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The Terms & Conditions of Employment

Office Hours :
The normal working hours will be 9:30 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Saturday. You will have
Half Hour (02:00 to 02:30) lunch break on all working days. However, hours of attendance may
be regulated to suit the duties entrusted to you.
It is essential that you swap card or sign the muster daily upon arrival.
In case you are out of office on duty the next day, please complete details of the same in
the Staff Movement Book the previous evening, maintained by the
receptionist/authorized person.
If during the working hours you are required to be out of the office, you must complete
Staff Movement Book which is with receptionist/authorized Person, so that others may
be informed of your whereabouts and availability.
2 Late coming (More than 15 minutes) shall be treated as 1 half day.
During the working hours if employee join at 11.00 am and leaves office before 04.00
pm then it shall be treated half day.
During one month employee can avail only 2 short leaves.
As provided in the grade, subject to maximum of the applicable grade and subject to satisfactory
performance. You will be entitled for increment as per company policy.
There will be many occasions when positions senior to you may fall vacant or in the event of
new business opportunities. If you are in the grade, to be eligible for that vacancy you will be
asked to apply, and will be considered through tests, Interviews and undoubtedly your
performance. Your results of the training programs will also be considered at this stage.
Ours is a growing company, and the employees are considered as valued assets. Due to
exigencies of work, you may be transferred from one department to another, from one place of
work to another or from one state to another (if required). It will be entirely and solely at the
discretion of the management. The decision of the management shall be final and binding upon
you. This place of work may be existing or acquired later. At the discretion of the management
you may be seconded to the Companys associated or subsidiary Company.

Traveling Allowance:
In the course of work you may be required to travel outstation for Company work; at such times
you are eligible to receive allowances as per the Company Rules. TA Bills must be submitted to
Head Office first week of every month duly verified by Area Head so that these can be reimbursed
timely. Otherwise late receive Bill will be clear in next month. Any change in policy will be confirmed
to you in advance.
The employee should perform their journey in such a manner that it would entail minimum
expenditure to the company.
In case of submission of False Hotel Bills / False Sales Report the employee shall be liable for
disciplinary action by the management.
Misconduct & disciplinary action for False Hotel Bills
1. 1
Time -- 3 days salary + 3 days TA/DA
2. 2
Time -- 7 days salary + 7 days TA/DA
3. 3
Time -- Termination

Misconduct & disciplinary action for False Sales Report
1. 1
Time 1 day salary + 1 day TA/DA
2. 2
Time 3 day salary + 3 day TA/DA
3. 3
Time _ Termination

Misconduct & disciplinary action for Proxy Report
1. 1
Time 3 days absent mark
2. 2
Time 7 days absent mark
3. 3
Time - Termination
Management has right / authority to penalise false claims of Hotel Bills / Sales Report / Proxy
Report or non compliance of order of the management and feeding wrong information.
You are eligible for 08 days declared holiday by the company in a calendar year. The HR
department will provide the list to you for the same. See Annexure 1

Leave Benefits:
You will be eligible for 29 days leave as per leave Rules framed by the company below:
You will be eligible for 7 days Casual Leave in a calendar year which will be on pro rata
You will be eligible for 7 days Sick Leave in a calendar year which will be on pro rata
You are entitled to Earned Leave at 1 day for every 20 days of actual working days,
which is maximum of 15 days in a year. You will eligible complete 240 days after
11 days of leave can be carried forward, however accumulation of leave in this matter
shall not exceed 30 days.
Leave Entitlement
Normally prior sanction must be obtained for casual absence. However, in case of an emergency,
you should call your immediate reporting head and inform about your absence. If you do not
make a call by lunchtime of the day, you will be marked absent for the day. Salary will be
deducted even if there is leave available.
If you have taken leave more than 4 days in a month apart from Sunday & festival leaves you
will not be entitled for the leave benefits for the same month only.
If you are absent for 4 days in a week or if you are absent for Saturday and Monday then
Sunday must be count in sandwich Holiday.
If you take leave due to sickness, for more than 1 day, a doctors certificate should be
attached to your leave form, which you must complete when you return.
If you are not covered under ESI Scheme than only you are eligible for Sick Leave.
Earned leave must be applied for in the beginning of year i.e. for the whole year and must be
approved by your Manager. You would be entitled for the earned leaves after240 days
You will be eligible 2 days leave during one month (on pro rata basis)In case of Leave more
than 2 days a month you must take permission otherwise it will be deducted from your
salary, even if there is leave available.
Female employees will get Maternity leave up to 12 weeks (if applicable) as per maternity
benefit act 1961.
Provident Fund
You will become a member of the Provident Fund Scheme from the date applicable as per the
rules of the company. Under Provident Fund Scheme, 12% of your basic salary will be deducted
each month as your contribution.
Companys overriding right to sue for relief:
Notwithstanding any reference to specific terms and conditions noted hereinabove, the
Company expressly reserves its right a law to take recourse to such action as appropriate
against errant employee and/or claim damages for any injury sustained owing to
lapses/negligence by the concerned employee.
Preservation of secrecy:
All information pertaining to the business of the company constitutes the valuable secret
property of company and its group companies and associates. You will agree and undertake to
hold the said information and any other information furnished hereunder in strict confidence
and shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that the said information and other
confidential information is not disclosed to any other person/companies other than the
responsible officers of the company whose duties requires them to know the same and who
have bound themselves to treat the same as confidential.

Code of conduct:
The code of conduct lays down the binding general principles of ethical behaviour for the
management and staff of the group. The values underlying these principles may be regarded as
the common sense of everyone working at company. The code of Conduct booklet is intended to
serve as a guide for the same.
As an employee at company, you would be governed by the Code of Conduct guidelines and its
On completion of 5 years of service or more, you will be entitled to receive the gratuity amount
as per Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.
The amount receivable is calculated at the rate of 15 days basic salary for each year of service,
based on your last drawn basic salary, subject to a maximum of Rs. 10,00,000/-
Service Conduct:
As an employee there are certain service conducts you must maintain. They are:
While discharging the work of the Company strictly, efficiently and purposefully, you
must abide by and/or adhere to the rules and regulations as may be formulated by the
Govt. of India, State Government or Association. If at any time you as an employee
knowingly or unknowingly as contrary to the spirit and letter of the law or rules and
regulations as mentioned hereinabove, you shall be personally held responsible for the
consequences that may arise and you shall undertake to indemnify the Company, its
officers, its employees, its representatives against such losses/damages incurred due to
any such omissions and commissions by you.
Carry out diligently and by legitimate instructions received orally or in writing while as
Devote full time and attention to your tasks and faithfully implements orders in the
interest of the Company, You shall be liable to working and shift, whether occurring in
the day or night as directed/instructed by your superiors in the interest of the Company.
Be willing to undergo improved performance training, theoretical as well as practical as
may be expedient.
Hold confidential information concerning the company coming into your possession in
the course of work.
Hold in trust and in safe custody, and return in good condition and order any Company
property/equipment given to you for use or work.
Disclose prudently to the Company and discovery/invention of process/improvement in
the system made, which shall be exclusively the property of the Company. You will also
take our patent/licence or other rights favouring the Company on being directed to do so,
as well as Execute such instruments for assignment/transference/vestment of the
benefits flowing from such discovery /invention in favour of the company of such other
person as the sole beneficiary thereof at the direction and discretion of the company.
Promise not a pledge or expose the credit of the Company to any pecuniary liability nor
extend any advance/credit to another without prior written consent of the Company.
Undertake not to engage in service with another or indulge in trade/business, profession
directly of indirectly, either solely or jointly with another while in the service of the

Misconduct and disciplinary actions & other working conditions:
You will be governed by the Company Rules applicable from time to time as regards
disciplinary action for misconduct and other working conditions.
Non-Disclosure and Non use of Obligation:
You agree and undertake with the company, that your will make use of, disseminate of in any
way disclose any confidential information of the company whether during the period of your
employment or after to any person, firm of business except to the extent necessary for
negotiation, discussions and consultation with personnel or authorized representatives of the
company and for any purpose the company may hereinafter authorize in writing.
You will treat all confidential information of the company with the same degree and care as it
accords to its own confidential information and also represent that he will exercise reasonable
care to protect the confidential information provided by the company.
You shall be bound and undertake that you shall not during the course of your employment with
the company and for such period after the termination of Employment or resignation, directly
or indirectly, whether through partnership or as a shareholder, join venture partner,
collaborator, employee, consultant or agent or in any other manner whatsoever, whether for
profit or otherwise carry on any business which competes directly or indirectly with the whole
or any part of the business of organizing tours and travel related services or having/conducting
business similar to the business conducted by the Company for a period of 6 month after
termination or resignation.
Non-solicitation of Customers
You shall be bound and hereby undertake that you shall not for the period of 6 (six) months
after the termination of the Employment or resignation either alone or jointly with or on behalf
of any person, directly or indirectly, in connection with the carrying on of any business in
competition with the Company solicit or entice away from the Company any Customer who has
at any time had business dealings with the Company.
Non-solicitation of Employees
You shall be bound and undertake at any time during the continuance of the employment with
the company, and for a period of 6 (six) months after the termination or resignation, directly or
indirectly, and whether on your own behalf or on the behalf of any third party solicit, entice
away or employ any employee of the Company.

You will be on probation for a period of 6 months. The probation period may be extended/
terminated depending upon your performance during the probation period.
You will be on probation for a period of Six Months, on satisfactory completion of probation, you will
be considered automatically confirmed after having continuously Six Months. Company will have the
right your services ( whether Probation period or Confirmation Period) can be terminated without
assigning any reason whatsoever and without any notice or payment in lieu of the same, you have to
give at least one Month notice before leaving the Organization in written falling to which action will
be taken as per HR Policy.
Full & Final Settlement
That you have settled your Full and Final settlement you will follow company norms otherwise
your Full & Final Settlement shall be rejected. Norms details given below:-
1. Resignation with one month Notice
2. SS / Distributors NOC
3. A/C & Scheme Clearance of SS / Distributors
4. Company Accessories (which has provided to you)

If you absent yourself without sanctioned leave or remain absent beyond the period of leave
originally granted or subsequently extended, you shall be considered as having voluntarily
abandoned your service without giving notice unless you resume your duties within 7 days
from the commencement of such absence and provide explanation to the satisfaction of the
Management for such absence.
Your employment with the Company may be terminated without assigning any reason or No
Payment of respective salary in lieu of notice. In case you leave the service without giving notice
or by giving short notice, the company shall have right to adjust the salary in lieu of notice or in
lieu of short notice in full and final settlement of your amount. In case of termination of your
service for misconduct, the company is not required to give notice or make any payment in lieu
of notice either during probation or after confirmation.
After termination of the services or on completion thereof you shall keep all the information
furnished to you regarding the business of the company absolutely confidential.
This is the liability of the staff to settle their clients account at the end otherwise this will be
treated as misconduct of the company policy. You must also clear all the market issues related
to any matter or any department which is concern to company before your termination.

The normal age of retirement from the services of the Company is 58 years complete, it the
employee continues to be physically and mentally fit for employment. The employee may be
retired before completing the age of 58 years if he is found unfit for service due to physical or
mental disability.

Any dispute arising out of end or related to your employment with the company shall be subject
to code under Hisar court jurisdiction only.

Marvel Tea Estate India Ltd.

Director (Sales & Marketing)

I accept the above mentioned terms and conditions, and undertake to abide by them while I
remain in employment of the Company.

Name :

Signature : Date :

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