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September 8, 2014

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Happy Monday! I hope everyone enjoyed the gorgeous weather this
weekend. These cooler temperatures were a relief from the recent
humid, heat wave and I hope we can continue to enjoy the cooler
weather during outside wellness.
This week students will have 3 quizzes. On Friday, students will have
their weekly math review quiz from the math learned that week.
Students will also have their vocabulary quiz. They will need to use
their notebooks to study synonyms, antonyms and definitions of their
six vocabulary terms. Students have been studying these during class
through comprehension activities. Their quiz will consist of a matching
section for synonyms and antonyms to the correct vocabulary term as
well as reading a letter and inserting the correct vocabulary term to
show understanding of meaning.
Students also have a short etymology quiz on Thursday. I am attaching
a copy of the parts of words we have learned for assistance in studying.
Students will have an organizer to study from as well. Students must
know the definition of each term. On the quiz, students will be asked to
match a word to its definition. They will need to look for the meaning of
each word part in the definition. An example is below using bi- and its
meaning of two.
biannual - occurring twice a year.
I do my best to not stack quizzes and tests but with our slower start on
vocab and the day off of school last week, it has happened.

Please do not forget that Tuesday September 16
will be open house.
On Friday, September 26
the Intermediate Team will be hosting a
Back to School Bash. Please look for information on volunteers at open
house and the following week.
For those with internet access, please visit our class website at . I have already posted this class
newsletter to our weebly. You can also use the QR code attached to
access our class website and my contact information too.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. If
you call the school (485-8252) and leave a message, I will return your
message as soon as I can. You can also reach me through email at
Have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Schmidt

Under Hypothermia
Upcoming Dates and Events
September 16
Open House
5:30 7:00 PM
September 19
Field Trek
October 3 7
No School
October 7

Parent-Teacher Conferences


You have 3 quizzes this week. I know its a bummer but Im preparing you
for middle school.

Thursday Etymology quiz on the following parts of words.
Part of Word Meaning
Hyper - Over
Peri - Around
Pro - Before
Bi - Two
Syn-, Sym - Together, with
Anti-, Ant- Against

Friday You have two quizzes today!

First you will have your vocabulary Quiz. Use your journal to study. You
have to know synonyms and antonyms and definitions of these terms. Study
for 15 minutes per night. You could study two vocab terms as a time and
review them all on Thursday or study them at the same time. Do not wait
until Thursday night to study its too much information in one night.

You also have your weekly math quiz.

Lets have a fabulous week!

Mrs. Schmidt

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