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Date Chapters

14/8/14 Co-ordination Compounds, Bonding, Electrochemistry, Kinetics,

Ionic Equilibrium
21/8/14 Electrostatics, Current Electricity, Motion , Laws of Motion
28/8/14 Relation and Functions, Matrices, Determinants
Theory of Equations, AP- GP- HP
7/9/14 Alkane, Alkene, Alkyne
Haloalkanes, Haloarenes
Alcohol, Ether
Aldehyde, Ketone, Carboxylic Acids, Amine
14/9/14 Magnetism , Electromagnetic Induction, Ray Optics
Work Power Energy, Collisions & COM
21/9/14 Limit, Application of Derivatives, Straight Lines
28/9/14 s-block, p-block, d-block
Atomic Structure
Periodic Table
4/10/14 Modern Physics
Work Power Energy, Collisions & COM
Rotational Dynamics
11/10/14 Binomial Theorem
Permutation & Combinations
18/10/14 Stereochemistry, General Organic Chemistry
Mole Concept, Ionic Equilibrium, Solutions
25/10/14 Gravitation, SHM, Waves, Elasticity
1/11/14 Integral Calculus, Vector, 3D Geometry
8/11/14 Environmental Chemistry, Biomolecules, Surface Chemistry and
15/11/14 Infinite series, Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola,
Complex Numbers
22/11/14 Thermodynamics, KTG, Calorimetry, Wave Optics
29/11/14 Trigonometry and other things which you are not much confident

15/12/14 Upto 28/8/14
29/12/14 Upto 28/9/14
15/1/14 Upto 25/10/14
30/1/14 Upto 29/11/14

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