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Enterprise and Protective Services

Fife Council
Kingdom House
&ear Sirs
'pplication (eference ) !"#%$%"F*LL
Previous Su+missions) ,"#%,%"F*LL - %"#!%5"F*LL -#"#%%"F*LL
Proposal) Erection of .ind tur+ine ,5/5m to +lade tip0 formation of access trac10 hard-standing0
erection of meter house and ancillar2 .or1s/
'ddress) Carhurl2 Farm (ed.ells &unino St 'ndre.s Fife

3 used to thin1 Fife .as a +eautiful count2 until it .as destro2ed +2 a .ind tur+ine in ever2 vie./ 's
a fre4uent visitor 3 o+5ect strongl2 to the Carhurl20 'irdrie and 6oldrie applications on the grounds of
inappropriate industrial impact on such a +eautiful0 lo. rolling landscape that is .orld.ide
reno.ned for its magnificent .ildlife .hich used to attract thousands of tourists each 2ear/ 6he
cumulative impact and noise created +2 such close-+2 .ind tur+ines .ill .ithout dou+t cause
near+2 residents ill-health and loss of the en5o2ment of their surroundings/
7h2 are .ind tur+ines +eing erected in an area that has +een continuousl2 rated as a lo. .ind
area +2 the &ECC8 6he cumulative impact in this area .ill +e the .orst area in the *K for ignoring
the %1m set+ac1 and the onl2 council no care or consideration for people or communities/
6he location and height of the proposed tur+ines do not reflect the scale or character of the
landscape0 and .ould have an adverse effect on the countr2side and visual amenit2 of the
surrounding area/ 6herefore0 it is contrar2 to Scottish Planning Polic20 6'Yplan polic2 90
Policies E!0 E and 3 in the St 'ndre.s and East Fife Local Plan and Fife Council
Supplementar2 Planning Guidance/
:oise torture .ould +e inflicted upon people living in the privatel2 o.ned homes in the Carhurl2
hamlet/ 'll the homes .ould +e .ithin 95# meters of the Carhurl2 tur+ine/ 6he applicant has
failed to mention this in each of the man2 applications he has su+mitted so far/ :o. that St
'ndre.s *niversit2 is advertising for financiers and developers to proceed .ith the +uilding of
their 9 ; ## metre tur+ine in spring of ne;t 2ear0 +oth planning and councillors need to +e
more careful a+out siting an2 more farm tur+ines in the area/
's al.a2s the applicant has failed to follo.ed the ne. S:H guidelines +2 not providing accurate
landscape and visual impact photo-montages/ 6he2 have deli+eratel2 reduced the horrific impact
on the landscape and the man2 people living close to the proposed tur+ine site/
3t is such a shame that local people have +een forced into this situation0 .here their homes and
health are tossed aside 5ust to ma1e mone2 for a fe./ Fortunatel20 this .ill end soon in the Courts/
Please +e the first committee to actuall2 stop an application in this area and sa2 no to the Carhurl20
'irdrie and 6oldrie tur+ines/
Yours faithfull2

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