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Future Forms

1) Underline the correct future form in brackets.

1. Peter (is/is going to be) fifty next Friday.
2. Oh no !"#e broken the #ase. $hat (am ! going to say / %ill ! say)&
'. (ack (is ha#ing / %ill ha#e) a dinner )arty next *aturday.
+. ,y the time you arri#e- !"ll (ha#e been / be) %orking for t%o hours.
.. (ohn hasn"t eaten. / 0on"t %orry (!"ll make / !"m going to make) him a
1. $e"ll go out for dinner %hen he (gets in / %ill get in).
2. Unless he arri#es soon- %e (%on"t go/ aren"t go) to the )arty.
3. (!"ll be studying / !"ll ha#e studied) at 4 tomorro% e#ening.
4. ($e"ll ha#e finished / $e"ll finish) by 4 o"clock.
15. 6ook at those clouds !t (is going to rain / %ill rain)
2) 7hoose the correct future form to com)lete the sentences belo%.
!"m hungry / Oh- ! 8888888888 (make) you a sand%ich.
9e 8888888888 (study) 6a% at U76: next year.
Oh darling ! lo#e you so much- 8888888888 (you/marry) me&
;he flight 8888888888 (lea#e) at 3 ).m.
6ook at those clouds !t 8888888888 (rain) any minute.
(ack 8888888888 (meet) ;om tomorro% afternoon.
! think he 8888888888 (be) #ery successful.
$hen 8888888888 (#isit) me next year&
7lass 8888888888 (begin) at 4- it 8888888888 (begin) at 15.
:s soon as she arri#es in 0allas she 8888888888 (gi#e) you a call.
$ho do you think 8888888888 (%in) the next national elections&
$e are 8888888888 (fly) to :ustin next %eek for a meeting %ith the
ad#isory board.
! )romise you< ! 8888888888 (finish) my home%ork on time next %eek.
!"ll take this letter to the )ost office %hen ! 8888888888 (go) into to%n
this afternoon.
Future Forms
1) Underline the correct future form in brackets.
1. Peter (is/is going to be) fifty next Friday.
2. Oh no !"#e broken the #ase. $hat (am ! going to say / %ill ! say)&
'. (ack (is ha#ing / %ill ha#e) a dinner )arty next *aturday.
+. ,y the time you arri#e- !"ll (ha#e been / be) %orking for t%o hours.
.. (ohn hasn"t eaten. / 0on"t %orry (!"ll make / !"m going to make) him a
1. $e"ll go out for dinner %hen he (gets in / %ill get in).
2. Unless he arri#es soon- %e (%on"t go/ aren"t go) to the )arty.
3. (!"ll be studying / !"ll ha#e studied) at 4 tomorro% e#ening.
4. ($e"ll ha#e finished / $e"ll finish) by 4 o"clock.
15. 6ook at those clouds !t (is going to rain / %ill rain)
2) 7hoose the correct future form to com)lete the sentences belo%..
!"m hungry / Oh- ! 8888888888 (make) you a sand%ich.
9e 8888888888 (study) 6a% at U76: next year.
Oh darling ! lo#e you so much- 8888888888 (you/marry) me&
;he flight 8888888888 (lea#e) at 3 ).m.
6ook at those clouds !t 8888888888 (rain) any minute.
(ack 8888888888 (meet) ;om tomorro% afternoon.
! think he 8888888888 (be) #ery successful.
$hen 8888888888 (#isit) me next year&
7lass 8888888888 (begin) at 4- it 8888888888 (begin) at 15.
:s soon as she arri#es in 0allas she 8888888888 (gi#e) you a call.
$ho do you think 8888888888 (%in) the next national elections&
$e are 8888888888 (fly) to :ustin next %eek for a meeting %ith the
ad#isory board.
! )romise you< ! 8888888888 (finish) my home%ork on time next %eek.
!"ll take this letter to the )ost office %hen ! 8888888888 (go) into to%n
this afternoon.

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