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Redevelopment of Kumartuli as Socio-Cultural Node along River Hooghly

The study focuses on the issue of redevelopment of an old area which has its own
distinct inherent character and deep rooted cultural resources. But with changing time
the transformation in socio-cultural needs has given rise to change in their social
economic cultural and physical structures.
The study is triggered off with a vision of a new redeveloped socio-cultural node at
Kumartuli artisan !one which is internationally famous for ma"ing idols. The aim is to
develop the area as an important socio-cultural node with creation of range of
opportunities for them addressing their present need.
The area though world famous for its creative activity is suffering from the declining
#uality of life pollution congestion. So an instrument for action is needed to promote
their art wor" in one hand and on the other it re#uires huge upliftment of physical
Thus the $asic goal of the pro%ect is to create a socio-cultural node which ta"es care of
its ha$itants with wholesome improvement in their #uality of life and also attracts
thousands of tourists towards it.
. Key words
Socio-cultural node Redevelopment &iversification 'odern technology (magea$ility
)hysical infrastructure *rtisan !one Circulation Community involvement &evelopment
control +r$an design guideline

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