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New address:

Siggi Berg
YWAM Create International
5F, #4, Lane 2, Ying Zhuan Road
Dan Shui District, New Taipei City
Taiwan R.O.C. 251
Skype: siggirb10
If you would like to support me:
For Online Donations go to:
Siggis Newsletter
September 2014
Te Create International Taipei Team
Dan Shui District -
Tis is where I live now
Sightseeing in Taipei -
Te Taipei 101 Building
and the Chiang Kai Shek
Memorial Hall
Ni hao! Hello!
Just a quick up date from me.
I fnally made it to Taiwan! I arrived 1 1/2 weeks ago and afer fnally overcoming
the jetlag I am doing fne. I am trying to get used to the new surroundings, foods
and language.
Taiwan in very clean and the people are very friendly and helpful. At the moment
I am staying in a guest room in the ofce until I fnd a place to stay. Here are many
other YWAMer and I am hoping to fnd a room in one of the apartments where
they stay, when it becomes available.
Dan Shui used to be a small
fshing community north of
Taipei City and now is a
popular tourist spot for
Taipei residents and other
places. Hundrets of people come
on the weekends to spend some
time at the water and it gets really
crowded here. Te water front is about a fve
minute walk away from the ofce.
Afer adjusting for a few days I started to work on Monday which began with
an all YWAM Taipei worship meeting. My work hours are usually from 9-5pm
with some additional things we do. (More about this in a later newsletter)
All in all I am doing fne but would be happy if you would help to pray that I
will be able to adjust to this new environment quickly, for my health and that I
will fnd a place to stay soon.
With hugs and blessings Siggi
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your
ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.Proverbs 3:5-6

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