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Practical Experience Essay

My practical experience, at a primary and high school, has opened my eyes to a variety
of issues a teacher is expected to deal with. Through my observations and reflection on
my choice of being either a primary or secondary teacher, the issues that really stood
out to me were; the diverse capabilities and requirements of students, the roles and
responsibilities of a teacher and lastly, the function of schools in Australian society. As a
result of my practical experience and the guidance from my mentor teachers; I have
recognised my strengths and weaknesses and it has also reinforced my joy and passion,
to continue on this amazing journey.

The opportunity to be a part of this practical experience, has allowed me to recognise
some of the differing abilities of students; which I thought was a strength of mine, but is
actually a weakness. In the primary school, the teacher had set up 4 literacy groups, in
relation to the students level of understanding. These levels provide opportunities for
all students to be able to progress at an appropriate level. In the high school, one of the
maths teachers had organised a test 6 weeks in advance, for one of his students that is
blind. The teacher had to send this test away to be typed in braille, where the student
then uses a specialised computer to answer the test questions. It was really great to see
how teachers provide for every students individual learning capabilities and
requirements; consequently, I feel this is one of the major functions of schools in
Australian society.

The roles and responsibilities of the primary and secondary teachers I observed, were
similar in comparison and a lot broader than I expected. They both have to be well
organised and prepared, have behaviour management strategies in place and have an
interest in their decision of where they have chosen to teach. During the week of my
primary prac, I discovered a teacher has to develop many professions and bottle it all
into the one. In one day at the primary school, the teacher took on many different roles;
one minute she was a teacher, then a nurse, then a psychologist, then a problem solver,
and lastly a shoemaker; and this is all in one day. At the high school the roles and
responsibilities of teachers are the same, but the situation has to be managed
appropriately according to the students age and circumstances. The roles and
responsibilities of teachers is another major function of schools in Australian society.

In conclusion of my practical experience, I have gained a huge amount of respect for
teachers and the amount of work they put in, to teach their students. I now understand
that students in the same year, learn at their own pace, in relation to their different
levels of ability; therefore, adding to the diverse roles & responsibilities of the teacher.
The capabilities and requirements of students and the roles and responsibilities of
teachers, are two necessary functions of schools in Australian society today. As a result
of my observations and guidance, I have decided to continue my journey to becoming an
art teacher; but I have opened my options, to include the possibility of teaching art at
high school.

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