Ofessionalism and Motivation

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Appendix 1: Interview Script (Questions)

Assalamualaikum and welcome to our interview today. First and foremost I would like to thank
to our interviewee for his/her presence today. For your information, this interview is conducted
as complementary tasks for the EDU 3083 Leadership and Teacher Professional Development
course for TESL ppg semester 7, which aims to compare the characteristics of a senior teacher
and a novice teacher in the school.

Today, I have been accompanied by Mr/Mdm/Miss___________________.Thank you for


Without Further ado, I would like to ask the first question:

What kind of appearance should be present by a primary school teacher?


How do you communicate with your subordinates/pupils?


When a teacher / a pupil did not attend for more than 3 days without reasonable
excuses, what action should be taken?

How do you use the power of a leader/teacher to ensure that every activity at school / in
the classroom run effectively?

What is the most important aspects to cater in order to create a success,effective and
excellent school/classroom situation.

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