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Morris First Grade Daily Schedule

9::00-9::15 Recess
9:15 Arrival, Morning Jobs (unpack, folders, water bottles, lunch choice,
9::15-9::30 Breakfast and Books
9::30-9:50 Morning Meeting (welcome, Pledge, devotion,/songs/prayer, Chit Chat daily
message/announcements, date/weather/days of school)
9:50-10:10 Phonics and Spelling
10:10-11:20 Daily Five/Guided Reading Rotations
11:20-11:50 Writers Workshop
11:50-12:05 Read Aloud/Comprehension Skills and Strategies
12:05-12:10 Prepare for lunch/bathroom/handwashing
12:10-12:40 Lunch
12:40-1:00 Recess
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Computer Lab
Handwriting or
Handwriting or
Handwriting or

2:05-3::15 Math Workshop (5 mins warm up/fluency, 15 mins math journals, 20 mins
whole group lesson/activity and partner work, 10 mins independent work,
15 mins centers/RTI, 5 mins debrief/exit tickets)
3:15-3:50 Integrated Inquiry Study
3:50-4:00 Snack and Pack
4:00-4:15 End of day meeting, clean up/prepare for home
4:15 Dismissal

Mrs. Morris Lesson Plans
(Day 1- Wednesday August 27, 2014)

9:05-9:15 Arrival, greet at the door, find your banana and hang your
backpack on your hook (any extra bags of supplies can go on
my teacher table). Find your table spot and sit down. Look at the
books in your table bin. *Teacher will take attendance and lunch
9:15-9:40 Breakfast- learn where hand sanitizer is, practice taking 1 squirt
and rubbing into hands. Serve breakfast. Teach, model, and
practice breakfast routine/procedures, manners, voice level,
staying seated. Clean up routine- call by tables. Practice cleaning
up and getting a book to read from the bin.

9:40-9:45 Ring bell (attention getter). Explain, model, and practice stop,
look, listen. Teach 123 procedure for stand up, push in chair,
stand behind chair.

9:45-9:50 Call tables one by one to practice walking nicely to the carpet.
MOdel and practice how to sit on a leaf. *Youtube Video-
Criss-cross Applesauce.

9:50-10:20 Welcome Meeting- introductions (Meet Mrs. Morris- bag). *Model
Me Bag homework activity and explain to children what they will
get to do for their bag time.

Have children stand up and sit in a circle (teach Make a Circle
song. Go around the circle and play HIggity Piggity BumbleBee
name games.

Read ALoud: Pete the Cat Rockin in My School Shoes
10:20-10:40 Introduce Find a Friend activity sheet. Teach procedure for
clipboards and using table caddy supplies.
Have children complete sheet- take a pencil from their caddy
then walk around to chat with friends and complete survey.
When finished they should sit down at their table spot and color
their paper until time is up. *Remind children to write their first
and last name on the name line. Look on name card if need
help. Ring bell- signal clean up time- pencils and crayons back in
Explain chair pockets. Have children carefully take papers off
clipboard and place in chair pocket. Call tables to walk to carpet
and to put their clipboards away. Then sit on a carpet leaf.


Introduction to classroom rules. *MOdel an exaggeration of bad
behavior. Discussion with kids- What are rules? Do we need
them? Why/why not? Refer to rules posters on wall- explain,
model, and practice each rule.

11:00-11:40 Read Aloud: NO David!- explain response sheet to students.
Dismiss by table to go work. *If finished early they should flip
over their paper and draw/color or read a book from table bin.
*While children are working- call over one by one for first day
pictures and to turn in any supplies from backpack.

Ring bell to signal clean up (papers have first and last names,
clean up table caddy supplies, place papers in basket on my
table, go sit down at carpet on a leaf.)
11:30-11:40 Brain Break! movement/icebreaker activities at the carpet.

11:40-12:13 Talk about lunchroom behavior- Introduce lineup # order/ hallway
(Standing in a Line Song/marshmallow mouths and toes) and
bathroom procedures- boys and girls- 2 at a time, line. Model
and practice.

12:3-12:15 Walk down stairs to cafeteria 1.

12:15-12:40 Lunch Time- teach, model, and practice correct lunch procedures.
Eat lunch!

*Teach and practice a brief- Give Me Five (more detailed

12:40-1:00 Recess- walk upstairs and make a large circle in the grass. 1st
grade teachers will go over playground rules. Afterwards, children
may go practice/play!!!

1:00-1:20 Transition inside to classroom. Walk quietly to the carpet and sit
down on a leaf.
Read Aloud: The NIght Before First Grade
Discuss text-to-self connections after reading. HOw did you
feel last night about starting first grade? Make group chart.

1:20-1:40 Work on text-to-self connections page at table spot. Draw/color
and write about how you felt/feel about first grade. If finished
early- read a book from table bin quietly. Remind children to put
first and last names on top of paper.

*Ring bell to signal clean up time. Clean up table caddy supplies.
Place papers in chair pockets. 1-2-3 chair procedure. Dismiss by
table to carpet. Have each child sit on a leaf at the carpet.

1:40-2:00 Read Aloud: Dont Let Pigeon Drive the Bus!
Create HOw Do I Get Home? transportation graph.
2:00-2:20 Brain Break/Ice breaker games at the carpet?

2:20-2:30 Read Aloud: First Day Jitters
Make text-to-text connections to The NIght Before First Grade.

2:30-3:00 Make Jitter Juice! (animal crackers snack and drink downstairs
in cafeteria with Mrs. Packards and Ms. Verenskis first grade
*Signal Give Me Five to clean up and line up for transition
outside. Dismiss by tables to line up. Explain quiet hallway
procedures for walking upstairs.
3:00-3:30 First Grade TRIBE team-building/icebreaker activities outside on
3:30-4:00 Transition inside and sit at carpet spots. Introduce M.O.N.K.E.Y
books. Explain how to take care of them. Have children get
papers from their chair pockets by table and bring back to the
carpet. Pass out M.O.N.K.E.Y books to each child. Have them open
up and find the Papers to be LEFT at home pocket. Children
should carefully place their mail in the left pocket then close their
monkey book. Remind students of their Me Bag homework.
Pass out

Explain directions for First Grade Survey sheet.

Call children one by one with If your name begins like ___
chant to walk to their coat hook and place their M.O.N.K.E.Y books
inside backpack- remind them to zip it back up!

Children may sit at their table spot and complete the First Grade
Survey/read books from table bin until the bell rings. 1-2-3
procedure. Papers in basket on teacher table. Put your backpack
on and go sit at the carpet on a leaf.

*While children are working call them one by one to get their
backpack bus tag.
4:00-4:15 Discuss our first day- likes/dislikes. Introduce dismissal
procedure. Line up in bus order with parent pickups at the end.
Walk quietly downstairs to bus and/or car.

Higgity Piggity Bumble Bee, wont you say your name for me ____.
(all clap name syllables/parts)

For Thursday/Friday

Willoughby Wallaby Woo!- name game

Magic Playdough Activity- Read poem together as a class. Pass out playdough
baggies to kids. Give directions- at your table spot carefully take out your ball
of playdough, say your wish and smoosh together. If it changes colors you will
have a GREAT school year!. Allow students to play with their playdough at their
table spots until the bell rings.

*Ring bell to signal clean up- instruct students to roll playdough back into a ball,
place in bag and zipper closed. Place baggie in chair pocket. 1-2-3 procedure.
Dismiss by tables back to carpet.

Mrs. Morris Lesson Plans
(Day 2- Thursday August 28, 2014)

9:00-9:10 outdoor recess
9:10-915 Arrival, greet at the door, find your banana and hang your
backpack on your hook, cold lunch in crate by door, (put MONKEY
books in basket). *If anyone brought back a Me Bag put on my
teacher table. *Remind students to fill water bottles and place
on back counter- label names if not already done. Find your
table spot and sit down. Take 1 pump of hand sanitizer- rub in,
take 1 napkin- open up. *Teacher will take attendance and lunch
9:15-9:30 Breakfast- Serve breakfast. Teach, model, and practice
breakfast routine/procedures, manners, voice level, staying
seated. Clean up routine- trash in bag, dump liquids in sink.
Wash hands if needed at sink. Practice cleaning up and getting
a book to read from the bin at the carpet.
9:30-9:45 Read books. *Take first grade photos during reading time.
Ring bell (attention getter). Practice putting books away nicely
and sitting in carpet spot.
9:45-10:00 Welcome Meeting- good morning- stand up and learn
Ha-La-La-La song (YouTube) to greet each other.
Play name game- Mary Mary, How Do You Do? (sit in circle)
If time left over- choose a few friends to share their Me Bags.
10:00-10:15 Introduce/review vowels and consonants- Vowel Sounds Samba
on YOutube- stand up and sing.
Sit down on leaves. Pass out index cards with childrens names
and a highlighter. Have them highlight all the vowels in their name.
Work together to construct a large group graph How many vowels
are in your name?

Name stations: explain each station (15 mins each station)
1. Measure up (how long is your name?)
2. Weigh in (how heavy is your name?)
3. Name decorating station (Each student will create their own
name card on the sentence strip- they may use markers,
crayons, and/or colored pencils to write/decorate (use glue
sticks to decorate names using craft supplies)
- clean up procedure- place name cards on drying rack.)
4. Water Color Self Portraits

*if finished at a station before time to switch (read a book
quietly at the carpet)
11:15-11:45 clean up and go to carpet-

Prior to reading- discuss being kind/helpful to our friends vs.
being mean/hurtful. Introduce heart words (words that show
others you care about and respect them) and talk about why we
should use them in our school family.

Read Aloud: Chrysanthemum (each time someone says
something hurtful crumble up the paper heart). What is happening
to Chrysanthemums heart? When story is finished try to fix the
wrinkles in the heart. - still a wrinkled mess because words can
hurt us. Pass out name bandaids. As each child brainstorms
helpful heart words we can use to make Chrysanthemums heart
feel better, place a bandaid on her heart. *mistakes and be hurtful at
times BUT we can then change our choices and try to make it better. Even
though our heart was hurt, it can start to heal.
11:45-12:00 Make a helpful words heart at your table for our class chart.
*ring bell to clean up (hearts in green basket)- Always use kind
words! :)- model how to fold paper and draw a candy cane- cut
then open to make a heart.

12:00-12:13 Lineup # order/ hallway (Standing in a Line Song, bathroom
procedures- boys and girls- 2 at a time, line. Model and practice.

12:13-12:15 Walk down stairs to cafeteria 1.
12:15-12:40 Lunch Time- teach, model, and practice correct lunch procedures.
Eat lunch!

12:40-1:00 Recess- walk upstairs and make a large circle in the grass. 1st
grade teachers will go over playground rules. Afterwards, children
may go practice/play!!!

1:00-1:20 Transition inside to classroom. Walk quietly to the carpet and sit
down in a circle. Play The Wheels on the Bus Name Chant
Read Aloud: This is My Bus
Discuss text-to-self connections after reading. How should we
act on the bus? Why are bus rules important? Make a chart
1:20-1:45 Bus craftivity at tables- listen and follow teachers directions to
create your bus. Write a sentence telling one bus safety rule.

*Ring bell to signal clean up time. Clean up table caddy supplies.
Place papers in chair pockets. 1-2-3 chair procedure. Dismiss by
table to carpet. Have each child sit on a leaf at the carpet.

1:45-2:20 Read Aloud: Dont Let Pigeon Drive the Bus!
Create HOw Do I Get Home? transportation graph.
2:20-3:00 First Grade TRIBE team-building/icebreaker activities outside on
1. Blog Tag (whole grade warm up)
2. Break into classes- rotate between 3 teachers:
-Guess the Leader game
-Have You Ever?
-Heads Up, 7 Up
3:00-3:05 Transition inside
3:05-3:30 Go to carpet spots. Introduce marshmallow mouths/toes rule for
hallway. Compare/contrast marshmallows and pretzels. (Create a
Venn Diagram). Go to tables for pretzel snack.
3:30-3:45 Pack up MONKEY books and mail. Come to carpet- *Share more
Me Bags/read aloud books if time remaining.
3:45-4:00 Complete First grade survey papers at tables.
4:00-4:15 Discuss our first day- likes/dislikes. Introduce dismissal
procedure. Line up in bus order with parent pickups at the end.
Walk quietly downstairs to bus and/or car.

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