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Summary of internship procedure

Step 1: The student prepares his CV.

Step 2: The student consults with a TGGS lecturer to find an interest internship company.
Note that the qualification of company according to the guideline procedure of TGGS
must e satisfied. !See the "nternship Guideline #rocedure$ e.g. the company should
ha%e at least & engineers and etc.'
Step (: The student requests an internship application letter from TGGS. The student sends
an application for the internship to the company.
!See the internship application form. The application asically consists of TGGS
application letter and CVs$ more document s can e attached if needed.'
Step ): "f the company accepts the student$ the student and the lecturer discuss the scope
and description of the internship pro*ect with the company+s super%isor. ,hen the
company and the student ha%e met an agreement$ the internship can e started.
-efore starting the internship$ the must request a deli%ery letter from TGGS to e
sumitted to the company.
!See the internship deli%ery form. The signature of the TGGS ad%isor is considered
as a confirmation that the company has offered the internship place. "f the student
needs a letter for applying V"S.$ please tic/ the option in the form.'
Step &: The student performs the internship at the assigned company for a gi%en period and
follows the internship guideline. .long to the internship$ the student prepares the
wee/ly tas/ report to e attached with the final report. 0uring the internship$
additional process$ e.g. progress report$ can e implemented depending on the
TGGS lecturer.
Step 1 The student must summit the internship report when returning ac/ to TGGS within
two months.
!See the internship report sumission form$ TGGS issues an appreciation letter and
sends it to the company'
22 Note that internship in research center and uni%ersity will not e recogni3ed as a
performance for graduation as industrial internship. 4nly the internship at 5,T67
.achen is accepted.
5elated documents for internship
1. TGGS internship guidelines
2. CVs !prepared y student'
(. "nternship application form .pplication letter !TGGS'
). "nternship deli%ery form 0eli%ery letter and V"S. application letter!TGGS'
&. "nternship report sumission form .ppreciation letter !TGGS'
1. "nternship report including wee/ly wor/ record and e%aluation sheet
TGGS Academic afairs 1/1

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