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Bonjour parents, guardians and students!

Welcome to another year at St. Gabriel Catholic Elementary School! I look forward to teaching your
child and sharing in all their learning experiences. We are partners in your childs education! members of
this years learning team. What an exciting and busy year it will be!
"rench class is a caring en#ironment where your child can feel comfortable while they speak$ read$
write$ and participate in "rench. I aim to encourage your child to communicate and interact in "rench
with confidence in a safe and supporti#e en#ironment where he%she de#elops language skills that are
continuously practiced and consolidated. I also aim to instill the belief that reading and learning
another language is an important and en&oyable part of our li#es.
'he Extended "rench program for Grade ( includes ) sections*
'he Grade ( student is expected to*
+ Oral Communication ,se e#ery day sentence structures - #ocabulary! 'o express him%herself using
complete sentences! .sk simple /uestions.
+ Reading 0ecogni1e letter combinations that create certain sounds within a word 23a4 in papa or 3on4 in
ballon5! 0ead words and simple sentences.
+ !riting Copy words and sentences! Create products such as mini+books and acti#ity sheets related to
in class topics - #ocabulary. "Not #ormall$ e%aluated on Report Cards&'
()istening 6isten attenti#ely! 0ecogni1e #arious sounds and! ,nderstand the general meaning of an oral
message$ as well as /uestions - instructions.
'his year$ the students will listen to$ read and respond to a #ariety of short$ simple texts and media
works. 'hey will learn how to express their ideas and opinions on familiar topics$ produce a #ariety of
short simple pieces of writing$ and use appropriate language con#entions during oral acti#ities and in
their written work. Some themes we will be co#ering are* 7ays of the week$ 8onths$ Seasons$ Weather$
Colours$ 9umbers$ Celebrations$ :olidays$ School$ "rench sounds 2on a weekly basis5 etc. 'he #ocabulary
learned in french will also be applicable to some concepts in Social Studies.
*ocial *tudies
(st Strand* :eritage and Identity* ;ur Changing 0oles and 0esponsibilities
<nd Strand* =eople and En#ironments* 'he 6ocal Community
I encourage you to read "rench books with your child$ listen to "rench songs$ watch "rench mo#ies$
#ideos or tele#ision programs with them each week to help with their language de#elopment and increase
their "rench language proficiency. 7e#eloping an interest in "rench early on and learning with your child
will instill confidence$ appreciation of the "rench language and a positi#e attitude in learning "rench for
the years to come!
Simply reading each week is an important way to support language learning. =icture books with simple
texts are great and are especially good for our grade (>s.???".an$ /elp#ul lin-s on m$ class ,e0site,
see address 0elo,&111 2urt/er, t/e Otta,a 3u0lic )i0rar$ o4ers a %ariet$ o# 2renc/ 0oo-s as ,ell
as online resources "5um0le0oo-s& t/roug/ t/eir ,e0site
/ttp660i0liootta,ali0rar$'ca6en6main67nd6do,nload6/o, 8ou ma$ also 7nd plent$ o# /elp#ul
acti%ities on ,,,'2*)+ome,or-5ool0o9'ca
Se#eral times during the year$ your child will bring home word lists or re#iew sheets containing
fre/uently used #ocabulary or learned concepts in their "rench and Social Studies program. 'hey will be
asked to study them during the week specified and the /ui1 will be held on the date specified. "urther$
short texts and poems will also be brought home to practice and they will read it with me on the date
Class !e0site
I ha#e created a class website as a great tool for you to stay updated on your childs "rench program. I
ha#e many helpful "rench resources 2#ocabulary lists$ songs$ #ideos$ online worksheets$ online books$
interacti#e games5 for you and your child to en&oy. It is a great way to practice and re#iew concepts
learned in class. I encourage #isiting my class website often with your child as it is a #ery useful
resource filled with fun and educational acti#ities$ games and #ideos which will ultimately help your child
impro#e on his%her "rench oral$ listening$ written and reading abilities.
:a#e "un! *5
=lease #isit*
If you ha#e any /uestions$ please do not hesitate to contact me by e+mail* or call
me at the school* A(B+<C(+A(D(. 'hank you for your support! I look forward to working with you and your
child this year!
Eour partner in education$
8lle. Fruni *5
+elp#ul lin-s "Also a%aila0le on m$ class ,e0site(( mlle0runi',ee0l$'com&
2renc/ acti%ities6games6,or-s/eets
2renc/ 5ele%ision 3rograms : Online and 2renc/ -ids radio, %ideo clips, articles, acti%ities
2renc/ Videos"-french
2renc/ Online 0oo-s6Read(along Boo-s$ategory%
http :/ / / library / asp / english / home+tumblebooks.asp
2renc/ ;ames
2renc/ Ver0s
:ow can I support my child e#en if I dont speak "renchG
Showing interest in what your child is doing at school and pro#iding encouragement and support is of the
utmost importance. Eour attitude will influence how your child sees him%herself as a learner and$ in turn$ will
influence success. Success in school is strongly influenced by acti#ities in the home and community which stimulate
a childs imagination and intellect$ enhance self+esteem$ teach good work habits and pro#ide moti#ation to learn and
succeed as well as pro#ide a good foundation for academic learning. Good de#elopment of oral and listening skills in
your childs first language will be a good foundation for learning a second language. :ere are some suggestions to
help support your child%children*
(. Children need many opportunities to experience language at home. :e%she needs to practice expressing his%her
thoughts$ ideas and feelings. Sharing your thoughts by 3thinking aloud4 as you go about completing routine tasks
helps de#elop your childs listening skills as well as exposes your child to new ideas and information.
<. =arents can help by reading with their child in English$ #isiting the public library$ going on family outings$
ensuring homework is completed$ and communicating regularly with the teacher
B. Enroll your child in music lessons. 8usic will enhance listening skills and help de#elop the brain areas in#ol#ed in
language and reasoning.
). Eour child should be free to read for pleasure in "rench or in English and be encouraged to talk about his%her
experiences at school.
H. Encourage your child to read "rench books$ watch "rench tele#ision$ listen to "rench radio and!
A. Expose your child to "rench outside of school through participation in the "rench arts and "rench cultural
e#ents in the community.
C. Consider taking a "rench course for adults.
D. .t any age$ watching a 'I program together and then discussing it can help to de#elop analytical and debating
J. =laying games of all kinds$ at all ages can de#elop hand+eye coordination$ obser#ation and reasoning skills$
memory$ #ocabulary and math skills.
(K. While a trip to the 1oo or museum is a wonderful educational opportunity$ your child can learn as much during a
shopping trip.
2"rom the "S6 'oolFox 0esource for parents++ link a#ailable on my class website under 3:elpful links - 0esources5
A #e, ;ood 5ips
)istening *pea-ing Reading6!riting
2renc/ music "e'g, C<line =ion,
Annie 0rocoli, Carmen Campagne,
>ac?uot, Alain le lait, ;regg
3la$ 0oard games using t/e
2renc/ %ersion
C/oose a good 2renc/ 0oo- at t/e
sc/ool or pu0lic li0rar$
2renc/ radio "e'g', 1@A'1, Radio(
Canada B@'C, CI.2 BA'B&
;o to a restaurant or s/opping in
Due0ec ";atineau&
!rite la0els #or t/ings in t/e /ome
"e'g', une c/aise, une porte&
2renc/ tele%ision "e'g', Radio(
Canada, 52O, Vra-5V, 5<l<toon
5al- ,it/ a #amil$ mem0er or a
#riend t/at spea-s 2renc/
Use a 2renc/6Englis/ dictionar$
2renc/ 0oo-s on C= Encourage $our c/ildren to listen
in class and as- ?uestions ,/en
Create t/eir o,n dictionar$ or
create ,ord searc/es ,it/ t/e
t/eme %oca0ular$'

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