Learning Opportunities - Making Visual Art

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Learning opportunities- Making Visual Art

Making visual arts

Learning opportunities: Ages 0-2 Learning opportunities: Ages 3-5
A learning opportunity for children aged
0-2 could be bark painting. An activity
like this could involve the children going
outside with a basket and collecting bark
that has fallen off tress for themselves.
This is an out of the classroom
experience for them. Once retrieved the
bark they can be brought inside and
used to paint on. The children would
paint on the bark instead of using
normal paper
Each artwork would be different as the
children all would have picked different
sizes and shapes of bark
This activity would be addressing
learning outcome 4 (children are
confident and involved leaners) as the
children are resourcing their own
learning through connecting with natural
and processed materials and also
outcome 5 (children are effective
communicators) as the children would
make meaning using a rage of media; art
Assessment for this activity could include
the level of participation of going outside
and collecting things for themselves

A learning opportunity for children aged
3-5 could be a collage activity. For this
learning opportunity the children would
be provided with a range of materials
like, coloured paper, newspaper, cotton
wool balls, paint, glue and for this
activity, feathers. The use of feathers
would be inspired by the art the children
had seen at the National Gallery of
Victoria, specifically Paola Pivis bear
sculptures. The children could create a
collage of anything they wanted but
including the use of feathers.
This activity would be addressing
learning outcome 4 (children are
confident and involved leaners) as the
children develop skills such as
experimenting with all the different
materials and investigating these. It also
addresses outcome 5 (children are
effective communicators) as they are
using collage to represent their thinking.
Assessment for this activity could be the
childrens inclusion of feathers as it was
a focus for this task.

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