 se*onds' 4mmediately add this tempering to the *u*umber mi8ture and stir well' Add the salt and stir'
=' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e immediately'
Jegetable salad
This healthy *old salad is %ery popular in South 4ndia, where itLs usually prepared with $ust *arrots' 3ere 4
add *u*umbers and green mangoes for more %ariety'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 grams? dhuli moong dal >split s)inless green gram?
W *up >26 grams? sprouted moong >sprouted green gram?
1 medium *arrot, grated
U medium *u*umber, di*ed
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
U medium green mango, peeled and *hopped
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon %egetable oil
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
6 fresh *urry lea%es
2 tablespoons grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1' Put the dhuli dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water
and soa) for =0 minutes' .rain the dal in a *olander and set aside in a bowl'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 1 *up >200 ml? water, and bring to a boil' +ower the
heat to medium, add the sprouted moong, *o%er, and *oo) for 20 minutes' .rain well and set aside to
*ool to room temperature'
=' Add the sprouted moong to the dal, along with the *arrot, *u*umber, *hiles, green mango, and
*ilantro, and stir well' Add the lemon $ui*e and salt, and stir well'
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the *urry lea%es, then immediately
pour this tempering into the dal mi8ture and stir well'
6' Darnish with the *o*onut' Chill for about 20 minutes and ser%e *old'
Sprouting beans5 Soa) the beans in water for a few hours' Then drain and pla*e
them on a moist *heese,*loth' +ea%e at room temperature' "a)e sure the *loth stays moist' The beans
should sprout in a day or two'
+adyfinger Pa*hidi
C)ra with yogurt
4n 4ndia, o)ra is *ommonly referred to as Sladyfingers,T not to be *onfused with the 4talian *oo)ies of
that name' e sure to *risp up the o)ra well or it will be*ome mushy after you add it to the yogurt' Eou
*an add grated fresh *o*onut to the yogurt and o)ra if youLd li)e' This *ooling side dish is %ery refreshing
in the summer'
Ser%es 1'
16 to 20 o)ra pods
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
U teaspoon table salt
W teaspoon asafetida
1 tablespoon sesame oil
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Kash the o)ra and pat dry with paper towels' Thinly sli*e the o)ra and spread out on paper towels for
about 10 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) deep wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom
of the wo), slide in the o)ra and fry until lightly browned and *risp' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and
drain on paper towels' +et *ool to room temperature'
=' Put the yogurt in a bowl and whis) until smooth' Add the salt and asafetida, and whis)' Stir in the
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the sesame oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the fenugree), *hiles,
and *urry lea%es' Pour this tempering o%er the o)ra and immediately *o%er the bowl to trap the fla%ors'
6' Stir and ser%e'
+au)i !aita
ottle gourd in yogurt
This simple dish pairs mild,tasting bottle gourd with seasoned yogurt' As a %ariation, you *an garnish the
dish with dried mint' This gourd *an be substituted with red pump)in'
Ser%es 1'
/ oun*es >260 grams? lau)i >bottle gourd?
1V teaspoons table salt
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, *hilled
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1' Peel and grate the lau)i' .rain any liHuid'
2' Transfer to a nonsti*) sau*epan' Add 1 teaspoon of the salt and *oo) o%er medium heat for 6
minutes' .rain off the water released by the lau)i and transfer the *oo)ed gourd to a plate to *ool'
=' Put the yogurt in a bowl and whis) until smooth' Add the remaining V teaspoon salt and the *hile
powder, and stir well' Add the lau)i and stir well' Put in the refrigerator to *hill for at least =0 minutes'
1' Sprin)le with the *umin and ser%e *old'
"oong "oth &a Ano)ha Salad
Salad of mi8ed sprouts
Sprouts are not a *ommon ingredient in (orth 4ndian *uisine, but as we be*ome more health *ons*ious,
these protein,laden little pulses ha%e made their presen*e felt' 4 ha%e adopted sprouts in a big way in
my *oo)ing, and one of the finer offerings is this salad'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >96 grams? sprouted moong >sprouted green gramM see (ote page 96?
U *up >90 grams? sprouted moth7mat)i >see (ote?
1 teaspoon table salt
1 green *hile, stemmed and min*ed
U medium orange
1 medium red onion, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes, layers separated
U medium apple, *ored and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 medium green bell pepper, seeded and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 medium *u*umber, seeded and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
2 medium tomatoes, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
U teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Pla*e the sprouts in 2 separate bowls' Add W teaspoon of the salt and U *up >100 ml? water to ea*h
bowl and *oo) in a mi*rowa%e o%en on high power for 2 minutes' .rain and transfer the sprouts to a
large bowl' Add the *hile'
2' 3al%e the orange and remo%e the s)in, pith, and seeds' Cut into small *ubes'
=' Add the orange, onion, apple, bell pepper, *u*umber, tomatoes, and remaining U teaspoon salt to the
sprouts and stir' Add the *haat masala and lemon $ui*e, and stir'
1' Arrange the salad on a platter and ser%e'
"oth is a brown gram that is a little smaller in siNe than green gram >moong?'
Pala) !aita
Spina*h with yogurt
This is a %ery popular a**ompaniment in (orth 4ndia' PurQed spina*h is *ombined with yogurt spi*ed
with mineral,ri*h bla*) salt' The strong,smelling salt is an a*Huired tasteM you *an use regular salt if you
Ser%es 1'
2 medium bun*hes fresh spina*h lea%es
1 teaspoon table salt
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
U teaspoon bla*) salt
2 green *hiles, stemmed
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
0 to : whole bla*) pepper*orns
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1' Kash the spina*h lea%es well' !oughly *hop one bun*h and put in a mi*rowa%e,safe bowl' Add U
teaspoon salt and *oo) in a mi*rowa%e o%en on high power for 1U minutes' Alternati%ely, you *an boil 2
*ups >100 ml? water with U teaspoon salt in a sau*epan o%er high heat and blan*h the spina*h lea%es for
1 to 2 minutes' .rain in a *olander and sho*) in *old water' +et the spina*h remain in the *olander so
that all the water drains away'
2' Khis) the yogurt and the remaining U teaspoon salt together in a deep bowl' Add the bla*) salt and
whis) again'
=' Put the *oo)ed spina*h and *hiles in a food pro*essor, and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *umin seeds and pepper*orns, and dry,
roast o%er medium heat for 1 minute or until fragrant' +et *ool slightly, then put the spi*es in a mortar
and pound them to a *oarse powder with a pestle'
6' Add the purQed spina*h to the whis)ed yogurt and stir well' Put in the refrigerator to *hill for 2 to =
0' Shred the remaining spina*h lea%es'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the shredded spina*h and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes' .rain and set aside'
:' Add some of the pounded *umin seeds and pepper*orns to the yogurt mi8ture, and stir' Sprin)le
some on top' Darnish with the sautQed spina*h and ser%e'
3ere 4 suggest pounding the roasted *umin seeds and pepper*orns in a mortar
with a pestle, be*ause the amount may not be enough to grind in a blender'
Tandoori "urgh Salad
Tandoori *hi*)en salad
This dish >also *onsidered a *haat? is a tangy mi8ture of grilled marinated *hi*)en with *olorful
peppers' This is a great way to use lefto%er tandoori *hi*)en, and ma)es a delightful light lun*h'
Ser%es 1'
2 >6,oun*e7160,gram? boneless, s)inless *hi*)en breasts
1 teaspoon &ashmiri red *hile powder or papri)a
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U *up >1=6 grams? drained plain yogurt >see (ote?
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U tablespoons %egetable oil
1 green bell pepper, *ut into thin strips
U red bell pepper, *ut into thin strips
U yellow bell pepper, *ut into thin strips
1 onion, sli*ed
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
U small green mango, peeled and *hopped >optional?
Salt to taste
1' Kith a sharp )nife, ma)e in*isions in the *hi*)en breasts and set aside'
2' Put the *hile powder, ginger paste, garli* paste, yogurt, salt, lemon $ui*e, garam masala, and 2
teaspoons of the oil in a large bowl, and stir well' Add the *hi*)en and stir well so that all the pie*es are
well *o%ered with the mi8ture' Co%er the bowl and pla*e it in the refrigerator to marinate for = to 1
=' Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC' Thread the *hi*)en pie*es onto metal s)ewers, arrange on a
rimmed ba)ing sheet, and ba)e for 20 to 26 minutes, until almost done' aste with the remaining oil
and *oo) for 1 minutes more' Khen *ooled, remo%e the *hi*)en from the s)ewers and shred it'
1' 4n a large bowl, *ombine the shredded *hi*)en, bell peppers, onion, *hiles, half of the *ilantro, the
lemon $ui*e, *haat masala, mango >if using?, and salt and toss to mi8 well'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing plate, garnish with the remaining *ilantro, and ser%e'
To get U *up >1=6 grams? drained yogurt, pour V *up >200 grams? plain yogurt into a
sHuare of muslin or se%eral layers of *heese*loth, gather up the ends, and tie' 3ang until all the water is
drained, =0 to 10 minutes'
A *haat is a sna*) that features the tastes of 4ndian *uisineA)hatta >sour?, meetha >sweet?, tee)ha
>spi*y?, and *hatpata >tangy?Aall on one plate' Bmbedded in 4ndian *ulture, *haat is a street food that
is eaten at any time of the day' There are food *arts, tea stalls, and mobile sna*) %endors on almost
e%ery street *orner' The *haat %endor will mi8 up a treat for youAsu*h as a dahipapdi *haat >page
:0?Aand then sprin)le it with *hiles for heat, or driNNle on some tamarind *hutney for sourness, or
dollop it with some yogurt for a *ooling effe*t, or dust it with more *haat masala >page 21? for
fla%orAall a**ording to your spe*ifi*ations'
Chaats are *omplete sensory e8perien*es, so when the bhel puri >page :1? is tossed and mi8ed and
ser%ed to you on a little plate, do not eat it immediately5 Ta)e a deep breath and sa%or the
mouthwatering aromas, ta)e a few se*onds to listen to the light *ra*)ling sound as the *hutneys ma)e
their way into the spongy puffed ri*e ' ' ' and then start eatingO
Aloo &a*halu Chaat
Gamous potato *haat
Khen we were )ids we used to sing a silly 3indi rhyme that began, SAloo )a*haluT >potatoes and sweet
potatoes? and then went on about them being put in the bas)et with an eggplant that )i*)ed them out'
Anyway, 4 thin) the potatoes and sweet potatoes are wonderful where they are here5 in a *haat, with
no eggplant within miles of themO
Ser%es 1'
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *ut into thin strips
1U tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon table salt
1 large ripe banana
2 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1 large sweet potato, boiled, peeled, and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1 teaspoon tamarind pulp
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
1 teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
W *up >10 grams? fresh pomegranate arils
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the ginger in a small bowl, add U teaspoon of the lemon $ui*e and a pin*h of the salt, and set
aside in the refrigerator'
2' Peel and *ut the banana into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es' Put them in a large bowl and driNNle with 1
teaspoon of the lemon $ui*e'
=' Add the potatoes and sweet potato, the remaining 1 tablespoon lemon $ui*e, the tamarind pulp,
*hiles, *haat masala, the remaining salt, the pomegranate arils, and *ilantro' Toss gently to *ombine'
1' Ser%e garnished with the ginger'
Aloo Chaat .illi Style
A tangy potato sna*)
This re*ipe will transport you to the *apital of 4ndia' .elhi, )nown as S.illiT in the lo*al diale*t, has two
se*tions5 Cld .elhi and (ew .elhi' Cld .elhi is still the stronghold of eateries that boast the old style of
"ughal *oo)ing' (ew .elhi is replete with *ontemporary restaurants and street food' This sna*), sold
on the roadside, is best eaten $ust after the potatoes are *oo)ed, while theyLre still *risp'
Ser%es 1'
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, $ulienned
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
67: teaspoon table salt
= medium potatoes, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 large red onion, *hopped
17: teaspoon bla*) salt >page 6:0?
U teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
2 green *hiles, stemmed and di*ed
= tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the ginger in a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon of the lemon $ui*e and 17: teaspoon of the table salt,
and stir well' Set aside in the refrigerator'
2' Put the potatoes in a bowl and toss with W teaspoon of the table salt'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), add the potatoes, a few pie*es at a time' Coo), stirring with a slotted spoon, for 6 to 0 minutes
or until *risp and golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Transfer the potatoes to a large bowl' Add the onion, the remaining W teaspoon table salt, the bla*)
salt, *haat masala, *hile powder, *umin, *hiles, *ilantro, and the remaining 2 teaspoons lemon $ui*e,
and stir well'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl, garnish with the ginger, and ser%e immediately'
hel Puri
Puffed ri*e *haat
A %ery popular "umbai street food that is famous both in 4ndia and abroad' Puffed ri*e, *hi*)pea
%ermi*elli, and *risp puris >4ndian flour wafers? *ome together with a Nesty mi8 of *hutneys to *reate
the ultimate sna*)'
As you mi8 the *hutneys with the puffed ri*e, pla*e your ear ne8t to the bowl and you will be able to
hear a light *ra*)le and pop' That is the sound of the )urmura absorbing the *hutneys' 4f it ma)es the
sound, your puffed ri*e is fresh' 4f it doesnLt, you need a new bag'
The puffed ri*e, masala *hana dal, %ermi*elli, and wafers used here are all readily a%ailable at 4ndian
gro*ery stores'
Ser%es 1'
1 *ups >:0 grams? )urmura >puffed ri*e?
1 medium red onion, *hopped
W *up >60 grams? roasted masala *hana dal >store,bought spi*ed lentils?
W *up >10 grams? roasted peanuts
2 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and di*ed
2 or = green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
U *up >20 grams? se% >*hi*)pea,flour %ermi*elli?
: *risp puris >flour wafersM page 21?
Table salt
U *up >120 grams? pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
0 tablespoons )ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
1 teaspoon *hile garli* *hutney >page 61/?
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the )urmura, onion, masala *hana dal, peanuts, potatoes, *hiles, and half of the se% in a large
bowl and toss to *ombine'
2' Add 1 *rushed puris and toss' Add salt to taste'
=' Add the three *hutneys and stir well'
1' Add the lemon $ui*e and stir' Darnish with *ilantro and the remaining se%'
6' Ser%e immediately with the remaining puris'
.ahi atata Puri
Puffed flour *risps with potatoes and *hutneys
This is a typi*al street food from the northern part of 4ndia5 Puffed flour *risps are stuffed with potatoes,
sprouts, and assorted *hutneys' Prepare this $ust before ser%ing or the *risps will lose their te8ture and
be*ome soggy'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
U teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon sugar
2 small potatoes, boiled, peeled, and *hopped
U *up >60 grams? sprouted moong beans, blan*hed >see (ote?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
21 puffed *risp puris >deep,fried flour balloonsM page 21?
W *up >60 grams? pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
W *up >00 grams? )ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
W *up >10 grams? se% >*hi*)pea,flour %ermi*elli?
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons fresh pomegranate arils >optional?
1' Put the yogurt in a bowl, add W teaspoon of the salt and the sugar, and whis) until smooth' Set aside
in the refrigerator'
2' 4n a large bowl, *ombine the potatoes, sprouted moong beans, the remaining W teaspoon salt, U
teaspoon of the *hile powder, and the *haat masala'
=' Pun*ture a hole on one side of ea*h puri, fill it with the potato mi8ture, dip in the yogurt, and pla*e
on a plate' Alternati%ely, you *an arrange the puris on the plate and then pour the yogurt o%er,
reser%ing some for topping at the end'
1' .riNNle the two *hutneys o%er the puris' Sprin)le with the se%, the remaining W teaspoon *hile
powder, the *umin, *ilantro, and pomegranate arils' .riNNle the remaining yogurt on top' Ser%e
To blan*h sprouted moong beans5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 2
*ups >100 ml? water, and bring to a boil' As the water starts boiling, add the sprouted moong beans,
lower the heat to medium, and simmer for 2 to = minutes' .rain in a *olander and refresh in *old water'
.rain thoroughly and use'
.ahi Papdi Chaat
Glour *risps topped with sprouts, *hutney, yogurt, and se%
4 grew up in .elhi, where eating *haat at the roadside wasAand still isAthe thing to do' This dish is
easy to ma)e and, as with most *haats, is great for feeding a large group'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
U teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon sugar
21 small flat *risp papdis >flat flour wafersM page 21?
2 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and *hopped
U *up >60 grams? sprouted moong beans, blan*hed >page 96?
1 teaspoon *hile garli* *hutney >page 61/?
= tablespoons pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
W *up >00 grams? )ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
W *up >10 grams? se% >*hi*)pea,flour %ermi*elli?
2 tablespoons fresh pomegranate arils >optional?
1' Pla*e the yogurt in a bowl, add W teaspoon of the salt and the sugar, and whis) until smooth' Set
aside in the refrigerator'
2' Arrange 0 papdis on ea*h of 1 ser%ing plates' Pla*e some potatoes on ea*h papdi' Top with some
sprouted moong beans'
=' .riNNle with a little of ea*h *hutney'
1' Sprin)le with the *umin, *haat masala, a little *hile powder, and the remaining W teaspoon salt'
6' Spoon the yogurt on top, then driNNle with the rest of the *hutneys and sprin)le with the *ilantro, se%,
and pomegranate arils' Ser%e immediately'
Phaal "uri
Puffed ri*e dish
This street food of puffed ri*e, also *alled )urmura in 4ndia, and fresh %egetables tossed with spi*es
should be prepared $ust before ser%ing or the puffed ri*e will be*ome soggy'
Ser%es 1'
= *ups >00 grams? )urmura >puffed ri*e?
1 medium red onion, *hopped
W *up >10 grams? sprouted )ala *hana >sprouted bla*) engal gram?, blan*hed >page 96?
1 small *u*umber, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
1 small tomato, seeded and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons roasted peanuts, s)ins remo%ed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons mustard oil, ta)en from a $ar of store,bought pi*)le >see (otes?
W teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons $haal muri masala >see (otes?
2 tablespoons sli*ed fresh *o*onut
1' 4n a large bowl, *ombine the )urmura, onion, )ala *hana, *u*umber, tomato, *hiles, peanuts, and
*ilantro, and toss to stir well'
2' Add the oil, salt, and $haal muri masala, and toss again to stir well' Darnish with the *o*onut and
ser%e immediately'
4f you do not ha%e a $ar of store,bought 4ndian pi*)le *ontaining mustard oil, heat 2
tablespoons refined mustard oil >see below? to the smo)ing point' !emo%e from the heat, add U
teaspoon mustard seeds, W teaspoon fenugree) seeds, W teaspoon fennel seeds, U teaspoon red *hile
powder, and a pin*h of asafetida' +et it stand for 1 hour, strain to remo%e the solids, and use' All these
ingredients are readily a%ailable in 4ndian gro*ery stores'
To ma)e $haal muri masala, *ombine 1 teaspoon bla*) salt, 1 tablespoon roasted ground *umin, 1
teaspoon *haat masala, and U teaspoon ground white pepper' This masala is used to ma)e the dish
"ustard oil is a%ailable in two %arieties, filtered and refined' 4f you are using filtered mustard oil, you will
need to first heat it until it rea*hes the smo)ing point, then let it *ool *ompletely before using' 4f you are
using the refined %ariety, you *an use it right away' 4n either *ase, please use mustard oil that is labeled
spe*ifi*ally for *oo)ing' 4f you *annot find it, regular %egetable oil will wor) as well'
Pani Puri
A flour *risp stuffed with peas and ser%ed with spi*ed water
This famed street food has many names5 golgappe in the north, pu*h)a in engal, and pani puri in
"aharashtra' 4t is sold from large earthenware pots *o%ered with damp red *loths and glass *ases filled
with puris >small deep,fried breads that loo) li)e *risp, hollow balloons?' All one has to do is hold a
patrel, a flat roll made of dried *olo*assia lea%es, and the %endor will ta)e one puri, *ra*) it open on
the top to ma)e a small hole, and fill it with peas and *hutney, and then dip it into the spi*y water and
pla*e it on your bowl, dripping with the aromati* water' Eou ha%e to eat them as fast as the %endor *an
assemble themAthese guys are speedy and *an manage three or four *ustomers at a timeO Khen
youL%e eaten as many as youLd li)e, you hold up your hand and signal him to stop' 3e )nows how mu*h
to *harge you for what youL%e eaten e%en though you will li)ely ha%e lost *ount'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the ragda5
1W *ups >260 grams? %atana >dried white peas?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
Pin*h of asafetida
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoons *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
= to 1 tablespoons )ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
Gor the spi*y water5
1 *up >00 grams? *hopped fresh mint
1 *up >00 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
6 green *hiles, stemmed and *ut in half
U teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons bla*) salt
1 tablespoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
21 *risp puris >meant for pani puriM store,bought?
1' "a)e the ragda5 Put the %atana in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain'
Add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water and soa) o%ernight' .rain the peas in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water' Add the turmeri*, asafetida,
and salt' Khen the water begins to boil, add the peas' Khen the water *omes to a boil again, lower the
heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for =0 to =6 minutes or until the peas are soft'
=' "ash the peas slightly' Add the *haat masala and *hutney, and simmer for 10 minutes' &eep the
ragda hot'
1' "a)e the spi*y water5 Put the mint, *ilantro, and *hiles in a blender, and blend to a smooth paste'
Transfer the paste to a large bowl, add 0 *ups >1'2 liters? water, the table salt, bla*) salt, *umin, and
lemon $ui*e' Stir well, ad$ust the seasoning, and pla*e in the refrigerator to *hill'
6' To ser%e, fill ea*h puri with a little ragda, then pour in some spi*y water' Ser%e immediately'
Papdi Chaat
Gour *risp and potato sna*)
Cne of the many popular *haats of the northA*risp flat puris topped with potato and *hutneys'
Prepare this $ust before ser%ing or the puris will be*ome soggy'
Ser%es 1'
20 small *risp flat puris >flour wafersM page 21?
2 medium boiled potatoes, peeled and thinly sli*ed
1 large onion, finely *hopped
2 tablespoons )ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
2 tablespoons pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
U tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon bla*) salt
W *up >10 grams? se% >*hi*)pea,flour %ermi*elli?
1 tablespoon boondi >see (ote?
2 tablespoons fresh pomegranate arils
2 tablespoons min*ed fresh *ilantro
1' Arrange the puris on a ser%ing dish' Spread the potatoes o%er them neatly and top with the onion'
2' .riNNle a little of both *hutneys on ea*h puri'
=' Sprin)le with the lemon $ui*e, *umin, and bla*) salt'
1' Top with the se%, boondi, pomegranate arils, and *ilantro and ser%e immediately'
oondi are small, *risp besan dumplings a%ailable at 4ndian gro*ery stores'
Pa% ha$i
"i8ed %egetables with bread
Say the words pa% bha$i to anyone in "umbai and his or her fa*e will light up' 4tLs a popular fast food
that is *ategoriNed by nutritionists as $un) food be*ause the %egetables are usually o%er*oo)ed and
there is a lot of butter in%ol%ed' Still, if you donLt o%er*oo) the %egetables and go easy on the butter,
this dish is a great way to introdu*e %egetables to a fussy )id' To )eep it fresh, *hange the %egetables
ea*h time you ma)e it' "y daughters lo%e it sprin)led with some lemon $ui*e and *hopped onions'
Ser%es 1'
= tablespoons plus : teaspoons unsalted butter, plus U teaspoon for the griddle
2 medium red onions, di*ed
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
= tablespoons red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
1 medium green bell pepper, seeded and *hopped
W *up >10 grams? shelled green peas, boiled and mashed lightly
W small head *auliflower, grated
1U tablespoons pa% bha$i masala >spi*e mi8 for pa% bha$iM page =0?
: medium tomatoes, di*ed
1U teaspoons table salt
= medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and grated
: pa%s >breadsM store,bought dinner rolls *an be substituted?
2 tablespoons min*ed fresh *ilantro
2 lemons, *ut into wedges
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add = tablespoons of the butter' Khen the butter
melts, add three Huarters of the onions and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until lightly browned'
2' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and stir,fry for =0 se*onds' Add the *hile paste and sautQ for 1
minute' Add the bell pepper, peas, and *auliflower, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the pa% bha$i masala
and *oo) for 1 minute'
=' Add the tomatoes and salt' Co%er and *oo) for 6 minutes or until the tomatoes are pulpy' "ash the
mi8ture with a potato masher' Add the potatoes and stir' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and stir well' Coo)
for 6 minutes' Add U *up >100 ml? water and *oo) for 6 minutes' Transfer the bha$i to a ser%ing bowl'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and add U teaspoon butter' Slit one pa% and *oo) it in the
butter, pressing down on it with a spatula 2 or = times, for =0 se*onds or until *risp and lightly browned'
Coo) the remaining pa%s'
6' Sprin)le the bha$i with the *ilantro' .i%ide into 1 indi%idual ser%ings and drop 1 teaspoon butter on
ea*h ser%ing' Ser%e hot with the pa%s, the remaining onions, and lemon wedges'
!agda Patti*e
Potato *utlets topped with white peas and *hutneys
Cne of the best,selling foods on the streets of "umbai is patti*e, small potato *utlets, dun)ed in
ragda, a white pea sau*e, and garnished with *hutneys and *hopped onions' 4tLs deli*ious and filling,
and in many Du$arati homes it is ser%ed as a meal by itself'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the ragda5
1W *ups >260 grams? %atana >dried white peas?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
Pin*h of asafetida
1 teaspoon table salt
Gor the patti*e5
1 small potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
2 tablespoons *ornstar*h
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
2 tablespoons pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
2 tablespoons )ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
2 medium red onions, *hopped
2 teaspoons *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' "a)e the ragda5 put the %atana in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain'
Add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water and soa) o%ernight' .rain the peas in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water' Add the turmeri*, asafetida,
and salt' Khen the water begins to boil, add the peas' Khen the water *omes to a boil again, lower the
heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for =0 to =6 minutes or until the peas are soft' &eep hot'
=' "a)e the patti*e5 4n a deep bowl, stir together the potatoes, *ornstar*h, *hiles, and salt'
1' .i%ide into : portions and shape into balls' Glatten ea*h ball by pressing it gently between your palms
to ma)e 1,in*h >2U,*m? thi*) patti*e'
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen the oil begins to smo)e
slightly, pla*e the patti*e in the pan, with a little spa*e between ea*h one' Coo), turning on*e or twi*e,
until both sides are golden brown' &eep the patti*e warm'
0' Gor ea*h ser%ing, pla*e 2 patti*e on a plate and pour some ragda o%er them so that it *o%ers the
patti*e' .riNNle with the *hutneysM sprin)le onions, *haat masala, and *ilantro on top'
9' Ser%e immediately'
Se% atata Puri
Crisp flour,wafer,and,potato sna*)
Eou $ust wonLt be able to stop eating these deli*ious *risp puris topped with potato, *hutneys, and se%'
4 *ertainly *anLtO Some people in 4ndia also refer to these *risp, flat, store,bought puris as papdis' 4n
4ndian stores they are sold under both names and are the same'
"a)es 21'
1 small green mango
2 large potatoes, boiled, peeled, and di*ed
U teaspoon table salt
W teaspoon red *hile powder
21 small, *risp, flat puris >flour wafersM page 21?
2 medium red onions, *hopped
= tablespoons pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
1 teaspoon *hile garli* *hutney >page 61/?
W *up >00 grams? )ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
1 *up >10 grams? se% >*hi*)pea,flour %ermi*elli?
1U teaspoons *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Kash the mango' Peel and hal%e it lengthwise' S*oop out the pit and di*e the mango flesh'
2' Put the potatoes in a bowl and add the mango, salt, and *hile powder' Stir well'
=' Arrange the puris in a single layer on a large plate'
1' Put a spoonful of the potato mi8ture on ea*h puri' Sprin)le the onions o%er the puris' .riNNle with a
little of ea*h *hutney'
6' Sprin)le the se% generously o%er the *hutneys to *ompletely *o%er them'
0' Sprin)le with the *haat masala and then with the *ilantro' Ser%e immediately'
Peanut Chaat
Peanut sna*)
This uniHue sna*) is prepared by boiling peanuts, along with turmeri*, and then tossing them with
onions and tomatoes' 4n a pin*h, you *an also use roasted peanuts'
Ser%es 1'
2 *ups >=00 grams? raw peanuts
1 tablespoon sea salt
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon table salt
W teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 medium red onion, *hopped
1 medium tomato, *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 6 *ups >1 liter? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, add the peanuts, sea salt, and turmeri*, and *oo) for 20 minutes' .rain'
2' Transfer the peanuts to a deep ser%ing bowl' Add the table salt, *haat masala, *hile powder, *umin,
onion, tomato, *hiles, *ilantro, and lemon $ui*e, and stir well' Ser%e hot or at room temperature'
Frad .al &a*hori
.eep,fried lentil dumplings
These dumplings are stuffed with a spi*y split,bla*),gram mi8ture' They are a %ery popular sna*) in
4ndia' These taste best when warm'
Ser%es 1'
2 *ups >210 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
V teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ba)ing soda
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
Gor the filling5
U *up >100 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled and min*ed
1 green *hile, stemmed and *hopped
Pin*h of asafetida
1 teaspoon ground *oriander powder
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground fennel seeds
0 to : *ashews, roughly *hopped
1 tablespoon raisins
U teaspoon sugar
U teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
&ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
1' Sift the flour with the salt and ba)ing soda into a deep bowl' Add the 6 tablespoons oil and *ombine
well' Add U *up >100 ml? water and )nead to ma)e a soft dough' Co%er the bowl with a dampened *loth
and set aside for 1 hour'
2' "a)e the filling5 Kash the dhuli urad dal well 2 or = times, then drain and soa) in 2 *ups >100 ml?
water for 2 hours' .rain in a *olander' Put the soa)ed dal in a mini food pro*essor, add W *up >60 ml?
water, and pro*ess to a *oarse paste'
=' 3eat a small nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat, then lower the heat to medium and add the ghee' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the wo), add the gram paste, ginger, *hile, asafetida, *oriander,
*umin, *hile powder, fennel, *ashews, and raisins' SautQ for 6 to 0 minutes or until the mi8ture is
*ompletely dry and begins to sti*) to the bottom of the pan'
1' Add the sugar, salt, and lemon $ui*e' Stir well and remo%e from the heat' Transfer to a bowl and let
*ool *ompletely'
6' .i%ide the dough into 10 portions and shape ea*h into a ball' Pla*e a ball on a flat surfa*e and, using a
rolling pin, roll it out into a small round about 2 in*hes >6 *entimeters? in diameter' !oll it so it is thinner
around the edges and thi*)er in the *enter' Pla*e a portion of the filling in the *enter of the round and
bring the edges together' Pin*h them tightly together to seal' Pi*) up the dumpling in your palm and
gently reshape it into a ball with a light hand' Fse the remaining dough and filling to ma)e 16 more
0' Pla*e a large nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the wo), gently slide in half of the )a*horis and fry them o%er low heat for 10
to 16 minutes or until the *rusts are golden brown and *risp' Fsing a slotted spoon, transfer the
)a*horis to paper towels to drain' !epeat with the remaining )a*horis'
9' Ser%e immediately with the *hutney'
The 4ndian *ounterpart to the Kestern barbe*ue grill is the tandoor, a *lay o%en fired with *har*oal' Also
)nown as a san$ha *hoolha >S*ommon *oo)ing pla*eT?, the tandoor literally brings people together'
Komen gather at the *ommunal %illage tandoors at sundown, bringing dough with them from home'
They *hat and so*ialiNe while *oo)ing their bread in the tandoor'
Tandoori *oo)ing is one of the oldest ways of *oo)ing food in 4ndia and *an be tra*ed ba*) to the
nomadi* tribes of the northwest frontier who *oo)ed their food in fires of *har*oal and *ow dung that
they built in holes dug in the ground' Today, of *ourse, the tandoor is used not only for the daily
breadAnaan >page 20? or tandoori rotiAbut also more e8oti* fare li)e )ebabs and ti))as' B%en dals
and sau*es *an be *oo)ed slowly to fla%orful perfe*tion in a tandoor' The most distin*ti%e thing about
*oo)ing in a tandoor is the smo)y fla%or that it imparts to the food, and it is perhaps no a**ident that
tandoori dishes were the first from 4ndia to gain international popularity'
Tandoori *oo)ing is not only e8*eptionally fla%orfulAthe food is usually *oo)ed in its own $ui*es and
thus retains its natural fla%orsAbut it is also healthier than other methods of *oo)ing be*ause it
reHuires minimal additional fat'
e sure to try the tandoori *hi*)en re*ipe >page 20:? 4 ha%e in*luded here' 4t is possibly one of the most
popular tandoori dishes in the world, and perhaps the most popular 4ndian dish period' Eou donLt ha%e
to ha%e a *lay o%en to ma)e these dishes5 The tandoori style is Huite adaptable to modern o%ens'
"any of the )ebab and meat re*ipes in this *hapter are *lassi*s, and the *handi )aliyan >page 1::?,
*o%ered in edible sil%er foil, is a wonderful e8ample of old,s*hool de*aden*e' Try the *haap fry Amritsari
>page 211?, whi*h brings northern seasonings into play with breaded lamb *hops, and then do a
*omplete turnaround and ma)e the *hettinaad fried *hi*)en >page 1/0?, whi*h ta)es you to the
southern states'
These dishes are perfe*t ser%ed as appetiNers or hors dLoeu%res or as parts of more elaborate 4ndian
meals, but 4L%e also in*luded here a sele*tion of sna*)s[li)e Pun$abi samosas >page 161? and peethiwali
aloo ti))i >page 161?[that are best en$oyed as fillers between meals' .ahi wada >page 110? *aptures the
essen*e of 4ndian raitas and is ser%ed as a spe*ial side dish at weddings and auspi*ious o**asions, or as a
filling but light meal on its own'
Aloo (aNa)at
A spe*ta*ular deep,fried potato dish
This dish ta)es some time and effort to prepare, but the results are outstanding5 a deep,fried potato
stuffed with *heese and lentil wafers'
Ser%es 1'
1 medium potatoes
= tablespoons *hana dal >split engal gram?
2 tablespoons plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
2 small urad dal papads >see (ote?
1U teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons table salt 1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
U teaspoon bla*) salt
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
= tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons refined mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
U *up >90 grams? grated paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
2 teaspoons *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1' Peel the potatoes and *ut them in half horiNontally' Fsing a spoon, s*oop out the insides of the potato
hal%es, lea%ing a 171Q,in*h,thi*) >W,*m,thi*)? shell all around' Chop the s*ooped,out flesh and set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat' Add the dal, lower the heat to low, and dry,roast until
fragrant and golden' Transfer to a plate and set aside to *ool to room temperature' Transfer to a spi*e
grinder and grind to a powder' Set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and gently slide the potato shells into the
oil and fry for 2 to = minutes or until the outer surfa*e of the potato shells is golden brown' !emo%e
with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' 4n the same oil, fry the papads one at a time for 6 se*onds' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain
on paper towels'
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons
%egetable oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add U teaspoon of the ginger paste
and U teaspoon of the garli* paste' SautQ for =0 se*onds or until fragrant'
0' Add the *hopped potatoes and U teaspoon of the salt and sautQ o%er medium heat for 6 to 0 minutes'
9' To ma)e the marinade, put the yogurt in a bowl and add U teaspoon of the salt, the bla*) salt, garam
masala, *hile powder, 2 tablespoons of the *ilantro, the roasted dal, the remaining 1 teaspoon ginger
paste, and the remaining 1 teaspoon garli* paste' Stir well' Add the mustard oil and stir again' Set aside'
:' To ma)e the filling, put the paneer in a bowl' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt, the *haat masala,
the remaining 1 tablespoon *ilantro, the *hiles, and the sautQed potato mi8ture'
/' Crush the fried papads to a *oarse powder and add to the stuffing ingredients' Stir well'
10' Ta)e ea*h potato shell and fill it up to the brim with the filling' Put the potatoes in the yogurt
marinade and stir gently to *oat them' Co%er the bowl and let the potatoes marinate for about =0
11' Preheat the o%en to =60XG71:0XC' Drease a ba)ing sheet'
12' Arrange the potatoes on the ba)ing sheet and ba)e for 16 to 20 minutes' Ser%e immediately'
Frad dal papads are poppadums made with urad dal >bla*) gram? flour' Pa*)ages
of these are a%ailable in 4ndian stores'
Amla Aur eetroot &i Ti))i
4ndian gooseberry,and,beet patties
Two %ery nutritious ingredients ma)e this little patty5 amla, or 4ndian gooseberry, whi*h is high in
%itamin C, and beets, whi*h are a ri*h sour*e of easily digestible *arbohydrates' 4f amlas are
una%ailable, substitute an eHual weight of raw green mango'
Ser%es 1'
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium red onion, *hopped
= medium beets, boiled, peeled, and grated
1 teaspoon table salt
U tablespoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
= medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
0 medium amlas >4ndian gooseberries?, grated
6 tablespoons *ornstar*h
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onion and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until lightly browned'
2' Add the beets and salt, and sautQ for 9 minutes or until all the e8*ess moisture has e%aporated' Add
the *hile powder and *haat masala, and stir well' Add the lemon $ui*e and stir well'
=' 4n a large bowl, *ombine the beet mi8ture with the potatoes and stir well' Add the amlas and 2
tablespoons of the *ornstar*h, and stir well' +et *ool, then put in the refrigerator to *hill for =0 minutes'
1' Drease your hands, then di%ide the beet,potato mi8ture into : portions' Shape ea*h portion into a
thi*) 2U,in*h >0U,*m? patty'
6' .redge the patties in the remaining *ornstar*h and set aside'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat' Pla*e a patty on the griddle, driNNle U tablespoon of the oil
all around it, and *oo) for 2 minutes on ea*h side or until both sides are e%enly *oo)ed' Coo) the
remaining patties using the remaining oil'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing platter and ser%e hot'
atata Jada
atter,fried potato dumplings
4 am not sure whi*h sells more in "umbaiAbatata %adas or "*.onaldLs hamburgers' ut gi%en a
*hoi*e 4 would go for batata %adas la*ed with dry red garli* *hutney'
Ser%es 1'
0 small potatoes
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
0 *lo%es garli*
1 or 6 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1U *ups >160 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon table salt
Pin*h of ba)ing soda
1 teaspoons plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
U teaspoon mustard seeds
Pin*h of asafetida
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Kash and s*rub the potatoes well' Put 1 *ups >:00 ml? water in a deep sau*epan and pla*e o%er
medium heat' Khen the water begins to boil, add the potatoes and *oo), *o%ered, for 26 minutes or
until the potatoes are tender' .rain in a *olander and let *ool to room temperature' Cn*e *ooled, peel
the potatoes, then mash them using a potato masher' Set aside'
2' Put the ginger, garli*, and *hiles in a mini food pro*essor with 2 tablespoons water, and pro*ess to a
smooth paste' Transfer the paste to a small bowl and set aside'
=' Pla*e the besan in a deep bowl' Add the *hile powder, 1 teaspoon of the salt, and the ba)ing soda'
Add U *up plus 0 tablespoons >1/0 ml? water and whis) well to ma)e a smooth, lump,free batter' 4t
should not be too thi*)'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add = teaspoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the ginger,garli*,*hile paste and sautQ for 1 minute' Add
the mashed potatoes and the turmeri*, and sautQ for 6 to 0 minutes' Add the *ilantro and the remaining
2 teaspoons salt' Stir well and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Transfer the mi8ture to a bowl'
6' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 teaspoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the asafetida
and *urry lea%es' 4mmediately pour the spi*es o%er the potato mi8ture and stir well' +et *ool to room
0' Cn*e *ooled, di%ide the mi8ture into 10 portions and shape ea*h into a smooth ball'
9' Pla*e a wo) o%er high heat and add the remaining 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the wo), dip 1 of the potato balls in the besan batter, one at a time, and gently slide
them into the hot oilM do not o%er*rowd the wo)' +ower the heat to medium and fry, spooning a little oil
o%er the balls with a slotted spoon, until they are light golden brown' !emo%e with the slotted spoon
and drain on paper towels' !epeat with the remaining potato balls'
:' Ser%e immediately with a *hutney of your *hoi*e'
4f you ha%e lefto%er besan batter, you *an dip thin, round sli*es of potato or
green pepper in the batter and deep,fry until golden' These are *alled bha$ias'
ed%in &a*hori
A *risp whole,wheat pastry with lentils
&a*horis are typi*al sna*)s from the west of 4ndia' As one tra%els from region to region, the )a*hori
*hanges in siNe and stuffing' Khen *oo)ing )a*horis, ha%e patien*e and be sure to *ontrol the
temperature of the oil5 4f it is too hot, they will brown too fast and the fla)y pastry will remain *hewy
and un*oo)edM if it is not hot enough, they will harden and absorb too mu*h oil'
"a)es 10'
W *up >60 grams? *hil)ewali moong dal >split green gram with s)in?
1U teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, roughly *hopped
1 teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
U teaspoon asafetida
2 *ups >=00 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
1U teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Put the dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add V *up >160 ml? water and
soa) for =0 minutes' .rain the dal in a *olander and transfer to a food pro*essor'
2' Add the *oriander, *hile powder, ginger, bla*) pepper, garam masala, asafetida, and W *up >60 ml?
water, and pro*ess to a fine paste' Set aside'
=' Put the atta in a large bowl' Add the dal paste, salt, 1 tablespoon of the oil, and U *up >100 ml?
water, and )nead to ma)e a semistiff dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and let rest for 20 minutes'
1' .i%ide the dough into 10 portions and spread out ea*h portion into a small dis) with your fingertips'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the remaining 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and gently slide in the )a*horis, one at a
time, and press gently with a slotted spoon until they puff up' Turn and *oo) for a few minutes or until
both sides are golden and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
0' Ser%e hot'
Eou *an use *hil)ewali urad dal >split bla*) gram with s)in? instead of the
*hil)ewali moong dal'
egun ha$a
Bggplant with white poppy seeds
This fried eggplant dish *omes from the eastern part of 4ndia, where poppy seeds are used often'
Bggplant tends to absorb oil, so you may need a little more to finish frying all the eggplant pie*es'
"a)es 10 pie*es'
2 medium round eggplants
2 teaspoons ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
W *up >60 grams? white poppy seeds
2 tablespoons %egetable oil, or more if needed
1' !emo%e the stems from the eggplants, wash them, and *ut ea*h in half lengthwise' Cut horiNontally
into U,in*h,thi*) >1,*m,thi*)? sli*es'
2' Combine the turmeri*, *hile powder, and salt in a small bowl' Sprin)le the mi8ture on both sides of
the eggplant sli*es' Sprin)le with the lemon $ui*e'
=' Put the poppy seeds in a shallow dish and roll the eggplant sli*es in them to *oat both sides of the
sli*es well' Set aside for 16 minutes'
1' 3eat a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, gently slide in the eggplant sli*es, four at a time, and fry until golden' Turn and fry
until the other side is golden' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Add more oil to
the pan for ea*h bat*h, if needed'
6' Ser%e immediately'
hindi &ur)uri
Crisp and tangy o)ra
&ur)uri means S*risp and *run*hyTAand o)ra is one %egetable that truly benefits from being *oo)ed
until *risp' This %ersatile sna*) *an be ser%ed anytime'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? o)ra
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
V teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
U teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
U teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
W *up >20 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
U tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Kash the o)ra and pat dry with a )it*hen towel' Trim off the ends, then thinly sli*e lengthwise'
2' Spread the o)ra sli*es on a flat dish and sprin)le with the salt, *hile powder, garam masala, am*hur,
and *haat masala' Toss well and set aside for 10 minutes'
=' Sprin)le the besan o%er the o)ra and stir so that the sli*es are *oated e%enly'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to low, add the o)ra in small bat*hes, separating the pie*es as you drop them into
the oil, and *oo), stirring with a slotted spoon, for 2 to = minutes or until *risp and lightly browned'
!emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
6' Sprin)le with the lemon $ui*e and ser%e immediately'
read &e Pa)ode
A sandwi*h with fried paneer and sweet,and,sour *hutney
This is a fa%orite hot sna*) at our house' Eou *an refrigerate any lefto%er *hutney to use for *haats or
to ser%e with samosas or dho)las'
"a)es 10'
Gor the batter5
1U *ups >160 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 teaspoon a$wain
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
Gor the *hutney5
10 to 16 pitted dates
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
2 tablespoons grated *ane $aggery
6 tablespoons tamarind pulp
6 tablespoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon bla*) salt
U teaspoon table salt
Gor the sandwi*hes5
1 >9,oun*e7200,gram? blo*) paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
: sli*es white bread
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
Pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
1' "a)e the batter5 Put the besan, a$wain, turmeri*, *hile powder, salt, and *ilantro in a deep bowl' Stir
well and add U *up plus 0 tablespoons >1/0 ml? water and whis) until smooth and lump,free' Set aside'
2' "a)e the *hutney5 Put the dates, *umin, fennel, $aggery, tamarind pulp, *hile powder, and ground
ginger in a deep nonsti*) sau*epan' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and pla*e o%er medium heat' Coo) for 10
minutes, then lower the heat to low and *oo) for 10 minutes more or until the dates are tender'
!emo%e from the heat and let *ool to room temperature' Transfer to a food pro*essor and pro*ess until
smoothM the *hutney should be thi*)' Transfer to a bowl and add the bla*) salt and table salt, and stir
=' "a)e the sandwi*hes5 Pla*e the blo*) of paneer on a *utting board and *ut into U,in*h,thi*) >1,*m,
thi*)? sli*es'
1' Pla*e 1 sli*es of bread on a wor) surfa*e' Arrange the paneer sli*es o%er them, ta)ing *are that they
do not o%erlap' Spread 1 tablespoon of the *hutney on the paneer' Co%er with more paneer sli*es,
again ta)ing *are that they do not o%erlap' Co%er with the remaining bread sli*es to ma)e 1 thi*)
paneer, and *hutney,stuffed sandwi*hes' Cut ea*h sandwi*h into 1 pie*es'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium' Kor)ing in bat*hes, *arefully dip ea*h sandwi*h pie*e in the batter and
gently slide it into the hot oil' Gry a few pie*es at a time until golden brown' Turn with a slotted spoon
on*e or twi*e' .rain on paper towels' Ser%e with the *hutney'
read Fpma
read stir,fry
This is a wonderful way to use up stale bread' This dish is ser%ed at brea)fast or sna*)time in 4ndia' 4t
tastes best when ser%ed immediately' e sure to stir,fry Hui*)ly, or the bread may absorb too mu*h oil'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
Pin*h of asafetida
U teaspoon *umin seeds
W teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 medium red onion, peeled and *hopped
1 medium potato, boiled, peeled, and di*ed
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon red *hile powder
: sli*es day,old white bread, *ut into small pie*es
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium and add the asafetida, *umin seeds, and mustard seeds' Khen the
*umin *hanges *olor and the mustard seeds begin to sputter, add the onion and sautQ for 2 minutes or
until translu*ent'
2' Add the potato and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the turmeri* and *hile powder, and stir well' SautQ for 1
minute' Add the bread, *hiles, *ilantro, lemon $ui*e, salt, and = tablespoons water, and toss well' Ser%e
ro)en,Kheat Fpma
A healthy %ersion of the popular brea)fast sna*)
Fpma is a wholesome 4ndian sna*) traditionally made with semolina, but some regions use bro)en
wheat, whi*h tastes Huite different from the finer semolina' ro)en wheat is sold as lapsi in 4ndian
gro*ery stores'
Eou *ould use di*ed bro**oli instead of the *arrot and blan*hed sweet *orn instead of peasAe8periment
with your fa%orite *ombinations of %egetables'
Ser%es 1'
1 medium *arrot, peeled and *hopped
W *up >10 grams? froNen green peas
W *up >06 grams? low,fat plain yogurt
W teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
1 teaspoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 medium red onion, *hopped
1 *up >200 grams? lapsi >fine bro)en wheat?
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon table salt, or more if ne*essary
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 1 *up >200 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add the
*arrot and green peas and *oo) for = to 1 minutes' .rain in a *olander' !efresh under running water and
drain well' Alternati%ely, you *an mi*rowa%e the %egetables until they are tender'
2' Put the yogurt in a deep bowl, add =U *ups >900 ml? water, and whis) until smooth' Set aside'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er low heat' After 2 minutes, add the mustard seeds and urad
dal' Khen the mustard seeds sputter, add the *urry lea%es and onion, and *oo), stirring o**asionally,
for 1 to 6 minutes or until the onion is lightly browned'
1' Stir in the lapsi and *oo) for 2 minutes' Add the ginger and *hiles, and *oo) for 6 minutes more or
until the mi8ture has a roasted aroma'
6' Add the yogurt mi8ture and salt' 4n*rease the heat to medium and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to
low and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 9 to : minutes or until all the water is absorbed'
0' Add the *arrot and peas, along with the lemon $ui*e' Stir gently and taste for saltM add more if
ne*essary' 4f the upma is too dry, add 2 to = tablespoons water' Co%er and *oo) o%er low heat for :
9' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl, garnish with the *ilantro, and ser%e immediately'
ende)aya Jepudu
.eep,fried o)ra with spi*es
Cne %egetable my two girls lo%e is o)ra, whi*h we *all bhindi in 3indi' This is one of the dishes they
often demand'
Ser%es 1'
2W pounds >1 )g? o)ra
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 or 6 *lo%es garli*, thinly sli*ed
2 teaspoons roasted *umin seeds >page =2?
2 teaspoons *oriander seeds
1 or 6 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
= green *ardamom pods
0 to : whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Kash and drain the o)ra' Pat dry with a )it*hen towel' Trim off the two ends and *ut the o)ra into U,
in*h >1,*m? pie*es'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low, add the garli*, and *oo) until golden brown'
!emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and add the o)ra, in two or three bat*hes, and *oo) until
the o)ra is *risp and browned' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Put the *umin, *oriander, *lo%es, *innamon, *ardamom, pepper*orns, *hiles, garli* fla)es, and salt in a
spi*e grinder, and grind to a powder'
6' Sprin)le the spi*e mi8 on the fried o)ra and toss well' Ser%e immediately'
Darnish with some *rushed roasted peanuts for e8tra fla%or'
Chu)andar &i Dalouti
eet )ebabs
Ta)e *are when handling the beet mi8tureM all the ingredients are deli*ate and reHuire $ust the right
amount of pressure when you are forming the patties' Charoli seeds, *alled for here, are tiny almond
fla%ored seeds *ommonly used to garnish desserts and in meat dishes'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? ghee >page =9?
2V pounds >1'= )g? beets, peeled and grated
V teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
6 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U *up >00 grams? finely ground *ashews
U *up >/0 grams? grated )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil)M page =9?
W *up >60 grams? roasted *hana dal >split engal gram?, finely ground
U teaspoon *araway seeds
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom
W teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
2 tablespoons *haroli7*hiron$i >melon seeds? optional
2 tablespoons )ewra >s*rew pine? water
Jegetable oil
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the ghee' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low and add the beets and salt, and sautQ for 6 to 0
minutes, stirring freHuently' Add the lemon $ui*e and stir' SautQ for 16 minutes or until all the moisture
dries up and the beets are thoroughly *oo)ed and mashed'
2' Add the garli* and ginger, and stir' Add the *hiles and sautQ for = to 1 minutes'
=' Transfer the mi8ture to a bowl' Add the *ashews, )hoya, dal, *araway, garam masala, *ardamom,
bla*) pepper, *haroli, and )ewra water, and stir well'
1' .i%ide the beet mi8ture into : portions' Drease your palms with a little oil, ta)e ea*h portion of the
mi8ture in your hands, and shape into a thi*), round 2,in*h >6,*m? patty'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoons ghee' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low and gently slide 1 patties into the hot
ghee and *oo) for =0 se*onds or until the undersides are done' Turn and *oo) for =0 se*onds or until
the other sides are done' .o not turn the patties too often, as they are %ery deli*ate and may brea)'
!emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' !epeat with the remaining patties' Ser%e
.ahi Kada
.eep,fried lentil dumplings ser%ed in spi*y yogurt
The results when ma)ing this Pun$abi dish *an be hit or missAthe dumplings *an be*ome hard if you
donLt whis) to add air to them as indi*ated in step 1' The solution is to follow the re*ipe instru*tions
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1U teaspoons table salt
Pin*h of asafetida
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
= *ups >960 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
&ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
1' Kash the dhuli urad dal and soa) it in = *ups water >000 ml? for 2 hours' .rain and pla*e in a food
pro*essor with 1W *ups >260 ml? water' Pro*ess to a smooth and fluffy paste' Transfer to a bowl, add the
*umin, 1 teaspoon of the salt, and the asafetida, then whis) to in*orporate air into the batter'
2' Pla*e a wo) or a hea%y sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the wo), shape the batter into small dumplings and slide them, a few at a time, into the
hot oilM do not o%er*rowd the wo)' Coo) the wadas, turning them o%er freHuently with a slotted spoon,
for 12 minutes or until golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a bowl of hot
=' Put the yogurt in a deep ser%ing bowl and whis) until smooth' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt and
stir well'
1' SHueeNe the wadas gently between your palms to remo%e e8*ess water' Add them to the yogurt and
let soa) for 16 to 20 minutes'
6' Sprin)le with the *umin, *hile powder, and *ilantro' .riNNle with the *hutney and ser%e'
.al Pa)wan
A *risp bread ser%ed with fla%orful lentils
4n "umbai, long Hueues form outside shops selling this dal and bread on Sunday morningsM itLs a
popular brea)fast dish in the Sindhi *ommunity' The best pa)wans are made fresh at home right
before mealtime' Pust brea) off the *risp, golden,brown pie*es and spoon up the dal with them'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the dal5
1 *up >200 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
U teaspoon table salt, or more to taste
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
V teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 or 6 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
1 medium red onion, peeled and di*ed
U *up >=0 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
Gor the pa)wan5
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 *up >120 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
2 tablespoons atta >whole,wheat flour?
1 tablespoon fine semolina flour
W teaspoon *umin seeds
10 to 12 bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
U teaspoon table salt
1' "a)e the dal5 Put the dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000
ml? water and soa) for about 1 hour' .rain the dal in a strainer'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add = *ups >000 ml? water' Khen it *omes to a rapid
boil, add the dal, salt, and turmeri*' Khen the mi8ture *omes to a boil again, lower the heat to
medium, *o%er, and *oo) for 26 minutes' Add U *up >100 ml? water and *oo) until soft'
=' Add W teaspoon of the *hile powder, 17: teaspoon of the garam masala, and half of the am*hur'
Taste for salt and add more if needed' Coo) o%er low heat for 10 minutes'
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds' Khen they begin to *hange *olor, add the *hiles, *urry lea%es,
the remaining 17: teaspoon garam masala, and the remaining W teaspoon *hile powder' Stir and pour
the mi8ture o%er the dal, stir well, remo%e from the heat, *o%er, and set aside'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil'
0' Khile the oil heats, ma)e the pa)wan5 Sift the maida and atta into a large bowl' Add the semolina,
*umin, pepper*orns, 2 tablespoons of the hot oil, and the salt' Add W *up >60 ml? water and )nead to
ma)e a medium,soft dough'
9' .i%ide the dough into : portions and roll ea*h portion out into a 1,in*h >10,*m? round' Pri*) lightly
with a for)'
:' Che*) the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to low and add
the dough rounds, one by one, and *oo) until golden and *risp on both sides, pressing the pa)wan
down into the oil with a slotted spoon so they be*ome %ery *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and
drain on paper towels' +et them *ool to room temperature'
/' Darnish the dal with the onion and *ilantro and ser%e with the pa)wan'
.udhi (a "uthia
ottle gourd dumplings with mustard seeds and *urry lea%es
eing a Pun$abi, 4 did not ha%e mu*h e8perien*e with Du$arati food until 4 got married' This sna*) gets its
name from the fa*t that the dough is pla*ed on the palm and pressed into shape by *len*hing the fist
>muthi in Du$arati?' 4 li)e to eat the muthia plain, right after theyL%e been steamedM this sa%es *alories,
but in most homes the tempering is *onsidered essential'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? bottle gourd >substitute5 red pump)in?
1 tablespoon ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoons green *hile paste >page 1=?
V *up plus 2 tablespoons >:6 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1W *ups >1/0 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
17: teaspoon asafetida
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1U tablespoons sesame seeds
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 tablespoon sour plain yogurt >see page 61=?
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
20 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Peel the bottle gourd and grate it' Put it in a large bowl and add the ginger paste, green *hile paste,
besan, atta, salt, turmeri*, asafetida, *ilantro, 1 tablespoon of the sesame seeds, the sugar, lemon $ui*e,
and yogurt' Combine well and )nead to ma)e a sti*)y dough'
2' Drease your palms with a little oil' .i%ide the dough into 1 portions and shape ea*h portion into a U,
in*h >1,*m? diameter *ylinder'
=' Pla*e a steamer o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a boil, put
the rolls on a steaming tray and pla*e the tray in the steamer' Steam for 16 minutes or until a s)ewer
inserted into one of the pie*es *omes out *lean' !emo%e from the steamer and let *ool *ompletely' Cut
into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), add the mustard seeds, *umin, *urry lea%es, and the remaining U tablespoon sesame seeds'
Khen the seeds sputter, add the dumpling pie*es and toss well' +ower the heat to low and sautQ,
tossing o**asionally, for = to 1 minutes or until the muthia are lightly browned on all sides'
6' Ser%e hot'
Dreen Pea &a*hori
A *risp bread stuffed with spi*y green peas
Detting a fla)y but *risp *rust here is rather tri*)y5 4f the heat is too high, the )a*horis will brown on the
outside but remain raw and *hewy inside' 4f the oil isnLt hot enough, the *rust will not be fla)y and you
will ha%e hard )a*horis on hand' 4t ta)es time to *oo) them at the right temperature, but if you do, the
flat, stuffed dis)s will puff up and loo) spe*ta*ular' Ser%e them with )ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet
date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >120 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
W teaspoon a$wain
W teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?, melted
1 tablespoon plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
Pin*h of asafetida
U teaspoon *umin seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 *up >160 grams? fresh or froNen green peas, *rushed
U teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
W *up >10 grams? roasted peanuts, *rushed
1' Put the maida, a$wain, W teaspoon of the salt, and the ghee in a bowl, and stir' Add 17= *up >06 ml?
*old water and )nead to ma)e a stiff dough' Co%er with a double layer of damp *heese*loth and set
aside for =0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low and add the asafetida and *umin' Khen
the *umin begins to *hange *olor, add the ginger, *hiles, peas, and the remaining U teaspoon salt' Stir
and *oo) for 2 to = minutes' !emo%e from the heat and add the garam masala' Stir and set aside to
*ool *ompletely'
=' Khen *ooled, add the *o*onut and peanuts, and stir well'
1' .i%ide the dough into : portions' Shape ea*h portion into a ball and then roll out into a thi*) 1,in*h
>10,*m? round' Pla*e a portion of the pea filling in the *enter and gather the edges to en*lose the fillingM
pin*h hard to seal' Fsing your fingers, pat the )a*hori into a flat =,in*h >9U,*m? round'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and gently slide in 2 )a*horis' Gry, spooning hot oil o%er
them and turning with a slotted spoon freHuently, for : to 10 minutes or until golden' !emo%e with the
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' !epeat with the remaining )a*horis' Ser%e hot'
A pan,fried sa%ory ri*e, dal, and %egetable *a)e
4n Ahmedabad, in Du$arat, you are li)ely to see home )it*hens eHuipped with spe*ial steamers to ma)e
dho)las and a spe*ial *oo)er that is used solely to ma)e hand%o' Ees, itLs su*h an important dish that
*oo)s in%est in a spe*ial gadget to ma)e it' The *oo)er has a large dome with a perforated lid that *o%ers
a *ontainer with a tube in the *enter' The hand%o batter is poured into the well,greased *ontainer,
whi*h is pla*ed in a tray filled with sand' The *oo)er with the *ontainer and tray is put o%er the heat and
the hand%o batter is *oo)ed slowly and steadily into a ring,shaped *a)e with a %ery *risp, dar) *rust'
Eou *an also use a regular nonsti*) sautQ pan, as 4 des*ribe below' Bn$oy a freshly *oo)ed hand%o for
dinner a**ompanied by loads of mint,and,*ilantro *hutney >page 22?'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? raw ri*e
W *up >60 grams? dhuli moong dal >split s)inless green gram?
W *up >60 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
W *up >60 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
U *up >126 grams? sour plain yogurt >see page 61=?
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon green *hile paste >page 1=?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
17: teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons table salt
U small red onion, thinly sli*ed
2 tablespoons grated bottle gourd >substitute5 red pump)in?
2 tablespoons shredded *abbage
1 tablespoon grated *arrot
Small pin*h of asafetida
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 fresh *urry lea%es
1 dried red *hile, stemmed and bro)en in half
U teaspoon sesame seeds
W teaspoon ba)ing soda
1' Put the ri*e and dals in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml?
water and soa) for 6 hours' .rain, transfer to a food pro*essor with 6 tablespoons water, and pro*ess
2' Transfer to a deep bowl' Add the yogurt, 1 tablespoon of the oil, and 2 tablespoons lu)ewarm water,
and whis) to ma)e a thi*) batter' Co%er the bowl and set aside in a warm pla*e to ferment o%ernight'
=' Add the ginger paste, green *hile paste, *hile powder, turmeri*, and salt, and stir well' Add the onion,
bottle gourd, *abbage, and *arrot, and stir well' Set the batter aside'
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add V tablespoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the asafetida and mustard seeds' Khen the seeds sputter,
add the *urry lea%es, red *hile, and sesame seeds' Add this tempering to the batter and stir well' Add
the ba)ing soda and stir well'
6' Pla*e a large nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining W tablespoon oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low, add the batter, and let it spread
e%enly' Co%er and *oo) for 20 minutes' Glip it o%er' Co%er and *oo) for 16 minutes or until both sides are
e%enly browned' Cut into wedges and ser%e'
3ara hara &abab
Gresh spina*h and potato )ebabs
This %egetarian appetiNer is %ery popular in restaurants in 4ndia' At my Eellow Chilli restaurants, we add
a layer of depth and *omple8ity by stuffing the )ebabs with yogurt'
"a)es 21 )ebabs'
9 oun*es >200 grams? spina*h lea%es, blan*hed and *hopped >see (ote?
V *up >110 grams? fresh or froNen green peas, boiled and mashed
= medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and grated
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons *ornstar*h
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1' Put the spina*h, peas, and potatoes in a deep bowl, and stir well' Add the *hiles, *ilantro, ginger,
*haat masala, and salt, and stir well' Add the *ornstar*h and stir to a smooth, soft dough' .i%ide the
spina*h mi8ture into 12 eHual portions' Shape ea*h portion into a ball and then press it between your
palms to form it into a flat, round shape that loo)s li)e a thi*) dis)'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium,high heat and add 1 teaspoon of the oil' Put 0 )ebabs in the
pan, with spa*e between them' .riNNle 1 teaspoon of the oil all around the )ebabs and *oo) for 2 to =
minutes or until the underside is golden brown' Fsing a spatula, turn them o%er, driNNle 1 teaspoon of
the oil all around them, and *oo) for 2 to = minutes more or until golden brown' .rain on paper towels'
Coo) the remaining 0 )ebabs with the remaining oil' Ser%e immediately'
Eou *an also use froNen *hopped spina*h >$ust thaw and sHueeNe out the e8*ess
water?' To blan*h fresh spina*h lea%es, boil 2 *ups >00 ml? of water, add the lea%es, and boil for 2 to =
minutes' .rain and refresh in *old water' .rain again, sHueeNe out e8*ess water, and finely *hop'
3are "asale &a huna Paneer
Paneer with mint and *ilantro
Paneer and %egetables are *oated in a spi*y green marinade and broiled' Tart, $ui*y, fresh pomegranate
seeds and the distin*ti%e fla%or of mustard oil ma)e the dish spe*ial'
Ser%es 1'
1 oun*es >126 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
Gor the first marinade5
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon table salt
Gor the se*ond marinade5
1 *up >26 grams? fresh *ilantro lea%es
U *up >12 grams? fresh mint lea%es
2 tablespoons fresh pomegranate arils
V,in*h pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
6 *lo%es garli*
0 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 *up >290 grams? drained plain yogurt
U teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
W *up >26 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?, roasted >see (ote?
1 tablespoon )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?, ground
1 tablespoon filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
10 fresh *urry lea%es
1 large tomato, seeded and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1 medium green bell pepper, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1 medium red onion, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
6 tablespoons butter, melted
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 teaspoons *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1' Cut the paneer into : >1,in*h72U,*m? *ubes and set aside'
2' "a)e the first marinade5 Put all the ingredients in a large bowl and stir well' Add the paneer and stir
gently to *oat' Set aside for =0 minutes'
=' "a)e the se*ond marinade5 lan*h the *ilantro and mint in boiling water for 1 minute, then drain in a
*olander' Kash under *old running water for =0 se*onds, then let drain for =0 minutes' Put the *ilantro
and mint, the pomegranate arils, ginger, garli*, *hiles, and 2 tablespoons water in a food pro*essor'
Pro*ess to a paste' Transfer to a large bowl'
1' Add the yogurt, U teaspoon salt, the garam masala, *umin, besan, and )asoori methi, and stir well'
6' Put the mustard oil in small sau*epan and pla*e o%er low heat' Tear the *urry lea%es into small bits'
Khen the oil begins to smo)e, add the *urry lea%es and immediately remo%e from the heat and pour
into the se*ond marinade'
0' Add the paneer pie*es >along with the first marinade? and the tomato, bell pepper, and onion' Co%er
the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for = to 1 hours'
9' Preheat the broiler to high'
:' String the paneer alternately with the tomato, pepper, and onion onto s)ewers' Put the s)ewers on a
ba)ing sheet and broil for = to 1 minutes' aste with 2 tablespoons of the butter, then broil for 2 to =
minutes more'
/' Put the remaining = tablespoons melted butter in a nonsti*) sautQ pan and pla*e o%er medium heat'
!emo%e the grilled paneer and %egetables from the s)ewers and add them to the hot butter' Stir,fry for
=0 se*onds o%er high heat'
10' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and sprin)le with the lemon $ui*e and *haat masala'
11' Ser%e immediately'
To roast besan, pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the
besan' !oast, stirring *ontinuously, until the besan is fragrant and lightly browned'
A South 4ndian ri*e sna*)
Gour simple ingredientsAri*e, water, oil, and saltAresult in a masterpie*e of a dish' Although it is not
*ommonly made in modern households in South 4ndia, this airy treat does *ome into the limelight on
spe*ial o**asions' Khene%er 4 am in &erala, 4 ma)e a point of ha%ing this for brea)fast at least on*e'
Ser%e the idiappam sprin)led with fresh *o*onut and driNNled with *o*onut mil) or a *hutney'
This re*ipe reHuires an idiappam press' 4t is made of wood or metal and has a fine mesh through whi*h
the dough is pushed to form thin, noodleli)e strings' Eou *an find them at many 4ndian gro*ery stores
and online'
Ser%es 1'
2U *ups >=00 grams? short,grain ri*e
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1U teaspoons table salt
1' Kash the ri*e, drain, and soa) in = *ups >000 ml? water for about 2 hours' .rain well and spread out
on a *lean, dry, absorbent *loth in an airy pla*e for =0 minutes' Put in a mini food pro*essor and pro*ess
to a smooth powder' Sha)e the ri*e through a fine sie%e and dis*ard the large bits in the sie%e' "easure
the %olume of ground ri*e and pour an eHual %olume of water into a sau*epan'
2' Pla*e the water o%er high heat, bring to a rapid boil, and add the oil and salt' +ower the heat to low'
Dradually add the ri*e flour in a *ontinuous stream, stirring *onstantly to pre%ent lumps from forming'
=' Add W *up >60 ml? water if the mi8ture seems too thi*)' Coo) for 6 minutes, remo%e from the heat,
and let rest, *o%ered, for about 6 minutes'
1' Khen *ool enough to handle, transfer the dough to a flat plate and )nead well with damp hands for 6
6' .i%ide the dough into 12 balls that will fit into an idiappam press'
0' 3eat 2 *ups >100 ml? water in a steamer' Arrange the balls on a perforated plate and pla*e it in the
steamer' Steam for about 16 minutes or until *oo)ed' Co%er and )eep warm'
9' Put the steamed ri*e,flour balls one by one into the idiappam press and press them onto a plate and
let *ool'
:' Ser%e at room temperature'
South 4ndian steamed ri*e dumplings
Soft and spongy idlis >ri*e dumplings? are always ser%ed with sambhar >page =2? and *o*onut *ilantro
*hutney >page 620?' 4t is not diffi*ult to ma)e idlis at home' This hot, healthy sna*) is probably the
lightestAbut also the most fillingAsna*) in the South 4ndian repertoire'
Eou will need an idli steamer for this >page 6/1?M they are readily a%ailable at 4ndian gro*ery stores'
"a)es 20'
1 *up >200 grams? parboiled ri*e
W *up >60 grams? raw short,grain ri*e
U *up >100 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
1 teaspoon table salt
Jegetable oil for the idli trays
1' Put the parboiled ri*e and raw ri*e in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain'
Add = *ups >000 ml? water and soa) for 2 to = hours'
2' Kash and soa) the dal and fenugree) seeds in 1 *up >200 ml? water for 2 to = hours'
=' .rain the dal and fenugree), and put in a food pro*essor with U *up >100 ml? water' Pro*ess to a
smooth and spongy batter' Transfer to a nonsti*) sau*epan'
1' .rain the ri*es and put in the same food pro*essor with 1 *up >200 ml? water' Pro*ess to a slightly
*oarse mi8ture' Transfer to the sau*epan with the dal mi8ture'
6' Add the salt and stir thoroughly in bris) whipping motions so as to aerate the batter well' 4t should
ha%e a pan*a)e batter *onsisten*y'
0' Co%er the pan with a tight lid and set aside in a warm pla*e o%ernight to ferment'
9' 3eat 2 *ups >100 ml? water in a steamer and lightly oil the idli trays' Dently stir the batter and pour it
into the trays, ta)ing *are not to fill the indentations to the brim' Git the trays onto the stand and put in
the steamer' Co%er and steam for about 10 minutes or until a toothpi*) inserted in an idli *omes out
:' Ta)e the idli stand out of the steamer and set aside to *ool slightly' Spoon the idlis out and )eep
them *o%ered with a double layer of damp *heese*loth until it is time to ser%e'
/' Ser%e warm'
&a*h*he &ele &e Cutlet
Dreen banana patties with sweet tamarind *hutney
"arwaris of the prin*ely 4ndian state of !a$asthan are followers of a religion *alled Painism' Pains do not
eat any root %egetables, so in most homes the use of potatoes is taboo, along with onion and garli*' So
what do they do to ma)e potato *utlets, whi*h are a %ery typi*al sna*) around the rest of the *ountry\
They use green bananasO Fnless they are told, guests would ne%er )now that potatoes are missing from
these *utlets' "arwari food is replete with surprises li)e this'
Ser%es 1'
= medium unripe bananas, unpeeled
W *up >10 grams? green peas, fresh or froNen
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
Pin*h of asafetida
W teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 teaspoon table salt
About 1 *up >200 ml? %egetable oil
U *up )ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
1' Kash the bananas and pat dryM do not peel them' Cut ea*h one into = pie*es'
2' Put a steamer with water in the bottom o%er high heat and pla*e the banana pie*es in the top' Co%er
and steam for 10 minutes' Cpen the lid' 4f the peel of the bananas is dar) and the flesh is soft, they are
done' !emo%e from the heat and *arefully spoon the banana pie*es into a large dish' +et *ool to room
=' Pour 2 *ups >100 ml? water in a small sau*epan and bring to a boil o%er medium heat' Add the peas
and *oo) for 2 minutes or until soft and tender' .rain in a *olander'
1' Peel the steamed banana pie*es and pla*e them in a deep bowl' Add the peas and mash them
together using a potato masher or for)' Add the *hiles, asafetida, *hile powder, am*hur, garam masala,
*ilantro, and salt' Combine the mi8ture well, preferably with your hand' .i%ide the mi8ture into 10
portions' Apply U teaspoon of the oil to your palms and shape ea*h portion into a round *utlet about U
in*h >1 *m? thi*)'
6' Pla*e a large nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add 2 to = tablespoons oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, redu*e the heat to medium' Fsing a spatula, lift up a *utlet and pla*e it
in the hot oil' Coo) three or four *utlets at a time for = to 1 minutes or until the underside is light
golden' Turn o%er with the spatula and driNNle some more oil around the edges of the *utlets' Coo) for =
to 1 minutes more or until the other side is light golden' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on
paper towelsM transfer to a ser%ing dish' Coo) the remaining *utlets'
0' Ser%e the *utlets with the *hutney as a dip'
&alla .osas
.osas *oo)ed on an iron griddle
4 admit that my wife, Alyona, is more deft than 4 am at ma)ing thin dosas that *oo) $ust right and are
perfe*tly *risp' +u*)ily, this dosa doesnLt need to be paper thin and is a lot easier to ma)e than most'
These are usually *oo)ed on a griddle *alled a )alla >hen*e the name?, a flat, hea%y *ast,iron griddle'
"a)es :'
1W *ups >260 grams? raw sona masoori ri*e >see (ote?
U *up plus 2 tablespoons >126 grams? parboiled ri*e
2 tablespoons dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1 teaspoon *hana dal >split engal gram?
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
1 tablespoon table salt
1 teaspoons %egetable oil
1' Put both the ri*es in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 Huart >:00 ml?
water and soa) for = to 1 hours'
2' Put the dals and fenugree) seeds in another bowl, wash 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml?
water and soa) for = to 1 hours'
=' .rain the ri*e and transfer to a food pro*essor with 1 *up >200 ml? water' Pro*ess until smooth'
Transfer to a large bowl'
1' .rain the dals and fenugree), and transfer to the food pro*essor with U *up >100 ml? water' Pro*ess
until smooth, then add to the ground ri*e' Khis) the batter well' Add the salt and U *up >100 ml? water,
and whis) again'
6' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and set aside in a warm pla*e o%ernight to ferment'
0' Add 6 tablespoons >96 ml? water and whis) to ma)e a batter of pouring *onsisten*y'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat' Drease it with U teaspoon of the oil' +ower the heat to
low' Pour a ladleful of the batter onto the griddle and do not spread it' Co%er with a dome,shaped lid
and *oo) for 6 minutes or until the underside is lightly browned and the top side is perforated by
bubbles' !epeat with the remaining batter and oil'
:' Ser%e hot'
Sona masoori is a medium,grain ri*e' 4t is lightweight and aromati* and is
*onsidered to be healthier than regular ri*e, as it has less star*h'
&an*hipuram 4dlis
Spi*ed steamed ri*e dumplings
&an*hipuram, where this sna*) is popular, is a *ity in South 4ndia )nown for its resplendent sil) saris that
*ome in gorgeous *olors and feature wo%en,gold borders' The steamed ri*e *a)es ha%e a *olor tinted by
turmeri*, and they ha%e some *run*h and te8ture from the dal and pepper*orns' Ser%e the idlis with
*o*onut *ilantro *hutney >page 620? and sambhar >page =2?'
EouLll need an idli steamer to ma)e this >page 6/1?'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? short,grain ri*e
U *up >100 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
V teaspoon fenugree) seeds
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
=0 bla*) pepper*orns, *oarsely *rushed
2 teaspoons *hana dal >split engal gram?
Pin*h of asafetida
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
U *up >100 grams? ghee >page =9?
1 teaspoon table salt
A few tender banana lea%es
1' Put the ri*e and urad dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add the
fenugree) and = *ups >000 ml? water, and soa) for = to 1 hours' .rain and transfer to a food pro*essor
with U *up >100 ml? water' Pro*ess to a smooth paste of pouring *onsisten*y' Transfer to a large bowl'
2' Add the turmeri*, pepper*orns, *hana dal, asafetida, yogurt, ghee, and salt' Stir well, *o%er, and set
aside to ferment o%ernight'
=' Khis) the batter to aerate it and add W *up >60 ml? water to ad$ust the *onsisten*y' 4t should be fairly
1' 3eat = to 1 *ups >000 to :00 ml? water in a steamer'
6' +ine the indentations in the idli trays with the banana lea%es and pour the batter into them' Pla*e in
the steamer and steam for about 20 minutes or until *oo)ed through'
0' Ser%e hot'
&and &e Patti*e
Purple yam and potato patties
&and, or purple yam, is an e8oti* tuber with a lo%ely smooth te8ture, whi*h 4 *apitaliNe on here in
stuffed patties that are not only beautiful after you *ut into them but also deli*ious' Ser%e them with
sweetened yogurt or pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?'
Ser%es 1'
2 medium purple yams, peeled and boiled
1W teaspoons table salt
9 tablespoons arrowroot powder
2 medium potatoes, *oo)ed and peeled
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
6 or 0 bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
9 or : *ashews, finely *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 tablespoon raisins
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
U *up >100 ml? %egetable oil
1' Drate the yams into a bowl' Add U teaspoon of the salt and 6 tablespoons >=0 ml? of the arrowroot
powder, and )nead well' .i%ide into : portions'
2' Drate the potatoes into another bowl' Add U teaspoon of the salt and U tablespoon of the arrowroot
powder, and )nead well' .i%ide into : portions' Spread the remaining arrowroot powder on a plate'
=' "a)e the stuffing5 Put the *o*onut in a third bowl' Add the pepper*orns, *ashews, *hiles, ginger,
raisins, and the remaining W teaspoon salt, and *ombine well' Add the *ilantro and *ombine well' .i%ide
into : portions'
1' Ta)e one portion of potato, roll lightly in the arrowroot powder, and spread it on your palm' Pla*e a
portion of the stuffing o%er the potato, gather the edges, and shape into a ball' Ta)e a portion of the
yam mi8ture, roll lightly in the arrowroot powder, and spread it on your palm' Pla*e the stuffed potato
ball in the *enter, gather the edges, and shape into a ball' Pla*e the ball on a flat surfa*e and gently
flatten it into a =,in*h patty' Dently roll the sides so that they are e%en and smooth' !epeat with the
remaining stuffing, potato, and yam mi8tures' (ote that you *an ma)e these in ad%an*e and refrigerate
them until you are ready to *oo) and ser%e'
6' Sprin)le the remaining arrowroot powder o%er the patties'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add one patty and *oo) for 1 minute on ea*h side, or until *risp and
lightly browned' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' !epeat with the remaining
patties and oil' Ser%e hot'
&anda ha$ia
Crisp onion fritters
Street food in "umbai does not stop at bhelpuri >page :1?' 4n fa*t, one %endor may offer three or four
different freshly made sna*)s' There is always a huge *rowd waiting for these *oo)ed fritters that,
indeed, sell li)e hot*a)es'
"a)es =0'
1 large red onions, sli*ed
1 teaspoon table salt
V *up >96 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
= tablespoons ri*e flour
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon a$wain
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Put the onions in a bowl and toss with the salt' Set aside for 10 minutes'
2' Add the besan, ri*e flour, *hile powder, *umin, *oriander, turmeri*, a$wain, and *ilantro, and stir
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium' .rop teaspoonfuls of the onion mi8ture into the hot oil, ta)ing *are not
to *rowd them' Coo), stirring o**asionally with a slotted spoon, until golden brown and *risp' !emo%e
with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Ser%e hot'
&anda Poha
Cnions and pressed ri*e
Khen in "aharashtra, eat as the lo*als do5 &anda poha is an ine8pensi%e, easy,to,prepare dish that is
great for brea)fast or as an afternoon sna*)' &anda is the "arathi word for Sonions,T and poha is
pressed ri*e >a%ailable at 4ndian gro*ery stores?' Eou *an add fresh pomegranate arils or *orn )ernels,
you *an omit the potato and peas, you *an garnish this dish with thin *hi*)pea,flour se%, you *an ser%e
it driNNled with )et*hup ' ' ' this is a %ery fle8ible re*ipeO
Ser%es 1'
=U *ups >100 grams? thi*) poha >pressed ri*e?
1U teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon sugar
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
W *up >10 grams? raw peanuts
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
Pin*h of asafetida
0 or 9 fresh *urry lea%es
1 medium red onions, *hopped
0 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
W teaspoon red *hile powder
1 medium potato, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
W *up >10 grams? blan*hed green peas >optional?
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the poha in a *olander and wash it under running water' The poha should be moist but not
mashed' .rain well' Add the salt and sugar, and toss gently' Set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? of the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and add the peanuts' Coo) for = to 1 minutes or until
lightly browned and *risp' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the *umin, asafetida,
and *urry lea%es, and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
1' Add the onions and sautQ for : minutes or until the onions are lightly browned'
6' Add the *hiles and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the turmeri* and *hile powder, and stir well' Add the
potato and stir' Coo) for 9 minutes or until the potato is tender'
0' Add the peanuts and peas, and stir' Add the poha and stir gently' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and
*oo) for 9 minutes or until the poha is heated through'
9' Add the lemon $ui*e and stir gently'
:' Transfer the poha to a ser%ing bowl, garnish with the *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
&an$i ada
+entil dumplings soa)ed in sour water
4 ha%e eaten this dish so many times, and yet whene%er it is ser%ed to me, 4 wonder if it is a drin) or a
sna*)' Khi*he%er way you loo) at it, this is a sour preparation that really whets the appetite' The badas
are made of lentils ground with spi*es, shaped into small balls, and deep,fried' They are then soa)ed in
)an$i, a fermented water spi*ed with ground mustard and red *hile powder'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the )an$i5
1U tablespoons bla*) mustard seeds, *oarsely ground
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1U teaspoons bla*) salt
Gor the badas5
U *up plus 2 tablespoons >126 grams? dhuli moong dal >split s)inless green gram?
17: teaspoon asafetida
U teaspoon *oriander seeds, *oarsely ground
U teaspoon fennel seeds, *oarsely ground
U teaspoon fresh green *hile paste >page 1=?
1U tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
Pin*h of ba)ing powder
V teaspoon table salt
: bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' "a)e the )an$i5 Combine the mustard seeds, *hile powder, and bla*) salt in a large bowl' Add 2U
*ups >600 ml? water and stir well' Co%er and set aside for about 2 days to ferment' Taste to see if it has
turned sour' Khen the water is sour, put it in the refrigerator'
2' "a)e the badas5 Put the dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1U *ups
>=00 ml? water and soa) for = hours' .rain the dal and put in a spi*e grinder' Drind to a smooth paste
without adding any e8tra water'
=' Transfer the paste to a large bowl' Add the asafetida, *oriander, fennel, *hile paste, *ilantro, ba)ing
powder, salt, and pepper*orns, and stir well' Khis) the batter with your hands for 10 to 16 minutes to
ma)e it light'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), drop the batter, a tablespoon at a time, into the hot oil' Coo) o%er medium heat until golden
brown, turning freHuently with a slotted spoon' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper
towels' +et the badas *ool *ompletely'
6' Soa) the badas in 1U *ups >=00 ml? plain water for 6 minutes' SHueeNe gently, then submerge them
in the )an$i' Co%er the bowl with the lid and *hill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours' Ser%e *old'
&asoori Paneer Ti))a
Paneer marinated in spi*y yogurt and grilled
.ried fenugree) lea%es, *alled )asoori methi, are belie%ed to ha%e first been used in a pro%in*e in
Pa)istan, and perhaps this is where the %ersatile herb gets its name' 4n 4ndia, it is ine8pensi%e and a
must,ha%e for the spi*e shelf' !oast it and *rush it to release the ma8imum fla%or' 4t is best added during
the last stages of *oo)ing' 4t marries well with onions, tomatoes, *hi*)en, *ream, and paneer'
Ser%es 1'
/ oun*es >260 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
1 medium green bell pepper, seeded
1 medium red onion
1 medium tomato, seeded
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
2 tablespoons pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
1 teaspoon fresh green *hile paste >page 1=?
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
2 tablespoons )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?, roasted and *rushed
2 tablespoons roasted *hana dal, finely ground
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Cut the paneer, bell pepper, onion, and tomato into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es' Separate the layers of the
onion pie*es'
2' Stir together the yogurt, *hutney, *hile paste, ginger paste, garli* paste, turmeri*, garam masala, U
teaspoon of the *haat masala, the )asoori methi, dal, *ream, and salt in a large bowl' Add the paneer
and stir gently' +et marinate for about 16 minutes'
=' Put the mustard oil in a nonsti*) wo) and pla*e o%er medium heat' Khen it begins to smo)e, remo%e
from the heat and let *ool *ompletely' Stir the mustard oil into the paneer'
1' Soa) a few wooden s)ewers in water for 16 minutes'
6' Thread the bell pepper, paneer, tomato, and onion onto the s)ewers'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the %egetable oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, pla*e the s)ewers on it and *oo), turning a few times so that the ti))as *oo)
e%enly on all sides until the paneer is golden'
9' Arrange on a plate, sprin)le with the remaining U teaspoon *haat masala and the lemon $ui*e, and
ser%e immediately'
Crisp flatbreads
4n a typi*al Du$arati home, lefto%er rotis >griddle breads? are roasted until *risp to ma)e )ha)hra'
Today these are *ommer*ially a%ailable in many fla%ors' 4 always )eep a sna*) bo8 full of )ha)hras in
my offi*e to mun*h on' They ma)e a great sna*) instead of potato *hips'
"a)es 16'
2 *ups >160 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons *rushed )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
About 6 tablespoons %egetable oil
1' Put the flour and salt in a deep bowl' Add the )asoori methi and = tablespoons of the oil' Add 1 *up
>200 ml? water and )nead to ma)e a stiff dough' Co%er with a double layer of damp *heese*loth and let
rest for 16 minutes'
2' .i%ide the dough into 16 eHual portions and shape into balls' !oll out into thin 0,in*h >16,*m? rounds,
using a few drops of oil on the rolling pin to ease the rolling, as the dough tends to be sti*)y'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er low heat' After 2 minutes, pla*e 1 dough round on it and *oo) o%er low
heat, holding it down for =0 se*onds at a time using a potato masher' >4n 4ndia they use a wooden press,
but a masher will wor) well'? Turn the round o%er and *oo) using the pressure of the masher' At this
stage it helps to driNNle a few drops of oil around the edges of the dough' Coo) until *risp, with tiny
brown fle*)s on both sides'
1' +et *ool to room temperature, then store in an airtight *ontainer for up to 1 wee)s'
&ha)hras *an be made with different fla%orsAgarli*, pa% bha$i masala, *haat
masala, fresh fenugree) lea%es, fresh spina*h lea%es, tomato, and so on'
&haman .ho)la
Germented besan batter, steamed and tempered
Khen it *omes to *hoosing my fa%orite Du$arati sna*), 4 would put this one right after )hand%i >page
1=1?' Khen 4 married Alyona, she introdu*ed me to these sa%ories from her home state'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >100 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
1 teaspoon table salt
1 green *hile, stemmed and *hopped
V,in*h >1U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
U teaspoon ba)ing soda
U tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons s*raped fresh *o*onut
1' Put the besan in a bowl' Add the yogurt and 0 tablespoons warm water and whis) well so that there
are no lumps' The mi8ture should ha%e a slightly thi*) *onsisten*y' Add the salt, stir, and *o%er the bowl
with a lid' Set aside to ferment for = to 1 hours'
2' Put the *hiles, ginger, and 1 tablespoon water in a spi*e grinder, and grind to a paste'
=' To the besan mi8ture, add the turmeri* and *hile,ginger paste, and stir well'
1' Pla*e a steamer o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Drease a dho)la plate or a shallow
*a)e pan with 1 teaspoon of the oil'
6' Stir the ba)ing soda, 1 teaspoon of the oil, and the lemon $ui*e together in a small bowl' Add to the
besan mi8ture and whis) bris)ly'
0' Pour the batter into the greased plate or *a)e pan and pla*e it in the steamer' Co%er and steam for 10
to 12 minutes or until a s)ewer inserted in the *enter of the *a)e *omes out *lean'
9' !emo%e the plate or *a)e pan from the steamer and set aside to *ool slightly' Cut the *a)e into 1U,
in*h >1,*m? sHuares and pla*e these dho)las in a ser%ing bowl or plate'
:' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 teaspoons oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen the seeds begin to
sputter, remo%e from the heat and pour o%er the dho)las'
/' Darnish with the *ilantro and *o*onut, and ser%e warm'
esan roll,ups
This is a deli*ious, beautiful, bright yellow sa%ory roll,up dish from Du$arat, in the western part of 4ndia' 4
learned to ma)e this dish from my wife, who ma)es it better than anyone 4 )now' "a)ing )hand%i is an
art5 4t ta)es some pra*ti*e to )now when the besan batter is *oo)ed to the *orre*t *onsisten*y' The
roll,ups *an be refrigerated for 1 to 0 hours before the tempering and garnishes are added, but are best
ser%ed immediately'
Ser%es 1'
1W *ups >126 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and hal%ed
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
U teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
Pin*h of asafetida
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
2 tablespoons grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Sift the besan into a deep bowl and set aside'
2' Put the ginger and the *hiles in a spi*e grinder with 1 teaspoon water, and grind to a smooth paste'
=' Fsing 1 tablespoon of the oil for ea*h, grease the re%erse sides of 2 large stainless,steel thalis
>plates?' 4nstead, you may grease a marble tabletop'
1' Put the yogurt in a small bowl and add U *up >100 ml? water' Khis) until smooth' Set aside'
6' Add the ginger,*hile paste to the besan along with the salt, turmeri*, lemon $ui*e, yogurt mi8ture,
and asafetida' Khis) to ma)e a smooth batter with no lumps'
0' Pour the besan mi8ture into a large nonsti*) sautQ pan' Pla*e it o%er medium heat and *oo) for 6 to
: minutes, stirring *ontinuously, then lower the heat to low' Coo), stirring *ontinuously, for : minutes or
until the mi8ture is thi*)' To *he*) if the batter is *oo)ed, ta)e about U teaspoonful of it and spread it
thinly on the oiled surfa*e' +et it *ool for 1 minute' Then lift it off the surfa*e by rolling it up' 4f the
batter *omes off the surfa*e it means that it is *oo)ed enough'
9' !emo%e from the heat and, wor)ing Hui*)ly, spread half of the batter o%er the greased re%erse side of
one thali and the remaining half o%er the other thali, as thinly as possible, while the batter is still hot'
+et *ool *ompletely'
:' Cut into strips 2 in*hes wide and roll them up tightly' Pi*) up ea*h roll gently and pla*e in a ser%ing
/' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Khen
small bubbles begin to appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter,
pour this tempering o%er the rolled,up pie*es'
10' Sprin)le with the *o*onut and *ilantro, and ser%e immediately'
&hubani &e Shammi
Apri*ot,stuffed potatoes
These )ebabs ha%e a soft heart be*ause of the stuffing in the *enter' The *hiles and pepper balan*e the
sweetness of the apri*ot'
"a)es 12'
W *up >60 grams? dried apri*ots
W *up >60 grams? )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil)M page =9?, *rumbled
W *up >60 ml? plus 2 teaspoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
W teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
= tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 teaspoon table salt
1 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
W *up *ornstar*h
1' Soa) the apri*ots in 1 *up >200 ml? water for 1 hour' .rain and finely *hop' Transfer to a bowl, add the
)hoya, and stir'
2' Pla*e a shallow nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 teaspoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen it begins to *hange *olor, add the
ginger, *hiles, garam masala, and pepper' Stir well and remo%e from the heat' Set aside to *ool'
=' Add the ginger,*hile mi8ture to the apri*ot,)hoya mi8ture' Add the *ilantro and U teaspoon of the
salt, and stir well' .i%ide into 12 portions'
1' Put the mashed potatoes in another bowl' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt and stir well' .i%ide
into 12 portions'
6' !oll ea*h portion of potato into a ball and flatten into a round dis)' Pla*e a portion of apri*ot,)hoya
mi8ture in the *enter, gather the edges to en*lose the filling, and seal well' Dently roll into a ball again
and flatten slightly'
0' Put the *ornstar*h on a plate and roll the )ebabs in it' Sha)e off the e8*ess and set aside on another
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining W *up >60 ml? oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, gently slide in the )ebabs, a few at a time, and *oo), turning
*ontinuously, for 1 to 6 minutes or until golden brown on both sides'
:' Ser%e hot'
+ehsuni Tandoori Aloo
Crisp stuffed potatoes
This re*ipe may seem a little elaborate on first reading, but the a*tual preparation is Huite simple' This
unusual, beautifully presented %egetarian dish is %ery popular in my Eellow Chilli restaurants'
Ser%es 0'
Gor the potato shells and filling5
: small potatoes
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *araway seeds
10 to 12 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1 medium red onion, *hopped
1 teaspoon table salt
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 oun*es >100 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, grated
U *up >10 grams? grated mild white *heese
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
Gor the marinade5
1 *up >296 grams? plain Dree) yogurt
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2U teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
W *up >=6 grams? ground dalia >roasted *hana dal, store,bought?
1 tablespoon filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
Gor ba)ing and ser%ing5
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
"elted butter for basting
2 teaspoons *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1' "a)e the potato shells and filling5 Peel the potatoes' Kith a sharp )nife or the peeler, s*oop out the
flesh from the *enter of one side of ea*h potato to ma)e a hollow' "in*e the trimmings'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? of the %egetable oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium, add the hollowed potatoes, and
*oo), stirring o**asionally with a slotted spoon, for = minutes or until lightly browned' !emo%e with the
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *araway, garli*, and onion, and sautQ for 2 to =
1' Add the *hopped potato trimmings and sautQ for : minutes' Add the salt and stir well'
6' Add the ginger and *hiles, and *oo) for 2 minutes' !emo%e from the heat and transfer the mi8ture to
a bowl'
0' Add the paneer, *heese, and *ilantro' Stir well and set aside'
9' "a)e the marinade5 Combine the yogurt, ginger paste, garli* paste, lemon $ui*e, salt, *hile powder,
garam masala, dalia, and mustard oil in a large bowl'
:' a)e and ser%e the potatoes5 Preheat the o%en to 126XG7220XC' Drease a ba)ing sheet with 1
tablespoon of the oil'
/' Stuff the filling into the hollowed potatoes' Put the stuffed potatoes in the marinade and turn to *oat
them well on all sides'
10' Pla*e them upright on the ba)ing sheet' .riNNle with the remaining 1 tablespoon oil and ba)e in the
preheated o%en for about 16 minutes'
11' aste with butter and ba)e for 6 minutes'
12' 3al%e ea*h potato and pla*e on a ser%ing platter' Sprin)le with the *haat masala and ser%e hot'
"a)ai, adam, Aur A)hrot &i Ti))i
Corn, almond, and walnut patties
3yderabadi food is the royal *uisine of 4ndiaAand royalty indulges in ri*h foods' This probably e8plains
the nuts and *heese in this dish, and also the e8oti* lotus root and sweet *orn' 4t ta)es time to prepare
and assemble all the ingredients, but the payoff is worth itO Ser%e the patties a**ompanied by pudina
aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?'
"a)es 20'
9 oun*es >200 grams? *anned lotus root >see (ote?
1U *ups >226 grams? fresh or *anned *orn )ernels
20 almonds, blan*hed and peeled >page 10?
About 2 *ups >100 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *araway seeds
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
1 teaspoon ground fennel
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
=U oun*es >100 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, grated
1 teaspoon table salt
U *up >10 grams? grated mild white *heddar *heese
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
10 walnut hal%es, *hopped
21 raisins, *hopped
1' .rain the lotus root, transfer to a food pro*essor, and pro*ess to a paste' Set aside in a bowl'
2' .rain the *orn if using *anned, transfer to the pro*essor, and pro*ess to a paste' Set aside in a bowl'
=' Put the almonds in the food pro*essor, pro*ess to a paste, and set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the wo), add the *araway and sautQ for =0 se*onds or until fragrant' Add the lotus root
paste, *orn paste, and almond paste, and sautQ for 10 minutes or until the mi8ture is %ery thi*)'
6' Add the *hile powder, pepper, fennel, garam masala, and *haat masala, and stir well' Add the
paneer and salt, and stir well' Coo) until the mi8ture lea%es the sides of the wo) and loo)s well
0' !emo%e from the heat, and add the *heddar *heese, lemon $ui*e, ginger, and *ilantro' +et *ool'
9' .i%ide the mi8ture into 20 portions and shape into smooth balls' Stuff the balls with walnuts and
raisins and roll into balls again' Glatten them slightly into patties'
:' Pla*e a large nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 to = tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, pla*e 1 patties in the pan and *oo) for = to 1 minutes or until
the undersides are lightly golden' Turn with a spatula and driNNle some more oil around the edges of the
patties' Coo) for = to 1 minutes or until the other side is lightly golden' .rain on paper towels' !epeat
with the remaining patties'
/' Ser%e immediately'
4f using fresh lotus roots, *lean them thoroughly by s*rubbing them well under
running water' Peel them and then *hop roughly' oil in 2 *ups >100 ml? water in a nonsti*) sau*epan
o%er medium heat for 10 minutes or until soft' .rain and let *ool'
"asala .osas
+entil and ri*e pan*a)es stuffed with spi*y potatoes
This has got to be one of the most popular sna*)s in 4ndia, and 4 thin) that learning to ma)e this dish is
the perfe*t introdu*tion to South 4ndian *uisine' .onLt be intimidated, be*ause the dosas ta)e some
pra*ti*e to get right5 The )ey lies in the proper seasoning of the griddle' Cften the first *ouple of dosas
donLt wor) out, so )eep tryingAthe rest will li)ely go more smoothly' Ser%e with *o*onut *ilantro
*hutney >page 620? and sambhar >page =2?'
"a)es :'
Gor the dosa batter5
1 *up plus 6 tablespoons >296 grams? parboiled ri*e
2 tablespoons raw short,grain ri*e
U *up >100 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds >optional?
1W teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoons %egetable oil
Gor the potato bha$i5
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon asafetida
2 teaspoons *hana dal >split engal gram?
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
16 fresh *urry lea%es
2 large red onions, *hopped
0 large potatoes, boiled, peeled, and *ubed
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons table salt
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' "a)e the dosa batter5 Put the parboiled and raw ri*es in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or =
times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml? water and soa) for at least 1 hours' Kash the dal and fenugree)
seeds, and soa) in 1U *ups >=00 ml? water for 1 hours'
2' .rain the ri*es and dal separately' Put the ri*es in a food pro*essor with 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and
pro*ess until smooth' Transfer to a large bowl' Put the dal and fenugree) in the food pro*essor with W
*up >60 ml? water and grind to a smooth paste' Add to the ri*e paste'
=' Add the salt and stir the batter thoroughly with your hand in a whipping motion to aerate the
mi8ture' Co%er the bowl tightly and set aside to ferment for 0 hours or up to o%ernight'
1' "a)e the potato bha$i5 Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the wo), add the mustard seeds' Khen the seeds begin to sputter, add the
asafetida and dal, and sautQ until lightly browned' Add the *hiles, *urry lea%es, and onions, and sautQ
until the onions are lightly browned' Add the potatoes, turmeri*, and salt' Stir well' Sprin)le with 2
tablespoons water and *oo) until the potatoes are heated through' Add the *ilantro and lemon $ui*e,
and stir well'
6' Pla*e a flat nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and grease with a little oil' Pour in a ladleful of batter
and spread the dosa batter as thinly as possible'
0' Pour U teaspoon oil around the dosa and *oo) until *risp on the edges and golden brown' !epeat
with the remaining batter and oil'
9' Pla*e about 1 tablespoons of the potato bha$i in the *enter of the dosa, fold the two ends o%er the
bha$i, and ser%e immediately'
"edu Kadas
Sa%ory doughnuts
Ke rarely deep,fry at our home, but the desire for these *risp yet spongy lentil fritters ma)es us get the
wo) outO 4n angalore restaurants, medu wadas are ser%ed for brea)fast alongside soft idlis >page
120?, all dun)ed in fragrant sambhar >page =2? and a**ompanied with *o*onut *ilantro *hutney >page
620?' To get the spongiest wadas possible, it is important to ma)e the paste without adding water and
to whis) it well in order to aerate it before frying'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1U teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon asafetida
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es, *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Put the dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and
soa) for = to 1 hours' .rain well'
2' Put the dal in a food pro*essor' Add the salt, asafetida, *urry lea%es, green *hiles, and W *up >60 ml?
water, and pro*ess to a thi*), smooth paste'
=' Transfer the paste to a bowl' Add the *ilantro and stir well'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium'
6' .ampen your palms and ta)e a little of the paste in one palm' Shape into a ball and ma)e a hole in the
*enter with your thumb >li)e a doughnut?' !epeat with the remaining paste'
0' Dently lower these wadas, a few at a time, into the hot oil and *oo), turning freHuently with a
slotted spoon, until *risp and golden brown' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
9' Ser%e hot'
The wadas should not be fried o%er high heat or they will brown on the outside
but remain un*oo)ed inside' They should be *risp on the outside and *oo)ed and fluffy inside'
"ir*hi ha$iya
atter,fried stuffed green *hiles
3ere is the )ey to this re*ipe5 !emo%e the seeds and white pith inside the *hiles, for that inno*uous little
white fleshy part is e%en hotter than the seeds' This simple step will tame the *hile and ma)e it more
"a)es :'
V *up >96 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
V teaspoon ba)ing powder
W teaspoon asafetida
V teaspoon red *hile powder
1U teaspoons table salt
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 or 6 *lo%es garli*, *rushed
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 large potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
: large green *hiles, slit and seeded
1' Put the besan, ba)ing powder, asafetida, *hile powder, V teaspoon of the salt, and 1 *up >200 ml?
water in a large bowl and whis) well to ma)e a smooth batter' Set the batter aside for about 10
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the
garli* and sautQ o%er medium heat until fragrant' Add the turmeri* and mashed potatoes and stir well'
Add the remaining V teaspoon salt and stir' !emo%e from the heat and set aside to *ool'
=' .i%ide the mi8ture into : portions and stuff ea*h portion into a slit *hile'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium' .ip ea*h *hile in the batter and gently slide it into the
hot oil' Coo) 1 *hiles at a time, turning with a slotted spoon a few times, for 1 to 6 minutes or until
golden and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
6' Ser%e immediately'
"ysore "asala .osas
Crisp and spi*y ri*e pan*a)es, "ysore style
4n this re*ipe, a thin pan*a)e of lightly fermented ri*e batter is stuffed with a garli*)y red *hutney and
potato bha$i >spi*ed mashed potatoes?' Khile there is no dearth of dosa %ariations in the traditional
regional *uisines of 4ndia, modern twists on the *lassi* dosa,*hutney,%egetable *ombination are
showing up in urban eateries, where youLll find *on*o*tions li)e Ameri*an *hop suey dosa and Chinese
*how mein dosa'
"a)es :'
Gor the dosa batter5
1 *up plus 6 tablespoons >296 grams? parboiled ri*e
2 tablespoons raw short,grain ri*e
U *up >100 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds >optional?
1W teaspoons table salt
Gor the red *hutney5
U *up >100 grams? roasted *hana dal >split engal gram?
: *lo%es garli*
6 or 0 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon table salt
Gor the potato bha$i5
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
W teaspoon asafetida
1 teaspoon *hana dal >split engal gram?
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
: fresh *urry lea%es
1 large red onion, *hopped
= small potatoes, boiled, peeled, and *ubed
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
Gor *oo)ing and ser%ing5
1 *up >200 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 large green bell pepper, seeded and *hopped
2 large tomatoes, *hopped
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
W *up >00 grams? butter
1' "a)e the dosa batter5 Put the parboiled and raw ri*es in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or =
times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml? water and soa) for at least 1 and up to : hours' 4n a separate bowl,
wash the dal and fenugree) >if using?, drain, and soa) in 1U *ups >=00 ml? water for 1 hours'
2' .rain the ri*e and dal separately' Put the ri*e in a food pro*essor with 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and
pro*ess until smooth' Transfer to a large bowl' Transfer the dal and fenugree) to the food pro*essor
with W *up >60 ml? water, and pro*ess to a smooth paste' Add to the ri*e paste'
=' Add the salt and stir well with your hand in a whis)ing motion to aerate the batter' Co%er the bowl
tightly and set aside to ferment for 0 hours or up to o%ernight'
1' "a)e the red *hutney5 Put the dal, garli*, red *hiles, lemon $ui*e, salt, and *umin in a spi*e grinder,
and grind to a smooth paste' Transfer to a bowl and set aside'
6' "a)e the potato bha$i5 Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the wo), add the mustard seeds' Khen the seeds begin to sputter, add the
asafetida and *hana dal, and sautQ until lightly browned'
0' Add the *hiles, *urry lea%es, and onions, and sautQ until the onions are lightly browned' Add the
potatoes, turmeri*, and salt' Stir well' Sprin)le with 2 tablespoons water and *oo) until the potatoes are
heated through' Add the *ilantro and lemon $ui*e, and stir well'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat' .riNNle 2 or = drops of oil on the griddle, then wipe it *lean
with a *loth' +et the griddle heat for 2 to = minutes o%er medium heat'
:' Pour a small ladleful of the batter onto the griddle and spread e%enly with the ba*) of the ladle to
ma)e an :,in*h dosa' .riNNle U teaspoon oil around the dosa and *oo) o%er low heat for =0 se*onds'
/' Spread 1 teaspoon of the *hutney o%er the dosa' Put some of the potato bha$i in the *enter of the
dosa and top with some of the onions, bell peppers, and tomatoes' Sprin)le 17: teaspoon of the *hile
powder and U teaspoon of the *haat masala o%er the potato mi8ture and stir gently' .rop U
tablespoon of the butter o%er the potato mi8ture and stir and mash lightly with a potato masher, ta)ing
*are not to damage the dosa' Spread the mi8ture o%er the dosa'
10' Coo) the dosa o%er low heat until the underside is golden and *risp'
11' Dently fold o%er one side of the dosa and transfer it to a ser%ing plate' !epeat with the remaining
batter and filling' Cut into pie*es and ser%e immediately'
a)ed 4ndian bis*uits
These salty bis*uits are ser%ed at teatime in 4ndia' Traditionally they are deep,fried, but 4 present a
healthier alternati%e here'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >96 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
U *up >00 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour, plus e8tra for dusting
U teaspoon ba)ing powder
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?, softened
V teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon a$wain, *rushed
Jegetable oil for greasing the ba)ing sheet
1' Put the two flours and ba)ing powder in a bowl, and stir to *ombine' Add the ghee and rub it in with
your fingertips until the mi8ture resembles bread *rumbs'
2' Add the salt and a$wain' Add W *up plus 2 tablespoons >:0 ml? *old water and )nead to ma)e a stiff
dough' Co%er the dough and let it rest for 16 minutes'
=' Sprin)le some flour on a flat surfa*e and roll out the dough into a W,in*h,thi*) >U,*m,thi*)? dis)'
1' Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC' Drease a ba)ing sheet with a little oil and sprin)le some more flour
on it'
6' Cut the dough into diamond,shaped pie*es' Pla*e them on the ba)ing sheet and ba)e in the middle of
the o%en for 16 to 20 minutes'
0' +et *ool to room temperature before ser%ing, or store in an airtight *ontainer for up to 9 days'
To fry the bis*uits, heat 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil in a nonsti*) wo)' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the wo), slide in the diamond,shaped dough pie*es and *oo) until
golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon, drain on paper towels until *ool, and ser%e'
Pala) .ho)las
Steamed spina*h pan*a)es
"y mother,in,law, who li%es in Pune, in the state of "aharashtra, is an inno%ati%e *oo)M this is her
re*ipe' 4 often %isit Pune for wor), and 4 lo%e to stop by my in,lawsL house to see them and try all of my
mother,in,lawLs tasty treats'
Eou will need a spe*ial dho)la steamer for this >see (ote page 101 for details?' Ser%e these dho)las
with *hutney'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
2 *ups >600 grams? plain yogurt
1 pound >160 grams? fresh spina*h lea%es
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon sugar
W teaspoon asafetida
1 teaspoon fruit salt >su*h as Bno brand, or use ba)ing soda?
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 teaspoons %egetable oil, plus more for greasing the steamer plates
1' Pla*e the dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 1 or 2 times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml? water
and soa) for 1 to 0 hours' .rain and pla*e in a food pro*essor with the yogurt' Pro*ess to a smooth
paste' Transfer to a large bowl'
2' Thoroughly wash the spina*h lea%es under running water and drain well'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water' Khen it *omes to a rapid
boil, add the spina*h and *oo) for 1 minute' .rain in a *olander and refresh under running water' +et
drain for =0 minutes' Chop *oarsely and put in a food pro*essor' Pro*ess to a paste and add to the dal'
1' Add the *hiles, table salt, sugar, and asafetida, and stir well'
6' Drease the dho)la steamer plates with oil' 3eat 2 *ups >100 ml? water in the steamer pot'
0' Stir the fruit salt and lemon $ui*e together, add the mi8ture to the batter, and stir' Add 2 teaspoons oil
and stir'
9' Pour the batter into the plates, fit them on the stand, and pla*e the stand in the steamer' Co%er and
steam for 16 minutes or until the moisture has dried and the mi8ture has *oo)ed through'
:' +et *ool slightly, *ut into pie*es, and ser%e'
Pala) &e Pa)ora
atter,fried spina*h lea%es
Pa)oras are fritters that )now no boundaries' 4f itLs a %egetable, you *an ma)e a pa)ora out of it' Sli*e
it, dip it in a batter of *hi*)pea flour, and then deep,fry it'
4 first tasted these spina*h pa)oras at my sisterLs house' She would painsta)ingly pi*) up one leaf at a
time, dip it in the batter, and fry it'
"a)es 10'
10 fresh spina*h lea%es with stems
2 *ups >200 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
U teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon fresh green *hile paste >page 1=?
U teaspoon a$wain
Pin*h of asafetida
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Pat the spina*h dry'
2' Put the besan in a bowl and add the salt, *hile powder, turmeri*, *hile paste, a$wain, and asafetida'
Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and whis) well to ma)e a thin batter without any lumps'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium' .ip ea*h spina*h leaf in the batter and gently slide it into the hot oil,
two or three at a time' Coo), turning with a slotted spoon a few times, for 6 minutes or until golden
brown and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Ser%e immediately'
Paneer Chutney Pa)ora
Spi*y batter,fried paneer
The effort in assembling this pa)ora >fritter? is worth it' "a)e these in large Huantities when you ha%e
your friends o%er be*ause they will disappear fast' 4f youLd li)e, you *an repla*e the green *hutney used
here with *hile garli* *hutney >page 61/?'
"a)es 20'
/ oun*es >260 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
1 medium bun*h fresh *ilantro
1 medium bun*h fresh mint
0 green *hiles, stemmed
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
2 *lo%es garli*
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1U teaspoons table salt
1 *up >200 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 to 2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and *rushed
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1' Cut the paneer into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes'
2' !oughly *hop the *ilantro, mint, 1 of the green *hiles, half of the ginger, and 1 *lo%e of garli*' Put
them in a food pro*essor with 1 tablespoon of the lemon $ui*e and 1 teaspoon of the salt, and pro*ess
to ma)e a smooth *hutney'
=' Separately pro*ess the remaining ginger, garli*, and 2 green *hiles to a smooth paste'
1' Put the besan, turmeri*, red *hiles, ginger,garli*[green *hile paste, and the remaining U teaspoon
salt in a large bowl' Add the remaining 1 tablespoon lemon $ui*e and 1 tablespoon of the oil, and stir'
Add U *up >100 ml? water to ma)e a thi*) batter' Set aside'
6' Spread the *hutney on either side of the paneer pie*es'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium' .ip the paneer in the batter and gently slide them into
the hot oil, one or two at a time' Coo), turning with a slotted spoon a few times, for 2 to = minutes or
until golden brown and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
9' Stir together the *hile powder and *haat masala, and sprin)le the mi8ture o%er the pa)oras' Ser%e
Paneer .i Soti oti
atter,fried paneer s)ewers
Paneer di soti boti means Spaneer on a sti*)'T To )eep the s)ewered foods together, ma)e sure the
batter is Huite thin so it doesnLt weigh down the loaded wooden s)ewer when you dip it in the oil' Ser%e
these with pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?'
"a)es 10'
9 oun*es >200 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 large onion, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? sHuares
1 large tomato, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? sHuares
1 large green bell pepper, seeded and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? sHuares
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons table salt
1 *up >100 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
W *up >06 grams? plain yogurt
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Put the paneer, onion, tomato, and bell pepper in a deep bowl' Add 1 teaspoon of the *hile powder,
the lemon $ui*e, 1 teaspoon of the ginger paste, 1 teaspoon of the garli* paste, and U teaspoon of the
salt, and stir gently' Set aside to marinate for 16 minutes'
2' Thread the paneer and %egetables onto wooden s)ewers in the following order5 onion, paneer,
tomato, bell pepper, paneer, and bell pepper' Set the s)ewers aside on a plate'
=' Put the besan, the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, remaining 1 teaspoon *hile powder, the turmeri*,
*haat masala, remaining 1 teaspoon ginger paste, and remaining 1 teaspoon garli* paste in a bowl' Stir
1' Add U *up >100 ml? water and stir' Add the yogurt and stir again' Add more water to ad$ust the
*onsisten*y of the batter if ne*essary'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium' .ip the s)ewers into the batter and slide them into the hot oil, one or
two at a time' Coo) until golden and *risp, turning freHuently with a slotted spoon' !emo%e with the
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
0' Ser%e immediately'
Paneer !olls
Spi*y *heese,and,potato rolls
This is a re*ipe that my wife, Alyona, and 4 *reated a while ago' Ke were ha%ing a party at home and
were reasonably sure that there were some paneer fans on our guest list' (ow we ha%e e%en more
paneer fans among our *ir*le of friendsO
"a)es 12'
V tablespoon raisins
9 oun*es >200 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, grated
2 medium potatoes, peeled, boiled, and mashed
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
V teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
V teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1 teaspoon table salt
= tablespoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
V *up >:0 grams? bread *rumbs
1 large egg
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Soa) the raisins in U *up >100 ml? warm water for 16 minutes' .rain'
2' Combine the paneer, mashed potatoes, *hiles, *ilantro, *hile powder, garam masala, *haat masala,
salt, and raisins in a bowl'
=' .i%ide into 12 portions and shape ea*h into a *ylindri*al *roHuette'
1' Spread out the maida and bread *rumbs on two separate plates'
6' Put the egg in a bowl and whis) until smooth' !oll the *roHuettes in the flour, then dip in the egg,
then roll in the bread *rumbs'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium' Dently slide the *roHuettes into the hot oil, two or three at a time'
Coo), turning with a slotted spoon a few times, until golden brown and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted
spoon and drain on paper towels'
9' Ser%e immediately'
Paneer Ti))a &athi !olls
Spi*y *heese *ubes wrapped in whole,wheat griddle bread
4n &ol)ata, )athi rolls >rotis filled with a %ariety of stuffings? are a street food that sells li)e hot*a)es'
ut 4 li)e to ma)e this spe*ial paneer %ersion at home'
"a)es 1'
W *up >06 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
W teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
V teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
U teaspoon )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U teaspoons table salt
1 *up >110 grams? paneer *ubes >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
2 medium tomatoes, seeded and *hopped
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium green bell pepper, seeded and *hopped
1 *up >160 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
W *up >60 ml? mil)
1 teaspoons pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
2 small red onions, *ut into round sli*es
1' Put the yogurt, *hile powder, turmeri*, ginger paste, garli* paste, besan, U teaspoon of the *haat
masala, the )asoori methi, garam masala, and U teaspoon of the salt in a large bowl' Stir and add the
paneer and tomatoes' Toss gently' Set aside to marinate for 10 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the bell peppers and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the paneer with the marinade,
and sautQ o%er high heat for 2 minutes, stirring o**asionally, or until dry' .i%ide the mi8ture into 1
portions and set aside'
=' To ma)e the rotis, *ombine the atta, mil), the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, and 2U tablespoons
water, and )nead to ma)e a soft dough' .i%ide the dough into 1 portions' !oll out ea*h portion into a
thin round'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and *oo) ea*h roti lightly on both sides' Spread 1
teaspoon of the *hutney on ea*h roti and top with some onion sli*es'
6' Pla*e a portion of the paneer mi8ture in the *enter of ea*h roti o%er the onions, sprin)le with a little
of the remaining *haat masala, and roll up tightly'
0' 3eat the griddle and *oo) the roti rolls until warmed through' Cut into 2,in*h,long >6,*m,long? pie*es
and ser%e immediately'
Papaya Chi Kadi
Steamed papaya dumplings
4 dis*o%ered this sna*) when 4 mo%ed to "umbai and began e8ploring the lo*al "aharashtrian food' Fp
until that time, 4 had thought of ripe papaya as only a table fruit'
"a)es 12'
1 small ripe papaya
2 or = fresh *lo%es garli*, *hopped
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U *up >60 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 *up >00 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
Pin*h of ba)ing soda
1 teaspoon plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1' Kash, peel, and seed the papaya, and grate it into a large bowl'
2' Put the garli*, ginger, and *hiles in a spi*e grinder with 1 tablespoon water and grind to a paste'
=' Add the paste to the papaya, along with the *hile powder, turmeri*, *umin, salt, lemon $ui*e, besan,
*ilantro, ba)ing soda, and W *up >60 ml? water' Stir well'
1' Pla*e a steamer o%er high heat' Add 2U *ups >600 ml? water and bring to a boil'
6' Drease a ridged plate >that *an be pla*ed in the steamer? with 1 teaspoon oil' Put the papaya mi8ture
into it and smooth the surfa*e' Pla*e the plate in the steamer and steam for 12 minutes or until well set'
0' !emo%e the plate from the steamer and let *ool slightly' Cut the steamed patty into U,in*h >1,*m?
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), gently slide in the steamed pie*es, in small bat*hes, and *oo) until golden brown all
o%er' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
:' Sprin)le with the *haat masala and ser%e hot'
Peethiwali Aloo Ti))i
Potato,*rusted spi*y dal
4 wish 4 *ould ta)e you to the famous ti))i *enter in Amritsar, where %endors do a bris) business o%er
huge iron griddles *o%ered with doNens of ti))is bubbling in oil' 4 tasted this ti))i there many years
"a)es :'
W *up >60 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
Pin*h of asafetida
1U teaspoons fennel seeds
U teaspoon *rushed bla*) pepper*orns
U teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
U teaspoon table salt
1 small potatoes, boiled, peeled, and grated
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
W *up >=0 grams? *ornstar*h
1' Put the dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and
soa) for 2 hours' .rain'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *up >200 ml? water' Add the turmeri* and dal,
and *oo) for 1: minutes or until soft' .rain'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the asafetida, fennel, and pepper*orns, and sautQ for =0
se*onds' Add the dal and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the *hile powder, garam masala, and am*hur,
and stir'
1' Crush the *innamon *oarsely in a mortar with a pestle' Add it along with the salt to the dal mi8ture
and stir well' +et *ool to room temperature' .i%ide into : portions' Put the potatoes in a large bowl and
)nead them well' .i%ide the potatoes into : portions'
6' Drease your palms with a little of the oil, ta)e a portion of the potatoes in your hand, and ma)e a
dent in the *enter' Pla*e a portion of the dal stuffing in the dent and gather the edges to en*lose the
dal' Shape into a thi*) round patty, or ti))i' !epeat with the remaining potatoes and dal mi8ture'
Spread the *ornstar*h on a plate and roll the ti))is in it'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and gently slide in 1 ti))is' Coo), turning with a slotted
spoon a few times, until golden and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
!epeat with the remaining ti))is' Ser%e hot'
Phal,SabN See)h
Gruit,and,%egetable )ebabs
This )ebab re*ipe *omes from 3yderabad' The banana gi%es it a firm foundation, and 4 ha%e added some
*ontemporary tou*hes li)e bro**oli and prunes'
"a)es 0'
2 large unripe, raw bananas, hal%ed
1U tablespoons butter, plus W *up >00 grams? melted butter
V teaspoon a$wain
9 oun*es >200 grams? white button mushrooms, *hopped
1 small *arrot, grated
1 bro**oli florets, *hopped
V tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
V,in*h >1U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1U fresh red *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon table salt
: pitted prunes, *hopped
U teaspoon bla*) salt
V teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom
Pin*h of ground edible sandalwood powder >optional?
Pin*h of ground dried untreated rose petals
2 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
U *up >66 grams? bread *rumbs
1U tablespoons %egetable oil
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, add the bananas and *oo) for 16 minutes or until tender' .rain in a *olander and set aside to *ool'
Khen *ooled, peel the bananas and grate them into a bowl'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1U tablespoons butter' Khen the
butter melts, add the a$wain and sautQ for 10 se*onds' Add the mushrooms, *arrot, and bro**oli, and
sautQ until the moisture e%aporates' Add the *ilantro, ginger, *hiles, and table salt' Stir and set aside to
=' Preheat the o%en to =60XG71:0XC'
1' Put the *ooled mi8ture in a food pro*essor' Add the prunes, bla*) salt, pepper, *ardamom, edible
sandalwood >if using?, rose petals, potatoes, bananas, and bread *rumbs, and pro*ess until smooth'
6' Transfer the mi8ture to a bowl and di%ide into 0 portions' Krap ea*h portion around a wooden
0' Arrange the s)ewers on a greased ba)ing sheet, brush with the melted butter, and ba)e for 0 to 9
minutes' Dently slide the )ebabs from the s)ewers onto a plate' Cut ea*h into 1 pie*es and ser%e
Poha Cutlets
Pressed,ri*e sna*)
4 ha%e always been fas*inated by poha' 4 %isited the *ity of !oha >rhymes with poha?, a two,hour dri%e
from "umbai, and saw how poha is made from paddy ri*e that is steamed, pressed, rolled, and dried'
Khen it is soa)ed in liHuids su*h as water or mil), it tends to absorb the water and swell up' 3ere 4 use it
to prepare one of my fa%orite sna*)s' This simple dish *an be made Hui*)ly and easily, and ma)es a
deli*ious appetiNer'
"a)es 12 pie*es'
1 *up >120 grams? poha >pressed ri*e?
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
U teaspoon *umin seeds
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
1 medium red onion, di*ed
2 tablespoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
= medium potatoes, boiled and mashed
1U teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
10 *ashews, *hopped
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
Pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
1' Put the poha in a *olander and wash it under running water until the water runs *lear' +et the poha
drain for 6 to 0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds, mustard seeds, onion, and maida, and *oo) for
2 to = minutes' Add the *hile powder, *hiles, and turmeri*, stir well, and *oo) for 1 minute' Transfer the
mi8ture to a deep bowl and let *ool to room temperature'
=' Add the poha, mashed potatoes, salt, *ilantro, *ashews, lemon $ui*e, and *haat masala' Combine to
ma)e a smooth dough' .i%ide the mi8ture into 12 portions and shape ea*h into a round or oblong patty
U in*h >1 *m? thi*)'
1' Put the remaining oil in a deep,fryer and heat to =96XG71/0XC' Dently slide the patties, a few at a
time, into the hot oil and *oo) until golden on all sides, turning with a slotted spoon' !emo%e with the
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Ser%e immediately with the *hutney'
Pun$abi Samosa
Popular *one,shaped, deep,fried sna*) with spi*y stuffing
4f potatoes ha%e to be deep,fried, they should be inside a samosaAmu*h better than Gren*h friesO
"a)ing a good samosa is an art, parti*ularly when wor)ing with the dough, and ta)es pra*ti*e to
Ser%es 1'
Gor the dough5
1 *up >120 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
U teaspoon a$wain >optional?
6 teaspoons ghee >page =9?, melted
1 teaspoon table salt
Gor the filling5
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon anardana >dried pomegranate seeds?
2 tablespoons %egetable oil 1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
V teaspoon table salt
U *up >96 grams? green peas, boiled >optional?
1 small potatoes, boiled, peeled, and *oarsely mashed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
To *oo) and ser%e5
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
&ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind *hutneyM page 22?
1' "a)e the dough5 Put the maida in a bowl' Add the a$wain >if using?, ghee, and salt, and stir' Add W
*up >60 ml? water, little by little, and )nead to ma)e a stiff dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside
to rest for 10 to 16 minutes'
2' "a)e the filling5 Pla*e a small nonsti*) pan o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then add the
*oriander and anardana, and dry,roast for 1 minute or until fragrant' Set aside to *ool to room
temperature, then transfer the seed mi8ture into a mortar' Pound with a pestle to a *oarse powder'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds' Khen the *umin is lightly browned, add the ginger and *hiles,
and stir well' Add the *hile powder, am*hur, garam masala, and salt' Add the spi*es from step 2' Stir
well to mi8'
1' +ower the heat to low, add the peas >if using? and potatoes, and *oo) for 6 minutes' Add the *ilantro
and stir well' !emo%e from the heat and set aside to *ool to room temperature' .i%ide the *ooled filling
into 10 portions'
6' .i%ide the dough into : eHual portions and shape them into balls' .ust ea*h ball with a little flour and
roll out into o%als 1 in*hes >10 *m? wide in the *enter' Cut ea*h o%al in half horiNontally and dampen the
edges with water' Pla*e one half o%er the fingers of your left hand with the straight edge resting o%er
your forefinger' Gold o%er one end of the straight edge and bring it to the middle of the rounded edge'
(ow fold o%er the other end and bring it o%er to the middle of the rounded edge to rest o%er the first
end to ma)e a seam' Press gently to seal the seam' (ow you should ha%e a *one' Cpen the *one and
ma)e a small pleat dire*tly opposite the seam and press gently' Gill the *one with one portion of the
stuffing' ring the seam and the pleat together on the rounded edge and gently press the entire open
end of the *one *losed' !epeat with the remaining dough and filling'
0' Coo) the samosas5 Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and gently slide the samosas, two at time, into
the hot oil' Gry for 9 minutes or until *risp and golden brown' Khile they are frying, gently spoon hot oil
o%er the samosas with a slotted spoon'
9' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
:' Ser%e hot with the *hutney'
!a$ma Dalouti &abab
.eli*ately fla%ored )idney bean )ebabs
A %egetarian %ersion of the famous lamb galouti )abab *an be made with yams, peas, or spina*h, but
these, whi*h use red )idney beans, *ome *losest to the original deli*a*y' &idney beans, li)e all beans, are
a %ery good sour*e of *holesterol,lowering fiber' 4n addition, their high fiber *ontent pre%ents blood
sugar le%els from rising too rapidly after a meal, ma)ing these beans an espe*ially good *hoi*e for
indi%iduals with diabetes, insulin resistan*e, or hypogly*emia'
"a)es :'
U teaspoon *araway seeds
2 green *ardamom pods 1 bla*) *ardamom pod
1 whole *lo%e
U,in*h >1,*m? *innamon sti*)
: *ashews
1 tablespoon *hiron$i or *haroli >melon seeds?
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
W teaspoon )ewra >s*rew pine? water
1 teaspoons %egetable oil
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= *lo%es garli*, *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 *ups >160 grams? *anned red )idney beans
2 tablespoons grated )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil)M page =9?
U teaspoon ground white pepper
U teaspoon table salt
U tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 sprig fresh mint
1 medium red onion, *ut into thin rings
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *araway, green and bla*) *ardamom,
*lo%e, and *innamon sti*), and dry,roast until fragrant' +et *ool, then transfer to a spi*e grinder and
grind to a fine powder'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *ashews and melon seeds and dry,roast
until lightly *olored' +et *ool, then transfer to a *lean spi*e grinder or mini food pro*essor with W *up
>60 ml? water and grind to a fine paste'
=' Soa) the saffron in the )ewra water in a small bowl'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the ginger and garli*, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the *hiles and sautQ for 1
6' Add the beans and sautQ for = to 1 minutes' Add the *ashew paste and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes' Add
the )hoya, white pepper, and salt' SautQ for 1 to 6 minutes' !emo%e from the heat and let *ool'
0' "ash the bean mi8ture to a smooth paste' >4f the paste is not firm, *oo) it further in a nonsti*) pan to
thi*)en it'? Sprin)le with the roasted and ground spi*es and soa)ed saffron' Add the lemon $ui*e and stir
well' .i%ide the mi8ture into : portions' !oll ea*h portion into a ball and then lightly press into patties'
9' Pla*e another nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and grease it lightly' Put the patties in the pan
and *oo) for 2 minutes or until lightly *olored on both sides'
:' Darnish with the mint and onion and ser%e immediately'
Posto oda
Poppy,seed fritters
Khite poppy seeds ha%e a mild nutty fla%or that is enhan*ed by *rushingM when ground to a paste, they
pro%ide *reaminess in *urries' This typi*al engali preparation is the simplest and easiest way to be*ome
familiar with poppy seeds as an ingredient' Ser%e the fritters with ri*e and dal'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? white poppy seeds
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
6 or 0 *lo%es garli*
1 teaspoon table salt
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1' Soa) the poppy seeds in 1 *up >200 ml? water for 1 hour' .rain off the water and put the soa)ed
seeds in a mini food pro*essor' Add the *hiles, garli*, salt, and = tablespoons water, and pro*ess to a
smooth paste'
2' Transfer the paste to a bowl' .i%ide into : portions and shape them into flat patties'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the patties and *oo), turning gently, until both sides are lightly browned'
!emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Ser%e hot'
Jegetable )ebabs
!aunaH,e,see)h is an Frdu word that refers to a glamorous )ebab' &ebabs, a gift of the "ughal era, are
*onsidered high Huality if the meat pra*ti*ally melts in your mouth in a perfe*tly balan*ed mi8 of spi*es'
Jegetable )ebabs are a *hallenge, but this popular %ersion li%es up to its name'
"a)es :'
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *araway seeds
0 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
= medium *arrots, grated
12 thin green beans, strings remo%ed and *hopped
W *up >126 grams? grated *auliflower
1 medium green bell pepper, seeded and *hopped
1 *up >160 grams? fresh or froNen green peas, blan*hed and mashed
27= *up >100 grams? fresh or froNen *orn )ernels, blan*hed and mashed
= medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
W *up >=6 grams? ground dalia >roasted *hana dal, store,bought?
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 teaspoons *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add = tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the *araway' SautQ for 10 se*onds' Add the *hiles, ginger paste, and garli*
paste, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the *arrots, beans, *auliflower, and bell pepper, and *oo) for : to
10 minutes or until all the e8*ess moisture has e%aporated'
2' Add the peas, *orn, and potatoes, and stir well' Add the garam masala, salt, and white pepper, and
stir' Add the dalia and lemon $ui*e, and stir' !emo%e from the heat and let *ool *ompletely'
=' .i%ide the %egetable mi8ture into : portions' Ta)e a portion of the %egetable mi8ture and shape it
neatly around a satay sti*) or wooden s)ewer, ma)ing a long sausage shape' !epeat to ma)e : )ebabs'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat' Kor)ing in bat*hes, and adding U tablespoon of the
remaining oil to the pan for ea*h bat*h, pla*e the )ebabs, two at a time, on the pan and *oo) for 6 to 0
minutes, turning, until light golden brown on all sides'
6' Slide the )ebabs off the satay sti*)s and pla*e them on a ser%ing platter' Cut ea*h in half on the
diagonal' Sprin)le with the *haat masala and ser%e hot'
!awa .osas
Crisp semolina pan*a)es
Khen 4 was a *hild, *risp semolina dosas >thin pan*a)es? really fas*inated me, espe*ially at eateries
where you *ould see the *oo)s ma)ing them' They would sprin)le the batter onto the hot s)illet instead
of pouring it, yet somehow it would all *ome together into a *rispA really *rispAsa%ory pan*a)eO 4
ha%e long sin*e learned that the se*ret lies in tempering the s)illet before you begin5 melting ghee on it
and then wiping it *lean before ma)ing ea*h dosa' Ser%e ea*h dosa as soon as itLs *oo)ed, ideally with
sambhar >South 4ndian lentilsM page =2? and nariel aur dhaniya *hutney >*o*onut *ilantro *hutneyM
page 620?'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
U *up >96 grams? ri*e flour
W *up >=0 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, min*ed
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
12 to 16 bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut
2 teaspoons table salt
: *ashews, *rushed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 teaspoons ghee >page =9?, melted
1' Pla*e the rawa in a deep bowl' Add the ri*e flour and maida, and stir well' Add 1 Huart >:00 ml?
water and whis) until smooth' There should not be any lumps in the batter, and it should be Huite thin
and runny' Co%er the bowl with a lid and let rest for 16 minutes'
2' Add the ginger, *hiles, pepper*orns, *o*onut, salt, *ashews, and *ilantro to the batter' Stir well'
=' Pla*e a large nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er low heat and let it heat for 6 minutes' rush with ghee' Ta)e a
sHuare pie*e of *heese*loth, dampen it with water, and use it to wipe the ghee from the sautQ pan' (ow
the pan is StemperedT and ready for ma)ing the dosas'
1' Pour a ladleful of batter into the hot pan, in a *ir*ular motion, until it *o%ers almost the entire pan'
Coo) o%er low heat, driNNling a few drops of the ghee around the edges of the dosa' After 2 minutes,
flip the dosa using a spatula and *oo) the underside for 2 to 1 minutes or until it is *risp and golden and
the edges of the dosa start to separate from the pan'
6' Fsing the spatula, transfer the dosa to a plate and ser%e immediately' !epeat with the remaining
batter and ghee'
4f you spread the batter thin enough, you need not *oo) the se*ond side'
!ayalaseema Pesarettu
Spi*y green,gram pan*a)es
!ayalaseema is in Andhra Pradesh and is the home of many temples' This dosa of whole green gram is
spi*y, but you *an ad$ust the *hiles a**ording to your toleran*e' Dreen gram is a good sour*e of protein,
and if you ma)e the dosas with $ust a little oil, they *an be *onsidered health food' Ser%e them with
your *hoi*e of *hutney or sambhar >page =2?'
"a)es 12'
1 *up >210 grams? sabut moong >whole green gram?
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 medium red onion, *hopped
2 teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon ri*e flour
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin seeds >page =2?
12U teaspoons >06 ml? %egetable oil
1' Put the sabut moong in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml?
water and soa) o%ernight' .rain'
2' Put the sabut moong, ginger, *hiles, and onion in a food pro*essor with 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and
pro*ess to ma)e a smooth batter'
=' Transfer the batter to a large bowl' Add the salt, ri*e flour, and *umin, and stir well'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and grease it lightly with U teaspoon oil'
6' Spread a ladleful of the batter with a round spoon, about 0 in*hes in diameter or as thin as possible'
0' .riNNle U teaspoon of the oil around the edges, *o%er with a dome,shaped lid, and *oo) for 2 to =
minutes o%er medium heat' Turn o%er, driNNle another U teaspoon oil around the edges, and *oo) the
other side for 2 to = minutes or until golden and *risp' !epeat with the remaining batter and oil'
9' Ser%e hot'
Steamed ri*e,and,*o*onut *a)es
!eminis*ent of the South 4ndian sna*) idli >steamed ri*e *a)esM page 120?, Doan sannas are enri*hed
with *o*onut mil)' Doans usually use toddy >fermented palm sap? to lea%en the dough of this ri*e *a)e,
but here 4 use yeast, whi*h is mu*h more a%ailable' Khen the batter be*omes light and airy, it is ready
to be poured into the molds and steamed' Stainless,steel molds *alled %antleo are traditional, but idli
molds wor) $ust as well' >Page 6/1 for more about idli molds7steamers'? The ri*e has to soa) o%ernight,
so plan a**ordingly' Ser%e these with any spi*y *urry'
"a)es 10'
U *up >100 grams? parboiled white ri*e
U *up >100 grams? raw short,grain ri*e
W *up >60 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1 teaspoon a*ti%e dry yeast
W teaspoon sugar
W *up >60 ml? *o*onut mil)
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Kash the parboiled ri*e and soa) in 1U *ups >=00 ml? water o%ernight' Kash the short,grain ri*e and
soa) in 1U *ups >=00 ml? water o%ernight' Kash the dal and soa) in 1 *up >200 ml? water o%ernight'
2' The following morning, drain the parboiled ri*e and put it in a spi*e grinder' Drind to a smooth, thi*)
paste and transfer to a large bowl' .rain the short,grain ri*e and grind to a smooth, thi*) pasteM transfer
to the same bowl' .rain the dal and grind to a smooth, thi*) pasteM transfer to the same bowl' Khis)
until well blended'
=' Put the yeast in a small bowl with the sugar and 1 tablespoon warm water' Khen it begins to bubble,
add it to the ri*e batter and whis) well' Add the *o*onut mil) and salt, and stir' Co%er the bowl and set
aside in a warm pla*e to ferment for about 6 hours or until the batter doubles in %olume'
1' Pla*e a steamer with 2 *ups >100 ml? water in the bottom o%er high heat and bring to a boil' Drease
the idli molds' Pour the batter into ea*h indentation, fit the idli molds onto the stand, and pla*e the
stand in the steamer' Co%er and steam o%er medium heat for about 16 minutes or until done >the fully
*oo)ed steamed *a)e will not ha%e any moisture and will lift out easily from the steamer?'
6' Ser%e hot'
Sindhi Aloo Tu)
aby potatoes with dried mango powder
This dish *omes from the Sindhi *ommunity of 4ndia' They also ma)e this tu) with *olo*assia, but the
potato %ersion appeals more to me' >Also *alled taro, *olo*assia is a type of tuber' 4t has large lea%es in
the shape of an elephantLs ear'? Sprin)le the spi*es o%er the potatoes while they are still hot so that the
seasonings *ling to the oily surfa*eM the potatoes *an then be ser%ed hot or at room temperature'
Ser%es 1'
1= oun*es >=96 grams? baby potatoes, peeled
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
U teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
U teaspoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add = *ups >000 ml? water' Khen the water begins to
boil, add the potatoes and *oo) for 16 minutes or until they are half *oo)ed'
2' .rain the potatoes in a *olander' +et *ool, then press ea*h between your palms to flatten them into
thi*) dis)s'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium and gently slide in the potatoes in small bat*hes' Coo) ea*h bat*h,
turning with a slotted spoon a few times, for : minutes or until golden and *risp' !emo%e with the
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Sprin)le the *hile powder, am*hur, *oriander, *umin, and salt o%er the hot potatoes, and toss to
6' Ser%e hot or at room temperature'
Tiranga Paneer Ti))a
Tri*olor *heese bites
4 made this dish to represent 4ndiaLs tri*olored flag, and my family demands that 4 ma)e it e%ery 4ndian
4ndependen*e .ay and 4ndian !epubli* .ay'
"a)es :'
1 pound >160 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1U teaspoons table salt
W *up >00 grams? pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
2 tablespoons besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
U tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
W *up >20 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1U tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
"elted butter for basting
1' Drate about =U oun*es >100 grams? of the paneer' Cut the remaining paneer into 1U,in*h >1,*m?
*ubes' Sli*e ea*h *ube twi*e >into three layers? without *utting all the way through' Set aside'
2' Put the grated paneer, *hile powder, and W teaspoon salt in a bowl, and stir well'
=' Ta)e a *ube of paneer' Spread some of the *hutney in the first layer, and some of the grated paneer
mi8ture in the se*ond layer'
1' Put the yogurt, besan, ginger paste, garli* paste, *ilantro, *hiles, W teaspoon of the salt, and the
lemon $ui*e in a large bowl' Stir well'
6' Add the stuffed paneer and stir gently so that all the *ubes are e%enly *o%ered with the marinade'
Set aside for about 1 hour'
0' Thread the paneer *ubes onto wooden s)ewers, with spa*e between them'
9' Preheat a *har*oal fire to medium and grill the s)ewers for 6 to 0 minutes, basting with butter' >Eou
*an also *oo) them on the sto%etop on a hot griddle'?
:' Ser%e immediately'
Khite .ho)las
Steamed,ri*e,and,dal *a)es
The thi*)ness of these popular Du$arati dho)las >whi*h *an be paper,thin or as thi*) as a sli*e of bread?
%aries from *oo) to *oo)' These dho)las will be about the siNe of a sli*e of bread' Ser%e with pudina
aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? raw, short,grain ri*e
W *up >60 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
W *up >06 grams? sour plain yogurt >see page 61=?, whis)ed
1 teaspoon ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon green *hile paste >page 1=?
U teaspoon table salt
9 or : bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
1 teaspoon ba)ing soda
1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons %egetable oil
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Put the ri*e and dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml?
water and soa) for 1 hours' .rain'
2' Put the ri*e mi8ture in a mini food pro*essor with U *up >100 ml? water and pro*ess until smooth' The
mi8ture should be thi*) but of pouring *onsisten*y'
=' Transfer to a large bowl and whis) in the yogurt' There should not be any lumps in the batter' Co%er
the bowl with a lid and put in a warm pla*e to ferment o%ernight'
1' 3eat 2 *ups >100 ml? water in a steamer'
6' To the batter, add the ginger paste, green *hile paste, salt, pepper*orns, and U teaspoon of the
ba)ing soda, and stir well'
0' Drease two round dho)la pans >see (ote? with 1 tablespoon of the oil' Pour the batter into the pans
until they are half full'
9' 4n a small bowl, *ombine the remaining 2 teaspoons oil, U teaspoon ba)ing soda, and the lemon $ui*e,
and add half of this to ea*h dho)la pan' Git the pans onto the stand' Pla*e the stand in the steamer'
Co%er and steam for 10 to 12 minutes or until a s)ewer inserted in a dho)la *omes out *lean'
:' Ta)e the stand out of the steamer and remo%e the pans' +et *ool slightly, then *ut the dho)las into
*ubes' Ser%e warm'
A dho)la pan, or an 4ndian steamer, is a *ylindri*al stainless,steel *ontainer with 2
or = groo%es and a tight,fitting dome,shaped lid' Kater is put in the bottom of the *ontainer, a
perforated plate is set into the lowest groo%e, and the *ontainer with the food that is to be steamed is
pla*ed o%er the perforated plate'
4f you are steaming fish, you *an use 2 or = perforated plates and pla*e the fish right on them' Gor
steaming idlis and dho)las, you use a stand in whi*h you *an put = or 1 plates' Gor idlis, the plates
ha%e indentationsM for dho)las, the plates are flat' The plates are lightly greased and the batter is
poured into them' The plates are then fitted into the stand and pla*ed in the steamer' The steamer is
*o%ered with the lid and the food is steamed for the time spe*ified in the re*ipe'
Saffron,fla%ored 4ndian bread
Toota) is a short,*rust dough sna*) made from semolina and was a popular brea)fast treat for the
(iNams >royal rulers? of 3yderabad'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
2 teaspoons table salt
U *up >100 grams? ghee >page =9?
U *up >/0 grams? grated )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil)M page =9?
U *up >100 ml? mil)
A few saffron threads
1 tablespoon rosewater
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 *up >200 grams? grated paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
1 potato, boiled and mashed
20 *ashews, *hopped
16 raisins
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Put the semolina, 1 teaspoon of the salt, the ghee, )hoya, and mil) in a bowl and )nead to ma)e a
soft dough' Co%er the dough with a damp *loth and set aside to rest for 2 to = hours' &nead the dough
on*e again and let rest for =0 minutes'
2' 4n a small *up, *ombine the saffron and rosewaterM set aside'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium and add the *umin' Khen the *umin begins to *hange
*olor, add the ginger and sautQ until it is lightly browned'
1' Add the *hile powder, bla*) pepper, *oriander, the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, and the garam
masala' Coo) for 2 to = minutes' Add the paneer, potatoes, *ashews, and raisins' Stir and *oo) until
*ompletely dry'
6' Sprin)le with the *ilantro and lemon $ui*e' Stir well' .i%ide into 10 eHual portions and set aside to
0' Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC' Ta)e one portion of the dough, shape it into a )atori >small bowl?
with your fingers, put one portion of the paneer,potato mi8ture inside, gather the edges, and shape into
a ball' Seal neatly, flatten slightly, and shape into an o%al' !epeat with the remaining dough and filling'
9' Arrange on a ba)ing sheet and let rest for 10 minutes'
:' rush with the saffron,rosewater mi8ture and ba)e for 20 minutes' Ser%e hot'
Adra)i Phinga
Dinger,marinated sautQed shrimp
Adra) is 3indi for Sginger,T and the name of this dish is apt5 The shrimp are marinated in a sharp ginger
mi8ture' Ser%e these with pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?'
Ser%es 1'
20 large shrimp, *leaned, heads remo%ed
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
2 tablespoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1' Peel and de%ein the shrimp, )eeping the tails inta*t' Kash, pat dry, and put them in a bowl'
2' Add the salt, lemon $ui*e, ginger paste, *hile paste, and maida, and toss well' Set aside for 16
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the shrimp along with the marinade and *oo) for 2 minutesM do not o%er*oo)
the shrimp, or they will be*ome tough and rubbery' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper
1' Ser%e hot'
Amritsari "a*h*hi
Gried fish, Amritsar style
Khile 4 really li)e the *aramel,hued malt %inegar that is used in this re*ipe, it is often hard to find' The
*losest substitute in loo), fla%or, and a*idity >about 6]? is *ider %inegar' !awas, the fish used here, is
*alled the 4ndian salmon' 4t is %ery different from Ameri*an salmon' Gor this re*ipe, you *an use ro*)fish
or grouper if rawas is una%ailable'
Ser%es 1'
1 17= pounds >000 grams? boneless rawas >4ndian salmon? fillets
W *up >60 ml? malt %inegar
U *up >60 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
2 tablespoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
1 tablespoon plain yogurt
1 large egg
1 teaspoon a$wain
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
2 lemons, *ut in half
1' Cut the fish fillets into 1U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes and put them in a bowl' Add the %inegar and marinate for
20 minutes' .rain and pat dry with paper towels'
2' Put the besan, maida, yogurt, egg, a$wain, salt, lemon $ui*e, *hile powder, ginger paste, and garli*
paste in a deep bowl' Add water a little at a time, whis)ing to ma)e a smooth batter'
=' Put the fish *ubes in the batter and marinate for about 20 minutes'
1' Put the oil in a deep,fryer and heat to =96XG71/0XC'
6' Kor)ing in bat*hes, spoon fish pie*es from the batter and slide into the hot oil one at a time' Ta)e
*are not to o%er*rowd the fryer, as this may lower the temperature of the oil and *ause the fish to
absorb too mu*h oil and be*ome soggy' +ower the heat to medium and fry until the fish is golden brown
and *risp' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
0' Sprin)le with the *haat masala and lemon $ui*e' Ser%e immediately'
Angoori Shrimp
Drapes and shrimp
This easy and surprisingly deli*ious dish loo)s absolutely stunning' Khile on the griddle, the plump
grapes share their sweetness generously with the shrimp, whi*h ta)e on a beautiful glaNe as they *oo)' 4
first *ame up with this dish in California when 4 was doing a show about *oo)ing with grapes'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 ml? honey
1U teaspoons table salt
U *up >100 ml? balsami* %inegar
1 teaspoon red *hile fla)es
10 $umbo shrimp, peeled and de%eined
21 red grapes
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add the honey, U teaspoon of the salt, and the
%inegar, and *oo) for = to 1 minutes' Stir in the *hile fla)es and remo%e from the heatM *o%er to )eep
2' Thread the shrimp and grapes alternately onto : wooden s)ewers' Sprin)le the remaining 1 teaspoon
salt o%er them'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and brush with 1 teaspoon of the oil' Pla*e the s)ewers on
the griddle and *oo), basting with the remaining oil and turning freHuently, for 1 minutes, until the
shrimp are *oo)ed e%enly on all sides'
1' Arrange the shrimp and grapes on a platter, pour the honey sau*e o%er them, and ser%e hot'
Chingri Pa)ora
Crisp shrimp dumplings
The state of engal *an be easily di%ided into east and west by the style of *uisine' This is how the Bast
engalis ma)e these dumplings' 4n a engali home in the western part of the state, you would find egg
and a little sugar in the batter, and the pa)oras would also be less spi*y' Khi*he%er the *ase, these
*risp dumplings are best en$oyed right out of the fryer as a sna*) or side dish'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? small shrimp
U *up >60 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 tablespoon ri*e flour
1 teaspoon *hopped garli*
2 medium red onions, di*ed
U teaspoon red *hile powder
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1W teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Peel and de%ein the shrimp' Kash them thoroughly under running water' .rain in a *olander and
then pat them dry with a )it*hen towel'
2' Put the shrimp in a bowl' Add the besan, ri*e flour, garli*, onions, *hile powder, *hiles, *ilantro, salt,
lemon $ui*e, and = tablespoons of the oil' Stir well' Shape into V,in*h >1U,*m? balls'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and gently slide in a few shrimp balls' Coo) o%er medium
heat, turning freHuently with a slotted spoon, for 0 to 9 minutes or until golden brown' !emo%e with the
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Ser%e immediately'
!awas Gish Gingers
"arinated boneless fish rolled in *oarse ri*e flour and deep,fried
The *run*hiness of the fish fingers is than)s to the *oarse ri*e flour' Eou *an use bread *rumbs or
semolina for dredging, but the effe*t will be different'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >=00 grams? boneless rawas >4ndian salmon? fillets > see page 109M you *an use ro*)fish or
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
V *up >116 grams? *oarse ri*e flour >see (ote?
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
Chile garli* *hutney >page 61/?
1' Kash the fillets thoroughly under running water' .rain them in a *olander and pat dry with paper
towels' Cut the fillets into 20 to 22 finger,siNe pie*es'
2' Put the ginger paste, garli* paste, salt, and lemon $ui*e in a deep bowl' Stir well and add the fish
fingers' "arinate for =0 minutes'
=' Put the ri*e flour in a large shallow dish' !oll the fish fingers in the ri*e flour'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium, and gently slide in the fish fingers, a few at a time' Coo), turning
freHuently with a slotted spoon, until golden and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on
paper towels'
6' Ser%e immediately with *hutney'
To ma)e *oarse ri*e flour, soa) raw short,grain ri*e in water for 20 minutes' .rain
and spread the ri*e on a *lean absorbent towel to dry' Transfer to a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a
*oarse powder' Store in an airtight *ontainer for up to = months'
&arwari Shrimp
Crisp shrimp
These batter,fried, lemony shrimp ma)e an e8*ellent appetiNer or first *ourse' Ser%e with your *hoi*e of
dipping sau*e'
Ser%es 1'
20 medium shrimp, shelled and de%eined
= tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1U teaspoons ground turmeri*
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
10 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1U teaspoons *oriander seeds
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
2 teaspoons table salt
1 onion, sli*ed
U *up >100 grams? rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
1' Pla*e the shrimp, lemon $ui*e, and turmeri* in a deep glass bowl and stir well' "arinate for =0
2' Pla*e a deep, hea%y,bottomed sautQ pan o%er high heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin, *hiles, *oriander, mustard seeds, fenugree),
and 1 teaspoon of the salt, and sautQ for 1 minute or until the seeds are lightly browned'
=' Add the onion and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the onion is golden brown' Transfer to a bowl and
set aside to *ool to room temperature' Transfer to a mini food pro*essor with = tablespoons water and
pro*ess to a smooth paste'
1' Transfer the paste to the bowl with the marinated shrimp and stir well' Put in the refrigerator to
marinate for 16 minutes'
6' Put the semolina in a bowl and add the remaining 1 teaspoon salt' Sprin)le this mi8ture on the
marinated shrimp and stir gently until well *ombined, ma)ing sure that the shrimp remain whole'
0' Put the remaining oil in a deep,fryer and heat to =96XG71/0XC' Dently lower fi%e or si8 shrimp, one at
time, into the hot oil' +ower the heat to medium and fry until they are golden and *risp' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Ser%e immediately'
"a*her Chop
Gla)ed fish *oated in mashed potatoes and deep,fried
The engalisL passion for fish is legendaryAthey en$oy many different types >relishing all parts of
themAe%en the head?, and they ha%e a huge repertoire of fish dishes' This great appetiNer is %ery
traditional' Short*ut *oo)s simply stir the potatoes and fla)ey fish together, but gi%e me this %ersion any
"a)es 12'
1 pound >600 grams? whole whitefish, *leaned and *ut into 1 or 6 pie*es
2 tablespoons plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 teaspoons fresh ginger,garli* paste >page 1=?
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1U teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 large potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
2 large eggs
1 *up >110 grams? bread *rumbs
1' Pat the fish dry with an absorbent towel'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, add the fish pie*es and *oo) for = to 1 minutes or until the fish is *oo)ed through' .rain and put
the fish on a plate' !emo%e the bones and s)in, and fla)e the flesh' Set aside in a bowl'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions, ginger,garli* paste, *hiles, 1 teaspoon of the salt, and
the *ilantro' SautQ for = minutes or until the onions are lightly browned' Add to the fla)ed fish, stir well,
and set aside to *ool' .i%ide into 12 portions'
1' Put the mashed potatoes in a bowl, add the remaining U teaspoon salt, and stir well' .i%ide into 12
6' !oll one portion of the potato mi8ture into a ball and flatten it slightly' "a)e a dent in the *enter and
pla*e one portion of the fish mi8ture in the *enter' Dather in the edges to en*lose the filling and roll into
a ball again' Glatten it slightly to ma)e a patty' !epeat with the remaining potato mi8ture and fish
0' Put the eggs in a bowl and whis) well' Put the bread *rumbs on a plate' .ip the patties into the egg,
then roll in the bread *rumbs, ma)ing sure they are well *oated'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), gently slide in = patties' Coo), turning a few times with a slotted spoon, for 2 to =
minutes or until golden brown on all sides' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
:' Ser%e immediately'
"al%ani Shrimp Gry
Crisp shrimp with ginger and garli*
This spe*ialty of the west,*oast regions of 4ndia should be prepared $ust before it is ser%ed or the shrimp
will lose their *rispness'
Ser%es 1'
=2 medium shrimp, shelled and de%eined
1 teaspoon table salt
1U tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons ri*e flour
2 tablespoons rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1' Kash the shrimp thoroughly under running water' .rain well and pat dry with paper towels' Put in a
bowl and add U teaspoon of the salt and the lemon $ui*e' Stir well, then marinate for 16 minutes'
2' Put the turmeri*, *hile powder, the remaining U teaspoon salt, the ginger paste, and garli* paste in a
bowl, and stir well' Add to the marinated shrimp and stir well' Co%er the bowl and put in the refrigerator
to marinate for =0 minutes'
=' Put the ri*e flour and semolina in a flat dish and stir well' .redge the shrimp in the mi8ture'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low' Slide one shrimp at a time into the hot oil and fry, turning
often with a slotted spoon, until golden and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper
towels' Ser%e immediately'
"asala Gried SHuid
Gried marinated sHuid
SHuid is so tender that it *oo)s fast' Ser%e these *risp rings as a side dish with dal and ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
0 medium sHuid bodies
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
V teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U large egg, whis)ed
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
U *up ri*e flour
1' Clean, wash, and drain the sHuid in a *olander' Cut into W,in*h,thi*) >U,*m,thi*)? rings'
2' Combine the *hile powder, turmeri*, salt, ginger paste, garli* paste, *ilantro, lemon $ui*e, and egg in a
bowl' Add the sHuid rings and stir to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and set aside to marinate for
=0 minutes'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Spread the ri*e flour on a plate' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium, roll the sHuid in the ri*e flour, and
slide the rings into the hot oil' Coo), stirring with a slotted spoon, until golden and *risp' !emo%e with
the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Ser%e hot'
"een Pathiris
Gried fish rolls
This traditional re*ipe from &erala is, sadly, not so *ommonpla*e these days' 4n some homes, the sna*)
is steamed rather than fried, but 4 find the *rispness of the fried %ersion more appealing'
Ser%es 1'
=U oun*es >100 grams? whitefish fillets
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1W teaspoons table salt
6 tablespoons plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
6 to 0 fresh *urry lea%es
6 shallots, sli*ed
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
10 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1 green *hile, stemmed and *hopped
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
W teaspoon ground fennel seeds
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 27= *ups >200 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
2 large eggs, well beaten
1' Pat the fish dry with an absorbent towel' Put in a bowl and sprin)le with the *hile powder, *oriander,
turmeri*, and U teaspoon of the salt' Toss on*e or twi*e' Co%er the bowl and put in the refrigerator to
marinate for =0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *urry lea%es, shallots, ginger, garli*, and *hile, and sautQ until
the shallots are golden brown'
=' Add the fish and stir' +ower the heat to low and *oo) for 0 to 9 minutes' Transfer the mi8ture to a
plate and fla)e the fish into small pie*es'
1' Sprin)le with the garam masala, fennel, and lemon $ui*e' Set aside'
6' Sift the maida and the remaining V teaspoon salt into a bowl' !ub in = tablespoons of the oil' Add
17= *up >90 ml? water and )nead to ma)e a stiff dough' Co%er the dough with a damp *loth and let rest
for 20 minutes' .i%ide into 1 portions'
0' !oll out ea*h portion into a thi*) 0,in*h >16,*m? round' Pla*e a portion of the fish mi8ture in the
*enter of ea*h, gather the edges to en*lose the filling, and seal the pathiris'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), slide in the pathiris, two at a time, and *oo), gently stirring with a slotted spoon,
until golden on all sides' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' +ea%e the wo) on
the heat'
:' .ip the pathiris in the eggs and return them to the hot oil' !emo%e when the egg is *oo)ed' .rain on
paper towels and ser%e immediately'
Patrani "a*h*hi
Gish fillets spread with green *hutney, wrapped in banana lea%es, and steamed
Traditionally this dish is steamed, but you *an also *oo) it in a sautQ pan o%er medium heat, turning it
freHuently so that the banana leaf doesnLt burn'
Ser%es 1'
: >9,oun*e7200,gram? boneless pomfret fillets >you *an use pompano or butterfish?
1U teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 *ups >120 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
6 green *hiles, stemmed
1 teaspoons *umin seeds
12 *lo%es garli*
= or 1 banana lea%es
1' Cut ea*h fish fillet into pie*es 2 in*hes by 1U in*hes >6 *m by 1 *m?' Sprin)le with U teaspoon of the
salt and 1 tablespoon of the lemon $ui*e and put in the refrigerator to marinate for =0 minutes'
2' Put the *o*onut, *ilantro, *hiles, *umin, and garli* in a food pro*essor with 2 to = tablespoons water
and pro*ess until smooth' Add the remaining 1 teaspoon salt and the remaining 1 tablespoon lemon
$ui*e and blend' Spread the *hutney on both sides of all the fish pie*es and marinate for about 16
=' Cut ea*h banana leaf into 1 pie*es' 3olding them with tongs, singe the lea%es one at a time o%er an
open flame to ma)e them malleable'
1' Pla*e a few marinated fish pie*es in the *enter of ea*h pie*e of banana leaf and smear some of the
*hutney on them' Gold in the ends of the leaf to *o%er the fish pie*es *ompletely and shape into a
6' Put water in the bottom of a steamer o%er high heat' Pla*e the fish par*els in the top of the steamer,
lower the heat to medium, *o%er, and steam for 16 minutes'
0' Ser%e the fish in the leaf so that ea*h guest *an open the par*el and en$oy the fish hot'
Paturi "aa*h
"arinated fish fillets wrapped in banana lea%es and steamed
This is a fantasti* dish both in taste and in presentation' Ser%e the fish still wrapped in the leaf' As your
guests open the par*els, the heady aroma of the fish and mustard will fill the air, getting the meal off to
a spe*ta*ular start' 4n 4ndia, 4 would use bet)i fish, but you *an use red snapper fillets'
Ser%es 1'
1 >0,in*h,sHuare? pie*es tender banana leaf
1 >1,oun*e7126,gram? bet)i or red snapper fillets
W *up >60 ml? filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
0 teaspoons )alon$i >nigellaM see (ote page 2=1?
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon table salt
0 teaspoons bla*) mustard seed paste >see (ote?
W teaspoon sugar
1' Singe ea*h banana,leaf pie*e o%er an open gas flame to ma)e it malleable'
2' Kash the fish thoroughly under running water and drain well' Pat dry with paper towels and *ut the
fillets into 1,in*h sHuares'
=' Put 2 tablespoons of the mustard oil in a large bowl' Add the )alon$i, turmeri*, *hile powder, and
salt' Stir well' Add the fish pie*es and toss so that all of them are *oated with the mi8ture' Co%er the
bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour'
1' Add the mustard paste, sugar, and remaining 2 tablespoons mustard oil, and stir' Co%er the bowl
again with plasti* wrap and return to the refrigerator for =0 minutes more'
6' Krap the indi%idual fish pie*es in the banana,leaf pie*es' Se*ure the open edges of the banana
pa*)ets with toothpi*)s so that they do not open during the steaming pro*ess'
0' Pla*e a steamer o%er high heat, and add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water, and bring it to a boil' Git a perforated
plate in the steamer and pla*e the fish par*els on it' +ower the heat to medium, *o%er, and steam for 16
9' Ser%e the fish in the leaf so that ea*h guest *an open the par*el and en$oy the fish hot'
To ma)e the paste, *ombine 1 teaspoon ground mustard seeds with 2 teaspoons
Pomfret !ei*hado
Gish with red *hiles
This dish is a *lassi* Doan fish re*ipe' 4t uses rei*hado masala, whi*h in*ludes &ashmiri red *hiles and
%inegar' This dish is best prepared $ust before ser%ingM otherwise the fish will lose its *rispness'
Ser%es 1'
1 >9U,oun*e7220,gram? whole pomfret fish >you *an use pompano or butterfish?
=0 to =6 &ashmiri red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1 tablespoon *umin seeds
1 to 0 *lo%es garli*
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
10 to 12 whole bla*) pepper*orns
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
W *up >60 ml? malt %inegar or *ider %inegar
1 teaspoon table salt
2 *ups >100 ml? %egetable oil
1' Clean and wash the fish thoroughly' Pat dry with paper towels' Kith a sharp )nife, ma)e 2 or = slits on
either side of the *enter bone on both sides of the fish' Also ma)e a slit in the side of ea*h fish'
2' Soa) the *hiles, *umin, garli*, ginger, pepper*orns, and tamarind pulp in the %inegar for 10 to 16
minutes' Transfer to a mini food pro*essor with 2 tablespoons water and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
Add the salt'
=' Fsing your fingertips, apply the ground spi*e paste all o%er the fish, *oating it liberally and stuffing the
paste inside the slits' The fish should be *o%ered *ompletely with the paste' Put the fish on a plate and
put in the refrigerator for =0 minutes to marinate'
1' Pla*e a wide nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, gently pla*e one fish in the oil' +ower the heat to medium and fry, turning on*e, for
10 to 16 minutes or until both sides are golden brown' Gry the remaining fish and ser%e hot'
Pori*ha &on$u
Crisp shrimp with *urry lea%es
Shrimp fry well, but only if the tender meat is prote*ted from the hot oil' 4 personally en$oy the soothing
fla%or of *urry lea%es in the *risp *oating here' Ser%e the shrimp with a sau*e or *hutney of your *hoi*e'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? medium shrimp, peeled and de%eined
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 teaspoons table salt
26 fresh *urry lea%es
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
= *lo%es garli*, *hopped
U teaspoon a$wain
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
W *up plus 2 tablespoons >00 grams? ri*e flour
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1' Kash and drain the shrimp' Pat them dry with an absorbent towel' Put them in a bowl, add the lemon
$ui*e and salt, and toss' Set aside to marinate for 16 minutes'
2' Put the *urry lea%es, *hiles, and garli* in a spi*e grinder with 2 tablespoons water and grind to a
smooth paste' Crush the a$wain lightly in a mortar and stir it into the paste along with the *hile
=' Add the paste to the marinated shrimp and stir well so that the shrimp are well *oated' Set aside to
marinate for 16 to 20 minutes' Sprin)le with the ri*e flour and stir well'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the shrimp and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, until golden brown and *risp'
!emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
6' Ser%e hot'
The paste here should be thi*) enough to adhere to the shrimp' Eou *an
substitute fish, *rabmeat, sHuid, or e%en mussels for the shrimp'
Shrimp 4dlis
Steamed ri*e *a)es with shrimp
(ew sna*) ideas are always wel*ome' +u*)ily, you *an add $ust about any *hopped %egetable, nut, or
spi*e to idli batter' 3ere, we add shrimp' Ser%e these idlis with *o*onut *ilantro *hutney >page 620?'
See page 6/1 for details about idli steamers'
"a)es 12'
U *up >100 grams? parboiled ri*e
W *up >60 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1 oun*es >110 grams? small shrimp, peeled and de%eined
1U teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon *rushed dried red *hile
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1' Put the ri*e in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water
and soa) o%ernight' Kash the dal and soa) in 1 *up >200 ml? water o%ernight'
2' .rain the ri*e and put in a spi*e grinder' Drind to a smooth, thi*) paste' Transfer to a large bowl'
.rain the dal and grind to a smooth, thi*) paste' Add it to the ri*e and whis) well'
=' Add 1W *ups >260 ml? water to the batter and whis) to get a smooth *onsisten*y >a little thi*)er than
pan*a)e batter?'
1' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and set in a warm pla*e to ferment for 1 to 6 hours or o%ernight'
6' Kash the shrimp well under running water and drain in a *olander' Chop them and put in a bowl'
0' Pla*e a steamer o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' ring to a boil'
9' !eser%ing a few shrimp, add the rest of the shrimp to the batter along with the salt, *hile, and
*ilantro, and stir well'
:' +ightly grease an idli mold with oil' Pour a spoonful of batter into ea*h indentation and pla*e one of
the remaining shrimp o%er the batter in ea*h'
/' Git the idli molds onto the stand, pla*e the stand in the steamer, and steam for 12 to 16 minutes'
!emo%e from the heat and let *ool for = to 1 minutes'
10' Spoon out the idlis and ser%e immediately'
Shrimp &aran$i
3alf moon[shaped pies stuffed with spi*y shrimp
&aran$i is a %ery popular sna*) in "aharashtra' 4t is stuffed with a sweet *o*onut filling and is often
made during festi%als and for spe*ial o**asions' 4 do something different here by using a sa%ory shrimp
filling' These are best *onsumed fresh, on the spotO
"a)es 12'
1 *up >120 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
1U tablespoons *oarse rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
W *up >60 grams? ghee
W *up >60 ml? mil)
10 oun*es >=00 grams? shrimp, peeled and de%eined
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh green *hile paste >page 1=?
U teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, *hopped
W *up >26 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
W *up >1= grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' "a)e the dough5 Sift the maida into a bowl' Add the semolina and rub in the ghee with your
fingertips until the mi8ture resembles bread *rumbs' Add the mil) and )nead in enough water to ma)e a
semisoft dough' Co%er the dough with a damp *loth and set aside for =0 minutes'
2' Kash the shrimp well under running water and drain in a *olander' Chop them and put in a bowl' Add
the ginger paste, garli* paste, *hile paste, and salt, and stir well'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ until light golden'
1' Add the shrimp mi8ture and *oo) until all the moisture e%aporates' Add the *o*onut and *ilantro, and
stir well' Set aside to *ool'
6' .i%ide the dough into 12 portions and roll them out into =,in*h >9U,*m? rounds' Pla*e ea*h round on
a wor) surfa*e, pla*e 1 portion of shrimp mi8ture on one half of ea*h round, and fold o%er to ma)e a
half,moon shape' Press the edges to seal the )aran$is well'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), slide in the )aran$is, two at a time, and *oo), stirring with a slotted spoon, until they puff up
slightly' Turn and *ontinue *oo)ing until both sides are light golden' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and
drain on paper towels'
9' Ser%e hot'
Shrimp Jadai
Shrimp fritters
South 4ndian *uisine features many different fritters, and 4 li)e to ser%e this parti*ular one to li%en up a
simple meal of lentils and ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
/ oun*es >260 grams? small shrimp, peeled and de%eined
1 medium red onion, min*ed
2 tablespoons grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
20 fresh *urry lea%es
1U teaspoons table salt
V *up >96 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Kash the shrimp well under running water' Pat them dry and put them in a food pro*essor' Add the
onion, *o*onut, turmeri*, *hile powder, garam masala, *urry lea%es, and salt, and pulse to ma)e a
*oarse mi8ture'
2' Transfer to a bowl, add the besan and *ilantro, and stir well'
=' .i%ide the mi8ture into 10 portions and roll them into balls'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), gently slide in the balls, eight at a time, and *oo), stirring gently with a slotted spoon, for = to 1
minutes or until golden brown' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
6' Ser%e hot'
Talela !awas
Pan,fried marinated fish
!awas is 4ndian salmon, different from Ameri*an salmon and Huite big, with dar) flesh' 4n the Fnited
States, you *an substitute ro*)fish or grouper' This is a deli*ious but %ery simple dish, perfe*t for new
*oo)s who donLt ha%e mu*h e8perien*e with fish' Ser%e it with dal and ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? rawas >4ndian salmon? or ro*)fish or grouper fillets
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon table salt
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U tablespoon tamarind pulp
V *up >110 grams? *oarsely ground raw ri*e
U *up >100 ml? %egetable oil
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Cut the fish into 1,in*h,thi*) >2U,*m,thi*)? sli*es' Kash well under running water and drain in a
*olander' Press the sli*es between paper towels to remo%e any e8*ess moisture'
2' Sprin)le with 1 tablespoon of the lemon $ui*e and U teaspoon of the salt, and set aside'
=' Put the *hile powder, turmeri*, tamarind pulp, the remaining U teaspoon salt, and 2 tablespoons
water in a bowl, and stir well' Add the fish and stir to *oat' Set aside to marinate for 16 to 20 minutes'
1' Add the ground ri*e and toss to *oat'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the fish pie*es, a few at a time, and *oo), turning on*e or twi*e, for a few
minutes or until they are *oo)ed through and both sides are light golden brown'
0' Transfer to a ser%ing platter and garnish with the *ilantro' Sprin)le with the remaining 1 tablespoon
lemon $ui*e and ser%e immediately'
Tandoori Pomfret
Pomfret *oo)ed tandoor style
Pomfret *oo)ed in a tandoor o%en is the most popular fish dish in any good seafood restaurant in
"umbai' ut for ease of preparation, 4L%e gi%en instru*tions for *oo)ing it in a *on%entional o%en' The
best way to en$oy this fish is with lots of lemon $ui*e and lemon wedges'
Ser%es 1'
1 >9U,oun*e7220,gram? whole pomfret fish, >you *an use pompano or butterfish?
1V teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
2U teaspoons red *hile powder
2 teaspoons garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon a$wain
W *up >26 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
W *up >00 ml? melted butter
1' Clean and wash the fish thoroughly' Pat dry with paper towels' "a)e in*isions on both sides of ea*h
fish' Combine 1 teaspoon of the salt, the lemon $ui*e, ginger paste, and garli* paste, and rub it all o%er
the fish' Put the fish on a platter, and set aside for 20 minutes'
2' Combine the yogurt, the remaining V teaspoon salt, the *hile powder, and the garam masala in a
bowl and set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the a$wain and besan, and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until fragrant' !emo%e
from the heat and stir in the turmeri*' Add to the yogurt mi8ture and whis) well' !ub this mi8ture all
o%er the fish and into the in*isions' Co%er the platter with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to
marinate for 1 hour'
1' Preheat the o%en to =60XG71:0XC'
6' Put the fish on a greased ba)ing sheet and ba)e on the middle ra*) of the o%en for : to 10 minutes,
wat*hing *arefully that they do not o%er*oo)'
0' aste with the butter and *oo) for another 6 minutes or until the fish ha%e a *rip and golden *rust,
again wat*hing *arefully that they do not o%er*oo)'
9' Ser%e hot'
Sungata*he ha$e
Crisp shrimp patties
"y wife, Alyona, lo%es pulao with shrimp, and the )ids adore fried shrimp, so there is always
something interesting happening with shrimp in our )it*hen' And here is an e8ample of $ust that5
wonderfully spi*ed and *risp shrimp patties'
"a)es :'
9 oun*es >200 grams? shrimp, peeled and de%eined
= *lo%es garli*, *hopped
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
= tablespoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
2 tablespoons fine rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1' Kash the shrimp well under running water and pat dry with an absorbent *loth so that all the e8*ess
moisture is remo%ed'
2' Put the shrimp in a bowl' Add the garli*, ginger, turmeri*, salt, *hile powder, maida, and semolina,
and *ombine well'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, pour in a spoonful of the shrimp mi8ture and flatten it slightly' Coo), flipping sides a
*ouple of times, for 2 minutes on ea*h side or until the shrimp are *oo)ed through and *risp on the
outside' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Ser%e hot'
Eera Jaru%al
Crisp sautQed hot,and,sour shrimp
This dish from the northern part of Tamil (adu is also *alled eral %aru%alA shrimp fry' The ginger and
garli* balan*e out the fla%or of the shrimp beautifully' 4 do not mind eating these on their own as a
sna*), but ideally they are a**ompanied with ri*e and sambhar >page =2?'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? medium shrimp, peeled and de%eined
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2U teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp, or the $ui*e of 1 lemon
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
26 fresh *urry lea%es >6 *hopped, 20 whole?
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
=U tablespoons ri*e flour
2 teaspoons table salt
0 tablespoons >/0 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, *ut into rings
2 lemons, *ut into wedges
1' Kash the shrimp and drain well' Pat dry with a )it*hen towel'
2' Combine the ginger paste, garli* paste, *umin, tamarind pulp, *hile powder, the 6 *hopped *urry
lea%es, turmeri*, ri*e flour, salt, and 2 tablespoons of the oil in a bowl' Add the shrimp and toss well' Put
in the refrigerator to marinate for =0 minutes'
=' Pla*e a shallow nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoons oil' Add
the 20 whole *urry lea%es and *oo) until dar) green and *risp' Add the shrimp and *oo) until *oo)ed
through and golden brown and *risp' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Darnish with the onions and lemons, and ser%e immediately'
Andhra Chile Chi*)en
Andhra,style spi*y *hi*)en
Chiles are an integral part of the *oo)ing of Andhra Pradesh, a state lo*ated in the southern part of
4ndia' Eou *an %ary the heat of this dish by redu*ing or in*reasing the number of *hiles used' Eou *an
also try different %arieties of red *hiles for different fla%ors and heat le%els'
Ser%es 1'
1V pounds >:00 grams? s)inless, boneless *hi*)en pie*es >white and dar) meat?
1 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon >06 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 green *ardamom pods
1 whole *lo%es
1: to 20 dried red *hiles
1 medium onion, sli*ed
16 to 20 fresh *urry lea%es
1 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
1' Cut the *hi*)en into small pie*es and put them in a bowl'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 teaspoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles begin to appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds, *innamon, *ardamom, and
*lo%es, and sautQ for 1 minute' Set aside to *ool'
=' Soa) the red *hiles in W *up >60 ml? water for =0 minutes' Put the sautQed spi*es and the soa)ed
*hiles in a mini food pro*essor with a little of the soa)ing water and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
1' Add the paste to the *hi*)en pie*es and toss to *ombine, *o%er the bowl, and put it in the refrigerator
to marinate for 2 to = hours'
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles begin to appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onion, *urry lea%es, green *hiles, salt, and
*oriander, and sautQ for 1 minute'
0' Add the *hi*)en pie*es and stir well' Add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil and *oo), stirring
freHuently, for 10 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through' Ser%e hot'
Chandi &aliyan
Chi*)en with sil%er foil
The title of the dish means Sbuds of sil%er,T and in this dish the *hi*)en is *oo)ed in a mild marinade
until it is %ery tender, similar to the softness of a flower bud' Ser%ed on a bed of ri*e with a blan)et of
edible sil%er foil, this is a grand presentation that always impresses' 4t sells li)e hot*a)es at our Eellow
Chilli restaurants'
"ost 4ndian gro*ers sell sil%er foil' Eou *an also find it online'
Ser%es 1'
1V pounds >:00 grams? boneless *hi*)en, *ut into 10 >1,in*h72U,*m? *ubes
Gor the first marinade5
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
Gor the se*ond marinade5
V *up >00 grams? *ream *heese
W *up >06 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon *ornstar*h
U teaspoon ground white pepper
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
W teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
U teaspoon table salt
Gor *oo)ing and ser%ing5
"elted butter
Steamed ri*e
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
= sheets *handi )a %arH >edible sil%er foilM a%ailable at 4ndian gro*ery stores?
1' Pla*e the *hi*)en *ubes in a large bowl'
2' "a)e the first marinade5 Stir the ginger paste, garli* paste, salt, white pepper, and lemon $ui*e
together, and rub it all o%er the *hi*)en' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator for
=0 minutes'
=' "a)e the se*ond marinade5 Put the *heese and yogurt on a plate and stir well with your palm until
smooth and *reamy' Add the *ornstar*h, white pepper, *ardamom, *hiles, *ilantro, *ream, nutmeg, and
1' Add the se*ond marinade to the *hi*)en and stir well' Co%er and put in the refrigerator to marinate
for 1 hours'
6' Preheat the o%en to 160XG72=0XC'
0' String the *hi*)en *ubes, with the marinade, onto long, thin s)ewers' Pla*e on a ba)ing sheet and
ba)e for 9 minutes, turning freHuently and basting the *hi*)en with the melted butter'
9' aste with butter again and ba)e for 1 minute more'
:' Slide the *hi*)en *ubes off the s)ewers onto a bed of ri*e' Sprin)le with the lemon $ui*e and *haat
masala and *o%er with the *handi )a %arH' Ser%e immediately'
Chettinaad Gried Chi*)en
Spi*y *hi*)en with *urry lea%es
Chettinaad *uisine originates in the deep southern region of Tamil (adu' 4t has a strong *hara*ter5
Greshly ground spi*es li)e pepper and *hiles mingle with garli* and ginger and liberal amounts of oil'
.eeply fla%ored with *urry lea%es, this fried *hi*)en needs some marinating time, so plan ahead' And 4
do re*ommend that you ad$ust the spi*e le%els to your taste'
Ser%es 1'
1 >2,pound71,)g? whole bone,in *hi*)en
2 medium red onions, roughly *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, roughly *hopped
6 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
1 green *hiles, stemmed and roughly *hopped
0 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons ri*e flour
1U teaspoons table salt
16 fresh *urry lea%es, finely shredded
1 *up >200 ml? %egetable oil
1' Split the *hi*)en through the ba*)bone and separate the breast into two eHual hal%es' "a)e three or
four U,in*h,deep >1,*m,deep? *uts on the breast and leg pie*es'
2' Put the onions, ginger, garli*, green *hiles, and red *hiles in a food pro*essor with = tablespoons
water, and pro*ess to a smooth paste' Transfer to a deep bowl and stir in the turmeri*, lemon $ui*e, ri*e
flour, and salt'
=' Add the *hi*)en pie*es and toss to *oat them liberally with the paste' Add the *urry lea%es and stir'
Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator for 2 to = hours to marinate' !emo%e from
the refrigerator and remo%e the *hi*)en pie*es from the marinade' !eser%e the marinade'
1' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add the *hi*)en and in*rease the heat to high' SautQ for 2 minutes on both sides'
This helps to seal in the $ui*es' +ower the heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for 16 to 20 minutes, turning
o%er and basting freHuently with the reser%ed marinade' Sprin)le with 2 to = tablespoons water if the
*hi*)en starts drying out and the marinade is all used up'
6' Coo) o%er high heat for 0 to 9 minutes, so that the surfa*e of the *hi*)en is *risp and golden brown'
0' Cut into smaller pie*es and ser%e immediately'
Chi*)en 06
A *risp and spi*y *hi*)en appetiNer
There are many ane*dotes about the origin of this dishLs name, but nobody really )nows for sure how it
*ame to be *oined' 4n any *ase, the name stu*), and the dish is one of the most popular *hi*)en
appetiNers in Andhra Pradesh' "ost pla*es ser%e bone,in *hi*)en, but 4 feel boneless *hi*)en ma)es it
more en$oyable'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless, s)inless *hi*)en, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
1 teaspoon table salt
1 large egg, whis)ed
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
2 tablespoons red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
1 teaspoon maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
20 to 16 fresh *urry lea%es
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1' Put the *hi*)en in a bowl' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, pepper, salt, and egg, and *ombine well'
Add U tablespoon water and *ombine well'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and add the *hi*)en pie*es, a few at a time, and *oo),
stirring with a slotted spoon, for = to 1 minutes or until *oo)ed through' !emo%e with the slotted spoon
and drain on paper towels'
=' Pla*e the yogurt, *hile paste, and flour in a bowl and whis) well'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaing 2 tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, *hiles, and *urry lea%es' Khen the
seeds sputter, add the yogurt mi8ture and stir well' SautQ for 1 to 2 minutes'
6' Add the *hi*)en and *oo) for 6 to 9 minutes or until all the e8*ess moisture e%aporates'
0' Add the *o*onut and toss well' Ser%e hot'
Chi*)en Cafreal
Chi*)en marinated in a green masala and *oo)ed until dry
4n my opinion, if there is a dish that *an ta)e tandoori *hi*)en head,on, it is *hi*)en *afreal, a dry dish
from Doa'
Ser%es 1'
1 >2,pound71,)g? whole bone,in *hi*)en
= tablespoons plus 2 *ups >100 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 whole *lo%es
= green *ardamom pods
: whole bla*) pepper*orns
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 tablespoon white poppy seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, roughly *hopped
1 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
1 green *hiles, stemmed and roughly *hopped
27= *up >10 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1U teaspoons table salt
= tablespoons white %inegar
1' !emo%e the s)in from the *hi*)en, trim off e8*ess fat, and *ut the *hi*)en into : pie*es' "a)e deep
in*isions in the flesh using a sharp )nife' Put the pie*es in a bowl'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the 2 *ups oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom
of the wo), add the onions and *oo) until golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on
paper towelsM set aside'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) pan o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then add the *oriander,
*umin, *lo%es, *ardamom, pepper*orns, *innamon, and poppy seeds, and dry,roast for 1U minutes or
until fragrant' Set aside to *ool to room temperature'
1' Transfer the *ooled spi*es to a food pro*essor' Add the ginger, garli*, *hiles, *ilantro, turmeri*,
tamarind pulp, and 0 tablespoons >/0 ml? water, and pro*ess to a paste'
6' Transfer the paste to the bowl with the *hi*)en pie*es' Add the salt and stir well so that all the pie*es
are *oated' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 2 to = hours to marinate'
0' Pla*e a large nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the = tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the marinated *hi*)en pie*es and stir' Co%er and *oo),
stirring o**asionally, for : to 10 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
9' Fn*o%er and sautQ for 2 to = minutes so that all the moisture e%aporates and the masala *oats the
*hi*)en pie*es well'
:' Darnish with the onions and ser%e hot'
Chi*)en &athi !oll
Spi*ed boneless *hi*)en pie*es rolled in roomali rotis
&ol)ata has the famous street food *alled )athi rolls, whi*h are basi*ally )ebabs ser%ed rolled up in a
flatbread spread with *hutneys and a spe*ial masala' This is my home %ersion, and it ma)es an ideal
starter at a party when you ser%e it *ut into bite,siNe pie*es5 Spear ea*h pie*e with a toothpi*) to hold
the roll together'
!oomali rotis, named for their resemblan*e to a hand)er*hief >roomal?, are a%ailable at most 4ndian
gro*ery stores' 4f you *annot find them, you *an use soft flour tortillas or regular 4ndian rotis as a
"a)es 1 rolls'
9 oun*es >200 grams? boneless *hi*)en, *ut into thin strips
1U teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *rushed
U teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
1 medium *arrot, peeled and *ut into thin strips
1 froNen roomali rotis
W *up >00 grams? pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the *hi*)en in a bowl' Add the lemon $ui*e, *hile powder, garli* paste, ginger paste, garam
masala, green *hiles, and salt, and stir well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator
for 1 hour to marinate'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the marinated *hi*)en and sautQ for 10 to 12 minutes, stirring freHuently' Add
the *umin and stir well' .i%ide into 1 portions'
=' 4n a separate bowl, *ombine the onions and *arrot' .i%ide into 1 portions and set aside'
1' Put the froNen roomali rotis in a mi*rowa%e o%en and *oo) on high for 1 minute' +ay them out on a
wor) surfa*e' Spread 1 tablespoon of the *hutney o%er ea*h, arrange 1 portion of the *oo)ed *hi*)en in
the *enter lengthwise, and sprin)le with U tablespoon *ilantro' (e8t sprin)le with a portion of the
onion,*arrot mi8ture'
6' Gold one side of the roti o%er the filling, then fold the other side o%er it' eginning from one end, roll
up tightly' !epeat with the remaining roti and filling, and ser%e immediately'
Chi*)en Ti))a
ite,siNe spi*y *hi*)en )ebabs
Chi*)en ti))a is probably the first introdu*tion to 4ndian food for most non,4ndians' oneless tandoori
*hi*)en is *alled a ti))aAa small bite,siNe )ebab' Ke ma)e them all the time' And if you ha%e lefto%ers,
4 would suggest you ma)e a *hi*)en ti))a *haat5 Toss warm ti))as with *olored bell peppers and top
with whis)ed plain yogurt and *ilantro or mint *hutney' 4t ma)es a great easy lun*h'
Ser%es 1
1V pounds >:00 grams? boneless, s)inless *hi*)en, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 teaspoon &ashmiri *hile powder or papri)a powder
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon table salt
Gor the marinade5
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt, drained until thi*) >see (ote page :0?
1 teaspoon &ashmiri *hile powder or papri)a powder
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons refined mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
2 tablespoons melted butter
U teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
2 onions, *ut into rings
1 medium lemon, *ut into wedges
1' Put the *hi*)en in a deep bowl'
2' Pla*e the *hile powder, lemon $ui*e, and salt in a small bowl, and stir well' !ub this paste onto the
*hi*)en *ubes so that they are e%enly *oated' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the
refrigerator for =0 minutes to marinate'
=' "a)e the marinade5 Put the yogurt in a bowl' Stir in the *hile powder, salt, ginger paste, garli* paste,
lemon $ui*e, garam masala, and mustard oil' Khis) until smooth'
1' !ub the yogurt mi8ture into the *hi*)en so that all the *ubes are well *oated' Co%er the bowl and put
it in the refrigerator for = to 1 hours to marinate'
6' "eanwhile, soa) some wooden s)ewers in water' Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC'
0' Thread the *hi*)en *ubes onto s)ewers' Arrange in a single layer on a rimmed ba)ing sheet and ba)e
for 10 to 12 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through' Eou *an also *oo) them in a moderately hot
tandoor for 10 to 12 minutes' aste with the butter and *oo) for 2 minutes more'
9' Sprin)le with *haat masala and ser%e with onion rings and lemon wedges'
Bgg Patties
Spi*y s*rambled eggs en*ased in potato and deep,fried
4f you li)e to ser%e surprises, then this is a re*ipe you should try' The soft egg *enter is a spe*ial tou*h'
Ser%es 1'
1 tablespoon ghee >page =9?
W teaspoon *umin seeds
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed 1 small red onion, *hopped
1 medium tomato, finely *hopped
U teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
0 large eggs
1 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
2 *ups >100 ml? %egetable oil
1U *ups >106 grams? bread *rumbs
Tomato )et*hup
1' Pla*e a large nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds' Khen they begin to *hange *olor, add the garli* paste and
ginger, and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
2' Add the green *hiles and onion, and sautQ until the onion is golden brown' Add the tomato and *oo)
for = to 1 minutes' Add the *hile powder, turmeri*, and garam masala, and stir' Add U teaspoon of the
salt and the *ilantro, and stir well' Cra*) in 6 of the eggs one by one and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 6
to 0 minutes or until the mi8ture thi*)ens and sets' +et *ool to room temperature'
=' Cra*) the remaining egg in a bowl, whis) lightly, and set aside' &nead the mashed potatoes' Add the
remaining U teaspoon salt and stir well' .i%ide into : portions' Ta)e a portion in your palm and flatten it
into a =,in*h dis)' Pla*e a heaping spoonful of the egg mi8ture in the *enter and fold in the sides to seal
the stuffing' Seal by pressing the patty lightly'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium'
6' Put the bread *rumbs on a plate' .ip ea*h patty in the beaten egg, roll in the bread *rumbs, and
gently slide into the hot oil' Coo) the patties o%er medium heat, two at a time, turning freHuently with a
slotted spoon, for 6 minutes or until they are golden brown all o%er' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and
drain on paper towels' Ser%e hot with tomato )et*hup'
&haas See)h
.ouble,layered )ebabs
These are spe*ial s)ewered )ebabs that reHuire a little finesse to assemble, but the *oo)ing is done in a
$iffy' "y wife, Alyona, prefers these )ebabs when we are entertaining be*ause she *an prepare them in
the early afternoon, )eep them under plasti* wrap in the refrigerator, and then *oo) them Hui*)ly $ust
before ser%ing the meal'
"a)es :'
U *up >90 grams? grated paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
1U teaspoons ground green *ardamom
1 tablespoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh mint
1 17= pounds >020 grams? ground *hi*)en
1 large egg
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1' Soa) : wooden s)ewers in water for =0 minutes' .rain and let dry'
2' Put the paneer, V teaspoon of the *ardamom, U tablespoon of the garam masala, and the mint in a
large bowl' Stir, mashing well with your hands' Ta)e a portion of this mi8ture and press it around a
s)ewer in a thin layer' Press the ends firmly' !epeat with the remaining paneer mi8ture and s)ewers'
=' Put the *hi*)en in another bowl' Add the egg, salt, the remaining V teaspoon *ardamom, the white
pepper, the remaining U tablespoon garam masala, and the *hiles, and stir well'
1' Ta)e a portion of the *hi*)en mi8ture and spread it o%er the paneer mi8ture on the s)ewers' !epeat
with the remaining s)ewers' Eou *an )eep the see)hs in the refrigerator for at least an hour before
6' Pla*e a shallow nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, pla*e the see)hs in the pan and *oo), turning *ontinuously, until they are
golden brown all o%er and *oo)ed through'
0' .rain on paper towels' Khen they are slightly *ooled, gently slide the see)hs from the s)ewers,
pla*e them on a ser%ing plate, and ser%e immediately'
&oNhi "ilagu Jaru%al
Chi*)en pepper fry
This dry preparation *an be ser%ed as a sna*) or an appetiNer' The pepperiness is heady, so ma)e plenty5
Eour guests will demand se*onds'
Ser%es 1'
1V pounds >:00 grams? boneless *hi*)en, *ut into small pie*es
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
1U teaspoons table salt
20 bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
10 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
2 medium red onions, *hopped
10 fresh *urry lea%es
1 large tomato, *hopped
1' Put the *hi*)en in a large bowl, add the *hile powder, turmeri*, *oriander, 1 teaspoon of the salt, and
the pepper*orns, and stir well' Set aside to marinate for =0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the ginger, garli*, and onions, and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the onions
are golden'
=' Add the *urry lea%es and *hi*)en, and sautQ for 10 minutes or until well browned'
1' Add the tomato and the remaining U teaspoon salt, and sautQ for = minutes or until the tomatoes are
6' Co%er and simmer for 10 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through' Fn*o%er and *oo) until the
mi8ture is almost dry'
0' Ser%e immediately'
&uNhi Paniyaram
Steamed,ri*e sna*)
This is the smartest way to use up lefto%er idli batter' These are usually made in a paniyaram tawa, a
spe*ial pan with little golf ball[siNed indentations in it' 4f you donLt ha%e one, you *an use a plain flat
griddle and ma)e fi%e or si8 paniyarams at a time, dropping a tablespoon of batter for ea*h and
)eeping a little spa*e between them' Paniyaram is a popular tiffin >sna*)? item in the South 4ndian *ity
of Chettinad and *an be made either sa%ory or sweet' Ser%e these with *o*onut *ilantro *hutney >page
"a)es 21'
U *up >100 grams? raw short,grain ri*e
1 *up >200 grams? parboiled ri*e
W *up >60 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
17: teaspoon fenugree) seeds
1 teaspoon table salt
6 teaspoons %egetable oil
17: teaspoon brown mustard seeds
17: teaspoon *umin seeds
6 or 0 fresh *urry lea%es, *hopped
1 small red onion, finely *hopped
1 green *hile, stemmed and finely *hopped
1' Put the raw ri*e, parboiled ri*e, and dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain'
Add the fenugree) seeds and = *ups >000 ml? water, and soa) for at least 6 hours'
2' .rain and pla*e in a food pro*essor with 1U *ups >=00 ml? water' Pro*ess to a batter that has a grainy
te8ture' Transfer to a large bowl' Add the salt and stir well' Co%er the bowl with a lid and set aside in a
warm pla*e to ferment o%ernight'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 teaspoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, *umin, *urry lea%es, onion, and *hile'
SautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add this tempering to the batter and stir well'
1' Pla*e the paniyaram tawa >or a flat griddle? o%er medium heat and grease ea*h indentation with a
little oil' Pour a ladleful of batter in ea*h, add a few drops of oil around the edges, and *oo) for 1 to 6
minutes or until the undersides are lightly browned'
6' Turn them o%er using a spoon, driNNle with a little more oil, and *oo) for = to 1 minutes or until the
se*ond side is lightly browned'
0' Ser%e immediately'
+ahsooni .hania "urgh
Darli*,and,*ilantro *hi*)en
The *ombined fla%ors of fresh *ilantro and garli* in these su**ulent *hi*)en )ebabs ma)e them one of
my fa%orites'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the first marinade5
2 tablespoons fresh ginger,garli* paste >page 1=?
U teaspoon table salt
= tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 >1,oun*e7126 gram? boneless, s)inless *hi*)en thighs
Gor the se*ond marinade5
= tablespoons besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
= tablespoons *hopped garli*
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 tablespoon fresh ginger,garli* paste >page 1=?
6 tablespoons >=6 grams? fresh *ilantro,leaf paste >page 2=?
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U tablespoons %egetable oil
To *oo) and ser%e5
"elted butter
Chaat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1' "a)e the first marinade5 Put the ginger,garli* paste, salt, and lemon $ui*e in a large, deep bowl' Stir
well and add the *hi*)en' Stir again so that all the *hi*)en pie*es are *oated' Co%er and put in the
refrigerator to marinate for =0 minutes'
2' "a)e the se*ond marinade5 Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er low heat' Add the besan and toast, stirring
*ontinuously, for 1 to 2 minutes or until it is fragrant and lightly browned' Add the turmeri*' Toast o%er
low heat for 2 minutes' Transfer to a dry bowl'
=' !eturn the griddle to low heat' Add the garli* and toast for = to 1 minutes or until lightly browned' Set
1' Put the yogurt, *hiles, ginger,garli* paste, roasted besan and turmeri*, *ilantro,leaf paste, browned
garli*, lemon $ui*e, garam masala, and oil in a bowl, and stir well'
6' Add to the *hi*)en and stir well' Co%er and put in the refrigerator to marinate for = hours'
0' Preheat the o%en to 126XG7226XC'
9' Put the *hi*)en pie*es on metal s)ewers and arrange in a single layer on a rimmed ba)ing sheet' Coo)
for 20 minutes, basting with butter e%ery 6 minutes, until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
:' Dently remo%e the *hi*)en from the s)ewers' Sprin)le with the *haat masala and ser%e immediately'
+al "urgh
!ed *hi*)en
This is an 4ndian %ersion of fried *hi*)enAand it has a )i*)' The presentation is spe*ta*ular, with the
*hi*)en hidden under a mound of shiny dried red *hiles'
Ser%es 1'
1V pounds >:00 grams? bone,in *hi*)en, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
1U teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1 large egg, beaten
= tablespoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
W *up >20 grams? *ornfla)es
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1U *ups >96 grams? small, round red *hiles or dried red *hiles of your *hoi*e
1' Put the *hi*)en in a bowl, add the salt, garli* paste, ginger paste, *hile paste, garam masala,U
tablespoon of the *haat masala, the egg, and maida, and stir'
2' Crush the *ornfla)es and add them to the *hi*)en' Add the lemon $ui*e and stir'
=' Put = tablespoons of the oil in a small wo)' Add the *hiles and sautQ for 1 minute' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and set aside in a bowl'
1' Put the remaining oil in a large wo) and pla*e o%er medium heat' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add the *hi*)en pie*es, a few at a time, and *oo) until *risp, turning freHuently with
a slotted spoon' .rain on paper towels'
6' Put the *oo)ed *hi*)en in a bowl' Sprin)le with the remaining U tablespoon *haat masala and toss'
Transfer to a ser%ing plate, *o%er with the sautQed *hiles, and ser%e immediately'
"arghi (a Gar*ha
4ndian,style fried *hi*)en
Ke lo%e ma)ing this at homeAitLs a fa%orite with )ids and adults ali)e'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? whole *hi*)en
1 teaspoon table salt
1U tablespoons red *hile powder
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 large eggs
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 *up >110 grams? bread *rumbs
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Put the *hi*)en on a *lean wor) surfa*e and remo%e the s)in' Kith a sharp )nife, *ut in half through
the ba*)bone and breastbone' Cut ea*h breast half into 2 pie*es' Separate the drumsti*) from the thigh'
Eou now ha%e : pie*es of *hi*)en'
2' Put the salt, *hile powder, turmeri*, ginger paste, garli* paste, *ilantro, and lemon $ui*e in a deep
bowl and stir well'
=' Add the *hi*)en and stir well' Co%er the bowl and put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours to
1' Cra*) the eggs into a small bowl and whis)' Put the bread *rumbs in a large shallow dish'
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Add the
*hi*)en and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' !emo%e the *hi*)en pie*es from the pan and roll them in the
bread *rumbs, ma)ing sure they are well *oated'
0' Put the remaining %egetable oil in a deep,fryer and heat to =96XG71/0XC' Pi*) up 1 pie*e of *rumb,
*oated *hi*)en, dip it in the beaten eggs, and gently slide it into the hot oil' .eep,fry for = to 6 minutes
or until golden and *oo)ed through' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' !epeat
with the remaining *hi*)en'
9' Sprin)le with the garam masala and ser%e immediately'
"urgh Dilafi Ti))a
Spi*ed grilled *hi*)en in a yogurt sau*e
oneless *hi*)en on s)ewers is always a hitAbe it *hi*)en ti))a, ya)itori, *hi*)en satay, *hi*)en shasli),
or *hi*)en bro*hettes' ut in my opinion murgh gilafi ti))a beats those hands down be*ause of the
depth of fla%ors from the spi*es used' Cn*e the ti))a is *oo)ed, it is simmered in a sau*e before ser%ing
>unli)e many other typi*al ti))a preparations?'
Ser%es 1'
1 >=U,oun*e7100,gram? boneless *hi*)en breasts, *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? *ubes
6 small red onions
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
6 *lo%es garli*
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed and roughly *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
V *up >200 grams? Dree) yogurt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
= medium tomatoes, seeded and *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? pie*es
2 medium green bell peppers, seeded and *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? pie*es
W *up plus 2 teaspoons >90 ml? %egetable oil, plus 2 tablespoons
0 to : whole *lo%es
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*) 2 bay lea%es
6 or 0 green *ardamom pods
2 tablespoons hea%y *ream
1' Pat the *hi*)en dry with paper towels' Soa) 10 >0,in*h716,*m? wooden s)ewers in water'
2' Chop = of the onions and set aside for the sau*e' Cut the remaining 2 into 2,in*h >6,*m? *ubes and
separate the layers'
=' Put the ginger, garli*, *hiles, and *ilantro in a mini food pro*essor with 2 tablespoons water, and
pro*ess to a fine paste'
1' Put the *hi*)en in a large bowl' Add the yogurt, the ground paste, *hile powder, turmeri*, and salt,
and stir so that all the *hi*)en pie*es are well *oated with the marinade' Co%er the bowl with plasti*
wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour'
6' !emo%e the *hi*)en from the marinade and reser%e the marinade' Add the besan to the reser%ed
marinade and stir well' Set aside'
0' Cn ea*h s)ewer, string an onion pie*e, *hi*)en pie*e, tomato pie*e, and bell pepper pie*e'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add W *up plus 2 teaspoons >90 ml? oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, pla*e the s)ewers in and *oo) for 1 minute' +ower the heat to
medium and *oo), turning, for 6 to 0 minutes or until the *hi*)en pie*es are *oo)ed through' !emo%e
the *hi*)en and %egetables from the s)ewers, and set aside'
:' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Add the
*lo%es, *innamon, bay lea%es, and *ardamom, and sautQ for 1 minute or until fragrant' Add the *hopped
onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until golden brown' Add the reser%ed marinade and *oo),
stirring, until the sau*e thi*)ens' Add the *hi*)en and %egetables, and *oo) for 1 to 2 minutes'
/' Add the *ream and stir gently' Ser%e hot'
"urgh 3aNar%i
!i*h and deli*ately fla%ored *hi*)en )ebabs
Chi*)en and *heese always taste good together' 4n 4ndia, yogurt is traditionally used for marinades, but
here 4 ha%e used *ream, *heese, and egg' This appetiNer is %ery popular in my restaurants'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless *hi*)en breasts, *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? *ubes
2 tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
V teaspoon table salt
U *up >10 grams? *ream *heese
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
W teaspoon ground ma*e
W teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 large egg
V *up >160 ml? hea%y *ream
"elted butter
1' Put the *hi*)en in a large bowl' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, white pepper, and U teaspoon of
the salt, and stir well so that all the *hi*)en pie*es are well *oated'
2' Put the *ream *heese in a large bowl' Add the *hiles, ma*e, nutmeg, *ilantro, and the remaining W
teaspoon salt, and stir well to ma)e sure there are no lumps and all the ingredients are *ombined'
=' Add the egg and stir well' Add the *hi*)en to the *ream *heese mi8ture' Add the *ream and stir
1' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 2 to = hours' Khile the
*hi*)en is marinating, soa) the s)ewers in water'
6' Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC'
0' String the *hi*)en onto the wooden s)ewers and pla*e on a ba)ing sheet' a)e for : minutes or until
almost *oo)ed through and lightly browned'
9' rush with butter and *oo) for another 2 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through' !emo%e
from the s)ewers and ser%e hot'
"urgh (eNa &abab
a)ed *hi*)en marinated in *ream and spi*es
4n this re*ipe from 3yderabad, a *ity in South 4ndia, the mi8ture of spi*es and herbs not only *oats the
drumsti*)s but also permeates deep into the meat so thereLs lots of fla%or in e%ery bite'
Ser%es 1'
1U pounds >900 grams? *hi*)en leg Huarters
2 tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon ground white pepper
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
W teaspoon *rushed )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
1 tablespoon distilled white %inegar
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1 *up >100 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 large egg
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
2 tablespoons butter, melted
1 lemon, *ut into wedges
1 large red onion, *ut into rings
1 large tomato, sli*ed
1' +oosen the thighbone of ea*h *hi*)en leg Huarter, but do not remo%e it fully'
2' Put the ginger paste, garli* paste, salt, white pepper, garam masala, )asoori methi, %inegar, *ilantro,
and *ardamom in a large bowl, and stir well to *ombine' Add the *hi*)en and turn to *oat well' Set aside
to marinate for 20 minutes'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low, add the besan, and sautQ until fragrant and lightly
*olored' Transfer to a bowl and let *ool'
1' Add the egg to the besan and whis) to ma)e a smooth paste' Add the *ream and whis) again'
6' Coat the *hi*)en with this paste and set aside for 20 minutes'
0' Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC'
9' Kith a wooden s)ewer, s)ewer ea*h *hi*)en leg on*e along the drumsti*) bone and on*e through the
thigh flesh' Pla*e on a ba)ing sheet and ba)e for 9 to : minutes' aste ea*h leg Huarter with U
tablespoon of the butter' a)e for 10 to 16 minutes more or until lightly *olored and *oo)ed through'
:' !emo%e the *hi*)en from the s)ewers and pla*e on a ser%ing dish' Darnish with the lemon, onion, and
tomato, and ser%e hot'
(aadan &oNhi !oast
Country,style *hi*)en
(aadan means S%illage,T and )oNhi means S*hi*)enTAand this is a typi*al rural dish from &erala, a
%erdant state in the south of 4ndia la*ed with palm,lined ba*)waters and hills *arpeted with spi*e farms'
The air is fragrant and the food replete with rusti* *harm' This *hi*)en dish is simple to ma)e, and itLs a
perfe*t e8ample of e%eryday &eralan food'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless *hi*)en, *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? *ubes
2 tablespoons thi*) yogurt
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1U tablespoons ri*e flour
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon table salt
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 1U tablespoons %egetable oil
10 to 16 fresh *urry lea%es
10 shallots, peeled and hal%ed
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, $ulienned
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
0 to : bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
1' Clean the *hi*)en *ubes thoroughly under running water and drain well in a *olander'
2' Put the yogurt in a large bowl' Add the garli* paste, *hile powder, ri*e flour, turmeri*, *oriander, and
salt, and whis) well'
=' Add the *hi*)en and stir well to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to
marinate for 1 hour'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium, slide in the *hi*)en *ubes, a few at a time, and fry,
turning freHuently with a slotted spoon, for 6 to 9 minutes or until well browned and $ust *oo)ed
through' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
6' Pla*e another nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add 1U tablespoons oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the wo), add the *urry lea%es, shallots, ginger, *hiles, and pepper*orns' SautQ
for 2 to = minutes'
0' Add the *hi*)en and toss' Coo) for 2 minutes, stirring *ontinuously'
9' Ser%e immediately'
(awabi &almi &abab
Chi*)en marinated in yogurt mi8ed with egg and spi*es
This dish originates from the northwest frontier of 4ndia and was popular with the "ughals during their
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless *hi*)en, *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? *ubes
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
U teaspoon *araway seeds
2 whole *lo%es
: to 10 saffron threads
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U *up >110 grams? plain Dree) yogurt
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 large egg, whis)ed
W *up >=0 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
V teaspoon table salt
utter for basting
1 large red onion, *ut into rings
A few sprigs fresh mint, *hopped
1 lemon, *ut into wedges
1' Pri*) ea*h *hi*)en pie*e with a for) in two or three pla*es'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat, add the *innamon, *araway, *lo%es, and saffron,
and dry,roast lightly' +et *ool, then transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
=' Combine the ginger paste, garli* paste, yogurt, roasted spi*e powder, lemon $ui*e, egg, maida, and
salt in a large bowl' Add the *hi*)en and toss to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put it in the
refrigerator to marinate for 2 to = hours'
1' Preheat the o%en to 126X7220XC'
6' Arrange the *hi*)en pie*es on a ba)ing sheet and ba)e for : minutes' aste with butter and ba)e for 2
minutes more'
0' Darnish with the onion, mint, and lemon wedges, and ser%e hot'
Tandoori Chi*)en
Chi*)en marinated in spi*y yogurt and ba)ed
This darling of the 4ndian palate, traditionally *oo)ed in a *lay o%en *alled a tandoor, is one of my
personal fa%orites' +ea%ing the bone in ensures that the final dish will be su**ulent and $ui*y'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? whole bone,in *hi*)en
1 teaspoon &ashmiri red *hile powder or papri)a powder
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon table salt
Gor the marinade5
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, drained until thi*) >see (ote page :0?
2 tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon &ashmiri *hile powder or papri)a powder
U teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
To *oo) and ser%e5
2 medium red onions
"elted butter
U teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
2 lemons, *ut into wedges
1' Cut the *hi*)en into 1 pie*es5 2 leg Huarters and 2 breast hal%es' "a)e in*isions in the flesh with a
sharp )nife' Put the *hi*)en in a deep bowl'
2' 4n a small bowl, stir together the *hile powder, lemon $ui*e, and salt, and rub it onto the *hi*)en
pie*es' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator for =0 minutes to marinate'
=' "a)e the marinade5 Put the yogurt in a bowl, add the ginger paste, garli* paste, *hile powder, salt,
lemon $ui*e, garam masala, and mustard oil, and stir'
1' Add the marinade to the *hi*)en pie*es and toss so that all the pie*es are well *o%ered with it' Co%er
the bowl again and put it in the refrigerator for = to 1 hours to marinate'
6' Cut the onions into round sli*es and then separate the rings' Put in a bowl of i*ed water and soa) for
=0 minutes' .rain well and set aside in the refrigerator until needed' This will )eep the onions *risp'
0' Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC' Put the *hi*)en pie*es onto metal or presoa)ed wooden s)ewers,
arrange in a single layer on a rimmed ba)ing sheet, and *oo) for 10 to 12 minutes or until almost *oo)ed
through' aste with butter and *oo) for : minutes more'
9' Sprin)le with *haat masala and ser%e hot with the onion rings and lemon wedges'
To ma)e *hi*)en ti))a, use boneless *hi*)en pie*es *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m?
*ubes and pro*eed as for tandoori *hi*)en'
Tangdi &abab
Chi*)en drumsti*)s
A fa%orite with my )ids, who *all it S*hi*)en with a handle'T
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? *hi*)en drumsti*)s
U tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, drained until thi*) >see (ote page :0?
2 tablespoons besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon table salt
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
Jegetable oil for greasing
2 tablespoons melted butter
1 teaspoon *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1 lemon, *ut into wedges
1' Trim off e8*ess fat and s)in from the drumsti*)s' "a)e = or 1 long, deep in*isions on ea*h drumsti*)'
!ub with the lemon $ui*e and put in the refrigerator for =0 minutes to marinate'
2' Put the yogurt in a bowl and set aside'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er low heat' Add the besan and roast o%er low heat, stirring
*ontinuously, for 1 to 6 minutes or until lightly browned and fragrant'
1' +et *ool to room temperature and transfer to a deep bowl' Add the yogurt, ginger paste, garli* paste,
turmeri*, garam masala, *hile powder, salt, and *hiles'
6' Add the *hi*)en drumsti*)s to this mi8ture and stir well so that the drumsti*)s are e%enly *oated'
Co%er the bowl and put in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours to marinate'
0' Preheat the o%en to 126XG7220XC' +ine a rimmed ba)ing sheet with aluminum foil and oil the foil'
9' Arrange the drumsti*)s on the ba)ing sheet and ba)e for 6 minutes' +ower the o%en temperature to
=/0XG7200XC and ba)e for 16 to 20 minutes, basting e%ery 6 minutes with the butter and turning the
drumsti*)s to ensure e%en *oo)ing and *olor'
:' Sprin)le with the *haat masala and garnish with lemon wedges' Ser%e immediately'
Chaap Gry Amritsari
Gried lamb *hops from Amritsar
Chaap means S*hop'T Khen you ma)e these *hops at home, try to be generous with the bread,*rumb
*oating5 A thi*) and e%en layer ensures that the meat inside remains tender'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? lamb *hops
2 tablespoons malt %inegar
2 tablespoons raw papaya paste >page 6=6?
1U teaspoons table salt
1U tablespoons red *hile powder
V tablespoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
/ oun*es >260 grams? ground lamb
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
2 green *hiles, stemmed
16 to 20 fresh mint lea%es
1 large egg
1 *up >110 grams? dried bread *rumbs
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1' Pat the *hops dry with an absorbent towel' Fse a meat mallet to flatten them'
2' Stir together the %inegar, papaya paste, 1 teaspoon of the salt, the *hile powder, U tablespoon of the
garam masala, the ginger paste, and garli* paste in a large bowl' Add the *hops and stir so that all the
*hops are e%enly *o%ered with the mi8ture' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator
to marinate for 2 hours'
=' Put the ground lamb, remaining W tablespoon garam masala, the ginger, *hiles, mint, and the
remaining U teaspoon salt in a food pro*essor, and pro*ess until all the ingredients are well
1' Coat the *hops on one side with the ground lamb mi8ture and flatten them again with the meat
mallet so they are e%enly *oated with the mi8ture'
6' rea) the egg into a bowl and whis) it well' Spread the bread *rumbs in a plate' .ip the *hops in the
egg and then roll in the bread *rumbs until they are well *o%ered on all sides'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, put the *hops in the pan and *oo) for 10 to 12 minutes, turning on*e or twi*e so
they are e%enly *oo)ed on all sides'
9' Ser%e hot'
Chops &ari Jaru%al
+amb *hops marinated in yogurt and *oo)ed with southern spi*es
4ndian *oo)ing is about amalgamating spi*es and then *oo)ing them *orre*tly' This re*ipe is a fine
e8ample of this' 4 suggest ma)ing this dish when you ha%e plenty of time, as the *oo)ing reHuires some
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? lamb *hops
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
= tablespoons plain yogurt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
= medium red onions, sli*ed
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
10 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
6 or 0 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
= tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2U teaspoons *oriander seeds
=0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
U teaspoon fennel seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*), bro)en in half
0 whole *lo%es
1 green *ardamom pods
2 bay lea%es
1U teaspoons table salt
1U tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Pat the *hops dry with a )it*hen towel and then flatten slightly by beating with the blunt side of a
)nife or with a meat mallet' Pla*e them in a bowl' Stir the turmeri* into the yogurt, rub the mi8ture on
the *hops, *o%er the bowl with plasti* wrap, and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 2 teaspoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add one third of the onions, the ginger, garli*, *hiles, *ilantro,
*oriander, pepper*orns, fennel, half the *innamon, 1 of the *lo%es, and 2 of the *ardamom pods, and
sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until fragrant' Cool and pla*e in a food pro*essor with 2 tablespoons water'
Pro*ess to a fine paste'
=' Pla*e another nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the bay lea%es, remaining *innamon, remaining *lo%es, remaining
*ardamom pods, and remaining onions' SautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until the onions are lightly browned'
1' Add the ground spi*e mi8ture and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add the *hops and *ontinue to sautQ for :
minutes or until the *hops are well *o%ered with the spi*es and the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and the salt, and stir well'
0' Add the ghee and redu*e the heat to low' Co%er and *oo) for 16 to 20 minutes, stirring freHuently'
Add another U *up >100 ml? water if the lamb is not yet *oo)ed through' Continue to *oo) for 1 hour or
until the lamb is tender'
9' Fn*o%er and simmer until the sau*e is thi*)' Sprin)le with the lemon $ui*e and ser%e immediately'
.um &e &abab
C%en,ba)ed lamb )ebabs
These o%en,ba)ed )ebabs are sil)y smooth in taste and get their great depth of fla%or from all the spi*es
that are dry,roasted and ground before being added to the meat'
"a)es 21'
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
2 onions, sli*ed
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*) 1 green *ardamom pods
= whole *lo%es
U teaspoon allspi*e berries
1 teaspoon magaN >melon seeds?
U teaspoon white poppy seeds
= dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
U teaspoon *araway seeds
= green *hiles, stemmed and hal%ed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 *lo%es garli*
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1U teaspoons besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 pound >600 grams? ground lamb
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon table salt
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
U teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U tablespoons ghee >page =9?
Gor the garnish5
1 medium onion, peeled and *ut into rings
A few sprigs fresh mint
1 lemon, *ut into wedges
1' Put the oil in a deep,fryer and heat to =96XG71/0XC' Add the sli*ed onions and fry until golden'
!emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set aside'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) pan o%er medium heat' Add the *innamon, *ardamom, and *lo%es, and dry,
roast, stirring o**asionally, for 2 to = minutes or until fragrant' Transfer to a dry bowl and let *ool to
room temperature'
=' .ry,roast the allspi*e in the same pan for 1 to 2 minutes or until fragrant' Transfer to the bowl with
the other roasted spi*es and let *ool to room temperature' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine
powder' Set aside'
1' Pla*e the same pan o%er medium heat' Add the magaN and roast o%er low heat for 1 to 2 minutes or
until fragrant' Transfer to a dry bowl' Add the poppy seeds to the same pan and dry,roast for 1 to 2
minutes and add to the magaN in the bowl' Add the red *hiles to same pan and dry,roast for 2 minutes
or until little brown spe*)s form on them' Transfer to the bowl with the other spi*es' +ast, dry,roast the
*araway o%er low heat for 1 to 2 minutes or until fragrant' Add to the *olle*ted spi*es and let *ool to
room temperature'
6' Put the spi*e mi8ture >from steps 2, =, and 1?, green *hiles, *ilantro, garli*, and ginger in a spi*e
grinder with 2 tablespoons water and grind to a smooth paste' Transfer to a small bowl'
0' Pla*e the same nonsti*) pan o%er low heat' Add the besan and roast, stirring *ontinuously, for 1 to 6
minutes or until lightly browned and fragrant'
9' Put the lamb, fried onions, roasted besan, and ground spi*e paste in a food pro*essor, and pro*ess
until smooth' Transfer to a deep bowl'
:' Add the lemon $ui*e and salt' Stir well' Co%er and put in the refrigerator for =0 minutes'
/' Preheat the o%en to 126XG7226XC' Khis) the yogurt, *hile powder, and garam masala until well
10' .i%ide the *hilled lamb mi8ture into 21 eHual portions and shape into balls' Drease your palms with a
little oil and form ea*h ball into a sausage shape 1U in*hes >1 *m? long' Arrange them on a greased
ba)ing sheet and spoon a little of the yogurt mi8ture onto ea*h' a)e in the *enter of the o%en for 20
minutes, basting e%ery 6 minutes with the ghee'
11' Darnish with the onion rings, mint sprigs, and lemon wedges, and ser%e immediately'
+amb ribs dipped in a spi*y yogurt batter and deep,fried
Khile wor)ing with teams who ser%ed prime ministers li)e "rs' 4ndira Dandhi and "r' !a$i% Dandhi, 4
found that &ashmiri food was always fa%ored at state banHuets' 4t was during this time that 4 pi*)ed up
little nuan*es of the regionLs *uisine and learned how to perfe*t this dish'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? lamb ribs, *ut into pie*es with 2 or = ribs in ea*h
2 *ups >100 ml? mil)
= green *ardamom pods
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 whole *lo%es
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
2 teaspoons ground fennel seeds
1 teaspoon ground ginger
Pin*h of asafetida
= bay lea%es
1U teaspoons table salt
0 tablespoons plain yogurt
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the ribs, mil), 1 *up >200 ml? water, the
*ardamom, *innamon, *lo%es, saffron, fennel, ground ginger, asafetida, bay lea%es, and 1 teaspoon of
the salt' Khen the mi8ture *omes to a boil, lower the heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for 60 minutes
or until the lamb is tender and most of the liHuid has e%aporated'
2' Put the yogurt in a bowl, and add the *hile powder and the remaining U teaspoon salt' Add 2
teaspoons water and whis) to ma)e a smooth batter'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium' Kor)ing in bat*hes, dip the lamb ribs in the yogurt batter and slide into
the hot oil' Coo) for 2 to = minutes or until golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on
paper towels' Ser%e immediately'
&a)ori &abab
Dround,lamb )ebabs
There are se%eral stories that surround the *reation of these su**ulent )ebabs' Centuries ago, the
(awab of &a)ori >in the pro%in*e of Awadh, whi*h is modern,day Fttar Pradesh? had a mishap in whi*h
he lost his teeth >another story has it that the (awab was simply getting on in age?' 3e lo%ed lamb and
still wanted to eat it, so his *oo)s *reated this spe*ial soft %ersion for him'
"a)es :'
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus : teaspoons %egetable oil
1 large red onion, sli*ed
1 teaspoon white poppy seeds
U *up >96 grams? *ashews
6 or 0 whole *lo%es
2 green *ardamom pods
W blade ma*e
U tablespoon untreated dried rose petals
Pin*h of freshly grated nutmeg
9 oun*e >200 grams? ground lamb
2 tablespoons ground lamb fat
W tablespoon grated )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil)M page =9?
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
U tablespoon yellow *hile powder >optional?
: or / saffron threads
U tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), add the onion and *oo), stirring with a slotted spoon, until well browned' !emo%e with the slotted
spoon and drain on paper towels'
2' Soa) the poppy seeds in 2 tablespoons hot water in a small bowl for =0 minutes' Transfer the poppy
seeds and water to a spi*e grinder and grind to a paste'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat, add the *ashews, and dry,roast until lightly
browned' +et *ool, then transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a powder'
1' !eturn the pan to medium heat and add the *lo%es, *ardamom, ma*e, rose petals, and nutmeg, and
dry,roast for 1 minute' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a powder'
6' Add the lamb, lamb fat, fried onion, poppy seed paste, *ashew powder, spi*e powder, )hoya, white
pepper, yellow *hile powder >if using?, saffron, ginger paste, and garli* paste' Add 2 or = i*e *ubes and
pro*ess until the mi8ture is smooth'
0' Transfer to a bowl, add the salt, and stir' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator
for 2 to = hours'
9' .i%ide into : portions' 3eat a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Coo) for a *ouple of minutes on
ea*h side until the lamb is *ompletely *oo)ed through, = to 1 minutes' Fse about 1 teaspoon of oil per
)ebab to aid in the *oo)ing pro*ess'
:' Ser%e immediately'
Eellow *hiles are plump and sweet and ha%e a wa8y appearan*e' They *an grow to
an unusually large siNe and they ha%e a mild peppery fla%or' As with other *hiles, the thinner and smaller
the *hile, the hotter it will be' Eellow *hiles are often used for *haats and other e8oti* (orth 4ndian
&heema Potli
Spi*y ground lamb in a pastry shaped li)e a money bag
Stuffed sa%ories li)e samosas are popular and mu*h appre*iated for their uniHue style' Ke go one step
further here and pa*)age ground lamb in a pastry that loo)s as if you are ser%ing little money bagsAa
fun presentation of a *risp pastry with a deli*ious filling' 4 ha%e seen people use little bits of onion
greens to tie up the potlis' Ser%e with pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page
"a)es 20 pie*es'
Gor the pastry5
1 *up >120 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
2 tablespoons fine rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
6 teaspoons ghee >page =9?, melted
1 teaspoon table salt
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
Gor the filling5
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
10 oun*es >=00 grams? ground lamb
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled and *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground *umin
U teaspoon table salt
V *up >1:6 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' To ma)e the dough5 Pla*e the maida in a bowl' Add the semolina, ghee, and salt, and mi8' Add W *up
>60 ml? water, little by little, and )nead into a stiff dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside to rest
for 10 to 16 minutes'
2' To ma)e the filling5 Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the 2 tablespoons
oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds' Khen they begin to
*hange *olor, add the ground lamb and sautQ for 6 minutes or until the lamb is half done'
=' Add the ginger, green *hiles, red *hile powder, ground *oriander, ground *umin, and salt, and mi8
well' !edu*e the heat to low, *o%er with a lid, and sautQ for 6 minutes' Add the yogurt and stir' 4n*rease
the heat to high and sautQ for 10 minutes, stirring *ontinuously' !edu*e the heat to medium and *oo)
for 10 minutes or until the lamb is fully *oo)ed and *ompletely dry'
1' Add the garam masala and the *ilantro, and mi8 well' Ta)e the pan off the heat and allow the
mi8ture to *ool *ompletely'
6' .i%ide the dough into 20 portions and shape into balls' !oll out a ball into a =,in*h,diameter >9U,*m,
diameter? dis)' Pla*e a portion of the ground lamb mi8ture in the *enter' Sprin)le a little water between
the edge of the dis) and the filling' Dather the edges together in neat pleats and pin*h the dough $ust
abo%e the filling to seal' +et the edges of the potli remain loose to imitate the shape of a money bag'
!epeat with the remaining dough and filling'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the 1 Huart oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), redu*e the heat to medium and gently slide in the potlis, a few at a time' Stir gently
with a slotted spoon so that the potlis *oo) e%enly' Khen they are golden brown, remo%e with the
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' !epeat with the remaining potlis'
+amb Pepper Gry
oneless lamb with pepper*orns
This is a traditional dish of the Syrian Christians of &erala' They ma)e it with beef, but this re*ipe uses
Ser%es 1'
= tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon oil
2 medium onions, peeled and sli*ed
1 to 0 *lo%es garli*, peeled and *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled and *hopped
20 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
0 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 star anise
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
10 to 1: fresh *urry lea%es
1 pound >600 grams? boneless lamb, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon sli%ered *o*onut >see (ote?
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon oil' Add half the onions,
the garli*, ginger, pepper*orns, *oriander seeds, = of the dried *hiles, the fennel, star anise, *umin, and
grated fresh *o*onut, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until the onions are light golden brown' Set aside
to *ool to room temperature'
2' Transfer to a food pro*essor with 0 tablespoons >/0 ml? water and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
=' Pla*e another medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Add 10
to 12 of the *urry lea%es, the remaining = red *hiles, and the remaining onions, and sautQ for 1 minute
or until the onions are translu*ent' Add the lamb and *oo) for 6 minutes'
1' Add the ground paste, garam masala, ground *oriander, *hile powder, turmeri*, and salt, and *oo)
for 2 to = minutes'
6' Add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water and *oo) o%er low heat for =0 to =6 minutes or until the lamb is tender
and most of the water has e%aporated'
0' Pla*e a small nonsti*) pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 teaspoon oil' Add the sli%ered
*o*onut, mustard seeds, green *hiles, and the remaining *urry lea%es, and sautQ for 1 minute' Pour this
mi8ture o%er the lamb and *o%er immediately to trap the fla%ors' Ser%e hot'
Sli%ered *o*onut is a%ailable in the freeNer se*tion at 4ndian gro*ery stores'
Sa%ory pastry with ground lamb stuffing
This fla)y brea)fast sna*) was an e%eryday must for the (iNams >royal rulers? of 3yderabad, and is
a%ailable in the mornings from all the *offee houses in the region'
Ser%es 1'
: oun*es >260 grams? freshly ground lamb
1U teaspoons table salt
Pin*h of ground turmeri*
U teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 or = green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 *up >120 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour, plus e8tra for dusting
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?, melted
1 tablespoon plain yogurt
1' Pla*e the lamb, 1 teaspoon salt, turmeri*, *hile powder, ginger paste, and garli* paste in a nonsti*)
sau*epan' Add U *up >100 ml? water and pla*e o%er medium heat' ring to a boil, stirring o**asionally'
Coo), un*o%ered, for 16 to 20 minutes, until the lamb is tender'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1U tablespoons of the oil' Add the
*ilantro and *hiles and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the lamb mi8ture and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes or until all
the water has e%aporated and the mi8ture is dry' Stir in the lemon $ui*e' Set aside to *ool to room
=' Put the maida in a deep bowl' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt, the ghee, yogurt, and 1
tablespoon water, and )nead to ma)e a soft dough' Eou might need to sprin)le with some more drops
of water' Co%er the dough with plasti* wrap and refrigerate for =0 minutes'
1' .i%ide the *hilled dough into 10 eHual portions' Shape ea*h portion into a ball, dust with maida, and
roll out into a re*tangle 6 in*hes >12'6 *entimeters? long and 17: in*h >= mm? thi*)' Pla*e 1 tablespoon
of the lamb mi8ture in the *enter, moisten the edges with water, and fold the dough from the top down
to *o%er the filling and seal the edges on all three sides' Gold one third of the stuffed re*tangle to the
*enter and bring the other third o%er to ma)e a boo) fold' !epeat with the remaining dough and filling'
6' Put the remaining oil in a deep,fryer and heat to =96XG71/0XC' Slide one lu)hmi at a time into the hot
oil and fry until golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Ser%e
Parsi +amb Cutlets
Crisp ground lamb or goat patties
These patties *an be prepared a day in ad%an*e if you are planning a party' Eou *an e%en shape the
patties and freeNe them with wa8ed paper between the layers' To ser%e, thaw them, dip them in the
egg, and *oo)'
"a)es :'
= sli*es white bread
: oun*es >260 grams? ground lamb or goat
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 green *hiles, stemmed and di*ed
V teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
17: teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh mint
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
V *up >:0 grams? bread *rumbs
= large eggs
U *up >100 ml? %egetable oil
2 lemons, both *ut into 1 wedges
1 medium red onion, thinly sli*ed and separated into rings
1' Soa) the bread in 1 *up >200 ml? water for =0 se*onds and sHueeNe to remo%e the e8*ess water'
2' Put the meat, bread, 1 teaspoon of the salt, the ginger paste, garli* paste, *hiles, *hile powder,
*oriander, *umin, turmeri*, mint, and *ilantro in a large bowl' Combine well, *o%er the bowl with plasti*
wrap, and put in the refrigerator to marinate for = to 1 hours'
=' .i%ide the mi8ture into : portions, shape into balls, and roll in the bread *rumbs' Pla*e ea*h ball on a
flat surfa*e and flatten with your fingers into a 1,in*h >10,*m? patty, dusting with bread *rumbs to
pre%ent sti*)ing' Put the patties on a plate and put in the refrigerator for =0 minutes'
1' Put the eggs in a bowl and beat them lightly with a for)' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt and 2
tablespoons of water and beat again'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, dip a patty in the egg and pla*e it in the pan' Coo), turning with a
slotted spoon, for 2 to = minutes or until lightly browned on both sides' !emo%e with the slotted spoon
and drain on paper towels' !epeat with the remaining patties and oil'
0' Ser%e hot with lemon wedges and onion rings'
Patthar &a Dosht
&ebabs *oo)ed on hot stones
Stone *oo)ing is an artAbut a dying one, unfortunately' Eou *an use a granite stone here or *oo) the
)ebabs in a nonsti*) griddle' The beauty of this )ebab is the tenderness of the meat' Ser%e it with hot
naan >page 20?'
"a)es 10'
1V pounds >:00 grams? boneless lamb, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
Gor the marinade5
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
10 *lo%es garli*
6 green *hiles, stemmed
=,in*h >9U,*m? pie*e green papaya >optional?
1 *up >200 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
1 teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
1 teaspoon ground green *ardamom
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon ground patthar )e phool >li*hen stone flowerM optional?
1 tablespoon malt %inegar
2 teaspoons table salt
Jegetable oil and salt for seasoning the stone
1' Pound the lamb with a meat mallet or the flat side of a )nife to a W,in*h >U,*m? thi*)ness' Put the
pie*es in a bowl'
2' Put the ginger, garli*, *hiles, and papaya in a spi*e grinder with = tablespoons water, and grind to a
fine paste'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), add the onions and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes or until browned' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and
drain on paper towelsM let *ool' Transfer to a spi*e grinder, add the yogurt and 2 tablespoons water, and
grind to a fine paste'
1' Combine the ginger,garli*[green *hile paste, onion,yogurt paste, pepper, *ardamom, garam masala,
patthar )e phool >if using?, %inegar, and W *up of the oil from the wo) in a small bowl' Spread this
mi8ture o%er the lamb pie*es' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator o%ernight to
6' Ta)e a flat pie*e of rough granite or a )adappa stone that is about 1U feet >10 *m? long, 1 foot >=0
*m? wide, and 2 in*hes >6 *m? thi*)' Kash the stone and prop either end on bri*)s o%er an outdoor fire
pit, ta)ing *are that it is safely balan*ed' +ight a *har*oal fire underneath the stone and heat the stone
well' Season the stone by applying oil when the stone is %ery hot, then sprin)le with a little salt and wipe
the stone with a *lean *loth' 4tLs now ready to use'
0' Sprin)le a little oil on the stone and pla*e the lamb pie*es on it' Coo), turning the pie*es a few times
and basting o**asionally with oil, until *oo)ed through'
9' Ser%e immediately'
&adappa stone is a bla*) limestone' 4t is %ery hard and *an withstand e8treme
temperatures' The stone is Huarried at etam*herla, Andhra Pradesh' Dranite *an be used as a
&hubani &e Shammi
Apri*ot,stuffed potatoes
These )ebabs ha%e a soft heart be*ause of the stuffing in the *enter' The *hiles and pepper balan*e the
sweetness of the apri*ot'
"a)es 12'
W *up >60 grams? dried apri*ots
W *up >60 grams? )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil)M page =9?, *rumbled
W *up >60 ml? plus 2 teaspoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
W teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
= tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 teaspoon table salt
1 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
W *up *ornstar*h
1' Soa) the apri*ots in 1 *up >200 ml? water for 1 hour' .rain and finely *hop' Transfer to a bowl, add the
)hoya, and stir'
2' Pla*e a shallow nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 teaspoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen it begins to *hange *olor, add the
ginger, *hiles, garam masala, and pepper' Stir well and remo%e from the heat' Set aside to *ool'
=' Add the ginger,*hile mi8ture to the apri*ot,)hoya mi8ture' Add the *ilantro and U teaspoon of the
salt, and stir well' .i%ide into 12 portions'
1' Put the mashed potatoes in another bowl' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt and stir well' .i%ide
into 12 portions'
6' !oll ea*h portion of potato into a ball and flatten into a round dis)' Pla*e a portion of apri*ot,)hoya
mi8ture in the *enter, gather the edges to en*lose the filling, and seal well' Dently roll into a ball again
and flatten slightly'
0' Put the *ornstar*h on a plate and roll the )ebabs in it' Sha)e off the e8*ess and set aside on another
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, gently slide in the )ebabs, a few at a time, and *oo), turning *ontinuously, for
1 to 6 minutes or until golden brown on both sides'
:' Ser%e hot'
Shi)hampuri &abab
Dround lamb patties stuffed with thi*) spi*ed yogurt
The name of these no%el )ebabs translates to Sfull belly,T and 4 donLt )now if that refers to the fa*t that
the )ebabs are stuffed or that they are %ery filling' Bither way, they are true to their name' Ser%e these
with sli*ed onions separated into rings and pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM
page 22?'
"a)es :'
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus : teaspoons %egetable oil
1U medium red onions, peeled and sli*ed
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
U teaspoon *araway seeds
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, roughly *hopped
6 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
/ oun*es >260 grams? ground lamb
1 tablespoon *hana dal >split engal gram?, soa)ed for =0 minutes
W *up plus 1 tablespoon *hopped fresh mint
W *up plus 1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
U tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon table salt
1 large egg
Gor the filling5
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
1 green *hile, stemmed and *hopped
1 large red onion, peeled and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh mint
U teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon roasted *umin seeds
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? of the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the wo), add the onions and *oo), stirring with a slotted spoon, until the onions are well
browned' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *araway, *hiles, ginger, and garli*, and sautQ for 1 minute'
=' Add the lamb and sautQ for 6 minutes, stirring o**asionally'
1' .rain the dal and add it to the pan' Stir and sautQ for 1 minute'
6' Add the mint and *ilantro, and stir well' Coo) for 6 minutes' !emo%e from the heat and set aside to
*ool *ompletely'
0' Transfer the mi8ture to a food pro*essor' Add the onions, lemon $ui*e, and salt, and pro*ess to a
*oarse paste' Transfer to a bowl'
9' .i%ide the lamb mi8ture into : portions'
:' "a)e the filling5 3ang the yogurt in a double layer of *heese*loth for 1 hour or until most of the
e8*ess water has drained away' Transfer to a bowl, add the *hile, onion, mint, salt, and *umin, and stir
well' .i%ide into : portions'
/' Glatten one portion of the lamb mi8ture in the palm of your hand and pla*e a portion of yogurt
stuffing in the *enter' Dather the edges, shape into a ball, and flatten slightly' !epeat to ma)e the
remaining )ebabs'
10' eat the egg in a bowl'
11' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 teaspoons of the oil' .ip 2 )ebabs in the
egg, put them in the sautQ pan, and *oo), turning on*e, for = to 1 minutes or until both the sides are
*oo)ed and lightly browned' .rain on paper towels' !epeat with the remaining )ebabs'
12' Ser%e hot'
At least 90 per*ent of the population of 4ndia does not eat meat or *hi*)en, and many will not eat eggs'
4n*luded in this group are the Pains, who are not only %egetarians but also do not eat tubers, onions, or
garli*M a Pain might not eat an aloo ti))i >page 161?, a patty made with potatoes, but will en$oy a ti))i
made with green banana >page 121?' 4ndians ha%e a deep respe*t for %egetables, and the repertoire of
%egetarian re*ipes is huge'
4tLs only re*ently that a great %ariety of fruits and %egetables ha%e be*ome readily a%ailable >and still
only in large metropolitan areas?, but buying fresh produ*e daily has long been a passion of the 4ndian
The re*ipes that follow are proof of how ad%an*ed %egetarian *oo)ing is in 4ndia' The humble potato, for
e8ample, be*omes the all,time fa%orite aloo matar >page 2=0? or the glowing red &ashmiri dum aloo
>page 2=0?' C)ra, eggplant, gourds, peas, spina*h, fenugree) greens, and mustard greens will find their
way into your )it*hen with mu*h more regularity when you dis*o%er that you ha%e so mu*h to ma)e
with themO 4n*luded in this *hapter is a wealth of paneer re*ipesAsome e%eryday dishes and some
more unusual ones' Paneer is a prime sour*e of essential protein %endors in 4ndia'
Aloo Cho)ha
Spi*y potato dish
"y initial wor)ing years in the )it*hen were in Jaranasi in the 4ndian state of Fttar Pradesh, and my
*oo)s in the hotel )it*hen used to ma)e this often for their lun*h' 4t is prepared in a similar way in the
neighboring state of ihar'
Ser%es 1 to 0'
2 tablespoons filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
1 teaspoon *oriander seeds
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed
= medium red onions, *hopped
= or 1 *lo%es garli*, *rushed
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
0 small potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
1 teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the mustard oil' Khen the oil starts
smo)ing, remo%e from the heat and *ool slightly'
2' Crush the *oriander seeds in a mortar with a pestle' Cut the dried *hiles into small pie*es'
=' !eturn the pan with the oil to medium heat' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan,
add the dried *hiles and onions, and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the onions are golden brown'
1' Add the garli* and *ontinue to sautQ for 1 minute' Add the green *hiles, *rushed *oriander seeds,
ground *oriander, and *umin powder, and stir' Add the potatoes and stir' Add the am*hur and salt and
stir well'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
Aloo "atar
Potatoes and green peas in an onion,tomato gra%y
Typi*ally, 4ndians li)e at least two dishes with ea*h meal, one wet *urry li)e lentils and one dried sabNi
>stir,fried %egetables?' This dish *omes in really handy when you do not wish to prepare two things5
"a)e aloo matar, and things are simple' Ser%e with parathas >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 bay leaf
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1U teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 small potatoes, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 *up >2=6 grams? fresh tomato purQe
1W *ups >1/0 grams? green peas
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the bay leaf and *umin' Khen the seeds begin to *hange *olor, add the
onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until golden' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for
=0 se*onds'
2' Add the turmeri*, *oriander, and *hile powder, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Stir in the potatoes and =
*ups >000 ml? water' Co%er and *oo) for 6 minutes or until the potatoes are half *oo)ed'
=' Stir in the tomato purQe, *o%er, and *oo) for : minutes or until the potatoes are tender'
1' Add the peas, garam masala, and salt, and stir' Co%er and *oo) for about 16 minutes'
6' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Aloo Posto
Potatoes with poppy seeds
Posto is the engali word for Spoppy seeds,T and while these seeds are %ery popular in engali *oo)ing,
this wasnLt always the *ase' 4n fa*t, there is some e%iden*e that poppy seeds were originally grown in
this Bast 4ndian state only for ma)ing opium'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 grams? white poppy seeds
2 tablespoons refined mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
U teaspoon )alon$i >nigellaM see (ote?
2 small green *hiles, stemmed and slit
6 small potatoes, peeled and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
2 teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon ghee >page =9?, melted >optional?
1' Soa) the poppy seeds in 1 *up >200 ml? warm water for 16 to 20 minutes' .rain off e8*ess water and
put the poppy seeds in a spi*e grinder' Drind to a smooth paste' Set aside'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat, add the mustard oil, and heat almost to the
smo)ing point' !emo%e from the heat and let *ool *ompletely'
=' Pla*e the pan with the mustard oil o%er medium heat again' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the )alon$i and *hiles, and sautQ for 10 to 12 se*onds' Add the potatoes and
salt and stir again' SautQ o%er medium heat for 6 minutes, stirring freHuently'
1' Add the poppy seed paste, stir, and add U *up >100 ml? water' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo)
for 10 to 12 minutes or until the potatoes are almost done' !emo%e from the heat, add the sugar, and
6' !eturn the pan to low heat and *oo) for 1 minute or until the potatoes are soft' Stir in the ghee >if
using? and ser%e immediately'
&alon$i >nigella? is a%ailable in 4ndian gro*ery stores and is sometimes *alled onion
Ambat atata
Sour,and,spi*y potatoes
Potatoes are an essential ingredient in the 4ndian )it*hen, and 4 lo%e learning new ways of ser%ing them'
Ambat batata is a sour potato *urry from "alwan, whi*h lies along the &on)an *oast of "aharashtra'
Ambat in "arathi means Ssour,T and here the fla%or *omes from yogurt and )o)um' 4 lo%e this dish
with hot rotis >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
6 small potatoes, boiled and peeled
= tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
0 or 9 fresh *urry lea%es
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
= medium red onions, *hopped
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
1 or 6 fresh )o)um petals, or 2 or = dried >see (ote page 11?
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' 3al%e ea*h potato and *ut ea*h half into 1 eHual pie*es'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the *umin, *urry lea%es,
and *hiles, and sautQ for 1 minute'
=' Add the onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until golden brown' Add the turmeri* and potatoes,
and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes' Stir in the yogurt, )o)um, half of the *ilantro, half of the *o*onut, the salt,
and lemon $ui*e' +ower the heat and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes'
1' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and garnish with the remaining *ilantro and remaining *o*onut' Ser%e hot'
ata)a (u !assawala Shaa)
Sweet,and,sour potatoes
4 *all this a Hui*),fi8 dish' 4n Du$arati homes this dish would be made to stret*h a meal if there were
more guests than anti*ipatedAand it *an be *oo)ed at the last minute while the guests are being ser%ed
the other food' Some people *oo) the potatoes in the sau*e, but 4 thin) itLs easier to pre*oo) them'
Ser%e with any 4ndian bread'
Ser%es 1'
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 teaspoons brown mustard seeds
W teaspoon asafetida
10 fresh *urry lea%es
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1W teaspoons table salt
= tablespoons grated *ane $aggery
6 tablespoons tamarind pulp
6 small potatoes, boiled and di*ed
= tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the asafetida, *urry lea%es, and *hiles,
and sautQ for 16 se*onds' Add the *hile powder, turmeri*, *oriander, and *umin, and stir' Sprin)le with =
tablespoons water to pre%ent s*or*hing'
2' Add the salt, $aggery, and tamarind pulp along with 2 *ups >100 ml? water, and bring to a boil'
=' Add the potatoes and simmer for 6 to 10 minutes'
1' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
atata Song
Cnions and potatoes
"y *olleague (eena "urdeshwar ma)es this dish e8tremely well, and if she *oo)s it at home, sheLs
e8pe*ted to bring a handsome portion of it for all of us in the offi*e' Ser%e this dish with puris >page 21?
or *hapatis >page 1=:?'
Ser%es 1'
: to 10 dried red *hiles, preferably bedgi >see (otes?, stemmed, seeds remo%ed
2 teaspoons tamarind paste
= tablespoons *o*onut oil >see (otes?
2 large red onions, *hopped
1 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then lower the heat to
low and add the *hilesM dry,roast for =0 se*onds' Transfer to a mini food pro*essor and add the tamarind
along with U *up >100 ml? water and pro*ess to a fine paste'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the onions and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes or until golden brown'
=' Add the ground paste and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add the potatoes and stir well' Add 1U *ups >=00
ml? water and the salt, and stir' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to low and simmer for 6 to 9 minutes
or until the sau*e is thi*)' Ser%e hot'
edgi is a %ariety of dried red *hile' They are not %ery spi*y but gi%e a beautiful red
*olor to the dish' The seeds are remo%ed to further redu*e the heat'
4f you do not li)e the fla%or of *o*onut oil, you *an use any %egetable oil'
atatya Cha &a*hrya
SautQed potatoes with *urry lea%es
Bnter a home in "aharashtra or an urban "umbai household, and this is the *omfort food you probably
will be ser%ed5 a simple dry preparation of potatoes'
Ser%es 1'
6 small potatoes
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
W teaspoon brown mustard seeds
17: teaspoon asafetida
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
2 green *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
U teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Peel the potatoes, hal%e them lengthwise, and *ut into thin semi*ir*ular sli*es' Soa) them in = *ups
>000 ml? water in a large bowl'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, asafetida, turmeri*, *urry lea%es, and *hiles, and sautQ for 1
=' .rain and add the potatoes, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the salt and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 9 to :
1' Add the *hile powder and sugar, and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 2 to = minutes or until the potatoes are
6' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot as a side dish'
&ashmiri .um Aloo
Potato *urry
The typi*al dum aloo ser%ed in most restaurants, e%en in 4ndia, is %ery different from the &ashmiri
re*ipe here' 3owe%er, 4 prefer this %ersion' 4 ma)e it a point to find good,Huality baby potatoes, as they
will ma)e or brea) the dish'
Ser%es 1'
20 small baby potatoes, peeled
2W teaspoons table salt
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
6 or 0 &ashmiri red *hiles, ground
2 *ups >600 grams? plain yogurt
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom
1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 tablespoons ground fennel
W *up >60 ml? filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
Denerous pin*h of ground *lo%es
Pin*h of asafetida
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Pri*) the potatoes all o%er with a for)'
2' Add 1 teaspoon of the salt to 2 *ups >100 ml? water in a deep bowl and soa) the potatoes for 16
minutes' .rain and pat dry'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium, add the potatoes, and *oo) for 10 minutes or until golden brown'
!emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towelsM set aside'
1' Soa) the *hiles in U *up >100 ml? water for 16 minutes' .rain and pla*e them in a spi*e grinder with 2
tablespoons water and grind to a fine paste'
6' Put the yogurt in a bowl, add the *hile paste, *ardamom, ginger, and fennel, and whis) until well
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the mustard oil' Add the *lo%es and asafetida'
Add U *up >100 ml? water and the remaining 1W teaspoons salt, and bring to a boil'
9' Stir in the yogurt mi8ture and bring to a boil again' Add the potatoes and *oo) for 12 minutes or until
the potatoes absorb the sau*e and the oil *omes to the top'
:' Sprin)le with the *umin and garam masala, and ser%e hot'
"ethi Aloo
Gresh fenugree) with potatoes and spi*es
This %egetable dish has a long history in our familyAwe *all it our running $o)e'T "y father was a
good *oo) and a good *riti*' Cn*e my mother put this on the table and he said, SAh, today it is real
methi alooOT She was a little puNNled, so he *larified5 SEou ha%e more fenugree) and less potatoM
sometimes you ma)e aloo methi'T Pun$abis, li)e me, lo%e methi aloo, and Du$aratis, li)e my wife,
Alyona, prefer aloo methi' Bither way, the dish is great with fresh roti >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
2 medium bun*hes methi >fresh fenugree) lea%es?, stemmed
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
6 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
2 or = dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
2 large red onions, sli*ed
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
= small unpeeled potatoes, parboiled and *ubed
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Kash the methi under running water' .rain well and *hop *oarsely' Set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen it begins to *hange *olor, add the garli* and ginger, and sautQ
for =0 se*onds'
=' Add the *hiles and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the onions and sautQ until translu*ent' Add the *hile
powder and turmeri*, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the potatoes and sautQ for 2 to = minutes'
1' Add the methi and stir well' Co%er and *oo) for = to 1 minutes or until the potatoes are tender'
6' Add the salt and lemon $ui*e' Stir gently and *oo) for 1 minute'
0' Ser%e hot'
Frulai Chettinadu
Spi*y baby potatoes
aby potatoes are *oo)ed with a spi*y masala in this South 4ndian spe*ialty' Ser%e with hot rotis >page
Ser%es 1'
1: oun*es >600 grams? baby potatoes
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
2 tablespoons dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
10 to 12 whole bla*) pepper*orns
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
20 fresh *urry lea%es
20 pearl onions, peeled
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Kash and s*rub the potatoes' .o not peel them' Cut ea*h in half'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er low heat' Add the *hiles, dal, and pepper*orns, and dry,roast, stirring
*ontinuously, for 1 to 6 minutes or until the dal is golden and fragrant' !emo%e from the heat and let
*ool *ompletely'
=' Transfer to a mortar and pound with a pestle to a *oarse powder' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), lower the heat to low and add the mustard seeds, *urry lea%es, and onions' SautQ, stirring
o**asionally, until the onions are lightly browned'
6' Add the potatoes and salt' Stir well' Co%er and *oo) o%er low heat for 10 to 16 minutes, stirring
o**asionally, until the potatoes are almost done' Eou *an test with a s)ewer or a for) for doneness'
0' Add the ground spi*e mi8ture and stir well so that all the potatoes are *oated' Co%er and *oo) o%er
low heat for = to 1 minutes' Ser%e immediately'
aghare aingan
Bggplant with peanuts and sesame seeds
This famous 3yderabadi dish features a deli*ate interplay of different nuts and seeds' 4 li)e to ser%e it at
parties be*ause e%en though it ta)es some effort to prepare, it is always well appre*iated' The sweet
and sour notes added at the end ti*)le the palate' Ser%e with any 4ndian bread'
Ser%es 1'
/ oun*es >260 grams? small purple eggplants
W *up >60 ml? plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
1U tablespoons sesame seeds
2 tablespoons peanuts
V teaspoon white poppy seeds
1 tablespoon dried grated *o*onut
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
W teaspoon *umin seeds
W teaspoon fennel seeds
W teaspoon )alon$i >nigellaM see (ote page 2=1?
Pin*h of fenugree) seeds
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh green *hile paste >page 1=?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
V teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
U teaspoon grated *ane $aggery
1' Kash the eggplants and ma)e deep slits >all the way through? along the length, ta)ing *are that the
stem ends remain inta*t'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), slide in the eggplants and *oo) for = to 1 minutes' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and
drain on paper towels' Set aside'
=' Add the onions to the hot oil and *oo) until golden' .rain on paper towels and set aside'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes' Add the sesame
seeds and dry,roast until lightly browned' Transfer to a plate and set aside to *ool' .ry,roast the
peanuts, poppy seeds, and *o*onut separately and set aside to *ool'
6' Transfer the roasted ingredients to a mini food pro*essor with U *up >100 ml? water and pro*ess to a
fine paste'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add W *up >60 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, *umin seeds, fennel, )alon$i, and fenugree), and
sautQ until lightly browned' Add the *urry lea%es, ginger paste, garli* paste, and green *hile paste' Coo)
until the oil *omes to the top' Add the fried onions, turmeri*, *oriander, ground *umin, *hile powder,
and salt, and *oo) for = to 1 minutes'
9' Add the tamarind and $aggery, and *oo) for 2 to = minutes' Add the *o*onut paste and *oo) until the
oil *omes to the top' +ower the heat to low, add 1 *up >200 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add the fried
eggplants and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes'
:' Ser%e hot'
aingan &a harta
!oasted eggplant
This (orth 4ndian dish is as mu*h about the sweetness of onions and the tanginess of tomatoes as it is
about the smo)y taste of roasted eggplant'
Ser%es 1'
1 large eggplant
= tablespoons %egetable oil
6 large red onions, *hopped
= medium tomatoes, *hopped
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' !oast the eggplant o%er a medium gas flame or a *har*oal grill, turning it freHuently with tongs, until
the inside is soft and the s)in is *ompletely *harred on all sides' +et *ool, then peel and mash' Put the
eggplant in a bowl'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until light golden'
=' Add the tomatoes, salt, and *hile powder, and sautQ until the oil *omes to the top'
1' Add the eggplant and *ilantro, and stir well' Ser%e hot'
4t is easier to remo%e the *harred s)in of a roasted eggplant if it is dipped in
water $ust after roasting'
aingan Saaswe
!oasted eggplant with mustard seeds
This is an interesting *ombination of *o*onut, mustard seeds, and roasted eggplant' 4 fondly thin) of it as
the South 4ndian %ersion of the (orth 4ndian baingan )a bharta >page 210?'
Ser%es 1'
1 large eggplant
6 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
= or 1 *lo%es garli*
1U teaspoons table salt
1 *up >200 ml? buttermil)
2 teaspoons %egetable oil
1' !oast the eggplant o%er a medium gas flame or a *har*oal grill, turning it freHuently with tongs, until
the inside is soft and the s)in is *ompletely *harred on all sides' +et *ool, then peel and mash' Put the
eggplant in a deep bowl'
2' Put = of the *hiles, U teaspoon of the mustard seeds, the *o*onut, garli*, U teaspoon of the salt, and
U *up >100 ml? water in a mini food pro*essor and pro*ess to a fine paste'
=' Add the buttermil) and the remaining 1 teaspoon salt to the eggplant, and stir' Add the ground paste
and stir'
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the remaining U teaspoon mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, brea) the
remaining 2 *hiles into small pie*es and add them to the panM sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add this tempering
to the eggplant mi8ture and *o%er immediately to trap the fla%ors'
6' Stir well and ser%e as a side dish'
harli Jangi
Stuffed baby eggplants
This popular "aharashtrian dish of baby eggplants stuffed with an elaborate *o*onut and spi*e mi8ture
is made on spe*ial o**asions'
Ser%es 1'
: to 10 baby eggplants
V *up >/0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
W *up >16 grams? finely *hopped fresh *ilantro
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, thinly sli*ed
W *up >20 grams? grated dried *o*onut
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
W *up >=0 grams? roasted peanuts, s)ins remo%ed
U teaspoon *umin seeds
1 teaspoon *oriander seeds
2 teaspoons goda masala >spi*e mi8M page 2:?
1U teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon grated *ane $aggery
U teaspoon tamarind pulp
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
0 to : fresh *urry lea%es
1' Slit the eggplants from the bottom into 1 se*tions, )eeping the stem end inta*t' Put in a bowl of water
while you prepare the filling'
2' !eser%e 1 tablespoon ea*h of the fresh *o*onut and *ilantro for garnish'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 teaspoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until lightly
*olored' Add the dried *o*onut, sesame seeds, peanuts, *umin, and *oriander, and sautQ, stirring
*ontinuously, for 2 minutes or until the *o*onut is light golden' +et *ool, then transfer to a food
pro*essor with 1 *up >200 ml? water and pro*ess to a paste'
1' Transfer to a small bowl, add the goda masala, salt, turmeri*, *hile powder, the remaining fresh
*o*onut, the remaining *ilantro, the $aggery, and tamarind pulp, and stir well' Stuff this mi8ture into the
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the *urry
lea%es and, gently, the stuffed eggplants' Coo) for 2 to = minutes, gently turning the eggplants on*e or
twi*e to ensure e%en *oo)ing' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low,
*o%er, and *oo) for : to 10 minutes or until the eggplants are *oo)ed and soft' >"ost of the stuffing will
fall out of the eggplant and form the sau*e for the dish'?
0' Darnish with the reser%ed *o*onut and *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
"ethi aingan
Gresh fenugree) lea%es with small eggplants
Ser%e this deli*ious dish with any 4ndian bread'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
10 to 12 small eggplants
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 medium tomatoes, purQed
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon deghi mir*h >red *hile? powder >see (ote?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons ground *oriander
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
1U pounds >900 grams? methi >fresh fenugree) lea%es?, trimmed, *hopped, and blan*hed
W teaspoon ground )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Ta)e ea*h eggplant and trim off portions of the *rown, lea%ing the stems atta*hed' "a)e two
*riss*ross slits at the bottom of ea*h'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the eggplants and sautQ until well,browned' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
=' Add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil to the same heated pan' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin and sautQ for 20 se*onds' Add the onions and sautQ for 6 minutes or
until browned'
1' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and *oo) for 2 minutes' Add the tomatoes and *oo) for 6
minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add the salt, *hile powder, turmeri*, and *oriander, and stir well' Coo) for 1 minute or until the raw
fla%ors disappear'
0' Add the yogurt and *oo) for 2 minutes or until all the ingredients are well blended' Add the methi,
eggplants, and U *up >100 ml? water, and *oo) until the sau*e thi*)ens' As soon as the sau*e thi*)ens,
the *urry is ready'
9' Add the )asoori methi and garam masala, and stir well'
:' Ser%e hot'
.eghi mir*h is a mild, ground, dried 4ndian *hile pepper powder that pro%ides a
gentle taste' 3ungarian papri)a powder *an be used as a substitute'
esanwali hindi
Khole o)ra *oo)ed with *hi*)pea flour and spi*es
aby o)ra is tender and *oo)s rather Hui*)ly' 4n this re*ipe, 4 lo%e the sweetness of the shallots and the
*rispness that the besan imparts to the dish' 4 re*ommend ser%ing this with dal and roti for a perfe*t
e%eryday 4ndian meal'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? small o)ra
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
1U teaspoons fennel seeds, *rushed
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
0 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon )alon$i >nigellaM see (ote page 2=1?
20 small shallots, sli*ed
W *up >26 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1' Trim off the ends of the o)ra and ma)e a slit in one side of ea*h o)ra pod without *utting through' Set
aside in a bowl'
2' 4n a small bowl, *ombine the salt, turmeri*, garam masala, *umin, am*hur, fennel, *hile powder,
and *oriander' Stuff the spi*e mi8ture into the slits in the o)ra' Sprin)le the remaining mi8ture >if any?
o%er the o)ra and driNNle with 2 tablespoons of the oil' Stir and set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoons >60 ml? oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the )alon$i and sautQ for =0 se*onds or until
1' Add the shallots and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the stuffed o)ra and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add the
besan and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes'
6' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo), stirring o**asionally, for 0 to : minutes or until the o)ra is
0' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot as a side dish'
Jenda))ai "or Thalippu
C)ra with yogurt and *o*onut
C)ra and yogurt ha%e a natural affinity that is perfe*tly demonstrated in this thi*) yogurt *urry from
South 4ndia, and in the o)ra raita >page 90? and o)ra )adhi from (orth 4ndia and western 4ndia'
Ser%es 1'
2 *ups >600 grams? plain yogurt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 tablespoons raw ri*e
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
1 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
: oun*es >226 grams? o)ra, *ut into U,in*h,thi*) >1,*m,thi*)? rounds
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons *o*onut oil, melted
1' 4n a large bowl, whis) the yogurt together with the turmeri* and set aside'
2' Soa) the ri*e in 0 tablespoons >/0 ml? water for 16 minutes' Transfer to a spi*e grinder, add the
*o*onut, and grind to a smooth paste' Add to the yogurt and whis) well'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the %egetable oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, fenugree), red *hiles, and *urry lea%es' Khen the
mustard seeds start to sputter, add the onion and green *hiles, and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the
onion is translu*ent'
1' 4n*rease the heat to high, add the o)ra, and sautQ for 0 minutes or until half done' +ower the heat to
low, add the yogurt,*o*onut mi8ture and salt, and *oo) for = minutes or until the *urry is thi*)'
6' .riNNle with the *o*onut oil and ser%e hot'
Jenda))ai Pa*hadi
Crisp o)ra in yogurt sau*e
Crisply *oo)ed o)ra ta)es to yogurt rather well, whi*h is why itLs often ser%ed with raita in (orth 4ndia'
Ser%es 1'
= tablespoons %egetable oil
/ oun*es >260 grams? o)ra, trimmed and thinly sli*ed
1 teaspoon table salt
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
6 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 tablespoon *o*onut oil
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 dried red *hile, stemmed and bro)en
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the %egetable oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the o)ra and sautQ for 6 to 0 minutes'
2' Transfer the o)ra to a large bowl and toss with the salt'
=' Put the *o*onut in a mini food pro*essor with W *up >60 ml? water and pro*ess to a fine paste'
1' Khis) the yogurt in a large bowl until smooth' Stir in the o)ra, *o*onut paste, green *hiles, and
6' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the *o*onut oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, red *hile, and *urry lea%es' Khen the mustard
seeds sputter, add the mi8ture to the o)ra,yogurt mi8ture and stir well'
0' Put in the refrigerator to *hill' Ser%e *old'
Danthia Saag
Chi*)pea,flour *risps *oo)ed in a simple sau*e
The western region of 4ndia, parti*ularly the states of Du$arat and "aharashtra, is ri*h in sna*)s made
with gram >or *hi*)pea? flour' This is an e8ample of how the lo%e of these sna*)s *arries o%er into
*urries' Ser%e this with thepla >page 106? or roti >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
U teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
W teaspoon asafetida
1 teaspoon sugar
2 *ups >160 grams? ganthia >see (ote?
1W teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the *hile powder, garam masala, am*hur, and *oriander in a bowl, and add 2 *ups >100 ml?
water' Stir well'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin and asafetida' Khen the seeds begin to *hange *olor, add the spi*e
and water mi8ture, and simmer for = to 1 minutes'
=' Add the sugar and stir to dissol%e' +ower the heat to low, add the ganthia and salt, and stir' Coo) for
1 to 2 minutes'
1' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Danthia are sa%ory sti*)s made from besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour? *oo)ed in oil
until *risp' They are a%ailable in 4ndian gro*ery stores'
Darli* Spina*h "assiyal
Spi*y spina*h and garli*
4f you lo%e your greens, this spina*h stir,fry will win your heart'
Ser%es 1'
1 medium bun*hes spina*h, stemmed and roughly *hopped
2 teaspoons salt
U lemon,siNe tamarind ball >ta)en from a tamarind bri*)? or 1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
W *up >60 ml? sesame oil
W teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
1 tablespoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
= or 1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
12 to 16 *lo%es garli*, sli*ed
1 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
W teaspoon asafetida
1 tablespoon ri*e flour, mi8ed with W *up >60 ml? water
1' Pour 2 *ups >100 ml? water in a deep pan, add 1 teaspoon of the salt, and soa) the spina*h lea%es to
remo%e the bitterness' .rain well in a *olander'
2' Put the tamarind in a bowl, add U *up >100 ml? warm water, and soa) for 16 minutes' Press and
remo%e the pulp, push through a strainer, and set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the sesame oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen the seeds sputter, add the dal, red *hiles, and
*urry lea%es' Stir well, add the garli* and green *hiles, and sautQ for 1 minute'
1' Add the spina*h and tamarind pulp, and *oo) o%er medium heat for = to 1 minutes, stirring
6' Sprin)le with the asafetida and stir in the ri*e,flour mi8ture' Add the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, *oo)
for 2 minutes, and ser%e hot'
Stir,fried spina*h
Traditional &ashmiri *uisine %eers hea%ily toward non%egetarian dishes, so this light stir,fry of spina*h
*omes as a surprise' Jer >page ==? is a spe*ial spi*e mi8 that is sold in a solid dis) form' 4t *an be used
to ma)e authenti* &ashmiri food as well as to spi*e up regular dal or pulse dishes a little differently'
Ser%es 1'
1 medium bun*hes spina*h, stemmed
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
U teaspoon asafetida
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons table salt
2 teaspoons %er >page ==?
1' Kash the spina*h thoroughly under running water' .rain well in a *olander' Ginely *hop and set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen the *umin begins to *hange *olor, add the asafetida, *hile
powder, turmeri*, spina*h, salt, and 2 tablespoons water, and stir well'
=' Coo), un*o%ered, until all the water has e%aporated and the oil *omes to the top'
1' Sprin)le with the %er and ser%e hot'
&eerai &oNhambu
A spina*h and dal *urry
This dish, popular in the north as well as in the south, has many %ariations' The greens and lentils used
*hange from *oo) to *oo)' Khat a delight it is to )now that this healthy dish, when eaten with roti
>page 1:? or ri*e, ma)es a fairly balan*ed meal'
Ser%es 1'
1 medium bun*h spina*h or green amaranth lea%es, stemmed
U *up >100 grams? masoor dal >split red lentils?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
= *lo%es garli*, *rushed
17: teaspoon asafetida
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1V teaspoons table salt
1 large red onion, di*ed
1 or 6 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 large tomato, *hopped
= tablespoons tamarind pulp
1 tablespoon *o*onut oil
W teaspoon brown mustard seeds
W teaspoon *umin seeds
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
W teaspoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1 dried red *hile, stemmed and bro)en in half
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Put the spina*h in a *olander and wash it 2 or = times under running water' .rain well, and *hop it
finely' Set aside in a bowl' Kash the masoor dal in running water and drain'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Khen the water *omes
to a boil, add the masoor dal, turmeri*, garli*, asafetida, U tablespoon of the %egetable oil, and W
teaspoon of the salt, and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the lentils are tender'
=' Pla*e another nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1U tablespoons of
%egetable oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onion and sautQ for 2
minutes' Add the green *hiles, tomato, and spina*h, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add the tamarind
pulp, the remaining 1U teaspoons salt, and the *oo)ed dal, and stir well' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water,
stir, and bring to a boil' Simmer for : to 10 minutes' 4n a small nonsti*) sautQ pan, add the *o*onut oil'
Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds and *umin' Khen they
sputter, add the fenugree), dhuli urad dal, red *hile, and *urry lea%es, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add
this tempering to the masoor dal and stir well'
1' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
"a)ai Pala)
A spe*ta*ular dish of spina*h and fresh *orn
"y wife, Alyona, is a big fan of this spina*h,and,*orn dish, ser%ed with rotis >page 1:? or parathas
>page 1:?' 4n fa*t, she en$oys the lefto%ers on toast for brea)fastO
Ser%es 1'
2 large bun*hes fresh spina*h, *hopped
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e ginger, $ulienned
U teaspoon red *hile powder
Pin*h of ground turmeri*
V teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
U *up >96 grams? *oo)ed *orn )ernels
1U teaspoons table salt
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
W teaspoon ground roasted )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add : *ups >1'0 liters? water' Khen it *omes to a boil,
add the spina*h and blan*h for 1 minute' .rain and refresh in *old water' .rain well in a *olander'
Transfer to a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a purQe' Transfer to a bowl'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until lightly browned' Add the garli*
paste and stir' Add the *hiles and ginger, and sautQ until browned'
=' Add the *hile powder, turmeri*, and am*hur, and stir' Add the spina*h purQe and stir well'
1' Add the *orn and salt, and stir' Add the yogurt, garam masala, and )asoori methi' Stir and remo%e
from the heat'
6' Ser%e hot'
"ooli Saag
Khite radish *oo)ed with its lea%es
Khen 4 was a *hild in .elhi, %egetable %endors would pile their *arts high with glistening white radishes
during the winter' "y mother huddled in a warm shawl while pi*)ing up enough radishes to last the
wee)' She made radish parathas and used the lea%es to ma)e a Hui*) stir,fry similar to this one' Ser%e
this with parathas >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
1 medium white dai)on radishes with lea%es
2 teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
Pin*h of asafetida
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1U teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
1' Kash the radishes and tops well under running water' .rain well in a *olander'
2' Peel and di*e the radishes' Shred the lea%es' Sprin)le the salt on the radishes and set aside for 20
minutes' .rain off the liHuid'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the *umin and
asafetida, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the turmeri* and *hile powder, and sautQ for 10 se*onds'
1' Add the radishes and lea%es' SautQ for 1 minute' Add W *up >60 ml? water, *o%er, and *oo) o%er
medium heat for 10 minutes or until the radishes are tender'
6' Taste and add more salt if needed' Sprin)le with the sugar and am*hur, and stir'
0' Ser%e hot'
Sai ha$i
Sindhi greens and %egetables *oo)ed with mild spi*es
Sai bha$i is a popular %egetarian dish in Sindhi *uisine' The Sindhis originated from the pro%in*e of
Sindh, now in Pa)istan, but they migrated to %arious states in 4ndia during Partition' A *ommon Sindhi
meal is phul)as >wheat,flour breads li)e *hapatis? with dal and %egetables, either dry or with sau*e'
Ser%e this with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
6 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 large red onion, roughly *hopped
= medium tomatoes, roughly *hopped
= small eggplants, *ut into : pie*es ea*h
2 medium potatoes, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 tablespoons ground *oriander
2 teaspoons table salt
= medium bun*hes fresh spina*h, *hopped
U *up >60 grams? *hopped fresh dill
1 *up >60 grams? *hopped fresh sorrel
1 *up >60 grams? *hopped methi >fresh fenugree) lea%es?
1' Put the dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and
soa) for 1 hour' .rain'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the ginger and garli*, and sautQ for =0
se*onds' Add the *hiles and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
=' Add the onion and sautQ for = minutes' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for 6 minutes' Add the dal,
eggplant, and potatoes, and stir' Add the *hile powder, turmeri*, *oriander, and salt, and sautQ for 6
1' Add the spina*h, dill, sorrel, )hatta bhani, and methi, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add 2U *ups >600 ml?
water and simmer for 10 minutes or until the dal is soft'
6' lend with an immersion blender for 1 to 2 minutes'
0' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
Sarson &a Saag
"ustard greens and spina*h
Sarson )a saag is a fantasti* winter meal from (orth 4ndia' Pun$abis lo%e this ser%ed with ma))i di roti
>*ornmeal breadM page 16/?Aea*h is in*omplete without the other'
Ser%es 1'
2W pounds >1 )g? mustard greens, tough stems remo%ed
1 bun*h spina*h, tough stems remo%ed
1 bun*h bathua >lambLs Huarters?, tough stems remo%ed >see (ote?
2 tablespoons *ornmeal
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?
2 medium red onions, di*ed
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? pie*es fresh ginger, min*ed
0 to : *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
1U teaspoons table salt
1' Kash and drain the mustard greens, spina*h, and bathua' Chop and set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add W *up >60 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add the
greens and boil for 16 minutes or until %ery tender and yellowish' 4f there is any water left, drain and
reser%e' +et the greens *ool, then transfer to a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a smooth paste' Add the
*ornmeal and stir'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the onions, ginger, garli*, and *hiles, and sautQ for 9 to : minutes or until lightly
1' Add the greens and sautQ for 6 to 0 minutes' Add the reser%ed water to ad$ust the *onsisten*y if
ne*essary' Add the salt and *oo), stirring, for 1 to 6 minutes or until well blended'
6' Ser%e hot with butter'
Traditionally sarson )a saag is pounded to a paste with a wooden *hurner *alled
a mathni or ra%ai while it is being *oo)ed' The pro*ess is Huite *umbersome and time *onsuming, but
the result is deli*ious'
athua is an edible weed that is used in 4ndia espe*ially during the winter months'
eans Poriyal
3ari*ots %erts with *o*onut
This beautiful &erala,style preparation brings out the best in green beans and *o*onut'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
1 teaspoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
Pin*h of asafetida
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
/ oun*es >260 grams? hari*ots %erts, *ut into W,in*h >U,*m? pie*es
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
U teaspoon table salt
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Add the mustard seeds and
dal, and sautQ until the mustard sputters and the dal is lightly browned'
2' Add the asafetida and *hiles, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the hari*ots %erts, *urry lea%es, and salt'
Add half of the *o*onut and stir well'
=' Add 2 tablespoons water and *oo) for 10 to 16 minutes or until the hari*ots %erts are tender'
1' Darnish with the remaining *o*onut and ser%e hot as a side dish'
Duar &i SabNi
Cluster beans with dried mango
Cluster beans ha%e a slightly bitter aftertasteM hen*e the use of yogurt as a souring agent in this
!a$asthani re*ipe'
Ser%es 1'
1 dried mango pie*es
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
+arge pin*h of asafetida
1 teaspoon dry mustard powder
9 oun*es >200 grams? guar >*luster beansM see (ote?, stringed and bro)en into small pie*es
1 teaspoon table salt
0 tablespoons plain yogurt, whis)ed
2 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 tablespoons garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1' Soa) the dried mango in W *up >60 ml? water for =0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin, *hiles, asafetida, and mustard powder, and sautQ for 1 minute'
=' Add the beans and salt' Stir well and add the yogurt'
1' 4n a small bowl, stir together the *hile powder, turmeri*, garam masala, and *oriander powder, add
W *up >60 ml? water, and stir to *ombine' Add this mi8ture to the pan and stir' Add the mango along
with the water in whi*h it was soa)ed and stir' Coo) for 10 minutes or until most of the liHuid has
6' Ser%e hot'
Duar is a legume grown in 4ndia and the sour*e of guar gum' Though if grows well in
a wet *limate, it *an tolerate arid *onditions pretty well' 4t is grown mostly in 4ndia' Also now you *an
find it in the Fnited States in the freeNer se*tion of many 4ndian gro*ery stores'
"i8ed %egetables in *o*onut,and,yogurt gra%y
Eears ago when 4 *oo)ed this popular South 4ndian dish for the first time on my show, 4 re*ei%ed more
than fifty letters with re*ipes for a%iyalAea*h different from the other, and ea*h *laiming to be the
most authenti* %ersion' This is my %ersion' 4f you *anLt find 4ndian broad beans, you *an use green
Ser%es 1'
1 medium *arrot
: hari*ots %erts or thin green beans, strings remo%ed
: 4ndian broad beans >hya*inth beans?, strings remo%ed
9 oun*es >200 grams? white pump)in, peeled
1 medium green banana, peeled
1 drumsti*) %egetable >page 6::?, *anned or froNen
1 small yam, peeled
1U teaspoons table salt
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 green *hiles, stemmed
1U teaspoons *umin seeds
1 tablespoon raw ri*e
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
2 tablespoons *o*onut oil, melted
1' Cut the *arrot, hari*ots %erts, broad beans, pump)in, banana, drumsti*), and yam into thi*), 2,in*h,
long >6,*m,long? fingers'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Khen it *omes to a boil, add
U teaspoon of the salt and the yam, and boil for : minutes or until almost *oo)ed' .rain in a *olander
and set aside'
=' Put the *o*onut, green *hiles, *umin, ri*e, and 17= *up >90 ml? water in a mini food pro*essor and
pro*ess to a fine paste' Transfer the paste to a bowl' Add the yogurt and whis) until well blended' Set
1' Pla*e the nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water' Khen it *omes to a boil,
add the *arrot, hari*ots %erts, broad beans, pump)in, banana, drumsti*), the remaining 1 teaspoon salt,
and the *urry lea%es' +ower the heat to medium and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the %egetables are
almost *oo)ed'
6' Add the yogurt mi8ture and yam, and stir well' ring to a simmer, then remo%e from the heat'
0' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and driNNle with the *o*onut oil' Ser%e hot as a side dish'
4f you do not li)e the smell of raw *o*onut oil, heat up the oil, add the *urry lea%es,
and temper the a%iyal' ut do a%oid reheating the a%iyal'
Cabbage Chana .al
Cabbage with split engal gram
4n 4ndia, *abbage is %ery popular with %egetarians, who appre*iate its lo%ely fla%or and great %ersatility'
"any regions ha%e their own distin*ti%e %ersions of this dish, and 4 ha%e *hosen the lightest preparation'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 medium head *abbage, shredded
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
V teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1' Put the dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and
soa) for =0 minutes' .rain in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 1 *up >200 ml? water' ring to a boil and add
the dal' Coo) for 20 minutes or until the dal is %ery soft' .rain in a *olander'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the *urry lea%es and *hiles,
and sautQ for 16 se*onds' Add the ginger and sautQ for 16 se*onds' Add the *abbage and toss well to
*oat it with the oil and spi*es' Add the turmeri* and salt, and stir' Add the dal and stir well' Coo) for 9
to : minutes'
1' Add the garam masala and stir well'
6' Darnish with the *o*onut and ser%e hot'
Jegetables with fi%e spi*es
This dish originated in engal and is prepared with whate%er un*oo)ed %egetables are left o%er at the
end of a wee)' Ser%e it with dal and steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1U teaspoons pan*h phoron >page 6:/?
1 turai >ridge gourd?, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? fingers
2 eggplants, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? fingers
1 oun*es >100 grams? red or pie pump)in, peeled, seeded, and *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? fingers
2 medium potatoes, peeled and *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? fingers
6 medium parwars >striped pear gourdsM see (ote?, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? fingers
1 drumsti*) %egetable >page 6::?, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
2 or = green *hiles, stemmed and slit
Pin*h of sugar
2 teaspoons table salt
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the pan*h phoron, and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
2' Add all the %egetables and toss well' Add the turmeri*, *umin, *hiles, sugar, and salt' Toss again'
=' Add U *up >100 ml? water and stir' Coo), un*o%ered, for 16 to 20 minutes or until the %egetables are
tender and all the moisture has e%aporated' Ta)e *are that the %egetables do not o%er*oo)'
1' Ser%e hot'
Parwar is a striped pear gourd' 4t has heart,shaped lea%es and is grown on a trellis'
4t thri%es in a hot to moderately warm and humid *limate'
.ho)ar .alna
engali steamed dal dumplings in a spi*y sau*e
This dish plays an important part in the engali niramish >%egetarian? repertoire' .ho)ar literally
means Sto *heat,T and as the te8ture of the lightly spi*ed lentil *a)es resembles that of fish, the name is
appropriate' 4f you see the mi8ture *oming off the sides of the pan while you are steaming the lentil
paste, it is a sign that it is *oo)ed' 4f you o%ersteam it, the lentil *a)e will lose moisture and be*ome
Ser%e these with lu*hi >page 1/?'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
2 teaspoons *umin seeds 1 green *hiles, stemmed
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons table salt
2U tablespoons %egetable oil
2 medium potatoes, peeled and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
= medium red onions, grated
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1U teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 medium tomatoes, grated
1' Put the dal in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml?
water and soa) for 0 to : hours' .rain in a *olander and transfer to a food pro*essor' Add the *umin,
*hiles, W teaspoon of the turmeri*, and W *up >60 ml? water, and pro*ess to a smooth paste' Add 1
teaspoon of the salt and pro*ess to *ombine the batter well'
2' Drease a 9,in*h,diameter >1:,*m,diameter?, U,in*h,deep >1,*m,deep? plate' Pour the batter into it
and le%el the surfa*e'
=' Pla*e a steamer o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a boil, fit the
plate into one of the groo%es' +ower the heat to medium, *o%er, and steam for 12 minutes or until a
s)ewer inserted in the *enter of the *a)e *omes out *lean'
1' !emo%e the plate from the steamer and let the *a)e *ool slightly' Cut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? diamond,
shaped pie*es'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the potatoes and sautQ until the potatoes are light golden' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and pla*e in a bowl'
0' To the hot oil in the pan, add the onions and sautQ until golden brown' Add the ginger paste and garli*
paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the *hile powder, the remaining U teaspoon turmeri*, and the
*umin, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the tomatoes and the remaining 1 teaspoon salt and sautQ for 0 to 9
9' Add the steamed lentil diamonds, potatoes, and 2 *ups >100 ml? water' +ower the heat to low and
*oo) for 20 minutes'
:' Ser%e hot'
.iwani 3andi
Jegetables with fenugree)
3yderabadi *oo)s are e8perts at mi8ing and mat*hing %egetables of *ontrasting te8tures and tastes, and
this re*ipe uses strongly fla%ored fenugree) lea%es with fleshy eggplant and a %ariety of beans' Jery
*reati%e, %ery presentable, and %ery deli*ious, the dish has an honored spot on the menus of my Eellow
Chilli restaurants' 4f you *anLt find 4ndian broad beans, you *an use green beans' Ser%e it with any 4ndian
Ser%es 1'
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus = tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium red onions, sli*ed
2 or = green *hiles, stemmed, seeded, and *hopped
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
= medium potatoes, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
= medium *arrots, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
10 hari*ots %erts, sli*ed on the bias
10 4ndian broad beans >hya*inth beans?, sli*ed on the bias >page 6::?
0 small eggplants, slit in half with the stem ends inta*t
U *up >96 grams? fresh or froNen green peas
U medium bun*h methi >fresh fenugree) lea%es?, *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add the onions and *oo), stirring with a slotted spoon, until the onions are well
browned' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add = tablespoons oil' Add the *hiles, ginger paste,
and garli* paste, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the *hile powder, turmeri*, and salt, and stir' Add the
yogurt and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes'
=' Add the potatoes, *arrots, hari*ots %erts, broad beans, eggplants, peas, and browned onions, and stir
well' +ower the heat to low, add V *up >160 ml? water, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the
%egetables are tender'
1' Add the methi, *ilantro, and garam masala, and stir well' Coo) for = to 1 minutes' Ser%e hot'
.um &i Arbi
Colo*assia roots in a yogurt,based sau*e
Colo*assia roots might be sti*)y to handle, but frying them in oil helps them hold their shape and
redu*es the sti*)iness, whi*h ma)es it easier for the *olo*assia to be *oated with ri*h, spi*y masalas'
This preparation has all the tou*hes of the regal 3yderabadi *uisine'
Ser%es 1'
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1 pound >600 grams? *olo*assia >taro? roots, peeled and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
= medium red onions, peeled and Huartered
= tablespoons white poppy seeds
2 *ups >600 grams? plain yogurt
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 to 0 green *ardamom pods
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
W teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon table salt
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), slide in the *olo*assia and *oo) until golden brown and *risp' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and drain on paper towelsM set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Khen it *omes to a boil, add
the onion Huarters and *oo) until soft' .rain, let *ool, and pla*e in a food pro*essor' Pro*ess to a
smooth paste and set aside in a small bowl'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the poppy seeds' .ry,roast for = to 1
minutes' Transfer to a bowl with W *up >60 ml? water and soa) for =0 minutes' Transfer the poppy seeds
along with the water to the spi*e grinder and grind to a smooth paste'
1' Put the yogurt in a bowl, add the *hile powder, *umin, and turmeri*, and whis) until well blended'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining oil' Add the *ardamom, and
when it starts to *hange *olor, add the onion paste and sautQ until light golden brown' Add the ginger
paste, garli* paste, and *oriander' Stir well' Stir in the poppy seed paste and *oo) for 1 minute'
0' Add the yogurt mi8ture and bring to a boil' Add the *olo*assia, nutmeg, garam masala, salt, and 1
*up >200 ml? water' Co%er with a tight,fitting lid and simmer for =0 minutes' >Alternati%ely, *o%er the
pan with aluminum foil or seal the lid with atta dough >see page =0?, so that the aroma is *ontained in
the pan and does not es*ape'?
9' Stir in the *ream and garnish with the *ilantro' Ser%e hot'
&eralite yams and green bananas
Briseri is a popular dish in &erala and is made with %arious *ombinations of %egetables and pulses' 4t
forms an important part of the SSadyaT meal that is ser%ed on spe*ial o**asions su*h as weddings,
birthdays, and the arri%al of a new baby'
Eou *an use any %egetables here and ad$ust the Huantity of pepper*orns to suit your taste' Eou *an also
use some red *hiles in addition to the pepper*orns'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? yams, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 medium unripe banana, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
V *up >/0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
16 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons table salt
W *up >60 ml? *o*onut oil
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Kash the yams thoroughly under running water' .rain in a *olander' Kash the banana and put in a
bowl of water until ready to use'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add U *up of the *o*onut and dry,roast until golden
brown' Set aside to *ool'
=' Put the roasted *o*onut, pepper*orns, and *umin in a spi*e grinder with W *up >60 ml? water and
grind to a smooth paste'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Add the turmeri* and salt'
Khen the water *omes to a boil, lower the heat to medium, add the yams, *o%er, and *oo) for 6
minutes' Add the banana and *oo) for 6 minutes'
6' Add the *o*onut paste and stir' +ower the heat to low and simmer for 6 minutes or until the sau*e
0' "eanwhile, pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the *o*onut oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen the seeds sputter, add the *urry
lea%es and the remaining W *up *o*onut, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add this tempering to the *urry and
*o%er immediately to trap the fla%ors'
9' Ser%e hot'
Doan,style )idney beans
Gei$oada, *onsidered raNilLs national dish, is a thi*) stew with hea%y meats and beans' 4n Doa, where
the *uisine is %ery mu*h influen*ed by the Portuguese, the 4ndian %ersion *ontains beans and Doan
sausage' Personally, though, 4 find this %egetarian %ersion to be $ust as tasty' Ser%e it with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
: dried red *hiles, bro)en
9 or : whole bla*) pepper*orns
10 whole *lo%es
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 large red onions, *hopped
2U *ups >600 grams? *anned *oo)ed red )idney beans
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *hiles, pepper*orns, *lo%es, *oriander,
and *umin, and dry,roast for 2 to = minutes or until fragrant' Add the *o*onut and roast for 2 to =
minutes' Cool slightly and transfer to a mini food pro*essor' Add W *up >60 ml? water and pro*ess to a
smooth paste'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until lightly browned' Add the
*o*onut paste and stir'
=' Add the beans and stir' Add the salt and tamarind pulp, and stir well' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and
bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low and simmer for 10 to 16 minutes'
1' Ser%e hot'
4f using dried )idney beans, soa) 1U *ups >=00 grams? beans in 1 Huart >:00 ml?
water o%ernight' .rain and *oo) in 0 *ups >1200 ml? water for 1 hour or until the beans are soft' Pro*eed
with the re*ipe'
Datta Curry
Steamed besan dumplings in a yogurt,based spi*y *urry
Ke had a neighbor in .elhi who was from !a$asthan' She and my mom used to swap re*ipes and food'
This *urry entered our home, and the re*ipe has stayed, *ourtesy of one of those e8*hanges' 4 thin) my
mother still ma)es the best gatta *urryM sometimes she fries the dumplings and puts them in a typi*al
Pun$abi,style thi*) onion,tomato masala instead of the traditional !a$asthani yogurt *urry that we ha%e
here' Ser%e this *urry with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the gatta5
1U *ups >160 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
Pin*h of asafetida
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon table salt Pin*h of ba)ing soda
U teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
9 or : fresh mint lea%es, *hopped
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
Gor the sau*e5
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons ground *oriander 1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 teaspoon *umin seeds 1 whole *lo%es
Pin*h of asafetida
2 medium red onions, grated
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' "a)e the gatta5 Stir together the besan, asafetida, turmeri*, *hile powder, salt, ba)ing soda, ginger
paste, yogurt, and mint in a bowl' Add W *up >60 ml? water and stir to ma)e a stiff dough'
2' .i%ide the dough into 1 portions' Apply U teaspoon oil to your palms and roll ea*h portion into a 0,
in*h,long >16,*m,long? *ylinder'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 2 *ups >100 ml? water, and bring to a boil' +ower the
dough *ylinders into the water, lower the heat to medium, and *oo) for 10 to 16 minutes' .rain in a
large *olander set o%er a large bowlM reser%e the water' +et the dumplings *ool slightly, then *ut into U,
in*h,long >1,*m,long? pie*es >the gatta?'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and gently slide in the gatta' Gry until golden' !emo%e
with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set aside'
6' "a)e the sau*e5 Khis) the yogurt, *hile powder, *oriander, turmeri*, besan, and salt together'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin, *lo%es, and asafetida' Coo) until the *umin starts to *hange *olor'
Add the onions and *oo) o%er high heat for = to 1 minutes or until the onions are light golden'
9' +ower the heat to low, add the yogurt mi8ture, and *oo) for 6 minutes'
:' Add the gatta and the reser%ed *oo)ing water' Coo) o%er low heat for 9 minutes or until the sau*e is
thi*)' Add the garam masala and ad$ust the seasoning if ne*essary'
/' Ser%e hot'
Phinge Posto
!idged gourd *oo)ed in a poppy,seed masala
engalis use poppy seeds e8tensi%ely' The seeds are usually soa)ed and then ground into a mil)y paste
that helps thi*)en *urries' Traditionally, the seeds are ground in a stone mortar with a pestle, but in the
modern )it*hen ele*tri* grinders are the norm'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons white poppy seeds
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
V teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 whole *lo%es
2 medium red onions, di*ed
11 oun*es >100 grams? ridged gourd >see (ote?, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1' Soa) the poppy seeds in U *up >100 ml? water for =0 minutes' .rain and pla*e in a spi*e grinder with
the *hiles and W teaspoon of the salt, and grind to a smooth paste without adding any water' Transfer to
a small bowl and set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *lo%es and onions, and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until the onions are
golden brown'
=' Add the ridged gourd and sautQ for = to 1 minutes' Add the turmeri* and stir' Add the poppy seed
paste and remaining U teaspoon salt, and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 10 to 16 minutes or until the ridged
gourd is tender'
1' Ser%e hot as a side dish'
!idged gourd is also )nown as loofah, luffa, tori, turiy, and turai' 4t is belie%ed to
ha%e originated in the Arabi* deserts' 4t is dar) green and ridged and has a white pulp with white seeds'
There is no substitute for ridged gourd in this dish'
Eams, green bananas, and ash gourd
This is a %egetarian fa%orite from &erala, whose *uisine is )nown for its yogurt *urries and use of tubers'
4f you want, you *an substitute %egetable oil for the *o*onut oil'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >=00 grams? yams, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? fingers
2 medium green bananas, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? fingers
/ oun*es >260 grams? white pump)in >see (ote?, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? fingers
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
: to 10 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 green *hiles, stemmed
2 teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri* >optional?
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
2 tablespoons *o*onut oil
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Kash the yams, bananas, and ash gourd well under running water and drain in a *olander'
2' Put the *o*onut, 1 teaspoon of the *umin, the pepper*orns, and green *hiles in a mini food pro*essor
with W *up >60 ml? water, and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Add the salt and
turmeri*, and bring to a boil' Add the %egetables and *oo) for = minutes or until half *oo)ed' Add the
yogurt and stir well' ring to a boil, lower the heat to medium, and simmer for 6 minutes' Add the
*o*onut paste, stir well, and *oo) for 2 minutes' !emo%e from the heat'
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the *o*onut oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, fenugree), and the remaining 1 teaspoon
*umin' Khen the seeds sputter, add the red *hiles and *urry lea%es and add this tempering to the
%egetables' Co%er immediately to trap the aroma' Ser%e hot'
Khite pump)in is also )nown as ash gourd or winter melon' 4t is grown for its %ery
large fruit' The mature melon has a thi*), sweet flesh' 4n (orth 4ndia it is used to ma)e a dessert *alled
&ai)ari 4shtew
"i8ed %egetables stewed in *o*onut mil) with star anise
A traditional delight from the South 4ndian state of &erala, this %egetable dish is traditionally ser%ed with
a soft bread *alled appam >page 11?' This is a real treat for *o*onut lo%ers' e sure to use the star anise
be*ause without it, ishtew is simply not ishtew'
Ser%es 1'
1 medium *arrot, *ubed
1 medium potato, *ubed
9 or : *auliflower florets
0 to : hari*ots %erts, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
2 tablespoons *o*onut oil
2 bay lea%es
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
1 whole *lo%es
2 star anise
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 *ups >100 ml? *o*onut mil)
1 teaspoon table salt
Pin*h of garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2U *ups >600 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to
a boil, add the *arrot and *oo) for = to 1 minutes' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and set aside' !epeat
with the potato, *auliflower, and hari*ots %erts separately'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the *o*onut oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the bay lea%es, *innamon, *lo%es, star anise, *urry lea%es, *hiles, and onions'
SautQ for 2 minutes or until the onions are translu*ent'
=' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and stir' Coo) for 1 minute'
1' Add the *arrot, potato, *auliflower, and *o*onut mil)' Coo) for 2 to = minutes' Add the salt and
hari*ots %erts, and stir' +ower the heat to low and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes or until the hari*ots %erts are
6' Stir in the garam masala' 4mmediately remo%e from the heat and ser%e hot'
&arela Andhra Style
Sweet, sour, and spi*y bitter gourd
Denerally, if you see the word andhra in the name of a dish, you *an e8pe*t it to be sweet and sour
with the fla%or of an oil seedAin this *ase, sesame' itter gourd is widely used in 4ndian )it*hens, and
re*ipes for it %ary from state to state' 4n fa*t, the bitterness is en$oyed to the hilt in the northern part of
the *ountry, where bitter gourds are *oo)ed without the addition of sugar or $aggery'
Ser%es 1'
6 medium bitter gourds
1 teaspoon table salt
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
6 *lo%es garli*
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 teaspoon white sesame seeds
=U tablespoons %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, *hopped
W *up >90 grams? fresh tomato purQe
2 tablespoons grated *ane $aggery
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
1' Kash and peel, the bitter gourds and *ut them in half lengthwise' !emo%e the seeds and thinly sli*e'
Sprin)le with U teaspoon of the salt and set aside for 10 to 16 minutes' Kash with plenty of water,
drain, and sHueeNe out the e8*ess water'
2' Put the ginger and garli* in a spi*e grinder with 1 tablespoon water and grind to a fine paste'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then add the *hiles,
*oriander, *umin, and sesame seeds, and dry,roast, stirring *ontinuously, for 2 minutes or until lightly
browned' +et *ool, then transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1U tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the bitter gourds and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until
lightly browned' Transfer to a bowl and set aside'
6' Add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil to the heated pan' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the pan, add the onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes'
0' Add the ginger,garli* paste and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the tomato purQe and *oo) for = minutes'
9' Add the ground spi*es, $aggery, tamarind pulp, and remaining U teaspoon salt' Stir well, add U *up
>100 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add the bitter gourds and stir well' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and
simmer for = minutes' Ser%e hot'
+entil,and,%egetable medley
This is another wonderful Doan %egetarian spe*ialty' The taste of the radish is an e8*ellent palate
*leanser' 4 suggest that steamed ri*e a**ompany this mi8 of %egetables and dal'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
1W teaspoons table salt
= tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
V *up >100 grams? pie pump)in, peeled and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1 medium potato, peeled and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
16 thin green beans, strings remo%ed, finely *hopped
1W medium white dai)on radishes, peeled and finely *hopped
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
: to 10 fresh radish lea%es, shredded
: to 10 fresh spina*h lea%es, shredded
1' Put the dal in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml?
water and soa) for =0 minutes' .rain in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, add the dal' +ower the heat to medium, add U teaspoon of the salt, and *oo), *o%ered, for 10 to 12
minutes or until tender but still firm' .rain the dal in a *olander set o%er a large bowlM set the dal and
the *oo)ing liHuid aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds and *umin' Khen the seeds sputter, add the *hiles and
ginger' SautQ for 16 se*onds' Add the dal, pump)in, potato, green beans, and radishes, and stir bris)ly'
1' Add the reser%ed *oo)ing liHuid, the remaining V teaspoon salt, the turmeri*, and *hile powder, and
stir' Add the *o*onut, stir, and simmer for 10 to 12 minutes or until the %egetables are tender'
6' Add the garam masala and stir' Add the *ilantro, radish lea%es, and spina*h lea%es' Coo) for 1
minute, then remo%e from the heat'
0' Ser%e hot'
&hatta "eetha &addu
Sour and sweet pump)in
Khen my mother in*luded this in her wee)ly menu, 4 used to *omplain and ma)e a big fuss' So she
began tal)ing to me about the goodness of pump)in' a*) then there was no tal) about beta,*arotene
in orange,*olored %egetablesM all she said was, S4tLs good for you, so eat it up'T Kell, 4 am getting a dose
of my own medi*ine now, be*ause my daughters also s*rew up their noses at pump)in' ut when 4
started *alling this dish )hatta meetha >Ssour and sweetT?, they suddenly were more interested in
eating it'
Ser%es 1'
= tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
Pin*h of asafetida
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 pound >600 grams? pie pump)in, peeled and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
U teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, $ulienned
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
2 tablespoons sugar
1U tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the fenugree), asafetida, *hiles, and pump)in, and stir well'
2' Add the salt, turmeri*, *oriander, ginger, and *hile powder, and stir again' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water,
*o%er, and *oo) for 10 to 16 minutes'
=' Add the sugar, lemon $ui*e, and *ilantro' Co%er and *oo) o%er medium heat for 10 minutes or until
the pump)in is %ery soft and mashed'
1' Ser%e hot'
&umro Che*h)i
Pump)in with spi*es
engalis en$oy a lot of %egetables that *oo) Hui*)ly, su*h as pump)in' They prepare it li)e this, with a
few spi*es, or they *ombine it with potatoes or mash it and temper it with mustard oil'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
2 large red onions, sli*ed
U teaspoon )alon$i >nigellaM see (ote page 2=1?
2 pounds >1 )g? pie pump)in, peeled, seeded, and *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? sti*)s
0 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
2 teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons ground *umin
U teaspoon sugar
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until lightly browned'
2' Add the )alon$i and sautQ for 16 se*onds'
=' Add the pump)in and sautQ for = to 1 minutes'
1' Add the *hiles, salt, turmeri*, and *umin and sautQ for 1 minute' Add W *up >60 ml? water and stir'
Co%er and *oo) for 6 to 0 minutes or until the pump)in is soft' Add the sugar and stir'
6' Ser%e hot'
+au)i &ofta
ottle gourd and tamarind dumplings in a spi*y sau*e
4 grew up in a %ery Pun$abi atmosphere where )oftas were *oo)ed at least on*e a wee)' This is one of
my fa%orite dishes from *hildhood' 4 remember being e8*ited by the surprising tamarind filling inside'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the )ofta5
1U small lau)i >bottle gourdM see (ote?
=U tablespoons besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
W teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon table salt
: pie*es tamarind with seeds >see (ote?
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
Gor the sau*e5
= tablespoons %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, *hopped
6 medium tomatoes, purQed
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
V teaspoon red *hile powder
1U tablespoons ground *oriander
V teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' "a)e the )oftas5 Peel the bottle gourd and then grate *oarsely' SHueeNe to remo%e the e8*ess
water' Put in a large bowl, add the besan, *hile powder, and salt, and *ombine well' 4t will be sti*)y but
manageable' .i%ide into : portions'
2' Stuff one pie*e of tamarind into ea*h portion and shape into balls'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), add the )oftas, a few at a time, and *oo), stirring gently with a slotted spoon, until golden brown
and *risp on the outside' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' "a)e the sau*e5 Pla*e a large nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until light
golden brown' Add the tomatoes and *oo) for 12 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add the turmeri*, *hile powder, and *oriander' Coo) for 1 minute, stirring *ontinuously' Add 2
tablespoons water and *oo) for = minutes or until the oil *omes to the top again'
0' Add = *ups >000 ml? water and bring to a boil' Add the salt, lower the heat to low, and simmer for 10
minutes' &eep the sau*e hot'
9' Arrange the )oftas on a ser%ing plate and pour the sau*e o%er them' Sprin)le with the garam
masala and *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
Smooth,s)inned lau)i, or bottle gourd, has a pale green flesh with a firm te8ture'
Choose young bottle gourds >less than 1 foot, or =0 *m, long?M young gourds ha%e a thin, tender peel and
smaller seeds that donLt need to be remo%ed'
4nstead of tamarind pie*es, you *an stuff the )oftas with dried plums'
"alai &ofta Curry
Stuffed paneer and )hoya dumplings in a ri*h white sau*e
B%eryone should o**asionally indulge in this *reamy *urry' "y mother stuffed small portions of froNen
malai >the *ream s)immed from the top of whole mil)? into the *enter of ea*h )ofta' 4f you want to
stuff them, do as my mother did and add a little mashed potato to the mi8ture'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the )oftas5
1U *ups >100 grams? grated paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
17= *up >60 grams? grated )hoya7mawa >solid unsweetened *ondensed mil)M page =9?
1 green *hile, stemmed, seeded, and finely *hopped
1 tablespoon *ornstar*h
U teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons raisins
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
Gor the sau*e5
U *up >90 grams? *ashews, soa)ed in water for =0 minutes
W *up >=6 grams? )a)di magaN >dried *u*umber seeds?, soa)ed in water for =0 minutes
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 green *ardamom pods
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
V *up boiled onion paste >page 1=?
U tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
2 tablespoons butter
V teaspoon ground green *ardamom
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground white pepper
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
1' "a)e the )oftas5 Combine the paneer, )hoya, *hile, *ornstar*h, and salt in a bowl' .i%ide into :
portions' Stuff raisins into ea*h portion and shape into balls'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to low and gently slide in the )oftas' Coo) for 1 to 6 minutes or until
lightly *olored' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' &eep warm'
=' "a)e the sau*e5 .rain the *ashews and )a)di magaN, and transfer to a food pro*essor' Add W *up
>60 ml? water and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the 2 tablespoons oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *ardamom pods and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the *hiles and
sautQ for =0 se*onds'
6' Add the onion paste and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, and *ashew[)a)di
magaN paste, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add the yogurt and stir well' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and
stir well' Khen the mi8ture *omes to a boil, add the butter and stir well' Add the ground *ardamom,
salt, and white pepper, and *oo) for 1 minute'
0' Pour the sau*e through a strainer into a *lean sau*epan' Pla*e o%er medium heat and bring to a boil'
Add the *ream, stir, and remo%e from the heat'
9' Pla*e the )oftas in a ser%ing dish, pour the hot sau*e on top, and ser%e immediately'
Coo) one )ofta' 4f it brea)s, add a little more *ornstar*h to the mi8ture' Also,
ma)e sure the oil is hot when you add the )oftas'
&a)di magaN, or dried *u*umber seeds, are thinner and longer than most other
melon seeds' TheyLre used mostly to garnish sele*t 4ndian desserts, sweet *hutneys, and some sa%ory
sna*)s' They *an be repla*ed with other melon seeds su*h as honeydew or *antaloupe'
"asaledar &arele
itter gourds stuffed with spi*y masala
+oo) for small, tender gourds, as they are easier to handle' 4 use the gourdsL rough peel here be*ause
thatLs where most of the nutrients lie' Some people tie up the stuffed gourds with )it*hen string before
*oo)ing them, whi*h helps to )eep the filling in and maintain the shape of the gourd' >!emo%ing the
string at the table is nothing short of entertainment'?
Ser%es 1'
: medium bitter gourds
2V teaspoons table salt
1 large red onions, peeled
=U tablespoons fennel seeds
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
2 teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U tablespoons am*hur >dried mango powder?
V tablespoon red *hile powder
U tablespoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
V *up >160 ml? %egetable oil
1 tablespoon sugar
1 green *hile, stemmed and slit
1' Peel the bitter gourds and reser%e the peelings in a small bowl' Slit the gourds lengthwise, lea%ing the
stem ends inta*t, and spoon out the seeds' !ub 1 teaspoon of the salt on both the outside and inside of
the gourds' Set aside for =0 minutes' SHueeNe gently and rinse under running water' >This remo%es
mu*h of the bitterness'? Pat dry'
2' Add W teaspoon salt to the gourd s*rapings and set side for =0 minutes' SHueeNe well'
=' Ginely *hop 2 of the onions and sli*e the remaining 2'
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er low heat, add the fennel, and dry,roast for =0 se*onds' +et *ool,
transfer to a spi*e grinder, and grind to a fine powder' Transfer to a small bowl and add the *oriander,
*umin, turmeri*, am*hur, *hile powder, and garam masala, and stir well'
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add = tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *hopped onions and sautQ for 0 to : minutes or until
golden' !emo%e from the heat and add the spi*e mi8ture, the remaining 1U teaspoons salt, and the
sugar' .i%ide into : portions'
0' Stuff 1 portion into ea*h of the slit gourds and set aside'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the sli*ed onions, *hile, and bitter gourd peelings, and sautQ for = to 1
:' (eatly arrange the stuffed gourds o%er this mi8ture' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo), turning a
few times, for 16 to 20 minutes or until the gourds are tender and e%enly browned on all sides'
/' Ser%e hot'
"ir*hi &a Salan
SautQed *hiles with peanuts and *urry lea%es
4n 4ndia, *hiles are the essen*e of the *uisine in all of the regions' Some li)e it hot and some li)e it mild,
but in 3yderabad, where the spi*y Andhra *uisine rules the roost, this hot *hile preparation is a must
with the areaLs famous 3yderabadi biryani >page 1:1?M a raita or *hutney might be ser%ed alongside
the biryani' "y %ersion is mildly spi*ed'
Ser%es 1'
1: to 20 plump green *hiles >2 in*hes76 *m long?
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 2 tablespoons %egetable oil
W *up >=6 grams? sesame seeds
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
U *up >96 grams? roasted peanuts
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
0 to : *lo%es garli*, peeled
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
1 medium red onion, grated
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
U tablespoon tamarind pulp
V teaspoon table salt
1' Kash the green *hiles under running water and drain well in a *olander' Pat dry with a )it*hen towel'
Slit them in half lengthwise, )eeping the stem ends inta*t, and remo%e the seeds'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the wo), add the *hiles and *oo) for 2 minutes' !emo%e with a slotted spoon
and drain on paper towels'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the sesame seeds, *oriander, and *umin, and
dryroast for 6 minutes' Set aside to *ool *ompletely' Transfer to a mini food pro*essor, add the peanuts,
red *hiles, ginger, garli*, and U *up >100 ml? water, and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the *urry
lea%es and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the onion and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until light golden brown'
6' Add the turmeri* and stir well' Add the ground peanut paste and *oo) for = minutes, stirring
0' Stir in 1 *up >200 ml? water and bring to a boil' +ower the heat and *oo) for 10 minutes'
9' 4n a bowl, dissol%e the tamarind pulp in U *up >100 ml? water, then add it to the pan' Add the fried
green *hiles and salt, and *oo) o%er low heat for : to 10 minutes'
:' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
"oolya*hi ha$ee
Gresh and *run*hy radish greens
The greens of the radish are used effe*ti%ely in most regional *uisines of 4ndia, espe*ially in the west'
"aharashtrians fa%or a lot of leafy greens in their *uisineAsome of whi*h are alien to most (orth
4ndians' Sin*e settling down in "umbai, 4 ha%e learned a lot of *reati%e uses for greens, and this dish is
an e8ample'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? white dai)on radish with lea%es
W *up >26 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
W teaspoon brown mustard seeds
W teaspoon asafetida
1U teaspoons dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon grated *ane $aggery
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Peel and *hop the radish' Put in a large bowl' Ginely *hop the radish lea%es and set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er low heat, add the besan, and dry,roast, stirring *ontinuously, for = to
1 minutes or until fragrant' Set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the asafetida and dal, and
sautQ for =0 se*onds'
1' Add the *hiles, turmeri*, radish, radish lea%es, salt, and $aggery' Stir' Co%er and *oo), stirring
o**asionally, for 0 to 9 minutes or until the radish is tender and the e8*ess moisture has e%aporated'
6' Sprin)le in the besan and stir' Coo) o%er medium heat for 2 minutes, stirring o**asionally' Add U *up
>100 ml? water and stir well' Coo) for 6 minutes or until the water has e%aporated'
0' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
"ushroom Shagoti
A %egetarian %ersion of Chi*)en @a*uti
This dish *omes from my Doan repertoire and goes best with the Doan bread *alled pa%, but it also
goes %ery well with steamed ri*e or sannas >page 101?' The spongy mushrooms absorb the marinade
Hui*)ly' The spi*es are preroasted to shorten the *oo)ing time so that the mushrooms donLt o%er*oo)'
Ser%es 1'
: whole *lo%es
10 whole bla*) pepper*orns
W teaspoon a$wain
U teaspoon fennel seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
1U tablespoons *oriander seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*), bro)en
2 star anise
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
W teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 blade ma*e
1 tablespoon white poppy seeds
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 to 0 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
= tablespoons %egetable oil
= large red onions, finely *hopped
=6 to 10 white mushrooms, Huartered
1U teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the *lo%es, pepper*orns, a$wain, fennel, *umin,
*oriander, *innamon, star anise, *hiles, nutmeg, ma*e, and poppy seeds' Coo) until fragrant' Add the
*o*onut and dry,roast for 2 to = minutes or until the *o*onut is lightly browned' +et *ool *ompletely'
Transfer to a mini food pro*essor with the garli* and 1 *up >200 ml? water and pro*ess to a smooth
paste' Transfer to a small bowl'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ until well browned' Add the mushrooms and salt, and
stir' Add the ground paste and stir well' Add U *up >100 ml? water and the tamarind pulp, and simmer
for = to 1 minutes'
=' Ser%e hot'
(adru Ea)hni
+otus root
+otus root is an e8oti* %egetable in most parts of 4ndia and not readily a%ailable outside the state of
&ashmir, whi*h has huge bodies of fresh water that *ontain lotus plants in massi%e Huantities' &ashmiri
food, espe*ially the &ashmiri Pandit *uisine, also uses yogurt as a base for many *urries' Eogurt not only
adds sourness but also gi%es the *urries body'
Ser%es 1'
1W pounds >600 grams? lotus root
2 teaspoons table salt
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
2 *ups >600 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon ground fennel seeds
1 teaspoon ground ginger
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
U teaspoon *araway seeds
1 to 0 green *ardamom pods
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
1 to 0 whole *lo%es
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
Denerous pin*h of )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?, *rushed
1' Peel the lotus root, wash it thoroughly under running water, and *ut it on the diagonal into V,in*h >2,
*m? rounds'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 0 *ups >1'2 liters? water' Khen the water *omes to
a boil, add the lotus root and U teaspoon of the salt, and lower the heat to medium' Co%er and *oo) for
60 minutes or until tender'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the pan, add the onions and *oo), stirring with a slotted spoon, until brown and *risp' !emo%e with the
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set aside to *ool *ompletely'
1' Transfer the onions to a food pro*essor, add = tablespoons water, and grind to a smooth paste'
6' Put the yogurt in a small bowl and add U *up >100 ml? water' Khis) thoroughly'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the yogurt mi8ture' Coo), stirring *ontinuously,
for 2 to = minutes or until the mi8ture *hanges *olor' !emo%e from the heat'
9' Put the fennel and ginger in a bowl, and stir in 1 *up >200 ml? water' Add the onion paste and whis)
until well blended'
:' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *araway, green and bla*) *ardamom, *lo%es, and
*innamon, and sautQ until fragrant'
/' Stir in the onion mi8ture, then the yogurt mi8ture and the lotus root' Add the remaining 1U teaspoons
salt and stir' Coo) for 6 to 9 minutes or until the sau*e thi*)ens'
10' Stir in the )asoori methi and ser%e hot'
(a%ratan &orma
Spi*y mi8ed %egetables with nuts and paneer
(a%ratan means Snine $ewels'T 4n this )orma there are a few %egetables, a few mushrooms, paneer,
and the rarely used ma)hana >puffed lotus seeds?, nine ingredients in all' Artists in the royal *ourts of
the "ughal emperors were *alled na%ratan and the emperorsL gorgeous $ewelry was made of nine
different gleaming gems'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >10 grams? *ashews
1 medium *arrot, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 *auliflower florets
= thin long beans, strings remo%ed, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
1 medium potato, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
W *up >10 grams? shelled green peas
V teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 whole *lo%es
2 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 green *ardamom pods
U *up >126 grams? boiled,onion paste >page 1=?
U tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
6 white button mushrooms, hal%ed
16 grams ma)hana >puffed lotus seedsM optionalM see (ote?, fried in 1 *up %egetable oil until golden
W *up >10 grams? paneer *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
U tablespoon raisins
1' Soa) half of the *ashews in W *up >60 ml? warm water for 10 minutes' .rain, put in a spi*e grinder,
and grind to a smooth paste' Transfer to a bowl' Chop the remaining *ashews'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water' ring to a boil and add
the *arrot, *auliflower, beans, potato, and peas' Add W teaspoon of the salt' Coo) o%er medium heat for
10 minutes or until the %egetables are tender, and drain in a *olander' !efresh in *old water and drain
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *lo%es, pepper*orns, *innamon, and *ardamom, and sautQ for =0 se*onds or
until fragrant' Add the onion paste and sautQ for 6 to : minutes or until the raw fla%ors disappear'
1' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, and yogurt, and stir well' +ower the heat to low, add the *hiles and
*ashew paste, and *oo), stirring, for 6 minutes'
6' Add the mushrooms and blan*hed %egetables' Coo) for 2 to = minutes and add the remaining U
teaspoon salt and V *up >160 ml? water' Stir well and add the ma)hana >if using? and paneer' Stir and
*oo) for =0 se*onds'
0' ring to a boil, add the *ream, and remo%e from the heat'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and garnish with the *hopped *ashews and raisins' Ser%e hot'
"a)hana, a plant belonging to the water lily family thatLs *ulti%ated for its white
seeds, is a%ailable at 4ndian gro*ery stores'
Papad &a Shaa)
Papads with yogurt, boondi, and spi*es
Khen it *omes to %egetarian food, !a$asthani *uisine is %ery ingenious' !a$asthani *oo)s use *hi*)pea
flour with great QlanAand pulses and sun,dried %egetables too' The first time 4 had this papad
preparation, at a "arwari friendLs pla*e, 4 was a bit ta)en aba*) by the film of oil and hot red *hiles
floating on top' eing a good guest, 4 ate it up and, belie%e me, 4 en$oyed it' 4n this adaptation, the oil
and *hile powder ha%e been redu*ed somewhat'
Ser%es 1'
2 large papads >thin *ra*)ers made with lentil flour?
1 *up >260 grams? sour plain yogurt >see page 61=?
1 tablespoon besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
U *up >10 grams? plain sa%ory boondi >page 6:9?
= tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon *umin seeds
Denerous pin*h of asafetida
= dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
V teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' 3old one papad at a time with tongs and roast it o%er an open gas flame until *risp' rea) into
medium,siNe pie*es' Eou *an also mi*rowa%e on high for 1 minute or until the papad is *oo)ed'
2' Put the yogurt and besan in a large bowl' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and whis) well' Set aside'
=' Put 2 *ups >100 ml? warm water in a large bowl and add the papad pie*es and boondiM soa) for 1 to
2 minutes' .rain in a *olander and set aside'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen it begins to *hange *olor, add the asafetida and *hiles, and
sautQ for 16 se*onds'
6' Add the yogurt mi8ture, turmeri*, and *hile powder, and stir bris)ly' !edu*e the heat to low, add the
*oriander and garam masala, and *oo), stirring *ontinuously' Khen the mi8ture *omes to a boil, add
the papads and boondi' oil for 2 minutes, add the salt, and stir gently'
0' !emo%e from the heat and sprin)le with the *ilantro' Ser%e hot'
Papri (u Shaa)
road beans with sweet potatoes and garli*
This is one of the winter %egetable dishes that are famous in Du$arat' "y wife, Alyona, who is from
Du$arat, introdu*ed this re*ipe to our table and sometimes uses eggplant instead of sweet potato' 4f you
*anLt find 4ndian broad beans, you *an use green beans' Traditionally, green garli* would be used in this
preparation instead of garli* paste, but it is only a%ailable in winter' Ser%e this dish with roti >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
= tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon a$wain
2 medium red onions, di*ed
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 pound >600 grams? 4ndian broad beans >hya*inth beans?, strings remo%ed, *ut in half *rosswise
2 medium sweet potatoes, peeled and di*ed
1 large tomato, di*ed
V teaspoon table salt
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), add the a$wain' Khen it begins to *hange *olor, add the onions and garli* paste, and sautQ
o%er medium heat for 2 minutes'
2' Add the beans and 1 *up >200 ml? water, and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo)
for 2 to = minutes'
=' Add the sweet potatoes, tomato, and salt' Co%er and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the sweet potatoes
and beans are almost tender and the liHuid has redu*ed'
1' Add the *hiles and turmeri*, and *oo), un*o%ered, for 6 to 0 minutes or until the e8*ess liHuid has
e%aporated and the oil *omes to the top'
6' Ser%e hot'
Seasoned and tempered besan
Pittla is a *lassi* "arathi dish' This is to be eaten with roti >page 1:?' The *o*onut gi%es this dish a ni*e
te8ture and fla%or' 4tLs best ser%ed right off the sto%eM on*e it *ools down, the *onsisten*y *hanges'
Ser%es 1'
1 17= *ups >1=6 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onutM optional?
1 tablespoon ghee >page =9?
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
= green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
Pin*h of asafetida
U teaspoon ground *oriander
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1W teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons min*ed fresh *ilantro
1' Sift the besan into a large bowl' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and stir to ma)e a smooth batter' Set
2' 4f using the *o*onut, pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the *o*onut' .ry,
roast, stirring *ontinuously, until light brown and fragrant' Set aside in a small bowl'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the *hiles and
asafetida, and *oo) for 1 minute'
1' Add the besan batter, *oriander, turmeri*, *umin, *hile powder, salt, and 1 *up >200 ml? water, and
stir well'
6' Coo), stirring *ontinuously so that the mi8ture does not sti*) or burn, for 9 minutes or until the besan
is *oo)ed and the mi8ture is thi*) enough to *oat the ba*) of the spoon' !emo%e from the heat'
0' Taste and add salt if needed' Darnish with the *o*onut and *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
Pump)in *urry
4t is a mis*on*eption that all 4ndian *urries are hot' This fla%orful but mild olan from &erala is a perfe*t
e8ample of how gentle a *urry *an be'
Ser%es 1'
1 17= teaspoons table salt
1 17= *up >210 grams? pie pump)in, peeled and *ubed
1 17= *up >210 grams? white pump)in, peeled and *ubed
2 tablespoons *o*onut oil
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
= green *hiles, stemmed and slit
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 tablespoon grated *ane $aggery
W *up grated fresh *o*onut
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 1 *up >200 ml? water, the salt, the pie pump)in,
and the white pump)in' ring to a boil and *oo), stirring freHuently, for 10 to 12 minutes or until the
pump)in is soft'
2' !emo%e from the heat and mash lightly with the ba*) of a ladle'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the *o*onut oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the *hiles and *urry lea%es'
1' Add the mashed pump)in and stir' Add the $aggery and *oo), stirring, until it is dissol%ed'
6' Sprin)le with the *o*onut and ser%e hot'
PuNhani))ai "ore &oNhambu
Ash gourd in a spi*y yogurt,and,*o*onut sau*e
3ere, ash gourd >also *alled winter melon? is *oo)ed in sour yogurt, yielding a *urry that greatly
resembles (orth 4ndian )adhi' 4n*identally, the SNT in )oNhambu is pronoun*ed li)e Sl'T 4n Tamil
homes, where the dish is often made for the festi%al of Pongal, o)ra is sometimes added to the *urry'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? ash gourd >page 6:0?, peeled, seeded, and *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? sti*)s
=U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
2 teaspoons *hana dal >split engal gram?
2 teaspoons raw ri*e
0 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U teaspoon *umin seeds 1 teaspoon *oriander seeds
1U *ups >1:0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
=0 fresh *urry lea%es
= *ups >960 grams? sour plain yogurt >see page 61=?
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
U teaspoon a$wain
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water' Khen the water *omes
to a boil, add the ash gourd and 1 teaspoon of the salt, and boil for 6 minutes' .rain in a *olander and
set aside'
2' Put the dals and ri*e in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml?
water and soa) for 16 minutes' .rain and put in a food pro*essor with the green *hiles, *umin,
*oriander, *o*onut, and 16 of the *urry lea%es' Add W *up >60 ml? water and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
=' Put the yogurt in a large bowl and add 1 *up >200 ml? water' Khis) well' Add the remaining 2U
teaspoons salt and the ground paste, and whis) thoroughly'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add the yogurt mi8ture, and *oo), stirring *ontinuously,
until it *omes to a boil' +ower the heat to low, add the *ilantro and the remaining 16 *urry lea%es, and
simmer for 1 to 6 minutes or until the mi8ture thi*)ens'
6' Add the ash gourd and stir'
0' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear in the
bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the red *hiles, fenugree),
and a$wain' Khen the seeds *hange *olor, pour the oil o%er the yogurt *urry and *o%er immediately
with a lid to trap the fla%ors'
9' +et rest off the heat for = to 1 minutes, then stir well and ser%e'
Fse slightly sour yogurt >see page 61=? for an espe*ially tasty and tangy *urry'
PyaaN &i Tar)ari
Cnions with tamarind
(ot only does it not ta)e mu*h time to prepare, the taste and te8ture of this typi*al 3yderabadi onion
dish is so lo%ely that 4 had to share it with you' (o tears here5 These onions will ma)e you smile'
Ser%es 1'
=U tablespoons %egetable oil
: medium red onions, sli*ed
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the onions and *oo) until light golden'
2' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 1 minute or until the raw fla%ors disappear'
=' Add the salt, turmeri*, and *hile powder, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Sprin)le in W *up >60 ml? water'
+ower the heat, *o%er, and simmer for 1 to 6 minutes'
1' Add the tamarind pulp and *oo) for 2 to = minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
6' Ser%e hot'
Senai !oast
!oasted marinated yams
4 get many inHuiries from %egetarians about meat substitutes, and 4 often suggest yams, whi*h are dense
and espe*ially meaty when roasted li)e this'
Ser%es 1'
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons table salt
1V pounds >:00 grams? yams, peeled and *ut into =,in*h >9U,*m? fingers
: dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 tablespoon fennel seeds
6 or 0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 tablespoon *hana dal >split engal gram?
1 tablespoon raw ri*e
Small ball seedless tamarind >or U teaspoon tamarind pulp?
1 *up >200 grams? rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
U *up >100 ml? %egetable oil
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water, the turmeri*, and 1 teaspoon
of the salt, and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium, add the yams, and *oo) for = to 1 minutes or
until half *oo)ed' .rain in a *olander and then pat dry with an absorbent )it*hen towel'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *hiles, *umin, fennel, pepper*orns, *urry
lea%es, dal, ri*e, and tamarind ball >if using?, and dry,roast for = to 1 minutes or until fragrant' Set aside
to *ool'
=' Transfer to a food pro*essor with V *up >160 ml? water >and the tamarind paste, if using instead of
the tamarind ball?, and pro*ess to a smooth paste' Transfer to a large bowl, add the remaining U
teaspoon salt, and stir well' Add the yams and stir to *oat them with the masala paste' Co%er the bowl
with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator for about =0 minutes'
1' Spread the semolina on a plate and roll the masala,*oated yam pie*es in it' Sha)e off the e8*ess
semolina and put the yams on a plate'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low, gently slide in the yam fingers, in small bat*hes, and *oo) for
: to 10 minutes or until *risp and golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper
towels' Sprin)le with the lemon $ui*e and ser%e hot'
Try this with potatoes or sweet potatoes' readfruit prepared this way is also
"i8ed %egetables with bitter gourd
engalis en$oy a %ariety of mi8ed,%egetable preparations li)e shu)to and *hor*hori >page 26/? that
ma)e good use of small bits of %egetables that might otherwise go to waste' Shu)to is a treat for those
who lo%e bitter gourd and strong mustard' Ser%e it with steamed ri*e and *holar dal >page 1/0?'
Ser%es 1'
1W teaspoons bla*) mustards seeds
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium bitter gourd, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m?,thi*) rounds
1 medium radish, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? sti*)s
2 drumsti*) %egetables >see page 6::?, peeled and *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es >optional?
1 medium long eggplant, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? sti*)s
2 medium potatoes, peeled and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? sti*)s
2 medium green unripe bananas, peeled and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? sti*)s
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon table salt
W teaspoon sugar
1' Put 1 teaspoon of the mustard seeds in a spi*e grinder, add 2 teaspoons water, and grind to a smooth
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Add the bitter gourd and sautQ
for 6 to 0 minutes or until golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and set aside on a plate'
=' Add the remaining W teaspoon mustard seeds to the hot oil remaining in the pan' Khen the seeds
sputter, add the radish, drumsti*)s, eggplant, potatoes, and bananas, and sautQ for 9 to : minutes or
until light golden brown'
1' Add the turmeri*, ginger paste, and salt, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the bitter gourd and stir' Add
the mustard,seed paste and sautQ for 2 minutes'
6' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and stir well' Add the sugar and stir' Co%er and *oo) for : to 10 minutes or
until the drumsti*)s are soft'
0' Ser%e hot'
"i8ed %egetables with dumplings
Cne of the most e8oti* %egetable medleys that Du$arati *uisine has to offer, this dish is made espe*ially
in winter when all the %arious beans are in season' 4t gets its name from the word oondhu, whi*h
means Supside downT in Du$arati' Traditionally, the %egetables were *oo)ed in an earthenware pot
pla*ed upside down in a fire of fresh herbs and lea%es' Geel free to substitute any other similar
%egetables for the beans and yams' Ser%e with fresh puris >page 21?'
Ser%es 1'
/ oun*es >260 grams? small surti papdi >see (ote?
U *up >96 grams? green peas
2 pin*hes of ba)ing soda
1U teaspoons table salt
6 small eggplants
1 medium potatoes, hal%ed
1 small purple yam, *ut into V,in*h >2,*m? *ubes
1 small orange yam, *ut into V,in*h >2,*m? *ubes
1 medium green banana, *ut into V,in*h >2,*m? *ubes
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 *up >=0 grams? green garli*, with tops, *hopped
2 *ups >120 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
V teaspoon ginger paste >page 12?
V teaspoon green *hile paste >page 1=?
U *up >96 grams? shelled green peas
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon a$wain
Gor the muthiyas5
1 *up >10 grams? *hopped methi >fresh fenugree) lea%es?
Pin*h of ba)ing soda
U teaspoon table salt
W *up >26 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
U *up >96 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
U teaspoon ginger paste >page 12?
U teaspoon green *hile paste >page 1=?
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
W *up >06 grams? plain yogurt
1' String the surti papdi and slit them open' Put in a bowl and add the green peas' Sprin)le with a pin*h
of ba)ing soda and W teaspoon of the salt, and set aside'
2' Slit the eggplants into Huarters from the bottom, lea%ing the stem ends inta*t, and put them in a
bowl' Add the potatoes, yams, banana, 1 teaspoon of the salt, and a pin*h of ba)ing soda, and set aside'
=' "a)e the muthiyas5 Put the methi in a bowl, add the ba)ing soda and W teaspoon of the salt, and
rub it in' Set aside for 6 minutes'
1' Add the besan, atta, ginger paste, green *hile paste, *oriander, turmeri*, *hile powder, the
remaining W teaspoon salt, and 2 teaspoons of the oil, and *ombine well' Add the yogurt, and )nead to
ma)e a stiff dough' .i%ide into 12 to 10 portions, and shape ea*h into 1,in*h,long >2U,*m,long?, U,in*h,
thi*) >1,*m,thi*)? rolls'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium, slide in the dough rolls, and *oo), stirring with a slotted
spoon, until golden and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set the
muthiyas aside'
0' Combine the *o*onut, green garli*, *ilantro, *oriander, ginger paste, green *hile paste, and the
remaining W teaspoon salt' Transfer half of this mi8ture to a food pro*essor' Add the green peas and
pro*ess *oarsely' Transfer to a bowl, add the remaining *o*onut mi8ture, and *ombine well'
9' Add half of the *o*onut mi8ture to the beans and stir' Add the remaining *o*onut mi8ture to the
other %egetables and stir'
:' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add = tablespoons oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the a$wain and sautQ for 16 se*onds'
/' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and bring to a boil' Arrange alternating layers of the bean mi8ture and the
other %egetable mi8ture in the pan' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for =6 to 10 minutes or until
the %egetables are almost tender' C**asionally stir the %egetables gently'
10' Add the muthiyas and *oo) for 6 minutes' Ser%e hot'
Surti papdi are a spe*ial type of 4ndian green beans a%ailable froNen at 4ndian
gro*ery stores' Eou *an use regular green beans as a substitute, though they will alter the taste'
Jegetable .hansaa)
Parsi %egetable stew
The dals gi%e this stew body and in*rease the nutritional *ontent, and the %egetables pro%ide little
po*)ets of interesting fla%ors' This hearty dish is perfe*t with brown ri*e >page 16? for a Huiet family
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
2 tablespoons masoor dal >split red lentils?
2 tablespoons dhuli moong dal >split s)inless green gram?
2 tablespoons *hana dal >split engal gram?
1 oun*es >126 grams? pie pump)in, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
2 medium eggplants, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 large potato, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
W medium bun*h methi >fresh fenugree) lea%es?, trimmed and *hopped
10 to 16 fresh mint lea%es, *hopped, plus 1 sprig
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 17: teaspoons table salt
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
6 or 0 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1 or 6 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons dhansaa) masala >spi*e mi8M page 20?
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the dals in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and
soa) for 1 to 2 hours' .rain in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water' Khen it *omes to a boil,
add the dals, pump)in, eggplant, potato, methi, *hopped mint, turmeri*, and 1 teaspoon of the salt'
+ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo), stirring o**asionally, for 16 minutes or until the dals and
%egetables are soft' "ash well with an immersion blender' The mi8ture should be homogenous' Add 2
*ups >100 ml? water and stir well'
=' Put the ginger, garli*, *hiles, *umin, and 17: teaspoon salt in a spi*e grinder with 2 tablespoons water
and grind to a fine paste' Transfer to a small bowl'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee and oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ o%er low heat for about 9 minutes or until golden'
6' Add the ground paste, *hile powder, and dhansaa) masala and stir' Add the tomatoes and sautQ
until they are soft' Add the dal mi8ture and stir well' Add the remaining 1 teaspoon salt and simmer for
6 minutes'
0' Add the lemon $ui*e and *ilantro, and stir'
9' Darnish with the mint sprig and ser%e hot'
Zun)a ha)ar
Chi*)pea flour porridge
Ser%ed with bha)ri >also )nown as bha)ar?, an 4ndian griddle bread >page 16=? made from sorghum
flour >$awari?, this *ombination is a low,glu*ose meal that pro%ides sustained energy for hardwor)ing
"aharashtrian farmers'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >100 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
17: teaspoon asafetida
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon table salt
= tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
: fresh *urry lea%es
1 green *hile, stemmed and slit
2 medium red onions, *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' 4n a large bowl, *ombine the besan, half of the asafetida, the turmeri*, *hile powder, ground *umin,
*oriander, sugar, salt, and 1 *up >200 ml? water'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen the seeds sputter, add the *umin seeds,
the remaining asafetida, the *urry lea%es, and *hile, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the onions and sautQ
for 6 minutes or until golden brown'
=' Add the besan mi8ture and stir well' .riNNle 1 tablespoon of the oil around the sides of the pan'
Co%er and *oo) for : minutes, stirring o**asionally'
1' Sprin)le with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Shredded *abbage or *hopped green bell peppers *an also be added to the
Jatana (u +eelu Shaa)
Greshly shelled green peas
4n the Du$arati language the name of this dish means Speas in green *urry,T and it is one of the simplest
and smartest ways to *apture the sweetness of fresh green peas in a side dish' 4tLs espe*ially good with
roti >page 1:? and raita'
Ser%es 1'
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, roughly *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and roughly *hopped
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
W teaspoon asafetida
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1U *ups >226 grams? shelled fresh green peas
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Put the ginger and *hiles in a spi*e grinder with 1 tablepoon water, and grind to a fine paste'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the asafetida and mustard seeds, and sautQ until the seeds begin to sputter' Add
the ginger,*hile paste and peas, and sautQ for 2 minutes, stirring *ontinuously'
=' Add the *oriander, *umin, and *hile powder, and *oo) o%er medium heat for 1 minute, stirring
1' Stir in 1 *up >200 ml? water and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low and simmer, stirring
o**asionally, for 10 minutes or until the peas are tender'
6' Add the salt and garam masala, and stir'
0' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot as a side dish'
&adai Paneer
Paneer *oo)ed in a wo)
This is the Huintessential paneer dish found on most 4ndian restaurant menus' The fla%or of *oriander is
dominant, so ma)e sure that the *oriander seeds you use are fragrant and of good Huality' Che*) to
ensure that they are not too brown and woody5 A little green hue on the seeds means they are young
and will ha%e a stronger aroma'
Ser%es 1'
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped, plus W,in*h >U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, $ulienned
0 medium tomatoes, *hopped
2 teaspoons table salt
1 pound >600 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? triangles
2 small green bell peppers, seeded and $ulienned
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?, *rushed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then add the red *hiles,
*oriander, and *umin, and dry,roast for 1 to 2 minutes or until fragrant' Set aside to *ool' Transfer to a
mortar and pound with a pestle to a *oarse powder'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Add the garli* paste and sautQ
for 10 se*onds' Add the onions, green *hiles, and *hopped ginger, and sautQ for = to 1 minutes'
=' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for 6 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top' Add the roasted and
pounded spi*es and the salt, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and stir' Khen
the water *omes to a boil, *o%er and *oo) for : to 20 minutes'
1' 4n*rease the heat to high, add the paneer and bell peppers, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until the
paneer pie*es are fully *oated with the mi8ture'
6' Add the garam masala, )asoori methi, and *ilantro, and stir'
0' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl, garnish with the $ulienned ginger, and ser%e hot'
Pala) Paneer
Pressed fresh *heese with spina*h
Pala) paneer is one of the most *ommon e%eryday Pun$abi dishes' Spina*h is a winter green in 4ndia,
but than)s to ad%an*ed te*hnology, fresh spina*h is a%ailable almost all year round' 3owe%er, you *an
also use froNen spina*h in this re*ipe' 4Lm of the opinion that pala) paneer tastes best without too
many spi*es and herbs, hen*e the simpli*ity of this %ersion' Ser%e this dish with parathas >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
= large bun*hes fresh spina*h, stemmed
1V teaspoons table salt
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
V teaspoon *umin seeds
12 to 11 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
10 oun*es >=00 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1U tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
17= *up >00 ml? hea%y *ream
1' Kash the spina*h thoroughly under running water' .rain well in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add 10 *ups >2 liters? water and 1 teaspoon of the salt,
and bring to a boil' Add the spina*h and blan*h in the salted boiling water for 2 minutes' !efresh under
running water' .rain well in a *olander'
=' Transfer to a food pro*essor, add the *hiles, and pro*ess to a fine paste'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen it begins to *hange *olor, add the garli* and sautQ for =0
se*onds' Add the spina*h purQe and stir' Add U *up >100 ml? water'
6' ring to a boil, then add the paneer and stir gently' Add the remaining salt and the lemon $ui*e, and
stir gently' Add the *ream and remo%e from the heat' Taste and add more salt if needed'
0' Ser%e hot'
To retain the bright green *olor of the spina*hAnot to mention its fla%orAdo not
o%er*oo) it'
Paneer "a)hni
Paneer in a sil)y tomato sau*e
"a)hni *an mean two things when it *omes to food5 that the sau*e is as smooth as butter, or that there
is a lot of butter in the sau*e' 4n this *ase, it means both' 3ere, in one of the best,selling dishes in
restaurants in 4ndia, paneer gets the royal treatment5 The *urry is as smooth as butter, and there is
plenty of it in the sau*e as well' The sourness of the tomatoes is *le%erly tempered by the honey, and
the dried fenugree) lea%es add a heady aroma' Ser%e the dish with naan >page 20? or parathas >page
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
12 green *ardamom pods
U blade ma*e
= *lo%es garli*, unpeeled, roughly *hopped
2U teaspoons deghi mir*h >red *hile? powder >page 6:9?
1: large tomatoes, roughly *hopped
1V teaspoons table salt
1 *up >210 grams? butter
2 teaspoons ground roasted )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
1 tablespoon honey
U *up >100 ml? hea%y *ream
12 oun*es >=60 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? triangles
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *ardamom and ma*e' SautQ for 1 minute or until fragrant' Add the garli* and
sautQ for 1 minute'
2' Stir the *hile powder into = tablespoons water to ma)e a paste' Add this paste to the pan and sautQ
for =0 se*onds'
=' Add the tomatoes and salt, and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the tomatoes are pulpy' Pour through a
strainer into a nonsti*) sau*epan' Transfer the solids to a blender and blend to a smooth paste' Push the
solids through the strainer into the strained liHuid' Add V *up >160 ml? water and stir well'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and pla*e the pan with the sau*e o%er it' Add the butter
and simmer, stirring o**asionally, for 10 minutes or until the raw fla%ors of tomato disappear'
6' Add the )asoori methi and honey' Stir and *oo) for 6 minutes' Add the *ream and *oo) for 2
0' Add the paneer and stir gently'
9' Ser%e hot'
Paneer Piste &a Salan
Paneer and pista*hio *urry
Det ready for a pleasant $ourney5 Khen you try this dish, your taste buds will tra%el from the nuttiness
of the pista*hios to the *leansing effe*t of the green *hutney' Khen 4 was resear*hing this re*ipe, 4
added paneer instead of the typi*al *hi*)en or meat' 4 did that be*ause 4 wanted to in*rease the
*hoi*es for %egetarians when it *omes to royal *uisine, and 4 belie%e that this ri*h and sil)y *urry is a
great addition'
Ser%es 1'
2 *ups >100 ml? %egetable oil
2 large red onions, sli*ed
1W *up >160 grams? shelled pista*hios, blan*hed and peeled >see (ote page 10?
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
1 pound >600 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
W *up >60 grams? pudina aur dhaniya *hutney >mint,and,*ilantro *hutneyM page 22?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?
6 green *ardamom pods
6 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 blades ma*e
9 or : saffron threads, *rushed
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 teaspoons table salt
2 or = drops )ewra >s*rew pine? water >page 6::?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), add half of the onions and *oo), stirring with a slotted spoon, until browned' !emo%e with the
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
2' !eser%e 1 tablespoon of the pista*hios for garnish' Put the remaining pista*hios in a food pro*essor'
Add the remaining sli*ed onions, 2 tablespoons of the browned onions, and the yogurt, and pro*ess to a
smooth paste'
=' Cut the paneer into 1,in*h >2U,*m? triangles' Put in a bowl, add the *hutney, and stir gently' Co%er
the bowl with plasti* wrap and set aside to marinate for 16 minutes'
1' Put the garli* paste and ginger paste in a small bowl, add 2 tablespoons water, and stir well'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the ghee' Khen the ghee
melts and small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *ardamom, *lo%es, *innamon, and
ma*e, and sautQ for =0 se*onds or until fragrant' Add the garli* and ginger paste mi8ture, and sautQ for
16 se*onds' Add the pista*hio paste, stir, and *o%er' Simmer for 2 to = minutes' Add the saffron, garam
masala, salt, and 1 *up >200 ml? water, and simmer for 1 to 6 minutes'
0' Pla*e another nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the paneer' SautQ o%er high heat for 2
minutes, stirring gently so that the paneer pie*es do not brea)' Transfer to a ser%ing dish'
9' Add the )ewra water to the simmering pista*hio sau*e and stir' 4mmediately pour the sau*e o%er the
paneer pie*es'
:' Darnish with the reser%ed pista*hios and the remaining browned onions, and ser%e hot'
Paneer Tamatar &a &hut
Paneer *oo)ed with tomatoes
3yderabadi royal *uisine has been strongly influen*ed by the Andhra style of South 4ndia, hen*e the use
of typi*ally Andhran ingredients li)e tamarind, *o*onut, and sesame oil here' The roasted *hana dal
a*ts as a thi*)ening agent' Ser%e with parathas >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
U lemon,siNe ball tamarind
16 medium tomatoes, *hopped
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
10 to 12 *lo%es garli*, *rushed
0 to : dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
20 fresh *urry lea%es
= >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1U teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons ground roasted *hana dal
U *up >100 ml? *o*onut mil)
/ oun*es >260 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? fingers
1' Put the tamarind in a bowl, add 1 *up >200 ml? warm water, and soa) for =0 minutes' SHueeNe out the
pulp, push through a strainer, and set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add U *up >100 ml? water, the tomatoes, ginger,
garli*, and *hiles, and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and simmer for 20 to 26 minutes or
until the tomatoes are pulpy' Set aside to *ool'
=' Push the *ooled mi8ture through a strainer and set aside in a bowl' Transfer the solids to a food
pro*essor and pro*ess to a smooth paste' Push the paste through a strainer into the same bowl'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the sesame oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds and *umin seeds, and sautQ until the mustard seeds
begin to sputter' Add the *urry lea%es, *innamon, turmeri*, *oriander, and ground *umin, and sautQ for
1 minute'
6' Add the tomato mi8ture and bring to a boil' Stir in the tamarind pulp and salt'
0' Add the ground dal and stir thoroughly' +ower the heat to low and stir in the *o*onut mil) and
paneer' Simmer for 2 to = minutes'
9' Ser%e hot'
Shaam Sa%era
&oftas made of paneer *oated with spina*h in a *reamy tomato sau*e
Shaam sa%era is my best,)nown signature dish and one of my first *reations on national TJ' 4 had not
planned to ma)e this on the day of the shoot, but *reati%ity too) o%er and this is what 4 *ame up withO
Ser%es 1'
Gor the )oftas5
6 medium bun*hes fresh spina*h, trimmed
2 tablespoons plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
10 to 12 *lo%es garli*, finely *hopped
0 or 9 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
1 17: teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
W *up >26 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
U *up >90 grams? grated paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
17: teaspoon ground green *ardamom
W *up >=0 grams? *ornstar*h
Gor the ma)hni sau*e5
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
12 green *ardamom pods
U blade ma*e
20 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
2U teaspoons deghi mir*h >red *hile? powder >page 6:9?
1: large tomatoes, roughly *hopped
1V teaspoons table salt
1 *up >210 grams? butter
2 teaspoons ground roasted )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
1 tablespoon honey
U *up >100 ml? hea%y *ream
1' "a)e the )oftas5 Kash the spina*h lea%es under running water'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add : *ups >1'0 liters? water, and bring to a boil' Add
the spina*h and blan*h for 2 to = minutes' .rain in a *olander and refresh under *old water' SHueeNe
out the e8*ess water, let *ool, and finely *hop' Transfer to a large bowl'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin, garli*, and *hiles, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add 1
teaspoon of the salt and the turmeri*, and stir' Add the besan and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes' Add the
spina*h and sautQ, stirring *ontinuously, until the mi8ture is dry and begins to lea%e the sides of the pan'
Set aside to *ool' .i%ide into : portions'
1' 4n a bowl, mash the paneer together with the remaining 17: teaspoon salt and the *ardamom' .i%ide
into : portions and shape into balls'
6' Ta)e a spina*h portion, flatten it on your palm, and pla*e a paneer ball in the *enter' Dather the
edges and shape into a ball' !epeat with the remaining spina*h and paneer portions'
0' Spread the *ornstar*h on a plate and roll the stuffed spina*h balls in it' Sha)e off the e8*ess'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to low and gently slide in the stuffed spina*h balls' Coo) for 2 to =
minutes or until golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set aside'
:' "a)e the ma)hni sau*e5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *ardamom and ma*e' SautQ for 1 minute or until
fragrant' Add the garli* and sautQ for 1 minute'
/' Stir the *hile powder into = tablespoons water to ma)e a paste' Add this paste to the pan and sautQ
for =0 se*onds'
10' Add the tomatoes and salt, and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the tomatoes are pulpy' Pour through a
strainer into a nonsti*) sau*epan' Transfer the solids to a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
Push the paste through the strainer into the strained liHuid' Add V *up >160 ml? water and stir well'
11' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and pla*e the pan with the sau*e o%er it' Add the butter
and simmer, stirring o**asionally, for 10 minutes or until the raw fla%ors of tomato disappear'
12' Add the )asoori methi and honey' Stir and *oo) for 6 minutes' Add the *ream and *oo) for 2
1=' Pour the sau*e into a ser%ing bowl, hal%e the )oftas, pla*e them in the sau*e, and ser%e
efore *oo)ing the )oftas, *oo) one and *he*) to see if it holds its shape' 4f it
brea)s, add some more sautQed besan to the spina*h mi8ture to bind it'
Shahi Paneer
A ri*h paneer *urry
The food of the "ughals, who ruled an*ient 4ndia for *enturies, gets its fla%ors from the use of whole
spi*es, well,*oo)ed onion and tomato pastes, aromati* spi*es su*h as saffron, garam masala, and a
hea%y dose of lus*ious *ream' The end produ*t\ An aromati*, smooth *urry' This is my fa%orite paneer
Ser%es 1'
0 medium tomatoes, roughly *hopped
11 oun*es >100 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?
2 large red onions, Huartered
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
= whole *lo%es
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
1 bay leaf
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
W *up *ashew paste >page 12?
1 *up >100 ml? hea%y *ream
Pin*h of saffron threads
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon table salt
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom
1' Put the tomatoes in a blender and blend to a smooth purQe' Eou should ha%e about 2 *ups of purQe'
2' Cut the paneer into U,in*h,by,1,in*h >1,*m,by,2U,*m? pie*es'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add U *up >100 ml? water' Add the onions and
boil for 6 to 9 minutes' .rain and let *ool' Transfer to a food pro*essor and grind to a fine paste' Set
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *lo%es, *innamon, and bay leaf, and sautQ for =0 se*onds or until fragrant'
6' Add the *hiles and onion paste, and lower the heat to low' SautQ for = to 1 minutes but do not let the
mi8ture brown' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
0' Add the tomato purQe and sautQ for 6 to 9 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top' Add the *hile
powder, *oriander, turmeri*, and bla*) pepper, and sautQ for 1 minute'
9' Add the *ashew paste and sautQ for 2 minutes' Stir in the *ream, saffron, garam masala, salt, and 1
*up >200 ml? water' Stir well and bring to a boil' Simmer for = minutes'
:' Add the paneer and stir gently until heated through'
/' Sprin)le with the *ardamom and ser%e hot'
Jegetable and Paneer PhalfraNie
Spi*y %egetables and paneer
^uite popular in restaurants, this is one dish that will brighten up any party' The word $halfraNie is a
*ombination of $hal, meaning Sspi*yT or Spungent,T and fraNie, meaning Sfried'T This is an
impro%ement on the Anglo,4ndian $halfraNie that was ser%ed in *olonial times by ser%ants who
$ulienned the lefto%er roast from the pre%ious nightLs dinner and stir,fried the meat with sli*es of bell
peppers and *hiles'
Ser%es 1'
1 large *arrot, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? sti*)s
10 thin long beans, strings remo%ed, *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? pie*es
2 medium red onions, *ut into thi*) sli*es
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1 medium red bell pepper, seeded and *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? strips
1 medium yellow bell pepper, seeded and *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? strips
1 medium green bell pepper, seeded and *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? strips
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
11 oun*es >100 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? sti*)s
2,in*h pie*e fresh ginger, $ulienned
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1U tablespoons white %inegar
1 teaspoon sugar
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) pan o%er medium heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' ring to a boil and
add the *arrot and beans' Coo) for 6 minutes, then drain in a *olander' !efresh under running water
and drain well'
2' Separate the onion sli*es into rings' Set aside'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add the *umin' Khen it begins to *hange *olor, add the *hiles and onions, and sautQ
for =0 se*onds'
1' Add the *arrot, beans, and bell peppers, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the turmeri*, *hile powder,
garam masala, and salt, and stir' Add the tomatoes and *oo) for 9 minutes or until they are pulpy'
6' Add the paneer and stir gently' Add the ginger and *ilantro, and stir' Add the %inegar and sugar, and
stir' Ser%e hot'
The waters of the Arabian Sea, the 4ndian C*ean, and the ay of engal lap at the *oastline of 4ndia' The
*ountry also has a large networ) of waterways that teem with fish and shellfish that are Hui*) and easy
to *oo)' "y fa%orite seafood dishes here are )arimeen polli*hattu >page =21? and the famous Doan
shrimp bal*hao >page =12?'
4ndian *oo)s ha%e perfe*ted the art of tenderiNing meat with marinades and slow *oo)ing' +amb and
goat ha%e been essential ingredients in the *oo)ing of most regions in the *ountry sin*e the early days
of "ughal rule' Khile royalty in 3yderabad feasted on burrah masaledaar >page =60?, the a%erage
family slowly *oo)ed dal gosht >page =6:? and then stret*hed it with lentils' Eou *an ma)e the
elaborate lagan )a )heema >page =:1? as it would be ser%ed at a Parsi wedding or the simple tariwala
meat >page 101? as it is made in the roadside eateries along the highways of Pun$ab'
Chi*)en is an in*redibly %ersatile ingredient, and some of the most deli*iously spi*ed 4ndian dishes use it'
Chi*)en *urries ha%e be*ome the mainstays of menus at 4ndian restaurants all o%er the worldAfrom the
robust murgh Nafrani do pyaNa of the "ughals to the spi*y )oNhi thengai )oNhambu from the south'
There are re*ipes for e%ery taste, o**asion, season, and budget in this *hapter'
angda Fdad "ethi
"a*)erel *urry
Gried and ground ri*e adds a thi*)ness and te8ture to this aromati* and fiery ma*)erel *urry' 4f you
*annot find fresh grated *o*onut, loo) in your 4ndian gro*erLs freeNer aisle' GroNen grated *o*onut *an
be used insteadM be sure to pur*hase the unsweetened %ariety' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 >= U,oun*e7100,gram? ma*)erels, s*aled and *leaned
2 teaspoons table salt
= tablespoons oil
2 tablespoons raw ri*e
2 tablespoons dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
6 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 onions, sli*ed
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut
1 teaspoons tamarind pulp
: dried whole red *hiles, stemmed
2 teaspoons ground turmeri*
1' Cut ea*h fish horiNontally into 1 pie*es' Sprin)le the pie*es with 1 teaspoon of the salt and put in the
refrigerator for 16 minutes' Kash under running water and put in a *olander to drain'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 teaspoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles begin to appear at the bottom of the pan, add the ri*e and sautQ until dar) brown' !emo%e with
a strainer and set aside on a paper towel to *ool' To the oil remaining in the pan, add the dal and sautQ
until lightly browned' .rain and set aside with the ri*e to *ool to room temperature'
=' Add the fenugree) and pepper*orns to the oil remaining in the pan and sautQ until fragrant' .rain and
set aside'
1' Transfer the sautQed ri*e and dal to a spi*e grinder and grind to a *oarse powderM set aside'
6' 4n a spi*e grinder, grind the sautQed fenugree) and pepper*orns with 1 tablespoon water to a fine
pasteM set aside'
0' !eturn the pan to medium heat and add 2 teaspoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles begin to appear
at the bottom of the pan, add U *up >100 grams?of the sli*ed onions and sautQ until golden brown' Add
the *o*onut and sautQ until browned' Set aside to *ool'
9' 4n a spi*e grinder, grind the *ooled sautQed *o*onut and onions along with the tamarind, *hiles, and
turmeri* to a *oarse paste and set aside'
:' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Add the
remaining sli*ed onions, lower the heat to medium, and sautQ until the onions are soft' Add the ground
*o*onut paste, 6 *ups >1 liter? lu)ewarm water, and the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, and stir' Add the
fenugree),pepper*orn paste, stir, and bring to a boil'
/' Add the ma*)erels and the ground ri*e powder to the *urry' Stir and lower the heat to low' Coo) for =
minutes or until the fish is *oo)ed through >it should be fla)y?' Ser%e hot'
hapa 4lish
Steamed fish
3ilsa fish steamed with a tangy paste of mustard and green *hiles is a engali spe*ialty' Sin*e hilsa is
hard to find in the Fnited States, you *an use shad instead' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
2W pounds >1 )g? hilsa or shad, s*aled and *leaned
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon yellow mustard seeds
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
2 or = green *hiles, stemmed
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
1 tablespoon refined mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
1' Kash the fish well under running water' Cut horiNontally into 1,in*h,thi*) >2U,*m,thi*)? sli*es' Put in
a bowl and sprin)le with U teaspoon of the salt and U teaspoon of the turmeri*' Set aside for 6 minutes'
2' Combine the remaining U teaspoon turmeri*, the yellow mustard seeds, bla*) mustard seeds, *hiles,
ginger, and 2 tablespoons water in a spi*e grinder' Drind to a smooth paste' Add the remaining U
teaspoon salt and grind again' Transfer to a bowl' Add the paste to the fish pie*es, turning them to *oat
e%enly, and put in the refrigerator for =0 minutes to marinate'
=' Put water in the bottom of a steamer o%er high heat' Pla*e the fish in the top of the steamer, driNNle
with the mustard oil, and *o%er' Steam for : to 10 minutes' !emo%e the steamer from the heat and let
the fish stand, *o%ered, for = minutes' Fn*o%er, arrange the fish on a ser%ing platter, and ser%e hot'
Chapa Pulusu
Andhra,style tamarind,and,fish *urry
Gish *urries in the South of 4ndia usually feature *o*onut or *o*onut mil), but this re*ipe uses the
souring agents tomato and tamarind' Khile only tamarind is typi*ally used with seafood in Andhra
Pradesh, 4 added the tomato to gi%e this dish a little bit of sweetness to ta)e the edge off the sourness'
4deally, this fish should be *oo)ed in an earthenware pot'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? pomfret, *ut into : fillets
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
=U teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
=U teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1U teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon *umin seeds
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
10 fresh *urry lea%es
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1 large red onion, *hopped
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon ground *oriander
W *up >90 grams? tomato purQe
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1' Kash the fish sli*es under running water and drain them well in a *olander'
2' 4n a large bowl, *ombine 2 *ups >100 ml? water, the turmeri*, 2 teaspoons of the ginger paste, 2
teaspoons of the garli* paste, the lemon $ui*e, and U teaspoon of the salt' Add the fish and set aside for
20 minutes'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds, mustard seeds, fenugree), *urry lea%es, and *hiles, and sautQ
for =0 se*onds or until fragrant'
1' Add the onion and sautQ for 1 minutes or until the onion is translu*ent' Add the remaining 1U
teaspoons ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 1 minute'
6' Add the *hopped tomatoes and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the remaining 1 teaspoon salt and stir' Add
the *hile powder, ground *umin, and *oriander, and stir well' Add = *ups >000 ml? water and *oo) for =
minutes or until the tomatoes are pulpy' Add the tomato purQe and bring to a boil' Simmer for 10
0' Add the tamarind pulp and stir well' Khen it *omes to a boil, *oo), stirring o**asionally, for 9 minutes
or until the oil *omes to the top'
9' .rain the fish and gently slide the sli*es into the sau*e' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 10
minutes or until the fish is *oo)ed through'
:' Ser%e hot'
Chimborya Cha &alwan
Spi*y *rab with *o*onut masala
The *uisine of "aharashtra is as di%erse as the people and their *ulture' The dishes in this state range
from purely %egetarian to an amaNing array of highly spi*ed meat and seafood *urries' This dish
epitomiNes the di%ersity of that *uisine' Ser%e the *rabs with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 >/,oun*e7260 gram? blue *rabs
1 large red onions
: tablespoons %egetable oil
6 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
2 >U,in*h71,*m? *innamon sti*)s
1 whole *lo%es
2 green *ardamom pods
12 whole bla*) pepper*orns
= tablespoons *oriander seeds
2 teaspoons fennel seeds
1 teaspoon white poppy seeds
1 17= *ups >110 grams? grated dried *o*onut
2 tablespoons table salt
1 tablespoon ground turmeri*
2U tablespoons red *hile powder
1 star anise
1 fresh )o)um petals >see (ote page 6::?
1' Separate the *laws and *ut ea*h *rab into 1 pie*es' Kash and remo%e the gills and stoma*h sa* from
the underside' Cra*) the *laws lightly, wash thoroughly under running water, and drain well in a
2' Sli*e = of the onions and *hop the remaining onion'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the sli*ed onions and garli*, and sautQ for 12 minutes or until well
browned' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and set aside in a bowl'
1' To the same heated pan, add another 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add 1 *innamon sti*), = *lo%es, the *ardamom, and : pepper*orns, and sautQ for =0
se*onds' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and add to the bowl with the onion mi8ture'
6' To the oil in the heated pan, add the *oriander and fennel, and sautQ for 1 minute' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and add to the bowl'
0' To the oil in the heated pan, add the poppy seeds and sautQ for =0 se*onds' !emo%e with a spoon and
add to the bowl'
9' Ginally, to the oil in the heated pan, add the *o*onut and sautQ for 0 minutes or until well browned
and fragrant' Add to the bowl' +et the mi8ture *ool *ompletely'
:' Transfer the sautQed ingredients to a food pro*essor, add U *up >100 ml? water, and pro*ess to a fine
/' Pla*e the *rabs in a large bowl' Add the salt, turmeri*, and *hile powder, and toss to *oat' Set aside
for 6 minutes'
10' 3eat the remaining 0 tablespoons oil in a nonsti*) sau*epan' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the remaining *lo%es, remaining pepper*orns, remaining *innamon, and the star
anise, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the *hopped onion and sautQ for 6 minutes or until well browned'
11' Add the *rabs and sautQ for : minutes or until the shells turn orange' Add 6 *ups >1 liter? water'
4n*rease the heat to high and bring to a boil' Add the *o*onut mi8ture and )o)um petals and stir well'
+ower the heat to medium and *oo) for 16 minutes'
12' Ser%e hot'
Chingri "a*her &ofta Curry
.eli*ious deep,fried shrimp )oftas *oo)ed in a *o*onut,onion gra%y
Shrimp is my fa%orite seafood' These su**ulent dumplings dun)ed in *o*onut sau*e are a dream *ome
true' Pust try it on*e and you will understand why 4 thin) this dish is so tastyO Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
=0 to 10 small shrimp
= large red onions
1 teaspoon table salt
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 egg, beaten
W *up >=0 grams? bread*rumbs
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 2 teaspoons %egetable oil
6 *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
0 green *ardamom pods
1U teaspoons ground turmeri*
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e ginger
2 bay lea%es
1 *up >200 ml? *o*onut mil)
1' Gor the )oftas5 Peel, de%ein, and wash the shrimp thoroughly under running water' Ginely *hop 1
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) hea%y,bottomed sau*epan o%er high heat, add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water, and bring to a
boil' Add the shrimp and *oo) for 2 minutes'
=' Khen the shrimp are fully *oo)ed, drain in a *olander and allow them to *ool' "in*e the boiled
shrimp in a food pro*essor, transfer the shrimp to a bowl, and add U teaspoon of the salt, the *hopped
onion, green *hiles, and *ilantro, and stir well' .i%ide this mi8ture into 12 portions and shape into balls'
1' .ip the balls in the beaten egg and roll in the bread*rumbs'
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the wo), gently slide the )oftas in and deep,fry for 2 to = minutes or
until they are light golden' !emo%e with a slotted spoon, drain on paper towels, and set aside'
0' Gor the sau*e5 !oughly *hop the remaining 2 onions and pla*e them in a food pro*essor' Add the
*lo%es, *innamon, *ardamom pods, turmeri*, and ginger, and pro*ess into a fine paste'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the 2 teaspoons oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the bay lea%es and the spi*e mi8ture, and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes,
stirring *ontinuously' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water to pre%ent s*or*hing'
:' Dradually add the *o*onut mil), stirring *ontinuously' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt'
/' Add the )oftas and lower the heat to low' Simmer for 10 minutes or until the sau*e thi*)ens a little'
10' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
Chingri "alai Curry
Shrimp in a ri*h *o*onut,mil) gra%y
4ndia has an e8tensi%e *oastline' ThereLs a %ariety of fish a%ailable, but the best shrimp, in my opinion,
are from the ay of engal' This dish is typi*ally prepared with shrimp with their heads on >the heads
are *onsidered a deli*a*y?' Eou *an, of *ourse, remo%e the heads if you li)e' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
16 medium shrimp
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
W *up >60 ml? filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 teaspoon mustard seeds
2 tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon *umin paste >see (ote?
6 or 0 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 *up >200 ml? *o*onut mil)
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Peel and de%ein the shrimp and wash them thoroughly under running water' .rain well in a *olander'
Transfer to a bowl, add U teaspoon of the turmeri* and U teaspoon of the salt, and stir well' Set aside to
marinate for 16 minutes'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add 2 tablespoons of the mustard oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the shrimp and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Transfer to
a plate and set aside'
=' Put the remaining 2 tablespoons mustard oil in the same heated pan and pla*e o%er medium heat'
Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low, and add the sugar, *umin
seeds, and mustard seeds' Khen the seeds begin to sputter, add the ginger paste, *hile powder, *umin
paste, and the remaining U teaspoon turmeri*' Coo), stirring, for 6 to 0 minutes'
1' Add the shrimp and green *hiles and *oo), stirring, for 1 minute' Add the *o*onut mil) and the
remaining U teaspoon salt and simmer o%er low heat for 0 to : minutes' .o not let it boil'
6' Sprin)le with the garam masala and stir'
0' Transfer the *urry to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
To ma)e *umin paste, soa) 1 tablespoon *umin seeds in 2 tablespoons water
o%ernight' Drind in a spi*e grinder to a smooth paste'
.oi "a*h
Gish in a yogurt *urry
4n this spe*ialty from engal, rohu fish >a type of *arp? is simmered in a spi*ed,yogurt *urry' 4f you want
to gi%e it an e%en greater engali fla%or, you *an *oo) the dish in mustard oil instead of ghee' 4n order to
do that, first heat the mustard oil to the smo)ing point' !emo%e from the heat and let *ool' Then heat it
again and pro*eed with step 2' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1 17=,pound7000,gram? rohu fish >or any freshwater fish?, s*aled and *leaned
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
2 teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
2 bay lea%es
1 to 0 whole *lo%es
= or 1 green *ardamom pods
2 onions, grated
= green *hiles, stemmed and slit
U teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1' Cut the fish into 1,in*h,thi*) >2U,*m,thi*)? sli*es' Khis) the yogurt and salt until smooth, then add to
the fish, toss to *oat, and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to marinate'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the bay lea%es, *lo%es, and *ardamom' SautQ for 16 se*onds' Add the
onions, *hiles, *hile powder, and turmeri*, and sautQ for 6 to 9 minutes'
=' Add the fish along with the yogurt and stir well' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to low' Co%er and
*oo) for 9 to : minutes, until the fish is *oo)ed through'
1' Transfer to a shallow ser%ing dish and ser%e'
Gish in Co*onut Dra%y
Gish in a ri*h and *reamy *o*onut,mil) sau*e
This simple fish *urry is prepared with ingredients that are almost always found in 4ndian )it*hens and is
e8*ellent ser%ed with steamed ri*e' 4 li)e the no,fuss method of preparation'
Ser%es 1'
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 pound >600 grams? pomfret, *leaned and *ut *rosswise into U,in*h,thi*) >1,*m,thi*)? pie*es >see
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 medium red onion, di*ed
1 small tomato, di*ed
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
2 *ups >100 ml? thi*) *o*onut mil)
W teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' 4n a large bowl, stir together the salt, ginger paste, garli* paste, tamarind pulp, and turmeri*' Add the
fish and toss to *oat' Set aside to marinate for 20 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *hiles and onion, and sautQ for 9 to : minutes or until the onion is
=' Add the tomato and *hile powder, and *oo) for 2 minutes or until the tomato is soft' Add 1 *up >200
ml? water and stir' ring to a boil'
1' Add the fish and *oo) for 6 minutes or until the fish is *oo)ed through'
6' Add the *o*onut mil) and *umin, and bring to a boil' !emo%e from the heat and transfer to a ser%ing
0' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Eou *an substitute pompano or butterfish for the pomfret'
Gish "oilee
A *o*onut,based fish *urry
This fla%orful *o*onut,based *urry is from &erala, a magnifi*ent state in South 4ndia with a ri*h *ulinary
repertoire' The dish is %ery simple to prepare and *an be ser%ed with steamed white ri*e' 4f you *anLt
find pomfret or rohu, you *an also use Glorida pompano or any freshwater fishAor e%en prawns' Ser%e
with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
2 >11,oun*e7100,gram? whole pomfret or rohu fish >see (ote?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
2 onions, *hopped
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
= green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U *ups >=00 ml? *o*onut mil)
1' Trim the fins of the pomfret and *lean the fish well' Cut ea*h fish *rosswise into 1 pie*es' Kash under
running water and drain in a *olander' Sprin)le with U teaspoon of the salt and the lemon $ui*e and set
aside for 16 minutes'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the *urry lea%es and sautQ for 2
se*onds' Add the onions, and *oo) until soft and translu*ent'
=' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, *hiles, turmeri*, and fish' Stir well and *oo) o%er high heat for =0
1' Add the *o*onut mil) and the remaining U teaspoon salt' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for
about 10 minutes or until the fish is $ust *oo)ed through'
6' Transfer the *urry to a shallow ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
4f using rohu, *ut into 1,in*h,thi*) >2U,*m,thi*)? sli*es'
Doan Shrimp Curry
A simple shrimp *urry
This deli*iously tangy shrimp *urry, with fresh *o*onut and lots of ginger and garli*, is *oo)ed in a style
that is typi*al of Doan *uisine' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
20 shrimp
1U teaspoons table salt
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
2 tablespoons *oriander seeds
0 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
16 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 small onion, *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 tablespoon malt %inegar or *ider %inegar
1' Peel and de%ein the shrimp' Kash thoroughly under running water' .rain in a *olander for 16
minutes' Sprin)le with 1 teaspoon of the salt and set aside for 10 minutes'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *umin, *oriander, and dried *hiles,
and dry,roast for 6 to : minutes' Transfer to a bowl and set aside to *ool'
=' Put the roasted spi*es, the *o*onut, ginger, garli*, tamarind pulp, and 1 *up >200 ml? water in a mini
food pro*essor, and pro*ess to a fine paste'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium, add the onion, and sautQ until golden brown' Add the
green *hiles and the remaining U teaspoon salt and sautQ o%er medium heat for = minutes more, stirring
6' Add the ground paste and 1U *ups >=00 ml? water' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to low and add
the shrimp' Coo) for about 6 minutes or until the shrimp are *oo)ed through'
0' Stir in the %inegar' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
3ara "asalewali "a*h*hli
A whole fish *oo)ed in green *hutney
Gresh *ilantro plays a )ey role in most regional *uisines of 4ndia' 4t is used not only as a garnish, but also
as a main ingredient in *hutney,type sau*es li)e this one, in whi*h it is treated almost as a green
Ser%es 1'
1 >9U,oun*e7220 gram? whole pomfrets, *leaned >see (ote?
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
0 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 teaspoons *oriander seeds
10 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, roughly *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and roughly *hopped
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
U *up >=0 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U *up >96 grams? ri*e flour
2 tablespoons rawa7su$i >fine semolina flour?
1' "a)e 2 or = slits on both sides of the middle bone on ea*h fish' Put them on a large plate' !ub the salt
and turmeri* all o%er them, and set aside to marinate for 16 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin, *oriander, garli*, ginger, and *hiles, and sautQ for 1 to 2
minutes' Add the *o*onut and sautQ for 2 minutes' Set aside to *ool'
=' Transfer to a mini food pro*essor, add the *ilantro, lemon $ui*e, and W *up >60 ml? water, and pro*ess
to a fine paste'
1' Fsing your fingertips, rub the paste all o%er the fish, in*luding inside the slits'
6' Combine the ri*e flour and rawa on a plate'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining W *up >60 ml? oil' Khile the oil is
heating, *oat the fish with the ri*e,rawa mi8ture' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan,
gently add the fish, one at a time, and *oo) for = to 1 minutes on ea*h side or until the fish is *oo)ed
through and both sides are e%enly done'
9' Ser%e hot'
Eou *an substitute pompano or small butterfish for the pomfret'
4ggaru !oyya
Spi*y shrimp with *umin and pepper*orns
This dish has a %ery thi*) sau*e, but if you want to ser%e it with ri*e, add a little water to ma)e the *urry
a little thinner'
Ser%es 1'
21 to =0 small shrimp
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
10 to 12 whole bla*) pepper*orns
2 red onions, *hopped
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 tomatoes, *hopped
1 teaspoon table salt
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Peel and de%ein the shrimp' Kash thoroughly under running water' .rain in a *olander for 16
minutes, then pat dry with a )it*hen towel'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *o*onut, *hiles, *umin, fenugree), and pepper*orns,
and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Transfer to a bowl and set aside to *ool to room temperature'
=' Transfer the mi8ture to a food pro*essor with V *up >160 ml? water and pro*ess to a *oarse paste'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the remaining = tablespoons oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ until golden brown' Add the
ginger paste and garli* paste and sautQ until all the moisture e%aporates' Add the *o*onut,*hile paste
and sautQ o%er medium heat for = minutes, stirring *ontinuously'
6' Add the tomatoes, salt, and *urry lea%es, and sautQ o%er low heat for = to 1 minutes'
0' Add the shrimp and toss well' 4n*rease the heat to high and *oo) for about 6 minutes or until the
shrimp are *oo)ed through'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing dish' Darnish with *ilantro and ser%e hot'
4lish "a*her Sorse Phol
"ustard fish
This famous dish has its roots in eastern 4ndia' 4t is a pungent dish with a predominant mustard fla%or'
3ilsa fish >an oily fish thatLs the most popular fish of Kest engal?, is hard to find in the Fnited States,
but you *an substitute shad' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1 17=,pound70=0,gram? whole hilsa fish, s*aled and *leaned
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
V teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons mustard seeds
6 green *hiles, stemmed
W *up >60 ml? refined mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1' Cut the fish horiNontally into 1,in*h,thi*) >2U,*m,thi*)? sli*es and wash well under running water'
.rain in a *olander and transfer to a bowl'
2' Sprin)le with U teaspoon of the salt, U teaspoon of the turmeri*, and W teaspoon of the *hile powder'
Set aside to marinate for 16 minutes'
=' Soa) the mustard seeds in W *up >60 ml? water for 16 minutes' Transfer to a spi*e grinder with 2 of
the *hiles and W teaspoon of the salt, and grind to a fine paste'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the mustard oil' Khen the oil is hot, add the fish and
fry, turning, until both sides are lightly browned' .rain on paper towels and set aside'
6' Combine the remaining U teaspoon turmeri*, the remaining U teaspoon *hile powder, the mustard
paste, and 2 *ups >100 ml? water'
0' !eturn the wo), with the oil remaining in it, to medium heat' Add the onions and stir' Slit the
remaining green *hiles, add to the wo), and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the onions are browned'
Add the turmeri*[*hile powder[mustard mi8ture and bring to a boil'
9' Add the fish and the remaining W teaspoon salt, and simmer for 6 to 9 minutes or until the fish is
*oo)ed through'
:' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
Phinga &alimir*h
Shrimp in pepper*orn sau*e
This is one of 4ndiaLs hottest dishes' ut 4 always say that the *oo) is in *ontrol, and you *an de*rease the
Huantity of pepper*orns if you li)e' The best pepper*orns in 4ndia *ome from the %erdant state of &erala,
where the air is full of heady aromas' The yellow *hile powder used here is an ingredient from enares
and is a *ommon spi*e used in the *haats sold by street %endors there'
Ser%es 1'
20 medium shrimp, peeled and de%eined
1U teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 medium red onions
6 medium tomatoes, roughly *hopped
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus = tablespoons %egetable oil
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
= green *ardamom pods
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
W *up >96 grams? *ashew paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon yellow *hile powder >or *ayenne?
26 bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed, plus more for garnish if desired
1' Put the shrimp in a bowl, add the salt and lemon $ui*e, and toss to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti*
wrap and set aside to marinate for 20 minutes'
2' Thinly sli*e = of the onions and *hop the remaining onion'
=' Put the tomatoes in a blender and blend to a smooth purQe' Transfer to a bowl and set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and add the sli*ed onions' Coo), stirring o**asionally with
a slotted spoon, until the onions are well browned' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper
towels' +et *ool *ompletely'
6' Transfer the onions to the blender, add the yogurt, and blend to a fine paste'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *innamon and *ardamom, and sautQ for =0 se*onds or until
fragrant' Add the garli* paste and ginger paste, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the *ashew paste and
sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the tomato purQe and *oo), stirring, for 16 minutes' Add the turmeri* and *hile
powder, and *oo), stirring, for 1 minute'
9' Add the onion paste and stir well' ring to a boil, then remo%e from the heat and let *ool slightly'
Pour through a strainer into a bowlM dis*ard the solids'
:' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoon oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the pepper*orns and *hopped onion, and sautQ for 1 to 6
minutes or until the onion is browned'
/' Add the shrimp and stir' Add the tomato mi8ture and 1 *up >200 ml? water' Stir and *oo) until the
mi8ture *omes to a boil and the shrimp are *oo)ed through'
10' Darnish with a few more *rushed pepper*orns, if you wish' Ser%e hot'
&arimeen Polli*hattu
Gish steamed in banana leaf
The pearl spot fish is similar to pomfret, whi*h you may be more familiar with' The first time 4 tasted this
fish was in angalore in a restaurant at Ta$ Dateway' Some people get passionate about (orwegian
salmon or sea bass from ChileM 4 feel the same way about pearl spot fish, whi*h *omes from the state of
&erala' Cn*e you ha%e tasted it, you will not mind flying it in or tra%eling to &erala to try it' 4f you *anLt
find pearl spot, use ma*)erel, sil%er pomfret, or tilapia'
Ser%es 1'
1 >6,oun*e7160 grams? whole )arimeen >pearl spot?
1 banana leaf >see (otes?
1 *up >110 grams? sambhar onions >similar to red pearl onions?, peeled
/ tablespoons *o*onut or %egetable oil
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon fennel seeds
16 or 10 whole bla*) pepper*orns
10 dried red *hiles, stemmed
W *up >12 grams? *oriander seeds
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
10 *lo%es garli*
0 green *hiles, stemmed
26 to =0 fresh *urry lea%es, *hopped
2 teaspoons tamarind pulp >see (otes?
1 tablespoon table salt
1' S*ale the fish and *lean the insides well' Kash under running water' "a)e deep slits on either side of
ea*h fish with a sharp )nife and lea%e the fish in a *olander to drain'
2' Kash the banana leaf and wipe it dry' !emo%e the *enter *ore and *ut the leaf into 1 pie*es' 3olding
them with tongs, singe the pie*es o%er an open flame to ma)e them malleable'
=' Peel all the onions and *hop half of them' +ea%e the remaining onions whole'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the whole onions, fenugree), mustard seeds, fennel,
pepper*orns, red *hiles, *oriander seeds, ginger, garli*, green *hiles, half of the *urry lea%es, the
tamarind pulp, and salt, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until the onions are translu*ent'
6' Spread the mi8ture on a plate and set aside to *ool to room temperature' Transfer to a food
pro*essor with W *up >60 ml? water and pro*ess to a fine paste'
0' Spread half of the the paste liberally all o%er the fish, stuffing it into the slits' Set aside for =0 minutes
to marinate'
9' Pla*e a shallow nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, pla*e the fish in a single layer and *oo) for 2 minutes on ea*h
side or until the fish are half *oo)ed'
:' Pla*e another nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *hopped onions, the remaining *urry lea%es, and the
remaining ground paste, and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 2 minutes'
/' Spread half of the onion mi8ture o%er the banana leaf pie*es and pla*e one fish on ea*h pie*e' Spread
the remaining mi8ture o%er the fish and fold in the sides of the banana leaf pie*es to wrap the fish
10' Pla*e the nonsti*) sautQ pan from step 9 o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil'
Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the fish par*els and *oo) for = to 1 minutes
on ea*h side or until the fish are *oo)ed through, ma)ing sure that the lea%es do not burn during
11' Ser%e hot in the par*els'
Khile banana leaf is preferable, you *an wrap the fish in aluminum foil or
par*hment paper instead'
Gor sourness, )odumpuli, also *alled Sfish tamarind,T is traditionally used here' Sin*e it is not readily
a%ailable, 4 *all for regular tamarind pulp in the re*ipeM you *an also use am*hur >dried mango powder?'
&esari harwan Phinga
Stuffed shrimp in a saffron *urry
This impressi%e dish of shrimp stuffed with *hi*)en will ha%e your guests e8*laiming in delight'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the shrimp5
: tiger shrimp
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 oun*es >00 grams? ground *hi*)en
Gor the sau*e5
W tablespoon *ashew paste >page 12?
U tablespoon boiled,onion paste >page 11?
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
V teaspoon ground green *ardamom
1 teaspoons %egetable oil
= green *ardamom pods
= whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
: whole bla*) pepper*orns, plus V teaspoon *rushed bla*) pepper*orns
V teaspoon a$wain
V teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
V teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
U teaspoon table salt
1' "a)e the shrimp5 Peel the shrimp but lea%e the shells on the tails' .e%ein, wash thoroughly under
running water, and drain well in a *olander' Carefully slit ea*h shrimp lengthwise without *utting all the
way through' Glatten ea*h shrimp $ust enough to ma)e it loo) li)e a butterfly' Pat dry and put in a bowl'
2' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, salt, and lemon $ui*e and rub them in well' Co%er the bowl with
plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for =0 minutes'
=' Preheat the o%en to =00XG7160XC'
1' .i%ide the *hi*)en into : portions' Ta)e a shrimp, point the head side toward you, pla*e 1 portion of
the *hi*)en on the wide end of the shrimp, and roll the shrimp up until you rea*h the tail' Gasten the
loose end with a toothpi*)' Krap up ea*h shrimp in a small pie*e of aluminum foil and put them all on a
ba)ing sheet' a)e on the middle ra*) of the o%en for 6 to 0 minutes' !emo%e from the o%en'
6' "a)e the sau*e5 Khis) the *ashew paste and boiled,onion paste together in a bowl' Crush the
saffron, dissol%e it in 1 tablespoon lu)ewarm water, add it to the paste mi8ture along with the ground
*ardamom, and set aside'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *ardamom pods, *lo%es, *innamon, and whole pepper*orns, and sautQ for
16 se*onds' Add the a$wain and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
9' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the onion,paste mi8ture and
sautQ until the oil *omes to the top' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to
low and simmer, stirring o**asionally, for 2 minutes' !emo%e from the heat, pass the sau*e through a
strainer into another nonsti*) sau*epan, and dis*ard the solids'
:' Pla*e the pan with the sau*e o%er medium heat, and as it begins to boil, lower the heat to low and
add the *hiles, *rushed pepper*orns, and salt'
/' Fnwrap the shrimp and add them to the sau*e' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
&olambi harleli Jangi
Bggplant stuffed with shrimp
There are many %ersions of this re*ipe in 4ndia' 4n this parti*ular %ersion, eggplants are stuffed with spi*y
shrimp and *oo)ed in an onion,tomato mi8ture'
Ser%es 1'
9 oun*es >200 grams? medium shrimp
1U teaspoons table salt
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1 medium red onions, *hopped
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
/ baby eggplants
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons tamarind pulp
1' Peel and de%ein the shrimp and wash thoroughly under running water' Sprin)le with U teaspoon of
the salt and U teaspoon of the turmeri*' Set aside for 10 to 16 minutes to marinate'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low and add half of the onions' SautQ for =
to 1 minutes or until translu*ent'
=' Add half of the tomatoes and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 1 minutes or until the oil *omes to the
1' Add the *hiles, *oriander, *umin, lemon $ui*e, half of the *ilantro, U teaspoon of the salt, and the
shrimp' SautQ for = to 1 minutes' Transfer to a bowl and let *ool to room temperature'
6' Slit the eggplants into Huarters from the bottom, )eeping the stem end inta*t' Stuff the shrimp
mi8ture into the eggplants'
0' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium and add the remaining
onions' SautQ for = to 1 minutes or until light golden brown'
9' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the remaining tomatoes and sautQ
for = to 1 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water, the remaining W teaspoon
turmeri*, the *hile powder, tamarind pulp, and the remaining U teaspoon salt' Stir well'
:' Pla*e the stuffed eggplants in the pan, lower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 26 minutes, turning
the eggplants o**asionally'
/' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl, garnish with the remaining *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
&olambi &a$u Curry
A ri*h and deli*ious shrimp,and,*ashew *urry
There is a spe*ial dish *oo)ed in "aharashtra that is made using *ashews and the flesh of tender
*o*onut' ut tender *o*onut is not readily a%ailable in all parts of the world, so 4 repla*ed the *o*onut
with an ingredient that is also fla%orful and tender5 shrimp'
Ser%es 1'
20 medium shrimp, peeled and de%eined
16 *lo%es garli*, peeled
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
: whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 whole *lo%es
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*), bro)en
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 green *hiles, stemmed
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
2 large red onions, *hopped
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoons tamarind pulp
2 teaspoons table salt
20 *ashews
1' Kash the shrimp thoroughly under running water and drain well in a *olander'
2' Put : *lo%es garli*, the ginger, pepper*orns, *lo%es, *innamon, half the *ilantro, and the *hiles in a
food pro*essor' Add W *up >60 ml? water and pro*ess to a fine paste'
=' Crush the remaining 9 *lo%es garli*'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *rushed garli* and sautQ for = minutes' Add the onion and sautQ for 6
6' Add the ground garli*[spi*e mi8ture and sautQ for 6 minutes' Add the *hile powder and turmeri*, and
sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the tamarind pulp, salt, and 1U *ups >=00 ml? water' Stir well and bring to a
0' Add the shrimp and *ashews, and simmer for : minutes'
9' Darnish with the remaining *ilantro and ser%e hot'
&olmi (o Patio
Parsi,style shrimp *urry
4n this popular Parsi dish, shrimp >)olmi, as the Parsi *all them? are *oo)ed in a strong, tangy, garli*,
fla%ored sau*e' This dish is usually a**ompanied by steamed ri*e and a plain lentil dish on the side'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? medium shrimp, peeled and de%eined
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
6 green *ardamom pods
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
= medium red onions, sli*ed
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 tablespoon white %inegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1' Kash the shrimp thoroughly under running water and drain well in a *olander'
2' Put the shrimp in a bowl and add the ginger paste, garli* paste, 1 teaspoon of the salt, the turmeri*,
and *hile powder' Stir well, *o%er the bowl with plasti* wrap, and put in the refrigerator to marinate for
1 hour'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *ardamom and *innamon, and sautQ until fragrant'
1' Add the onions and sautQ for 6 minutes or until lightly browned' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for 6 to
9 minutes or until soft'
6' Add the marinated shrimp and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 16 minutes'
0' Add the %inegar and sugar, and stir until the sugar dissol%es'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
"a*h*hli Ta),A,Ta)
A fish *urry *oo)ed on a griddle
The tawa >griddle? in 4ndian homes is usually reser%ed for ma)ing rotis and parathas' Cther foods
*oo)ed on a tawa are often made in restaurants and at wedding banHuets where food is prepared to
order' This dishLs name, ta),a,ta), is e8plained in the re*ipe' !awas, the fish used here, is *alled the
4ndian salmon' 4t is %ery different from Ameri*an salmon' Gor this re*ipe, you *an use ro*)fish or grouper
if rawas is una%ailable' Crabmeat is a good addition to this dishM substitute it for some of the shrimp
and fish if youLd li)e'
Ser%es 1'
6 to 0 oun*es >160 grams? shrimp, shelled and de%eined
6 to 0 oun*es >160 grams? rawas >4ndian salmon?, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
2 teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 large tomato, *hopped
U teaspoon roasted and *rushed )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 medium red onion, *hopped
1 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1 large potato, boiled, peeled, and *hopped
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Kash the shrimp and fish under running water and drain well in a *olander' Transfer to a bowl, add 1
teaspoon of the salt, and toss'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *oriander and red *hiles, and dry,roast
for 1 to 2 minutes' Transfer to a plate and set aside to *ool *ompletely' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and
grind to a *oarse powder'
=' Pla*e a small sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the garli* paste and sautQ for 1 minute' Add half of the *oriander,
*hile powder and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add half of the green *hiles and half of the ginger, and sautQ for
=0 se*onds'
1' Add the tomato and sautQ for 9 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top' Add U *up >100 ml? water
and U teaspoon of the salt, and stir' Add the )asoori methi and U teaspoon of the garam masala' Stir
well and remo%e from the heat' Set the sau*e aside'
6' Pla*e a large iron tawa >griddle? o%er medium heat and add the remaining = tablespoons oil' Khen
small bubbles appear, add the shrimp and fish, and sautQ for 2 minutes, stirring with a stainless,steel
spatula' Shift the seafood from the *enter of the griddle toward the periphery'
0' Add the onion to the oil in the *enter of the griddle along with the remaining *hiles, the remaining
ginger, and the *hopped garli*' +ower the heat to low and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add the remaining
*oriander,*hile powder and shift the seafood from the periphery to the *enter of the griddle'
9' Add the potato and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Fsing two stainless,steel spatulas held upright, begin to
*hop the seafood and potato' >This ma)es a Sta),a,ta)T noiseAhen*e the name of the dish'?
:' After e%ery few stro)es, stir the mi8ture' Coo) in this manner for 1 to 6 minutes, then add the sau*e
and stir well' SautQ for 2 to = minutes or until the e8*ess moisture has *ompletely e%aporated'
/' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt' Add the lemon $ui*e and the remaining U teaspoon garam
10' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and garnish with the *ilantro' Ser%e hot'
"a*her Phol
A typi*al engali fish *urry *oo)ed in mustard oil
A engali meal is highlighted by the fish preparation, and this is one of the most popular *urries in the
region' 4t is a thin *urry, but the fla%or of the mustard oil is stri)ing' 4f you repla*e the mustard oil with
%egetable oil, remember that the dish will loose its traditional fla%or' Ser%e this with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 17= pounds >000 grams? rohu >or any other freshwater fishM page =10?, *ut into : pie*es
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
W *up >60 ml? filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
2 medium potatoes, ea*h *ut into 0 pie*es
1 bay leaf
1 medium red onion, finely *hopped
2 tablespoons ginger,garli* paste >page 1=?
1 teaspoon ground *umin
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 medium tomatoes, purQed
1' Kash the fish pie*es thoroughly under running water and drain in a *olander' Pla*e them in a bowl,
add U teaspoon of the salt and W teaspoon of the turmeri*, and stir well' Put in the refrigerator to
marinate for 16 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add the mustard oil' Khen the oil starts to smo)e,
redu*e the heat to medium, add the potato pie*es, and sautQ until browned' .rain and set aside'
=' To the same oil, add the fish pie*es, two at a time, and sautQ until lightly browned' .rain and set
1' To the oil remaining in the pan, add the bay leaf and onion, and sautQ until well browned' Add the
ginger,garli* paste and sautQ for 1 minute'
6' Add the *umin, *hile powder, and the remaining W teaspoon turmeri*, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add
the tomato purQe and simmer until the oil *omes to the top'
0' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and the remaining U teaspoon salt, and stir' Khen it *omes to a boil, add
the fish and potatoes, and simmer for = to 1 minutes'
9' Transfer to a bowl and ser%e hot'
"alabar Chemeen &ari
Shrimp and drumsti*) %egetable *urry
4n this South 4ndian *urry, whi*h is traditionally *oo)ed in a *lay pot, drumsti*)s pro%ide the main fla%or'
They are long, slender %egetable pods that grow on the moringa tree' .rumsti*)s are %ery popular in
the southern parts of 4ndia and are *ommonly used to ma)e stews, dals, and *urries' Eou *an find them
*anned and froNen in most 4ndian gro*ery stores' 4f you *anLt find them, you *an use green beans, but
please note that the taste will be different'
This *urry is e8*ellent with steamed ri*eM )eep the sau*e a little thin in *onsisten*y if you plan to ser%e it
that way' Eou *an use any )ind of fish or any other seafood here instead of the shrimp'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? small shrimp
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons table salt
2 medium green mangoes
1U *ups >1:0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
10 to 12 small shallots, hal%ed
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 *urd *hiles, stemmed and slit >see (ote?
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1 tablespoon *o*onut oil
1 teaspoon fenugree) seeds, lightly *rushed
1 dried red *hiles , stemmed
2 drumsti*) %egetables, stemmed
1' Peel, de%ein, and wash the shrimp thoroughly under running water' .rain in a *olander for 10
minutes, then pat dry with paper towels and transfer to a bowl' Add the turmeri* and 1 teaspoon of the
salt, and stir' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator for =0 minutes to marinate'
2' Peel and pit the mangoes and *ut them into wedges'
=' Soa) the *o*onut in 1 *up >200 ml? warm water for 16 minutes' Transfer to a food pro*essor and
pro*ess into a fine paste'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add = tablespoons of the %egetable oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the shallots and sautQ for 2 minutes or until translu*ent'
Add the *hile powder and *oriander, and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for a few se*onds'
6' Add the green *hiles, *urd *hiles, *urry lea%es, and tamarind pulp' SautQ for 1 minute' Add the
*o*onut paste and = *ups >000 ml? water' ring to a boil and *oo) until redu*ed by half'
0' Pour the sau*e through a strainer into a deep bowl, pressing well to e8tra*t all the fla%ors' Set aside'
9' Pla*e another medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons
%egetable oil and the *o*onut oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the
fenugree) and dried *hiles, and stir well o%er medium heat'
:' Add the shrimp, drumsti*)s, and mangoes' Coo) o%er medium heat, stirring *ontinuously, until the
shrimp are almost *oo)ed through'
/' Add the sau*e and simmer for 2 to = minutes or until the shrimp are *oo)ed through and the sau*e is
well *ombined'
10' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
Curd *hiles are *hiles that ha%e been soa)ed in yogurt and dried' They are a%ailable
at 4ndian gro*ery stores' 4f you *annot find them, lea%e them out'
"al%ani Gish Curry
A ri*h and spi*y fish *urry
"al%an is a part of the &on)an *oastAand *oastal food highlights seafood' Khat distinguishes "al%ani
fish *urries is not $ust the %ariety of gra%ies but also the %ariety of re*ipes for the same )ind of fish using
a daNNling number of *ombinations of spi*es and ingredients, as well as dry and wet *oo)ing styles' The
most amaNing and fiery fish *urry 4 ha%e e%er eaten, li)e the one here, was at the table of "rs' Samant, a
family friend' "al%ani food has loads of pun*h to it, whi*h is $ust one of the reasons you will go ba*) for
a se*ond helping' Ser%e with steamed ri*e' Surmai is a popular fish in 4ndia, but is hard to find in the
Fnited States' Eou *an use pomfret or ma*)erel instead'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? whole surmai >)ingfish?, pomfret, or ma*)erel
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 teaspoons *oriander seeds
1 or 6 dried red *hiles, stemmed
V *up >/0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 medium onions, *hopped
0 to : whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium tomato, *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1' Cut off the head of the fish and *lean the insides' Kash thoroughly under running water' Cut the fish
horiNontally into 1,in*h,thi*) >2U,*m,thi*)? sli*es and put in a bowl' Add the lemon $ui*e, U teaspoon of
the turmeri*, and the salt, and stir well' Co%er the bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 16 to 20
minutes to marinate'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *umin and *oriander, and dry,roast for 2
minutes or until fragrant' +et *ool, then transfer to a food pro*essor with the dried *hiles, the remaining
U teaspoon turmeri*, the *o*onut, half of the onions, the pepper*orns, tamarind pulp, and 1 *up >200
ml? water, and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the remaining onion and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until lightly browned'
Add the tomato and green *hiles and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until the oil *omes to the top' Add the
*o*onut paste and *oo) o%er high heat for 1 minute' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and bring to a boil'
+ower the heat to medium, add the marinated fish, and *oo) for 6 to 0 minutes or until the fish is
*oo)ed through' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
"amallapuram &al Brra
Tamil,style masala shrimp in banana lea%es
Chennai, formerly )nown as "adras, is one of the ma$or metropolitan *ities of 4ndia' Some miles away
on a well,built state highway is "amallapuram, whi*h is also )nown as "ahabalipuram' This pla*e is
famous for its an*ient *ar%ed stone temples' 4 on*e dro%e down there on a day trip after doing a show in
Chennai to relish a bit of 4ndiaLs ri*h heritage' This shrimp preparation is a sou%enir of that short %isit
years ago'
Ser%es 1'
10 large shrimp
: teaspoons brown mustard seeds
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, sli*ed
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon tamarind pulp
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1W teaspoons table salt
2 teaspoons anise seeds
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 banana lea%es
1' Preheat the o%en to =60XG7196XC'
2' Peel the shrimp, but )eep the tails inta*t' .e%ein and wash thoroughly under running water' .rain
well in a *olander'
=' Put 0 teaspoons of the mustard seeds, the ginger, *hiles, and tamarind pulp in a spi*e grinder' Add 2
tablespoons water and grind to a smooth paste' Transfer to a bowl, add the turmeri*, *hile powder, and
salt, and stir'
1' Put the anise, fenugree), *umin, and the remaining 2 teaspoons mustard seeds in a spi*e grinder and
grind to a powder' Transfer to another small bowl'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the spi*e powder' SautQ for 16 se*onds, then Hui*)ly pour it o%er the ground
paste and stir well'
0' !ub this paste liberally on the shrimp' Krap them up neatly in the banana lea%es, half in ea*h leaf,
and fold the lea%es into tight par*els'
9' Pla*e the par*els on a ba)ing sheet and ba)e for 20 to =0 minutes'
:' Fnwrap and ser%e immediately'
"een (irappiyathu
"a*)erel stuffed with *o*onut masala and shallow,fried
Ke ha%e used ma*)erel here be*ause it is a ni*e oily fish' ut you *an use any oily fish, preferably one
with a single *enter bone' And instead of pan,frying, you *an broil them' Traditionally, the fish is roasted
dire*tly o%er a *har*oal fire'
Ser%es 1'
: >=,oun*e7:6,gram? ma*)erels, heads remo%ed, *leaned
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh mint
16 fresh *urry lea%es, *hopped
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 lemons, *ut into wedges
1' Trim off the fish fins with s*issors, wash well, and drain' Slit ea*h fish from the side and remo%e the
*enter bone without damaging the fish, if possible' "a)e W,in*h,deep >U,*m,deep? *uts on both sides of
ea*h fish'
2' Put the *o*onut, ginger, green *hiles, dried *hiles, *ilantro, mint, *urry lea%es, tamarind pulp, salt, and
= tablespoons water in a mini food pro*essor, and pro*ess to a fine paste'
=' Stuff most of the paste into the fish and rub the rest on the outside' Arrange the fish on a plate, *o%er
with plasti* wrap, and put in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour to marinate'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, gently pla*e the fish, two at a time, in the pan and *oo) ea*h side for = to 1
minutes or until both sides are e%enly golden brown' .rain on paper towels'
6' Arrange the fish on a platter, garnish with the lemon wedges, and ser%e hot'
"een Jatti*hattu
A &erala,style fish *urry
&erala is famous for its e8oti* payasam >ri*e dessert? as well as for its banana wafers and a %ast %ariety
of fish preparations su*h as this mildly tangy and spi*y *urry' Ser%e it with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? surmai >)ingfish?, *ut into 2,in*h,thi*) >6,*m,thi*)? fillets
+emon,siNe ball of tamarind
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
W teaspoon ground fenugree)
6 tablespoons red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
2 teaspoons table salt
2 teaspoons *o*onut oil
U teaspoon brown mustard seeds
U teaspoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1' Kash the fish under running water and drain well in a *olander'
2' Soa) the tamarind in 1 *up >200 ml? warm water for 16 minutes' SHueeNe to remo%e the pulp, then
strain it into a nonsti*) sau*epan and dis*ard the seeds and stringy solids' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water
and stir well'
=' Pla*e o%er medium heat and bring to a boil'
1' "eanwhile, *ombine the *oriander, turmeri*, and fenugree) in W *up >60 ml? water and stir to ma)e a
smooth paste' Add this paste to the boiling tamarind water along with the *hile paste and stir until all
the ingredients are thoroughly *ombined' Simmer for 0 minutes or until the liHuid is redu*ed by half'
6' Add the fish and *oo) for 9 minutes or until the fish is *oo)ed through'
0' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the *o*onut oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they sputter, add the dal, *urry lea%es,
and *hiles' SautQ for 16 se*onds, then add to the fish' Co%er immediately to trap the fla%ors'
9' Ser%e hot'
Gish *oo)ed in the Andhra style
Crisp pie*es of fish briefly marinated in garli* and ginger are perfe*t for a Hui*) sna*)' 4n Andhra
Pradesh, this is en$oyed as a side with dal and ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? rawas >4ndian salmonM see (ote page 109? or regular salmon fillets, *ut into 2U,
in*h >0,*m? pie*es
1U teaspoons table salt
67: teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1U teaspoons ground bla*) pepper
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Put 6 *ups >1 liter? water in a deep bowl, add U teaspoon of the salt and 17: teaspoon of the turmeri*,
and stir' Kash the fish pie*es in the seasoned water and drain well in a *olander'
2' Pat the fish pie*es with an absorbent towel and put them in a bowl' Add the remaining 1 teaspoon
salt, remaining U teaspoon turmeri*, the *hile powder, garli* paste, ginger paste, *oriander, pepper, and
lemon $ui*e, and stir well' +et stand for 10 minutes'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), slide in the fish pie*es, a few at a time' Coo), stirring with a slotted spoon, for 1 minutes' !emo%e
with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
1' Ser%e hot'
!awas Amboti)
3ot,and,sour salmon *urry
Amboti) is a *ombination of two words5 ambot, meaning Ssour,T and ti), meaning Sspi*y'T Amboti)
preparations are Portuguese in origin, and the strong influen*e of that *uisine in 4ndia is e%ident in Doan
*oo)ing' Ser%e this dish with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1V pounds >:00 grams? rawas >4ndian salmonM see (ote page 109?, or regular salmon fillets, *ut into
U,in*h,thi*) >1,*m,thi*)? sli*es
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or unsweetened froNen *o*onut?
2 large red onions, *hopped
: to 10 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped : to 10 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
6 whole *lo%es
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*)
1U tablespoons white %inegar
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1 or 6 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1U tablespoons tamarind pulp
1' Put the fish in a large bowl, add 1 teaspoon of the salt and the turmeri*, toss to *oat, and set aside to
marinate for 20 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat, add the *oriander and *umin, and dry,roast for 2
minutes' Transfer to a plate and set aside to *ool *ompletely'
=' Put the *o*onut, half of the *hopped onions, the red *hiles, the roasted *oriander and *umin, ginger,
garli*, *lo%es, *innamon, and %inegar in a food pro*essor with 1 *up plus 2 tablespoons >2=0 ml? water,
and pro*ess to a fine paste' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the remaining onions and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until golden brown'
6' Add the ground paste and *oo) o%er high heat for = to 1 minutes, stirring *ontinuously'
0' Add 2U *ups >600 ml? water and bring to a boil' Add the green *hiles and stir' Add the fish and simmer
for 6 minutes'
9' Add the tamarind pulp and the remaining U teaspoon salt' Stir gently and *oo) o%er low heat for 6
minutes' Ser%e hot'
Shrimp al*hao
Shrimp in a sweet,and,sour gra%y
This dish from *oastal Doa is essentially a pi*)led shrimp dish, but its sweet,and,sour taste ma)es it
uniHue' 4 also ma)e a %egetarian %ersion using paneer' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
10 medium shrimp, shelled and de%eined
1 teaspoon table salt
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
10 *lo%es garli*
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
16 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
10 to 12 whole *lo%es
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*), bro)en
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
1 *up >200 ml? malt %inegar or *ider %inegar
V *up >160 ml? %egetable oil
2 large onions, finely *hopped
2 large tomatoes, *hopped
2 tablespoons sugar
1' Put the shrimp in a bowl and sprin)le with the salt' Toss on*e and set aside for 10 minutes'
2' Put the ginger, garli*, *umin, *hiles, *lo%es, *innamon, mustard seeds, and %inegar in a food pro*essor,
and pro*ess to a paste'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Add the shrimp and fry until
they turn pin)' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and set aside'
1' Add the onions to the oil remaining in the pan and sautQ o%er medium heat for 1 to 6 minutes or until
lightly browned'
6' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the tomatoes turn pulpy'
0' Add the ground paste and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the oil begins to *ome to the top and the
%inegar e%aporates' The final mi8ture should be wet but not runny'
9' Add the shrimp and stir well' Add the sugar and *oo) o%er low heat for 6 minutes'
:' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
Shrimp Dhassi
Shrimp *urry
Grying the spi*es and then grinding them is the traditional way to prepare this dish, whi*h originates
from &arnata)a' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
21 medium shrimp
1W teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 teaspoons *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
: to 10 whole bla*) pepper*orns
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 medium onion, *hopped
6 *lo%es garli*
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U tablespoons tamarind pulp
1' Peel and de%ein the shrimp' Kash them thoroughly under running water and drain in a *olander'
Transfer to a bowl and sprin)le with 1 teaspoon of the saltM toss well and put in the refrigerator for 16
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add 1 teaspoon of the oil' +ower the heat to
low, add the *oriander, *umin, pepper*orns, fenugree), and *hiles, and sautQ for 6 minutes' Transfer to
a bowl and let *ool to room temperature' Transfer the mi8ture to a food pro*essor with the *o*onut,
half of the onion, the garli*, turmeri*, tamarind pulp, and 1 *up >200 ml? water, and pro*ess to a fine
=' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoon plus 2 teaspoons
oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low, add the remaining
onion, and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until translu*ent' Add the ground paste and sautQ for 6 to 0
minutes o%er medium heat'
1' Add the shrimp and stir well' Add U *up >100 ml? water and the remaining W teaspoon salt' 4n*rease
the heat to medium and bring to a boil' Co%er and *oo) until the shrimp are *oo)ed through'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
Shrimp Peri Peri
A Portuguese,style spi*y shrimp *urry
Peri peri is what the Portuguese *all small red birdLs,eye *hiles' The Portuguese influen*e is strong in
the food of Doa, the most popular bea*h getaway in 4ndia' 4 ha%e repla*ed the fresh *hiles in this re*ipe
with lots of dried ones and ha%e mellowed the edge by adding red bell pepper instead of more of the
fiery,hot *hiles'
Ser%es 1'
21 medium shrimp, peeled and de%eined
U teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon *rushed bla*) pepper*orns
0 tablespoons %egetable oil
0 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 medium red onion, *hopped
1 medium red bell pepper, seeded and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
10 dried red *hiles, stemmed and seeded
1 medium tomato, *hopped
W *up >60 ml? white %inegar
1' Kash the shrimp thoroughly under running water and drain well in a *olander' Put in a bowl' Add the
salt and pepper*orns, and toss well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to
marinate for =0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the garli* and ginger, and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes or until
=' Add the onion and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until translu*ent' Add the bell pepper, *hiles, and
tomato, and *oo) until the tomato is pulpy' Add the %inegar and stir' !emo%e from the heat and set
aside to *ool'
1' Transfer to a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a fine paste' Add the paste to the shrimp and rub it in
6' Pla*e the same nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the shrimp and *oo) for 6 to 0 minutes or until
*oo)ed through' !emo%e the shrimp from the sau*e and set aside on a plate' Pla*e the pan o%er
medium heat and *oo) for 6 to 0 minutes or until the sau*e is almost dry'
0' !eturn the shrimp to the pan and *oo) for 1 minute' Ser%e hot'
Sungta Ani Tora*he 3ooman
Shrimp and green,mango *urry
This simple green,mango and shrimp preparation *omes from the state of Doa' Ser%e it with steamed
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >==0 grams? shrimp, peeled and de%eined
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon table salt
1 medium green mango
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
6 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
16 whole bla*) pepper*orns
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 large red onion, *hopped
1 *up >200 ml? *o*onut mil)
1' Put the shrimp in a large bowl' Add the turmeri*, ginger paste, garli* paste, and U teaspoon of the
salt, and stir well' Set aside to marinate for 16 minutes'
2' Peel the mango and *ut it in half' .is*ard the pit, then *ut the mango into : eHual pie*es'
=' Put the *o*onut, *oriander, red *hiles, and pepper*orns in a food pro*essor with 1 *up >200 ml? water,
and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the green *hiles and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the onion and sautQ for = to 1
minutes or until lightly browned'
6' Add the shrimp and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the *o*onut paste, mango, remaining U teaspoon salt,
and U *up >100 ml? water, and *oo) for 2 minutes or until the shrimp are *oo)ed through'
0' Stir in the *o*onut mil) and simmer for 2 minutes'
9' Ser%e hot'
Tandoori Pomfret
Pomfret *oo)ed tandoor style
Pomfret *oo)ed in a tandoor o%en is the most popular fish dish in any good seafood restaurant in
"umbai' ut for ease of preparation, 4L%e gi%en instru*tions for *oo)ing it in a *on%entional o%en' The
best way to en$oy this fish is with lots of lemon $ui*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 >9U,oun*e7220,gram? small whole pomfrets, *leaned and washed >you *an also use butterfish or
1V teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
2U teaspoons red *hile powder
2 teaspoons garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon a$wain
W *up >20 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
W *up >60 ml? butter, melted
1 lemon, *ut into wedges
1' Pat the fish dry with an absorbent towel' "a)e in*isions on both sides of ea*h fish' Combine 1
teaspoon of the salt, the lemon $ui*e, ginger paste, and garli* paste, and rub it all o%er the fish' Put the
fish on a platter, and set aside for 20 minutes'
2' Combine the yogurt, the remaining V teaspoon salt, the *hile powder, and garam masala in a bowl,
and set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the a$wain and besan, and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until fragrant' !emo%e
from the heat and stir in the turmeri*' Add to the yogurt mi8ture and whis) well' !ub this mi8ture all
o%er the fish and into the in*isions' Co%er the platter with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to
marinate for 1 hour'
1' Preheat the o%en to =60XG7196XC'
6' Put the fish on a greased ba)ing sheet and ba)e on the middle ra*) of the o%en for : to 10 minutes,
wat*hing *arefully that the fish do not o%er*oo)'
0' aste with the butter and *oo) for another 6 minutes or until the fish ha%e a golden and *risp *rust,
again wat*hing *arefully that the fish do not o%er*oo)'
9' Ser%e hot with the lemon wedges'
Tisrya*he &al%an
Clam *urry
The "al%anis of western 4ndia li)e to *oo) *lams in this fla%orful fashion' e sure to *lean the *lams well
before using and dis*ard any *lams that do not open after steaming in step 2' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
2V pounds >1'= )g? *lams
1 teaspoon table salt
U tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 red onions
= tablespoons %egetable oil
6 whole *lo%es
6 or 0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*)
U teaspoon *araway seeds
1 teaspoon *oriander seeds
6 or 0 dried red *hiles, stemmed
U *up >10 grams? dried grated *o*onut
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U *up >100 ml? *o*onut mil)
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Soa) the *lams in 6 *ups >1 liter? water for 16 minutes, s*rub lightly, and rinse thoroughly under
running water'
2' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Co%er and bring to a
boil' Add the *lams and *o%er again' Cpen the lid after 1 minute and *he*) to see if the *lams ha%e
opened slightly' 4f they ha%e, drain the *lams in a *olander set o%er a large bowlM reser%e the water'
!efresh the *lams under running water and drain in the *olander'
=' !emo%e one shell of ea*h *lam, )eeping the meat on the other shell' Sprin)le the *lams with salt and
the lemon $ui*e' !efrigerate for 16 minutes'
1' Sli*e 1 onion and *hop the other'
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium and add the sli*ed onion' SautQ for
= to 1 minutes or until golden brown' Transfer to a food pro*essor and set aside'
0' Pla*e the sautQ pan from step 6 o%er medium heat and dry,roast the *lo%es, pepper*orns, *innamon,
*araway, *oriander, *hiles, and *o*onut for 10 minutes or until fragrant' Add to the food pro*essor with
the browned onions and add the tamarind pulp and 1 *up >100 ml? water' Pro*ess to a fine, smooth
9' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium, add the *hopped onion, and sautQ
for = to 1 minutes or until light golden brown'
:' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste and sautQ for =0 se*onds' +ower the heat to low, add the
ground spi*e mi8ture, and sautQ for 6 minutes' Add U *up >100 ml? water and bring to a boil'
/' Add the *lams, turmeri*, and *o*onut mil)' Che*) the seasoning and *oo) for 6 minutes' !emo%e
from the heat and transfer to a ser%ing bowl'
10' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Eera Poondu "asala
Darli* shrimp *urry
Another gem from the South 4ndian state of &erala, this shrimp *urryLs predominant fla%or is that of
garli*' Cf *ourse, you *an redu*e >or in*rease? the garli* to suit your palate' e sure to use fresh garli*
here, as that will pro%ide the best taste'
Ser%es 1'
20 to 21 medium shrimp
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1U teaspoons table salt
0 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 tablespoon *umin seeds
10 to 12 whole bla*) pepper*orns
20 *lo%es garli*, *rushed
0 tablespoons sesame oil
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
1 teaspoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 medium onion, *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 medium tomato, *hopped
1' Peel and de%ein the shrimp and wash them thoroughly under running water' .rain in a *olander for
10 minutes' Transfer to a bowl, add the lemon $ui*e and salt, and stir well' Co%er the bowl with plasti*
wrap and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to marinate'
2' 3eat a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and dry,roast 1 dried *hiles, the *oriander,
*umin, pepper*orns, and 16 *lo%es garli*' Transfer the mi8ture to a bowl and let *ool to room
temperature' Transfer to a food pro*essor with W *up >60 ml? water and pro*ess to a smooth paste'
=' Pla*e a wide nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium and add the mustard seeds, dal, the remaining dried
*hiles, and the *urry lea%es'
1' Add the remaining garli*, the onion, green *hiles, and the ground paste' SautQ o%er high heat for 2 to
= minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add the tomato and *oo) until the mi8ture be*omes thi*) and dry'
0' Add the shrimp, toss well, and *o%er with a tight,fitting lid' Coo) o%er low heat, stirring freHuently, for
about 10 minutes' Fn*o%er and *oo) o%er high heat to thi*)en the sau*e' Ser%e hot as a side dish'
Aab Dosht
+amb with *hana dal, green *hiles, and *o*onut mil)
The se*ret of a smooth fla%or in this gra%y is the timingAespe*ially the addition of the *o*onut mil),
whi*h *an *urdle and ma)e the dish loo) unappetiNing' Gollow the re*ipe instru*tions *arefully and donLt
let the mi8ture boil after you add the *o*onut mil)' Ser%e with rotis >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
1 27= pounds >960 grams? boneless lamb, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
: green *hiles, stemmed
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
6 *lo%es garli*
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1 medium red onions, *hopped
= medium tomatoes, *hopped
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
U teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
2 teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 *up >200 ml? *o*onut mil)
1' Put the *hana dal in a bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml?
water and soa) for 20 minutes' .rain the dal in a *olander'
2' Trim off the e8*ess fat from the lamb' Set aside'
=' Slit 1 of the *hiles and reser%e for garnish' Put the remaining *hiles, the ginger, garli*, and 2
tablespoons water in a spi*e grinder, and grind to a fine paste'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium, add the onions, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until they
are translu*ent' Add the tomatoes, ginger,garli*,*hile paste, turmeri*, and salt, and stir' SautQ for 2
minutes' Add the *ubes of lamb and stir so that it is well *oated' SautQ for about 16 minutes or until the
lamb is well browned'
6' Add the *hana dal and 2U *ups >600 ml? water and stir' ring to a boil o%er high heat, then lower the
heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for =6 minutes or until the lamb is almost done'
0' Add the garam masala, pepper, *oriander, and *umin' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 20
minutes or until the lamb is tender'
9' Add the *o*onut mil) and *oo) to $ust heat throughM do not let the *urry *ome to a boil'
:' Transfer the *urry to a ser%ing bowl, garnish with the slit green *hiles, and ser%e hot'
Aattu &ari Podimas
Peppery,hot ground lamb with *o*onut and onions
4 ha%e eaten ground lamb and goat *oo)ed in a %ariety of ways, but the robust fla%or of this dish is
unforgettable5 4t lingers in the mind for days' Ser%e with parathas >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
20 to 26 whole bla*) pepper*orns
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
12 *lo%es garli*
1 pound >600 grams? freshly ground lamb
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
2 medium red onions, *hopped
= tablespoons %egetable oil
U *up grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 large tomato, *hopped
U *up >=0 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1U teaspoons table salt
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the pepper*orns, *umin, and fennel, and dry,
roast for = to 1 minutes or until the seeds are fragrant' +et *ool to room temperature, then transfer to a
spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
2' 4n the same spi*e grinder, add the ginger and garli*, and grind to a smooth paste' Transfer to a small
bowl and set aside'
=' Put the lamb in a large bowl and add the ginger,garli* paste, freshly ground spi*es, *hile powder,
*oriander, and onions, and stir well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put it in the refrigerator for
about =0 minutes to marinate'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the lamb mi8ture, in*rease the heat to high, and *oo), stirring *ontinuously,
until the e8*ess liHuid e%aporates' Khen the lamb is nearly *oo)ed and redu*ed in Huantity, lower the
heat to low and add the *o*onut, tomato, *ilantro, and *urry lea%es' Add the salt and stir well'
6' Co%er and *oo) for 6 minutes more or until the lamb is fully *oo)ed' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and
A*hari Dosht
A*hari Dosht
+amb *oo)ed with pi*)ling spi*es
This dish tastes best when it is allowed to sit for a while after *oo)ing' This allows all the souring agents
to release their true fla%ors' So *oo) it, let it *ool to room temperature, *o%er, and refrigerate for at
least a few hours, preferably o%ernight' Khen you are ready, reheat and ser%e with your fa%orite 4ndian
Ser%es 1'
1V pounds >:00 grams? bone,in lamb, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
2 tablespoons fresh ginger,garli* paste >page 1=?
1 tablespoon malt %inegar
2 teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon yellow mustard seeds
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
1U teaspoons *umin seeds
U *up >100 ml? filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
U teaspoon asafetida
2 bay lea%es
U teaspoon )alon$i >nigellaM see (ote page 2=1?
1 medium red onions, sli*ed
0 to : green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
W teaspoon ground fennel seeds
W teaspoon bla*) salt
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Put the lamb in a large bowl' Add the ginger,garli* paste, %inegar, and 1 teaspoon of the salt, and rub
them in' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator for 1 hour to marinate'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the mustard seeds, fenugree), and 1
teaspoon of the *umin seeds, and dry,roast for =0 se*onds' Set aside to *ool *ompletely' Transfer to a
spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder' Set aside in a small bowl'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the mustard oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the asafetida, bay lea%es, the remaining U teaspoon *umin, and the )alon$i,
and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
1' Add the onions and *oo) for = to 1 minutes or until the onions are translu*ent'
6' Add the lamb and *hiles, and stir' Co%er and *oo) for =0 minutes or until the lamb is half done'
0' Add the *hile powder, *oriander, turmeri*, fennel, and the roasted spi*e powder, and stir well' Add
the bla*) salt, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the lamb is almost done'
9' Add the yogurt and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the lamb is %ery tender' Add the garam masala and
stir' Cool to room temperature and refrigerate'
:' Ser%e hot the ne8t day'
Aloobu)hara &ofta
Dround,lamb meatballs stuffed with dried plums in a fla%orful sau*e
4n the early nineteenth *entury, the Si)h empire had a stronghold in Pun$ab, the +and of Gi%e !i%ers' The
)ing *aptured +ahore >Pa)istan? and anne8ed &ashmir >in northern 4ndia?' So you *an imagine the
goings,on in the royal )it*hen, where *oo)s from these three regions *ompeted to put the best before
the )ingO This plum,filled dumpling is a perfe*t e8ample of the blending of these *uisines'
Ser%es 1'
: prunes, pitted >dried plumsM see (ote?
: almonds, blan*hed and peeled >see (ote page 10?
11 oun*es >100 grams? finely ground lamb
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
W teaspoon anardana >dried pomegranate seeds?, roasted and ground
1W teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2U tablespoons %egetable oil
2 or = whole *lo%es
2 green *ardamom pods
U,in*h >1,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 medium red onions, di*ed
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 *up >210 grams? fresh tomato purQe
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom
U teaspoon ground ma*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Stuff the prunes with the almonds and set aside'
2' Put the meat in a large bowl, add the *hopped ginger, *hiles, anardana, U teaspoon of the salt, and
the garam masala, and *ombine well' .i%ide into : portions and shape into balls'
=' Glatten ea*h ball between your palms and pla*e a stuffed prune in the *enter' Dather the edges to
en*lose the prune and shape ba*) into a ball' Pla*e the balls on a plate, *o%er with plasti* wrap, and put
in the refrigerator for 16 minutes'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *lo%es, *ardamom, and *innamon, and sautQ for 1 minute'
6' Add the onions and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes' Add the garli* paste and ginger paste, and sautQ for 1
0' Combine the *oriander and *hile powder in 1 tablespoon water and add it to the pan, along with the
turmeri* and the remaining V teaspoon salt, and sautQ for 1 minute'
9' Add the tomato purQe and *oo) for = to 1 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
:' Add 1W *ups >260 ml? water, bring to a boil, and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the sau*e thi*)ens'
/' !emo%e from the heat and pour the sau*e through a fine sie%e into a *lean sau*epan' .is*ard the
solids' Pla*e the pan o%er medium heat' Add the *ardamom and ma*e, stir well, and *oo) for 1 minute'
10' Add the stuffed meatballs and *oo) for : to 10 minutes or until *oo)ed through'
11' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Eou *an use dried apri*ots instead of dried plums'
hindi &a Shor%a
+amb *urry with o)ra
C)ra lo%ers will adore this ri*h dish' "eat adds body to the dish, but the fla%or of o)ra dominates it'
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? bone,in lamb, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
: oun*es >260 grams? o)ra, trimmed
1 tablespoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
1V teaspoons table salt
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
= tablespoons %egetable oil
0 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
= medium red onions, sli*ed
U teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 tablespoons plain yogurt, whis)ed
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Trim the e8*ess fat from the lamb and put the pie*es in a large bowl'
2' Slit the o)ra in half from the bottom, lea%ing the stem ends inta*t'
=' Combine the am*hur, W teaspoon of the salt, U teaspoon of the *hile powder, and W teaspoon of the
garam masala, and stuff the o)ra with this mi8ture' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the o)ra and garli*, and sautQ gently for 2 to = minutes'
Transfer to a bowl and set aside'
6' Add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil to the pan' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan,
add the onions and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until golden brown' Add the ginger paste and garli*
paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the remaining 1U teaspoons salt, the turmeri*, the remaining 1
teaspoon *hile powder, and the yogurt, and stir' Coo), stirring the masala, for = minutes more'
0' Add the lamb and sautQ for 6 minutes or until the masala is dry' Add 2U *ups >600 ml? water and bring
to a boil' Co%er and *oo) for 10 to 16 minutes or until the lamb is tender'
9' Add the tamarind pulp, o)ra, and 1 *up >200 ml? water, and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low,
*o%er, and *oo) for 6 minutes or until the o)ra is tender'
:' !emo%e from the heat and sprin)le with the remaining V teaspoon garam masala and the *ilantro'
Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
urrah "asaledaar
Spi*y lamb *hops
This re*ipe uses browned,onion paste, whi*h gi%es a ri*h sweetness and an appetiNing reddish brown
*olor to the *urry' This paste is best made fresh before you use it' Sin*e the onions also add sweetness,
we balan*e that by adding a souring agent, in this *ase yogurt'
Ser%es 1'
1U pounds >900 grams? lamb *hops
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons malt %inegar
2 teaspoons table salt
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 0 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium red onions, sli*ed
1 to 0 whole *lo%es
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
1 blade ma*e
6 or 0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
U teaspoon *araway seeds
1 Huart >:00 ml? lamb sto*) >page =6?
1 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground *umin
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the *hops in a bowl' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, %inegar, and 1 teaspoon of the salt, and
toss' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for =0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? of the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium, add the onions, and *oo) for 9 to : minutes or until
well browned and *risp' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels until *ooled' Transfer
to a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a paste'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *lo%es, *ardamom, ma*e, pepper*orns,
and *innamon, and dry,roast for =0 se*onds or until fragrant' +et *ool *ompletely, then transfer to a
spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
1' Put the yogurt in a small bowl, add the onion paste, and whis) until well blended'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the *araway and sautQ for 16 se*onds' Add the *hops and sautQ for 9 to :
minutes or until lightly browned' Add the yogurt mi8ture and sautQ for 9 to : minutes or until the oil
*omes to the top'
0' Add the sto*) and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low and simmer for 16 minutes or until the *hops
are half done'
9' Add the tomatoes, *hile powder, *umin, and *oriander, and *oo) for 20 minutes or until the tomatoes
are *ompletely mashed and the sau*e is smooth'
:' Add the roasted spi*e powder and the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, and *oo) for 12 minutes or until the
*hops are *oo)ed through'
/' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
.ahi &heema
Dround lamb *oo)ed with spi*es in a yogurt sau*e
4 lo%e how the yogurt in this dish not only softens the meat >yogurt is a great tenderiNer? but also
en%elops the meat in a tangy fla%or'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
6 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
= green *ardamom pods
1 bla*) *ardamom pod
1 blade ma*e
2 bay lea%es
2 medium red onions, finely *hopped
0 or 9 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
11 oun*es >100 grams? ground lamb
1 teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 17= *ups >==6 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *lo%es, *innamon, green and bla*) *ardamom, ma*e, bay lea%es, and onions,
and sautQ for 2 minutes or until fragrant'
2' Add the *hiles and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the garli* paste, ginger paste, and U *up >100 ml? water,
and stir well'
=' Add the lamb and stir' Add the salt and sautQ for 6 minutes or until the water e%aporates'
1' Add the *hile powder, *oriander, and turmeri*, and stir' Coo) until the lamb is almost *oo)ed and dry'
6' Add the yogurt and stir' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 to 16 minutes or until the lamb
is well done'
0' Transfer to a ser%ing dish, garnish with the *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
.al Dosht
+amb *oo)ed with lentils and spi*es
3yderabadi *uisine is )nown for a lot of dishes that *ombine %egetarian foods with meat' This dish of
pulses with meat is a fine e8ample' 4n some homes, only one type of dal is used, but 4 li)e this ri*her
%ersion' Bn$oy it with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
2 tablespoons arhar dal7toor dal >split pigeon peas?
2 tablespoons masoor dal >split red lentils?
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon *umin seeds
W tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 large red onion, *hopped
1 medium tomato, *hopped
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
10 oun*es >=00 grams? boneless lamb, trimmed and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
U tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the dals in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml?
water and soa) for =0 minutes' .rain the dals in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds' Khen they *hange *olor, add the ginger paste, garli* paste,
and *hiles, and sautQ for 1 minute'
=' Add the onion and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until golden brown' Add the tomato and salt, and sautQ
for 2 minutes'
1' Add the *hile powder, *oriander, ground *umin, and turmeri*, and sautQ for 1 minute'
6' Add the garam masala, lamb, and dals, and sautQ for 2 minutes'
0' Add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 60 minutes
or until the lamb is tender' Add the lemon $ui*e and stir well'
9' Transfer the *urry to a ser%ing bowl, garnish with the *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
Bgg (argisi &ofta
3ard,boiled eggs wrapped in ground lamb in a spi*y tomato sau*e
The word nargisi is a deri%ati%e of the word nargis, whi*h means Sdaffodil'T .affodils are beautiful,
with sunshine,yellow *enters and spi)ey white petals[a *olor *ombination that is re%ealed when the
eggs are *ut in halfO This is an Awadi dish from +u*)now, in the state of Fttar Pradesh' Awadh has been
greatly influen*ed by "ughal *oo)ing'
Ser%es 1'
0 large eggs
: oun*es >260 grams? ground lamb or *hi*)en
1 sli*es bread
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
0 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
= tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh mint
U *up >66 grams? bread *rumbs
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium red onions, *hopped
1 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
U teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add 6 *ups >1 liter? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, add 1 of the eggs and *oo) for : to 10 minutes' !emo%e from the heat and let the eggs *ool in the
water' Peel them and set aside'
2' eat the remaining 2 eggs in a small bowl and set aside'
=' Put the lamb, bread, ginger paste, garli* paste, = of the *hiles, and 1 teaspoon of the salt in a food
pro*essor and pro*ess to a smooth paste' Transfer to a bowl and stir in 1U teaspoons of the *hile
powder, the *oriander, *umin, half of the *ilantro, and the mint' Combine well and di%ide the mi8ture
into 1 portions'
1' Completely *o%er ea*h egg with 1 portion of the lamb mi8ture' Smooth the surfa*e with moistened
hands' Spread the bread *rumbs on a plate'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart of the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium' .ip ea*h *o%ered egg in the beaten eggs, roll it in the
bread *rumbs, and slide it into the hot oil' Coo) for : minutes or until golden and *risp on the outside'
!emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Cut ea*h egg ball in half %erti*ally' Pla*e in a
shallow ser%ing dish'
0' "a)e the tomato sau*e5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2
tablespoons oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions and *oo) for 6
minutes or until lightly browned'
9' Add the tomatoes, the remaining *hiles, the remaining *ilantro, the garam masala, the remaining 1U
teaspoons *hile powder, the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, and the pepper' Add 0 *ups >1'2 liters? water
and simmer for 16 minutes'
:' Pour the sau*e o%er the stuffed eggs and ser%e hot'
Bra*hi Clathiyathu
Super,spi*y lamb with fennel and pepper*orns
A good &erala *urry, li)e this one, should be infused with red,hot *hile[but you are the boss in your
)it*hen and *an %ary the heat to your taste' 4 would not *ompromise on the amount of bla*) pepper or
*urry lea%es, howe%er'
Ser%es 1'
1V pounds >:00 grams? bone,in lamb, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
2 >2,in*h76,*m? *innamon sti*)s
0 whole *lo%es
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
1 star anise
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
2 teaspoons table salt
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
0 to : *lo%es garli*
20 fresh *urry lea%es
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
W *up >=0 grams? thinly sli*ed fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
6 or 0 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 large red onion, peeled and thinly sli*ed
1' Put the lamb in a large bowl'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *innamon, *lo%es, bla*) *ardamom, star
anise, and fennel, and dry,roast for 2 minutes or until fragrant' Transfer to a plate and let *ool' Transfer
into a mortar and pound to a fine powder with a pestle'
=' Add the roasted spi*e powder to the lamb in the bowl' Add the *hile powder, *oriander, turmeri*,
pepper, and salt, and stir well' Set aside for =0 minutes to marinate'
1' Put the ginger, garli*, and 0 of the *urry lea%es in a mortar and *rush with a pestle to a *oarse paste'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoons >00 ml? of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *rushed ginger mi8ture along with the lamb and stir'
+ower the heat to low and *oo), adding 2U *ups >600 ml? water at regular inter%als, for 60 to 66 minutes
or until the lamb is *oo)ed'
0' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add U tablespoon oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *o*onut and sautQ until lightly browned' Set aside'
9' Pla*e another nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining U tablespoon oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the remaining 11 *urry lea%es, the red *hiles, and
onion, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until the onion is translu*ent'
:' Add the lamb and lower the heat to low' Coo) for 2 minutes or until the mi8ture is semidry' Add the
browned *o*onut sli*es' Stir and *oo) for =0 se*onds'
/' Ser%e hot'
Doan +amb Curry
Co*onut,fla%ored *urry
Eou *an use beef, goat, or por) in this dish instead of the lamb' This *urry, redolent with *innamon and
*oriander, will taste better if it is allowed to sit in the refrigerator o%ernight' This allows the fla%ors to
meld and the spi*es to do their magi*' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 27= pounds >960 grams? boneless lamb
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons table salt, or more if needed
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
0 whole *lo%es
2 green *ardamom pods
10 to 12 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
1 bay leaf
2 onions, peeled and sli*ed
1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *rushed
0 *lo%es garli*, *rushed
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 tablespoon white %inegar
1' Trim off the e8*ess fat from the lamb' Cut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es'
2' Put the lamb in a deep bowl, add the turmeri*, salt, ginger paste, garli* paste, and lemon $ui*e, and
stir well' Co%er the bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours to marinate'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium and add the *lo%es, *ardamom, pepper*orns, *hiles,
*innamon, *oriander, and bay leaf and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until fragrant'
1' Add the onions, ginger, and garli*, and sautQ until the onions are browned' Add the *o*onut and sautQ
until the *o*onut is browned' Transfer to a plate and let *ool to room temperature'
6' Transfer the *ooled sautQed mi8ture to a food pro*essor with 1 *up >200 ml? water and pro*ess to a
fine pasteM set aside'
0' Put the lamb in a nonsti*) sau*epan, add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water, and pla*e the pan o%er high heat'
Khen the mi8ture *omes to a boil, lower the heat to medium and *oo), un*o%ered, for 1 hour or until
the lamb is three Huarters done'
9' Add the onion,*o*onut paste and stir well' Ad$ust the salt, if ne*essary, and *oo) o%er medium heat
for =0 minutes or until the lamb is tender'
:' Add the %inegar and stir' Co%er and let the *urry stand for 16 minutes' Ser%e hot'
Dosht &orma
+amb stewed in a ri*h *o*onut,and,*ream sau*e
This is a ri*h dish with saffron, *ream, *o*onut, and poppy seeds' 4t is an ideal main *ourse for spe*ial
o**asions' Ser%e with fluffy steamed basmati ri*e on the side'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless lamb, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
2 tablespoons plain Dree) yogurt
1U teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
6 or 0 saffron threads
2 medium red onions, peeled
2 tablespoons grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
= green *hiles, stemmed and roughly *hopped
1 *lo%es garli*, *rushed
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, grated
20 to 21 *ashews
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
2U tablespoons ground *oriander
1 tablespoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom
17: teaspoon ground *innamon
1 tablespoon *rushed bla*) pepper*orns
U *up >100 ml? hea%y *ream
1' Put the lamb in a large bowl and stir in the yogurt and 1 teaspoon of the salt' Co%er the bowl with
plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 2 hours'
2' Soa) the poppy seeds in 17= *up >06 ml? water for =0 minutes'
=' Soa) the saffron in 2 tablespoons warm water'
1' !oughly *hop 1 of the onions and thinly sli*e the other'
6' Pla*e the roughly *hopped onion in a food pro*essor with the poppy seeds and the water they were
soa)ed in' Add the *o*onut, *hiles, garli*, ginger, and *ashews, and pro*ess to a paste'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the sli*ed onion, and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until golden brown'
9' Add the ground paste and sautQ for 6 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
:' Add the lamb, *oriander, *umin, *ardamom, *innamon, and pepper*orns, and sautQ o%er high heat for
: to 10 minutes or until the lamb is well browned on all sides'
/' Add 2U *ups >=00 ml? water and the remaining U teaspoon salt, and simmer for 60 minutes or until
the lamb is tender'
10' Stir in the saffron water and *ream' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
Dosht Pasanda
Eogurt,marinated lamb in a fla%orful gra%y
Dood,Huality meat is the )ey ingredient here' Choose a leg or shoulder *ut and then *ut it into pie*es
Ser%es 1'
1 17= pounds >0=0 grams? boneless lamb, trimmed and *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
2 teaspoons table salt
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground green *ardamom
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
2 green *ardamom pods
= whole *lo%es
U,in*h >1,*m? *innamon sti*)
6 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 bay leaf
1 medium red onions, sli*ed
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
U *up >110 grams? tomato purQe
1' Glatten the lamb *ubes with the flat side of a )nife or a meat mallet'
2' Put the lamb in a large bowl, add the yogurt, salt, ginger paste, garli* paste, *hile powder, and ground
*ardamom, and stir well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put it in the refrigerator for about 2
hours to marinate'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *ardamom pods, *lo%es, *innamon, pepper*orns, and bay leaf, and sautQ
for 1 minute or until fragrant' Add the onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until golden brown'
1' Add the *hiles, *oriander, and lamb, and *oo), stirring, for 1 minute' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and
stir' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) o%er low heat for 16 minutes or until the
lamb is almost done'
6' Add the tomato purQe and stir' Coo), *o%ered, o%er low heat for 6 minutes or until the lamb is tender'
0' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
&ale$i &a Salan
+i%er *urry
4n my early years of *hef training, 4 was taught about Standoor garnish,T whi*h is basi*ally a fresh salad
that *ontains some mint sprigs' The salad %aries from restaurant to restaurant, but it usually has sli*es of
tomato, onion, and *u*umber or a mi8ture of shredded *abbage, *arrot, and other %egetables' ut the
mint sprig is in all of them, and thereLs a reason why' "int *leans the palate while you en$oy your meaty
)ebabs or tandoori *hi*)en' 4t readies the taste buds for the ne8t bite, and it is also a digesti%e aid' 4
ha%e used the same prin*iple in garnishing this dish, as li%er tends to linger on the palate and the mint
will be a wel*ome refreshment between bites' Ser%e with roti >page 1:? or parathas >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? lamb or *hi*)en li%ers
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
V *up >1/0 grams? plain yogurt
U *up >100 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, thinly sli*ed
1U teaspoons ground *oriander
A few sprigs fresh mint
1' Cut the li%er into U,to 1,in*h >1,to 2U,*m? pie*es'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add = *ups >000 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, add the li%er, U teaspoon of the turmeri*, and 1 teaspoon of the salt' Coo) o%er high heat for 10
minutes, s)imming the foam from the surfa*e with a slotted spoon o**asionally' .rain in a *olander and
let *ool'
=' Combine the ginger paste, garli* paste, *hile powder, the remaining U teaspoon turmeri*, the
remaining 1 teaspoon salt, the yogurt, and li%er in a large bowl and set aside to marinate for 16 minutes'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the onions and *oo) for 0 to : minutes or until well browned'
6' Add the li%er with the marinade and sautQ for : to 10 minutes or until the e8*ess water has
e%aporated' Add the *oriander and sautQ for 2 to = minutes'
0' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to low and simmer for 16 to 20
minutes or until the li%er is *oo)ed through'
9' Darnish with sprigs of mint and ser%e hot'
&ashmiri Dushtaba
"eatballs in yogurt *urry
"ost 4ndian regional *uisines ha%e at least one dish of )oftasAmeatballs or %egetarian %ersions' This
parti*ular re*ipe is from the state of &ashmir and forms the *on*luding part of an e8*lusi%e *eremony
*alled the KaNwan, a feast that *an ha%e up to thirty,si8 *ourses' This dish is ser%ed piping hot, and no
one e%er refuses it' 4t is often the last sa%ory bite of the meal, followed by dessert and &ashmiri tea'
Ser%es 1'
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
= small red onions, sli*ed
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
10 oun*es >=00 grams? boneless lamb from leg, fat reser%ed, *ut into small pie*es
1 teaspoon ground green *ardamom
1 teaspoon table salt
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
= *ups >000 ml? lamb sto*) >page =6?
1 or 6 green *ardamom pods
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
0 whole *lo%es
=U teaspoons ground fennel seeds
1 tablespoon ground ginger
W teaspoon dried mint
1' Pla*e a wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the wo), add
the onions and *oo) until browned' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' +et *ool,
then transfer to a food pro*essor with = tablespoons water and pro*ess to a fine paste'
2' Put the yogurt in a bowl and whis) until smooth' Add U *up >100 ml? water and whis) again'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the yogurt mi8ture' +ower the heat to low and
*oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 6 minutes'
1' Put the garli* paste in a small bowl, add W *up >60 ml? water, and stir' +et stand for 10 minutes'
6' Put the lamb, = oun*es of the reser%ed fat, the ground *ardamom, and W teaspoon of the salt on a
*utting board, and pat with a meat mallet until the mi8ture be*omes %ery soft and smooth'
0' .ip your hands in *hilled water and di%ide the lamb mi8ture into 12 eHual portions' Shape them into
round balls'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the yogurt mi8ture, the meatballs, ghee, and sto*), and
bring to a rapid boil' +ower the heat to medium, add the green and bla*) *ardamom pods, *lo%es,
fennel, and ground ginger' Co%er and boil for 10 to 12 minutes'
:' Add the garli* water and remaining V teaspoon salt, and boil for : minutes' The mi8ture should ha%e a
soupli)e *onsisten*y'
/' Add the browned onion paste and *oo) until the meatballs are tender to the tou*h and the sau*e has
10' Sprin)le with the mint and ser%e hot'
&hade "asale &a Dosht
+amb *urry with whole spi*es
This is a basi* lamb re*ipe that would be a good introdu*tion for someone who is unfamiliar with 4ndian
*oo)ing' 4t uses most of the important spi*es >)hade masale means Swhole spi*esT?, and the base is the
onion,tomato sau*e that is so essential to master when learning to *oo) 4ndian food'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless lamb, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
2 teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons *oriander seeds
= dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
10 whole bla*) pepper*orns
= tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon *umin seeds
2 green *ardamom pods
1 bla*) *ardamom pod
2 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 bay leaf
1 medium red onion, *hopped
1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
9 or : *lo%es garli*, *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped Small pin*h of ground ma*e
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
1 medium tomato, *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2U *ups >600 ml? water' Add the lamb, 1 teaspoon
of the salt, and the turmeri*' Khen the water *omes to a boil, lower the heat to medium, *o%er, and
*oo) for 16 minutes or until the lamb is *oo)ed through'
2' Put the *oriander, red *hiles, and pepper*orns in a spi*e grinder and grind to a *oarse powder'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin, green and bla*) *ardamom, *lo%es, *innamon, and bay leaf' SautQ for
1 minute or until fragrant'
1' Add the onion and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until golden brown'
6' Add the ginger, garli*, and green *hiles, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the lamb, the remaining 1
teaspoon salt, the ground spi*es, and the ma*e'
0' +ower the heat to low and sautQ, stirring *ontinuously, for 0 to : minutes or until the lamb is
browned' !emo%e from the heat, add the yogurt, and stir well' !eturn the pan to low heat and sautQ for
0 to : minutes'
9' Add the tomato and sautQ for 6 to 0 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
:' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water, stir, and bring to a boil' +ower the heat, *o%er, and simmer, stirring
o**asionally, for 10 to 12 minutes or until the lamb is tender and the sau*e be*omes semidry'
/' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
&heema 3ara .hania
Dround lamb *oo)ed with *ilantro and ser%ed with hard,boiled eggs
4 remember my dad ma)ing this when 4 was as young as se%en years old' 3e would sautQ the ground
lamb %ery patiently until it was aromati* and then he would tap the spatula on the side of the pan,
gi%ing us a signal that dinner was $ust about ready' "om would pro*eed into the )it*hen and Hui*)ly
ma)e a bat*h of hot rotis >page 1:?' Gresh, wonderful food made lo%ingly[these are my fondest
Ser%es 1'
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
= or 1 green *ardamom pods
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 to 0 whole *lo%es
= medium red onions, *hopped
6 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
11 oun*es >100 grams? ground lamb
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
1U teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
9 or : bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 *up >00 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 eggs, hard,boiled, peeled, and Huartered
1' Put the ginger and garli* in a spi*e grinder with 1 tablespoon water and grind to a paste'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds, *ardamom, *innamon, and *lo%es, and sautQ for =0 se*onds or
until fragrant' Add the ginger,garli* paste and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
=' Add the onions and *hiles, and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until the onions are golden brown'
1' Add the lamb and in*rease the heat to high' Coo), stirring *ontinuously, for 10 minutes'
6' Add the *oriander, salt, and turmeri*, and stir well' Stir in 1U *ups >=00 ml? *ups water and bring to a
boil' +ower the heat to medium, *o%er, and simmer, stirring o**asionally, for 10 minutes or until the
lamb is *oo)ed through'
0' Add the pepper*orns and garam masala, and stir' Add the *ilantro and stir well' Coo) until the
e8*ess liHuid has e%aporated'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl' Darnish with the eggs and ser%e hot'
&heema &ale$i
Dround lamb and li%er *oo)ed with spi*es
&ale$i is Frdu for Sli%er'T +i%er is a ri*h sour*e of iron and *ombines well with ground lamb' 4 li)e to
prepare this as a dry dish with hardly any *urry'
Ser%es 1'
9 oun*es >200 grams? lamb li%er or *hi*)en li%er
2 teaspoons ground turmeri*
= tablespoons melted butter or %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
11 oun*es >100 grams? ground lamb
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 medium tomatoes, *hopped
U teaspoon bla*) salt
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Clean, wash, and boil the li%er in = *ups >000 ml? water with 1 teaspoon of the turmeri* for 6 minutes'
.rain and let *ool' Chop the li%er into U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es'
2' Pla*e a hea%y,bottomed sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the butter' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen the seeds begin to *hange *olor, add the onions and
*oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 6 to 0 minutes or until the onions are golden brown' Add the ginger
paste, garli* paste, and *hiles' Coo) for =0 se*onds'
=' Add the ground lamb and in*rease the heat to high' Coo), stirring freHuently, until the lamb is ni*ely
browned' +ower the heat to medium, add the *oriander, the remaining 1 teaspoon turmeri*, and the
*hile powder, and *oo) for 1 minute or until the spi*es are roasted well' Add the tomatoes and *oo)
until the fat separates and be*omes %isible along the edges of the lamb'
1' Add the li%er and 1 *up >200 ml? water' ring to a boil, lower the heat to low, and simmer for 16 to 20
minutes or until the lamb and li%er are *oo)ed through'
6' Add the bla*) salt, table salt, and half of the *ilantro' Coo) for = to 1 minutes, stirring freHuently'
0' Darnish with the remaining *ilantro and ser%e hot'
&heema "atar
Dround lamb and green peas *oo)ed with spi*es
4 li)e to ser%e this with warm bread[a flatbread li)e roti >page 1:? or naan >page 20?[and a side of
onions doused in lemon and salt' A perfe*t meal for a laNy Sunday'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >96 grams? green peas
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 pound >600 grams? ground lamb
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
V teaspoon red *hile powder
= medium tomatoes, purQed
= tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and bring to a boil'
Add the peas and blan*h them for 2 to = minutes' .rain in a *olander' !efresh the peas with *old water
and set aside in a small bowl'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Add the onions and sautQ until
they are lightly browned' Add the garli* paste and ginger paste, and sautQ for 1 minute'
=' Add the lamb, *hiles, *oriander, *umin, and *hile powder, and stir,fry for 6 minutes, brea)ing up any
lumps' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for = minutes'
1' Add V *up >160 ml? water and bring to a boil' Co%er, redu*e the heat to low, and simmer for =0
6' Add the blan*hed peas, *ilantro, salt, garam masala, and lemon $ui*e, and stir for 2 minutes' Add U
*up >100 ml? water and stir well' Co%er and simmer for about 10 minutes or until the peas are *oo)ed
0' Transfer to a ser%ing dish' Ser%e hot'
&heema Par Beda
Bggs *oo)ed on a bed of spi*y ground lamb
Di%e yourself time to sa%or this dish5 The slightly runny yol) along with a bit of spi*y meat spooned onto
a warmed roti >page 1:? is $ust hea%enly' Eou *ould also ser%e the )heema with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 green *hiles, stemmed and seeded
2U tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
0 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
1U teaspoons plus 17: teaspoon table salt
1 pound >600 grams? ground lamb
1U teaspoons sugar
2 tablespoons distilled white %inegar
1 small eggs
17: teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the tomatoes and *hiles in a blender and blend to a smooth paste' Transfer to a bowl and set
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the ginger and garli*, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the onions and sautQ for 2
minutes or until the onions are lightly *olored' Add the turmeri*, *umin, and *hile powder, and stir' Add
the tomato,*hile paste and 1U teaspoons of the salt, and sautQ until the ghee *omes to the top'
=' Add the lamb and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and stir' Khen the water *omes
to a boil, *o%er and *oo) for 16 minutes'
1' Add the sugar and %inegar, stir well, and *oo) for 6 more minutes or until the lamb is *oo)ed through'
6' rea) 1 egg at a time o%er the lamb mi8ture, spa*ing them e%enly and )eeping the yol)s inta*t'
0' Sprin)le the remaining 17: teaspoon salt and the bla*) pepper o%er the eggs, *o%er, lower the heat,
and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes or until the egg whites are set'
9' Sprin)le with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
!i*e, lentils, and lamb
&hi*hdi is a simple dish of ri*e, dals, and sometimes %egetables that inspired the Anglo,4ndian dish
)edgeree' This dish from 3yderabad is the father of all )hi*hdis, and features ri*e, dals, lamb or goat,
and bro)en wheat with an array of spi*es' (utritious to the *ore, this one,dish meal warrants a good
postfeast napO
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons masoor dal >split red lentils?
2 tablespoons toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
2 tablespoons *hana dal >split engal gram?
2 tablespoons dhuli moong dal >split s)inless green gram?
U *up >100 grams? lapsi >fine bro)en wheat?
W *up >60 grams? basmati ri*e
0 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium red onions, peeled and sli*ed
1 whole *lo%es
0 green *ardamom pods
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless lamb, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
2U teaspoons table salt
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh mint
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
Gor the tempering5
2 teaspoons ghee >page =9?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
Gor garnish5
A few sprigs fresh mint
1 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
= lemons, *ut into wedges
1' Put the dals in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml?
water and soa) for 2 hours' .rain and set aside'
2' Soa) the lapsi in a separate bowl in 1U *ups >=00 ml? water for 1 hour'
=' Kash and soa) the ri*e in another bowl in 1 *up >200 ml? water for =0 minutes' .rain and set aside'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 6 to 0 minutes or until golden
brown' Set aside'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoons oil' Add the *lo%es,
*ardamom, and *innamon, and sautQ until fragrant' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ
until the raw fla%ors disappear'
0' Add the lamb and sautQ until browned' Add half of the sautQed onions and stir to *ombine' Add the
salt, *hile powder, and the drained dals' SautQ for 2 to = minutes'
9' Add the lapsi and turmeri*, and stir'
:' Add 6 *ups >1 liter? water' 4n*rease the heat to high, *o%er, and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to
medium and simmer for about 1 hour or until all the dals, the lapsi, and the lamb are *ompletely
/' Add the ri*e and *oo) for =0 minutes' Continue stirring and adding up to 2 *ups >100 ml? water as the
mi8ture be*omes dry'
10' Khen the ri*e is *oo)ed, mash the mi8ture with the ba*) of a ladle to ma)e a porridgeli)e
11' Add the mint, *ilantro, and lemon $ui*e, and stir' Set the )hi*hra aside'
12' "a)e the tempering5 Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen
the ghee melts and small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, remo%e from the heat and add the
*hile powder and garam masala' Add this immediately to the )hi*hra and *o%er the pan to trap the
fla%ors' +et stand for about 6 minutes'
1=' Stir and transfer to a ser%ing dish' Darnish with the mint sprigs, the remaining sautQed onions, the
*hiles, and lemon wedges' Ser%e hot'
&olhapuri Pandhra !assa
+amb,fla%ored *urry
&olhapur, an an*ient *ity in southwest "aharashtra, boasts a bold and aromati* *uisine' Some of the
most famous &olhapuri dishes are meat preparations, in*luding su))a lamb >page =9:?, tambda rassa
>red lamb *urry?, and the re*ipe here'
Ser%es 1'
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
2 tablespoons white poppy seeds
V *up >/0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 medium red onions, Huartered
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
0 to : *lo%es garli*
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
Pin*h of freshly grated nutmeg
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 or 6 green *ardamom pods
1 bla*) *ardamom pod
6 or 0 whole *lo%es
1 blade ma*e
2 bay lea%es
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
6 *ups >1 liter? lamb sto*) >page =6?
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon ground white pepper
A few sprigs fresh *ilantro, finely *hopped
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the sesame seeds and dry,roast for 2 to =
minutes' Transfer to a small bowl and set aside to *ool'
2' Put the poppy seeds in a small bowl, add W *up >60 ml? warm water, and soa) for 16 to 20 minutes'
.rain in a fine sie%e'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add U *up >100 ml? water' Add the roasted
sesame seeds and the soa)ed poppy seeds' oil for 2 to = minutes' .rain in a fine sie%e and set aside to
*ool' Transfer to a food pro*essor' Add the *o*onut and 6 tablespoons >96 ml? water, and pro*ess to a
fine paste' Transfer the paste to a small bowl and set aside'
1' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add 1 *up >200 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add
the onions and boil for = to 1 minutes' .rain in a *olander, transfer to a spi*e grinder, and grind to a fine
paste' Transfer the paste to a small bowl and set aside'
6' Put the ginger and garli* and 1 tablespoon water in a spi*e grinder, and grind to a fine paste' Transfer
to a small bowl and set aside'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the nutmeg, *innamon, green *ardamom, bla*) *ardamom, *lo%es, ma*e, and
bay lea%es' SautQ for 1 minute'
9' Khen the spi*es *hange *olor and are fragrant, add the onion paste and sautQ o%er medium heat,
stirring *ontinuously, for 6 to 0 minutes or until most of the moisture has e%aporated but the onions are
not browned'
:' Add the ginger,garli* paste and green *hiles, and *oo) for =0 se*onds' Add the sesame poppy
seed[*o*onut paste and *oo) for = to 1 minutes, stirring *ontinuously'
/' Add the sto*) and in*rease the heat to high' Khen the mi8ture *omes to a boil, lower the heat to
medium and simmer for = to 1 minutes' Stir the white pepper into 1 tablespoon water and add it to the
pan' Add the salt and stir well' Simmer for 10 to 16 minutes'
10' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
&olhapuri Su))a +amb
Spi*y *o*onut lamb
"ost lamb dishes from the *ity of &olhapur, in the 4ndian state of "aharashtra, lean hea%ily toward the
fiery end of the heat spe*trum' They mostly use san)eshwari *hiles or la%angi *hiles, whi*h ha%e Huite
a bite' 3owe%er, if you *annot lay your hands on either of those %arieties, use any red *hile powder'
3ere we ha%e used bedgi *hile powder, whi*h is slightly less spi*y than *ayenne but lends a beautiful
red *olor to the dish'
Ser%es 1'
1V pounds >:00 grams? bone,in lamb, *ut into 12 pie*es
2 teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1W *ups >100 grams? grated dried unsweetened *o*onut
6 medium red onions
W *up >60 ml? plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 tablespoon red *hile powder, preferably bedgi >see (ote page 2=1?
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Put the lamb in a large bowl, add 1 teaspoon of the salt and the turmeri*, and stir well' Set aside for
20 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add = *ups >000 ml? water' Add the lamb' Khen the
water *omes to a boil, lower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the lamb is *oo)ed
=' Fn*o%er, in*rease the heat to high, and *oo) until the water is redu*ed to about 1 *up >200 ml?' .rain
in a *olander set o%er a large bowl >reser%e the sto*)?, then transfer to a large bowl and set aside'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *o*onut and dry,roast until light
golden brown, stirring *ontinuously to ensure that it does not burn' Transfer to a small bowl and set
aside to *ool'
6' Sli*e half of the onions and *hop the rest'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add the sli*ed onions and *oo), stirring with a slotted spoon from time to time, until
*risp and golden brown' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set aside to *ool'
9' Transfer the *o*onut and browned onions to a food pro*essor and add U *up >100 ml? warm water'
Pro*ess to a fine paste'
:' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining W *up >60 ml? oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *hopped onions and sautQ until golden brown' Add
the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for 6 minutes'
/' Add the *hile powder and the *o*onut,onion paste and *oo) o%er high heat for : minutes or until the
oil *omes to the top'
10' Add the lamb and the remaining 1 teaspoon salt' Coo), stirring, for 2 minutes' Add the reser%ed
sto*) and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 10 minutes or until the sau*e is thi*) and the lamb is well
11' Sprin)le with the *ardamom and garam masala' Ser%e hot'
+aal "aas
A fiery,hot lamb *urry
+aal means SredT and maas means Smeat'T ut do not be tempted to ma)e it too red by using more
*hiles[it has plenty already >though some of my *hile,lo%ing friends would probably use more?' Ser%e
with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 tablespoons *oriander seeds
16 to 20 dried red *hiles, stemmed and seeded
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt, or more if needed
1V pounds >:00 grams? lamb leg, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?
1 bay leaf
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
1 green *ardamom pods
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
10 *lo%es garli*, sli*ed
1 medium onions, sli*ed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' After 2 minutes, add the *umin and *oriander,
and dry,roast for 2 minutes or until fragrant' Transfer to a plate and set aside to *ool'
2' Transfer to a spi*e grinder with the dried *hiles and grind to a powder'
=' Put the yogurt in a medium bowl and add the ground *umin,*oriander,*hile mi8ture, the turmeri*,
and 1 teaspoon salt' Add the lamb and stir well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the
refrigerator for =0 minutes to marinate'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the bay leaf, bla*) and green *ardamom, and *innamon, and sautQ for =0
se*onds or until fragrant' Add the garli* and sautQ for 1 minute or until light golden' Add the onions and
sautQ for : minutes or until the onions are golden'
6' Add the lamb along with the marinade and sautQ for 16 minutes'
0' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low, *o%er tightly, and simmer,
stirring o**asionally, for 1 hour or until the lamb is tender' Ad$ust the seasoning'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing dish, garnish with the *ilantro, and ser%e immediately'
+agan &a &heema
A ground lamb or goat dish ser%ed during weddings
The Parsi *ommunity is small in 4ndia, but their *uisine has some big stories to tell' The multi*ourse
formal dinners at weddings feature saas ni ma*h*hi >pomfret in sweet,and,sour sau*e? or the famous
banana leaf[wrapped fish *alled patrani ma*h*hi, along with this festi%e ground,lamb dish smo)ed
with *har*oal, a )ebab,studded goat pulao, and a thi*) dal' The meal would end with )ulfi or lagan
nu *ustard >a *lose *ousin of *r_me *aramel?'
Ser%es 1'
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 medium red onions, sli*ed
2 tablespoons white poppy seeds
2 tablespoons *hiron$i7*haroli >melon seeds?
W *up grated dried *o*onut
16 whole *lo%es
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
: green *ardamom pods
1 bla*) *ardamom pods
: to 10 saffron threads
2 tablespoons warm mil)
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?
1U teaspoons *araway seeds
2 tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoons ground *oriander
1U teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
1 pound >600 grams? ground lamb or goat
1W teaspoons table salt
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh mint, plus 2 sprigs for garnish
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 onion s)in
1 lemon, *ut into wedges
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), add the onions and *oo), stirring with a slotted spoon, for 9 to : minutes or until they are
golden and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon, drain on paper towels, and set aside to *ool
2' Transfer to a food pro*essor and pro*ess into a smooth paste' Transfer to a small bowl and set aside'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the poppy seeds, melon seeds, and
*o*onut, and dry,roast until lightly browned' Transfer to a plate and set aside to *ool *ompletely'
Transfer to a spi*e grinder, add W *up >60 ml? water, and grind to a smooth paste'
1' !eturn the pan to medium heat, add 6 of the *lo%es, the *innamon, green *ardamom, and bla*)
*ardamom, and dry,roast until lightly *olored' Transfer to a plate and set aside to *ool *ompletely'
Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
6' Combine the saffron with the warm mil) in a small bowl'
0' Pla*e a hea%y,bottomed nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add = tablespoons of the ghee'
Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *araway seeds, ginger paste, and garli*
paste, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until the raw fla%ors disappear' Add the browned onion paste and
sautQ for 1 minute'
9' Add the *oriander, *umin, and *hile powder, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes'
:' Add the meat and sautQ o%er low heat, stirring *ontinuously' Add the poppy seed paste' Coo) for 1 to
6 minutes' Add the salt and stir'
/' Add the yogurt and simmer for 1 to 6 minutes' Add the *ilantro and *hopped mint, stir, and *oo) for 2
minutes' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and *oo) for =0 minutes'
10' Add the roasted spi*e powder and stir well' Add the lemon $ui*e and stir' Che*) for seasoning and
remo%e from the heat'
11' Push the meat to the sides of the pan and ma)e a hollow in the *enter' Pla*e an onion s)in in the
*enter li)e a bowl' 3old a pie*e of natural *har*oal with tongs and heat it o%er an open flame until red
hot' Pla*e the hot *har*oal in the onion s)in' Pour the remaining 1 tablespoon ghee o%er the *har*oal
and pla*e the remaining 10 *lo%es o%er it' Co%er immediately and set aside for 6 minutes so that the
fla%ors are well absorbed' Fn*o%er, remo%e the onion s)in and *har*oal, and transfer the meat to a
ser%ing dish'
12' Darnish with mint sprigs and lemon, and ser%e hot'
"aamsam &oora
+amb with pepper*orns
This Andhra,style *urry has to be one of the greatest lamb *urries e%er' 4t has the perfe*t blend of
spi*es, and despite the Huantity of bla*) pepper used, it is not too spi*y'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless lamb, *ubed
2 teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon poppy seeds
U teaspoon fennel seeds
1 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 teaspoon *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 whole *lo%es
2 green *ardamom pods
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
10 fresh *urry lea%es
= medium red onions, *hopped
1 teaspoon fresh ginger,garli* paste >page 1=?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons ground bla*) pepper
1 large tomato, *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the lamb and = *ups >000 ml? water, 1 teaspoon of the
salt, and the turmeri*' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for about 16 minutes'
.rain in a *olander set o%er a large bowlM reser%e the sto*)'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the poppy seeds, fennel, pepper*orns,
*oriander, *umin, *innamon, *lo%es, and *ardamom and dry,roast for 2 to = minutes or until fragrant'
Set aside to *ool' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder' Set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *urry lea%es and onions' SautQ until the onions are browned' Add the ginger,
garli* paste, *hile powder, and 1 teaspoon of the ground bla*) pepper, and sautQ for 1 minute'
1' Add the tomato and the lamb, in*rease the heat to high, and *oo) for 6 minutes or until the tomato is
6' +ower the heat to medium, add the remaining 1 teaspoon salt and the ground spi*es, and simmer for
6 minutes' Add the reser%ed sto*) and 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and bring to a boil' Co%er and simmer for
10 to 16 minutes or until the lamb is well *oated with thi*) sau*e'
0' Add the remaining 1 teaspoon ground bla*) pepper and stir well'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing dish, garnish with the *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
"al%ani +amb
+amb or goat dish with roasted spi*es
"al%ani food uses the roasting of spi*es to good effe*t' !oasting not only releases the aromati* oils in
the spi*es but also gi%es a well,rounded finish to the sau*e' This dish is full fla%ored and goes well with
steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1V pounds >:00 grams? bone,in lamb or goat, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1U teaspoons table salt
1U tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1U tablespoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
12 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
0 to : whole *lo%es
9 or : whole bla*) pepper*orns
V teaspoon *umin seeds
V teaspoon *araway seeds
0 green *ardamom pods
1 bla*) *ardamom pods
V *up >00 grams? grated dried *o*onut
1U teaspoons white poppy seeds
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium red onions, thinly sli*ed
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the meat in a bowl, add the salt, ginger paste, and garli* paste, and *ombine well' Co%er the bowl
with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for =0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and roast, one at a time, the *hiles, *oriander seeds,
*lo%es, pepper*orns, *umin, *araway, green and bla*) *ardamom, *o*onut, and poppy seeds' Transfer to
a plate and set aside to *ool *ompletely' Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
=' Pla*e a hea%y,bottomed nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 6 minutes or until light golden brown'
1' Add the meat and turmeri*, and sautQ for 16 minutes' Add 6 *ups >1 liter? water and stir' Co%er and
*oo) o%er low heat for 60 minutes or until the meat is tender'
6' Add the ground spi*es and stir well' Add U *up >100 ml? water and simmer for 6 minutes'
0' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
"angshor Curry
engali lamb *urry
Khile engalis are )nown for their amaNing fish *urries, their lamb *urries are e8*ellent too' This re*ipe
uses only the basi* ingredients, but the result is wholesome and steeped in fla%or' Ser%e with lu*hi
>page 1/? or steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? bone,in lamb, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
0 tablespoons %egetable oil
6 medium potatoes, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
2 bay lea%es
1 medium red onions, sli*ed
1' Put the lamb in a large bowl'
2' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, *hile powder, *umin, turmeri*, and salt, and stir well' Co%er the
bowl with plasti* wrap and set aside for 20 minutes'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the potatoes and sautQ for 6 minutes or until lightly browned' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and pla*e in a bowl'
1' To the oil remaining in the pan, add the bay lea%es and onions, and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until
the onions are golden brown' 4n*rease the heat to high, add the lamb, and sautQ for 6 minutes' Add 2
*ups >100 ml? water and the sautQed potatoes, and stir' Khen the water *omes to a boil, lower the heat
to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the lamb is *oo)ed through and tender'
6' Ser%e hot'
+amb .o PyaNa
+amb *oo)ed with plenty of onions
4n this dish, lamb is *oo)ed with loads of onions prepared in different styles' Some of the onions are
*oo)ed with ginger and garli* and the rest are browned to perfe*tion'
Ser%es :'
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
: medium red onions
0 green *hiles, stemmed
1 *up >200 grams? ghee >page =9?
1 tablespoon *umin seeds
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2U teaspoons table salt
2 green *ardamom pods
2 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1V pounds >:00 grams? lamb *hops
2 tablespoons ground *oriander
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the red *hiles in a bowl and soa) in U *up >100 ml? hot water for 20 minutes' .rain well'
2' Sli*e 6 of the onions and di*e the remaining ='
=' Chop 2 of the green *hiles and slit the remaining 1'
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the ghee' Khen it melts,
add the slit green *hiles and sautQ for 1 minute' .rain and set aside'
6' Put the *umin and soa)ed red *hiles with 1 tablespoon of the lemon $ui*e in a spi*e grinder or a mini
food pro*essor and grind to a paste' Transfer to a bowl and stir in 1 teaspoon of the salt' !ub the paste
all o%er the lamb *hops, *o%er with plasti* wrap, and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining ghee' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the di*ed onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until lightly
browned' !emo%e with a slotted spoon, transfer to a bowl, and set aside to *ool'
9' Pour the ghee through a strainer and return the ghee to the pan o%er medium heat' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *ardamom, *lo%es, and *innamon and sautQ for =0
se*onds' Add the sli*ed onions and sautQ for 0 to : minutes or until well browned'
:' Add the *hopped green *hiles, ginger paste, and garli* paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the lamb
*hops and sautQ, stirring *ontinuously, for 6 to 0 minutes or until all the e8*ess moisture e%aporates'
/' Add the *oriander, *hile powder, turmeri*, and the remaining 1U teaspoons salt, and sautQ for 2
10' Add the yogurt and stir' Co%er and *oo) for =0 to 10 minutes or until the meat is *ompletely *oo)ed
and tender'
11' Add the sautQed di*ed onions and simmer for 10 minutes' Add the garam masala and *ilantro, and
12' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
+amb 4shtew
A &erala,style lamb stew
Gor a long time the list of foods people asso*iated with South 4ndia didnLt e8tend beyond the typi*al
dosas and idlis >ser%ed in most South 4ndian restaurants worldwide?, but today the ri*h tapestry of the
south is gaining wider re*ognition as more people be*ome aware of the differen*es between the %arious
regional *uisines of South 4ndia' This mildly spi*ed *urry, replete with *o*onut, is a fine e8ample of
&eralaLs di%erse *uisine' Ser%e it with appams >page 11?'
Ser%es 1'
6 or 0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
W teaspoon *umin seeds
2 teaspoons *hana dal >split engal gram?
U teaspoon *oriander seeds
1V pounds >:00 grams? bone,in lamb, preferably from the leg, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
2 star anise
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 green *ardamom pods
2 medium potatoes, ea*h *ut into 0 to : pie*es
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 or 6 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
2 *ups >100 ml? *o*onut mil)
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat, add the pepper*orns, *umin, dal, and *oriander, and dry,
roast o%er medium heat for = to 1 minutes' Transfer to a plate and let *ool *ompletely' Transfer to a
spi*e grinder and grind to a powder'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water' Khen it *omes to a boil,
add the lamb and lower the heat to medium' Co%er and *oo) for 16 minutes, or until the lamb is *oo)ed
through' .rain in a *olander set o%er a large bowl and set aside' !eser%e the *oo)ing water[lamb
broth[for another use'
=' Pla*e a hea%y,bottomed nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the star anise, *innamon, and *ardamom, and sautQ for 16
se*onds' Add the lamb, potatoes, *urry lea%es, and *hiles' Sprin)le with the ground spi*es, stir, and
*oo), stirring *ontinuously'
1' Pour U *up >100 ml? of the *o*onut mil) in a *up and dilute it with V *up >160 ml? water' Add to the
lamb and bring to a boil' +ower the heat, *o%er, and *oo) o%er medium heat for 10 to 12 minutes or
until the potatoes are almost *oo)ed' Pour another U *up >100 ml? of the *o*onut mil) in a *up and
dilute with U *up >100 ml? water' Add to the lamb, *o%er, and *oo) for 9 minutes or until both the lamb
and potatoes are tender'
6' !emo%e from the heat and stir in the remaining 1 *up >200 ml? *o*onut mil) and the salt' !eturn to
the heat and simmer for 2 to = minutes'
0' Ser%e hot'
+amb !aNala
+amb, shallots, prunes, and nuts in a simple *urry
This is the sort of lamb *urry that you will find if you tra%el the byways of 3yderabad'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless lamb, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
1U teaspoons table salt
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
10 shallots, peeled
2 medium red onions, *hopped
0 dried red *hiles, stemmed
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 pitted prunes
6 pista*hios, *hopped
6 almonds, *hopped
6 *ashews, *hopped
1' Put the lamb in a large bowl' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, yogurt, and 1 teaspoon of the salt,
and stir well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Add the shallots
and sautQ for = to 1 minutes' Set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining = tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 6 to 0 minutes' Add the *hiles
and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
1' Add the *oriander, *hile powder, and the remaining U teaspoon salt, and stir' Add the lamb and sautQ
for 6 to 0 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add the prunes, pista*hios, almonds, and *ashews, and stir' Add = *ups >000 ml? water and bring to a
boil' Co%er and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the lamb is almost tender' Add the shallots and *oo) for 10
minutes or until the lamb is tender'
0' Ser%e hot'
+amb !ogan Posh
rilliant red lamb *urry
!ogan $osh is a *lassi* ri*h red *urry from &ashmir' 3ere 4 present a modern %ersion that is a top seller
in our restaurants' Gragrant spi*es li)e fennel and ginger dominate and gi%e the *urry a tou*h of the
e8oti*' "a)e sure you use good,Huality meat with plenty of fat for this dish' The final loo) of the *urry is
eye*at*hing, with a thin film of oil on top' Ser%e it with steamed ri*e and naan >page 20? or parathas
>page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the garnish5
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 large red onion, sli*ed
Gor the *urry5
1W *ups >260 ml? %egetable oil
20 green *ardamom pods
: whole *lo%es
0 bla*) *ardamom pods
1 teaspoon anise seeds
2 bay lea%es
16 to 20 whole bla*) pepper*orns
11 large red onions, sli*ed
2 tablespoons ginger,garli* paste >page 1=?
1V pounds >:00 grams? bone,in lamb >preferably with shan)s?, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
1 tablespoon table salt
2 tablespoons ground fennel seeds
1 teaspoon ground green *ardamom
6 tablespoons red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
12 *ups >2'6 liters? lamb sto*) >page =6?
2 teaspoons garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoons ground *oriander
2 teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
Atta dough >whole,wheat flour doughM page =0?
1' "a)e the garnish5 Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium, add the onion, and *oo), stirring o**asionally with a
slotted spoon, until well browned' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set aside'
2' "a)e the *urry5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan with a tight,fitting lid o%er medium heat and add the oil'
Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the green *ardamom pods, *lo%es, bla*)
*ardamom, anise, bay lea%es, and pepper*orns, and sautQ for =0 se*onds or until fragrant'
=' Add the onions and sautQ for 16 minutes or until tari' Add the ginger,garli* paste and sautQ for 1
minute' Add the lamb and stir well'
1' Add the salt, fennel, ground *ardamom, and *hile paste, and stir' SautQ for 2 to = minutes, stirring so
that all the lamb pie*es are well *oated'
6' Add the yogurt and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 16 minutes'
0' Add the sto*), garam masala, *oriander, and *umin, and stir' Co%er and seal the edges with atta
dough or aluminum foil' +ower the heat to low and *oo) for 1 hour or until the lamb is tender'
9' !emo%e the lamb from the sau*e and strain the liHuid into another nonsti*) sau*epan' Pi*) out and
dis*ard the *ardamom pods, *lo%es, bay lea%es, and pepper*orns from the strainer, then transfer the
remaining solids to a food pro*essor' Pro*ess until smooth, and add to the pan with the liHuid'
:' !eturn the lamb to the sau*e and pla*e the pan o%er medium heat' Simmer for 1 to 6 minutes'
/' Darnish with the browned onions and ser%e hot'
(alli (ihari
+amb shan)s
(ihari means Sfasting'T This dish *an be prepared at night so that itLs ready to eat at the *ra*) of dawn'
This is espe*ially handy during the month of !amadan when "uslims eat this for their sehri before
starting their day,long fast' The history of this dish re%eals that it was a fa%orite brea)fast of the "ughal
royalty in Agra and that it was ser%ed with roti' 4t remains a fa%orite dish in the land of the Ta$ "ahal'
Ser%es 1'
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1V pounds >:00 grams? lamb shan)s
2U tablespoons nihari masala >spi*e mi8 for nihariM page 2/?
1U teaspoons table salt
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, $ulienned
2 tablespoons atta >whole,wheat flour?
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium, add the onions, and *oo), stirring *onstantly with a slotted spoon, until
browned and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add the ghee and when small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the lamb and nihari masala and sautQ for : minutes'
=' Add 0 *ups >1'26 liters? water and 1 teaspoon of the salt' Co%er and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the
lamb is tender'
1' Add half of the browned onions and half of the ginger, and simmer for 2 minutes'
6' Combine the atta and 0 tablespoons >/0 ml? water in a small bowl, ensuring that there are no lumps'
Add to the lamb and simmer for 10 minutes or until the gra%y thi*)ens'
0' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt and the lemon $ui*e, and stir'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing dish, garnish with the remaining fried onions, the remaining ginger, and the
*ilantro, and ser%e hot'
(awabi &orma
+amb with dried fruit and nuts
Coo)ing meat or poultry with nuts and dried fruit is a fine e8ample of the royal *uisine of 4ndia' Though
it would probably be diffi*ult to find food li)e this ser%ed on a regular basis at home, it is *ommon at
4ndian weddings and parties' Ser%e it as part of a spe*ial meal for any big *elebration'
Ser%es 1'
10 dried apri*ots, pitted
1U *ups >110 grams? plain Dree) yogurt
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
1U teaspoons table salt
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
U *up >00 grams? sha%ed fresh *o*onut
10 almonds, blan*hed and peeled >see (ote page 10?
10 pista*hios, blan*hed and peeled >see (ote page 10?
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless leg of lamb, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
2 tablespoons lu)ewarm mil)
6 whole *lo%es
= or 1 green *ardamom pods
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
1 blade ma*e
W teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
2 teaspoons white poppy seeds
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
2 large red onions, di*ed
1' Soa) the apri*ots in U *up >100 ml? water for 16 minutes' .rain and reser%e the water' Chop the
apri*ots roughly'
2' Put the yogurt in a large bowl' Add the *umin, turmeri*, bla*) pepper, and 1U teaspoons of the salt,
and whis) well'
=' Put the ginger, the apri*ots and their soa)ing water, the *o*onut, almonds, and pista*hios in a food
pro*essor, and pro*ess to a smooth paste' Add to the yogurt mi8ture and stir well'
1' Add the lamb to the yogurt mi8ture and stir' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the
refrigerator to marinate for 2 hours'
6' Combine the saffron and the lu)ewarm mil) in a small bowl'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the *lo%es, *ardamom, *innamon, *hiles, ma*e,
nutmeg, and poppy seeds, and dry,roast for 2 minutes or until fragrant' Set aside to *ool *ompletely'
Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for : minutes or until golden brown'
:' Add the lamb along with the marinade and *oo) o%er high heat until the mi8ture *omes to a boil' Add
the ground spi*es and stir well' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and bring to a boil, lower the heat to low,
*o%er, and simmer for 60 minutes or until the lamb is tender and the sau*e is thi*)'
/' Add the saffron mil) and simmer for 2 minutes'
10' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
Saag Kala Dosht
+amb with spina*h and spi*es
This is a popular dish in many restaurants' GroNen spina*h *an be substituted for fresh spina*h, or you
*an use mustard greens'
Ser%es 1'
1V pounds >:00 grams? bone,in lamb, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
0 green *ardamom pods
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
1 whole *lo%es
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons table salt
2 medium bun*hes spina*h, stemmed
6 green *hiles, stemmed
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
= medium red onions, sli*ed
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, $ulienned
1' Put the lamb in a large bowl'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add = *ups >000 ml? water' Add the *innamon, green
*ardamom, bla*) *ardamom, *lo%es, turmeri*, and 1 teaspoon of the salt, and bring to a boil' Add the
lamb' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 1 hour' .rain in a *olander set o%er a large bowlM
reser%e the sto*)'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add 6 *ups >1 liter? water' Khen the water
*omes to a boil, add the spina*h and blan*h for 1 to 2 minutes' .rain in a *olander' Transfer to a food
pro*essor' Add the *hiles and pro*ess to a smooth purQe' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low, add the *umin, ginger paste, and garli* paste, and sautQ for 1
minute' Add the onions and sautQ for 0 minutes or until the onions are well browned'
6' Add the lamb and half of the reser%ed sto*)' Stir well, *o%er, and *oo) for 16 minutes' Add the
remaining sto*) and U teaspoon salt, and *oo) for = minutes'
0' Add the spina*h purQe, stir well, and bring to a boil'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing dish, garnish with the $ulienned ginger, and ser%e hot'
Salli (e Pardaloo "a Dos
A ri*h lamb *urry with apri*ots, garnished with fried potato shreds
The fla%or of the apri*ot intensifies as it dries[itLs sweet and tart' 4 suggest that you use small brown
dried apri*ots for this re*ipe rather than pitted golden apri*ots'
Ser%es 1'
V *up >96 grams? dried apri*ots, with pits
2 tablespoons distilled white %inegar
2 tablespoons sugar
1V pounds >:00 grams? boneless lamb, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
6 green *ardamom pods 1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
= medium red onions, sli*ed
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
Potato salli >fried potato shredsM see (ote?
1' Soa) the apri*ots in V *up >160 ml? water, the %inegar, and sugar until soft' .rain, reser%ing the liHuid,
and remo%e the pits'
2' Put the lamb in a large bowl, add the ginger paste, garli* paste, 1 teaspoon of the salt, the turmeri*,
and *hile powder, and stir to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to
marinate for 1 hour'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *ardamom and *innamon, and sautQ until fragrant'
1' Add the onions and sautQ for 6 minutes or until lightly browned'
6' Add the lamb and sautQ for 6 minutes' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for 6 to 9 minutes or until they
soften' Add the apri*ot,soa)ing liHuid and 1 *up >200 ml? water, and stir' Co%er and *oo) for =0 minutes'
0' Add the apri*ots and stir' Co%er and *oo) for =0 minutes'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing dish, garnish with the potato salli, and ser%e hot'
To ma)e potato salli, sli*e 2 small potatoes into thin rounds, then $ulienne the
strips' Soa) in salted water for 16 minutes' .rain and pat dry with an absorbent towel' .eep,fry in hot
oil, stirring *ontinuously, until golden and *risp' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
Sao$i +amb
A spi*y lamb *urry
4n the heart of the state of "aharashtra lies the affluent *ity of (agpur' 4t is often *alled the SCrange
City,T be*ause it is a ma$or trade *enter for oranges' (agpur has many restaurants that ser%e the tribal
Sao$i *uisine, whi*h leans toward thi*) *urries' This lamb dish has a gra%y that is best sopped up with
little sHuare freshly ba)ed white breads *alled pa%, or warm dinner rolls' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
0 tablespoons %egetable oil
0 medium onions, sli*ed
2 tablespoons *oriander seeds
1 teaspoon *araway seeds
1 to 0 whole *lo%es
20 whole bla*) pepper*orns
= or 1 green *ardamom pods
1 or 6 bla*) *ardamom pods
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
1 or 6 bay lea%es
: to 10 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 tablespoon poppy seeds
U *up >10 grams? dried grated *o*onut
1 tablespoon dagad phool >li*hen stone flowerM optionalM see (ote?
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1V pounds >:00 grams? bone,in lamb, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
1U teaspoons table salt
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onions, *oriander, *araway, *lo%es, pepper*orns,
green *ardamom, bla*) *ardamom, *innamon, bay lea%es, *hiles, poppy seeds, *o*onut, and dagad
phool >if using?' +ower the heat to low and sautQ for 10 minutes or until fragrant' Set aside to *ool'
2' Transfer the *ooled spi*es to a food pro*essor with 1V *ups >=60 ml? water and pro*ess to a paste'
Set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes'
Add the onion,spi*e paste and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the lamb and stir well' SautQ, stirring
*ontinuously, for 1 to 6 minutes' Add = *ups >000 ml? water and the salt, and bring to a boil' Co%er and
*oo), stirring from time to time, for 16 minutes or until the lamb is tender' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl
and ser%e hot'
.agad phool is a fungus that lends a dar) *olor and mus)y fla%or to dishes'
Shaan B !aan
Khole leg of lamb, marinated and ba)ed in a spi*y sau*e
This dish is %ery popular in restaurants in 4ndia' Choose a leg from a young lamb be*ause the meat is
tender and will *oo) faster'
Ser%es 0 to :'
1 >=,pound71'6,)g? whole leg of lamb, s)inned, fat trimmed
2 tablespoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon table salt
W teaspoon ground *innamon
1 teaspoon ground green *ardamom
W teaspoon ground *lo%es
1 teaspoon ground anise
1 tablespoon fresh green *hile paste >page 1=?
2 tablespoons fresh red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
W teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
U *up >100 ml? %egetable oil
0 large red onions, *hopped, plus 1 large red onion sli*ed into rings
1 large tomatoes, *hopped
2 tablespoons ground *oriander
1 tablespoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
= to 1 teaspoons red *hile powder
U tablespoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
Sprig fresh mint
1' Trim the e8*ess fat from the lamb and ma)e small in*isions all o%er the meat with a sharp )nife'
2' Combine the garli* paste, ginger paste, 2 teaspoons of the salt, the *innamon, *ardamom, *lo%es,
anise, green *hile paste, red *hile paste, turmeri*, and nutmeg in a small bowl' !ub this mi8ture all o%er
the lamb' Put the lamb on a rimmed ba)ing sheet, *o%er with plasti* wrap, and put in the refrigerator to
marinate for at least 2 hours and up to o%ernight'
=' Preheat the o%en to =60XG7196XC'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *hopped onions and sautQ for / to 10 minutes or until light golden'
6' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for 10 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top' Add the *oriander,
*umin, and *hile powder, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the garam masala and stir well' Stir in the
yogurt, *ilantro, and the remaining 1 teaspoon salt' SautQ for 1 minute, then remo%e from the heat and
set aside'
0' Drease another rimmed ba)ing sheet with nonsti*) *oo)ing spray and pla*e the marinated leg of lamb
on it'
9' Pour the masala o%er the lamb' Co%er with aluminum foil and roast for 1 hour' +ower the o%en
temperature to =26XG7100XC and *ontinue to roast for 10 to 16 minutes or until tender'
:' Transfer the lamb to a ser%ing platter' Cut into sli*es, garnish with the onion rings and mint, and ser%e
Taar &orma
+amb in an almond,and,yogurt sau*e
This is an interesting mi85 saffron and almonds that are reminis*ent of "ughal *oo)ing, and *urry lea%es
with *o*onut mil), whi*h are typi*al of South 4ndian *uisine'
Ser%es 1'
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 0 tablespoons %egetable oil
= large red onions, sli*ed
10 to 12 saffron threads
1 tablespoon warm mil)
1 green *ardamom pods
1 whole *lo%es
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 bay lea%es
1 27= pounds >960 grams? lamb shoulder, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
1U teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons table salt
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
20 almonds, blan*hed and peeled >see (ote page 10? and ground to a paste
W *up red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
0 *ups >1'2 liters? lamb sto*) >page =6?
10 bla*) pepper*orns, roasted and *rushed
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom
W teaspoon ground *lo%es
Pin*h of ground ma*e
Pin*h of freshly grated nutmeg
1 *up >200 ml? *o*onut mil)
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart of the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium and add the onions' Coo), stirring *ontinuously with a
slotted spoon, until browned and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon, drain on paper towels, and set
aside to *ool' Transfer to a food pro*essor, add 1 teaspoons water, and pro*ess to a paste'
2' Put the saffron in a small bowl and soa) in the warm mil) for 10 minutes' Transfer to a small mortar
and *rush the saffron threads with a pestle'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 6 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *ardamom pods, whole *lo%es, *innamon, and bay lea%es, and
sautQ until they are lightly *olored'
1' Add the lamb, in*rease the heat to high, and sautQ for 2 minutes to sear it'
6' +ower the heat to medium, add the garli* paste, ginger paste, and salt, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add
27= *up >1=6 ml? water, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 minutes'
0' Fn*o%er and *oo) until the e8*ess moisture has *ompletely e%aporated' !emo%e from the heat and
stir in the yogurt' !eturn to the heat and sautQ, stirring *ontinuously, until the oil *omes to the top'
9' Add the browned,onion paste, almond paste, and red *hile paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the
*hile powder and the sto*)' Stir and bring it to a boil' Co%er and *oo) for 60 minutes or until the lamb is
:' Add the *rushed pepper*orns, ground *ardamom, ground *lo%es, ma*e, and nutmeg, and stir'
!emo%e from the heat' Add the *o*onut mil) and stir well'
/' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoon oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *urry lea%es and *hiles, and sautQ for 1 minute'
Add to the lamb and stir well'
10' Ser%e hot'
Tariwala "eat
+amb or goat in a thin sau*e
This dish has been a fa%orite in my family e%er sin*e 4 *an remember' The *olor is an appetiNing deep
red, and it is fun to mop up the spi*y gra%y with hot rotis >page 1:?' 4f we ran out of rotis, we would
raid the bread bo8 and *ontinue eating the meat with regular bread'
Ser%es 1'
0 tablespoons %egetable oil
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 green *ardamom pods
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 star anise
1 large red onions, sli*ed
2 bay lea%es
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 large tomatoes, *hopped
2 tablespoons red *hile powder
2 teaspoons garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
1V pounds >:00 grams? bone,in lamb or goat, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
2 *ups >100 ml? lamb sto*) >page =6?
1 tablespoon table salt
2 large potatoes, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *innamon, green and bla*) *ardamom, pepper*orns, and star anise, and
sautQ for 1 minute'
2' Add the onions and sautQ for 1 minutes or until lightly browned' Add the bay lea%es and sautQ for =0
=' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and stir' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for 2 to = minutes'
1' Add the *hile powder, garam masala, and *oriander' SautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the oil *omes
to the top'
6' Add the meat and sautQ for 9 to : minutes or until lightly browned'
0' Add the sto*) and salt, and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 10 minutes'
9' Add the potatoes and simmer for 11 to 12 minutes or until the potatoes are tender and the sau*e has
thi*)ened slightly' Ser%e hot'
A)hrot "urgh
Kalnut *hi*)en
4ndian *uisine uses lots of nuts and oily seeds' Typi*ally, *ashew paste is used to thi*)en and fla%or
*urries, and almonds are used to garnish many sweet and sa%ory dishes' This dish, an e8ample of the
royal *uisine of 4ndia, is a little different be*ause it uses walnuts, whi*h impart an espe*ially strong
nuttiness to the *hi*)en'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless, s)inless *hi*)en, *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
W *up >00 grams? plain yogurt
U *up >00 grams? walnuts
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1 medium red onion, grated
1 large tomato, purQed
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
2 tablespoons hea%y *ream
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Put the *hi*)en in a large bowl' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, salt, U teaspoon of the *umin, and
the yogurt, and stir well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and set aside to marinate for =0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water' Add the walnuts and
boil for = minutes' .rain and peel them' Transfer to a spi*e grinder, add 2 tablespoons water, and grind
to a *oarse paste'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the onion and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until lightly browned'
1' Add the tomato, stir well, and sautQ for 2 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add the *hiles and *oo) for 2 minutes' Add the *oriander and the remaining U teaspoon *umin, and
stir well' Coo) for 1 minute'
0' Add the *hi*)en and W *up >60 ml? water, and stir well' Co%er and *oo) for 6 to 0 minutes or until the
*hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
9' Add the walnut paste and simmer for 2 to = minutes' Add the *ream and garam masala, and stir
well' Simmer for 2 minutes'
:' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
An$eer "urgh
Chi*)en with figs
.ried figs, plums, and apri*ots were essential ingredients in the meat and poultry dishes made in the
royal )it*hens of 4ndia' Khile *hi*)en ta)es espe*ially well to figs, lamb is lo%ely with prunes and
Ser%es 1'
10 dried figs
1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
0 *lo%es garli*, peeled
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
W *up finely ground *ashews
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons ground dalia >roasted *hana dal, storebought?
2 teaspoons table salt
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1 pound >600 grams? boneless, s)inless *hi*)en, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1 teaspoon *araway seeds
= dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 large red onions, di*ed
0 or 9 saffron threads
2 tablespoons hea%y *ream
Chandi )a %arH >edible sil%er foilM see page 1::?
1' Put the figs in a bowl and soa) in 1 *up >200 ml? water for =0 minutes' .rain in a *olander'
2' Put the ginger and garli* in a mini food pro*essor with 2 tablespoons water, and pro*ess to a fine
=' 4n a large bowl, *ombine the ginger,garli* paste, green *hiles, yogurt, *ashews, *hile powder,
*oriander, garam masala, ground dal, salt, and 2 tablespoons of the oil, and stir well' Add the *hi*)en
and figs, and stir to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *araway, red *hiles, and *innamon, and sautQ until
fragrant' Add the onions and sautQ for 1 minutes or until golden brown'
6' Add the *hi*)en and figs' Stir gently, in*rease heat to high, and *oo) for = minutes'
0' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and the saffron' Stir well and *oo) for 6 minutes or until the liHuid has
thi*)ened and the *hi*)en is tender and *oo)ed through' Stir in the *ream'
9' !emo%e from the heat and transfer to a ser%ing bowl'Darnish with the *handi )a %arH and ser%e hot'
harwan Pistewala "urgh
Pista*hio,stuffed *hi*)en rolls with green sau*e
Coo) this when you are in the mood to ha%e something e8oti* made with *hi*)en' 4t is espe*ially worth
the effort when you want to present your guests with an elaborate dish at a party'
Ser%es 1'
U small bun*h fresh *ilantro
2 medium red onions, roughly *hopped
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, roughly *hopped
9 or : *lo%es garli*
2 or = green *hiles, stemmed
U *up >06 grams? pista*hios, blan*hed and peeled >see (ote page 10?
2 boneless, s)inless *hi*)en breasts
1U teaspoons table salt
1 oun*es >120 grams? ground *hi*)en
1 teaspoon fresh green *hile paste >page 1=?
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 green *ardamom pods
0 whole *lo%es
W *up >06 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
1 fresh red *hile, stemmed, thinly sli*ed on the diagonal
1' Put the *ilantro, onions, ginger, garli*, green *hiles, and 1 tablespoon of the pista*hios in a food
pro*essor, and pro*ess to a fine paste' Transfer to a small bowl and set aside'
2' Trim off the e8*ess fat from the *hi*)en breasts' Fsing a sharp )nife, split the *hi*)en breasts
horiNontally from one side without *utting all the way through' Sprin)le with U teaspoon of the salt and
rub it e%enly o%er both sides of the breasts' Set aside for 16 minutes'
=' Put the ground *hi*)en, the remaining pista*hios, U teaspoon of the salt, the *hile paste, and ground
*ardamom in a bowl, and stir well'
1' Cpen the split *hi*)en breasts on a *lean wor) surfa*e' Fsing the ba*) of the )nife or a mallet, gently
flatten the *hi*)en breasts' .i%ide the stuffing e%enly among the breasts, pla*ing it in the *enter' !oll
the *hi*)en breasts into *ylinders and wrap in aluminum foil'
6' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) pan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, lower the *hi*)en *ylinders into the water and poa*h for 2 to = minutes' .rain and set aside until
*ool enough to handle' Fnwrap the rolls'
0' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *hi*)en rolls' 4n*rease the heat to high and *oo) for 2
minutes' Set aside'
9' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add the remaining 1 tablespoon oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *innamon, *ardamom pods, and *lo%es, and
sautQ until fragrant' +ower the heat to low, add the *ilantro mi8ture, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' And 1
*up >200 ml? water and bring to a boil'
:' Add the yogurt and stir' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt and the garam masala, and *oo) for = to
1 minutes' Add the *ream and stir' !emo%e from the heat and pour the sau*e through a strainer into a
bowl, dis*arding the solids'
/' Sli*e the *hi*)en rolls on the diagonal' Pour the sau*e onto a ser%ing platter and arrange the *hi*)en,
roll sli*es o%er it' Darnish with red *hile sli*es and ser%e hot'
utter Chi*)en
Chi*)en in a ri*h tomato,and,*ream gra%y
utter *hi*)en is a popular Pun$abi dish, and one that *hara*teriNes the essen*e of the regionLs *oo)ing'
The greatness of the dish, also *alled *hi*)en ma)hni, *omes from the immersion of roasted *hi*)en in
a *urry that is as smooth as butter' This %el%ety te8ture, and the mingling of the sour and the sweet and
the spi*es, is what gi%es the dish its name' Ser%e the *hi*)en with fresh naan >page 20?'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless *hi*)en, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon table salt
Gor the marinade5
U *up >110 grams? Dree) yogurt
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons refined mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
Gor roasting5
2 tablespoons butter, melted
Gor the sau*e5
1 teaspoon )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
2 tablespoons butter
1 green *ardamom pods
U teaspoon ground ma*e
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
6 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
12 medium tomatoes, roughly *hopped
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon honey
= tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon hea%y *ream
1' Pri*) the *hi*)en pie*es all o%er with a for)' Put them in a large bowl and add the *hile powder, lemon
$ui*e, and salt, and stir well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator for =0 minutes'
2' "a)e the marinade5 Put the yogurt in a large bowl' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, *hile powder,
garam masala, salt, and mustard oil, and stir well with a wooden spoon'
=' Add the *hi*)en to this yogurt mi8ture and stir well to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put
in the refrigerator to marinate for = to 1 hours'
1' !oast the *hi*)en5 Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC' Soa) wooden s)ewers in water'
6' Thread the *hi*)en pie*es onto the wooden s)ewers, arrange them on a ba)ing sheet, and ba)e for
10 to 12 minutes or until almost *oo)ed through' aste the *hi*)en pie*es with the butter and *oo) for
2 minutes more' !emo%e the *hi*)en from the s)ewers onto a plate and set aside'
0' "a)e the sau*e5 Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the )asoori methi and toss
for 2 minutes to ma)e it *risp' Transfer to a bowl and let *ool, then *rush it with your hand to a powder'
Set aside'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er low heat and add 1 tablespoon of the butter' Khen it melts, add the
*ardamom and ma*e, and *oo) until fragrant'
:' Stir the *hile powder and 1 tablespoon water together to ma)e a smooth paste' Add it to the pan and
stir' Add the garli*, ginger, and tomatoes, and stir well' Coo) for 20 minutes or until the tomatoes
be*ome pulpy'
/' Pour the mi8ture through a strainer into a bowl' Transfer the solids to a food pro*essor and pro*ess
until smooth' Strain into the bowl and dis*ard any remaining solids in the strainer'
10' Pla*e another nonsti*) sau*epan o%er low heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoon butter' Khen it
melts, add the strained mi8ture and *oo), stirring o**asionally, for 16 minutes'
11' Add the )asoori methi and *oo) for 6 minutes' Add the salt, honey, and *ream, and stir well' Coo)
for 2 minutes'
12' Add the *hi*)en pie*es and *oo) for = minutes'
1=' Ser%e hot'
Chandi &orma
Chi*)en *oo)ed in a sil%ery gra%y
Chandi means Ssil%er,T a referen*e to the ri*h and sil)y gra%y that *oats this *hi*)en dish' The effe*t is
enhan*ed by a layer of sil%er %arH, or edible sil%er foil' 4t is a regal sight, indeed, one that pretties up
many a party table in my home' Ser%e this with hot parathas >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
=0 almonds, blan*hed and peeled >see (ote page 10?
= tablespoons )harboo$a seeds >melon seeds?
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 12 pie*es
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
1W teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon ground white pepper
V teaspoon ground green *ardamom
1U teaspoons *rushed dried untreated rose petals
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?
= medium red onions, *hopped
2 or = green *hiles, stemmed and *rushed
U *up >/0 grams? grated )hoya7mawa >solid unsweetened *ondensed mil)M page =9?
20 pista*hios, blan*hed and sli%ered >see (ote page 10?
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
.ash of rosewater
2 sheets of *handi )a %arH >edible sil%er foilM see page 1::?
1' Cut 16 of the almonds into sli%ers and set aside' Put the remaining 16 almonds in a spi*e grinder,
grind to a smooth paste, and set aside in a small bowl'
2' Soa) the melon seeds in U *up warm water for 16 minutes' .rain, put them in a spi*e grinder, and
grind to a fine paste' Set aside'
=' 4n a large bowl, stir together the ginger paste, garli* paste, *hi*)en, yogurt, 1 teaspoon of the salt, the
white pepper, *ardamom, and U teaspoon of the rose petals' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put
in the refrigerator to marinate for 2 hours'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium and add the onions' SautQ the onions for = to 1 minutes
or until translu*ent'
6' Add the *hiles and )hoya, and sautQ for 10 minutes'
0' Add the melon,seed paste and the almond paste, and sautQ for 6 to 9 minutes, stirring *ontinuously,
o%er medium heat'
9' Add the *hi*)en and sautQ for = minutes o%er high heat' Add V *up >160 ml? water and bring to a boil'
+ower the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes'
:' Add half of the sli%ered almonds and pista*hios and U teaspoon of the rose petals, and stir' Co%er and
*oo) for 6 to 0 minutes or until the *hi*)en is tender'
/' Add the *ream and rosewater, and stir well'
10' Pla*e the *hi*)en pie*es on a ser%ing plate and spoon the sau*e o%er them' Co%er with the sil%er
%arH and garnish with the remaining rose petals and almond and pista*hio sli%ers' Ser%e immediately'
Chettinadu &oNhi Sambhar
Spi*y *hi*)en with dal
This is one of the *urries that we en$oy at home with a bowl of brown ri*e, espe*ially on a laNy Sunday'
The )ids get their *hi*)en and my wife, Alyona, is satisfied that she has gi%en them healthy lentils'
Ser%es 1'
1 >2,pound71 )g? *hi*)en, s)inned and *ut into 12 pie*es
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon table salt
W *up toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
0 tablespoons >/0 ml? sesame oil
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
U teaspoon whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 tablespoon *hana dal >split engal gram?
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
: *lo%es garli*
: dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 green *hiles, stemmed
2 star anise
1 whole *lo%es
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*)
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
2 medium red onions, finely *hopped
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Trim the e8*ess fat from the *hi*)en and put the pie*es in a large bowl'
2' Add the turmeri* and salt, and stir well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator
to marinate for = hours'
=' Put the toor dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water
and soa) for =0 minutes' .rain the dal in a *olander'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and the soa)ed dal'
Khen the water begins to boil, lower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 16 to 20 minutes or until the
dal is soft and fully *oo)ed' Transfer the dal and *oo)ing water to a bowl, and set aside'
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add 2 tablespoons of the sesame oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *oriander, pepper*orns, *hana dal, ginger,
garli*, 0 of the red *hiles, and the green *hiles, and sautQ for 2 minutes or until lightly browned' !emo%e
from the heat and let *ool'
0' Transfer to a mini food pro*essor with W *up >60 ml? water, and pro*ess to a paste' Set aside'
9' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoons sesame
oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the star anise, *lo%es, *innamon,
remaining 2 red *hiles, and the *urry lea%es, and *oo), stirring, for 1 minute'
:' Khen the spi*es begin to *hange *olor and are fragrant, add the onions and fry until lightly browned'
Add the marinated *hi*)en pie*es and stir again' Add the ground paste and sautQ for 2 minutes, stirring
to *oat the *hi*)en'
/' Add the tamarind pulp and stir' Co%er and *oo) o%er low heat for 16 to 20 minutes or until the
*hi*)en is *oo)ed through and tender'
10' Add the *oo)ed dal and *oo)ing water, and *oo) until the *hi*)en and dal *ombine well and the
mi8ture thi*)ens to a *urry *onsisten*y'
11' Transfer the *urry to a ser%ing dish' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Chi*)en Curry
Chi*)en *oo)ed in a simple onion,tomato masala
Eou will find this *urry at pra*ti*ally all the dhabas >roadside eateries? in (orth 4ndia' B*onomi*al and
tasty, this dish gi%es you a taste of simple Pun$abi home *oo)ing' Ser%e it with steamed ri*e, parathas
>page 1:?, or naan >page 20?'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, s)inned and *ut into 12 pie*es
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 or 6 *lo%es
1 or 6 green *ardamom pods
1 medium red onions, grated
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U tablespoons ground *oriander
1U teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 medium tomatoes, purQed
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Trim the e8*ess fat from the *hi*)en and put the pie*es in a large bowl'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *innamon, *lo%es, and *ardamom, and sautQ for 1 minute' Khen the
spi*es *hange *olor and are fragrant, add the onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until golden brown'
Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes, stirring *ontinuously'
=' Add the turmeri*, *oriander, *umin, and *hile powder' Stir well'
1' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for = to 1 minutes, stirring *ontinuously' Coo) for 9 to : minutes or until
the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add the *hi*)en and salt, and stir' 4n*rease the heat to high and sautQ for 6 minutes or until the
*hi*)en pie*es are well *oated with the sau*e' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and bring to a boil' +ower the
heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
0' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl' Sprin)le with the garam masala and garnish with the *ilantro' Ser%e hot'
Chi*)en &andhari &ofta
Dround,*hi*)en balls in a pomegranate gra%y
4 ha%e made this re*ipe for as long as 4 *an remember and it is always a hit' An authenti* "ughlai
preparation, it sells li)e hot*a)es in most good restaurants in (ew .elhi' The pomegranate syrup is the
life and soul of the gra%y' Ser%e with naan >page 20? or parathas >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
: oun*es >260 grams? ground *hi*)en
U teaspoon ground *innamon
1U teaspoons table salt
= tablespoons %egetable oil
V *up >1/0 grams? boiled,onion paste >page 11?
U tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
27= *up >160 grams? *ashew paste >page 12?
U *up >120 grams? tomato purQe
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons pomegranate molasses
U *up >100 ml? hea%y *ream
1' Put the *hi*)en in a medium bowl, add the *innamon and 1 teaspoon of the salt, and stir thoroughly'
.i%ide into : eHual portions and shape the mi8ture into balls' Pla*e them on a platter, *o%er with plasti*
wrap, and put it in the refrigerator for =0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the onion paste and sautQ for 16 minutes or until light golden' Add the ginger
paste and garli* paste and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the *hile powder and *oriander, and sautQ for =
=' .ilute the *ashew paste in W *up >60 ml? water and add it to the pan along with the tomato purQe'
SautQ o%er high heat, stirring *onstantly, for 6 minutes' +ower the heat to medium, add U *up water and
the remaining U teaspoon salt, and bring to a boil' Add the *hi*)en balls and *oo) for 10 minutes' Di%e it
a gentle stir, *o%er, and *oo) for 6 minutes'
1' Add the garam masala and pomegranate molasses' Stir gently and *he*) for seasoning' Simmer for 6
minutes' Stir in the *ream and remo%e from the heat'
6' Transfer the *urry to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
Chi*)en @a*uti
Chi*)en in a thi*), spi*y gra%y
!ui "adre, a *hef from Doa, taught me to ma)e this e8tremely popular dish while 4 was in Jaranasi' !ui
now manages a hotel in Doa, and e%ery time 4 %isit, no matter where 4 am staying, 4 insist that he *oo) it
for me' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, s)in remo%ed, *ut into 12 pie*es on the bone
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
17= *up >06 ml? plus 2 tablespoons oil
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
0 whole *lo%es
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed
2 tablespoons white poppy seeds
1 teaspoon a$wain
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
10 to 12 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 star anise
1U tablespoons *oriander seeds
1 bay leaf
W teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 to 0 *lo%es garli*
V,in*h >2,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *rushed
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1U *ups >1:0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 tablespoon malt %inegar or *ider %inegar
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the *hi*)en in a bowl' Add the turmeri*, 1U teaspoons of the salt, and the lemon $ui*e, and stir
well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator for =0 minutes to marinate'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the 17= *up >06 ml? oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low' Add the *innamon, *lo%es, *hiles,
poppy seeds, a$wain, *umin, pepper*orns, fennel, star anise, *oriander, bay leaf, nutmeg, garli*, ginger,
and onions, and sautQ for 6 to 9 minutes or until the onions are browned'
=' Add the *o*onut and sautQ for 6 to 9 minutes more or until the *o*onut is browned'
1' Transfer to a plate and set aside to *ool to room temperature'
6' Transfer to a food pro*essor with 1 *up >200 ml? water, and pro*ess to a fine paste'
0' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium, add the *hi*)en, and sautQ
for = to 1 minutes'
9' Add the spi*es and *o*onut mi8ture and stir well' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and stir' Khen the
mi8ture *omes to a boil, lower the heat to medium and *oo) for 26 minutes or until the *hi*)en is
*oo)ed through'
:' Add the %inegar, the remaining U teaspoon salt, and the *ilantro, and stir'
/' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
.um "urgh
Chi*)en *oo)ed in its own steam with fla%orful spi*es
This dish uses a slow,*oo)ing method that was introdu*ed to 4ndia by the "ughals in the early si8teenth
*entury' Traditionally, a spe*ial pot *alled a handi is used' 4t is *o%ered with a tight,fitting lid and sealed
using a whole,wheat dough to ensure that not a wisp of steam es*apes from the pot and the food *oo)s
in its own $ui*es with all the fla%ors inta*t'
Ser%es 1'
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
0 to : *lo%es garli*
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, s)inned and *ut into 12 pie*es
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon table salt 20 almonds
= *ups >000 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
1 teaspoons ghee >page =9?
2 bay lea%es
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
W teaspoon ground ma*e
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom
U teaspoon ground bla*) *ardamom
W teaspoon ground *innamon
U *up >100 ml? hea%y *ream
1' Put the ginger, garli*, and *hiles in a spi*e grinder with 1 tablespoon water, and grind to a fine paste'
Set aside'
2' Trim the e8*ess fat from the *hi*)en, put the pie*es in a large bowl, and add the yogurt, gingergarli*,
*hile paste, and salt' Stir well, *o%er the bowl with plasti* wrap, and put in the refrigerator to marinate
for 2 hours'
=' Soa) the almonds in 1 *up >200 ml? warm water for 16 to 20 minutes' Peel the soa)ed almonds and
transfer to a food pro*essor' Pro*ess to a fine paste' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add the onions and *oo) until golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain
on paper towelsM set aside to *ool'
6' Transfer the onions to a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a fine paste' Set aside'
0' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the bay lea%es and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the
*hi*)en and *oo) for : to 10 minutes or until the gra%y starts boiling and redu*ing' Add the *oriander,
*umin, onion paste, and almond paste dissol%ed in U *up >100 ml? water' Stir well'
9' Co%er with a tight,fitting lid or aluminum foil so that the steam does not es*ape' >Alternati%ely you
*an *o%er the pan and seal the edges using atta doughM see page =0'? Coo) o%er low heat for 16 to 20
:' Fn*o%er and add the ma*e, green *ardamom, bla*) *ardamom, and *innamon' Stir in the *ream'
/' Transfer to a ser%ing dish' Ser%e hot'
3ara "asala "urgh
Chi*)en *oo)ed in a green *urry
This is one of my fa%orite dishes, a green *urry that is different from most traditional 4ndian *urries su*h
as tomato,onion or *o*onut'
Ser%es 1'
=6 almonds
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, s)inned and *ut into 12 pie*es
1 *up >00 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
U *up >=0 grams? *hopped fresh mint
1 green *hiles, stemmed
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
6 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
0 to : *lo%es garli*
1U teaspoons table salt
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1 green *ardamom pods
2 medium red onions, peeled and *hopped
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
1 tablespoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
1' Soa) the almonds in 1 *up >200 ml? warm water for 16 to 20 minutes' Peel the soa)ed almonds and
transfer to a spi*e grinder' Drind to a fine paste' Set aside'
2' Put the *ilantro, mint, *hiles, *o*onut, *lo%es, ginger, and garli* in a food pro*essor with 1 teaspoon of
the salt and 1 *up >200 ml? water, and pro*ess to ma)e a smooth *hutney' Transfer the *hutney to a
large bowl'
=' Add the *hi*)en to the *hutney and stir well to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the
refrigerator to marinate for =0 minutes'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, pound the *ardamom and add it to the oil' Add the onions and sautQ for 6
minutes or until golden brown'
6' Add the *hi*)en and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until the e8tra moisture dries up and the sau*e *oats
the *hi*)en well'
0' Add the almond paste and yogurt, and *oo), stirring, for 2 minutes'
9' Add the *oriander, *umin, and the remaining U teaspoon salt, and stir well' 4n*rease the heat to high,
*o%er, and *oo) for 2 minutes' +ower the heat to medium and *oo) for 16 to 20 minutes or until the
*hi*)en is *oo)ed through and tender'
:' Add the *ream and stir'
/' Transfer to a ser%ing dish' Ser%e hot'
&a*h*hi "ir*hi &a "urgh
Stuffed *hiles with *hi*)en marinated in spi*ed yogurt
Stuffing *hiles with the spi*e mi8 may be laborious, but the results are spe*ta*ular' .o try this re*ipe'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? whole *hi*)en, s)inned and *ut into 12 pie*es
2 green *hiles, stemmed
2 teaspoons yellow mustard seeds
10 to 12 small bha%nagri mir*hi >large green *hilesM see (ote?
2 teaspoons ground fennel seeds
U teaspoon ground fenugree)
2 teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon )alon$i >nigellaM see (ote page 2=1?
1U teaspoons table salt
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1' Trim off the e8*ess fat from the *hi*)en'
2' Put the green *hiles in a mortar and *rush, using a pestle' Transfer to a small bowl and set aside'
Crush the mustard seeds in the mortar, transfer them to another bowl, and set aside'
=' Slit the bha%nagri *hiles on one side and remo%e and dis*ard the seeds' Set aside'
1' 4n a small bowl, *ombine the fennel, fenugree), *umin, *rushed mustard seeds, )alon$i, and U
teaspoon of the salt' Stuff this mi8ture into the slit bha%nagri *hiles and set aside'
6' Put the *hi*)en in a large bowl' Add the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, the yogurt, and *rushed *hiles,
and stir' +et the *hi*)en marinate for about 16 minutes'
0' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until soft' Add the stuffed *hiles
and stir'
9' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, *oriander, turmeri*, and *hile powder, and sautQ for 2 to =
minutes' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the *hiles are soft'
:' Add the marinated *hi*)en and *oo), stirring, for 9 minutes' 4n*rease the heat to medium, *o%er, and
*oo) for 6 to 9 minutes' Stir on*e, then lower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 minutes or until
the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
/' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
ha%nagri mir*hi *hiles are large, plump *hiles, 1 to 1U in*hes long, that are not
%ery spi*y' They are ideal for stuffing' Eou *an use Anaheim *hiles as a substitute'
&adai Chi*)en
Spi*y *hi*)en *oo)ed in a wo)
&adai is 3indi for Swo),T and 4 remember that my mother had Huite a *olle*tion of them in %arious
metals[iron and brass espe*ially' This *hi*)en is ideally *oo)ed in an iron wo), whi*h lends its *olor to
the dish, but these are rare in modern )it*hens, and a nonsti*) wo) wor)s $ust fine here'
Ser%es 1'
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
2 teaspoons *oriander seeds
: whole bla*) pepper*orns
6 dried red *hiles, stemmed
= tablespoons %egetable oil
2 large red onions, *hopped
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
6 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 large tomatoes, *hopped
2 teaspoons table salt
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 12 pie*es
W *up *ashew paste >page 12?
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' After 2 minutes, add the *umin, *oriander,
pepper*orns, and red *hiles, and dry,roast for = minutes' +et *ool, then transfer to a mortar and pound
to a *oarse powder with a pestle'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), add the onions and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until browned' Add the ginger paste, garli*
paste, and green *hiles, and sautQ for 2 minutes'
=' Add the tomatoes and salt, *o%er, and *oo) for 2 minutes' Add the roasted spi*e powder and sautQ
for 1 minute'
1' Add the *hi*)en and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 16 minutes' Add the *ashew paste and U *up >100 ml?
water' Coo) for = minutes'
6' Add the garam masala and stir' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
&airi "urgh
Tart green mango and *hi*)en
4 ha%e tried ma)ing this with boneless *hi*)en, but the loo) of the dish and its fla%or are mu*h more
appealing with bone,in *hi*)en'
This dish uses a uniHue method to impart the taste of outdoor *har*oal grilling to the *hi*)en5 a red,hot
pie*e of *har*oal doused with ghee and *lo%es is pla*ed in a bowl along with the *hi*)en'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 12 pie*es
2 medium green mangoes
1U teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons green *hile paste >page 1=?
1 teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 or 6 whole *lo%es
1 teaspoon ghee >page =9?, melted
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Trim the e8*ess fat from the *hi*)en and put the pie*es in a large bowl'
2' Peel and *ut the mangoes into small pie*es' Pla*e half of them in a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a
purQe' Transfer to a small bowl and set aside' Set the remaining mango pie*es aside'
=' To the *hi*)en, add V teaspoon of the ginger paste, V teaspoon of the garli* paste, V teaspoon of the
*hile paste, U teaspoon of the salt, 1 teaspoon of the garam masala, and the mango purQe, and stir to
*oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour'
1' 3old a natural *har*oal pie*e with )it*hen tongs dire*tly o%er a gas flame' Khen it is red hot, put it in
a small stainless,steel bowl and pla*e the bowl in the *enter of the marinated *hi*)en pie*es' Put the
*lo%es on the *oal, pour the ghee on it, and immediately *o%er the bowl with a lid' +et stand for 10
minutes so that the fla%or of the *oal and *lo%es are absorbed by the *hi*)en'
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ until translu*ent' Add the remaining V teaspoon ginger
paste, V teaspoon garli* paste, and V teaspoon *hile paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes'
0' Add the *hi*)en, turmeri*, *hile powder, *oriander, remaining 1 teaspoon garam masala, and U
teaspoon salt, and the reser%ed mango pie*es' Stir well to *oat'
9' 4n*rease the heat to high and *oo) for 6 to 0 minutes' Add the *ilantro and V *up >160 ml? water'
Co%er and *oo) for 10 to 12 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
:' Transfer to a ser%ing dish' Ser%e hot'
&heema hari 3ari "ir*h
Dreen *hiles stuffed with spi*ed ground *hi*)en
The traditional %ersion of the re*ipe, from the South 4ndian *ity of 3yderabad, uses ground goat, but
here 4 use *hi*)en, whi*h is healthier'
Ser%es 1'
0 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon *umin seeds
2 large red onions, *hopped
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
2 tablespoons red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
= medium tomatoes, purQed
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
11 oun*es >100 grams? ground *hi*)en
1U teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
W *up *hopped fresh *ilantro
12 bha%nagri mir*hi >large green *hilesM see page 11:?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add = tablespoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the wo), add the *umin seeds and sautQ until they *hange *olor' Add the onions and
sautQ for 6 minutes'
2' Add the ginger paste, garli* paste, green *hiles, and red *hile paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the
tomatoes and *oo) for 6 minutes' Add the turmeri* and *oriander, and sautQ for 1 minute'
=' Add the *hi*)en and 2 tablespoons water, and *oo) for : minutes' Add the salt and garam masala,
and stir well' Add the lemon $ui*e and *ilantro, and stir well' !emo%e from the heat and set aside to *ool
1' Slit the bha%nagri *hiles on one side and remo%e the seeds and the white pith, )eeping the stem
6' Stuff the *hi*)en mi8ture into the *hiles'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining = tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the stuffed *hiles and any lefto%er ground *hi*)en
mi8ture' Co%er and *oo) for : minutes'
9' Ser%e hot'
&ori A$adina
Chi*)en with fresh *o*onut
Centuries ago, a group of !oman Catholi*s fled Portugal and settled in "angalore along the western
*oast of 4ndia' They adopted the lo*al *uisine and *reated a fusion of Portuguese and traditional
"angalorian styles' "angalore Catholi* *uisine has *hi*)en and por) spe*ialties as well as an array of
*hutneys, in*luding dried,prawn *hutney and brin$al *hutney' Their *hi*)en *urry )ori gassi >page 121?
is famous, and so is this dry preparation'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 12 pie*es
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 or 6 whole *lo%es
1 bay leaf
10 fresh *urry lea%es
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
6 or 0 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
= medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
Gor the masala powder5
1,in*h >2U,*m? sti*) *innamon
= whole *lo%es
= green *ardamom pods
6 or 0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 tablespoon *oriander seeds
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
1 teaspoon white poppy seeds
0 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1' Put the *hi*)en in a large bowl'
2' Add the lemon $ui*e, 1 teaspoon of the salt, and U teaspoon of the turmeri*, and stir' Set aside for 20
=' "a)e the masala powder5 Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *innamon,
*lo%es, *ardamom, pepper*orns, *umin, *oriander, fenugree), poppy seeds, and *hiles, and dry,roast for
= to 1 minutes or until fragrant' Transfer to a plate and set aside to *ool' Khen *ooled, transfer to a
spi*e grinder and grind to a fine powder' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *innamon, *lo%es, and bay leaf' SautQ for 1 minute or until fragrant' Add the
*urry lea%es and onions, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes'
6' Add the ginger and garli*, and sautQ for 6 minutes' Add the tomatoes and the remaining U teaspoon
salt' Stir well' Add the remaining U teaspoon turmeri* and the freshly ground masala powder, and stir
for 2 to = minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
0' Add the *o*onut and stir for 2 to = minutes' Add the *ilantro and stir' Add the *hi*)en and stir' SautQ
until the *hi*)en pie*es are well *oated with the mi8ture'
9' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 to 16
minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
:' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
&ori Dassi
Chi*)en *urry from &arnata)a
The food of the unt *ommunity in &arnata)a offers dishes that use a deli*ate *ombination of red *hiles,
*o*onut mil), and *urry lea%es' This )ori gassi is their signature dish' Ser%e it with ri*e wade >page
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon table salt = medium red onions
= tablespoons %egetable oil
2 tablespoons *oriander seeds 2 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1U teaspoons fennel seeds
17:,in*h >=, to 1,mm? pie*e nutmeg
1 blade ma*e
: dried red *hiles >preferably bedgi *hiles, see page 2=1?, stemmed
2 or = *lo%es garli*
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
V *up >160 ml? *o*onut mil)
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the *hi*)en in a large bowl, add the ginger paste, garli* paste, and salt, and stir well' Co%er the
bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour'
2' Thinly sli*e 2 of the onions' Pla*e the remaining onion o%er an open gas flame and roast until the
outer s)in is *harred' Set aside to *ool, then remo%e the *harred s)in'
=' Pla*e a small sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *oriander and sautQ until lightly browned' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and put in a bowl' To the oil in the heated pan, add the *lo%es, *innamon, fennel, nutmeg,
ma*e, and red *hiles, and sautQ until fragrant' Add to the *oriander seeds and set aside to *ool
1' Transfer to a food pro*essor, add the garli*, roasted onion, and 9 tablespoons water, and pro*ess to a
6' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons %egetable
oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the sli*ed onions and sautQ for 1 to 6
minutes or until well browned'
0' Add the *hi*)en, turmeri*, and 1 *up >200 ml? water, and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 10 minutes or until
the *hi*)en is almost *oo)ed through'
9' Add the ground paste and stir well' Add the tamarind pulp diluted in U *up >100 ml? water, stir, and
simmer for = to 1 minutes'
:' Add the *o*onut mil) and simmer for 2 to = minutes'
/' Transfer to a ser%ing dish, garnish with the *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
&oyla Chi*)en
Chi*)en smo)ed with *har*oal
The 4ndian name of this dish sounds poeti* to me, but the literal translation, S*har*oal *hi*)en,T does
not sound %ery appetiNing' This re*ipe uses a spe*ial te*hniHue for smo)ing indoors5 A bowl *ontaining a
glowing pie*e of *har*oal is nestled in a plate of *hi*)en, some ghee is poured o%er the *oal, and
e%erything is immediately *o%ered with a large bowl to smo)e' The dish is really superb, espe*ially
ser%ed with fresh naan >page 20?, and will always impress your family and friends'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 12 pie*es
2 teaspoons fresh ginger,garli* paste >page 1=?
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
2 teaspoons table salt
0 medium tomatoes
10 to 16 *ashews
= tablespoons butter
1 or 6 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
U *up >100 ml? hea%y *ream
1 tablespoon ghee >page =9?, melted
1' !emo%e the s)in from the *hi*)en and put the pie*es in a large bowl' Add the ginger,garli* paste,
garam masala, *hile powder, and 1 teaspoon of the salt, and stir to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti*
wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 6 *ups >1 liter? water, and bring to a boil' Add
the tomatoes and blan*h for 2 to = minutes' .rain in a *olander and let *ool' Peel the tomatoes and
purQe them in a blender' Transfer the tomato purQe to a bowl and set aside'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *ashews and dry,roast for 2 to =
minutes' +et *ool, then transfer to a mortar and *oarsely grind with a pestle' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the butter' Khen the butter melts,
add the *hi*)en and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the *hiles and sautQ for 1 minute'
6' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and the remaining 1
teaspoon salt, and stir' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the *hi*)en is
almost done'
0' Add the *ashews, *o%er, and simmer for = to 1 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through and
9' Add the lemon $ui*e and *ilantro, and *oo) for 1 minute or until the oil *omes to the top' Dently stir in
the *ream' !emo%e from the heat'
:' 3old a pie*e of natural *har*oal with tongs o%er an open gas flame and heat until red hot' Pla*e it in a
small stainless,steel bowl' Pla*e the bowl on the *oo)ed *hi*)en' Pour the ghee o%er the *oal'
4mmediately *o%er the pan with a lid so that the fla%or of the smo)e will be absorbed by the *oo)ed
*hi*)en' Cpen the lid after 2 minutes and remo%e the steel bowl with the *oal'
/' Transfer the *hi*)en to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
&oNhi 4shtew
Chi*)en and potato *oo)ed in *o*onut mil)
This lo%ely stew *omes from &erala, in South 4ndia' Co*onut mil), if heated beyond a *ertain
temperature, *urdles and be*omes unpalatable, but if itLs added in stages and diluted, the mi8ture will
turn out smooth and %el%ety' Ser%e the stew with appams >page 11? or parathas >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
10 to 12 whole bla*) pepper*orns
W teaspoon *umin seeds
2 teaspoons *hana dal >split engal gram?
U teaspoon *oriander seeds
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
2 star anise
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 green *ardamom pods
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 12 pie*es
1 large potato, peeled and *ut into : pie*es
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
2 *ups >100 ml? thi*) *anned *o*onut mil)
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the pepper*orns, *umin, dal, and
*oriander' .ry,roast for 2 minutes or until the dal is lightly browned' Set aside to *ool *ompletely'
Transfer to a spi*e grinder and grind to a powder'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the star anise, *innamon, and *ardamom, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the
*hi*)en, potato, *urry lea%es, and *hiles' Sprin)le with the ground spi*es and sautQ for 1 minute'
=' Put 1 *up >200 ml? of the *o*onut mil) in a bowl and set aside' Put U *up >100 ml? of the remaining
*o*onut mil) in a se*ond bowl and dilute with U *up >100 ml? water' Put the remaining U *up >100 ml?
*o*onut mil) in a third bowl and dilute with V *up >160 ml? water'
1' Add the *ontents of the third bowl to the *urry and simmer for 6 minutes' Add the *ontents of the
se*ond bowl and *oo) for 10 minutes or until both the *hi*)en and potatoes are *oo)ed through'
6' !emo%e from the heat and add the *ontents of the first bowl and the salt' !eturn to low heat and
simmer for 6 minutes but do not boil'
0' Ser%e immediately'
&oNhi Thengai &oNhambu
Chi*)en in a *o*onut *urry
Three Cs[*hi*)en, *o*onut, and *urry lea%es[ma)e this dish This *lassi* dish from Tamil (adu, in South
4ndia, uses shallots instead of red onions'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 20 to 21 pie*es
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1V teaspoons table salt
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
10 shallots, peeled
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
0 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
10 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
2 tablespoons *oriander seeds
2 star anise
2 bay lea%es
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1' "a)e the *hi*)en5 Put the *hi*)en in a bowl and rub in the turmeri* and V teaspoon of the salt' Co%er
the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for =0 minutes'
2' "a)e the masala5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil'
Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low and add the *o*onut,
shallots, ginger, garli*, green *hiles, red *hiles, and *oriander seeds' SautQ until fragrant and lightly
browned' Set aside to *ool *ompletely' Transfer to a food pro*essor with 1W *up >260 ml? water and
pro*ess to a smooth paste'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the star anise and bay lea%es, and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
1' Add the *urry lea%es and *hi*)en' 4n*rease the heat to high and sautQ until the *hi*)en is lightly
6' +ower the heat to medium, add the masala paste, and *ombine well' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and
the remaining 1 teaspoon salt and simmer for 11 to 12 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through
and the sau*e has thi*)ened'
0' Ser%e hot'
4nstead of the grated *o*onut, try ma)ing the dish with *o*onut mil)[it will gi%e
it a smoother and ri*her finish'
&oNhi Frundai &oNhambu
Chi*)en meatballs in a sour,and,spi*y sau*e
3ere, deli*ate *hi*)en meatballs are *oo)ed in a smooth tomato sau*e with 4ndian spi*es' This dish does
not reheat well, so ser%e it right away' 4tLs deli*ious with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the meatballs5
9 oun*es >200 grams? ground *hi*)en
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1 or 6 *ashews
1 tablespoon *hana dal >split engal gram?
U tablespoon white poppy seeds, soa)ed for 16 minutes and drained
W teaspoon fennel seeds
1 or 2 whole *lo%es
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
1 or 2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 medium red onion, roughly *hopped
1 *lo%es garli*, roughly *hopped
W *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
U large egg, whis)ed
U teaspoon table salt
Gor the sau*e5
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
: to 10 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
= tablespoons *oriander seeds
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 tablespoons white poppy seeds, soa)ed for 16 minutes and drained
10 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 whole *lo%es
= medium red onions, roughly *hopped
0 *lo%es garli*
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 teaspoon table salt
W *up >00 grams? tamarind pulp
1' "a)e the meatballs5 Put the *hi*)en in a bowl'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *ashews, dal, poppy seeds, fennel, *lo%es, green *hiles, red *hiles, onion,
garli*, and *o*onut, and sautQ for 2 minutes or until fragrant' Set aside to *ool' Transfer to a food
pro*essor with W *up >60 ml? water and pro*ess to a fine paste'
=' Add the paste to the *hi*)en' Add the egg and *ombine' Add the salt and *ombine well' Co%er the
bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for =0 minutes'
1' .i%ide the *hi*)en mi8ture into 12 portions, and shape into balls using dampened palms and fingers'
Put the *hi*)en balls on a plate, *o%er them with plasti* wrap, and set aside in the refrigerator until
6' "a)e the sau*e5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *hiles, *oriander, turmeri*, fennel, *umin, poppy
seeds, pepper*orns, *lo%es, onions, and garli*, and sautQ for = minutes or until fragrant' Set aside to
*ool' Transfer to a food pro*essor with U *up >100 ml? water and pro*ess to a fine paste'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining = tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the tomatoes and U teaspoon of the salt and sautQ for 9
minutes or until the tomatoes are pulpy'
9' Add the ground paste and sautQ for 2 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top' Add the tamarind
pulp, 1 Huart >:00 ml? water, and the remaining U teaspoon salt, and *ombine well' ring to a boil, then
lower the heat to low, and add the meatballs' Simmer, without stirring, and sha)e the pan o**asionally
to pre%ent sti*)ing for 12 minutes or until the meatballs are *oo)ed through and the sau*e has
:' Ser%e hot'
&oNhi Jartha &ari
Tamil fried *hi*)en
3ere the *hi*)en is e%enly *oated with a glaNe that is sour, peppery, and infused with the aroma of *urry
lea%es' Ser%e it with ri*e and sambhar >page =2? and maybe a small salad on the side'
Ser%es 1'
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
0 to : *lo%es garli*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons table salt
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 12 pie*es
6 tablespoons %egetable oil
12 to 16 fresh *urry lea%es
2 medium red onions, *hopped
2 medium tomatoes, finely *hopped
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
=0 bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the *hiles, ginger, and garli* in a spi*e grinder and grind to a smooth paste' Transfer to a large
bowl' Add the *hile powder, lemon $ui*e, turmeri*, and 1 teaspoon of the salt, and stir' Add the *hi*)en
and stir to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 1 hour'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *hi*)en and sautQ o%er high heat until dry and lightly
browned' .rain the *hi*)en on paper towels and set aside'
=' Pla*e the same pan ba*) o%er medium heat' Add the remaining = tablespoons oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *urry lea%es and stir well' Add the onions and sautQ
until browned' Add the tomatoes, the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, and the *oriander, and *oo) until the
oil *omes to the top'
1' Add the *hi*)en and stir' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water' Co%er and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the
*hi*)en is *oo)ed through and the sau*e *oats the pie*es'
6' .issol%e the tamarind pulp in 1 *up >200 ml? water, add it to the pan, and simmer for 10 minutes,
stirring o**asionally' Add the garam masala and stir gently' Add the pepper*orns and stir'
0' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
&oNhi Jartha &oNhambu
Chi*)en *urry from &erala
4f you %isit &erala, the most %erdant of the southern states of 4ndia, be sure to ta)e a boat e8*ursion and
feast on beautiful, simple *urries li)e this fragrant one featuring *o*onut mil)' Ser%e it with steamed
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
= medium red onions, thinly sli*ed
U tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
1U teaspoons table salt
= medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 12 pie*es
1U *ups >=00 ml? *o*onut mil)
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1' Pla*e a hea%y,bottomed nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *innamon and fennel, and sautQ for =0 se*onds or until
fragrant' Add the *urry lea%es and onions, and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the onions are golden
2' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the *oriander, turmeri*, *hile
powder, and salt, and sautQ for 2 minutes'
=' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for 6 to 0 minutes or until the tomatoes are pulpy'
1' Add the *hi*)en and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add half of the *o*onut mil), lower the heat to low, and *oo), *o%ered, for 1 to 6 minutes or until the
*hi*)en is *oo)ed through and tender'
0' Add the tamarind pulp, stir, and simmer for 1 minute' Add the remaining *o*onut mil) and *oo),
*o%ered, for 6 minutes'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
Eou *an use mi8ed %egetables instead of *hi*)en to ma)e the dish %egetarian'
+aNiN Ti))a "asala
oneless tandoori,style *hi*)en in a spi*y sau*e
+aNiN is the Frdu word for Slus*ious'T This is an elaborate re*ipe, but it will win a lot of heartsO
Ser%es 1'
Gor the *hi*)en ti))a5
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless *hi*)en, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon table salt
1 *up >296 grams? plain Dree) yogurt
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons refined mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
Gor the sau*e5
= tablespoons %egetable oil
2 tablespoons butter
U teaspoon *umin seeds
= medium red onions, *hopped
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1U teaspoons ground *oriander
1 medium tomatoes, *hopped
U teaspoon table salt
W *up >00 grams? tomato purQe
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 teaspoon roasted and *rushed )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
1' "a)e the *hi*)en ti))a5 Put the *hi*)en in a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of the *hile powder, 1 tablespoon
of the lemon $ui*e, and the salt, and toss to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and pla*e in the
refrigerator to marinate for about =0 minutes'
2' Combine the yogurt, the remaining 1 tablespoon lemon $ui*e, the ginger paste, the garli* paste, the
remaining 1 teaspoon *hile powder, and the garam masala in a large bowl' Add the *hi*)en and
mustard oil, and stir well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for
about 2 hours'
=' Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC'
1' Thread the *hi*)en onto s)ewers' Put the s)ewers on a ba)ing sheet and ba)e on the middle ra*) of
the o%en for 16 to 20 minutes' !emo%e from the o%en' Slide the *hi*)en off the s)ewers onto a plate
and set aside'
6' "a)e the sau*e5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil and butter' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds' Khen they *hange *olor, add the onions
and sautQ for 6 minutes or until well browned'
0' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add the ground *umin and
*oriander and stir well'
9' Add the tomatoes and stir' +ower the heat to low and sautQ for 16 minutes or until the tomatoes are
*ompletely *oo)ed and the oil *omes to the top' Add the salt and stir'
:' Add the tomato purQe and sautQ for 2 minutes' Stir in U *up >100 ml? water and *oo) for 2 to =
minutes' Add the *hi*)en ti))a and simmer for 6 minutes' Add the *hile powder, garam masala, and 1
tablespoon of the *ilantro' Stir well and *oo) for 2 minutes'
/' Stir in the )asoori methi and *ream' !emo%e from the heat and transfer to a ser%ing bowl'
10' Darnish with the remaining 1 tablespoon *ilantro and ser%e hot'
"a)ai "urgh
oneless *hi*)en with *orn in a spi*y tomato sau*e
This re*ipe started out as a %egetarian dish with *orn, tomatoes, and bell peppers, but my two girls
e8pe*t a new *hi*)en dish from me e%ery wee) so 4 added the *hi*)en in a *reati%e moment' They are
happy with it, and so am 4, be*ause some healthy %egetables are in*luded in their diet this way' Ser%e
this with hot rotis >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >160 grams? fresh or drained *anned *orn )ernels
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
6 or 0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 teaspoon *oriander seeds
= whole *lo%es
1 medium boneless, s)inless *hi*)en breasts
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U tablespoons %egetable oil
= *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e ginger, *hopped
= medium tomatoes, purQed
2 medium green bell peppers, seeded and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put U *up >96 grams? of the *orn in a mini food pro*essor and pro*ess to a paste'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then add the *umin,
pepper*orns, *oriander, and *lo%es, and dry,roast for = minutes or until fragrant' Transfer to a plate and
set aside to *ool' +ightly *rush in a mortar with a pestle'
=' Cut the *hi*)en into U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es and put them in a bowl' Add the yogurt, salt, *hile powder,
and turmeri*, and stir well' Set aside to marinate for 16 minutes'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the garli* and ginger, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the *orn )ernels and the
*orn paste, and stir' Add U *up >100 ml? water and bring to a boil' Add the *rushed spi*es and stir' Add
the tomatoes and simmer for = to 1 minutes'
6' Add the *hi*)en and stir' Simmer for 10 minutes or until the *hi*)en is almost done'
0' Add the bell peppers, salt, and *ilantro' Stir and *oo) for 1 minute'
9' Ser%e hot'
"al%ani Chi*)en 3irwa "asala
Chi*)en in a green masala
"al%ani *uisine is a delightful mi8 of "aharashtrian and Doan *uisines' The "al%an region boasts an
e8tensi%e *oastline, so *o*onut mil) is pre%alent in most of its dishes' The *reaminess of the *o*onut is
offset by red,hot *hiles, and souring agents li)e tamarind and )o)um fruit' (aturally, there is an
abundan*e of seafood, but *hi*)en is not un*ommon'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en
1 teaspoon table salt
1W *ups >96 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 *lo%es garli*, peeled
0 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
2 green *ardamom pods
1 bay leaf
2 or = whole *lo%es
U teaspoon *umin seeds
= medium red onions, *hopped
U *up >100 ml? thi*) *o*onut mil)
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Clean the *hi*)en, remo%e the s)in, and *ut into 10 pie*es' Transfer to a bowl and rub the salt all o%er
the *hi*)en' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and set aside'
2' !eser%e 2 tablespoons of the *ilantro for garnish' Pla*e the remaining *ilantro in a food pro*essor
with the *o*onut, ginger, garli*, *hiles, and W *up >60 ml? water, and pro*ess to a paste' Add this paste
to the *hi*)en and stir well to *oat'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *innamon, bla*) and green *ardamom, bay leaf, *lo%es, and *umin, and
sautQ until fragrant' Add the onions and *oo) for = minutes or until soft and translu*ent'
1' Add the *hi*)en and sautQ o%er low heat for 6 to 0 minutes' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and *oo) for 1
to 6 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
6' Add the *o*onut mil) and garam masala' Stir well'
0' Darnish with the reser%ed *ilantro and ser%e hot'
"urgh Zafrani .o PyaNa
A saffron,fla%ored *hi*)en *urry loaded with onions
Saffron adds a depth to *ertain *urries that *annot be identified at first bite' 4f you really want to
understand how saffron affe*ts this dish, try ma)ing it on*e without the saffron' Ser%e the *urry with
parathas >page 1:?'
Ser%es 1'
26 almonds, roasted
1 tablespoon *hiron$i7*haroli >melon seedsM page 6:9?, roasted
1 tablespoon white poppy seeds, roasted
U *up >100 ml? %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 27= pounds >:60 grams? bone,in *hi*)en, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
1W teaspoons table salt
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
= *ups >000 ml? *hi*)en sto*), >page =1?
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
1' Put the almonds, melon seeds, and poppy seeds in a spi*e grinder, and grind to a fine powder'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until lightly browned'
=' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the *hile powder and turmeri*,
and stir well'
1' Add the *hi*)en and sautQ for 6 minutes' Add the salt and stir'
6' Add the yogurt and *oo) for 1 to 2 minutes' Add the ground almond mi8ture and *oo) for 6 minutes,
stirring *ontinuously'
0' Add the sto*) and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and simmer for 20 minutes or until
the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
9' Add the garam masala and saffron, stir, and remo%e from the heat'
:' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
+ayered 4ndian griddle bread and spi*y ground *hi*)en
This is a masterful *onstru*tion of thin *hapatis >4ndian griddle breads? and a saffron,fla%ored egg,
*heese, and *hi*)en mi8ture, a great e8ample of the royal (iNami *uisine of 3yderabad' Treat it li)e a
one,dish meal, as it is Huite filling'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the *hapatis5
S*ant 1 *up >120 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour, plus e8tra for dusting
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
U teaspoon table salt
Gor the filling5
0 large eggs
A few saffron threads
2 tablespoons warm mil), plus U *up >100 ml? mil)
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
/ oun*es >290 grams? ground *hi*)en
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
About U *up >120 grams? ghee >page =9?, for brushing the pans
1U *ups >160 grams? grated mild white *heese
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh mint
10 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1' "a)e the *hapatis5 Put the maida in a large bowl' Add the oil and salt' !ub with your fingers until
the mi8ture resembles bread *rumbs'
2' Add W *up >60 ml? water and )nead to ma)e a soft dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside for
=0 minutes'
=' .i%ide the dough into / portions' .ust a wor) surfa*e with a little flour and roll out ea*h portion into a
thin :,in*h round'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and add a dough round' Coo), turning, until lightly
browned on ea*h side' Set aside' !epeat with the remaining dough rounds'
6' "a)e the filling5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add 2U *ups >600 ml? water, and bring
to a boil' Add 6 of the eggs and boil for 12 minutes' !emo%e from the heat, drain, and plunge the eggs
into a bowl of *old water' Peel and *hop the eggs and set aside in a bowl'
0' eat the remaining egg in a bowl and set aside'
9' 4n a small bowl, soa) the saffron in the 2 tablespoons warm mil)'
:' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 1 minutes or until lightly browned'
/' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes or until the raw fla%ors disappear' Add
the *hile powder and turmeri*, and sautQ for = to 1 minutes'
10' Add the *hi*)en and salt, and *oo) for : minutes, stirring *ontinuously' Khen the e8*ess moisture
has e%aporated, add the garam masala and lemon $ui*e' Transfer to a plate and let *ool' Transfer to a
food pro*essor and pro*ess to a *oarse paste'
11' Preheat the o%en to =60XG7196XC'
12' rush a round *a)e pan with a little ghee and line the bottom with 1 *hapati' Sprin)le with a little
mil) and top it with 2 tablespoons of the *hi*)en mi8ture, a little *hopped egg, grated *heese, *ilantro,
mint, and *hiles' rush with a little beaten egg' Co%er with another *hapati and repeat the layering
again until you ha%e used all of the dough rounds'
1=' Dently brush the top with the saffron mi8ture and ba)e for =6 minutes or until golden brown and
11' Fnmold onto a plate and *ut into wedges'
16' Ser%e hot'
(aattu &oNhi Curry
Countryside *hi*)en *urry from &erala
&oNhi means S*hi*)en,T and this is a slightly modified and updated %ersion of a rural dish from &erala in
all its spi*y, thi*), sau*y glory' 4tLs ni*e to mop up the sau*e with roti >page 1:?' Fse two Cornish game
hens if you *anLt find a young spring *hi*)en'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? spring *hi*)en
U *up >100 ml? %egetable oil
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
0 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
= tablespoons *hana dal >split engal gram?
W *up >26 grams? *oriander seeds
1 tablespoon whole bla*) pepper*orns
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*), bro)en
2 whole *lo%es
1 green *ardamom pods
2 tablespoons white poppy seeds
2 bay lea%es
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
2 star anise
2 medium red onions, peeled and *hopped
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 medium tomatoes, purQed
2 teaspoons table salt
1' Cut the *hi*)en into 12 to 10 pie*es and set aside'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *o*onut, *hiles, dal, *oriander, pepper*orns, *umin,
*innamon, *lo%es, and *ardamom' SautQ for 6 minutes or until fragrant' Transfer to a bowl and set aside
to *ool'
=' To the same hot pan, add the poppy seeds and pla*e o%er low heat' !oast for = to 1 minutes, then
add to the other sautQed spi*es and stir' Khen the mi8ture *ools *ompletely, transfer it to a mini food
pro*essor and pro*ess to a *oarse powder'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 0 tablespoons >/0 ml?
oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the bay lea%es, *urry lea%es, and star
anise, and stir' Add the onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until lightly browned'
6' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the *hi*)en and turmeri*, and toss
for 2 to = minutes'
0' Add the tomatoes and the spi*e powder, and stir well' Add 2U *ups >600 ml? water and the salt, and
stir again' Co%er and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through and the oil *omes to the
9' Che*) the seasoning and ser%e hot'
Pala) Chi*)en
Chi*)en with spina*h
Coo)ing meat and poultry with spina*h is %ery popular in (orth 4ndia' "y girls lo%e this simple dish with
hot rotis >page 1:? on a *ool day'
Ser%es 1'
2 *ups >==6 grams? froNen blan*hed and *hopped spina*h
0 tablespoons %egetable oil
: whole bla*) pepper*orns
2 bay lea%es
: whole *lo%es
6 green *ardamom pods
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped, plus 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, $ulienned
1 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 12 pie*es
2 teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons table salt
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
6 tablespoons >96 grams? plain yogurt
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1' Thaw the spina*h, put in a food pro*essor, and pro*ess to a fine purQe' Set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the pepper*orns, bay lea%es, *lo%es, and *ardamom, and sautQ for 1 minute'
Add the onions, *hopped ginger, and garli*, and sautQ, stirring *ontinuously, for 1 minutes or until the
onions are lightly browned'
=' Add the *hi*)en, *umin, *oriander, turmeri*, 1 teaspoon of the salt, and the *hiles, and sautQ for 0
minutes' Add 1 tablespoon of the yogurt and stir' SautQ for 1 minute, then add 1 more tablespoon
yogurt' !epeat until all of the yogurt has been added' Coo) for 10 minutes more, stirring *ontinuously'
Add U *up >100 ml? water and stir'
1' Add the spina*h and $ulienned ginger, and *oo) for 2 minutes' Add the remaining 1 teaspoon salt and
the garam masala and stir'
6' Ser%e hot'
Paneer Anda
Paneer and eggs
Khen 4 was growing up in .elhi, fresh paneer used to be sold at %egetable stalls along with the fresh
produ*e' Today, it is sold in the freeNer se*tion of stores, but 4 always prefer it fresh' 4 made up this
re*ipe when my )ids, as they are wont to do, demanded something new'
Ser%es 1'
2 medium tomatoes
1 large eggs
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 medium red onion, min*ed
1 *lo%es garli*, min*ed
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground bla*) pepper
1 teaspoon table salt
9 oun*es >200 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
V teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the tomatoes in a sau*epan with = *ups >000 ml? hot water for 6 minutes' .rain, let *ool, and
peel' .i*e the tomatoes and set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan with 2 *ups >100 ml? water o%er high heat, add the eggs, and bring to a boil'
oil for 10 minutes' .rain and set the eggs aside on a plate to *ool' Khen *ooled, peel them and *ut into
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the onion and garli*, and sautQ for = minutes or until
golden brown'
1' Add the turmeri*, *hile powder, bla*) pepper, and salt, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the tomatoes
and *oo) for 9 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and *oo) until the e8*ess liHuid has e%aporated' "ash to a smooth paste
with a wooden spoon'
0' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and stir' ring to a boil, lower the heat, and add the paneer and boiled
eggs' Simmer gently for about 9 minutes'
9' Sprin)le with the garam masala and *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
^ui*) Peera Chi*)en
Chi*)en fla%ored with *umin
This is an ideal dish to ma)e when in a hurry, be*ause *hi*)en is not only good to eat but also fast to
*oo)' 4 ta)e ad%antage of that fa*t and dish this up as an 4ndian stir,fry' The mint and *ilantro *reate
magi* with the *umin and pepper` 4 *an a*tually smell the aroma e%en as 4 write thisO
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en, *ut into 12 pie*es
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
: to 10 green *hiles, stemmed and *ut in half
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
9 or : bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh mint
1' Put the *hi*)en in a large bowl' Add the lemon $ui*e and 1 teaspoon of the salt, and stir well' Co%er
the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for =0 minutes'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen the *umin begins to *hange *olor, add the *hiles and turmeri*,
and sautQ for 10 se*onds'
=' Add the *hi*)en and sautQ for : to / minutes or until well browned' Add the yogurt, *ilantro,
pepper*orns, and the remaining 1 teaspoon salt' Stir well and add U *up >100 ml? water' Co%er, lower
the heat to low, and *oo) for 20 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
1' Transfer to a ser%ing dish, sprin)le with the mint, and ser%e hot'
Thengen)ai &ori
Chi*)en breasts in a *o*onut,and,yogurt sau*e
4 first tasted this in "angalore, a beautiful *oastal town in the South 4ndian state of &arnata)a' 4 found
this mildly spi*ed *hi*)en *urry absolutely deli*ious, and itLs a simple preparation that wor)s well at
Ser%es 1'
1 medium bone,in *hi*)en breasts
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1U teaspoons table salt
V *up >1/0 grams? plain yogurt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
= tablespoons %egetable oil
= whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1U *ups >=00 ml? *hi*)en sto*) >page =1?
1 *up >200 ml? thi*) *o*onut mil)
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom
1' Put the *hi*)en in a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of the garli* paste, U teaspoon of the ginger paste, and 1
teaspoon of the salt, and rub in well' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and set aside to marinate for 16
2' Put the yogurt in a small bowl' Add the *hile powder and turmeri*, and whis) well'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *lo%es and *innamon, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the onions and sautQ
for 1 to 6 minutes or until lightly browned' Add the remaining 1 teaspoon garli* paste and the remaining
U teaspoon ginger paste, and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
1' !emo%e from the heat and stir in the yogurt mi8ture' !eturn the pan to low heat and *oo), stirring
*ontinuously, for 6 to 0 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add the sto*) and bring to a boil' Add the *hi*)en and the remaining U teaspoon salt, and stir' Co%er
and *oo) for 16 to 20 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
0' !emo%e from the heat' !emo%e the *hi*)en with a slotted spoon and put in a bowl' Push the gra%y
through a strainer into another nonsti*) sautQ pan and pla*e o%er low heat' Add the *hi*)en and
*o*onut mil), and *oo) for 2 minutes'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl, sprin)le with the *ardamom, and ser%e hot'
Kafer Per Bda
Bggs with potato *hips
This unusual method of *oo)ing eggs is nati%e to the Parsi *ommunity in 4ndia' Parsis *ame to 4ndia from
Persia and settled in the 4ndian state of Du$arat' Their *oo)ing s)ills are legendary, and e%en in this
simple dish, you will noti*e their inno%ati%e and delightful approa*h'
Ser%es 1'
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
U teaspoon *umin seeds
1 medium red onion, sli*ed
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 medium tomato, *hopped
1 *up >200 grams? potato *hips
1 teaspoon table salt
1 medium eggs
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *umin and onion, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until light golden' Add
the *hiles and tomato, and *oo) for = minutes or until the tomatoes are soft'
2' Add the potato *hips, salt, and 2 tablespoons water' Co%er and *oo) for 1 minute' Fn*o%er and
spread the mi8ture e%enly in the pan'
=' Cra*) the eggs, one at a time, on top of the potato *hip mi8ture to *o%er *ompletely'
1' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for about 6 minutes or until the eggs are set'
6' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e immediately'
Zafrani .um "urgh
Chi*)en with yogurt and saffron
Chi*)en that is *oo)ed in a *oal,fired *lay o%en *alled a tandoor is probably the most *ommon 4ndian
dish a%ailable outside 4ndia' 3ere, 4L%e added a hint of saffron and then roasted the *hi*)en in a
*on%entional o%en'
Ser%es 1'
1 >1V,pound7:00,gram? *hi*)en
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
V teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
V teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
= medium red onions, sli*ed
U *up >=0 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
U *up >=0 grams? *hopped fresh mint
6 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
6 whole *lo%es
2 green *ardamom pods
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*)
= or 1 saffron threads
2 tablespoons grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
10 almonds, blan*hed and peeled >see (ote page 10?, ground
W *up >00 grams? butter, melted
1' Pat the *hi*)en dry' Pri*) it all o%er with a for)'
2' Put the yogurt in a bowl and stir in 1 teaspoon of the salt, the *hile powder, ginger paste, and garli*
paste' !ub the mi8ture generously on the *hi*)en, inside and out' Put the *hi*)en in a large bowl, *o%er
with plasti* wrap, and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 6 to 0 hours'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
pan, lower the heat to medium, add the onions, and *oo), stirring *onstantly with a slotted spoon, until
they are browned and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set aside to *ool
*ompletely' Crumble lightly with your fingers'
1' Preheat the o%en to =26XG7100XC'
6' Put the *ilantro, mint, *hiles, lemon $ui*e, remaining U teaspoon salt, the *lo%es, *ardamom, and
*innamon in a mini food pro*essor, add 1 tablespoon water, and pro*ess to a smooth paste' Transfer to
a bowl and stir in the browned onions, saffron, *o*onut, and almonds' !ub the mi8ture all o%er the
*hi*)en and pri*) it all o%er with a for) again'
0' Drease a ba)ing sheet with a little melted butter' rush the *hi*)en with some melted butter and
pla*e it on the ba)ing sheet' a)e on the middle ra*) of the o%en for 16 minutes'
9' aste with the remaining melted butter and ba)e for 20 minutes more or until *oo)ed through'
:' !emo%e from the o%en and let rest for 6 minutes' Car%e the *hi*)en and ser%e hot'
4ndia is the *ountry of golden wheat' Ke use other grains, su*h as ri*e, *orn, and millet, but wheat,
semolina, and whole,wheat flour rule' People around the world are swit*hing from highly refined grains
to those that are *loser to their natural stateAwhite bread to whole wheat, white ri*e to brownAbut
4ndia has been eating what is essentially wholewheat bread for *enturies5 the simple, humble, e%eryday
roti >page 1:? and *hapati >page 1=:?, an unlea%ened griddle bread'
A puffed,up roti *alled a phul)a always fas*inates tra%elers from abroad, and 4 demystify the pro*ess
here' &nead the dough with water, and as the roti is e8posed to high heat, the water begins to
e%aporate rapidly' This *reates steam, whi*h is what *auses the bread to balloon' !otis are best rolled
out with a light hand that e%enly distributes the pressure o%er the e8panding surfa*e >a long, thin 4ndian,
style rolling pin is best for this?' .usting with flour on*e or twi*e *an help you to pre%ent folds in the
rolled,out roti and thus ensure perfe*t puffing'
ut the world of 4ndian breads does not stop at the roti, naan >page 20?, and paratha >page 1:? that
you might order in your lo*al 4ndian restaurant to sop up sau*y *urries' 4n this *hapter youLll find
intriguing breads li)e the !a$asthani bati >page 102?, a whole,wheat bread enri*hed with plenty of
ghee, and breads that *an be ser%ed as substantial dishes in and of themsel%es' The *hi*)en )heema
)ul*ha >page 161?, for e8ample, *an be *ut up and ser%ed as a hot starter, and the many layers of
pudina paratha >page 101? *an be separated and ser%ed with *hi*)en, meat, or dal'
Aloo Anardana &ul*ha
A Pun$abi stuffed bread with potato and dried pomegranate seeds
.ried pomegranate seeds, or anardana, are the star attra*tion here' They share their tartness only
when *rushed or ground and are rarely used whole' They are readily a%ailable at 4ndian gro*ery stores'
This )ul*ha pairs %ery well with *hole' Kith )ha$oor aur imli )i *hutney >sweet date,and,tamarind
*hutneyM page 22?, sli*ed onions, and green *hiles, itLs simply irresistible'
"a)es :'
2 *ups >210 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
V teaspoon table salt
W teaspoon ba)ing soda
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
2 tablespoons mil)
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon anardana >dried pomegranate seeds?
2 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and grated
U medium onion, di*ed
W medium bun*h fresh *ilantro lea%es, finely *hopped
: to 10 fresh mint lea%es, finely *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
U tablespoon red *hile powder
U tablespoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
V teaspoon )alon$i >nigellaM see (ote page 2=1?
2 tablespoons butter
1' Sift the maida, U teaspoon of the salt, and the ba)ing soda into a large bowl' Dradually add the
yogurt and mil), and stir well' Add U *up >100 ml? water and )nead to ma)e a soft and smooth dough'
Co%er with a wet *loth and let rest for 10 minutes'
2' Add 2 tablespoons of the oil and )nead the dough well' Co%er and set aside for at least 1 and up to =
=' .i%ide the dough into : eHual portions and shape them into smooth balls'
1' 3eat a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the anardana and dry,roast them for 2 minutes'
Cool and grind to a *oarse powder in a spi*e grinder'
6' 4n a large bowl, *ombine the potatoes, onion, *ilantro, mint, green *hiles, anardana, *hile powder,
*umin, and the remaining W teaspoon salt' .i%ide the potato mi8ture into : eHual portions and set aside'
0' Glatten a portion of dough, pla*e a portion of the potato mi8ture in the *enter, and fold the dough
o%er to form a ball' Pla*e the stuffed dough on a lightly floured wor) surfa*e and roll gently into a 1, to
6,in*h >10, to 12U,*m? round' rush lightly with oil, sprin)le )alon$i on the surfa*e, and press with your
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then pla*e a dough
round on it and *oo) until the underside has light golden spe*)s' Glip o%er and *oo) until the se*ond side
has light golden spe*)s'
:' rush the hot )ul*has with butter and ser%e immediately'
Aloo Paratha
An 4ndian bread stuffed with potato
This is *omfort food for Pun$abis, espe*ially the *hildren, and is ser%ed for brea)fast, lun*h, teatime, and
dinner' Dlistening with ghee >page =9? and ser%ed piping hot with yogurt and 4ndian,spi*ed pi*)le, it is a
signature bread of rural as well as urban Pun$ab'
"a)es :'
2 *ups >=00 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
V teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon anardana >dried pomegranate seeds?
2 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and grated
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 green *hile, stemmed and *hopped
U *up >120 grams? butter, melted
1' Sift the atta and U teaspoon of the salt into a large bowl' Dradually add V >160 ml? *up water and
)nead to ma)e a smooth dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and let rest for 16 minutes'
2' 3eat a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the anardana and dry,roast for 2 minutes' Cool
and grind to a *oarse powder in a spi*e grinder'
=' Combine the potatoes, anardana, *hile powder, green *hile, and the remaining W teaspoon salt in a
large bowl' Stir well'
1' .i%ide the dough into : eHual portions and shape into smooth balls' Co%er with a wet *loth and set
aside for 6 minutes'
6' Ta)e a dough ball and flatten it by pressing it between your palms' Pla*e a portion of the potato
mi8ture in the *enter, bring in the edges to en*lose it, and shape into a ball again' Seal the edges
*ompletely so that the potato stuffing does not *ome out' !epeat with the remaining dough and filling'
0' Glatten the balls, sprin)le with a little flour, and roll them with a rolling pin into 0,in*h >16,*m? rounds'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then pla*e a paratha on
it and *oo) for = minutes' Turn the paratha, driNNle U tablespoon of the butter on it, spreading it to
*o%er the entire surfa*e' !edu*e the heat to low and *oo) until golden brown' Turn again and driNNle the
other side with U tablespoon butter' Coo) o%er low heat until golden brown' !epeat with the remaining
:' Ser%e hot'
A ri*h bread fit for a )ing
+egend has it that this bread is the *reation of (awab a)har &han, after whom it is named' A sweet
bread with nuts, seeds, and essen*es, this is wonderful with )ebabs'
"a)es :'
2 *ups >210 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
U teaspoon ba)ing powder
1 teaspoon table salt
V *up >160 ml? mil)
2U teaspoons sugar
12 to 11 raisins >optional?
1 tablespoon *hiron$i7*haroli >melon seedsM see page 6:9?
U tablespoon a*ti%e dry yeast
1 teaspoon )ewra >s*rew pine? water
6 tablespoons >96 grams? ghee >page =9?, melted
10 almonds, blan*hed >page 10? and sli*ed
1' Sift the maida, ba)ing powder, and salt together into a deep bowl'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add the mil) and heat' Add the sugar and stir until it
dissol%es' !emo%e from the heat and let *ool to room temperature'
=' Soa) the raisins, if using, and the *hiron$i in U *up >100 ml? warm water for 6 minutes, drain, and set
1' Put the dry yeast in a small bowl, add W *up >60 ml? lu)ewarm >not hot? water, and set aside for =
minutes to dissol%e'
6' "a)e a well in the *enter of the maida mi8ture, add the mil) mi8ture, )ewra water, and dissol%ed
yeast, and gradually stir to ma)e soft dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside for 10 minutes'
0' Dradually add = tablespoons of the ghee to the dough and )nead until it is in*orporated' Add the
almonds, raisins, and *hiron$i' &nead the dough, *o%er, and set aside in a warm pla*e for =0 minutes to
9' Preheat the o%en to 196XG7260XC'
:' .i%ide the dough into : eHual portions, ma)e balls, *o%er, and set aside for 10 minutes'
/' Glatten the balls and roll them out into 6,in*h >12U,*m? rounds' Pri*) the entire surfa*e of ea*h round
with a for)'
10' Arrange the rounds on an ungreased ba)ing sheet and ba)e for 10 to 12 minutes, until the bread is
fully *oo)ed'
11' !emo%e from the o%en, brush with the remaining ghee, and ser%e hot'
esan &i "asala !oti
A spi*y gram,flour bread
This spi*y bread is a traditional brea)fast in parts of 4ndia' The two different flours used, gram flour and
whole,wheat flour, are good sour*es of energy and protein'
"a)es :'
1 *up >100 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
U *up >96 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
U teaspoon am*hur >dried mango powder?
1U teaspoons ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoons ghee >page =9?, melted
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Put the besan in a bowl' Add the atta, am*hur, *umin, *oriander, *hile powder, turmeri*, green
*hiles, *ilantro, 2 tablespoons of the ghee, the salt, and W *up >60 ml? water, and )nead to ma)e a soft
dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and let rest for 10 to 16 minutes'
2' .i%ide the dough into : eHual portions and roll into balls' !oll ea*h ball into an :,in*h >20,*m? round'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er high heat' +et it heat for 2 mintues, then lower the heat to
medium' Pla*e the dough rounds, one at a time, on the tawa and *oo), driNNling U teaspoon ghee on
ea*h roti' Turn o%er a few times to ensure e%en *oo)ing on both sides' Coo) ea*h roti for 1 minutes or
until *risp on both sides' Ser%e hot'
A nutritious and wholesome millet bread
This rusti* bread is thought of as a high,energy food by farmers of "aharashtra' They eat it with salt,
green *hiles, and sometimes a red onionAnot *hopped or sli*ed, but simply smashed with the fist and
"a)es :'
1W *ups >=00 grams? $awar >sorghum? or millet flour
2 teaspoons table salt
2 teaspoons sesame seeds
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1' Pla*e the $awar flour and salt in a large bowl' &nead, gradually adding enough water to ma)e a stiff
dough' .i%ide the dough into : eHual portions'
2' Pla*e a small pie*e of plasti* wrap on a flat wor) surfa*e' Ta)e one portion of the dough, roll it into a
ball, and pla*e it on the plasti*' Ket your fingers with water and pat the ball into a thi*) 0,in*h >16,*m?
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then pla*e a dough
round on it and sprin)le a few sesame seeds on top' rush some water on the entire surfa*e of the
bha)ri so that the sides do not *ra*)' Coo) o%er medium heat for 1 minute on ea*h side, then pla*e the
bha)ri o%er an open gas flame until it puffs up, about =0 se*onds' Turn and *oo) until it puffs up again'
!epeat with the remaining dough rounds'
1' !emo%e from the heat, spread with ghee, and ser%e hot'
Chi*)en &heema &ul*ha
A bread stuffed with spi*y *hi*)en
&ul*has are soft breads that are ba)ed in *lay o%ens'
"a)es :'
1 *ups >1:0 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
= teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon ba)ing soda
W *up >60 ml? mil)
W *up >00 grams? plain yogurt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= or 1 garli* *lo%es, *rushed
1U medium red onions, *hopped
1 pound >600 grams? ground *hi*)en
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro, *hopped
= tablespoons butter, melted
1' Sift the flour, 2 teaspoons of the salt, and the ba)ing soda into a large bowl' Add the mil) and yogurt,
and stir' Add U *up >100 ml? water and )nead into a soft dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside
for 16 minutes'
2' .i%ide the dough into : eHual portions'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the ginger, garli*, and onions, and sautQ until lightly browned' Add the *hi*)en
and *oo), stirring, until all the moisture e%aporates and the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through'
1' Add the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, the turmeri*, *hile powder, garam masala, and *ilantro, and stir
well' .i%ide this mi8ture into : eHual portions and set aside to *ool'
6' !oll out ea*h portion of dough into a =,in*h >9U,*m? round' Pla*e a portion of the *hi*)en mi8ture in
the *enter of ea*h, gather the edges to en*lose the filling, and shape into a ball' Fsing a rolling pin, roll
out into as thin a dis) as possible'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er medium heat and let it heat for 2 minutes' Pla*e a dough round
on it and *oo), turning on*e or twi*e, until both sides are lightly browned' !epeat with the remaining
dough rounds' >Alternati%ely, *oo) the )ul*has in the o%en5 Preheat the o%en to 100XG7200XC' Pla*e the
)ul*has on a greased ba)ing sheet and ba)e for 10 to 16 minutes'?
9' rush with the butter and ser%e hot'
Darli* (aan
A (orth 4ndian ba)ed flatbread infused with garli*
4 ha%e had many %ersions of garli* naan, some mild and some highly fla%ored' This %ersion is right in the
middle, and it is great on its own or with any thi*) lentil *urry or *hi*)en *urry' (aan ta)es Huite a lot of
pra*ti*e to master but is well worth the effort'
"a)es :'
2 *ups >210 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
U teaspoon ba)ing powder
W teaspoon ba)ing soda
U teaspoon table salt
=0 *lo%es garli*
1 teaspoon *onfe*tionersL sugar
V *up >160 ml? mil)
1 tablespoon plain yogurt
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
= tablespoons butter, melted
1' Set a *ouple of tablespoons of the maida aside for dusting and sift the remaining maida, the ba)ing
powder, ba)ing soda, and salt into a large bowl'
2' Put 20 of the garli* *lo%es in a food pro*essor with 1 tablespoon water, and pro*ess to a fine paste'
"in*e the remaining 10 *lo%es and set aside'
=' To the sifted maida mi8ture, add the *onfe*tionersL sugar, mil), garli* paste, half of the min*ed
garli*, the yogurt, and *ilantro, and )nead to ma)e a medium,soft dough' !ub the oil o%er the surfa*e,
*o%er with a damp *loth, and set aside for at least 1 hour'
1' Pun*h the dough with your hands to ma)e it soft and pliable, then di%ide it into : eHual portions'
Co%er the dough with a damp *loth and let it rest for 1 hour more'
6' Glatten ea*h dough ball between your palms, *oat with a little melted butter, and dust with the
reser%ed maida' !oll into a ball again, *o%er, and set aside for 16 minutes'
0' Preheat the o%en to 196XG7260XC'
9' !oll ea*h dough ball on a floured wor) surfa*e into a 6, to 0,in*h >12U, to 16,*m? round' Pull it from
one end to shape it into an elongated o%al' Sprin)le with the remaining min*ed garli*'
:' a)e >on ba)ing sheets? for 9 minutes or until brown spots appear on the surfa*e of the naan'
>Alternati%ely, *oo) in a tandoor o%en' Cr *oo) on a preheated tawa or griddle, moistening the naan
on either side with a little water as they *oo)'?
/' .riNNle with melted butter and ser%e hot'
&haari Puri
A *risp bread prepared with a spi*y *hi*)pea,flour mi8ture
&haari puri means Sbread with salt,T but thereLs mu*h more going on here' These breads are wonderful
for a Sunday brun*h with a pot of freshly made plain yogurt and a glass of hot masala tea >page 1:?'
"a)es 10'
U teaspoon *umin seeds
U teaspoon *oriander seeds
V *ups >110 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
2 tablespoons besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
2 tablespoons ground *oriander
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9? melted
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 1 teaspoons %egetable oil, plus more for the dough
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then add the *umin and
*oriander seeds, and dry,roast until light golden and fragrant' Set aside to *ool, then transfer to a
mortar and *rush with a pestle >you *an use a spi*e grinder here if your grinder *an a**omodate su*h a
small Huantity?'
2' Pla*e the atta in a large bowl' Add the besan, ground *oriander, *hile powder, turmeri*, garam
masala, salt, *ilantro, *rushed *umin and *oriander seeds, ghee, and W *up >60 ml? water, and )nead to
ma)e a stiff dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and let rest for 10 minutes'
=' .i%ide the dough into 10 portions and roll into balls' +ightly *oat ea*h ball with a little oil and roll out
into =,in*h >9U,*m? rounds'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium' Dently slide in the dough rounds, one or two at a
time, and *oo), turning with a slotted spoon, for 1 to 6 minutes or until golden brown on both sides'
6' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Ser%e hot'
&hasta !oti
A *risp bread with sugar and a$wain
&hasta means S*risp,T and these rotis are $ust that' 4s it this *rispiness that endears them to me, or is it
the pin*h of sugary sweetness\ Bither way5 TheyLre deli*iousO 4f youLd li)e, ser%e these as they do in
4ndia5 +et the rotis *ool to room temperature, then tell your guests to *rush ea*h one deli*ately in the
palms of their hands'
"a)es :'
1 teaspoon sugar
U teaspoon table salt
1 *up >120 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
2 tablespoons *oarse rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?, melted
U teaspoon a$wain
1' Put the sugar and salt in a small bowl, add W *up >60 ml? water, and stir until dissol%ed'
2' Put the maida, semolina flour, ghee, a$wain, and the salt and sugar water in a bowl, and )nead to
ma)e a stiff dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside for 16 minutes'
=' .i%ide the dough into : portions and shape into balls' Glatten ea*h ball and roll out into a 0,in*h >16,
*m? round'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan or tawa >griddle? o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then pla*e
a roti in the pan and *oo), turning, until both sides are *risp' !epeat with the remaining dough rounds'
6' Ser%e hot'
A *risp Sindhi bread
This is a ri*h flatbread en$oyed at brea)fast' The *ream gi%es it its melt,in,your,mouth Huality' A typi*al
Sindhi )o)i is rather alarmingly large, but you *an ma)e them in any siNe' "y mom fle*)s them with
light )nife mar)s in diamond shapes so that brea)ing the *ooled bread into *lean pie*es is easy'
"a)es :'
2U *ups >=96 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
2 small red onions, peeled and di*ed
2 teaspoons table salt
2 green *hiles, stemmed and min*ed
1 teaspoon a$wain
1 teaspoon anardana >dried pomegranate seeds?, *rushed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?, melted
W *up >60 ml? hea%y *ream
1' Put the atta in a large bowl' Add the onions, salt, green *hiles, a$wain, anardana, *ilantro, 1
tablespoon of the ghee, and the *ream, and stir well' Add V *up >160 ml? water and )nead to ma)e a
stiff dough' Co%er and let rest for about 16 minutes'
2' .i%ide the dough into : eHual portions' +ightly dust with a little flour and roll out into a thi*) 6,in*h
>12U,*m? round'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then pla*e a dough
round on the tawa and *oo) for 2 to = minutes on ea*h side or until e%enly *oo)ed on both the sides'
rush with a little of the remaining ghee and *oo), pressing with a flat spoon, until both sides are light
golden' !epeat with the remaining dough rounds'
1' Ser%e hot'
"a))i .i !oti
A buttery *ornmeal bread
reads, in all their glorious %ariety, form the staple of an 4ndian meal' This bread uses *ornmeal, whi*h
ma)es it the Huintessential Pun$abi bread' 4 would be remiss if 4 didnLt mention this breadLs soul mate,
sarson )a saag >mustard greensM page 261?, whi*h it always seems to a**ompany' Ser%ed hot with a
dollop of white butter and *ane $aggery on *old wintry e%enings, it is absolute manna'
Khen 4 first learned to ma)e this roti, my mother ga%e me this little tip for shaping the dough5 SPust put
your ball of dough between two plasti* sheets and then pat it into shape'T
"a)es :'
1U *ups >200 grams? ma)ai )a atta >*ornmeal?
U teaspoon table salt
W teaspoon a$wain
1 *up >200 ml? lu)ewarm water
: teaspoons %egetable oil
1' Put the *ornmeal in a large bowl' Add the salt, a$wain, and lu)ewarm water, and )nead to ma)e a
medium,soft dough' .i%ide the dough into : eHual portions and shape into balls' Pat ea*h ball between
moistened palms to ma)e a 6,in*h >12U,*m? round of medium thi*)ness' >Alternati%ely, roll out ea*h
ball between two sheets of oiled plasti* wrap'?
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er high heat and let it heat for 2 minutes' !edu*e the heat to
medium, pla*e one dough round on the tawa, and *oo) until one side is half done' Turn o%er and
driNNle U teaspoon of the oil o%er the top' Turn o%er again and driNNle 1 teaspoon oil o%er the se*ond
side' Coo) until both sides are golden brown'
=' !epeat with the remaining dough rounds'
1' Ser%e hot with a dollop of butter on ea*h roti'
"issi !oti
A spi*ed 4ndian bread
"issi roti is li)e a sa%ory short,*rust pastryM itLs easy to brea) and melts in your mouth' 4 lo%e to ser%e
this with dal >pages 1::[616?'
"a)es :'
2 *ups >=00 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
U *up >60 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1U teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 medium red onions, *hopped
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro lea%es
1 tablespoon plus : teaspoons %egetable oil
1' Pla*e the atta, besan, salt, *hile powder, turmeri*, *oriander, garam masala, onions, green *hiles,
*ilantro, and 1 tablespoon of the oil in a large bowl' Add U *up water and )nead to ma)e a soft dough'
.i%ide the dough into : eHual portions and roll into balls' !oll out ea*h ball into a 0,in*h >16,*m? round'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er medium heat and let it heat for 2 minutes' Pla*e one dough
round on the tawa and *oo) for =0 se*onds' Turn o%er and driNNle U teaspoon oil around it' Turn again
and driNNle another U teaspoon oil around the roti' Coo) until both sides are *oo)ed and light brown
spe*)s appear on the surfa*e' !epeat with the remaining dough rounds'
=' Ser%e immediately'
Pudina Paratha
"int paratha
reads li)e pudina paratha taste %ery different depending on whether they are *oo)ed on a griddle or
in the more traditional tandoor o%en' This bread is deli*ious either way, but more ad%enturous *oo)s
*an rig up a ma)eshift tandoor at home' Cn the sto%etop, heat a deep, hea%y pan with a handle o%er
medium,high heat while you roll out the dough >this wor)s with roti as well?' +ightly dampen one side
of a dough round' Carefully sti*) the wet side onto the inside wall of the pan, then Hui*)ly turn the pan
upside down o%er the heat sour*eAa gas flame wor)s best' The heat will *oo) the bread until little bla*)
fle*)s appear on the top surfa*e, $ust as it does in a tandoor' The bread will be*ome unstu*) as the
water dries up, and you *an easily pull it out of the pan and ser%e it' Cur fa%orite dish to ser%e with
pudina paratha is dal ma)hni >page 1/1?'
"a)es :'
1 *up fresh mint lea%es
2 *ups >=00 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
1U teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon plus : teaspoons %egetable oil
= tablespoons butter, melted
2 teaspoons *haat masala >spi*e mi8 for *haatM page 21?
1' Kash and pat the mint lea%es dry' 3eat a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and lightly roast half of
the mint lea%es on it' Cool and *rush to a powder in a spi*e grinder' Chop the remaining mint lea%es and
set aside'
2' Put the atta and salt in a bowl' Add the *hopped mint, 1 tablespoon of the oil, and V *up >160 ml?
plus 1 tablespoon water, and )nead to ma)e a stiff dough' Co%er and let rest for 20 to 26 minutes'
=' .i%ide the dough into : eHual portions and shape into balls' !oll out ea*h ball into a 0,in*h >16,*m?
round, brush with butter, and sprin)le with some flour' !oll the dough ba*) into a ball' +et rest for 6
minutes, then roll out ea*h ball again into a 6, to 9,in*h >12U, to 19,*m? round'
1' Pla*e the nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er medium heat again and let it heat for 2 minutes' Pla*e a
dough round on the tawa and *oo), turning and driNNling U teaspoon oil on ea*h side, until both sides
are light golden brown' !epeat with the remaining dough rounds'
6' Spread butter on ea*h paratha while still hot'
0' Stir the roasted mint powder and *haat masala together, and sprin)le o%er the hot parathas'
efore ser%ing, *rush the parathas lightly between your palms to open up the layers'
!a$asthani ati
A traditional !a$asthani ba)ed bread
"any years ago, 4 attended a wedding in !a$asthan where the guests were treated to a la%ish lun*hM it
was there that 4 tasted this bread >whi*h is traditionally ba)ed o%er a *ow,dung fire? for the first time'
The hosts were %ery hospitable and *oa8ed me to en$oy more of this bati soa)ed in ghee and ser%ed
with a thi*) lentil dal' 4 still remember the e8tended nap afterwardO Ser%e these with !a$asthani
pan*hmel dal >page 600? and more ghee >page =9?'
"a)es :'
2 *ups >=00 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
W teaspoon ba)ing powder
2 teaspoons table salt
1 *up >200 grams? ghee >page =9?, softened
U teaspoon a$wain
1' Preheat the o%en to 126XG7220XC'
2' Sift the atta, ba)ing powder, and salt into a large bowl' !ub 27= *up >100 grams? of the ghee into the
flour mi8ture until it resembles bread *rumbs' Add the a$wain and V *up >160 ml? water and )nead to
ma)e a dough' .i%ide the dough into : portions and shape them into balls'
=' Transfer the balls to a ba)ing sheet and ba)e for about 10 minutes or until they $ust begin to *hange
*olor' +ower the o%en temperature to 100XG7200XC and ba)e for =6 minutes more'
1' Put the remaining 17=M *up >:0 grams? ghee in a large mi*rowa%e,safe bowl and melt it in a mi*rowa%e
o%en for 1 minute on high'
6' !emo%e the batis from the o%en, press them lightly, and soa) them in the melted ghee for at least 1
and up to 2 hours'
0' !emo%e from the bowl and ser%e'
!i*e Kade
.eep,fried ri*e,flour bread
The ri*e flour here is *oo)ed first so that it *an be )neaded into a malleable doughM otherwise ri*e,flour
dough is too sti*)y to handle' This bread *losely resembles the (orth 4ndian puri and is e8*ellent with
any lamb or *hi*)en *urry'
"a)es 10'
1 tablespoon fenugree) seeds
2 tablespoons fennel seeds
1 teaspoon table salt
2 *ups >=00 grams? ri*e flour
1 small red onion, grated
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2W *ups >160 ml? water' Add the fenugree)
and fennel seeds' Khen the mi8ture *omes to a boil, lower the heat to medium and simmer for about 6
minutesM the fla%or of the seeds will infuse the water'
2' Pour through a fine strainer into another sau*epan and reheat the water' Add the salt and stir' Add
the ri*e flour in a steady stream and *oo), stirring, for 6 minutes or until a dough forms and lea%es the
edges of the pan'
=' Transfer to a bowl, *ool, and )nead in the onion'
1' Apply a little oil to your hands and di%ide the dough into 10 portions' !oll ea*h portion into a ball
between your palms' &eeping the dough on one palm, spread it with the fingers of your other hand into
a =,in*h >9U,*m? round'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), add the dough rounds, one by one, and *oo), pressing lightly with a slotted spoon, until they puff
up' Turn o%er and *ontinue *oo)ing until both sides are light golden brown' !emo%e with the slotted
spoon and drain on paper towels'
0' Ser%e hot'
A ri*h bread with saffron and s*rew pine water
This is a soft and sweet bread that loo)s li)e a *lose *ousin of naan and has the ri*hness of saffron'
e*ause of its sweetness, it is usually ser%ed with *hi*)en )orma'
"a)es 10'
2 *ups >210 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
1 teaspoon table salt
2 teaspoons sugar
V *up plus = tablespoons >1/6 ml? warm mil)
A few saffron threads
2 or = drops )ewra >s*rew pine? water
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?, melted
2 tablespoons butter, plus more for the ba)ing sheets
1' Sift the maida and salt into a large bowl'
2' Put the sugar and V *up >160 ml? of the warm mil) in a medium bowl and stir until the sugar dissol%es'
Put the saffron and the remaining = tablespoons warm mil) in a small bowl and stir until it dissol%esM set
=' Add the sugar and mil) mi8ture and the s*rew pine water to the maida mi8ture' Stir well, then add 2
tablespoons water, and )nead to ma)e a soft dough' Co%er with a damp *loth and set aside for 10
1' Add the ghee to the dough and )nead it in well' &nead again to a soft dough' Co%er and set aside for
10 minutes'
6' .i%ide the dough into 10 portions and form into balls' Co%er and set aside for 10 minutes'
0' Preheat the o%en to 626XG7296XC' Glatten the balls on a lightly floured surfa*e and roll out ea*h ball
into a 0,in*h >16,*m? round' Pri*) the entire surfa*e with a for)'
9' Drease ba)ing sheets with butter, arrange the dough rounds on them, and ba)e for : minutes'
:' !emo%e, brush the sheermals with the saffron mil), and ba)e again for = to 1 minutes, until fully
/' rush with butter and ser%e immediately'
A Du$arati spi*ed bread
This is one 4ndian flatbread that has a fairly long shelf life' And be*ause of its longe%ity, Du$aratis *arry a
pa*) of them when they tra%el and en$oy them as sna*)s with a sweet mango pi*)le *alled *hhunda'
"y wife, Alyona, ma)es a %ariety of theplas that uses less oil' This is her re*ipe'
"a)es 12'
1 *up >160 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
W *up >26 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
U *up >20 grams? *hopped methi >fresh fenugree) lea%es?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
W teaspoon green *hile paste >page 1=?
1 teaspoon table salt
6 tablespoons >96 ml? %egetable oil
U *up >126 grams? plain yogurt
1' Put the atta, besan, methi, turmeri*, *hile powder, *hile,ginger paste, salt, and 1 tablespoon of the
oil in a large bowl, and stir well' Add the yogurt and )nead to ma)e a semisoft dough' Co%er with a damp
*loth and set aside for 16 minutes'
2' .i%ide into 12 portions and shape into balls' !oll out ea*h ball into a thin 0,in*h >16,*m? round'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er medium heat and let it heat for 2 minutes' Pla*e a dough round
on it and *oo), turning and brushing U teaspoon oil on ea*h side, until both sides are golden' !epeat
with the remaining dough rounds'
1' Ser%e hot or let *ool and store in airtight *ontainers for up to 1 wee) and ser%e at room temperature'
A *risp whole,wheat bread stuffed with spi*y onion and tomato
A simple, spi*e,filled bread that pairs well with %egetable sides'
"a)es 1'
1U *ups >226 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
1U teaspoons table salt
0 tablespoons ghee >page =9?, melted, plus more for ser%ing
1 teaspoon roasted *umin seeds >page =2?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1 medium red onion, di*ed
U medium tomato, di*ed
2 teaspoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e the atta, 1 teaspoon of the salt, and W *up >60 grams? of the ghee in a large bowl' Add 1 *up
plus 2 teaspoons >210 ml? water and )nead to ma)e a soft dough'
2' 4n a separate bowl, *ombine the *umin, *hile powder, onion, tomato, and *ilantro'
=' .i%ide the dough into 1 portions and shape into balls' !oll out ea*h ball to a thi*) =,in*h >9U,*m?
round and brush with 1U teaspoons of the ghee' Pla*e a portion of the onion,tomato mi8ture in the
*enter' Sprin)le with a little salt' Dather the edges to en*lose the filling and seal' Press and roll out into a
thi*) =,in*h >9U,*m? round'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) tawa >griddle? o%er high heat and let it heat for 2 minutes' +ower the heat to
medium and pla*e one dough round on the tawa' Coo), turning, for 2 to = mintues or until golden
brown on both sides' !epeat with the remaining dough rounds'
6' Ser%e hot, topped with a dollop of ghee'
The aroma of basmati ri*e as it *oo)s epitomiNes the 4ndian pulaos and biryanis' asmati ri*e
originated in 4ndia, and ri*e is a staple in the diets of 60 per*ent of the 4ndian population' "any 4ndian
festi%als, su*h as +ohri in the north, Pongal in the south, and ihu in Assam, are based around the ri*e
Pulaos and biryanis are appetiNing and espe*ially *harming when *oo)ed with spi*es, %egetables,
pulses, or meats' iryanis, of *ourse, are some of the most popular and satisfying 4ndian dishes, and
here is your *han*e to learn to ma)e the famous 3yderabadi )a*h*he gosht )i biryani >page 1:1?,
murgh biryani >page 1:0?, and the Du$arati e) handi nu dal bhaat >page 190?Aa deli*ious one,pot
meal, as are many of these dishes'
Aloo Dobhi &i Tahiri
Gragrant ri*e with *hun)y potatoes and *auliflower
This is a nutritious pulao that *an be prepared Hui*)ly' 4tLs perfe*t as a light Sunday dinner'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? raw ri*e
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
2 bay lea%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 bla*) *ardamom pod
= or 1 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 or 6 whole *lo%es
1 medium red onion, thinly sli*ed
1 medium potato, peeled and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
U medium head *auliflower, separated into small florets
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Put the ri*e in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml? water
and soa) for 20 minutes' .rain the ri*e in a strainer'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add the ghee, and when small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin, bay lea%es, *innamon, *ardamom, pepper*orns, and *lo%es,
and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes or until fragrant' Add the onion and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until lightly
=' Add the potato and *auliflower, and sautQ o%er medium heat for 2 minutes'
1' Add the soa)ed ri*e, turmeri*, *hile powder, garam masala, and salt, and stir' Add 2 *ups >100 ml?
hot water and stir again' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 16 to 20
minutes or until the ri*e is tender'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing dish' Ser%e hot'
Cauliflower and +emon !i*e
An ideal way to use up lefto%er steamed ri*e
"ahabaleshwar is a fa%orite wee)end getaway for people li%ing in "umbai' 4t is famous for its
strawberries, but little did 4 )now that the strawberries thri%e in the shade of large green lea%es that
lo%ingly hold huge mil)y,white heads of *auliflowerO So on one of my trips 4 pi*)ed up a *auliflower that
was so massi%e 4 had to figure out what to do with it all' 4 needed to be inno%ati%e, and this ri*e dish is
the result'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >==0 grams? small *auliflower florets
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1U teaspoons table salt
Pin*h of sugar
1 green *hiles, stemmed and roughly *hopped
= dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
2 tablespoons *oriander seeds
6 or 0 *ashews, roughly *hopped
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon %egetable oil
W teaspoon brown mustard seeds
U teaspoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
17:M teaspoon fenugree) seeds
Pin*h of asafetida
9 or : *urry lea%es
2 *ups >=00 grams? *oo)ed basmati ri*e
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add the
*auliflower and *oo) for 6 to 0 minutes' .rain in a *olander and set aside'
2' Put the lemon $ui*e in a small bowl' Add the salt and sugar, and stir until dissol%ed' Set aside'
=' Put the green *hiles, red *hiles, *oriander, *ashews, and turmeri* in a spi*e grinder with W *up >60 ml?
water, and grind to a fine paste'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), add the mustard seeds, dal, and fenugree), and sautQ until the dal is lightly browned' Add
the asafetida and *urry lea%es, and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
6' Add the ground paste and *auliflower, and stir well' Add the ri*e and lemon $ui*e mi8ture and stir
gently' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 6 minutes'
0' Ser%e hot'
B) 3andi (u .al haat
!i*e and lentils with tomatoes
4n this one,pot dish, lentils and ri*e are *oo)ed together along with spi*es and purQed tomatoes'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
V *up >160 grams? raw ri*e
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
U teaspoon *umin seeds
2 or = whole *lo%es
1 or 6 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 bay leaf
1 medium red onion, sli*ed
V teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
V teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 large potato, peeled and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
V teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 teaspoons table salt
1 large tomato, purQed
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the dal and ri*e in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *ups >:00
ml? water and soa) for 20 minutes' .rain the dal and ri*e in a strainer'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin, *lo%es, pepper*orns, and bay leaf, and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes
or until fragrant' Add the onion, ginger paste, and garli* paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes or until the onion
is lightly browned'
=' Add the potato and stir well' Add the drained dal and ri*e, and stir' Add the turmeri*, *hile powder,
garam masala, and *hiles, and stir well' Add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water and the salt' ring to a boil, then
lower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 9 minutes or until the dal and ri*e are almost tender'
1' Stir in the tomato purQe and *ilantro' "ash the mi8ture slightly with the ba*) of a ladle' Co%er and
*oo) o%er low heat for 1 to 6 minutes'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing dish' Ser%e hot'
Godni*ha haat
Tempered ri*e
This %ery simple dish is a deli*ious way of using up lefto%er white ri*e' "a)e sure the ri*e is at room
temperature before adding it to the spi*es'
Ser%es 1'
= tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
= tablespoons peanuts
= *ups >160 grams? *oo)ed ri*e
U teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the oil and when small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen the seeds begin to sputter, add the *umin and
*urry lea%es'
2' Add the *hiles, turmeri*, and peanuts, and sautQ for 1 minute'
=' Add the ri*e and salt and stir well'
1' Transfer to a ser%ing dish' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Datte &a Pulao
esan dumplings with
This beautiful dish has many layers of fla%ors as the besan >*hi*)pea flour? dumplings, or gatte, and
the spi*ed ri*e *ome together' "a)ing the dumplings reHuires pra*ti*e and patien*e, but itLs well worth
Ser%es 1'
Gor the dumplings5
1U *ups >160 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
Pin*h of asafetida
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon table salt
Pin*h of ba)ing soda
U teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
9 or : fresh mint lea%es, *hopped
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
Gor the ri*e5
1U *ups >=00 grams? raw basmati ri*e
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?
1 teaspoon sesame seeds
2 bay lea%es
6 or 0 whole *lo%es
= green *ardamom pods
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
U *up >96 grams? fresh or froNen green peas, boiled
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
2 teaspoons garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' "a)e the dumplings5 4n a large bowl, *ombine the besan, asafetida, turmeri*, *hile powder, salt,
ba)ing soda, ginger paste, yogurt, and mint' Add W *up >60 ml? water and stir to ma)e a stiff dough'
.i%ide the dough into 1 eHual portions' Apply U teaspoon of the oil to your palms and roll ea*h portion
into a 0,in*h >16,*m? long *ylinder'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 2 *ups >100 ml? water, and bring to a boil'
+ower the dough *ylinders into the water, lower the heat to medium, and *oo) for 10 to 16 minutes'
.rain in a large *olander' +et *ool slightly, then *ut ea*h *ylinder into U,in*h >1,*m? lengths'
=' 3eat the remaining oil in a deep,fryer to =96XG71/0XC' Dently lower the dumplings in the oil and fry
until golden' This should ta)e = to 1 minutes' !emo%e the dumplings with a slotted spoon and drain on
paper towels' Set aside'
1' "a)e the ri*e5 Put the ri*e in a bowl and wash in plenty of water 2 or = times' Add = *ups >000 ml?
water and soa) for =0 minutes' .rain the ri*e in a strainer'
6' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 0 *ups >1'2 liters? water, and bring to a boil' Add
the ri*e and stir on*e' +ower the heat to medium and *oo), stirring o**asionally, for 9 to : minutes' Ta)e
*are that the ri*e grains do not be*ome too soft' .rain in a strainer'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles begin to appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the sesame seeds, bay lea%es, *lo%es, green and bla*) *ardamom pods,
and *innamon, and sautQ for 1 minute'
9' Add the ginger paste and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the peas, salt, and dumplings, and sautQ for 1
minute' Add the ri*e, *umin, garam masala, and *ilantro' Toss to mi8 well'
:' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 2 minutes' Ser%e immediately'
3are Aam &e Chawal
Dreen,mango ri*e
This delightfully tangy ri*e gets its sourness from green mangoes, whi*h are balan*ed by the natural
sweetness of the fresh *o*onut' 4 suggest using basmati ri*e for this'
Ser%es 1'
2 medium green mangoes, peeled and grated
1U tablespoons roasted peanuts
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
Denerous pin*h of ground turmeri*
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
W teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
W teaspoon *umin seeds
Denerous pin*h of asafetida
20 fresh *urry lea%es
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed
= *ups >160 grams? *oo)ed basmati ri*e
1 teaspoon table salt
1U tablespoons ghee >page =9?, melted
1' Put one Huarter of the mangoes, half of the peanuts, = tablespoons of the *o*onut, and the turmeri*
in a food pro*essor, and pro*ess to a *oarse paste'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen the seeds begin to sputter, add the *umin,
asafetida, *urry lea%es, and *hiles, and sautQ for 1 minute or until fragrant'
=' Add the paste and the remaining peanuts, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the ri*e and stir well' Add the
remaining mango and the salt, and *oo), stirring well, for 2 to = minutes'
1' Transfer to a ser%ing dish' .riNNle with the ghee and garnish with the remaining *o*onut' Ser%e hot'
4mli Til &e Chawal
Tamarind,and,sesame ri*e
This dish, from the South 4ndian state of Andhra Pradesh, is a great way to use lefto%er white basmati
ri*e' The ri*e is *ombined with tamarind and sesame seeds in a Hui*) stir,fry and topped with fried
onions' This is a hearty and Hui*) dish for a wee)night'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 ml? plus = tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium onion, sli*ed
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
= *ups >160 grams? *oo)ed basmati ri*e
U teaspoon table salt
= tablespoons roasted sesame seeds
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add U *up >100 ml? of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the wo), add the onion and fry for 6 to 0 minutes or until golden
brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towelsM set aside'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the remaining = tablespoons oil' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 1
=' Add the turmeri* and *hile powder, and sautQ for 1 minute more' Add the tamarind pulp' Coo) for 2
to = minutes' Add the salt and stir' Add the ri*e and stir thoroughly' Add the sesame seeds and *oo) for
2 minutes' Sprin)le the *ilantro and the fried onions onto the ri*e and stir'
1' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl' Ser%e immediately'
&athal &i iryani
Pa*)fruit biryani
A biryani is a delightful ri*e dish laden with spi*es and nuts, typi*ally with *hi*)en or lamb as its star
ingredient' ut this biryani is different' 3ere, the starring role goes to a lemon,yellow fruit *alled
$a*)fruit' elie%e it or not, when 4 ha%e guests at home, this is the biryani that they are most li)ely to
demand' Ser%e with raita'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >=00 grams? raw basmati ri*e
2U teaspoons table salt
1 green *ardamom pods
= bla*) *ardamom pods
= whole *lo%es
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
6 or 0 saffron threads
2 tablespoons warm mil)
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
2 pounds >1 )g? raw $a*)fruit
1 medium red onions, thinly sli*ed
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?
U teaspoon *araway seeds
1 tablespoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
= medium tomatoes, *hopped
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
1 small bun*h fresh *ilantro, *hopped
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 small bun*h fresh mint, torn
1 tablespoon )ewra >s*rew pine? water
1' Put the ri*e in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml? water
and soa) for 20 minutes' .rain the ri*e in a strainer'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 10 *ups >2 liters? water, 1 teaspoon of the
salt, 2 of the green *ardamom pods, 1 of the bla*) *ardamom pods, the *lo%es, and 1 of the *innamon
sti*)s' Khen the water begins to boil, add the ri*e and *oo) o%er high heat until it is half done, about 12
minutes' .rain in a strainer and refresh in *old water' .rain well and spread out on a plate to *ool to
room temperature'
=' Soa) the saffron in the mil) and set aside'
1' Drease the blade of a sharp )nife with oil' Fse the )nife to peel the $a*)fruit, remo%e the *enter *ore,
and *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes'
6' Pla*e a large nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles begin to appear at the
bottom of the wo), add the $a*)fruit and sautQ for 6 to 0 minutes or until browned' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
0' 4n the same wo), sautQ half of the onions for 1 to 6 minutes or until golden brown and *risp' !emo%e
with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
9' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add = tablespoons of the ghee' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low and add the *araway and the remaining
green and bla*) *ardamom pods' Crush the remaining *innamon sti*) and add it to the pan' Khen the
spi*es *hange *olor and are fragrant, add the remaining onions and sautQ for 6 minutes or until lightly
:' Add the ginger paste and garli* paste, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the turmeri*, *umin, *oriander,
*hile powder, and tomatoes, and *ontinue to sautQ for 6 minutes more or until the tomatoes soften'
/' Add the $a*)fruit and stir' Add the yogurt, the remaining 1U teaspoons salt, and the *ilantro, and *oo)
for 2 minutes or until the $a*)fruit is well *oated with the sau*e' !emo%e from the heat'
10' 4n a nonsti*) sau*epan, arrange the biryani layers5 Girst, spread half of the $a*)fruit mi8ture in the
pan' Spread half of the ri*e o%er the $a*)fruit mi8ture' Sprin)le with the saffron mil), garam masala,
half of the mint lea%es, and a few drops of )ewra water' Spread the rest of the $a*)fruit mi8ture e%enly
o%er the ri*e and *o%er it with the remaining ri*e, spreading e%enly' Top with the fried onions, the
remaining mint lea%es, the remaining )ewra water, and the remaining 1 tablespoon ghee' Co%er the
pan with aluminum foil' Pla*e the pan o%er low heat and *oo) for 20 to 26 minutes'
11' !emo%e from the heat, remo%e the foil, and ser%e hot'
(arangi Pulao
Crange ri*e
As modern as this dish loo)s and sounds, it a*tually has roots in the "ughal empireO This highly aromati*
dish is great ser%ed with a side of *reamy lentils'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >=00 grams? raw basmati ri*e
: medium oranges
0 to : saffron threads
1 tablespoon warm mil)
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
2 whole *lo%es
2 green *ardamom pods
1 teaspoon sea salt
W *up >60 grams? sugar
9 or : bla*) pepper*orns, *oarsely *rushed
1' Put the ri*e in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml? water
and soa) for 20 minutes' .rain the ri*e in a strainer'
2' Cut ea*h orange in half horiNontally' Fsing a $ui*er, e8tra*t the $ui*e from the oranges and set it aside'
!eser%e : of the $ui*ed orange hal%es for ser%ing' Cut the rind of 2 of the oranges into thin strips >be
sure to s*rape out the membranes left o%er after $ui*ing?'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add U *up >100 ml? water and the sli*ed
orange rind, and bring to a boil' oil for 1 minute, then drain and set aside'
1' Soa) the saffron in the mil) and set aside'
6' Pla*e the sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom
of the pan, add the *innamon, *lo%es, and *ardamom, and sautQ for 1 minute or until fragrant'
0' Add the ri*e and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? of the orange $ui*e and 1 *up >200 ml?
water' Add the sea salt, sugar, *rushed pepper*orns, and orange rind, and stir on*e'
9' Add the saffron mil) and stir' Co%er and *oo) o%er medium heat for about 20 minutes or until the ri*e
is tender'
:' Spoon the ri*e into the reser%ed orange hal%es and ser%e immediately'
Paneer and Peas Pulao
Paneer and green,pea pilaf
This dish of ri*e, spi*es, and peas *oo)ed together has an interesting twist5 a bit of sugar' Pust as salt
brings out *ertain fla%ors in sweet ba)ed goods, sugar *an add another layer of fla%or to a sa%ory dish
li)e this modified %ersion of the engali *hanar pulao'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >=00 grams? basmati ri*e
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
2 teaspoons sugar
11 oun*es >100 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1 large red onion, thinly sli*ed
1 bay leaf
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
2 whole *lo%es
2 green *ardamom pods
2U teaspoons table salt
U *up >96 grams? shelled green peas, blan*hed
1' Kash and drain the ri*e and spread it out to dry on an absorbent towel' Khen *ompletely dry,
transfer to a large bowl and stir in 1 tablespoon of the ghee and the sugar'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the ghee' Khen the ghee
melts, add the paneer and toss so that the *ubes are e%enly browned on all sides' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and set aside'
=' To the same hot pan, add the remaining 1 tablespoon ghee and the onion, and pla*e o%er medium
heat' SautQ for 2 to = minutes or until the onion is *risp and browned' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and
set aside'
1' !eturn the pan with the ghee to medium heat and add the bay leaf, *innamon, *lo%es, and
*ardamom, and sautQ for =0 se*onds or until fragrant' Add the ri*e mi8ture and salt, and sautQ for 2 to =
6' Add = *ups >000 ml? hot water and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for : to 10
minutes or until the ri*e is tender and all the water has been absorbed'
0' Add the paneer and peas, and stir gently'
9' Sprin)le with the browned onions and ser%e immediately'
S*allion Pulao
S*allions and ri*e
There are hundreds of ways of ta)ing steamed ri*e to an e8oti* le%el' 4t is not possible to list them all,
be*ause e%en while you are wor)ing on one inno%ation, ideas for new ones are $ostling for attention' 4
lo%e this pulao be*ause it is simple and *run*hy and deli*ious'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >=00 grams? basmati ri*e
= tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
0 s*allions, bulbs thinly sli*ed, green tops *hopped
: to 10 *lo%es garli*, sli*ed
2 teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Put the ri*e in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml? water
and soa) for =0 minutes' .rain in a fine strainer'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen it begins to *hange *olor, add the s*allion bulbs and garli*, and
sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until browned'
=' Dently stir in the ri*e' Add = *ups >000 ml? water, the salt, and garam masala, and stir' +ower the
heat to low, *o%er, and simmer for : to 10 minutes or until the ri*e is tender and all the water is
1' !emo%e from the heat and sprin)le with the lemon $ui*e' Gluff the ri*e up with two for)s, garnish with
the s*allion tops, and ser%e immediately'
Bra*hi Choru
+amb pulao
This South 4ndian dish is an easy, one,pot dinner that *ontains both lamb and ri*e' The spi*e trio of
*innamon, *ardamom, and *lo%es gi%es it a wonderful fla%or'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
= >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
0 green *ardamom pods
0 whole *lo%es
1 large red onions, thinly sli*ed
0 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, $ulienned
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
11 oun*es >100 grams? boneless lamb, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
= tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
= teaspoons table salt
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1U *ups >=00 grams? basmati ri*e, soa)ed
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *innamon, *ardamom, *lo%es, and onions, and sautQ until the onions are
browned' Add the *hiles, ginger, and garli* paste, and sautQ until fragrant'
2' Add the lamb and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add half of the *ilantro and sautQ for 2 minutes'
=' Stir in 1U *ups >=00 ml? water, 2 teaspoons of the salt, and the lemon $ui*e' +ower the heat to low,
*o%er, and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the lamb is tender'
1' .rain and add the ri*e to the lamb, along with the remaining 1 teaspoon salt and 1 *up >200 ml?
water' Co%er and *oo) 16 to 20 minutes, or until the ri*e is done'
6' Darnish with the remaining *ilantro and ser%e hot'
&a*h*he Dosht &i iryani
+amb biryani
"any people find it diffi*ult to belie%e that un*oo)ed lamb *an be *ombined and *oo)ed with half,
*oo)ed ri*e and still *ome out perfe*tly tender' This dish pro%es that it *an be done' Ser%e with raita'
&ewra >s*rew pine? water adds a lo%ely fragran*e to this dish and is a%ailable in 4ndian gro*ery stores' 4f
you *anLt find it, you *an lea%e it out' Also, when using rose petals for this dish, be sure to use ones that
ha%enLt been *hemi*ally treated'
Ser%es 1'
1 27= pounds >960 grams? bone,in lamb
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 large red onions, sli*ed
1U *ups >=96 grams? plain yogurt
U *up >=0 grams? *hopped fresh mint
U *up >=0 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
1U tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 tablespoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 green *hile, stemmed and *hopped
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
= teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons fresh untreated rose petals
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U *ups >=00 grams? raw basmati ri*e
U teaspoon )ewra >s*rew pine? water
U teaspoon rosewater
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
= whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
= green *ardamom pods
1 bla*) *ardamom pod
9 or : whole bla*) pepper*orns
U teaspoon *araway seeds
A few saffron threads
2 tablespoons warm mil)
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *ut into thin strips
Atta >whole,wheat flour? dough to seal >see (ote?
1' Trim the e8*ess fat from the lamb' Cut into 2,in*h pie*es'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium, add the onions, and fry until well browned' !emo%e with a slotted
spoon and drain on paper towels'
=' Put the lamb in a bowl' Add the yogurt, half of the fried onions, half of the mint lea%es, half of the
*ilantro, the ginger paste, garli* paste, green *hile, *hile powder, turmeri*, 2 teaspoons of the salt, 1
tablespoon of the rose petals, and U teaspoon of the garam masala, and stir well to *oat all the lamb
pie*es' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap and put in the refrigerator for at least =0 minutes to marinate'
1' Put the ri*e in a medium bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *ups >:00 ml?
water and soa) for 20 minutes' .rain the ri*e in a strainer'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 6 *ups >1 liter? water' Khen it *omes to a boil, add
the ri*e and *oo) until the ri*e is half *oo)ed, about 12 minutes' .rain in a strainer and transfer the ri*e
to a bowl'
0' Sprin)le the ri*e with the )ewra water, rosewater, 2 tablespoons of the ghee, the remaining U
teaspoon garam masala, the *lo%es, *innamon, green and bla*) *ardamom pods, pepper*orns,
*araway, and the remaining 1 teaspoon salt, and stir well'
9' Soa) the saffron in the mil) and set aside'
:' Spread the remaining 1 tablespoon ghee in the bottom of a nonsti*) sau*epan' Spread the lamb in the
pan and top it with the ri*e' Sprin)le with the remaining fried onions, the remaining mint and *ilantro,
the saffron mil), and the ginger'
/' Co%er with a lid and seal the sides with a rope of the atta dough' Pla*e the pan o%er low heat and
*oo) for 16 minutes'
10' Pla*e a griddle or heat diffuser under the pan and *oo) o%er low heat for 16 to 00 minutes or until
both the lamb and ri*e are *ompletely *oo)ed'
11' +et stand for 6 to 10 minutes before opening the seal' Ser%e hot'
To ma)e the atta dough, add $ust enough water to U *up >00 grams? atta to
ma)e a stiff dough' !oll the dough into a thin *ylinder and arrange it on the rim of the pan' Pla*e a lid on
top and press so that it fits tightly into the dough' The dough helps to seal the pan and thus pre%ent
steam from es*aping' Alternati%ely, use a tight,fitting lid or a pie*e of aluminum foil'
&esari Seafood Pulao
Saffron,fla%ored mi8ed,seafood pilaf
4 *all this dish my 4ndian paella'
Ser%es to 1 to 0'
1U *ups >=00 grams? raw basmati ri*e
10 *lams
2U teaspoons table salt
16 to 20 medium shrimp
V *up >1/0 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
2 teaspoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 teaspoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon green *hile paste >page 1=?
2 large pomfret fillets, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1 medium red onions, sli*ed
2U tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 bay leaf
0 to : whole bla*) pepper*orns
= or 1 green *ardamom pods
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
1 star anise
2,in*h >6,*m? *innamon sti*)
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1W teaspoons red *hile powder
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
9 or : saffron threads
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
10 to 12 fresh mint lea%es, torn
1' Put the ri*e in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml? water
and soa) for 20 minutes' .rain the ri*e in a strainer'
2' Soa) the *lams in 6 *ups >1 liter? water for 16 minutes, s*rub lightly, then drain' Kash the *lams
thoroughly under running water and drain'
=' Pla*e a deep nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2U *ups >600 ml? water and 1 teaspoon of the
salt' Co%er and bring to a boil' Add the *lams and *o%er' Cpen the lid after 1 minute and *he*) to see if
the *lams ha%e opened slightly' 4f they ha%e, drain the *lams in a *olander set o%er a bowlM reser%e the
water' !efresh the *lams under running water and set aside in the *olander to drain'
1' !emo%e one shell of ea*h *lam, )eeping the meat on the other shell'
6' Peel and de%ein the shrimp' Kash them thoroughly under running water and drain in a *olander'
0' Put the yogurt in a large bowl' Add half of the ginger paste, half of the garli* paste, half of the green
*hile paste, and the remaining 1U teaspoons salt' Khis) well with a wire whis)' Add the *lams, shrimp,
and fish' Co%er the bowl with plasti* wrap, and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to marinate'
9' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add half of the onions and fry until browned and *risp' !emo%e with a slotted spoon
and drain on paper towels'
:' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the bay leaf, pepper*orns, green and bla*) *ardamom, star anise,
*innamon, and the remaining onions' SautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the onions are golden brown'
/' Add the remaining ginger paste, garli* paste, and green *hile paste, and stir well for 2 minutes' Add
the ri*e and stir again' SautQ for 2 minutes, then add the reser%ed *lam water'
10' Add the turmeri*, *hile powder, garam masala, *oriander, and saffron, and stir well' Add the
shrimp, fish, and *lams, and stir again' Add the lemon $ui*e, *ilantro, and mint, and stir' Add the fried
onions and stir again'
11' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the ri*e is *ompletely *oo)ed'
12' !emo%e from the heat and let rest, *o%ered, for 6 to 10 minutes' Ser%e dire*tly from the *oo)ing pan
at the dining table in order to retain ma8imum fla%or'
&heema Pulao
Dround,lamb pilaf
This is a %ersion made popular by my *olleague Chef 3arpal Singh So)hi, who is a name to be re*)oned
with in regional South 4ndian *oo)ing'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? raw basmati ri*e
1U tablespoons %egetable oil
2 medium red onions, sli*ed
: oun*es >260 grams? ground lamb
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
W *up >00 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1U tablespoons ghee >page =9?
U teaspoon *umin seeds
6 or 0 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
2 green *ardamom pods
2 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
6 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh mint
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the ri*e in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water
and soa) for 20 minutes' .rain the ri*e in a strainer'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water' Khen the water
*omes to a boil, add the ri*e' +ower the heat to medium and *oo) the ri*e for 12 to 16 minutes or until
done' .rain in a strainer and set aside'
=' Pla*e the sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until pale golden' Add the lamb and sautQ for =
to 1 minutes'
1' Add the salt, *hile powder, and turmeri*, and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 2 minutes'
6' Add the yogurt and stir' Add U *up >100 ml? water and *oo) until the lamb is *oo)ed through' Stir in
the garam masala'
0' Pla*e another medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen the seeds begin to *hange *olor, add the garli*,
ginger, *ardamom, *lo%es, *innamon, pepper*orns, and *hiles, and sautQ for 1 minute'
9' Add the lamb mi8ture, stir, and *oo) for 2 minutes' Add the ri*e and stir well' Add the mint and
*ilantro, and toss to mi8 well'
:' Transfer to a ser%ing dish and ser%e hot'
Eou *an ma)e this with ground *hi*)en, whi*h will ta)e less time to *oo) than the
"urgh iryani
Spi*ed *hi*)en layered with ri*e
4n a perfe*tly *oo)ed biryani, ea*h ri*e grain is separate yet bound by fla%or, su**ulent meat is infused
with tantaliNing fla%ors, and the entire dish e8udes heady aromas' C%erall it is a pot full of fla%ors and
mar%elous te8tures' Ser%e this with burani >page 0:?'
Ser%es to 1 to 0'
1,in*h pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
1 *up >260 grams? plain yogurt
2U teaspoons table salt
0 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
= teaspoons red *hile powder
1 17=M pounds >000 grams? bone,in *hi*)en, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
0 green *ardamom pods
: whole *lo%es
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? *innamon sti*)s
2 bay lea%es
1U *ups >=00 grams? basmati ri*e, soa)ed
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus = tablespoons %egetable oil
1 large red onions, sli*ed
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
U *up >100 ml? warm mil)
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh mint
= tablespoons butter
Atta >whole,wheat flour? dough to seal >see (ote page 1:2?
1' Chop 2 in*hes of the ginger and $ulienne the remainider'
2' Put the yogurt in a bowl' Add 1 teaspoon of the salt, half of the garli*, half of the *hile powder, and
half of the *hopped ginger, and stir well' Add the *hi*)en and stir to *oat' Co%er the bowl with plasti*
wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for about 1 hour'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 6 *ups >1 liter? water' Add = of the *ardamom pods,
1 of the *lo%es, 1 *innamon sti*), the bay lea%es, and 1 teaspoon of the salt' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, drain the ri*e and add it to the pan' Coo) until the ri*e is three Huarters done' .rain and set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add 1 *up of the onions and *oo), stirring o**asionally with a slotted spoon, for
10 minutes or until the onions are golden' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
These browned onions will be used during the layering in step /'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add = tablespoons oil' Add the remaining
*ardamom, *lo%es, and *innamon, and sautQ for 1 minute or until fragrant' Add the remaining onions
and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until light golden'
0' Add the remaining *hopped ginger, the remaining garli*, the *oriander, turmeri*, the remaining *hile
powder, 1 teaspoon of the garam masala, the tomatoes, and the remaining U teaspoon salt' SautQ for
about 6 minutes' Co%er and *oo) for 2 minutes'
9' Add the *hi*)en and *oo) o%er high heat for 6 minutes' Add U *up >100 ml? water and stir' +ower the
heat and simmer for 10 to 16 minutes or until the *hi*)en is *oo)ed through and tender' Add the
*ilantro and stir well'
:' .issol%e the saffron in the warm mil)'
/' Spread the ri*e e%enly o%er the *hi*)en' Sprin)le with the saffron mil), the remaining 1 teaspoon
garam masala, the $ulienned ginger, mint, and browned onions, and dot with butter'
10' Co%er with a lid and seal the sides with a rope of atta dough'
11' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and let it heat well' Put the pan with the *hi*)en and ri*e
on the griddle and lower the heat to low' Coo) for 16 minutes'
12' Ser%e hot'
The dishes in this *hapter are 4ndian *omfort food5 lentil and bean dals or stews, yogurt,based )adhis,
and lentil sambhars' They are also good sour*es of fiber and protein >along with *al*ium, phosphorus,
%itamin , and iron?' 3ere youLll find authenti* Pun$abi dals li)e dhaabay di dal >page 1/2? and maa
*hole di dal >page 600?'
&adhis are blends of yogurt and herbs that are helpful digesti%e aids' B%ery region adds its own
signature spi*es and herbs to its )adhis, and so a %ariety of dishes are en$oyed a*ross the 4ndian
sub*ontinent' A Pun$abi )adhi will be thi*), whereas a tangy,sweet Du$arati )adhi is as thin as soup'
A**ompany them with roti, ri*e, or both'
+entil sambhars *an also be made in many ways, and these re*ipes are great $umping,off points for
*on*o*ting your own distin*ti%e %ersions'
Sweet,and,sour lentils
This sweet,and,sour lentil preparation originates from the 4ndian state of "aharashtra, and its se*ret
lies in the goda masala, a spi*e mi8 that is %ery typi*al of that region' Ser%e with *hapatis >page 1=:?
or steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
V *up >160 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
6 or 0 fresh *urry lea%es
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
1 tablespoon grated *ane $aggery
1 teaspoon goda masala >spi*e mi8M page 2:?
1' Put the dal in a deep bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml?
water and soa) for =0 minutes' .rain the dal in a *olander'
2' Put the dal in a nonsti*) sau*epan' Add = *ups >000 ml? water and the turmeri*' Pla*e o%er high heat
and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium and *oo) for 20 minutes or until the dal is *ompletely
*oo)ed and soft' Cn*e it has *ooled down a little, mi8 with a wire whis) or an immersion blender until
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles begin to appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, *urry lea%es, and *hile powder' +ower the heat and
when the seeds begin to sputter, add the dal' Stir bris)ly with a ladle to mi8 well'
1' As the dal begins to boil, add the salt, tamarind pulp, and $aggery, and stir' Add the goda masala
and 1U *ups >=00 ml? hot water and stir again' Simmer for 0 to : minutes' !emo%e from the heat and
pour into a ser%ing bowl' Ser%e immediately'
Cholar .al
Co*onut,fla%ored split engal gram
Some summer brea)s during my s*hool years were spent at my auntLs home in &ol)ata >Cal*utta?' She
always ser%ed me deli*ious engali food that she had learned to ma)e while li%ing there, and this dish
was among my fa%orites' This dal was ser%ed with thin refined,flour breads *alled lu*his >see (ote
page 1/?, and 4 remember we used to mar%el at the elasti*ity of the lu*hi dough' 4 thin) this dal with
lu*his is an e8*ellent brun*h option, filling and simple to prepare' ut steamed ri*e goes well with it too'
Ser%es 1'
1W *ups >260 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon table salt
2U teaspoons sugar
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?, melted
W *up >06 grams? fresh *o*onut, di*ed
1 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
1 bla*) *ardamom pod
U teaspoon *umin seeds
2 bay lea%es
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon raisins
1' Put the dal in a deep bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *ups >:00 ml?
water and soa) for 1 hour' .rain in a *olander and set aside'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Pour = *ups >000 ml? water in the pan and bring it
to a boil' Add the drained dal' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 to
16 minutes or until the dal is $ust soft' Ta)e *are that the dal grains do not get mashed'
=' Add the turmeri*, salt, and sugar, and simmer o%er low heat until most of the water is absorbed and
the dal is thi*)'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the ghee' Khen
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low, add the *o*onut, and sautQ until
golden brown' .rain on a paper towel and set aside'
6' Add the remaining 1 tablespoon ghee to the same pan and pla*e o%er medium heat' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low and add the *lo%es, *innamon, bla*)
*ardamom, *umin, bay lea%es, red *hiles, and green *hiles, and sautQ for 2 minutes or until fragrant'
!emo%e from the heat and pour the spi*es o%er the dal in the sau*epan' Stir well with a ladle'
0' Add the ginger paste, *o*onut, and raisins, and simmer for 6 minutes o%er low heat'
9' Pour the dal into a ser%ing bowl and ser%e immediately'
+u*his, deep,fried breads, are similar to puris, but while puris are made with atta
>whole,wheat flour?, lu*his are made with maida >refined flour?'
.al "a)hni
.al with butter and *ream
4tLs a *ommon mis*on*eption that the more butter and *ream you use in this dal, the tastier it will be'
The tri*) is a*tually in getting the right proportions of butter, *ream, and ginger into the pot and *oo)ing
them with *are' Ser%e with garli* naan >page 166? or pudina parathas >page 101?'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >126 grams? sabut urad >whole bla*) gram?
1U teaspoons table salt
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger, plus U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e ginger, *ut into thin strips
U *up >16 grams? *oo)ed red )idney beans >*anned is fine?
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
= tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 large red onion, *hopped
1 *lo%es garli*, min*ed
1 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
U *up >100 ml? hea%y *ream
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the sabut urad in a large bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000
ml? water and soa) for 10 to 12 hours' .rain the dal in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 6 *ups >1 liter? water' ring to a boil, then
add the dal, salt, and half the grated ginger, and bring to a boil again' +ower the heat to medium, *o%er,
and *oo) for 1 hour and 16 minutes'
=' Add the )idney beans and stir well' Coo) for 10 minutes or until well blended'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil and butter' Khen the butter
melts and small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin' Khen they begin to *hange
*olor, add the onion and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the onion is golden brown'
6' Add the remaining grated ginger, the garli*, and tomatoes' SautQ until the tomatoes are well mashed
and the oil starts to *ome to the top' Add the dal and stir' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water, in*rease the heat
to high, and bring to a boil'
0' Add the garam masala and stir' +ower the heat to low and simmer for 16 minutes'
9' !eser%e 2 tablespoons of the *ream for garnish and add the remaining *ream along with the *hile
powder to the dal and stir' Simmer for 6 minutes o%er low heat'
:' !emo%e from the heat and pour into a ser%ing bowl' Darnish with the sli*ed ginger, *ilantro, and
reser%ed *ream, and ser%e immediately'
.haabay .i .al
Creamy, spi*y lentils
.haabas are the roadside eateries that dot most of the highways in 4ndia, and this dal is a fa%orite on
their menus' Ser%e with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? *hil)ewali urad dal >split bla*) gram with s)in?
W *up >60 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
U *up >116 grams? *oo)ed red )idney beans >*anned is fine?
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
: to 10 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
1 medium red onion, *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U tablespoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 tablespoon red *hile powder
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
= tablespoons butter
1U teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 tablespoon )asoori methi >dried fenugree) lea%es?
1' Pla*e the dals in a large bowl, wash them in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100
ml? water and soa) for at least 0 hours' .rain the dals in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 0 *ups >1'6 liters? water' Khen the water
begins to boil, add the dals and bring to a boil again' +ower the heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for 1
=' Add the )idney beans, stir well, and *oo) for 10 minutes'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the ginger and garli*, and sautQ for 1 minute or until golden brown' Add the
onion and *hiles, and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until the onion is golden brown'
6' Add the *umin and *hile powder, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the tomatoes and *oo) o%er high heat
for = to 1 minutes, stirring *ontinuously' Add the dal mi8ture and butter, and stir well'
0' Add the salt and *ilantro, and stir' +ower the heat to low and *oo) for 10 minutes, stirring
9' Crush the )asoori methi between your palms and sprin)le it o%er the dal'
:' !emo%e from the heat and pour the dal into a ser%ing bowl' Ser%e immediately'
Spi*ed yellow peas
Chole >*hholay masalaM page 26? from the north of 4ndia *ould easily be a *ousin to this ghugni from
eastern 4ndia' 4n the states of Kest engal, ihar, Crissa, and Assam, ghugni is a popular street food' 4n
some pla*es it is ser%ed topped with *risp shreds of fried potato'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >220 grams? yellow %atana >whole dried peas?
1 teaspoon table salt
= tablespoons %egetable oil
2 tablespoons thinly sli*ed fresh *o*onut
U teaspoon *umin seeds
2 bay lea%es
1 large red onion, sli*ed
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon fresh garli* paste >page 12?
1 or 6 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 medium tomatoes, purQed
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
U teaspoon red *hile powder
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 medium red onion, di*ed
1 teaspoons tamarind pulp
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the %atana in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml?
water and soa) o%ernight' .rain in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 0 *ups >1'2 liters? water' Khen it *omes to a boil,
add the %atana and salt' Khen the mi8ture *omes to a boil again, lower the heat to medium, *o%er,
and *oo) for 1U hours or until %ery soft'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *o*onut and sautQ until golden brown' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and set aside'
1' Add the remaining 2 tablespoons oil to the same heated pan' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds, bay lea%es, onion, ginger paste, garli* paste, and *hiles, and
sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the onions are lightly browned'
6' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
0' Add the *oriander, ground *umin, *hile powder, and turmeri*, and stir well' Add the *oo)ed peas
along with the *oo)ing liHuid and simmer for 1 to 6 minutes or until the liHuid thi*)ens'
9' Add the garam masala and stir well'
:' +adle into indi%idual ser%ing bowls and top with the onion, tamarind pulp, *o*onut, and *ilantro' Ser%e
Dongura pappu
Sorrel lea%es with lentils
This tasty dal from Andhra Pradesh is a *omplete meal when ser%ed with ri*e' 4n some homes, the
spi*e le%el of this dish is upped by many not*hes'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon grated *ane $aggery
V teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
1 teaspoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
0 *lo%es garli*, *rushed
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
Pin*h of asafetida
1 medium red onion, di*ed
1 *up *hopped fresh sorrel lea%es >see (ote?
W *up >=0 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1' Put the toor dal in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1U *ups >=00
ml? water and soa) for 2 hours' .rain in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add =U *ups >900 ml? water' Khen it *omes to a boil,
add the toor dal, green *hiles, fenugree), and turmeri*' +ower the heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for
=6 minutes or until the dal is soft'
=' PurQe the dal with an immersion blender or use a potato masher to mash it well' Add the *hile
powder and $aggery, and *oo) for = to 1 minutes' Add the salt and stir well'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the dried *hiles, dhuli urad
dal, and garli*' SautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the *urry lea%es and asafetida, and sautQ for 16 se*onds' Add
the onion and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until lightly browned' Add the sorrel and sautQ until it wilts'
6' Add the sautQed mi8ture to the dal and stir well' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and stir' ring to a boil'
0' Add the *o*onut and ser%e hot'
Sorrel turns a dar) greenish bla*) after *oo)ing'
Pain Csaman
A thin green,gram soup
This lo%ely soup is simple to ma)e and tastes terrifi*' Traditionally osaman is made with toor dal >split
pigeon peas?, but in my house it is made with sabut moong, whi*h is eHually good'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >210 grams? sabut moong >whole green gram?
1 teaspoon table salt
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
2 green *hiles, stemmed
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
Denerous pin*h of asafetida
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
= or 1 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
6 or 0 *urry lea%es
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon plain yogurt
1 teaspoon grated *ane $aggery
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 tablespoon min*ed fresh *ilantro
1' Put the sabut moong in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml?
water and soa) for about =0 minutes' .rain in a *olander'
2' Put the moong in a nonsti*) sau*epan, add 6 *ups >1 liter? water and U teaspoon of the salt, and
pla*e o%er high heat' ring to a boil, lower the heat to medium, and *oo) for 20 to 26 minutes or until
the moong is soft'
=' Put the ginger, *hiles, and U teaspoon water in a blender, and grind to a fine paste' Transfer to a small
bowl, add 1 tablespoon water, and stir'
1' .rain the moong in a *olander set o%er a bowl' !eser%e the moong for use in another dishM set the
liHuid aside to use in this soup'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the asafetida, mustard seeds, *umin, *lo%es, *innamon, *urry lea%es, diluted
ginger[green *hile paste, *oriander, and the remaining U teaspoon salt' Khen the seeds sputter, add
the moong *oo)ing liHuid and stir' Add the turmeri* and stir again' Khen the mi8ture begins to boil,
add the yogurt and stir'
0' Add the $aggery and stir' +et the mi8ture simmer for 2 to = minutes'
9' Pust before ser%ing, add the lemon $ui*e and *ilantro' Ser%e hot'
&hattu "ag
Dreen gram *oo)ed with sour yogurt and spi*es
4 tasted this for the first time at my in,lawsL home after 4 got married to Alyona' "y mother,in,law had
made it herself, and 4 was impressed5 The *ombined fla%ors are both delightful and healthy'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? sabut moong >whole green gram?
1U teaspoons table salt
1U *ups >=96 grams? low,fat plain sour yogurt >see page 61=?, whis)ed
2 tablespoons besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon green *hile paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
Pin*h of asafetida
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
= or 1 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Put the sabut moong in a large bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups
>100 ml? water and soa) for 1 hour' .rain the moong in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Add the moong
and 1 teaspoon of the salt and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for 16 to 20
minutes or until the moong is soft'
=' Put the yogurt in a large bowl and add the remaining U teaspoon salt, the besan, turmeri*, ginger
paste, and *hile paste' Khis) until thoroughly *ombined' Add the sugar and 1 *up >200 ml? water and
whis) again'
1' Pla*e a se*ond medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the asafetida, mustard seeds, *umin, *lo%es, *innamon, fenugree),
and *urry lea%es and sautQ for 2 minutes' Cn*e the seeds sputter, add the yogurt mi8ture and *oo) for 6
minutes or until the besan is *oo)ed and the yogurt mi8ture thi*)ens'
6' Add the *oo)ed moong and *oo) for = to 1 minutes o%er medium heat' !emo%e from the heat and
pour the *urry into a ser%ing bowl' Ser%e immediately'
Eou *an also ma)e this with the *oo)ed moong left o%er after ma)ing $ain osaman
>page 1/0?'
+au)i Chana .al
ottle gourd,and,lentil *urry
ottle gourd is a %ery mild,tasting %egetable, and here it is paired with hearty *hana dal' Ser%e this dish
with steamed ri*e or hot naan'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
1 small bottle gourd, peeled and *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*es
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U teaspoon red *hile powder
2 teaspoons ground *oriander
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e ginger, *hopped
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
U teaspoon *umin seeds
Denerous pin*h of asafetida
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the *hana dal in a bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml?
water and soa) for 1 hour' .rain the dal in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the *hana dal, bottle gourd, salt, turmeri*,
*hile powder, *oriander, *hiles, ginger, and 2 *ups >100 ml? water and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to
low, *o%er, and *oo) for 20 minutes or until the dal is soft and the bottle gourd is *oo)ed' "ash slightly
using the ba*) of a spoon and stir well' Transfer the dal mi8ture to a bowl and set aside'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *umin and asafetida, and *oo) for 1 to 2 minutes or until the seeds begin
to *hange *olor'
1' Add the dal mi8ture and stir' Add the sugar and stir well again' Simmer for 2 minutes, stirring
6' Add the lemon $ui*e and stir' !emo%e from the heat and transfer the *urry to a ser%ing bowl' Darnish
with the *ilantro and ser%e immediately'
"aa Chole .i .al
(orth 4ndian lentils
This *lassi* lentil preparation uses two types of lentils and is a fa%orite among (orth 4ndians' Khile the
lentils pro%ide a uniHue taste, the real se*ret of this dish is the tempered mi8ture of the spi*es, onions,
and tomatoes'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? *hil)ewali urad dal >split bla*) gram with s)in?
U *up >100 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
1U teaspoons table salt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 or = tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 onion, *hopped
2 tomatoes, *hopped
U teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the dals in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *ups >:00 ml?
water and soa) for 1 hour' .rain the dals in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water, and bring to a boil'
Add the dals, salt, turmeri*, half of the ginger, and half of the *hiles' Khen the mi8ture *omes to a boil
again, lower the heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for =6 minutes or until the dals are soft' Stir well
with a ladle to ma)e a homogenous mi8ture but without mashing the dals'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee and butter' Khen the butter
melts, add the *umin and the remaining ginger and *hiles' Khen the seeds begin to *hange *olor, add
the onion and sautQ for 2 minutes or until the onion is lightly browned'
1' Add the tomatoes and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until the tomatoes are soft' Add the *hile powder
and sautQ for 1 minute or until the ghee and butter *ome to the top'
6' Add the tomato mi8ture to the dals and stir well' Pla*e the sau*epan o%er medium heat and simmer
for 6 minutes or until the tomato mi8ture blends well with the dals'
0' Transfer the dal to a ser%ing bowl, garnish with the *ilantro, and ser%e immediately'
"asaledar Chholay
A famous Pun$abi preparation of *hi*)peas in a spi*y tomato gra%y
Two eternal fa%orites of Pun$abi home *oo)ing are masaledaar *hholay and ra$ma >spi*ed red )idney
beans?' Khen 4 was a *hild, we had them in our house at least on*e a wee)' This dish is always a good
*hoi*e for Sunday lun*h' Ser%e with steamed ri*e, raita, garli* naan >page 166?, and salad'
Ser%es 1'
2 >1,in*h72U,*m? pie*es fresh ginger
: to 10 *lo%es garli*
2 green *hiles, stemmed
2 tablespoons *umin seeds
0 tablespoons %egetable oil
= large red onions, peeled and *hopped
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 tablespoon *oarsely ground anardana >dried pomegranate seeds?
1 medium tomatoes, *hopped
1U teaspoons table salt
2U *ups >600 grams? *oo)ed *hi*)peas >*anned is fine?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the ginger, garli*, and *hiles in a spi*e grinder, and grind to a paste'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *umin and dry,roast for 2 minutes or
until fragrant' Cool and grind to a powder in a spi*e grinder'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the onions and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes or until browned' Add the ginger[garli*[
green *hile paste and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the *oriander, *umin, *hile powder, and anardana, and
sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
1' Add the tomatoes and salt' Coo) for about : minutes or until the oil *omes to the top'
6' Add the *hi*)peas and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water and simmer for 10 minutes'
0' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
4f you feel li)e it, you *an add boiled and di*ed potatoes' Eou *an also ma)e this
dish with dried *hi*)peas5 Soa) 1U *ups >=00 grams? dried *hi*)peas in 1 Huart >:00 ml? water o%ernight'
.rain and put in a sau*epan with 1U Huarts >1'2 liters? water, 2 teaspoons tea lea%es tied in a double
layer of *heese*loth, and 1 teaspoon saltM *oo) for 00 minutes or until soft' .is*ard the tea,leaf bag and
use the *oo)ed beans as des*ribed in the re*ipe abo%e'
Pala)wali .al
+entils with spina*h
4 *an re*all the appetiNing aroma of this dal from when my mother used to ma)e it for us on *old winter
days in .elhi' She would bring it to the table piping hot, pour a generous portion on a pile of fluffy ri*e,
and then driNNle some fragrant ghee o%er it'
Ser%es 1'
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1W teaspoons table salt
V *up >160 grams? dhuli moong dal >split s)inless green gram?, well rinsed
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds Pin*h of asafetida
2 medium red onions, di*ed
2 green *hiles, seeded and di*ed
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 *lo%es garli*, *hopped
16 to 20 fresh spina*h lea%es, roughly shredded
1 teaspoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 0 *ups >1'2 liters? water, the turmeri*, and salt,
and bring to a boil' Add the dal and *oo) for =0 minutes or until it is tender'
2' Pla*e another nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *umin and asafetida' Khen the *umin begins to *hange *olor, add the
onions and green and red *hiles' SautQ for = minutes or until the onions are soft and translu*ent'
=' Add the ginger and garli*, and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
1' Add the dal, bring to a boil, and add the spina*h and lemon $ui*e' Simmer for = to 1 minutes'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot'
A simple dal
.al with ri*e is a fa%orite *ombination in most 4ndian homes' 4t *ould be any dal, but pigeon peas are
popular in the southern states and in Du$arat' As my wife *omes from Du$arat, this is her idea of an
e%eryday dal'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
Pin*h of asafetida
1U tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon brown mustard seeds
1 teaspoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
12 fresh *urry lea%es
1 large red onion, *hopped
1 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
= *lo%es garli*, *hopped
2 medium tomatoes, *hopped
2 teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the toor dal in a large bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml?
water and soa) for 2 hours' .rain in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 0 *ups >1'2 liters? water' ring to a boil and add the
toor dal, asafetida, 1 teaspoon of the oil, and the turmeri*' Coo), un*o%ered, for 10 minutes or until the
dal is soft' +et *ool for a few minutes and mash it lightly' !eturn to medium heat and simmer for 6 to 0
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the dhuli urad dal,
*umin, and *urry lea%es, and sautQ for 16 se*onds' Add the onion and sautQ until translu*ent' Add the
*hiles, garli*, and tomatoes, and sautQ for 0 minutes or until the tomatoes are pulpy'
1' Add the sautQed mi8ture to the dal and bring to a boil' Add the salt and *oo) for = to 1 minutes'
6' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Dround ri*e with *o*onut and buttermil)
Eou *an use ri*e powder as a substitute for the raw ri*e >this is used as a thi*)ener?' Eou *an add
different fruits su*h as papaya or pineapple for e8tra fla%or' 4f you donLt ha%e fresh *o*onut, you *an use
froNen *o*onut, but be sure it is unsweetened'
Ser%es 1'
1 tablespoon raw ri*e
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
1 Huart >:00 ml? buttermil)
1 teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons peanut oil
1 teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
= dried red *hiles
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Kash the ri*e, then soa) it in W *up >60 ml? water in a small bowl for 16 minutes'
2' .rain the ri*e in a small strainer' Transfer to a mini food pro*essor and add the *o*onut and V *up
>160 ml? warm water, and pro*ess to a smooth, thi*) paste'
=' Put the buttermil) in a deep bowl' Add the ri*e,and,*o*onut paste and the salt, and whis) until well
blended' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, fenugree), and *hiles' Khen the seeds begin to sputter,
add the *hile powder and *urry lea%es' Stir well'
6' Add the buttermil) mi8ture and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes or
until slightly thi*)ened' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl' Ser%e immediately'
Pun$abi !a$ma
A ri*h )idney,bean *urry
This traditional hearty bean dish is %ery popular in (orth 4ndia and is typi*ally ser%ed with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
= tablespoons %egetable oil
2 bay lea%es
2 red onions, *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
2 or = *lo%es garli*, *hopped
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
1 tablespoon ground *oriander
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
= tomatoes, *hopped 1 teaspoon table salt
2U *ups >600 grams? *oo)ed red )idney beans >*anned is fine?
1 teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium, add the bay lea%es, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the
onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until the onions are golden brown'
2' Add the ginger and garli* and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the *hile powder, *oriander, turmeri*, and
*umin, and stir' Add the tomatoes and salt, and *oo) until the tomatoes be*ome pulpy and the oil lea%es
the sides and *omes to the top of the mi8ture'
=' Add the beans and 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and stir' +ower the heat to low and *oo) for 16 minutes,
stirring o**asionally' 4f the mi8ture is too thi*), add another U *up >100 ml? water'
1' Add the garam masala and *oo) for 6 minutes' !emo%e from the heat and transfer to a ser%ing
bowl' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e immediately'
!a$asthani Pan*hmel .al
A fi%e,lentil dal from !a$asthan
!a$asthani food, or food of the desert, is robust and filling' Cne e8ample is this *ombination of fi%e
pulses >pan*hmel? that blend together beautifully' y far the most popular a**ompaniment to this dal
is the *risp wheat,flour *a)e *alled bati >page 102?, whi*h seems to soa) up the dal li)e a sponge'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 grams? *hana dal >split engal gram?
W *up >00 grams? sabut moong >whole green gram?
W *up >60 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
W *up >60 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
W *up >66 grams? sabut masoor >whole red lentils?
1U teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
= tablespoons %egetable oil
W teaspoon asafetida
U teaspoon *umin seeds
1 or 6 whole *lo%es
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
U teaspoon fresh green *hile paste >page 1=?
U teaspoon fresh ginger paste >page 12?
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon ground *oriander
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
= medium tomatoes, *hopped
U teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Combine the dals in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add = *ups >000 ml?
water and soa) for 2 hours' .rain'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water' Add 1 teaspoon of the salt
and the turmeri*, and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium, add the dals, and *oo), un*o%ered,
for 26 minutes or until the dals are tender'
=' Pla*e another nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the asafetida, *umin seeds, *lo%es, and red *hiles' Khen the *umin *hanges
*olor, add the *hile paste and ginger paste, and sautQ for 1 minute' Add the ground *umin, *oriander,
and *hile powder, and stir well' Add the tomatoes and *oo) for : to 10 minutes or until the oil *omes to
the top' Add the *oo)ed dals with the *oo)ing liHuid, the remaining U teaspoon salt, and 1U *ups >=00
ml? water' Coo) for 10 minutes, stirring well'
1' Add the garam masala and stir' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl, garnish with the *ilantro, and ser%e hot'
A fla%orful and spi*y dal
4 lo%e this spi*y lentil preparation that is nati%e to South 4ndia and is usually ser%ed with dosas >page
122?, idlis >page 120?, or steamed ri*e' "y father,in,law ma)es a point of *orre*ting the pronun*iation
of the dish whene%er and where%er he eats it5 4tLs Ssambhaar,T not Ssambar'T
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 drumsti*) %egetables, *ut into 2U,in*h >0,*m? pie*es
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
2 tablespoons sambhar powder >spi*e mi8 for sambharM page =2?
U teaspoon asafetida
1U teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
10 fresh *urry lea%es
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
W *up >16 grams? *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Pla*e the dal in a large bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml?
water and soa) for 16 to 20 minutes' .rain the dal in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a large nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *ups >:00 ml? water' Khen the water *omes
to a boil, lower the heat to medium' Add the dal and U teaspoon of the turmeri*, and *oo), *o%ered,
for 20 minutes or until the dal is soft' "ash the *oo)ed dal slightly with a wooden spoon'
=' Pla*e another nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat, add 1 *up >200 ml? water, and bring to a boil' +ower
the heat to medium and add the drumsti*)' Co%er and *oo) for 6 minutes' Stir in the tamarind pulp, 2
*ups >100 ml? water, the sambhar powder, W teaspoon of the asafetida, the remaining W teaspoon
turmeri*, and the salt, and *oo) o%er medium heat for 16 minutes or until the mi8ture is redu*ed by
half' Add the mashed dal, along with the water it was *oo)ed in, to the tamarind mi8ture' +ower the
heat to low and *oo) for 10 minutes'
1' "eanwhile, pla*e a small sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the fenugree), *urry
lea%es, the remaining W teaspoon asafetida, and the *hiles, and sautQ for 10 se*onds' Add the tempering
to the dal and *o%er to trap the fla%ors'
6' !emo%e from the heat' Darnish with the *ilantro' Ser%e hot'
.rumsti*) %egetables are long and green, with ridges running lengthwise along
them' They are a%ailable froNen and *anned in 4ndian gro*ery stores'
Eou *an add different %egetablesAwhite radish, o)ra, pump)in, brin$al >small
round eggplants?, or sambhar onions >li)e red pearl onions or mini shallots?Aeither indi%idually or in
*ombination' 4n South 4ndia, e%ery family has its own style of ma)ing sambhar'
Soo)hi .al Amritsari
+entils with ginger
The *ity of Amrtisar lies in the state of Pun$ab' Pun$abi *oo)ing traditionally uses a lot of ginger and
onion, and this lentil dish illustrates this' Dinger adds fla%or, of *ourse, but sin*e the lentils used here
*an be a little hard to digest, it also a*ts as a digesti%e aid' 4n most of Pun$ab, this is a typi*al wintertime
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >200 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
= >1,in*h72U,*m? pie*es fresh ginger, *ut into thin strips
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
Pin*h of asafetida
1U teaspoons *umin seeds
2 small red onions, *hopped
2 to = green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 small tomatoes, *hopped
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
V teaspoon garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Pla*e the dal in a bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water
and soa) for 1 hour' .rain the dal in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the dal, 2 *ups >200 ml? water, U teaspoon of
the salt, the turmeri*, and half of the ginger' ring to a boil o%er high heat, then lower the heat to low,
*o%er, and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the dal is soft but the grains are separate' .rain the dal in a
fine sie%e and set aside'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium and add the asafetida and *umin seeds' Khen the seeds
begin to *hange *olor, add the onions and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until they are lightly browned' Add
the remaining ginger, the *hiles, and tomatoes, and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the *hile powder and sautQ
until the oil *omes to the top'
1' Add the drained dal to the tomato mi8ture and stir' Add the remaining U teaspoon salt, the garam
masala, *ilantro, and lemon $ui*e, and stir again' Coo) for 2 minutes'
6' Transfer the dal to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e immediately'
A dish made of split pigeon peas
The pure taste of *omfortO This simple lentil *urry is a staple in "aharashtrian homes in western 4ndia'
To ser%e, press steamed ri*e into small round molds and turn the molds o%er onto ser%ing plates'
!emo%e the molds, and pour the hot dal o%er the ri*e with a generous driNNle of ghee'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? toor dal7arhar dal >split pigeon peas?
U teaspoon table salt
W teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 teaspoons ghee >page =9?
Pin*h of asafetida
U teaspoon *umin seeds
1' Pla*e the dal in a bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water
and soa) for =0 minutes' .rain the dal in a *olander'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water, the dal, salt, and
turmeri*, and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium, *o%er, and *oo) for 10 to 16 minutes or until
the dal is *ompletely *oo)ed and soft' PurQe thoroughly using an immersion blender'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the asafetida and *umin' Khen the *umin seeds *hange *olor, add to the dal
and *o%er to trap the fla%ors'
1' Ser%e hot'
.al .ho)li
Strips of spi*y dough *oo)ed in fla%orful lentils
"y wife, Alyona, made this for me when we first got married' She grew up eating it and ser%ed it to me
with mu*h fanfare' Khile it was not lo%e at first bite, o%er the years the dish has grown on me, and 4
ha%e de%eloped a great lo%e for it'
Ser%es 1'
V *up >160 grams? toor dal >split pigeon peas?
V *up >100 grams? atta >whole,wheat flour?
2 tablespoons besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 teaspoon table salt
V teaspoon ground turmeri*
2 pin*hes of asafetida
U tablespoon %egetable oil
1U tablespoons peanuts
1 tablespoon ghee >page =9?
W teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
1 *lo%es garli*, finely *hopped
1 fresh *urry lea%es
= fresh )o)um petals, or 2 dried >see page 6::?
1U teaspoons grated *ane $aggery
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the toor dal in a bowl, wash in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water
and soa) for =0 minutes' .rain the dal in a *olander'
2' Put the atta and besan in another bowl' Add U teaspoon of the salt, W teaspoon of the turmeri*, a
pin*h of asafetida, the oil, and W *up >60 ml? water, and )nead to ma)e a stiff dough'
=' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and when it
*omes to a boil, add the dal and lower the heat to medium' Co%er and *oo) for 10 minutes' Add the
peanuts and the remaining U teaspoon turmeri*, and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the
dal is tender and *ompletely *oo)ed'
1' .i%ide the dough into 1 portions and roll into balls' Fsing a rolling pin, roll out ea*h ball into a thin
*hapatti' Fsing a sharp )nife, *ut 1U,in*h >1,*m? diamond,shaped pie*es' Set aside'
6' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, *umin seeds, the remaining pin*h of asafetida, the
garli*, and *urry lea%es' Khen the seeds begin to sputter, remo%e from the heat and add the mi8ture to
the dal'
0' Add = *ups >000 ml? water, the remaining U teaspoon salt, and the )o)um to the dal and bring to a
boil' Add the $aggery and stir' Coo) until the $aggery is *ompletely dissol%ed and the dal is slightly
thi*)ened, then add the dough pie*es and *oo), stirring the dal o**asionally and gently so that the
dough pie*es do not sti*) to the bottom of the pan'
9' Khen the dough pie*es are *oo)ed and the dal has thi*)ened further, transfer to a ser%ing bowl'
Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e immediately'
Aamras &i &adhi
uttermil),and,mango *urry
This lo%ely sweet,and,sour buttermil) *urry is ri*h with the fla%ors of green and ripe mangoes' 4t is
better to ma)e the mango pulp yourself than to buy it, sin*e most ready,made pulp is hea%ily
Ser%es 1'
V *up >210 grams? green mango pulp
V *up >210 grams? ripe mango pulp
2 tablespoons besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
V teaspoon table salt
V *up >160 ml? buttermil)
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
Pin*h of asafetida
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
W teaspoon fenugree) seeds
0 to : fresh *urry lea%es
2 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
U *up >60 grams? boondi >see (ote?
Steamed ri*e
1' Pla*e the green and ripe mango pulp, the besan, and salt in a large bowl, and whis) until smooth'
Add the buttermil) and whis) again' Set aside'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the asafetida, mustard seeds, and fenugree) seeds and sautQ for 1 minute or
until the seeds begin to sputter' Add the *urry lea%es and *hiles and sautQ for 2 minutes moreM the *urry
lea%es and *hiles will turn slightly dar)'
=' Add the mango mi8ture and stir slowly' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water and stir until it blends well with
the rest of the ingredients' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to low and simmer for 10 to 16 minutes
more, stirring o**asionally'
1' Add the boondi and simmer for 6 minutes or until the boondi are soft and immersed in the *urry'
!emo%e from the heat and pour the *urry into a ser%ing bowl' Ser%e immediately with ri*e'
oondi are small deep,fried dumplings made from besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?'
They are a%ailable in 4ndian gro*ery stores'
Du$arati &adhi
A simple yogurt *urry
This yogurt,based *urry *an be ser%ed atop ri*e or on its own as a soup'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >26 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
2 *ups >600 grams? plain yogurt
= tablespoons grated *ane $aggery
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1W teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
: to 10 fresh *urry lea%es
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
= or 1 whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
17:M teaspoon asafetida
1' Put the besan in a large bowl, add the yogurt, and whis) until smooth' Add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water
and stir well'
2' Add the $aggery and green *hiles to the yogurt mi8ture, and stir well'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Pour the yogurt mi8ture into the pan and *oo), stirring
*ontinuously, for 10 to 16 minutes or until the )adhi is medium thi*)' Add the salt and stir well'
1' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds, *umin, *urry lea%es, red *hiles, *lo%es, *innamon, and
asafetida' Khen the seeds begin to sputter, add the mi8ture to the )adhi and stir well'
6' !emo%e from the heat and pour the )adhi into a ser%ing bowl' Ser%e hot'
Pun$abi &adhi
Chi*)pea,flour dumplings in a yogurt,based gra%y
Gorty years ago, many homes in 4ndia did not ha%e refrigerators' So people used inno%ati%e re*ipes for
ingredients that spoiled easily' Cne of those ingredients was yogurt' Kithout refrigeration, yogurt would
often turn sour, and sour yogurt was the perfe*t e8*use to ma)e a *omforting )adhi' 4f you ha%e the
patien*e, you *an wait for your yogurt to sour, but you donLt ha%e to'
e sure to mi8 the yogurt well with the besan before adding it to the pot or the yogurt will *urdle' 4f
you are in a hurry, you *an omit the dumplings >pa)oras? and $ust prepare this as a plain *urry' Ser%e
this with steamed ri*e'
Ser%es 1'
Gor the pa)oras5
V *up >96 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 red onion, *hopped
U *up >20 grams? *hopped methi >fresh fenugree) lea%es?
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, grated
1 teaspoon a$wain
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ba)ing powder
U teaspoon table salt
= *ups >000 ml? %egetable oil
Gor the )adhi5
1 *up >260 grams? plain whole,mil) yogurt
W *up >26 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1U teaspoons table salt
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
U teaspoon fenugree) seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en into 2 or = pie*es ea*h
1 red onion, *hopped
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' "a)e the pa)oras5 Pla*e all the ingredients e8*ept the oil in a medium bowl and stir' Add W *up >60
ml? water and stir to ma)e a soft dough'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, drop in small portions >about 2 tablespoons? of the besan mi8ture and deep,fry for
9 to : minutes, stirring o**asionally, until golden brown' .rain the pa)oras on paper towels' Set aside'
=' "a)e the )adhi5 Put the yogurt in a large bowl, add the besan, and whis) until smooth with no
lumps' Add the turmeri*, salt, and = *ups >000 ml? water' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the fenugree) seeds, *umin, pepper*orns, and red *hiles' SautQ for =0
se*onds' Khen the seeds begin to sputter, add the onion and ginger, and sautQ for 1 minute' Pour the
yogurt mi8ture into the pan' ring to a boil, then lower the heat to low and simmer for about 16
minutes, stirring o**asionally'
6' Add the *hile powder and the pa)oras and simmer for 1 to 6 minutes or until the pa)oras are
*ompletely immersed in the )adhi'
0' !emo%e from the heat and transfer to a ser%ing bowl' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Sindhi &adhi
Jegetables *oo)ed in a *hi*)pea,flour sau*e
The re*ipes for )adhis and dals %ary widely from home to home, and the older generation of *oo)s
gets the proportions and measurements right by appro8imating' Khat follows is a dish 4 *onsider to be
the perfe*t sindhi )adhi, whi*h 4 first tasted at my motherLs friendLs home' 4 as)ed her for the re*ipe,
and the darling woman told me $ust to add a pin*h of this and handful of thatO 4 ha%e, of *ourse,
translated it all into standard measures for you' This *urry ser%ed with steamed ri*e ma)es an ideal
Sunday lun*h'
Ser%es 1'
= medium potatoes, peeled
W *up >60 ml? plus 1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 teaspoon fenugree) seeds
V *up >96 grams? besan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, grated
2U teaspoons table salt
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
W *up >=6 grams? shelled green peas
2 medium drumsti*) %egetables >see page 6::?, *ut into 2,in*h >6,*m? pie*es
U *up >96 grams? whole *luster beans, trimmed
1 *up >100 grams? whole o)ra, trimmed
2 large tomatoes, di*ed
2U tablespoons tamarind pulp
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
= tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Cut ea*h potato in half %erti*ally and then in half horiNontally'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add W *up >60 ml? of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin and fenugree), and sautQ for 16 se*onds'
=' +ower the heat to low, add the besan, and sautQ for : to 10 minutes or until the flour is browned and
fragrant' Add 2 Huarts >1'0 liters? water and bring to a boil' Add the *urry lea%es, *hiles, and ginger, and
stir' Add the salt and turmeri*, and stir' Add the peas, drumsti*)s, and beans' Co%er and simmer for 10
minutes' Add the potatoes and *oo) for 20 minutes'
1' "eanwhile, pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoon
oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the o)ra and sautQ for = to 1 minutes'
6' To the pan with the other %egetables, add the tomatoes, tamarind pulp, and *hile powder, and stir'
Add the o)ra and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 10 to 12 minutes' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
(o matter where you are in 4ndia, you will always see bottled pi*)les sitting on the dining table' 4ndian
*oo)s ta)e great pleasure in sharing their pi*)le re*ipes, and many of these re*ipes ha%e been passed
down for generations' Pi*)les are usually ser%ed with rotis, parathas, and theplas, and are often
pa*)ed in lun*hbo8es for long $ourneys on the train'
4n addition to pi*)le re*ipes, in this *hapter youLll find the best re*ipes for morabbas, sweet pi*)les
typi*ally prepared with fruits and %egetables su*h as mangoes, *arrots, or gooseberriesM and homemade
*hutneys' Cn*e, e%ery 4ndian )it*hen had a huge grinding stone with a hea%y pestle, whi*h was used to
ma)e *hutney' These days, a mini food pro*essor or blender most often repla*es this traditional tool,
but 4 thin) youLll find that the fla%or is $ust as authenti*'
Aloo u)hare &i Chutney
Sweet,and,sour plum *hutney
e*ause plums are a%ailable for only a *ouple of months in 4ndia, plum season is a busy time for my
wife, Alyona, as she bottles this *hutney to use throughout the year' Ser%e this *hutney with roast
*hi*)en or as a dip with any spi*y starter'
"a)es V *up >226 grams?'
: to 10 medium ripe plums, pitted and purQed >see (ote?
U teaspoon table salt
U *up grated *ane $aggery
U teaspoon bla*) salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
0 to : dates, pitted and *hopped
1' 3eat a hea%y,bottomed nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the plum purQe' Khen it
*omes to a boil, add the table salt, $aggery, bla*) salt, and *hile powder, and stir well' Simmer o%er
medium heat for 10 minutes or until the mi8ture thi*)ens'
2' Add the *umin' Stir and simmer for 2 to = minutes'
=' Stir in the dates and *oo) for 2 minutes, stirring *ontinuously' +et *ool *ompletely and store in a
steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to 16 days'
To purQe the plums, pla*e them in a food pro*essor and pro*ess until smooth'
Amer Chatni
Dreen,mango *hutney
This sweet,and,sour mango relish is a great topping for plain grilled *hi*)en or fish'
"a)es 2U *ups >/00 grams?'
1 medium green mangoes
2 teaspoons %egetable oil
2 teaspoons pan*h phoron >see (ote?
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed
1 *up >260 grams? sugar
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Kash the green mangoes well and *ut them, with the s)in, into W,in*h,thi*) sli*esM reser%e the pits'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add 1 teaspoon of the pan*h phoron and the *hiles' Khen the seeds sputter,
add the mangoes and sautQ for 1 minute' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? warm water, the reser%ed mango pits,
and sugar, and *oo) o%er medium heat, stirring *ontinuously, for 10 to 16 minutes or until the mangoes
are tender and the *hutney is thi*)'
=' Add the salt and stir' !emo%e from the heat and set aside to *ool'
1' Pla*e a small sautQ pan o%er medium heat and dry,roast the remaining 1 teaspoon pan*h phoron for
2 to = minutes or until fragrant' !emo%e from the heat, let *ool, then transfer to a mortar and pound to
a powder with a pestle' Khen the *hutney has *ooled, sprin)le the powder on top and ser%e as an
a**ompaniment' Cr, store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to 16 days'
Pan*h phoron is a mi8ture of eHual parts mustard seeds, fenugree) seeds, )alon$i
>nigella seeds?, *umin seeds, and fennel seeds'
Angoor Aur &ha$ur &i Chutney
Drape,and,date *hutney
Creati%ity is an essential ingredient for good *oo)s, and this re*ipe is *ourtesy of my wifeLs mother, who
lo%es ma)ing up new relishes' The *hutney is *hun)y with plump raisinsM it goes wonderfully with spi*y
samosas >page 161?'
"a)es 2 *ups >000 grams?'
26 to =0 seedless red grapes
1 *up >260 grams? dates, pitted and *hopped
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1U tablespoons raisins
U teaspoon table salt
W *up >60 grams? grated *ane $aggery
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add the grapes, dates, and U *up >100 ml? water, and
*oo) for 12 minutes or until the grapes are *ompletely bro)en down'
2' Add the *hile powder, *umin, and raisins, and *oo) for 6 minutes'
=' Add the salt and $aggery, stir well, and *oo) for 1 minute or until the $aggery is *ompletely dissol%ed
and well blended'
1' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and let *ool'
6' Ser%e at room temperature, or store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to 16
Chile Darli* Chutney
Giery and fla%orful garli* *hutney
4f you thin) spi*e is ni*e, this red,hot *hutney is for you' 4 lo%e it with anything fried'
"a)es 1 *up >=00 grams?'
10 dried red *hiles, stemmed and seeded
12 large *lo%es garli*
2 teaspoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1 teaspoon tamarind pulp 1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1' Soa) the *hiles in 1U *ups >=00 ml? water for =0 minutes' .rain in a *olander'
2' Put the *hiles and garli* in a food pro*essor with the lemon $ui*e, tamarind pulp, and W *up >60 ml?
water, and pro*ess to a fine paste'
=' Add the salt and *umin, and pro*ess again' Transfer to a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer and store in the
refrigerator for up to 2 wee)s'
(ariel Aur .haniya &i Chatni
Co*onut *ilantro *hutney
This deli*ious *hutney, a staple from South 4ndia, is ready in minutes' 4t )eeps well in the fridge for up to
a wee)' Ser%e it with dosas >page 122?, idlis >page 120?, or e%en rotis >page 1:?'
"a)es 1 U *ups >160 grams?'
1 *up >120 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
W *up >96 grams? dry,roasted *hana dal >split engal gram?
U small bun*h fresh *ilantro, roughly *hopped
U,in*h >l,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
U tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
U teaspoon sugar
V teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon %egetable oil
W teaspoon brown mustard seeds
U teaspoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
Pin*h of asafetida
6 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Put the *o*onut, *hiles, *hana dal, *ilantro, ginger, and U *up >100 ml? water in a food pro*essor,
and pro*ess to a paste' Add the lemon $ui*e, sugar, and salt, and pro*ess again' Transfer to a ser%ing
2' Pla*e a small sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom
of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the dhuli urad dal and sautQ for =0
se*onds or until lightly browned' Add the asafetida and *urry lea%es, and immediately pour the
tempering o%er the *hutney' Stir well and ser%e, or let *ool *ompletely and store in a steriliNed, airtight
*ontainer in the refrigerator for up to 2 days'
3ir%i "ir*hi Cha The*ha
Spi*y green,*hile *hutney
This rusti* a**ompaniment from the state of "aharashtra is neither a *hutney nor a pi*)le' 4t is best
made fresh and in a stone mortar, but in our modern )it*hens, a food pro*essor does $ust fine' As the
*hiles are sautQed in oil, their heat is tamed somewhat' Gor %ariety, use different types of *hiles' Ser%e
with bha)ris >page 16=?'
"a)es V *up >226 grams?'
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
: *lo%es garli*, *rushed
: or / green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 tablespoons sesame seeds
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoons grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
W medium bun*h fresh *ilantro, *hopped
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *umin, garli*, and *hiles, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes'
2' Add the sesame seeds and sautQ for 2 minutes' Add the sea salt, *o*onut, and *ilantro, and *oo) for =
to 1 minutes' Transfer the mi8ture to a plate and set aside to *ool'
=' Transfer to a mortar and pound to a *oarse paste with a pestle, or pro*ess in a food pro*essor' Store
in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator' 4t will last for up to 1 wee)'
&eerai Chutney
Spina*h *hutney
Fse fresh spina*h to ma)e this *hutney' 4t has a *ertain palate,*leansing Huality that remains true to the
spina*hLs *hara*ter' Ser%e the *hutney with steamed ri*e'
"a)es 1 *up >=00 grams?'
1 teaspoon %egetable oil
1 tablespoon dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1 tablespoon *hana dal >split engal gram?
1 dried red *hiles, stemmed
W teaspoon asafetida
1 medium red onion, finely *hopped
1 large tomato, finely *hopped
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
1 medium bun*h spina*h, roughly *hopped
W *up >20 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
2 teaspoons tamarind pulp
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Add the dals and *oo) for 1 to 2 minutes or
until golden brown'
2' Add the red *hiles, asafetida, onion, tomato, and green *hiles' Coo) for 6 minutes'
=' Add the spina*h, *o*onut, tamarind pulp, and salt' Stir well and *oo) for 2 to = minutes' Set aside to
1' Transfer to a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a fine paste'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e, or store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for
up to 2 days'
&ele &i Chutney
!ipe,banana relish
3ere the humble banana is transported to new heights with tamarind and $aggery, and the ground
ginger adds still more interesting notes'
"a)es 1U *ups >160 grams?'
1 to 6 tablespoons >:0 to 100 grams? tamarind pulp
U *up >100 grams? grated *ane $aggery
1 dried red *hile, stemmed and bro)en in half
U teaspoon ground ginger
U teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
U teaspoon table salt
1 large ripe banana, peeled and *ut into rounds
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the tamarind pulp, $aggery, and 2 *ups >100 ml? water,
and bring to a boil, stirring *ontinuously'
2' +ower the heat to low, add the *hile, ginger, *hile powder, *umin, fennel, and salt, and *oo) for 16 to
20 minutes'
=' Add the banana' Coo) for 1 to 6 minutes' Ad$ust the seasoning if ne*essary'
1' +et *ool, then *hill in the refrigerator and ser%e *old' Cr, store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the
refrigerator for up to 2 days'
&ha$ur &i Chutney
.ate *hutney
A Pun$abi fa%orite, this *hutney *an be made in bul) and stored in the refrigerator, as the $aggery a*ts as
a preser%ati%e' 4 li)e to ser%e this *hutney >whi*h 4 li)e to *all 4ndiaLs )et*hup? be*ause it *ontains
nutritious dates'
"a)es 2U *ups >960 grams?'
/ oun*es >260 grams? dates, pitted and roughly *hopped
W *up >60 grams? grated *ane $aggery
U teaspoon fennel seeds
U teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon bla*) salt
2 bay lea%es
1 whole *lo%es
2 bla*) *ardamom pods
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon ground roasted *umin >page =2?
1 tablespoon ghee >page =9?
U teaspoon *umin seeds
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the dates, $aggery, fennel, *hile powder, bla*)
salt, bay lea%es, *lo%es, *ardamom, ginger, and ground *umin' Add 6 *ups >1 liter? water and bring to a
boil' !edu*e the heat to low and *oo) for 20 minutes or until the mi8ture is thi*)'
2' +et *ool to room temperature, then transfer to a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a purQe' Push through
a fine strainer into a bowl and set aside'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds' Khen the seeds begin to *hange *olor, add this tempering
to the *hutney and stir'
1' +et *ool and ser%e at room temperature, or store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator
for up to 16 days'
Dreen,*hile relish
Traditionally, the *hiles are ground in a mortar with a pestle' This relish is *ommonly made in the
%illages of "aharashtra, where it is eaten with bha)ri, a type of thi*) 4ndian bread >page 16=?, and this
ma)es a simple and unpretentious meal'
"a)es 1 *up >=00 grams?'
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
20 green *hiles, stemmed and roughly *hopped
12 *lo%es garli*
1 small bun*h fresh *ilantro, roughly *hopped
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Add the *umin seeds and when they
begin to *hange *olor, add the *hiles and garli*' SautQ for 1 minute, then add the *ilantro and stir' +ower
the heat to low, add the salt, *o%er, and *oo) for 2 to = minutes'
2' Soften the *hiles by pressing them with the ba*) of a wooden spoon' +et *ool'
=' Transfer to a food pro*essor and pro*ess to a *oarse paste' Eou should be able to see *hile pie*es'
Store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to 2 wee)s'
&olhapuri .ry Chutney
Spi*y, hot, and fla%orful *hutney
3ere, proper roasting of the indi%idual spi*es is the most essential step' The roasting releases the
aromati* oils and the blending gi%es this spe*ial *hutney its authenti* fla%or' 4f you ha%e lefto%er
*hutney, you *an use it to ma)e )olhapuri su))a lamb >page =9:?'
"a)es 1 *up >=00 grams?'
2 tablespoons *oriander seeds
1 tablespoon *umin seeds
1 tablespoon sesame seeds
U tablespoon whole bla*) pepper*orns
U,in*h >1,*m? *innamon sti*)
6 whole *lo%es
1 teaspoon fennel seeds
20 *lo%es garli*, half left whole and half *hopped
1 *up >00 grams? grated dried *o*onut
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
1 medium red onion, roughly *hopped
1 *up >00 grams? finely *hopped fresh *ilantro
W *up >=6 grams? red *hile powder
1 teaspoon table salt
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Cne by one, add the *oriander, *umin, sesame
seeds, pepper*orns, *innamon, *lo%es, fennel, and whole garli* *lo%es, and dry,roast ea*h for 1 minute
or until fragrant' Transfer to a bowl and set aside to *ool'
2' 4n the same pan, dry,roast the *o*onut for 1 minute or until it turns reddish' Set it aside to *ool'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low and add the onion, *hopped garli*, and *ilantro' Coo) for 2 to
= minutes or until well browned and *risp' Set aside to *ool'
1' Combine all the ingredients from steps 1, 2, and =, and pro*ess to a fine powder in a food pro*essor'
Stir in the *hile powder and salt'
6' Transfer to a bowl and let *ool to room temperature' Ser%e, or store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer
in the refrigerator for up to 1 month'
Papaya Chutney
A ripe,papaya relish
Khen you ha%e a lot of papaya in the house, bottle it upO 4 made this *hutney one Sunday afternoon
when the smell of ripening papaya hung hea%ily in our home' "y daughters *omplained about the smell
so 4 started *oo)ing' (ow they praise this *hutney, and it has be*ome a regular preser%e on our table'
This goes well spread on bread'
"a)es = U *ups >1 )g?'
1 pound >600 grams? sugar
1 large ripe papaya, peeled, seeded, and thinly sli*ed
1 teaspoon table salt
10 bla*) pepper*orns, *rushed
1 teaspoon roasted )ale til >bla*) sesame seeds?
2 tablespoons )a)di magaN >dried *u*umber seedsM page 6::?
W *up >60 ml? malt %inegar
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 large red onion, peeled and *ubed
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add the sugar and 1 *up >200 ml? water, and bring to
boil' Coo) for 6 to 9 minutes or until you get a thin syrup'
2' Add the papaya and salt, and *oo) for 6 to 0 minutes or until the syrup thi*)ens'
=' Add the bla*) pepper*orns, )ale til, and )a)di magaN, and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 1 to 2
1' !emo%e the pan from the heat, add the malt %inegar, and stir' Set aside to *ool'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds' Khen they begin to *hange *olor, add the ginger and onion,
and sautQ until the onions are translu*ent'
0' Add to the *oo)ed papaya and stir'
9' +et *ool and ser%e' Cr, store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to 16 days'
Tamatar aur Adra) &i Chutney
Dinger,and,tomato *hutney
Chutneys are fun to ser%e as a dip, and this one pairs parti*ularly well with 4ndian lentil wafers or
papads, whi*h you *an pur*hase at any 4ndian gro*ery store' 4 suggest buying papads that *an be
mi*rowa%ed >as opposed to the ones that need to be deep,fried?' "i*rowa%e one papad at a time,
pla*e on a platter, and ser%e with the *hutney'
"a)es 1U *ups >160 grams?'
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1 large ripe red tomatoes, roughly *hopped
=,in*h >9U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
1 medium onion, finely *hopped
1 tablespoon sesame seeds, roasted and ground
1 tablespoon peanuts, roasted and ground
1 teaspoon *umin seeds, ground
2 teaspoons red *hile powder
1 tablespoon grated *ane $aggery
U teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 2 teaspoons of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the tomatoes, ginger, and onion' Stir and *oo) for 20 minutes or
until the mi8ture is brown and homogenous' !emo%e from the heat and set aside to *ool'
2' Add the sesame seeds, peanuts, *umin, *hile powder, $aggery, and salt, and stir' Transfer to a food
pro*essor and pro*ess to a smooth paste' Transfer to a bowl'
=' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 teaspoon oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds and *urry lea%es' Khen the seeds
begin to sputter, add this tempering to the *hutney and stir'
1' +et *ool *ompletely and store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to 2 wee)s'
Cilantro Tho))u
Gresh,*ilantro relish
"y *olleagues who hail from Tamil (adu *laim this *hutney is perfe*t with steamed ri*e and yogurt' And
some insist that ri*e and tho))u with ghee is also fantasti*' This *hutney *an also be en$oyed with roti
>page 1:? or e%en with Kestern,style bread'
"a)es 1 *up >=00 grams?'
l 17:M *up >260 grams? roughly *hopped fresh *ilantro
U *up >100 grams? dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?
1: to 20 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en
1 teaspoons table salt
17:M teaspoon asafetida
2 tablespoons tamarind pulp
1' Kash the *ilantro and drain' Spread out on an absorbent )it*hen towel until the water has *ompletely
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the dal and dry,roast for 6 minutes or until
fragrant' Transfer to a plate'
=' Add the *hiles to the same heated pan and dry,roast for 2 minutes' !eturn the dal to the pan, add
the salt, asafetida, and *ilantro, and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes or until fragrant'
1' Add the tamarind pulp and stir' Set aside to *ool *ompletely'
6' Transfer to a mini food pro*essor and pro*ess until smooth'
0' Ser%e, or store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to 1 wee)'
Da$ar Dobhi Shalgam &a A*har
Pun$abi,style winter,%egetable pi*)le
This pi*)le be*omes more deli*ious as it ages and the fla%ors gain more depth' 4n Pun$ab, people in the
*ity li%e in bungalows with )it*hen gardens, and this pi*)le is a tribute to their gardensL winter produ*e'
"a)es 00 oun*es >1'9 )g?'
12 tablespoons filtered mustard oil >see (ote page :9?
0 tablespoons *oarsely ground ginger
W *up *oarsely ground garli*
1U tablespoons mustard seeds, ground
1U tablespoons red *hile powder
1U tablespoons garam masala >spi*e mi8M page 29?
1 *up >200 grams? grated *ane $aggery
1U to 2 tablespoons table salt
1 pound >600 grams? *arrots, *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
1 pound >600 grams? *auliflower, separated into medium florets
1 pound >600 grams? turnips, peeled and *ut into 1U,in*h >1,*m? pie*es
= tablespoons malt %inegar
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the mustard oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add the ginger and garli* and sautQ until light golden'
2' Add the mustard seeds, *hile powder, and garam masala and sautQ for 16 se*onds' Add the $aggery
and salt, and stir well'
=' Add the *arrots, *auliflower, and turnips, stir, and *oo) for = to 1 minutes' !emo%e from the heat and
set aside to *ool *ompletely'
1' Stir in the %inegar'
6' Store in steriliNed, airtight *ontainers' This pi*)le will )eep for up to 1 year at room temperature'
Darli* Pi*)le
Sweet,and,sour garli* pi*)le
This pi*)le is made differently throughout 4ndia' Some *oo)s pi*)le the garli* whole' 4 find that it is
rather o%erwhelming to ingest a whole *lo%e of spi*ed garli*, so 4 use *rushed garli* in my re*ipe' This
pi*)le has a %ery strong *hara*ter, but per)ing up the palate is the $ob of a good pi*)le'
Ser%es 1'
= *ups >600 grams? garli* *lo%es
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
1U teaspoons bla*) mustard seeds
1 teaspoon fenugree) seeds
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1U *ups >=00 ml? %egetable oil
1 teaspoon table salt
U *up >120 grams? tamarind pulp
1U teaspoons red *hile powder
U *up >100 grams? grated *ane $aggery
1' Peel, wash, and pat dry the garli*' Pro*ess half of the garli* with the ginger in a mini food pro*essor
and *rush the remaining *lo%es'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and let it heat for 2 minutes' Add 1 teaspoon of
the mustard seeds, the fenugree), and *umin, and dry,roast for 2 minutes or until fragrant' +et *ool,
then grind to a *oarse powder in a spi*e grinder'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 1 *up >200 ml? of the oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the remaining U teaspoon mustard seeds and the *rushed garli*'
+ower the heat to low and *oo) for = to 1 minutes'
1' 4n*rease the heat to high, add the salt, the roasted and ground spi*es, and the tamarind pulp, and
*oo) for 6 to 0 minutes'
6' Add the *hile powder, garli*,ginger paste, and $aggery, and *oo) o%er medium heat for 1 minute or
until the $aggery is dissol%ed'
0' Add the remaining U *up >100 ml? oil and *oo) until the pi*)le thi*)ens a bit'
9' +et *ool, then transfer to a dry, steriliNed, airtight *ontainer and store in a *ool, dry pla*e for up to =
Dinger Pesarel
Dinger pi*)le
This is a terrifi* treat for ginger lo%ers' Fse young rhiNomes for this pi*)le, as woody ginger will not taste
the same'
"a)es U *up >160 grams?'
12,in*h >=0,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
1 tablespoon >10 grams? bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon asafetida
1 teaspoon table salt
0 green *hiles, stemmed and slit
2 tablespoons freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
1' Kash and peel the ginger' Pat dry with an absorbent *loth and finely $ulienne'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the mustard seeds' Khen they begin to sputter, add the asafetida and salt'
=' Stir in the ginger and *hiles, toss well, and *oo) for 2 to = minutes'
1' !emo%e from the heat and driNNle with the lemon $ui*eM stir well' Set aside for 1 hour before ser%ing'
The pi*)le *an be stored in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to 0 days'
Sour and Spi*y Bggplant Pi*)le
Bggplant spread
4 use this pi*)le more li)e a sandwi*h spread than a relish' 4 prefer to use eggplants that are lightweight
for their siNe and ha%e small round mar)s at the bottom, be*ause the ones that are hea%y and ha%e o%al
mar)s are li)ely to ha%e more seeds'
"a)es 1U *ups >160 grams?'
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, peeled
1 *lo%es garli*
1U *ups plus 1 tablespoon >=00 ml? %egetable oil
W *up >60 grams? dried red *hiles, stemmed
2 teaspoons *umin seeds
2 teaspoons brown mustard seeds
2 teaspoons fenugree) seeds
1 small eggplants, ea*h *ut into : pie*es
W *up >00 grams? table salt
1 tablespoon tamarind pulp
1 teaspoon ground turmeri*
1 *up >200 ml? distilled white %inegar
1' Put the ginger and garli* in a mini food pro*essor, and pro*ess to a paste' Set aside in a small bowl'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 tablespoon of the oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *hiles and sautQ for 2 minutes' !emo%e with a slotted
spoon and drain on paper towelsM set aside to *ool'
=' Pla*e the same pan with the remaining oil o%er medium heat' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the *umin, mustard seeds, and fenugree), and sautQ for 2 minutes or until
fragrant' .rain the oil using a small sie%e and sa%e the spi*es' Set aside to *ool'
1' Add the ginger,garli* paste to the remaining hot oil in the pan and sautQ for 1 minute'
6' Transfer the *hiles and the sautQed spi*es to a spi*e grinder and grind to a powder' Set aside in a
small bowl'
0' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1W *ups >260 ml? of the remaining oil' Khen small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the wo), slide in the eggplant and *oo) for 0 to 9 minutes or until
golden' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and pla*e in a bowl' Add the salt, tamarind pulp, turmeri*, ground
sautQed spi*es, sautQed ginger,garli* paste, and %inegar, and stir'
9' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add the remaining W *up >60 ml? oil' 3eat until warmed
through' Add to the bowl with the eggplant mi8ture' Stir well'
:' +et the pi*)le *ool to room temperature before ser%ing, or transfer to a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer
and store in a *ool, dry pla*e for up to 2 months'
&a*h*he Papite &a "orabba
A sweet relish of green papaya
"orabbas are sweet preser%es that are made using either fruits or %egetables' Carrot morabba and
amla >4ndian gooseberry? morabba are readily a%ailable in 4ndian gro*ery stores, but until some
enterprising indi%idual mass,produ*es this spe*ial green,papaya morabba, it will ha%e to be made at
"a)es 1 *up >=00 grams?'
/ oun*es >260 grams? green papaya, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? *ubes
1W *ups >260 grams? sugar
Pin*h of *itri* a*id
1 teaspoon roasted magaN >melon seedsM optional?
1' Kash the papaya and drain well in a *olander' Pri*) the *ubes all o%er with a for) and set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 6 *ups >1 liter? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, add the papaya and *oo) for 1: minutes or until soft' .rain and set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add 1 *up >200 ml? water and the sugar' Coo),
stirring, until the sugar dissol%es' Add the *itri* a*id, stir, and *oo) for 6 minutes'
1' Add the papaya and stir' Coo) for 2 to = minutes or until thi*) and syrupy'
6' Add the melon seeds and remo%e from the heat' +et *ool *ompletely, then store in a steriliNed,
airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator for up to = wee)s'
Papaya &i +aun$
Dreen papaya *hutney
This intriguing *ombination of seeds transforms something as simple as raw papaya into an interesting
*hutney' This *hutney pairs well with 4ndian breads li)e paratha >page 1:? and thepla >page 106?'
"a)es 2U *ups >960 grams?'
11 oun*es >=00 grams? green papaya, peeled and seeded
1 tablespoon ghee >page =9?
Pin*h of asafetida
W teaspoon )alon$i >nigellaM see (ote page 2=1?
U teaspoon bla*) mustard seeds
U teaspoon *umin seeds
6 or 0 whole *lo%es
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
U teaspoon ground turmeri*
U *up >100 grams? sugar
U teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon anise seeds, *oarsely ground
1' Thinly sli*e the papaya'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water' As the water
starts to boil, lower the heat to medium, add the papaya, and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes' .rain and set
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to low, add the asafetida, )alon$i, mustard seeds, *umin, *lo%es,
*hile powder, and turmeri*, and *oo) until the seeds sputter'
1' Add 2 *ups >100 ml? water and stir' Add the sugar and stir until it dissol%es' Continue to *oo) until
syrupy' Add the salt and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes'
6' Add the papaya and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the papaya is tender'
0' Add the anise and stir'
9' +et *ool *ompletely, then store in a steriliNed, airtight *ontainer the refrigerator for up to 16 days'
4ndian *ulture is a tapestry wo%en out of many di%erse *ommunities and faiths' People pray to many
gods, and e%ery religion has its own set of rules and rituals that go%ern prayers and eating habits'
This is a spe*ial se*tion of re*ipes for fasting days, when the use of *ertain *ereals, pulses, and greens is
not allowed' 4t is heartening to )now that a day of fasting be*omes a day of feasting on unusual delights
su*h as these' A sabudana thalipeeth >page 610? is a filling meal, espe*ially when followed by a lo%ely
dessert of dudhi halwa >page 611? or )a$u )atli >page 610?'
&ele Kafers
anana wafers
.uring my trips to Co*hin, in South 4ndia, 4 ma)e a point of %isiting the street *arts where the lo*als fry
banana wafers in *o*onut oil' 4tLs a wonderful e8perien*e wat*hing these being made and seeing the
pale banana sli*es *hange to bright yellow as theyLre friedAbut eating them absolutely fresh is e%en
(endra bananas are big yellow,s)inned bananas, a spe*iality of *oastal &erala' TheyLre hard to find in
the Fnited States, but you *an substitute green plantains'
"a)es about 2 *ups >100 grams?' 1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1 medium raw nendra bananas or green plantains
1 Huart >:00 ml? *o*onut oil >see (ote?
1 teaspoons table salt
1' Drease your palms with a little %egetable oil' This ma)es it easy to handle and peel the raw bananas
>sin*e the s)in of these bananas ooNes a resin?' Peel all the bananas with a %egetable peeler and set
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the *o*onut oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium' 3olding a good,Huality, heat,resistant %egetable sli*er
o%er the hot oil, thinly sli*e 1 banana dire*tly into the fryer' Gry until the wafers be*ome light yellow'
=' Put 1 tablespoon water in a small bowl, add 1 teaspoon salt, and stir to dissol%e the salt' Sprin)le o%er
the oil and wait until the water e%aporates'
1' !emo%e the wafers with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
6' !epeat steps = and 1 for the remaining = bananas'
0' Transfer the wafers onto another plate and ser%e hot' Cr let *ool to room temperature and store in
an airtight *ontainer' These will )eep for 1 wee)'
4f you do not li)e the fla%or of *o*onut oil, you *an use any other oil insteadM the
fla%or will be different but still good'
!a$gire &a Thepla
read made of ra$gira *ereal, espe*ially for fasts
As wheat is %erboten during fasting in 4ndia, breads su*h as rotis and parathas are off limits' ut
ra$gira flour sol%es the problem' The flour is gluten free and so the dough is rather deli*ate, but the
addition of mashed potatoes helps tremendously' "a)e the breads 17: in*h >= to 1 mm? thi*), and ser%e
them with a bowl of plain yogurt'
"a)es 12'
= *ups >100 grams? ra$gira atta >see (ote?
1U teaspoons bla*) salt
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, grated
1 teaspoon white sesame seeds
2 green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
2 medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
9 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put 2U *ups of the ra$gira atta in a bowl' Add the bla*) salt, ginger, sesame seeds, and *hiles, and
stir' Add the potatoes, yogurt, = tablespoons of the ghee, and the *ilantro, and stir' Add U *up >100 ml?
water and )nead to ma)e a semisoft dough' Co%er and set aside for =0 minutes'
2' .i%ide the dough into 12 portions and shape into balls' .ust ea*h ball with some of the remaining
ra$gira atta and pat into a 6,in*h >12U,*m? round'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 to = minutes, then pla*e a dough round on
it' Coo) for 1 minute, then flip with a spatula and *oo) the other side for 1 minute'
1' .riNNle U teaspoon of the remaining ghee all around and *oo) until it is light golden and *risp around
the edges' Glip again and driNNle U teaspoon ghee around it' Coo) until the se*ond side is light golden
and *risp around the edges'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing plate and repeat with the remaining dough rounds'
0' Ser%e hot'
!a$gira atta is flour made from the seeds of the amaranth plant' 4t is gluten free
and ri*h in lysine, an essential amino a*id that is hard to find in %egetarian protein sour*es'
Sabudana &hi*hdi
Spi*y sago dish
There are many %ersions of this sna*), but the most interesting one is sold at roadside *arts in 4ndore, a
bustling business *enter in the heart of "adhya Pradesh' Eou buy the plain *oo)ed sago by weight and
then top it with lemon $ui*e and *run*hy fried peanuts'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >=00 grams? sago
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
1 or 6 green *hiles, stemmed and bro)en into 1 pie*es
1 medium potato, boiled, peeled, and *ut into U,in*h >1,*m? *ubes
= tablespoons grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
V *up >110 grams? roasted peanuts, *oarsely *hopped
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the sago in a large bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1U *ups >=00 ml?
water and soa) for = to 1 hoursM after 2 hours, stir on*e' The sago grains should be separate and moist'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin and *hiles' Khen the *umin seeds begin
to *hange *olor, add the potato and *oo) for 1 minute'
=' Add the sago, *o*onut, and peanuts, and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes, stirring well'
1' Add the salt and sugar, and stir gently' !emo%e from the heat'
6' Sprin)le with the *ilantro and ser%e hot'
Sago, or tapio*a pearls, are made from the star*h e8tra*ted from sago palm trees' 4n
4ndia, it is a %ery popular ingredient'
Sabudana Thalipeeth
"aharashtrian,style sago sna*)
The (a%ratri fasts >whi*h pre*ede the festi%al of .assera in 4ndia? allow for the *onsumption of sago,
potatoes, peanuts, and *o*onut, and this ri*h bread, ser%ed with any *hutney, is fillingAa good *hoi*e
for those who are eating only one meal a day'
Ser%es 1'
U *up >100 grams? sago
W *up >10 grams? roasted peanuts
1 medium potato, boiled, peeled, and mashedM
1 medium raw potato, peeled and grated
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
W teaspoon red *hile powder
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
W *up >16 grams? sago flour
1 teaspoon table salt
1 teaspoon %egetable oil
1 teaspoon ghee >page =9?
1' Put the sago in a large bowl, add 1 *up >200 ml? water >almost enough to *o%er it?, and soa) for about
2 hours' .rain in a *olander'
2' Put the peanuts in a spi*e grinder and grind *oarsely' Transfer to a large bowl and add the drained
sago, peanuts, mashed and raw potatoes, *hiles, *hile powder, *ilantro, sago flour, and salt, and stir
=' .i%ide into 1 portions and shape into balls'
1' Drease a thi*) plasti* or polyethylene sheet with W teaspoon oil and pla*e one sago ball on it' Glatten
the ball into a thi*) 0,in*h >16,*m? round with moistened or greased fingers'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle o%er medium heat and add W teaspoon of the ghee'
0' Dently transfer the sago round onto the griddle and peel the plasti* off' Coo), turning, until e%enly
golden brown on both sides' !epeat with the remaining sago balls and ghee'
9' Ser%e immediately'
Sabudana Jadas
Sago sna*)s
3ere sago is *ombined with mashed potatoes and fried in oil' The outside is golden and *risp while the
inside is soft and moist' Typi*ally, it is ser%ed with *o*onut *hutney' 4f you want to ser%e this as an
appetiNer, ma)e smaller balls and ser%e them with toothpi*)s' 3a%e a tomato sau*e or dip ready'
"a)es 10'
1 *up >200 grams? sago
U *up >96 grams? roasted peanuts
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger
= green *hiles, stemmed and *hopped
= medium potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
2 tablespoons *hopped fresh *ilantro
1 tablespoon freshly sHueeNed lemon $ui*e
2 teaspoons table salt
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Put the sago in a large bowl, add 2 *ups >100 ml? water >almost enough to *o%er it?, and soa) for
about 2 hours' .rain in a *olander'
2' Put the peanuts in a spi*e grinder and grind *oarsely' Transfer to a large bowl and set aside'
=' Pla*e the ginger and *hiles in a spi*e grinder, add 2 tablespoons water, and grind to a paste' Add to
the peanuts, along with the drained sago, potatoes, *ilantro, lemon $ui*e, and salt, and stir well' .i%ide
into 10 portions and shape into balls' Glatten slightly between your palms to ma)e %adas'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium and gently slide in 1 %adas at a time' Coo), turning a few times with a
slotted spoon, until golden brown and *risp all o%er' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper
6' Ser%e immediately'
Jrat &i &adhi
Kater *hestnut,flour *urry
This unusual dish, prepared with water *hestnut flour, is ser%ed during periods of fasting in 4ndia' Eou
*an find the flour at your lo*al 4ndian gro*ery store'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons singhare )a atta >water *hestnut flour?
W teaspoon bla*) salt
1 teaspoon red *hile powder
W teaspoon ground *innamon
1V *ups >110 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 teaspoon *umin seeds
= dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en in half
10 to 12 fresh *urry lea%es
U teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *ilantro
1' Put the singhare )a atta in a large bowl' Add the bla*) salt, *hile powder, *innamon, and yogurt, and
whis) until well blended' Add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water and whis) again' Set aside'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the *umin seeds, *hiles, and *urry lea%es' SautQ until the *umin seeds
begin to *hange *olor' Add the yogurt mi8ture and *oo) until the mi8ture is slightly thi*)'
=' Add the sugar and table salt, and stir' +ower the heat to low and simmer for 2 minutes'
1' !emo%e from the heat and transfer to a ser%ing bowl' Darnish with the *ilantro and ser%e
adam .oodh
Almond mil)
This ri*h mil) gets its *hara*ter from the almonds and spi*es used to fla%or it' e sure to use the best,
Huality almonds that you *an find for this warm drin)'
"a)es 1 *ups'
10 almonds
6 *ups >1 liter? mil)
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
Pin*h of freshly grated nutmeg
U *up >100 grams? sugar
1' Soa) the almonds in 2 *ups >100 ml? boiling water for 6 to 10 minutes' .rain, then rub off the s)ins'
Sli*e 16 of them and set aside' Put the remaining almonds in a food pro*essor, and pro*ess to a paste'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the mil)' Khen it *omes to a boil, lower heat to
medium, add the almond paste, and simmer o%er low heat for 16 to 20 minutes'
=' Add the saffron, *ardamom, and nutmeg, and stir' Add the sugar and stir until it dissol%es'
1' !emo%e from the heat and pour into indi%idual heatproof glasses' Darnish with the sli*ed almonds
and ser%e hot'
adam 3alwa
!i*h almond pudding with saffron
4tLs deli*ious, 4Lll admit, espe*ially on a *old winter e%ening, but this pudding is absolutely laden with fatO
.o try it, but eat only a %ery small portion if you are wat*hing your *alories'
Ser%es 1'
1U *ups >160 grams? almonds
10 *ups >2 liters? mil)
V *up >196 ml? ghee >page =9?
1 *up >200 grams? sugar
: to 10 saffron threads
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add = *ups >000 ml? water and bring to a boil' Add V *up
>96 grams? of the almonds and bring to a rolling boil' !emo%e from the heat and set aside for 6 minutes'
.rain well, then rub off the s)ins'
2' Transfer the blan*hed and unblan*hed almonds to a food pro*essor, and pro*ess *oarsely'
=' Pla*e the sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the mil) and bring to a boil, stirring *ontinuously' +ower the
heat to medium and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, until the mil) is redu*ed by three Huarters' Set aside'
1' Pla*e another nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the ground almonds and lower the heat to low' SautQ for 6 minutes or until
lightly browned'
6' Add the sugar, redu*ed mil), and saffron, and *oo) for 20 minutes or until all the liHuid is absorbed
and the mi8ture thi*)ens' Ser%e warm'
.udhi 3alwa
ottle gourd sweet
.udhi halwa always seems to be o%ershadowed in 4ndia by the popularity of ga$ar halwa >page 60=?, a
dessert prepared with *arrots' ut not anymoreO This halwa does not reHuire as mu*h *oo)ing time as
ga$ar halwa and is also an allowed food on fasting days in 4ndia' 4 li)e the way my mother,in,law sets it
in a flat dish until it solidifies and then *uts it into neat sHuares and ser%es it with style'
Ser%es 1'
1 medium bottle gourd
= *ups >000 ml? mil) = tablespoon ghee >page =9?
U *up >100 grams? sugar
1 teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
10 raisins
10 almonds, *hopped
6 *ashews, *hopped
6 pista*hios, *hopped
1' Peel and hal%e the bottle gourd and s*rape out the seeds' Drate it finely and transfer to a bowl'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add the mil), and *oo) for : to 10 minutes or until it is
redu*ed to about 2 *ups >100 ml?'
=' Pla*e another nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and
small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the grated gourd and sautQ for 12 to 16 minutes'
1' Add the redu*ed mil) and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 10 minutes or until all the e8*ess liHuid has
6' Add the sugar and *ardamom' Stir well and remo%e from the heat'
0' Darnish with the raisins, almonds, *ashews, and pista*hios, and ser%e hot or at room temperature'
&a$u &atli
A nutty and fla%orful sweet with *ashews
&atli means Sa thin layer'T The best )a$u )atli will be the one that is P to W in*h >1 to 6 mm? in
thi*)ness, and e8pert halwais >*oo)s s)illed in ma)ing 4ndian sweetmeats? thin) nothing about rolling it
out that thin' 3omemade )a$u )atli is strongly *ashew fla%ored, but sin*e *ashews are e8pensi%e,
*ommer*ial ma)ers sometimes use *ashew essen*e and solidified mil) produ*ts to fortify it'
"a)es 20'
1 17=M *ups >296 grams? sugar
2 tablespoons liHuid glu*ose
1U tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1W *ups >/00 grams? finely ground *ashews
Chandi )a %arH >edible sil%er foilM see page 1::?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add 1 17=M *ups >206 ml? water and the sugar, and *oo)
for 12 minutes or until the syrup rea*hes 216XG711:XC, or until it has a multi,string *onsisten*y >see (ote
page 690?'
2' Stir in the liHuid glu*ose and ghee'
=' !emo%e from the heat and add the *ashews, stirring *ontinuously' &nead lightly to ma)e a soft dough'
1' Drease an aluminum pan and spread the dough on it' Smooth the surfa*e by pressing with your hands
onto a sheet of wa8ed paper' Dently spread the sil%er %arH o%er the top and *ut the )a$u )atli into
diamonds' Ser%e at room temperature'
6' Store in an airtight *ontainer for up to 2 days'
China is a neighbor to most of the northeastern states of 4ndia, and mu*h of its food *ulture has tri*)led
down into the sub*ontinent' 4n fa*t, Chinese food is the most popular *hoi*e when 4ndians dine out'
4ndian *oo)s ha%e begun to e8periment and *reate e8oti* foreign dishes' The strong 4ndian palate,
howe%er, means that many dishes are twea)ed to suit our tastes' This has *reated a spe*ial *ategory of
fusion foods that ha%e be*ome so ubiHuitous that it would not be unusual for *hile paneer >page 61/?
and *run*hy Chinese bhel >page 660? to ma)e an appearan*e at a traditional 4ndian wedding feast'
Chi*)en Chow "ein
A *hi*)en,and,noodle dish
A de*ade or so ago, it was fashionable in 4ndia to ser%e 4ndo,Chinese dishes at parties and wedding
banHuets' Things are *hanging now as the 4ndian palate mo%es on to 4ndo,"e8i*an, 4ndo,4talian, and so
on' ut *hi*)en *how mein remains a fa%orite dish on many restaurant menus and at many parties'
Ser%es 1'
1 teaspoon table salt
W *up >60 ml? %egetable oil
9 oun*es >200 grams? egg noodles >spaghetti shaped?
: baby *orn *obs, hal%ed lengthwise
1 large egg, beaten
2 or = *lo%es garli*, sli*ed
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
1 medium red onion, sli*ed
0 fresh button mushrooms, hal%ed
1 medium red bell pepper, seeded and $ulienned
1 >1,oun*e7126 gram? boneless, s)inless *hi*)en breast, *oo)ed and shredded
2 teaspoons light soy sau*e 1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add 0 *ups >1'2 liters? water, U teaspoon of the salt,
and 1 tablespoon of the %egetable oil, and bring to a boil' Add the noodles and *oo) for : minutes or
until almost done' .rain in a *olander' !efresh in *old water, drain again, and spread on a large plate to
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add 1 *up >200 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add the
baby *orn and blan*h for 2 minutes' .rain in a *olander, refresh in *old water, drain again, and set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 1 teaspoon of the oil' Add the egg and stir to
s*ramble it' Khen it is set, transfer to a small bowl and set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the remaining %egetable oil' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the wo), add the garli*, ginger, and onion, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes'
6' Add the baby *orn, mushrooms, and bell pepper, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes' Add the *hi*)en and
sautQ for 1 minute' Add the soy sau*e and remaining U teaspoon salt, and stir well'
0' Add the noodles and sesame oil, and toss' Add the s*rambled egg and toss again' +ower the heat to
low and *oo) for 2 to = minutes or until the noodles are heated through'
9' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl' Darnish with the sesame seeds and ser%e hot'
Chile Chana
Chi*)peas *oo)ed in a Chinese sau*e
4 *reated this on a Sunday when the )ids wanted something differentAsomething that happens a lot, let
me tell youO Thin)ing Hui*)ly, 4 turned some *hi*)peas into a spe*ial 4ndo,Chinese dish and ser%ed it with
steamed ri*e' The )ids were happy, and so was 4'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons %egetable oil
2,in*h >6,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, *hopped
= or 1 *lo%es garli*, *rushed
1 medium red onion, sli*ed
= or 1 green *hiles, stemmed and sli*ed
2 medium green bell peppers, seeded and $ulienned
U teaspoon red *hile powder
1 teaspoon red *hile paste
1 tablespoon soy sau*e
U teaspoon table salt
2 *ups >=00 grams? *oo)ed *hi*)peas
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of
the wo), add the ginger and garli*, and sautQ for 1 to 2 minutes or until lightly browned'
2' Add the onion, *hiles, and bell peppers, and sautQ for = to 1 minutes' Add the *hile powder and *hile
paste, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add 2 tablespoons water and the soy sau*e' Stir well and add the salt'
=' Add the *hi*)peas and stir' SautQ for 1 to 6 minutes'
1' Ser%e hot'
Chile Paneer
Paneer *oo)ed the Chinese way
Steamed ri*e is the best partner for this dish, a lo%ely mi8 of 4ndian and Chinese styles of *oo)ing' Eou
*an repla*e the paneer with tofu, but if you do, s)ip steps 1 and 2' 4f you want to ser%e this as a starter,
de*rease the amount of sto*) so that there is no e8tra sau*e'
Ser%es 1'
11 oun*es >=00 grams? paneer >pressed fresh *heeseM page 19?, *ut into 1,in*h >2U,*m? fingers
= tablespoons *ornstar*h
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 2 tablespoons %egetable oil
= or 1 *lo%es garli*, *rushed
1 medium red onion, hal%ed and thi*)ly sli*ed
2 medium green bell peppers, seeded and *ut into thi*) strips
0 to : green *hiles, stemmed and sli*ed
1 *up >200 ml? %egetable sto*)
V teaspoon table salt
2 tablespoons soy sau*e
1' Put the paneer in a bowl and sprin)le with 1 tablespoon of the *ornstar*h' Toss gently to *oat'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium, add the paneer, and *oo) for 1 minute or until
the edges start to turn brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
=' Pla*e the remaining 2 tablespoons *ornstar*h in a small bowl and add U *up >100 ml? water' Khis)
well and set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add the garli* and sautQ for =0 se*onds'
6' Add the onion, bell peppers, and *hiles, and sautQ for 2 to = minutes'
0' Add the paneer and stir in the sto*)' Add the salt and soy sau*e, and stir'
9' Add the *ornstar*h mi8ture and *oo) o%er high heat, stirring, until the sau*e is thi*) enough to *oat
the paneer and %egetables'
:' Ser%e immediately'
Chinese hel
A popular street food with an 4ndo,Chinese treatment
4 *all this the Ss*run*h, mun*h, and itLs goneT bhel' (o matter how large a ser%ing 4 ma)e for friends,
itLs gone in no time' 4t is rather diffi*ult to tra*e the origin of any 4ndo,Chinese dish, but )udos to the
un)nown in%entor of this tasty dish' 4 use noodles without eggs be*ause they fry better than egg
Ser%es 1'
9 oun*es >200 grams? eggless noodles
1 Huart >:00 ml? plus 1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1W teaspoons table salt
= s*allions, bulbs and greens sli*ed separately
U *up >90 grams? bean sprouts
W *up >10 grams? roasted peanuts, *rushed
2 tablespoons Si*huan sau*e >page 2=?
2 tablespoons )et*hup
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add 0 to : *ups >1'2 to 1'0 liters? water, 1 tablespoon oil,
and 1 teaspoon of the salt' ring to a boil, add the noodles, and *oo) for 9 to : minutes or until almost
done' .rain, refresh in *old water, drain again, and spread on a large plate to *ool'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the wo), gently slide in the noodles in small bat*hes and *oo) for 6 to 0 minutes or until
*risp and golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set aside to *ool'
=' Crush the noodles lightly and put them in a bowl' Add the s*allion bulbs, bean sprouts, and peanuts,
and toss well'
1' Add the Si*huan sau*e and )et*hup, and toss again' Taste and add the remaining W teaspoon salt if
6' Transfer to indi%idual ser%ing plates and garnish with the s*allion tops' Ser%e immediately'
Spring .osas
+entil,and,ri*e pan*a)es with Si*huan sau*e
Gusion food li)e thisAa South 4ndian dosa filled with a Si*huan,style sau*eAhas ta)en the 4ndian
street,food s*ene by storm'
Ser%es 1'
2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons %egetable oil
1 medium red onion, thinly sli*ed
2 medium *arrots, grated
1 medium green bell pepper, seeded and $ulienned
1 *up >/0 grams? finely shredded *abbage
U tablespoon light soy sau*e
U teaspoon ground white pepper
6 tablespoons Si*huan sau*e >page 2=?
1 teaspoon table salt
U *up >90 grams? bean sprouts
U *up >60 grams? finely *hopped s*allion greens
2 *ups dosa batter >page 122?
2 teaspoons butter, softened
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), add the onion, *arrots, and bell pepper, and stir,fry for =0 se*onds' Add the *abbage
and stir,fry for 1 minute' Add the soy sau*e, white pepper, 1 tablespoon of the Si*huan sau*e, and the
salt' Add the bean sprouts and s*allions, and stir,fry for about =0 se*onds' Set the mi8ture aside to *ool
*ompletely' .i%ide into 1 portions'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) griddle or flat sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Kipe it *lean with a lightly oiled *loth'
+et it heat for 1 to 2 minutes' Pour W *up of the dosa batter on the pan and spread it e%enly with the
ba*) of the ladle to ma)e a /,in*h >2=,*m? dis)' .riNNle U teaspoon of the oil around the dosa and *oo)
o%er low heat for 1 minute'
=' Spread 1 tablespoon of the Si*huan sau*e o%er the dosa' Then spread U teaspoon butter o%er it'
Pla*e one portion of the filling on one side of the dosa and gently roll the dosa along with the filling'
Coo) until the roll is golden on all sides' Cut into pie*es on the bias, repeat with the remaining batter
and filling, and ser%e immediately'
Chi*)en +ollipops
Gried marinated *hi*)en wings
4n some restaurants red food *oloring is added to this marinade to ma)e the SlollipopsT more attra*ti%e,
but 4 *hoose not to use any additi%e' Ser%e them with Si*huan sau*e >page 2=? right after *oo)ing, when
the *rust is still *risp'
Ser%es 1'
21 whole *hi*)en wings
2 tablespoons fresh garli* paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons fresh ginger paste >page 12?
2 tablespoons red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
1 teaspoon light soy sau*e
1U teaspoons distilled white %inegar
U teaspoon ground white pepper
1U teaspoons table salt
W *up >=0 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
V *up >/0 grams? *ornstar*h
2 large eggs
0 tablespoons plus 1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
1' Cut off the wing tips >dis*ard them or sa%e them for sto*)?' Cut the wings in half at the $oint' !emo%e
the thin bone from ea*h flat se*tion, and pull the flesh to one end of the thi*) bone to ma)e a Slollipop'T
2' Put the *hi*)en in a large bowl' Add the garli* paste, ginger paste, 1 teaspoon of the *hile paste, the
soy sau*e, %inegar, white pepper, and salt' Stir so that all the wings are well *oated' Co%er the bowl with
plasti* wrap and put it in the refrigerator to marinate for 2 hours'
=' Combine the maida, *ornstar*h, eggs, 0 tablespoons >/0 ml? oil, and the remaining *hile paste in a
bowl, and whis) thoroughly with a wire whis)' Add 1 tablespoon water and whis) again to ma)e a thi*)
batter of pouring *onsisten*y' +et the batter rest for 16 to 20 minutes'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the wo), lower the heat to medium, dip the marinated wings in the batter, and gently slide
them into the hot oil, a few at a time' Coo), turning freHuently with a slotted spoon, for = to 1 minutes
or until *risp and golden brown' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
6' Ser%e hot'
Chi*)en "an*hurian
Chi*)en dumplings in a spi*y Chinese,style sau*e
This is one of the most popular dishes in the 4ndo,Chinese repertoire' &ids lo%e it as mu*h as adults do' 4t
is typi*ally ser%ed with hot garli* fried ri*e >page 661?'
Ser%es 1'
: oun*es ground *hi*)en
U,in*h >1,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, min*ed
6 *lo%es garli*, min*ed
1 green *hile, stemmed and min*ed
U teaspoon table salt
1 large egg, whis)ed
Pin*h of ground white pepper
17= *up >10 grams? *ornstar*h
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
Gor the "an*hurian sau*e5
= tablespoons *ornstar*h
= medium s*allions with green tops
1 tablespoon %egetable oil
1,in*h >2U,*m? pie*e fresh ginger, min*ed
1 to 0 *lo%es garli*, min*ed
1 green *hile, stemmed and min*ed
2,in*h >6,*m? rib *elery, min*ed
2U *ups >600 ml? *hi*)en sto*) >page =1?
1U tablespoon dar) soy sau*e
1 teaspoon table salt
U teaspoon sugar
W teaspoon ground white pepper
U tablespoon white %inegar
1' Put the *hi*)en in a bowl' Add the ginger, garli*, *hile, salt, egg, white pepper, and *ornstar*h, and stir
well' .i%ide into 12 portions and shape into balls'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium and gently slide in the *hi*)en balls' Coo), stirring gently with a slotted
spoon, for 0 minutes or until lightly browned' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
=' "a)e the "an*hurian sau*e5 Put the *ornstar*h in a bowl' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and whis) until
well mi8ed' Set aside'
1' Ginely *hop the s*allion bulbs and greens separately'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, add the ginger, garli*, *hile, and *elery, and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the s*allion
bulbs and sautQ for =0 se*onds' Add the sto*), soy sau*e, salt, and sugar' Stir well, add the white
pepper, and stir again' Khen the mi8ture *omes to a boil, add the *ornstar*h mi8ture and stir' Simmer
for = to 1 minutes or until the sau*e thi*)ens' Add the %inegar and stir again'
0' Add the *hi*)en balls and s*allion greens, and simmer for 1 minute'
9' Ser%e hot'
3ot Darli* Gried !i*e
Spi*y ri*e with garli*
This is a fine e8ample of 4ndo,Chinese food, whi*h is big business for restaurants in 4ndiaAroadside
eateries in parti*ular' Khile a far *ry from authenti* Chinese, 4ndo,Chinese fusion has its own *harms'
Ser%es 1'
1U tablespoons %egetable oil
10 *lo%es garli*, finely *hopped
0 s*allions, bulbs sli*ed, green tops min*ed
1 medium *arrot, di*ed
1 medium green bell pepper, seeded and di*ed
2 teaspoons red *hile paste >see (ote page 1=?
2 dried red *hiles, stemmed and bro)en into 1 pie*es
1U teaspoons table salt
1U *ups >=00 grams? raw ri*e, *oo)ed and *hilled
W teaspoon soy sau*e
1 teaspoon white %inegar
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at
the bottom of the pan, add the garli* and stir,fry for =0 se*onds' Add the s*allion bulbs, *arrot, bell
pepper, *hile paste, red *hiles, and salt' Stir,fry o%er high heat for = minutes'
2' Add the ri*e, s*allion tops, soy sau*e, and %inegar, and stir,fry o%er high heat for = minutes'
=' Ser%e hot'
4n 4ndia, sweets and mithais >mil),based desserts? are used as religious offerings and as a way to show
hospitality' They are made and ser%ed to *elebrate auspi*ious o**asions, su*h as the birth of a baby,
re*ei%ing an e8*ellent grade at s*hool, or getting a new $ob' 4f you meet someone in 4ndia who is
*elebrating something, it is li)ely you will be told Smuh meetha )i$iyeT >ha%e a sweet?'
!i*e,and,*ane $aggery sweets with poppy seeds
This is an e8oti* *oo)ie that is Huite labor intensi%e to ma)e' Anaarase is a traditional sweet made by
"aharashtrians for +a8mi Pu$a >a spe*ial prayer to +a8mi, the goddess of wealth? during the .iwali
festi%al' 4t is also prepared in &arnata)a with ready,made ri*e flour' Some tips5 .o not ma)e the
anaarase too thin or they will be hard' And be sure you *oo) them with the poppy,seed side up so the
seeds donLt fall off'
"a)es 10'
1U *ups >260 grams? short,grain ri*e
About 0 oun*es >106 grams? grated *ane $aggery
W *up >60 grams? white poppy seeds
1U *ups >/00 grams? ghee >page =9?
1' Kash and soa) the ri*e in 1 Huart >:00 ml? water for = days, ta)ing *are to *hange the water daily' Cn
the fourth day, drain the ri*e, spread on an absorbent towel, and let dry for 1 hour' Drind to a fine
powder and weigh itM there should be about 0 oun*es >196 grams?'
2' Add an eHual weight of $aggery and stir' +et rest, *o%ered, for 2 days, then )nead it into a dough'
.i%ide the dough into 10 portions and shape into balls'
=' Spread the poppy seeds on a plate' !oll out ea*h ball to a =,in*h >9U,*m? round and press one side
into the poppy seeds to *oat'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to low and gently slide in one round at a time, )eeping
the poppy seed[*oated side up' Coo) for 2 to = minutes without turning'
6' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set aside to *ool *ompletely, then store in an
airtight *ontainer for up to 1 wee)'
.eep,fried (orth 4ndian sweets
These round doughnutli)e desserts are *oated with a thi*) sugar syrup' 4 prefer to ma)e them bite,siNe,
but in mithai >sweet? shops you *an e8pe*t to see large ones'
"a)es 12'
1U *ups >1:0 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
W teaspoon ba)ing soda
0 tablespoons plus = *ups >096 grams? ghee >page =9?, softened
0 tablespoons >116 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed until smooth
2U *ups >600 grams? sugar
2 tablespoons mil)
1 or 6 pista*hios, finely *hopped
1' Sift the flour and ba)ing soda into a large bowl' Add 0 tablespoons >96 grams? of the ghee and rub it
into the flour mi8ture until it resembles bread *rumbs' Add the yogurt and )nead to ma)e a soft dough'
Co%er with a damp *loth and let rest for 16 minutes'
2' .i%ide the dough into 12 portions and shape into smooth balls' Ta)e *are not to o%erwor) the dough'
"a)e a slight dent in the *enter of ea*h ball with your thumb' &eep the balls *o%ered'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the = *ups >000 grams? ghee' Khen the ghee melts
and small bubbles appear at the bottom of the wo), lower the heat to low and gently slide in the dough
balls, two or three at a time, and *oo)' 4f ne*essary, *arefully pla*e a griddle underneath the wo) so that
the ghee does not get too hot' The balushahis will gradually start floating to the top' Turn them gently
with a slotted spoon and *oo) on the other side until golden' The entire pro*ess will ta)e =0 to 16
minutes' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' Set aside to *ool to room
temperature, about 16 minutes'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *up >200 ml? water' Add the sugar and *oo),
stirring o**asionally, until the sugar dissol%es' Add the mil)M the s*um will rise to the surfa*e' Carefully
s*oop out the s*um and dis*ard' Continue to *oo) until the syrup rea*hes a two,string *onsisten*y >see
(ote page 690?'
6' !emo%e from the heat and add the *ooled balushahisM soa) them in the syrup for 2 hours'
0' Dently remo%e the balushahis from the syrup with a slotted spoon and pla*e them on a ser%ing
plate' Sprin)le with the pista*hios and set aside for 2 to = hours or until the syrup hardens into a thin
white layer' Ser%e'
adam Pista &uli
GroNen dessert with almonds and pista*hios
"y earliest memories of )ulfi >similar to i*e *ream? ha%e always been about the traditional %ersion
ser%ed with its faithful partner, falooda >thi*) %ermi*elli made of *ornstar*h, a%ailable at 4ndian
gro*eries?' Gor some strange reason, my elder brother, !a$ee%, who isnLt a *hef but a strategy
*onsultant, perfe*ted the art of ma)ing falooda long before 4 did' Eou *an ser%e this re*ipe with or
without falooda, whi*h you *an pur*hase at the 4ndian gro*ery store'
Ser%es 1'
9U *ups >1'6 liters? mil)
Pin*h of saffron threads
1 *an >100 grams? sweetened *ondensed mil)
W *up >=6 grams? almonds, *oarsely ground
W *up >=6 grams? pista*hios, *oarsely ground
1 *up >160 grams? grated )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil)M page =9? >see (otes?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add the mil), and bring to a boil' Add the saffron, lower
the heat to low, and simmer for =0 minutes or until the mil) is redu*ed by half'
2' Add the sweetened *ondensed mil), almonds, and pista*hios, and stir well' !emo%e from the heat
and set aside to *ool to room temperature'
=' Add the )hoya and stir well' Pour into indi%idual )ulfi molds >see (otes? and pla*e them in the
freeNer to set'
1' Khen firm, unmold and ser%e immediately'
Eou *an use V *up >100 grams? dry mil) powder instead of the )hoya' Some 4ndian
stores now sell )hoya in the refrigerated se*tion'
&ulfi molds are a%ailable in 4ndian gro*ery stores' Cr you *an use i*e,pop molds and sti*)s'
esan &e +addoo
A %ery popular besan sweet
.iwali is a festi%al of lights and is *elebrated with loads of sweets and sa%ories that are all made at
home' "y wife, Alyona, ma)es these laddoos e%ery year for this holiday'
"a)es 21'
12 to 16 *ashews
12 to 16 almonds
1W *ups >226 grams? ghee >page =9?
1 *ups >100 grams? $ada besan >*oarse *hi*)pea7gram flour?
1 teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote?
2U *ups >260 grams? *onfe*tionersL sugar
1' Put the *ashews and almonds in a spi*e grinder, and *oarsely grind them' Transfer to a large bowl and
set aside'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts, lower the heat to
low and add the besan' Coo), stirring *ontinuously, for 16 to 20 minutes or until the besan is fragrant
and light brown'
=' Add the *ardamom and ground nuts' Stir well, then remo%e from the heat' +et *ool for about 16
1' Add the *onfe*tionersL sugar and stir well' Eou may use your hands to do this'
6' Shape into walnut,siNe round laddoos and arrange on a ser%ing plate' Ser%e' Store lefto%er *ooled
laddoos in an airtight *ontainer in the refrigerator'
+addoos that ha%e been )ept for a few days in the refrigerator should be
warmed for 16 to 20 se*onds in a mi*rowa%e o%en to soften and refresh them'
To grind *ardamom for sweet dishes5 Drind a few green *ardamoms >whole pods?
with a little sugar' Eou *an store the ground mi8ture in an airtight $ar for use in sweet dishes and
hapa .oi
engali steamed yogurt
This is one of my fa%orite dessertsAa traditional festi%e sweet, but one of the easiest to ma)e when
youLre in a hurry' hapa in engali means Ssteamed'T And doi means Syogurt'T
Ser%es 1'
1 *an >100 grams? sweetened *ondensed mil)
1 *up >260 grams? thi*) plain yogurt, whis)ed
1 *up >200 ml? mil)
16 raisins
10 almonds, blan*hed >see (ote page 10? and sli%ered
16 pista*hios, blan*hed >see (ote page 10? and sli%ered
1' Put the sweetened *ondensed mil) in a bowl' Add the yogurt and whis)' Add the mil) and whis) again
until well blended'
2' Add the raisins, almonds, and pista*hios, and stir well'
=' Transfer to the top part of a steamer' Co%er with aluminum foil and pla*e the top on the steamer'
Pla*e the steamer o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a boil, pla*e
the *ontainer with the mil) mi8ture in the steamer, *o%er, and steam for 20 to 26 minutes'
1' !emo%e from the steamer, remo%e the foil, and set aside to *ool to room temperature' Pla*e the
bhapa doi in the refrigerator to *hill' Sli*e and ser%e *hilled'
Chhenar Payesh
Chhena,and,nut dessert
4 adore this deli*ious, %ery easy dessert from the eastern 4ndian state of engal' Eou *an find *hhena, a
fresh *heese, at 4ndian gro*ery stores, or you *an ma)e it yourself as des*ribed in the (otes'
Ser%es 1'
6 *ups >1 liter? mil)
W *up >06 grams? sugar
U *up >60 grams? *owLs mil) *hhena >fresh *heeseM see (otes?
6 or 0 almonds, blan*hed >see (ote page 10? and *hopped
9 or : pista*hios, blan*hed >see (ote page 10? and *hopped
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the mil)' Khen it *omes to a boil, lower the heat to
medium and simmer, stirring freHuently, for 20 minutes or until the mil) is redu*ed by half'
2' Add the sugar and *oo) until it dissol%es'
=' "ash the *hhena in a bowl, then add it to the mil) mi8ture' Simmer for 2 minutes' Transfer to a
ser%ing bowl and set aside to *ool'
1' Sprin)le with the almonds and pista*hios, and ser%e'
4f *owLs mil) *hhena is not a%ailable, *hhena made from buffaloLs mil) is fine' 4
re*ommend *hhena made from *owLs mil) be*ause it is lower in fat'
To ma)e *hhena, put 2U *ups >600 ml? mil) in a deep sau*epan and bring it $ust to a boil' SHueeNe the
$ui*e of 1 lemon into the mil) and stir until it *urdles' .rain away the whey and transfer the solids to a
double layer of *heese*loth' Keight it down with a plate and something hea%y so that all the e8*ess
liHuid is drained away' This will yield U *up *hhena'
Cho*olate Kalnut uri
Cho*olate,and,walnut dessert
4n 4ndia, it is *ustomary to gi%e your friends desserts during festi%als' 4n my opinion, homemade mithais
>sweet, mil),based desserts? are mu*h better than store,bought for gifts, and 4 would be flattered if
someone made this burfiAwhi*h is not found in sweet shopsAand ga%e some to me on .iwali, the
4ndian festi%al of lights'
"a)es 10'
=U *ups >600 grams? grated )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil)M page =9?
U *up >00 grams? roughly *hopped walnuts
27= *up >126 grams? sugar = tablespoons whole mil)
11 oun*es >=00 grams? dar) *ho*olate, *hopped
Jegetable oil for greasing
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the )hoya and sautQ for 1 to 6 minutes'
2' !eser%e a few *hopped walnuts and add the rest to the pan, along with the sugar and mil)' Stir well
and *oo) for 16 minutes or until the mi8ture thi*)ens'
=' "elt the *ho*olate in the top of a double boiler o%er simmering water' Pour the *ho*olate through a
fine sie%e if there are any lumps, then let it *ool to room temperature'
1' .i%ide the )hoya mi8ture into 2 eHual parts' To one part, add the melted *ho*olate and stir well'
6' Drease a /,by,1=,in*h >2=,by,==,*m? ba)ing pan with oil'
0' Pour the plain )hoya mi8ture into the ba)ing pan and sha)e it so that the mi8ture spreads e%enly
>this should gi%e you a U in*h >1,*m? thi*)ness?' Spread the *ho*olate )hoya mi8ture o%er the first
layer' Sprin)le with the reser%ed walnuts' Set aside to *ool for 16 minutes to 1 hour' Khen *ompletely
*ooled, *ut into sHuares or diamonds and ser%e' This sweet does not ha%e a long shelf life and therefore
should be *onsumed within a day'
.ouble &a "eetha
A ri*h bread pudding
4 do not )now e8a*tly why, but in (orth 4ndia, bread is )nown as Sdouble roti'T Cne e8planation is that
the yeast,lea%ened bread dough doubles in siNe' .ouble )a meetha is an 4ndian %ersion of bread,and,
butter pudding' Ser%e this after a fairly light meal'
Ser%es 1'
1 loaf white bread, *ut into thi*) sli*es
2U *ups >160 grams? ghee >page =9?
1 tablespoon )a)di magaN >dried *u*umber seeds?
1 tablespoon *hiron$i7*haroli >melon seeds?
1 tablespoon *hopped *ashews
1 tablespoon sli%ered almonds
1 tablespoon sli%ered pista*hios
1W *ups >260 grams? sugar
1 *up >200 ml? mil)
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
3ea%y *ream
1' Trim the edges of the bread sli*es'
2' Pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add 2 tablespoons of the ghee' Khen the
ghee melts, add the )a)di magaN, *hiron$i, *ashews, almonds, and pista*hios and *oo) until golden
brown' Set aside'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the remaining ghee' Khen the ghee melts, lower the
heat to medium, slide in the bread sli*es, and *oo) until golden brown' !emo%e with a slotted spoon
and drain on paper towels'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add the sugar and 1 *up >200 ml? water and *oo),
stirring until the sugar dissol%es' Add W *up >60 ml? of the mil) and *oo)' Khen the s*um rises to the
top, s*oop it off *arefully with a spoon and dis*ard'
6' Add the *ardamom and saffron to the syrup and stir' Add the fried bread and stir' Add the remaining
V *up >160 ml? mil) and *oo) until all the syrup is absorbed and the bread is %ery soft'
0' Add the nut mi8ture and stir to *ombine'
9' Ser%e hot, driNNled with *ream'
Da$ar 3alwa
Karm *arrot pudding
Da$ar halwa, or ga$rela, as it is sometimes fondly *alled, is a famous sweet made in all Pun$abi homes
during winter' Some li)e it hot, some li)e it *old, some e%en li)e it nine days oldO 4t refrigerates well, and
some families always ha%e a large tin of ga$ar halwa on hand'
Ser%es 1'
1U tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1 medium *arrots, grated
U *up >100 grams? sugar
Pin*h of ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
U *up >96 grams? grated )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil)M page =9?
1 *up >200 ml? mil)
2 or = *ashews, *hopped
2 or = almonds, blan*hed >see (ote page 10? and sli*ed
0 to : raisins
1 sheet *handi )a %arH >edible sil%er foilM see page 1::?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) hea%y,bottomed pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles
appear at the bottom of the pan, add the *arrots and sautQ for 10 minutes or until the *arrots are soft'
2' Add the sugar and *oo) for 1 minute more' Add the *ardamom and stir well' Add the )hoya and *oo)
for 1 minute or until it melts and mi8es with the rest of the ingredients in the pan'
=' Add the mil) and stir' +ower the heat to low and *oo) for 12 minutes or until the mi8ture is thi*)'
1' Add the *ashews, almonds, and raisins, and stir' !emo%e from the heat and transfer the halwa to a
ser%ing bowl'
6' .e*orate with the sil%er foil and ser%e hot or at room temperature'
ottle gourd *oo)ed in mil)
This is one of the best,selling desserts at our Eellow Chilli restaurants, where we ma)e it with a sugar
Ser%es 1'
6 tablespoons >96 grams? raw ri*e
1W *ups >260 grams? grated bottle gourd
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
6 *ups >1 liter? mil)
27= *up >100 grams? grated )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil), page =9?
27= *up >126 grams? sugar
A few drops of rosewater
10 almonds, sli*ed
A few untreated rose petals
1' Put the ri*e in a bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml? water and
soa) for about 1 hour' .rain the ri*e in a *olander and spread out to dry for 1 hour'
2' Put the ri*e in a spi*e grinder, and *oarsely grind to a semolina *onsisten*y'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *up >200 ml? water' Khen the water begins to
boil, add the bottle gourd and *oo) for = minutes or until soft' .rain well and set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the ri*e and sautQ for 10 se*onds'
6' Add the mil) and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for 26 minutes
or until the ri*e is soft'
0' Add the bottle gourd and simmer for 6 minutes' Add the )hoya and sugar, and *oo) until the mi8ture
is thi*) enough to *oat the ba*) of a spoon' Stir in the rosewater'
9' Pour into indi%idual ser%ing bowls and set aside to *ooled to room temperature' Pla*e the bowls in
the refrigerator to *hill'
:' Sprin)le with the almonds and rose petals, and ser%e *hilled'
Dulab Pamun
.eep,fried sweet dumplings dipped in sugar syrup
A gulab is a rose and $amun is a fruit' 3owe%er, this dessert *ontains neitherO 4 am not Huite sure how
it got its name, but this is one of the most belo%ed >and sweetest? of all 4ndian desserts' 4n my restaurant
4 ser%e a %ery spe*ial %ersion *alled gulab,e,gul)and, whi*h is stuffed with *andied roses'
Ser%es 1'
1 *up >1=0 grams? dry mil) powder
2 tablespoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
W teaspoon ba)ing soda
W *up >00 grams? plain yogurt, whis)ed
1W *ups >260 grams? sugar
1 teaspoon mil)
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
Pin*h of saffron, threads
2W *ups >160 grams? ghee >page =9?
1' Put the mil) powder in a bowl' Add the maida and ba)ing soda, and stir well' Add the yogurt and stir
to ma)e a soft dough' .i%ide into 10 eHual portions and shape them into round, smooth balls' Set aside'
2' To ma)e the sugar syrup, pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 *up >200 ml? water' Add
the sugar and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, until the sugar is dissol%ed' Add the mil) and stir' The s*um
*ontaining the impurities in the sugar will rise to the top' Dently gather it with a spoon and dis*ard' Eou
will get a *lear syrup' Add the *ardamom and saffron, and stir' Coo) until the syrup rea*hes 1=0XG761XC'
!emo%e from the heat and *o%er to )eep the syrup warm'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the ghee' 3eat until the ghee rea*hes a temperature
of 100XG791XC or until it is fragrant'
1' Dently slide in four dough balls at a time and *oo), gently spooning hot ghee o%er the balls with a
slotted spoon, until the balls are deep golden, about 2 minutes'
6' .rain the balls in the slotted spoon and transfer them to the sugar syrup' !epeat with the remaining
balls' Soa) the dumplings in the syrup for at least 16 minutes before ser%ing warm or at room
The temperature of the ghee should be low or the $amuns will *oo) only on the
outside and will remain raw on the inside' Eou may stuff gulab $amuns with saffron and pista*hio nuts,
sugar *rystals, or gul)and >*andied rose petals, a%ailable at 4ndian gro*ery stores?'
.eep,fried dough spirals soa)ed in sugar syrup
These syrupy spirals are the most popular fresh mithai >dessert? in most of northern and western 4ndia'
4 ha%e seen them being made at sweet shops, and now they are e%en *oo)ed in front of guests at
weddings' Palebis might be *ommon and inno*uous, but they tug at the strings of many hearts'
"a)es =0'
1U *ups >1/6 grams? plus 2 tablespoons maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
W teaspoon yellow or orange food *oloring
2U *ups >600 grams? sugar
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
2W *ups >160 grams? ghee >page =9?
1' Put 1U *ups >1/6 grams? of the maida in a bowl, add 1U *ups >=00 ml? water, and )nead the batter,
with your hands, until *ompletely smooth' This will ta)e some elbow grease' The batter should not ha%e
any lumps at all' Co%er the bowl and set aside in a warm pla*e to ferment for 20 hours'
2' &nead the batter again for 16 minutes' Add the food *oloring and the remaining 2 tablespoons
maida, and )nead again for 10 minutes'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 2 *ups >100 ml? water' Add the sugar and *oo),
stirring *ontinuously, until the sugar is dissol%ed' Add the *ardamom and *oo), stirring, until the syrup
rea*hes a one,string *onsisten*y >see (ote page 690?' +et the syrup *ool to lu)ewarm'
1' Pla*e a wide nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Pour some of the batter into a
sHueeNe bottle' Khen the ghee melts and small bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, lower the
heat to medium' 3old the bottle o%er the hot ghee and gently sHueeNe the batter in round 1,in*h >10,
*m? spirals, starting from the outside and wor)ing to the inside'
6' Coo), gently turning with a slotted spoon, for : minutes on ea*h side or until the spirals are e%enly
golden and *risp' !emo%e with the slotted spoon to the sugar syrup and soa) for 2 to = minutes'
0' .rain and ser%e hot'
Traditionally the $alebis are fried in a spe*ial pan *alled a $alebi tawi, whi*h is
wide and not too deep, and the batter is sHueeNed through a $alebi *loth, whi*h is a pie*e of thi*) *loth
with a 17: in*h >=,mm? hole in the *enter' Palebi ma)ing ta)es some pra*ti*e and patien*e' To start,
ma)e one at a time, and when you ha%e perfe*ted that, try ma)ing se%eral at a time' To ma)e *risp
$alebis, add a little ri*e flour to the maida'
An e8Huisite mil),based sweet
"il) is DodLs gift to man)ind and a *oo)Ls dream ingredient' Gor 4ndians, it is the basis for many sweets,
)ala)and being $ust one of them' A good,Huality )ala)and will be a little grainy on the palate and not
*loyingly sweet' Cne tip5 &ala)and does not ha%e a long shelf life, so itLs best to ma)e only as mu*h as
you *an *onsume in a day'
"a)es 10'
10 *ups >2 liters? buffalo mil) >or *owLs mil)?
W teaspoon alum, *rushed >see (ote?
W *up >60 grams? sugar
U tablespoon ghee >page =9?
20 pista*hios, thinly sli*ed
1 sheet *handi )a %arH >edible sil%er foilM see page 1::?
1' Pla*e a deep, hea%y,bottomed nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add the mil), and bring to a boil'
oil, stirring *ontinuously, for : minutes or until the mil) thi*)ens slightly'
2' Add the alum and *oo) o%er medium heat, stirring *ontinuously, for 20 minutes or until the mil)
be*omes grainy'
=' Coo) for 20 minutes more or until most of the moisture e%aporates and a solid mass remains'
1' Add the sugar and stir well' Coo) for 6 to 10 minutes or until the mi8ture thi*)ens again'
6' Drease a /,by,1=,in*h >2=,by,==,*m? ba)ing pan with the ghee' Pour the mil) mi8ture into the pan
and smooth the surfa*e' Sprin)le the pista*hios on top' Set aside in a *ool, dry pla*e for 1 hour or until
0' Khen *ompletely set, de*orate with the sil%er foil, *ut into sHuares or diamonds, and ser%e'
Alum is often used in pro*essing pi*)les, and as a flo*)ing agent'
&heer &adam
Cheese balls *o%ered in *ondensed mil), engali style
This is as e8oti* as it *an get5 one dessert *ombined with anotherO engalis, from the eastern part of
4ndia, are indeed masters at ma)ing mil),based sweets' These will not )eep well for more than a
dayAnor will they need to'
"a)es 10'
10 mini rasgullas >4ndian pressed fresh *heese dessertM store,bought?
2 *ups >=00 grams? plus = tablespoons finely grated )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed
mil)M page =9?
W *up >26 grams? *onfe*tionersL sugar
U teaspoon rose essen*e or rosewater
1' !emo%e any e8*ess sugar syrup from the rasgullas by draining them'
2' Put 2 *ups >=00 grams? of the )hoya in a bowl and stir in the *onfe*tionersL sugar' &nead to ma)e a
smooth dough'
=' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat, add the )hoya,sugar mi8ture, and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes'
Transfer to a bowl and set aside to *ool'
1' Add the rose essen*e or rosewater and )nead well' .i%ide into 10 portions and shape into balls'
+ightly flatten the balls by pressing in the *enter with your thumb and thinning the edges' Pla*e a ras,
gulla in ea*h' Dather the edges of the dough to en*lose the rasgulla' !oll into a ball'
6' Put the remaining = tablespoons )hoya in a mini food pro*essor and grind to a powder' !oll the balls
in the powder'
0' Chill in the refrigerator and ser%e *old'
&hubani &a "eetha
A ri*h and deli*ate dish with dried apri*ots
Pea*hes and *ream, strawberries and *ream, apri*ots and *ream ` fresh fruit and *ream seem to *reate
magi*' The doyennes of 3yderabadi *uisine did it a bit differently, using dried apri*ots >)hubani? to
*reate a masterpie*e that wowed the royal (iNami household' These days it is traditionally ser%ed at
Ser%es 1'
1 pound >600 grams? dried, pitted whole apri*ots
1 *up >200 grams? sugar
W *up >60 ml? malai >see (ote? or hea%y *ream
10 to 12 almonds, blan*hed >see (ote page 10?, peeled, and sli*ed
1' Put the apri*ots in a large bowl, add = *ups >000 ml? water, and soa) o%ernight' .rain the apri*ots and
reser%e the water'
2' Pla*e a large nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the reser%ed apri*ot water' Khen the water
*omes to a boil, add the apri*ots and *oo) for / minutes' Add the sugar and boil until the sugar is
dissol%ed' !emo%e from the heat and set aside to *ool slightly' !eser%e some of the apri*ots and
transfer the rest into a food pro*essor, and pro*ess to a purQe'
=' Transfer the apri*ot purQe to a medium nonsti*) sau*epan' Add the reser%ed whole apri*ots and
pla*e the pan o%er medium heat' Simmer for 2 to = minutes'
1' Transfer to a ser%ing dish, driNNle with the *ream and garnish with the almonds, and ser%e hot or let
*ool to room temperature and then ser%e'
"alai is the *ream that forms on the top of boiled mil)' To prepare it, boil whole
mil), let it *ool, then s)im off the *ream'
"il),based, shallow,fried sweet pan*a)es
This gooey, ri*h, sweet pan*a)e is a real treat on a Sunday morningO .onLt s)imp on the ghee here, as it
really adds to the ri*hness of the dish'
Ser%es 1'
6 *ups >1 liter? mil), or more if ne*essary
1U *ups >=00 grams? sugar
0 to : saffron threads
W *up plus 1 teaspoon >=0 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
1 tablespoon rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
2W *ups >160 grams? ghee >page =9?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the mil) and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium
and simmer, stirring freHuently, until the mil) redu*es and is thi*) enough to *oat the ba*) of a wooden
spoon' Set aside to *ool to room temperature'
2' !eser%e 2 tablespoons of the sugar' Put the remaining sugar in a sau*epan, add U *up >100 ml? water
and *oo) o%er medium heat, stirring o**asionally' Add 2 teaspoons of the mil) and stir' The s*um
*ontaining the impurities in the sugar will rise to the top' Dently gather it with a spoon and dis*ard' Eou
will get a *lear syrup' Coo) until the sugar syrup rea*hes one,string *onsisten*y >see (ote?' !emo%e
from the heat and *o%er to )eep warm'
=' .issol%e the saffron in 1 teaspoon of warm mil)' Add it to the sugar syrup'
1' To the *ooled redu*ed mil), add the maida and rawa and the reser%ed 2 tablespoons sugar' Stir
well to ma)e a batter of pouring *onsisten*y, adding a little more mil) if needed' Set aside at room
temperature for = hoursM do not )eep the batter in the refrigerator'
6' Pla*e a wide nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er high heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the
bottom of the pan, lower the heat to medium and pour in a ladleful of batter to form a pan*a)e' Dently
spoon hot ghee o%er the pan*a)e for 1 minute, then turn the pan*a)e o%er' Coo), turning, until both
sides are golden brown' .rain with a slotted spoon and immerse in the warm sugar syrup for 16
minutes' !epeat with the remaining batter'
0' !emo%e with a slotted spoon and ser%e warm'
To *he*) if the sugar syrup has rea*hed a one,string *onsisten*y, pla*e a drop of
slightly *ooled syrup between your thumb and forefinger, and slowly pull them apart' 4f the syrup forms
a single string, the syrup is ready'
"eethe Chawal
Sweet ri*e
This deli*ately fla%ored dish is typi*ally ser%ed on spe*ial o**asions' 4t gets its oomph from the
*ardamom and saffron *ombination' Eou *an ad$ust the le%el of sweetness by redu*ing the sugar'
Ser%es 1'
2 *ups >100 grams? raw basmati ri*e
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
20 almonds
12 *ashews
= whole *lo%es
1,in*h >2U,*m? *innamon sti*)
6 or 0 whole bla*) pepper*orns
1 bla*) *ardamom pod
= green *ardamom pods
1V *ups >=96 grams? sugar
26 saffron threads
1' Put the ri*e in a large bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *ups >:00 ml?
water and soa) for 20 minutes' .rain the ri*e in a fine *olander'
2' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear
at the bottom of the pan, add the almonds and *ashews, and fry for 2 to = minutes' !emo%e with a
slotted spoon and drain on paper towels' +et *ool, then thinly sli*e the almonds and split the *ashews in
half and put them in a small bowl'
=' !eturn the pan with the ghee to medium heat and add the *lo%es, *innamon, pepper*orns, bla*)
*ardamom, and green *ardamom, and sautQ for 1 minute or until fragrant'
1' Add the ri*e and sautQ gently for 2 to = minutes' Add =U *ups >900 ml? warm water and bring to a
boil' +ower the heat to low, *o%er, and *oo) until all the water is absorbed'
6' Put the sugar in a medium bowl, add 1 *up >200 ml? warm water, and stir until the sugar dissol%es'
Add the saffron and stir' Add this syrup to the ri*e, stirring gently to mi8 well' Co%er and *ontinue to
*oo) the ri*e o%er low heat until it is *oo)ed and almost all the liHuid is absorbed'
0' !emo%e from the heat and let stand for 6 minutes' Transfer the ri*e to a ser%ing platter, garnish with
the almonds and *ashews, and ser%e'
(arala*hi &aran$is
Cres*ent,shaped pastries filled with sweetened *o*onut
&aran$is are sweet,filled pastries that *elebrate auspi*ious moments in any "aharashtrian household'
They are made with many different fillings, but this is the one 4 ha%e tasted most often sin*e 4 made
"umbai my home' The festi%als of Danpati and .iwali are in*omplete without )aran$is'
"a)es :'
Gor the dough5
U *up >00 grams? maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
V tablespoon fine rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
1U tablespoons ghee >page =9?
W *up >60 ml? mil)
1 Huart >:00 ml? %egetable oil
Gor the filling5
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
16 to 20 raisins, *hopped
1W *ups >126 grams? *onfe*tionersL sugar
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
W *up >60 ml? mil)
1' "a)e the dough5 Sift the maida into a bowl' Add the semolina and ghee, and stir with your fingertips
until the mi8ture resembles bread *rumbs' Add the mil) and )nead to ma)e a semisoft dough' Co%er
with a damp *loth and set aside for =0 minutes'
2' "a)e the filling5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the *o*onut and dry,roast until
lightly browned'
=' Add the raisins, *onfe*tionersL sugar, *ardamom, and mil), and stir well' !emo%e from the heat and
let *ool *ompletely'
1' &nead the dough on*e again and di%ide into : portions' !oll out ea*h portion into a 1,in*h >10,*m?
round' Pla*e one round on a wor) surfa*e' Pla*e one portion of the filling on one half of the round'
rush a little water on the edges of the dough, fold the empty half o%er, and press the edges to seal'
Trim with a pastry wheel' !epeat with the remaining dough and filling'
6' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er high heat and add the oil' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom of the
wo), lower the heat to medium and slide in two )aran$is at a time' Coo), gently turning with a slotted
spoon, until *risp and golden brown all o%er' !emo%e with the slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
0' +et *ool *ompletely, then store in an airtight *ontainer for up to = days' Ser%e at room temperature'
Chilled ri*e pudding with nuts
&heer >made with whole ri*e? is probably a better,)nown ri*e pudding than phirni >made with ground
ri*e?, but in my opinion phirni tastes eHually goodAand it *an be made with one third the effort of
Ser%es 1'
0 tablespoons >/0 grams? raw ri*e
6 *ups >1 liter? mil)
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
1 *up >200 grams? sugar
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
16 pista*hios, blan*hed >see (ote page 10? and sli*ed
1' Put the ri*e in a small bowl, wash it in plenty of water 2 or = times, and drain' Add 1 *up >200 ml?
water and soa) for =0 minutes' .rain the ri*e in a *olander and transfer to a spi*e grinder' Drind to a
*oarse paste' Stir in a little water or some of the mil)'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add the mil), and bring to a boil' Add the ri*e paste and
stir well' +ower the heat to low and simmer, stirring *ontinuously, for 6 minutes or until the ri*e is
*ompletely *oo)ed' Add the saffron and stir well' Add the sugar and *ardamom, and *oo) until the sugar
is dissol%ed'
=' Spoon into earthenware or *hina ser%ing bowls and garnish with the pista*hios' Put in the refrigerator
to *hill for 1 hour before ser%ing'
Thi*)ened mil) with pie*es of *ream
Coo)s *alled halwais labor in lo*al sweet shops all o%er 4ndia, redu*ing mil) in gargantuan wo)s by
stirring the hot liHuid *ontinuously' The result of their hard wor) is either this thi*), sweet dessert with
large bits of *ream in it or the dry, *rumbly *a)e *alled )hoya or mawa, whi*h is the basis of *ountless
other sweets'
Ser%es 1'
: to 10 almonds
: to 10 pista*hios
1 Huart >:00 ml? whole mil)
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon rosewater
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add U *up >100 ml? water, and bring to a boil' Add the
almonds and pista*hios, and remo%e from the heat' +et the almonds and pista*hios blan*h in the hot
water for 2 to = minutes' .rain and set aside to *ool' Peel and thinly sli*e them'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat, add the mil), and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to low
and *oo), stirring freHuently, for 10 minutes' As the *ream forms, it will sti*) to the sides of the pan'
=' Add the sugar and stir until it is dissol%ed' Simmer for 6 minutes or until the mil) is redu*ed to one
Huarter of its original %olume'
1' S*rape off the *ream from the sides of the pan and return it to the thi*)ened mil)' !emo%e from the
heat and stir in the rosewater'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and de*orate with the almonds, pista*hios, and *ardamom' Ser%e warm or
!agha%das +addoo
Sweet semolina balls with roasted *o*onut
ThereLs a spe*ial, mu*h,lo%ed type of 4ndian sweet *alled laddoos' The more *ommon ones are the
*hi*)pea flour[based laddoos of the north and the semolina,based ones of "aharashtra' .uring the
festi%al of Danapati, these *o*onut,and,semolina laddoos are prepared as nai%edyam >offerings to the
"a)es 26'
U *up >00 grams? grated fresh *o*onut >or froNen unsweetened *o*onut?
0 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
1U *ups >=00 grams? *oarse rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
2 tablespoons raisins
1V *ups >=96 grams? sugar
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat' +et it heat for 2 minutes, then lower the heat to low, add the
*o*onut, and *oo) for 0 minutes or until reddish brown' Transfer to a bowl and set aside'
2' Put the ghee in the same hot wo) o%er low heat' Add the semolina and *oo) for 16 minutes or until
lightly browned' !emo%e from the heat, add the browned *o*onut, and stir well'
=' Add the *ardamom and stir well' !eser%e a few raisins for garnish and stir the rest into the semolina
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add the sugar and V *up >160 ml? water, and *oo) until
a syrup of one,string *onsisten*y is formed >see (ote page 690?'
6' Add the semolina mi8ture and stir well' Co%er and remo%e from the heatM set aside for 16 minutes or
until the mi8ture *ools a little'
0' Drease your palms with a little ghee, ta)e a little of the semolina mi8ture into your palms and shape
into a round ball' .e*orate ea*h ball with a raisin' !epeat with the remaining semolina mi8ture and
9' Khen the laddoos are *ompletely *ooled, store in an airtight *ontainer for up to 2 days'
Soft *heese patties soa)ed in sweetened mil)
Pui*y and *reamy5 two words that do not go together e8*ept when used to des*ribe this traditional
4ndian dessert' 4t is a%ailable in mithai >sweet? shops a*ross the *ountry, but ma)ing it from s*rat*h at
home is an e8hilarating e8perien*e' The results are superb, and you are bound to get some pats on the
4n this re*ipe, the first syrup is used for *oo)ing the *heese patties' Sin*e this syrup has a bit of flour, it
*annot be used for soa)ing the patties on*e they are *oo)ed' So we prepare another syrup, this time
without the flour'
"a)es 12'
Gor the *henna5
6 *ups >1 liter? whole mil)
1U tablespoons distilled white %inegar
Gor the first syrup5
1W *ups >260 grams? sugar
2 tablespoons whole mil)
1 teaspoon maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
Gor the se*ond syrup5
2U *ups >600 grams? sugar
2 tablespoons whole mil)
Gor the rabdi5
6 *ups >1 liter? whole mil)
= tablespoons sugar
Pin*h of saffron threads
1' "a)e the *henna5 Pla*e a hea%y,bottomed pot o%er high heat and add the mil)' Khen it *omes to a
boil, lower the heat to low, add the %inegar, and stir until the liHuid whey separates from the solid *urds'
2' +ine a strainer with a double layer of *heese*loth and pour in the whey and *urdsM drain, then gather
the *urds up in the *loth and dip the *henna, in the *loth, in a bowl of *old water until it is *ompletely
*hilled' SHueeNe out any e8*ess water and press with your palms until all the water drains away' The
*henna should form a ball'
=' Transfer the *henna to a plate and di%ide into 12 portions' Ta)e ea*h portion between your palms
and press and roll to form a flat patty' Set aside'
1' "a)e the first syrup5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the sugar and = *ups >000 ml?
water and *oo), stirring until the sugar is dissol%ed' Khen the syrup *omes to a boil, add the mil)' The
s*um will rise to the top' Dently spoon off the s*um and dis*ard'
6' ring the syrup to a rolling boil' +ower the *henna patties into the syrup' 4n a small *up, stir the
maida into W *up >60 ml? water to ma)e a slurry' Add this to the syrup and stir' Co%er and *oo) for 20
minutes, adding U *up >100 ml? water e%ery 6 minutes so that the syrup does not thi*)en' !emo%e from
the heat and set aside'
0' "a)e the se*ond syrup5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the sugar and 2 *ups >100 ml?
water, and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, until the sugar is dissol%ed' Khen the syrup *omes to a boil, add
the mil)' The s*um will rise to the top' Dently spoon off the s*um and dis*ard' +et the syrup *ool slightlyM
it should be warm, not hot'
9' Kith a slotted spoon, remo%e the *henna patties from the first syrup and put them in the se*ond
syrup to soa)'
:' "a)e the rabdi5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the mil)' Khen it *omes to a boil,
lower the heat to medium and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, until the mil) is redu*ed by one Huarter'
S*rape off the *ream that *olle*ts on the sides of the pan and drop it ba*) into the mil)'
/' Add the sugar and saffron, and *oo) for 6 minutes more' Transfer to a large bowl'
10' !emo%e ea*h *henna patty from the se*ond syrup, gently press to remo%e e8*ess syrup, and add
into the rabdi to soa)'
11' Chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours so the *henna patties absorb the rabdi' Ser%e *old'
engali,style *henna balls steeped in sugar syrup
This masterpie*e of sweets is the basis for many other engali desserts' People are often hesitant to
ma)e these at home, thin)ing that there is some se*ret to ma)ing them well' The se*ret is pra*ti*eO
"a)es 10'
Gor the *henna5
6 *ups >1 liter? whole mil)
1U tablespoons distilled white %inegar
Gor the first syrup5
1W *ups >260 grams? sugar
2 tablespoons whole mil)
1 tablespoon maida >refined flour? or pastry flour
Gor the se*ond syrup5
1W *ups >260 grams? sugar
2 tablespoons whole mil)
1' "a)e the *henna5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the mil)' Khen it *omes to a
boil, lower the heat to low, add the %inegar, and stir until the liHuid whey separates from the solid *urds'
2' +ine a strainer with a double layer of *heese*loth and pour in the whey and *urdsM drain, then gather
the *urds up in the *loth and dip the *henna, in the *loth, in a bowl of *old water until it is *ompletely
*hilled' SHueeNe out any e8*ess water and press with your palms until all the water drains away' The
*henna should form a ball' Transfer the *henna to a plate and di%ide into 10 portions' Ta)e ea*h
portion between your palms and press and roll into a ball' Set aside'
=' "a)e the first syrup5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the sugar and 2 *ups >100 ml?
water and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, until the sugar is dissol%ed' Khen the syrup starts boiling, add the
mil)' The s*um will rise to the top' Dently spoon off the s*um and dis*ard'
1' ring the syrup to a rolling boil' +ower the *henna balls into the syrup' 4n a small bowl, stir the
maida into 1 *up >200 ml? water to ma)e a slurry' Add half of this to the syrup and stir' Co%er and *oo)
for 26 minutes' Add U *up >100 ml? water e%ery 6 minutes so that the syrup does not thi*)en' Add the
remaining slurry after 10 or 16 minutes' !emo%e from the heat and set aside'
6' "a)e the se*ond syrup5 Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat' Add the sugar and 2 *ups >100 ml?
water, and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, until the sugar is dissol%ed' Khen the syrup *omes to a boil, add
the mil)' Khen the s*um rises to the top, gently spoon it off and dis*ard' +et the syrup *ool slightlyM it
should be warm, not hot'
0' Kith a slotted spoon, remo%e the *henna balls from the first syrup and put them in the se*ond syrup
to soa)' Chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours so the *henna balls absorb the syrup' Ser%e *old'
Sa))arai Pongal
!i*e,and,lentil dessert
The festi%al of Pongal in Tamil (adu *elebrates the har%est and mar)s a period of prosperity and plenty'
Ponga literally means So%erflowing,T and it is *ustomary to *oo) this sweet in small pots and allow it to
boil o%er as a mar) of than)sgi%ing'
Ser%es 1'
= green *ardamom pods
1 tablespoon sugar
W *up >60 grams? dhuli moong dal >split s)inless green gram?
V *up >160 grams? short grain ri*e, soa)ed for =0 minutes
= *ups >000 ml? mil)
1 *up >200 grams? grated *ane $aggery
W *up >60 grams? plus
1 tablespoon ghee >page =9?
1 tablespoon *hopped fresh *o*onut
2 tablespoons raisins
9 or : *ashews
1' rea) the *ardamom pods and put the seeds in a spi*e grinder' Add the sugar and grind to a fine
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat' Add the dal and dry,roast for 2 to = minutes or until
fragrant' Transfer to a bowl and set aside'
=' .rain and add the ri*e to the same heated pan and dry,roast for 1 minute' Transfer to another bowl
and set aside'
1' !eturn the dal to the same heated pan' Add 2U *ups >600 ml? of the mil) and 1U >=00 ml? *ups water
and bring to a boil' Co%er and *oo) for 10 minutes or until the dal is three Huarters done'
6' Add the ri*e, the remaining U *up >100 ml? mil), and 1 *up >200 ml? water' Co%er and *oo) for 20
minutes or until both the dal and ri*e are *oo)ed'
0' Add the $aggery and stir *ontinuously until the $aggery is dissol%ed' Add W *up >60 ml? of the ghee and
9' "eanwhile, pla*e a small nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the remaining 1 tablespoon
ghee' Khen the ghee melts, add the *o*onut, raisins, and *ashews, and sautQ until lightly browned' Add
to the dal,ri*e mi8ture'
:' Add the ground *ardamom mi8ture and stir' Coo) for 2 to = minutes'
/' !emo%e from the heat and ser%e hot'
Semiya Payasam
Jermi*elli pudding
Simple ingredients are used to *reate this remar)able dessert that is made on all auspi*ious o**asions in
South 4ndia' The tri*) to a perfe*t payasam is to use less semiyan and more mil) than you might thin)
youLd need' This pudding has a tenden*y to thi*)en as it *ools, so you *an add more mil) to thin it'
Ser%es 1'
W *up >60 grams? ghee >page =9?
1 *up >1=0 grams? semiyan >wheat,flour %ermi*elliM see (ote?
10 *ashews
1U *ups >/00 ml? mil)
1 *up >200 grams? sugar
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
1' Pla*e a medium nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts, add
the semiyan and sautQ for 2 to = minutes or until light golden brown' Add the *ashews, stir well, and
set aside'
2' Pla*e a hea%y,bottomed nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add the mil)' ring to a boil, then add
the semiyan and *ashews' Stir gently, lower the heat to medium, and simmer for 6 minutes, stirring
=' Add the sugar and *ontinue to simmer, stirring freHuently' Coo) for = to 1 minutes'
1' Stir in the saffron and *ardamom' Stir well and ser%e hot, *hilled, or at room temperature'
4f using ready,roasted semiyan, you donLt need to roast it furtherM $ust add it to the
mil) in step 2'
Sheer &urma
Sweet %ermi*elli pudding
4f there is a biryani feast during the "uslim festi%al of 4d, sheer )urma will not be far behind' The
Huantity and types of nuts used %ary from home to home'
Ser%es 1'
A few saffron threads
2 tablespoons warm mil), plus 9U *ups >1'6 liters? mil)
2 tablespoons ghee >page =9?
27= *up plus 2 tablespoons >100 grams? semiyan >wheat,flour %ermi*elliM see (ote?
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
Pin*h of freshly grated nutmeg
2 tablespoons *hiron$i7*haroli >melon seeds, page 6:9?
: to 10 almonds, blan*hed >see (ote page 10?, peeled, and sli%ered
: to 10 pista*hios, blan*hed >see (ote page 10?, peeled, and sli%ered
27= *up >126 grams? sugar
1' Soa) the saffron in the 2 tablespoons warm mil)'
2' Pla*e a hea%y,bottomed nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen it melts, add
the %ermi*elli and sautQ for = to 1 minutes or until light golden'
=' Add the mil), in*rease the heat to high, and bring to a boil' +ower the heat to medium and simmer for
20 minutes or until the mil) thi*)ens and turns light pin)'
1' Add the *ardamom, nutmeg, saffron mi8ture, melon seeds, almonds, pista*hios, and sugar, and
simmer for 10 minutes'
6' Ser%e hot'
4f using ready,roasted semiyan, you donLt need to roast it furtherM $ust add it with
the mil) in step ='
.rained and sweetened yogurt
"any (orth 4ndians might not be aware of this dessert until they %isit Du$arat or "aharashtra' Khen 4
first tasted it, 4 did not li)e it and *oa8ed my wife, Alyona, to finish off my bowl so that my mother,in,law
would not be offended' Anyway, time is a great le%elerM 4 li)e shri)hand now, and as a *hef, 4 ha%e
*reated many desserts using it as a base'
Ser%es 1'
= *ups >960 grams? plain yogurt
2 *ups >260 gms? *onfe*tionersL sugar
Denerous pin*h of saffron threads
1 tablespoon warm mil)
2 teaspoons *hiron$i7*haroli >melon seed, page 6:9?
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
: to 10 pista*hios, blan*hed >see (ote page 10?, peeled, and sli*ed
1' Pour the yogurt into a double layer of *heese*loth and hang it for 1 to 6 hours in the refrigerator to
drain out the whey'
2' Transfer the drained yogurt to a large bowl' Add the *onfe*tionersL sugar and stir until the sugar is
*ompletely dissol%ed'
=' Put the warm mil) in a small bowl, add the saffron, and stir until well blended' Add the saffron mil) to
the yogurt mi8ture and stir well'
1' Add the melon seeds and *ardamom, and stir well'
6' Chill in the refrigerator' Darnish with the pista*hios and ser%e *old'
Add 1 *up mango purQe to this shri)hand to ma)e amra)hand, a delightful
summer dessert'
Soo$i &a 3alwa
A semolina dessert subtly fla%ored with saffron
This is pra*ti*ally an instant dessert and one of the most popular in (orth 4ndian homes' B%ery *oo)
ma)es soo$i )a halwa a bit differently, but howe%er itLs made, it is a true *omfort food'
Ser%es 1'
A few saffron threads
1 tablespoon mil)
1W *ups >260 grams? ghee >page =9?
6 or 0 almonds, sli%ered
6 or 0 *ashews, *hopped
6 or 0 raisins
1 *up >200 grams? *oarse rawa7su$i >semolina flour?
1W *ups >260 grams? sugar
U teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
1' Soa) the saffron in the mil)'
2' Pla*e a nonsti*) wo) o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen small bubbles appear at the bottom
of the wo), add the almonds, *ashews, and raisins, and *oo) for 2 to = minutes or until lightly browned'
!emo%e with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels'
=' Add the semolina to the same ghee and sautQ until golden brown' Set aside'
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er high heat and add 1 Huart >:00 ml? water' Khen the water *omes to a
boil, add the semolina'
6' +ower the heat to medium and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, for a few minutes or until the semolina is
*oo)ed and most of the water is absorbed'
0' Add the saffron mi8ture, sugar, and *ardamom' Stir well and *oo) until all the liHuid has been
9' Darnish with the almonds, *ashews, and raisins' Ser%e hot'
Sweet,Potato &heer
"ashed,sweet,potato,and,mil) dessert
The fasting days of (a%ratri that pre*ede the festi%al of .assera *all for a %ariety of dishes that *an be
prepared without wheat, ri*e, pulses, and *ertain spi*es' Cne *an use tubers, ginger, *hiles, and herbs
su*h as *urry lea%es and *ilantro, but no green %egetables' So potatoes, yams, *olo*assia, and sweet
potatos are used often' Sweet potato is lo%ely in this sweet mil),based dessert'
Ser%es 1'
= tablespoons ghee >page =9?
2 medium sweet potatoes, boiled, peeled, and mashed
U *up >100 grams? sugar
=U *ups >900 ml? whole mil)
W teaspoon ground green *ardamom >see (ote page 66/?
10 to 12 *ashews, bro)en into pie*es
10 to 12 almonds, thinly sli*ed
10 to 12 pista*hios, thinly sli*ed
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sau*epan o%er medium heat and add the ghee' Khen the ghee melts and small
bubbles appear at the bottom of the pan, add the sweet potatoes and *oo), stirring freHuently, for 0
2' Add the sugar and stir' Stir in the mil) and *oo) for 1 to 6 minutes'
=' Add the *ardamom and *oo) for : minutes or until the mi8ture thi*)ens'
1' Add the *ashews, almonds, and pista*hios, and stir well'
6' Transfer to a ser%ing bowl and ser%e hot or *hilled'
Jrinda%an Peda
A sweet, ball,shaped dessert
+ord &rishnaLs lo%e for mil) and dairy produ*ts is legendary' This peda is made spe*ifi*ally as a
nai%edya >offering? to him at "athura Jrinda%an, his birthpla*e'
"a)es 12'
2 *ups >=00 grams? grated )hoya7mawa >unsweetened solid *ondensed mil)M page =9?
W *up >60 grams? granulated sugar
W teaspoon liHuid glu*ose >see (ote?
W *up >=0 grams? superfine sugar
1' Pla*e a nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat and add the )hoya' SautQ, stirring *ontinuously, for :
to 10 minutes' !emo%e from the heat and set aside to *ool'
2' Pla*e another nonsti*) sautQ pan o%er medium heat' Add the granulated sugar and W *up >60 ml?
water and *oo), stirring *ontinuously, until it forms a syrup of one,string *onsisten*y >see (ote page
690?' Add the liHuid glu*ose and stir well' !emo%e from the heat'
=' Add the )hoya mi8ture to the sugar syrup and stir well' Transfer the mi8ture to a bowl and allow to
*ool at room temperature'
1' .i%ide the mi8ture into 12 portions and shape into balls' Press the balls to flatten them slightly'
6' Spread the superfine sugar on a plate and the roll the pedas lightly in it'
0' Arrange the pedas on a ser%ing dish and ser%e'
+iHuid glu*ose is added so that the pedas remain soft and the sugar does not
*rystalliNe' 4f you *anLt find it, light *orn syrup *an be substituted'
4 KCF+. +4&B TC T3A(& all of my teammates who ha%e helped me *reate this boo)' 4 wish to a*)nowledge
the *ontent team led by !a$ee% "atta and Chef Anupa .as, who ha%e been thoroughly in%ol%ed in
*oordinating e%erything' Throughout the pro*ess, 4 re*ei%ed e8pert input from Chef 3arpal, who helped
to finaliNe the re*ipes' 4 also want to mention the eager bea%ers in our test )it*hen5 our team of young
*hefs who ha%e helped with the resear*h, testing, tasting, measuring, and plating up of all this food'
They ha%e done the trials and retrials with a smile and e8hibited super effi*ien*y in spite of all the
pressure put on them' Than)s to (eena "urdeshwar and Tripta not only for the editorial support and
meeting all the deadlines, but also for *hipping in with the trials' And my spe*ial than)s to my wife,
Alyona' She has been o%erseeing things all along and e%en *oo)ed some of the dishes that she )nows
better than 4 doO
4 would also li)e to than) two %ery important people, without whom this boo) would not ha%e
happened5 "oni*a hide and "i*hael Psaltis' They ha%e been *aptaining this ship with %ision and *larity,
and my sails are full with the winds of en$oyment and sheer pleasure that wor)ing with them has gi%en
And than) you to (atalie &aire, who has been in*redibly supporti%e, helpful, and passionate sin*e the
start, and to the entire team at Stewart, Tabori & Chang'
A$wain5 Also )nown as *arom seeds, a$wain smells almost e8a*tly li)e thyme be*ause it *ontains
thymol' 3owe%er, it is more aromati* and less subtle in taste as it is slightly bitter and pungent' B%en a
small amount *an dominate the fla%or of a dish, so use it sparingly' A$wain is also %alued for its
antiflatulen*e properties'
Am*hur5 .ried unripe green mango, am*hur is usually ground into a fine powder, but it is sometimes
a%ailable in large pie*es' Am*hur features the a*idi*, tart, and slightly spi*y fla%or of unripe mangoes,
and it is added to *urries, %egetable dishes, dals, and paratha fillings, and sprin)led o%er *haats' A
little goes a long way, and *oo)s should remember to use am*hur in moderation'
Anardana5 "ade of dried pomegranate seeds or arils, this spi*e is used in 4ndian and Pa)istani *uisines
to add tartness to dishes, and sometimes it repla*es pomegranate syrup or molasses in "iddle Bastern
and Persian dishes' The dried seeds are usually lightly dry,roasted and ground $ust before being used in
*urries su*h as *hole >*hi*)pea *urry?' e sure to grind the seeds well before adding them to a dishM
otherwise they *an add a gritty te8ture to the food'
Anise seeds5 These *res*ent,shaped seeds of a flowering plant in the parsley family are used in sweet
and sa%ory dishes' The fla%or resembles that of li*ori*e, fennel, and tarragon' Anise seeds are used as a
digesti%e and in after,dinner *andied,spi*e mi8tures mu*h li)e the more *ommonly used fennel'
Asafetida5 This gummy resin, usually sold as a fine powder, has a strong, heady aroma' A pin*h is
enough to ma)e its presen*e )nown in a dish' Bssential in many dals, asafetida also adds its garli*)y
Ning to meat dishes and pi*)les'
Ash gourd5 A mottled pale green sHuash with a *hal)y white fuNN *oating the outside, ash gourd is the
fruit of enin*asa hispida, a %ine' 4t is also *alled winter melon'
Atta >whole,wheat flour?5 4ndian atta flour is finely milled whole,wheat flourAthat is, it *ontains not
only the endosperm but the germ and bran of the flour, and is therefore somewhat more healthful than
white or all,purpose flour' 4t is also finer than F'S'[style wholewheat flour' 4f you *anLt find atta >whi*h
is a%ailable from any 4ndian gro*er?, either substitute half fine wholewheat flour >preferably not Sstone,
ground,T as those flours tend to be Huite *oarse? and half all,purpose flour, or sift your whole,wheat
flour through a fine,mesh sie%e before measuring it, to remo%e some of the larger pie*es of bran'
anana lea%es5 The large, wide lea%es of the banana tree are *ommonly used in 4ndia and Southeast
Asia both as a natural ser%ing plate and as a wrapper for steamed or grilled foods' GroNen, folded lea%es
are widely a%ailable in 4ndian and Asian mar)ets and in many general supermar)ets as well'
ay lea%es5 The lea%es of the laurel tree are usually sold dried, and they add a gentle, sweet fla%or to
esan >*hi*)pea7gram flour?5 "ade from finely ground *hi*)peas, besan is gluten free and high in
protein' 4t is a%ailable from 4ndian gro*ers and *an sometimes be found in the bul) se*tion of health
food stores'
itter gourd5 Also *alled bitter melon, this lumpy, warty green gourd with pointed ends >"omordi*a
*harantia? *an be found in 4ndian and Asian mar)ets' To tame the bitterness a bit, the gourd *an be
sli*ed, salted, and rinsed before using, mu*h li)e eggplant'
la*) *ardamom5 These seed pods ha%e a smo)y *hara*ter, a strong *amphorli)e fla%or, and a pleasant
aroma' The seeds inside the pods are used for fla%oring %egetable and meat dishes, and the whole pod is
often added to stewed dishes and remo%ed before ser%ing'
la*) pepper5 This popular spi*e is made from dried ripe berries and is used ground or as whole
pepper*orns' "ost 4ndian *oo)s use bla*) pepper*orns in pulaos along with *ardamom, *lo%es, and bay
lea%es' 4n South 4ndia, bla*) pepper*orns are the basis of the hot *urries and are ground into masala
la*) salt5 A pin)ish or purplish salt whose parti*ular mineral impurities gi%e it its distin*ti%e *olor,
fla%or, and sulfurous aroma' 4t is sometimes labeled or referred to as Sro*) salt,T but do not substitute
regular ro*) saltAthe salt sprin)led on sidewal)s and roads to melt i*eAor Si*e *ream salt,T as these are
inedible and not the same as 4ndian bla*) salt, )ala nama)'
la*) sesame seeds5 These small, flat seeds are dar) in *olor and used in *oo)ing for their medi*inal
properties' They are high in *al*ium, iron, *opper, magnesium, and phosphorus, whi*h help to maintain
healthy bones, mus*les, and blood'
oondi5 These fried *hi*)pea,flour puffs are about the siNe of green peas' +oo) for pa*)ages of them in
the sna*)s and *haat,ingredient se*tions of 4ndian gro*ery stores'
Caraway seeds5 Caraway is smaller, dar)er, and more e8pensi%e than its *lose relati%e, *umin' 4t is
grown in &ashmir and is used in pulaos and meat dishes'
Chiron$i7*haroli5 (ot melon seeds >but regularly translated as su*h?, *hiron$i are round, light brown
seeds from a small tree fruit >u*hanania lanNan?' They are soft and nutli)e, and their fla%or is
reminis*ent of almonds >blan*hed almonds *an be substituted for *hiron$i?' They should be refrigerated
for long,term storage be*ause of their high oil *ontent'
Cilantro5 This herb has wide, deli*ate, la*y green lea%es and a pungent fla%or' The seeds are )nown as
*oriander and are also used as a spi*e' Although fresh *ilantro and *oriander seeds *ome from the same
plant, their fla%ors are %ery different and they *annot be used inter*hangeably' Gresh *ilantro is used
e8tensi%ely in 4ndian *uisine as a garnish'
Cinnamon5 The bar), wood, lea%es, buds, flowers, fruits, and roots of the *innamon tree are used for
different purposes, but the bar) is the most *ommonly used, either in pie*es or ground to a fine powder'
4t adds a deli*ious woody fla%or to desserts and is widely used in sa%ory dishes' &erala, a state in South
4ndia, is the *ountryLs ma$or produ*er of the *innamon used in 4ndian )it*hens'
Clo%es5 These unopened dried flower buds loo) li)e snails' Clo%es ha%e a sweet and strongly minty
fla%or, and *an be pur*hased whole or finely ground' 4ndia is one of the largest *onsumers of *lo%es in
the world' Gull,grown flower buds are pi*)ed green and dried in the sun until they be*ome dar) brown'
Kith a fine aromati* fla%or and warming Hualities, *lo%es integrate well with other spi*es in sweet and
sa%ory dishes'
Coriander5 The seeds of the *ilantro plant are sold whole or ground' Coriander is mild, with an aroma
similar to lemon, sage, and *araway' 4t is used in *urry powder spi*e mi8es, pi*)ling, and soups' Khen
young, the *ilantro plant is used fresh for *hutneys and sau*es, and for fla%oring *urries and soups'
Cumin5 These long, dar) brown seeds are %ery aromati* and are sold whole or finely ground' Cumin is
widely used in spi*e mi8es, *urry powders, and in %egetable dishes, pi*)les, soups, meat dishes, and
e%en in *heeses, sausages, breads, *a)es, and bis*uits'
Curry lea%es5 This spi*e, whi*h has a distin*t lemon fla%or, is used e8tensi%ely in Southeast Asian
*oo)ing to add a %ery distin*t fla%or and aroma to dishes' Curry lea%es are not related to *urry powder
at all' They are the lea%es of the *urry plant or tree, "urraya )oenigii' They are used in a %ariety of
soups, stews, *hutneys, and sau*es' Although they %aguely resemble bay lea%es, *urry lea%es *an be
eaten and need not be remo%ed from the dish before ser%ing'
.agad phool5 Also )nown as li*hen stone flower, this fungus lends its dar) *olor and mus)y fla%or to
many dishes, although it is rarely used outside the 3imalayan and mountain regions of western and
*entral 4ndia' An e8*essi%e amount *an ma)e *urries %ery bitter'
.al5 .ried beans, lentils, and peas all fall under the *ategory of dal, and are used in myriad ways5 as the
main ingredients in soups and stewsM soa)ed and fermented and ground for %arious pan*a)esM as a
*run*hy te8tural element in tempering with spi*esM and as a binding agent in meat and %egetable
mi8tures for ground,meat patties and )abobs' Gollowing are *ommonly used dals that appear
throughout this boo)5
*hana dal >split engal gram?5 .ried small *hi*)peas split in half, tan *olored and larger than other dals'
dalia >roasted *hana dal?5 .alia is often ground and used to thi*)en sau*es, in marinades, and to add
te8ture to *hutneys'
dhuli moong dal >split s)inless green gram?5 "ung beans that ha%e been hus)ed to remo%e the s)ins,
and split in half' They are yellow'
dhuli urad dal >split s)inless bla*) gram?5 Small lentil,li)e beans that ha%e been hus)ed to remo%e the
bla*) s)ins, and split in half' They are *reamy white in *olor'
masoordal >split red lentils?5 These s)inned and hal%ed red lentils, are salmon,*olored and *oo) %ery
sabut masoor >whole red lentils?5 !ed lentils with their brown s)ins left on' They are light brown, flat,
and round'
sabut moong >whole green gram?5 Khole mung beans with their s)ins' They are green'
toordal7arhardal >split pigeon peas?5 S)inned and split yellow lentils'
.eghi mir*h *hile powder5 Similar to papri)a, this mild red *hile powder is more sweet than hot' 4t is
used in 4ndian food primarily for its *olor'
.ried red *hiles5 These hot red peppers are sun,dried before use' .ifferent regions of 4ndia grow and
use their own type of red *hilesA&ashmiri *hiles in &ashmir, begdi in &arnata)a, guntur in Andhra
Pradesh, et*' Ke ha%e used &ashmiri dried red *hiles in most of our re*ipes be*ause they are not too
spi*y and they impart an appetiNing *olor to dishes'
.ried rose petals5 These are used to fla%or and s*ent many biryanis and sweet dishes' 4f you dry your
own, be sure to use roses that ha%e not been treated with *hemi*als'
.rumsti*) %egetable5 The young, mild,tasting fruit of the "oringa oleifera plant, drumsti*) is used
e8tensi%ely in 4ndian *oo)ing, almost as *ommonly as green beans or asparagus in the Fnited States, but
is fairly s*ar*e here' .rumsti*) %egetables are long and green, with ridges running the length of the
Bdible sandalwood powder5 The dried wood of the sandalwood tree in powder form'
Gennel5 These o%al, greenish brown seeds are from the fennel plant' They are aromati*, with a slight
li*ori*e fla%or' They are similar to anise seeds, but are larger' Gennel seeds are a%ailable whole or
ground' Gennel is an effe*ti%e digesti%e aid, and raw fennel seeds are often *hewed after ri*h meals in
Genugree)5 These hard, yellowish brown, angular seeds are a%ailable whole, *rushed, or roasted and
ground' Genugree) has a strong, aromati*, and bittersweet fla%or' The lea%es are used as an herb
>)asoori methi?' Genugree) is *ulti%ated worldwide in semi,arid areas' Genugree) seeds are often paired
with mustard seeds in tempering oil and are mu*h in demand during pi*)ling season'
Danthia5 Crun*hy fried *hi*)pea,flour sti*)s about the width and length of your little finger' They are
sold in the sna*) and *haat,ingredient se*tion of 4ndian gro*ery stores' See page 10 for a re*ipe'
Dhee5 Dhee is butter that has been slowly *oo)ed, s)immed, and *larified'
Dinger5 The rhiNome of the ginger plant is a%ailable fresh or driedM the latter is usually finely ground'
Dreen *ardamom5 This Hueen of 4ndian spi*es is the se*ond,most important spi*e in 4ndia after *umin
seeds' Dreen *ardamom is an an*ient and e8tremely fla%orful spi*e that is nati%e to 4ndia' Bither the
pods are used whole or the small bla*) seeds are ground to a powder' Cardamom is widely used
throughout the world, and nearly e%ery food *ulture has its own distin*ti%e way of using it in sweet and
sa%ory dishes'
Dreen *hiles5 Gresh hot *apsi*ums' 4ndian green *hiles that are most *ommonly used in the dishes in
this boo) are %ery similar to serrano *hiles in fla%or and heat le%el, and finger,siNe serranos are a good
4ndian broad beans >hya*inth beans?5 These are wide, long, flat green pods with beans inside' Their
fla%or is more pronoun*ed than that of regular green beans, and is often li)ened to the fla%or of lima
beans' To use, remo%e the strings from the outside of the pods, then *ut the pods *rosswise into small
pie*es' 3ya*inth beans, *alled sem )iphalli in 4ndia, are also a%ailable already *hopped in the froNen,
foods se*tion of 4ndian gro*ery stores'
Paggery5 This is an unrefined dar) brown *ane >sometimes palm? sugar, sold in hard, solid *ones or
blo*)s that *an be *hopped with a hea%y )nife or grated on the *oarse holes of a bo8 grater' Paggery is
similar to "e8i*an pilon*illo, or panela, and either of those may be used in pla*e of $aggery' 4n a pin*h,
you *ould also use turbinado or natural *ane sugar'
&a)di magaN >dried *u*umber seeds?5 &a)di magaN are dried *u*umber seeds' They are thinner and
longer and also ha%e a sweeter taste than most melon seeds' Fsed mostly to garnish sele*t 4ndian
desserts, sweet *hutneys, and some sa%ory sna*)s, they *an be substituted with other melon seeds,
su*h as *antaloupe and honeydew'
&alon$i >nigella?5 Small bla*) seeds of the (igella sati%a plant, )alon$i are also sometimes labeled
Sbla*) sesame,T Sonion seeds,T or Sbla*) *umin,T though the seed is related to none of these' They lend
their distin*ti%e, slightly bitter fla%or to naan and other breads'
&ashmiri red *hile powder5 &ashmiri red *hiles are grown in 3ima*hal Pradesh, Pammu, and &ashmir,
and also in subtropi*al regions of (orth 4ndia, and are har%ested from (o%ember to Gebruary' The *hiles
are long and fleshy, with a %ery deep red *olor and mild fla%or that ma)es the ground dried *hiles mu*h
priNed, espe*ially in (orth 4ndian dishes' Papri)a is a good substitute for these *hiles'
&asoori methi5 These dried fenugree) lea%es taste li)e a *ombination of *elery and fennel, and ha%e a
slightly bitter bite' The lea%es are usually *rumbled and sprin)led o%er meat and %egetable *urries $ust
before ser%ing'
&ewra >s*rew pine? water5 This aromati* water made from distilled s*rew pine flowers, also )nown as
pandanus or )ewra in 3indi, is used to fla%or biryanis and sweets'
&o)um5 &o)um >Dar*inia indi*a?, also )nown as gamboge, is a nati%e fruit of 4ndia and is grown
abundantly in &on)an, &arnata)a, and &erala along the western *oast of 4ndia' 4t is found in the Fnited
States in 4ndian gro*ery stores in dried form'
&urmura >puffed ri*e?5 Also often labeled Smurmura,T this is basmati ri*e that has been steamed at
high pressure so that it puffs, mu*h li)e puffed wheat' 4t is used in *haats and sweets'
+apsi >fine bro)en wheat?5 +i)e bulgur or *ra*)ed wheat, but finer, lapsi is used in sna*)s and dal
dishes, and *an be *oo)ed with ghee and sugar and garnished with nuts as a sweet treat for the festi%al
of .iwali'
+au)i >bottle gourd?5 The smooth,s)inned bottle gourd >+ageneria si*eraria? has pale green flesh with
a firm te8ture' Choose young bottle gourds >less than a foot long? rather than older, larger onesM young
gourds ha%e a thin, tender peel and unde%eloped seeds that do not need to be remo%ed' +au)i is also
)nown as doodhi'
+emongrass5 The lower pale yellow and white part of this long, thi*) grass is sli*ed or pounded, and is
used to add a lo%ely, %ibrant *itrus fla%or to dishes'
"a*e5 This spi*e is deri%ed from the fleshy red aril surrounding the nutmeg seed' 4ts fla%or is similar to
that of nutmeg, but with a hint of pepper' 4t should be used sparingly'
"aida >refined flour?5 4ndian maida flour is a highly refined white flour' 4t is finer and softer than the
all,purpose flour found in the Fnited States' 4f you *anLt find maida, whi*h, li)e the other flours used in
this boo), is a%ailable at any 4ndian gro*er, substitute a white >not whole,wheat? pastry flour'
"alai burfi >*ondensed,mil) mithai?5 Cubes of *ondensed,mil) sweets readily a%ailable at 4ndian
gro*ery stores'
"angodi >dried dal dumplings?5 These large, grape,siNe dried dumplings made from purQed *oo)ed
dhuli moong dal >sometimes other dals? are a%ailable readymade at 4ndian gro*ery stores'
"int5 An e8*ellent remedy for digesti%e problems, mint is well )nown for its fragran*e and *ool,
refreshing fla%or' 4t is usually used fresh, but retains mu*h of its fla%or when dried'
"ustard oil5 "ustard oil is a%ailable in two %arieties5 filtered and refined' 4f you are using filtered
mustard oil, you will need to first heat it until it rea*hes its smo)ing point, then let it *ool *ompletely
before using' 4f you are using the refined %ariety, you *an use it straight away' 4n either *ase, please use
mustard oil that is labeled spe*ifi*ally for *oo)ing' 4f you *annot find it, regular %egetable oil will wor)
$ust as well'
"ustard seeds5 These small, round seeds %arying in *olor from bla*) to brown to yellow are ubiHuitous
in southern 4ndian *oo)ing, where the tempering of the oil in *ountless re*ipes begins with the addition
of them' They pa*) a pun*h that is intensified in hot oil'
(ag)esar5 Also )nown as *obraLs saffron, this astringent herb is used to treat respiratory problems and
as a digesti%e aid' The lea%es are dried and used for their mild and slightly sweet fla%or'
(utmeg5 A hard, o%al, dried seed of an Bast 4ndian tree, nutmeg is widely *ulti%ated in the tropi*s and is
used as a spi*e in sweet and sa%ory dishes either in grated or ground form'
Pan*h phoron5 This mi8ture of fi%e whole spi*es is made of *umin seeds, fenugree) seeds, )alon$i
>nigella?, mustard seeds, and *araway seeds'
Paneer5 Paneer is a fresh *heese that is pressed until solid enough to sli*e or *ut into *ubes' See page
19 for a re*ipe'
Poppy seeds5 The i%ory,*olored %ariety is widely used in 4ndian *oo)ing to add a hint of nutty fla%or to
dishes' The seeds are also soa)ed and ground to a paste, and used to thi*)en sau*es'
!awa7su$i >semolinaflour?5 Coarsely ground >sand,te8tured? wheat flour, rawa7su$i *ontains the
wheatLs endosperm and germ, but not the bran, and is a%ailable in fine, medium, and *oarse grinds' Eou
*an substitute farina >Cream of Kheat *ereal?, whi*h is made from soft wheatM or semolina flour, whi*h
is made from harder durum wheat'
!ed button *hiles5 These small dried red *hiles that loo) li)e little balls are fried in oil to lend a mild
smo)y fla%or to food' They should be remo%ed before ser%ing'
!idged gourd5 A %egetable in the *u*umber family >+uffa a*utangula?, ridged gourd is long and dar)
green, with raised ridges running the length of the %egetable' Try to sele*t younger onesM %ery mature
ridged gourds *an be tough and fibrous' +oo) for them in 4ndian mar)ets and Asian gro*ery stores'
!osewater and rose syrup5 4ndian stores sell rosewater and rose syrup' !osewater is a *lear, thin liHuid
distilled from rose petals, and is sprin)led on sparsely to pro%ide a lo%ely aroma to sa%ory and sweet
dishes' !ose syrup is a thi*), red, sugar,sweetened liHuid with rose fla%orings' 4t is used to add
sweetness, *olor, and aroma to a dish'
Saffron5 Thousands of indi%idual threadli)e strands of the stigma from the *ro*us flower are hand,
plu*)ed and dried to ma)e a single oun*e of this %ery e8pensi%e spi*e' Saffron is used to fla%or biryanis
and sweet dishes, and also in some soups and *urries and ba)ed goods' 4t adds both its bright yellow
*olor and a subtle fla%or to dishes'
Sesame seeds5 These tiny oily seeds impart a nutty fla%or and te8ture to *hutneys, desserts, and
%egetable dishes' Their *olor ranges from i%ory to light brown to bla*)M white sesame seeds are used in
most of the re*ipes in this boo)'
Se% >*hi*)pea,flour %ermi*elli?5 Jery thin deep,fried *hi*)pea,flour strands that loo) li)e bro)en,up
%ermi*elli or angel,hair pasta, se% *an be found in the sna*) and *haat,ingredients se*tion of 4ndian
gro*ery stores'
Star anise5 &nown as phool *ha)ri or badiyan in 4ndia, this star,shaped spi*e has a fla%or that
resembles that of anise seeds' Star anise is usually used whole, %alued for its beautiful form as well as its
Tamarind5 The fruit of the tamarind tree, Tamarindus indi*a, these pods are about fi%e in*hes long and
*ontain seeds and a pulp that be*omes e8tremely sour when dried' Tamarind is widely used in 4ndian,
"iddle Bastern, "e8i*an, and Southeast Asian *oo)ing' See page / for more information about buying
and using tamarind pulp and *on*entrate'
Tirphala5 The sun,dried fruit of the tirphala tree >whi*h grows wild in the rain forests of "aharashtra
and &arnata)a in western 4ndia? loo)s li)e a Si*huan pepper*orn e8*ept that the former is bla*)ish
brown and the latter is red in *olor' The hus) of the dried berries is the a*tual spi*e, and it has a strong,
woody, pungent aroma and a sharp and biting fla%or' The hus)s are dry,roasted before being used in
fish dishes or with pulses or in dishes of peas and beans' e*ause it is e8*lusi%e to this part of 4ndia,
there is no Bnglish word for tirphala'
Turmeri*5 This spi*e is made from the intense yellow,orange rhiNome of a tropi*al plant related to
ginger' .ried and ground turmeri* is used to fla%or and *olor food' 4t is used in *urry powder blends and
plays an important role in imparting an appetiNing golden *olor to dals and %egetable dishes'
Khite pepper5 This *omes from the same plant as bla*) pepper, but the berries are pi*)ed when fully
ripe rather than green' Khite pepper is not as hot as bla*)'
Appam *hetti5 A *on*a%e iron griddle with a hea%y lid used to ma)e appams >spe*ial breads from
South 4ndia?' A hea%y *ast,iron or nonsti*) wo) *an be used instead, as long as it has a tight,fitting lid'
Cha)li or ganthia press5 This metal press *omes with different dies >mu*h li)e a *oo)ie press? through
whi*h you *an push %arious doughs into different shapes for frying' Kith it you *an ma)e *ha)li,
ganthia, muru))u, se%, and idiappam'
Co*onut s*raper5 This ingenious tool *onsists of a set of *ran),operated rounded serrated blades that
*an be mounted on a tabletop >or se*ured %ia su*tion?' Kith it you *an finely grate a hal%ed *o*onut by
holding the *o*onut half o%er the blades while you turn them with the *ran)M there is no need to shell
and peel the *o*onut flesh' 4f you donLt ha%e a s*raper li)e this, *arefully remo%e the shell and brown
peel from the white flesh with a paring )nife and grate the *o*onut in a food pro*essor'
.osa griddle5 This flat metal plate, usually made of iron or hea%y,gauge aluminum, has an anodiNed
surfa*e' The surfa*e is s*rat*h resistant and does not *ra*) or peel, allowing the use of metal spoons,
spatulas, et*' Eou *an use a nonsti*) griddle instead, but donLt use metal utensils on it'
.ouble boiler5 This sto%e,top pan is used to melt *ho*olate without burning or seiNing, or to *oo) any
other thi*) liHuid, sau*e, or porridge that would normally burn if *oo)ed o%er dire*t heat' 4t *onsists of
an upper %essel >*ontaining the food? situated abo%e a lower pot of water' Khen the water is brought to
a boil, the steam produ*ed in the lower pot transfers the heat to the upper pot'
Good pro*essor5 An ele*tri* )it*hen applian*e with a *losed *ontainer and inter*hangeable blades that
*an *hop, blend, shred, purQe, or otherwise pro*ess food at high speed' 4 use a mini food pro*essor to
grind up small Huantities of wet mi8tures'
4dli steamer5 This deep %essel with a lid has a %ent that allows steam to es*ape and spe*ial plates with
dents into whi*h the idli batter is poured and then steamed' They are readily a%ailable at 4ndian gro*ery
&adai5 A thi*), deep, *ir*ular *oo)ing pot that resembles a wo)'
&ulfi molds5 Aluminum or plasti* indi%idual,siNe molds in whi*h the mil),and,nut mi8ture is froNen to
ma)e )ulfi desserts' !ame)ins, *ustard *ups, or e%en i*e,pop molds ma)e good )ulfi molds'
Paniyaram tawa5 "ainly used in South 4ndia, this is an iron griddle with golf ball[siNe dents into whi*h
batter is poured to ma)e paniyaram'
Pi*)le $ars5 Dlass or por*elain pi*)le $ars are steriliNed >by submerging in boiling water for at least ten
minutes? and allowed to dry thoroughly before being used to store homemade pi*)lesM 4ndian pi*)le $ars
are a%ailable at 4ndian mar)ets, or you *an use Ameri*an, or Buropean,style *anning $ars'
Tawa5 This is a large, flat, or slightly *on*a%e dis),shaped griddle made from *ast iron, steel, or
aluminum, used to *oo) rotis and parathas' (onsti*) tawas are also now a%ailable' Any large, flat
griddle or e%en a *ast,iron s)illet *an be used instead'
4ndian Dro*ery Store +o*ator
Type in your Nip *ode to find 4ndian gro*ery stores near you
4ndian Supermar)et Duide
4ndian gro*ery stores and restaurants listed by state
4dli steamers, food steamers, spi*e grinders, and more
4 Shop 4ndian
A good sele*tion of 4ndian utensils
AmaNon *arries a %ery good sele*tion of 4ndian spi*es and herbs
4ndia Goods Company
Dreat pri*es on herbs and spi*es
4ndia PlaNa
An online store offering herbs, spi*es, ready,to,eat meals, and mu*h more
"y Spi*e Sage
An e8*ellent *olle*tion of global spi*es
Jery good Huality spi*es
!ani Goods >formerly &undan Goods?
Spi*es and other ingredients
Spi*es Dalore
A good *olle*tion of spi*es and marinades from around the world
Aab Dosht
Aamras &i &adhi
Aattu &ari Podimas
A*hari Dosht
Adra)i Phinga
Adra) (a%ratan
A)hrot "urgh
Almond Paste
adam .oodh
adam 3alwa
adam Pista &ulfi
adam Shorba
to blan*h
Chandi &orma
.um "urgh
3ara "asala "urgh
"a)ai, adam, Aur A)hrot &i Ti))i
"urgh Zafrani .o PyaNa
Taar &orma
Aloo Anardana &ul*ha
Aloobu)hara &ofta
Aloo u)hare &i Chutney
Aloo Chaat .illi Style
Aloo Cho)ha
Aloo Dobhi &i Tahiri
Aloo &a*halu Chaat
Aloo "atar
Aloo (aNa)at
Aloo Paratha
Aloo Posto
Ambat atata
Ambe Sasam
Amer Chatni
Amla Aur eetroot &i Ti))i
Amritsari "a*h*hi
Anar)ali Shorba
Andhra Chile Chi*)en
Angoor Aur &ha$ur &i Chutney
Angoori Shrimp
anise seeds
An$eer "urgh
apples5 Dulmarg Salad
&hubani &a "eetha
&hubani &e Shammi
(awabi &orma
Salli (e Pardaloo "a Dos
ash gourd
PuNhani))ai "ore &oNhambu
Aloo Paratha
asi* Paratha
asi* !oti
ed%in &a*hori
&haari Puri
"issi !oti
Paneer Ti))a &athi !olls
Pudina Paratha
!a$asthani ati
Atta .ough

adam .oodh
adam 3alwa
adam Pista &ulfi
adam Shorba
aghare aingan
aingan &a harta
aingan Saaswe
banana lea%es
&arimeen Polli*hattu
"amallapuram &al Brra
Patrani "a*h*hi
Paturi "aa*h
Aloo &a*halu Chaat
&a*h*he &ele &e Cutlet
&ela Anar !aita
&ele &i Chutney
&ele Kafers
&elya*he &oshimbir
Phal,SabN See)h
angda Fdad "ethi
Almond Paste
Atta .ough
asi* Paratha
asi* !oti
oiled,Cnion Paste
rown !i*e
Cashew Paste
Chaat "asala
Chai "asala
Chholay "asala
Chi*)en Sto*)
.hansaa) "asala
Daram "asala
Darli* Paste
Dinger,Darli* Paste
Dinger Paste
Doda "asala
Dreen Chile Paste
Dround !oasted Cumin
&ha$oor Aur 4mli &i Chutney
+amb Sto*)
(ihari "asala
Pa% ha$i "asala
Pudina Aur .haniya Chutney,
Pun$abi Daram "asala
!asam Powder
Si*huan Sau*e
Jegetable Sto*)
ata)a (u !assawala Shaa)
atata Song
atata Jada
atatya Cha &a*hyra
bay lea%es
eans Poriyal
.al "a)hni
Duar &i SabNi
Papri (u Shaa)
Pun$abi !a$ma
!a$ma Dalouti &abab
surti papdi
ed%in &a*hori
Amla Aur eetroot &i Ti))i
eet !aita
Chu)andar &i Dalouti
egun ha$a
ende)aya Jepudu
atata Jada
esan &e +addoo
esan &i "asala !oti
esanwali hindi
read &e Pa)ode
Datta Curry,
Datte &a Pulao
&anda ha$ia
&haman .ho)la
"ir*hi ha$iya
"urgh (eNa &abab
Pala) &e Pa)ora
Paneer Chutney Pa)ora
Paneer .i Soti oti
Pun$abi &adhi
to roast
Shrimp Jadai
Sindhi &adhi
Zun)a ha)ar
Adra) (a%ratan
adam .oodh
Pal Peera
&airi Panna
&ale Angoor &a Sharbat
&ali "ir*h &a .rin)
&o)um Sharbat
+assi with 3oney
"asala Chai with +emongrass
"asala Soda
"asala Taa)
Zafrani Sharbat
bha$i5 "asala .osas
hapa .oi
hapa 4lish
harli Jangi
harwan Pistewala "urgh
hel Puri
hindi &a Shor%a
hindi &ur)uri
&a*h*he Dosht &i iryani
&athal &i iryani
"urgh iryani
bitter gourd
&arela Andhra Style
"asaledar &arele
Papad &a Shaa)
Papdi Chaat
bottle gourd
.udhi 3alwa
.udhi (a "uthia
+au)i Chana .al
+au)i &ofta
+au)i !aita
bread pudding5 .ouble &a "eetha
Aloo Anardana &ul*ha
Aloo Paratha
asi* Paratha
asi* !oti
esan &i "asala !oti
read &e Pa)ode
read Fpma
Chi*)en &heema &ul*ha
.al Pa)wan
Darli* (aan
Dreen Pea &a*hori
&haari Puri
&hasta !oti
"a))i .i !oti
"issi !oti
Paneer !olls
Paneer Ti))a &athi !olls
Pudina Paratha
!a$asthani ati
!a$gire &a Thepla
!i*e Kade
ro)en,Kheat Fpma
urrah "asaledaar
butter5 Dhee
utter Chi*)en,
Aamras &i &adhi
"asala Taa)
uN Jangun
Cabbage Chana .al
*ane $aggery
ata)a (u !assawala Shaa)
&ha$oor Aur 4mli &i Chutney
Sa))arai Pongal
*araway seeds
+amb !ogan Posh
Da$ara*hi Pa*hadi
Da$ar 3alwa
An$eer "urgh
Cashew Paste
Chu)andar &i Dalouti
Dosht &orma
&a$u &atli
&a)ori &abab
&olambi &a$u Curry
"alai &ofta Curry,
(a%ratan &orma
Aloo Dobhi &i Tahiri
Cauliflower and +emon !i*e
Cauliflower &oshimbir
Chaap Gry Amritsari
Aloo Chaat .illi Style
Aloo &a*halu Chaat
hel Puri
Chaat "asala
.ahi atata Puri
.ahi Papdi Chaat
Phaal "uri
Pani Puri
Papdi Chaat
Pa% ha$i
Peanut Chaat
!agda Patti*e
Se% atata Puri
Frad .al &a*hori
Chai "asala
"asala Chai with +emongrass
Chandi &aliyan
Chandi &orma
Chapa Pulusu
*haroli seeds
*heese, see Paneer
Chettinaad Gried Chi*)en
Chettinadu &oNhi Sambhar
Chhenar Payesh
Chholay "asala
A)hrot "urgh
Andhra Chile Chi*)en
An$eer "urgh
harwan Pistewala "urgh
utter Chi*)en,
Chandi &aliyan
Chandi &orma
Chettinaad Gried Chi*)en
Chettinadu &oNhi Sambhar
Chi*)en 06
Chi*)en Cafreal
Chi*)en Chow "ein
Chi*)en Curry
Chi*)en &andhari &ofta
Chi*)en &athi !oll,
Chi*)en &heema &ul*ha
Chi*)en +ollipops
Chi*)en "an*hurian,
Chi*)en Shorba
Chi*)en Ti))a
Chi*)en @a*uti
.um "urgh
3ara "asala "urgh
&a*h*hi "ir*hi &a "urgh
&adai Chi*)en,
&airi "urgh
&esari harwan Phinga
&haas See)h
&heema hari 3ari "ir*h
&ori A$adina
&ori Dassi
&oyla Chi*)en,
&oNhi 4shtew
&oNhi &aru%eppalai Soup
&oNhi "ilagu Jaru%al
&oNhi Thengai &oNhambu
&oNhi Frundai &oNhambu
&oNhi Jartha &ari
&oNhi Jartha &oNhambu
+ahsooni .hania "urgh
+al "urgh
+aNiN Ti))a "asala
"a)ai "urgh
"al%ani Chi*)en 3irwa "asala
"arghi (a Gar*ha
"urgh iryani
"urgh Dilafi Ti))a
"urgh 3aNar%i
"urgh (eNa &abab
"urgh Zafrani .o PyaNa
(aadan &oNhi !oast,
(aattu &oNhi Curry,
(awabi &almi &abab
Pala) Chi*)en,
^ui*) Peera Chi*)en
Tandoori Chi*)en,
Tandoori "urgh Salad
Tangdi &abab
Thengen)ai &ori
Zafrani .um "urgh
*hi*)en li%ers5
&ale$i &a Salan
&heema &ale$i
Chile Chana
*oo)ing tip
"asaledar Chholay
*hile powder
Aab Dosht
Aloo Cho)ha
Andhra Chile Chi*)en
aingan Saaswe
atata Song
Chettinaad Gried Chi*)en
Chile, Pineapple, and Anar !aita
Chile Chana
Chile Darli* Chutney,
Chile Paneer
*urd *hiles
.hansaa) "asala
Dreen Chile Paste
3ir%i "ir*hi Cha The*ha
&a*h*hi "ir*hi &a "urgh
&heema hari 3ari "ir*h
+aal "aas
+al "urgh
+amb .o PyaNa
"alabar Chemeen &ari
"ir*hi ha$iya
"ir*hi &a Salan
(ihara "asala
Pomfret !ei*hado
Si*huan Sau*e
Chimborya Cha &alwan
Chinese, see 4ndo,Chinese
Chingri "a*her &ofta Curry,
Chingri "alai Curry,
Chingri Pa)ora
Cho*olate Kalnut urfi
Cholar .al
Chops &ari Jaru%al
Chu)andar &i Dalouti
Aloo u)hare &i Chutney
Amer Chatni
Angoor Aur &ha$ur &i Chutney
hel Puri
read &e Pa)ode
Chile Darli* Chutney,
Cilantro Tho))u
.ahi atata Puri
.ahi Papdi Chaat
3ir%i "ir*hi Cha The*ha
&a*h*he &ele &e Cutlet
&eerai Chutney
&ele &i Chutney
&ha$oor Aur 4mli &i Chutney
&ha$ur &i Chutney
&olhapuri .ry Chutney
"ysore "asala .osas
(ariel Aur .haniya &i Chatni
Paneer Chutney Pa)ora
Papaya Chutney
Papaya &i +aun$
Patrani "a*h*hi
Pudina Aur .haniya Chutney,
!agda Patti*e
Tamatar Aur Adra) &i Chutney
Aattu &ari Podimas
Anar)ali Shorba
harli Jangi
Cilantro Tho))u
3ara "asala "urgh
3ara "asalewali "a*h*hli
3are "asale &a huna Paneer
+ahsooni .hania "urgh
"al%ani Chi*)en 3irwa "asala
(ariel Aur .haniya &i Chatni
Paneer Chutney Pa)ora
Pani Puri
Patrani "a*h*hi
Pudina Aur .haniya Chutney,
^ui*) Peera Chi*)en
Zafrani .um "urgh
&esari Seafood Pulao
Tisrya*he &al%an
Aattu &ari Podimas
Ambe Sasam
aingan Saaswe
angda Fdad "ethi
eans Poriyal
harli Jangi
Chi*)en @a*uti
Chimborya Cha &alwan
Chingri "a*her &ofta Curry,
Cholar .al
Doan +amb Curry,
Doan Shrimp Curry
4ggaru !oyya
&and &e Patti*e
&hamang &a)di
&olhapuri Su))a +amb,
&ori A$adina
&oNhi &aru%eppalai Soup
&oNhi Thengai &oNhambu
"alabar Chemeen &ari
"ushroom Shagoti
(arala*hi &aran$is
(ariel Aur .haniya &i Chatni
Patrani "a*h*hi
PuNhani))ai "ore &oNhambu
!agha%das +addoo
!awas Amboti)
Shrimp Dhassi
Sungta Ani Tora*he 3ooman
Thengen)ai &ori
Jenda))ai "or Thalippu
Jenda))ai Pa*hadi
*o*onut mil)5
Aab Dosht
Chingri "a*her &ofta Curry,
Chingri "alai Curry,
Gish in Co*onut Dra%y
Gish "oilee
&ai)ari 4shtew
&oNhi 4shtew
&oNhi Jartha &oNhambu
+amb 4shtew
Paneer Tamatar &a &hut
Sungta Ani Tora*he 3ooman
Taar &orma
Thengen)ai &ori
.um &i Arbi
Chaat "asala
Doda "asala
&adai Paneer
(aattu &oNhi Curry,
!asam Powder
"a)ai, adam, Aur A)hrot &i Ti))i
"a)ai "urgh
"a)ai Pala)
SabN "a)ai &ali "ir*h &a Shorba
*ornmeal5 "a))i .i !oti
*rab5 Chimborya Cha &alwan
*u*umbers5 &hamang &a)di
*u*umber seeds
Dround !oasted Cumin
4ggaru !oyya
Pun$abi Daram "asala
Aamras &i &adhi
angda Fdad "ethi
hindi &a Shor%a
Chapa Pulusu
Chettinadu &oNhi Sambhar
Chi*)en Curry
Chingri "a*her &ofta Curry,
Chingri "alai Curry,
.oi "a*h
Gish "oilee
Datta Curry,
Doan +amb Curry,
Doan Shrimp Curry
Du$arati &adhi
3ara "asala "urgh
&ale$i &a Salan
&ashmiri .um Aloo
&ashmiri Dushtaba
&eerai &oNhambu
&esari harwan Phinga
&hade "asale &a Dosht
&olambi &a$u Curry
&olhapuri Pandhra !assa
&olmi (o Patio
&ori Dassi
&oNhi Jartha &oNhambu
+aal "aas
+amb !aNala
+amb !ogan Posh
+au)i Chana .al
"aamsam &oora
"a*h*hli Ta),A,Ta)
"a*her Phol
"alabar Chemeen &ari
"alai &ofta Curry,
"al%ani Gish Curry
"angshor Curry
"urgh Zafrani .o PyaNa
Paneer "a)hni
Paneer Piste &a Salan
Pun$abi &adhi
Pun$abi !a$ma
!awas Amboti)
Salli (e Pardaloo "a Dos
Sao$i +amb
Shahi Paneer
Shrimp Dhassi
Shrimp Peri Peri
Sindhi &adhi
Sungta Ani Tora*he 3ooman
Tisrya*he &al%an
Jrat &i &adhi
*urry lea%es
Aattu &ari Podimas
Ambat atata
Andhra Chile Chi*)en
aghare aingan
ata)a (u !assawala Shaa)
atata Jada
atatya Cha &a*hyra
eans Poriyal
harli Jangi
ro)en,Kheat Fpma
Cabbage Chana .al
Chapa Pulusu
Chettinaad Gried Chi*)en
Chi*)en 06
.al Pa)wan
.udhi (a "uthia
Darli* Spina*h "assiyal
3are "asale &a huna Paneer
4ggaru !oyya
&ali "ir*h &a .rin)
&arimeen Polli*hattu
&eerai &oNhambu
&oNhi 4shtew
&oNhi &aru%eppalai Soup
&oNhi "ilagu Jaru%al
&oNhi Thengai &oNhambu
&oNhi Jartha &ari
&uNhi Paniyaram
+adyfinger Pa*hidi
+amb Pepper Gry,
"alabar Chemeen &ari
"asala .osas
"edu Kadas
"een (irappiyathu
"een Jatti*hattu
"ir*hi &a Salan
"ulligatawny Soup
(aadan &oNhi !oast,
(aattu &oNhi Curry,
Paneer Tamatar &a &hut
Pori*ha &on$u
PuNhani))ai "ore &oNhambu
!asam powder
Senai !oast
Shrimp Jadai
Taar &orma
Tomato Saar
Frulai Chettinadu
Jenda))ai "or Thalippu
Jenda))ai Pa*hadi
Eera Poondu "asala
Eera Jaru%al
dagad phool
.ahi atata Puri
.ahi &heema
.ahi Papdi Chaat
.ahi Kada
Aab Dosht
Anar)ali Shorba
ed%in &a*hori
Cabbage Chana .al
Chettinadu &oNhi Sambhar
Cholar .al
.ahi Kada
.al .ho)li
.al Dosht
.al "a)hni
.al Pa)wan
.haabay .i .al
.ho)ar .alna
B) 3andi (u .al haat
Dongura Pappu
&an*hipuram 4dlis
&an$i ada
&eerai &oNhambu
&hattu "ag
+au)i Chana .al
"aa Chole .i .al
"asala .osas
"edu Kadas
"ysore "asala .osas
Pala) .ho)las
Pala)wali .al
Peethiwali Aloo Ti))i
!a$asthani Pan*hmel .al
Sai ha$i
Sa))arai Pongal
Soo)hi .al Amritsari
Frad .al &a*hori
Khite .ho)las
Adra) (a%ratan
Angoor Aur &ha$ur &i Chutney
read &e Pa)ode
&ha$oor Aur 4mli &i Chutney
&ha$ur &i Chutney
deghi mir*h *hile powder
.haabay .i .al
.hansaa) "asala
.ho)ar .alna
.ho)las, Khite,
.iwani 3andi
.oi "a*h
dosa batter
.ouble &a "eetha
doughnuts5 "edu Kadas
drumsti*) %egetable
"alabar Chemeen &ari
.udhi 3alwa
.udhi (a "uthia
.um Aloo, &ashmiri
.um &e &abab
.um &i Arbi
.um "urgh
aghare aingan
aingan &a harta
aingan Saaswe
egun ha$a
harli Jangi
uN Jangun
&olambi harleli Jangi
"ethi aingan
remo%ing *harred s)in
Sai ha$i
Sour and Spi*y Bggplant Pi*)le
Bgg (argisi &ofta
Bgg Patties
&heema 3ara .hania
&heema Par Beda
Paneer Anda
Kafer Per Bda
B) 3andi (u .al haat
Bra*hi Choru
Bra*hi Clathiyathu
fasts and festi%als,
adam .oodh
adam 3alwa
.udhi 3alwa
&a$u &atli
&ele Kafers
+agan &a &heema
(alli (ihari
!a$gire &a Thepla
Sabudana &hi*hdi
Sabudana Thalipeeth
Sabudana Jadas
Sweet,potato &heer
Jrat &i &adhi
see also sweets
fenugree) lea%es
.iwani 3andi
&asoori Paneer Ti))a
"ethi Aloo
"ethi aingan
Sai ha$i
fenugree) seeds
figs5 An$eer "urgh
Amritsari "a*h*hi
angda Fdad "ethi
hapa 4lish
Chapa Pulusu
.oi "a*h
Gish in Co*onut Dra%y
Gish "oilee
3ara "asalewali "a*h*hli
4lish "a*her Sorse Phol
&arimeen Polli*hattu
&esari Seafood Pulao
"a*h*hli Ta),A,Ta)
"a*her Chop
"a*her Phol
"al%ani Gish Curry
"een (irappiyathu
"een Pathiris
"een Jatti*hattu
Patrani "a*h*hi
Paturi "aa*h
Pomfret !ei*hado
!awas Amboti)
!awas Gish Gingers
Talela !awas
Tandoori Pomfret
Godni*ha haat
Dulmarg Salad
Phal,SabN See)h
see also spe*ifi* fruits
Da$ara*hi Pa*hadi
Da$ar Dobhi Shalgam &a A*har
Da$ar 3alwa
Danthia Saag
Daram "asala
&ashmiri >Jer?
Chile Darli* Chutney,
Darli* (aan
Darli* Paste
Darli* Pi*)le
Darli* Spina*h "assiyal
Dinger,Darli* Paste
3ot Darli* Gried !i*e
+ahsooni .hania "urgh
"al%ani Shrimp Gry
Papri (u Shaa)
Eera Poondu "asala
Datta Curry,
Datte &a Pulao
Adra)i Phinga
Adra) (a%ratan
Dinger,Darli* Paste
Dinger Paste
Dinger Pesarel
"al%ani Shrimp Gry
Soo)hi .al Amritsari
Tamatar Aur Adra) &i Chutney
Doan +amb Curry,
Doan Shrimp Curry
Doat .o PyaNa
+agan &a &heema
"al%ani Doat,
Parsi Cutlets,
Tariwala "eat
Doda "asala
Dongura Pappu
gooseberries5 Amla Aur eetroot &i Ti))i
Dosht &orma
Dosht Pasanda
grape drin)5 &ale Angoor &a Sharbat
Angoor Aur &ha$ur &i Chutney
Angoori Shrimp
Dreen Chile Paste
Dreen "asala
Dreen Pea &a*hori
Duar &i SabNi
Du$arati &adhi
Dulab Pamun
Dulmarg Salad
3ara hara &abab
3ara "asala "urgh
3ara "asalewali "a*h*hli
3are Aam &e Chawal
3are "asale &a huna Paneer
3are "oong &a Shorba
3ir%i "ir*hi Cha The*ha
Angoori Shrimp
+assi with 3oney
i*e *ream5
Zafrani Sharbat
&an*hipuram 4dlis
Shrimp 4dlis
4ggaru !oyya
4lish "a*her Sorse Phol
4mli Til &e Chawal
Chi*)en Chow "ein
Chi*)en +ollipops
Chi*)en "an*hurian,
Chile Chana
Chile Paneer
Chinese hel
3ot Darli* Gried !i*e
Si*huan Sau*e
Spring .osas
$a*)fruit5 &athal &i iryani
$aggery, see *ane $aggery
Pain Csaman
Pal Peera
$awar5 ha)ri
Phaal "uri
Phinga &alimir*h
Phinge Posto
&a*h*he Dosht &i iryani
&a*h*he &ele &e Cutlet
&a*h*he Papite &a "urabba
&a*h*hi "ir*hi &a "urgh
&adai Chi*)en,
&adai Paneer
Aamras &i &adhi
Du$arati &adhi
Pun$abi &adhi
Sindhi &adhi
Jrat &i &adhi
&ai)ari 4shtew
&airi "urgh
&airi Panna
&a$u &atli
)a)di magaN
&a)ori &abab
&ale Angoor &a Sharbat
&ale$i &a Salan
&ali "ir*h &a .rin)
&alla .osas
)alon$i >nigella?
&an*hipuram 4dlis
&anda ha$ia
&anda Poha
&and &e Patti*e
&an$i ada
&arela Andhra Style
&arimeen Polli*hattu
&arwari Shrimp
&ashmiri .um Aloo
&ashmiri Dushtaba
)asoori methi
&asoori Paneer Ti))a
&athal &i iryani
Chi*)en Ti))a
Chu)andar &i Dalouti
.um &e &abab
3ara hara &abab
&a)ori &abab
&haas See)h
&hubani &e Shammi
+ahsooni .hania "urgh
+aNiN Ti))a "asala
"urgh Dilafi Ti))a
"urgh 3aNar%i
"urgh (eNa &abab
(awabi &almi &abab
Paneer .i Soti oti
Patthar &a Dosht
Phal,SabN See)h
!a$ma Dalouti &abab
Shi)hampuri &abab
Tangdi &abab
&eerai Chutney
&eerai &oNhambu
&ela Anar !aita
&ele &i Chutney
&ele Kafers
&elya*he &oshimbir
&esari harwan Phinga
&esari Seafood Pulao
)ewra water
&haari Puri
&haas See)h
&hade "asale &a Dosht
&ha$oor Aur 4mli &i Chutney
&ha$ur &i Chutney
&haman .ho)la
&hamang &a)di
&hasta !oti
&hatta "eetha &addu
&hattu "ag
&heema hari 3ari "ir*h
&heema 3ara .hania
&heema &ale$i
&heema "atar
&heema Par Beda
&heema Potli
&heema Pulao
&heer &adam
&hubani &a "eetha
&hubani &e Shammi
+au)i &ofta
"alai &ofta Curry
Shaam Sa%era
&o)um Sharbat
"asala Soda
&olambi harleli Jangi
&olambi &a$u Curry
&olhapuri .ry Chutney
&olhapuri Pandhra !assa
&olhapuri Su))a +amb,
&olmi (o Patio
&ori A$adina
&ori Dassi
&oyla Chi*)en,
&oNhi 4shtew
&oNhi &aru%eppalai Soup
&oNhi "ilagu Jaru%al
&oNhi Thengai &oNhambu
&oNhi Frundai &oNhambu
&oNhi Jartha &ari
&oNhi Jartha &oNhambu
&umro Che*h)i
)urmura >puffed ri*e?
&uNhi Paniyaram
+aal "aas
+adyfinger Pa*hidi
+agan &a &heema
+ahsooni .hania "urgh
+al "urgh
Aab Dosht
Aattu &ari Podimas
A*hari Dosht
Aloobu)hara &ofta
hindi &a Shor%a
urrah "asaledaar
Chaap Gry Amritsari
Chops &ari Jaru%al
.ahi &heema
.al Dosht
.um &e &abab
Bgg (argisi &ofta
Bra*hi Choru
Bra*hi Clathiyathu
Doan +amb Curry,
Dosht &orma
Dosht Pasanda
&a*h*he Dosht &i iryani
&a)ori &abab
&ashmiri Dushtaba
&hade "asale &a Dosht
&heema 3ara .hania
&heema &ale$i
&heema "atar
&heema Par Beda
&heema Potli
&heema Pulao
&olhapuri Pandhra !assa
&olhapuri Su))a +amb,
+aal "aas
+agan &a &heema
+amb .o PyaNa
+amb 4shtew
+amb Pepper Gry,
+amb !aNala
+amb !ogan Posh
"aamsam &oora
"al%ani +amb,
"angshor Curry
(alli (ihari
(awabi &orma
Parsi +amb Cutlets,
Patthar &a Dosht
Paya Shorba
Saag Kala Dosht
Salli (e Pardaloo "a Dos
Sao$i +amb
Shaan B !aan
Shi)hampuri &abab
Taar &orma
Tariwala "eat
lamb li%ers5
&ale$i &a Salan
&heema &ale$i
+assi with 3oney
+au)i Chana .al
+au)i &ofta
+au)i !aita
+aNiN Ti))a "asala
+ehsuni Tandoori Aloo
lemon5 Cauliflower and +emon !i*e
"asala Chai with +emongrass
Anar)ali Shorba
&eerai &oNhambu
"ulligatawny Soup
see also dal
lotus root
"a)ai, adam, Aur A)hrot &i Ti))i
(adru Ea)hni
"aa Chole .i .al
"aamsam &oora
"a*h*hli Ta),A,Ta)
"a*her Chop
"a*her Phol
Aloo Anardana &ul*ha
Chi*)en &heema &ul*ha
.al Pa)wan
Darli* (aan
Dreen Pea &a*hori
&hasta !oti
&heema Potli
"een Pathiris
Pun$abi Samosa
Shrimp &aran$i
Frad .al &a*hori
"a)ai, adam, Aur A)hrot &i Ti))i, i=0[=9
"a)ai "urgh
"a)ai Pala)
ma)hni sau*e5 Shaam Sa%era
"a))i .i !oti
"alabar Chemeen &ari
malai burfi
"alai &ofta Curry,
"al%ani Chi*)en 3irwa "asala
"al%ani Gish Curry
"al%ani +amb,
"al%ani Shrimp Gry
"amallapuram &al Brra
Aamras &i &adhi
Ambe Sasam
Amer Chatni
Duar &i SabNi
3are Aam &e Chawal
&airi "urgh
&airi Panna
Se% atata Puri
Sungta Ani Tora*he 3ooman
"angshor Curry
"arghi (a Gar*ha
"asala Chai with +emongrass
"asala .osas
"asala Gried SHuid
masalas5 Chaat "asala
Chai "asala
Chholay "asala
Chi*)en Cafreal
.hansaa) "asala
Daram "asala
Doda "asala
Dreen "asala
Phaal "uri "asala
&ori A$adina
(ihari "asala
Pa% ha$i "asala
Pun$abi Daram "asala
"asala Soda
"asala Taa)
"asaledar Chholay
"asaledar &arele
"atar &a Shorba
"edu Kadas
"een (irappiyathu
"een Pathiris
"een Jatti*hattu
"eethe Chawal
"ethi Aloo
"ethi aingan
adam .oodh
adam 3alwa
adam Pista &ulfi
hapa .oi
Chhenar Payesh
&heer &adam
"asala Taa)
Sweet,potato &heer
Zafrani Sharbat
Chaap Gry Amritsari
Chile, Pineapple, and Anar !aita
3ara "asala "urgh
3are "asale &a huna Paneer
&ela Anar !aita
+agan &a &heema
Paneer Chutney Pa)ora
Pani Puri
Pudina Aur .haniya Chutney,
Pudina Paratha
Zafrani .um "urgh
"ir*hi ha$iya
"ir*hi &a Salan
"issi !oti
mithais, see sweets
"ooli Saag
"oolya*hi ha$ee
"oong "oth &a Ano)ha Salad
&a*h*he Papite &a "orabba
see also pi*)les "ulligatawny Soup
"urgh iryani
"urgh Dilafi Ti))a
"urgh 3aNar%i
"urgh (eNa &abab
"urgh Zafrani .o PyaNa
"ushroom Shagoti
mustard greens5 Sarson &a Saag
mustard oil
A*hari Dosht
Aloo Cho)ha
Aloo Posto
4lish "a*her Sorse Phol
&ashmiri .um Aloo
"a*her Phol
Paturi "aa*h
mustard seed paste
mustard seeds
aingan Saaswe
.udhi (a "uthia
&an$i ada
"ysore "asala .osas
(aadan &oNhi !oast,
Darli* (aan
(aattu &oNhi Curry,
(adru Ea)hni
(alli (ihari
(arala*hi &aran$is
(arangi Pulao
(ariel Aur .haniya &i Chatni
(a%ratan &orma
(awabi &almi &abab
(awabi &orma
(ihari "asala
ende)aya Jepudu
esanwali hindi
hindi &a Shor%a
hindi &ur)uri
+adyfinger Pa*hidi
Jenda))ai "or Thalippu
Jenda))ai Pa*hadi
Aab Dosht
Aattu &ari Podimas
A*hari Dosht
Aloo Cho)ha
Aloo "atar
Ambat atata
aghare aingan
aingan &a harta
atata Song
oiled,Cnion Paste
Chettinaad Gried Chi*)en
Chi*)en Cafreal
Chi*)en Curry
Chingri "a*her &ofta Curry,
Chingri Pa)ora
.ho)ar .alna
.um &e &abab
Bgg (argisi &ofta
Dosht Pasanda
Phinga &alimir*h
&ali "ir*h &a .rin)
&anda ha$ia
&anda Poha
&arimeen Polli*hattu
&heema hari 3ari "ir*h
&heema 3ara .hania
&olambi harleli Jangi
&olhapuri Su))a +amb,
&olmi (o Patio
&ori Dassi
&oNhi "ilagu Jaru%al
+aal "aas
+amb .o PyaNa
+amb Pepper Gry,
+amb !ogan Posh
"a*her Chop
"a)ai Pala)
"al%ani Chi*)en 3irwa "asala
"al%ani +amb,
"angshor Curry
"asala .osas
"ethi Aloo
"ethi aingan
"urgh Dilafi Ti))a
"urgh Zafrani .o PyaNa
"ysore "asala .osas
Paneer .i Soti oti
Paya Shorba
PyaaN &i Tar)ari
!agda Patti*e
Sao$i +amb
Sarson &a Saag
Se% atata Puri
Shaan B !aan
Shrimp &aran$i
Tariwala "eat
Frulai Chettinadu
Eera Jaru%al
Zafrani .um "urgh
Dulmarg Salad
(arangi Pulao
pa)oras5 Pun$abi &adhi
Pa)wan, .al
Pala) Chi*)en,
Pala) .ho)las
Pala) &e Pa)ora
Pala) Paneer
Pala) !aita
Pala) Shorba
Pala)wali .al
pan*h phoron
read &e Pa)ode
Chile Paneer
3are "asale &a huna Paneer
&adai Paneer
&asoori Paneer Ti))a
&haas See)h
+ehsuni Tandoori Aloo
"alai &ofta Curry,
(a%ratan &orma
Pala) Paneer
Paneer Anda
Paneer and Peas Pulao
Paneer Chutney Pa)ora
Paneer .i Soti oti
Paneer "a)hni
Paneer Piste &a Salan
Paneer !olls
Paneer Tamatar &a &hut
Paneer Ti))a &athi !olls
Shaam Sa%era
Shahi Paneer
Tiranga Paneer Ti))a
Jegetable and Paneer PhalfraNie
Pani Puri
Papad &a Shaa)
&a*h*he Papite &a "urabba
Papaya Chi Kadi
Papaya Chutney
Papaya &i +aun$
Patthar &a Dosht
Papdi Chaat
Papri (u Shaa)
Paratha, asi*
Parsi +amb Cutlets,
Almond Paste
oiled,Cnion Paste
Cashew Paste
Darli* Paste
Dinger,Darli* Paste
Dinger Paste
Dreen Chile Paste
Patrani "a*h*hi
Patthar &a Dosht
Paturi "aa*h
Pa% ha$i
Pa% ha$i "asala
Paya Shorba
aghare aingan
harli Jangi
&anda Poha
&hamang &a)di
"ir*hi &a Salan
Peanut Chaat
Aloo "atar
ro)en,Kheat Fpma
Dreen Pea &a*hori
3ara hara &abab
&a*h*he &ele &e Cutlet
&anda Poha
&heema "atar
"atar &a Shorba
Paneer and Peas Pulao
Pani Puri
Pun$abi Samosa
!agda Patti*e
Jatana (u +eelu Shaa)
see also dal
Peethiwali Aloo Ti))i
Aattu &ari Podimas
Chops &ari Jaru%al
Bra*hi Clathiyathu
4ggaru !oyya
Phinga &alimir*h
&ali "ir*h &a .rin)
&an*hipuram 4dlis
&oNhi "ilagu Jaru%al
&oNhi Jartha &ari
+amb Pepper Gry,
+amb !ogan Posh
"aamsam &oora
(ihari "asala
Pun$abi Daram "asala
Sao$i +amb
&adai Paneer
"a)ai "urgh
"urgh Dilafi Ti))a
"ysore "asala .osas
Paneer .i Soti oti
SabN "a)ai &ali "ir*h &a Shorba
Tandoori "urgh Salad
Phal,SabN See)h
Da$ar Dobhi Shalgam &a A*har
Darli* Pi*)le
Dinger Pesarel
&a*h*he Papite &a "urabba
"ustard Cil
Sour and Spi*y Bggplant Pi*)le
pineapple5 Chile, Pineapple, and Anar !aita
adam Pista &ulfi
harwan Pistewala "urgh
to blan*h
Chandi &orma
Paneer Piste &a Salan
plums5 Aloo u)hare &i Chutney
Poha Cutlets
Aloo &a*halu Chaat
Chi*)en &andhari &ofta
Chile, Pineapple, and Anar !aita
&ela Anar !aita
pomegranate seeds5 Aloo Anardana &ul*ha
Pomfret !ei*hado
Tandoori Pomfret
see also fish
poppy seeds
Aloo Posto
egun ha$a
.um &i Arbi
Phinge Posto
Posto oda
Pori*ha &on$u
Posto oda
Aloo Anardana &ul*ha
Aloo Chaat .illi Style
Aloo Cho)ha
Aloo Dobhi &i Tahiri
Aloo &a*halu Chaat
Aloo "atar
Aloo (aNa)at
Aloo Paratha
Aloo Posto
Ambat atata
Amla Aur eetroot &i Ti))i
ata)a (u !assawala Shaa)
atata Song
atata Jada
atatya Cha &a*hyra
.ahi atata Puri
Bgg Patties
3ara hara &abab
&and &e Patti*e
&ashmiri .um Aloo
&hubani &e Shammi
&oNhi 4shtew
+ehsuni Tandoori Aloo
"a*her Chop
"angshor Curry
"asala .osas
"ethi Aloo
"ir*hi ha$iya
"ysore "asala .osas
Paneer !olls
Papdi Chaat
Peethiwali Aloo Ti))i
Poha Cutlets
Pun$abi Samosa
!agda Patti*e
Sabudana Jadas
Salli (e Pardaloo "a Dos
Se% atata Puri
Sindhi Aloo Tu)
Frulai Chettinadu
Aloobu)hara &ofta
+amb !aNala
Phal,SabN See)h
Pudina Aur .haniya Chutney,
Pudina Paratha
Bra*hi Choru
Datte &a Pulao
&esari Seafood Pulao
&heema Pulao
(arangi Pulao
Paneer and Peas Pulao
S*allion Pulao
&hatta "eetha &addu
&umro Che*h)i
white >ash gourdM winter melon?
Pun$abi Daram "asala
Pun$abi &adhi
Pun$abi !a$ma
Pun$abi Samosa
PuNhani))ai "ore &oNhambu
PyaaN &i Tar)ari
^ui*) Peera Chi*)en
"ooli Saag
"oolya*hi ha$ee
Pani Puri
!agda Patti*e
!agha%das +addoo
raitas 5
eet !aita
Chile, Pineapple, and Anar !aita
&ela Anar !aita
+au)i !aita
Pala) !aita
!a$asthani ati
!a$asthani Pan*hmel .al
!a$gire &a Thepla
!a$ma Dalouti &abab
!asam Powder
!awas Amboti)
!awas Gish Gingers
&arwari Shrimp
!agha%das +addoo
!awa .osas
Senai !oast
Soo$i &a 3alwa
!ayalaseema Pesarettu
relishes, see *hutneys
Aloo Dobhi &i Tahiri
rown !i*e
Cauliflower and +emon !i*e
B) 3andi (u .al haat
Bra*hi Choru
Godni*ha haat
Datte &a Pulao
3are Aam &e Chawal
3ot Darli* Gried !i*e
4mli Til &e Chawal
&a*h*he Dosht &i iryani
&alla .osas
&an*hipuram 4dlis
&anda Poha
&athal &i iryani
&esari Seafood Pulao
&heema Pulao
&uNhi Paniyaram
"asala .osas
"eethe Chawal
"urgh iryani
"ysore "asala .osas
(arangi Pulao
Paneer and Peas Pulao
Poha Cutlets
puffed, see ri*e, puffed
Sa))arai Pongal
S*allion Pulao
Shrimp 4dlis
Talela !awas
Khite .ho)las
ri*e, puffed >)urmura?
hel Puri
Phaal "uri
ri*e flour5
Pori*ha &on$u
!awas Gish Gingers
!i*e Kade
ri*e %ermi*elli, 3are "oong &a Shorba
ridge gourd
Phinge Posto
roomali rotis
rose petals
rose syrup
!oti, asi*,
Saag Kala Dosht
Sabudana &hi*hdi
Sabudana Thalipeeth
Sabudana Jadas
sabut moong5
3are "oong &a Shorba
!ayalaseema Pesarettu
SabN "a)ai &ali "ir*h &a Shorba
adam 3alwa
Dosht &orma
&a)ori &abab
&esari harwan Phinga
&esari Seafood Pulao
"eethe Chawal
(awabi &almi &abab
Taar &orma
Zafrani .um "urgh
Zafrani Sharbat
Sabudana &hi*hdi
Sabudana Thalipeeth
Sabudana Jadas
Sai ha$i
Sa))arai Pongal
salads and raitas
Ambe Sasam
eet !aita
uN Jangun
Cauliflower &oshimbir
Chile, Pineapple, and Anar !aita
Da$ara*hi Pa*hadi
Dulmarg Salad
&ela Anar !aita
&elya*he &oshimbir
&hamang &a)di
+adyfinger Pa*hidi
+au)i !aita
"oong "oth &a Ano)ha Salad
Pala) !aita
Tandoori "urgh Salad
Salli (e Pardaloo "a Dos
Sambhar5 Chettinadu &oNhi Sambhar,
Sambhar >.al?
Sambhar >"asala?
Samosa, Pun$abi,
Sao$i +amb
Sarson &a Saag
utter Chi*)en,
"a)hni Sau*e,
"an*hurian Sau*e
Si*huan Sau*e
Sour,and,Spi*y Sau*e,
Spi*y Sau*e,
Eogurt Sau*e
S*allion Pulao
s*rew pine water
Semiya Payasam
Senai !oast
sesame seeds
aghare aingan
4mli Til &e Chawal
Se% atata Puri
Shaam Sa%era
Shaan B !aan
Shahi Paneer
Sheer &urma
Shi)hampuri &abab
shorbas, see soups
Adra)i Phinga
Angoori Shrimp
Chingri "a*her &ofta Curry,
Chingri "alai Curry,
Chingri Pa)ora
Doan Shrimp Curry
4ggaru !oyya
Phinga &alimir*h
&arwari Shrimp
&esari harwan Phinga
&olambi harleli Jangi
&olambi &a$u Curry
&olmi (o Patio
"alabar Chemeen &ari
"al%ani Shrimp Gry
"amallapuram &al Brra
Pori*ha &on$u
Shrimp al*hao
Shrimp Dhassi
Shrimp 4dlis
Shrimp &aran$i
Shrimp Peri Peri
Shrimp Jadai
Sungata*he ha$e
Sungta Ani Tora*he 3ooman
Eera Poondu "asala
Eera Jaru%al
Si*huan Sau*e
sil%er foil5
An$eer "urgh
Chandi &aliyan
Chandi &orma
Sindhi Aloo Tu)
Sindhi &adhi
sna*)s and starters,
Adra)i Phinga
Aloo (aNa)at
Amla Aur eetroot &i Ti))i
Amritsari "a*h*hi
Andhra Chile Chi*)en
Angoori Shrimp
atata Jada
ed%in &a*hori
egun ha$a
ende)aya Jepudu
hindi &ur)uri
read &e Pa)ode
read Fpma
ro)en,Kheat Fpma
Chaap Gry Amritsari
*haats, see *haats
Chandi &aliyan
Chettinaad Gried Chi*)en
Chi*)en 06
Chi*)en Cafreal
Chi*)en &athi !oll,
Chi*)en Ti))a
Chingri Pa)ora
Chops &ari Jaru%al
Chu)andar &i Dalouti
.ahi Kada
.al Pa)wan
.udhi (a "uthia
.um &e &abab
Bgg Patties
Dreen Pea &a*hori
3ara hara &abab
3are "asale &a huna Paneer
&a*h*he &ele &e Cutlet
&a)ori &abab
&alla .osas
&an*hipuram 4dlis
&anda ha$ia
&anda Poha
&and &e Patti*e
&an$i ada
&arwari Shrimp
&asoori Paneer Ti))a
&haas See)h
&haman .ho)la
&heema Potli
&hubani &e Shammi
&oNhi "ilagu Jaru%al
&uNhi Paniyaram
+ahsooni .hania "urgh
+al "urgh
+amb Pepper Gry,
+ehsuni Tandoori Aloo
"a*her Chop
"a)ai, adam, Aur A)hrot &i Ti))i
"al%ani Shrimp Gry
"arghi (a Gar*ha
"asala .osas
"asala Gried SHuid
"edu Kadas
"een Pathiris
"ir*hi ha$iya
"urgh Dilafi Ti))a
"urgh 3aNar%i
"urgh (eNa &abab
"ysore "asala .osas
(aadan &oNhi !oast,
(awabi &almi &abab
Pala) .ho)las
Pala) &e Pa)ora
Paneer Chutney Pa)ora
Paneer .i Soti oti
Paneer !olls
Paneer Ti))a &athi !olls
Papaya Chi Kadi
Parsi +amb Cutlets,
Patrani "a*h*hi
Patthar &a Dosht
Paturi "aa*h
Peethiwali Aloo Ti))i
Phal,SabN See)h
Poha Cutlets
Pomfret !ei*hado
Pori*ha &on$u
Posto oda
Pun$abi Samosa
!a$ma Dalouti &abab
!awa .osas
!awas Gish Gingers
!ayalaseema Pesarettu
Shi)hampuri &abab
Shrimp 4dlis
Shrimp &aran$i
Shrimp Jadai
Sindhi Aloo Tu)
Sungata*he ha$e
Talela !awas
Tandoori Chi*)en,
Tandoori Pomfret
Tangdi &abab
Tiranga Paneer Ti))a
Khite .ho)las
Eera Jaru%al
Soo$i &a 3alwa
Soo)hi .al Amritsari
Dongura Pappu
Sai ha$i
Anar)ali Shorba
adam Shorba
Chi*)en Shorba
3are "oong &a Shorba
Pain Csaman
&oNhi &aru%eppalai Soup
"atar &a Shorba
"ulligatawny Soup
Pala) Shorba
Paya Shorba
SabN "a)ai &ali "ir*h &a Shorba
Tomato !asam
Tomato Saar
Sour and Spi*y Bggplant Pi*)le
Anar)ali Shorba
Darli* Spina*h "assiyal
3ara hara &abab
&eerai Chutney
&eerai &oNhambu
"a)ai Pala)
Pala) Chi*)en,
Pala) .ho)las
Pala) &e Pa)ora
Pala) Paneer
Pala) !aita
Pala) Shorba
Pala)wali .al
Saag Kala Dosht
Sai ha$i
Sarson &a Saag
Shaam Sa%era
Spring .osas
.ahi Papdi Chaat
Dulmarg Salad
Phaal "uri
"oong "oth &a Ano)ha Salad
sHuid5 "asala Gried SHuid
star anise
rown !i*e
Chettinadu &oNhi Sambhar
Chi*)en @a*uti
&ai)ari 4shtew
&oNhi 4shtew
&oNhi Thengai &oNhambu
+amb 4shtew
"ushroom Shagoti
Sungata*he ha$e
Sungta Ani Tora*he 3ooman
sweet potatoes5
Papri (u Shaa)
Sweet,potato &heer
adam 3alwa
adam Pista &ulfi
esan &e +addoo
hapa .oi
Chhenar Payesh
Cho*olate Kalnut urfi
.ouble &a "eetha
.udhi 3alwa
Da$ar 3alwa
Dulab Pamun
&a$u &atli
&heer &adam
&hubani &a "eetha
"eethe Chawal
(arala*hi &aran$is
!agha%das +addoo
Sa))arai Pongal
Semiya Payasam
Sheer &urma
Soo$i &a 3alwa
Sweet,potato &heer
Jrinda%an Peda
Taar &orma
Talela !awas
angda Fdad "ethi
ata)a (u !assawala Shaa)
Chapa Pulusu
Darli* Spina*h "assiyal
4mli Til &e Chawal
&ha$oor Aur 4mli &i Chutney
&oNhi Frundai &oNhambu
+au)i &ofta
"een Jatti*hattu
Paneer Tamatar &a &hut
PyaaN &i Tar)ari
Tamatar Aur Adra) &i Chutney
Tandoori Chi*)en,
tandoori *oo)ing
Tandoori "urgh Salad
Tandoori Pomfret
Tangdi &abab
Tariwala "eat
Chai "asala
"asala Chai with +emongrass
Thengen)ai &ori
Tiranga Paneer Ti))a
Tisrya*he &al%an
Aab Dosht
Aloo "atar
aingan &a harta
urrah "asaledaar
utter Chi*)en,
Chi*)en Curry
.al "a)hni
.ho)ar .alna
Bgg (argisi &ofta
B) 3andi (u .al haat
&adai Paneer
&heema hari 3ari "ir*h
&heema &ale$i
&heema "atar
&olambi harleli Jangi
&olhapuri Su))a +amb,
&olmi (o Patio
&oyla Chi*)en,
&oNhi Jartha &oNhambu
+au)i &ofta
+aNiN Ti))a "asala
"a)ai "urgh
"asaledar Chholay
"ethi aingan
"urgh Dilafi Ti))a
"ysore "asala .osas
Paneer .i Soti oti
Paneer "a)hni
Paneer Tamatar &a &hut
Paneer Ti))a &athi !olls
Sai ha$i
Shaam Sa%era
Shaan B !aan
Shahi Paneer
Tamatar Aur Adra) &i Chutney
Tomato !asam
Tomato Saar
Frad .al &a*hori
urad dal papads
Frulai Chettinadu
Jatana (u +eelu Shaa)
Da$ar Dobhi Shalgam &a A*har
Dulmarg Salad
3are "asale &a huna Paneer
"ulligatawny Soup
Pa% ha$i
Phal,SabN See)h
SabN "a)ai &ali "ir*h &a Shorba
Sindhi &adhi
Jegetable and Paneer PhalfraNie
Jegetable .hansaa)
see also spe*ifi* %egetablesM %egetarian entrees
%egetarian entrees,
Aloo Cho)ha
Aloo "atar
Aloo Posto
Ambat atata
aghare aingan
aingan &a harta
aingan Saaswe
ata)a (u !assawala Shaa)
atata Song
atatya Cha &a*hyra
eans Poriyal
esanwali hindi
harli Jangi
Cabbage Chana .al
.ho)ar .alna
.iwani 3andi
.um &i Arbi
Danthia Saag
Darli* Spina*h "assiyal
Datta Curry,
Duar &i SabNi
Phinge Posto
&adai Paneer
&ai)ari 4shtew
&arela Andhra Style
&ashmiri .um Aloo
&eerai &oNhambu
&hatta "eetha &addu
&umro Che*h)i
+au)i &ofta
"a)ai Pala)
"alai &ofta Curry,
"asaledar &arele
"ethi Aloo
"ethi aingan
"ir*hi &a Salan
"ooli Saag
"oolya*hi ha$ee
"ushroom Shagoti
(adru Ea)hni
(a%ratan &orma
Pala) Paneer
Paneer "a)hni
Paneer Piste &a Salan
Paneer Tamatar &a &hut
Papad &a Shaa)
Papri (u Shaa)
PuNhani))ai "ore &oNhambu
PyaaN &i Tar)ari
Sai ha$i
Sarson &a Saag
Senai !oast
Shaam Sa%era
Shahi Paneer
Frulai Chettinadu
Jatana (u +eelu Shaa)
Jegetable and Paneer PhalfraNie
Jegetable .hansaa)
Jenda))ai "or Thalippu
Jenda))ai Pa*hadi
Zun)a ha)ar
Jenda))ai "or Thalippu
Jenda))ai Pa*hadi
hel Puri
.ahi atata Puri
3are "oong &a Shorba
Papdi Chaat
Semiya Payasam
Se% atata Puri
Sheer &urma
Jrat &i &adhi
Jrinda%an Peda
Kafer Per Bda
A)hrot "urgh
Cho*olate Kalnut urfi
"a)ai, adam, Aur A)hrot &i Ti))i
Khite .ho)las
winter melon >ash gourdM white pump)in?
&and &e Patti*e
Senai !oast
Eera Poondu "asala
Eera Jaru%al
A*hari Dosht
eet !aita
hapa .oi
uN Jangun
Chile, Pineapple, and Anar !aita
Chops &ari Jaru%al
.ahi atata Puri
.ahi &heema
.ahi Papdi Chaat
.ahi Kada
.oi "a*h
.um &i Arbi
.um "urgh
Datta Curry,
Dosht Pasanda
Du$arati &adhi
3ara "asala "urgh
3are "asale &a huna Paneer
&a*h*hi "ir*hi &a "urgh
&an*hipuram 4dlis
&ashmiri .um Aloo
&ashmiri Dushtaba
&asoori Paneer Ti))a
&ela Anar !aita
&elya*he &oshimbir
&hattu "ag
&heema Potli
+aal "aas
+adyfinger Pa*hidi
+amb .o PyaNa
+amb !aNala
+amb !ogan Posh
+assi with 3oney
+au)i !aita
+aNiN Ti))a "asala
+ehsuni Tandoori Aloo
"asala Taa)
"urgh Dilafi Ti))a
(adru Ea)hni
(awabi &almi &abab
(awabi &orma
Pala) .ho)las
Pala) !aita
Papad &a Shaa)
PuNhani))ai "ore &oNhambu
Shi)hampuri &abab
Taar &orma
Tandoori Chi*)en,
Tandoori "urgh Salad
Tandoori Pomfret
Tangdi &abab
Thengen)ai &ori
Tiranga Paneer Ti))a
Jenda))ai "or Thalippu
Jenda))ai Pa*hadi
Zafrani .um "urgh
Zafrani Sharbat
Zun)a ha)ar

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