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When conducting this experiment, I discovered that baking bread is not as simple as just following
the recipe. I realised that when mixing the warm water with the yeast in order for fermentation to
occur it is really important to get the temperature of the water right. t first the water I added was
too hot and this effectively killed the yeast. Warm water, slightly warmer than room temperature
seemed to work most effectively and it was important to allow the fermentation process to take
place properly around !" minutes. I realised that it is important to wait until it is really bubbling
otherwise the bread does not rise. It is also important to knead the bread quite rigorously but not for
too long and it is also important to have a warm area for the bread to sit and rise before baking.
#inally although it is a fairly simple activity, it$s fun and hands on and I believe the students will
enjoy it just as much as my husband and I did when we completed it.

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