Guide To Advanced Yoga Techniques

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Guide To Advanced Yoga Techniques



LESSON II. The Ego!s "en#a$ Too$s
LESSON III. The E%&ansion o' #he Se$'
LESSON I(. "en#a$ Con#)o$
LESSON (. The Cu$#iva#ion o' A##en#ion
LESSON (I. Cu$#iva#ion o' Pe)ce&#ion
LESSON (II. The *n'o$d+en# o' Consciousness
LESSON (III. The ,igh$ands and Lo-$ands o' "ind
LESSON I.. The "en#a$ P$anes
LESSON .. Su/0Consciousing
LESSON .I. Su/0Conscious Cha)ac#e) 1ui$ding
LESSON .II. Su/0Conscious In'$uences
A SERIES OF Lessons in Gnani Yoga 3The Yoga o' 4isdo+.5
LESSON II. O+ni&)esen# Li'e
LESSON III. The C)ea#ive 4i$$
LESSON I(. The *ni#6 o' Li'e
LESSON (. The One and #he "an6
LESSON (I. 4i#hin #he "ind o' #he One
LESSON (II. Cos+ic Evo$u#ion

LESSON (III. The Ascen# o' "an
LESSON I.. "e#e+&s6chosis
LESSON .. S&i)i#ua$ Evo$u#ion
LESSON .I. The La- o' 7a)+a
LESSON .II. Occu$# "isce$$an6
THE "I."
In India, the Candidates for Initiation into the science of "Raja o!a,"
"hen the# a$$%# to the o!i &asters for instr'ction, are !i(en a series
of %essons desi!ned to en%i!hten the) re!ardin! the nat're of the Rea%
Se%f, and to instr'ct the) in the secret *no"%ed!e "here+# the# )a#
de(e%o$ the conscio'sness and rea%i,ation of the rea% "I" "ithin the).
The# are sho"n ho" the# )a# cast aside the erroneo's or i)$erfect
*no"%ed!e re!ardin! their rea% identit#.
-nti% the Candidate )asters this instr'ction, or at %east 'nti% the tr'th
+eco)es fi.ed in his conscio'sness, f'rther instr'ction is denied hi),
for it is he%d that 'nti% he has a"a*ened to a conscio's rea%i,ation of
his Act'a% Identit#, he is not a+%e to 'nderstand the so'rce of his
$o"er, and, )oreo(er, is not a+%e to fee% "ithin hi) the $o"er of the
/i%%, "hich $o"er 'nder%ies the entire teachin!s of "Raja o!a."
The o!i &asters are hot satisfied if the Candidate for)s )ere%# a c%ear
inte%%ect'a% conce$tion of this Act'a% Identit#, +'t the# insist that he
)'st fee% the tr'th of the sa)e00)'st +eco)e a"are of the Rea%
Se%f00)'st enter into a conscio'sness in "hich the rea%i,ation +eco)es a
$art of his e(er#da# se%f00in "hich the rea%i,in! conscio'sness +eco)es
the $re(ai%in! idea in his )ind, aro'nd "hich his entire tho'!hts and
actions re(o%(e.
To so)e Candidates, this rea%i,ation co)es %i*e a %i!htnin! f%ash the
)o)ent the attention is directed to"ard it, "hi%e in other cases the
Candidates find it necessar# to fo%%o" a ri!oro's co'rse of trainin!
+efore the# ac1'ire the rea%i,ation in conscio'sness.
The o!i &asters teach that there are t"o de!rees of this a"a*enin!
conscio'sness of the Rea% Se%f. The first, "hich the# ca%% "the
Conscio'sness of the 2I2," is the f'%% conscio'sness of rea% e.istence
that co)es to the Candidate, and "hich ca'ses hi) to *no" that he is a
rea% entit# ha(in! a %ife not de$endin! '$on the +od#00%ife that "i%% !o
on in s$ite of the destr'ction of the +od#00rea% %ife, in fact. The
second de!ree, "hich the# ca%% "the Conscio'sness of the 2I A&2," is
the conscio'sness of one2s identit# "ith the -ni(ersa% Life, and his
re%ationshi$ to, and "in0to'chness" "ith a%% %ife, e.$ressed and
'ne.$ressed. These t"o de!rees of conscio'sness co)e in ti)e to a%% "ho
see* "The Path." To so)e it co)es s'dden%#3 to others it da"ns !rad'a%%#3
to )an# it co)es assisted +# the e.ercises and $ractica% "or* of "Raja
The first %esson of the o!i &asters to the Candidates, %eadin! '$ to the
first de!ree, a+o(e )entioned, is as fo%%o"s4 That the S'$re)e
Inte%%i!ence of the -ni(erse00the A+so%'te00has )anifested the +ein! that
"e ca%% &an00the hi!hest )anifestation on this $%anet. The A+so%'te has
)anifested an infinit'de of for)s of %ife in the -ni(erse, inc%'din!
distant "or%ds, s'ns, $%anets, etc., )an# of these for)s +ein! 'n*no"n to
's on this $%anet, and +ein! i)$ossi+%e of conce$tion +# the )ind of the
ordinar# )an. 5't these %essons ha(e nothin! to do "ith that $art of the
$hi%oso$h# "hich dea%s "ith these )#riad for)s of %ife, for o'r ti)e "i%%
+e ta*en '$ "ith the 'nfo%d)ent in the )ind of )an of his tr'e nat're and
$o"er. 5efore )an atte)$ts to so%(e the secrets of the -ni(erse "itho't,
he sho'%d )aster the -ni(erse "ithin00the 6in!do) of the Se%f. /hen he
has acco)$%ished this, then he )a#, and sho'%d, !o forth to !ain the
o'ter *no"%ed!e as a &aster de)andin! its secrets, rather than as a s%a(e
+e!!in! for the cr')+s fro) the ta+%e of *no"%ed!e. The first *no"%ed!e
for the Candidate is the *no"%ed!e of the Se%f.
&an, the hi!hest )anifestation of the A+so%'te, as far as this $%anet is
concerned, is a "onderf'%%# or!ani,ed +ein!00a%tho'!h the a(era!e )an
'nderstands +'t %itt%e of his rea% nat're. He co)$rises "ithin his
$h#sica%, )enta% and s$irit'a% )a*e0'$ +oth the hi!hest and the %o"est,
as "e ha(e sho"n in o'r $re(io's %essons 7the "Fo'rteen Lessons" and the
"Ad(anced Co'rse"8. In his +ones he )anifests a%)ost in the for) of
)inera% %ife, in fact, in his +ones, +od# and +%ood )inera% s'+stances
act'a%%# The $h#sica% %ife of the +od# rese)+%es the %ife of the
$%ant. &an# of the $h#sica% desires and e)otions are a*in to those of the
%o"er ani)a%s, and in the 'nde(e%o$ed )an these desires and e)otions
$redo)inate and o(er$o"er the hi!her nat're, "hich %atter is scarce%# in
e(idence. Then &an has a set of )enta% characteristics that are his o"n,
and "hich are not $ossessed +# the %o"er ani)a%s 7See "Fo'rteen
Lessons"8. And in addition to the )enta% fac'%ties co))on to a%% )en, or
rather, that are in e(idence in a !reater or %esser de!ree a)on! a%% )en,
there are sti%% hi!her fac'%ties %atent "ithin &an, "hich "hen )anifested
and e.$ressed render &an )ore than ordinar# &an. The 'nfo%d)ent of these
%atent fac'%ties is $ossi+%e to a%% "ho ha(e reached the $ro$er sta!e of
de(e%o$)ent, and the desire and h'n!er of the st'dent for this
instr'ction is ca'sed +# the $ress're of these 'nfo%din! %atent
fac'%ties, cr#in! to +e +orn into conscio'sness. Then there is that
"onderf'% thin!, the /i%%, "hich is +'t faint%# 'nderstood +# those
i!norant of the o!i Phi%oso$h#00the Po"er of the E!o00its +irthri!ht
fro) the A+so%'te.
5't "hi%e these )enta% and $h#sica% thin!s +e%on! to &an, the# are
not the &an hi)se%f. 5efore the &an is a+%e to )aster, contro%, and
direct the thin!s +e%on!in! to hi)00his too%s and instr')ents00he )'st
a"a*en to a rea%i,ation of Hi)se%f. He )'st +e a+%e to distin!'ish
+et"een the "I" and the "Not I." And this is the first tas* +efore the
That "hich is the Rea% Se%f of &an is the 9i(ine S$ar* sent forth fro)
the Sacred F%a)e. It is the Chi%d of the 9i(ine Parent. It is
I))orta%00Eterna%00Indestr'cti+%e00In(inci+%e. It $ossesses "ithin
itse%f Po"er, /isdo), and Rea%it#. 5't %i*e the infant that contains
"ithin itse%f the so)eti)e &an, the )ind of &an is 'na"are of its %atent
and $otentia% 1'a%ities, and does not *no" itse%f. As it a"a*ens and
'nfo%ds into the *no"%ed!e of its rea% nat're, it )anifests its
1'a%ities, and rea%i,es "hat the A+so%'te has !i(en it. /hen the Rea%
Se%f +e!ins to a"a*en, it sets aside fro) itse%f those thin!s "hich
are +'t a$$enda!es to it, +'t "hich it, in its ha%f0"a*in! state, had
re!arded as its Se%f. Settin! aside first this, and then that, it fina%%#
discards a%% of the "Not I," %ea(in! the Rea% Se%f free and de%i(ered
fro) its +onda!e to its a$$enda!es. Then it ret'rns to the discarded
a$$enda!es, and )a*es 'se of the).
In considerin! the 1'estion4 "/hat is the Rea% Se%f:" %et 's first sto$
to e.a)ine "hat )an 's'a%%# )eans "hen he sa#s "I."
The %o"er ani)a%s do not $ossess this "I" sense. The# are conscio's of
the o'ter "or%d3 of their o"n desires and ani)a% cra(in!s and fee%in!s.
5't their conscio'sness has not reached the Se%f0conscio's sta!e. The#
are not a+%e to thin* of the)se%(es as se$arate entities, and to ref%ect
'$on their tho'!hts. The# are not $ossessed of a conscio'sness of the
9i(ine S$ar*00the E!o00the Rea% Se%f. The 9i(ine S$ar* is hidden in the
%o"er for)s of %ife00e(en in the %o"er for)s of h')an %ife00+# )an#
sheaths that sh't o't its %i!ht. 5't, ne(erthe%ess, it is there, a%"a#s.
It s%ee$s "ithin the )ind of the sa(a!e00then, as he 'nfo%ds, it +e!ins
to thro" o't its %i!ht. In #o', the Candidate, it is fi!htin! hard to
ha(e its +ea)s $ierce thro'!h the )ateria% co(erin!s /hen the Rea% Se%f
+e!ins to aro'se itse%f fro) its s%ee$, its drea)s (anish fro) it, and it
+e!ins to see the "or%d as it is, and to reco!ni,e itse%f in Rea%it# and
not as the distorted thin! of its drea)s.
The sa(a!e and +ar+arian are scarce%# conscio's of the "I." The# are +'t
a %itt%e a+o(e the ani)a% in $oint of conscio'sness, and their "I" is
a%)ost entire%# a )atter of the conscio'sness of the "ants of the +od#3
the satisfaction of the a$$etites3 the !ratification of the $assions3 the
sec'rin! of $ersona% co)fort3 the e.$ression of %'st, sa(a!e $o"er, etc.
In the sa(a!e the %o"er $art of the Instincti(e &ind is the seat of the
"I." 7See "Fo'rteen Lessons" for e.$%anation of the se(era% )enta% $%anes
of )an.8 If the sa(a!e co'%d ana%#,e his tho'!hts he "o'%d sa# that the
"I" "as the $h#sica% +od#, the said +od# ha(in! certain "fee%in!s,"
""ants" and "desires." The "I" of s'ch a )an is a $h#sica% "I," the +od#
re$resentin! its for) and s'+stance. Not on%# is this tr'e of the sa(a!e,
+'t e(en a)on! so0ca%%ed "ci(i%i,ed" )en of to0da# "e find )an# in this
sta!e. The# ha(e de(e%o$ed $o"ers of thin*in! and reasonin!, +'t the# do
not "%i(e in their )inds" as do so)e of their +rothers. The# 'se their
thin*in! $o"ers for the !ratification of their +odi%# desires and
cra(in!s, and rea%%# %i(e on the $%ane of the Instincti(e &ind. S'ch a
$erson )a# s$ea* of ")# )ind," or ")# so'%," not fro) a hi!h $osition
"here he %oo*s '$on these thin!s fro) the stand$oint of a &aster "ho
rea%i,es his Rea% Se%f, +'t fro) +e%o", fro) the $oint0of0(ie" of the )an
"ho %i(es on the $%ane of the Instincti(e &ind and "ho sees a+o(e
hi)se%f the hi!her attri+'tes. To s'ch $eo$%e the +od# is the "I."
Their "I" is +o'nd '$ "ith the senses, and that "hich co)es to the)
thro'!h the senses. Of co'rse, as &an ad(ances in "c'%t're" and
"ci(i%i,ation," his senses +eco)e ed'cated, and are satisfied on%# "ith
)ore refined thin!s, "hi%e the %ess c'%ti(ated )an is $erfect%# satisfied
"ith the )ore )ateria% and !ross sense !ratifications. &'ch that "e ca%%
"c'%ti(ation" and "c'%t're" is na'!ht +'t a c'%ti(ation of a )ore refined
for) of sense !ratification, instead of a rea% ad(ance in conscio'sness
and 'nfo%d)ent. It is tr'e that the ad(anced st'dent and &aster is
$ossessed of hi!h%# de(e%o$ed senses, often far s'r$assin! those of the
ordinar# )an, +'t in s'ch cases the senses ha(e +een c'%ti(ated 'nder the
)aster# of the /i%%, and are )ade ser(ants of the E!o instead of thin!s
hinderin! the $ro!ress of the so'%00the# are )ade ser(ants instead of
As &an ad(ances in the sca%e, he +e!ins to ha(e a so)e"hat hi!her
conce$tion of the "I." He +e!ins to 'se his )ind and reason, and he
$asses on to the &enta% P%ane00his )ind +e!ins to )anifest '$on the $%ane
of Inte%%ect. He finds that there is so)ethin! "ithin hi) that is hi!her
than the +od#. He finds that his )ind see)s )ore rea% to hi) than does
the $h#sica% $art of hi), and in ti)es of dee$ tho'!ht and st'd# he is
a+%e a%)ost to for!et the e.istence of the +od#.
In this second sta!e, &an soon +eco)es $er$%e.ed. He finds $ro+%e)s that
de)and an ans"er, +'t as soon as he thin*s he has ans"ered the) the
$ro+%e)s $resent the)se%(es in a ne" $hase, and he is ca%%ed '$on to
"e.$%ain his e.$%anation." The )ind, e(en a%tho'!h not contro%%ed and
directed +# the /i%%, has a "onderf'% ran!e, +'t, ne(erthe%ess, &an finds
hi)se%f tra(e%in! aro'nd and aro'nd in a circ%e, and rea%i,es that he is
confronted contin'a%%# +# the -n*no"n. This dist'r+s hi), and the hi!her
the sta!e of "+oo* %earnin!" he attains, the )ore dist'r+ed does he
+eco)e. The )an of +'t %itt%e *no"%ed!e does not see the e.istence of
)an# $ro+%e)s that force the)se%(es +efore the attention of the )an of
)ore *no"%ed!e, and de)and an e.$%anation fro) hi). The tort'res of the
)an "ho has attained the )enta% !ro"th that ena+%es hi) to see the ne"
$ro+%e)s and the i)$ossi+i%it# of their ans"er, cannot +e i)a!ined +# one
"ho has not ad(anced to that sta!e.
The )an in this sta!e of conscio'sness thin*s of his "I" as a )enta%
thin!, ha(in! a %o"er co)$anion, the +od#. He fee%s that he has ad(anced,
+'t #et his "I" does not !i(e hi) the ans"er to the ridd%es and 1'estions
that $er$%e. hi). And he +eco)es )ost 'nha$$#. S'ch )en often de(e%o$
into Pessi)ists, and consider the "ho%e of %ife as 'tter%# e(i% and
disa$$ointin!00a c'rse rather than a +%essin!. Pessi)is) +e%on!s to this
$%ane, for neither the Ph#sica% P%ane )an or the S$irit'a% P%ane )an ha(e
this c'rse of Pessi)is). The for)er )an has no s'ch dis1'ietin! tho'!hts,
for he is a%)ost entire%# a+sor+ed in !ratif#in! his ani)a% nat're, "hi%e
the %atter )an reco!ni,es his )ind as an instr')ent of hi)se%f, rather
than as hi)se%f, and *no"s it to +e i)$erfect in its $resent sta!e of
!ro"th. He *no"s that he has in hi)se%f the *e# to a%% *no"%ed!e00%oc*ed
'$ in the E!o00and "hich the trained )ind, c'%ti(ated, de(e%o$ed and
!'ided +# the a"a*ened /i%%, )a# !ras$ as it 'nfo%ds. 6no"in! this the
ad(anced )an no %on!er des$airs, and, reco!ni,in! his rea% nat're, and
his $ossi+i%ities, as he a"a*ens into a conscio'sness of his $o"ers and
ca$a+i%ities, he %a'!hs at the o%d des$ondent, $essi)istic ideas, and
discards the) %i*e a "orn0o't !ar)ent. &an on the &enta% P%ane of
conscio'sness is %i*e a h'!e e%e$hant "ho *no"s not his o"n stren!th. He
co'%d +rea* do"n +arriers and assert hi)se%f o(er near%# an# condition or
en(iron)ent, +'t in his i!norance of his rea% condition and $o"er he )a#
+e )astered +# a $'n# dri(er, or fri!htened +# the r'st%in! of a $iece of
/hen the Candidate +eco)es an Initiate00"hen he $asses fro) the $'re%#
&enta% P%ane on to the S$irit'a% P%ane00he rea%i,es that the "I," the
Rea% Se%f00is so)ethin! hi!her than either +od# or )ind, and that +oth of
the %atter )a# +e 'sed as too%s and instr')ents +# the E!o or "I." This
*no"%ed!e is not reached +# $'re%# inte%%ect'a% reasonin!, a%tho'!h s'ch
efforts of the )ind are often necessar# to he%$ in the 'nfo%d)ent, and
the &asters so 'se it. The rea% *no"%ed!e, ho"e(er, co)es as a s$ecia%
for) of conscio'sness. The Candidate +eco)es "a"are" of the rea% "I," and
this conscio'sness +ein! attained, he $asses to the ran* of the
Initiates. /hen the Initiate $asses the second de!ree of conscio'sness,
and +e!ins to !ro" into a rea%i,ation of his re%ationshi$ to the
/ho%e00"hen he +e!ins to )anifest the E.$ansion of Se%f00then is he on
the road to &astershi$.
In the $resent %esson "e sha%% endea(or to $oint o't to the Candidate the
)ethods of de(e%o$in! or increasin! the rea%i,ation of this "I"
conscio'sness00this first de!ree "or*. /e !i(e the fo%%o"in! e.ercises or
de(e%o$)ent dri%%s for the Candidate to $ractice. He "i%% find that a
caref'% and conscientio's fo%%o"in! of these directions "i%% tend to
'nfo%d in hi) a s'fficient de!ree of the "I" conscio'sness, to ena+%e hi)
to enter into hi!her sta!es of de(e%o$)ent and $o"er. A%% that is
necessar# is for the Candidate to fee% "ithin hi)se%f the da"n of the
a"a*enin! conscio'sness, or a"areness of the Rea% Se%f. The hi!her sta!es
of the "I" conscio'sness co)e !rad'a%%#, for once on the Path there is no
retro!ression or !oin! +ac*"ard. There )a# +e $a'ses on the jo'rne#, +'t
there is no s'ch thin! as act'a%%# %osin! that "hich is once !ained on
The Path.
This "I" conscio'sness, e(en in its hi!hest sta!es, is +'t a $re%i)inar#
ste$ to"ard "hat is ca%%ed "I%%')ination," and "hich si!nifies the
a"a*enin! of the Initiate to a rea%i,ation of his act'a% connection "ith
and re%ation to the /ho%e. The f'%% si!ht of the !%or# of the "I," is +'t
a faint ref%ected !%o" of "I%%')ination." The Candidate, once that he
enters f'%%# into the "I" conscio'sness, +eco)es an "Initiate." And the
Initiate "ho enters into the da"n of I%%')ination ta*es his first ste$
'$on the road to &aster#. The Initiation is the a"a*enin! of the so'% to
a *no"%ed!e of its rea% e.istence00the I%%')ination is the re(e%ation of
the rea% nat're of the so'%, and of its re%ationshi$ "ith the /ho%e.
After the first da"n of the "I" conscio'sness has +een attained, the
Candidate is )ore a+%e to !ras$ the )eans of de(e%o$in! the conscio'sness
to a sti%% hi!her de!ree00is )ore a+%e to 'se the $o"ers %atent "ithin
hi)3 to contro% his o"n )enta% states3 to )anifest a Centre of
Conscio'sness and Inf%'ence that "i%% radiate into the o'ter "or%d "hich
is a%"a#s stri(in! and h'ntin! for s'ch centres aro'nd "hich it )a#
&an )'st )aster hi)se%f +efore he can ho$e to e.ert an inf%'ence +e#ond
hi)se%f. There is no ro#a% road to 'nfo%d)ent and $o"er00each ste$ )'st
+e ta*en in t'rn, and each Candidate )'st ta*e the ste$ hi)se%f, and +#
his o"n effort. 5't he )a#, and "i%%, +e aided +# the he%$in! hand of the
teachers "ho ha(e tra(e%ed The Path +efore hi), and "ho *no" j'st "hen
that he%$in! hand is needed to %ift the Candidate o(er the ro'!h $%aces.
/e +id the Candidate to $a# strict attention to the fo%%o"in!
instr'ction, as it is a%% i)$ortant. 9o not s%i!ht an# $art of it, for "e
are !i(in! #o' on%# "hat is necessar#, and are statin! it as +rief%# as
$ossi+%e. Pa# attention, and fo%%o" the instr'ction c%ose%#. This %esson
)'st +e )astered +efore #o' $ro!ress. And it )'st +e $racticed not on%#
no", +'t at )an# sta!es of the jo'rne#, 'nti% f'%% Initiation and
I%%')ination is #o'rs.
The first instr'ction a%on! the %ine of Initiation is desi!ned to a"a*en
the )ind to a f'%% rea%i,ation and conscio'sness of the indi(id'a%it# of
the "I." The Candidate is ta'!ht to re%a. his +od#, and to ca%) his )ind
and to )editate '$on the "I" 'nti% it is $resented c%ear%# and shar$%#
+efore the conscio'sness. /e here"ith !i(e directions for $rod'cin! the
desired $h#sica% and )enta% condition, in "hich )editation and
concentration are )ore readi%# $racticed. This state of &editation "i%%
+e referred to in s'+se1'ent e.ercises, so the Candidate is ad(ised to
ac1'aint hi)se%f thoro'!h%# "ith it.
STATE OF &E9ITATION. If $ossi+%e, retire to a 1'iet $%ace or roo), "here
#o' do not fear interr'$tion, so that #o'r )ind )a# fee% sec're and at
rest. Of co'rse, the idea% condition cannot a%"a#s +e o+tained, in "hich
case #o' )'st do the +est #o' can. The idea is that #o' sho'%d +e a+%e to
a+stract #o'rse%f, so far as is $ossi+%e, fro) distractin! i)$ressions,
and #o' sho'%d +e a%one "ith #o'rse%f00in co))'nion "ith #o'r Rea% Se%f.
It is "e%% to $%ace #o'rse%f in an eas# chair, or on a co'ch, so that #o'
)a# re%a. the )'sc%es and free the tension of #o'r ner(es. o' sho'%d +e
a+%e to "%et !o" a%% o(er, a%%o"in! e(er# )'sc%e to +eco)e %i)$, 'nti% a
fee%in! of $erfect $eace and restf'% ca%) $er)eates e(er# $artic%e of
#o'r +ein!. Rest the +od# and ca%) the )ind. This condition is +est in
the ear%ier sta!es of the $ractice, a%tho'!h after the Candidate has
ac1'ired a de!ree of )aster# he "i%% +e a+%e to o+tain the $h#sica%
re%a.ation and )enta% ca%) "hene(er and "here(er he desires.
5't he )'st !'ard a!ainst ac1'irin! a "drea)#" "a# of !oin! aro'nd,
"ra$$ed in )editation "hen he sho'%d +e attendin! to the affairs of %ife.
Re)e)+er this, the State of &editation sho'%d +e entire%# 'nder the
contro% of the /i%%, and sho'%d +e entered into on%# de%i+erate%# and at
the $ro$er ti)es. The /i%% )'st +e )aster of this, as "e%% as of e(er#
other )enta% state. The Initiates are not "da# drea)ers," +'t )en and
"o)en ha(in! f'%% contro% of the)se%(es and their )oods. The "I"
conscio'sness "hi%e de(e%o$ed +# )editation and conscio'sness, soon
+eco)es a fi.ed ite) of conscio'sness, and does not ha(e to +e $rod'ced
+# )editation. In ti)e of tria%, do'+t, or tro'+%e, the conscio'sness )a#
+e +ri!htened +# an effort of the /i%% 7as "e sha%% e.$%ain in s'+se1'ent
%essons8 "itho't !oin! into the State of &editation.
THE REALI=ATION OF THE "I." The Candidate )'st first ac1'aint hi)se%f
"ith the rea%it# of the "I," +efore he "i%% +e a+%e to %earn its rea%
nat're. This is the first ste$. Let the Candidate $%ace hi)se%f in the
State of &editation, as heretofore descri+ed. Then %et hi) concentrate
his entire attention '$on his Indi(id'a% Se%f, sh'ttin! o't a%% tho'!ht
of the o'tside "or%d, and other $ersons. Let hi) for) in his )ind the
idea of hi)se%f as a rea% thin!00an act'a% +ein!00an indi(id'a%
entit#00a S'n aro'nd "hich re(o%(es the "or%d. He )'st see hi)se%f as the
Centre aro'nd "hich the "ho%e "or%d re(o%(es. Let not a fa%se )odest#, or
sense of de$reciation interfere "ith this idea, for #o' are not den#in!
the ri!ht of others to a%so consider the)se%(es centres. o' are, in
fact, a centre of conscio'sness00)ade so +# the A+so%'te00and #o' are
a"a*enin! to the fact. -nti% the E!o reco!ni,es itse%f as a Centre of
Tho'!ht, Inf%'ence and Po"er, it "i%% not +e a+%e to )anifest these
1'a%ities. And in $ro$ortion as it reco!ni,es its $osition as a centre,
so "i%% it +e a+%e to )anifest its 1'a%ities. It is not necessar# that
#o' sho'%d co)$are #o'rse%f "ith others, or i)a!ine #o'rse%f !reater or
hi!her than the). In fact, s'ch co)$arisons are to +e re!retted, and are
'n"orth# of the ad(anced E!o, +ein! a )ar* and indication of a %ac* of
de(e%o$)ent, rather than the re(erse. In the &editation si)$%# i!nore a%%
consideration of the res$ecti(e 1'a%ities of others, and endea(or to
rea%i,e the fact that O- are a !reat Centre of Conscio'sness00a Centre
of Po"er00a Centre of Inf%'ence00a Centre of Tho'!ht. And that %i*e the
$%anets circ%in! aro'nd the s'n, so does #o'r "or%d re(o%(e aro'nd O-
"ho are its centre. It "i%% not +e necessar# for #o' to ar!'e o't this
)atter, or to con(ince #o'rse%f of its tr'th +# inte%%ect'a% reasonin!.
The *no"%ed!e does not co)e in that "a#. It co)es in the sha$e of a
rea%i,ation of the tr'th !rad'a%%# da"nin! '$on #o'r conscio'sness
thro'!h )editation and concentration. Carr# this tho'!ht of #o'rse%f as a
"Centre of Conscio'sness00Inf%'ence00Po"er" "ith #o', for it is an
occ'%t tr'th, and in the $ro$ortion that #o' are a+%e, to rea%i,e it so
"i%% +e #o'r a+i%it# to )anifest the 1'a%ities na)ed.
No )atter ho" h')+%e )a# +e #o'r $osition00no )atter ho" hard )a# +e #o'r
%ot00no )atter ho" deficient in ed'cationa% ad(anta!es #o' )a# +e00sti%%
#o' "o'%d not chan!e #o'r "I" "ith the )ost fort'nate, "isest and hi!hest
)an or "o)an in the "or%d. o' )a# do'+t this, +'t thin* for a )o)ent and
#o' "i%% see that "e are ri!ht. /hen #o' sa# that #o' ""o'%d %i*e to +e"
this $erson or that, #o' rea%%# )ean that #o' "o'%d %i*e to ha(e their
de!ree of inte%%i!ence, $o"er, "ea%th, $osition, or "hat not. /hat #o'
"ant is so)ethin! that is theirs, or so)ethin! a*in to it. 5't #o' "o'%d
not for a )o)ent "ish to )er!e #o'r identit# "ith theirs, or to
e.chan!e se%(es. Thin* of this for a )o)ent To +e the other $erson
#o' "o'%d ha(e to %et #o'rse%f die, and instead of #o'rse%f #o' "o'%d
+e the other $erson. The rea% #o' "o'%d +e "i$ed o't of e.istence, and
#o' "o'%d not +e #o' at a%%, +'t "o'%d +e he.
If #o' can +'t !ras$ this idea #o' "i%% see that not for a )o)ent "o'%d
#o' +e "i%%in! for s'ch an e.chan!e. Of co'rse s'ch an e.chan!e is
i)$ossi+%e. The "I" of #o' cannot +e "i$ed o't. It is eterna%, and "i%%
!o on, and on, and on, to hi!her and hi!her states00+'t it a%"a#s "i%% +e
the sa)e "I." >'st as #o', a%tho'!h a far different sort of $erson fro)
#o'r chi%dhood se%f, sti%% #o' reco!ni,e that the sa)e "I" is there, and
a%"a#s has +een there. And a%tho'!h #o' "i%% attain *no"%ed!e,
e.$erience, $o"er and "isdo) in the co)in! #ears, the sa)e "I" "i%% +e
there. The "I" is the 9i(ine S$ar* and cannot +e e.tin!'ished.
The )ajorit# of $eo$%e in the $resent sta!e of the race de(e%o$)ent ha(e
+'t a faint conce$tion of the rea%it# of the "I." The# acce$t the
state)ent of its e.istence, and are conscio's of the)se%(es as an eatin!,
s%ee$in!, %i(in! creat're00so)ethin! %i*e a hi!her for) of ani)a%. 5't
the# ha(e not a"a*ened to an "a"areness" or rea%i,ation of the "I," "hich
)'st co)e to a%% "ho +eco)e rea% centres of Inf%'ence and Po"er. So)e )en
ha(e st')+%ed into this conscio'sness, or a de!ree of it, "itho't
'nderstandin! the )atter. The# ha(e "fe%t" the tr'th of it, and the# ha(e
ste$$ed o't fro) the ran*s of the co))on$%ace $eo$%e of the "or%d, and
ha(e +eco)e $o"ers for !ood or +ad. This is 'nfort'nate to so)e e.tent,
as this "a"areness" "itho't the *no"%ed!e that sho'%d acco)$an# it )a#
+rin! $ain to the indi(id'a% and others.
The Candidate )'st )editate '$on the "I," and reco!ni,e it00fee% it00to
+e a Centre. This is his first tas*. I)$ress '$on #o'r )ind the "ord "I,"
in this sense and 'nderstandin!, and %et it sin* dee$ do"n into #o'r
conscio'sness, so that it "i%% +eco)e a $art of #o'. And "hen #o' sa#
"I," #o' )'st acco)$an# the "ord "ith the $ict're of #o'r E!o as a Centre
of Conscio'sness, and Tho'!ht, and Po"er, and Inf%'ence. See #o'rse%f
th's, s'rro'nded +# #o'r "or%d. /here(er #o' !o, there !oes the Centre of
#o'r "or%d. O- are the Centre, and a%% o'tside of #o' re(o%(es aro'nd
that Centre. This is the first !reat %esson on the road to Initiation.
Learn it?
The o!i &asters teach the Candidates that their rea%i,ation of the "I"
as a Centre )a# +e hastened +# !oin! into the Si%ence, or State of
&editation, and re$eatin! their first na)e o(er s%o"%#, de%i+erate%# and
so%e)n%# a n')+er of ti)es. This e.ercise tends to ca'se the )ind to
centre '$on the "I," and )an# cases of da"nin! Initiation ha(e res'%ted
fro) this $ractice. &an# ori!ina% thin*ers ha(e st')+%ed '$on this
)ethod, "itho't ha(in! +een ta'!ht it. A noted e.a)$%e is that of Lord
Tenn#son, "ho has "ritten that he attained a de!ree of Initiation in this
"a#. He "o'%d re$eat his o"n na)e, o(er and o(er, and the sa)e ti)e
)editatin! '$on his identit#, and he re$orts that he "o'%d +eco)e
conscio's and "a"are" of his rea%it# and i))orta%it#00in short "o'%d
reco!ni,e hi)se%f as a rea% center of conscio'sness.
/e thin* "e ha(e !i(en #o' the *e# to the first sta!e of )editation and
concentration. 5efore $assin! on, %et 's 1'ote fro) one of the o%d Hind'
&asters. He sa#s, re!ardin! this )atter4 "/hen the so'% sees itse%f as a
Centre s'rro'nded +# its circ')ference00"hen the S'n *no"s that it is a
S'n, and is s'rro'nded +# its "hir%in! $%anets00then is it read# for the
/isdo) and Po"er of the &asters."
&an# of the
Candidates find the)se%(es $re(ented fro) a f'%% rea%i,ation of the "I"
7e(en after the# ha(e +e!'n to !ras$ it8 +# the conf'sin! of the rea%it#
of the "I" "ith the sense of the $h#sica% +od#. This is a st')+%in! +%oc*
that is easi%# o(erco)e +# )editation and concentration, the inde$endence
of the "I" often +eco)in! )anifest to the Candidate in a f%ash, '$on the
$ro$er tho'!ht +ein! 'sed as the s'+ject of )editation.
The e.ercise is !i(en as fo%%o"s4 P%ace #o'rse%f in the State of
&editation, and thin* of O-RSELF00the Rea% "I"00as +ein! inde$endent of
the +od#, +'t 'sin! the +od# as a co(erin! and an instr')ent. Thin* of
the +od# as #o' )i!ht of a s'it of c%othes. Rea%i,e that #o' are a+%e to
%ea(e the +od#, and sti%% +e the sa)e "I." Pict're #o'rse%f as doin!
this, and %oo*in! do"n '$on #o'r +od#. Thin* of the +od# as a she%% fro)
"hich #o' )a# e)er!e "itho't affectin! #o'r identit#. Thin* of #o'rse%f
as )asterin! and contro%%in! the +od# that #o' occ'$#, and 'sin! it to
the +est ad(anta!e, )a*in! it hea%th#, stron! and (i!oro's, +'t sti%%
+ein! )ere%# a she%% or co(erin! for the rea% "o'." Thin* of the +od# as
co)$osed of ato)s and ce%%s "hich are constant%# chan!in!, +'t "hich are
he%d to!ether +# the force of #o'r E!o, and "hich #o' can i)$ro(e at
/i%%. Rea%i,e that #o' are )ere%# inha+itin! the +od#, and 'sin! it for
#o'r con(enience, j'st as #o' )i!ht 'se a ho'se.
In )editatin! f'rther, i!nore the +od# entire%#, and $%ace #o'r tho'!ht
'$on the Rea% "I" that #o' are +e!innin! to fee% to +e "#o'," and #o'
"i%% find that #o'r identit#00#o'r "I"00is so)ethin! entire%# a$art fro)
the +od#. o' )a# no" sa# ")# +od#" "ith a ne" )eanin!. 9i(orce the idea
of #o'r +ein! a $h#sica% +ein!, and rea%i,e that #o' are a+o(e +od#. 5't
do not %et this conce$tion and rea%i,ation ca'se #o' to i!nore the +od#.
o' )'st re!ard the +od# as the Te)$%e of the S$irit, and care for it,
and )a*e it a fit ha+itation for the "I." 9o not +e fri!htened if, d'rin!
this )editation, #o' ha$$en to e.$erience the sensation of +ein! o't of
the +od# for a fe" )o)ents, and of ret'rnin! to it "hen #o' are thro'!h
"ith the e.ercise. The E!o is a+%e 7in the case of the ad(anced Initiate8
of soarin! a+o(e the confines of the +od#, +'t it ne(er se(ers its
connection at s'ch ti)es. It is )ere%# as if one "ere to %oo* o't of the
"indo" of a roo), seein! "hat "as !oin! on o'tside, and dra"in! in his
head "hen he "ishes. He does not %ea(e the roo), a%tho'!h he )a# $%ace
his head o'tside in order to o+ser(e "hat is doin! in the street. /e do
not ad(ise the Candidate to tr# to c'%ti(ate this sensation00+'t if it
co)es nat'ra%%# d'rin! )editation, do not fear.
)ajorit# acce$t on faith the +e%ief in the I))orta%it# of the So'%, #et
+'t fe" are a"are that it )a# +e de)onstrated +# the so'% itse%f. The
o!i &asters teach the Candidates this %esson, as fo%%o"s4 The Candidate
$%aces hi)se%f in the State of &editation, or at %east in a tho'!htf'%
fra)e of )ind, and then endea(ors to "i)a!ine" hi)se%f as "dead"00that
is, he tries to for) a )enta% conce$tion of hi)se%f as dead. This, at
first tho'!ht, a$$ears a (er# eas# thin! to i)a!ine, +'t as a )atter of
fact it is i)$ossi+%e to do so, for the E!o ref'ses to entertain the
$ro$osition, and finds it i)$ossi+%e to i)a!ine it. Tr# it for #o'rse%f.
o' "i%% find that #o' )a# +e a+%e to i)a!ine #o'r +od# as %#in! sti%%
and %ife%ess, +'t the sa)e tho'!ht finds that in so doin! o' are
standin! and %oo*in! at the +od#. So #o' see that o' are not dead at
a%%, e(en in i)a!ination, a%tho'!h the +od# )a# +e. Or, if #o' ref'se to
disentan!%e #o'rse%f fro) #o'r +od#, in i)a!ination, #o' )a# thin* of
#o'r +od# as dead +'t o' "ho ref'se to %ea(e it are sti%% a%i(e and
reco!ni,e the dead +od# as a thin! a$art fro) #o'r Rea% Se%f. No )atter
ho" #o' )a# t"ist it #o' cannot i)a!ine #o'rse%f as dead. The E!o
insists '$on +ein! a%i(e in an# of these tho'!hts, and th's finds that
it has "ithin itse%f the sense and ass'rance of I))orta%it#. In case of
s%ee$ or st'$or res'%tin! fro) a +%o", or fro) narcotics or anaesthetics,
the )ind is a$$arent%# +%an*, +'t the "I" is conscio's of a contin'it# of
e.istence. And so one )a# i)a!ine hi)se%f as +ein! in an 'nconscio's
state, or as%ee$, 1'ite easi%#, and sees the $ossi+i%it# of s'ch a state,
+'t "hen it co)es to i)a!inin! the "I" as dead, the )ind 'tter%# ref'ses
to do the "or*. This "onderf'% fact that the so'% carries "ithin itse%f
the e(idence of its o"n i))orta%it# is a !%orio's thin!, +'t one )'st
ha(e reached a de!ree of 'nfo%d)ent +efore he is a+%e to !ras$ its f'%%
The Candidate is ad(ised to in(esti!ate the a+o(e state)ent for hi)se%f,
+# )editation and concentration, for in order that the "I" )a# *no" its
tr'e nat're and $ossi+i%ities, it )'st rea%i,e that it cannot +e
destro#ed or *i%%ed. It )'st *no" "hat it is +efore it is a+%e to
)anifest its nat're. So do not %ea(e this $art of the teachin! 'nti% #o'
ha(e )astered it. And it is "e%% occasiona%%# to ret'rn to it, in order
that #o' )a# i)$ress '$on the )ind the fact of #o'r i))orta% and eterna%
nat're. The )ere !%i))erin! of this conce$tion of tr'th "i%% !i(e #o' an
increased sense of stren!th and $o"er, and #o' "i%% find that #o'r Se%f
has e.$anded and !ro"n, and that #o' are )ore of a $o"er and Centre than
#o' ha(e heretofore rea%i,ed.
The fo%%o"in! e.ercises are 'sef'% in +rin!in! a+o't a rea%i,ation of the
in(inci+i%it# of the E!o00its s'$eriorit# to the e%e)ents.
P%ace #o'rse%f in the State of &editation, and i)a!ine the "I" as
"ithdra"n fro) the +od#. See it $assin! thro'!h the tests of air, fire
and "ater 'nhar)ed. The +od# +ein! o't of the "a#, the so'% is seen to
+e a+%e of $assin! thro'!h the air at "i%%00of f%oatin! %i*e a +ird00of
soarin!00of tra(e%in! in the ether. It )a# +e seen as a+%e to $ass
thro'!h fire "itho't har) and "itho't sensation, for the e%e)ents affect
on%# the $h#sica% +od#, not the Rea% "I." Li*e"ise it )a# +e seen as
$assin! thro'!h "ater "itho't disco)fort or dan!er or h'rt.
This )editation "i%% !i(e #o' a sense of s'$eriorit# and stren!th, and
"i%% sho" #o' so)ethin! of the nat're of the rea% "I." It is tr'e that
#o' are confined in the +od#, and the +od# )a# +e affected +# the
e%e)ents, +'t the *no"%ed!e that the Rea% "I" is s'$erior to the
+od#00s'$erior to the e%e)ents that affect the +od#00and cannot +e
inj'red an# )ore than it can +e *i%%ed, is "onderf'%, and tends to
de(e%o$ the f'%% "I" conscio'sness "ithin #o'. For o'00the Rea% "I"00are
not +od#. o' are S$irit. The E!o is I))orta% and In(inci+%e, and cannot
+e *i%%ed and har)ed. /hen #o' enter into this rea%i,ation and
conscio'sness, #o' "i%% fee% an inf%'. of stren!th and $o"er i)$ossi+%e
to descri+e. Fear "i%% fa%% fro) #o' %i*e a "orn0o't c%oa*, and #o' "i%%
fee% that #o' are "+orn a!ain." An 'nderstandin! of this tho'!ht, "i%%
sho" #o' that the thin!s that "e ha(e +een fearin! cannot affect the Rea%
"I," +'t )'st rest content "ith h'rtin! the $h#sica% +od#. And the# )a#
+e "arded off fro) the $h#sica% +od# +# a $ro$er 'nderstandin! and
a$$%ication of the /i%%.
In o'r ne.t %esson, #o' "i%% +e ta'!ht ho" to se$arate the "I" fro) the
)echanis) of the )ind00ho" #o' )a# rea%i,e #o'r )aster# of the )ind, j'st
as #o' no" rea%i,e #o'r inde$endence of the +od#. This *no"%ed!e )'st +e
i)$arted to #o' +# de!rees, and #o' )'st $%ace #o'r feet fir)%# '$on one
ro'nd of the %adder +efore #o' ta*e the ne.t ste$.
The "atch"ord of this First Lesson is "I." And the Candidate )'st enter
f'%%# into its )eanin! +efore he is a+%e to $ro!ress. He )'st rea%i,e his
rea% e.istence00inde$endent of the +od#. He )'st see hi)se%f as
in(inci+%e and i)$er(io's to har), h'rt, or death. He )'st see hi)se%f as
a !reat Centre of Conscio'sness00a S'n aro'nd "hich his "or%d re(o%(es.
Then "i%% co)e to hi) a ne" stren!th. He "i%% fee% a ca%) di!nit# and
$o"er, "hich "i%% +e a$$arent to those "ith "ho) he co)es in contact. He
"i%% +e a+%e to %oo* the "or%d in the face "itho't f%inchin!, and "itho't
fear, for he "i%% rea%i,e the nat're and $o"er of the "I." He "i%%
rea%i,e that he is a Centre of Po"er00of Inf%'ence. He "i%% rea%i,e that
nothin! can har) the "I," and that no )atter ho" the stor)s of %ife )a#
dash '$on the $ersona%it#, the rea% "I"00the Indi(id'a%it#00is 'nhar)ed.
Li*e a roc* that stands steadfast thro'!ho't the stor), so does the "I"
stand thro'!h the te)$ests of the %ife of $ersona%it#. And he "i%% *no"
that as he !ro"s in rea%i,ation, he "i%% +e a+%e to contro% these stor)s
and +id the) +e sti%%.
In the "ords of one of the o!i &asters4 "The 2I2 is eterna%. It $asses
'nhar)ed thro'!h the fire, the air, the "ater. S"ord and s$ear cannot
*i%% or "o'nd it. It cannot die. The tria%s of the $h#sica% %ife are +'t
as drea)s to it. Restin! sec're in the *no"%ed!e of the 2I,2 &an )a#
s)i%e at the "orst the "or%d has to offer, and raisin! his hand he )a#
+id the) disa$$ear into the )ist fro) "hich the# e)er!ed.
5%essed is he "ho can sa# 7'nderstandin!%#8 2I2."
So dear Candidate, "e %ea(e #o' to )aster the First Lesson. 5e not
disco'ra!ed if #o'r $ro!ress +e s%o". 5e not cast do"n if #o' s%i$ +ac* a
ste$ after ha(in! !ained it. o' "i%% !ain t"o at the ne.t ste$. S'ccess
and rea%i,ation "i%% +e #o'rs. &aster# is +efore. o' "i%% Attain. o'
"i%% Acco)$%ish. Peace +e "ith #o'.
"I" a) a Centre. Aro'nd )e re(o%(es )# "or%d.
"I" a) a Centre of Inf%'ence and Po"er.
"I" a) a Centre of Tho'!ht and Conscio'sness.
"I" a) Inde$endent of the 5od#.
"I" a) I))orta% and cannot +e 9estro#ed.
"I" a) In(inci+%e and cannot +e Inj'red.
AI%%'stration4 "I"B
In the First Lesson "e !a(e instr'ction and e.ercises desi!ned to a"a*en
the conscio'sness of the Candidate to a rea%i,ation of the rea% "I." /e
confined o'r instr'ctions to the $re%i)inar# teachin!s of the rea%it# of
the "I," and the )eans "here+# the Candidate )i!ht +e +ro'!ht to a
rea%i,ation of his rea% Se%f, and its inde$endence fro) the +od# and the
thin!s of the f%esh. /e tried to sho" #o' ho" #o' )i!ht a"a*en to a
conscio'sness of the rea%it# of the "I"3 its rea% nat're3 its
inde$endence of the +od#3 its i))orta%it#3 its in(inci+i%it# and
in('%nera+i%it#. Ho" "e%% "e ha(e s'cceeded )a# +e deter)ined on%# +#
the e.$erience of each Candidate, for "e can +'t $oint o't the "a#, and
the Candidate )'st do the rea% "or* hi)se%f.
5't there is )ore to +e said and done in this )atter of a"a*enin! to a
rea%i,ation of the "I." So far, "e ha(e +'t to%d #o' ho" to distin!'ish
+et"een the )ateria% co(erin!s of the E!o and the "I" itse%f. /e ha(e
tried to sho" #o' that #o' had a rea% "I," and then to sho" #o' "hat it
"as, and ho" it "as inde$endent of the )ateria% co(erin!s, etc. 5't there
is sti%% another ste$ in this se%f ana%#sis00a )ore diffic'%t ste$. E(en
"hen the Candidate has a"a*ened to a rea%i,ation of his inde$endence of
the +od#, and )ateria% co(erin!s, he often confo'nds the "I" "ith the
%o"er $rinci$%es of the )ind. This is a )ista*e. The &ind, in its (ario's
$hases and $%anes, is +'t a too% and instr')ent of the "I," and is far
fro) +ein! the "I" itse%f. /e sha%% tr# to +rin! o't this fact in this
%esson and its acco)$an#in! e.ercises. /e sha%% a(oid, and $ass +#, the
)eta$h#sica% feat'res of the case, and sha%% confine o'rse%(es to the
o!i Ps#cho%o!#. /e sha%% not to'ch '$on theories, nor atte)$t to
e.$%ain the ca'se, nat're and $'r$ose of the &ind00the "or*in! too% of
the E!o00+'t instead sha%% atte)$t to $oint o't a "a# "here+# #o' )a#
ana%#,e the &ind and then deter)ine "hich is the "not I" and "hich is the
rea% "I." It is 'se%ess to +'rden #o' "ith theories or )eta$h#sica% ta%*,
"hen the "a# to $ro(e the thin! is ri!ht "ithin #o'r o"n !ras$. 5# 'sin!
the )ind, #o' "i%% +e a+%e to se$arate it into its $arts, and force it to
!i(e #o' its o"n ans"er to the 1'estions to'chin! itse%f.
In the second and third %essons of o'r "Fo'rteen Lessons," "e $ointed
o't to #o' the fact that )an had three &enta% Princi$%es, or s'+di(isions
of )ind, a%% of "hich "ere +e%o" the $%ane of S$irit. The "I" is S$irit,
+'t its )enta% $rinci$%es are of a %o"er order. /itho't "ishin! to 'nd'%#
re$eat o'rse%(es, "e thin* it +etter to r'n hasti%# o(er these three
Princi$%es in the )ind of &an.
First, there is "hat is *no"n as the Instincti(e &ind, "hich )an shares
in co))on "ith the %o"er ani)a%s. It is the first $rinci$%e of )ind that
a$$ears in the sca%e of e(o%'tion. In its %o"est $hases, conscio'sness
is +'t +are%# $erce$ti+%e, and )ere sensation is a$$arent. In its hi!her
sta!es it a%)ost reaches the $%ane of Reason or Inte%%ect, in fact, the#
o(er%a$ each other, or, rather, +%end into each other. The Instincti(e
&ind does (a%'a+%e "or* in the direction of )aintainin! ani)a% %ife in
o'r +odies, it ha(in! char!e of this $art of o'r +ein!. It attends to the
constant "or* of re$air3 re$%ace)ent3 chan!e3 di!estion3 assi)i%ation3
e%i)ination, etc., a%% of "hich "or* is $erfor)ed +e%o" the $%ane of
5't this is +'t a s)a%% $art of the "or* of the Instincti(e &ind. For
this $art of the )ind has stored '$ a%% the e.$eriences of o'rse%(es and
ancestors in o'r e(o%'tion fro) the %o"er for)s of ani)a% %ife into the
$resent sta!e of e(o%'tion. A%% of the o%d ani)a% instincts 7"hich "ere
a%% ri!ht in their $%ace, and 1'ite necessar# for the "e%%0+ein! of the
%o"er for)s of %ife8 ha(e %eft traces in this $art of the )ind, "hich
traces are a$t to co)e to the front 'nder $ress're of 'n's'a%
circ')stances, e(en %on! after "e thin* "e ha(e o't!ro"n the). In this
$art of the )ind are to +e fo'nd traces of the o%d fi!htin! instinct of
the ani)a%3 a%% the ani)a% $assions3 a%% the hate, en(#, jea%o's#, and
the rest of it, "hich are o'r inheritances fro) the $ast. The Instincti(e
&ind is a%so the "ha+it )ind" in "hich is stored '$ a%% the %itt%e, and
!reat, ha+its of )an# %i(es, or rather s'ch as ha(e not +een entire%#
effaced +# s'+se1'ent ha+its of a stron!er nat're. The Instincti(e &ind
is a 1'eer storeho'se, containin! 1'ite a (ariet# of o+jects, )an# of
the) (er# !ood in their "a#, +'t others of "hich are the "orst *ind of
o%d j'n* and r'++ish.
This $art of the )ind a%so is the seat of the a$$etites3 $assions3
desires3 instincts3 sensations3 fee%in!s and e)otions of the %o"er order,
)anifested in the %o"er ani)a%s3 $ri)iti(e )an3 the +ar+arian3 and the
)an of toda#, the difference +ein! on%# in the de!ree of contro% o(er
the) that has +een !ained +# the hi!her $arts of the )ind. There are
hi!her desires, as$irations, etc., +e%on!in! to a hi!her $art of the
)ind, "hich "e "i%% descri+e in a fe" )in'tes, +'t the "ani)a% nat're"
+e%on!s to the Instincti(e &ind. To it a%so +e%on! the "fee%in!s"
+e%on!in! to o'r e)otiona% and $assiona% nat're. A%% ani)a% desires, s'ch
as h'n!er and thirst3 se.'a% desires 7on the $h#sica% $%ane83 a%%
$assions, s'ch as $h#sica% %o(e3 hatred3 en(#3 )a%ice3 jea%o's#3 re(en!e,
etc., are $art of this $art of the )ind. The desire for the $h#sica%
7'n%ess a )eans of reachin! hi!her thin!s8 and the %on!in! for the
)ateria%, +e%on! to this re!ion of the )ind. The "%'st of the f%esh3 the
%'st of the e#es3 the $ride of %ife," +e%on! to the Instincti(e &ind.
Ta*e note, ho"e(er, that "e are not conde)nin! the thin!s +e%on!in! to
this $%ane of the )ind. A%% of the) ha(e their $%ace00)an# "ere necessar#
in the $ast, and )an# are sti%% necessar# for the contin'ance of $h#sica%
%ife. A%% are ri!ht in their $%ace, and to those in the $artic'%ar $%ane
of de(e%o$)ent to "hich the# +e%on!, and are "ron! on%# "hen one is
)astered +# the), or "hen he ret'rns to $ic* '$ an 'n"orth# thin! that
has +een cast off in the 'nfo%d)ent of the indi(id'a%. This %esson has
nothin! to do "ith the ri!ht and "ron! of these thin!s 7"e ha(e treated
of that e%se"here8 and "e )ention this $art of the )ind that #o' )a#
'nderstand that #o' ha(e s'ch a thin! in #o'r )enta% )a*e0'$, and that
#o' )a# 'nderstand the tho'!ht, etc., co)in! fro) it, "hen "e start in to
ana%#,e the )ind in the %atter $art of this %esson. A%% "e "i%% as* #o'
to do at this sta!e of the %esson is to rea%i,e that this $art of the
)ind, "hi%e +e%on!in! to #o', is not o', #o'rse%f. It is not the
"I" $art of #o'.
Ne.t in order, a+o(e the Instincti(e &ind, is "hat "e ha(e ca%%ed the
Inte%%ect, that $art of the )ind that does o'r reasonin!, ana%#,in!3
"thin*in!," etc. o' are 'sin! it in the consideration of this %esson.
5't note this4 o' are 'sin! it, +'t it is not o', an# )ore than "as
the Instincti(e &ind that #o' considered a )o)ent a!o. o' "i%% +e!in to
)a*e the se$aration, if #o' "i%% thin* +'t a )o)ent. /e "i%% not ta*e '$
#o'r ti)e "ith a consideration of Inte%%ect or Reason. o' "i%% find a
!ood descri$tion of this $art of the )ind in an# !ood e%e)entar# "or* on
Ps#cho%o!#. O'r on%# idea in )entionin! it is that #o' )a# )a*e the
c%assification, and that "e )a# after"ard sho" #o' that the Inte%%ect is
+'t a too% of the E!o, instead of +ein! the rea% "I" itse%f, as so )an#
see) to i)a!ine.
The third, and hi!hest, &enta% Princi$%e is "hat is ca%%ed the S$irit'a%
&ind, that $art of the )ind "hich is a%)ost 'n*no"n to )an# of the race,
+'t "hich has de(e%o$ed into conscio'sness "ith near%# a%% "ho read this
%esson, for the fact that the s'+ject of this %esson attracts #o' is a
$roof that this $art of #o'r )enta% nat're is 'nfo%din! into
conscio'sness. This re!ion of the )ind is the so'rce of that "hich "e
ca%% "!eni's," "ins$iration," "s$irit'a%it#," and a%% that "e consider
the "hi!hest" in o'r )enta% )a*e0'$. A%% the !reat tho'!hts and ideas
f%oat into the fie%d of conscio'sness fro) this $art of the )ind. A%% the
!reat 'nfo%d)ent of the race co)es fro) there. A%% the hi!her )enta%
ideas that ha(e co)e to &an in his '$"ard e(o%'tionar# jo'rne#, that tend
in the direction of no+i%it#3 tr'e re%i!io's fee%in!3 *indness3 h')anit#3
j'stice3 'nse%fish %o(e3 )erc#3 s#)$ath#, etc., ha(e co)e to hi) thro'!h
his s%o"%# 'nfo%din! S$irit'a% &ind. His %o(e of <od and of his fe%%o"
)an ha(e co)e in this "a#. His *no"%ed!e of the !reat occ'%t tr'ths reach
hi) thro'!h this channe%. The )enta% rea%i,ation of the "I," "hich "e are
endea(orin! to teach in these %essons, )'st co)e to hi) +# "a# of the
S$irit'a% &ind 'nfo%din! its ideas into his fie%d of conscio'sness.
5't e(en this !reat and "onderf'% $art of the )ind is +'t a too%00a
hi!h%# finished one, it is tr'e, +'t sti%% a too%00to the E!o, or "I."
/e $ro$ose to !i(e #o' a %itt%e )enta% dri%% "or*, to"ard the end that
#o' )a# +e a+%e )ore readi%# to distin!'ish the "I" fro) the )ind, or
)enta% states. In this connection "e "o'%d sa# that e(er# $art, $%ane,
and f'nction of the )ind is !ood, and necessar#, and the st'dent )'st not
fa%% into the error of s'$$osin! that +eca'se "e te%% hi) to set aside
first this $art of the )ind and then that $art, that "e are 'nder(a%'in!
the )ind, or that "e re!ard it as an enc')+rance or hindrance. Far fro)
this, "e rea%i,e that it is +# the 'se of the )ind that &an is ena+%ed
to arri(e at a *no"%ed!e of his tr'e nat're and Se%f, and that his
$ro!ress thro'!h )an# sta!es #et "i%% de$end '$on the 'nfo%din! of his
)enta% fac'%ties.
&an is no" 'sin! +'t the %o"er and inferior $arts of his )ind, and he has
"ithin his )enta% "or%d !reat 'ne.$%ored re!ions that far s'r$ass
an#thin! of "hich the h')an )ind has drea)ed. In fact, it is $art of the
+'siness of "Raja o!a" to aid in 'nfo%din! these hi!her fac'%ties and
)enta% re!ions. And so far fro) decr#in! the &ind, the "Raja o!a"
teachers are chief%# concerned in reco!ni,in! the &ind2s $o"er and
$ossi+i%ities, and directin! the st'dent to a(ai% hi)se%f of the %atent
$o"ers that are inherent in his so'%.
It is on%# +# the )ind that the teachin!s "e are no" !i(in! #o' )a# +e
!ras$ed and 'nderstood, and 'sed to #o'r ad(anta!e and +enefit. /e are
ta%*in! direct to #o'r )ind no", and are )a*in! a$$ea%s to it, that it
)a# +e interested and )a# o$en itse%f to "hat is read# to co)e into it
fro) its o"n hi!her re!ions. /e are a$$ea%in! to the Inte%%ect to direct
its attention to this !reat )atter, that it )a# inter$ose %ess resistance
to the tr'ths that are "aitin! to +e $rojected fro) the S$irit'a% &ind,
"hich *no"s the Tr'th.
P%ace #o'rse%f in a ca%), restf'% condition, that #o' )a# +e a+%e to
)editate '$on the )atters that "e sha%% $%ace +efore #o' for
consideration. A%%o" the )atters $resented to )eet "ith a hos$ita+%e
rece$tion fro) #o', and ho%d a )enta% attit'de of "i%%in!ness to recei(e
"hat )a# +e "aitin! for #o' in the hi!her re!ions of #o'r )ind.
/e "ish to ca%% #o'r attention to se(era% )enta% i)$ressions or
conditions, one after another, in order that #o' )a# rea%i,e that the#
are )ere%# so)ethin! incident to #o', and not O- #o'rse%f00that #o'
)a# set the) aside and consider the), j'st as #o' )i!ht an#thin! that #o'
ha(e +een 'sin!. o' cannot set the "I" aside and so consider it, +'t the
(ario's for)s of the "not I" )a# +e so set aside and considered.
In the First Lesson #o' !ained the $erce$tion of the "I" as inde$endent
fro) the +od#, the %atter )ere%# +ein! an instr')ent for 'se. o' ha(e
no" arri(ed at the sta!e "hen the "I" a$$ears to #o' to +e a )enta%
creat're00a +'nd%e of tho'!hts, fee%in!s, )oods, etc. 5't #o' )'st !o
farther. o' )'st +e a+%e to distin!'ish the "I" fro) these )enta%
conditions, "hich are as )'ch too%s as is the +od# and its $arts.
Let 's +e!in +# considerin! the tho'!hts )ore c%ose%# connected "ith the
+od#, and then "or* '$ to the hi!her )enta% states.
The sensations of the +od#, s'ch as h'n!er3 thirst3 $ain3 $%eas'ra+%e
sensations3 $h#sica% desires, etc., etc., are not a$t to +e )ista*en for
essentia% 1'a%ities of the "I" +# )an# of the Candidates, for the# ha(e
$assed +e#ond this sta!e, and ha(e %earned to set aside these sensations,
to a !reater or %esser e.tent, +# an effort of the /i%%, and are no
%on!er s%a(es to the). Not that the# do not e.$erience these sensations,
+'t the# ha(e !ro"n to re!ard the) as incidents of the $h#sica%
%ife00!ood in their $%ace00+'t 'sef'% to the ad(anced )an on%# "hen he
has )astered the) to the e.tent that he no %on!er re!ards the) as c%ose
to the "I." And #et, to so)e $eo$%e, these sensations are so c%ose%#
identified "ith their conce$tion of the "I" that "hen the# thin* of
the)se%(es the# thin* )ere%# of a +'nd%e of these sensations. The# are
not a+%e to set the) aside and consider the) as thin!s a$art, to +e 'sed
"hen necessar# and $ro$er, +'t as thin!s not fastened to the "I." The
)ore ad(anced a )an +eco)es the farther off see) these sensations. Not
that he does not fee% h'n!r#, for instance. Not at a%%, for he reco!ni,es
h'n!er, and satisfies it "ithin reason, *no"in! that his $h#sica% +od# is
)a*in! de)ands for attention, and that these de)ands sho'%d +e heeded.
5't00)ar* the difference00instead of fee%in! that the "I" is h'n!r# the
)an fee%s that ")# +od#" is h'n!r#, j'st as he )i!ht +eco)e conscio's
that his horse or do! "as cr#in! for food insistent%#. 9o #o' see "hat
"e )ean: It is that the )an no %on!er identifies hi)se%f00the "I"00"ith
the +od#, conse1'ent%# the tho'!hts "hich are )ost c%ose%# a%%ied to the
$h#sica% %ife see) co)$arati(e%# "se$arate" fro) his "I" conce$tion. S'ch
a )an thin*s ")# sto)ach, this," or ")# %e!, that," or ")# +od#, th's,"
instead of "2I,2 this," or "2I2 that." He is a+%e, a%)ost a'to)atica%%#,
to thin* of the +od# and its sensations as thin!s of hi), and
+e%on!in! to hi), "hich re1'ire attention and care, rather than as rea%
$arts of the "I." He is a+%e to for) a conce$tion of the "I" as e.istin!
"itho't an# of these thin!s00"itho't the +od# and its sensations00and so
he has ta*en the first ste$ in the rea%i,ation of the "I."
5efore !oin! on, "e as* the st'dents to sto$ a fe" )o)ents, and )enta%%#
r'n o(er these sensations of the +od#. For) a )enta% i)a!e of the), and
rea%i,e that the# are )ere%# incidents to the $resent sta!e of !ro"th and
e.$erience of the "I," and that the# for) no rea% $art of it. The# )a#,
and "i%% +e, %eft +ehind in the E!o2s hi!her $%anes of ad(ance)ent. o'
)a# ha(e attained this )enta% conce$tion $erfect%#, %on! since, +'t "e
as* that to !i(e #o'rse%f the )enta% dri%% at this ti)e, in order to
fasten '$on #o'r )ind this first ste$.
In rea%i,in! that #o' are a+%e to set aside, )enta%%#, these
sensations00that #o' are a+%e to ho%d the) o't at ar)2s %en!th and
"consider" the) as an "o'tside" thin!, #o' )enta%%# deter)ine that the#
are "not I" thin!s, and #o' set the) do"n in the "not I" co%%ection00the
first to +e $%aced there. Let 's tr# to )a*e this sti%% $%ainer, e(en at
the ris* of "ear#in! #o' +# re$etitions 7for #o' )'st !et this idea
fir)%# fi.ed in #o'r )ind8. To +e a+%e to sa# that a thin! is "not I,"
#o' )'st rea%i,e that there are t"o thin!s in 1'estion 718 the "not I"
thin!, and 7C8 the "I" "ho is re!ardin! the "not I" thin! j'st as the "I"
re!ards a %')$ of s'!ar, or a )o'ntain. 9o #o' see "hat "e )ean: 6ee$ at
it 'nti% #o' do.
Ne.t, consider so)e of the e)otions, s'ch as an!er3 hate3 %o(e, in its
ordinar# for)s3 jea%o's#3 a)+ition3 and the h'ndred and one other
e)otions that s"ee$ thro'!h o'r +rains. o' "i%% find that #o' are a+%e
to set each one of these e)otions or fee%in!s aside and st'd# it3 dissect
it3 ana%#,e it3 consider it. o' "i%% +e a+%e to 'nderstand the rise,
$ro!ress and end of each of these fee%in!s, as the# ha(e co)e to #o', and
as #o' reca%% the) in #o'r )e)or# or i)a!ination, j'st as readi%# as #o'
"o'%d "ere #o' o+ser(in! their occ'rrence in the )ind of a friend. o'
"i%% find the) a%% stored a"a# in so)e $arts of #o'r )enta% )a*e0'$, and
#o' )a# 7to 'se a )odern A)erican s%an! $hrase8 ")a*e the) trot +efore
#o', and sho" their $aces." 9on2t #o' see that the# are not "o'"00that
the# are )ere%# so)ethin! that #o' carr# aro'nd "ith #o' in a )enta% +a!.
o' can i)a!ine #o'rse%f as %i(in! "itho't the), and sti%% +ein! "I," can
#o' not:
And the (er# fact that #o' are a+%e to set the) aside and e.a)ine and
consider the) is a $roof that the# are "not I" thin!s00for there are t"o
thin!s in the )atter 718 o' "ho are e.a)inin! and considerin! the),
and 7C8 the thin! itse%f "hich is the o+ject of the e.a)ination and
consideration at )enta% ar)2s %en!th. So into the "not I" co%%ection !o
these e)otions, desira+%e and 'ndesira+%e. The co%%ection is steadi%#
!ro"in!, and "i%% attain 1'ite for)ida+%e $ro$ortions after a "hi%e.
No", do not i)a!ine that this is a %esson desi!ned to teach #o' ho" to
discard these e)otions, a%tho'!h if it ena+%es #o' to !et rid of the
'ndesira+%e ones, so )'ch the +etter. This is not o'r o+ject, for "e +id
#o' $%ace the desira+%e 7at this ti)e8 ones in "ith the o$$osite *ind,
the idea +ein! to +rin! #o' to a rea%i,ation that the "I" is hi!her,
a+o(e and inde$endent of these )enta% so)ethin!s, and then "hen #o' ha(e
rea%i,ed the nat're of the "I," #o' )a# ret'rn and 'se 7as a &aster8 the
thin!s that ha(e +een 'sin! #o' as a s%a(e. So do not +e afraid to thro"
these e)otions 7!ood and +ad8 into the "not I" co%%ection. o' )a# !o
+ac* to the), and 'se the !ood ones, after the &enta% 9ri%% is o(er. No
)atter ho" )'ch #o' )a# thin* that #o' are +o'nd +# an# of these
e)otions, #o' "i%% rea%i,e, +# caref'% ana%#sis, that it is of the "not
I" *ind, for the "I" e.isted +efore the e)otion ca)e into acti(e $%a#,
and it "i%% %i(e %on! after the e)otion has faded a"a#. The $rinci$a%
$roof is that #o' are a+%e to ho%d it o't at ar)2s %en!th and e.a)ine
it00a $roof that it is "not I."
R'n thro'!h the entire %ist of #o'r fee%in!s3 e)otions3 )oods3 and "hat
not, j'st as #o' "o'%d those of a "e%%0*no"n friend or re%ati(e, and #o'
"i%% see that each one00e(er# one00is a "not I" thin!, and #o' "i%% %a#
it aside for the ti)e, for the $'r$ose of the scientific e.$eri)ent, at
Then $assin! on to the Inte%%ect, #o' "i%% +e a+%e to ho%d o't for
e.a)ination each )enta% $rocess and $rinci$%e. o' don2t +e%ie(e it, #o'
)a# sa#. Then read and st'd# so)e !ood "or* on Ps#cho%o!#, and #o' "i%%
%earn to dissect and ana%#,e e(er# inte%%ect'a% $rocess00and to c%assif#
it and $%ace it in the $ro$er $i!eon0ho%e. St'd# Ps#cho%o!# +# )eans of
so)e !ood te.t0+oo*, and #o' "i%% find that one +# one e(er# inte%%ect'a%
$rocess is c%assified, and ta%*ed a+o't and %a+e%ed, j'st as #o' "o'%d a
co%%ection of f%o"ers. If that does not satisf# #o', t'rn the %ea(es of
so)e "or* on Lo!ic, and #o' "i%% ad)it that #o' )a# ho%d these
inte%%ect'a% $rocesses at ar)2s %en!th and e.a)ine the), and ta%* a+o't
the) to others. So that these "onderf'% too%s of &an00the Inte%%ect'a%
$o"ers )a# +e $%aced in the "not I" co%%ection, for the "I" is ca$a+%e of
standin! aside and (ie"in! the)00it is a+%e to detach the) fro) itse%f.
The )ost re)ar*a+%e thin! a+o't this is that in ad)ittin! this fact, #o'
rea%i,e that the "I" is 'sin! these (er# inte%%ect'a% fac'%ties to $ass
'$on the)se%(es. /ho is the &aster that co)$e%s these fac'%ties to do
this to the)se%(es: The &aster of the &ind00The "I."
And reachin! the hi!her re!ions of the )ind00e(en the S$irit'a% &ind, #o'
"i%% +e co)$e%%ed to ad)it that the thin!s that ha(e co)e into
conscio'sness fro) that re!ion )a# +e considered and st'died, j'st as )a#
+e an# other )enta% thin!, and so e(en these hi!h thin!s )'st +e $%aced
in the "not I" co%%ection. o' )a# o+ject that this does not $ro(e that
a%% the thin!s in the S$irit'a% &ind )a# +e so treated00that there )a# +e
"I" thin!s there that can not +e so treated. /e "i%% not disc'ss this
1'estion, for #o' *no" nothin! a+o't the S$irit'a% &ind e.ce$t as it has
re(ea%ed itse%f to #o', and the hi!her re!ions of that )ind are %i*e the
)ind of a <od, "hen co)$ared to "hat #o' ca%% )ind. 5't the e(idence of
the I%%')ined00those in "ho) the S$irit'a% &ind has "onderf'%%# 'nfo%ded
te%% 's that e(en in the hi!hest for)s of de(e%o$)ent, the Initiates,
#ea, e(en the &asters, rea%i,e that a+o(e e(en their hi!hest )enta%
states there is a%"a#s that eterna% "I" +roodin! o(er the), as the S'n
o(er the %a*e3 and that the hi!hest conce$tion of the "I" *no"n e(en to
ad(anced so'%s, is +'t a faint ref%ection of the "I" fi%terin! thro'!h
the S$irit'a% &ind, a%tho'!h that S$irit'a% &ind is as c%ear as the
c%earest cr#sta% "hen co)$ared "ith o'r co)$arati(e%# o$a1'e )enta%
states. And the hi!hest )enta% state is +'t a too% or instr')ent of the
"I," and is not the "I" itse%f.
And #et the "I" is to +e fo'nd in the faintest for)s of conscio'sness,
and ani)ates e(en the 'nconscio's %ife. The "I" is a%"a#s the sa)e, +'t
its a$$arent !ro"th is the res'%t of the )enta% 'nfo%d)ent of the
indi(id'a%. As "e descri+ed it in one of the %essons of the "Ad(anced
Co'rse" it is %i*e an e%ectric %a)$ that is encased in )an# "ra$$in!s of
c%oth. As c%oth after c%oth is re)o(ed, the %i!ht see)s to !ro" +ri!hter
and stron!er, and #et it has chan!ed not, the chan!e +ein! in the re)o(a%
of the confinin! and +edi))in! co(erin!s. /e do not e.$ect to )a*e #o'
rea%i,e the "I" in a%% its f'%%ness00that is far +e#ond the hi!hest *no"n
to )an of to0da#00+'t "e do ho$e to +rin! #o' to a rea%i,ation of the
hi!hest conce$tion of the "I," $ossi+%e to each of #o' in #o'r $resent
sta!e of 'nfo%d)ent, and in the $rocess "e e.$ect to ca'se to dro$ fro)
#o' so)e of the confinin! sheaths that #o' ha(e a+o't o't!ro"n. The
sheaths are read# for dro$$in!, and a%% that is re1'ired is the to'ch of
a friend%# hand to ca'se the) to fa%% f%'tterin! fro) #o'. /e "ish to
+rin! #o' to the f'%%est $ossi+%e 7to #o'8 rea%i,ation of the "I," in
order to )a*e an Indi(id'a% of #o'00in order that #o' )a# 'nderstand, and
ha(e co'ra!e to ta*e '$ the too%s and instr')ents %#in! at #o'r hand, and
do the "or* +efore #o'.
And no", +ac* to the &enta% 9ri%%. After #o' ha(e satisfied #o'rse%f that
a+o't e(er#thin! that #o' are ca$a+%e of thin*in! a+o't is a "not I"
thin!00a too% and instr')ent for #o'r 'se00#o' "i%% as*, "And no", "hat
is there %eft that sho'%d not +e thro"n in the "not I" co%%ection." To
this 1'estion "e ans"er "THE 2I2 ITSELF." And "hen #o' de)and a $roof
"e sa#, "Tr# to set aside the 2I2 for consideration?" o' )a# tr# fro)
no" 'nti% the $assin! a"a# of infinities of infinities, and #o' "i%%
ne(er +e a+%e to set aside the rea% "I" for consideration. o' )a# thin*
#o' can, +'t a %itt%e ref%ection "i%% sho" #o' that #o' are )ere%#
settin! aside so)e of #o'r )enta% 1'a%ities or fac'%ties. And in this
$rocess "hat is the "I" doin!: Si)$%# settin! aside and considerin!
thin!s. Can #o' not see that the "I" cannot +e +oth the considerer and
the thin! considered00the e.a)iner and the thin! e.a)ined: Can the s'n
shine '$on itse%f +# its o"n %i!ht: o' )a# consider the "I" of so)e
other $erson, +'t it is #o'r "I" that is considerin!. 5't #o' cannot,
as an "I," stand aside and see #o'rse%f as an "I." Then "hat e(idence
ha(e "e that there is an "I" to 's: This4 that #o' are a%"a#s conscio's
of +ein! the considerer and e.a)iner, instead of the considered and
e.a)ined thin!00and then, #o' ha(e the e(idence of #o'r conscio'sness.
And "hat re$ort does this conscio'sness !i(e 's: Si)$%# this, and nothin!
)ore4 "I A&." That is a%% that the "I" is conscio's of, re!ardin! its
tr'e se%f4 "I A&," +'t that conscio'sness is "orth a%% the rest, for the
rest is +'t "not I" too%s that the "I" )a# reach o't and 'se.
And so at the fina% ana%#sis, #o' "i%% find that there is so)ethin! that
ref'ses to +e set aside and e.a)ined +# the "I." And that so)ethin! is
the "I" itse%f00that "I" eterna%, 'nchan!ea+%e00that dro$ of the <reat
S$irit Ocean00that s$ar* fro) the Sacred F%a)e.
>'st as #o' find it i)$ossi+%e to i)a!ine the "I" as dead, so "i%% #o'
find it i)$ossi+%e to set aside the "I" for consideration00a%% that co)es
to #o' is the testi)on#4 "I A&."
If #o' "ere a+%e to set aside the "I" for consideration, "ho "o'%d +e the
one to consider it: /ho co'%d consider e.ce$t the "I" itse%f, and if it
+e here, ho" co'%d it +e there: The "I" cannot +e the "not I" e(en in
the "i%dest f%i!hts of the i)a!ination00the i)a!ination "ith a%% its
+oasted freedo) and $o"er, confesses itse%f (an1'ished "hen as*ed to do
this thin!.
Oh, st'dents, )a# #o' +e +ro'!ht to a rea%i,ation of "hat #o' are. &a#
#o' soon a"a*en to the fact that #o' are s%ee$in! !ods00that #o' ha(e
"ithin #o' the $o"er of the -ni(erse, a"aitin! #o'r "ord to )anifest
in action. Lon! a!es ha(e #o' toi%ed to !et this far, and %on! )'st #o'
tra(e% +efore #o' reach e(en the first <reat Te)$%e, +'t #o' are no"
enterin! into the conscio's sta!e of S$irit'a% E(o%'tion. No %on!er "i%%
#o'r e#es +e c%osed as #o' "a%* the Path. Fro) no" on #o' "i%% +e!in to
see c%earer and c%earer each ste$, in the da"nin! %i!ht of conscio'sness.
o' are in to'ch "ith a%% of %ife, and the se$aration of #o'r "I" fro)
the !reat -ni(ersa% "I" is +'t a$$arent and te)$orar#. /e "i%% te%% #o'
of these thin!s in o'r Third Lesson, +'t +efore #o' can !ras$ that #o'
)'st de(e%o$ the "I" conscio'sness "ithin #o'. 9o not %a# aside this
)atter as one of no i)$ortance. 9o not dis)iss o'r "ea* e.$%anation as
+ein! ")ere%# "ords, "ords, "ords," as so )an# are inc%ined to do. /e are
$ointin! o't a !reat tr'th to #o'. /h# not fo%%o" the %eadin!s of the
S$irit "hich e(en no"00this )o)ent "hi%e #o' read00is 'r!in! #o' to "a%*
The Path of Attain)ent: Consider the teachin!s of this %esson, and
$ractice the &enta% 9ri%% 'nti% #o'r )ind has !ras$ed its si!nificance,
then %et it sin* dee$ do"n into #o'r inner conscio'sness. Then "i%% #o'
+e read# for the ne.t %essons, and those to fo%%o".
Practice this &enta% 9ri%% 'nti% #o' are f'%%# ass'red of the rea%it#
of the "I" and the re%ati(it# of the "not "I" in the )ind. /hen #o'
once !ras$ this tr'th, #o' "i%% find that #o' "i%% +e a+%e to 'se the
)ind "ith far !reater $o"er and effect, for #o' "i%% reco!ni,e that it is
#o'r too% and instr')ent, fitted and intended to do #o'r +iddin!. o'
"i%% +e a+%e to )aster #o'r )oods, and e)otions "hen necessar#, and "i%%
rise fro) the $osition of a s%a(e to a &aster.
O'r "ords see) chea$ and $oor, "hen "e consider the !reatness of the
tr'th that "e are endea(orin! to con(e# +# )eans of the). For "ho can
find "ords to e.$ress the ine.$ressi+%e: A%% that "e )a# ho$e to do is to
a"a*en a *een interest and attention on #o'r $art, so that #o' "i%%
$ractice the &enta% 9ri%%, and th's o+tain the e(idence of #o'r o"n
)enta%it# to the tr'th. Tr'th is not tr'th to #o' 'nti% #o' ha(e $ro(en
it in #o'r o"n e.$erience, and once so $ro(en #o' cannot +e ro++ed of it,
nor can it +e ar!'ed a"a# fro) #o'.
o' )'st rea%i,e that in e(er# )enta% effort o'00the "I"00are +ehind it.
o' +id the &ind "or*, and it o+e#s #o'r /i%%. o' are the &aster, and
not the s%a(e of #o'r )ind. o' are the 9ri(er, not the dri(en. Sha*e
#o'rse%f %oose fro) the t#rann# of the )ind that has o$$ressed #o' for so
%on!. Assert #o'rse%f, and +e free. /e "i%% he%$ #o' in this direction
d'rin! the co'rse of these %essons, +'t #o' )'st first assert #o'rse%f as
a &aster of #o'r &ind. Si!n the )enta% 9ec%aration of Inde$endence fro)
#o'r )oods, e)otions, and 'ncontro%%ed tho'!hts, and assert #o'r 9o)inion
o(er the). Enter into #o'r 6in!do), tho' )anifestation of the S$irit?
/hi%e this %esson is intended $ri)ari%# to +rin! c%ear%# into #o'r
conscio'sness the fact that the "I" is a rea%it#, se$arate and distinct
fro) its &enta% Too%s, and "hi%e the contro% of the )enta% fac'%ties +#
the /i%% for)s a $art of so)e of the f't're %essons, sti%%, "e thin* that
this is a !ood $%ace to $oint o't to #o' the ad(anta!es arisin! fro) a
rea%i,ation of the tr'e nat're of the "I" and the re%ati(e as$ect of the
&an# of 's ha(e s'$$osed that o'r )inds "ere the )asters of o'rse%(es,
and "e ha(e a%%o"ed o'rse%(es to +e tor)ented and "orried +# tho'!hts
"r'nnin! a"a#" "ith 's, and $resentin! the)se%(es at ino$$ort'ne )o)ents.
The Initiate is re%ie(ed fro) this anno#ance, for he %earns to assert his
)aster# o(er the different $arts of the )ind, and contro%s and re!'%ates
his )enta% $rocesses, j'st as one "o'%d a fine $iece of )achiner#. He is
a+%e to contro% his conscio's thin*in! fac'%ties, and direct their "or*
to the +est ad(anta!e, and he a%so %earns ho" to $ass on orders to the
s'+conscio's )enta% re!ion and +id it "or* for hi) "hi%e he s%ee$s, or
e(en "hen he is 'sin! his conscio's )ind in other )atters. These s'+jects
"i%% +e considered +# 's in d'e ti)e, d'rin! the co'rse of %essons.
In this connection it )a# +e interestin! to read "hat Ed"ard Car$enter
sa#s of the $o"er of the indi(id'a% to contro% his tho'!ht $rocesses. In
his +oo* "Fro) Ada)2s Pea* to E%e$%')ta," in descri+in! his e.$erience
"hi%e (isitin! a Hind' <nani o!i, he sa#s4
"And if "e are 'n"i%%in! to +e%ie(e in this interna% )aster# o(er the
+od#, "e are $erha$s a%)ost e1'a%%# 'nacc'sto)ed to the idea of )aster#
o(er o'r o"n inner tho'!hts and fee%in!s. That a )an sho'%d +e a $re# to
an# tho'!ht that chances to ta*e $ossession of his )ind, is co))on%#
a)on! 's ass')ed as 'na(oida+%e. It )a# +e a )atter of re!ret that he
sho'%d +e *e$t a"a*e a%% ni!ht fro) an.iet# as to the iss'e of a %a"s'it
on the )orro", +'t that he sho'%d ha(e the $o"er of deter)inin! "hether
he +e *e$t a"a*e or not see)s an e.tra(a!ant de)and. The i)a!e of an
i)$endin! ca%a)it# is no do'+t odio's, +'t its (er# odio'sness 7"e sa#8
)a*es it ha'nt the )ind a%% the )ore $ertinacio's%# and it is 'se%ess to
tr# to e.$e% it.
"et this is an a+s'rd $osition00for )an, the heir of a%% the a!es4
ha!0ridden +# the f%i)s# creat'res of his o"n +rain. If a $e++%e in o'r
+oot tor)ents 's, "e e.$e% it. /e ta*e off the +oot and sha*e it o't.
And once the )atter is fair%# 'nderstood it is j'st as eas# to e.$e% an
intr'din! and's tho'!ht fro) the )ind. A+o't this there o'!ht to
+e no )ista*e, no t"o o$inions. The thin! is o+(io's, c%ear and
'n)ista*a+%e. It sho'%d +e as eas# to e.$e% an's tho'!ht fro)
#o'r )ind as it is to sha*e a stone o't of #o'r shoe3 and ti%% a )an can
do that it is j'st nonsense to ta%* a+o't his ascendanc# o(er Nat're, and
a%% the rest of it. He is a )ere s%a(e, and $re# to the +at0"in!ed
$hanto)s that f%it thro'!h the corridors of his o"n +rain.
"et the "ear# and care"orn faces that "e )eet +# tho'sands, e(en a)on!
the aff%'ent c%asses of ci(i%i,ation, testif# on%# too c%ear%# ho" se%do)
this )aster# is o+tained. Ho" rare indeed to )eet a )an? Ho" co))on
rather to disco(er a creat're ho'nded on +# t#rant tho'!hts 7or cares or
desires8, co"erin!, "incin! 'nder the %ash00or $erchance $ridin! hi)se%f
to r'n )erri%# in o+edience to a dri(er that ratt%es the reins and
$ers'ades hi) that he is free00"ho) "e cannot con(erse "ith in care%ess
tete0a0tete +eca'se that a%ien $resence is a%"a#s there, on the "atch.
"It is one of the )ost $ro)inent doctrines of Raja o!a that the $o"er of
e.$e%%in! tho'!hts, or if need +e, *i%%in! the) dead on the s$ot, )'st
+e attained. Nat'ra%%# the art re1'ires $ractice, +'t %i*e other arts,
"hen once ac1'ired there is no )#ster# or diffic'%t# a+o't it. And it is
"orth $ractice. It )a# indeed fair%# +e said that %ife on%# +e!ins "hen
this art has +een ac1'ired. For o+(io's%# "hen instead of +ein! r'%ed +#
indi(id'a% tho'!hts, the "ho%e f%oc* of the) in their i))ense )'%tit'de
and (ariet# and ca$acit# is o'rs to direct and dis$atch and e)$%o# "here
"e %ist 72for He )a*eth the "inds his )essen!ers and the f%a)in! fire His
)inister28, %ife +eco)es a thin! so (ast and !rand co)$ared "ith "hat it
"as +efore, that its for)er condition )a# "e%% a$$ear a%)ost antenata%.
"If #o' can *i%% a tho'!ht dead, for the ti)e +ein!, #o' can do an#thin!
e%se "ith it that #o' $%ease. And therefore it is that this $o"er is so
(a%'a+%e. And it not on%# frees a )an fro) )enta% tor)ent 7"hich is
nine0tenths at %east of the tor)ent of %ife8, +'t it !i(es hi) a
concentrated $o"er of hand%in! )enta% "or* a+so%'te%# 'n*no"n to hi)
+efore. The t"o thin!s are co0re%ati(e to each other. As a%read# said
this is one of the $rinci$%es of Raja o!a.
"/hi%e at "or* #o'r tho'!ht is to +e a+so%'te%# concentrated in it,
'ndistracted +# an#thin! "hate(er irre%e(ant to the )atter in
hand00$o'ndin! a"a# %i*e a !reat en!ine, "ith !iant $o"er and $erfect
econo)#00no "ear and tear of friction, or dis%ocation of $arts o"in! to
the "or*in! of different forces at the sa)e ti)e. Then "hen the "or* is
finished, if there is no )ore occasion for the 'se of the )achine, it
)'st sto$ e1'a%%#, a+so%'te%#00sto$ entire%#00no "orr#in! 7as if a
$arce% of +o#s "ere a%%o"ed to $%a# their de(i%)ents "ith a %oco)oti(e as
soon as it "as in the shed800and the )an )'st retire into that re!ion of
his conscio'sness "here his tr'e se%f d"e%%s.
"I sa# the $o"er of the tho'!ht0)achine itse%f is enor)o's%# increased +#
this fac'%t# of %ettin! it a%one on the one hand, and of 'sin! it sin!%#
and "ith concentration on the other. It +eco)es a tr'e too%, "hich a
)aster0"or*)an %a#s do"n "hen done "ith, +'t "hich on%# a +'n!%er carries
a+o't "ith hi) a%% the ti)e to sho" that he is the $ossessor of it."
/e as* the st'dents to read caref'%%# the a+o(e 1'otations fro) &r.
Car$enter2s +oo*, for the# are f'%% of s'!!estions that )a# +e ta*en '$
to ad(anta!e +# those "ho are e)anci$atin! the)se%(es fro) their s%a(er#
to the 'n)astered )ind, and "ho are no" +rin!in! the )ind 'nder contro%
of the E!o, +# )eans of the /i%%.
O'r ne.t %esson "i%% ta*e '$ the s'+ject of the re%ationshi$ of the "I"
to the -ni(ersa% "I," and "i%% +e ca%%ed the "E.$ansion of the Se%f." It
"i%% dea% "ith the s'+ject, not fro) a theoretica% stand$oint, +'t fro)
the $osition of the teacher "ho is endea(orin! to )a*e his st'dents
act'a%%# a"are in their conscio'sness of the tr'th of the $ro$osition.
In this co'rse "e are not tr#in! to )a*e o'r st'dents $ast0)asters of
theor#, +'t are endea(orin! to $%ace the) in a $osition "here+# the#
)a# *no" for the)se%(es, and act'a%%# e.$erience the thin!s of "hich "e
Therefore "e 'r!e '$on #o' not to )ere%# rest content "ith readin! this
%esson, +'t, instead, to st'd# and )editate '$on the teachin!s )entioned
'nder the head of "&enta% 9ri%%," 'nti% the distinctions stand o't
c%ear%# in #o'r )ind, and 'nti% #o' not on%# +e%ie(e the) to +e tr'e,
+'t act'a%%# are conscio's of the "I" and its &enta% Too%s. Ha(e
$atience and $erse(erance. The tas* )a# +e diffic'%t, +'t the re"ard is
!reat. To +eco)e conscio's of the !reatness, )ajest#, stren!th and $o"er
of #o'r rea% +ein! is "orth #ears of hard st'd#. 9o #o' not thin* so:
Then st'd# and $ractice ho$ef'%%#, di%i!ent%# and earnest%#.
Peace +e "ith #o'.
"I" a) an entit#00)# )ind is )# instr')ent of e.$ression.
"I" inde$endent of )# )ind, and a) not de$endent '$on it for
e.istence or +ein!.
"I" a) &aster of )# )ind, not its s%a(e.
"I" can set aside )# sensations, e)otions, $assions, desires,
inte%%ect'a% fac'%ties, and a%% the rest of )# )enta% co%%ection of
too%s, as "not I" thin!s00and sti%% there re)ains so)ethin!00and that
so)ethin! is "I," "hich cannot +e set aside +# )e, for it is )# (er#
se%f3 )# on%# se%f3 )# rea% se%f00"I." That "hich re)ains after a%% that
)a# +e set aside is set aside is the "I"00&#se%f00eterna%, constant,
AI%%'stration4 "I a)"B
In the first t"o %essons of this co'rse "e ha(e endea(ored to +rin! to
the candidate a rea%i,ation in conscio'sness of the rea%it# of the "I,"
and to ena+%e hi) to distin!'ish +et"een the Se%f and its sheaths,
$h#sica% and )enta%. In the $resent %esson "e "i%% ca%% his attention to
the re%ationshi$ of the "I" to the -ni(ersa% "I," and "i%% endea(or to
!i(e hi) an idea of a !reater, !rander Se%f, transcendin! $ersona%it#
and the %itt%e se%f that "e are so a$t to re!ard as the "I."
The *e#note of this %esson "i%% +e "The Oneness of A%%," and a%% of its
teachin!s "i%% +e directed to a"a*enin! a rea%i,ation in conscio'sness of
that !reat tr'th. 5't "e "ish to i)$ress '$on the )ind of the Candidate
that "e are not teachin! hi) that he is the A+so%'te. /e are not
teachin! the "I A) <od" +e%ief, "hich "e consider to +e erroneo's and
)is%eadin!, and a $er(ersion of the ori!ina% o!i teachin!s. This fa%se
teachin! has ta*en $ossession of )an# of the Hind' teachers and $eo$%e,
and "ith its acco)$an#in! teachin! of "&a#a" or the co)$%ete i%%'sion or
non0e.istence of the -ni(erse, has red'ced )i%%ions of $eo$%e to a
$assi(e, ne!ati(e )enta% condition "hich 'ndo'+ted%# is retardin! their
$ro!ress. Not on%# in India is this tr'e, +'t the sa)e facts )a# +e
o+ser(ed a)on! the $'$i%s of the /estern teachers "ho ha(e e)+raced this
ne!ati(e side of the Orienta% Phi%oso$h#. S'ch $eo$%e confo'nd the
"A+so%'te" and "Re%ati(e" as$ects of the One, and, +ein! 'na+%e to
reconci%e the facts of Life and the -ni(erse "ith their theories of "I A)
<od," the# are dri(en to the des$erate e.$edient of +o%d%# den#in! the
-ni(erse, and dec%arin! it to +e a%% "an i%%'sion" or "&a#a."
o' "i%% ha(e no tro'+%e in distin!'ishin! the $'$i%s of the teachers
ho%din! this (ie". The# "i%% +e fo'nd to e.hi+it the )ost ne!ati(e )enta%
condition00a nat'ra% res'%t of a+sor+in! the constant s'!!estion of
"nothin!ness"00the !os$e% of ne!ation. In )ar*ed contrast to the )enta%
condition of the st'dents, ho"e(er, "i%% +e o+ser(ed the )enta% attit'de
of the teachers, "ho are a%)ost 'nifor)%# e.a)$%es of (ita%, $ositi(e,
)enta% force, ca$a+%e of h'r%in! their teachin! into the )inds of the
$'$i%s00of dri(in! in their state)ents +# the force of an a"a*ened /i%%.
The teacher, as a r'%e, has a"a*ened to a sense of the "I" conscio'sness,
and rea%%# de(e%o$s the sa)e +# his "I A) <od" attit'de, +eca'se +#
ho%din! this )enta% attit'de he is ena+%ed to thro" off the inf%'ence of
the sheaths of the %o"er )enta% $rinci$%es, and the %i!ht of the Se%f
sho"s forth fierce%# and stron!%#, so)eti)es to s'ch an e.tent that it
fair%# scorches the )enta%it# of the %ess ad(anced $'$i%. 5't,
not"ithstandin! this a"a*ened "I" conscio'sness, the teacher is
handica$$ed +# his inte%%ect'a% )isconce$tion and +efo!!in! )eta$h#sics,
and is 'na+%e to i)$art the "I" conscio'sness to his $'$i%s, and, instead
of raisin! the) '$ to shine "ith e1'a% s$%endor "ith hi)se%f, he rea%%#
forces the) into a shado" +# reason of his teachin!s.
O'r st'dents, of co'rse, "i%% 'nderstand that the a+o(e is not "ritten in
the s$irit of car$in! criticis) or fa'%t0findin!. /e ho%d no s'ch )enta%
attit'de, and indeed co'%d not if "e re)ain tr'e to o'r conce$tion of
Tr'th. /e are )entionin! these )atters si)$%# that the st'dent )a# a(oid
this "I A) <od" $itfa%% "hich a"aits the Candidate j'st as he has "e%%
started on the Path. It "o'%d not +e s'ch a serio's )atter if it "ere
)ere%# a 1'estion of fa'%t# )eta$h#sics, for that "o'%d strai!hten itse%f
o't in ti)e. 5't it is far )ore serio's than this, for the teachin!
ine(ita+%# %eads to the acco)$an#in! teachin! that a%% is I%%'sion or
&a#a, and that Life is +'t a drea)00a fa%se thin!00a %ie00a ni!ht)are3
that the jo'rne# a%on! the Path is +'t an i%%'sion3 that e(er#thin! is
"nothin!"3 that there is no so'%3 that o' are <od in dis!'ise, and that
He is foo%in! Hi)se%f in )a*in! +e%ie(e that He is o'3 that Life is +'t
a 9i(ine )as1'erade or s%ei!ht0of0hand $erfor)ance3 that o' are <od, +'t
that o' 7<od8 are foo%in! o'rse%f 7<od8 in order to a)'se o'rse%f
7<od8. Is not this horri+%e: And #et it sho"s to "hat %en!ths the h')an
)ind "i%% !o +efore it "i%% $art "ith so)e $et theor# of )eta$h#sics "ith
"hich it has +een h#$noti,ed. 9o #o' thin* that "e ha(e o(erdra"n the
$ict're: Then read so)e of the teachin!s of these schoo%s of the Orienta%
Phi%oso$h#, or %isten to so)e of the )ore radica% of the /estern teachers
$reachin! this $hi%oso$h#. The )ajorit# of the %atter %ac* the co'ra!e of
the Hind' teachers in carr#in! their theories to a %o!ica% conc%'sion,
and, conse1'ent%# the# (ei% their teachin!s "ith )eta$h#sica% s'+t%et#.
5't a fe" of the) are )ore co'ra!eo's, and co)e o't into the o$en and
$reach their doctrine in f'%%.
So)e of the )odern /estern teachers of this $hi%oso$h# e.$%ain )atters +#
sa#in! that "<od is )as1'eradin! as different for)s of %ife, inc%'din!
&an, in order that he )a# !ain the e.$erience res'%tin! therefro), for
a%tho'!h He has Infinite and A+so%'te /isdo) and 6no"%ed!e, he %ac*s the
e.$erience that co)es on%# fro) act'a%%# %i(in! the %ife of the %o"%#
for)s, and therefore He descend th's in order to !ain the needed
e.$erience." Can #o' i)a!ine the A+so%'te, $ossessed of a%% $ossi+%e
6no"%ed!e and /isdo), fee%in! the need of s'ch $ett# "e.$erience," and
%i(in! the %ife of the %o"%# for)s 7inc%'din! &an8 in order "to !ain
e.$erience:" To "hat 9e$ths do these (ain theories of &an dri(e 's:
Another %eadin! /estern teacher, "ho has a+sor+ed the teachin! of certain
+ranches of the Orienta% Phi%oso$h#, and "ho $ossesses the co'ra!e of his
con(ictions, +o%d%# anno'nces that "o', #o'rse%f, are the tota%it# of
+ein!, and "ith #o'r )ind a%one create, $reser(e and destro# the
'ni(erse, "hich is #o'r o"n )enta% $rod'ct." And a!ain the %ast )entioned
teacher states4 "the entire 'ni(erse is a +a!ate%%e i%%'stration of #o'r
o"n creati(e $o"er, "hich #o' are no" e.hi+itin! for #o'r o"n
ins$ection." "5# their fr'its sha%% #o' *no" the)," is a safe r'%e to
a$$%# to a%% teachin!s. The $hi%oso$h# that teaches that the -ni(erse is
an i%%'sion $er$etrated +# #o' 7<od8 to a)'se, entertain or foo% #o'rse%f
7<od8, can ha(e +'t one res'%t, and that is the conc%'sion that
"e(er#thin! is nothin!," and a%% that is necessar# to do is to sit do"n,
fo%d #o'r hands and enjo# the 9i(ine e.hi+ition of %e!erde)ain that #o'
are $erfor)in! for #o'r o"n entertain)ent, and then, "hen the sho" is
o(er, ret'rn to #o'r state of conscio's <odhood and reca%% "ith s)i%es
the $%easant )e)ories of the "conj're sho"" that #o' created to foo%
#o'rse%f "ith d'rin! se(era% +i%%ions of a!es. That is "hat it a)o'nts
to, and the res'%t is that those acce$tin! this $hi%oso$h# thr'st '$on
the) +# forcef'% teachers, and *no"in! in their hearts that the# are
not <od, +'t a+sor+in! the s'!!estions of "nothin!ness," are dri(en
into a state of )enta% a$ath# and ne!ati(eness, the so'% sin*in! into a
st'$or fro) "hich it )a# not +e ro'sed for a %on! $eriod of ti)e.
/e "ish #o' to a(oid confo'ndin! o'r teachin! "ith this j'st )entioned.
/e "ish to teach #o' that o' are a rea% 5ein!00not <od Hi)se%f, +'t a
)anifestation of Hi) "ho is the A+so%'te. o' are a Chi%d of the
A+so%'te, if #o' $refer the ter), $ossessed of the 9i(ine Herita!e, and
"hose )ission it is to 'nfo%d 1'a%ities "hich are #o'r inheritances fro)
#o'r Parent. 9o not )a*e the !reat )ista*e of confo'ndin! the Re%ati(e
"ith the A+so%'te. A(oid this $itfa%% into "hich so )an# ha(e fa%%en. 9o
not a%%o" #o'rse%f to fa%% into the "S%o'!h of 9es$ond," and "a%%o" in
the )'d of "nothin!ness," and to see no rea%it# e.ce$t in the $erson of
so)e forcef'% teacher "ho ta*es the $%ace of the A+so%'te in #o'r )ind.
5't raise #o'r head and assert #o'r 9i(ine Parenta!e, and #o'r Herita!e
fro) the A+so%'te, and ste$ o't +o%d%# on the Path, assertin! the "I."
7/e )'st refer the Candidate +ac* to o'r "Ad(anced Co'rse," for o'r
teachin!s re!ardin! the A+so%'te and the Re%ati(e. The %ast three %essons
of that co'rse "i%% thro" %i!ht '$on "hat "e ha(e j'st said To re$eat the
teachin! at this $oint "o'%d +e to 'se s$ace "hich is needed for the
%esson +efore 's.8
And #et, "hi%e the "I" is not <od, the A+so%'te, it is infinite%#
!reater than "e ha(e i)a!ined it to +e +efore the %i!ht da"ned '$on 's.
It e.tends itse%f far +e#ond "hat "e had concei(ed to +e its %i)its. It
to'ches the -ni(erse at a%% its $oints, and is in the c%osest 'nion "ith
a%% of Life. It is in the c%osest to'ch "ith a%% that has e)anated fro)
the A+so%'te00a%% the "or%d of Re%ati(it#. And "hi%e it faces the
Re%ati(e -ni(erse, it has its roots in the A+so%'te, and dra"s
no'rish)ent therefro), j'st as does the +a+e in the "o)+ o+tain
no'rish)ent fro) the )other. It is (eri%# a )anifestation of <od, and
<od2s (er# essence is in it. S're%# this is a%)ost as "hi!h" a state)ent
as the "I A) <od" of the teachers j'st )entioned,00and #et ho" different.
Let 's consider the teachin! in detai% in this %esson, and in $ortions of
others to fo%%o".
Let 's +e!in "ith a consideration of the instr')ents of the E!o, and the
)ateria% "ith "hich and thro'!h "hich the E!o "or*s. Let 's rea%i,e that
the $h#sica% +od# of )an is identica% in s'+stance "ith a%% other for)s
of )atter, and that its ato)s are contin'a%%# chan!in! and +ein!
re$%aced, the )ateria% +ein! dra"n fro) the !reat storeho'se of )atter,
and that there is a Oneness of )atter 'nder%#in! a%% a$$arent differences
of for) and s'+stance. And then %et 's rea%i,e that the (ita% ener!# or
Prana that )an 'ses in his %ife "or* is +'t a $ortion of that !reat
'ni(ersa% ener!# "hich $er)eates e(er#thin! and e(er#"here, the $ortion
+ein! 'sed +# 's at an# $artic'%ar )o)ent +ein! dra"n fro) the 'ni(ersa%
s'$$%#, and a!ain $assin! o't fro) 's into the !reat ocean of force or
ener!#. And then %et 's rea%i,e that e(en the )ind, "hich is so c%ose to
the rea% Se%f that it is often )ista*en for it00e(en that "onderf'% thin!
Tho'!ht00is +'t a $ortion of the -ni(ersa% &ind, the hi!hest e)anation of
the A+so%'te +eneath the $%ane of S$irit, and that the &ind00s'+stance or
Chitta that "e are 'sin! this )o)ent, is not o'rs se$arate%# and
distinct%#, +'t is si)$%# a $ortion fro) the !reat 'ni(ersa% s'$$%#,
"hich is constant and 'nchan!ea+%e. Let 's then rea%i,e that e(en this
thin! that "e fee% $'%sin! "ithin 's00that "hich is so c%ose%# +o'nd '$
"ith the S$irit as to +e a%)ost inse$ara+%e fro) it00that "hich "e ca%%
Life00is +'t a +it of that <reat Life Princi$%e that $er(ades the
-ni(erse, and "hich cannot +e added to, nor s'+tracted fro). /hen "e ha(e
rea%i,ed these thin!s, and ha(e +e!'n to fee% o'r re%ation 7in these
$artic'%ars8 to the One <reat E)anation of the A+so%'te, then "e )a#
+e!in to !ras$ the idea of the Oneness of S$irit, and the re%ation of the
"I" to e(er# other "I," and the )er!in! of the Se%f into the one !reat
Se%f, "hich is not the e.tinction of Indi(id'a%it#, as so)e ha(e
s'$$osed, +'t the en%ar!e)ent and e.tension of the Indi(id'a%
Conscio'sness 'nti% it ta*es in the /ho%e.
In Lessons ; and ;I, of the "Ad(anced Co'rse" "e ca%%ed #o'r attention to
the o!i teachin!s concernin! A*asa or &atter, and sho"ed #o' that a%%
for)s of "hat "e *no" as &atter are +'t different for)s of )anifestation
of the $rinci$%e ca%%ed A*asa, or as the /estern scientists ca%% it,
"Ether." This Ether or A*asa is the finest, thinnest and )ost ten'o's
for) of &atter, in fact it is &atter in its '%ti)ate or f'nda)enta% for),
the different for)s of "hat "e ca%% &atter +ein! +'t )anifestations of
this A*asa or Ether, the a$$arent difference res'%tin! fro) different
rates of (i+ration, etc. /e )ention this fact here )ere%# to +rin!
c%ear%# +efore #o'r )ind the fact of the -ni(ersa%it# of &atter, to the
end that #o' )a# rea%i,e that each and e(er# $artic%e of #o'r $h#sica%
+od# is +'t a $ortion of this !reat $rinci$%e of the -ni(erse, fresh fro)
the !reat store0ho'se, and j'st a+o't ret'rnin! to it a!ain, for the
ato)s of the +od# are constant%# chan!in!. That "hich a$$ears as #o'r
f%esh to0da#, )a# ha(e +een $art of a $%ant a fe" da#s +efore, and )a# +e
$art of so)e other %i(in! thin! a fe" da#s hence. Constant chan!e is
!oin! on, and "hat is #o'rs to0da# "as so)eone2s e%se #esterda#, and
sti%% another2s to0)orro". o' do not o"n one ato) of )atter
$ersona%%#, it is a%% a $art of the co))on s'$$%#, the strea) f%o"in!
thro'!h #o' and thro'!h a%% Life, on and on fore(er.
And so it is "ith the @ita% Ener!# that #o' are 'sin! e(er# )o)ent of
#o'r %ife. o' are constant%# dra"in! '$on the !reat -ni(ersa% s'$$%# of
Prana, then 'sin! "hat is !i(en #o', a%%o"in! the force to $ass on to
ass')e so)e other for). It is the $ro$ert# of a%%, and a%% #o' can do is
to 'se "hat #o' need, and a%%o" it to $ass on. There is +'t one Force or
Ener!#, and that is to +e fo'nd e(er#"here at a%% ti)es.
And e(en the !reat $rinci$%e, &ind0s'+stance, is 'nder the sa)e %a". It
is hard for 's to rea%i,e this. /e are so a$t to thin* of o'r )enta%
o$erations as distincti(e%# o'r o"n00so)ethin! that +e%on!s to 's
$ersona%%#00that it is diffic'%t for 's to rea%i,e that &ind0s'+stance is
a -ni(ersa% $rinci$%e j'st as &atter or Ener!#, and that "e are +'t
dra"in! '$on the -ni(ersa% s'$$%# in o'r )enta% o$erations. And )ore than
this, the $artic'%ar $ortion of &ind0s'+stance that "e are 'sin!,
a%tho'!h se$arated fro) the &ind0s'+stance 'sed +# other indi(id'a%s +# a
thin "a%% of the (er# finest *ind of &atter, is rea%%# in to'ch "ith the
other a$$arent%# se$arated )inds, and "ith the -ni(ersa% &ind of "hich it
for)s a $art. >'st as is the &atter of "hich o'r $h#sica% +odies are
co)$osed rea%%# in to'ch "ith a%% &atter3 and j'st as is the @ita% Force
'sed +# 's rea%%# in to'ch "ith a%% Ener!#3 so is o'r &ind0s'+stance
rea%%# in to'ch "ith a%% &ind0s'+stance. It is as if the E!o in its
$ro!ress "ere )o(in! thro'!h !reat oceans of &atter, Ener!#, or
&ind0s'+stance, )a*in! 'se of that of each "hich it needed and "hich
i))ediate%# s'rro'nded it, and %ea(in! each +ehind as it )o(ed on thro'!h
the !reat (o%')e of the ocean. This i%%'stration is c%')s#, +'t it )a#
+rin! to #o'r conscio'sness a rea%i,ation that the E!o is the on%# thin!
that is rea%%# o'rs, 'nchan!ea+%e and 'na%tered, and that a%% the rest
is )ere%# that $ortion of the -ni(ersa% s'$$%# that #o' dra" to #o'rse%f
for the "ants of the )o)ent. It )a# a%so +rin! )ore c%ear%# +efore #o'r
)ind the !reat -nit# of thin!s00)a# ena+%e #o' to see thin!s as a /ho%e,
rather than as se$arated $arts. Re)e)+er, o'00the "I"00are the on%#
Rea% thin! a+o't and aro'nd #o'00a%% that has $er)anence00and &atter,
Force and e(en &ind0s'+stance, are +'t #o'r instr')ents for 'se and
e.$ression. There are !reat oceans of each s'rro'ndin! the "I" as it
)o(es a%on!.
It is "e%% for #o' a%so to +ear in )ind the -ni(ersa%it# of Life. A%% of
the -ni(erse is a%i(e, (i+ratin! and $'%satin! "ith %ife and ener!# and
)otion. There is nothin! dead in the -ni(erse. Life is e(er#"here, and
a%"a#s acco)$anied +# inte%%i!ence. There is no s'ch thin! as a dead,
'ninte%%i!ent -ni(erse. Instead of +ein! ato)s of Life f%oatin! in a sea
of death, "e are ato)s of Life s'rro'nded +# an ocean of Life, $'%satin!,
)o(in!, thin*in!, %i(in!. E(er# ato) of "hat "e ca%% &atter is a%i(e. It
has ener!# or force "ith it, and is a%"a#s acco)$anied +# inte%%i!ence
and %ife. Loo* aro'nd 's as "e "i%%00at the ani)a% "or%d00at the $%ant
"or%d00#es, e(en at the "or%d of )inera%s and "e see %ife, %ife,
%ife00a%% a%i(e and ha(in! inte%%i!ence. /hen "e are a+%e to +rin! this
conce$tion into the rea%) of act'a% conscio'sness00"hen "e are a+%e not
on%# to inte%%ect'a%%# acce$t this fact, +'t to e(en !o sti%% f'rther and
fee% and +e conscio's of this -ni(ersa% Life on a%% sides, then are "e
"e%% on the road to attainin! the Cos)ic Conscio'sness.
5't a%% these thin!s are +'t ste$s %eadin! '$ to the rea%i,ation of
the Oneness in S$irit, on the $art of the Indi(id'a%. <rad'a%%# there
da"ns '$on hi) the rea%i,ation that there is a -nit# in the )anifestation
of S$irit fro) the A+so%'te00a 'nit# "ith itse%f, and a -nion "ith the
A+so%'te. A%% this )anifestation of S$irit on the $art of the
A+so%'te00a%% this +e!ettin! of 9i(ine Chi%dren00"as in the nat're of a
sin!%e act rather than as a series of acts, if "e )a# +e $er)itted
to s$ea* of the )anifestation as an act. Each E!o is a Centre of
Conscio'sness in this !reat ocean of S$irit00each is a Rea% Se%f,
a$$arent%# se$arate fro) the others and fro) its so'rce, +'t the
se$aration is on%# a$$arent in +oth cases, for there is the c%osest
+ond of 'nion +et"een the E!os of the -ni(erse of -ni(erses00each is *nit
to the other in the c%osest +ond of 'nion, and each is sti%% attached to
the A+so%'te +# s$irit'a% fi%a)ents, if "e )a# 'se the ter). In ti)e "e
sha%% !ro" )ore conscio's of this )'t'a% re%ationshi$, as the sheaths are
o't!ro"n and cast aside, and in the end "e "i%% +e "ithdra"n into the
A+so%'te00sha%% ret'rn to the &ansion of the Father.
It is of the hi!hest i)$ortance to the de(e%o$in! so'% to 'nfo%d into a
rea%i,ation of this re%ationshi$ and 'nit#, for "hen this conce$tion is
once f'%%# esta+%ished the so'% is ena+%ed to rise a+o(e certain of the
%o"er $%anes, and is free fro) the o$eration of certain %a"s that +ind
the 'nde(e%o$ed so'%. Therefore the o!i teachers are constant%# %eadin!
the Candidates to"ard this !oa%. First +# this $ath, and then +# that
one, !i(in! the) different !%i)$ses of the desired $oint, 'nti% fina%%#
the st'dent finds a $ath +est fitted for his feet, and he )o(es a%on!
strai!ht to the )ar*, and thro"in! aside the confinin! +onds that ha(e
$ro(ed so ir*so)e, he cries a%o'd for jo# at his ne" fo'nd Freedo).
The fo%%o"in! e.ercises and &enta% 9ri%%s are intended to aid the
Candidate in his "or* of !ro"in! into a rea%i,ation of his re%ationshi$
"ith the /ho%e of Life and 5ein!.
718 Read o(er "hat "e ha(e said in the "Ad(anced Co'rse" re!ardin!
the $rinci$%e *no"n as &atter. Rea%i,e that a%% &atter is One at the
%ast00that the rea% 'nder%#in! s'+stance of &atter is A*asa or
Ether, and that a%% the (ar#in! for)s e(ident to o'r senses are +'t
)odifications and !rosser for)s of that 'nder%#in! $rinci$%e. Rea%i,e
that +# *no"n che)ica% $rocesses a%% for)s of &atter *no"n to 's, or
rather a%% co)+inations res'%tin! in "for)s," )a# +e reso%(ed into their
ori!ina% e%e)ents, and that these e%e)ents are )ere%# A*asa in
different states of (i+ration. Let the idea of the Oneness of the (isi+%e
-ni(erse sin* dee$%# into #o'r )ind, 'nti% it +eco)es fi.ed there. The
erroneo's conce$tion of di(ersit# in the )ateria% "or%d )'st +e re$%aced
+# the conscio'sness of -nit#00Oneness, at the %ast, in s$ite of the
a$$earance of (ariet# and )anifo%d for)s. o' )'st !ro" to see +ehind the
"or%d of for)s of &atter, and see the !reat $rinci$%e of &atter 7A*asa
or Ether8 +ac* of, "ithin, and 'nder it a%%. o' )'st !ro" to fee%
this, as "e%% as to inte%%ect'a%%# see it.
7C8 &editate o(er the %ast )entioned tr'ths, and then fo%%o" the )atter
sti%% f'rther. Read "hat "e ha(e said in the "Ad(anced Co'rse" 7Lesson
;I8 a+o't the %ast ana%#sis of &atter sho"in! it fadin! a"a# into Force
or Ener!# 'nti% the di(idin! %ine is %ost, and &atter )er!es into Ener!#
or Force, sho"in! the) +oth to +e +'t the sa)e thin!, &atter +ein! a
!rosser for) of Ener!# or Force. This idea sho'%d +e i)$ressed '$on the
'nderstandin!, in order that the co)$%ete edifice of the 6no"in! of the
Oneness )a# +e co)$%ete in a%% of its $arts.
7D8 Then read in the "Ad(anced Lessons" a+o't Ener!# or Force, in the
oneness 'nder%#in! its (ario's )anifestations. Consider ho" one for) of
Ener!# )a# +e transfor)ed into another, and so on aro'nd the circ%e, the
one $rinci$%e $rod'cin! the entire chain of a$$earances. Rea%i,e that the
ener!# "ithin #o' +# "hich #o' )o(e and act, is +'t one of the for)s of
this !reat Princi$%e of Ener!# "ith "hich the -ni(erse is fi%%ed, and
that #o' )a# dra" to #o' the re1'ired Ener!# fro) the !reat -ni(ersa%
s'$$%#. 5't a+o(e a%% endea(or to !ras$ the idea of the Oneness $er(adin!
the "or%d of Ener!# or Force, or &otion. See it in its entiret#, rather
than in its a$$arent se$arateness. These ste$s )a# a$$ear so)e"hat
tedio's and 'se%ess, +'t ta*e o'r "ord for it, the# are a%% he%$s in
fittin! the )ind to !ras$ the idea of the Oneness of A%%. Each ste$ is
i)$ortant, and renders the ne.t hi!her one )ore easi%# attained. In this
)enta% dri%%, it "i%% +e "e%% to )enta%%# $ict're the -ni(erse in
$er$et'a% )otion00e(er#thin! is in )otion00a%% )atter is )o(in! and
chan!in! its for)s, and )anifestin! the Ener!# "ithin it. S'ns and "or%ds
r'sh thro'!h s$ace, their $artic%es constant%# chan!in! and )o(in!.
Che)ica% co)$osition and deco)$osition is constant and 'nceasin!,
e(er#"here the "or* of +'i%din! '$ and +rea*in! do"n is !oin! on. Ne"
co)+inations of ato)s and "or%ds are constant%# +ein! for)ed and
disso%(ed. And after considerin! this Oneness of the $rinci$%e of Ener!#,
ref%ect that thro'!h a%% these chan!es of for) the E!o00the Rea%
Se%f00O-00stand 'nchan!ed and 'nhar)ed00Eterna%, In(inci+%e,
Indestr'cti+%e, In('%nera+%e, Rea% and Constant a)on! this chan!in!
"or%d of for)s and force. o' are a+o(e it a%%, and it re(o%(es aro'nd
and a+o't #o'00S$irit.
7E8 Read "hat "e ha(e said in the "Ad(anced Co'rse" a+o't Force or
Ener!#, shadin! into &ind0s'+stance "hich is its $arent. Rea%i,e that
&ind is +ac* of a%% this !reat e.hi+ition of Ener!# and Force that #o'
ha(e +een considerin!. Then "i%% #o' +e read# to consider the Oneness of
7F8 Read "hat "e ha(e said in the "Ad(anced Lessons" a+o't
&ind0s'+stance. Rea%i,e that there is a !reat "or%d of &ind0s'+stance,
or an -ni(ersa% &ind, "hich is at the dis$osa% of the E!o. A%% Tho'!ht is
the $rod'ct of the E!o2s 'se of this &ind0s'+stance, its too% and
instr')ent. Rea%i,e that this Ocean of &ind is entire and /ho%e, and that
the E!o )a# dra" free%# fro) it. Rea%i,e that o' ha(e this !reat ocean
of &ind at #o'r co))and, "hen #o' 'nfo%d s'fficient%# to 'se it. Rea%i,e
that &ind is +ac* of and 'nderneath a%% of the "or%d of for) and na)es
and action, and that in that sense4 "A%% is &ind," a%tho'!h sti%% hi!her
in the sca%e than e(en &ind are o', the Rea% Se%f, the E!o, the
&anifestation of the A+so%'te.
7G8 Rea%i,e #o'r identit# "ith and re%ationshi$ to A%% of Life. Loo*
aro'nd #o' at Life in a%% its for)s, fro) the %o"est to the hi!hest, a%%
+ein! e.hi+itions of the !reat $rinci$%e of Life in o$eration a%on!
different sta!es of The Path. Scorn not the h')+%est for)s, +'t %oo*
+ehind the for) and see the rea%it#00Life. Fee% #o'rse%f a $art of the
!reat -ni(ersa% Life. Let #o'r tho'!ht sin* to the de$ths of the ocean,
and rea%i,e #o'r *inshi$ "ith the Life +ac* of the for)s d"e%%in! there.
9o not confo'nd the for)s 7often hideo's fro) #o'r $ersona% $oint of
(ie"8 "ith the $rinci$%e +ehind the). Loo* at the $%ant0%ife, and the
ani)a% %ife, and see* to see +ehind the (ei% of for) into the rea% Life
+ehind and 'nderneath the for). Learn to fee% #o'r Life thro++in! and
thri%%in! "ith the Life Princi$%e in these other for)s, and in the for)s
of those of #o'r o"n race. <a,e into the starr# s*ies and see there the
n')ero's s'ns and "or%ds, a%% $eo$%ed "ith %ife in so)e of its )#riad
for)s, and fee% #o'r *inshi$ to it. If #o' can !ras$ this tho'!ht and
conscio'sness, #o' "i%% find #o'rse%f at0one0)ent "ith those "hir%in!
"or%ds, and, instead of fee%in! s)a%% and insi!nificant +# co)$arison,
#o' "i%% +e conscio's of an e.$ansion of Se%f, 'nti% #o' fee% that in
those circ%in! "or%ds is a $art of #o'rse%f00that o' are there a%so,
"hi%e standin! '$on the Earth00that #o' are a*in to a%% $arts of the
-ni(erse00na#, )ore, that the# are as )'ch #o'r ho)e as is the s$ot '$on
"hich #o' are standin!. o' "i%% find s"ee$in! '$on #o' a sense of
conscio'sness that the -ni(erse is #o'r ho)e00not )ere%# a $art of it, as
#o' had $re(io's%# tho'!ht. o' "i%% e.$erience a sense of !reatness, and
+roadness and !randness s'ch as #o' ha(e ne(er drea)ed of. o' "i%% +e!in
to rea%i,e at %east a $art of #o'r 9i(ine inheritance, and to *no" indeed
that #o' are a Chi%d of the Infinite, the (er# essence of #o'r 9i(ine
Parent +ein! in the fi+res of #o'r +ein!, At s'ch ti)es of rea%i,ation
one +eco)es conscio's of "hat %ies +efore the so'% in its '$"ard $ath,
and ho" s)a%% the !reatest $ri,es that Earth has to offer are "hen
co)$ared to so)e of these thin!s +efore the so'%, as seen +# the e#es of
the S$irit'a% &ind in )o)ents of c%ear (ision.
o' )'st not dis$'te "ith these (isions of the !reatness of the so'%, +'t
)'st treat the) hos$ita+%#, for the# are #o'r (er# o"n, co)in! to #o'
fro) the re!ions of #o'r S$irit'a% &ind "hich are 'nfo%din! into
7H8 The hi!hest ste$ in this da"nin! conscio'sness of the Oneness of A%%,
is the one in "hich is rea%i,ed that there is +'t One Rea%it#, and at the
sa)e ti)e the sense of conscio'sness that the "I" is in that Rea%it#. It
is )ost diffic'%t to e.$ress this tho'!ht in "ords for it is so)ethin!
that )'st +e fe%t, rather than seen +# the Inte%%ect. /hen the So'%
rea%i,es that the S$irit "ithin it is, at the %ast, the on%# rea% $art
of it, and that the A+so%'te and its )anifestation as S$irit is the on%#
rea% thin! in the -ni(erse, a !reat ste$ has +een ta*en. 5't there is
sti%% one hi!her ste$ to +e ta*en +efore the f'%% sense of the Oneness
and Rea%it# co)es to 's. That ste$ is the one in "hich "e rea%i,e the
Identit# of the "I" "ith the !reat "I" of the -ni(erse. The )#ster# of
the )anifestation of the A+so%'te in the for) of the S$irit, is (ei%ed
fro) 's00the )ind confesses its ina+i%it# to $enetrate +ehind the (ei%
shie%din! the A+so%'te fro) (ie", a%tho'!h it "i%% !i(e 's a re$ort of
its +ein! conscio's of the $resence of the A+so%'te j'st at the ed!e of
the +o'ndar# %ine. 5't the hi!hest re!ion of the S$irit'a% &ind, "hen
e.$%ored +# the ad(anced so'%s "ho are "e%% a%on! the Path, re$orts that
it sees +e#ond the a$$arent se$aration of S$irit fro) S$irit, and
rea%i,es that there is +'t one Rea%it# of S$irit, and that a%% the "I"2s
are rea%%# +'t different (ie"s of that One00Centres of Conscio'sness '$on
the s'rface of the One <reat "I," the Centre of "hich is the A+so%'te
Itse%f. This certain%# $enetrates the "ho%e re!ion of the S$irit'a% &ind,
and !i(es 's a%% the )essa!e of Oneness of the S$irit, j'st as the
Inte%%ect satisfies 's "ith its )essa!e of the Oneness of &atter, Ener!#,
and &ind. The idea of Oneness $er)eates a%% $%anes of Life.
The sense of Rea%it# of the "I" that is a$$arent to o' in the )o)ents of
#o'r c%earest )enta% (ision, is rea%%# the ref%ection of the sense of
Rea%it# 'nder%#in! the /ho%e00it is the conscio'sness of the /ho%e,
)anifestin! thro'!h #o'r $oint or Centre of Conscio'sness. The ad(anced
st'dent or Initiate finds his conscio'sness !rad'a%%# en%ar!in! 'nti% it
rea%i,es its identit# "ith the /ho%e. He rea%i,es that 'nder a%% the
for)s and na)es of the (isi+%e "or%d, there is to +e fo'nd One Life00One
Force00One S'+stance00One E.istence00One Rea%it#00ONE. And, instead of
his e.$eriencin! an# sense of the %oss of identit# or indi(id'a%it#, he
+eco)es conscio's of an en%ar!e)ent of an e.$ansion of indi(id'a%it# or
identit#00instead of fee%in! hi)se%f a+sor+ed in the /ho%e, he fee%s that
he is s$readin! o't and e)+racin! the /ho%e. This is )ost hard to e.$ress
in "ords, for there are no "ords to fit the conce$tion, and a%% that "e
can ho$e to do is to start into )otion, +# )eans of o'r "ords, the
(i+rations that "i%% find a res$onse in the )inds of those "ho read the
"ords, to the end that the# "i%% e.$erience the conscio'sness "hich "i%%
+rin! its o"n 'nderstandin!. This conscio'sness cannot +e trans)itted +#
"ords $roceedin! fro) the Inte%%ect, +'t (i+rations )a# +e set '$ that
"i%% $re$are the )ind to recei(e the )essa!e fro) its o"n hi!her $%anes.
E(en in the ear%# sta!es of this da"nin! conscio'sness, one is ena+%ed to
identif# the rea% $art of hi)se%f "ith the rea% $art of a%% the other
for)s of %ife that $ass +efore his notice. In e(er# other )an00in e(er#
ani)a%00in e(er# $%ant00in e(er# )inera%00he sees +ehind the sheath and
for) of a$$earance, an e(idence of the $resence of the S$irit "hich is
a*in to his o"n S$irit00#ea, )ore than a*in, for the t"o are One. He sees
Hi)se%f in a%% for)s of %ife, in a%% ti)e in a%% $%aces. He rea%i,es that
the Rea% Se%f is e(er#"here $resent and e(er%astin!, and that the Life
"ithin hi)se%f is a%so "ithin a%% the -ni(erse00in e(er#thin!, for there
is nothin! dead in the -ni(erse, and a%% Life, in a%% of its (ar#in!
$hases, is si)$%# the One Life, he%d, 'sed and enjo#ed in co))on +# a%%.
Each E!o is a Centre of Conscio'sness in this !reat ocean of Life, and
"hi%e a$$arent%# se$arate and distinct, is #et rea%%# in to'ch "ith the
/ho%e, and "ith e(er# a$$arent $art.
It is not o'r intention, in this %esson, to !o into the detai%s of this
!reat )#ster# of Life, or to recite the co)$arati(e%# %itt%e of the Tr'th
that the )ost ad(anced teachers and &asters ha(e handed do"n. This is not
the $%ace for it00it +e%on!s to the s'+ject of <nani o!a rather than to
Raja o!a00and "e to'ch '$on it here, not for the $'r$ose of tr#in! to
e.$%ain the scientific side of it to #o', +'t )ere%# in order that #o'r
)inds )a# +e %ed to ta*e '$ the idea and !rad'a%%# )anifest it in
conscio's rea%i,ation. There is 1'ite a difference +et"een the
scientific, inte%%ect'a% teachin! of <nani o!a, "here+# the )eta$h#sica%
and scientific sides of the o!i teachin!s are $resented to the )inds of
the st'dents, in a %o!ica%, scientific )anner, and the )ethods of Raja
o!a, in "hich the Candidate is %ed +# de!rees to a conscio'sness
7o'tside of )ere inte%%ect'a% +e%ief8 of his rea% nat're and $o"ers. /e
are fo%%o"in! the %atter $%an, for this co'rse is a Co'rse in Raja
o!a. /e are ai)in! to $resent the )atter to the )ind in s'ch a )anner
that it )a# $re$are the "a# for the da"nin! conscio'sness, +# +r'shin!
a"a# the $reconcei(ed notions and $rej'dices, and a%%o"in! a c%ean
entrance for the ne" conce$tion. &'ch that "e ha(e said in this %esson
)a# a$$ear, on the one hand, %i*e 'se%ess re$etition, and, on the other
hand, %i*e an inco)$%ete $resentation of the scientific side of the o!i
teachin!s. 5't it "i%% +e fo'nd, in ti)e, that the effect has +een that
the )ind of the st'dent has 'nder!one a chan!e fro) the a+sor+in! of the
idea of the Oneness of Life, and the E.$ansion of the Se%f. The Candidate
is 'r!ed not to +e in too )'ch of a h'rr#. 9e(e%o$)ent )'st not +e
forced. Read "hat "e ha(e "ritten, and $ractice the &enta% 9ri%%s "e ha(e
!i(en, e(en if the# )a# a$$ear trif%in! and chi%dish to so)e of #o'00"e
*no" "hat the# "i%% do for #o', and #o' "i%% a!ree "ith 's in ti)e. &a*e
haste s%o"%#. o' "i%% find that the )ind "i%% "or* o't the )atter, e(en
tho'!h #o' +e en!a!ed in #o'r ordinar# "or*, and ha(e for!otten the
s'+ject for the ti)e. The !reater $ortion of )enta% "or* is done in this
"a#, "hi%e #o' are +'s# "ith so)ethin! e%se, or e(en as%ee$, for the
s'+0conscio's $ortion of the )ind "or*s a%on! the %ines $ointed o't for
it, and $erfor)s its tas*.
As "e ha(e said, the $'r$ose of this %esson is to +rin! #o' in the "a# of
the 'nfo%d)ent of conscio'sness, rather than to teach #o' the detai%s of
the scientific side of the o!i teachin!s. 9e(e%o$)ent is the *e#note of
Raja o!a. And the reason that "e "ish to de(e%o$ this sense of the
Rea%it# of the "I," and the E.$ansion of the Se%f, at this $%ace is that
there+# #o' )a# assert #o'r &aster# o(er &atter, Ener!# and &ind. 5efore
#o' )a# )o'nt #o'r throne as 6in!, #o' )'st f'%%# rea%i,e in
conscio'sness that #o' are the Rea%it# in this "or%d of a$$earances.
o' )'st rea%i,e that #o'00the rea% o'00are not on%# e.istent, and
rea%, +'t that #o' are in to'ch "ith a%% e%se that is rea%, and that the
roots of #o'r +ein! are !ro'nded in the A+so%'te itse%f. o' )'st rea%i,e
that instead of +ein! a se$arate ato) of Rea%it#, iso%ated and fi.ed in a
narro" s$ace, #o' are a Centre of Conscio'sness in the /ho%e of Rea%it#,
and that the -ni(erse of -ni(erses is #o'r ho)e00that #o'r Centre of
Conscio'sness )i!ht +e )o(ed on to a $oint tri%%ions of )i%es fro) the
Earth 7"hich distance "o'%d +e as nothin! in S$ace8 and sti%% #o'00the
a"a*ened so'%00"o'%d +e j'st as )'ch at ho)e there as here00that e(en
"hi%e #o' are here, #o'r inf%'ence e.tends far o't into s$ace. o'r rea%
state, "hich "i%% +e re(ea%ed to #o', !rad'a%%#, thro'!ho't the a!es, is
so !reat and !rand, that #o'r )ind in its $resent state of de(e%o$)ent
cannot !ras$ e(en the faint ref%ection of that !%or#.
/e "ish #o' to tr# to for) at %east a faint idea of #o'r Rea% State of
5ein!, in order that #o' )a# contro% the %o"er $rinci$%es +# the force of
#o'r a"a*ened /i%%, "hich /i%% de$ends '$on #o'r de!ree of conscio'sness
of the Rea% Se%f.
As )an !ro"s in 'nderstandin! and conscio'sness of the Rea% Se%f, so does
his a+i%it# to 'se his /i%% !ro". /i%% is the attri+'te of the Rea% Se%f.
It is "e%% that this !reat rea%i,ation of the Rea% Se%f +rin!s "ith it
Lo(e for a%% of Life, and 6indness, for, "ere it not so, the /i%% that
co)es to hi) "ho !ro"s into a rea%i,ation of his rea% +ein! co'%d +e 'sed
to the !reat h'rt of those of the race "ho had not $ro!ressed so far
7their re%ati(e h'rt, "e )ean, for in the end, and at the %ast, no so'%
is e(er rea%%# h'rt8. 5't the da"nin! $o"er +rin!s "ith it !reater Lo(e
and 6indness, and the hi!her the so'% )o'nts the )ore is it fi%%ed "ith
the hi!her idea%s and the )ore does it thro" fro) it the %o"er ani)a%
attri+'tes. It is tr'e that so)e so'%s !ro"in! into a conscio'sness of
their rea% nat're, "itho't an 'nderstandin! of "hat it a%% )eans, )a#
co))it the error of 'sin! the a"a*ened /i%% for se%fish ends, as )a# +e
seen in the cases of the 5%ac* &a!icians s$o*en of in the occ'%t
"ritin!s, and a%so in the cases of "e%% *no"n characters in histor# and
in )odern %ife, "ho )anifest an enor)o's /i%% "hich the# )is'se. A%% of
this c%ass of $eo$%e of !reat /i%% ha(e st')+%ed or !ro"n +%ind%# into a
conscio'sness 7or $artia% conscio'sness8 of the rea% nat're, +'t %ac* the
restrainin! inf%'ence of the hi!her teachin!s. 5't s'ch )is'se of the
/i%% +rin!s $ain and 'nrest to the 'ser, and he is e(ent'a%%# dri(en into
the ri!ht road.
/e do not e.$ect o'r st'dents to !ras$ f'%%# this idea of the E.$ansion
of Se%f. E(en the hi!hest !ras$ it on%# $artia%%#. 5't 'nti% #o' !et a
!%i))erin! of the conscio'sness #o' "i%% not +e a+%e to $ro!ress far
on the $ath of Raja o!a. o' )'st 'nderstand "hat #o' are, +efore #o'
are a+%e to 'se the $o"er that %ies dor)ant "ithin #o'. o' )'st rea%i,e
that #o' are the &aster, +efore #o' can c%ai) the $o"ers of the &aster,
and e.$ect to ha(e #o'r co))ands o+e#ed. So +ear $atient%# "ith 's, #o'r
Teachers, "hi%e "e set +efore #o' the %essons to +e %earned00the tas*s to
+e $erfor)ed. The road is %on!, and is ro'!h in $%aces00the feet )a#
+eco)e tired and +r'ised, +'t the re"ard is !reat, and there are restin!
$%aces a%on! the $ath. 5e not disco'ra!ed if #o'r $ro!ress see) s%o", for
the so'% )'st 'nfo%d nat'ra%%# as does the f%o"er, "itho't haste, "itho't
And +e not dis)a#ed nor affri!hted if #o' occasiona%%# catch a !%i)$se
of #o'r hi!her se%f. As "&.C." sa#s, in her notes on "Li!ht on the Path"
7see "Ad(anced Co'rse," $a!e IF84 "To ha(e seen th# so'% in its +%oo), is
to ha(e o+tained a )o)entar# !%i)$se in th#se%f of the transfi!'ration
"hich sha%% e(ent'a%%# )a*e thee )ore than )an3 to reco!ni,e, is to
achie(e the !reat tas* of !a,in! '$on the +%a,in! %i!ht "itho't dro$$in!
the e#es, and not fa%%in! +ac* in terror as tho'!h +efore so)e !hast%#
$hanto). This ha$$ens to so)e, and so, "hen the (ictor# is a%% +'t "on,
it is %ost."
Peace +e "ith thee.
There is +'t one '%ti)ate for) of &atter3 one '%ti)ate for) of Ener!#3
one '%ti)ate for) of &ind. &atter $roceeds fro) Ener!#, and Ener!# fro)
&ind, and a%% are an e)anation of the A+so%'te, threefo%d in a$$earance
+'t One in s'+stance. There is +'t One Life, and that $er)eates the
-ni(erse, )anifestin! in (ario's for)s, +'t +ein!, at the %ast, +'t One.
&# +od# is one "ith -ni(ersa% &atter3 &# ener!# and (ita% force is one
"ith the -ni(ersa% Ener!#3 &# &ind is one "ith the -ni(ersa% &ind3 &#
Life is one "ith the -ni(ersa% Life. The A+so%'te has e.$ressed and
)anifested itse%f in S$irit, "hich is the rea% "I" o(ershado"in! and
e)+racin! a%% the a$$arent%# se$arate "I"s. "I" fee% )# identit# "ith
S$irit and rea%i,e the Oneness of A%% Rea%it#. I fee% )# 'nit# "ith a%%
S$irit, and )# -nion 7thro'!h S$irit8 "ith the A+so%'te. I rea%i,e that
"I" a) an E.$ression and &anifestation of the A+so%'te, and that its
(er# essence is "ithin )e. I a) fi%%ed "ith 9i(ine Lo(e. I a) fi%%ed "ith
9i(ine Po"er. I a) fi%%ed "ith 9i(ine /isdo). I a) conscio's of identit#
in s$irit, in s'+stance3 and in nat're3 "ith the One Rea%it#.
In o'r first three %essons of this series, "e ha(e endea(ored to +rin!
into rea%i,ation "ithin #o'r )ind 718 the conscio'sness of the "I"3 its
inde$endence fro) the +od#3 its i))orta%it#3 its in(inci+i%it# and
in('%nera+i%it#3 7C8 the s'$eriorit# of the "I" o(er the )ind, as "e%% as
o(er the +od#3 the fact that the )ind is not the "I," +'t is )ere%# an
instr')ent for the e.$ression of the "I"3 the fact that the "I" is )aster
of the )ind, as "e%% as of the +od#3 that the "I" is +ehind a%% tho'!ht3
that the "I" can set aside for consideration the sensations, e)otions,
$assions, desires, and the rest of the )enta% $heno)ena, and sti%%
rea%i,e that it, the "I," is a$art fro) these )enta% )anifestations, and
re)ains 'nchan!ed, rea% and f'%%# e.istent3 that the "I" can set aside
an# and a%% of its )enta% too%s and instr')ents, as "not I" thin!s, and
sti%% conscio's%# rea%i,e that after so settin! the) aside there re)ains
so)ethin!00itse%f00the "I" "hich cannot +e set aside or ta*en fro)3 that
the "I" is the )aster of the )ind, and not its s%a(e3 7D8 that the "I" is
a )'ch !reater thin! than the %itt%e $ersona% "I" "e ha(e +een
considerin! it to +e3 that the "I" is a $art of that !reat One Rea%it#
"hich $er(ades a%% the -ni(erse3 that it is connected "ith a%% other
for)s of %ife +# co'nt%ess ties, )enta% and s$irit'a% fi%a)ents and
re%ations3 that the "I" is a Centre of Conscio'sness in that !reat One
Rea%it# or S$irit, "hich is +ehind and +ac* of a%% Life and E.istence,
the Centre of "hich Rea%it# or E.istence, is the A+so%'te or <od3 that
the sense of Rea%it# that is inherent in the "I," is rea%%# the
ref%ection of the sense of Rea%it# inherent in the /ho%e00the <reat "I"
of the -ni(erse.
The 'nder%#in! $rinci$%e of these three %essons is the Rea%it# of the
"I," in itse%f, o(er and a+o(e a%% &atter, Force, or &ind00$ositi(e to
a%% of the), j'st as the# are $ositi(e or ne!ati(e to each other00and
ne!ati(e on%# to the Centre of the One00the A+so%'te itse%f. And this is
the $osition for the Candidate or Initiate to ta*e4 "I a) $ositi(e to
&ind, Ener!#, and &atter, and contro% the) a%%00I a) ne!ati(e on%# to the
A+so%'te, "hich is the Centre of 5ein!, of "hich 5ein! I A). And, as I
assert )# )aster# o(er &ind, Ener!#, and &atter, and e.ercise )# /i%%
o(er the), so do I ac*no"%ed!e )# s'+ordination to the A+so%'te, and
!%ad%# o$en )# so'% to the inf%o" of the 9i(ine /i%%, and $arta*e of its
Po"er, Stren!th, and /isdo)."
In the $resent %esson, and those i))ediate%# fo%%o"in! it, "e sha%%
endea(or to assist the Candidate or Initiate in ac1'irin! a )aster# of
the s'+ordinate )anifestations, &atter, Ener!#, and &ind. In order to
ac1'ire and assert this )aster#, one )'st ac1'aint hi)se%f "ith the
nat're of the thin! to +e contro%%ed.
In o'r "Ad(anced Co'rse" "e ha(e endea(ored to e.$%ain to #o' the nat're
of the Three <reat &anifestations, *no"n as Chitta, or &ind0S'+stance3
Prana, or Ener!#3 and A*asa, or the Princi$%e of &atter. /e a%so
e.$%ained to #o' that the "I" of )an is s'$erior to these three, +ein!
"hat is *no"n as At)an or S$irit. &atter, Ener!#, and &ind, as "e ha(e
e.$%ained, are )anifestations of the A+so%'te, and are re%ati(e thin!s.
The o!i $hi%oso$h# teaches that &atter is the !rossest for) of
)anifested s'+stance, +ein! +e%o" Ener!# and &ind, and conse1'ent%#
ne!ati(e to, and s'+ordinate to +oth. One sta!e hi!her than &atter, is
Ener!# or Force, "hich is $ositi(e to, and has a'thorit# o(er, &atter
7&atter +ein! a sti%% !rosser for) of s'+stance8, +'t "hich is ne!ati(e
to and s'+ordinate to &ind, "hich is a sti%% hi!her for) of s'+stance.
Ne.t in order co)es the hi!hest of the three00&ind00the finest for) of
s'+stance, and "hich do)inates +oth Ener!# and &atter, +ein! $ositi(e to
+oth. &ind, ho"e(er is ne!ati(e and s'+ordinate to the "I," "hich is
S$irit, and o+e#s the orders of the %atter "hen fir)%# and inte%%i!ent%#
!i(en. The "I" itse%f is s'+ordinate on%# to the A+so%'te00the Centre of
5ein!00the "I" +ein! $ositi(e and do)inant o(er the threefo%d
)anifestation of &ind, Ener!#, and &atter.
The "I," "hich for the sa*e of the i%%'stration )'st +e re!arded as a
se$arate thin! 7a%tho'!h it is rea%%# on%# a Centre of Conscio'sness in
the !reat +od# of S$irit8, finds itse%f s'rro'nded +# the tri$%e0ocean of
&ind, Ener!# and &atter, "hich ocean e.tends into Infinit#. The +od# is
+'t a $h#sica% for) thro'!h "hich f%o"s an 'nendin! strea) of )atter,
for, as #o' *no" the $artic%es and ato)s of the +od# are constant%#
chan!in!3 +ein! rene"ed3 re$%aced3 thro"n off, and s'$$%anted. One2s +od#
of a fe" #ears a!o, or rather the $artic%es co)$osin! that +od#, ha(e
$assed off and no" for) ne" co)+inations in the "or%d of )atter. And
one2s +od# of to0da# is $assin! a"a# and +ein! re$%aced +# ne" $artic%es.
And one2s +od# of ne.t #ear is no" occ'$#in! so)e other $ortion of s$ace,
and its $artic%es are no" $arts of co'nt%ess other co)+inations, fro)
"hich s$ace and co)+inations the# "i%% %ater co)e to co)+ine and for) the
+od# of ne.t #ear. There is nothin! $er)anent a+o't the +od#00e(en the
$artic%es of the +ones are +ein! constant%# re$%aced +# others. And
so it is "ith the @ita% Ener!#, Force, or Stren!th of the +od# 7inc%'din!
that of the +rain8. It is constant%# +ein! 'sed '$, and e.$ended, a fresh
s'$$%# ta*in! its $%ace. And e(en the &ind of the $erson is chan!ea+%e,
and the &ind0s'+stance or Chitta, is +ein! 'sed '$ and re$%enished, the
ne" s'$$%# co)in! fro) the !reat Ocean of &ind, into "hich the discarded
$ortion s%i$s, j'st as is the case "ith the )atter and ener!#.
/hi%e the )ajorit# of o'r st'dents, "ho are )ore or %ess fa)i%iar "ith
the c'rrent )ateria% scientific conce$tions, "i%% readi%# acce$t the
a+o(e idea of the ocean of &atter, and Ener!#, and the fact that there
is a contin'a% 'sin! '$ and re$%enishin! of one2s store of +oth, the# )a#
ha(e )ore or %ess tro'+%e in acce$tin! the idea that &ind is a s'+stance
or $rinci$%e a)ena+%e to the sa)e !enera% %a"s as are the other t"o
)anifestations, or attri+'tes of s'+stance. One is so a$t to thin* of his
&ind as "hi)se%f"00the "I." Not"ithstandin! the fact that in o'r Second
Lesson of this series "e sho"ed #o' that the "I" is s'$erior to the
)enta% states, and that it can set the) aside and re!ard and consider
the) as "not0I" thin!s, #et the force of the ha+it of tho'!ht is (er#
stron!, and it )a# ta*e so)e of #o' considera+%e ti)e +efore #o' "!et
into the "a#" of rea%i,in! that #o'r &ind is "so)ethin! that #o' 'se,"
instead of +ein! o'00#o'rse%f. And #et, #o' )'st $erse(ere in attainin!
this rea%i,ation, for in the de!ree that #o' rea%i,e #o'r do)inance o(er
#o'r )ind, so "i%% +e #o'r contro% of it, and its a)ena+i%it# to that
contro%. And, as is the de!ree of that do)inance and contro%, so "i%%
+e the character, !rade and e.tent of the "or* that #o'r &ind "i%% do for
#o'. So #o' see4 Rea%i,ation +rin!s Contro%00and Contro% +rin!s
res'%ts. This state)ent %ies at the +ase of the science of Raja o!a.
And )an# of its first e.ercises are desi!ned to ac1'aint the st'dent "ith
that rea%i,ation, and to de(e%o$ the rea%i,ation and contro% +# ha+it and
The o!i Phi%oso$h# teaches that instead of &ind +ein! the "I." it is
the thin! thro'!h and +# )eans of "hich the "I" thin*s, at %east so
far as is concerned the *no"%ed!e concernin! the $heno)ena% or o't"ard
-ni(erse00that is the -ni(erse of Na)e and For). There is a hi!her
6no"%ed!e %oc*ed '$ in the inner)ost $art of the "I," that far transcends
an# infor)ation that it )a# recei(e a+o't or fro) the o'ter "or%d, +'t
that is not +efore 's for consideration at this ti)e, and "e )'st concern
o'rse%(es "ith the "thin*in!" a+o't the "or%d of thin!s.
&ind0s'+stance in Sanscrit is ca%%ed "Chitta," and a "a(e in the
Chitta 7"hich "a(e is the co)+ination of &ind and Ener!#8 is ca%%ed
"@ritta," "hich is a*in to "hat "e ca%% a "tho'!ht." In other "ords it
is ")ind in action," "hereas Chitta is ")ind in re$ose." @ritta, "hen
%itera%%# trans%ated )eans "a "hir%$oo% or edd# in the )ind," "hich is
e.act%# "hat a tho'!ht rea%%# is.
5't "e )'st ca%% the attention of the st'dent, at this $oint, to the fact
that the "ord "&ind" is 'sed in t"o "a#s +# the o!is and other
occ'%tists, and the st'dent is directed to for) a c%ear conce$tion of
each )eanin!, in order to a(oid conf'sion, and that he )a# )ore c%ear%#
$ercei(e the t"o as$ects of the thin!s "hich the "ord is intended to
e.$ress. In the first $%ace the "ord "&ind" is 'sed as s#non#)o's
"ith Chitta, or &ind0s'+stance, "hich is the -ni(ersa% &ind Princi$%e.
Fro) this Chitta, &ind0s'+stance, or &ind, a%% the )ateria% of the
)i%%ions of $ersona% )inds is o+tained. The second )eanin! of the "ord
"&ind" is that "hich "e )ean "hen "e s$ea* of the ")ind" of an#one,
there+# )eanin! the )enta% fac'%ties of that $artic'%ar $erson00that
"hich distin!'ishes his )enta% $ersona%it# fro) that of another. /e ha(e
ta'!ht #o' that this ")ind" in &an, f'nctions on three $%anes, and ha(e
ca%%ed the res$ecti(e )anifestations 718 the Instincti(e &ind3 7C8 the
Inte%%ect3 and 7D8 the S$irit'a% &ind. 7See "Fo'rteen Lessons in o!i
Phi%oso$h#," etc.8 These three )enta% $%anes, ta*en to!ether, )a*e '$
the ")ind" of the $erson, or to +e )ore e.act the#, c%'stered aro'nd the
"I" for) the "so'%" of the indi(id'a%. The "ord "so'%" is often 'sed as
s#non#)o's "ith "s$irit" +'t those "ho ha(e fo%%o"ed 's "i%% distin!'ish
the difference. The "so'%" is the E!o s'rro'nded +# its )enta%
$rinci$%es, "hi%e the S$irit is the "so'% of the so'%"00the "I," or Rea%
The Science of Raja o!a, to "hich this series of %essons is de(oted,
teaches, as its +asic $rinci$%e, the Contro% of the &ind. It ho%ds that
the first ste$ to"ard Po"er consists in o+tainin! a contro% of one2s
o"n )ind. It ho%ds that the interna% "or%d )'st +e con1'ered +efore the
o'ter "or%d is attac*ed. It ho%ds that the "I" )anifests itse%f in
/i%%, and that that /i%% )a# +e 'sed to )ani$'%ate, !'ide, !o(ern and
direct the )ind of its o"ner, as "e%% as the $h#sica% "or%d. It ai)s to
c%ear a"a# a%% )enta% r'++ish, and enc')+rances00to cond'ct a ")enta%
ho'se0c%eanin!," as it "ere, and to sec're a c%ear, c%ean, hea%th# )ind.
Then it $roceeds to contro% that )ind inte%%i!ent%#, and "ith effect,
sa(in! a%% "aste0$o"er, and +# )eans of concentration +rin!in! the &ind
in f'%% har)on# "ith the /i%%, that it )a# +e +ro'!ht to a foc's and its
$o"er !reat%# increased and its efficienc# f'%%# sec'red. Concentration
and /i%%0$o"er are the )eans +# "hich the o!is o+tain s'ch "onderf'%
res'%ts, and +# "hich the# )ana!e and direct their (i!oro's, hea%th#
)inds, and )aster the )ateria% "or%d, actin! $ositi(e%# '$on Ener!# and
&atter. This contro% e.tends to a%% $%anes of the &ind and the o!is not
on%# contro% the Instincti(e &ind, ho%din! in s'+jection its %o"er
1'a%ities and )a*in! 'se of its other $arts, +'t the# a%so de(e%o$ and
en%ar!e the fie%d of their Inte%%ect and o+tain fro) it "onderf'%
res'%ts. E(en the S$irit'a% &ind is )astered, and aided in its
'nfo%d)ent, and 'r!ed to $ass do"n into the fie%d of conscio'sness so)e
of the "onderf'% secrets to +e fo'nd "ithin its area. 5# )eans of Raja
o!a )an# of the secrets of e.istence and 5ein!00)an# of the Ridd%es of
the -ni(erse00are ans"ered and so%(ed. And +# it the %atent $o"ers
inherent in the constit'tion of &an are 'nfo%ded and +ro'!ht into action.
Those hi!h%# ad(anced in the science are +e%ie(ed to ha(e o+tained s'ch a
"onderf'% de!ree of $o"er and contro% o(er the forces of the 'ni(erse,
that the# are as !ods co)$ared "ith the ordinar# )an.
Raja o!a teaches that not on%# )a# $o"er of this *ind +e sec'red, +'t
that a "onderf'% fie%d of 6no"%ed!e is o$ened o't thro'!h its $ractice.
It ho%ds that "hen the concentrated )ind is foc'sed '$on thin! or
s'+ject, the tr'e nat're and inner )eanin!, of, and concernin!, that
thin! or s'+ject "i%% +e +ro'!ht to (ie". The concentrated )ind $asses
thro'!h the o+ject or s'+ject j'st as the ;0Ra# $asses thro'!h a +%oc* of
"ood, and the thin! is seen +# the "I" as it is00in tr'th00and not as
it had a$$eared +efore, i)$erfect%# and erroneo's%#. Not on%# )a# the
o'tside "or%d +e th's e.$%ored, +'t the )enta% ra# )a# +e t'rned in"ard,
and the secret $%aces of the )ind e.$%ored. /hen it is re)e)+ered that
the +it of )ind that each )an $ossesses, is %i*e a dro$ of the ocean
"hich contains "ithin its tin# co)$ass a%% the e%e)ents that )a*e '$ the
ocean, and that to *no" $erfect%# the dro$ is to *no" $erfect%# the
ocean, then "e +e!in to see "hat s'ch a $o"er rea%%# )eans.
&an# in the /estern "or%d "ho ha(e attained !reat res'%ts in the
inte%%ect'a% and scientific fie%ds of endea(or, ha(e de(e%o$ed these
$o"ers )ore or %ess 'nconscio's%#. &an# !reat in(entors are $ractica%
o!is, a%tho'!h the# do not rea%i,e the so'rce of their $o"er. An#one "ho
is fa)i%iar "ith the $ersona% )enta% characteristics of Edison, "i%% see
that he fo%%o"s so)e of the Raja o!a )ethods, and that Concentration
is one of his stron!est "ea$ons. And fro) a%% re$orts, Prof. E%)er <ates,
of /ashin!ton, 9.C., "hose )ind has 'nfo%ded )an# "onderf'% disco(eries
and in(entions, is a%so a $ractica% o!i a%tho'!h he )a# re$'diate the
assertion (i!oro's%#, and )a# not ha(e fa)i%iari,ed hi)se%f "ith the
$rinci$%es of this science, "hich he has "dro$$ed into" 'nconscio's%#.
Those "ho ha(e re$orted '$on Prof. <ates2 )ethods, sa# that he fair%#
"di!s o't" the in(entions and disco(eries fro) his )ind, after !oin!
into sec%'sion and $racticin! concentration, and "hat is *no"n as the
&enta% @ision.
5't "e ha(e !i(en #o' eno'!h of theor# for one %esson, and )'st +e!in to
!i(e #o' directions "here+# #o' )a# aid #o'rse%f in de(e%o$in! these
%atent $o"ers and 'nfo%din! these dor)ant ener!ies. o' "i%% notice that
in this series "e first te%% #o' so)ethin! a+o't the theor#, and then
$roceed to !i(e #o' "so)ethin! to do." This is the tr'e o!i )ethod as
fo%%o"ed and $racticed +# their +est teachers. Too )'ch theor# is
tireso)e, and sin!s the )ind to s%ee$, "hi%e too )'ch e.ercise tires one,
and does not !i(e the in1'irin! $art of his )ind the necessar# food. To
co)+ine +oth in s'ita+%e $ro$ortions is the +etter $%an, and one that "e
ai) to fo%%o".
5efore "e can !et the )ind to do !ood "or* for 's, "e )'st first "ta)e"
it, and +rin! it to o+edience to the /i%% of the "I." The )ind, as a
r'%e, has +een a%%o"ed to r'n "i%d, and fo%%o" its o"n s"eet "i%% and
desires, "itho't re!ard to an#thin! e%se. Li*e a s$oi%ed chi%d or +ad%#
trained do)estic ani)a%, it !ets into )'ch tro'+%e, and is of (er# %itt%e
$%eas're, co)fort or 'se. The )inds of )an# of 's are %i*e )ena!eries
of "i%d ani)a%s, each $'rs'in! the +ent of its o"n nat're, and !oin! its
o"n "a#. /e ha(e the "ho%e )ena!erie "ithin 's00the ti!er, the a$e, the
$eacoc*, the ass, the !oose, the shee$ the h#ena, and a%% the rest. And
"e ha(e +een %ettin! these ani)a%s r'%e 's. E(en o'r Inte%%ect is
erratic, 'nsta+%e, and %i*e the 1'ic*si%(er to "hich the ancient
occ'%tists co)$ared it, shiftin! and 'ncertain. If #o' "i%% %oo* aro'nd
#o' #o' "i%% see that those )en and "o)en in the "or%d "ho ha(e rea%%#
acco)$%ished an#thin! "orth "hi%e ha(e trained their )inds to o+edience.
The# ha(e asserted the /i%% o(er their o"n )inds, and %earned &aster# and
Po"er in that "a#. The a(era!e )ind chafes at the restraint of the /i%%,
and is %i*e a fris*# )on*e# that "i%% not +e "ta'!ht tric*s." 5't ta'!ht
it )'st +e, if it "ants to do !ood "or*. And teach it #o' )'st if #o'
e.$ect to !et an# 'se fro) it00if #o' e.$ect to 'se it, instead of ha(in!
it 'se #o'.
And this is the first thin! to +e %earned in Raja o!a00this contro% of
the )ind. Those "ho had ho$ed for so)e ro#a% road to )aster#, )a# +e
disa$$ointed, +'t there is on%# one "a# and that is to )aster and contro%
the )ind +# the /i%%. Other"ise it "i%% r'n a"a# "hen #o' )ost need it.
And so "e sha%% !i(e #o' so)e e.ercise desi!ned to aid #o' in this
The first e.ercise in Raja o!a Is "hat is ca%%ed Prat#ahara or the
art of )a*in! the )ind intros$ecti(e or t'rned in"ard '$on itse%f. It is
the first ste$ to"ard )enta% contro%. It ai)s to t'rn the )ind fro)
!oin! o't"ard, and !rad'a%%# t'rnin! it in"ard '$on itse%f or inner
nat're. The o+ject is to !ain contro% of it +# the /i%%. The fo%%o"in!
e.ercises "i%% aid in that direction4
7a8 P%ace #o'rse%f in a co)forta+%e $osition, and so far as $ossi+%e free
fro) o'tside dist'r+in! inf%'ences. &a*e no (io%ent effort to contro%
the )ind, +'t rather a%%o" it to r'n a%on! for a "hi%e and e.ha'st its
efforts. It "i%% ta*e ad(anta!e of the o$$ort'nit#, and "i%% j')$ aro'nd
%i*e an 'nchained )on*e# at first, 'nti% it !rad'a%%# s%o"s do"n and
%oo*s to #o' for orders. It )a# ta*e so)e ti)e to ta)e do"n at first
tria%, +'t each ti)e #o' tr# it "i%% co)e aro'nd to #o' in shorter ti)e.
The o!is s$end )'ch ti)e in ac1'irin! this )enta% $eace and ca%), and
consider the)se%(es "e%% $aid for it.
7+8 /hen the )ind is "e%% ca%)ed do"n, and $eacef'%, fi. the tho'!ht on
the "I A)," as ta'!ht in o'r $re(io's %essons. Pict're the "I" as an
entit# inde$endent of the +od#3 death%ess3 in('%nera+%e3 i))orta%3 rea%.
Then thin* of it as inde$endent of the +od#, and a+%e to "itho't
its f%esh%# co(erin!. &editate '$on this for a ti)e, and then !rad'a%%#
direct the tho'!ht to the rea%i,ation of the "I" as inde$endent and
s'$erior to the )ind, and contro%%in! sa)e. <o o(er the !enera% ideas of
the first t"o %essons, and endea(or to ca%)%# ref%ect '$on the) and
to see the) in the ")ind2s e#e." o' "i%% find that #o'r )ind is
!rad'a%%# +eco)in! )ore and )ore $eacef'% and ca%), and that the
distractin! tho'!hts of the o'tside "or%d are farther and farther re)o(ed
fro) #o'.
7c8 Then %et the )ind $ass on to a ca%) consideration of the Third
Lesson, in "hich "e ha(e s$o*en of the Oneness of A%%, and the
re%ationshi$ of the "I" to the One Life3 Po"er3 Inte%%i!ence3 5ein!. o'
"i%% find that #o' are ac1'irin! a )enta% contro% and ca%) heretofore
'n*no"n to #o'. The e.ercises in the first three %essons "i%% ha(e
$re$ared #o' for this.
7d8 The fo%%o"in! is the )ost diffic'%t of the (ariations or de!rees of
this e.ercise, +'t the a+i%it# to $erfor) it "i%% co)e !rad'a%%#. The
e.ercise consists in !rad'a%%# sh'ttin! o't a%% tho'!ht or i)$ression
of the o'tside "or%d3 of the +od#3 and of the tho'!hts the)se%(es, the
st'dent concentratin! and )editatin! '$on the "ord and idea "I A&," the
idea +ein! that he sha%% concentrate '$on the idea of )ere "+ein!" or
"e.istence," s#)+o%i,ed +# the "ords "I A)." Not "I a) this," or "I a)
that," or "I do this," or "I thin* that," +'t si)$%#4 "I A&."
This e.ercise "i%% foc's the attention at the (er# centre of 5ein! "ithin
onese%f, and "i%% !ather in a%% the )enta% ener!ies, instead of a%%o"in!
the) to +e scattered '$on o'tside thin!s. A fee%in! of Peace, Stren!th,
and Po"er "i%% res'%t, for the affir)ation, and the tho'!ht +ac* of it,
is the )ost $o"erf'% and stron!est that one )a# )a*e, for it is a
state)ent of Act'a% 5ein!, and a t'rnin! of the tho'!ht in"ard to that
tr'th. Let the )ind first d"e%% '$on the "ord "I," identif#in! it "ith
the Se%f, and then %et it $ass on to the "ord "A&," "hich si!nifies
Rea%it#, and 5ein!. Then co)+ine the t"o "ith the )eanin!s thereof, and
the res'%t a )ost $o"erf'% foc'sin! of tho'!ht in"ard, and )ost $otent
State)ent of 5ein!.
It is "e%% to acco)$an# the a+o(e e.ercises "ith a co)forta+%e and eas#
$h#sica% attit'de, so as to $re(ent the distraction of the attention +#
the +od#. In order to do this one sho'%d ass')e an eas# attit'de and then
re%a. e(er# )'sc%e, and ta*e the tension fro) e(er# ner(e, 'nti% a
$erfect sense of ease, co)fort and re%a.ation is o+tained. o' sho'%d
$ractice this 'nti% #o' ha(e f'%%# ac1'ired it. It "i%% +e 'sef'% to #o'
in )an# "a#s, +esides renderin! Concentration and &editation easier. It
"i%% act as a "rest c're" for tired +od#, ner(es, and )ind.
The second ste$ in Raja o!a is "hat is *no"n as 9harana, or
Concentration. This is a )ost "onderf'% idea in the direction of foc'sin!
the )enta% forces, and )a# +e c'%ti(ated to an a%)ost incredi+%e de!ree,
+'t a%% this re1'ires "or*, ti)e, and $atience. 5't the st'dent "i%% +e
"e%% re$aid for it. Concentration consists in the )ind foc'sin! '$on a
certain s'+ject, or o+ject, and +ein! he%d there for a ti)e. This, at
first tho'!ht see)s (er# eas#, +'t a %itt%e $ractice "i%% sho" ho"
diffic'%t it is to fir)%# fi. the attention and ho%d it there. It "i%%
ha(e a tendenc# to "a(er, and )o(e to so)e other o+ject or s'+ject, and
)'ch $ractice "i%% +e needed in order to ho%d it at the desired $oint.
5't $ractice "i%% acco)$%ish "onders, as one )a# see +# o+ser(in! $eo$%e
"ho ha(e ac1'ired this fac'%t#, and "ho 'se it in their e(er#da# %ife.
5't the fo%%o"in! $oint sho'%d +e re)e)+ered. &an# $ersons ha(e ac1'ired
the fac'%t# of concentratin! their attention, +'t ha(e a%%o"ed it to
+eco)e a%)ost in(o%'ntar#, and the# +eco)e a s%a(e to it, for!ettin!
the)se%(es and e(er#thin! e%se, and often ne!%ectin! necessar# affairs.
This is the i!norant "a# of concentratin!, and those addicted to it
+eco)e s%a(es to their ha+its, instead of )asters of their )inds. The#
+eco)e da#0drea)ers, and a+sent0)inded $eo$%e, instead of &asters. The#
are to +e $itied as )'ch as those "ho cannot concentrate at a%%. The
secret is in a )aster# of the )ind. The o!is can concentrate at "i%%,
and co)$%ete%# +'r# the)se%(es in the s'+ject +efore the), and e.tract
fro) it e(er# ite) of interest, and can then $ass the )ind fro) the thin!
at "i%%, the sa)e contro% +ein! 'sed in +oth cases. The# do not a%%o"
fits of a+straction, or "a+sent0)indedness" to co)e '$on the), nor are
the# da#0drea)ers. On the contrar# the# are (er# "ide a"a*e indi(id'a%s3
c%ose o+ser(ers3 c%ear thin*ers3 correct reasoners. The# are )asters of
their )inds, not s%a(es to their )oods. The i!norant concentrator +'ries
hi)se%f in the o+ject or s'+ject, and a%%o"s it to )aster and a+sor+
hi)se%f, "hi%e the trained o!i thin*er asserts the "I," and then directs
his )ind to concentrate '$on the s'+ject or o+ject, *ee$in! it "e%% 'nder
contro% and in (ie" a%% the ti)e. 9o #o' see the difference: Then heed
the %esson.
The fo%%o"in! e.ercises )a# +e fo'nd 'sef'% in the first ste$s of
7a8 Concentrate the attention '$on so)e fa)i%iar o+ject00a $enci%, for
instance. Ho%d the )ind there and consider the $enci% to the e.c%'sion of
an# other o+ject. Consider its si,e3 co%or3 sha$e3 *ind of "ood. Consider
its 'ses, and $'r$oses3 its )ateria%s3 the $rocess of its )an'fact're,
etc., etc., etc. In short thin* as )an# thin!s a+o't the $enci% as
$ossi+%e a%%o"in! the )ind to $'rs'e an# associated +#0$aths, s'ch as a
consideration of the !ra$hite of "hich the "%ead" is )ade3 the forest
fro) "hich ca)e the "ood 'sed in )a*in! the $enci%3 the histor# of
$enci%s, and other i)$%e)ents 'sed for "ritin!, etc. In short e.ha'st
the s'+ject of "Penci%s." In considerin! a s'+ject 'nder concentration,
the fo%%o"in! $%an of s#no$sis "i%% +e fo'nd 'sef'%. Thin* of the thin!
in 1'estion fro) the fo%%o"in! (ie"0$oints4
718 The thin! itse%f.
7C8 The $%ace fro) "hence it ca)e.
7D8 Its $'r$ose or 'se.
7E8 Its associations.
7F8 Its $ro+a+%e end.
9o not %et the a$$arent%# tri(ia% nat're of the in1'ir# disco'ra!e #o',
for the si)$%est for) of )enta% trainin! is 'sef'%, and "i%% he%$ to
de(e%o$ #o'r /i%% and Concentration. It is a*in to the $rocess of
de(e%o$in! a $h#sica% )'sc%e +# so)e si)$%e e.ercise, and in +oth cases
one %oses si!ht of the 'ni)$ortance of the e.ercise itse%f, in (ie" of
the end to +e !ained.
7+8 Concentrate the attention '$on so)e $art of the +od#00the hand for
instance, and! #o'r entire attention '$on it, sh't off or inhi+it
a%% sensation fro) the other $arts of the +od#. A %itt%e $ractice "i%%
ena+%e #o' to do this. In addition to the )enta% trainin!, this e.ercise
"i%% sti)'%ate the $art of the +od# concentrated '$on, for reasons that
"i%% a$$ear in f't're %essons. Chan!e the $arts of the +od# concentrated
'$on, and th's !i(e the )ind a (ariet# of e.ercises, and the +od# the
effect of a !enera% sti)'%ation.
7c8 These e.ercises )a# +e e.tended indefinite%# '$on fa)i%iar o+jects
a+o't #o'. Re)e)+er a%"a#s, that the thin! in itse%f is of no i)$ortance,
the "ho%e idea +ein! to train the )ind to o+e# the /i%%, so that "hen #o'
rea%%# "ish to 'se the )enta% forces '$on so)e i)$ortant o+ject, #o' )a#
find the) "e%% trained and o+edient. 9o not +e te)$ted to s%i!ht this
$art of the "or* +eca'se it is "dr#" and 'ninterestin!, for it %eads '$
to thin!s that are )ost interestin!, and o$ens a door to a fascinatin!
7d8 Practice foc'sin! the attention '$on so)e a+stract s'+ject00that is
'$on so)e s'+ject of interest that )a# offer a fie%d for )enta%
e.$%oration. Thin* a+o't the s'+ject in a%% its $hases and +ranches,
fo%%o"in! '$ one +#0$ath, and then another, 'nti% #o' fee% that #o' *no"
a%% a+o't the s'+ject that #o'r )ind has ac1'ired. o' "i%% +e s'r$rised
to find ho" )'ch )ore #o' *no" a+o't an# one thin! or s'+ject than #o'
had +e%ie(ed $ossi+%e. In hidden corners of #o'r )ind #o' "i%% find so)e
'sef'% or interestin! infor)ation a+o't the thin! in 1'estion, and "hen
#o' are thro'!h #o' "i%% fee% "e%% $osted '$on it, and '$on the thin!s
connected "ith it. This e.ercise "i%% not on%# he%$, to de(e%o$ #o'r
inte%%ect'a% $o"ers, +'t "i%% stren!then #o'r )e)or#, and +roaden #o'r
)ind, and !i(e #o' )ore confidence in #o'rse%f. And, in addition, #o'
"i%% ha(e ta*en a (a%'a+%e e.ercise in Concentration or 9harana.
The I)$ortance of Concentration.
Concentration is a foc'sin! of the )ind. And this foc'sin! of the )ind
re1'ires a foc'sin!, or +rin!in! to a center, of the /i%%. The )ind is
concentrated +eca'se the /i%% is foc'sed '$on the o+ject. The )ind f%o"s
into the )o'%d )ade +# the /i%%. The a+o(e e.ercises are desi!ned not
on%# to acc'sto) the )ind to the o+edience and direction of the /i%%, +'t
a%so tend to acc'sto) the /i%% to co))and. /e s$ea* of stren!thenin! the
/i%%, "hen "hat "e rea%%# )ean is trainin! the )ind to o+e#, and
acc'sto)in! the /i%% to co))and. O'r /i%% is stron! eno'!h, +'t "e do not
rea%i,e it. The /i%% ta*es root in the (er# center of o'r +ein!00in the
"I," +'t o'r i)$erfect%# de(e%o$ed )ind does not reco!ni,e this tact.
/e are %i*e #o'n! e%e$hants that do not reco!ni,e their o"n stren!th, +'t
a%%o" the)se%(es to +e )astered +# $'n# dri(ers, "ho) the# co'%d +r'sh
aside "ith a )o(e)ent. The /i%% is +ac* of a%% action00a%% doin!00)enta%
and $h#sica%.
/e sha%% ha(e )'ch to sa# to'chin! the /i%%, in these %essons and the
st'dent sho'%d !i(e the )atter his caref'% attention. Let hi) %oo* aro'nd
hi), and he "i%% see that the !reat difference +et"een the )en "ho ha(e
ste$$ed for"ard fro) the ran*s, and those "ho re)ain h'dd%ed '$ in the
cro"d, consists in 9eter)ination and /i%%. As 5'.ton has "e%% said4
"The %on!er I %i(e, the )ore certain I a) that the !reat difference
+et"een )en, the fee+%e and the $o"erf'%3 the !reat and the
insi!nificant3 is Ener!# and In(inci+%e 9eter)ination." And he )i!ht ha(e
added that the thin! +ehind that "ener!# and in(inci+%e deter)ination"
"as /i%%.
The "riters and thin*ers of a%% a!es ha(e reco!ni,ed the "onderf'% and
transcendent i)$ortance of the /i%%. Tenn#son sin!s4 "O %i(in! /i%% tho'
sha%t end're "hen a%% that see)s sha%% s'ffer shoc*." O%i(er /ende%%
Ho%)es sa#s4 "The seat of the /i%% see)s to (ar# "ith the or!an thro'!h
"hich it is )anifested3 to trans$ort itse%f to different $arts of the
+rain, as "e )a# "ish to reca%% a $ict're, a $hrase, a )e%od#3 to thro"
its force on the )'sc%es or the inte%%ect'a% $rocesses. Li*e the
!enera%0in0chief, its $%ace is e(er#"here in the fie%d of action. It is
the %east %i*e an instr')ent of an# of o'r fac'%ties3 the farthest
re)o(ed fro) o'r conce$tions of )echanis) and )atter, as "e co))on%#
define the)." Ho%)es "as correct in his idea, +'t fa'%t# in his detai%s.
The /i%% does not chan!e its seat, "hich is a%"a#s in the center of the
E!o, +'t the /i%% forces the )ind to a%% $arts, and in a%% directions,
and it directs the Prana or (ita% force %i*e"ise. The /i%% is indeed
the !enera%0in0chief, +'t it does not r'sh to the (ario's $oints of
action, +'t sends its )essen!ers and co'riers there to carr# o't its
orders. 5'.ton has said4 "The /i%% "i%% do an#thin! that can +e done in
this "or%d. And no ta%ents, no circ')stances, no o$$ort'nities "i%%
)a*e a t"o0%e!!ed creat're a &an "itho't it." I* &ar(e% tr'%# sa#s4
"Reso%(e is "hat )a*es a )an )anifest3 not $'n# reso%(e, not cr'de
deter)inations, not errant $'r$ose00+'t that stron! and indefati!a+%e
/i%% "hich treads do"n diffic'%ties and dan!er, as a +o# treads do"n the
hea(in! frost0%ands of "inter3 "hich *ind%es his e#e and +rain "ith a
$ro'd $'%se0+eat to"ard the 'nattaina+%e. /i%% )a*es )en !iants."
The !reat o+stac%e to the $ro$er 'se of the /i%%, in the case of the
)ajorit# of $eo$%e, is the %ac* of a+i%it# to foc's the attention. The
o!is c%ear%# 'nderstand this $oint, and )an# of the Raja o!a
e.ercises "hich are !i(en to the st'dents +# the teachers, are desi!ned
to o(erco)e this diffic'%t#. Attention is the o't"ard e(idence of the
/i%%. As a French "riter has said4 "The attention is s'+ject to the
s'$erior a'thorit# of the E!o. I #ie%d it, or I "ithho%d it, as I $%ease.
I direct it in t'rn to se(era% $oints. I concentrate it '$on each $oint
as %on! as )# /i%% can stand the effort." Prof. >a)es has said4 "The
essentia% achie(e)ent of the /i%%, "hen it is )ost (o%'ntar#, is to
attend to a diffic'%t o+ject, and ho%d it fast +efore the )ind. Effort of
Attention is the essentia% $heno)enon of the /i%%." And Prof. Ha%%ec*
sa#s4 "The first ste$ to"ard the de(e%o$)ent of /i%% %ies in the e.ercise
of Attention. Ideas !ro" in distinctness and )otor0$o"er as "e attend to
the). If "e ta*e t"o ideas of the sa)e intensit# and center the attention
'$on one, "e sha%% notice ho" )'ch it !ro"s in $o"er." Prof. S'%%# sa#s4
"Attention )a# +e ro'!h%# defined as the acti(e se%f0direction of the
)ind to an# o+ject "hich $resents itse%f at the )o)ent." The "ord
"Attention" is deri(ed fro) t"o Latin "ords, ad tendere, )eanin! "to
stretch to"ards," and this is j'st "hat the o!is *no" it to +e. 5# )eans
of their $s#chic or c%air(o#ant si!ht, the# see the tho'!ht of the
attenti(e $erson stretched o't to"ard the o+ject attended to, %i*e a
shar$ "ed!e, the $oint of "hich is foc'sed '$on the o+ject 'nder
consideration, the entire force of the tho'!ht +ein! concentrated at that
$oint. This is tr'e not on%# "hen the $erson is considerin! an o+ject,
+'t "hen he is earnest%# i)$ressin! his ideas '$on another, or '$on so)e
tas* to +e acco)$%ished. Attention )eans reachin! the )ind o't to and
foc'sin! it '$on so)ethin!.
The trained /i%% e.hi+its itse%f in a tenacio's Attention, and this
Attention is one of the si!ns of the trained /i%%. The st'dent )'st not
hasti%# conc%'de that this *ind of Attention is a co))on fac'%t# a)on!
)en. On the contrar# it is 1'ite rare, and is seen on%# a)on! those of
"stron!" )enta%it#. An#one )a# fasten his Attention '$on so)e $assin!,
$%easin! thin!, +'t it ta*es a trained "i%% to fasten it '$on so)e
'nattracti(e thin!, and ho%d it there. Of co'rse the trained occ'%tist is
a+%e to thro" interest into the )ost 'nattracti(e thin! '$on "hich it
+eco)es ad(isa+%e to foc's his Attention, +'t this, in itse%f, co)es "ith
the trained /i%%, and is not the $ossession of the a(era!e )an. @o%'ntar#
Attention is rare, and is fo'nd on%# a)on! stron! characters. 5't it )a#
+e c'%ti(ated and !ro"n, 'nti% he "ho has scarce%# a shade of it to0da#,
in ti)e )a# +eco)e a !iant. It is a%% a )atter of $ractice, e.ercise, and
It is diffic'%t to sa# too )'ch in fa(or of the de(e%o$)ent of the
fac'%t# of tenacio's Attention. One $ossessin! this de(e%o$ed fac'%t# is
a+%e to acco)$%ish far )ore than e(en a )'ch "+ri!hter" )an "ho %ac*s
it. And the +est "a# to train the Attention, 'nder the direction of the
/i%%, is to $ractice '$on 'ninterestin! o+jects, and ideas, ho%din!
the) +efore the )ind 'nti% the# +e!in to ass')e an Interest. This is
diffic'%t at first, +'t the tas* soon +e!ins to ta*e on a $%easant
as$ect, for one finds that his /i%%0$o"er and Attention are !ro"in!, and
he fee%s hi)se%f ac1'irin! a Force and Po"er that "ere %ac*in! +efore00he
rea%i,es that he is !ro"in! Stron!er. Char%es 9ic*ens said that the
secret of his s'ccess consisted in his de(e%o$in! a fac'%t# of thro"in!
his entire Attention into "hate(er he ha$$ened to +e doin! at the )o)ent
and then +ein! a+%e to t'rn that sa)e de!ree of Attention to the ne.t
thin! co)in! +efore hi) for consideration. He "as %i*e a )an +ehind a
!reat search%i!ht, "hich "as s'ccessi(e%# t'rned '$on $oint after $oint,
i%%')inatin! each in t'rn. The "I" is the )an +ehind the %i!ht, and the
/i%% is the ref%ector, the %i!ht +ein! the Attention.
This disc'ssion of /i%% and Attention )a# see) so)e"hat "dr#" to the
st'dent, +'t that is a%% the )ore reason that he sho'%d attend to it. It
is the secret that %ies at the +asis of the Science of Raja o!a, and
the o!i &asters ha(e attained a de!ree of Concentrated /i%% and
Attention that "o'%d +e inconcei(a+%e to the a(era!e ")an on the street."
5# reason of this, the# are a+%e to direct the )ind here and there,
o't"ard or in"ard, "ith an enor)o's force. The# are a+%e to foc's the
)ind '$on a s)a%% thin! "ith re)ar*a+%e intensit#, j'st as the ra#s of
the s'n )a# +e foc'sed thro'!h a "s'n0!%ass" and ca'sed to i!nite %inen,
or, on the other hand, the# are a+%e to send forth the )ind "ith intense
ener!#, i%%')inatin! "hate(er it rests '$on, j'st as ha$$ens in the case
of the stron! e%ectric search%i!ht, "ith "hich )an# of 's are fa)i%iar.
5# a%% )eans start in to c'%ti(ate the Attention and /i%%. Practice on
the 'n$%easant tas*s00do the thin!s that #o' ha(e +efore #o', and fro)
"hich #o' ha(e +een shrin*in! +eca'se the# "ere 'n$%easant. Thro"
interest into the), and the diffic'%t# "i%% (anish, and #o' "i%% co)e o't
of it )'ch stron!er, and fi%%ed "ith a ne" sense of Po"er.
"I" ha(e a /i%%00it is )# ina%iena+%e $ro$ert# and ri!ht. I deter)ine to
c'%ti(ate and de(e%o$ it +# $ractice and e.ercise. &# )ind is o+edient to
)# /i%%. I assert )# /i%% o(er )# &ind. I a) &aster of )# )ind and +od#.
I assert )# &aster#. &# /i%% is 9#na)ic00f'%% of Force and Ener!#, and
Po"er. I fee% )# stren!th. I a) Stron!. I a) Forcef'%. I a) @ita%. I a)
Center of Conscio'sness, Ener!#, Stren!th, and Po"er, and I c%ai) )#
In o'r %ast %esson "e ca%%ed #o'r attention to the fact that the o!is
de(ote considera+%e ti)e and $ractice to the ac1'ire)ent of
Concentration. And "e a%so had so)ethin! to sa# re!ardin! the re%ation
of Attention to the s'+ject of Concentration. In this %esson "e sha%%
ha(e )ore to sa# on the s'+ject of Attention, for it is one of the
i)$ortant thin!s re%atin! to the $ractice of Raja o!a, and the o!is
insist '$on their st'dents $racticin! s#ste)atica%%# to de(e%o$ and
c'%ti(ate the fac'%t#. Attention %ies at the +ase of /i%%0$o"er, and the
c'%ti(ation of one )a*es eas# the e.ercise of the other.
To e.$%ain "h# "e %a# so )'ch i)$ortance to the c'%ti(ation of Attention,
"o'%d necessitate o'r antici$atin! f't're %essons of this series, "hich
"e do not dee) ad(isa+%e at this ti)e. And so "e )'st as* o'r st'dents to
ta*e o'r "ord for it, that a%% that "e ha(e to sa# re!ardin! the
i)$ortance of the c'%ti(ation of Attention, is occasioned +# the re%ation
of that s'+ject to the 'se of the )ind in certain directions as "i%%
a$$ear f'%%# %ater on.
In order to %et #o' *no" that "e are not ad(ancin! so)e $ec'%iar theor#
of the o!is, "hich )a# not +e in har)on# "ith )odern /estern Science, "e
!i(e #o' in this artic%e a n')+er of 1'otations, fro) /estern "riters and
thin*ers, to'chin! '$on this i)$ortant fac'%t# of the )ind, so that #o'
)a# see that the /est and East a!ree '$on this )ain $oint, ho"e(er
different )a# +e their e.$%anations of the fact, or their 'se of the
$o"er !ained +# the c'%ti(ation of Attention.
As "e said in o'r %ast %esson, the "ord Attention is deri(ed fro) t"o
Latin "ords "ad tendere," )eanin! "to stretch to"ard," "hich is rea%%#
"hat Attention is. The "I" "i%%s that the )ind +e foc'sed on so)e
$artic'%ar o+ject or thin!, and the )ind o+e#s and "stretches to"ard"
that o+ject or thin!, foc'sin! its entire ener!# '$on it, o+ser(in! e(er#
detai%, dissectin!, ana%#,in!, conscio's%# and s'+0conscio's%#, dra"in!
to itse%f e(er# $ossi+%e +it of infor)ation re!ardin! it, +oth fro)
"ithin and fro) "itho't. /e cannot %a# too )'ch stress '$on the
ac1'ire)ent of this !reat fac'%t#, or rather, the de(e%o$)ent of it, for
it is necessar# for the inte%%i!ent st'd# of Raja o!a.
In order to +rin! o't the i)$ortance of the s'+ject, s'$$ose "e start in
+# act'a%%# !i(in! o'r Attention to the s'+ject of Attention, and see ho"
)'ch )ore there is in it than "e had tho'!ht. /e sha%% +e "e%% re$aid for
the a)o'nt of ti)e and tro'+%e e.$ended '$on it.
Attention has +een defined as a foc'sin! of conscio'sness, or, if one
$refers the for) of e.$ression, as "detention in conscio'sness." In the
first case, "e )a# %i*en it to the action of the s'n0!%ass thro'!h "hich
the s'n2s ra#s are concentrated '$on an o+ject, the res'%t +ein! that the
heat is !athered to!ether at a s)a%% !i(en $oint, the intensit# of the
sa)e +ein! raised )an# de!rees 'nti% the heat is s'fficient to +'rn a
$iece of "ood, or e(a$orate "ater. If the ra#s "ere not foc'sed, the sa)e
ra#s and heat "o'%d ha(e +een scattered o(er a %ar!e s'rface, and the
effect and $o"er %essened. And so it is "ith the )ind. If it is a%%o"ed
to scatter itse%f o(er the entire fie%d of a s'+ject, it "i%% e.ert +'t
%itt%e $o"er and the res'%ts "i%% +e "ea*. 5't if it is $assed thro'!h
the s'n0!%ass of attention, and foc'sed first o(er one $art, and then
o(er another, and so on, the )atter )a# +e )astered in detai%, and a
res'%t acco)$%ished that "i%% see) %itt%e %ess than )ar(e%o's to those
"ho do not *no" the secret.
Tho)$son has said4 "The e.$eriences )ost $er)anent%# i)$ressed '$on
conscio'sness, are those '$on "hich the !reatest a)o'nt of attention has
+een fi.ed."
Another "riter '$on the s'+ject has said that "Attention is so
essentia%%# necessar# to 'nderstandin!, that "itho't so)e de!ree of it
the ideas and $erce$tions that $ass thro'!h the )ind see) to %ea(e no
trace +ehind the)."
Ha)i%ton has said4 "An act of attention, that is, an act of
concentration, see)s th's necessar# to e(er# e.ertion of conscio'sness,
as a certain contraction of the $'$i% is re1'isite to e(er# e.ertion of
(ision. Attention then is to conscio'sness "hat the contraction of the
$'$i% is to si!ht, or, to the e#e of the )ind "hat the )icrosco$e or
te%esco$e is to the +odi%# e#e. It constit'tes the +etter ha%f of a%%
inte%%ect'a% $o"er."
And 5rodie adds, 1'ite forci+%#4 "It is Attention )'ch )ore than an#
difference in the a+stract $o"er of reasonin!, "hich constit'tes the (ast
difference "hich e.ists +et"een )inds of different indi(id'a%s."
5't%er !i(es 's this i)$ortant testi)on#4 "The )ost i)$ortant
inte%%ect'a% ha+it I *no" of is the ha+it of attendin! e.c%'si(e%# to the
)atter in hand. It is co))on%# said that !eni's cannot +e inf'sed +#
ed'cation, #et this $o"er of concentrated attention, "hich +e%on!s as a
$art of his !ift to e(er# !reat disco(erer, is 'n1'estiona+%# ca$a+%e of
a%)ost indefinite a'!)entation +# reso%'te $ractice."
And, conc%'din! this re(ie" of o$inions, and endorse)ents of that "hich
the o!is ha(e so )'ch to sa#, and to "hich the# attach so )'ch
i)$ortance, %et 's %isten to the "ords of 5eattie, "ho sa#s4 "The
force "here"ith an#thin! stri*es the )ind, is !enera%%# in $ro$ortion to
the de!ree of attention +esto"ed '$on it. &oreo(er, the !reat art of
)e)or# is attention, and inattenti(e $eo$%e a%"a#s ha(e +ad )e)ories."
There are t"o !enera% *inds of Attention. The first is the Attention
directed "ithin the )ind '$on )enta% o+jects and conce$ts. The other is
the Attention directed o't"ard '$on o+jects e.terna% to o'rse%(es. The
sa)e !enera% r'%es and %a"s a$$%# to +oth e1'a%%#.
Li*e"ise there )a# +e dra"n another distinction and di(ision of attention
into t"o c%asses, (i,., Attenion attracted +# so)e i)$ression co)in!
into conscio'sness "itho't an# conscio's effort of the /i%%00this is
ca%%ed In(o%'ntar# Attention, for the Attention and Interest is ca'!ht +#
the attracti(eness or no(e%t# of the o+ject. Attention directed to so)e
o+ject +# an effort of the /i%%, is ca%%ed @o%'ntar# Attention.
In(o%'ntar# Attention is 1'ite co))on, and re1'ires no s$ecia% trainin!.
In fact, the %o"er ani)a%s, and #o'n! chi%dren see) to ha(e a !reater
share of it than do ad'%t )en. A !reat $ercenta!e of )en and "o)en ne(er
!et +e#ond this sta!e to an# )ar*ed de!ree. On the other hand, @o%'ntar#
Attention re1'ires effort, "i%%, and deter)ination00a certain )enta%
trainin!, that is +e#ond the )ajorit# of $eo$%e, for the# "i%% not "ta*e
the tro'+%e" to direct their attention in this "a#. @o%'ntar# Attention
is the )ar* of the st'dent and other tho'!htf'% )en. The# foc's their
)inds on o+jects that do not #ie%d i))ediate interest or $%eas're, in
order that the# )a# %earn and acco)$%ish. The care%ess $erson "i%% not
th's fasten his Attention, at %east not )ore than a )o)ent or so, for his
In(o%'ntar# Attention is soon attracted +# so)e $assin! o+ject of no
)atter ho" trif%in! a nat're, and the @o%'ntar# Attention disa$$ears and
is for!otten. @o%'ntar# Attention is de(e%o$ed +# $ractice and
$erse(erance, and is "e%% "orth the tro'+%e, for nothin! in the )enta%
"or%d is acco)$%ished "itho't its 'se.
The Attention does not readi%# fasten itse%f to 'ninterestin! o+jects,
and, 'n%ess interest can +e created it re1'ires a considera+%e de!ree of
@o%'ntar# Attention in order that the )ind )a# +e fastened '$on s'ch an
o+ject. And, )ore than this, e(en if the ordinar# attention is attracted
it "i%% soon "a(er, 'n%ess there is so)e interestin! chan!e in the as$ect
of the o+ject, that "i%% !i(e the attention a fresh ho%d of interest, or
'n%ess so)e ne" 1'a%it#, characteristic or $ro$ert# )anifests itse%f in
the o+ject. This fact occ'rs +eca'se the )ind )echanis) has not +een
trained to +ear $ro%on!ed @o%'ntar# Attention, and, in fact, the $h#sica%
+rain is not acc'sto)ed to the tas*, a%tho'!h it )a# +e so trained +#
$atient $ractice.
It has +een noticed +# in(esti!ators that the Attention )a# +e rested and
freshened, either +# "ithdra"in! the @o%'ntar# Attention fro) the o+ject,
and a%%o"in! the Attention to )anifest a%on! In(o%'ntar# %ines to"ard
$assin! o+jects, etc.3 or, on the other hand, +# directin! the @o%'ntar#
Attention into a ne" fie%d of o+ser(ation00to"ard so)e ne" o+ject.
So)eti)es one $%an "i%% see) to !i(e the +est res'%ts, and a!ain the
other "i%% see) $refera+%e.
/e ha(e ca%%ed #o'r attention to the fact that Interest de(e%o$s
Attention, and ho%ds it fi.ed, "hi%e an 'ninterestin! o+ject or s'+ject
re1'ires a )'ch !reater effort and a$$%ication. This fact is a$$arent to
an#one. A co))on i%%'stration )a# +e fo'nd in the )atter of readin! a
+oo*. Near%# e(er#one "i%% !i(e his 'ndi(ided attention to so)e +ri!ht,
thri%%in! stor#, "hi%e +'t fe" are a+%e to 'se s'fficient @o%'ntar#
Attention to )aster the $a!es of so)e scientific "or*. 5't, ri!ht here,
"e "ish to ca%% #o'r attention to the other side of the case, "hich is
another e.a)$%e of the fact that Tr'th is co)$osed of $
>'st as Interest de(e%o$s Attention, so it is a tr'th that Attention
de(e%o$s Interest. If one "i%% ta*e the tro'+%e to !i(e a %itt%e
@o%'ntar# Attention to an o+ject, he "i%% soon find that a %itt%e
$erse(erance "i%% +rin! to %i!ht $oints of Interest in the o+ject. Thin!s
+efore 'nseen and 'ns's$ected, are 1'ic*%# +ro'!ht to %i!ht. And )an# ne"
$hases, and as$ects of the s'+ject or o+ject are seen, each one of "hich,
in t'rn, +eco)es an o+ject of Interest. This is a fact not so !enera%%#
*no"n, and one that it "i%% +e "e%% for #o' to re)e)+er, and to 'se in
$ractice. Loo* for the interestin! feat'res of an 'ninterestin! thin!,
and the# "i%% a$$ear to #o'r (ie", and +efore %on! the 'ninterestin!
o+ject "i%% ha(e chan!ed into a thin! ha(in! )an#0sided interests.
@o%'ntar# Attention is one of the si!ns of a de(e%o$ed /i%%. That is, of
a )ind that has +een "e%% trained +# the /i%%, for the /i%% is a%"a#s
stron!, and it is the )ind that has to +e trained, not the /i%%. And on
the other hand, one of the +est "a#s to train the )ind +# the /i%%, is +#
$ractice in @o%'ntar# Attention. So #o' see ho" the r'%e "or*s +oth "a#s.
So)e /estern $s#cho%o!ists ha(e e(en ad(anced theories that the @o%'ntar#
Attention is the on%# $o"er of the /i%%, and that that $o"er is
s'fficient, for if the Attention +e fir)%# fi.ed, and he%d '$on an o+ject
the )ind "i%% "do the rest." /e do not a!ree "ith this schoo% of
$hi%oso$hers, +'t )ere%# )ention the fact as an i%%'stration of the
i)$ortance attri+'ted +# $s#cho%o!ists to this )atter of @o%'ntar#
A )an of a stron!%# de(e%o$ed Attention often acco)$%ishes far )ore than
so)e )'ch +ri!hter )an "ho %ac*s it. @o%'ntar# Attention and A$$%ication
is a (er# !ood s'+stit'te for <eni's, and often acco)$%ishes far )ore in
the %on! r'n.
@o%'ntar# Attention is the! of the )ind earnest%# and intent%# '$on
so)e $artic'%ar o+ject, at the sa)e ti)e sh'ttin! o't fro) conscio'sness
other o+jects $ressin! for entrance. Ha)i%ton has defined it as
"conscio'sness (o%'ntari%# a$$%ied 'nder its %a" of %i)itations to so)e
deter)inate o+ject." The sa)e "riter !oes on to state that "the !reater
the n')+er of o+jects to "hich o'r conscio'sness is si)'%taneo's%#
e.tended, the s)a%%er is the intensit# "ith "hich it is a+%e to consider
each, and conse1'ent%# the %ess (i(id and distinct "i%% +e the
infor)ation it contains of the se(era% o+jects. /hen o'r interest in an#
$artic'%ar o+ject is e.cited, and "hen "e "ish to o+tain a%% the
*no"%ed!e concernin! it in o'r $o"er, it +ehoo(es 's to %i)it o'r
consideration to that o+ject to the e.c%'sion of others."
The h')an )ind has the $o"er of attendin! to on%# one o+ject at a ti)e,
a%tho'!h it is a+%e to $ass fro) one o+ject to another "ith a )ar(e%o's
de!ree of s$eed, so ra$id%#, in fact, that so)e ha(e he%d that it co'%d
!ras$ se(era% thin!s at once. 5't the +est a'thorities, Eastern and
/estern, ho%d to the "sin!%e idea" theor# as +ein! correct. On this $oint
"e )a# 1'ote a fe" a'thorities.
>o'ffro# sa#s that "It is esta+%ished +# e.$erience that "e cannot !i(e
o'r attention to t"o different o+jects at the sa)e ti)e." And Ho%%and
states that "T"o tho'!hts, ho"e(er c%ose%# re%ated to one another,
cannot +e $res')ed to at the sa)e ti)e." And Le"es has to%d 's
that "The nat're of o'r or!anis) $re(ents o'r ha(in! )ore than one as$ect
of an o+ject at each instant $resented to conscio'sness." /hate%e#
sa#s4 "The +est $hi%oso$hers are a!reed that the )ind cannot act'a%%#
attend to )ore than one thin! at a ti)e, +'t, "hen it a$$ears to +e doin!
so it is rea%%# shiftin! "ith $rodi!io's ra$idit# +ac*"ard and for"ard
fro) one to the other."
5# !i(in! a concentrated @o%'ntar# Attention to an o+ject, "e not on%#
are a+%e to see and thin* a+o't it "ith the !reatest $ossi+%e de!ree of
c%earness, +'t the )ind has a tendenc#, 'nder s'ch circ')stances, to
+rin! into the fie%d of conscio'sness a%% the different ideas associated
in o'r )e)or# "ith that o+ject or s'+ject, and to +'i%d aro'nd the o+ject
or s'+ject a )ass of associated facts and infor)ation. And at the sa)e
ti)e the Attention !i(en the s'+ject )a*es )ore (i(id and c%ear a%% that
"e %earn a+o't the thin! at the ti)e, and, in fact, a%% that "e )a#
after"ards %earn a+o't it. It see)s to c't a channe%, thro'!h "hich
*no"%ed!e f%o"s.
Attention )a!nifies and increases the $o"ers of $erce$tion, and !reat%#
aids the e.ercise of the $erce$ti(e fac'%ties. 5# "$a#in! attention" to
so)ethin! seen or heard, one is ena+%ed to o+ser(e the detai%s of the
thin! seen or heard, and "here the inattenti(e )ind ac1'ires sa# three
i)$ressions the attenti(e )ind a+sor+s three ti)es three, or $erha$s
three ti)es "three ti)es three," or t"ent#0se(en. And, as "e ha(e j'st
said, Attention +rin!s into $%a# the $o"ers of association, and !i(es 's
the "%oose end" of an a%)ost infinite chain of associated facts, stored
a"a# in o'r )e)or#, for)in! ne" co)+inations of facts "hich "e had ne(er
!ro'$ed to!ether +efore, and +rin! o't into the fie%d of conscio'sness
a%% the )an# scra$s of infor)ation re!ardin! the thin! to "hich "e are
!i(in! attention. The $roof of this is "ithin the e.$erience of e(er#one.
/here is the one "ho does not re)e)+er sittin! do"n to so)e "ritin!,
$aintin!, readin!, etc., "ith interest and attention, and findin!, )'ch
to his s'r$rise, "hat a f%o" of facts re!ardin! the )atter in hand "as
$assin! thro'!h his )ind. Attention see)s to foc's a%% the *no"%ed!e of a
thin! that #o' $ossess, and +# +rin!in! it to a $oint ena+%es #o' to
co)+ine, associate, c%assif#, etc., and th's create ne" *no"%ed!e.
<i++on te%%s 's that after he !a(e a +rief !%ance and consideration to
a ne" s'+ject, he s's$ended f'rther "or* '$on it, and a%%o"ed his )ind
7'nder concentrated attention8 to +rin! forth a%% his associated
*no"%ed!e re!ardin! the s'+ject, after "hich he rene"ed the tas* "ith
increased $o"er and efficienc#.
The )ore one2s attention is fi.ed '$on a s'+ject 'nder consideration, the
dee$er is the i)$ression "hich the s'+ject %ea(es '$on the )ind. And the
easier "i%% it +e for hi) to after"ards $'rs'e the sa)e train of tho'!ht
and "or*.
Attention is a $rere1'isite of !ood )e)or#, and in fact there can +e no
)e)or# at a%% 'n%ess so)e de!ree of attention is !i(en. The de!ree of
)e)or# de$ends '$on the de!ree of attention and interest. And "hen it is
considered that the "or* of toda# is )ade efficient +# the )e)or# of
thin!s %earned #esterda#, the da# +efore #esterda#, and so on, it is seen
that the de!ree of attention !i(en toda# re!'%ates the 1'a%it# of the
"or* of to)orro".
So)e a'thorities ha(e descri+ed <eni's as the res'%t of !reat $o"ers of
attention, or, at %east, that the t"o see) to r'n to!ether. So)e "riter
has said that "$ossi+%# the +est definition of !eni's is the $o"er of
concentratin! '$on so)e one !i(en s'+ject 'nti% its $ossi+i%ities are
e.ha'sted and a+sor+ed." Si)$son has said that "The $o"er and ha+it of
thin*in! c%ose%# and contin'o's%# '$on the s'+ject at hand, to the
e.c%'sion, for the ti)e, of a%% other s'+jects, is one of the $rinci$a%,
if, indeed, not the $rinci$a%, )eans of s'ccess." Sir Isaac Ne"ton has
to%d 's his $%an of a+sor+in! infor)ation and *no"%ed!e. He has stated
that he "o'%d *ee$ the s'+ject 'nder consideration +efore hi)
contin'a%%#, and then "o'%d "ait ti%% the first da"nin! of $erce$tion
!rad'a%%# +ri!htened into a c%ear %i!ht, %itt%e +# %itt%e. A )enta%
s'nrise, in fact.
That sa!e o+ser(er, 9r. A+ercro)+ie, has "ritten that he considered
that he *ne" of no )ore i)$ortant r'%e for risin! to e)inence in an#
$rofession or occ'$ation than the A+i%it# to do one thin! at a ti)e,
a(oidin! a%% distractin! and di(ertin! o+jects or s'+jects, and *ee$in!
the %eadin! )atter contin'a%%# +efore the )ind. And others ha(e added
that s'ch a co'rse "i%% ena+%e one to o+ser(e re%ations +et"een the
s'+ject and other thin!s that "i%% not +e a$$arent to the care%ess
o+ser(er or st'dent.
The de!ree of Attention c'%ti(ated +# a )an is the de!ree of his ca$acit#
for inte%%ect'a% "or*. As "e ha(e said, the "!reat" )en of a%% "a%*s of
%ife ha(e de(e%o$ed this fac'%t# to a "onderf'% de!ree, and )an# of the)
see) to !et res'%ts "int'iti(e%#," "hereas, in tr'th, the# o+tain the) +#
reason of their concentrated $o"er of Attention, "hich ena+%es the) to
see ri!ht into the center of a s'+ject or $ro$osition00and a%% aro'nd it,
+ac* and front, and a%% sides, in a s$ace of ti)e incredi+%e to the )an
"ho has not c'%ti(ated this )i!ht# $o"er. &en "ho ha(e de(oted )'ch
attention to so)e s$ecia% %ine of "or* or research, are a+%e to act
a%)ost as if the# $ossessed "second si!ht," $ro(idin! the s'+ject is
"ithin their fa(orite fie%d of endea(or. Attention 1'ic*ens e(er# one of
the fac'%ties00the reasonin! fac'%ties00the senses00the deridin!
1'a%ities00the ana%#tica% fac'%ties, and so on, each +ein! !i(en a "fine
ed!e" +# their 'se 'nder a concentrated Attention.
And, on the other hand, there is no s'rer indication of a "ea* )ind than
the deficienc# in Attention. This "ea*ness )a# arise fro) i%%ness or
$h#sica% "ea*ness reactin! '$on the +rain, in "hich case the tro'+%e is
+'t te)$orar#. Or it )a# arise fro) a %ac* of )enta% de(e%o$)ent.
I)+eci%es and idiots ha(e %itt%e or no Attention. The !reat French
$s#cho%o!ist, L'#s, s$ea*in! of this fact, sa#s "I)+eci%es and idiots
see +ad%#, hear +ad%#, fee% +ad%#, and their sensori') is, in
conse1'ence, in a si)i%ar condition of sensiti(e $o(ert#. Its
i)$ressiona+i%it# for the thin!s of the e.terna% "or%d is at a )ini)'),
its sensi+i%it# "ea*, and conse1'ent%#, it is diffic'%t to $ro(o*e the
$h#sio%o!ica% condition necessar# for the a+sor$tion of the e.terna%
In o%d a!e the Attention is the first fac'%t# to sho" si!ns of deca#.
So)e a'thorities ha(e he%d that the &e)or# "as the first fac'%t# to +e
affected +# the a$$roach of o%d a!e, +'t this is incorrect, for it is a
)atter of co))on e.$erience that the a!ed )anifest a "onderf'%%# c%ear
)e)or# of e(ents occ'rrin! in the far $ast. The reason that their )e)or#
of recent e(ents is so $oor is +eca'se their fai%in! $o"ers of Attention
has $re(ented the) fro) recei(in! stron!, c%ear )enta% i)$ressions, and
as is the i)$ression so is the )e)or#. Their ear%# i)$ressions ha(in!
+een c%ear and stron!, are easi%# reca%%ed, "hi%e their %ater ones,
+ein! "ea*, are reca%%ed "ith diffic'%t#. If the &e)or# "ere at fa'%t, it
"o'%d +e diffic'%t for the) to reca%% an# i)$ression, recent or far
distant in ti)e.
5't "e )'st sto$ 1'otin! e.a)$%es and a'thorities, and 'r!in! '$on #o'
the i)$ortance of the fac'%t# of Attention. If #o' do not no" rea%i,e it,
it is +eca'se #o' ha(e not !i(en the s'+ject the Attention that #o'
sho'%d ha(e e.ercised, and f'rther re$etition "o'%d not re)ed# )atters.
Ad)ittin! the i)$ortance of Attention, fro) the $s#cho%o!ica% $oint
of (ie", not to s$ea* of the occ'%t side of the s'+ject, is it not a
)atter of i)$ortance for #o' to start in to c'%ti(ate that fac'%t#: /e
thin* so. And the on%# "a# to c'%ti(ate an# )enta% or $h#sica% $art or
fac'%t# is to E.ercise it. E.ercise "'ses '$" a )'sc%e, or )enta%
fac'%t#, +'t the or!anis) )a*es haste to r'sh to the scene additiona%
)ateria%00ce%%0st'ff, ner(e force, etc., to re$air the "aste, and it
a%"a#s sends a %itt%e )ore than is needed. And this "%itt%e )ore,"
contin'a%%# accr'in! and increasin!, is "hat increases the )'sc%es and
+rain centers. And i)$ro(ed and stren!thened +rain centers !i(e the )ind
+etter instr')ents "ith "hich to "or*.
One of the first thin!s to do in the c'%ti(ation of Attention is to %earn
to thin* of, and do, one thin! at a ti)e. Ac1'irin! the "*nac*" or ha+it
of attendin! c%ose%# to the thin!s +efore 's, and then $assin! on to the
ne.t and treatin! it in the sa)e "a#, is )ost cond'ci(e to s'ccess, and
its $ractice is the +est e.ercise for the c'%ti(ation of the fac'%t# of
Attention. And on the contrar#, there is nothin! )ore har)f'% fro) the
$oint of (ie" of s'ccessf'% $erfor)ance00and nothin! that "i%% do )ore to
destro# the $o"er of !i(in! Attention00than the ha+it of tr#in! to do one
thin! "hi%e thin*in! of another. The thin*in! $art of the )ind, and the
actin! $art sho'%d "or* to!ether, not in o$$osition.
9r. 5eattie, s$ea*in! of this s'+ject, te%%s 's "It is a )atter of no
s)a%% i)$ortance that "e ac1'ire the ha+it of doin! on%# one thin! at a
ti)e3 +# "hich I )ean that "hi%e attendin! to an# one o+ject, o'r
tho'!hts o'!ht not to "ander to another." And <ran(i%%e adds, "A
fre1'ent ca'se of fai%'re in the fac'%t# of Attention is stri(in! to
thin* of )ore than one thin! at a ti)e." And 6a# 1'otes, a$$ro(in!%#, a
"riter "ho sa#s4 "She did thin!s easi%#, +eca'se she attended to the) in
the doin!. /hen she )ade +read, she tho'!ht of the +read, and not of the
fashion of her ne.t dress, or of her $artner at the %ast dance." Lord
Chesterfie%d said, "There is ti)e eno'!h for e(er#thin! in the co'rse of
the da#, if #o' do +'t one thin! at a ti)e3 +'t there is not ti)e eno'!h
in the #ear if #o' tr# to do t"o thin!s at a ti)e."
To attain the +est res'%ts one sho'%d $ractice concentratin! '$on the
tas* +efore hi), sh'ttin! o't, so far as $ossi+%e, e(er# other idea or
tho'!ht. One sho'%d e(en for!et se%f00$ersona%it#00in s'ch cases, as
there is nothin! )ore destr'cti(e of !ood thin*in! than to a%%o" )or+id
se%f0conscio'sness to intr'de. One does +est "hen he "for!ets hi)se%f" in
his "or*, and sin*s his $ersona%it# in the creati(e "or*. The "earnest"
)an or "o)an is the one "ho sin*s $ersona%it# in the desired res'%t, or
$erfor)ance of the tas* 'nderta*en. The actor, or $reacher, or orator,
or "riter, )'st %ose si!ht of hi)se%f to !et the +est res'%ts. 6ee$ the
Attention fi.ed on the thin! +efore #o', and %et the se%f ta*e care of
In connection "ith the a+o(e, "e )a# re%ate an anecdote of /hate%e#
that )a# +e interestin! in connection "ith the consideration of this
s'+ject of "%osin! one2s se%f" in the tas*. He "as as*ed for a reci$e for
"+ashf'%ness," and re$%ied that the $erson "as +ashf'% si)$%# +eca'se he
"as thin*in! of hi)se%f and the i)$ression he "as )a*in!. His reci$e "as
that the #o'n! )an sho'%d thin* of others00of the $%eas're he co'%d !i(e
the)00and in that "a# he "o'%d for!et a%% a+o't hi)se%f. The $rescri$tion
is said to ha(e effected the c're. The sa)e a'thorit# has "ritten, "Let
+oth the e.te)$orar# s$ea*er, and the reader of his o"n co)$ositions,
st'd# to a(oid as far as $ossi+%e a%% tho'!hts of se%f, earnest%#!
the )ind on the )atter of "hat is de%i(ered3 and the# "i%% fee% %ess
that e)+arrass)ent "hich arises fro) the tho'!ht of "hat o$inion the
hearers "i%% for) of the)."
The sa)e "riter, /hate%e#, see)s to ha(e )ade 1'ite a st'd# of
Attention and has !i(en 's so)e interestin! infor)ation on its detai%s.
The fo%%o"in! )a# +e read "ith interest, and if $ro$er%# 'nderstood )a#
+e e)$%o#ed to ad(anta!e. He sa#s, "It is a fact, and a (er# c'rio's one.
that )an# $eo$%e find that the# can +est attend to an# serio's )atter
"hen the# are occ'$ied "ith so)ethin! e%se "hich re1'ires a %itt%e, and
+'t a %itt%e, attention, s'ch as "or*in! "ith the need%e, c'ttin! o$en
$a$er %ea(es, or, for "ant of so)e s'ch e)$%o#)ent, fidd%in! an#ho" "ith
the fin!ers." He does not !i(e the reason for this, and at first si!ht
it )i!ht see) %i*e a contradiction of the "one thin! at a ti)e" idea. 5't
a c%oser e.a)ination "i%% sho" 's that the )inor "or* 7the c'ttin!
%ea(es, etc.8 is in the nat're of an in(o%'ntar# or a'to)atic )o(e)ent,
inas)'ch as it re1'ires %itt%e or no (o%'ntar# attention, and see)s to
"do itse%f." It does not ta*e off the Attention fro) the )ain s'+ject,
+'t $erha$s acts to catch the ""aste Attention" that often tries to
di(ide the Attention fro) so)e (o%'ntar# act to another. The ha+it )ind
)a# +e doin! one thin!, "hi%e the Attention is fi.ed on another. For
instance, one )a# +e "ritin! "ith his attention fir)%# fi.ed '$on the
tho'!ht he "ishes to e.$ress, "hi%e at the ti)e his hand is doin! the
"ritin!, a$$arent%# "ith no attention +ein! !i(en it. 5't, %et a +o#, or
$erson 'nacc'sto)ed to "ritin!, tr# to e.$ress his tho'!hts in this "a#,
and #o' "i%% find that he is ha)$ered in the f%o" of his tho'!hts +# the
fact that he has to !i(e )'ch attention to the )echanica% act of "ritin!.
In the sa)e "a#, the +e!inner on the t#$e"riter finds it diffic'%t to
co)$ose to the )achine, "hi%e the e.$erienced t#$ist finds the )echanica%
)o(e)ents no hindrance "hate(er to the f%o" of tho'!ht and foc'sin! of
Attention3 in fact, )an# find that the# can co)$ose )'ch +etter "hi%e
'sin! the t#$e"riter than the# can +# dictatin! to a steno!ra$her. /e
thin* #o' "i%% see the $rinci$%e.
And no" for a %itt%e &enta% 9ri%% in Attention, that #o' )a# +e started
on the road to c'%ti(ate this i)$ortant fac'%t#.
E.ercise I. 5e!in +# ta*in! so)e fa)i%iar o+ject and $%acin! it +efore
#o', tr# to !et as )an# i)$ressions re!ardin! it as is $ossi+%e for #o'.
St'd# its sha$e, its co%or, its si,e, and the tho'sand and one %itt%e
$ec'%iarities a+o't it that $resent the)se%(es to #o'r attention. In
doin! this, red'ce the thin! to its si)$%est $arts00ana%#,e it as far as
is $ossi+%e00dissect it, )enta%%#, and st'd# its $arts in detai%. The
)ore si)$%e and s)a%% the $art to +e considered, the )ore c%ear%# "i%%
the i)$ression +e recei(ed, and the )ore (i(id%# "i%% it +e reca%%ed.
Red'ce the thin! to the s)a%%est $ossi+%e $ro$ortions, and then e.a)ine
each $ortion, and )asterin! that, then $ass on to the ne.t $art, and so
on, 'nti% #o' ha(e co(ered the entire fie%d. Then, "hen #o' ha(e
e.ha'sted the o+ject, ta*e a $enci% and $a$er and $'t do"n as near%# as
$ossi+%e a%% the thin!s or detai%s of the o+ject e.a)ined. /hen #o' ha(e
done this, co)$are the "ritten descri$tion "ith the o+ject itse%f, and
see ho" )an# thin!s #o' ha(e fai%ed to note.
The ne.t da# ta*e '$ the sa)e o+ject, and after re0e.a)inin! it, "rite
do"n the detai%s and #o' "i%% find that #o' "i%% ha(e stored a"a# a
!reater n')+er of i)$ressions re!ardin! it, and, )oreo(er, #o' "i%% ha(e
disco(ered )an# ne" detai%s d'rin! #o'r second e.a)ination. This e.ercise
stren!thens the )e)or# as "e%% as the Attention, for the t"o are c%ose%#
connected, the )e)or# de$endin! %ar!e%# '$on the c%earness and stren!th
of the i)$ressions recei(ed, "hi%e the i)$ressions de$end '$on the a)o'nt
of attention !i(en to the thin! o+ser(ed. 9o not tire #o'rse%f "ith this
e.ercise, for a tired Attention is a $oor Attention. 5etter tr# it +#
de!rees, increasin! the tas* a %itt%e each ti)e #o' tr# it. &a*e a !a)e
of it if #o' %i*e, and #o' "i%% find it 1'ite interestin! to notice the
stead# +'t !rad'a% i)$ro(e)ent.
It "i%% +e interestin! to $ractice this in connection "ith so)e friend,
(ar#in! the e.ercise +# +oth e.a)inin! the o+ject, and "ritin! do"n their
i)$ressions, se$arate%#, and then co)$arin! res'%ts. This adds interest
to the tas*, and #o' "i%% +e s'r$rised to see ho" ra$id%# +oth of #o'
increase in #o'r $o"ers of o+ser(ation, "hich $o"ers, of co'rse, res'%t
fro) Attention.
E.ercise II. This e.ercise is +'t a (ariation of the first one. It
consists in enterin! a roo), and ta*in! a hast# !%ance aro'nd, and then
"a%*in! o't, and after"ard "ritin! do"n the n')+er of thin!s that #o'
ha(e o+ser(ed, "ith a descri$tion of each. o' "i%% +e s'r$rised to
o+ser(e ho" )an# thin!s #o' ha(e )issed at first si!ht, and ho" #o' "i%%
i)$ro(e in o+ser(ation +# a %itt%e $ractice. This e.ercise, a%so, )a# +e
i)$ro(ed +# the assistance of a friend, as re%ated in o'r %ast e.ercise.
It is astonishin! ho" )an# detai%s one )a# o+ser(e and re)e)+er, after a
%itt%e $ractice. It is re%ated of Ho'din, the French conj'rer, that he
i)$ro(ed and de(e%o$ed his fac'%t# of Attention and &e)or# +# $%a#in!
this !a)e "ith a #o'n! re%ati(e. The# "o'%d $ass +# a sho$ "indo",
ta*in! a hast#, attenti(e !%ance at its contents. Then the# "o'%d !o
aro'nd the corner and co)$are notes. At first the# co'%d re)e)+er on%# a
fe" $ro)inent artic%es00that is, their Attention co'%d !ras$ on%# a fe".
5't as the# de(e%o$ed +# $ractice, the# fo'nd that the# co'%d o+ser(e and
re)e)+er a (ast n')+er of thin!s and o+jects in the "indo". And, at %ast,
it is re%ated that Ho'din co'%d $ass ra$id%# +efore an# %ar!e sho$
"indo", +esto"in! '$on it +'t one hast# !%ance, and then te%% the na)es
of, and c%ose%# descri+e, near%# e(er# o+ject in $%ain si!ht in the
"indo". The feat "as acco)$%ished +# the fact that the c'%ti(ated
Attention ena+%ed Ho'din to fasten '$on his )ind a (i(id )enta% i)a!e of
the "indo" and its contents, and then he "as a+%e to descri+e the
artic%es one +# one fro) the $ict're in his )ind.
Ho'din ta'!ht his son to de(e%o$ Attention +# a si)$%e e.ercise "hich )a#
+e interestin! and of (a%'e to #o'. He "o'%d %a# do"n a do)ino +efore the
+o#00a fi(e0fo'r, for e.a)$%e. He "o'%d re1'ire the +o# to te%% hi) the
co)+ined n')+er at once, "itho't a%%o"in! hi) to sto$ to co'nt the s$ots,
one +# one. "Nine" the +o# "o'%d ans"er after a )o)ent2s hesitation.
Then another do)ino, a three0fo'r, "o'%d +e added. "That )a*es si.teen,"
cried the +o#. T"o do)inoes at a ti)e "as the second da#2s tas*. The
ne.t da#, three "as the standard. The ne.t da#, fo'r, and so on, 'nti%
the +o# "as a+%e to hand%e t"e%(e do)inoes00that is to sa#, !i(e
instantaneo's%# the tota% n')+er of s$ots on t"e%(e do)inoes, after a
sin!%e !%ance. This "as Attention, in earnest, and sho"s "hat $ractice
"i%% do to de(e%o$ a fac'%t#. The res'%t "as sho"n +# the "onderf'%
$o"ers of o+ser(ation, )e)or# and attention, to!ether "ith instantaneo's
)enta% action, that the +o# de(e%o$ed. Not on%# "as he a+%e to add
do)inoes instantaneo's%#, +'t he had $o"ers of o+ser(ation, etc., that
see)ed %itt%e short of )irac'%o's. And #et it is re%ated that he had $oor
attention, and deficient )e)or# to +e!in "ith.
If this see)s incredi+%e, %et 's re)e)+er ho" o%d "hist $%a#ers note and
re)e)+er e(er# card in the $ac*, and can te%% "hether the# ha(e +een
$%a#ed or not, and a%% the circ')stances attendin! '$on the). The sa)e is
tr'e of chess $%a#ers, "ho o+ser(e e(er# )o(e and can re%ate the "ho%e
!a)e in detai% %on! after it has +een $%a#ed. And re)e)+er, a%so, ho"
one "o)an )a# $ass another "o)an on the street, and "itho't see)in! to
!i(e her )ore than a care%ess !%ance, )a# +e a+%e to re%ate in detai%
e(er# feat're of the other "o)an2s a$$are%, inc%'din! its co%or, te.t're,
st#%e of fashionin!, $ro+a+%e $rice of the )ateria%, etc., etc. And a
)ere )an "o'%d ha(e noticed scarce%# an#thin! a+o't it00+eca'se he "o'%d
not ha(e !i(en it an# attention. 5't ho" soon "o'%d that )an %earn to
e1'a% his sister in attention and o+ser(ation of "o)en2s "earin! a$$are%,
if his +'siness s'ccess de$ended '$on it, or if his s$ec'%ati(e instinct
"as ca%%ed into $%a# +# a "a!er "ith so)e friend as to "ho co'%d re)e)+er
the )ost a+o't a "o)an2s c%othin!, seen in a $assin! !%ance: o' see it
is a%% a )atter of Interest and Attention.
5't "e for!et that the Attention )a# +e de(e%o$ed and c'%ti(ated, and "e
co)$%ain that "e "cannot re)e)+er thin!s," or that "e do not see) to +e
a+%e to "ta*e notice." A %itt%e $ractice "i%% do "onders in this
No", "hi%e the a+o(e e.ercises "i%% de(e%o$ #o'r )e)or# and $o"ers of
o+ser(ation, sti%% that is not the )ain reason that "e ha(e !i(en the) to
#o'. /e ha(e an '%terior o+ject, that "i%% a$$ear in ti)e. /e ai) to
de(e%o$ #o'r /i%%0$o"er, and "e *no" that Attention stands at the !ate of
/i%%0$o"er. In order to +e a+%e to 'se #o'r /i%%, #o' )'st +e a+%e to
foc's the Attention forci+%# and distinct%#. And these chi%dish e.ercises
"i%% he%$ #o' to de(e%o$ the )enta% )'sc%es of the Attention. If #o'
co'%d +'t rea%i,e the chi%dish !a)es the #o'n! o!i st'dents are re1'ired
to $%a#, in order to de(e%o$ the )enta% fac'%ties, #o' "o'%d chan!e #o'r
)inds a+o't the o!i Ade$ts "ho) #o' ha(e +een thin*in! a+o't as )ere
drea)ers, far re)o(ed fro) the $ractica%. These )en, and their st'dents,
are intense%# $ractica%. The# ha(e !ained the )aster# of the &ind, and
its fac'%ties, and are a+%e to 'se the) as shar$ ed!ed too%s, "hi%e the
'ntrained )an finds that he has +'t a d'%%, 'nshar$ened +%ade that "i%%
do nothin! +'t hac* and he" ro'!h%#, instead of +ein! a+%e to $rod'ce the
finished $rod'ct.
The o!i +e%ie(es in !i(in! the "I" !ood too%s "ith "hich to "or*, and he
s$ends )'ch ti)e in te)$erin! and shar$enin! these too%s. Oh, no, the
o!i are not id%e drea)ers. Their !ras$ of "$ractica% thin!s" "o'%d
s'r$rise )an# a $ractica%, )atter0of0fact /estern +'siness )an, if he
co'%d +'t o+ser(e it.
And so, "e as* #o' to $ractice "o+ser(in! thin!s." The t"o e.ercises "e
ha(e !i(en are +'t indications of the !enera% %ine. /e co'%d !i(e #o'
tho'sands, +'t #o' can $re$are the) #o'rse%(es as "e%% as co'%d "e.
The %itt%e Hind' +o# is ta'!ht Attention +# +ein! as*ed to note and
re)e)+er the n')+er, co%or, character and other detai%s of a n')+er of
co%ored stones, je"e%r#, etc., sho"n for an instant in an o$en $a%),
the hand +ein! c%osed the )o)ent after. He is ta'!ht to note and
descri+e $assin! tra(e%ers, and their e1'i$a!es00ho'ses he sees on his
jo'rne#s00and tho'sands of other e(er#da# o+jects. The res'%ts are a%)ost
)ar(e%o's. In this "a# he is $re$ared as a che%a or st'dent, and he
+rin!s to his !'r' or teacher a +rain "e%% de(e%o$ed00a )ind thoro'!h%#
trained to o+e# the /i%% of the "I"00and "ith fac'%ties 1'ic*ened to
$ercei(e instant%# that "hich others "o'%d fai% to see in a fortni!ht. It
is tr'e that he does not t'rn these fac'%ties to "+'siness" or other
so0ca%%ed "$ractica%" $'rs'its, +'t $refers to de(ote the) to a+stract
st'dies and $'rs'its o'tside of that "hich the /estern )an considers to
+e the end and ai) of %ife. 5't re)e)+er that the t"o ci(i%i,ations are
1'ite different00fo%%o"in! different idea%s00ha(in! different econo)ic
conditions00%i(in! in different "or%ds, as it "ere. 5't that is a%% a
)atter of taste and idea%s00the fac'%t# for the "$ractica% %ife" of the
/est is $ossessed +# the che%a, if he sa" fit to 'se it. 5't a%% Hind'
#o'ths are not che%as, re)e)+er00nor are a%% /estern #o'ths "ca$tains
of ind'str#," or Edisons.
I a) 'sin! )# Attention to de(e%o$ )# )enta% fac'%ties, so as to !i(e the
"I" a $erfect instr')ent "ith "hich to "or*. The )ind is &# instr')ent
and I a) +rin!in! it to a state of ca$acit# for $erfect "or*.
There is +'t One Life00One Life -nder%#in!. This Life is )anifestin!
thro'!h &E, and thro'!h e(er# other sha$e, for), and thin!. I a) restin!
on the +oso) of the <reat Ocean of Life, and it is s'$$ortin! )e, and
"i%% carr# )e safe%#, tho'!h the "a(es rise and fa%%00tho'!h the stor)s
ra!e and the te)$ests roar. I a) safe on the Ocean of Life, and rejoice
as I fee% the s"a# of its )otion. Nothin! can har) )e00tho'!h chan!es )a#
co)e and !o, I a) Safe. I a) One "ith the A%% Life, and its Po"er,
6no"%ed!e, and Peace are +ehind, 'nderneath, and "ithin &e. O? One Life?
e.$ress Th#se%f thro'!h )e00carr# )e no" on the crest of the "a(e, no"
dee$ do"n in the tro'!h of the ocean00s'$$orted a%"a#s +# Thee00a%% is
!ood to )e, as I fee% Th# %ife )o(in! in and thro'!h )e. I a) A%i(e,
thro'!h th# %ife, and I o$en )#se%f to th# f'%% )anifestation and inf%o".
&an !ains his *no"%ed!e of the o'tside "or%d thro'!h his senses. And,
conse1'ent%#, )an# of 's are in the ha+it of thin*in! of these senses as
if the# did the sensin!, instead of +ein! )ere%# carriers of the
(i+rations co)in! fro) the o'tside "or%d, "hich are then $resented to the
&ind for e.a)ination. /e sha%% s$ea* of this at !reater %en!th a %itt%e
%ater on in this %esson. >'st no" "e "ish to i)$ress '$on #o' the fact
that it is the &ind that $ercei(es, not the senses. And, conse1'ent%#, a
de(e%o$)ent of Perce$tion is rea%%# a de(e%o$)ent of the &ind.
The o!is $'t their st'dents thro'!h a (er# ard'o's co'rse of $ractice
and e.ercises desi!ned to de(e%o$ their $o"ers of $erce$tion. To )an#
this "o'%d a$$ear to +e )ere%# a de(e%o$)ent of the Senses, "hich )i!ht
a$$ear odd in (ie" of the fact that the o!is are constant%# $reachin!
the fo%%# of +ein! !o(erned and r'%ed +# the senses. 5't there is nothin!
$arado.ica% a+o't a%% this, for the o!is, "hi%e $reachin! the fo%%# of
sense %ife, and )anifestin! the teachin! in their %i(es, ne(erthe%ess
+e%ie(e in an# and a%% e.ercises ca%c'%ated to "shar$en" the &ind, and
de(e%o$ it to a *een state and condition.
The# see a !reat difference +et"een ha(in! a shar$ened $erce$tion, on the
one hand, and +ein! a s%a(e to the senses on the other. For instance,
"hat "o'%d +e tho'!ht of a )an "ho o+jected to ac1'irin! a *een e#esi!ht,
for fear it "o'%d %ead hi) a"a# fro) hi!her thin!s, +# reason of his
+eco)in! attached to the +ea'tif'% thin!s he )i!ht see. To rea%i,e the
fo%%# of this idea, one )a# %oo* at its %o!ica% conc%'sion, "hich "o'%d
+e that one "o'%d then +e )'ch +etter off if a%% their senses "ere
destro#ed. The a+s'rdit#, not to sa# "ic*edness, of s'ch an idea "i%% +e
a$$arent to e(er#one, after a )in'te2s consideration.
The secret of the o!i theor# and teachin!s re!ardin! the de(e%o$)ent of
the &enta% $o"ers, %ies in the "ord "&aster#." The o!a st'dent
acco)$%ishes and attains this )aster# in t"o "a#s. The first "a# is +#
s'+ordinatin! a%% the fee%in!s, sense0i)$ressions, etc., to the &aster#
of the "I," or /i%%, the &aster# +ein! o+tained in this "a# +# the
assertion of the do)inanc# of the "I" o(er the fac'%ties and e)otions,
etc. The second ste$, or "a#, %ies in the o!i, once ha(in! asserted the
)aster#, +e!innin! to de(e%o$ and $erfect the &enta% instr')ent, so as to
!et +etter "or* and ret'rns fro) it. In this "a# he increases his *in!do)
and is &aster o(er a )'ch %ar!er territor#.
In order for one to !ain *no"%ed!e, it is necessar# to 'se to the +est
ad(anta!e the )enta% instr')ents and too%s that he finds at his dis$osa%.
And a!ain, one )'st de(e%o$ and i)$ro(e s'ch too%s00$'t a *een ed!e '$on
the), etc. Not on%# does one !ain a !reat +enefit fro) a de(e%o$)ent of
the fac'%ties of $erce$tion, +'t he a%so ac1'ires an additiona% +enefit
fro) the trainin! of the "ho%e )ind arisin! fro) the )enta% disci$%ine
and trainin! res'%tin! fro) the for)er e.ercises, etc. In o'r $re(io's
%essons "e ha(e $ointed o't so)e of the )eans +# "hich these fac'%ties
)i!ht +e !reat%# i)$ro(ed, and their efficienc# increased. In this %esson
"e sha%% $oint o't certain directions in "hich the Perce$ti(e fac'%ties
)a# +e trained. /e tr'st that the si)$%icit# of the idea )a# not ca'se
an# of o'r st'dents to %ose interest in the "or*. If the# on%# *ne" j'st
"hat s'ch de(e%o$)ent "o'%d %ead to the# "o'%d !%ad%# fo%%o" o'r
s'!!estions in the )atter. E(er# one of the ideas and e.ercises !i(en +#
's are intended to %ead '$ to the stren!thenin! of the &ind, and the
attain)ent of $o"ers and the 'nfo%d)ent of fac'%ties. There is no ro#a%
road to Raja o!a, +'t the st'dent "i%% +e "e%% re$aid for the "or* of
c%i)+in! the hi%% of Attain)ent.
In (ie" of the a+o(e, %et 's e.a)ine the 1'estion of The Senses. Thro'!h
the doors of the senses &an recei(es a%% his infor)ation re!ardin! the
o'tside "or%d. If he *ee$s these doors +'t ha%f o$en, or cro"ded '$ "ith
o+stac%es and r'++ish, he )a# e.$ect to recei(e +'t fe" )essa!es fro)
o'tside. 5't if he *ee$s his door"a#s c%ear, and c%ean, he "i%% o+tain
the +est that is $assin! his "a#.
If one "ere +orn "itho't sense0or!ans00no )atter ho" !ood a &ind he )i!ht
ha(e00he "o'%d +e co)$e%%ed to %i(e his %ife in a drea)# $%ant0%ife sta!e
of e.istence, "ith %itt%e or no conscio'sness. The &ind "o'%d +e %i*e a
seed in the earth, that for so)e reason "as $re(ented fro) !ro"in!.
One )a# o+ject that the hi!hest ideas do not co)e to 's thro'!h the
senses, +'t the re$%# is that the thin!s o+tained thro'!h the senses are
the "ra" )ateria%" '$on "hich the )ind "or*s, and fashions the +ea'tif'%
thin!s that it is a+%e to $rod'ce in its hi!hest sta!es. >'st as is the
+od# de$endent for !ro"th '$on the no'rish)ent ta*en into it, so is the
)ind de$endent for !ro"th '$on the i)$ressions recei(ed fro) the
-ni(erse00and these i)$ressions co)e %ar!e%# thro'!h the senses. It )a#
+e o+jected to that "e *no" )an# thin!s that "e ha(e not recei(ed thro'!h
o'r senses. 5't, does the o+jector inc%'de the i)$ressions that ca)e
thro'!h his senses in so)e $re(io's e.istence, and "hich ha(e +een
i)$ressed '$on his instincti(e )ind, or so'%0)e)or#: It is tr'e that
there are hi!her senses than those 's'a%%# reco!ni,ed, +'t Nat're insists
'$on one %earnin! the %essons of the %o"er !rades +efore atte)$tin! those
of the hi!her.
9o not for!et that a%% that "e *no" "e ha(e ""or*ed for." There is
nothin! that co)es to the id%er, or shir*er. /hat "e *no" is )ere%# the
res'%t of "stored0'$ acc')'%ations of $re(io's e.$erience," as Le"es has
so "e%% said.
So it "i%% +e seen that the o!i idea that one sho'%d de(e%o$ a%% $arts
of the &ind is strict%# correct, if one "i%% ta*e the tro'+%e to e.a)ine
into the )atter. A )an sees and *no"s +'t (er# %itt%e of "hat is !oin!
on a+o't hi). His %i)itations are !reat. His $o"ers of (ision re$ort on%#
a fe" (i+rations of %i!ht, "hi%e +e%o" and a+o(e the sca%e %ie an
infinit# of (i+rations 'n*no"n to hi). The sa)e is tr'e of the $o"ers of
hearin!, for on%# a co)$arati(e%# s)a%% $ortion of the so'nd0"a(es reach
the &ind of &an00e(en so)e of the ani)a%s hear )ore than he does.
If a )an had on%# one sense he "o'%d o+tain +'t a one0sense idea of the
o'tside "or%d. If another sense is added his *no"%ed!e is do'+%ed. And so
on. The +est $roof of the re%ation +et"een increased sense $erce$tion and
de(e%o$)ent is had in the st'd# of the e(o%'tion of ani)a% for)s. In the
ear%# sta!es of %ife the or!anis) has on%# the sense of fee%in!00and (er#
di) at that00and a faint sense of taste. Then de(e%o$ed s)e%%, hearin!
and si!ht, each )ar*in! a distinct ad(ance in the sca%e of %ife, for a
ne" "or%d has +een o$ened o't to the ad(ancin! for)s of %ife. And, "hen
)an de(e%o$s ne" senses00and this is +efore the race00he "i%% +e a )'ch
"iser and !reater +ein!.
Car$enter, )an# #ears a!o, (oiced a tho'!ht that "i%% +e fa)i%iar to
those "ho are ac1'ainted "ith the o!i teachin!s re!ardin! the 'nfo%d)ent
of ne" senses. He said4 "It does not see) at a%% i)$ro+a+%e that there
are $ro$erties of )atter of "hich none of o'r senses can ta*e i))ediate
co!ni,ance, and "hich other +ein!s )i!ht +e for)ed to $ercei(e in the
sa)e )anner as "e are sensi+%e to %i!ht, so'nd, etc."
And Isaac Ta#%or said4 "It )a# +e that "ithin the fie%d o+ser(ed +# the
(isi+%e and $ondera+%e 'ni(erse there is e.istin! and )o(in! another
e%e)ent fra'!ht "ith another s$ecies of %ife00cor$orea%, indeed, and
(ario's in its orders, +'t not o$en to co!ni,ance of those "ho are
confined to the conditions of ani)a% or!ani,ation. Is it to +e tho'!ht
that the e#e of )an is the )eas're of the Creator2s $o"er:00and that He
created nothin! +'t that "hich he has e.$osed to o'r $resent senses: The
contrar# see)s )'ch )ore than +are%# $ossi+%e3 o'!ht "e not to thin* it
a%)ost certain:"
Another "riter. Prof. &asson, has said4 "If a ne" sense or t"o "ere added
to the $resent nor)a% n')+er, in )an, that "hich is no" the $heno)ena%
"or%d for a%% of 's )i!ht, for a%% that "e *no", +'rst into so)ethin!
a)a,in!%# different and "ider, in conse1'ence of the additiona%
re(e%ations of these ne" senses."
5't not on%# is this tr'e, +'t &an )a# increase his $o"ers of *no"%ed!e
and e.$erience if he "i%% +'t de(e%o$ the senses he has to a hi!her
de!ree of efficienc#, instead of a%%o"in! the) to re)ain co)$arati(e%#
atro$hied. And to"ard this end, this %esson is "ritten.
The &ind o+tains its i)$ressions of o+jects of the o'tside "or%d +# )eans
of the +rain and sense or!ans. The sensor# or!ans are the instr')ents of
the &ind, as is a%so the +rain and the entire ner(o's s#ste). 5# )eans of
the ner(es, and the +rain, the &ind )a*es 'se of the sensor# or!ans in
order that it )a# o+tain infor)ation re!ardin! e.terna% o+jects.
The senses are 's'a%%# said to consist of fi(e different for)s, (i,.,
si!ht, hearin!, s)e%%, to'ch, and taste.
The o!is teach that there are hi!her senses, 'nde(e%o$ed, or
co)$arati(e%# so, in the )ajorit# of the race, +'t to"ard the 'nfo%d)ent
of "hich the race is tendin!. 5't "e sha%% not to'ch '$on these %atent
senses in this %esson, as the# +e%on! to another $hase of the s'+ject. In
addition to the fi(e senses a+o(e en')erated, so)e $h#sio%o!ists and
$s#cho%o!ists ha(e he%d that there "ere se(era% others in e(idence. For
instance, the sense +# "hich the inner or!ans re(ea%ed their $resence and
condition, The )'sc'%ar s#ste) re$orts to the )ind thro'!h so)e sense
that is not that of "to'ch," a%tho'!h c%ose%# a%%ied to it. And the
fee%in!s of h'n!er, thirst, etc., see) to co)e to 's thro'!h an 'nna)ed
5ernstein has distin!'ished +et"een the fi(e senses and the one j'st
referred to as fo%%o"s4 "The characteristic distinction +et"een these
co))on sensations and the sensations of the senses is that +# the %atter
"e !ain *no"%ed!e of the occ'rrences and o+jects "hich +e%on! to the
e.terna% "or%d 7and "hich sensations "e refer to e.terna% o+jects8,
"hi%st +# the for)er "e on%# fee% conditions of o'r o"n +od#."
A sensation is the interna%, )enta% conce$tion, res'%tin! fro) an
e.terna% o+ject or fact e.citin! the sense or!ans and ner(es, and the
+rain, th's )a*in! the )ind "a"are" of the e.terna% o+ject or fact. As
5ain has said, it is the ")enta% i)$ression, fee%in!, or conscio's state,
res'%tin! fro) the action of e.terna% thin!s on so)e $art of the +od#,
ca%%ed on that acco'nt, sensiti(e."
Each channe% of sense i)$ressions has an or!an, or or!ans, $ec'%iar%#
ada$ted for the e.citation of its s'+stance +# the $artic'%ar *ind of
(i+rations thro'!h "hich it recei(es i)$ressions. The e#e is )ost
c'nnin!%# and caref'%%# desi!ned to recei(e the %i!ht0"a(es3 and
so'nd0"a(es $rod'ce no effect '$on it. And, %i*e"ise, the de%icate
)echanis) of the ear res$onds on%# to so'nd0"a(es3 %i!ht0"a(es fai%in! to
re!ister '$on it. Each set of sensations is entire%# different, and the
or!ans and ner(es desi!ned to re!ister each $artic'%ar set are $ec'%iar%#
ada$ted to their o"n s$ecia% "or*. The or!ans of sense, inc%'din! their
s$ecia% ner(o's s#ste)s, )a# +e co)$ared to a de%icate instr')ent that
the )ind has fashioned for itse%f, that it )a# in(esti!ate, e.a)ine and
o+tain re$orts fro) the o'tside "or%d.
/e ha(e +eco)e so acc'sto)ed to the "or*in!s of the senses that "e ta*e
the) as a ")atter of co'rse," and fai% to reco!ni,e the) as the de%icate
and "onderf'% instr')ents that the# are00desi!ned and $erfected +# the
)ind for its o"n 'se. If "e "i%% thin* of the so'% as desi!nin!,
)an'fact'rin! and 'sin! these instr')ents, "e )a# +e!in to 'nderstand
their tr'e re%ations to o'r %i(es, and, accordin!%# treat the) "ith )ore
res$ect and consideration.
/e are in the ha+it of thin*in! that "e are a"are of a%% the sensations
recei(ed +# o'r )ind. 5't this is (er# far fro) +ein! correct. The
'nconscio's re!ions of the )ind are inco)$ara+%# %ar!er than the s)a%%
conscio's area that "e !enera%%# thin* of "hen "e sa# ")# )ind." In
f't're %essons "e sha%% $roceed to consider this "onderf'% area, and
e.a)ine "hat is to +e fo'nd there. Taine has "e%% said, "There is !oin!
on "ithin 's a s'+terranean $rocess of infinite e.tent3 its $rod'cts
a%one are *no"n to 's, and are on%# *no"n to 's in the )ass. As to
e%e)ents, and their e%e)ents, conscio'sness does not attain to the). The#
are to sensations "hat secondar# )o%ec'%es and $ri)iti(e )o%ec'%es are to
+odies. /e !et a !%ance here and there at o+sc're and infinite "or%ds
e.tendin! +eneath o'r distinct sensations. These are co)$o'nds and
"ho%es. For their e%e)ents to +e $erce$ti+%e to conscio'sness, it is
necessar# for the) to +e added to!ether, and so to ac1'ire a certain +'%*
and to occ'$# a certain ti)e, for if the !ro'$ does not attain this +'%*,
and does not %ast this ti)e, "e o+ser(e no chan!es in o'r state.
Ne(erthe%ess, tho'!h it esca$es 's, there is one."
5't "e )'st $ost$one o'r consideration of this )ore than interestin!
$hase of the s'+ject, 'nti% so)e f't're %esson, "hen "e sha%% ta*e a tri$
into the re!ions of &ind, 'nder and a+o(e Conscio'sness. And a )ost
"onderf'% tri$ )an# of 's "i%% find it, too.
For the $resent, "e )'st $a# o'r attention to the channe%s +# "hich the
)ateria% for *no"%ed!e and tho'!ht enter o'r )inds. For these sense
i)$ressions, co)in! to 's fro) "itho't, are indeed ")ateria%" '$on "hich
the )ind "or*s in order to )an'fact're the $rod'ct ca%%ed "Tho'!ht."
This )ateria% "e o+tain thro'!h the channe%s of the senses, and then
store in that "onderf'% storeho'se, the &e)or#, fro) "hence "e +rin! o't
)ateria% fro) ti)e to ti)e, "hich "e $roceed to "ea(e into the fa+ric of
Tho'!ht. The s*i%% of the "or*er de$ends '$on his trainin!, and his
a+i%it# to se%ect and co)+ine the $ro$er )ateria%s. And the ac1'irin! of
!ood )ateria%s to +e stored '$ is an i)$ortant $art of the "or*.
A )ind "itho't stored0'$ )ateria% of i)$ressions and e.$eriences "o'%d +e
%i*e a factor# "itho't )ateria%. The )achiner# "o'%d ha(e nothin! '$on
"hich to "or*, and the sho$ "o'%d +e id%e. As He%)ho%t, has said,
"A$$rehension +# the senses s'$$%ies direct%# or indirect%#, the )ateria%
of a%% h')an *no"%ed!e, or at %east the sti)'%'s necessar# to de(e%o$
e(er# in+orn fac'%t# of the )ind." And Her+ert S$encer, has this to sa#
of this $hase of the s'+ject, "It is a%)ost a tr'is) to sa# that in
$ro$ortion to the n')ero'sness of the o+jects that can +e distin!'ished,
and in $ro$ortion to the (ariet# of coe.istences and se1'ences that can
+e se(era%%# res$onded to, )'st +e the n')+er and ra$idit# and (ariet# of
the chan!es "ithin the or!anis)00)'st +e the a)o'nt of (ita%it#."
A %itt%e ref%ection '$on this s'+ject "i%% sho" 's that the !reater
de!ree of e.ercise and trainin! !i(en the senses, the !reater the de!ree
of )enta% $o"er and ca$a+i%it#. As "e store o'r )enta% storeho'se "ith
the )ateria%s to +e )an'fact'red into tho'!ht, so is the 1'a%it# and
1'antit# of the fa+ric $rod'ced.
It therefore +ehoo(es 's to a"a*en fro) o'r "%a,#" condition of )ind, and
to $roceed to de(e%o$ o'r or!ans of sense, and their attendant )echanis),
as +# doin! so "e increase o'r ca$acit# for tho'!ht and *no"%ed!e.
5efore $assin! to the e.ercises, ho"e(er, it )a# +e "e%% to !i(e a hast#
$assin! !%ance at the se(era% senses, and their $ec'%iarities.
The sense of To'ch is the si)$%est and $ri)a% sense. Lon! +efore the
%o"er for)s of %ife had de(e%o$ed the hi!her senses, the# had e(idenced
the sense of To'ch or Fee%in!. /itho't this sense the# "o'%d ha(e +een
'na+%e to ha(e fo'nd their food, or to recei(e and res$ond to o'tside
i)$ressions. In the ear%# for)s of %ife it "as e.ercised e1'a%%# +# a%%
$arts of the +od#, a%tho'!h in the hi!her for)s this sense has +eco)e
so)e"hat %oca%i,ed, as certain $arts of the +od# are far )ore sensiti(e
than are others. The s*in is the seat of the sense of To'ch, and its
ner(es are distri+'ted o(er the entire area of the s*in. The hand, and
$artic'%ar%# the fin!ers, and their ti$s, are the $rinci$a% or!ans of
this sense.
The ac'teness of To'ch (aries )ateria%%# in different $arts of the +od#.
E.$eri)ents ha(e sho"n that a $air of co)$asses "o'%d re!ister
i)$ressions as a (er# s%i!ht distance a$art "hen a$$%ied to the ti$ of
the ton!'e. The distance at "hich the t"o $oints co'%d +e distin!'ished
fro) one $oint, on the ti$ of the ton!'e, "as ca%%ed "one %ine." -sin!
this "%ine" as a standard, it "as fo'nd that the $a%)ar s'rface of the
third fin!er re!istered C %ines3 the s'rface of the %i$s E %ines, and the
s*in of the +ac*, and on the )idd%e of the ar) or thi!h, as hi!h as GJ
%ines The de!ree of sensiti(eness to To'ch (aries !reat%# "ith different
indi(id'a%s, so)e ha(in! a (er# fine sense of to'ch in their fin!ers,
"hi%e others )anifested a (er# )'ch %o"er de!ree.
In the sa)e "a#, there is a !reat difference in the res$onse of the
fin!ers to "ei!ht00a !reat difference in the a+i%it# to distin!'ish the
difference of the "ei!ht of o+jects. It has +een fo'nd that so)e $eo$%e
can distin!'ish differences in "ei!ht do"n to (er# s)a%% fractions of an
o'nce. Fine distinctions in the differences in te)$erat're ha(e a%so +een
The sense of to'ch, and its de(e%o$)ent has )eant )'ch for &an. It is the
one sense in "hich &an s'r$asses the ani)a%s in the )atter of de!ree and
ac'teness. The ani)a% )a# ha(e a *eener s)e%%, taste, hearin! and si!ht,
+'t its sense of To'ch is far +eneath that of &an. Ana.a!oras is 1'oted
as sa#in! that "if the ani)a%s had hands and fin!ers, the# "o'%d +e %i*e
In de(e%o$in! the sense of To'ch, the st'dent )'st re)e)+er that
Attention is the *e# to s'ccess. The !reater the a)o'nt of Attention the
!reater the de!ree of de(e%o$)ent $ossi+%e in the case of an# sense.
/hen the Attention is concentrated '$on an# $artic'%ar sense, the %atter
+eco)es 1'ic*ened and )ore ac'te, and re$eated e.ercise, 'nder the
sti)'%'s of Attention, "i%% "or* "onders in the case of an#
$artic'%ar sense. And on the other hand, the sense of to'ch )a# +e
a%)ost, or co)$%ete%# inhi+ited, +# fir)%#! the Attention '$on
so)ethin! e%se. As an e.tre)e $roof of this %atter fact, the st'dent
is as*ed to re)e)+er the fact that )en ha(e +een *no"n to s'ffer'ciatin! tort're, a$$arent%# "itho't fee%in!, o"in! to the )ind +ein!
intent%# ri(eted '$on so)e idea or tho'!ht. As /#%d has said, "The )art#r
+orne a+o(e sens'o's i)$ressions, is not on%# a+%e to end're tort'res,
+'t is a+%e to end're and 1'ench the). The $inchin! and c'ttin! of the
f%esh on%# added ener!# to the death son! of the A)erican Indian, and
e(en the s%a(e 'nder the %ash is s'stained +# the indi!nant sense of his
In the cases of $ersons en!a!ed in occ'$ations re1'irin! a fine de!ree of
To'ch, the de(e%o$)ent is )ar(e%o's. The en!ra(er $asses his hand o(er
the $%ate, and is a+%e to distin!'ish the s%i!htest i)$erfection. And the
hand%er of c%oth and fa+rics is a+%e to distin!'ish the finest
differences, si)$%# +# the sense of to'ch. /oo% sorters a%so e.ercise a
"onderf'%%# hi!h de!ree of fineness of to'ch. And the +%ind are a+%e to
)a*e '$ for the %oss of si!ht +# their !reat%# increased sense of To'ch,
cases +ein! recorded "here the +%ind ha(e +een a+%e to distin!'ish
co%or +# the different "fee%" of the )ateria%.
The sense of Taste is c%ose%# a%%ied to that of To'ch00in fact so)e
a'thorities ha(e considered Taste as a (er# hi!h%# de(e%o$ed sense of
To'ch in certain s'rfaces of the +od#, the ton!'e nota+%#. It "i%% +e
re)e)+ered that the ton!'e has the finest sense of To'ch, and it a%so has
the sense of Taste de(e%o$ed to $erfection. In Taste and To'ch the o+ject
)'st +e +ro'!ht in direct contact "ith the or!an of sense, "hich is not
the case in S)e%%, Hearin!, or Si!ht. And, +e it re)e)+ered, that the
%atter senses ha(e s$ecia% ner(es, "hi%e Taste is co)$e%%ed to fa%% +ac*
'$on the ordinar# ner(es of To'ch. It is tr'e that Taste is confined to a
(er# s)a%% $art of the s'rface of the +od#, "hi%e To'ch is !enera%. 5't
this on%# indicates a s$ecia% de(e%o$)ent of the s$ecia% area. The sense
of Taste a%so de$ends to a !reat e.tent '$on the $resence of f%'ids, and
on%# s'+stances that are so%'+%e )a*e their $resence *no"n thro'!h the
or!ans and sense of Taste.
Ph#sio%o!ists re$ort that the sense of Taste in so)e $ersons is so
ac'te that one $art of str#chnine in one )i%%ion $arts of "ater has
+een distin!'ished. There are certain occ'$ations, s'ch as that of
"ine0tasters, tea0tasters, etc., the fo%%o"ers of "hich )anifest a
de!ree of fineness of Taste a%)ost incredi+%e.
The sense of S)e%% is c%ose%# connected "ith the sense of Taste, and
often acts in connection there"ith, as the tin# $artic%es of the
s'+stance in the )o'th arise to the or!ans of S)e%%, +# )eans of the
o$enin! or )eans of co))'nication sit'ated in the +ac* $art of the )o'th.
5esides "hich the nose 's'a%%# detects the odor of s'+stances +efore the#
enter the )o'th. The sense of S)e%% o$erates +# reason of the tin#
$artic%es or the o+ject +ein! carried to the )'co's )e)+rane of the
interior of the nose, +# )eans of the air. The )e)+rane, +ein! )oist,
sei,es and ho%ds these $artic%es for a )o)ent, and the fine ner(o's
or!anis) re$orts differences and 1'a%ities and the &ind is th's infor)ed
of the nat're of the o+ject.
The sense of S)e%% is (er# hi!h%# de(e%o$ed a)on! ani)a%s, "ho are
co)$e%%ed to re%# '$on it to a considera+%e e.tent. And )an# occ'$ations
a)on! )en re1'ire the de(e%o$)ent of this sense, for instance, the
to+acconist, the "ine dea%er, the $erf')ers, the che)ist, etc. It is
re%ated that in the cases of certain +%ind $eo$%e, it has +een o+ser(ed
that the# co'%d distin!'ish $ersons in this )anner.
The sense of Hearin! is a )ore co)$%e. one than in the case of Taste,
To'ch and S)e%%. In the %atter three the o+jects to +e sensed )'st +e
+ro'!ht in c%ose contact "ith the sense0or!ans, "hi%e in Hearin! the
o+ject )a# +e far re)o(ed, the i)$ressions +ein! carried +# the
(i+rations of the air, "hich are ca'!ht '$ and re$orted '$on +# the
ner(o's or!anis) of the sense of Hearin!. The interna% )echanis) of
the ear is )ost "onderf'%%# intricate and co)$%e., and e.cites to "onder
the $erson e.a)inin! it. It cannot +e descri+ed here for "ant of s$ace,
+'t the st'dent is ad(ised to in1'ire into it if he has access to an#
%i+rar# containin! +oo*s on the s'+ject. It is a "onderf'% i%%'stration
of the "or* of the )ind in +'i%din! '$ for itse%f instr')ents "ith "hich
to "or*00to ac1'ire *no"%ed!e.
The ear records (i+rations in the air fro) CJ or DC $er second, the rate
of the %o"est a'di+%e note, to those of DK,JJJ $er second, the rate of
the hi!hest a'di+%e note. There is a !reat difference in indi(id'a%s in
re!ard to the fineness of the sense of Hearin!. 5't a%% )a# de(e%o$ this
sense +# the a$$%ication of Attention. The ani)a%s and sa(a!es ha(e
"onderf'%%# ac'te senses of Hearin! de(e%o$ed on%# a%on! the %ines of
distinctness, ho"e(er00on the other hand )'sicians ha(e de(e%o$ed the
sense a%on! different %ines.
The sense of Si!ht is !enera%%# conceded to +e the hi!hest and )ost
co)$%e. of a%% the senses of &an. It dea%s "ith a far %ar!er n')+er of
o+jects00at %on!er distances00and !i(es a far !reater (ariet# of
re$orts to the )ind than an# of its associate senses. It is the sense of
To'ch )a!nified )an# ti)es. As /i%son sa#s of it, "O'r si!ht )a# +e
considered as a )ore de%icate and diff'si(e *ind of to'ch that s$reads
itse%f o(er an infinite n')+er of +odies3 co)$rehends the %ar!est
fi!'res, and +rin!s into o'r reach so)e of the )ost re)ote $arts of the
The sense of Si!ht recei(es its i)$ressions fro) the o'tside "or%d +#
)eans of "a(es that tra(e% fro) +od# to +od#00fro) s'n to earth, and fro)
%a)$ to e#e. These "a(es of %i!ht arise fro) (i+rations in s'+stance, of
an a%)ost incredi+%e de!ree of ra$idit#. The %o"est %i!ht (i+ration is
a+o't EFJ,JJJ,JJJ,JJJ,JJJ $er second, "hi%e the hi!hest is a+o't
HFJ,JJJ,JJJ,JJJ,JJJ $er second. These fi!'res dea% on%# "ith the
(i+rations reco!ni,a+%e +# the e#e as %i!ht. A+o(e and +e%o" these
fi!'res of the sca%e are co'nt%ess other de!rees in(isi+%e to the e#e,
a%tho'!h so)e of the) )a# +e recorded +# instr')ents. The different
sensations of co%or, de$end '$on the rate of the (i+rations, red +ein!
the %i)it of the %o"est, and (io%et the %i)it of the hi!hest (isi+%e
(i+rations00oran!e, #e%%o", !reen, +%'e, and indi!o +ein! the
inter)ediate rates or co%ors.
The c'%ti(ation of the sense of Si!ht, 'nder the aid of Attention is )ost
i)$ortant to ai% $ersons. 5# +ein! a+%e to c%ear%# see and distin!'ish
the $arts of an o+ject, a de!ree of *no"%ed!e re!ardin! it is o+tained
that one )a# not ac1'ire "itho't the said e.ercise of the fac'%t#. /e
ha(e s$o*en of this 'nder the s'+ject of Attention, in a $re(io's %esson,
to "hich %esson "e a!ain refer the st'dent. The! of the e#e '$on an
o+ject has the $o"er of concentratin! the tho'!hts and $re(entin! the)
fro) "anderin!. The e#e has other $ro$erties and 1'a%ities that "i%% +e
d"e%t '$on in f't're %essons. It has other 'ses than seein!. The
inf%'ence of the e#e is a )ar(e%o's thin!, and )a# +e c'%ti(ated and
/e tr'st that "hat "e ha(e said "i%% +rin! the st'dent to a rea%i,ation
of the i)$ortance of de(e%o$in! the $o"ers of Perce$tion. The senses ha(e
+een de(e%o$ed +# the )ind d'rin! a %on! $eriod of e(o%'tion and effort
that s're%# "o'%d not ha(e +een !i(en 'n%ess the o+ject in (ie" "as "orth
it a%%. The "I" insists '$on o+tainin! *no"%ed!e of the -ni(erse, and
)'ch of this *no"%ed!e )a# +e o+tained on%# thro'!h the senses. The o!i
st'dent )'st +e ""ide a"a*e" and $ossessed of de(e%o$ed senses and
$o"ers of Perce$tion. The senses of Si!ht and Hearin!, the t"o %atest in
the sca%e of E(o%'tionar# !ro"th and 'nfo%d)ent, )'st recei(e a
$artic'%ar de!ree of attention. The st'dent )'st )a*e hi)se%f "a"are"
of "hat is !oin! on a+o't and aro'nd hi), so that he )a# "catch" the +est
It "o'%d s'r$rise )an# /esterners if the# co'%d co)e in contact "ith a
hi!h%# de(e%o$ed o!i, and "itness the )ar(e%o's%# fine%# de(e%o$ed
senses he $ossesses. He is a+%e to distin!'ish the finest differences
in thin!s, and his )ind is so trained that, in tho'!ht, he )a# dra"
conc%'sions fro) "hat he has $ercei(ed, in a )anner that see)s a%)ost
"second0si!ht" to the 'ninitiated. In fact, a certain de!ree of
second0si!ht is $ossi+%e to one "ho de(e%o$s his sense of Si!ht, 'nder
the 'r!e of Attention. A ne" "or%d is o$ened o't to s'ch a $erson. One
)'st %earn to )aster the senses, not on%# in the direction of +ein!
inde$endent of and s'$erior to their 'r!in!s, +'t a%so in the )atter of
de(e%o$in! the) to a hi!h de!ree. The de(e%o$)ent of the $h#sica% senses,
a%so has )'ch to do "ith the de(e%o$)ent of the "Astra% Senses," of
"hich "e ha(e s$o*en in o'r "Fo'rteen Lessons," and of "hich "e )a# ha(e
)ore to sa# in the $resent series. The idea of Raja o!a is to render
the st'dent the $ossessor of a hi!h%# de(e%o$ed &ind, "ith hi!h%#
de(e%o$ed instr')ents "ith "hich the )ind )a# "or*.
In o'r f't're %essons "e sha%% !i(e the st'dent )an# i%%'strations,
directions, and e.ercises ca%c'%ated to de(e%o$ the different fac'%ties
of the )ind00not on%# the ordinar# fac'%ties of e(er#da# 'se, +'t others
hidden +ehind these fa)i%iar fac'%ties and senses. Co))encin! "ith the
ne.t %esson, "e sha%% $resent a s#ste) of e.ercises, dri%%s, etc., the
$'r$ose of "hich "i%% +e the a+o(e )entioned de(e%o$)ent of the fac'%ties
of the &ind.
In this %esson "e sha%% not atte)$t to !i(e s$ecific e.ercises, +'t "i%%
content o'rse%(es "ith ca%%in! the attention of the st'dent to a fe"
!enera% r'%es 'nder%#in! the de(e%o$)ent of Perce$tion.
The first thin! to re)e)+er in ac1'irin! the art of Perce$tion is that
one sho'%d not atte)$t to $ercei(e the "ho%e of a co)$%e. thin! or o+ject
at the sa)e ti)e, or at once. One sho'%d consider the o+ject in detai%,
and then, +# !ro'$in! the detai%s, he "i%% find that he has considered
the "ho%e. Let 's ta*e the face of a $erson as a fa)i%iar o+ject. If one
tries to $ercei(e a face as a "ho%e, he "i%% find that he "i%% )eet "ith
a certain de!ree of fai%'re, the i)$ression +ein! indistinct and c%o'd#,
it fo%%o"in!, a%so, that the )e)or# of that face "i%% corres$ond "ith the
ori!ina% $erce$tion.
5't %et the o+ser(er consider the face in detai%, first the e#es, then
the nose, then the )o'th, then the chin, then the hair, then the o't%ine
of the face, the co)$%e.ion, etc., and he "i%% find that he "i%% ha(e
ac1'ired a c%ear and distinct i)$ression or $erce$tion of the "ho%e face.
The sa)e r'%e )a# +e a$$%ied to an# s'+ject or o+ject. Let 's ta*e
another fa)i%iar i%%'stration. o' "ish to o+ser(e a +'i%din!. If #o'
si)$%# !et a !enera% $erce$tion of the +'i%din! as a "ho%e, #o' "i%%
+e a+%e to re)e)+er (er# %itt%e a+o't it, e.ce$t its !enera% o't%ines,
sha$e, si,e, co%or, etc. And a descri$tion "i%% $ro(e to +e (er#
disa$$ointin!. 5't if #o' ha(e noted, in detai%, the )ateria% 'sed, the
sha$e of the doors, chi)ne#, roof, $orches, decorations, tri))in!s,
orna)entation, si,e and n')+er of the "indo"0$anes etc., etc., the sha$e
and an!%es of the roof, etc., #o' "i%% ha(e an inte%%i!ent idea of the
+'i%din!, in the $%ace of a )ere !enera% o't%ine or i)$ression of s'ch as
)i!ht +e ac1'ired +# an ani)a% in $assin!.
/e "i%% conc%'de this %esson "ith an anecdote of the )ethods of that
fa)o's nat'ra%ist A!assi,, in his trainin! of his $'$i%s. His $'$i%s
+eca)e reno"ned for their c%ose $o"ers of o+ser(ation and $erce$tion,
and their conse1'ent a+i%it# to "thin*" a+o't the thin!s the# had seen.
&an# of the) rose to e)inent $ositions, and c%ai)ed that this "as %ar!e%#
+# reason of their caref'% trainin!.
The ta%e r'ns that a ne" st'dent $resented hi)se%f to A!assi, one da#,
as*in! to +e set to "or*. The nat'ra%ist too* a fish fro) a jar in "hich
it had +een $reser(ed, and %a#in! it +efore the #o'n! st'dent +ade hi)
o+ser(e it caref'%%#, and +e read# to re$ort '$on "hat he had noticed
a+o't the fish. The st'dent "as then %eft a%one "ith the fish. There "as
nothin! es$ecia%%# interestin! a+o't that fish00it "as %i*e )an# other
fishes that he had seen +efore. He noticed that it had fins and sca%es,
and a )o'th and e#es, #es, and a tai%. In a ha%f ho'r he fe%t certain
that he had o+ser(ed a%% a+o't that fish that there "as to +e $ercei(ed.
5't the nat'ra%ist re)ained a"a#.
The ti)e ro%%ed on, and the #o'th, ha(in! nothin! e%se to do, +e!an to
!ro" rest%ess and "ear#. He started o't to h'nt '$ the teacher, +'t he
fai%ed to find hi), and so had to ret'rn and !a,e a!ain at that
"eariso)e fish. Se(era% ho'rs had $assed, and he *ne" +'t %itt%e )ore
a+o't the fish than he did in the first $%ace.
He "ent o't to %'nch and "hen he ret'rned it "as sti%% a case of "atchin!
the fish. He fe%t dis!'sted and disco'ra!ed, and "ished he had ne(er co)e
to A!assi,, "ho), it see)ed, "as a st'$id o%d )an after a%%,00one a"a#
+ehind the ti)es. Then, in order to *i%% ti)e, he +e!an to co'nt the
sca%es. This co)$%eted he co'nted the s$ines of the fins. Then he +e!an
to dra" a $ict're of the fish. In dra"in! the $ict're he noticed that the
fish had no e#e%ids. He th's )ade the disco(er# that as his teacher had
e.$ressed it often, in %ect'res, "a $enci% is the +est of e#es." Short%#
after the teacher ret'rned, and after ascertainin! "hat the #o'th had
o+ser(ed, he %eft rather disa$$ointed, te%%in! the +o# to *ee$ on %oo*in!
and )a#+e he "o'%d see so)ethin!.
This $'t the +o# on his )ett%e, and he +e!an to "or* "ith his $enci%,
$'ttin! do"n %itt%e detai%s that had esca$ed hi) +efore, +'t "hich no"
see)ed (er# $%ain to hi). He +e!an to catch the secret of o+ser(ation.
Litt%e +# %itt%e he +ro'!ht to %i!ht ne" o+jects of interest a+o't the
fish. 5't this did not s'ffice his teacher, "ho *e$t hi) at "or* on the
sa)e fish for three "ho%e da#s. At the end of that ti)e the st'dent
rea%%# *ne" so)ethin! a+o't the fish, and, +etter than a%%, had ac1'ired
the "*nac*" and ha+it of caref'% o+ser(ation and $erce$tion in detai%.
ears after, the st'dent, then attained to e)inence, is re$orted as
sa#in!4 "That "as the +est ,oo%o!ica% %esson I e(er had00a %esson "hose
inf%'ence has e.tended to the detai%s of e(er# s'+se1'ent st'd#3 a
%e!ac# that the $rofessor %eft to )e, as he %eft to )an# others, of
inesti)a+%e (a%'e, "hich "e co'%d not +'#, and "ith "hich "e cannot
A$art fro) the (a%'e to the st'dent of the $artic'%ar infor)ation
o+tained, "as the 1'ic*enin! of the $erce$ti(e fac'%ties that ena+%ed hi)
to o+ser(e the i)$ortant $oints in a s'+ject or o+ject, and,
conse1'ent%# to ded'ce i)$ortant infor)ation fro) that "hich "as
o+ser(ed. The &ind is h'n!r# for *no"%ed!e, and it has +# #ears of "ear#
e(o%'tion and effort +'i%t '$ a series of sense s#ste)s in order to #ie%d
it that *no"%ed!e and it is sti%% +'i%din!. The )en and "o)en in the
"or%d "ho ha(e arri(ed at the $oint of s'ccess ha(e a(ai%ed the)se%(es of
these "onderf'% channe%s of infor)ation, and +# directin! the) 'nder
the !'idance of /i%% and Attention, ha(e attained "onderf'% res'%ts.
These thin!s are of i)$ortance, and "e +e! of o'r st'dents not to $ass +#
this $ortion of the s'+ject as 'ninterestin!. C'%ti(ate a s$irit of
"ide0a"a*eness and $erce$tion, and the "*no"in!" that "i%% co)e to #o'
"i%% s'r$rise #o'.
No on%# do #o' de(e%o$ the e.istin! senses +# s'ch $ractice and 'se, +'t
#o' he%$ in the 'nfo%d)ent of the %atent $o"ers and senses that are
stri(in! for 'nfo%d)ent. 5# 'sin! and e.ercisin! the fac'%ties that "e
ha(e, "e he%$ to 'nfo%d those for the co)in! of "hich "e ha(e +een
I a) a So'%, $ossessed of channe%s of co))'nication "ith the o'ter "or%d.
I "i%% 'se these channe%s, and there+# ac1'ire the infor)ation and
*no"%ed!e necessar# for )# )enta% de(e%o$)ent. I "i%% e.ercise and
de(e%o$ )# or!ans of sense, *no"in! that in so doin! I sha%% ca'se to
'nfo%d the hi!her senses, of "hich the# are +'t forer'nners and s#)+o%s.
I "i%% +e ""ide0a"a*e" and o$en to the inf%o" of *no"%ed!e and
infor)ation. The -ni(erse is )# Ho)e00I "i%% e.$%ore it.
/e ha(e tho'!ht it "e%% to )a*e a s%i!ht chan!e in the arran!e)ent of
these %essons00that is, in the order in "hich the# sho'%d a$$ear. /e had
conte)$%ated )a*in! this Se(enth Lesson a series of &enta% 9ri%%s,
intended to de(e%o$ certain of the )enta% fac'%ties, +'t "e ha(e decided
to $ost$one the sa)e 'nti% a %ater %esson, +e%ie(in! that +# so doin! a
)ore %o!ica% se1'ence or order of arran!e)ent "i%% +e $reser(ed. In this
%esson "e "i%% te%% #o' of the 'nfo%d)ent of conscio'sness in &an, and in
the ne.t %esson, and $ro+a+%# in the one fo%%o"in! it, "e sha%% $resent
to #o' a c%ear state)ent re!ardin! the states of )ind, +e%o" and o(er
conscio'sness00a )ost "onderf'% re!ion, "e ass're #o', and one that has
+een !reat%# )is'nderstood and )isinter$reted. This "i%% %ead '$ to the
s'+ject of the c'%ti(ation of the (ario's fac'%ties00+oth conscio's and
o'tside of conscio'sness, and the series "i%% +e conc%'ded +# three
%essons !oin! ri!ht to the heart of this $art of the s'+ject, and !i(in!
certain r'%es and instr'ction ca%c'%ated to de(e%o$ &an2s "onderf'%
"tho'!ht0)achine" that "i%% +e of the !reatest interest and i)$ortance
to a%% of o'r st'dents. /hen the %essons are conc%'ded #o' "i%% see that
the $resent arran!e)ent is )ost %o!ica% and $ro$er.
In this %esson "e ta*e '$ the s'+ject of "The -nfo%d)ent of
Conscio'sness"00a )ost interestin! s'+ject. &an# of 's ha(e +een in the
ha+it of identif#in! "conscio'sness" "ith )ind, +'t as "e $roceed "ith
this series of %essons "e "i%% see that that "hich is ca%%ed
"conscio'sness" is +'t a s)a%% $ortion of the )ind of the indi(id'a%, and
e(en that s)a%% $art is constant%# chan!in! its states, and 'nfo%din! ne"
states 'ndrea)ed of.
"Conscio'sness" is a "ord "e 'se (er# often in considerin! the science of
the &ind. Let 's see "hat it )eans. /e+ster defines it as one2s
"*no"%ed!e of sensations and )enta% o$erations, or of "hat $asses in
one2s o"n )ind." Ha%%ec* defines it as "that 'ndefina+%e characteristic
of )enta% states "hich ca'ses one to +e a"are of the)." 5't, as Ha%%ec*
states, "Conscio'sness is inca$a+%e of definition. To define an#thin! "e
are o+%i!ed to descri+e it in ter)s of so)ethin! e%se. And there is
nothin! e%se in the "or%d %i*e conscio'sness, hence "e can define it on%#
in ter)s of itse%f, and that is (er# )'ch %i*e tr#in! to %ift one2s se%f
+# one2s o"n +oot stra$s. Conscio'sness is one of the !reatest )#steries
that confronts 's."
5efore "e can 'nderstand "hat Conscio'sness rea%%# is, "e )'st *no" j'st
"hat "&ind" rea%%# is00and that *no"%ed!e is %ac*in!, not"ithstandin! the
)an# injenio's theories e(o%(ed in order to e.$%ain the )#ster#. The
)eta$h#sicians do not thro" )'ch %i!ht on the s'+ject, and as for
)ateria%istic science, %isten to "hat H'.%e# sa#s4 "Ho" it co)es a+o't
that an#thin! so re)ar*a+%e as a state of conscio'sness co)es a+o't +#
the res'%t of irritatin! ner(o's tiss'e, is j'st as 'nacco'nta+%e as the
a$$earance of the !enie "hen A%addin r'++ed his %a)$."
To )an# $ersons the "ords "conscio'sness" and ")enta% $rocess," or
"tho'!ht" are re!arded as s#non#)o's. And, in fact, $s#cho%o!ists so he%d
'nti% 1'ite recent%#. 5't no" it is !enera%%# acce$ted as a fact that
)enta% $rocesses are not %i)ited to the fie%d of conscio'sness, and it is
no" !enera%%# ta'!ht that the fie%d of s'+0conscio'sness 7that is,
"'nder" conscio's8 )entation, is of a )'ch !reater e.tent than that of
conscio's )entation.
Not on%# is it tr'e that the )ind can ho%d in conscio'sness +'t one fact
at an# one instant, and that, conse1'ent%#, on%# a (er# s)a%% fraction of
o'r *no"%ed!e can +e in conscio'sness at an# one )o)ent, +'t it is a%so
tr'e that the conscio'sness $%a#s +'t a (er# s)a%% $art in the tota%it#
of )enta% $rocesses, or )entation. The )ind is not conscio's of the
!reater $ortion of its o"n acti(ities00&a'ds%e# sa#s that on%# ten $er
cent co)es into the fie%d of conscio'sness. Taine has stated it in these
"ords4 "Of the "or%d "hich )a*es '$ o'r +ein!, "e on%# $ercei(e the
hi!hest $oints00the %i!hted '$ $ea*s of a continent "hose %o"er %e(e%s
re)ain in the shade."
5't it is not o'r intention to s$ea* of this !reat s'+conscio's re!ion of
the )ind at this $oint, for "e sha%% ha(e )'ch to do "ith it %ater on. It
is )entioned here in order to sho" that the en%ar!e)ent or de(e%o$)ent of
conscio'sness is not so )'ch a )atter of "!ro"th" as it is an
"'nfo%d)ent"00not a ne" creation or en%ar!e)ent fro) o'tside, +'t rather
an 'nfo%d)ent o't"ard fro) "ithin.
Fro) the (er# +e!innin! of Life00a)on! the Partic%es of Inor!anic
S'+stance, )a# +e fo'nd traces of so)ethin! %i*e Sensation, and res$onse
thereto. /riters ha(e not cared to !i(e to this $heno)enon the na)e of
"sensation," or "sensi+i%it#," as the ter)s sa(ored too )'ch of "senses,"
and "sense0or!ans." 5't &odern Science has not hesitated to +esto" the
na)es so %on! "ithhe%d. The )ost ad(anced scientific "riters do not
hesitate to state that in reaction, che)ica% res$onse, etc., )a# +e seen
indications of r'di)entar# sensation. Haec*e% sa#s4 "I cannot i)a!ine
the si)$%est che)ica% and $h#sica% $rocess "itho't attri+'tin! the
)o(e)ent of the )ateria% $artic%es to 'nconscio's sensation. The idea of
Che)ica% Affinit# consists in the fact that the (ario's che)ica% e%e)ents
$ercei(e the 1'a%itati(e differences in other e%e)ents and e.$erience
2$%eas're2 or 2re('%sion2 at contacts "ith the), and'te their
s$ecific )o(e)ents on this !ro'nd." He a%so s$ea*s of the sensiti(eness
of "$%as)," or the s'+stance of "%i(in! +odies," as +ein! "on%# a
s'$erior de!ree of the !enera% irrita+i%it# of s'+stance."
Che)ica% reaction, +et"een ato)s, is s$o*en of +# che)ists as a
"sensiti(e" reaction. Sensiti(eness is fo'nd e(en in the Partic%es of
Inor!anic S'+stance, and )a# +e re!arded as the first !%i))erin!s of
tho'!ht. Science reco!ni,es this "hen it s$ea*s of the 'nconscio's
sensation of the Partic%es as athesis or "fee%in!," and the 'nconscio's
/i%% that res$onds thereto, as tro$esis, or "inc%ination." Haec*e% sa#s
of this that "Sensation $ercei(es the different 1'a%ities of the sti)'%i,
and fee%in! the 1'antit#," and a%so, "/e )a# ascri+e the fee%in! of
$%eas're and $ain 7in the contact "ith 1'a%itati(e%# differin! ato)s8 to
a%% ato)s, and so e.$%ain the e%ecti(e affinit# in che)istr# 7attraction
of %o(in! ato)s, inc%ination3 re$'%sion of hatin! ato)s,
It is i)$ossi+%e to for) a c%ear or inte%%i!ent idea of the $heno)enon of
che)ica% affinit#, etc., 'n%ess "e attri+'te to the Ato)s so)ethin! a*in
to Sensation. It is %i*e"ise i)$ossi+%e to 'nderstand the actions of the
&o%ec'%es, 'n%ess "e thin* of the) as $ossessin! so)ethin! a*in to
Sensation. The La" of Attraction is +ased '$on &enta% States in
S'+stance. The res$onse of Inor!anic S'+stance to E%ectricit# and
&a!netis) is a%so another e(idence of Sensation and the res$onse thereto.
In the )o(e)ents and o$erations of cr#sta%0%ife "e o+tain e(idences of
sti%% a %itt%e hi!her for)s of Sensation and res$onse thereto. The action
of cr#sta%%i,ation is (er# near a*in to that of so)e %o" for)s of $%as)ic
action. In fact, the ")issin! %in*" +et"een $%ant %ife and the cr#sta%s
is c%ai)ed to ha(e +een fo'nd in so)e recent disco(eries of Science, the
connection +ein! fo'nd in certain cr#sta%s in the interior of $%ants
co)$osed of car+on co)+inations, and rese)+%in! the inor!anic cr#sta%s in
)an# "a#s.
Cr#sta%s !ro" a%on! certain %ines and for)s '$ to a certain si,e. Then
the# +e!in to for) "+a+#0cr#sta%s" on their s'rfaces, "hich then ta*e on
the !ro"th00the $rocesses +ein! a%)ost ana%o!o's to ce%%0%ife. Processes
a*in to fer)entation ha(e +een detected a)on! che)ica%s. In )an# "a#s it
)a# +e seen that the +e!innin! of &enta% Life )'st +e %oo*ed for a)on!
the &inera%s and Partic%es00the %atter, +e it re)e)+ered, co)$osin! not
on%# inor!anic, +'t a%so Or!anic S'+stance.
As "e ad(ance in the sca%e of %ife, "e are )et "ith constant%# increasin!
'nfo%d)ent of )entation, the si)$%e !i(in! $%ace to the co)$%e.
)anifestations. Passin! +# the si)$%e (ita% $rocesses of the )onera, or
sin!%e0ce%%ed "thin!s," "e notice the hi!her for)s of ce%% %ife, "ith
!ro"in! sensi+i%it# or sensation. Then "e co)e to the ce%%0!ro'$s, in
"hich the indi(id'a% ce%%s )anifest sensation of a *ind, co'$%ed "ith a
co))'nit#0sensation. Food is distin!'ished, se%ected and ca$t'red, and
)o(e)ents e.ercised in $'rs'it of the sa)e. The %i(in! thin! is +e!innin!
to )anifest )ore co)$%e. )enta% states. Then the sta!e of the %o"er
$%ants is reached, and "e notice the (aried $heno)ena of that re!ion,
e(idencin! an increased sensiti(eness, a%tho'!h there are $ractica%%# no
si!ns of s$ecia% or!ans of sense. Then "e $ass on to the hi!her $%ant
%ife, in "hich +e!in to )anifest certain "sensiti(e0ce%%s," or !ro'$s of
s'ch ce%%s, "hich are r'di)entar# sense or!ans. Then the for)s of ani)a%
%ife, and considered "ith risin! de!rees of sensations and !ro"in! sense
a$$arat's, or sense or!ans, !rad'a%%# 'nfo%din! into so)ethin! %i*e
ner(o's s#ste)s.
A)on! the %o"er ani)a% for)s there are (ar#in! de!rees of )entation "ith
acco)$an#in! ner(e centers and sense0or!ans, +'t %itt%e or no si!ns of
conscio'sness, !rad'a%%# ascendin! 'nti% "e ha(e da"nin! conscio'sness in
the re$ti%e *in!do), etc., and f'%%er conscio'sness and a de!ree of
inte%%i!ent tho'!ht in the sti%% hi!her for)s, !rad'a%%# increasin! 'nti%
"e reach the $%ane of the hi!hest )a))a%s, s'ch as the horse, do!,
e%e$hant, a$e, etc., "hich ani)a%s ha(e co)$%e. ner(o's s#ste)s, +rains
and "e%% de(e%o$ed conscio'sness. /e need not f'rther consider the for)s
of )entation in the for)s of %ife +e%o" the Conscio's sta!e, for that
"o'%d carr# 's far fro) o'r s'+ject.
A)on! the hi!her for)s of ani)a% %ife, after a "da"n $eriod" or
se)i0conscio'sness, "e co)e to for)s of %ife a)on! the %o"er ani)a%s
$ossessin! a "e%% de(e%o$ed de!ree of )enta% action and Conscio'sness,
the %atter +ein! ca%%ed +# $s#cho%o!ists "Si)$%e Conscio'sness," +'t
"hich ter) "e consider too indefinite, and "hich "e "i%% ter) "Ph#sica%
Conscio'sness," "hich "i%% !i(e a fair idea of the thin! itse%f. /e 'se
the "ord "Ph#sica%" in the do'+%e sense of "E.terna%," and "Re%atin! to
the )ateria% str'ct're of a %i(in! +ein!," +oth of "hich definitions are
fo'nd in the dictionaries. And that is j'st "hat Ph#sica% Conscio'sness
rea%%# is00an "a"areness" in the )ind, or a "conscio'sness" of the
"e.terna%" "or%d as e(idenced +# the senses3 and of the "+od#" of the
ani)a% or $erson. The ani)a% or $erson thin*in! on the $%ane of Ph#sica%
Conscio'sness 7a%% the hi!her ani)a%s do, and )an# )en see) 'na+%e to
rise )'ch hi!her8 identifies itse%f "ith the $h#sica% +od#, and is
conscio's on%# of tho'!hts of that +od# and the o'tside "or%d. It
"*no"s," +'t not +ein! conscio's of )enta% o$erations, or of the
e.istence of its )ind, it does not "*no" that it *no"s." This for) of
conscio'sness, "hi%e infinite%# a+o(e the )entation of the nonconscio's
$%ane of "sansation," is %i*e a different "or%d of tho'!ht fro) the
conscio'sness of the hi!h%# de(e%o$ed inte%%ect'a% )an of o'r a!e and
It is diffic'%t for a )an to for) an idea of the Ph#sica% Conscio'sness
of the %o"er ani)a%s and sa(a!es, $artic'%ar%# as he finds it diffic'%t
to 'nderstand his o"n conscio'sness e.ce$t +# the act of +ein! conscio's.
5't o+ser(ation and reason ha(e !i(en 's a fair de!ree of 'nderstandin!
of "hat this Ph#sica% Conscio'sness of the ani)a% is %i*e00or at %east in
"hat res$ect it differs fro) o'r o"n conscio'sness. Let 's ta*e a
fa(orite i%%'stration. A horse standin! o't in the co%d s%eet and rain
'ndo'+ted%# fee%s the disco)fort, and $ossi+%# $ain, for "e *no" +#
o+ser(ation that ani)a%s fee% +oth. 5't he is not a+%e to ana%#,e his
)enta% states and "onder "hen his )aster "i%% co)e o't to hi)00thin* ho"
cr'e% it is to *ee$ hi) o't of the "ar) sta+%e00"onder "hether he "i%% +e
ta*en o't in the co%d a!ain to)orro"00fee% en(io's of other horses "ho
are indoors00"onder "h# he is co)$e%%ed to +e o't co%d ni!hts, etc.,
etc.,00in short, he does not thin* as "o'%d a reasonin! )an 'nder s'ch
circ')stances. He is a"are of the disco)fort, j'st as "o'%d +e the
)an00and he "o'%d r'n ho)e if he co'%d j'st as "o'%d the )an. 5't he is
not a+%e to $it# hi)se%f, nor to thin* a+o't his $ersona%it# as "o'%d
the )an, nor does he "onder "hether s'ch a %ife is "orth %i(in!, after
a%%. He "*no"s," +'t is not a+%e to thin* of hi)se%f as *no"in!00he does
not "*no" that he *no"s," as "e do. He e.$eriences the $h#sica% $ain and
disco)fort, +'t is s$ared the )enta% disco)fort and concern arisin! fro)
the $h#sica%, "hich )an so often e.$eriences.
The ani)a% cannot shift its conscio'sness fro) the sensations of the
o'ter "or%d to the inner states of +ein!. It is not a+%e to "*no"
itse%f." The difference )a# +e c%')si%# i%%'strated +# the e.a)$%e of a
)an fee%in!, seein! or hearin! so)ethin! that !i(es hi) a $%eas'ra+%e
sensation, or the re(erse. He is conscio's of the fee%in! or sensation,
and that it is $%eas'ra+%e or other"ise. That is Ph#sica% Conscio'sness,
and the ani)a% )a# share it "ith hi). 5't it sto$s ri!ht there "ith the
ani)a%. 5't the )an )a# +e!in to "onder "h# the sensation is
$%eas'ra+%e and to associate it "ith other thin!s and $ersons3 or
s$ec'%ate "h# he dis%i*es it, "hat "i%% fo%%o", and so on00that is
&enta% Conscio'sness, +eca'se he reco!ni,es an in"ard se%f, and is
t'rnin! his attention in"ard. He )a# see another )an and e.$erience a
fee%in! or sensation of attraction or a(ersion00%i*e or dis%i*e. This is
Ph#sica% Conscio'sness, and an ani)a% a%so )a# e.$erience the sensation.
5't the )an !oes f'rther than the ani)a%, and "onders j'st "hat there is
a+o't the )an he %i*es or detests, and )a# co)$are hi)se%f to the )an and
"onder "hether the %atter fee%s as he does, and so on00this is &enta%
In ani)a%s the )enta% !a,e is free%# directed o't"ard, and ne(er ret'rns
'$on itse%f. In )an the )enta% !a,e )a# +e directed in"ard, or )a# ret'rn
in"ard after its o't"ard jo'rne#. The ani)a% "*no"s"00the )an not on%#
"*no"s," +'t he "*no"s that he *no"s," and is a+%e to in(esti!ate that
"*no"in!" and s$ec'%ate a+o't it. /e ca%% this hi!her conscio'sness
&enta% Conscio'sness. The o$eration of Ph#sica% Conscio'sness "e ca%%
Instinct00the o$eration of &enta% Conscio'sness "e ca%% Reason.
The &an "ho has &enta% Conscio'sness not on%# "fee%s" or "senses" thin!s,
+'t he has "ords or )enta% conce$ts of these fee%in!s and sensations and
)a# thin* of hi)se%f as e.$eriencin! the), se$aratin! hi)se%f, the
sensation or fee%in!, and the thin! fe%t or sensed. The )an is a+%e to
thin*4 "I fee%3 I hear3 I see3 I s)e%%3 I taste3 I desire3 I do," etc.,
etc. The (er# "ords indicate &enta% Conscio'sness reco!ni,in! )enta%
states and !i(in! the) na)es, and a%so reco!ni,in! so)ethin! ca%%ed "I"
that e.$eriences the sensations. This %atter fact has ca'sed
$s#cho%o!ists to s$ea* of this sta!e as "Se%f0conscio'sness," +'t "e
reser(e this idea of the "I" conscio'sness for a hi!her sta!e.
The ani)a% e.$eriences so)ethin! that !i(es it the i)$ressions or fee%in!
that "e ca%% "$ain," "h'rt," "$%easant," "s"eet," "+itter," etc., a%%
+ein! for)s of sensation, +'t it is 'na+%e to thin* of the) in "ords.
The $ain see)s to +e a $art of itse%f, a%tho'!h $ossi+%# associated "ith
so)e $erson or thin! that ca'sed it. The st'd# of the 'nfo%d)ent of
conscio'sness in a #o'n! +a+# "i%% !i(e one a far +etter idea of the
!rades and distinctions than can +e o+tained fro) readin! )ere "ords.
&enta% Conscio'sness is a !ro"th. As Ha%%ec* sa#s, "&an# $ersons ne(er
ha(e )ore than a )ist# idea of s'ch a )enta% attit'de. The# a%"a#s ta*e
the)se%(es for !ranted, and ne(er t'rn the !a,e in"ard." It has +een
do'+ted "hether the sa(a!es ha(e de(e%o$ed Se%f0conscio'sness, and e(en
)an# )en of o'r o"n race see) to +e +'t %itt%e a+o(e the ani)a%s in
inte%%ect and conscio'sness. The# do not see) a+%e to "*no" the)se%(es"
e(en s%i!ht%#. To the) the "I" see)s to +e a $'re%# $h#sica% thin!00a
+od# ha(in! desires and fee%in! +'t %itt%e )ore. The# are a+%e to fee% an
act, +'t scarce%# )ore. The# are not a+%e to set aside an# $h#sica%
"not00I," +ein! 'tter%# 'na+%e to thin* of the)se%(es as an#thin! e%se
+'t a 5od#. The "I" and the 5od# are one "ith the), and the# see)
inca$a+%e of distin!'ishin! +et"een the).
Then co)es another sta!e in "hich )enta%0conscio'sness $ro$er sets in.
The )an +e!ins to rea%i,e that he has "a )ind." He is a+%e to "*no"
hi)se%f" as a )enta% +ein!, and to t'rn the !a,e in"ard a %itt%e. This
$eriod of de(e%o$)ent )a# +e noticed in #o'n! chi%dren. For a ti)e
the# s$ea* of the)se%(es as a third $erson, 'nti% fina%%# the# +e!in to
sa# "I." Then a %itt%e %ater co)es the a+i%it# to *no" their o"n )enta%
states as s'ch00the# *no" that the# ha(e a )ind, and are a+%e to
distin!'ish +et"een it and the +od#. It is re%ated that so)e chi%dren
e.$erience a fee%in! of terror "hen the# $ass into this sta!e. The#
e.hi+it si!ns of +ashf'%ness and "hat is co))on%# ter)ed
"se%f0conscio'sness" in that sense. So)e te%% 's in after #ears that "hen
the# +eca)e a"are of the)se%(es as an entit# the# "ere o(erco)e "ith
a%ar), as if +# a sense of %one%iness and a$artness fro) the -ni(erse.
o'n! $eo$%e often fee% this "a# for se(era% #ears. There see)s to +e a
distinct fee%in! that the -ni(erse is anta!onistic to and set a$art fro)
And, a%tho'!h this fee%in! of se$arateness and a$artness !ro"s %ess ac'te
as the )an !ro"s o%der, #et it is a%"a#s $resent to a !reater or %ess
de!ree 'nti% a sti%% hi!her sta!e00the E!o0conscio'sness is reached, "hen
it disa$$ears as "e sha%% see. And this )enta%0conscio's sta!e is a hard
one for )an#. The# are entan!%ed in a )ass of )enta% states "hich the )an
thin*s is "hi)se%f," and the str'!!%e +et"een the rea% "I" and its
confinin! sheaths is $ainf'%. And it +eco)es sti%% )ore $ainf'% as the
end is neared, for as )an ad(ances in )enta%0conscio'sness and *no"%ed!e
he fee%s )ore *een%# and s'ffers accordin!%#. &an eats the fr'it of the
Tree of 6no"%ed!e and +e!ins to s'ffer, and is dri(en o't of the <arden
of Eden of the chi%d and $ri)iti(e races, "ho %i(e %i*e the +irds of the
air and concern the)se%(es not a+o't )enta% states and $ro+%e)s. 5't
there is de%i(erance ahead in the sha$e of a hi!her conscio'sness,
a%tho'!h +'t fe" rea%i,e it and sti%% fe"er ha(e !ained it. Perha$s this
%esson )a# $oint o't the "a# for #o'.
/ith the +irth of )enta%0conscio'sness co)es the *no"%ed!e that there is
a )ind in others. &an is a+%e to s$ec'%ate and reason a+o't the )enta%
states of other )en, +eca'se he reco!ni,es these states "ithin hi)se%f.
As )an ad(ances in the &enta% Conscio'sness he +e!ins to de(e%o$ a
constant%# increasin! de!ree and !rade of Inte%%ect, and accordin!%# he
attaches the !reatest i)$ortance to that $art of his nat're. So)e )en
"orshi$ Inte%%ect as a <od, i!norin! its %i)itations "hich other thin*ers
ha(e $ointed o't. S'ch $eo$%e are a$t to reason that +eca'se the h')an
inte%%ect 7in its $resent state of de(e%o$)ent8 re$orts that s'ch a thin!
)'st +e, or cannot $ossi+%# +e, that the )atter is fore(er sett%ed.
The# i!nore the fact that it is $ossi+%e that &an2s Inte%%ect, in its
$resent state of 'nfo%d)ent, )a# +e a+%e to ta*e co!ni,ance of on%# a
(er# s)a%% $art of the -ni(ersa% Fact, and that there )a# +e re!ions '$on
re!ions of Rea%it# and Fact of "hich he cannot e(en drea), so far are
the# re)o(ed fro) his e.$erience. The 'nfo%d)ent of a ne" sense "o'%d
o$en o't a ne" "or%d and )i!ht +rin! to %i!ht facts that "o'%d co)$%ete%#
re(o%'tioni,e o'r entire "or%d of conce$tions +# reason of the ne"
infor)ation it "o'%d !i(e 's.
5't, ne(erthe%ess, fro) this &enta% Conscio'sness has co)e the "onderf'%
"or* of Inte%%ect, as sho"n in the achie(e)ents of &an '$ to this ti)e,
and "hi%e "e )'st reco!ni,e its %i)itations, "e !%ad%# join in sin!in!
its $raises. Reason is the too% "ith "hich &an is di!!in! into the )ine
of Facts, +rin!in! to %i!ht ne" treas'res e(er# da#. This sta!e of &enta%
Conscio'sness is +rin!in! to &an *no"%ed!e of hi)se%f00*no"%ed!e of the
-ni(erse00that is "e%% "orth the $rice he $a#s for it. For &an does $a#
a $rice for entrance into this sta!e00and he $a#s an increasin! $rice as
he ad(ances in its territor#, for the hi!her he ad(ances the )ore *een%#
he fee%s and s'ffers, as "e%% as enjo#s. Ca$acit# for $ain is the $rice
&an $a#s for Attain)ent, '$ to a certain sta!e. His $ain $asses fro) the
Ph#sica% to the &enta% conscio'sness, and he +eco)es a"are of $ro+%e)s
that he ne(er drea)t e.isted, and the %ac* of an inte%%i!ent ans"er
$rod'ces )enta% s'fferin!. And the )enta% s'fferin! that co)es to hi)
fro) 'nsatisfied %on!in!s, disa$$oint)ent, the $ain of others "ho) he
%o(es, etc., is far "orse than an# $h#sica% s'fferin!.
The ani)a% %i(es its ani)a% %ife and is contented, for it *no"s no
+etter. If it has eno'!h to eat00a $%ace to s%ee$00a )ate00it is ha$$#.
And so)e )en are %i*e"ise. 5't others find the)se%(es in(o%(ed in a "or%d
of )enta% disco)fort. Ne" "ants arise, and the %ac* of satisfaction
+rin!s $ain. Ci(i%i,ation +eco)es )ore and )ore co)$%e., and +rin!s its
ne" $ains as "e%% as ne" $%eas'res. &an attaches hi)se%f to "thin!s," and
each da# creates for hi)se%f artificia% "ants, "hich he )'st %a+or to
)eet. His Inte%%ect )a# not %ead hi) '$"ard, +'t instead )a# )ere%#
ena+%e hi) to in(ent ne" and s'+t%e )eans and "a#s of !ratif#in! his
senses to a de!ree i)$ossi+%e to the ani)a%s. So)e )en )a*e a re%i!ion of
the !ratification of their sens'a%it#00their a$$etites00and +eco)e +easts
)a!nified +# the $o"er of Inte%%ect. Others +eco)e (ain, conceited and
$'ffed '$ "ith a sense of the i)$ortance of their Persona%it# 7the fa%se
"I"8. Others +eco)e )or+id%# intros$ecti(e, and s$end their ti)e
ana%#,in! and dissectin! their )oods, )oti(es, fee%in!s, etc. Others
e.ha'st their ca$acit# for $%eas're and ha$$iness, +'t %oo*in! o'tside
for it instead of "ithin, and +eco)e +%ase, +ored, enn'ied and an
aff%iction to the)se%(es /e )ention these thin!s not in a s$irit of
Pessi)is) +'t )ere%# to sho" that e(en this !reat &enta% Conscio'sness
has a re(erse and '!%# side as "e%% as the +ri!ht face that has +een
ascri+ed to it.
As )an reaches the hi!her sta!es of this &enta% Conscio'sness, and the
ne.t hi!her sta!e +e!ins to da"n '$on hi), he is a$t to fee% )ore *een%#
than e(er the ins'fficienc# of Life as it a$$ears to hi). He is 'na+%e to
'nderstand Hi)se%f00his ori!in, destin#, $'r$ose and nat're00and he
chafes a!ainst the +ars of the ca!e of Inte%%ect in "hich he is confined.
He as*s hi)se%f the 1'estion, "/hence co)e I00/hither !o I00/hat is the
o+ject of )# E.istence:" He +eco)es dissatisfied "ith the ans"ers the
"or%d has to !i(e hi) to these 1'estions, and he cries a%o'd in
des$air00and +'t the ans"er of his o"n (oice co)es +ac* to hi) fro) the
i)$assa+%e "a%%s "ith "hich he is s'rro'nded. He does not rea%i,e that
his ans"er )'st co)e fro) /ithin00+'t so it is.
Ps#cho%o!# sto$s "hen it reaches the %i)its of &enta% Conscio'sness, or
as it ca%%s it "Se%f0Conscio'sness," and denies that there is an#thin!
+e#ond00an# 'ne.$%ored re!ions of the &ind. It %a'!hs at the re$orts that
co)e fro) those "ho ha(e $enetrated farther "ithin the recesses of their
+ein!, and dis)isses the re$orts as )ere "drea)s," "fantasies,"
"i%%'sions," "ecstatic i)a!inin!s," "a+nor)a% states," etc., etc.
5't, ne(erthe%ess, there are schoo%s of tho'!ht that teach of these
hi!her states, and there are )en of a%% a!es and races that ha(e entered
the) and ha(e re$orted concernin! the). And "e fee% j'stified in as*in!
#o' to ta*e the) into consideration.
There are t"o $%anes of Conscio'sness, of "hich "e fee% it $ro$er to
s$ea*, for "e ha(e o+tained )ore or %ess infor)ation re!ardin! the).
There are sti%% hi!her $%anes, +'t the# +e%on! to hi!her $hases of %ife
than are dea%t "ith here.
The first of these $%anes or states of Conscio'sness, a+o(e the
"Se%f0Conscio'sness" of the $s#cho%o!ists 7"hich "e ha(e ca%%ed "&enta%
Conscio'sness"8 )a# +e ca%%ed "E!o0conscio'sness," for it +rin!s an
"a"areness" of the Rea%it# of the E!o. This "a"areness" is far a+o(e the
Se%f0conscio'sness of the )an "ho is a+%e to distin!'ish "I" fro) "o',"
and to !i(e it a na)e. And far a+o(e the conscio'sness that ena+%es a
)an, as he rises in the sca%e, to distin!'ish the "I" fro) fac'%t# after
fac'%t# of the )ind, "hich he is a+%e to reco!ni,e as "not00I," 'nti% he
finds %eft a )enta% so)ethin! that he cannot set aside, "hich he ca%%s
"I"00a%tho'!h this sta!e a%one is (er# )'ch hi!her than that of the
a(era!e of the race, and is a hi!h de!ree of Attain)ent itse%f. It is
a*in to this %ast sta!e, and #et sti%% f'%%er and )ore co)$%ete. In
the da"nin! of E!o Conscio'sness the "I" reco!ni,es itse%f sti%% )ore
c%ear%# and, )ore than this, is f'%%# i)+'ed "ith a sense and "a"areness"
of its o"n Rea%it#, 'n*no"n to it +efore. This a"areness is not a )ere
)atter of reasonin!00it is a "conscio'sness," j'st as is Ph#sica%
Conscio'sness and &enta% Conscio'sness so)ethin! different fro) an
"inte%%ect'a% con(iction." It is a 6no"in!, not a Thin*in! or 5e%ie(in!.
The "I" *no"s that it is Rea%00that it has its roots in the S'$re)e
Rea%it# 'nder%#in! a%% the -ni(erse, and $arta*es of its Essence. It does
not *no" "hat this Rea%it# is, +'t it *no"s that it is Rea%, and
so)ethin! different fro) an#thin! in the "or%d of na)e, for), n')+er,
ti)e, s$ace, ca'se and effect00so)ethin! Transcendenta% and s'r$assin!
a%% h')an e.$erience. And *no"in! this, it *no"s that it cannot +e
destro#ed or h'rt3 cannot die, +'t is i))orta%3 and that there is
So)ethin! "hich is the (er# essence of <ood +ehind of, 'nderneath and
e(en in itse%f. And in this certaint# and conscio'sness is there Peace,
-nderstandin! and Po"er. /hen it f'%%# +'rsts '$on one, 9o'+t, Fear,
-nrest and 9issatisfaction dro$ fro) hi) %i*e "orno't !ar)ents and he
finds hi)se%f c%othed in the Faith that 6no"s3 Fear%essness3 Restf'%ness3
Satisfaction. Then he is a+%e to sa# 'nderstandin!%# and "ith )eanin! "I
This E!o Conscio'sness is co)in! to )an# as a da"nin! *no"%ed!e00the
%i!ht is j'st risin! fro) +ehind the hi%%s. To others it has co)e
!rad'a%%# and s%o"%#, +'t f'%%#, and the# no" %i(e in the f'%% %i!ht of
the conscio'sness. Others it has +'rst '$on %i*e a f%ash, or (ision00%i*e
a %i!ht fa%%in! fro) the c%ear s*#, a%)ost +%indin! the) at first, +'t
%ea(in! the) chan!ed )en and "o)en, $ossessed of that so)ethin! that
cannot +e 'nderstood +# or descri+ed to those "ho ha(e not e.$erienced
it. This %ast sta!e is ca%%ed "I%%')ination" in one of its for)s.
The )an of the E!o Conscio'sness )a# not 'nderstand the Ridd%e of the
-ni(erse or +e a+%e to !i(e an ans"er to the !reat L'estions of Life00+'t
he has ceased to "orr# a+o't the)00the# no" dist'r+ hi) not. He )a# 'se
his inte%%ect '$on the) as +efore, +'t ne(er "ith the fee%in! that in
their inte%%ect'a% so%'tion rests his ha$$iness or $eace of )ind. He
*no"s that he stands on so%id roc*, and tho'!h the stor)s of the "or%d of
)atter and force )a# +eat '$on hi), he "i%% not +e h'rt. This and other
thin!s he *no"s. He cannot $ro(e these thin!s to others, for the# are not
de)onstra+%e +# ar!')ent00he hi)se%f did not !et the) in that "a#. And so
he sa#s +'t %itt%e a+o't it00+'t %i(es his %ife as if he *ne" the) not,
so far as o't"ard a$$earances !o. 5't in"ard%# he is a chan!ed )an00his
%ife is different fro) that of his +rothers, for "hi%e their so'%s are
"ra$$ed in s%')+er or are tossin! in tro'+%ed drea)s, his So'% has
a"a*ened and is !a,in! '$on the "or%d "ith +ri!ht and fear%ess e#es.
There are, of co'rse, different sta!es or de!rees of this Conscio'sness,
j'st as there are in the %o"er $%anes of conscio'sness. So)e ha(e it to a
s%i!ht de!ree, "hi%e others ha(e it f'%%#. Perha$s this %esson "i%% te%%
so)e of its readers j'st "hat is the thin! that has "ha$$ened" to the)
and "hich the# hesitate to s$ea* of to their c%osest friend or %ife
co)$anion. To others it )a# o$en the "a# to a f'%%er rea%i,ation. /e
sincere%# tr'st so, for one does not +e!in to Li(e 'nti% he *no"s the "I"
as Rea%it#.
There is a sta!e sti%% hi!her than this %ast )entioned +'t it has co)e to
+'t (er# fe" of the race. Re$orts of it co)e fro) a%% ti)es, races,
co'ntries. It has +een ca%%ed "Cos)ic Conscio'sness," and is descri+ed as
an a"areness of the Oneness of Life00that is, a conscio'sness that the
-ni(erse is fi%%ed "ith One Life00an act'a% $erce$tion and "a"areness"
that the -ni(erse is f'%% of Life, &otion and &ind, and that there is
no s'ch thin! as 5%ind Force, or 9ead &atter, +'t that A%% is a%i(e,
(i+ratin! and inte%%i!ent. That is, of co'rse, that the Rea% -ni(erse,
"hich is the Essence or +ac*!ro'nd of the -ni(erse of &atter, Ener!# and
&ind, is as the# descri+e. In fact, the descri$tion of those "ho ha(e had
!%i)$ses of this state "o'%d indicate that the# see the -ni(erse as A%%
&ind00that A%% is &ind at the %ast. This for) of conscio'sness has +een
e.$erienced +# )en here and there00on%# a fe"00in )o)ents of
"I%%')ination," the $eriod %astin! +'t a (er# short s$ace of ti)e, then
fadin! a"a#, %ea(in! +'t a )e)or#. In the )o)ent of the "I%%')ination"
there ca)e to those e.$eriencin! it a sense of "into'ch0ness" "ith
-ni(ersa% 6no"%ed!e and Life, i)$ossi+%e to descri+e, acco)$anied +# a
>o# +e#ond 'nderstandin!.
Re!ardin! this %ast, "Cos)ic Conscio'sness," "e "o'%d state that it )eans
)ore than an inte%%ect'a% con(iction, +e%ief or rea%i,ation of the facts
as stated, for an act'a% (ision and conscio'sness of these thin!s
ca)e in the )o)ent of I%%')ination. So)e others re$ort that the# ha(e a
dee$ a+idin! sense of the rea%it# of the facts descri+ed +# the re$ort of
the I%%')ined, +'t ha(e not e.$erienced the "(ision" or ecstas# referred
to. These %ast $eo$%e see) to ha(e "ith the) a%"a#s the sa)e )enta% state
as that $ossessed +# those "ho had the "(ision" and $assed o't of it,
carr#in! "ith the) the re)e)+rance and fee%in!, +'t not the act'a%
conscio'sness attained at the )o)ent. The# a!ree '$on the essentia%
$artic'%ars of the re$orts. 9r. &a'rice 5'c*e, no" $assed o't of this
$%ane of %ife, "rote a +oo* entit%ed "Cos)ic Conscio'sness," in "hich he
descri+es a n')+er of these cases, inc%'din! his o"n, /a%t /hit)an2s and
others, and in "hich he ho%ds that this sta!e of conscio'sness is +efore
the race and "i%% !rad'a%%# co)e to it in the f't're. He ho%ds that the
)anifestation of it "hich has co)e to so)e fe" of the race, as a+o(e
stated, is +'t the first +ea)s of the s'n "hich are f%ashin! '$on 's and
"hich are +'t $ro$hecies of the a$$earance of the !reat +od# of %i!ht
/e sha%% not here consider at %en!th the re$orts of certain !reat
re%i!io's $ersona!es of the $ast, "ho ha(e %eft records that in )o)ents
of !reat s$irit'a% e.a%tation the# +eca)e conscio's of "+ein! in the
$resence of the A+so%'te," or $erha$s "ithin the radi's of "the %i!ht of
Its co'ntenance." /e ha(e !reat res$ect for these re$orts, and ha(e e(er#
reason for +e%ie(in! )an# of the) a'thentic, not"ithstandin! the
conf%ictin! re$orts that ha(e +een handed do"n to 's +# those
e.$eriencin! the). These re$orts are conf%ictin! +eca'se of the fact that
the )inds of those "ho had these !%i)$ses of conscio'sness "ere not
$re$ared or trained to f'%%# 'nderstand the nat're of the $heno)ena. The#
fo'nd the)se%(es in the s$irit'a% $resence of So)ethin! of a"f'% !rande'r
and s$irit'a% ran*, and "ere co)$%ete%# da,ed and +e"i%dered at the
si!ht. The# did not 'nderstand the nat're of the A+so%'te, and "hen the#
had s'fficient%# reco(ered the# re$orted that the# had +een in the
"$resence of <od"00the "ord "<od" )eanin! their $artic'%ar conce$tion
of 9eit#00that is, the one a$$earin! as 9eit# in their o"n $artic'%ar
re%i!io's creed or schoo%. The# sa" nothin! to ca'se the) to identif#
this So)ethin! "ith their $artic'%ar conce$tion of 9eit#, e.ce$t that
the# tho'!ht that "it )'st +e <od," and *no"in! no other <od e.ce$t
their o"n $artic'%ar conce$tion, the# nat'ra%%# identif#in! the So)ethin!
"ith "<od" as the# concei(ed Hi) to +e. And their re$orts nat'ra%%#
"ere a%on! these %ines.
Th's the re$orts of a%% re%i!ions are fi%%ed "ith acco'nts of the
so0ca%%ed )irac'%o's occ'rrences. The Catho%ic saint re$orts that he "sa"
of %i!ht of <od2s co'ntenance," and the non0Catho%ic re$orts %i*e"ise
re!ardin! <od as he *no"s hi). The &oha))edan re$orts that he ca'!ht a
!%i)$se of the face of A%%ah, and the 5'ddhist te%%s 's that he sa"
5'ddha 'nder the tree. The 5rah)an has seen the face of 5rah)a, and the
(ario's Hind' sects ha(e )en "ho !i(e si)i%ar re$orts re!ardin! their o"n
$artic'%ar deities. The Persians ha(e !i(en si)i%ar re$orts, and e(en the
ancient E!#$tians ha(e %eft records of si)i%ar occ'rrences. These
conf%ictin! re$orts ha(e %ed to the +e%ief, on the $art of those "ho did
not 'nderstand the nat're of the $heno)ena, that these thin!s "ere "a%%
i)a!ination" and fanc#, if indeed not ran* fa%sehood and i)$ost're. 5't
the o!is *no" +etter than this. The# *no" that 'nderneath a%% these
(ar#in! re$orts there is a co))on !ro'nd of tr'th, "hich "i%% +e a$$arent
to an#one in(esti!atin! the )atter. The# *no" that a%% of these re$orts
7e.ce$t a fe" +ased '$on fra'd'%ent i)itation of the rea% $heno)enon8
are +ased '$on tr'th and are +'t the +e"i%dered re$orts of the (ario's
o+ser(ers. The# *no" that these $eo$%e "ere te)$orari%# %ifted a+o(e the
ordinar# $%ane of conscio'sness and "ere )ade a"are of the e.istence of a
5ein! or 5ein!s hi!her than )orta%. It does not fo%%o" that the# sa"
"<od" or the A+so%'te, for there are )an# 5ein!s of hi!h s$irit'a% !ro"th
and de(e%o$)ent that "o'%d a$$ear to the ordinar# )orta% as a (er# <od.
The Catho%ic doctrine of An!e%s and Arch0an!e%s is corro+orated +# those
a)on! the o!is "ho ha(e +een "+ehind the @ei%," and the# !i(e 's re$orts
of the "9e(as" and other ad(anced 5ein!s. So the o!i acce$ts these
re$orts of the (ario's )#stics, saints and ins$ired ones, and acco'nts
for the) a%% +# %a"s $erfect%# nat'ra% to the st'dents of the o!i
Phi%oso$h#, +'t "hich a$$ear as s'$ernat'ra% to those "ho ha(e not
st'died a%on! these %ines.
5't "e cannot s$ea* f'rther of this $hase of the s'+ject in this %esson,
for a f'%% disc'ssion of it "o'%d %ead 's far a"a# fro) the $hase of the
!enera% s'+ject +efore 's. 5't "e "ish to +e 'nderstood as sa#in! that
there are certain centers in the )enta% +ein! of &an fro) "hich )a# co)e
%i!ht re!ardin! the e.istence of the A+so%'te and hi!her order of 5ein!s.
In fact, fro) these centers co)e to )an that $art of his )enta%
"fee%in!s" that he ca%%s "the re%i!io's instinct or int'ition." &an does
not arri(e at that 'nder%#in! conscio'sness of "So)ethin! 5e#ond" +#
)eans of his Inte%%ect00it is the !%i))er of %i!ht co)in! fro) the hi!her
centers of the Se%f. He notices these !%ea)s of %i!ht, +'t not
'nderstandin! the), he $roceeds to erect e%a+orate theo%o!ica% and
creeda% str'ct'res to acco'nt for the), the "or* of the Inte%%ect,
ho"e(er, a%"a#s %ac*in! that "fee%in!" that the int'ition itse%f
$ossesses. Tr'e re%i!ion, no )atter 'nder "hat na)e it )a# )as1'erade,
co)es fro) the "heart" and is not co)forted or satisfied "ith these
Inte%%ect'a% e.$%anations, and hence co)es that 'nrest and cra(in! for
satisfaction "hich co)es to &an "hen the %i!ht +e!ins to +rea* thro'!h.
5't "e )'st $ost$one a f'rther disc'ssion of this $art of the s'+ject for
the $resent. /e sha%% consider it a!ain in a f't're %esson in connection
"ith other )atters. As "e ha(e said, o'r ne.t t"o %essons "i%% ta*e '$on
the in1'ir# re!ardin! the re!ions o'tside of the conscio'sness of the
ordinar# )an. o' "i%% find it a )ost fascinatin! and instr'cti(e in1'ir#
and one that "i%% o$en '$ ne" fie%ds of tho'!ht for )an# of #o'.
I A) a 5ein! far !reater and !rander than I ha(e as #et concei(ed. I a)
'nfo%din! !rad'a%%# +'t s're%# into hi!her $%anes of conscio'sness. I a)
)o(in! For"ard and -$"ard constant%#. &# !oa% is the Rea%i,ation of the
Tr'e Se%f, and I "e%co)e each sta!e of -nfo%d)ent that %eads )e to"ard )#
ai). I a) a )anifestation of REALIT. I A&.
The Se%f of each of 's has a (ehic%e of e.$ression "hich "e ca%% the
&ind, +'t "hich (ehic%e is )'ch %ar!er and far )ore co)$%e. than "e are
a$t to rea%i,e. As a "riter has said "O'r Se%f is !reater than "e *no"3
it has $ea*s a+o(e, and %o"%ands +e%o" the $%atea' of o'r conscio's
e.$erience." That "hich "e *no" as the "conscio's )ind" is not the So'%.
The So'% is not a $art of that "hich "e *no" in conscio'sness, +'t, on
the contrar#, that "hich "e *no" in conscio'sness is +'t a s)a%% $art of
the So'%00the conscio's (ehic%e of a !reater Se%f, or "I."
The o!is ha(e a%"a#s ta'!ht that the )ind has )an# $%anes of
)anifestation and action00and that )an# of its $%anes o$erated a+o(e and
+e%o" the $%ane of conscio'sness. /estern science is +e!innin! to rea%i,e
this fact, and its theories re!ardin! sa)e )a# +e fo'nd in an# of the
%ater "or*s on $s#cho%o!#. 5't this is a )atter of recent de(e%o$)ent in
/estern science. -nti% (er# recent%# the te.t +oo*s he%d that
Conscio'sness and &ind "ere s#non#)o's, and that the &ind "as conscio's
of a%% of its acti(ities, chan!es and )odifications.
Lie+nit, "as one of the first /estern $hi%oso$hers to ad(ance the idea
that there "ere $%anes of )enta% acti(it# o'tside of the $%ane of
conscio'sness, and since his ti)e the %eadin! thin*ers ha(e s%o"%# +'t
s're%# )o(ed for"ard to his $osition.
At the $resent ti)e it is !enera%%# conceded that at %east ninet# $er
cent of o'r )enta% o$erations ta*e $%ace in the o't0of0conscio's rea%).
Prof. E%)er <ates, the "e%% *no"n scientist, has said4 "At %east ninet#
$er cent of o'r )enta% %ife is s'+0conscio's. If #o' "i%% ana%#,e #o'r
)enta% o$erations #o' "i%% find that conscio's thin*in! is ne(er a
contin'o's %ine of conscio'sness, +'t a series of conscio's data "ith
!reat inter(a%s of s'+conscio's. /e sit and tr# to so%(e a $ro+%e), and
fai%. /e "a%* aro'nd, tr# a!ain, and fai%. S'dden%# an idea da"ns that
%eads to the so%'tion of the $ro+%e). The s'+conscio's $rocesses "ere at
"or*. /e do not (o%itiona%%# create o'r o"n thin*in!. It ta*es $%ace in
's. /e are )ore or %ess $assi(e reci$ients. /e cannot chan!e the nat're
of a tho'!ht, or of a tr'th, +'t "e can, as it "ere, !'ide the shi$ +# a
)o(in! of the he%). O'r )entation is %ar!e%# the res'%t of the !reat
Cos)ic /ho%e '$on 's."
Sir /i%%ia) Ha)i%ton sa#s that the s$here of o'r conscio'sness is on%# a
s)a%% circ%e in the center of a far "ider s$here of action and tho'!ht,
of "hich "e are conscio's thro'!h its effects.
Taine sa#s4 "O'tside of a %itt%e %')ino's circ%e, %ies a %ar!e rin! of
t"i%i!ht, and +e#ond this an indefinite ni!ht3 +'t the e(ents of this
t"i%i!ht and this ni!ht are as rea% as those "ithin the %')ino's circ%e."
Sir O%i(er Lod!e, the e)inent En!%ish scientist, s$ea*in! of the $%anes
of the )ind, sa#s4 "I)a!ine an ice+er! !%or#in! in its cris$ so%idit#,
and s$ar*%in! $innac%es, resentin! attention $aid to its s'+)er!ed se%f,
or s'$$ortin! re!ion, or to the sa%ine %i1'id o't of "hich it arose, and
into "hich in d'e co'rse it "i%% so)e da# ret'rn. Or, re(ersin! the
)eta$hor, "e )i!ht %i*en o'r $resent state to that of the h'%%s of
shi$s s'+)er!ed in a di) ocean a)on! stran!e )onsters, $ro$e%%ed in a
+%ind )anner thro'!h s$ace3 $ro'd $erha$s of acc')'%atin! )an# +arnac%es
as decoration3 on%# reco!ni,in! o'r destination +# +')$in! a!ainst the
doc*0"a%%3 and "ith no co!ni,ance of the dec* and ca+ins a+o(e 's, or
the s$ars and sai%s00no tho'!ht of the se.tant, and the co)$ass, and
the ca$tain00no $erce$tion of the %oo*o't on the )ast00of the distant
hori,on. /ith no (ision of o+jects far ahead00dan!ers to +e
a(oided00destinations to +e reached00other shi$s to +e s$o*en to +#
)eans other than +# +odi%# contact00a re!ion of s'nshine and c%o'd, of
s$ace, or $erce$tion, and of inte%%i!ence 'tter%# inaccessi+%e to $arts
+e%o" the "ater%ine."
/e as* o'r st'dents to read caref'%%# the a+o(e e.$ression of Sir O%i(er
Lod!e, for it !i(es one of the c%earest and )ost acc'rate fi!'res of the
act'a% state of affairs concernin! the )enta% $%anes that "e ha(e seen in
/estern "ritin!s.
And other /estern "riters ha(e noted and s$o*en of these o't0of0conscio's
rea%)s. Le"es has said4 "It is (er# certain that in e(er# conscio's
(o%ition00e(er# act that is so characteri,ed00the %ar!er $art of it is
1'ite 'nconscio's. It is e1'a%%# certain that in e(er# $erce$tion there
are 'nconscio's $rocesses of re$rod'ction and inference. There is a
)idd%e distance of s'+0conscio'sness, and a +ac*!ro'nd of
Taine has to%d 's that4 "&enta% e(ents i)$erce$ti+%e to conscio'sness are
far )ore n')ero's than the others, and of the "or%d that )a*es '$ o'r
+ein! "e on%# $ercei(e the hi!hest $oints00the %i!hted0'$ $ea*s of a
continent "hose %o"er %e(e%s re)ain in the shade. 5eneath ordinar#
sensations are their co)$onents, that is to sa#, the e%e)entar#
sensations, "hich )'st +e co)+ined into !ro'$s to reach o'r
&a'ds%e# sa#s4 "E.a)ine c%ose%# and "itho't +ias the ordinar# )enta%
o$erations of dai%# %ife, and #o' "i%% find that conscio'sness has not
one0tenth $art of the f'nction therein "hich it is co))on%# ass')ed
to ha(e. In e(er# conscio's state there are at "or* conscio's,
s'+0conscio's, and infra0conscio's ener!ies, the %ast as indis$ensa+%e as
the first."
O%i(er /enda%% Ho%)es said4 "There are tho'!hts that ne(er e)er!e into
conscio'sness, "hich #et )a*e their inf%'ence fe%t a)on! the $erce$ti+%e
)enta% c'rrents, j'st as the 'nseen $%anets s"a# the )o(e)ents of those
that are "atched and )a$$ed +# the astrono)er."
&an# other "riters ha(e !i(en 's e.a)$%es and instances of the o$eration
of the o't0of0conscio'sness $%anes of tho'!ht. One has "ritten that "hen
the so%'tion of a $ro+%e) he had %on! (ain%# dea%t "ith, f%ashed across
his )ind, he tre)+%ed as if in the $resence of another +ein! "ho had
co))'nicated a secret to hi). A%% of 's ha(e tried to re)e)+er a na)e
or si)i%ar thin! "itho't s'ccess, and ha(e then dis)issed the )atter fro)
o'r )inds, on%# to ha(e the )issin! na)e or tho'!ht s'dden%# $resented to
o'r conscio's )ind a fe" )in'tes, or ho'rs, after"ards. So)ethin! in o'r
)ind "as at "or* h'ntin! '$ the )issin! "ord, and "hen it fo'nd it it
$resented it to 's.
A "riter has )entioned "hat he ca%%ed "'nconscio's r')ination," "hich
ha$$ened to hi) "hen he read +oo*s $resentin! ne" $oints of (ie"
essentia%%# o$$osed to his $re(io's o$inions. After da#s, "ee*s, or
)onths, he fo'nd that to his !reat astonish)ent the o%d o$inions "ere
entire%# rearran!ed, and ne" ones %od!ed there. &an# e.a)$%es of this
'nconscio's )enta% di!estion and assi)i%ation are )entioned in the +oo*s
on the s'+ject "ritten d'rin! the $ast fe" #ears.
It is re%ated of Sir /. R. Ha)i%ton that he disco(ered 1'arternions one
da# "hi%e "a%*in! "ith his "ife in the o+ser(ator# at 9'+%in. He re%ates
that he s'dden%# fe%t "the !a%(anic circ%e of tho'!ht" c%ose, and the
s$ar*s that fe%% fro) it "as the f'nda)enta% )athe)atica% re%ations of
his $ro+%e), "hich is no" an i)$ortant %a" in )athe)atics.
9r. Tho)$son has "ritten4 "At ti)es I ha(e had a fee%in! of the
'se%essness of a%% (o%'ntar# effort, and a%so that the )atter "as "or*in!
itse%f c%ear in )# )ind. It has )an# ti)es see)ed to )e that I "as rea%%#
a $assi(e instr')ent in the hands of a $erson not )#se%f. In (ie" of
ha(in! to "ait for the res'%ts of these 'nconscio's $rocesses, I ha(e
$ro(ed the ha+it of !ettin! to!ether )ateria% in ad(ance, and then
%ea(in! the )ass to di!est itse%f ti%% I a) read# to "rite a+o't it. I
de%a#ed for a )onth the "ritin! of )# +oo* 2S#ste) of Ps#cho%o!#,2 +'t
contin'ed readin! the a'thorities. I "o'%d not tr# to thin* a+o't the
+oo*. I "o'%d "atch "ith interest the $eo$%e $assin! the "indo"s. One
e(enin! "hen readin! the $a$er, the s'+stance of the )issin! $art of the
+oo* f%ashed '$on )# )ind, and I +e!an to "rite. This is on%# a sa)$%e of
)an# s'ch e.$eriences."
5erthe%ot, the fo'nder of S#nthetic Che)istr# has said that the
e.$eri)ents %eadin! to his "onderf'% disco(eries ha(e ne(er +een the
res'%t of caref'%%# fo%%o"ed trains of tho'!ht00of $'re reasonin!
$rocesses00+'t ha(e co)e of the)se%(es, so to s$ea*, fro) the c%ear s*#.
&o,art has "ritten4 "I cannot rea%%# sa# that I can acco'nt for )#
co)$ositions. &# ideas f%o", and I cannot sa# "hence or ho" the# co)e. I
do not hear in )# i)a!ination the $arts s'ccessi(e%#, +'t I hear the), as
it "ere, a%% at once. The rest is )ere%# an atte)$t to re$rod'ce "hat I
ha(e heard."
9r. Tho)$son, a+o(e )entioned, has a%so said4 "In "ritin! this "or* I
ha(e +een 'na+%e to arran!e )# *no"%ed!e of a s'+ject for da#s and "ee*s,
'nti% I e.$erienced a c%earin! '$ of )# )ind, "hen I too* )# $en and
'nhesitatin!%# "rote the res'%t. I ha(e +est acco)$%ished this +# %eadin!
the 7conscio's8 )ind as far a"a# as $ossi+%e fro) the s'+ject '$on "hich
I "as "ritin!."
Prof. 5arrett sa#s4 "The )#sterio'sness of o'r +ein! is not confined to
s'+t%e $h#sio%o!ica% $rocesses "hich "e ha(e in co))on "ith a%% ani)a%
%ife. There are hi!her and )ore ca$acio's $o"ers "ra$$ed '$ in o'r h')an
$ersona%it# than are e.$ressed e(en +# "hat "e *no" of conscio'sness,
"i%%, or reason. There are s'$ernor)a% and transcendenta% $o"ers of
"hich, at $resent, "e on%# catch occasiona% !%i)$ses3 and +ehind and
+e#ond the s'$ernor)a% there are fatho)%ess a+#sses, the 9i(ine !ro'nd of
the so'%3 the '%ti)ate rea%it# of "hich o'r conscio'sness is +'t the
ref%ection or faint $erce$tion. Into s'ch %oft# the)es I do not $ro$ose
to enter, the# )'st +e fore(er +e#ond the sco$e of h')an in1'ir#3 nor is
it $ossi+%e "ithin the %i)its of this $a$er to !i(e an# ade1'ate
conce$tion of those )#sterio's re!ions of o'r co)$%e. $ersona%it#, "hich
are o$en to, and +e!innin! to +e disc%osed +#, scientific in(esti!ation."
Re(. 9r. Andre" &'rra# has "ritten4 "9ee$er do"n than "here the so'% "ith
its conscio'sness can enter there is s$irit )atter %in*in! )an "ith <od3
and dee$er do"n than the )ind and fee%in!s or "i%%00in the 'nseen de$ths
of the hidden %ife00there d"e%%s the S$irit of <od." This testi)on# is
re)ar*a+%e, co)in! fro) that so'rce, for it corro+orates and reiterates
the o!i teachin!s of the Ind"e%%in! S$irit Schofie%d has "ritten4 "O'r
conscio's )ind as co)$ared "ith the 'nconscio's )ind, has +een %i*ened
to the (isi+%e s$ectr') of the s'n2s ra#s, as co)$ared to the in(isi+%e
$art "hich stretches indefinite%# on either side. /e *no" no" that the
chief $art of heat co)es fro) the '%tra0red ra#s that sho" no %i!ht3 and
the )ain $art of the che)ica% chan!es in the (e!eta+%e "or%d are the
res'%ts of the '%tra0(io%et ra#s at the other end of the s$ectr'), "hich
are e1'a%%# in(isi+%e to the e#e, and are reco!ni,ed on%# +# their $otent
effects. Indeed as these in(isi+%e ra#s e.tend indefinite%# on +oth sides
of the (isi+%e s$ectr'), so "e )a# sa# that the )ind inc%'des not on%#
the (isi+%e or conscio's $art, and "hat "e ha(e ter)ed the s'+0conscio's,
that "hich %ies +e%o" the red %ine, +'t the s'$raconscio's )ind that %ies
at the other end00a%% those re!ions of hi!her so'% and s$irit %ife, of
"hich "e are on%# at ti)es (a!'e%# conscio's, +'t "hich a%"a#s, and
%in* 's on to eterna% (erities, on the one side, as s're%# as the
s'+0conscio's )ind %in*s 's to the +od# on the other."
/e *no" that o'r st'dents "i%% a$$reciate the a+o(e testi)on# of 9r.
Schofie%d, for it is direct%# in the %ine of o'r teachin!s in the o!i
Phi%oso$h# re!ardin! the P%anes of the &ind 7see "Fo'rteen Lessons"8.
/e fee% j'stified in 1'otin! f'rther fro) 9r. Schofie%d, for he (oices in
the stron!est )anner that "hich the o!i Phi%oso$h# teaches as
f'nda)enta% tr'ths re!ardin! the )ind. 9r. Schofie%d is an En!%ish
"riter on Ps#cho%o!#, and so far as "e *no" has no tendenc# to"ard
occ'%tis), his (ie"s ha(in! +een arri(ed at +# caref'% scientific st'd#
and in(esti!ation a%on! the %ines of /estern $s#cho%o!#, "hich renders
his testi)on# a%% the )ore (a%'a+%e, sho"in! as it does, ho" the h')an
)ind "i%% instincti(e%# find its "a# to the Tr'th, e(en if it has to
+%a,e a ne" trai% thro'!h the "oods, de$artin! fro) the +eaten trac*s
of other )inds aro'nd it, "hich %ac* the co'ra!e or enter$rise to stri*e
o't for the)se%(es.
9r. Schofie%d "rites4 "The )ind, indeed, reaches a%% the "a#, and "hi%e
on the one hand it is ins$ired +# the A%)i!ht#, on the other it ener!i,es
the +od#, a%% "hose $'r$osi(e %ife it ori!inates. /e )a# ca%% the
s'$ra0conscio's )ind the s$here of the s$irit %ife, the s'+0conscio's the
s$here of the +od# %ife, and the conscio's )ind the )idd%e re!ion "here
+oth )eet."
Contin'in!, 9r. Schofie%d sa#s4 "The S$irit of <od is said to
d"e%% in +e%ie(ers, and #et, as "e ha(e seen, His $resence is not the
s'+ject of direct conscio'sness. /e "o'%d inc%'de, therefore, in the
s'$ra0conscio's, a%% s'ch s$irit'a% ideas, to!ether "ith conscience00the
(oice of <od, as &a. &'%%er ca%%s it00"hich is s're%# a ha%f0conscio's
fac'%t#. &oreo(er, the s'$ra0conscio's, %i*e the s'+0conscio's, is, as "e
ha(e said, +est a$$rehended "hen the conscio's )ind is not acti(e.
@isions, )editations, $ra#ers, and e(en drea)s ha(e +een 'ndo'+ted%#
occasions of s$irit'a% re(e%ations, and )an# instances )a# +e add'ced as
i%%'strations of the "or*in!s of the S$irit a$art fro) the action of
reason or )ind. The tr'th a$$arent%# is that the )ind as a "ho%e is an
'nconscio's state, +# that its )idd%e re!isters, e.c%'din! the hi!hest
s$irit'a% and %o"est $h#sica% )anifestations, are fitf'%%# i%%')inated
in (ar#in! de!ree +# conscio'sness3 and that it is to this i%%')inated
$art of the dia% that the "ord ")ind," "hich ri!ht%# a$$ertains to the
"ho%e, has +een %i)ited."
O%i(er /ende%% Ho%)es has said4 "The a'to)atic f%o" of tho'!ht is often
sin!'%ar%# fa(ored +# the fact of %istenin! to a "ea* contin'o's
disco'rse, "ith j'st eno'!h ideas in it to *ee$ the 7conscio's8 )ind
+'s#. The ind'ced c'rrent of tho'!ht is often ra$id and +ri%%iant in
in(erse ratio to the force of the ind'cin! c'rrent."
/'ndt sa#s4 "The 'nconscio's %o!ica% $rocesses are carried on "ith a
certaint# and re!'%arit# "hich "o'%d +e i)$ossi+%e "here there e.ists the
$ossi+i%it# of error. O'r )ind is so ha$$i%# desi!ned that it $re$ares
for 's the )ost i)$ortant fo'ndations of co!nition, "hi%st "e ha(e not
the s%i!htest a$$rehension of the )od's o$erandi. This 'nconscio's
so'%, %i*e a +ene(o%ent stran!er, "or*s and )a*es $ro(isions for o'r
+enefit, $o'rin! on%# the )at're fr'its into o'r %a$s."
A "riter in an En!%ish )a!a,ine interestin!%# "rites4 "Inti)ations reach
o'r conscio'sness fro) 'nconscio'sness, that the )ind is read# to "or*,
is fresh, is f'%% of ideas." "The !ro'nds of o'r j'd!)ent are often
*no"%ed!e so re)ote fro) conscio'sness that "e cannot +rin! the) to
(ie"." "That the h')an )ind inc%'des an 'nconscio's $art3 that
'nconscio's e(ents occ'rrin! in that $art are $ro.i)ate ca'ses of
conscio'sness3 that the !reater $art of h')an int'itiona% action is an
effect of an 'nconscio's ca'se3 the tr'th of these $ro$ositions is so
ded'ci+%e fro) ordinar# )enta% e(ents, and is so near the s'rface that
the fai%'re of ded'ction to foresta%% ind'ction in the discernin! of it
)a# "e%% e.cite "onder." "O'r +eha(ior is inf%'enced +# 'nconscio's
ass')$tions res$ectin! o'r o"n socia% and inte%%ect'a% ran*, and that
of the one "e are addressin!. In co)$an# "e 'nconscio's%# ass')e a
+earin! 1'ite different fro) that of the ho)e circ%e. After +ein! raised
to a hi!her ran* the "ho%e +eha(ior s'+t%# and 'nconscio's%# chan!es in
accordance "ith it." And Schofie%d adds to the %ast sentence4 "This is
a%so the case in a )inor de!ree "ith different st#%es and 1'a%ities of
dress and different en(iron)ents. L'ite 'nconscio's%# "e chan!e o'r
+eha(ior, carria!e, and st#%e, to s'it the circ')stance."
>ensen "rites4 "/hen "e ref%ect on an#thin! "ith the "ho%e force of the
)ind, "e )a# fa%% into a state of entire 'nconscio'sness, in "hich "e not
on%# for!et the o'ter "or%d, +'t a%so *no" nothin! at a%% of o'rse%(es
and the tho'!hts $assin! "ithin 's after a ti)e. /e then s'dden%# a"a*e
as fro) a drea), and 's'a%%# at the sa)e )o)ent the res'%t of o'r
)editations a$$ears as distinct%# in conscio'sness "itho't o'r *no"in!
ho" "e reached it."
5asco) sa#s4 "It is ine.$%ica+%e ho" $re)ises "hich %ie +e%o"
conscio'sness can s'stain conc%'sions in conscio'sness3 ho" the )ind can
"ittin!%# ta*e '$ a )enta% )o(e)ent at an ad(anced sta!e, ha(in! )issed
its $ri)ar# ste$s."
Ha)i%ton and other "riters ha(e co)$ared the )ind2s action to that of a
ro" of +i%%iard +a%%s, of "hich one is str'c* and the i)$et's trans)itted
thro'!ho't the entire ro", the res'%t +ein! that on%# the %ast +a%%
act'a%%# )o(es, the others re)ainin! in their $%aces. The %ast +a%%
re$resents the conscio's tho'!ht00the other sta!es in the 'nconscio's
)entation. Le"es, s$ea*in! of this i%%'stration, sa#s4 "So)ethin! %i*e
this, Ha)i%ton sa#s, see)s often to occ'r in a train of tho'!ht, one idea
i))ediate%# s'!!estin! another into conscio'sness00this s'!!estion
$assin! thro'!h one or )ore ideas "hich do not the)se%(es rise into
conscio'sness. This $oint, that "e are not conscio's of the for)ation of
!ro'$s, +'t on%# of a for)ed !ro'$, )a# thro" %i!ht on the e.istence of
'nconscio's j'd!)ents, 'nconscio's reasonin!s, and 'nconscio's
re!istrations of e.$erience."
&an# "riters ha(e re%ated the $rocess +# "hich the 'nconscio's )entation
e)er!es !rad'a%%# into the fie%d of conscio'sness, and the disco)fort
attendin! the $rocess. A fe" e.a)$%es )a# $ro(e interestin! and
&a'ds%e# sa#s4 "It is s'r$risin! ho" 'nco)forta+%e a $erson )a# +e )ade
+# the o+sc're idea of so)ethin! "hich he o'!ht to ha(e said or done, and
"hich he cannot for the %ife of hi) re)e)+er. There is an effort of the
%ost idea to !et into conscio'sness, "hich is re%ie(ed direct%# the idea
+'rsts into conscio'sness."
O%i(er /ende%% Ho%)es said4 "There are tho'!hts that ne(er e)er!e into
conscio'sness, and "hich #et )a*e their inf%'ence fe%t a)on! the
$erce$ti(e )enta% c'rrents, j'st as the 'nseen $%anets s"a# the )o(e)ents
of the *no"n ones." The sa)e "riter a%so re)ar*s4 "I "as to%d of a
+'siness )an in 5oston "ho had !i(en '$ thin*in! of an i)$ortant 1'estion
as too )'ch for hi). 5't he contin'ed so 'neas# in his +rain that he
feared he "as threatened "ith $a%s#. After so)e ho'rs the nat'ra%
so%'tion of the 1'estion ca)e to hi), "or*ed o't, as he +e%ie(ed, in that
tro'+%ed inter(a%."
9r. Schofie%d )entions se(era% instances of this $hase of the "or*in!s of
the 'nconscio's $%anes of the )ind. /e )ention a co'$%e that see)
interestin! and to the $oint4
"Last #ear," sa#s 9r. Schofie%d, "I "as dri(in! to Phi%%)ore <ardens to
!i(e so)e %etters to a friend. On the "a#, a (a!'e 'neasiness s$ran! '$,
and a (oice see)ed to sa#, 2I do'+t if #o' ha(e those %etters.2 Conscio's
reason re+'*ed it, and said, 2Of co'rse #o' ha(e3 #o' too* the) o't of
the dra"er s$ecia%%#.2 The (a!'e fee%in! "as not satisfied, +'t co'%d not
re$%#. On arri(a% I fo'nd the %etters "ere in none of )# $oc*ets. On
ret'rnin! I fo'nd the) on the ha%% ta+%e, "here the# had +een $%aced a
)o)ent $'ttin! on )# !%o(es."
"The other da# I had to !o to see a $atient in Fo%*estone, in Sha*es$eare
Terrace. I !ot there (er# %ate, and did not sta# +'t dro(e do"n to the
Pa(i%ion for the ni!ht, it +ein! dar* and rain#. Ne.t )ornin! at e%e(en I
"a%*ed '$ to find the ho'se, *no"in! the !enera% direction, tho'!h ne(er
ha(in! "a%*ed there +efore. I "ent '$ the )ain road, and, after $assin!
a certain t'rnin!, +e!an to fee% a (a!'e 'neasiness co)in! into
conscio'sness, that I had $assed the terrace. On as*in! the "a#, I fo'nd
it "as so3 and the t'rnin! "as "here the 'neasiness +e!an. The ni!ht
+efore "as $itch dar*, and (er# "et, and an#thin! seen fro) a c%ose
carria!e "as 1'ite 'nconscio's%# i)$ressed on )# )ind."
Prof. 6irchener sa#s4 "O'r conscio'sness can on%# !ras$ one 1'ite c%ear
idea at once. A%% other ideas are for the ti)e so)e"hat o+sc're. The# are
rea%%# e.istin!, +'t on%# $otentia%%# for conscio'sness, i.e., the#
ho(er, as it "ere, on o'r hori,on, or +eneath the thresho%d of
conscio'sness. The fact that for)er ideas s'dden%# ret'rn to
conscio'sness is si)$%# e.$%ained +# the fact that the# ha(e contin'ed
$s#chic e.istence4 and attention is so)eti)es (o%'ntari%# or
in(o%'ntari%# t'rned a"a# fro) the $resent, and the a$$earance of for)er
ideas is th's )ade $ossi+%e."
O%i(er /ende%% Ho%)es sa#s4 "O'r different ideas are ste$$in!0stones3 ho"
"e !et fro) one to another "e do not *no"3 so)ethin! carries 's. /e 7o'r
conscio's se%(es8 do not ta*e the ste$. The creatin! and infor)in!
s$irit, "hich is "ithin 's and not of 's, is reco!ni,ed e(er#"here in
rea% %ife. It co)es to 's as a (oice that "i%% +e heard3 it te%%s 's "hat
"e )'st +e%ie(e3 it fra)es o'r sentences and "e "onder at this (isitor
"ho chooses o'r +rain as his d"e%%in! $%ace."
<a%ton sa#s4 "I ha(e desired to sho" ho" "ho%e states of )enta% o$eration
that ha(e %a$sed o't of ordinar# conscio'sness, ad)it of +ein! dra!!ed
into %i!ht."
&ont!o)er# sa#s4 "/e are constant%# a"are that fee%in!s e)er!e
'nso%icited +# an# $re(io's )enta% state, direct%# fro) the dar* "o)+ of
'nconscio'sness. Indeed a%% o'r )ost (i(id fee%in!s are th's )#stica%%#
deri(ed. S'dden%# a ne" irre%e(ant, 'n"i%%ed, 'n%oo*ed0for $resence
intr'des itse%f into conscio'sness. So)e inscr'ta+%e $o"er ca'ses it to
rise and enter the )enta% $resence as a sensoria% constit'ent. If this
(i(id de$endence on 'nconscio's forces has to +e conject'red "ith re!ard
to the )ost (i(id )enta% occ'rrences, ho" )'ch )ore )'st s'ch a
s'stainin! fo'ndation +e $ost'%ated for those faint re(i(a%s of $re(io's
sensations that so %ar!e%# assist in )a*in! '$ o'r co)$%e. )enta%
Sir 5enja)in 5rodie sa#s4 "It has often ha$$ened to )e to ha(e
acc')'%ated a store of facts, +'t to ha(e +een a+%e to $roceed no
f'rther. Then after an inter(a% of ti)e, I ha(e fo'nd the o+sc'rit# and
conf'sion to ha(e c%eared a"a#4 the facts to ha(e sett%ed in their ri!ht
$%aces, tho'!h I ha(e not +een sensi+%e of ha(in! )ade an# effort for
that $'r$ose."
/'ndt sa#s4 "The traditiona% o$inion that conscio'sness is the entire
fie%d of the interna% %ife cannot +e acce$ted. In conscio'sness, $s#chic
acts are (er# distinct fro) one another, and o+ser(ation itse%f
necessari%# cond'cts to 'nit# in $s#cho%o!#. 5't the a!ent of this 'nit#
is o'tside of conscio'sness, "hich *no"s on%# the res'%t of the "or* done
in the 'n*no"n %a+orator# +eneath it. S'dden%# a ne" tho'!ht s$rin!s into
+ein!. -%ti)ate ana%#sis of $s#chic $rocesses sho"s that the 'nconscio's
is the theater of the )ost i)$ortant )enta% $heno)ena. The conscio's is
a%"a#s conditiona% '$on the 'nconscio's."
Crei!hton sa#s4 "O'r conscio's %ife is the s') of these entrances and
e.its. 5ehind the scenes, as "e infer, there %ies a (ast reser(e "hich "e
ca%% 2the 'nconscio's,2 findin! a na)e for it +# the si)$%e de(ice of
$! the ne!ati(e artic%e. The +asis of a%% that %ies +ehind the
scene is the )ere ne!ati(e of conscio'sness."
&a'ds%e# sa#s4 "The $rocess of reasonin! adds nothin! to *no"%ed!e 7in
the reasoner8. It on%# dis$%a#s "hat "as there +efore, and +rin!s to
conscio's $ossession "hat +efore "as 'nconscio's." And a!ain4 "&ind can
do its "or* "itho't *no"in! it. Conscio'sness is the %i!ht that %i!htens
the $rocess, not the a!ent that acco)$%ishes it."
/a%stein sa#s4 "It is thro'!h the s'+0conscio's se%f that Sha*es$eare
)'st ha(e $ercei(ed, "itho't effort, !reat tr'ths "hich are hidden fro)
the conscio's )ind of the st'dent3 that Phidias $ainted )ar+%e and
+ron,e3 that Ra$hae% $ainted &adonnas, and 5eetho(en co)$osed
Ri+ot sa#s4 "The )ind recei(es fro) e.$erience certain data, and
e%a+orates the) 'nconscio's%# +# %a"s $ec'%iar to itse%f, and the res'%t
)er!es into conscio'sness."
Ne")an sa#s4 "/hen the 'nacc'sto)ed ca'ses s'r$rise, "e do not $ercei(e
the thin! and then fee% the s'r$rise3 +'t s'r$rise co)es first, and then
"e search o't the ca'se3 so the theor# )'st ha(e acted on the 'nconscio's
)ind to create the fee%in!, +efore +ein! $ercei(ed in conscio'sness."
A "riter in an En!%ish )a!a,ine sa#s4 "Of "hat transcendent i)$ortance is
the fact that the 'nconscio's $art of the )ind +ears to the conscio's
$art s'ch a re%ation as the )a!ic %antern +ears to the %')ino's disc
"hich it $rojects3 that the !reater $art of the intentiona% action, the
"ho%e $ractica% %ife of the (ast )ajorit# of )en, is an effect of e(ents
as re)ote fro) conscio'sness as the )otion of the $%anets."
9r. Schofie%d sa#s4 "It is 1'ite tr'e that the ran!e of the 'nconscio's
)ind )'st necessari%# re)ain indefinite3 none can sa# ho" hi!h or %o" it
)a# reach.... As to ho" far the 'nconscio's $o"ers of %ife that, as has
+een said, can )a*e e!!s and feathers o't of Indian corn, and )i%* and
+eef and )'tton o't of !rass, are to +e considered "ithin or +e#ond the
%o"est %i)its of 'nconscio's )ind, "e do not therefore here $ress. It is
eno'!h to esta+%ish the fact of its e.istence3 to $oint o't its )ore
i)$ortant feat'res3 and to sho" that in a%% res$ects it is as "orth# of
+ein! ca%%ed )ind as that "hich "or*s in conscio'sness. /e therefore
ret'rn to o'r first definition of &ind, as 2the s') of $s#chic action in
's, "hether conscio's or 'nconscio's.2"
Hart)ann ca%%s o'r attention to a (er# i)$ortant fact "hen he sa#s4 "The
'nconscio's does not fa%% i%%, the 'nconscio's does not !ro" "ear#, +'t
a%% conscio's )enta% acti(it# +eco)es fati!'ed."
6ant sa#s4 "To ha(e ideas and #et not +e conscio's of the)00therein see)s
to %ie a contradiction. Ho"e(er, "e )a# sti%% +e i))ediate%# a"are of
ho%din! an idea, tho'!h "e are not direct%# conscio's of it."
&a'ds%e# sa#s4 "It )a# see) $arado.ica% to assert not )ere%# that ideas
)a# in the )ind "itho't an# conscio'sness of the), +'t that an
idea, or a train of associated ideas, )a# +e 1'ic*ened into action and
act'ate )o(e)ents "itho't itse%f +ein! attended to. /hen an idea
disa$$ears fro) conscio'sness it does not necessari%# disa$$ear entire%#3
it )a# re)ain %atent +e%o" the hori,on of conscio'sness. &oreo(er it )a#
$rod'ce an effect '$on )o(e)ent, or '$on other ideas, "hen th's acti(e
+e%o" the hori,on of conscio'sness."
Lie+nit, sa#s4 "It does not fo%%o" that +eca'se "e do not $ercei(e
tho'!ht that it does not It is a !reat so'rce of error to +e%ie(e
that there is no $erce$tion in the )ind +'t that of "hich it is
O%i(er /ende%% Ho%)es sa#s4 "The )ore "e e.a)ine the )echanis) of tho'!ht
the )ore "e sha%% see that anterior 'nconscio's action of the )ind that
enters %ar!e%# into a%% of its $rocesses. Peo$%e "ho ta%* )ost do not
a%"a#s thin* )ost. I 1'estion "hether $ersons "ho thin* )ost00that is "ho
ha(e )ost conscio's tho'!ht $ass thro'!h their )ind00necessari%# do )ost
)enta% "or*. E(er# ne" idea $%anted in a rea% thin*er2s )ind !ro"s "hen
he is %east conscio's of it."
&a'ds%e# sa#s4 "It "o'%d !o hard "ith )an*ind indeed, if the# )'st act
"ittin!%# +efore the# acted at a%%. &en, "itho't *no"in! "h#, fo%%o" a
co'rse for "hich !ood reasons Na#, )ore. The $ractica% instincts
of )an*ind often "or* +eneficia%%# in act'a% contradiction to their
$rofessed doctrines."
The sa)e "riter sa#s4 "The +est tho'!hts of an a'thor are the 'n"i%%ed
tho'!hts "hich s'r$rise hi)se%f3 and the $oet, 'nder the inf%'ence of
creati(e acti(it#, is, so far as conscio'sness is concerned, +ein!
dictated to."
A "riter in an En!%ish )a!a,ine sa#s4 "/hen "aitin! on a $ier for a
stea)er, I "ent on to the first, "hich "as the "ron! one. I ca)e +ac* and
"aited, %osin! )# +oat, "hich "as at another $art of the $ier, on acco'nt
of the 'nconscio's ass')$tion I had )ade, that this "as the on%# $%ace to
"ait for the stea)er. I sa" a )an enter a roo), and %ea(e +# another
door. Short%# after, I sa" another )an e.act%# %i*e hi) do the sa)e. It
"as the sa)e )an3 +'t I said it )'st +e his t"in +rother, in the
'nconscio's ass')$tion that there "as no for the first )an +'t +#
the "a# he ca)e 7that +# ret'rnin!8."
&a'ds%e# sa#s4 "The fir)est reso%(e or $'r$ose so)eti)es (anishes
iss'e%ess "hen it co)es to the +rin* of an act, "hi%e the tr'e "i%%,
"hich deter)ines $erha$s a different act, s$rin!s '$ s'dden%# o't of the
de$ths of the 'nconscio's nat're, s'r$risin! and o(erco)in! the
Schofie%d sa#s4 "O'r 'nconscio's inf%'ence is the $rojection of o'r
'nconscio's )ind and $ersona%it# 'nconscio's%# o(er others. This acts
'nconscio's%# on their 'nconscio's centers, $rod'cin! effects in
character and cond'ct, reco!ni,ed in conscio'sness. For instance, the
entrance of a !ood )an into a roo) "here fo'% %an!'a!e is 'sed, "i%%
'nconscio's%# )odif# and $'rif# the tone of the "ho%e roo). O'r )inds
cast shado"s of "hich "e are as 'nconscio's as those cast +# o'r +odies,
+'t "hich affect for !ood or e(i% a%% "ho 'nconscio's%# $ass "ithin their
ran!e. This is a )atter of dai%# e.$erience, and is co))on to a%%, tho'!h
)ore noticea+%e "ith stron! $ersona%ities."
No" "e ha(e !i(en )'ch ti)e and s$ace to the e.$ressions of o$inion of
(ario's /estern "riters re!ardin! this s'+ject of there +ein! a $%ane or
$%anes of the )ind o'tside of the fie%d of conscio'sness. /e ha(e !i(en
s$ace to this (a%'a+%e testi)on#, not a%one +eca'se of its intrinsic
(a%'e and )erit, +'t +eca'se "e "ished to i)$ress '$on the )inds of o'r
st'dents that these o't0of0conscio's $%anes of )ind are no" +ein!
reco!ni,ed +# the +est a'thorities in the /estern "or%d, a%tho'!h it has
+een on%# a fe" #ears +ac* "hen the idea "as %a'!hed at as ridic'%o's,
and as a )ere "drea) of the Orienta% teachers." Each "riter 1'oted has
+ro'!ht o't so)e interestin! and (a%'a+%e $oint of the s'+ject, and the
st'dent "i%% find that his o"n e.$eriences corro+orate the $oints cited
+# the se(era% "riters. In this "a# "e thin* the )atter "i%% +e )ade
$%ainer, and "i%% +eco)e fi.ed in the )ind of those "ho are st'd#in! this
co'rse of %essons.
5't "e )'st ca'tion o'r st'dents fro) hasti%# ado$tin! the se(era%
theories of /estern "riters, ad(anced d'rin! the $ast fe" #ears,
re!ardin! these o't0of0conscio's states. The tro'+%e has +een that the
/estern "riters da,,%ed +# the (ie" of the s'+conscio's $%anes of
)entation that s'dden%# +'rst '$on the /estern tho'!ht, hasti%# ado$ted
certain theories, "hich the# fe%t "o'%d acco'nt for a%% the $heno)ena
*no"n as "$s#chic," and "hich the# tho'!ht "o'%d f'%%# acco'nt for a%%
the $ro+%e)s of the s'+ject. These "riters "hi%e doin! a )ost (a%'a+%e
"or*, "hich has he%$ed tho'sands to for) ne" ideas re!ardin! the nat're
and "or*in!s of the )ind, ne(erthe%ess did not s'fficient%# e.$%ore the
nat're of the $ro+%e) +efore the). A %itt%e st'd# of the Orienta%
$hi%oso$hies )i!ht ha(e sa(ed the) and their readers )'ch conf'sion.
For instance, the )ajorit# of these "riters hasti%# ass')ed that +eca'se
there "as an o't0of0conscio's $%ane of )entation, therefore a%% the
"or*in!s of the )ind )i!ht +e !ro'$ed 'nder the head of "conscio's" and
"s'+0conscio's," and that a%% the o't0of0conscio's $heno)ena )i!ht +e
!ro'$ed 'nder the head of "s'+conscio's )ind," "s'+jecti(e )ind," etc.,
i!norin! the fact that this c%ass of )enta% $heno)ena e)+raced not
on%# the hi!hest +'t the %o"est for)s of )entation In their ne"%# fo'nd
")ind" 7"hich the# ca%%ed "s'+jecti(e" or "s'+0conscio's"8, the# $%aced
the %o"est traits and ani)a% $assions3 insane i)$'%ses3 de%'sions3
+i!otr#3 ani)a%0%i*e inte%%i!ence, etc., etc., as "e%% as the ins$iration
of the $oet and )'sician, and the hi!h s$irit'a% %on!in!s and fee%in!s
that one reco!ni,es as ha(in! co)e fro) the hi!her re!ions of the so'%.
This )ista*e "as a nat'ra% one, and at first readin! the /estern "or%d
"as ta*en +# stor), and acce$ted the ne" ideas and theories as Tr'th. 5't
"hen ref%ection ca)e, and ana%#sis "as a$$%ied there arose a fee%in! of
disa$$oint)ent and dissatisfaction, and $eo$%e +e!an to fee% that there
"as so)ethin! %ac*in!. The# int'iti(e%# reco!ni,ed that their hi!her
ins$irations and int'itions ca)e fro) a different $art of the )ind than
the %o"er e)otions, $assions, and other s'+0conscio's fee%in!s, and
A !%ance at the Orienta% $hi%oso$hies "i%% !i(e one the *e# to the
$ro+%e) at once. The Orienta% teachers ha(e a%"a#s he%d that the
conscio's )entation "as +'t a s)a%% fraction of the entire (o%')e of
tho'!ht, +'t the# ha(e a%"a#s ta'!ht that j'st as there "as a fie%d of
)entation +e%o" conscio'sness, so "as there a fie%d of )entation
a+o(e conscio'sness as )'ch hi!her than Inte%%ect as the other "as
%o"er than it. The )ere )ention of this fact "i%% $ro(e a re(e%ation to
those "ho ha(e not heard it +efore, and "ho ha(e +eco)e entan!%ed "ith
the se(era% "d'a%0)ind" theories of the recent /estern "riters. The )ore
one has read on this s'+ject the )ore he "i%% a$$reciate the s'$eriorit#
of the Orienta% theor# o(er that of the /estern "riters. It is %i*e the
che)ica% "hich at once c%ears the c%o'ded %i1'id in the test0t'+e.
In o'r ne.t %esson "e sha%% !o into this s'+ject of the a+o(e0conscio's
$%anes, and the +e%o"0conscio's $%anes, +rin!in! o't the distinction
c%ear%#, and addin! to "hat "e ha(e said on the s'+ject in $re(io's
And a%% this is %eadin! 's to"ard the $oint "here "e )a# !i(e #o'
instr'ction re!ardin! the trainin! and c'%ti(ation00the retrainin! and
!'idance of these o't0of0conscio's fac'%ties. 5# retrainin! the %o"er
$%anes of )entation to their $ro$er "or*, and +# sti)'%atin! the hi!her
ones, )an )a# ")a*e hi)se%f o(er." )enta%%#, and )a# ac1'ire $o"ers of
"hich he +'t drea)s no". This is "h# "e are %eadin! #o' '$ to the
'nderstandin! of this s'+ject, ste$ +# ste$. /e ad(ise #o' to ac1'aint
#o'rse%f "ith each $hase of the )atter, that #o' )a# +e a+%e to a$$%# the
teachin!s and instr'ctions to fo%%o" in %ater %essons of the co'rse.
I reco!ni,e that )# Se%f is !reater than it see)s00that a+o(e and +e%o"
conscio'sness are $%anes of )ind00that j'st as there are %o"er $%anes of
)ind "hich +e%on! to )# $ast e.$erience in a!es $ast and o(er "hich I
)'st no" assert )# &aster#00so are there $%anes of )ind into "hich I a)
'nfo%din! !rad'a%%#, "hich "i%% +rin! )e "isdo), $o"er, and jo#. I A)
&#se%f, in the )idst of this )enta% "or%d00I a) the &aster of )#
&ind00I assert )# contro% of its %o"er $hases, and I de)and of its hi!her
a%% that it has in store for )e.
In o'r %ast %esson "e to%d #o' so)ethin! a+o't the o$eration of the )ind
o'tside of the fie%d of conscio'sness. In this %esson "e "i%% atte)$t to
c%assif# these o't0of0conscio'sness $%anes, +# directin! #o'r attention
to the se(era% )enta% $%anes a+o(e and +e%o" the $%ane of conscio'sness.
As "e stated in the %ast %esson, o(er IJ $er cent of o'r )enta%
o$erations are cond'cted o'tside of the fie%d of conscio'sness, so that
the consideration of the $%anes is seen to +e an i)$ortant s'+ject.
&an is a Centre of Conscio'sness in the !reat One Life of the -ni(erse.
His so'% has c%i)+ed a !reat )an# ste$s +efore it reached its $resent
$osition and sta!e of 'nfo%d)ent. And it "i%% $ass thro'!h )an# )ore
ste$s 'nti% it is entire%# free and de%i(ered fro) the necessit# of its
s"add%in! c%othes.
In his )enta% +ein! )an contains traces of a%% that has !one +efore00a%%
the e.$eriences of hi)se%f and the !reat race )o(e)ent of "hich he is a
$art. And, %i*e"ise, his )ind contains fac'%ties and )enta% $%anes "hich
ha(e not as #et 'nfo%ded into conscio'sness, and of the e.istence of
"hich he is +'t i)$erfect%# a"are. A%% of these )enta% $ossessions,
ho"e(er, are 'sef'% and (a%'a+%e to hi)00e(en the %o"est. The %o"est
)a# +e 'sed to ad(anta!e, 'nder $ro$er )aster#, and are on%# dan!ero's to
the )an "ho a%%o"s the) to )aster hi) instead of ser(in! hi) as the#
sho'%d, considerin! his $resent sta!e of de(e%o$)ent.
In this consideration of the se(era% )enta% $%anes "e sha%% not confine
o'rse%(es to the technica% occ'%t ter)s !i(en to these se(era% $%anes,
+'t "i%% $%ace the) in !enera% !ro'$s and descri+e the feat'res and
characteristics of each, rather than +ranch off into %on! e.$%anations of
the !ro"th and reason of the se(era% $%anes, "hich "o'%d ta*e 's far a"a#
fro) the $ractica% consideration of the s'+ject.
5e!innin! at the %o"est $oint of the sca%e "e see that )an has a +od#.
The +od# is co)$osed of )in'te ce%%s of $roto$%as). These ce%%s are +'i%t
'$ of co'nt%ess )o%ec'%es, ato)s and $artic%es of )atter00$recise%# the
sa)e )atter that co)$oses the roc*s, trees, air, etc., aro'nd hi). The
o!i $hi%oso$h# te%%s 's that e(en the ato)s of )atter ha(e %ife and an
e%e)entar# )anifestation of )ind, "hich ca'ses the) to !ro'$ to!ether
accordin! to the %a" of attraction, for)in! different e%e)ents,
co)+inations, etc. This %a" of attraction is a )enta% o$eration, and is
the first e(idence of )enta% choice, action and res$onse. 5e%o" this is
Prana or Force, "hich, strict%# s$ea*in!, is a%so a )anifestation of
)ind, a%tho'!h for con(enience "e desi!nate it as a se$arate
)anifestation of the A+so%'te.
And therefore "e find that this %a" of attraction +et"een the ato)s and
$artic%es of )atter is a )enta% action, and that it +e%on!s to )an2s
)enta% *in!do), +eca'se he has a +od# and this )enta% action is
contin'a%%# !oin! on in his +od#. So therefore this is the %o"est )enta%
$%ane to +e considered in the )a*e0'$ of the )an. This $%ane is, of
co'rse, far s'n*en +eneath the $%ane of conscio'sness, and is scarce%#
identified "ith the $ersona%it# of the )an at a%%, +'t rather +e%on!s to
the %ife of the "ho%e, )anifest in the roc* as "e%% as in the )an.
5't after these ato)s ha(e +een !ro'$ed +# the %a" of attraction and ha(e
for)ed )o%ec'%es of )atter, the# are ta*en $ossession of +# a hi!her
)enta% acti(it# and +'i%t '$ into ce%%s +# the )enta% action of the
$%ant. The %ife i)$'%se of the $%ant +e!ins +# dra"in! to it certain
$artic%es of inor!anic )atter00che)ica% e%e)ents00and then +'i%din! the)
into a sin!%e ce%%. Oh, )#ster# of the ce%%? The inte%%ect of )an is
'na+%e to d'$%icate this "onderf'% $rocess. The &ind Princi$%e on the
@e!etati(e P%ane, ho"e(er, *no"s e.act%# ho" to !o to "or* to se%ect and
dra" to itse%f j'st the e%e)ents needed to +'i%d '$ the sin!%e ce%%. Then
ta*in! '$ its a+ode in that ce%%00'sin! it as a +asis of o$erations, it
$roceeds to d'$%icate its $re(io's $erfor)ance, and so ce%% after ce%%
is added, +# the si)$%e re$rod'cti(e $rocess of di(ision and
s'+di(ision00the $ri)iti(e and e%e)enta% se. $rocess00'nti% the )i!ht#
$%ant is +'i%t '$. Fro) the h')+%est (e!eta+%e or!anis) '$ to the
!reatest oa* the $rocess is the sa)e.
And it does not sto$ there. The +od# of )an is a%so +'i%t '$ in j'st this
"a#, and he has this (e!etati(e )ind a%so "ithin hi), +e%o" the $%ane of
conscio'sness, of co'rse. To )an# this tho'!ht of a (e!etati(e )ind )a#
+e so)e"hat start%in!. 5't %et 's re)e)+er that e(er# $art of o'r +od#
has +een +'i%t '$ fro) the (e!eta+%e ce%%. The 'n+orn chi%d starts "ith
the coa%ition of t"o ce%%s. These ce%%s +e!in to +'i%d '$ the ne" +od#
for the occ'$anc# of the chi%d00that is, the )ind $rinci$%e in the ce%%s
directs the "or*, of co'rse00dra"in! '$on the +od# of the )other for
no'rish)ent and s'$$%ies. The no'rish)ent in the )other2s +%ood, "hich
s'$$%ies the )ateria% for the +'i%din! '$ of the chi%d2s +od#, is
o+tained +# the )other eatin! and assi)i%atin! the (e!eta+%e ce%%s of
$%ants, direct%# or indirect%#. If she eats fr'it, n'ts, (e!eta+%es,
etc., she o+tains the no'rish)ent of the $%ant %ife direct%#00if she eats
)eat she o+tains it indirect%#, for the ani)a% fro) "hich the )eat "as
ta*en +'i%t '$ the )eat fro) (e!eta+%es. There is no t"o "a#s a+o't
this00a%% no'rish)ent of the ani)a% and h')an *in!do) is o+tained fro)
the (e!eta+%e *in!do), direct%# or indirect%#.
And the ce%% action in the chi%d is identica% "ith the ce%% action in the
$%ant. Ce%%s constant%# re$rod'cin! the)se%(es and +'i%din! the)se%(es '$
into +odi%# or!ans, $arts, etc., 'nder the direction and !'idance of the
)ind $rinci$%e. The chi%d !ro"s in this "a# 'nti% the ho'r of +irth. It
is +orn, and then the $rocess is +'t s%i!ht%# chan!ed. The chi%d +e!ins
to ta*e no'rish)ent either fro) the )other2s )i%* or fro) the )i%* of the
co", or other for)s of food. And as it !ro"s %ar!er it $arta*es of )an#
different (arieties of food. 5't a%"a#s it o+tains +'i%din! )ateria% fro)
the ce%% %ife of the $%ants.
And this !reat +'i%din! '$ $rocess is inte%%i!ent, $'r$osef'%, to a
"onderf'% de!ree. &an "ith his +oasted inte%%ect cannot e.$%ain the rea%
"thin!ness" of the $rocess. A %eadin! scientist "ho $%aced the e!! of a
s)a%% %i,ard 'nder )icrosco$ica% e.a)ination and then "atched it s%o"%#
de(e%o$ has said that it see)ed as if so)e hand "as tracin! the o't%ines
of the tin# (erte+rae, and then +'i%din! '$ aro'nd it. Thin* for a )o)ent
of the de(e%o$)ent of the !er) "ithin the e!! of the h'))in!0+ird, or the
ant, or the !nat, or the ea!%e. E(er# second a chan!e )a# +e noticed. The
!er) ce%% dra"s to itse%f no'rish)ent fro) the other $art of the e!!, and
then it !ro"s and re$rod'ces another ce%%. Then +oth ce%%s di(ide00then
s'+di(ide 'nti% there are )i%%ions and )i%%ions and )i%%ions of ce%%s.
And a%% the "hi%e the +'i%din! '$ $rocess contin'es, and the +ird or
insect ass')es sha$e and for), 'nti% at %ast the "or* is acco)$%ished
and the #o'n! +ird e)er!es fro) the e!!.
And the "or* th's co))enced contin'es 'nti% the death of the ani)a%. For
there is a constant 'sin!0'$ and +rea*in!0do"n of ce%% and tiss'e, "hich
the or!anis) )'st re$%ace. And so the (e!etati(e )ind of the $%ant, or
insect, or ani)a%, or )an, is constant%# at "or* +'i%din! '$ ne" ce%%s
fro) the food, thro"in! o't "orn0o't and 'sed0'$ )ateria% fro) the
s#ste). Not on%# this, +'t it attends to the circ'%ation of the +%ood in
order that the )ateria%s for the +'i%din! '$ )a# +e carried to a%% $arts
of the s#ste). It attends to the di!estion and assi)i%ation of the
food00the "onderf'% "or* of the or!ans of the +od#. It attends to the
hea%in! of "o'nds, the fi!ht a!ainst disease, the care of the $h#sica%
+od#. And a%% this o't of the $%ane of conscio'sness00in the infant )an
the ani)a% "or%d, the (e!eta+%e *in!do)00e(er at "or*, 'ntirin!,
inte%%i!ent, "onderf'%. And this $%ane of )ind is in )an as "e%% as in
the $%ant, and it does its "or* "itho't aid fro) the conscio's $art of
)an, a%tho'!h )an )a# interfere "ith it +# ad(erse conscio's tho'!ht,
"hich see)s to $ara%#,e its efforts. &enta% Hea%in! is )ere%# the
restorin! of nor)a% conditions, so that this $art of the +od# )a# do its
"or* "itho't the hindrance of ad(erse conscio's tho'!ht.
On this $%ane of the )ind is fo'nd a%% of the (ita% f'nctions and
o$erations. The "or* is done o't0of0conscio'sness, and the conscio'sness
is a"are of this $art of the )ind on%# "hen it )a*es de)ands '$on the
conscio's for food, etc. On this $%ane a%so resides the e%e)entar#
instinct that tends to"ard re$rod'ction and se.'a% acti(it#. The de)and
of this $art of the )ind is a%"a#s "increase and )'%ti$%#," and accordin!
to the sta!e of !ro"th of the indi(id'a% is the )andate carried o't, as
"e sha%% see $resent%#. The e%e)entar# i)$'%ses and desires that "e
find risin! into the fie%d of conscio'sness co)e fro) this $%ane of the
)ind. H'n!er, thirst and the re$rod'cti(e desires are its )essa!es to the
hi!her $arts of the )ind. And these )essa!es are nat'ra% and free fro)
the a+'ses and $rostit'tion often o+ser(ed attached to the) +# the
inte%%ect of )an in connection "ith his 'nrestrained ani)a% i)$'%ses.
<%'tton# and 'nnat'ra% %'st arise not fro) the $ri)iti(e de)and of this
$%ane of the )ind00for the %o"er ani)a%s e(en are free fro) the) to a
!reat e.tent00+'t it is reser(ed for )an to so $rostit'te these $ri)iti(e
nat'ra% tendencies, in order to !ratif# 'nnat'ra% and artificia%
a$$etites, "hich ser(e to fr'strate nat're rather than to aid her.
As Life ad(anced in the sca%e and ani)a% for)s a$$eared on the scene ne"
$%anes of )ind "ere 'nfo%ded, in accordance to the necessit# of the
%i(in! for)s. The ani)a% "as co)$e%%ed to h'nt for his food00to $re# '$on
other for)s, and to a(oid +ein! $re#ed '$on +# others. He "as co)$e%%ed
to str'!!%e for the 'nfo%d)ent of %atent $o"ers of his )ind that "o'%d
!i(e hi) )eans to $%a# his $art in the sche)e of %ife. He "as co)$e%%ed
to do certain thin!s in order to %i(e and re$rod'ce his *ind. And he
de)anded not in (ain. For there ca)e to hi) s%o"%# an 'nfo%din! *no"%ed!e
of the thin!s necessar# for the re1'ire)ents of his %ife. /e ca%% this
Instinct. 5't, $ra# re)e)+er, +# Instinct "e do not )ean the sti%% hi!her
so)ethin! that is rea%%# r'di)entar# Inte%%ect that "e notice in the
hi!her ani)a%s. /e are s$ea*in! no" of the 'nreasonin! instinct o+ser(ed
in the %o"er ani)a%s, and to a certain de!ree in )an. This Instincti(e
$%ane of )enta%it# ca'ses the +ird to +'i%d its nest +efore its e!!s are
%aid, "hich instr'cts the ani)a% )other ho" to care for its #o'n! "hen
+orn, and after +irth3 "hich teaches the +ee to constr'ct its ce%% and to
store '$ its hone#. These and co'nt%ess other thin!s in ani)a% %ife, and
in the hi!her for) of $%ant %ife, are )anifestations of Instinct00that
!reat $%ane of the )ind. In fact, the !reater $art of the %ife of the
ani)a% is instincti(e a%tho'!h the hi!her for)s of ani)a%s ha(e de(e%o$ed
so)ethin! %i*e r'di)entar# Inte%%ect or Reason, "hich ena+%es the) to
)eet ne" conditions "here Inte%%ect a%one fai%s the).
And )an has this $%ane of )ind "ithin hi), +e%o" conscio'sness. In fact
the %o"er for)s of h')an %ife )anifest +'t %itt%e Inte%%ect, and %i(e
a%)ost a%to!ether accordin! to their Instincti(e i)$'%ses and desires.
E(er# )an has this Instincti(e )enta% re!ion "ithin hi) and fro) it are
constant%# arisin! i)$'%ses and desires to $er$%e. and anno# hi), as "e%%
as to ser(e hi) occasiona%%#. The "ho%e secret consists in "hether the
)an has &aster# of his %o"er se%f or not.
Fro) this $%ane of the )ind arise the hereditar# i)$'%ses co)in! do"n
fro) !enerations of ancestors, reachin! +ac* to the ca(e)en, and sti%%
f'rther +ac* into the ani)a% *in!do). A 1'eer storeho'se is this.
Ani)a% instincts00$assions, a$$etites, desires, fee%in!s, sensations,
e)otions, etc., are there. Hate, en(#, jea%o's#, re(en!e, the %'st of the
ani)a% see*in! the !ratification of his se.'a% i)$'%ses, etc., etc., are
there, and are constant%# intr'din! '$on o'r attention 'nti% "e ha(e
asserted o'r )aster#. And often the fai%'re to assert this )aster# co)es
fro) an i!norance of the nat're of the desire, etc. /e ha(e +een ta'!ht
that these tho'!hts "ere "+ad" "itho't +ein! to%d "h#, and "e ha(e
feared the) and tho'!ht the) the $ro)$tin!s of an i)$'re nat're, or a
de$ra(ed )ind, etc. This is a%% "ron!. These thin!s are not "+ad" of
the)se%(es00the# ca)e to 's honest%#00the# are o'r herita!e fro) the
$ast. The# +e%on! to the ani)a% $art of o'r nat're, and "ere necessar# to
the ani)a% in his sta!e of de(e%o$)ent. /e ha(e the "ho%e )ena!erie
"ithin 's, +'t that does not )ean that "e sho'%d t'rn the +easts %oose
'$on o'rse%(es or others. It "as necessar# for the ani)a% to +e fierce,
f'%% of fi!ht, $assionate, re!ard%ess of the ri!hts of others, etc., +'t
"e ha(e o't!ro"n that sta!e of de(e%o$)ent, and it is i!no+%e for 's to
ret'rn to it, or to a%%o" it to )aster 's.
This %esson is not intended as a disco'rse '$on Ethics or )ora%s. /e do
not intend !oin! into a disc'ssion of the detai%s of "Ri!ht and /ron!,"
for "e ha(e to'ched '$on that $hase of the s'+ject in other "or*s. 5't "e
fee% j'stified in ca%%in! #o'r attention to the fact that the h')an )ind
int'iti(e%# reco!ni,es the "Ri!htness" of the %i(in! '$ to that "hich
co)es to 's fro) the hi!hest $arts of the )ind00the hi!hest $rod'ct of
o'r 'nfo%d)ent. And it %i*e"ise int'iti(e%# reco!ni,es the "/ron!ness" of
the fa%%in! +ac* into that "hich +e%on!s to the %o"er sta!es of o'r
)enta%it#00to the ani)a% $art of 's, that is o'r herita!e fro) the $ast
and that "hich has !one +efore.
/hi%e "e )a# +e $',,%ed a+o't )an# detai%s of )ora%s and ethics and )a#
not +e a+%e to "e.$%ain" "h# "e consider certain thin!s ri!ht or "ron!,
"e sti%% int'iti(e%# fee% that the hi!hest "Ri!ht" of "hich "e are
ca$a+%e is the actin! o't of that "hich is co)in! to 's fro) the hi!hest
$o%e of o'r )enta% +ein!, and that the %o"est "/ron!" consists in doin!
that "hich carries 's +ac* to the %ife of the %o"er ani)a%s, in so far as
)enta%it# is concerned. Not +eca'se there is an#thin! a+so%'te%# "/ron!"
in the )enta% $rocesses and conse1'ent of the ani)a%s in the)se%(es00the#
are a%% ri!ht and $erfect%# nat'ra% in the ani)a%s00+'t "e int'iti(e%#
reco!ni,e that for 's to fa%% +ac* to the ani)a% sta!e is a "!oin!
+ac*"ard" in the sca%e of e(o%'tion. /e int'iti(e%# shrin* at an
e.hi+ition of +r'ta%it# and ani)a%it# on the $art of a )an or "o)an. /e
)a# not *no" j'st "h#, +'t a %itt%e ref%ection "i%% sho" 's that it is a
sin*in! in the e(o%'tionar# sca%e, a!ainst "hich the s$irit'a% $art of 's
re(o%ts and $rotests.
5't this )'st not +e constr'ed to )ean that the ad(anced so'% %oo*s '$on
the ani)a% "or%d "ith dis!'st or horror. On the contrar#, there is
no"here to +e fo'nd a hi!her res$ect for ani)a% %ife and +ein! than a)on!
the o!i and other ad(anced so'%s. The# de%i!ht in "atchin! the ani)a%s
fi%%in! their $%aces in %ife00$%a#in! o't their $arts in the di(ine
sche)e of %ife. Their ani)a% $assions and desires are actions (ie"ed
s#)$athetica%%# and %o(in!%# +# the ad(anced so'%, and nothin! "/ron!" or
dis!'stin! is seen there. And e(en the coarseness and +r'ta%it# of
the sa(a!e races are so re!arded +# these ad(anced so'%s. The# see
e(er#thin! as nat'ra% accordin! to the !rade and de!ree of de(e%o$)ent of
these $eo$%e.
It is on%# "hen these ad(anced so'%s (ie" the de!eneracies of "ci(i%i,ed"
%ife that the# fee% sorro" and $ain. For here the# see instances of
de(o%'tion instead of e(o%'tion00de!eneration instead of re!eneration
and ad(ance)ent. And not on%# do the# *no" this to +e the fact, +'t the
de!enerate s$eci)ens of )an*ind the)se%(es fee% and *no" it. Co)$are
the e.$ression of the ani)a% or sa(a!e !oin! thro'!h their nat'ra% %ife
actions and $erfor)ances. See ho" free and nat'ra% are their e.$ressions,
ho" 'tter%# a$art are e(idences of "ron! doin!. The# ha(e not as #et
fo'nd o't the fata% secret of <ood and E(i%00the# ha(e not as #et eaten
the for+idden fr'it. 5't, on the contrar#, %oo* into the faces of the
de!enerates and fa%%en so'%s of o'r ci(i%i,ed %ife. See the f'rti(e
!%ance and the se%f0conscio'sness of "/ron!" e(ident in e(er# face. And
this conscio'sness of "/ron!" +ears hea(i%# '$on these $eo$%e00it is
hea(ier than the $'nish)ents hea$ed '$on the) That na)e%ess so)ethin!
ca%%ed "conscience" )a# +e s)othered for a "hi%e, +'t sooner or %ater it
co)es to %i!ht and de)ands the $o'nd of f%esh fro) its (icti).
And #et #o' "i%% sa# that it see)s hard to thin* that the sa)e thin! can
+e Ri!ht in one $erson and /ron! in another. This see)s %i*e a hard
sa#in! and a dan!ero's doctrine, +'t it is the Tr'th. And )an
instincti(e%# reco!ni,es it. He does not e.$ect the sa)e sense of )ora%
res$onsi+i%it# in a #o'n! chi%d, or in a sa(a!e, that he does in a
)at're, de(e%o$ed, ci(i%i,ed )an. He )a# restrain the chi%d and the
sa(a!e, for se%f0$rotection and the "e%fare of a%%, +'t he rea%i,es the
distinction, or at %east sho'%d do so. And not on%# is this tr'e, +'t as
)an ad(ances in the sca%e he casts off )an# ideas of "/ron!" that he
once he%d, ha(in! o't!ro"n the o%d ideas and ha(in! !ro"n into ne"
conce$tions. And the tendenc# is a%"a#s '$"ard and on"ard. The tendenc#
is constant%# fro) Force and Restraint to"ard Lo(e and Freedo). The idea%
condition "o'%d +e one in "hich there "ere no %a"s and no necessit# for
the)00a condition in "hich )en had ceased to do "ron! +eca'se the# had
o't!ro"n the desire rather than fro) fear or restraint or force. And
"hi%e this condition as #et see)s afar off, there is constant%# !oin! on
an 'nfo%d)ent of hi!her $%anes and fac'%ties of the )ind, "hich "hen once
f'%%# )anifest in the race "i%% "or* a co)$%ete re(o%'tion in ethics and
%a"s and !o(ern)ent00and for the +etter, of co'rse. In the )eanti)e
&an*ind )o(es a%on!, doin! the +est it can, )a*in! a stead# tho'!h s%o"
There is another $%ane of the )ind "hich is often ca%%ed the "Instinct,"
+'t "hich is +'t a $art of the $%ane of the Inte%%ect, a%tho'!h its
o$erations are %ar!e%# +e%o" the fie%d of conscio'sness. /e a%%'de to
"hat )a# +e ca%%ed the "Ha+it &ind," in order to distin!'ish it fro) the
Instincti(e P%ane. The difference is this4 The Instincti(e $%ane of )ind
is )ade '$ of the ordinar# o$erations of the )ind +e%o" the $%ane of the
Inte%%ect, and #et a+o(e the $%ane of the @e!etati(e )ind00and a%so of
the ac1'ired e.$eriences of the race, "hich ha(e +een trans)itted +#
heredit#, etc. 5't the "Ha+it &ind" contains on%# that "hich has +een
$%aced there +# the $erson hi)se%f and "hich he has ac1'ired +#
e.$erience, ha+it, and o+ser(ation, re$eated so often 'nti% the )ind
*no"s it so "e%% that it is carried +e%o" the fie%d of conscio'sness and
+eco)es "second nat're," and a*in to Instinct.
The te.t +oo*s '$on $s#cho%o!# are fi%%ed "ith i%%'strations and e.a)$%es
of the ha+it $hase or $%ane of the )enta% o$erations, and "e do not thin*
it necessar# to re$eat instances of the sa)e *ind here. E(er#one is
fa)i%iar "ith the fact that tas*s "hich at first are %earned on%# +#
considera+%e "or* and ti)e soon +eco)e fi.ed in so)e $art of the )ind
'nti% their re$etition ca%%s for %itt%e or no e.ercise of conscio's
)enta% o$eration. In fact, so)e "riters ha(e c%ai)ed that no one rea%%#
"%earns" ho" to $erfor) a tas* 'nti% he can $erfor) it a%)ost
a'to)atica%%#. The $'$i% "ho in the ear%# sta!es of $iano $%a#in! finds
it )ost diffic'%t to contro% and )ana!e his fin!ers, after a ti)e is a+%e
to for!et a%% a+o't his fin!erin! and de(ote his entire attention to the
$a!es of his )'sic, and after this he is a+%e to a$$arent%# %et his
fin!ers $%a# the entire $iece of )'sic +# the)se%(es "itho't a tho'!ht on
his $art. The +est $erfor)ers ha(e to%d 's that in the )o)ents of their
hi!hest efforts the# are a"are that the o't0of0conscio's $ortion of their
)ind is doin! the "or* for the), and the# are $ractica%%# standin! aside
and "itnessin! the "or* +ein! done. So tr'e is this that in so)e cases it
is re%ated that if the $erfor)er2s conscio's )ind atte)$ts to ta*e '$ the
"or* the 1'a%it# is i)$aired and the )'sician and the a'dience notice the
The sa)e thin! is tr'e in the case of the "o)an %earnin! to o$erate the
se"in! )achine. It is 1'ite diffic'%t at first, +'t !rad'a%%# it !ro"s to
"r'n itse%f." Those "ho ha(e )astered the t#$e"riter ha(e had the sa)e
e.$erience. At first each %etter had to +e $ic*ed o't "ith care and
effort. After a !rad'a% i)$ro(e)ent the o$erator is ena+%ed to de(ote her
entire attention to the "co$#" and %et the fin!ers $ic* o't the *e#s for
the)se%(es. &an# o$erators %earn ra$id t#$e"ritin! +# so trainin! the
ha+it )ind that it $ic*s o't the %etter0*e#s +# reason of their $osition,
the %etters +ein! co(ered o(er in order to force the )ind to ada$t itse%f
to the ne" re1'ire)ents. A si)i%ar state of affairs e.ists "here(er )en
or "o)en ha(e to 'se too%s of an# *ind. The too% soon is reco!ni,ed +#
the )ind and 'sed as if it "ere a $art of the +od#, and no )ore conscio's
tho'!ht is de(oted to the )ani$'%ation than "e de(ote to the o$eration of
"a%*in!, "hich, +# the "a#, is %earned +# the chi%d on%# +# the
e.$endit're of ti)e and %a+or. It is astonishin! ho" )an# thin!s "e do
"a'to)atica%%#" in this "a#. /riters ha(e ca%%ed o'r attention to the
fact that the a(era!e )an cannot conscio's%# infor) #o' ho" he $'ts on
his coat in the )ornin!00"hich ar) !oes in first, ho" the coat is he%d,
etc. 5't the ha+it )ind *no"s00*no"s (er# "e%%. Let the st'dent stand '$
and $'t on his coat in the re!'%ar "a#, fo%%o"in! the %eadin!s of the
ha+it )ind. Then, after re)o(in! it, %et hi) atte)$t to $'t it on +#
insertin! the other ar) first, for instance. He "i%% +e s'r$rised to find
o't ho" a"*"ard it "i%% +e for hi), and ho" co)$%ete%# he has +een
de$endin! '$on the ha+it )ind. And to)orro" )ornin! %et hi) find o't
"hich shoe the ha+it )ind has +een $'ttin! on hi) first and then tr# to
re(erse the order and notice ho" f%'rried and dist'r+ed the ha+it )ind
"i%% +eco)e, and ho" frantica%%# it "i%% si!na% to the conscio's )ind4
"So)ethin! "ron! '$ there?" Or tr# to +'tton on #o'r co%%ar, re(ersin!
the order in "hich the ta+s are $%aced o(er the +'tton00ri!ht +efore
%eft, or %eft +efore ri!ht, as the case )a# +e, and notice the
in(o%'ntar# $rotest. Or, tr# to re(erse the c'sto)ar# ha+it in "a%*in!
and atte)$t to s"in! #o'r ri!ht ar) "ith the )o(e)ent of #o'r ri!ht %e!,
and so on, and #o' "i%% find it "i%% re1'ire the e.ercise of !reat "i%%
$o"er. Or, tr# to "chan!e hands" and 'se #o'r *nife and for*. 5't "e )'st
sto$ !i(in! e.a)$%es and i%%'strations. Their n')+er is co'nt%ess.
Not on%# does the ha+it )ind attend to $h#sica% actions, etc., +'t it
a%so ta*es a hand in o'r )enta% o$erations. /e soon ac1'ire the ha+it of
ceasin! to conscio's%# consider certain thin!s, and the ha+it )ind ta*es
the )atter for !ranted, and thereafter "e "i%% thin* a'to)atica%%# on
those $artic'%ar 1'estions, 'n%ess "e are sha*en o't of the ha+it +# a
r'de jo%t fro) the )ind of so)eone e%se, or fro) the $resentation of so)e
conf%ictin! idea occasioned +# o'r o"n e.$erience or reasonin! $rocesses.
And the ha+it )ind hates to +e dist'r+ed and co)$e%%ed to re(ise its
ideas. It fi!hts a!ainst it, and re+e%s, and the res'%t is that )an# of
's are s%a(es to o%d o't!ro"n ideas that "e rea%i,e are fa%se and 'ntr'e,
+'t "hich "e find that "e "cannot e.act%# !et rid of." In o'r f't're
%essons "e "i%% !i(e )ethods to !et rid of these o%d o't!ro"n ideas.
There are other $%anes of )ind "hich ha(e to do "ith the $heno)ena *no"n
as "$s#chic," +# "hich is )eant the $hases of $s#chic $heno)ena *no"n as
c%air(o#ance, $s#cho)etr#, te%e$ath#, etc., +'t "e sha%% not consider
the) in this %esson, for the# +e%on! to another $art of the !enera%
s'+ject. /e ha(e s$o*en of the) in a !enera% "a# in o'r "Fo'rteen Lessons
in o!i Phi%oso$h#, etc."
And no" "e co)e to the $%ane of )ind *no"n to 's as Inte%%ect or the
Reasonin! Fac'%ties. /e+ster defines the "ord Inte%%ect as fo%%o"s4 The
$art or fac'%t# of the h')an so'% +# "hich it *no"s, as distin!'ished
fro) the $o"er to fee% and to "i%%3 the thin*in! fac'%t#3 the
'nderstandin!. The sa)e a'thorit# defines the "ord Reason as fo%%o"s4
"The fac'%t# or ca$acit# of the h')an )ind +# "hich it is distin!'ished
fro) the inte%%i!ence of the inferior ani)a%s." /e sha%% not atte)$t to
!o into a consideration of the conscio's Inte%%ect, for to do so "e
"o'%d +e co)$e%%ed to ta*e '$ the s$ace of the re)ainin! %essons of the
co'rse, and +esides, the st'dent )a# find e.tended infor)ation on this
s'+ject in an# of the te.t +oo*s on $s#cho%o!#. Instead "e "i%% consider
other fac'%ties and $%anes of )ind "hich the said te.t +oo*s $ass +#
ra$id%#, or $erha$s den#. And one of these $%anes is that of -nconscio's
Reasonin!, or Inte%%ect. To )an# this ter) "i%% see) $arado.ica%, +'t
st'dents of the 'nconscio's "i%% 'nderstand j'st "hat is )eant.
Reasonin! is not necessari%# conscio's in its o$erations, in fact, a
!reater $art of the reasonin! $rocesses are $erfor)ed +e%o" or a+o(e the
conscio's fie%d. In o'r %ast %esson "e ha(e !i(en a n')+er of e.a)$%es
$ro(in! this fact, +'t a fe" )ore re)ar*s )a# not +e o't of $%ace, nor
"itho't interest to the st'dent.
In o'r %ast %esson #o' "i%% see )an# instances stated in "hich the
s'+0conscio's fie%d of the Inte%%ect "or*ed o't $ro+%e)s, and then after
a ti)e handed to the conscio's reason the so%'tion of the )atter. This
has occ'rred to )an# of 's, if not indeed to a%% of 's. /ho has not
endea(ored to so%(e a $ro+%e) or 1'estion of so)e sort and after "!i(in!
it '$" has had it s'dden%# ans"ered and f%ashed into conscio'sness "hen
%east e.$ected. The e.$erience is co))on to the race. /hi%e the )ajorit#
of 's ha(e noticed these thin!s, "e ha(e re!arded the) as e.ce$tiona% and
o't of the !enera% r'%e. Not so, ho"e(er, "ith st'dents of the )enta%
$%anes. The %atter ha(e reco!ni,ed these $%anes of reason, and ha(e
a(ai%ed the)se%(es of their *no"%ed!e +# settin! these 'nconscio's
fac'%ties to "or* for the). In o'r ne.t %esson "e "i%% !i(e directions to
o'r st'dents re!ardin! this acco)$%ish)ent, "hich )a# $ro(e of the
!reatest i)$ortance to those "ho "i%% ta*e the tro'+%e to $ractice the
directions !i(en. It is a $%an that is *no"n to the )ajorit# of )en "ho
ha(e "done thin!s" in the "or%d, the )ajorit# of the), ho"e(er, ha(in!
disco(ered the $%an for the)se%(es as the res'%t of a need or de)and '$on
the inner $o"ers of )ind.
The $%ane of )ind i))ediate%# a+o(e that of Inte%%ect is that *no"n as
Int'ition. Int'ition is defined +# /e+ster as fo%%o"s4 "9irect
a$$rehension or co!nition3 i))ediate *no"%ed!e, as in $erce$tion or
conscio'sness, in(o%(in! no reasonin! $rocess3 1'ic* or read# insi!ht or
a$$rehension." It is diffic'%t to e.$%ain j'st "hat is )eant +#
Int'ition, e.ce$t to those "ho ha(e e.$erienced it00and these $eo$%e do
not need the e.$%anation. Int'ition is j'st as rea% a )enta% fac'%t# as
is Inte%%ect00or, to +e )ore e.act, is j'st as )'ch a co%%ection of
)enta% fac'%ties. Int'ition is a+o(e the fie%d of conscio'sness, and its
)essa!es are $assed do"n"ard, tho'!h its $rocesses are hidden. The race
is !rad'a%%# 'nfo%din! into the $%ane of Int'ition, and the race "i%%
so)e da# $ass into f'%% conscio'sness on that $%ane. In the )eanti)e it
!ets +'t f%ashes and !%i)$ses fro) the hidden re!ion. &an# of the +est
thin!s "e ha(e co)e fro) that re!ion. Art, )'sic, the %o(e of the
+ea'tif'% and !ood $oetr#, the hi!her for) of %o(e, s$irit'a% insi!ht to
a certain de!ree, int'iti(e $erce$tion of tr'th, etc., etc., co)e fro)
this re!ion. These thin!s are not reasoned o't +# the inte%%ect, +'t see)
to s$rin! f'%% +orn fro) so)e 'n*no"n re!ion of the )ind.
In this "onderf'% re!ion d"e%%s <eni's. &an#, if not a%% of the !reat
"riters, $oets, )'sicians, artists and other e.a)$%es of !eni's ha(e fe%t
that their $o"er ca)e to the) fro) so)e hi!her so'rce. &an# ha(e tho'!ht
that it e)anated fro) so)e +ein! *ind%# to the), "ho "o'%d ins$ire the)
"ith $o"er and "isdo). So)e transcendent $o"er see)ed to ha(e +een ca%%ed
into o$eration, and the "or*er "o'%d fee% that his $rod'ct or creation
"as not his handi"or*, +'t that of so)e o'tside inte%%i!ence. The <ree*s
reco!ni,ed this so)ethin! in )an, and ca%%ed it )an2s "9ae)on." P%'tarch
in his disco'rse on the dae)on that !'ided Socrates s$ea*s of the (ision
of Ti)arch's, "ho, in the case of Tro$honi's, sa" s$irits "hich "ere
$art%# attached to h')an +odies, and $art%# o(er and a+o(e the), shinin!
%')ino's%# o(er their heads. He "as infor)ed +# the orac%e that the $art
of the s$irit "hich "as i))ersed in the +od# "as ca%%ed the "so'%," +'t
that the o'ter and 'ni))ersed $ortion "as ca%%ed the "dae)on." The orac%e
a%so infor)ed hi) that e(er# )an had his dae)on, "ho) he is +o'nd to
o+e#3 those "ho i)$%icit%# fo%%o" that !'idance are the $ro$hetic so'%s,
the fa(orites of the !ods. <oethe a%so s$o*e of the dae)on as a $o"er
hi!her than the "i%%, and "hich ins$ired certain nat'res "ith )irac'%o's
/e )a# s)i%e at these conce$tions, +'t the# are rea%%# (er# c%ose to the
tr'th. The hi!her re!ions of the )ind, "hi%e +e%on!in! to the indi(id'a%,
and a $art of hi)se%f, are so far a+o(e his ordinar# conscio'sness that
to a%% intents and $'r$oses )essa!es fro) the) are as orders fro) another
and hi!her so'%. 5't sti%% the (oice is that of the "I," s$ea*in! thro'!h
its sheaths as +est it is a+%e.
This $o"er +e%on!s to e(er# one of 's, a%tho'!h it )anifests on%# in the
de!ree that "e are a+%e to res$ond to it. It !ro"s +# faith and
confidence, and c%oses itse%f '$, and "ithdra"s into its recesses "hen
"e do'+t it and "o'%d 1'estion its (eracit# and rea%it#. /hat "e ca%%
"ori!ina%it#" co)es fro) this re!ion. The Int'iti(e fac'%ties $ass on to
the conscio's )ind so)e $erce$tion of tr'th hi!her than the Inte%%ect has
+een a+%e to "or* o't for itse%f, and %o? it is ca%%ed the "or* of
The ad(anced occ'%tist *no"s that in the hi!her re!ions of the )ind are
%oc*ed '$ int'iti(e $erce$tions of a%% tr'th, and that he "ho can !ain
access to these re!ions "i%% *no" e(er#thin! int'iti(e%#, and as a )atter
of c%ear si!ht, "itho't reasonin! or e.$%anation. The race has not as #et
reached the hei!hts of Int'ition00it is j'st +e!innin! to c%i)+ the
foothi%%s. 5't it is )o(in! in the ri!ht direction. It "i%% +e "e%% for
's if "e "i%% o$en o'rse%(es to the hi!her inner !'idance, and +e "i%%in!
to +e "%ed +# the S$irit." This is a far different thin! fro) +ein! %ed
+# o'tside inte%%i!ence, "hich )a#, or )a# not, +e 1'a%ified to %ead. 5't
the S$irit "ithin each of 's has o'r interests at heart and is desiro's
of o'r +est !ood, and is not on%# read# +'t "i%%in! to ta*e 's +# the
hand and %ead 's on. The Hi!her Se%f is doin! the +est it can for o'r
de(e%o$)ent and "e%fare, +'t is ha)$ered +# the confinin! sheaths. And
a%as, )an# of 's !%or# in these sheaths and consider the) the hi!hest
$art of o'rse%(es. 9o not +e afraid to %et the %i!ht of the S$irit $ierce
thro'!h these confinin! sheaths and disso%(e the). The Int'ition,
ho"e(er, is not the S$irit, +'t is one of its channe%s of co))'nication
to 's. There are other and sti%% hi!her $%anes of )ind, +'t the Int'ition
is the one ne.t in the %ine of 'nfo%d)ent, and "e sho'%d o$en o'rse%(es
to its inf%'ence and "e%co)e its 'nfo%d)ent.
A+o(e the $%ane of Int'ition is that of the Cos)ic 6no"in!, '$on "hich "e
"i%% find the conscio'sness of the Oneness of A%%. /e ha(e s$o*en of this
$%ane in o'r %esson on the -nfo%d)ent of Conscio'sness. /hen one is a+%e
to "conscio's" on this $%ane00this e.a%ted $%ane of )ind00he is a+%e to
see f'%%#, $%ain%# and co)$%ete%# that there is One <reat Life 'nder%#in!
a%% the co'nt%ess for)s and sha$es of )anifestation. He is a+%e to see
that se$arateness is on%# "the "or*in! fiction of the -ni(erse." He is
a+%e to see that each E!o is +'t a Centre of Conscio'sness in the !reat
Ocean of Life00a%% in $'rs'ance of the 9i(ine P%an, and that he is )o(in!
for"ard to"ard hi!her and hi!her $%anes of )anifestation, $o"er and
indi(id'a%it#, in order to ta*e a !reater and !rander $art in the
-ni(ersa% "or* and $%ans.
The Cos)ic 6no"in! in its f'%ness has co)e to +'t fe" of the race, +'t
)an# ha(e had !%i)$ses, )ore or %ess c%ear, of its transcendent "onder,
and others are on the +order%and of this $%ane. The race is 'nfo%din!
!rad'a%%#, s%o"%# +'t s're%#, and those "ho ha(e had this "onderf'%
e.$erience are $re$arin! others for a %i*e e.$erience. The seed is +ein!
so"n, and the har(est "i%% co)e %ater. This and other $hases of the
hi!her for)s of conscio'sness are +efore the race. The indi(id'a%s "ho
read this %esson are $erha$s nearer to it than the# thin*3 their interest
in the %essons is an indication of that h'n!er of the so'% "hich is a
$ro$hec# of the satisfaction of the cr# for s$irit'a% +read. The La" of
Life heeds these cries for aid and no'rish)ent and res$onds accordin!%#,
+'t a%on! the %ines of the hi!hest "isdo) and accordin! to the rea%
re1'ire)ents of the indi(id'a%.
Let 's c%ose this %esson "ith a 1'otation fro) "Li!ht on the Path," "hich
+ears direct%# '$on the conc%'din! tho'!ht. Read it caref'%%# and %et it
sin* do"n dee$ into #o'r inner conscio'sness, and #o' "i%% fee% the
thri%% of jo# that co)es to hi) "ho is nearin! the !oa%.
"Loo* for the f%o"er to +%oo) in the si%ence that fo%%o"s the stor)3 not
ti%% then.
"It sha%% !ro", it "i%% shoot '$, it "i%% )a*e +ranches and %ea(es, and
for) +'ds "hi%e the stor) %asts. 5't not 'nti% the entire $ersona%it# of
the )an is disso%(ed and )e%ted00not 'nti% it is he%d +# the di(ine
fra!)ent "hich has created it, as a )ere s'+ject for !ra(e e.$eri)ent and
e.$erience00not 'nti% the "ho%e nat're has #ie%ded and +eco)e s'+ject
'nto its hi!her se%f, can the +%oo) o$en. Then "i%% co)e a ca%) s'ch as
co)es in a tro$ica% co'ntr# after the hea(# rain, "hen nat're "or*s so
s"ift%# that one )a# see her action. S'ch a ca%) "i%% co)e to the
harassed s$irit. And in the dee$ si%ence the )#sterio's e(ent "i%% occ'r
"hich "i%% $ro(e that the "a# has +een fo'nd. Ca%% it +# "hate(er na)e
#o' "i%%. It is a (oice that s$ea*s "here there is none to s$ea*, it is a
)essen!er that co)es00a )essen!er "itho't for) or s'+stance00or it is the
f%o"er of the so'% that has o$ened. It cannot +e descri+ed +# an#
)eta$hor. 5't it can +e fe%t after, %oo*ed for, and desired, e(en a)on!
the ra!in! of the stor). The si%ence )a# %ast a )o)ent of ti)e, or it )a#
%ast a tho'sand #ears. 5't it "i%% end. et #o' "i%% carr# its stren!th
"ith #o'. A!ain and a!ain the +att%e )'st +e fo'!ht and "on. It is on%#
for an inter(a% that nat're can +e sti%%."
The conc%'din! three %essons of this series "i%% +e de(oted to a
$ractica% co'rse of instr'ction in the de(e%o$)ent of the hidden $%anes
of the )ind, or rather, in the de(e%o$)ent of the $o"er of the indi(id'a%
to )aster the sa)e and )a*e 'se of the) in his %ife. He "i%% +e ta'!ht to
)aster the %o"er $rinci$%es, not on%# in the s'r)o'ntin! of the), +'t in
the trans)ittin! of the e%e)enta% forces to"ard his hi!her ends. Po"er
)a# +e o+tained fro) this $art of the )ind, 'nder the direction of the
/i%%. And the st'dent "i%% +e to%d ho" to set the 'nconscio's Inte%%ect
to "or* for hi). And he "i%% +e to%d ho" to de(e%o$ and train the /i%%.
/e ha(e no" $assed the %ine +et"een the theoretica% and the $ractica%
$hases of the s'+ject, and fro) no" on it "i%% +e a case of train,
de(e%o$, c'%ti(ate and a$$%#. 6no"in! "hat %ies +ac* of it a%%, the
st'dent is no" $re$ared to recei(e the instr'ctions "hich he )i!ht ha(e
)is'sed +efore. Peace +e "ith thee a%%.
In the Ninth Lesson "e ca%%ed #o'r attention to the fact that Reasonin!
"as not necessari%# conscio's in its o$erations, and that, in fact, a
%ar!e $art of the rationa% $rocesses of the )ind are $erfor)ed +e%o" or
a+o(e the fie%d of conscio'sness. And in the Ei!hth Lesson "e !a(e #o' a
n')+er of e.a)$%es i%%'stratin! this fact. /e a%so !a(e #o' a n')+er of
cases in "hich the s'+0conscio's fie%d of the Inte%%ect "or*ed o't
$ro+%e)s, and then after a ti)e $assed on to the conscio's fie%d of the
Inte%%ect the so%'tion of the )atter. In this %esson "e $'r$ose
instr'ctin! #o' in the )ethods +# "hich this $art of the Inte%%ect )a# +e
set to "or* for #o'. &an# ha(e st')+%ed '$on +its of this tr'th for
the)se%(es, and, in fact, the )ajorit# of s'ccessf'% )en and )en "ho ha(e
attained e)inence in an# "a%* of %ife ha(e )ade )ore or %ess 'se of this
tr'th, a%tho'!h the# se%do) 'nderstand the reason of it.
@er# fe" /estern "riters ha(e reco!ni,ed the "or* of this $%ane of the
)ind. The# ha(e !i(en 's f'%% and in!enio's theories and e.a)$%es of the
"or*in!s of the Instincti(e &ind, and in so)e cases the# ha(e to'ched
'$on the "or*in!s and o$erations of the Int'itiona% $%anes, +'t in near%#
e(er# case the# ha(e treated the Inte%%ect as so)ethin! entire%# confined
to the Conscio's $%ane of )entation. In this the# ha(e )issed so)e of the
)ost interestin! and (a%'a+%e )anifestations of s'+0conscio's )entation.
In this %esson "e "i%% ta*e '$ this $artic'%ar $hase of )entation, and
tr'st to +e a+%e to $oint o't the "a# to 'se it to the +est ad(anta!e,
!i(in! so)e si)$%e instr'ctions that ha(e +een !i(en +# the Hind'
teachers to their st'dents for cent'ries $ast, s'ch instr'ctions of
co'rse, +ein! )odified +# 's to confor) to the re1'ire)ents and
necessities of the /estern st'dent of toda#.
/e ha(e ta*en the %i+ert# of +esto"in! a ne" tit%e '$on this $hase of
)entation00"e ha(e tho'!ht it "e%% to ca%% it "S'+0conscio'sin!." The
"ord "S'+," of co'rse )eans "'nder3 +e%o"3" and the "ord "Conscio'sin!"
is a fa(orite ter) e)$%o#ed +# Prof. E%)er <ates, and )eans recei(in!
i)$ressions fro) the )ind. In a !enera% "a#, "S'+0conscio'sin!," as 'sed
in this %esson, )a# +e 'nderstood to )ean "'sin! the s'+conscio's )ind,
'nder orders of the conscio's )ind."
5# referrin! to o'r Ei!hth Lesson, "e see )ention )ade of the case of the
)an "ho ind'%!ed in "'nconscio's r')ination," "hich ha$$ened to hi) "hen
he read +oo*s $resentin! ne" $oints of (ie" essentia%%# o$$osed to his
$re(io's o$inion. o' "i%% note that after da#s, "ee*s, or )onths, he
fo'nd that to his !reat astonish)ent the o%d o$inions "ere entire%#
rearran!ed, and ne" ones %od!ed there.
On the sa)e $a!e #o' "i%% see )entioned the case of Sir /i%%ia) Ha)i%ton,
"ho disco(ered an i)$ortant %a" of )athe)atics "hi%e "a%*in! "ith his
"ife. In this case he had +een $re(io's%# thin*in! of the )issin! %in* in
his chain of reasonin!, and the $ro+%e) "as "or*ed o't for hi) +# the
s'+0conscio's $%ane of his Inte%%ect.
On the sa)e $a!e, and the one fo%%o"in!, is fo'nd the case of 9r.
Tho)$son, "ho !i(es an interestin! acco'nt of the "or*in!s of this $art
of his )ind, "hich ca'sed hi) at ti)es to e.$erience a fee%in! of the
'se%essness of a%% (o%'ntar# effort, co'$%ed "ith a fee%in! that the
)atter "as "or*in! itse%f c%ear in his )ind. He te%%s 's that at ti)es he
see)ed to +e )ere%# a $assi(e instr')ent in the hands of so)e $erson
other than hi)se%f, "ho co)$e%%ed hi) to "ait 'nti% the "or* "as
$erfor)ed for hi) +# so)e hidden re!ion of the )ind. /hen the
s'+conscio's $art of the )ind had co)$%eted its "or*, it "o'%d f%ash the
)essa!e to his conscio's )ind, and he "o'%d +e!in to "rite.
On $a!e 1HK )ention is a%so )ade of the !reat French che)ist 5erthe%ot,
"ho re%ates that so)e of his +est conce$tions ha(e f%ashed '$on hi) as
fro) the c%ear s*#. In fact, the Ei!hth Lesson is %ar!e%# )ade '$ of
e.a)$%es of this *ind, and "e as* the st'dent to re0read the sa)e, in
order to refresh his )ind "ith the tr'th of the "or*in!s of the
s'+0conscio's )enta%it#.
5't #o' "i%% notice in near%# a%% the cases )entioned, that those "ho
re%ated instances of the he%$ of the s'+0conscio's )ind had )ere%#
st')+%ed '$on the fact that there "as a $art of the )ind +e%o"
conscio'sness that co'%d and "o'%d "or* o't $ro+%e)s for one, if it co'%d
so)eho" +e set in o$eration. And these $eo$%e tr'sted to %'c* to start
that $art of the )ind in o$eration. Or rather, the# "o'%d sat'rate
their conscio's )ind "ith a )ass of )ateria%, %i*e st'ffin! the sto)ach
"ith food, and then +id the s'+conscio's )ind assort, se$arate, arran!e
and di!est the )enta% food, j'st as does the sto)ach and di!esti(e
a$$arat's di!est the nat'ra% food00o'tside of the rea%) of conscio'sness
or (o%ition. In none of the cases )entioned "as the s'+conscio's
)ind directed s$ecia%%# to $erfor) its "onderf'% "or*. It "as si)$%#
ho$ed that it )i!ht di!est the )enta% )ateria% "ith "hich it had +een
st'ffed00in $'re se%f defense. 5't there is a )'ch +etter "a#, and "e
intend to te%% #o' a+o't it. The Hind' o!is, or rather those "ho
instr'ct their $'$i%s in "Raja o!a," !i(e their st'dents directions
"here+# the# )a# direct their s'+0conscio's )inds to $erfor) )enta%
tas*s for the), j'st as one )a# direct another to $erfor) a tas*. The#
teach the) the )ethods "here+#, after ha(in! acc')'%ated the necessar#
)ateria%s, the# )a# +id the s'+0conscio's )enta%it# to sort it o't,
rearran!e, ana%#,e, and +'i%d '$ fro) it so)e +it of desired *no"%ed!e.
&ore than this, the# instr'ct their $'$i%s to direct and order the
s'+0conscio's )enta%it# to search o't and re$ort to the) certain
infor)ation to +e fo'nd on%# "ithin the )ind itse%f00so)e 1'estion of
$hi%oso$h# or )eta$h#sics. And "hen s'ch art has +een ac1'ired, the
st'dent or o!i rests ass'red that the desired res'%t "i%% +e forthco)in!
in d'e ti)e, and conse1'ent%# dis)isses the )atter fro) his conscio's
)ind, and +'sies hi)se%f "ith other )atters, *no"in! that da# and ni!ht,
incessant%#, the s'+0conscio'sin! $rocess is !oin! on, and that the
s'+0conscio's )ind is acti(e%# at "or* co%%ectin! the infor)ation, or
"or*in! o't the $ro+%e).
o' "i%% see at once the !reat s'$eriorit# of this )ethod o(er the o%d
"hit0or0)iss," "ho$e0it0"i%%0"or*" $%an $'rs'ed +# those "ho ha(e
st')+%ed '$on +its of the tr'th.
The o!i teacher +e!ins +# i)$ressin! '$on his st'dents the fact that the
)ind is ca$a+%e of e.tendin! o't"ard to"ard an o+ject, )ateria% or
)enta%, and +# e.a)inin! it +# )ethods inherent in itse%f, e.tractin!
*no"%ed!e re!ardin! the o+ject na)ed. This is not a start%in! tr'th,
+eca'se it is so co))on, e(er#one e)$%o#in! it )ore or %ess e(er# da#.
5't the $rocess +# "hich the *no"%ed!e is e.tracted is )ost "onderf'%,
and rea%%# is $erfor)ed +e%o" the $%ane of conscio'sness, the "or* of the
conscio's )ind +ein! chief%# concerned in ho%din! the Attention '$on
the o+ject. /e ha(e s$o*en of the i)$ortance of Attention in $re(io's
%essons, "hich it "i%% +e "e%% for #o' to re0read, at this ti)e.
/hen the st'dent is f'%%# i)$ressed "ith the detai%s of the $rocess of
Attention, and the s'+se1'ent 'nfo%d)ent of *no"%ed!e, the o!i $roceeds
to infor) hi) that there are other )eans of o+tainin! *no"%ed!e a+o't an
o+ject, +# the e)$%o#)ent of "hich the Attention )a# +e fir)%# directed
to"ard the o+ject and then after"ards he%d there 'nconscio's%#00that
is, a $ortion of the Attention, or a s'+0conscio's $hase of )entation,
"hich "i%% ho%d the s'+0conscio's )ind fir)%# '$on the "or* 'nti%
acco)$%ished, %ea(in! the conscio's Attention and )enta%it# free to
e)$%o# itse%f "ith other thin!s.
The o!is teach the st'dents that this ne" for) of Attention is far )ore
intense and $o"erf'% than is the conscio's Attention, for it cannot +e
dist'r+ed or sha*en, or distracted fro) its o+ject, and that it "i%% "or*
a"a# at its tas* for da#s, )onths, #ears, or a %ifeti)e if necessar#,
accordin! to the diffic'%t# of the tas*, and in fact carries its "or*
o(er fro) one %ife to another, 'n%ess reca%%ed +# the /i%%. The# teach
the st'dent that in e(er#one2s %ife there is !oin! on a !reater or %ess
de!ree of this s'+0conscio's "or*, carried on in o+edience to a stron!
desire for *no"%ed!e )anifested in so)e for)er %ife, and +earin! fr'it
on%# in the $resent e.istence. &an# i)$ortant disco(eries ha(e +een )ade
in o+edience to this %a". 5't it is not of this $hase of the )atter that
"e "ish to s$ea* in this %esson.
The o!i theor# is that the s'+0conscio's inte%%ect'a% fac'%t# )a# +e set
to "or* 'nder the direction of orders !i(en +# the /i%%. A%% of #o' *no"
ho" the s'+0conscio's )enta%it# "i%% ta*e '$ an order of the /i%%, or a
stron! "ish, that the $erson +e a"a*ened at a certain ho'r in order to
catch a train. Or, in the sa)e "a# ho" the re)e)+rance of a certain
en!a!e)ent at, sa#, fo'r o2c%oc*, "i%% f%ash into the )ind "hen the hands
of the c%oc* a$$roach the stated ho'r. Near%# e(er# one can reca%%
instances of this sort in his o"n e.$erience.
5't the o!is !o )'ch f'rther than this. The# c%ai) that an# and a%%
fac'%ties of the )ind )a# +e "set !oin!," or "or*in! on an# $ro+%e), if
ordered thereto +# the /i%%. In fact, the o!is, and their ad(anced
st'dents ha(e )astered this art to s'ch a s'r$risin! e.tent that the#
find it 'nnecessar# to do the dr'd!er# of thin*in! in the conscio's
fie%d, and $refer to re%e!ate s'ch )enta% "or* to the s'+0conscio's,
reser(in! their conscio's "or* for the consideration of di!ested
infor)ation and tho'!ht $resented to the) +# the s'+0conscio's )ind.
Their directions to their st'dents co(er a !reat dea% of !ro'nd, and
e.tend o(er a %on! $eriod of ti)e, and )an# of the directions are 1'ite
co)$%icated and f'%% of detai%. 5't "e thin* that "e can !i(e o'r
st'dents an a++re(iated and condensed idea in a fe" $a!es of the %esson.
And the re)ainin! %essons of the co'rse "i%% a%so thro" additiona% %i!ht
on the s'+ject of s'+0conscio's )enta% action, in connection "ith
other s'+jects.
The o!i ta*es the st'dent "hen the %atter is )'ch +othered +# a
consideration of so)e *nott# and $er$! $hi%oso$hica% s'+ject. He
+ids the st'dent re%a. e(er# )'sc%e,00ta*e the tension fro) e(er#
ner(e00thro" aside a%% )enta% strain, and then "ait a fe" )o)ents. Then
the st'dent is instr'cted to !ras$ the s'+ject "hich he has had +efore
his )ind fir)%# and fi.ed%# +efore his )enta% (ision, +# )eans of
concentration. Then he is instr'cted to $ass it on to the s'+0conscio's
)enta%it# +# an effort of the /i%%, "hich effort is aided +# for)in! a
)enta% $ict're of the s'+ject as a )ateria% s'+stance, or +'nd%e of
tho'!ht, "hich is +ein! +odi%# %ifted '$ and dro$$ed do"n a )enta%
hatch0"a#, or tra$0door, in "hich it sin*s fro) si!ht. The st'dent is
then instr'cted to sa# to the s'+0conscio's )enta%it#4 "I "ish this
s'+ject thoro'!h%# ana%#,ed, arran!ed, c%assified 7and "hate(er e%se is
desired8 and then the res'%ts handed +ac* to )e. Attend to this."
The st'dent is ta'!ht to s$ea* to the s'+0conscio's )enta%it# j'st as if
it "ere a se$arate entit# of +ein!, "hich had +een e)$%o#ed to do the
"or*. He is a%so ta'!ht that confident e.$ectation is an i)$ortant $art
of the $rocess, and that the de!ree of s'ccess de$ends '$on the de!ree of
this confident e.$ectation.
In o+stinate cases, the st'dent is ta'!ht to 'se the I)a!ination free%#,
'nti% he is a+%e to )a*e a )enta% i)a!e or $ict're of the s'+0conscio's
)ind doin! "hat is re1'ired of it. This $rocess c%ears a"a# a )enta%
$ath for the feet of the s'+0conscio's )ind, "hich it "i%% choose
thereafter, as it $refers to fo%%o" the %ine of %east resistance.
Of co'rse )'ch de$ends '$on $ractice00$ractice )a*es $erfect, #o' *no",
in e(er#thin! e%se, and s'+0conscio'sin! is no e.ce$tion to the r'%e.
The st'dent !rad'a%%# ac1'ires a $roficienc# in the art of
s'+0conscio'sin!, and thereafter de(otes his ti)e to ac1'irin! ne" facts
for )enta% di!estion, rather than +esto"in! it '$on the )echanica% act of
5't a (er# i)$ortant $oint to +e re)e)+ered is that the /i%%0$o"er +ac*
of the transferred tho'!ht0)ateria%, "hich /i%%0$o"er is the ca'se of the
s'+conscio's action, de$ends (er# !reat%# '$on the attention and interest
!i(en to the ac1'ired )ateria%. This )ass of tho'!ht0)ateria% "hich is to
+e di!ested, and threshed o't +# the s'+0conscio's )ind, )'st +e "e%%
sat'rated "ith interest and attention, in order to o+tain the +est
res'%ts. In fact interest and attention are s'ch i)$ortant aids to the
/i%%, that an# consideration of the de(e%o$)ent and ac1'ire)ent of
/i%%0$o"er is $ractica%%# a de(e%o$)ent and ac1'ire)ent of attention and
interest. The st'dent is referred to $re(io's %essons in this co'rse in
"hich the i)$ortance of interest and attention is e.$%ained and
In ac1'irin! the )ass of tho'!ht0)ateria% "hich is to +e $assed on to the
s'+0conscio's di!estion, one )'st concentrate a !reat de!ree of interest
and attention '$on each ite) of tho'!ht0)ateria% !athered '$. The
!atherin! of this tho'!ht0)ateria% is a )atter of the !reatest
i)$ortance, and )'st not +e %i!ht%# $assed +#. One cannot hasti%# !ather
to!ether a%% sorts of tho'!ht0)ateria%, and then e.$ect the s'+conscio's
)ind to do its "or* $ro$er%#00it "i%% not, in fact, and the st'dent
$roceedin! '$on an# s'ch erroneo's s'$$osition is doo)ed to
The $ro$er "a# to $roceed, is to ta*e '$ each +it of tho'!ht0)ateria% in
t'rn, and e.a)ine it "ith the !reatest $ossi+%e interest, and
conse1'ent%# the !reatest attention, and then after ha(in! fair%#
sat'rated it "ith this interested attention, $%ace it "ith the $i%e of
)ateria% "hich, after a "hi%e, is to +e $assed on to the s'+0conscio's
)enta%it#. Then ta*e '$ the ne.t +it of )ateria%, and after !i(in! it
si)i%ar treat)ent, $ass it a%on! to the $i%e a%so. Then after a "hi%e
"hen #o' ha(e !athered '$ the )ain facts of the case, $roceed to consider
the )ass as a "ho%e, "ith interest and attention, !i(in! it as it "ere a
"!enera% treat)ent." Then dro$ it do"n the tra$0door into the
s'+0conscio's )ind, "ith a stron! co))and, "Attend to this
tho'!ht0)ateria%," co'$%ed "ith a stron! e.$ectant +e%ief that #o'r
order "i%% +e o+e#ed.
The idea 'nder%#in! this treat)ent of the tho'!ht0)ateria% "ith interest
and attention is that +# so doin! a stron! "&enta% I)a!e" is created,
"hich )a# +e easi%# hand%ed +# the s'+0conscio's )ind. Re)e)+er that #o'
are $assin! on "tho'!hts" for the s'+0conscio'sness to act '$on, and that
the )ore tan!i+%e and rea% these tho'!hts are, the +etter can the# +e
hand%ed. Therefore an# $%an that "i%% +'i%d these tho'!hts '$ into "rea%"
thin!s is the $%an to $'rs'e. And attention and interest $rod'ce j'st
this res'%t.
If "e )a# +e $ardoned for 'sin! a ho)e%# and co))on$%ace i%%'stration "e
"o'%d sa# that the idea )a# +e !ras$ed +# the i%%'stration of +oi%in! an
e!!, "here+# the f%'id ""hite" and "#o%*" +eco)es so%id and rea%. A%so
the 'se of a sha(in! +r'sh +# a )an, +# "hich the thin %ather is
!rad'a%%# "or*ed '$ into a rich, thic*, crea)# )ass, is an i%%'stration.
A!ain, the ch'rnin! of +'tter is a fa(orite i%%'stration of the Hind's,
"ho th's ca%% the attention of their st'dents to the fact that
tho'!ht0)ateria% if "or*ed '$on "ith attention and interest +eco)e
"tho'!ht0for)s" that )a# +e hand%ed +# the )ind j'st as the hands hand%e
a )ateria% o+ject. /e as* #o' to thin* of these i%%'strations, for "hen
#o' once !ras$ the idea that "e "ish to con(e# to #o', #o' "i%% ha(e the
secret of !reat thin*in! $o"ers "ithin #o'r !ras$.
And this $o"er of s'+0conscio'sin! is not confined a%one to the
consideration of $hi%oso$hica% 1'estions. On the contrar# it is
a$$%ica+%e to e(er# fie%d of h')an tho'!ht, and )a# +e $ro$er%# e)$%o#ed
in an# and a%% of the). It is 'sef'% in so%(in! the $ro+%e)s of e(er#0da#
%ife and "or*, as "e%% as to the hi!her f%i!hts of the h')an )ind. And "e
"ish e(er# one of o'r st'dents to rea%i,e that in this si)$%e %esson "e
are !i(in! the) the *e# to a !reat )enta% $o"er.
To rea%i,e j'st "hat "e are offerin! to #o', "e "o'%d re)ind #o' of the
o%d fair# ta%es of a%% races, in "hich there is to +e fo'nd one or )ore
ta%es te%%in! of so)e $oor co++%er, or tai%or, or car$enter, as the case
)a# +e, "ho had +# his !ood deeds, !ained fa(or "ith the "+ro"nies" or
!ood fairies, "ho "o'%d co)e each ni!ht "hen the )an and his fa)i%# "ere
as%ee$, and $roceed to co)$%ete the "or* that the artisan had %aid o't
for the )orro". The $ieces of %eather "o'%d +e )ade into shoes3 the c%oth
"o'%d +e se"ed into !ar)ents3 the "ood "o'%d +e joined, and nai%ed
to!ether into, chairs, +enches and "hat not. 5't in each case the
ro'!h )ateria%s "ere $re$ared +# the artisan hi)se%f d'rin! the da#.
/e%%, that is j'st "hat "e are tr#in! to introd'ce to #o'. A c%an of
)enta% +ro"nies, %o(in! and *ind%# dis$osed to"ard #o', "ho are's
and "i%%in! to he%$ #o' in #o'r "or*. A%% #o' ha(e to do is to !i(e
the) the $ro$er )ateria%s, and te%% then "hat #o' "ant done, and the#
"i%% do the rest. 5't these )enta% +ro"nies are a $art of #o'r o"n
)enta%it#, re)e)+er, and no a%ien and forei!n entities, as so)e ha(e
A n')+er of $eo$%e "ho ha(e accidenta%%# disco(ered this $o"er of the
s'+0conscio's )ind to "or* o't $ro+%e)s, and to render other (a%'a+%e
ser(ice to its o"ner, ha(e +een %ed to s'$$ose that the aid rea%%# ca)e
fro) so)e other entit# or inte%%i!ence. So)e ha(e tho'!ht that the
)essa!es ca)e fro) friends in the s$irit %and, and others ha(e +e%ie(ed
that so)e hi!h inte%%i!ence00<od or his an!e%s00"as "or*in! in their
+eha%f. /itho't disc'ssin! s$irit co))'nication, or 9i(ine )essa!es, in
+oth of "hich "e +e%ie(e 7"ith certain $ro(isiona% reser(ations8 "e fee%
j'stified in sa#in! that the )ajorit# of cases of this *ind )a# +e
referred to the s'+0conscio's "or*in!s of one2s o"n )enta%it#.
Each of 's has "a friend" in o'r o"n )ind00a score of the) in fact, "ho
de%i!ht in $erfor)in! ser(ices for 's, if "e "i%% +'t a%%o" the) to do
so. Not on%# ha(e "e a Hi!her Se%f to "ho) "e )a# t'rn for co)fort and
aid in ti)es of dee$ distress and necessit#, +'t "e ha(e these in(isi+%e
)enta% "or*ers on the s'+0conscio's $%ane, "ho are (er# "i%%in! and !%ad
to $erfor) )'ch of o'r )enta% "or* for 's, if "e "i%% +'t !i(e the) the
)ateria% in $ro$er sha$e.
It is (er# diffic'%t to i)$art s$ecific directions for o+tainin!
these res'%ts, as each case )'st de$end to a !reat e.tent '$on the
$ec'%iar circ')stances s'rro'ndin! it. 5't "e )a# sa# that the )ain thin!
needed is to "%ic* into sha$e" the )ateria%, and then $ass it on to the
s'+0conscio's )ind in the )anner s$o*en of a fe" )o)ents a!o. Let 's r'n
o(er a fe" cases "herein this $rinci$%e )a# +e a$$%ied.
Let 's s'$$ose that #o' are confronted "ith a $ro+%e) consistin! of an
'ncertaint# as to "hich of t"o or )ore co'rses to ado$t in so)e affair of
%ife. Each co'rse see)s to ha(e ad(anta!es and disad(anta!es, and #o'
see) 'na+%e to $ass '$on the )atter c%ear%# and inte%%i!ent%#. The )ore
#o' tr# the )ore $er$%e.ed and "orried do #o' +eco)e. o'r )ind see)s to
tire of the )atter, and )anifests a state "hich )a# +e ca%%ed ")enta%
na'sea." This state "i%% +e a$$arent to an# one "ho has had )'ch
"thin*in!" to do. The a(era!e $erson, ho"e(er, $ersists in !oin! o(er
the )atter, not"ithstandin! the tired condition of the )ind, and its
e(ident distaste for a f'rther consideration of the s'+ject. The# "i%%
*ee$ on forcin! it +ac* to the )ind for consideration, and e(en at ni!ht
ti)e "i%% *ee$ thrashin! a"a# at the s'+ject. No" this co'rse is a+s'rd.
The )ind reco!ni,es that the "or* sho'%d +e done +# another $art of
itse%f00its di!esti(e re!ion, in fact00and nat'ra%%# re+e%s at the
finishin!0'$ )achiner# +ein! e)$%o#ed in "or* 'ns'ited for it.
Accordin! to the S'+0conscio'sin! $%an, the +est thin! for the )an to do
"o'%d +e for hi) first to ca%) and 1'iet his )ind. Then he sho'%d arran!e
the )ain feat'res of the $ro+%e), to!ether "ith the )inor detai%s in
their $ro$er $%aces. Then he sho'%d $ass the) s%o"%# +efore hi) in
re(ie", !i(in! a stron! interest and attention to each fact and detai%,
as it $asses +efore hi), +'t "itho't the s%i!htest atte)$t to for) a
decision, or co)e to a conc%'sion. Then, ha(in! !i(en the )atter an
interested and attenti(e re(ie", %et hi) /i%% that it $ass on to his
s'+0conscio's )ind, for)in! the )enta% i)a!e of dro$$in! it thro'!h the
tra$0door, and at the sa)e ti)e !i(in! the co))and of the /i%%, "Attend
to this for )e?"
Then dis)iss the )atter fro) #o'r conscio's )ind, +# an effort of co))and
of the /i%%. If #o' find it diffic'%t to do this, #o' )a# soon ac1'ire
the )aster# +# a fre1'ent assertion, "I ha(e dis)issed this )atter fro)
)# conscio's )ind, and )# s'+0conscio's )ind "i%% attend to it for )e."
Then, endea(or to create a )enta% fee%in! of $erfect tr'st and confidence
in the )atter, and a(oid a%% "orr# or an.iet# a+o't it. This )a# +e
so)e"hat diffic'%t at the first tria%, +'t "i%% +eco)e a nat'ra% fee%in!
after #o' ha(e !ained the confidence arisin! fro) s'ccessf'% res'%ts in
se(era% cases. The )atter is one of $ractice, and, %i*e an#thin! e%se
that is ne", )'st +e ac1'ired +# $erse(erance and $atience. It is "e%%
"orth the ti)e and tro'+%e, and once ac1'ired "i%% +e re!arded as
so)ethin! in the nat're of a treas're disco(ered in an 'ne.$ected $%ace.
The sense of tran1'i%%it# and content00of ca%) and confidence00that co)es
to one "ho has $racticed this $%an, "i%% of itse%f +e "orth a%% the
tro'+%e, not to s$ea* of the )ain res'%t. To one "ho has ac1'ired this
)ethod, the o%d "orries, frettin!s, and !enera% "ste"ed '$" fee%in!, "i%%
see) %i*e a re%ic of +ar+aris). The ne" "a# o$ens '$ a "or%d of ne"
fee%in!s and content.
In so)e cases the )atter "i%% +e "or*ed o't +# the s'+0conscio's
)ind in a (er# short ti)e, and in fact "e ha(e *no"n cases in "hich
the ans"er "o'%d +e f%ashed +ac* a%)ost instant%#, a%)ost %i*e an
ins$iration. 5't in the )ajorit# of cases )ore or %ess ti)e is re1'ired.
The s'+0conscio's )ind "or*s (er# ra$id%#, +'t it ta*es ti)e to arran!e
the tho'!ht0)ateria% $ro$er%#, and to sha$e it into the desired for)s. In
the )ajorit# of cases it is "e%% to %et the )atter rest 'nti% the ne.t
da#00a fact that !i(es 's a c%'e to the o%d ad(ice to "s%ee$ o(er" an
i)$ortant $ro$osition, +efore $assin! a fina% decision.
If the )atter does not $resent itse%f the fo%%o"in! da#, +rin! it '$
a!ain +efore the conscio's )ind for re(ie". o' "i%% find that it has
sha$ed itse%f '$ considera+%#, and is ass')in! definite for) and
c%earness. 5't ri!ht here00and this is i)$ortant00do not )a*e the )ista*e
of a!ain dissectin! it, and )edd%in! "ith it, and tr#in! to arran!e it
"ith #o'r conscio's )ind. 5't, instead, !i(e it attention and interest
in its ne" for), and then $ass it +ac* a!ain to the s'+0conscio's )ind
for f'rther "or*. o' "i%% find an i)$ro(e)ent each ti)e #o' e.a)ine it.
5't, ri!ht here another "ord of ca'tion. 9o not )a*e the )ista*e of
#ie%din! to the i)$atience of the +e!inner, and *ee$ on re$eated%#
+rin!in! '$ the )atter to see "hat is +ein! done. <i(e it ti)e to ha(e
the "or* done on it. 9o not +e %i*e the +o# "ho $%anted seeds, and "ho
each da# "o'%d $'%% the) '$ to see "hether the# had s$ro'ted, and ho"
Sooner or %ater, the s'+0conscio's )ind "i%%, of its o"n choice, %ift '$
the )atter and $resent it to #o' in its finished sha$e for the
consideration of the conscio's )ind. The s'+0conscio's )ind does not
insist that #o' sha%% ado$t its (ie"s, or acce$t its "or*, +'t )ere%#
hands o't to #o' the res'%t of its sortin!, c%assif#in! and arran!in!.
The choice and "i%% sti%% re)ains #o'rs, +'t #o' "i%% often find that
there is seen to +e one $%an or $ath that stands o't c%ear%# fro) the
others, and #o' "i%% (er# %i*e%# ado$t that one. The secret is that the
s'+0conscio's )ind "ith its "onderf'% $atience and care has ana%#,ed the
)atter, and has se$arated thin!s +efore a$$arent%# connected. It has a%so
fo'nd rese)+%ances and has co)+ined thin!s heretofore considered o$$osed
to each other. In short it has done for #o' a%% that #o' co'%d ha(e done
"ith the e.$endit're of !reat "or* and ti)e, and done it "e%%. And then
it %a#s the )atter +efore #o' for #o'r consideration and (erdict.
Its "ho%e "or* see)s to ha(e +een in the nat're of assortin!, dissectin!,
ana%#,in!, and arran!in! the e(idence, and then $resentin! it +efore #o'
in a c%ear, s#ste)atic sha$e. It does not atte)$t to e.ercise the
j'dicia% $rero!ati(e or f'nction, +'t see)s to reco!ni,e that its "or*
ceases "ith the $resentation of the edited e(idence, and that of the
conscio's )ind +e!ins at the sa)e $oint.
No", do not conf'se this "or* "ith that of the Int'ition, "hich is a (er#
different )enta% $hase or $%ane. This s'+0conscio's "or*in!, j'st
)entioned, $%a#s an entire%# different $art. It is a !ood ser(ant, and
does not tr# to +e )ore. The Int'ition, on the contrar#, is )ore %i*e a
hi!her friend00a friend at co'rt, as it "ere, "ho !i(es 's "arnin!s and
In o'r directions "e ha(e to%d #o' ho" to )a*e 'se of this $art of the
)ind, conscio's%# and *no"in!%#, so as to o+tain the +est res'%ts, and to
!et rid of "orr# and an.iet# attendant '$on 'nsett%ed 1'estions. 5't,
in fact, e(er# one of 's )a*es )ore or %ess 'se of this $art of the )ind
'nconscio's%#, and not rea%i,in! the i)$ortant $art it $%a#s in o'r
)enta% %ife. /e are $er$%e.ed a+o't a )atter and *ee$ it "on o'r )inds"
'nti% "e are forced to %a# it aside +# reason of so)e other de)and, or
"hen "e sin* to s%ee$. Often to o'r s'r$rise "e "i%% find that "hen "e
ne.t thin* of it the )atter has so)eho" c%eared '$ and strai!htened
itse%f o't, and "e see) to ha(e %earned so)ethin! a+o't it that "e did
not *no" +efore. /e do not 'nderstand it, and are a$t to dis)iss it as
"j'st one of those thin!s." In these %essons "e are atte)$tin! to e.$%ain
so)e of "those thin!s," and to ena+%e #o' to 'se the) conscio's%# and
'nderstandin!%#, instead of +# chance, instincti(e%#, and c%')si%#. /e
are teachin! #o' &aster# of the &ind.
No" to a$$%# the r'%e to another case. S'$$ose #o' "ish to !ather
to!ether a%% the infor)ation that #o' $ossess re%atin! to a certain
s'+ject. In the first $%ace it is certain that #o' *no" a (er# !reat dea%
)ore a+o't an# s'+ject than #o' thin* #o' do. Stored a"a# in the (ario's
recesses of the )ind, or )e)or# if #o' $refer that ter), are stra# +its
of infor)ation and *no"%ed!e concernin! a%)ost an# s'+ject. 5't these
+its of infor)ation are not associated "ith each other. o' ha(e ne(er
atte)$ted to thin* attenti(e%# '$on the $artic'%ar 1'estion +efore #o',
and the facts are not corre%ated in the )ind. It is j'st as if #o' had
so )an# h'ndred $o'nds of an#thin! scattered thro'!ho't the s$ace of a
%ar!e "areho'se, a tin# +it here, and a tin# +it there, )i.ed '$ "ith
tho'sands of other thin!s.
o' )a# $ro(e this +# sittin! do"n so)e ti)e and %ettin! #o'r tho'!hts
r'n a%on! the %ine of so)e $artic'%ar s'+ject, and #o' "i%% find e)er!in!
into the fie%d of conscio'sness a%% sorts of infor)ation that #o' had
a$$arent%# for!otten, and each fittin! itse%f into its $ro$er $%ace.
E(er# $erson has had e.$eriences of this *ind. 5't the "or* of !atherin!
to!ether the scattered scra$s of *no"%ed!e is )ore or %ess tedio's for
the conscio's )ind, and the s'+0conscio's )ind "i%% do the "or* e1'a%%#
"e%% "ith the "ear and tear on the attention. In fact, it is the
s'+0conscio's )ind that a%"a#s does the "or*, e(en "hen #o' thin* it is
the conscio's )ind. A%% the conscio's )ind does is to ho%d the attention
fir)%# '$on the o+ject +efore it, and then %et the s'+0conscio'sness $ass
the )ateria% +efore it. 5't this ho%din! the attention is tireso)e "or*,
and it is not necessar# for it to e.$end its ener!ies '$on the detai%s of
the tas*, for the "or* )a# +e done in an easier and si)$%er "a#.
The +est "a# is to fo%%o" a $%an si)i%ar to the one )entioned a fe" $a!es
+ac*. That is, to fi. the interested attention fir)%# '$on the 1'estion
+efore #o', 'nti% #o' )ana!e to !et a c%ear, (i(id i)$ression of j'st
"hat #o' "ant ans"ered. Then $ass the "ho%e )atter into the
s'+0conscio's )ind "ith the co))and "Attend to this," and then %ea(e it.
Thro" the "ho%e )atter off of #o'r )ind, and %et the s'+0conscio's
"or* !o on. If $ossi+%e %et the )atter r'n a%on! 'nti% the ne.t )ornin!
and then ta*e it '$ for consideration, "hen, if #o' ha(e $roceeded
$ro$er%# #o' "i%% find the )atter "or*ed o't, arran!ed in %o!ica%
se1'ence, so that #o'r conscio's attention "i%% +e a+%e to c%ear%#
re(ie" the strin! of facts, e.a)$%es, i%%'strations, e.$eriences, etc.,
re%atin! to the )atter in 1'estion.
No", )an# of #o' "i%% sa# that #o' "o'%d %i*e this $%an to "or* in cases
in "hich #o' ha(e not the ti)e to s%ee$ o(er it. In s'ch cases "e "i%%
sa# that it is $ossi+%e to c'%ti(ate a ra$id )ethod of s'+0conscio'sin!,
and in fact )an# +'siness )en and )en of affairs ha(e st')+%ed '$on a
si)i%ar $%an, dri(en to the disco(er# +# necessit#. The# "i%% !i(e a
1'ic*, co)$rehensi(e, stron! f%ash of attention '$on the s'+ject,
!ettin! ri!ht to the heart of it, and then "i%% %et it rest in the
s'+0conscio's )ind for a )o)ent or t"o, *i%%in! a )in'te or t"o of ti)e n
"$re%i)inar# con(ersation," 'nti% the first f%ash of ans"er co)es to
the). After the first f%ash, and ta*in! ho%d of the first %oose end of
the s'+ject that $resents itse%f to the), the# "i%% 'n"ind a strin! of
infor)ation and "ta%*" a+o't the s'+ject that "i%% s'r$rise e(en
the)se%(es. &an# %a"#ers ha(e ac1'ired this *no"%ed!e, and are "hat is
*no"n as "reso'rcef'%." S'ch )en are often confronted "ith 1'estions of
conditions 'tter%# 'ns's$ected +# the) a )o)ent +efore. Practice has
ta'!ht the) the fo%%# of fear and %oss of confidence at s'ch )o)ents, and
has a%so i)$ressed '$on the) the tr'th that so)ethin! "ithin the) "i%%
co)e to the resc'e. So, $resentin! a confident air, the# "i%% )ana!e to
sa# a fe" $%atit'des or co))on$%aces, "hi%e the s'+0conscio's )ind is
)ost ra$id%# !atherin! its )ateria%s for the ans"er. In a )o)ent an
o$enin! tho'!ht "f%ashes '$on" the )an, and as he contin'es idea after
idea $asses +efore his conscio's and ea!er attention, so)eti)es so
ra$id%# that it is a%)ost i)$ossi+%e to 'tter the) and %o? the dan!er is
o(er, and a +ri%%iant s'ccess is often snatched fro) the ja"s of an
a$$arent fai%'re and defeat. In s'ch cases the )enta% de)and '$on the
s'+0conscio's )ind is not (oiced in "ords, +'t is the res'%t of a stron!
)enta% need. Ho"e(er, if one !i(es a 1'ic* (er+a% co))and "Attend to
this," the res'%t "i%% +e hei!htened.
/e ha(e *no"n of cases of )en $ro)inent in the "or%d2s affairs "ho )ade a
$ractice of s)o*in! a ci!ar d'rin! i)$ortant +'siness inter(ie"s, not
+eca'se the# $artic'%ar%# cared for to+acco, +'t +eca'se the# had %earned
to a$$reciate the (a%'e of a )o)ent2s ti)e for the )ind to "!ather itse%f
to!ether," as one )an e.$ressed it. A 1'estion "o'%d +e as*ed, or a
$ro$osition ad(anced s'dden%#, de)andin! an i))ediate ans"er. -nder the
"atchf'% e#es of the other $art# the 1'estioned $art# tried not to sho"
+# his e.$ression an# indication of searchin! for an ans"er, for o+(io's
reasons. So, instead, he "o'%d ta*e a %on! $'ff at the ci!ar, then a s%o"
attenti(e %oo* at the ashes on its ti$, and then another )o)ent cons')ed
in f%ic*in! the ash into the rece$tac%e, and then ca)e the ans"er,
s%o"%#, "/e%%, as to that00" or so)e other "ords of that *ind, $refacin!
the rea% ans"er "hich had +een ra$id%# fra)ed +# the s'+0conscio's )ind
in ti)e to +e 'ttered in its $ro$er $%ace. The fe" )o)ents of ti)e !ained
had +een s'fficient for the s'+0conscio's )ind to !ather '$ its
)ateria%s, and the )atter to +e sha$ed $ro$er%#, "itho't an# a$$earance
of hesitation on the $art of the ans"erer. A%% of this re1'ired $ractice,
of co'rse, +'t the $rinci$%e )a# +e seen thro'!h it a%% and in e(er#
si)i%ar case. The $oint is that the )an, in s'ch cases, sets so)e hidden
$art of his )ind to "or* for hi), and "hen he +e!ins to s$ea* the )atter
is at %east ro'!h%# "%ic*ed into sha$e for hi)."
O'r st'dents "i%% 'nderstand, of co'rse, that this is not ad(ice to s)o*e
ci!ars d'rin! inter(ie"s of i)$ortance, +'t is )ere%# !i(en to i%%'strate
the $rinci$%e. /e ha(e *no"n other )en to t"ir% a %ead $enci% in their
fin!ers in a %a,# sort of fashion, and then dro$ it at the i)$ortant
)o)ent. 5't "e )'st cease !i(in! e.a)$%es of this *ind, %est "e +e
acc'sed of !i(in! instr'ctions in "or%d%# "isdo), instead of teachin! the
'se of the )ind. The i)$ressi(e $a'se of the teacher, +efore ans"erin!
his $'$i%2s 1'estion, is a%so an e.a)$%e of the "or*in!s of this %a". One
often sa#s "sto$, %et )e thin* a )o)ent," and d'rin! his $a'se he does
not rea%%# conscio's%# thin* at a%%, +'t stares ahead in a drea)#
fashion, "hi%e his s'+0conscio's )ind does the "or* for hi), a%tho'!h he
%itt%e s's$ects the nat're of the o$eration. One has +'t to %oo* aro'nd
hi) to rea%i,e the i)$ortance and fre1'ent a$$%ication of this tr'th.
And not on%# )a# the s'+0conscio's )ind +e 'sed in the directions
indicated on $recedin! $a!es, +'t in near%# e(er# $er$ and $ro+%e)
of %ife )a# it +e ca%%ed '$on for he%$. These %itt%e s'+0conscio's
+ro"nies are e(er at o'r dis$osa%, and see) to +e ha$$# to +e of ser(ice
to 's.
And so far fro) +ein! a$t to !et 's in a $osition of fa%se de$endence, it
is ca%c'%ated to )a*e 's se%f0confident00for "e are ca%%in! '$on a $art
of o'rse%(es, not '$on so)e o'tside inte%%i!ence. If those $eo$%e "ho
ne(er fee% satisfied 'n%ess the# are !ettin! "ad(ice" fro) others "o'%d
on%# c'%ti(ate the ac1'aintance of this %itt%e "ho)e ad(iser" "ithin
the), the# "o'%d %ose that de$endent attit'de and fra)e of )ind, and
"o'%d !ro" se%f0confident and fear%ess. >'st i)a!ine the confidence of
one "ho fee%s that he has "ithin hi) a so'rce of *no"%ed!e e1'a% to that
of the )ajorit# of those "ith "ho) he is %i*e%# to co)e in contact, and
he fee%s %ess afraid to face the), and %oo* the) fear%ess%# in the e#es.
He fee%s that his ")ind" is not confined to the %itt%e fie%d of
conscio'sness, +'t is an area infinite%# !reater, containin! a )ass of
infor)ation 'ndrea)ed of. E(er#thin! that the )an has inherited, or
+ro'!ht "ith hi) fro) $ast %i(es00e(er#thin! that he has read, heard or
seen, or e.$erienced in this %ife, is hidden a"a# there in so)e 1'arter
of that !reat s'+0conscio's )ind, and, if he "i%% +'t !i(e the co))and,
the "essence" of a%% that *no"%ed!e is his. The detai%s )a# not +e
$resented to his conscio'sness 7often it is not, for (er# !ood occ'%t
reasons8 +# the res'%t, or essence of the *no"%ed!e "i%% $ass +efore his
attention, "ith s'fficient e.a)$%es and i%%'strations, or ar!')ents to
ena+%e hi) to )a*e o't "a !ood case" for hi)se%f.
In the ne.t %esson "e "i%% ca%% #o'r attention to other feat'res and
1'a%ities of this !reat fie%d of )ind, sho"in! #o' ho" #o' can $'t it to
"or*, and &aster it. Re)e)+er, a%"a#s, the "I" is the &aster. And its
&aster# )'st a%"a#s +e re)e)+ered and asserted o(er a%% $hases and $%anes
of the )ind. 9o not +e a s%a(e to the s'+0conscio's, +'t +e its &ASTER.
I ha(e "ithin )e a !reat area of &ind that is 'nder )# co))and, and
s'+ject to )# &aster#. This &ind is friend%# to )e, and is !%ad to do
)# +iddin!, and o+e# )# orders. It "i%% "or* for )e "hen I as* it, and
is constant, 'ntirin!, and faithf'%. 6no"in! this I a) no %on!er
afraid, i!norant or 'ninfor)ed. The "I" is )aster of it a%%, and is
assertin! its a'thorit#. "I" a) )aster o(er 5od#, &ind, Conscio'sness,
and S'+0conscio'sness. I a) "I"00a Centre of Po"er, Stren!th, and
6no"%ed!e. I a) "I"00and "I" a) S$irit, a fra!)ent fro) the 9i(ine F%a)e.
In o'r %ast %esson 7the Tenth Lesson8 "e ca%%ed #o'r attention to the
"onderf'% "or* of the s'+0conscio's re!ions of )entation in the direction
of the $erfor)ance of Inte%%ect'a% "or*. <reat as are the $ossi+i%ities
of this fie%d of )entation in the direction na)ed, the# are e1'a%ed +#
the $ossi+i%ities of +'i%din! '$ character +# si)i%ar )ethods.
E(er# one rea%i,es that one )a# chan!e his character +# a stren'o's
co'rse of re$ression and trainin!, and near%# a%% "ho read these %ines
ha(e )odified their characteristics so)e"hat +# si)i%ar )ethods. 5't it
is on%# of %ate #ears that the !enera% $'+%ic ha(e +eco)e a"are that
Character )i!ht +e )odified, chan!ed, and so)eti)es co)$%ete%# a%tered +#
)eans of an inte%%i!ent 'se of the s'+0conscio's fac'%ties of the )ind.
The "ord "Character" is deri(ed fro) ancient ter)s )eanin! "to )ar*," "to
en!ra(e," etc., and so)e a'thorities infor) 's that the ter) ori!ina%%#
arose fro) the "ord 'sed +# the 5a+#%onian +ric*)a*ers to desi!nate the
trade )ar* i)$ressed +# the) '$on their +ric*s, each )a*er ha(in! his o"n
)ar*. This is interestin!, in (ie" of the recent theories re!ardin! the
c'%ti(ation of characteristics "hich )a# +e fo'nd in the c'rrent /estern
"or*s on $s#cho%o!#. 5't these theories are not ne" to the o!i teachers
of the East, "ho ha(e e)$%o#ed si)i%ar )ethods for cent'ries $ast in
trainin! their st'dents and $'$i%s. The o!is ha(e %on! ta'!ht that a
)an2s character "as, $ractica%%#, the cr'de character0st'ff $ossessed +#
hi) at his +irth, )odified and sha$ed +# o'tside inf%'ences in the case
of the ordinar# )an, and +# de%i+erate se%f0trainin! and sha$in! +# the
"ise )an. Their $'$i%s are e.a)ined re!ardin! their characteristics, and
then directed to re$ress the 'ndesira+%e traits, and to c'%ti(ate the
desira+%e ones.
The o!i $ractice of Character 5'i%din! is +ased '$on the *no"%ed!e of
the "onderf'% $o"ers of the s'+0conscio's $%ane of the )ind. The $'$i% is
not re1'ired to $'rs'e stren'o's )ethods of re$ression or c'%ti(ation,
+'t, on the contrar#, is ta'!ht that s'ch )ethods are o$$osed to nat're2s
$%ans, and that the +est "a# is to i)itate nat're and to !rad'a%%# 'nfo%d
the desired characteristics +# )eans of foc'sin! the "i%%0$o"er and
attention '$on the). The "eedin! o't of 'ndesira+%e characteristics is
acco)$%ished +# the $'$i% c'%ti(atin! the characteristics direct%#
o$$osed to the 'ndesira+%e ones. For instance, if the $'$i% desires to
o(erco)e Fear, he is not instr'cted to concentrate on Fear "ith the idea
of *i%%in! it o't, +'t, instead, is ta'!ht to )enta%%# den# that he has
Fear, and then to concentrate his attention '$on the idea% of Co'ra!e.
/hen Co'ra!e is de(e%o$ed, Fear is fo'nd to ha(e faded a"a#. The $ositi(e
a%"a#s o(er$o"ers the ne!ati(e.
In the "ord "idea%" is fo'nd the secret of the o!i )ethod of
s'+0conscio's character +'i%din!. The teachin!s are to the effect that
"idea%s" )a# +e +'i%t '$ +# the +esto"a% of attention '$on the). The
st'dent is !i(en the e.a)$%e of a rose +'sh. He is ta'!ht that the $%ant
"i%% !ro" and f%o'rish in the )eas're that care and attention is +esto"ed
'$on it and (ice (ersa. He is ta'!ht that the idea% of so)e desired
characteristic is a )enta% rose+'sh, and that +# caref'% attention it
"i%% !ro" and $'t forth %ea(es and f%o"ers. He is then !i(en so)e )inor
)enta% trait to de(e%o$, and is ta'!ht to d"e%% '$on it in tho'!ht00to
e.ercise his i)a!ination and to )enta%%# "see" hi)se%f attainin! the
desired 1'a%it#. He is !i(en )antra)s or affir)ation to re$eat, for the
$'r$ose of !i(in! hi) a )enta% center aro'nd "hich to +'i%d an idea%.
There is a )i!ht# $o"er in "ords, 'sed in this "a#, $ro(idin! that the
'ser a%"a#s thin*s of the )eanin! of the "ords, and )a*es a )enta%
$ict're of the 1'a%it# e.$ressed +# the), instead of )ere%# re$eatin!
the) $arrot fashion.
The o!i st'dent is trained !rad'a%%#, 'nti% he ac1'ires the $o"er of
conscio's direction of the s'+0conscio's )ind in the +'i%din! '$ $rocess,
"hich $o"er co)es to an#one00Orienta% or Occidenta%00"ho "i%% ta*e the
tro'+%e to $ractice. In fact, near%# e(er#one $ossesses and acti(e%# 'ses
this $o"er, a%tho'!h he )a# not +e a"are of it. One2s character is
%ar!e%# the res'%t of the 1'a%it# of tho'!hts he%d in the )ind, and of
the )enta% $ict'res or idea%s entertained +# the $erson. The )an "ho
constant%# sees and thin*s of hi)se%f as 'ns'ccessf'% and do"n0trodden
is (er# a$t to !ro" idea%s of tho'!ht for)s of these thin!s 'nti% his
"ho%e nat're is do)inated +# the), and his e(er# act "or*s to"ard the
o+jectification of the tho'!hts. On the contrar#, the )an "ho )a*es an
idea% of s'ccess and acco)$%ish)ent finds that his "ho%e )enta% nat're
see)s to "or* to"ard that res'%t00the o+jectification of the idea%. And
so it is "ith e(er# other idea%. The $erson "ho +'i%ds '$ a )enta% idea%
of >ea%o's# "i%% +e (er# a$t to o+jectif# the sa)e, and to 'nconscio's%#
create condition that "i%% !i(e his >ea%o's# food '$on "hich to feed. 5't
this $artic'%ar $hase of the s'+ject, $ro$er%# +e%on!s to o'r ne.t
%esson. This E%e(enth Lesson is desi!ned to $oint o't the "a# +# "hich
$eo$%e )a# )o'%d their characters in an# "a# the# desire00s'$$%antin!
'ndesira+%e characteristics +# desira+%e ones, and de(e%o$in! desira+%e
idea%s into acti(e characteristics. The )ind is $%astic to hi) "ho *no"s
the secret of its )ani$'%ation.
The a(era!e $erson reco!ni,es his stron! and "ea* $oints of character,
+'t is (er# a$t to re!ard the) as fi.ed and 'na%tera+%e, or $ractica%%#
so. He thin*s that he "is j'st as the Lord )ade hi)," and that is the end
of it. He fai%s to reco!ni,e that his character is +ein! 'nconscio's%#
)odified e(er# da# +# association "ith others, "hose s'!!estions are
+ein! a+sor+ed and acted '$on. And he fai%s to see that he is )o'%din!
his o"n character +# ta*in! interest in certain thin!s, and a%%o"in! his
)ind to d"e%% '$on the). He does not rea%i,e that he hi)se%f is rea%%#
the )a*er of hi)se%f, fro) the ra" and cr'de )ateria% !i(en hi)
at his +irth. He )a*es hi)se%f ne!ati(e%# or $ositi(e%#. Ne!ati(e%#, if
he a%%o"s hi)se%f to +e )o'%ded +# the tho'!hts and idea%s of others,
and $ositi(e%#, if he )o'%ds hi)se%f. E(er#one is doin! one or the
other00$erha$s +oth. The "ea* )an is the one "ho a%%o"s hi)se%f to +e
)ade +# others, and the stron! )an is the one "ho ta*es the +'i%din!
$rocess in his o"n hands.
The $rocess of Character0+'i%din! is so de%i!htf'%%# si)$%e that its
i)$ortance is a$t to +e o(er%oo*ed +# the )ajorit# of $ersons "ho are
)ade ac1'ainted "ith it. It is on%# +# act'a% $ractice and the
e.$eriencin! of res'%ts that its "onderf'% $ossi+i%ities are +orne ho)e
to one.
The o!i st'dent is ear%# ta'!ht the %esson of the $o"er and i)$ortance
of character +'i%din! +# so)e stron! $ractica% e.a)$%e. For instance, the
st'dent is fo'nd to ha(e certain tastes of a$$etite, s'ch as a %i*e for
certain thin!s, and a corres$ondin! dis%i*e for others. The o!i teacher
instr'cts the st'dent in the direction of c'%ti(atin! a desire and taste
for the dis%i*ed thin!, and a dis%i*e for the %i*ed thin!. He teaches the
st'dent to fi. his )ind on the t"o thin!s, +'t in the direction of
i)a!inin! that he %i*es the one thin! and dis%i*es the other. The st'dent
is ta'!ht to )a*e a )enta% $ict're of the desired conditions, and to sa#,
for instance, "I %oathe cand#00I dis%i*e e(en the si!ht of it," and, on
the other hand, "I cra(e tart thin!s00I re(e% in the taste of the),"
etc., etc., at the sa)e ti)e tr#in! to re$rod'ce the taste of s"eet
thin!s acco)$anied "ith a %oathin!, and a taste of tart thin!s,
acco)$anied "ith a fee%in! of de%i!ht. After a +it the st'dent finds that
his tastes are act'a%%# chan!in! in accordance "ith his tho'!hts, and in
the end the# ha(e co)$%ete%# chan!ed $%aces. The tr'th of the theor# is
then +orne ho)e to the st'dent, and he ne(er for!ets the %esson.
In order to reass're readers "ho )i!ht o+ject to ha(in! the st'dent %eft
in this condition of re(ersed tastes, "e )a# add that the o!i teachers
then teach hi) to !et rid of the idea of the dis%i*ed thin!, and teach
hi) to c'%ti(ate a %i*in! for a%% "ho%eso)e thin!s, their theor# +ein!
that the dis%i*e of certain "ho%eso)e eata+%es has +een ca'sed +# so)e
s'!!estion in chi%dhood, or +# so)e $renata% i)$ression, as "ho%eso)e
eata+%es are )ade attracti(e to the taste +# Nat're. The idea of a%% this
trainin!, ho"e(er, is not the c'%ti(ation of taste, +'t $ractice in
)enta% trainin!, and the +rin!in! ho)e to the st'dent the tr'th of the
fact that his nat're is $%astic to his E!o, and that it )a# +e )o'%ded at
"i%%, +# concentration and inte%%i!ent $ractice. The reader of this
%esson )a# e.$eri)ent '$on hi)se%f a%on! the %ines of the e%e)entar# o!i
$ractice as a+o(e )entioned, if he so desires. He "i%% find it $ossi+%e
to entire%# chan!e his dis%i*e for certain food, etc., +# the )ethods
)entioned a+o(e. He )a# %i*e"ise ac1'ire a %i*in! for heretofore
distastef'% tas*s and d'ties, "hich he finds it necessar# to $erfor).
The $rinci$%e 'nder%#in! the "ho%e o!i theor# of Character 5'i%din! +#
the s'+0conscio's Inte%%ect, is that the E!o is &aster of the )ind, and
that the )ind is $%astic to the co))ands of the E!o. The E!o or "I" of
the indi(id'a% is the one rea%, $er)anent, chan!e%ess $rinci$%e of the
indi(id'a%, and the )ind, %i*e the +od#, is constant%# chan!in!, )o(in!,
!ro"in!, and d#in!. >'st as the +od# )a# +e de(e%o$ed and )o'%ded +#
inte%%i!ent e.ercises, so )a# the )ind +e de(e%o$ed and sha$ed +# the E!o
if inte%%i!ent )ethods are fo%%o"ed.
The )ajorit# of $eo$%e consider that Character is a fi.ed so)ethin!,
+e%on!in! to a )an, that cannot +e a%tered or chan!ed. And #et the# sho"
+# their e(er#da# actions that at heart the# do not +e%ie(e this to +e a
fact, for the# endea(or to chan!e and )o'%d the characters of those
aro'nd the), +# "ord of ad(ice, co'nse%, $raisin! or conde)nation, etc.
It is not necessar# to !o into the )atter of the consideration of
the ca'ses of character in this %esson. /e "i%% content o'rse%(es +#
sa#in! that these ca'ses )a# +e s'))ed '$, ro'!h%#, as fo%%o"s4 718
Res'%t of e.$eriences in $ast %i(es3 7C8 Heredit#3 7D8 En(iron)ent3
7E8 S'!!estion fro) others3 and 7F8 A'to0s'!!estion. 5't no )atter ho"
one2s character has +een for)ed, it )a# +e )odified, )o'%ded, chan!ed,
and i)$ro(ed +# the )ethods set forth in this %esson, "hich )ethods are
si)i%ar to "hat is ca%%ed +# /estern "riters, "A'to0s'!!estion."
The 'nder%#in! idea of A'to0s'!!estion is the ""i%%in!" of the indi(id'a%
that the chan!es ta*e $%ace in his )ind, the "i%%in! +ein! aided +#
inte%%i!ent and tried )ethods of creatin! the ne" idea% or tho'!ht0for).
The first re1'isite for the chan!ed condition )'st +e "desire" for the
chan!e. -n%ess one rea%%# desires that the chan!e ta*e $%ace, he is
'na+%e to +rin! his /i%% to +ear on the tas*. There is a (er# c%ose
connection +et"een 9esire and /i%%. /i%% is not 's'a%%# +ro'!ht to +ear
'$on an#thin! 'n%ess it is ins$ired +# 9esire. So)e $eo$%e connect the
"ord 9esire "ith the %o"er inc%inations, +'t it is e1'a%%# a$$%ica+%e to
the hi!her. If one fi!hts off a %o" inc%ination or 9esire, it is +eca'se
he is $ossessed of a hi!her inc%ination or 9esire. &an# 9esires are
rea%%# co)$ro)ises +et"een t"o or )ore conf%ictin! 9esires00a sort of
a(era!e 9esire, as it "ere.
-n%ess one desires to chan!e his character he "i%% not )a*e an# )o(e
to"ard it. And in $ro$ortion to the stren!th of the desire, so "i%% +e
the a)o'nt of "i%%0$o"er that is $'t in the tas*. The first thin! for
one to do in character +'i%din! is to ""ant to do it." And if he finds
that the ""ant" is not s'fficient%# stron! to ena+%e hi) to )anifest the
$erse(erance and effort necessar# to +rin! it to a s'ccessf'% conc%'sion,
then he sho'%d de%i+erate%# $roceed to "+'i%d '$ the desire."
9esire )a# +e +'i%t '$ +# a%%o"in! the )ind to d"e%% '$on the s'+ject
'nti% a desire is created. This r'%e "or*s +oth "a#s, as )an# $eo$%e ha(e
fo'nd o't to their sorro" and )iser#. Not on%# )a# one +'i%d '$ a
co))enda+%e desire in this "a#, +'t he )a# a%so +'i%d '$ a re$rehensi+%e
one. A %itt%e tho'!ht "i%% sho" #o' the tr'th of this state)ent. A #o'n!
)an has no desire to ind'%!e in the e.cesses of a "fast" %ife. 5't after
a "hi%e he hears, or reads so)ethin! a+o't others %eadin! that sort of
%ife, and he +e!ins to a%%o" his )ind to d"e%% '$on the s'+ject, t'rnin!
it aro'nd and e.a)inin! it )enta%%#, and !oin! o(er it in his
i)a!ination. After a ti)e he +e!ins to find a desire !rad'a%%# sendin!
forth roots and +ranches, and if he contin'es to "ater the thin! in his
i)a!ination, +efore %on! he "i%% find "ithin hi)se%f a +%osso)in!
inc%ination, "hich "i%% tr# to insist '$on e.$ression in action. There is
a !reat tr'th +ehind the "ords of the $oet4
"@ice is a )onster of so fri!htf'% )ien,
That to +e hated needs +'t to +e seen.
et seen too oft, fa)i%iar "ith her face,
/e first end're, then $it#, and then e)+race."
And the fo%%ies and cri)es of )an# a )an ha(e +een d'e to the !ro"in! of
desire "ithin his )ind, thro'!h this $%an of $%antin! the seed, and then
caref'%%# "aterin! and tendin! to it00this c'%ti(ation of the !ro"in!
desire. /e ha(e tho'!ht it "e%% to !i(e this "ord of "arnin! +eca'se it
"i%% thro" %i!ht '$on )an# thin!s that )a# ha(e $er$%e.ed #o', and
+eca'se it )a# ser(e to ca%% #o'r attention to certain !ro"in! "eeds of
the )ind that #o' ha(e +een no'rishin!.
5't re)e)+er, a%"a#s, that the force that %eads do"n"ard )a# +e
trans)'ted and )ade to %ead '$"ard. It is j'st as eas# to $%ant and !ro"
"ho%eso)e desires as the other *ind. If #o' are conscio's of certain
defects and deficiencies in #o'r character 7and "ho is not:8 and #et find
#o'rse%f not $ossessed of a stron! eno'!h desire to )a*e the chan!es
necessar#, then #o' sho'%d co))ence +# $%antin! the desire seed and
a%%o"in! it to !ro" +# !i(in! it constant care and attention. o' sho'%d
$ict're to #o'rse%f the ad(anta!es of ac1'irin! the desira+%e traits of
character of "hich #o' ha(e tho'!ht. o' sho'%d fre1'ent%# !o o(er and
o(er the) in #o'r )ind, i)a!in! #o'rse%f in i)a!ination as $ossessin!
the). o' "i%% then find that the !ro"in! desire "i%% )a*e head"a# and
that #o' "i%% !rad'a%%# +e!in to ""ant to" $ossess that trait of
character )ore and )ore. And "hen #o' +e!in to ""ant to" hard eno'!h, #o'
"i%% find arisin! in #o'r conscio'sness a fee%in! of the $ossession of
s'fficient /i%%0$o"er to carr# it thro'!h. /i%% fo%%o"s the 9esire.
C'%ti(ate a 9esire and #o' "i%% find +ac* of it the /i%% to carr# it
thro'!h. -nder the $ress're of a (er# stron! 9esire )en ha(e acco)$%ished
feats a*in to )irac%es.
If #o' find #o'rse%f in $ossession of desires that #o' fee% are h'rtf'%
to #o', #o' )a# rid #o'rse%f of the) +# de%i+erate%# star(in! the) to
death, and at the sa)e ti)e !ro"in! o$$osite desires. 5# ref'sin! to
thin* of the o+jectiona+%e desires #o' ref'se the) the )enta% food '$on
"hich a%one the# can thri(e. >'st as #o' star(e a $%ant +# ref'sin! it
no'rishin! soi% and "ater, so )a# #o' star(e o't an o+jectiona+%e
desire +# ref'sin! to !i(e it )enta% food. Re)e)+er this, for it is )ost
i)$ortant. Ref'se to a%%o" the )ind to d"e%% '$on s'ch desires, and
reso%'te%# t'rn aside the attention, and, $artic'%ar%#, the
i)a!ination, fro) the s'+ject. This )a# ca%% for the )anifestation of a
%itt%e "i%%0$o"er in the +e!innin!, +'t it "i%% +eco)e easier as #o'
$ro!ress, and each (ictor# "i%% !i(e #o' rene"ed stren!th for the ne.t
fi!ht. 5't do not te)$ori,e "ith the desire00do not co)$ro)ise "ith
it00ref'se to entertain the idea. In a fi!ht of this *ind each (ictor#
!i(es one added stren!th, and each defeat "ea*ens one.
And "hi%e #o' are ref'sin! to entertain the o+jectiona+%e !'est #o' )'st
+e s're to !ro" a desire of an entire%# o$$osite nat're00a desire
direct%# o$$osed to the one #o' are star(in! to death. Pict're the
o$$osite desire, and thin* of it often. Let #o'r )ind d"e%% '$on it
%o(in!%# and %et the i)a!ination he%$ to +'i%d it '$ into for). Thin* of
the ad(anta!es that "i%% arise to #o' "hen #o' f'%%# $ossess it, and %et
the i)a!ination $ict're #o' as in f'%% $ossession of it, and actin! o't
#o'r ne" $art in %ife stron! and (i!oro's in #o'r ne" fo'nd $o"er.
A%% this "i%% !rad'a%%# %ead #o' to the $oint "here #o' "i%% ""ant to"
$ossess this $o"er. Then #o' )'st +e read# for the ne.t ste$ "hich is
"Faith" or "Confident E.$ectation."
No", faith or confident e.$ectation is not )ade to order in )ost $ersons,
and in s'ch cases one )'st ac1'ire it !rad'a%%#. &an# of #o' "ho read
these %ines "i%% ha(e an 'nderstandin! of the s'+ject that "i%% !i(e #o'
this faith. 5't to those "ho %ac* it, "e s'!!est that the# $ractice on
so)e tri(ia% $hases of the )enta% )a*e0'$, so)e $ett# trait of character,
in "hich the (ictor# "i%% +e eas# and si)$%e. Fro) this sta!e the# sho'%d
"or* '$ to )ore diffic'%t tas*s, 'nti% at %ast the# !ain that faith or
confident e.$ectation that co)es fro) $erse(erin! $ractice.
The !reater the de!ree of faith or confident e.$ectation that one carries
"ith hi) in this tas* of character +'i%din!, the !reater "i%% +e his
s'ccess. And this +eca'se of "e%% esta+%ished $s#cho%o!ica% %a"s. Faith
or confident e.$ectation c%ears a"a# the )enta% $ath and renders the "or*
easier, "hi%e do'+t or %ac* of faith retards the "or*, and acts as
o+stac%es and st')+%in! +%oc*s. Stron! 9esire, and Faith, or confident
e.$ectation are the first t"o ste$s. The third is /i%%0$o"er.
5# /i%%0$o"er "e do not )ean that stren'o's,
c%enchin!0of0fist0and0fro"nin!0+ro" thin! that )an# thin* of
"hen the# sa# "/i%%." /i%% is not )anifested in this "a#. The
tr'e /i%% is ca%%ed into $%a# +# one rea%i,in! the "I" $art of
hi)se%f and s$ea*in! the "ord of co))and fro) that center of
$o"er and stren!th. It is the (oice of the "I." And it is needed
in this "or* of character +'i%din!.
So no" #o' are read# for "or*, +ein! $ossessed of 718 Stron! 9esire3
7C8 Faith or Confident E.$ectation3 and 7D8 /i%%0$o"er. /ith s'ch a
tri$%e0"ea$on nothin! +'t S'ccess is $ossi+%e.
Then co)es the act'a% "or*. The first thin! to do is to %a# the trac* for
a ne" Character Ha+it. "Ha+it:" #o' )a# as* in s'r$rise. es, Ha+it? For
that "ord !i(es the secret of the "ho%e thin!. O'r characters are )ade '$
of inherited or ac1'ired ha+its. Thin* o(er this a %itt%e and #o' "i%%
see the tr'th of it. o' do certain thin!s "itho't a tho'!ht, +eca'se #o'
ha(e !otten into the ha+it of doin! the). o' act in certain "a#s +eca'se
#o' ha(e esta+%ished the ha+it. o' are in the ha+it of +ein! tr'thf'%,
honest, (irt'o's, +eca'se #o' ha(e esta+%ished the ha+it of +ein! so. 9o
#o' do'+t this: Then %oo* aro'nd #o'00or %oo* "ithin #o'r o"n heart, and
#o' "i%% see that #o' ha(e %ost so)e of #o'r o%d ha+its of action, and
ha(e ac1'ired ne" ones. The +'i%din! '$ of Character is the +'i%din! '$
of Ha+its. And the chan!in! of Character is the chan!in! of Ha+its. It
"i%% +e "e%% for #o' to sett%e this fact in #o'r o"n )ind, for it "i%%
!i(e #o' the secret of )an# thin!s connected "ith the s'+ject.
And, re)e)+er this, that Ha+it is a%)ost entire%# a )atter of the
s'+0conscio's )enta%it#. It is tr'e that Ha+its ori!inate in the
conscio's )ind, +'t as the# are esta+%ished the# sin* do"n into the
de$ths of the s'+0conscio's )enta%it#, and thereafter +eco)e "second
nat're," "hich, +# the "a#, is often )ore $o"erf'% than the ori!ina%
nat're of the $erson. The 9'*e of /e%%in!ton said that ha+it "as as
stron! as ten nat'res, and he $roceeded to dri%% ha+its into his ar)#
'nti% the# fo'nd it nat'ra% to act in accordance "ith the ha+its $o'nded
into the) d'rin! the dri%%s. 9ar"in re%ates an interestin! instance of
the force of ha+it o(er the reason. He fo'nd that his ha+it of startin!
+ac* at the s'dden a$$roach of dan!er "as so fir)%# esta+%ished that no
"i%%0$o"er co'%d ena+%e hi) to *ee$ his face $ressed '$ a!ainst the ca!e
of the co+ra in the =oo%o!ica% <ardens "hen the sna*e str'c* at hi),
a%tho'!h he *ne" the !%ass "as so thic* that there co'%d +e no dan!er,
and a%tho'!h he e.erted the f'%% force of his "i%%. 5't "e (ent're to sa#
that one co'%d o(erco)e e(en this stron!%# in!rained ha+it, +# !rad'a%%#
trainin! the s'+0conscio's )enta%it# and esta+%ishin! a ne" ha+it of
tho'!ht and action.
It is not on%# d'rin! the act'a% $rocess of ""i%%in!" the ne" ha+it that
the "or* of )a*in! the ne" )enta% $ath !oes on. In fact, the o!is
+e%ie(e that the $rinci$a% $art of the "or* !oes on s'+0conscio's%#
+et"een the inter(a%s of co))end, and that the rea% $ro!ress is )ade in
that "a#, j'st as the rea% "or* of so%(in! the $ro+%e) is $erfor)ed
s'+0conscio's%#, as re%ated in o'r %ast %esson. As an e.a)$%e, "e )a#
ca%% #o'r attention to so)e instances of the c'%ti(ation of $h#sica%
ha+its. A $h#sica% tas* %earned in the e(enin! is )'ch easier to $erfor)
the fo%%o"in!0)ornin! than it "as the ni!ht +efore, and sti%% easier
the fo%%o"in! &onda# )ornin! than it "as on the Sat'rda# afternoon
$re(io's. The <er)ans ha(e a sa#in! that ""e %earn to s*ate in s'))er,
and to s"i) in "inter," )eanin! that the i)$ression $assed on to the
s'+conscio's )enta%it# dee$ens and +roadens d'rin! the inter(a% of rest.
The +est $%an is to )a*e fre1'ent, shar$ i)$ressions, and then to a%%o"
reasona+%e $eriods of rest in order to !i(e the s'+0conscio's )enta%it#
the o$$ort'nit# to do its "or*. 5# "shar$" i)$ressions "e )ean
i)$ressions !i(en 'nder stron! attention, as "e ha(e )entioned in so)e
of the ear%ier %essons of this series.
A "riter has "e%% said4 "So" an act, rea$ a ha+it3 so" a ha+it, rea$ a
character3 so" a character, rea$ a destin#," th's reco!ni,in! ha+it as
the so'rce of character. /e reco!ni,e this tr'th in o'r trainin! of
chi%dren, for)in! !oods ha+its of character +# constant re$etition, +#
"atchf'%ness, etc. Ha+it acts as a )oti(e "hen esta+%ished, so that
"hi%e "e thin* "e are actin! "itho't )oti(e "e )a# +e actin! 'nder the
stron! )oti(e $o"er of so)e "e%% esta+%ished ha+it. Her+ert S$encer has
"e%% said4 "The ha+it'a%%# honest )an does "hat is ri!ht, not conscio's%#
+eca'se he 2o'!ht2 +'t "ith si)$%e satisfaction3 and is i%% at ease ti%%
it is done." So)e )a# o+ject that this idea of Ha+it as a +asis of
Character )a# do a"a# "ith the idea of a de(e%o$ed )ora%
conscientio'sness, as for instance, >osiah Ro#ce "ho sa#s4 "The
esta+%ish)ent of or!ani,ed ha+it is ne(er in itse%f eno'!h to ens're
the !ro"th of an en%i!htened )ora% conscientio'sness" +'t to s'ch "e
"o'%d sa# that one )'st ""ant to" c'%ti(ate a hi!h character +efore he
"i%% create the ha+its 's'a% to the sa)e, and the ""ant to" is the
si!n of the ")ora% conscientio'sness," rather than the ha+it. And the
sa)e is tr'e of the "o'!ht to" side of the s'+ject. The "o'!ht to" arises
in the conscio's )ind in the +e!innin!, and ins$ires the c'%ti(ation
of the ha+it, a%tho'!h the %atter after a "hi%e +eco)es a'to)atic, a
)atter of the s'+0conscio's )enta%it#, "itho't an# "o'!ht to" attach)ent.
It then +eco)es a )atter of "%i*e to."
Th's "e see that the )o'%din!, )odif#in!, chan!in!, and +'i%din! of
Character is %ar!e%# a )atter of the esta+%ishin! of Ha+its. And "hat is
the +est "a# to esta+%ish Ha+its: +eco)es o'r ne.t 1'estion. The ans"er
of the o!i is4 "Esta+%ish a &enta% I)a!e, and then +'i%d #o'r Ha+it
aro'nd it." And in that sentence he has condensed a "ho%e s#ste).
E(er#thin! "e see ha(in! a for) is +'i%t aro'nd a )enta% i)a!e00either
the )enta% i)a!e of so)e )an, so)e ani)a%, or of the A+so%'te. This is
the r'%e of the 'ni(erse, and in the )atter of character0+'i%din! "e +'t
fo%%o" a "e%% esta+%ished r'%e. /hen "e "ish to +'i%d a ho'se, "e first
thin* of "ho'se" in a !enera% "a#. Then "e +e!in to thin* of ""hat *ind"
of a ho'se. Then "e !o into detai%s. Then "e cons'%t an architect, and he
)a*es 's a $%an, "hich $%an is his )enta% i)a!e, s'!!ested +# o'r )enta%
i)a!e. Then, the $%an once decided '$on, "e cons'%t the +'i%der, and at
%ast the ho'se stands co)$%eted00an o+jectified &enta% I)a!e. And so it
is "ith e(er# created thin!00a%% )anifestation of a &enta% I)a!e.
And so, "hen "e "ish to esta+%ish a trait of Character, "e )'st for) a
c%ear, distinct &enta% I)a!e of "hat "e "ish to +e. This is an i)$ortant
ste$. &a*e #o'r $ict're c%ear and distinct, and fasten it in #o'r )ind.
Then +e!in to +'i%d aro'nd it. Let #o'r tho'!hts d"e%% '$on the )enta%
$ict're. Let #o'r i)a!ination see #o'rse%f as $ossessed of the desired
trait, and actin! it o't. Act it o't in #o'r i)a!ination, o(er and o(er
a!ain, as often as $ossi+%e, $erse(erin!, and contin'o's%#, seein!
#o'rse%f )anifestin! the trait 'nder a (ariet# of circ')stances and
conditions. As #o' contin'e to do this #o' "i%% find that #o' "i%%
!rad'a%%# +e!in to e.$ress the tho'!ht in action00to o+jectif# the
s'+jecti(e )enta% i)a!e. It "i%% +eco)e "nat'ra%" for #o' to act )ore and
)ore in accordance "ith #o'r )enta% i)a!e, 'nti% at %ast the ne" ha+it
"i%% +eco)e fir)%# fi.ed in #o'r )ind, and "i%% +eco)e #o'r nat'ra% )ode
of action and e.$ression.
This is no (a!'e, (isionar# theor#. It is a "e%% *no"n and $ro(en
$s#cho%o!ica% fact, and tho'sands ha(e "or*ed )ar(e%o's chan!es in their
character +# its )eans.
Not on%# )a# one e%e(ate his )ora% character in this "a#, +'t he )a#
)o'%d his ""or*0a0da#" se%f to +etter confor) to the needs of his
en(iron)ent and occ'$ation. If one %ac*s Perse(erance, he )a# attain
it3 if one is fi%%ed "ith Fear, he )a# s'$$%ant it "ith Fear%essness3 if
one %ac*s Se%f0confidence, he )a# !ain it. In fact, there is no trait
that )a# not +e de(e%o$ed in this "a#. Peo$%e ha(e %itera%%# ")ade
the)se%(es o(er" +# fo%%o"in! this )ethod of character0+'i%din!. The
!reat tro'+%e "ith the race has +een that $ersons ha(e not rea%i,ed that
the# co'%d do these thin!s. The# ha(e tho'!ht that the# "ere doo)ed to
re)ain j'st the creat'res that the# fo'nd the)se%(es to +e. The# did not
rea%i,e that the "or* of creation "as not ended, and that the# had "ithin
the)se%(es a creati(e $o"er ada$ted to the needs of their case. /hen )an
first rea%i,es this tr'th, and $ro(es it +# $ractice, he +eco)es another
+ein!. He finds hi)se%f s'$erior to en(iron)ent, and trainin!00he finds
that he )a# ride o(er these thin!s. He )a*es his o"n en(iron)ent, and
he trains hi)se%f.
In so)e of the %ar!er schoo%s in En!%and and the -nited States, certain
scho%ars "ho ha(e de(e%o$ed and )anifested the a+i%it# to contro%
the)se%(es and their actions are $%aced on the ro%% of a !rade ca%%ed
the "Se%f0!o(erned !rade." Those in this !rade act as if the# had
)e)ori,ed the fo%%o"in! "ords of Her+ert S$encer4 "In the s'$re)ac# of
se%f0contro% consists one of the $erfections of the idea% )an. Not to +e
i)$'%si(e00not to +e s$'rred hither and thither +# each desire00+'t to +e
se%f0restrained, se%f0+a%anced, !o(erned +# the j'st decision of the
fee%in!s in co'nci% asse)+%ed M M M that it is "hich )ora% ed'cation
stri(es to $rod'ce." And this is the desire of the "riter of this
%esson00to $%ace each st'dent in the "Se%f0!o(erned c%ass."
/e cannot atte)$t, in the short s$ace of a sin!%e %esson, to )a$ o't a
co'rse of instr'ction in Character 5'i%din! ada$ted to the s$ecia% needs
of each indi(id'a%. 5't "e thin* that "hat "e ha(e said on the s'+ject
sho'%d +e s'fficient to $oint o't the )ethod for each st'dent to )a$ o't
a co'rse for hi)se%f, fo%%o"in! the !enera% r'%es !i(en a+o(e. As a he%$
to the st'dent, ho"e(er, "e "i%% !i(e a +rief co'rse of instr'ction for
the c'%ti(ation of one desira+%e trait of character. The !enera% $%an of
this co'rse )a# +e ada$ted to fit the re1'ire)ents of an# other case,
if inte%%i!ence is 'sed +# the st'dent. The case "e ha(e se%ected is that
of a st'dent "ho has +een s'fferin! fro) "a %ac* of &ora% Co'ra!e00a %ac*
of Se%f0Confidence00an ina+i%it# to )aintain )# $oise in the $resence
of other $eo$%e00an ina+i%it# to sa# 2No?200a fee%in! of Inferiorit# to
those "ith "ho) I co)e in contact." The +rief o't%ine of the co'rse of
$ractice !i(en in this case is here"ith !i(en4
PRELI&INAR THO-<HT. o' sho'%d fi. fir)%# in #o'r )ind the fact that #o'
are the E1'a% of an# and e(er# )an. o' co)e fro) the sa)e so'rce. o'
are an e.$ression of the sa)e One Life. In the e#es of the A+so%'te #o'
are the e1'a% of an# )an, e(en the hi!hest in the %and. Tr'th is "Thin!s
as <od sees the)"00and in Tr'th #o' and the )an are e1'a%, and, at the
%ast, One. A%% fee%in!s of Inferiorit# are i%%'sions, errors, and %ies,
and ha(e no e.istence in Tr'th. /hen in the co)$an# of others re)e)+er
this fact and rea%i,e that the Life Princi$%e in #o' is ta%*in! to the
Life Princi$%e in the). Let the Life Princi$%e f%o" thro'!h #o', and
endea(or to for!et #o'r $ersona% se%f. At the sa)e ti)e, endea(or to see
that sa)e Life Princi$%e, +ehind and +e#ond the $ersona%it# of the $erson
in "hose $resence #o' are. He is +# a $ersona%it# hidin! the Life
Princi$%e, j'st as #o' are. Nothin! )ore00nothin! %ess? o' are +oth
One in Tr'th. Let the conscio's of the "I" +ea) forth and #o' "i%%
e.$erience an '$%ift and sense of Co'ra!e, and the other "i%% %i*e"ise
fee% it. o' ha(e "ithin #o' the So'rce of Co'ra!e, &ora% and Ph#sica%,
and #o' ha(e na'!ht to Fear00Fear%essness is #o'r 9i(ine Herita!e, a(ai%
#o'rse%f of it. o' ha(e Se%f0Conscience, for the Se%f is the "I" "ithin
#o', not the $ett# $ersona%it#, and #o' )'st ha(e confidence in that "I."
Retreat "ithin #o'rse%f 'nti% #o' fee% the $resence of the "I," and then
"i%% #o' ha(e a Se%f0Confidence that nothin! can sha*e or dist'r+. Once
ha(in! attained the $er)anent conscio'sness of the "I," #o' "i%% ha(e
$oise. Once ha(in! rea%i,ed that #o' are a Center of Po"er, #o' "i%% ha(e
no diffic'%t# in sa#in! "No?" "hen it is ri!ht to do so. Once ha(in!
rea%i,ed #o'r tr'e nat're00#o'r Rea% Se%f00#o' "i%% %ose a%% sense of
Inferiorit#, and "i%% *no" that #o' are a )anifestation of the One Life
and ha(e +ehind #o' the stren!th, $o"er, and !rande'r of the Cos)os.
5e!in +# rea%i,in! O-RSELF, and then $roceed "ith the fo%%o"in! )ethods
of trainin! the )ind.
/OR9 I&A<ES. It is diffic'%t for the )ind to +'i%d itse%f aro'nd an idea,
'n%ess that idea +e e.$ressed in "ords. A "ord is the center of an idea,
j'st as the idea is the center of the )enta% i)a!e, and the )enta% i)a!e
the center of the !ro"in! )enta% ha+it. Therefore, the o!is a%"a#s %a#
!reat stress '$on the 'se of "ords in this "a#. In the $artic'%ar case
+efore 's, "e sho'%d s'!!est the ho%din! +efore #o' of a fe" "ords
cr#sta%%i,in! the )ain tho'!ht. /e s'!!est the "ords "I A)"3 Co'ra!e3
Confidence3 Poise3 Fir)ness3 E1'a%it#. Co))it these "ords to )e)or#, and
then endea(or to fi. in #o'r )ind a c%ear conce$tion of the )eanin! of
each "ord, so that each )a# stand for a Li(e Idea "hen #o' sa# it. 5e"are
of $arrot0%i*e or $hono!ra$hic re$etition. Let each "ord2s )eanin! stand
o't c%ear%# +efore #o', so that "hen #o' re$eat it #o' )a# fee% its
)eanin!. Re$eat the "ords o(er fre1'ent%#, "hen o$$ort'nit# $resents
itse%f, and #o' "i%% soon +e!in to notice that the# act as a stron!
)enta% tonic '$on #o', $rod'cin! a +racin!, ener!i,in! effect. And each
ti)e #o' re$eat the "ords, 'nderstandin!%#, #o' ha(e done so)ethin! to
c%ear a"a# the )enta% $ath o(er "hich #o' "ish to tra(e%.
PRACTICE. /hen #o' are at %eis're, and are a+%e to ind'%!e in "da#
drea)s" "itho't inj'r# to #o'r affairs of %ife, ca%% #o'r i)a!ination
into $%a# and endea(or to $ict're #o'rse%f as +ein! $ossessed of the
1'a%ities indicated +# the "ords na)ed. Pict're #o'rse%f 'nder the )ost
tr#in! circ')stances, )a*in! 'se of the desired 1'a%ities, and
)anifestin! the) f'%%#. Endea(or to $ict're #o'rse%f as actin! o't #o'r
$art "e%%, and e.hi+itin! the desired 1'a%ities. 9o not +e asha)ed to
ind'%!e in these da#0drea)s, for the# are the $ro$hecies of the thin!s to
fo%%o", and #o' are +'t rehearsin! #o'r $art +efore the da# of the
$erfor)ance. Practice )a*es $erfect, and if #o' acc'sto) #o'rse%f to
actin! in a certain "a# in i)a!ination, #o' "i%% find it )'ch easier to
$%a# #o'r $art "hen the rea% $erfor)ance occ'rs. This )a# see) chi%dish
to )an# of #o', +'t if #o' ha(e an actor a)on! #o'r ac1'aintances,
cons'%t hi) a+o't it, and #o' "i%% find that he "i%% hearti%# reco))end
it. He "i%% te%% #o' "hat $ractice does for one in this direction, and
ho" re$eated $ractice and rehearsa%s )a# fi. a character so fir)%# in a
)an2s )ind that he )a# find it diffic'%t to di(est hi)se%f of it after a
ti)e. Choose "e%% the $art #o' "ish to $%a#00the character #o' "ish to +e
#o'rs00and then after! it "e%% in #o'r )ind, $ractice, $ractice,
$ractice. 6ee$ #o'r idea% constant%# +efore #o', and endea(or to !ro"
into it. And #o' "i%% s'cceed, if #o' e.ercise $atience and $erse(erance.
5't, )ore than this. 9o not confine #o'r $ractice to )ere $ri(ate
rehearsa%. o' need so)e "dress rehearsa%s" as "e%%00rehearsa%s in
$'+%ic. Therefore, after #o' !et "e%% started in #o'r "or*, )ana!e to
e.ercise #o'r !ro"in! character0ha+its in #o'r e(er#da# %ife. Pic* o't
the %itt%e cases first and "tr# it on the)."
o' "i%% find that #o' "i%% +e a+%e to o(erco)e conditions that for)er%#
+othered #o' )'ch. o' "i%% +eco)e conscio's of a !ro"in! stren!th and
$o"er co)in! fro) "ithin, and #o' "i%% reco!ni,e that #o' are indeed a
chan!ed $erson. Let #o'r tho'!ht e.$ress itse%f in action, "hene(er #o'
!et a !ood chance. 5't do not tr# to force chances j'st to tr# #o'r
stren!th. 9o not, for instance, tr# to force $eo$%e to as* for fa(ors
that #o' )a# sa# "No?" o' "i%% find $%ent# of !en'ine tests "itho't
forcin! an#. Acc'sto) #o'rse%f to %oo*in! $eo$%e in the e#e, and fee%in!
the $o"er that is +ac* of #o', and "ithin #o'. o' "i%% soon +e a+%e to
see thro'!h their $ersona%it#, and rea%i,e that it is j'st one $ortion of
the One Life !a,in! at another $ortion, and that therefore there is
nothin! to +e afraid of. A rea%i,ation of #o'r Rea% Se%f "i%% ena+%e #o'
to )aintain #o'r $oise 'nder tr#in! circ')stances, if #o' "i%% +'t thro"
aside #o'r fa%se idea a+o't #o'r $ersona%it#. For!et #o'rse%f00#o'r
%itt%e $ersona% se%f00for a "hi%e, and fi. #o'r )ind on the -ni(ersa%
Se%f of "hich #o' are a $art. A%% these thin!s that ha(e "orried #o' are
+'t incidents of the Persona% Life, and are seen to +e i%%'sions "hen
(ie"ed fro) the stand$oint of the -ni(ersa% Life.
Carr# the -ni(ersa% Life "ith #o' as )'ch as $ossi+%e into #o'r e(er#da#
%ife. It +e%on!s there as )'ch as an#"here, and "i%% $ro(e to +e a to"er
of stren!th and ref'!e to #o' in the $er$! sit'ations of #o'r +'s#
Re)e)+er a%"a#s that the E!o is )aster of the )enta% states and ha+its,
and that the /i%% is the direct instr')ent of the E!o, and is a%"a#s
read# for its 'se. Let #o'r so'% +e fi%%ed "ith the stron! 9esire to
c'%ti(ate those )enta% ha+its that "i%% )a*e #o' Stron!. Nat're2s $%an is
to $rod'ce Stron! Indi(id'a% e.$ressions of herse%f, and she "i%% +e !%ad
to !i(e #o' her aid in +eco)in! stron!. The )an "ho "ishes to stren!then
hi)se%f "i%% a%"a#s find !reat forces +ac* of hi) to aid hi) in the "or*,
for is he not carr#in! o't one of Nat're2s $et $%ans, and one "hich she
has +een stri(in! for thro'!ho't the a!es. An#thin! that tends to )a*e
#o' rea%i,e and e.$ress #o'r &aster#, tends to stren!then #o', and
$%aces at #o'r dis$osa% Nat're2s aid. o' )a# "itness this in e(er#da#
%ife00Nat're see)s to %i*e stron! indi(id'a%s, and de%i!hts in $'shin!
the) ahead. 5# &aster#, "e )ean )aster# o(er #o'r o"n %o"er nat're, as
"e%% as o(er o'tside nat're, of co'rse. The "I" is &aster00for!et it not,
O st'dent, and assert it constant%#. Peace +e "ith #o'.
I a) the &aster of )# &enta% Ha+its00I contro% )# Character. I /i%% to +e
Stron!, and s'))on the forces of )# Nat're to )# aid.
In this %esson "e "ish to to'ch '$on a certain feat're of s'+0conscio's
)entation that has +een )'ch d"e%t '$on +# certain schoo%s of "estern
"riters and st'dents d'rin! the $ast t"ent# #ears, +'t "hich has a%so
+een )is'nderstood, and, a%as, too often )is'sed, +# so)e of those "ho
ha(e +een attracted to the s'+ject. /e a%%'de to "hat has +een ca%%ed the
"Po"er of Tho'!ht." /hi%e this $o"er is (er# rea%, and %i*e an# other of
the forces of nat're )a# +e $ro$er%# 'sed and a$$%ied in o'r e(er# da#
%ife, sti%% )an# st'dents of the $o"er of the &ind ha(e )is'sed it and
ha(e stoo$ed to $ractices "orth# on%# of the fo%%o"ers of the schoo%s of
"5%ac* &a!ic." /e hear on a%% sides of the 'se of "treat)ents" for
se%fish and often +ase ends, those fo%%o"in! these $ractices see)in! to
+e in 'tter i!norance of the occ'%t %a"s +ro'!ht into o$eration, and the
terri+%e reaction ine(ita+%# fa%%in! to the %ot of those $racticin! this
ne!ati(e for) of )enta% inf%'ence. /e ha(e +een a)a,ed at the $re(ai%in!
i!norance concernin! the nat're and effects of this i)$ro$er 'se of
)enta% force, and at the sa)e ti)e, at the co))on c'sto) of s'ch se%fish,
i)$ro$er 'ses. This, )ore $artic'%ar%#, "hen the tr'e occ'%tist *no"s
that these thin!s are not necessar#, e(en to those "ho see* "S'ccess" +#
)enta% forces. There is a tr'e )ethod of the 'se of )enta% forces, as
"e%% as an i)$ro$er 'se, and "e tr'st that in this %esson "e )a# +e a+%e
to +rin! the )atter shar$%# and c%ear%# +efore the )inds of o'r st'dents.
In o'r first co'rse 7The Fo'rteen Lessons8 in the se(era% %essons
entit%ed, res$ecti(e%#, "Tho'!ht 9#na)ics," "Te%e$ath#, etc.," and
"Ps#chic Inf%'ence," "e ha(e !i(en a !enera% idea of the effect of one
)ind '$on other )inds, and )an# other "riters ha(e ca%%ed the attention
of the /estern "or%d to the sa)e facts. There has +een a !enera%
a"a*enin! of interest in this $hase of the s'+ject a)on! the /estern
$eo$%e of %ate #ears, and )an# and "onderf'% are the theories that ha(e
+een ad(anced a)on! the conf%ictin! schoo%s re!ardin! the )atter. 5't,
not"ithstandin! the conf%ictin! theories, there is a !enera% a!ree)ent
'$on the f'nda)enta% facts. The# a%% a!ree that the )enta% forces )a# +e
'sed to affect onese%f and others, and )an# ha(e started in to 'se these
)enta% forces for their o"n se%fish ends and $'r$oses, +e%ie(in! that
the# "ere f'%%# j'stified in so doin!, and +ein! 'na"are of the "e+ of
$s#chic ca'ses and effects "hich the# "ere "ea(in! aro'nd the) +# their
No", at the +e!innin!, %et 's i)$ress '$on the )inds of o'r st'dents the
fact that "hi%e it is 'ndo'+ted%# tr'e that $eo$%e "ho are 'na"are of the
tr'e so'rces of stren!th "ithin the), )a# +e, and often are affected +#
)enta% force e.erted +# others, it is e1'a%%# tr'e that no one can +e
ad(erse%# affected in this "a# $ro(idin! he rea%i,es the "I" "ithin
hi)se%f, "hich is the on%# Rea% $art of hi), and "hich is an i)$re!na+%e
to"er of stren!th a!ainst the assa'%ts of others. There is no ca'se for
a%% of this fear that is +ein! )anifested +# )an# /estern st'dents of
tho'!ht0$o"er, "ho are in constant dread of +ein! "treated" ad(erse%# +#
other $eo$%e. The )an or "o)an "ho rea%i,es the "I" "ithin, )a# +# the
s%i!htest e.ercise of the /i%% s'rro'nd hi)se%f "ith a )enta% a'ra "hich
"i%% re$e% ad(erse tho'!ht0"a(es e)anatin! fro) the )inds of others. Na#,
)ore than this00the ha+it'a% reco!nition of the "I," and a fe" )o)ents2
)editation '$on it each da#, "i%% of itse%f erect s'ch an a'ra, and "i%%
char!e this a'ra "ith a (ita%it# that "i%% t'rn +ac* ad(erse tho'!ht, and
ca'se it to ret'rn to the so'rce fro) "hich it ca)e, "here it "i%% ser(e
the !ood $'r$ose of +rin!in! to the )ista*en )ind ori!inatin! it, the
con(iction that s'ch $ractices are h'rtf'% and to +e a(oided.
This rea%i,ation of the "I," "hich "e +ro'!ht o't in the first fe"
%essons of the $resent series, is the +est and on%# rea% )ethod of
se%f0$rotection. This )a# +e easi%# 'nderstood, "hen "e re)ind #o' that
the "ho%e $heno)ena of )enta% inf%'encin! +e%on!s to the "i%%'sion" side
of e.istence00the ne!ati(e side00and that the Rea% and Positi(e side )'st
of necessit# +e stron!er. Nothin! can affect the Rea% in #o'00and the
nearer #o' !et to the Rea%, in rea%i,ation and 'nderstandin!, the
stron!er do #o' +eco)e. This is the "ho%e secret. Thin* it o(er.
5't, there are co)$arati(e%# fe" $eo$%e "ho are a+%e to rest fir)%# in
the "I" conscio'sness a%% the ti)e and the others de)and he%$ "hi%e the#
are !ro"in!. To s'ch, "e "o'%d sa# "Cree$ as c%ose the Rea%i,ation of the
I, as $ossi+%e, and rest #o'r s$irit'a% feet fir)%# '$on the roc* of the
Rea% Se%f." If #o' fee% that $eo$%e, circ')stances, or thin!s are
inf%'encin! #o' 'nd'%#, stand '$ +o%d%#, and den# the inf%'ence. Sa#
so)ethin! %i*e this, "I 9EN the $o"er or inf%'ence of $ersons,
circ')stances, or thin!s to ad(erse%# affect )e. I ASSERT )# Rea%it#,
Po"er and 9o)inion o(er these thin!s." These "ords )a# see) (er# si)$%e,
+'t "hen 'ttered "ith the conscio'sness of the Tr'th 'nder%#in! the),
the# +eco)e as a )i!ht# force. o' "i%% 'nderstand, of co'rse, that there
is no )a!ic or (irt'e in the "ords the)se%(es00that is, in the !ro'$in!
of the %etters for)in! the "ords, or the so'nds of the "ords00the (irt'e
restin! in the idea of "hich the "ords are the e.$ression. o' "i%% +e
s'r$rised at the effect of this STATE&ENT '$on de$ressin!, or ad(erse
inf%'ences s'rro'ndin! #o'. If #o'00#o' "ho are readin! these "ords
no"00fee% #o'rse%f s'+ject to an# ad(erse or de$ressin! inf%'ences, "i%%
then stand '$ erect, thro"in! #o'r sho'%ders +ac*, raisin! #o'r head, and
%oo*in! +o%d%# and fear%ess%# ahead, and re$eat these "ords fir)%#, and
"ith faith, #o' "i%% fee% the ad(erse inf%'ences disa$$earin!. o' "i%%
a%)ost see the c%o'ds fa%%in! +ac* fro) #o'. Tr# it no", +efore readin!
f'rther, and #o' "i%% +eco)e conscio's of a ne" stren!th and $o"er.
o' are $erfect%# j'stified in th's den#in! ad(erse inf%'ence. o' ha(e a
$erfect ri!ht to dri(e +ac* threatenin! or de$ressin! tho'!ht0c%o'ds. o'
ha(e a $erfect ri!ht to ta*e #o'r stand '$on the Roc* of Tr'th00#o'r Rea%
Se%f00and de)and #o'r Freedo). These ne!ati(e tho'!hts of the "or%d in
!enera%, and of so)e $eo$%e in $artic'%ar, +e%on! to the dar* side of
%ife, and #o' ha(e a ri!ht to de)and freedo) fro) the). o' do not +e%on!
to the sa)e idea of %ife, and it is #o'r $ri(i%e!e00#es, #o'r d't#00to
re$e% the) and +id the) disa$$ear fro) #o'r hori,on. o' are a Chi%d of
Li!ht, and it is #o'r ri!ht and d't# to assert #o'r freedo) fro) the
thin!s of dar*ness. o' are )ere%# assertin! the Tr'th "hen #o' affir)
#o'r s'$eriorit# and do)inion o(er these dar* forces. And in the )eas're
of #o'r Reco!nition and Faith, "i%% +e the $o"er at #o'r dis$osa%. Faith
and Reco!nition renders )an a !od. If "e co'%d +'t f'%%# reco!ni,e and
rea%i,e j'st "hat "e are, "e co'%d rise a+o(e this entire $%ane of
ne!ati(e, dar* "or%d of tho'!ht. 5't "e ha(e +eco)e so +%inded and
st'$efied "ith the race0tho'!ht of fear and "ea*ness, and so h#$noti,ed
"ith the s'!!estions of "ea*ness that "e hear on a%% sides of 's, that
e(en the +est of 's find it hard to a(oid occasiona%%# sin*in! +ac* into
the %o"er de$ths of des$air and disco'ra!e)ent. 5't, %et 's re)e)+er
this, +rothers and sisters, that these $eriods of "+ac*0s%idin!" +eco)e
%ess fre1'ent, and %ast a shorter ti)e, as "e $roceed. 5#e0and0+#e "e
sha%% esca$e the) a%to!ether.
So)e )a# thin* that "e are %a#in! too )'ch stress '$on the ne!ati(e side
of the 1'estion, +'t "e fee% that "hat "e ha(e said is ti)e%#, and )'ch
needed +# )an# "ho read these %essons. There has +een so )'ch said
re!ardin! this ne!ati(e, ad(erse $o"er of tho'!ht, that it is "e%% that
a%% sho'%d +e ta'!ht that it is in their $o"er to rise a+o(e this thin!00
that the "ea$on for its defeat is a%read# in their hand.
The )ost ad(anced st'dent )a# occasiona%%# for!et that he is s'$erior to
the ad(erse inf%'ence of the race0tho'!ht, and other c%o'ds of tho'!ht
inf%'ence that ha$$en to +e in his nei!h+orhood. /hen "e thin* of ho" fe"
there are "ho are sendin! forth the $ositi(e, ho$ef'%, tho'!ht0"a(es, and
ho" )an# are sendin! forth contin'a%%# the tho'!hts of disco'ra!e)ent,
fear, and des$air, it is no "onder that at ti)es there co)es to 's a
fee%in! of disco'ra!e)ent, he%$%essness, and ""hat2s the 'se." 5't "e
)'st +e e(er a%ert, to stand '$ and den# these thin!s o't of e.istence
so far as o'r $ersona% tho'!ht "or%d is concerned. There is a "onderf'%
occ'%t tr'th in the %ast sentence. /e are the )a*ers, $reser(ers, and
destro#ers of o'r $ersona% tho'!ht0"or%d. /e )a# +rin! into it that "hich
"e desire to a$$ear3 "e )a# *ee$ there "hat "e "ish, c'%ti(atin!,
de(e%o$in! and 'nfo%din! the tho'!ht0for)s that "e desire3 "e )a#
destro# that "hich "e "ish to *ee$ o't. The "I" is the )aster of its
tho'!ht0"or%d. Thin* o(er this !reat tr'th, O st'dent? 5# 9esire "e
ca%% into e.istence00+# affir)ation "e $reser(e and enco'ra!e00+#
9enia% "e destro#. The Hind's in their $o$'%ar re%i!io's conce$tions
$ict're the One 5ein! as a Trinit#, co)$osed of 5rah)a, the Creator3
@ishn', the Preser(er, and Si(a, the 9estro#er00not three !ods, as is
co))on%# s'$$osed, +'t a Trinit# co)$osed of three as$ects of 9eit# or
5ein!. This idea of the threefo%d 5ein! is a%so a$$%ica+%e to the
Indi(id'a%00"as a+o(e so +e%o"." The "I" is the 5ein! of the Indi(id'a%,
and the tho'!ht0"or%d is its )anifestation. It creates, $reser(es, and
destro#s00as it /i%%. Carr# this idea "ith #o', and rea%i,e that #o'r
indi(id'a% tho'!ht0"or%d is #o'r o"n fie%d of )anifestation. In it #o'
are constant%# creatin!00constant%# $reser(in!00constant%# destro#in!.
And if #o' can destro# an#thin! in #o'r o"n tho'!ht0"or%d #o' re)o(e it
fro) its fie%d of acti(it#, so far as #o' are concerned. And if #o'
create an#thin! in #o'r o"n tho'!ht0"or%d, #o' +rin! it into acti(e
+ein!, so far as #o' are concerned. And if #o' $reser(e an#thin!, #o'
*ee$ it +# #o' in effect and f'%% o$eration and inf%'ence in #o'r %ife.
This tr'th +e%on!s to the hi!her $hases of the s'+ject, for its
e.$%anation is ine.trica+%# +o'nd '$ in the e.$%anation of the
"Thin!0in0Itse%f"00the A+so%'te and Its &anifestations. 5't e(en "hat "e
ha(e said a+o(e, sho'%d !i(e to the a%ert st'dent s'fficient notice to
ca'se hi) to !ras$ the facts of the case, and to a$$%# the $rinci$%es in
his o"n %ife.
If one %i(es on the $%ane of the race0tho'!ht, he is s'+ject to its %a"s,
for the %a" of ca'se and effect is in f'%% o$eration on each $%ane of
%ife. 5't "hen one raises hi)se%f a+o(e the race0tho'!ht, and on to the
$%ane of the Reco!nition of the Rea% Se%f00The "I"00then does he
e.tricate hi)se%f fro) the %o"er %a"s of ca'se and effect, and $%aces
hi)se%f on a hi!her $%ane of ca'sation, in "hich he $%a#s a )'ch hi!her
$art. And so "e are constant%# re)indin! #o' that #o'r to"er of stren!th
and ref'!e %ies on the hi!her $%ane. 5't, ne(erthe%ess, "e )'st dea% "ith
the thin!s and %a"s of the %o"er $%ane, +eca'se (er# fe" "ho read these
%essons are a+%e to rest entire%# '$on the hi!her $%ane. The !reat
)ajorit# of the) ha(e done no )ore than to %ift the)se%(es $artia%%# on
to the hi!her $%ane, and the# are conse1'ent%# %i(in! on +oth $%anes,
$art%# in each, the conse1'ence +ein! that there is a str'!!%e +et"een
the conf%ictin! %a"s of the t"o $%anes. The $resent sta!e is one of the
hardest on the Path of Attain)ent, and rese)+%es the +irth0$ains of the
$h#sica% +od#. 5't #o' are +ein! +orn into a hi!her $%ane, and the $ain
after +eco)in! the )ost ac'te "i%% +e!in to ease, and in the end "i%%
disa$$ear, and then "i%% co)e $eace and ca%). /hen the $ain +eco)es the
)ost ac'te, then +e cheered "ith the certaint# that #o' ha(e reached the
crisis of #o'r ne" s$irit'a% +irth, and that #o' "i%% soon !ain $eace.
And then #o' "i%% see that the $eace and +%iss "i%% +e "orth a%% the $ain
and str'!!%e. 5e +ra(e, fe%%o" fo%%o"ers of The Path009e%i(erance is
ni!h. Soon "i%% co)e the Si%ence that fo%%o"s the Stor). The $ain that
#o' are e.$eriencin!00ah, "e%% do "e *no" that #o' are e.$eriencin! the
$ain00is not $'nish)ent, +'t is a necessar# $art of #o'r !ro"th. A%% Life
fo%%o"s this $%an00the $ains of %a+or and +irth e(er $recede the
9e%i(erance. S'ch is Life00and Life is +ased '$on Tr'th00and a%% is "e%%
"ith the "or%d. /e did not intend to s$ea* of these thin!s in this
%esson, +'t as "e "rite there co)es to 's a !reat cr# for he%$ and a "ord
of enco'ra!e)ent and ho$e, fro) the C%ass "hich is ta*in! this co'rse of
%essons, and "e fee% +o'nd to res$ond as "e ha(e done. Peace +e "ith
#o'00one and a%%.
And, no" "e "i%% +e!in o'r consideration of the %a"s !o(ernin! "hat "e
ha(e ca%%ed "S'+0conscio's Inf%'ence."
A%% st'dents of the Occ'%t are a"are of the fact that )en )a# +e, and
are, %ar!e%# inf%'enced +# the tho'!hts of others. Not on%# is this the
case in instances "here tho'!hts are directed fro) the )ind of one $erson
to the )ind of another, +'t a%so "hen there is no s$ecia% direction or
intention in the tho'!ht sent forth. The (i+rations of tho'!hts %in!er in
the astra% at)os$here %on! after the effort that sent forth the tho'!ht
has $assed. The astra% at)os$here is char!ed "ith the (i+rations of
thin*ers of )an# #ears $ast, and sti%% $ossesses s'fficient (ita%it# to
affect those "hose )inds are read# to recei(e the) at this ti)e. And "e
a%% attract to 's tho'!ht (i+rations corres$ondin! in nat're "ith those
"hich "e are in the ha+it of entertainin!. The La" of Attraction is in
f'%% o$eration, and one "ho )a*es a st'd# of the s'+ject )a# see
instances of it on a%% sides.
/e in(ite to o'rse%(es these tho'!ht (i+rations +# )aintainin! and
entertainin! tho'!hts a%on! certain %ines. If "e c'%ti(ate a ha+it of
thin*in! a%on! the %ines of Cheerf'%ness, 5ri!htness and O$ti)is), "e
attract to o'rse%(es si)i%ar tho'!ht (i+rations of others and "e "i%%
find that +efore %on! "e "i%% find a%% sorts of cheerf'% tho'!hts $o'rin!
into o'r )inds fro) a%% directions. And, %i*e"ise, if "e har+or tho'!hts
of <%oo), 9es$air, Pessi)is), "e %a# o'rse%(es o$en to the inf%'. of
si)i%ar tho'!hts "hich ha(e e)anated fro) the )inds of others. Tho'!hts
of An!er, Hate, or >ea%o's# attract si)i%ar tho'!hts "hich ser(e to feed
the f%a)e and *ee$ a%i(e the fire of these %o" e)otions. Tho'!hts of Lo(e
tend to dra" to o'rse%(es the %o(in! tho'!hts of others "hich tend to
fi%% 's "ith a !%o" of %o(in! e)otion.
And not on%# are "e affected in this "a# +# the tho'!hts of others, +'t
"hat is *no"n as "S'!!estion" a%so $%a#s an i)$ortant $art in this )atter
of s'+0conscio's inf%'ence. /e find that the )ind has a tendenc# to
re$rod'ce the e)otions, )oods, shades of tho'!ht, and fee%in!s of other
$ersons, as e(idenced +# their attit'de, a$$earance, facia% e.$ression,
or "ords. If "e associate "ith $ersons of a !%oo)# te)$era)ent, "e r'n
the ris* of "catchin!" their )enta% tro'+%e +# the %a" of s'!!estion,
'n%ess "e 'nderstand this %a" and co'nteract it. In the sa)e "a# "e find
that cheerf'%ness is conta!io's, and if "e *ee$ in the co)$an# of
cheerf'% $eo$%e "e are (er# a$t to ta*e on their )enta% 1'a%it#. The sa)e
r'%e a$$%ies to fre1'entin! the co)$an# of 'ns'ccessf'% or s'ccessf'%
$eo$%e, as the case )a# +e. If "e a%%o" o'rse%(es to ta*e '$ the
s'!!estions constant%# e)anatin! fro) the), "e "i%% find that o'r )inds
"i%% +e!in to re$rod'ce the tones, attit'des, characteristics,
dis$ositions and traits of the other $ersons, and +efore %on! "e "i%% +e
%i(in! on the sa)e )enta% $%ane. As "e ha(e re$eated%# said, these thin!s
are tr'e on%# "hen "e a%%o" o'rse%(es to "ta*e on" the i)$ressions, +'t
'n%ess one has )astered the %a" of s'!!estion, and 'nderstands its
$rinci$%es and o$erations he is )ore or %ess a$t to +e affected +# it.
A%% of #o' readi%# reca%% the effect of certain $ersons '$on others "ith
"ho) the# co)e in contact. One has a fac'%t# of ins$irin! "ith (i!or and
ener!# those in "hose co)$an# he ha$$ens to +e. Another de$resses those
aro'nd hi), and is a(oided as a "h')an "et0+%an*et." Another "i%% ca'se a
fee%in! of 'neasiness in those aro'nd hi), +# reason of his $re(ai%in!
attit'de of distr'st, s's$icion, and %o" c'nnin!. So)e carr# an
at)os$here of hea%th aro'nd the), "hi%e others see) to +e s'rro'nded "ith
a sic*%# a'ra of disease, e(en "hen their $h#sica% condition does not
see) to indicate the %ac* of hea%th. &enta% states ha(e a s'+t%e "a# of
i)$ressin! the)se%(es '$on 's, and the st'dent "ho "i%% ta*e the tro'+%e
to c%ose%# o+ser(e those "ith "ho) he co)es in contact "i%% recei(e a
%i+era% ed'cation a%on! these %ines.
There is of co'rse a !reat difference in the de!ree of s'!!esti+i%it#
a)on! different $ersons. There are those "ho are a%)ost i))'ne, "hi%e at
the other end of the %ine are to +e fo'nd others "ho are so constant%#
and stron!%# i)$ressed +# the s'!!estions of others, conscio's or
'nconscio's, that the# )a# +e said to scarce%# ha(e an# inde$endent
tho'!ht or "i%% of their o"n. 5't near%# a%% $ersons are s'!!esti+%e
to a !reater or %esser de!ree.
It )'st not +e s'$$osed fro) "hat "e ha(e said that a%% s'!!estions are
"+ad," har)f'%, or 'ndesira+%e. &an# s'!!estions are (er# !ood for 's,
and co)in! at the ri!ht ti)e ha(e aided 's )'ch. 5't, ne(erthe%ess, it is
"e%% to a%"a#s %et #o'r o"n )ind $ass '$on these s'!!estions, +efore
a%%o"in! the) to )anifest in #o'r s'+0conscio's )ind. Let the fina%
decision +e #o'r o"n00and not the "i%% of another00a%tho'!h #o' )a# ha(e
considered o'tside s'!!estions in connection "ith the )atter.
Re)e)+er a%"a#s that O- are an Indi(id'a%, ha(in! a )ind and /i%% of
#o'r o"n. Rest fir)%# '$on the +ase of #o'r "I" conscio'sness, and #o'
"i%% find #o'rse%f a+%e to )anifest a "onderf'% stren!th a!ainst the
ad(erse s'!!estions of others. 5e #o'r o"n S'!!estor00train and inf%'ence
#o'r s'+0conscio's )ind o'rse%f, and do not a%%o" it to +e ta)$ered "ith
+# the s'!!estions of others. <ro" the sense of Indi(id'a%it#.
There has +een )'ch "ritten of recent #ears in the /estern "or%d
re!ardin! the effect of the &enta% Attit'de '$on S'ccess and attain)ent
'$on the )ateria% $%ane. /hi%e )'ch of this is nothin! +'t the "i%dest
i)a!inin!, sti%% there re)ains a (er# fir) and so%id s'+strat') of tr'th
'nder%#in! it a%%.
It is 'ndo'+ted%# tr'e that one2s $re(ai%in! )enta% attit'de is
constant%# )anifestin! and o+jectif#in! itse%f in his %ife. Thin!s,
circ')stances, $eo$%e, $%ans, a%% see) to fit into the !enera% idea% of
the stron! )enta% attit'de of a )an. And this fro) the o$eration of
)enta% %a" a%on! a n')+er of %ines of action.
In the first $%ace, the )ind "hen directed to"ard a certain set of
o+jects +eco)es (er# a%ert to disco(er thin!s concernin! those
o+jects00to sei,e '$on thin!s, o$$ort'nities, $ersons, ideas, and facts
tendin! to $ro)ote the o+jects tho'!ht of. The )an "ho is %oo*in! for
facts to $ro(e certain theories, in(aria+%# finds the), and is a%so 1'ite
%i*e%# to o(er%oo* facts tendin! to dis$ro(e his theor#. The O$ti)ist and
the Pessi)ist $assin! a%on! the sa)e streets, each sees tho'sands of
e.a)$%es tendin! to fit in "ith his idea. As 6a# sa#s4 "/hen one is
en!a!ed in see*in! for a thin!, if he *ee$ the i)a!e of it c%ear%# +efore
the )ind, he "i%% +e (er# %i*e%# to find it, and that too, $ro+a+%#,
"here it "o'%d other"ise ha(e esca$ed his notice. So "hen one is en!a!ed
in thin*in! on a s'+ject, tho'!hts of thin!s rese)+%in! it, or +earin!
'$on it, and tendin! to i%%'strate it, co)e '$ on e(er# side. Tr'%#, "e
)a# "e%% sa# of the )ind, as has +een said of the e#e, that 2it $ercei(es
on%# "hat it +rin!s "ithin the $o"er of $ercei(in!.2" >ohn 5'rro'!hs has
"e%% said re!ardin! this that "No one e(er fo'nd the "a%*in! fern "ho did
not ha(e the "a%*in! fern in his )ind. A $erson "hose e#e is f'%% of
Indian re%ics $ic*s the) '$ in e(er# fie%d he "a%*s thro'!h. The# are
1'ic*%# reco!ni,ed +eca'se the e#e has +een co))issioned to find the)."
/hen the )ind is *e$t fir)%# fi.ed '$on so)e idea% or ai), its "ho%e and
(aried $o"ers are +ent to"ard the rea%i,ation and )anifestation of that
idea%. In tho'sands of "a#s the )ind "i%% o$erate to o+jectif# the
s'+jecti(e )enta% attit'de, a !reat $ro$ortion of the )enta% effort +ein!
acco)$%ished a%on! s'+0conscio's %ines. It is of the !reatest i)$ortance
to one "ho "ishes to s'cceed in an# 'nderta*in!, to *ee$ +efore his
)ind2s e#e a c%ear )enta% i)a!e of that "hich he desires. He sho'%d
$ict're the thin! desired, and hi)se%f as sec'rin! it, 'nti% it +eco)es
a%)ost rea%. In this "a# he ca%%s to his aid his entire )enta% force and
$o"er, a%on! the s'+0conscio's %ines, and, as it "ere, )a*es a c%ear $ath
o(er "hich he )a# "a%* to acco)$%ish)ent. 5ain sa#s re!ardin! this4 "5#
ai)in! at a ne" constr'ction, "e )'st c%ear%# concei(e "hat is ai)ed at.
/here "e ha(e a (er# distinct and inte%%i!i+%e )ode% +efore 's, "e are in
a fair "a# to s'cceed3 in $ro$ortion as the idea% is di) and "a(erin!, "e
sta!!er or )iscarr#." &a'ds%e# sa#s4 "/e cannot do an act (o%'ntari%#
'n%ess "e *no" "hat "e are !oin! to do, and "e cannot *no" e.act%# "hat
"e are !oin! to do 'nti% "e ha(e ta'!ht o'rse%(es to do it." Car$enter
sa#s4 "The contin'ed concentration of attention '$on a certain idea !i(es
it a do)inant $o"er, not on%# o(er the )ind, +'t o(er the +od#." &'%%er
sa#s4 "The idea of o'r o"n stren!th !i(es stren!th to o'r )o(e)ents. A
$erson "ho is confident of effectin! an#thin! +# )'sc'%ar efforts "i%% do
it )ore easi%# than one not so confident of his o"n $o"er." Tanner sa#s4
"To +e%ie(e fir)%# is a%)ost tanta)o'nt in the end to acco)$%ish)ent.
E.traordinar# instances are re%ated sho"in! the inf%'ence of the "i%%
o(er e(en the in(o%'ntar# )'sc%es."
A%on! the sa)e %ines, )an# /estern "riters ha(e added their testi)on# to
the o!i $rinci$%e of the )anifestation of tho'!ht into action. 6a# has
"ritten4 "A c%ear and acc'rate idea of "hat "e "ish to do, and ho" it is
to +e effected, is of the 't)ost (a%'e and i)$ortance in a%% the affairs
of %ife. A )an2s cond'ct nat'ra%%# sha$es itse%f accordin! to the ideas
in his )ind, and nothin! contri+'tes )ore to s'ccess in %ife than ha(in!
a hi!h idea% and *ee$in! it constant%# in (ie". /here s'ch is the case
one can hard%# fai% in attainin! it. N')ero's 'ne.$ected circ')stances
"i%% +e fo'nd to cons$ire to +rin! it a+o't, and e(en "hat see)ed at
first to +e hosti%e )a# +e con(erted into )eans for its f'rtherance3
"hi%e +# ha(in! it constant%# +efore the )ind he "i%% +e e(er read# to
ta*e ad(anta!e of an# fa(orin! circ')stances that )a# $resent
the)se%(es." A%on! the sa)e %ines, Foster has "ritten these re)ar*a+%e
"ords4 "It is "onderf'% ho" e(en the cas'a%ties of %ife see) to +o" to
a s$irit that "i%% not +o" to the), and #ie%d to s'+ser(e a desi!n "hich
the# )a#, in their first a$$arent tendenc#, threaten to fr'strate. /hen a
fir), decisi(e s$irit is reco!ni,ed, it is c'rio's to see ho" the s$ace
c%ears aro'nd a )an and %ea(es hi) roo) and freedo)." Si)$son has said4
"A $assionate desire and an 'n"earied "i%% can $erfor) i)$ossi+i%ities,
or "hat see) to +e s'ch to the co%d and fee+%e." And &a'ds%e# !i(es to
as$irin! #o'th a !reat tr'th, "hen he sa#s4 "Th's it is that as$irations
are often $ro$hecies, the har+in!ers of "hat a )an sha%% +e in a
condition to $erfor)." And "e )a# conc%'de the $ara!ra$h +# 1'otin!
L#tton4 "9rea), O #o'th, drea) )anf'%%# and no+%#, and th# drea)s sha%%
+e $ro$hets."
This $rinci$%e of the $o"er of the &enta% I)a!e is stron!%# i)$ressed
'$on the )ind of the che%a, or st'dent, +# the o!i teachers. The
st'dent is ta'!ht that j'st as the ho'se is erected in accordance "ith
the $%an of the architect, so is one2s %ife +'i%t in accordance "ith the
$re(ai%in! &enta% I)a!e. The )ind s'+0conscio's%# )o'%ds itse%f aro'nd
the $re(ai%in! )enta% i)a!e or attit'de, and then $roceeds to dra" '$on
the o'ter "or%d for )ateria% "ith "hich to +'i%d in accordance "ith the
$%an. Not on%# is one2s character +'i%t in this "a#, +'t the
circ')stances and incidents of his %ife fo%%o" the sa)e r'%e. The o!i
st'dent is instr'cted into the )#steries of the $o"er of the )ind in this
direction, not that he )a# )a*e 'se of it to +'i%d '$ )ateria% s'ccess,
or to rea%i,e his $ersona% desires00for he is ta'!ht to a(oid these
thin!s00+'t he is f'%%# instr'cted, ne(erthe%ess, that he )a# 'nderstand
the "or*in!s of the %a" aro'nd hi). And it is a fact "e%% *no"n to c%ose
st'dents of the occ'%t, that the fe" "ho ha(e attained e.traordinari%#
hi!h de!rees of de(e%o$)ent, )a*e 'se of this $o"er in order to he%$ the
race. &an# a "or%d )o(e)ent has +een directed +# the )ind, or )inds, of
so)e of these ad(anced so'%s "ho "ere a+%e to see the idea% of e(o%'tion
ahead of the race, and +# (is'a%i,in! the sa)e, and concentratin! '$on it
in )editation, act'a%%# hastened the $ro!ress of the e(o%'tionar# "a(e,
and ca'sed to act'a%%# )anifest that "hich the# sa", and '$on "hich the#
had )editated.
It is tr'e that so)e occ'%tists ha(e 'sed si)i%ar $%ans to f'rther their
o"n se%fish $ersona% ends00often "itho't f'%%# rea%i,in! j'st "hat $o"er
the# "ere e)$%o#in!00+'t this )ere%# i%%'strates the o%d fact that the
forces of Nat're )a# +e 'sed ri!ht%# and "ron!%#. And it is a%% the )ore
reason "h# those "ho are desiro's of ad(ancin! the race00of assistin! in
the e(o%'tion of the "or%d00sho'%d )a*e 'se of this )i!ht# $o"er in their
"or*. S'ccess is not re$rehensi+%e, not"ithstandin! the fact that )an#
ha(e inter$reted and a$$%ied the "ord in s'ch a )atter as to )a*e it
a$$ear as if it had no other )eanin! or a$$%ication other than the cr'de,
)ateria% se%fish one !enera%%# attri+'ted to it, +# reason of its )is'se.
The /estern "or%d is $%a#in! its $art in the e(o%'tion of the race, and
its *e#note is "Acco)$%ish)ent." Those "ho ha(e ad(anced so hi!h that
the# are a+%e to (ie" the "or%d of )en, as one sees a (a%%e# fro) a
)o'ntain $ea*, reco!ni,e "hat this stren'o's /estern %ife )eans. The# see
)i!ht# forces in o$eration00)i!ht# $rinci$%es +ein! "or*ed o't +# those
"ho %itt%e drea) of the '%ti)ate si!nificance of that "hich the# are
doin!. &i!ht# thin!s are +efore the /estern "or%d to0da#00"onderf'%
chan!es are !oin! on00!reat thin!s are in the "o)+ of ti)e, and the ho'r
of +irth dra"s near. The )en and "o)en in the /estern "or%d fee% "ithin
the) the )i!ht# 'r!e to "acco)$%ish" so)ethin!00to ta*e an acti(e $art in
the !reat dra)a of %ife. And the# are ri!ht in !i(in! f'%% e.$ression to
this 'r!e, and are doin! "e%% in 'sin! e(er# %e!iti)ate )eans in the %ine
of e.$ression. And this idea of the &enta% Attit'de, or the &enta% I)a!e,
is one of the !reatest factors in this stri(in! for S'ccess.
In this %esson "e do not $'r$ose !i(in! "S'ccess Ta%*s" for o'r st'dents.
These %essons are intended to fi%% another fie%d, and there are )an#
other channe%s of infor)ation a%on! the %ines na)ed. /hat "e "ish to do
is to $oint o't to o'r st'dents the )eanin! of a%% this stren'o's
stri(in! of the a!e, in the /estern "or%d, and the %eadin! $rinci$%e
e)$%o#ed therein. The !reat achie(e)ents of the )ateria% "or%d are +ein!
acco)$%ished +# )eans of the Po"er of the &ind. &en are +e!innin! to
'nderstand that "Tho'!ht )anifests itse%f in Action," and that Tho'!ht
attracts to itse%f the thin!s, $ersons and circ')stances in har)on# "ith
itse%f. The Po"er of &ind is +eco)in! )anifest in h'ndreds of "a#s. The
$o"er of 9esire, +ac*ed +# Faith and /i%%, is +e!innin! to +e reco!ni,ed
as one of the !reatest of *no"n d#na)ic forces. The %ife of the race is
enterin! into a ne" and stran!e sta!e of de(e%o$)ent and e(o%'tion, and
in the #ears to co)e &IN9 "i%% +e seen, )ore c%ear%# and sti%% )ore
c%ear%#, to +e the !reat $rinci$%e 'nder%#in! the "or%d of )ateria%
thin!s and ha$$enin!s. That "A%% is &ind" is )ore than a drea)#,
)eta$h#sica% 'tterance, is +ein! reco!ni,ed +# the %eaders in the "or%d2s
As "e ha(e said, !reat chan!es are +efore the "or%d and the race, and
e(er# #ear +rin!s 's nearer to the +e!innin! of the). In fact, the
+e!innin! is a%read# '$on 's. Let an# thin*er sto$ and ref%ect o(er the
"onderf'% chan!es of the $ast si. #ears00since the da"nin! of the
T"entieth Cent'r#, and he "i%% +e d'%% indeed if he sees not the trend of
affairs. /e are enterin! into a ne" <reat C#c%e of the race, and the o%d
is +ein! $re$ared for +ein! dro$$ed off %i*e an o%d "orn o't h's*. O%d
con(entions, idea%s, c'sto)s, %a"s, ethics, and thin!s socio%o!ica%,
econo)ica%, theo%o!ica%, $hi%oso$hica%, and )eta$h#sica% ha(e +een
o't!ro"n, and are a+o't to +e "shed" +# the race. The !reat ca'%dron of
h')an tho'!ht is +'++%in! a"a# fierce%#, and )an# thin!s are risin! to
its s'rface. Li*e a%% !reat chan!es, the !ood "i%% co)e on%# "ith )'ch
$ain00a%% +irth is "ith $ain. The race fee%s the $ain and $er$et'a%
'nrest, +'t *no"s not "hat is the disease nor the re)ed#. &an# fa%se
cases of dia!nosis and $rescri$tion are e(en no" noticea+%e, and "i%%
+eco)e sti%% )ore in e(idence as the #ears ro%% +#. &an# se%f0st#%ed
sa(io'rs of the race00$rescri+ers for the $ain of the so'% and )ind00"i%%
arise and fa%%. 5't o't of it a%% "i%% co)e that for "hich the race
no" "aits.
The chan!es that are +efore 's are as !reat as the chan!es in tho'!ht and
%ife descri+ed in the %ate no(e% +# H. <. /e%%s, entit%ed "In the 9a#s
of the Co)et." In fact, &r. /e%%s has indicated in that stor# so)e of
the (er# chan!es that the ad(anced so'%s of the race ha(e infor)ed their
st'dents are +efore the race00the $ro$hetic insi!ht of the "riter na)ed
see)s )ar(e%o's, 'nti% one rea%i,es that e(en that "riter is +ein! 'sed
as a $art of the )enta% )achiner# of The Chan!e itse%f. 5't the chan!e
"i%% not co)e a+o't +# reason of the ne" !as ca'sed +# the +r'shin! of
the earth2s s'rface +# a $assin! co)et. It "i%% co)e fro) the 'nfo%din!
of the race )ind, the $rocess +ein! no" 'nder "a#. Are not the si!ns of
)enta% 'nrest and disco)fort +eco)in! )ore and )ore a$$arent as the da#s
!o +#: The $ain is !ro"in! !reater, and the race is +e!innin! to fret and
chafe, and )oan. It *no"s not "hat it "ants, +'t it *no"s that it fee%s
$ain and "ants so)ethin! to re%ie(e that $ain. The o%d thin!s are
+e!innin! to totter and fa%%, and ideas rendered sacred +# #ears of
o+ser(ance are +ein! +r'shed aside "ith a start%in! dis$%a# of
irre(erence. -nder the s'rface of o'r ci(i%i,ation "e )a# hear the
strainin! and !roanin! of the ideas and $rinci$%es that are stri(in! to
force their "a# o't on to the $%ane of )anifestation.
&en are r'nnin! hither and thither cr#in! for a %eader and a sa(ior. The#
are tr#in! this thin!, and that thin!, +'t the# find not that "hich the#
see*. The# cr# for Satisfaction, +'t it e%'des the). And #et a%% this
search and disa$$oint)ent is $art of the <reat Chan!e, and is $re$arin!
the race for That0"hich0)'st0Co)e. And #et the re%ief "i%% not co)e
fro) an# Thin! or Thin!s. It "i%% co)e fro) /ithin. >'st as "hen, in
/e%%2s stor#, thin!s ri!hted the)se%(es "hen the (a$or of the co)et had
c%eared )en2s )inds, so "i%% Thin!s ta*e their ne" $%aces "hen the )ind
of the race +eco)es c%eared +# the ne" 'nfo%d)ent that is e(en no" 'nder
"a#. &en are +e!innin! to fee% each other2s $ains00the# find the)se%(es
'nsatisfied +# the o%d r'%e of "e(er# )an for hi)se%f, and the de(i% ta*e
the hind)ost"00it 'sed to content the s'ccessf'%, +'t no" it doesn2t see)
to +e so satisf#in!. The )an on to$ is +eco)in! %oneso)e, and
dissatisfied, and discontented00his s'ccess see)s to a$$a%% hi), in so)e
)#sterio's )anner. And the )an 'nderneath fee%s stirrin! "ithin hi)se%f
stran!e %on!in!s and desires, and dissatisfaction. And ne" frictions are
arisin!, and ne" and start%in! ideas are +ein! s'dden%# ad(anced,
s'$$orted and o$$osed.
And the re%ations +et"een $eo$%e see) to +e 'nsatisfactor#. The o%d
r'%es, %a"s, and +onds are $ro(in! ir*so)e. Ne", stran!e, and "i%d
tho'!hts are co)in! into the )inds of $eo$%e, "hich the# dare not 'tter
to their friends00and #et these sa)e friends are findin! si)i%ar ideas
"ithin the)se%(es. And so)eho", 'nderneath it a%% is to +e fo'nd a
certain Honest#00#es, there is "here the tro'+%e see)s to co)e, the
"or%d is tirin! of h#$ocris# and dishonest# in a%% h')an re%ations, and
is cr#in! a%o'd to +e %ed +ac*, so)e"a#, to Tr'th and Honest# in Tho'!ht
and Action. 5't it does not see the "a# o't? And it "i%% not see the "a#
o't, 'nti% the race0)ind 'nfo%ds sti%% f'rther. And the $ain of the ne"
'nfo%d)ent is stirrin! the race to its de$ths. Fro) the dee$ recesses of
the race0)ind are risin! to the s'rface o%d $assions, re%ics fro) the
ca(e0d"e%%er da#s, and a%% sorts of '!%# )enta% re%ics of the $ast. And
the# "i%% contin'e to rise and sho" the)se%(es 'nti% at %ast the +'++%in!
$ot "i%% +e!in to 1'iet do"n, and then "i%% co)e a ne" $eace, and the
+est "i%% co)e to the s'rface00the essence of a%% the e.$eriences of the
To o'r st'dents, "e "o'%d sa#4 9'rin! the str'!!%e ahead of the race,
$%a# "e%% #o'r $art, doin! the +est #o' can, %i(in! each da# +# itse%f,
)eetin! each ne" $hase of %ife "ith confidence and co'ra!e. 5e not
de%'ded +# a$$earances, nor fo%%o" after stran!e $ro$hets. Let the
e(o%'tionar# $rocesses "or* the)se%(es o't, and do #o' fa%% in "ith the
"a(e "itho't str'!!%in!, and "itho't o(er)'ch stri(in!. The La" is
"or*in! itse%f o't "e%%00of that +e ass'red. Those "ho ha(e entered into
e(en a $artia% 'nderstandin! and reco!nition of the One Life 'nder%#in!,
"i%% find that the# "i%% +e as the chosen $eo$%e d'rin! the chan!es that
are co)in! to the race. The# ha(e attained that "hich the race is
reachin! to"ard in $ain and tra(ai%. And the force +ehind the La" "i%%
carr# the) a%on!, for the# "i%% +e the %ea(en that is to %i!hten the
!reat )ass of the race in the ne" dis$ensation. Not +# deed, or +#
action, +'t +# Tho'!ht, "i%% these $eo$%e %ea(en the )ass. The Tho'!ht is
e(en no" at "or*, and a%% "ho read these "ords are $%a#in! a $art in the
"or*, a%tho'!h the# )a# *no" it not. If the race co'%d rea%i,e this tr'th
of the One Life 'nder%#in!, to0da#, the Chan!e "o'%d occ'r in a )o)ent,
+'t it "i%% not co)e in that "a#. /hen this 'nderstandin! !rad'a%%# da"ns
'$on the race00this ne" conscio'sness00then "i%% Thin!s ta*e their $ro$er
$%aces, and the Lion and the La)+ %ie do"n to!ether in $eace.
/e ha(e tho'!ht it "e%% to sa# these thin!s in this the %ast %esson of
this co'rse. The# are needed "ords00the# "i%% ser(e to $oint o't the "a#
to those "ho are a+%e to read. "/atch and "ait for the Si%ence that "i%%
fo%%o" the Stor)."
In this series of %essons "e ha(e endea(ored to !i(e #o' a $%ain,
$ractica% $resentation of so)e of the )ore i)$ortant feat'res of "Raja
o!a." 5't this $hase of the s'+ject, as i)$ortant and interestin! as it
is, is not the hi!hest $hase of the !reat o!a teachin!s. It is )ere%#
the $re$aration of the soi% of the )ind for "hat co)es after"ard. The
$hase ca%%ed "<nani o!a"00the o!a of /isdo)00is the hi!hest of a%%
the (ario's $hases of o!a, a%tho'!h each of the %o"er ste$s is i)$ortant
in itse%f. /e find o'rse%(es a$$roachin! the $hase of o'r "or* for "hich
"e ha(e %on! "ished. Those "ho ha(e ad(ised and directed this "or* ha(e
co'nse%ed 's to dea% "ith the %ess ad(anced and si)$%er $hases, in order
to $re$are the )inds of those "ho )i!ht +e interested, so that the# "o'%d
+e read# for the hi!her teachin!s. At ti)es "e ha(e fe%t an i)$atience
for the co)in! of the da# "hen "e "o'%d +e a+%e to teach the hi!hest that
has co)e to 's. And no" the ti)e see)s to ha(e co)e. Fo%%o"in! this
co'rse, "e "i%% +e!in a series of %essons in "<NANI O<A"00the o!a of
/isdo)00in "hich "e "i%% $ass on to o'r st'dents the hi!hest teachin!s
re!ardin! the Rea%it# and its &anifestations00the One and the &an#. The
teachin!s that "A%% is &ind" "i%% +e e.$%ained in s'ch a )anner as to +e
'nderstood +# a%% "ho ha(e fo%%o"ed 's so far. /e "i%% +e a+%e to i)$art
to #o' the hi!her tr'ths a+o't S$irit'a% E(o%'tion, so)eti)es ca%%ed
"Reincarnation," as "e%% as S$irit'a% Ca'se and Effect, often ca%%ed
"6ar)a." The hi!hest tr'ths a+o't these i)$ortant s'+jects are often
o+sc'red +# $o$'%ar )isconce$tions occasioned +# $artia% teachin!. /e
tr'st that #o'00o'r st'dents00"i%% "ish to fo%%o" 's sti%% hi!her00hi!her
than "e ha(e (ent'red so far, and "e ass're #o' that there is a Tr'th to
+e seen and *no"n that is as )'ch hi!her than the other $hases '$on "hich
"e ha(e to'ched, as those $hases ha(e +een hi!her than the c'rrent
+e%iefs of the )asses of the race. /e tr'st that the Po"ers of 6no"%ed!e
)a# !'ide and direct 's that "e )a# +e a+%e to con(e# o'r )essa!e so that
it )a# +e acce$ted and 'nderstood. /e than* o'r st'dents "ho ha(e
tra(e%ed th's far "ith 's, and "e ass're the) that their %o(in! s#)$ath#
has e(er +een a he%$ and an ins$iration to 's.
Peace +e "ith #o'.
The o!i Phi%oso$h# )a# +e di(ided into se(era% !reat +ranches, or
fie%ds. /hat is *no"n as "Hatha o!a" dea%s "ith the $h#sica% +od# and
its contro%3 its "e%fare3 its hea%th3 its $reser(ation3 its %a"s, etc.
/hat is *no"n as "Raja o!a" dea%s "ith the &ind3 its contro%3 its
de(e%o$)ent3 its 'nfo%d)ent, etc. /hat is *no"n as "5ha*ti o!a" dea%s
"ith the Lo(e of the A+so%'te00<od. /hat is *no"n as "<nani o!a" dea%s
"ith the scientific and inte%%ect'a% *no"in! of the !reat 1'estions
re!ardin! Life and "hat %ies +ac* of Life00the Ridd%e of the -ni(erse.
Each +ranch of o!a is +'t a $ath %eadin! to"ard the one
end00'nfo%d)ent, de(e%o$)ent, and !ro"th. He "ho "ishes first to
de(e%o$, contro% and stren!then his $h#sica% +od# so as to render it a
fit instr')ent of the Hi!her Se%f, fo%%o"s the $ath of "Hatha o!a." He
"ho "o'%d de(e%o$ his "i%%0$o"er and )enta% fac'%ties, 'nfo%din! the
inner senses, and %atent $o"ers, fo%%o"s the $ath of "Raja o!a." He
"ho "ishes to de(e%o$ +# "*no"in!"00+# st'd#in! the f'nda)enta%
$rinci$%es, and the "onderf'% tr'ths 'nder%#in! Life, fo%%o"s the $ath
of "<nani o!a." And he "ho "ishes to !ro" into a 'nion "ith the One
Life +# the inf%'ence of Lo(e, he fo%%o"s the $ath of "5ha*ti o!a."
5't it )'st not +e s'$$osed that the st'dent )'st a%%# hi)se%f to on%#
a sin!%e one of these $aths to $o"er. In fact, (er# fe" do. The
)ajorit# $refer to !ain a ro'nded *no"%ed!e, and ac1'aint the)se%(es
"ith the $rinci$%es of the se(era% +ranches, %earnin! so)ethin! of
each, !i(in! $reference of co'rse to those +ranches that a$$ea% to the)
)ore stron!%#, this attraction +ein! the indication of need, or
re1'ire)ent, and, therefore, +ein! the hand $ointin! o't the $ath.
It is "e%% for e(er# one to *no" so)ethin! of "Hatha o!a," in order
that the +od# )a# +e $'rified, stren!thened, and *e$t in hea%th in
order to +eco)e a )ore fittin! instr')ent of the Hi!her Se%f. It is
"e%% that each one sho'%d *no" so)ethin! of "Raja o!a," that he )a#
'nderstand the trainin! and contro% of the )ind, and the 'se of the
/i%%. It is "e%% that e(er# one sho'%d %earn the "isdo) of "<nani
o!a," that he )a# rea%i,e the "onderf'% tr'ths 'nder%#in! %ife00the
science of 5ein!. And, )ost ass'red%# e(er# one sho'%d *no" so)ethin!
of 5ha*ti o!i, that he )a# 'nderstand the !reat teachin!s re!ardin!
the Lo(e 'nder%#in! a%% %ife.
/e ha(e "ritten a "or* on "Hatha o!a," and a co'rse on "Raja o!a"
"hich is no" in +oo* for). /e ha(e to%d #o' so)ethin! re!ardin! "<nani
o!a" in o'r Fo'rteen Lessons, and a%so in o'r Ad(anced Co'rse. /e ha(e
"ritten so)ethin! re!ardin! "5ha*ti o!a" in o'r Ad(anced Co'rse, and,
"e ho$e, ha(e ta'!ht it a%so a%% thro'!h o'r other %essons, for "e fai%
to see ho" one can teach or st'd# an# of the +ranches of o!a "itho't
+ein! fi%%ed "ith a sense of Lo(e and -nion "ith the So'rce of a%%
Life. To *no" the <i(er of Life, is to %o(e hi), and the )ore "e *no"
of hi), the )ore %o(e "i%% "e )anifest.
In this co'rse of %essons, of "hich this is the first, "e sha%% ta*e '$
the s'+ject of "<nani o!a"00the o!a of /isdo), and "i%% endea(or to
)a*e $%ain so)e of its )ost i)$ortant and hi!hest teachin!s. And, "e
tr'st that in so doin!, "e sha%% +e a+%e to a"a*en in #o' a sti%%
hi!her rea%i,ation of #o'r re%ationshi$ "ith the One, and a
corres$ondin! Lo(e for that in "hich #o' %i(e, and )o(e and ha(e #o'r
+ein!. /e as* for #o'r %o(in! s#)$ath# and coo$eration in o'r tas*.
Let 's +e!in +# a consideration of "hat has +een ca%%ed the "L'estions
of L'estions"00the 1'estion4 "/hat is Rea%it#:" To 'nderstand the
1'estion "e ha(e +'t to ta*e a %oo* aro'nd 's and (ie" the (isi+%e
"or%d. /e see !reat )asses of so)ethin! that science has ca%%ed
")atter." /e see in o$eration a "onderf'% so)ethin! ca%%ed "force" or
"ener!#" in its co'nt%ess for)s of )anifestations. /e see thin!s that
"e ca%% "for)s of %ife," (ar#in! in )anifestation fro) the tin# s$ec*
of s%i)e that "e ca%% the &oneron, '$ to that for) that "e ca%% &an.
5't st'd# this "or%d of )anifestations +# )eans of science and
research00and s'ch st'd# is of !reatest (a%'e00sti%% "e )'st find
o'rse%(es +ro'!ht to a $oint "here "e cannot $ro!ress f'rther. &atter
)e%ts into )#ster#00Force reso%(es itse%f into so)ethin! e%se00the
secret of %i(in!0for)s s'+t%# e%'de 's00and )ind is seen as +'t the
)anifestation of so)ethin! e(en finer. 5't in %osin! these thin!s of
a$$earance and )anifestation, "e find o'rse%(es +ro'!ht '$ face to face
"ith a So)ethin! E%se that "e see )'st 'nder%ie a%% these (ar#in!
for)s, sha$es and )anifestations. And that So)ethin! E%se, "e ca%%
Rea%it#, +eca'se it is Rea%, Per)anent, End'rin!. And a%tho'!h )en )a#
differ, dis$'te, "ran!%e, and 1'arre% a+o't this Rea%it#, sti%% there
is one $oint '$on "hich the# )'st a!ree, and that is that Rea%it# is
One00that 'nder%#in! a%% for)s and )anifestations there )'st +e a
One Rea%it# fro) "hich a%% thin!s f%o". And this in1'ir# into this
One Rea%it# is indeed the L'estion of L'estions of the -ni(erse.
The hi!hest reason of &an00as "e%% as his dee$est int'ition00has a%"a#s
reco!ni,ed that this Rea%it# or -nder%#in! 5ein! )'st +e +'t ONE, of
"hich a%% Nat're is +'t (ar#in! de!rees of )anifestation, e)anation, or
e.$ression. A%% ha(e reco!ni,ed that Life is a strea) f%o"in! fro) One
!reat fo'nt, the nat're and na)e of "hich is 'n*no"n00so)e ha(e said
'n*no"a+%e. 9iffer as )en do a+o't theories re!ardin! the nat're of
this one, the# a%% a!ree that it can +e +'t One. It is on%# "hen )en
+e!in to na)e and ana%#,e this One, that conf'sion res'%ts.
Let 's see "hat )en ha(e tho'!ht and said a+o't this One00it )a# he%$
's to 'nderstand the nat're of the $ro+%e).
The )ateria%ist c%ai)s that this one is a so)ethin! ca%%ed
&atter00se%f0e.istent00eterna%00infinite00containin! "ithin itse%f the
$otentia%it# of &atter, Ener!# and &ind. Another schoo%, c%ose%# a%%ied
to the )ateria%ists, c%ai) that this One is a so)ethin! ca%%ed Ener!#,
of "hich &atter and &ind are +'t )odes of )otion. The Idea%ists c%ai)
that the One is a so)ethin! ca%%ed &ind, and that &atter and Force are
+'t ideas in that One &ind. Theo%o!ians c%ai) that this One is a
so)ethin! ca%%ed a $ersona% <od, to "ho) the# attri+'te certain
1'a%ities, characteristics, etc., the sa)e (ar#in! "ith their creeds
and do!)as. The Nat'ristic schoo% c%ai)s that this One is a so)ethin!
ca%%ed Nat're, "hich is constant%# )anifestin! itse%f in co'nt%ess
for)s. The occ'%tists, in their (ar#in! schoo%s, Orienta% and
Occidenta%, ha(e ta'!ht that the One "as a 5ein! "hose Life constit'ted
the %ife of a%% %i(in! for)s.
A%% $hi%oso$hies, a%% science, a%% re%i!ions, infor) 's that this "or%d
of sha$es, for)s and na)es is +'t a $heno)ena% or shado" "or%d00a
sho"0"or%d00+ac* of "hich rests Rea%it#, ca%%ed +# so)e na)e of the
teacher. 5't re)e)+er this, a%% $hi%oso$h# that co'nts is +ased '$on
so)e for) of )onis)00Oneness00"hether the conce$t +e a *no"n or 'n*no"n
!od3 an 'n*no"n or 'n*no"a+%e $rinci$%e3 a s'+stance3 an Ener!#, or
S$irit. There is +'t One00there can +e +'t One00s'ch is the ine(ita+%e
conc%'sion of the hi!hest h')an reason, int'ition or faith.
And, %i*e"ise, the sa)e reason infor)s 's that this One Life )'st
$er)eate a%% a$$arent for)s of %ife, and that a%% a$$arent )ateria%
for)s, forces, ener!ies, and $rinci$%es )'st +e e)anations fro) that
One, and, conse1'ent%# "of" it. It )a# +e o+jected to, that the creeds
teachin! a $ersona% !od do not so ho%d, for the# teach that their <od
is the creator of the -ni(erse, "hich he has set aside fro) hi)se%f as
a "or*)an sets aside his "or*)anshi$. 5't this o+jection a(ai%s na'!ht,
for "here co'%d s'ch a creator o+tain the )ateria% for his 'ni(erse,
e.ce$t fro) hi)se%f3 and "here the ener!#, e.ce$t fro) the sa)e so'rce3
and "here the Life, 'n%ess fro) his One Life. So in the end, it is seen
that there )'st +e +'t One00not t"o, e(en if "e $refer the ter)s <od
and his -ni(erse, for e(en in this case the -ni(erse )'st ha(e
$roceeded fro) <od, and can on%# %i(e, and )o(e and act, and thin*, +#
(irt'e of his Essence $er)eatin! it.
In $assin! +# the conce$tions of the (ario's thin*ers, "e are str'c* +#
the fact that the (ario's schoo%s see) to )anifest a one0sidedness in
their theories, seein! on%# that "hich fits in "ith their theories, and
i!norin! the rest. The &ateria%ist ta%*s a+o't Infinite and Eterna%
&atter, a%tho'!h the %atest scientific in(esti!ations ha(e sho"n 's
&atter fadin! into Nothin!ness00the Eterna% Ato) +ein! s$%it into
co'nt%ess $artic%es ca%%ed Cor$'sc%es or E%ectrons, "hich at the %ast
see) to +e nothin! +'t a 'nit of E%ectricit#, tied '$ in a "*not in the
Ether"00a%tho'!h j'st "hat the Ether is, Science does not dare to
!'ess. And Ener!#, a%so see)s to +e 'nthin*a+%e e.ce$t as o$eratin!
thro'!h )atter, and a%"a#s see)s to +e actin! 'nder the o$eration of
La"s00and La"s "itho't a La" !i(er, and a La" !i(er "itho't )ind or
so)ethin! hi!her than &ind, is 'nthin*a+%e. And &ind, as "e *no" it,
see)s to +e +o'nd '$ "ith )atter and ener!# in a "onderf'% co)+ination,
and is seen to +e s'+ject to %a"s o'tside of itse%f, and to +e (ar#in!,
inconstant, and chan!ea+%e, "hich attri+'tes cannot +e concei(ed of as
+e%on!in! to the A+so%'te. &ind as "e *no" it, as "e%% as &atter and
Ener!#, is he%d +# the hi!hest occ'%t teachers to +e +'t an a$$earance
and a re%ati(it# of so)ethin! far )ore f'nda)enta% and end'rin!, and "e
are co)$e%%ed to fa%% +ac* '$on that o%d ter) "hich "ise )en ha(e 'sed
in order to descri+e that So)ethin! E%se that %ies +ac* of, and 'nder,
&atter, Ener!# and &ind00and that "ord is "S$irit."
/e cannot te%% j'st "hat is )eant +# the "ord "S$irit," for "e ha(e
nothin! "ith "hich to descri+e it. 5't "e can thin* of it as )eanin!
the "essence" of Life and 5ein!00the Rea%it# 'nder%#in! -ni(ersa% Life.
Of co'rse no na)e can +e !i(en to this One, that "i%% fit%# descri+e
it. 5't "e ha(e 'sed the ter) "The A+so%'te" in o'r $re(io's %essons,
and consider it ad(isa+%e to contin'e its 'se, a%tho'!h the st'dent )a#
s'+stit'te an# other na)e that a$$ea%s to hi) )ore stron!%#. /e do not
'se the "ord <od 7e.ce$t occasiona%%# in order to +rin! o't a shade of
)eanin!8 not +eca'se "e o+ject to it, +'t +eca'se +# doin! so "e "o'%d
r'n the ris* of identif#in! The A+so%'te "ith so)e idea of a $ersona%
!od "ith certain theo%o!ica% attri+'tes. Nor does the "ord "Princi$%e"
a$$ea% to 's, for it see)s to i)$%# a co%d, 'nfee%in!, a+stract thin!,
"hi%e "e concei(e the A+so%'te S$irit or 5ein! to +e a "ar), (ita%,
%i(in!, actin!, fee%in! Rea%it#. /e do not 'se the "ord Nat're, "hich
)an# $refer, +eca'se of its )ateria%istic )eanin! to the )inds of )an#,
a%tho'!h the "ord is (er# dear to 's "hen referrin! to the o't"ard
)anifestation of the A+so%'te Life.
Of the rea% nat're of The A+so%'te, of co'rse, "e can *no" $ractica%%#
nothin!, +eca'se it transcends a%% h')an e.$erience and &an has nothin!
"ith "hich he can )eas're the Infinite. S$ino,a "as ri!ht "hen he said
that "to define <od is to den# hi)," for an# atte)$t to define, is, of
co'rse an atte)$t to %i)it or )a*e finite the Infinite. To define a
thin! is to identif# it "ith so)ethin! e%se00and "here is the so)ethin!
e%se "ith "hich to identif# the Infinite: The A+so%'te cannot +e
descri+ed in ter)s of the Re%ati(e. It is not So)ethin!, a%tho'!h it
contains "ithin itse%f the rea%it# 'nder%#in! E(er#thin!. It cannot +e
said to ha(e the 1'a%ities of an# of its a$$arent%# se$arated $arts,
for it is the ALL. It is a%% that rea%%# IS.
It is +e#ond &atter, Force, or &ind as "e *no" it, and #et these thin!s
e)anate fro) it, and )'st +e "ithin its nat're. For "hat is in the
)anifested )'st +e in the )anifestor00no strea) can rise hi!her than
its so'rce00the effect cannot +e !reater than the ca'se00#o' cannot !et
so)ethin! o't of nothin!.
5't it is hard for the h')an )ind to ta*e ho%d of That "hich is +e#ond
its e.$erience00)an# $hi%oso$hers consider it i)$ossi+%e00and so "e
)'st thin* of the A+so%'te in the conce$ts and ter)s of its hi!hest
)anifestation. /e find &ind hi!her in the sca%e than &atter or Ener!#,
and so "e are j'stified in 'sin! the ter)s of &ind in s$ea*in! of the
A+so%'te, rather than the ter)s of &atter or Ener!#00so %et 's tr# to
thin* of an Infinite &ind, "hose $o"ers and ca$acities are raised to an
infinite de!ree00a &ind of "hich Her+ert S$encer said that it "as "a
)ode of +ein! as )'ch transcendin! inte%%i!ence and "i%%, as these
transcend )ere )echanica% )otion."
/hi%e it is tr'e 7as a%% occ'%tists *no"8 that the +est infor)ation
re!ardin! the A+so%'te co)e fro) re!ions of the Se%f hi!her than
Inte%%ect, #et "e are in d't# +o'nd to e.a)ine the re$orts of the
Inte%%ect concernin! its infor)ation re!ardin! the One. The Inte%%ect
has +een de(e%o$ed in 's for 'se00for the $'r$ose of e.a)inin!,
considerin!, thin*in!00and it +ehoo(es 's to e)$%o# it. 5# t'rnin! it
to this $'r$ose, "e not on%# stren!then and 'nfo%d it, +'t "e a%so !et
certain infor)ation that can reach 's +# no other channe%. And
)oreo(er, +# s'ch 'se of the Inte%%ect "e are a+%e to disco(er )an#
fa%%acies and errors that ha(e cre$t into o'r )inds fro) the o$inions
and do!)as of others00as 6ant said4 "The chief, and $erha$s the on%#,
'se of a $hi%oso$h# of $'re reason is a ne!ati(e one. It is not an
or!anon for e.tendin!, +'t a disci$%ine for %i)itin!? Instead of
disco(erin! tr'th, its )odest f'nction is to !'ard a!ainst error." Let
's then %isten to the re$ort of the Inte%%ect, as "e%% as of the hi!her
fie%ds of )entation.
One of the first re$orts of the Inte%%ect, concernin! the A+so%'te, is
that it )'st ha(e e.isted fore(er, and )'st contin'e to fore(er.
There is no esca$e fro) this conc%'sion, "hether one (ie" the )atter
fro) the (ie"$oint of the )ateria%ist, $hi%oso$her, occ'%tist, or
theo%o!ian. The A+so%'te co'%d not ha(e s$r'n! fro) Nothin!, and there
"as no other ca'se o'tside of itse%f fro) "hich it co'%d ha(e e)anated.
And there can +e no ca'se o'tside of itse%f "hich can ter)inate its
+ein!. And "e cannot concei(e of Infinite Life, or A+so%'te Life,
d#in!. So the A+so%'te )'st +e Eterna%00s'ch is the re$ort of the
This idea of the Eterna% is $ractica%%# 'nthin*a+%e to the h')an )ind,
a%tho'!h it is forced to +e%ie(e that it )'st +e a 1'a%it# of the
A+so%'te. The tro'+%e arises fro) the fact that the Inte%%ect is
co)$e%%ed to see e(er#thin! thro'!h the (ei% of Ti)e, and Ca'se and
Effect. No", Ca'se and Effect, and Ti)e, are )ere%# $heno)ena or
a$$earances of the re%ati(e "or%d, and ha(e no $%ace in the A+so%'te
and Rea%. Let 's see if "e can 'nderstand this.
Ref%ection "i%% sho" #o' that the on%# reason that #o' are 'na+%e to
thin* of or $ict're a Ca'se%ess Ca'se, is +eca'se e(er#thin! that #o'
ha(e e.$erienced in this re%ati(e "or%d of the senses has had a
ca'se00so)ethin! fro) "hich it s$r'n!. o' ha(e seen Ca'se and Effect
in f'%% o$eration a%% a+o't #o', and 1'ite nat'ra%%# #o'r Inte%%ect has
ta*en it for !ranted that there can +e nothin! 'nca'sed00nothin!
"itho't a $recedin! ca'se. And the Inte%%ect is $erfect%# ri!ht, so far
as Thin!s are concerned, for a%% Thin!s are re%ati(e and are therefore
ca'sed. 5't +ac* of the ca'sed thin!s )'st %ie THAT "hich is the <reat
Ca'ser of Thin!s, and "hich, not +ein! a Thin! itse%f, cannot ha(e +een
ca'sed00cannot +e the effect of a ca'se. o'r )inds ree% "hen #o' tr#
to for) a )enta% i)a!e of That "hich has had no ca'se, +eca'se #o' ha(e
had no e.$erience in the sense "or%d of s'ch a thin!, and there fai% to
for) the i)a!e. It is o't of #o'r e.$erience, and #o' cannot for) the
)enta% $ict're. 5't #et #o'r )ind is co)$e%%ed to +e%ie(e that there
)'st ha(e +een an Ori!ina% One, that can ha(e had no ca'se. This is a
hard tas* for the Inte%%ect, +'t in ti)e it co)es to see j'st "here the
tro'+%e %ies, and ceases to inter$ose o+jections to the (oice of the
hi!her re!ions of the se%f.
And, the Inte%%ect e.$eriences a si)i%ar diffic'%t# "hen it tries to
thin* of an Eterna%00a That "hich is a+o(e and o'tside of Ti)e. /e see
Ti)e in o$eration e(er#"here, and ta*e it for !ranted that Ti)e is a
rea%it#00an act'a% thin!. 5't this is a )ista*e of the senses. There is
no s'ch thin! as Ti)e, in rea%it#. Ti)e e.ists so%e%# in o'r )inds. It
is )ere%# a for) of $erce$tion +# "hich "e e.$ress o'r conscio'sness of
the Chan!e in Thin!s.
/e cannot thin* of Ti)e e.ce$t in connection "ith a s'ccession of
chan!es of thin!s in o'r conscio'sness00either thin!s of the o'ter
"or%d, or the $assin! of tho'!ht0thin!s thro'!h o'r )ind. A da# is
)ere%# the conscio'sness of the $assin! of the s'n00an ho'r or )in'te
)ere%# the s'+di(ision of the da#, or e%se the conscio'sness of the
)o(e)ent of the hands of the c%oc*00)ere%# the conscio'sness of the
)o(e)ent of Thin!s00the s#)+o%s of chan!es in Thin!s. In a "or%d
"itho't chan!es in Thin!s, there "o'%d +e no s'ch thin! as Ti)e. Ti)e
is +'t a )enta% in(ention. S'ch is the re$ort of the Inte%%ect.
And, +esides the conc%'sions of $'re a+stract reasonin! a+o't Ti)e, "e
)a# see )an# instances of the re%ati(it# of Ti)e in o'r e(er#da#
e.$eriences. /e a%% *no" that "hen "e are interested Ti)e see)s to $ass
ra$id%#, and "hen "e are +ored it dra!s a%on! in a sha)ef'% )anner. /e
*no" that "hen "e are ha$$#, Ti)e de(e%o$s the s$eed of a )eteor, "hi%e
"hen "e are 'nha$$# it cra"%s %i*e a tortoise. /hen "e are interested
or ha$$# o'r attention is %ar!e%# di(erted fro) the chan!es occ'rrin!
in thin!s00+eca'se "e do not notice the Thin!s so c%ose%#. And "hi%e "e
are )isera+%e or +ored, "e notice the detai%s in Thin!s, and their
chan!es, 'nti% the %en!th of ti)e see)s inter)ina+%e. A tin# insect
)ite )a#, and does, %i(e a %ifeti)e of +irth, !ro"th, )arria!e,
re$rod'ction, o%d a!e, and death, in a fe" )in'tes, and no do'+t its
%ife see)s as f'%% as does that of the e%e$hant "ith his h'ndred #ears.
/h#: 5eca'se so )an# thin!s ha,e ha$$ened? /hen "e are conscio's of
)an# thin!s ha$$enin!, "e !et the i)$ression and sensation of the
%en!th of ti)e. The !reater the conscio'sness of thin!s, the !reater
the sensation of Ti)e. /hen "e are so interested in ta%*in! to a %o(ed
one that "e for!et a%% that is occ'rrin! a+o't 's, then the ho'rs f%#
+# 'nheeded, "hi%e the sa)e ho'rs see) %i*e da#s to one in the sa)e
$%ace "ho is not interested or occ'$ied "ith so)e tas*.
&en ha(e nodded, and in the second +efore a"a*enin! the# ha(e drea)ed
of e(ents that see)ed to ha(e re1'ired the $assa!e of #ears. &an# of
#o' ha(e had e.$eriences of this *ind, and )an# s'ch cases ha(e +een
recorded +# science. On the other hand, one )a# fa%% as%ee$ and re)ain
'nconscio's, +'t "itho't drea)s, for ho'rs, and '$on a"a*enin! "i%%
insist that he has )ere%# nodded. Ti)e +e%on!s to the re%ati(e )ind,
and has no $%ace in the Eterna% or A+so%'te.
Ne.t, the Inte%%ect infor)s 's that it )'st thin* of the A+so%'te as
Infinite in S$ace00$resent e(er#"here00O)ni$resent. It cannot +e
%i)ited, for there is nothin! o'tside of itse%f to %i)it it. There is
no s'ch $%ace as No"here. E(er# $%ace is in the E(er#"here. And
E(er#"here is fi%%ed "ith the A%%00the Infinite Rea%it#00the A+so%'te.
And, j'st as "as the case "ith the idea of Ti)e, "e find it )ost
diffic'%t00if not indeed i)$ossi+%e00to for) an idea of an
O)ni$resent00of That "hich occ'$ies Infinite S$ace. This +eca'se
e(er#thin! that o'r )inds ha(e e.$erienced has had di)ensions and
%i)its. The secret %ies in the fact that S$ace, %i*e Ti)e, has no rea%
e.istence o'tside of o'r $erce$tion of conscio'sness of the re%ati(e
$osition of Thin!s00)ateria% o+jects. /e see this thin! here, and that
thin! there. 5et"een the) is Nothin!ness. /e ta*e another o+ject, sa# a
#ard0stic*, and )eas're off this Nothin!ness +et"een the t"o o+jects,
and "e ca%% this )eas're of Nothin!ness +# the ter) 9istance. And #et
"e cannot ha(e )eas'red Nothin!ness00that is i)$ossi+%e. /hat ha(e "e
rea%%# done: Si)$%# this, deter)ined ho" )an# %en!ths of #ard0stic*
co'%d +e %aid +et"een the other t"o o+jects.
/e ca%% this $rocess )eas'rin! S$ace, +'t S$ace is Nothin!, and "e ha(e
)ere%# deter)ined the re%ati(e $osition of o+jects. To ")eas're S$ace"
"e )'st ha(e three Thin!s or o+jects, i.e., 7%8 The o+ject fro) "hich
"e start the )eas're3 7C8 The o+ject "ith "hich "e )eas're3 and 7D8 The
o+ject "ith "hich "e end o'r )eas're)ent. /e are 'na+%e to concei(e of
Infinite S$ace, +eca'se "e %ac* the third o+ject in the )eas'rin!
$rocess00the endin! o+ject. /e )a# 'se o'rse%(es as a startin! $oint,
and the )enta% #ard0stic* is a%"a#s at hand, +'t "here is the o+ject at
the other side of Infinit# of S$ace +# "hich the )eas're)ent )a# +e
ended: It is not there, and "e cannot thin* of the end "itho't it.
Let 's start "ith o'rse%(es, and tr# to i)a!ine a )i%%ion )i%%ion
)i%es, and then )'%ti$%# the) +# another )i%%ion )i%%ion )i%es, a
)i%%ion )i%%ion ti)es. /hat ha(e "e done: Si)$%# e.tended o'r )enta%
#ard0stic* a certain n')+er of ti)es to an i)a!inar# $oint in the
Nothin!ness that "e ca%% S$ace. So far so !ood, +'t the )ind
int'iti(e%# reco!ni,es that +e#ond that i)a!inar# $oint at the end of
the %ast #ard0stic*, there is a ca$acit# for an infinite e.tension of
#ard0stic*s00an infinite ca$acit# for s'ch e.tension. E.tension of
"hat: S$ace: No? ard0stic*s? O+jects? Thin!s? /itho't )ateria% o+jects
S$ace is 'nthin*a+%e. It has no e.istence o'tside of o'r conscio'sness
of Thin!s. There is no s'ch thin! as Rea% S$ace. S$ace is )ere%# an
infinite ca$acit# for e.tendin! o+jects. S$ace itse%f is )ere%# a na)e
for Nothin!ness. If #o' can for) an idea of an o+ject s"e$t o't of
e.istence, and nothin! to ta*e its $%ace, that Nothin! "o'%d +e ca%%ed
S$ace, the ter) i)$%#in! the $ossi+i%it# of $%acin! so)ethin! there
"itho't dis$%acin! an#thin! e%se.
Si,e, of co'rse, is +'t another for) of s$ea*in! of 9istance. And in
this connection %et 's not for!et that j'st as one )a# thin* of S$ace
+ein! infinite in the direction of %ar!eness, so )a# "e thin* of it as
+ein! infinite in the sense of s)a%%ness. No )atter ho" s)a%% )a# +e an
o+ject tho'!ht of, "e are sti%% a+%e to thin* of it as +ein! ca$a+%e of
s'+di(ision, and so on infinite%#. There is no %i)it in this direction
either. As >a*o+ has said4 "The conce$tion of the infinite%# )in'te is
as %itt%e ca$a+%e of +ein! !ras$ed +# 's, as is that of the infinite%#
!reat. 9es$ite this, the ad)ission of the rea%it# of the infinit'de,
+oth in the direction of !reatness and of )in'teness, is ine(ita+%e."
And, as Radenha'sen has said4 "The idea of S$ace is on%# an 'na(oida+%e
i%%'sion of o'r Conscio'sness, or of o'r finite nat're, and does not o'tside of o'rse%(es3 the 'ni(erse is infinite%# s)a%% and
infinite%# !reat."
The te%esco$e has o$ened to 's ideas of )a!nificent (astness and
!reatness, and the $erfected )icrosco$e has o$ened to 's a "or%d of
)a!nificent s)a%%ness and )in'teness. The %atter has sho"n 's that a
dro$ of "ater is a "or%d of )in'te %i(in! for)s "ho %i(e, eat, fi!ht,
re$rod'ce, and die. The )ind is ca$a+%e of i)a!inin! a 'ni(erse
occ'$#in! no )ore s$ace than one )i%%ion0)i%%ionth of the tiniest s$ec*
(isi+%e 'nder the stron!est )icrosco$e00and then i)a!inin! s'ch a
'ni(erse containin! )i%%ions of s'ns and "or%ds si)i%ar to o'r o"n, and
inha+ited +# %i(in! for)s a*in to o'rs00%i(in!, thin*in! )en and "o)en,
identica% in e(er# res$ect to o'rse%(es. Indeed, as so)e $hi%oso$hers
ha(e said, if o'r -ni(erse "ere s'dden%# red'ced to s'ch a si,e00the
re%ati(e $ro$ortions of e(er#thin! +ein! $reser(ed, of co'rse00then "e
"o'%d not +e conscio's of an# chan!e, and %ife "o'%d !o on the sa)e,
and "e "o'%d +e of the sa)e i)$ortance to o'rse%(es and to the A+so%'te
as "e are this )o)ent. And the sa)e "o'%d +e tr'e "ere the -ni(erse
s'dden%# en%ar!ed a )i%%ion0)i%%ion ti)es. These chan!es "o'%d )a*e no
difference in rea%it#. Co)$ared "ith each other, the tiniest s$ec* and
the %ar!est s'n are $ractica%%# the sa)e si,e "hen (ie"ed fro) the
/e ha(e d"e%t '$on these thin!s so that #o' "o'%d +e a+%e to +etter
rea%i,e the re%ati(it# of S$ace and Ti)e, and $ercei(e that the# are
)ere%# s#)+o%s of Thin!s 'sed +# the )ind in dea%in! "ith finite
o+jects, and ha(e no $%ace in rea%it#. /hen this is rea%i,ed, then the
idea of Infinit# in Ti)e and S$ace is )ore readi%# !ras$ed.
As Radenha'sen sa#s4 "5e#ond the ran!e of h')an reason there is neither
S$ace nor Ti)e3 the# are ar+itrar# conce$tions of )an, at "hich he has
arri(ed +# the co)$arison and arran!e)ent of different i)$ressions
"hich he has recei(ed fro) the o'tside "or%d. The conce$tion of S$ace
arises fro) the se1'ence of the (ario's for)s "hich fi%% S$ace, +#
"hich the e.terna% "or%d a$$ears to the indi(id'a% )an. The conce$tion
of Ti)e arises fro) the se1'ence of the (ario's for)s "hich chan!e in
s$ace 7)otion8, +# "hich the e.terna% "or%d acts on the indi(id'a% )an,
and so on. 5't e.terna%%# to o'rse%(es, the distinction +et"een
re$%etion of S$ace and )'tation of S$ace does not, for each is in
constant trans)'tation, "hate(er is is fi%%in! and chan!in! at the sa)e
ti)e00nothin! is at a standsti%%," and to 1'ote R'c*ert4 "The "or%d has
neither +e!innin! nor end, in s$ace nor in ti)e. E(er#"here is center
and t'rnin!0$oint, and in a )o)ent is eternit#."
Ne.t, the Inte%%ect infor)s 's that "e )'st thin* of the A+so%'te as
containin! "ithin Itse%f a%% the Po"er there is, +eca'se there can +e
no other so'rce or reser(oir of Po"er, and there can +e no Po"er
o'tside of the A%%0Po"er. There can +e no Po"er o'tside of the A+so%'te
to %i)it, confine, or conf%ict "ith It. An# %a"s of the -ni(erse )'st
ha(e +een i)$osed +# It, for there is no other %a"0!i(er, and e(er#
)anifestation of Ener!#, Force, or Po"er, $ercei(ed or e(ident in
Nat're )'st +e a $art of the Po"er of the A+so%'te "or*in! a%on! %ines
%aid do"n +# it. In the Third Lesson, "hich "i%% +e entit%ed The
/i%%0to0Li(e, "e sha%% see this Po"er )anifestin! a%on! the %ines of
Life as "e *no" it.
Ne.t, the Inte%%ect infor)s 's that it is co)$e%%ed to thin* of the
A+so%'te as containin! "ithin Itse%f a%% $ossi+%e 6no"%ed!e or /isdo),
+eca'se there can +e no 6no"%ed!e or /isdo) o'tside of It, and
therefore a%% the /isdo) and 6no"%ed!e $ossi+%e )'st +e "ithin It. /e
see &ind, /isdo), and 6no"%ed!e )anifested +# re%ati(e for)s of Life,
and s'ch )'st e)anate fro) the A+so%'te in accordance "ith certain %a"s
%aid do"n +# It, for other"ise there "o'%d +e no s'ch "isdo), etc., for
there is no"here o'tside of the A%% fro) "hence it co'%d co)e. The
effect cannot +e !reater than the ca'se. If there is an#thin! 'n*no"n
to the A+so%'te, then it "i%% ne(er +e *no"n to finite )inds. So,
therefore, ALL 6NO/LE9<E that Is, Has 5een, or Can 5e, )'st +e NO/
(ested in the One00the A+so%'te.
This does not )ean that the A+so%'te thin*s, in an# s'ch sense as
does &an. The A+so%'te )'st 6no", "itho't Thin*in!. It does not ha(e to
!ather 6no"%ed!e +# the $rocess of Thin*in!, as does &an00s'ch an Idea
"o'%d +e ridic'%o's, for fro) "hence co'%d the 6no"%ed!e co)e o'tside
of itse%f. /hen )an thin*s he dra"s to hi)se%f 6no"%ed!e fro) the
-ni(ersa% so'rce +# the action of the &ind, +'t the A+so%'te has on%#
itse%f to dra" on. So "e cannot i)a!ine the A+so%'te co)$e%%ed to Thin*
as "e do.
5't, %est "e +e )is'nderstood re!ardin! this $hase of the s'+ject, "e
)a# sa# here that the hi!hest occ'%t teachin!s infor) 's that the
A+so%'te does )anifest a 1'a%it# so)e"hat a*in to "hat "e "o'%d ca%%
constr'cti(e tho'!ht, and that s'ch "tho'!hts" )anifest into
o+jecti(it# and )anifestation, and +eco)e Creation. Created Thin!s,
accordin! to the Occ'%t teachin!s are "Tho'!hts of <od." 9o not %et
this idea dist'r+ #o', and ca'se #o' to fee% that #o' are nothin!,
+eca'se #o' ha(e +een ca%%ed into +ein! +# a Tho'!ht of the Infinite
One. E(en a Tho'!ht of that One "o'%d +e intense%# rea% in the re%ati(e
"or%d00act'a%%# Rea% to a%% e.ce$t the A+so%'te itse%f00and e(en the
A+so%'te *no"s that the Rea% $art of its Creations )'st +e a $art of
itse%f )anifested thro'!h its tho'!ht, for the Tho'!ht of the Infinite
)'st +e Rea%, and a $art of Itse%f, for it cannot +e an#thin! e%se, and
to ca%% it Nothin! is )ere%# to j'!!%e "ith "ords. The faintest Tho'!ht
of the Infinite One "o'%d +e far )ore rea% than an#thin! )an co'%d
create00as so%id as the )o'ntain00as hard as stee%00as d'ra+%e as the
dia)ond00for, (eri%#, e(en these are e)anations of the &ind of the
Infinite, and are thin!s of +'t a da#, "hi%e the hi!her Tho'!hts00the
so'% of &an00contains "ithin itse%f a s$ar* fro) the 9i(ine F%a)e
itse%f00the S$irit of the Infinite. 5't these thin!s "i%% a$$ear in
their o"n $%ace, as "e $roceed "ith this series. /e ha(e )ere%# !i(en
#o' a %itt%e food for tho'!ht at this $oint, in connection "ith the
&ind of the A+so%'te.
So #o' see, !ood friends and st'dents, that the Inte%%ect in its
hi!hest efforts, infor)s 's that it finds itse%f co)$e%%ed to re$ort
that the One00the A+so%'te00That "hich it is co)$e%%ed to ad)it rea%%#
e.ists00)'st +e a One $ossessed of a nat're so far transcendin! h')an
e.$erience that the h')an )ind finds itse%f "itho't the $ro$er
conce$ts, s#)+o%s, and "ords "ith "hich to thin* of It. 5't none the
%ess, the Inte%%ect finds itse%f +o'nd +# its o"n %a"s to $ost'%ate the
e.istence of s'ch an One.
It is the (eriest fo%%# to tr# to thin* of the One as It is "in
Itse%f"00for "e ha(e nothin! +'t h')an attri+'tes "ith "hich to )eas're
it, and It so far transcends s'ch )eas're)ents that the )enta%
#ard0stic*s r'n o't into infinit# and are %ost si!ht of. The hi!hest
)inds of the race infor) 's that the )ost e.a%ted efforts of their
reason co)$e%s the) to re$ort that the One00in Itse%f00cannot +e s$o*en
of as $ossessin! attri+'tes or 1'a%ities ca$a+%e of +ein! e.$ressed in
h')an "ords e)$%o#ed to descri+e the Thin!s of the re%ati(e "or%d00and
a%% of o'r "ords are s'ch. A%% of o'r "ords ori!inate fro) s'ch ideas,
and a%% of o'r ideas arise fro) o'r e.$erience, direct%# or indirect%#.
So "e are not e1'i$$ed "ith "ords "ith "hich to thin* of or s$ea* of
that "hich transcends e.$erience, a%tho'!h o'r Inte%%ect infor)s 's
that Rea%it# %ies +ac* of o'r e.$erience.
Phi%oso$h# finds itse%f 'na+%e to do an#thin! +etter than to +rin! 's
face to face "ith hi!h $ Science in its $'rs'it of Tr'th finds
it c'nnin!%# a(oidin! it, and e(er esca$in! its net. And "e +e%ie(e
that the A+so%'te $'r$ose%# ca'ses this to +e, that in the end &an )a#
+e co)$e%%ed to %oo* for the S$irit "ithin hi)se%f00the on%# $%ace
"here he can co)e in to'ch "ith it. This, "e thin*, is the ans"er to
the Ridd%e of the S$hin.00"Loo* /ithin for that "hich Tho' needest."
5't "hi%e the S$irit )a# +e discerned on%# +# %oo*in! "ithin o'rse%(es,
"e find that once the )ind rea%i,es that the A+so%'te Is, it "i%% +e
a+%e to see co'nt%ess e(idences of its action and $resence +# o+ser(in!
)anifested Life "itho't. A%% Life is fi%%ed "ith the Life Po"er and
/i%% of the A+so%'te.
To 's Life is +'t One00the -ni(erse is a %i(in! -nit#, thro++in!,
thri%%in! and $'%satin! "ith the /i%%0to0Li(e of the A+so%'te. 5ac* of
a%% a$$arent sha$es, for)s, na)es, forces, e%e)ents, $rinci$%es and
s'+stances, there is +'t One00One Life, $resent e(er#"here, and
)anifestin! in an infinit'de of sha$es, for)s, and forces A%%
indi(id'a% %i(es are +'t centers of conscio'sness in the One Life
'nder%#in!, de$endin! '$on it for de!ree of 'nfo%d)ent, e.$ression and
This )a# so'nd %i*e Pantheis) to so)e, +'t it is (er# different fro)
the Pantheis) of the schoo%s and c'%ts. Pantheis) is defined as "the
doctrine that <od consists in the co)+ined forces and %a"s )anifested
in the e.istin! -ni(erse," or that "the -ni(erse ta*en or concei(ed as
a "ho%e is <od." These definitions do not fit the conce$tion of the
A+so%'te, of the o!i Phi%oso$h#00the# see) to +reathe +'t a refined
)ateria%is). The A+so%'te is not "the co)+ined forces and %a"s
)anifested in the 'ni(erse," nor "the 'ni(erse concei(ed as a "ho%e."
Instead, the -ni(erse, its forces and %a"s, e(en concei(ed as a "ho%e,
ha(e no e.istence in the)se%(es, +'t are )ere )anifestations of the
A+so%'te. S're%# this is different fro) Pantheis).
/e teach that the A+so%'te is i))anent in, and a+idin! in a%% for)s of
Life in the -ni(erse, as "e%% as in its forces and %a"s00a%% +ein! +'t
)anifestations of the /i%% of the One. And "e teach that this One is
s'$erior to a%% for)s of )anifestations, and that Its e.istence and
+ein! does not de$end '$on the )anifestations, "hich are +'t effects of
the Ca'se.
The Pantheistic -ni(erse00<od is +'t a thin! of $heno)ena% a$$earance,
+'t the A+so%'te is the (er# S$irit of Life00a Li(in!, E.istin!
Rea%it#, and "o'%d +e so e(en if e(er# )anifestation "ere "ithdra"n
fro) a$$earance and e.$ression00dra"n +ac* into the so'rce fro) "hich
it e)anated. The A+so%'te is )ore than &o'ntain or Ocean00E%ectricit#
or <ra(itation00&onad or &an00It is SPIRIT00LIFE005EIN<00REALIT00the
ONE THAT IS. O)ni$otent, O)ni$resent3 O)niscient3 Eterna%3 Infinite3
A+so%'te3 these are &an2s !reatest "ords, and #et the# +'t fee+%#
$ortra# a shado" thro"n +# the One Itse%f.
The A+so%'te is not a far0a"a# 5ein! directin! o'r affairs at %on!
ran!e00not an a+sentee 9eit#00+'t an I))anent Life in and a+o't 's
a%%00)anifestin! in 's and creatin! 's into indi(id'a% centers of
conscio'sness, in $'rs'ance "ith so)e !reat %a" of +ein!.
And, )ore than this, the A+so%'te instead of +ein! an indifferent and
'n)o(ed s$ectator to its o"n creation, is a thri(in!, %on!in!, acti(e,
s'fferin!, rejoicin!, fee%in! S$irit, $arta*in! of the fee%in!s of its
)anifestations, rather than ca%%o's%# "itnessin! the). It %i(es in
's00"ith 's00thro'!h 's. 5ac* of a%% the $ain in the "or%d )a# +e fo'nd
a !reat fee%in! and s'fferin! %o(e. The $ain of the "or%d is not
$'nish)ent or e(idence of di(ine "rath, +'t the incidents of the
"or*in! o't of so)e cos)ic $%an, in "hich the A+so%'te is the Actor,
thro'!h the for)s of Its )anifestations.
The )essa!e of the A+so%'te to so)e of the I%%')ined has +een, "A%% is
+ein! done in the +est and on%# $ossi+%e "a#00I a) doin! the +est I
can00a%% is "e%%00and in the end "i%% so a$$ear."
The A+so%'te is no $ersona% 9eit#00#et in itse%f it contains a%% that
!oes to )a*e '$ a%% $ersona%it# and a%% h')an re%ations. Father,
&other, Chi%d, Friend, is in It. A%% for)s of h')an %o(e and cra(in!
for s#)$ath#, 'nderstandin! and co)$anionshi$ )a# find ref'!e in %o(in!
the A+so%'te.
The A+so%'te is constant%# in e(idence in o'r %i(es, and #et "e ha(e
+een see*in! it here and there in the o'ter "or%d, as*in! it to sho"
itse%f and $ro(e Its e.istence. /e%% )a# it sa# to 's4 "Hast tho' +een
so %on! ti)e "ith )e, and hast tho' not *no"n )e:" This is the !reat
tra!ed# of Life, that the S$irit co)es to 's00Its o"n00and "e *no" It
not. /e fai% to hear Its "ords4 "Oh, #e "ho )o'rn, I s'ffer "ith #o'
and thro'!h #o'. ea, it is I "ho !rie(e in #o'. o'r $ain is )ine00to
the %ast $an!. I s'ffer a%% $ain thro'!h #o'00and #et I rejoice +e#ond
#o', for I *no" that thro'!h #o', and "ith #o', I sha%% con1'er."
And this is a faint idea of "hat "e +e%ie(e the A+so%'te to +e. In the
fo%%o"in! %essons "e sha%% see it in o$eration in a%% for)s of %ife,
and in o'rse%(es. /e sha%% !et c%ose to the "or*in!s of Its )i!ht#
/i%%00c%ose to Its Heart of Lo(e.
Carr# "ith #o' the Centra% Tho'!ht of the Lesson4 CENTRAL THO-<HT.
There is +'t One Life in the -ni(erse. And 'nder%#in! that One
Life00Its Rea% Se%f00Its Essence00Its S$irit00is The A+so%'te, %i(in!,
fee%in!, s'fferin!, rejoicin!, %on!in!, stri(in!, in and thro'!h 's.
The A+so%'te is a%% that rea%%# Is, and a%% the (isi+%e -ni(erse and
for)s of Life is Its e.$ression, thro'!h Its /i%%. /e %ac* "ords
ade1'ate to descri+e the nat're of the A+so%'te, +'t "e "i%% 'se t"o
"ords descri+in! its in)ost nat're as +est "e see it. These t"o "ords
are LIFE and LO@E, the one descri+in! the o'ter, the other the inner
nat're. Let 's )anifest +oth Life and Lo(e as a to*en of o'r ori!in and
inner nat're. Peace +e "ith #o'.
In o'r First Lesson of this series, "e +ro'!ht o't the idea that the
h')an )ind "as co)$e%%ed to re$ort the fact that it co'%d not thin* of
The A+so%'te e.ce$t as $ossessin! the 1'a%it# of
O)ni$resence00Present0E(er#"here. And, %i*e"ise, the h')an )ind is
co)$e%%ed to thin* that a%% there IS )'st +e The A+so%'te, or of the
A+so%'te. And if a thin! is of the A+so%'te, then the A+so%'te )'st
+e in it, in so)e "a#00)'st +e the essence of it. <rantin! this, "e
)'st then thin* that e(er#thin! )'st +e fi%%ed "ith the essence of
Life, for Life )'st +e one of the 1'a%ities of the A+so%'te, or rather
"hat "e ca%% Life )'st +e the o't"ard e.$ression of the essentia% 5ein!
of the A+so%'te. And if this +e so, then it "o'%d fo%%o" that
e(er#thin! in the -ni(erse )'st +e A%i(e. The )ind cannot esca$e this
conc%'sion. And if the facts do not +ear o't this conc%'sion then "e
)'st +e forced to ad)it that the entire +asic theor# of the A+so%'te
and its e)anations )'st fa%%, and +e considered as an error. No chain
is stron!er than its "ea*est %in*, and if this %in* +e too "ea* to +ear
the "ei!ht of the facts of the 'ni(erse, then )'st the chain +e
discarded as i)$erfect and 'se%ess, and another s'+stit'ted. This fact
is not !enera%%# )entioned +# those s$ea*in! and "ritin! of A%% +ein!
One, or an e)anation of the One, +'t it )'st +e considered and )et. If
there is a sin!%e thin! in the -ni(erse that is
"dead"00non0%i(in!00%ife%ess00then the theor# )'st fa%%. If a thin! is
non0%i(in!, then the essence of the A+so%'te cannot +e in it00it )'st
+e a%ien and forei!n to the A+so%'te, and in that case the A+so%'te
cannot +e A+so%'te for there is so)ethin! o'tside of itse%f. And so it
+eco)es of the !reatest i)$ortance to e.a)ine into the e(idences of the
$resence of Life in a%% thin!s, or!anic or inor!anic. The e(idence is
at hand00%et 's e.a)ine it.
The ancient occ'%tists of a%% $eo$%es a%"a#s ta'!ht that the -ni(erse
"as A%i(e00that there "as Life in e(er#thin!00that there "as nothin!
dead in Nat're00that 9eath )eant si)$%# a chan!e in for) in the
)ateria% of the dead +odies. The# ta'!ht that Life, in (ar#in! de!rees
of )anifestation and e.$ression, "as $resent in e(er#thin! and o+ject,
e(en do"n to the hardest )inera% for), and the ato)s co)$osin! that
&odern Science is no" ra$id%# ad(ancin! to the sa)e $osition, and each
)onths in(esti!ations and disco(eries ser(e on%# to e)$hasi,e the
5'r+an*, that "onderf'% )o'%der of $%ant %ife, has "e%% e.$ressed this
tho'!ht, "hen he sa#s4 "A%% )# in(esti!ations ha(e %ed )e a"a# fro) the
idea of a dead )ateria% 'ni(erse tossed a+o't +# (ario's forces, to
that of a 'ni(erse "hich is a+so%'te%# a%% force, %ife, so'%, tho'!ht,
or "hate(er na)e "e )a# choose to ca%% it. E(er# ato), )o%ec'%e, $%ant,
ani)a% or $%anet, is on%# an a!!re!ation of or!ani,ed 'nit forces, he%d
in $%ace +# stron!er forces, th's ho%din! the) for a ti)e %atent,
tho'!h tee)in! "ith inconcei(a+%e $o"er. A%% %ife on o'r $%anet is, so
to s$ea*, j'st on the o'ter frin!e of this infinite ocean of force. The
'ni(erse is not ha%f dead, +'t a%% a%i(e."
Science toda# is !a,in! '$on a %i(in! 'ni(erse. She has not #et
rea%i,ed the f'%% si!nificance of "hat she has disco(ered, and her
hands are raised as if to shade her e#es fro) the 'nacc'sto)ed !%are
that is +'rstin! '$on her. Fro) the dar* ca(ern of 'ni(ersa% dead
)atter, she has ste$$ed o't into the !%are of the noon0da# s'n of a
-ni(erse A%%0A%i(e e(en to its s)a%%est and a$$arent%# )ost inert
5e!innin! at &an, the hi!hest for) of Life *no"n to 's, "e )a# $ass
ra$id%# do"n the sca%e of ani)a% %ife, seein! %ife in f'%% o$eration at
each descendin! ste$. Passin! fro) the ani)a% to the (e!eta+%e *in!do),
"e sti%% see Life in f'%% o$eration, a%tho'!h in %essened de!rees of
e.$ression. /e sha%% not sto$ here to re(ie" the )an# )anifestations of
Life a)on! the for)s of $%ant0%ife, for "e sha%% ha(e occasion to
)ention the) in o'r ne.t %esson, +'t it )'st +e a$$arent to a%% that
Life is constant%# )anifestin! in the s$ro'tin! of seeds3 the $'ttin!
forth of sta%*, %ea(es, +%osso)s, fr'it, etc., and in the enor)o's
)anifestation of force and ener!# in s'ch !ro"th and de(e%o$)ent. One
)a# see the %ife force in the $%ant $ressin! forth for e.$ression and
)anifestation, fro) the first s$ro'tin! of the seed, 'nti% the %ast
(ita% action on the $art of the )at're $%ant or tree.
5esides the (ita% action o+ser(a+%e in the !ro"th and de(e%o$)ent of
$%ants, "e *no", of co'rse, that $%ants sic*en and die, and )anifest
a%% other attri+'tes of %i(in! for)s. There is no roo) for ar!')ent
a+o't the $resence of %ife in the $%ant *in!do).
5't there are other for)s of %ife far +e%o" the sca%e of the $%ants.
There is the "or%d of the +acteria, )icro+es, inf'soria00the !ro'$s of
ce%%s "ith a co))on %ife00the sin!%e ce%% creat'res, do"n to the
&onera, the creat'res %o"er than the sin!%e ce%%s00the Thin!s of the
s%i)e of the ocean +ed.
These tin# Thin!s00%i(in! Thin!s00$resent to the si!ht )ere%# a tin#
s$ec* of je%%#, "itho't or!ans of an# *ind. And #et the# e.ercise a%%
the f'nctions of %ife00)o(e)ent, n'trition, re$rod'ction, sensation,
and disso%'tion. So)e of these e%e)entar# for)s are a%% sto)ach, that
is the# are a%% one or!an ca$a+%e of $erfor)in! a%% the f'nctions
necessar# for the %ife of the ani)a%. The creat're has no )o'th, +'t
"hen it "ishes to de(o'r an o+ject it si)$%# en(e%o$es it00"ra$s itse%f
aro'nd it %i*e a +it of !%'e aro'nd a !nat, and then a+sor+s the
s'+stance of its $re# thro'!h its "ho%e +od#.
Scientists ha(e t'rned so)e of these tin# creat'res inside o't, and #et
the# ha(e !one on "ith their %ife f'nctions 'ndist'r+ed and 'ntro'+%ed.
The# ha(e c't the) '$ into sti%% tinier +its, and #et each +it %i(ed on
as a se$arate ani)a%, $erfor)in! a%% of its f'nctions 'ndist'r+ed. The#
are a%% the sa)e a%% o(er, and a%% the "a# thro'!h. The# re$rod'ce
the)se%(es +# !ro"in! to a certain si,e, and then se$aratin! into t"o,
and so on. The ra$idit# of the increase is )ost re)ar*a+%e.
Hae*e% sa#s of the &onera4 "The &onera are the si)$%est $er)anent
c#tods. Their entire +od# consists of )ere%# soft, str'ct're%ess $%as).
Ho"e(er thoro'!h%# "e )a# e.a)ine the) "ith the he%$ of the )ost
de%icate rea!ents and the stron!est o$tica% instr')ents, "e #et find
that a%% the $arts are co)$%ete%# ho)o!eneo's. These &onera are
therefore, in the strictest sense of the "ord, 2or!anis)s "itho't
or!ans,2 or e(en in a strict $hi%oso$hica% sense the# )i!ht not e(en +e
ca%%ed or!anis)s, since the# $ossess no or!ans and since the# are not
co)$osed of (ario's $artic%es. The# can on%# +e ca%%ed or!anis)s in so
far as the# are ca$a+%e of e.ercisin! the or!anic $heno)ena of %ife, of
n'trition, re$rod'ction, sensation and )o(e)ent."
@er"orn records an interestin! instance of %ife and )ind a)on! the
Rhi,o$ods, a (er# %o" for) of %i(in! thin!. He re%ates that the
9iff%'!ia a)$'%a, a creat're occ'$#in! a tin# she%% for)ed of )in'te
$artic%es of sand, has a %on! $rojection of its s'+stance, %i*e a
fee%er or tendri%, "ith "hich it searches on the +otto) of the sea for
sand# )ateria% "ith "hich to +'i%d the she%% or o'ter co(erin! for its
offs$rin!, "hich are +orn +# di(ision fro) the $arent +od#. It !ras$s
the $artic%e of sand +# the fee%er, and $asses it into its +od# +#
enc%osin! it. @er"orn re)o(ed the sand fro) the +otto) of the tan*,
re$%acin! it +# (er# )in'te $artic%es of hi!h%# co%ored !%ass. Short%#
after"ard he noticed a co%%ection of these $artic%es of !%ass in the
+od# of the creat're, and a %itt%e %ater he sa" a tin# s$ec* of
$roto$%as) e)itted fro) the $arent +# se$aration. At the sa)e ti)e he
noticed that the +its of !%ass co%%ected +# the )other creat're "ere
$assed o't and $%aced aro'nd the +od# of the ne" creat're, and ce)ented
to!ether +# a s'+stance secreted +# the +od# of the $arent, th's
for)in! a she%% and co(erin! for the offs$rin!. This $roceedin! sho"ed
the $resence of a )enta% so)ethin! s'fficient to ca'se the creat're to
$re$are a she%% for the offs$rin! $re(io's to its +irth00or rather to
!ather the )ateria% for s'ch she%%, to +e after"ard 'sed3 to
distin!'ish the $ro$er )ateria%3 to )o'%d it into sha$e, and ce)ent it.
The scientist re$orted that a creat're a%"a#s !athered j'st e.act%#
eno'!h sand for its $'r$ose00ne(er too %itt%e, and ne(er an e.cess. And
this in a creat're that is %itt%e )ore than a tin# dro$ of !%'e?
/e )a# consider the %ife actions of the &oneron a %itt%e f'rther, for
it is the %o"est for) of so0ca%%ed "%i(in! )atter"00the $oint at "hich
%i(in! for)s $ass off into non0%i(in! for)s 7so0ca%%ed8. This tin#
s$ec* of !%'e00an or!anis) "itho't or!ans00is endo"ed "ith the fac'%t#
ca%%ed sensation. It dra"s a"a# fro) that "hich is %i*e%# to inj're it,
and to"ard that "hich it desires00a%% in res$onse to an e%e)entar#
sensation. It has the instinct of se%f0$reser(ation and
se%f0$rotection. It see*s and finds its $re#, and then eats, di!ests
and assi)i%ates it. It is a+%e to )o(e a+o't +# "fa%se0feet," or +its
of its +od# "hich it $'shes forth at "i%% fro) an# $art of its
s'+stance. It re$rod'ces itse%f, as "e ha(e seen, +# se$aration and
The %ife of the +acteria and !er)s00the #east# for)s of %ife00are
fa)i%iar to )an# of 's. And #et there are for)s of %ife sti%% +e%o"
these. The %ine +et"een %i(in! for)s and non0%i(in! for)s is +ein! set
+ac* f'rther and f'rther +# science. Li(in! creat'res are no" *no"n
that rese)+%e the non0%i(in! so c%ose%# that the %ine cannot +e
definite%# dra"n.
Li(in! creat'res are *no"n that are ca$a+%e of +ein! dried and %aid
a"a# for se(era% #ears, and then )a# +e re(i(ed +# the a$$%ication of
)oist're. The# rese)+%e d'st, +'t are f'%% of %ife and f'nction.
Certain for)s of +aci%%i are *no"n to Science that ha(e +een s'+jected
to de!rees of heat and co%d that are +'t ter)s to an# +'t the
scientific )ind.
Lo" for)s of %ife ca%%ed 9iato)s or "%i(in! cr#sta%s" are *no"n. The#
are tin# !eo)etrica% for)s. The# are co)$osed of a tin# dro$ of $%as),
rese)+%in! !%'e, co(ered +# a thin she%% of si%iceo's or sand#
)ateria%. The# are (isi+%e on%# thro'!h the )icrosco$e, and are so
s)a%% that tho'sands of the) )i!ht +e !athered to!ether on the head of
a $in. The# are so %i*e che)ica% cr#sta%s that it re1'ires a shre"d and
caref'% o+ser(er to distin!'ish the). And #et the# are a%i(e, and
$erfor) a%% the f'nctions of %ife.
Lea(in! these creat'res, "e enter the *in!do) of the cr#sta%s, in o'r
search for %ife. es, the cr#sta%s )anifest %ife, as stran!e as this
state)ent )a# a$$ear to those "ho ha(e not fo%%o"ed the )arch of
Science. The cr#sta%s are +orn, !ro", %i(e, and )a# +e *i%%ed +#
che)ica%s or e%ectricit#. Science has added a ne" de$art)ent ca%%ed
"P%as)o%o!#," the $'r$ose of "hich is the st'd# of cr#sta% %ife. So)e
in(esti!ators ha(e $ro!ressed so far as to c%ai) that the# ha(e
disco(ered si!ns of r'di)entar# se. f'nctionin! a)on! cr#sta%s. At an#
rate, cr#sta%s are +orn and !ro" %i*e %i(in! thin!s. As a recent
scientific "riter has said4 "Cr#sta%%i,ation, as "e are to %earn no",
is not a )ere )echanica% !ro'$in! of dead ato)s. It is a +irth."
The cr#sta% for)s fro) the )other %i1'or, and its +od# is +'i%t '$
s#ste)atica%%#, re!'%ar%#, and accordin! to a "e%% defined $%an or
$attern, j'st as are the +od# and +ones of the ani)a% for), and the
"ood and +ar* of the tree. There is %ife at "or* in the !ro"th of the
cr#sta%. And not on%# does the cr#sta% !ro", +'t it a%so re$rod'ces
itse%f +# se$aration or s$%ittin!0off, j'st as is the case "ith the
%o"er for)s of %ife, j'st )entioned.
The $rinci$a% $oint of difference +et"een the !ro"th and de(e%o$)ent of
the cr#sta%s and that of the %o"er for)s of %ife referred to is that
the cr#sta% ta*es its no'rish)ent fro) the o'tside, and +'i%ds '$ fro)
its o'ter s'rface, "hi%e the &onera a+sor+s its no'rish)ent fro)
"ithin, and !ro"s o't"ard%# fro) "ithin. If the cr#sta% had a soft
center, and too* its no'rish)ent in that "a#, it "o'%d +e a%)ost
identica% "ith the 9iato), or, if the 9iato) !re" fro) the o'tside, it
"o'%d +e +'t a cr#sta%. A (er# fine di(idin! %ine.
Cr#sta%s, %i*e %i(in! for)s, )a# +e steri%i,ed and rendered inca$a+%e
of re$rod'ction +# che)ica% $rocess, or e%ectrica% dischar!es. The# )a#
a%so +e "*i%%ed" and f't're !ro"th $re(ented in this )anner. S're%#
this %oo*s %i*e "Life," does it not:
To rea%i,e the i)$ortance of this idea of %ife a)on! the cr#sta%s, "e
)'st re)e)+er that o'r hardest roc*s and )eta%s are co)$osed of
cr#sta%s, and that the dirt and earth '$on "hich "e !ro" and %i(e are
+'t cr')+%ed roc* and )iniat're cr#sta%s. Therefore the (er# d'st 'nder
o'r feet is a%i(e. There is nothin! dead. There is no transfor)ation
of "dead )atter" into %i(e $%ant )atter, and then into %i(e ani)a%
)atter. The che)ica%s are a%i(e, and fro) che)ica% to )an2s +od# there
is +'t a contin'o's chan!e of sha$e and for) of %i(in! )atter. An#
)an2s +od#, deco)$osin!, is a!ain reso%(ed into che)ica%s, and the
chain +e!ins o(er a!ain. &ere%# chan!es in %i(in! for)s00that2s a%%, so
far as the +odies are concerned.
Nat're f'rnishes 's "ith )an# e.a)$%es of this $resence of %ife in the
inor!anic "or%d. /e ha(e +'t to %oo* aro'nd to see the tr'th of the
state)ent that A%% is A%i(e. There is that "hich is *no"n as the
"fati!'e of e%asticit#" in )eta%s. Ra,ors !et tired, and re1'ire a
rest. T'nin! for*s %ose their $o"ers of (i+ration, to a de!ree, and
ha(e to +e !i(en a (acation. 2&achiner# in )i%%s and )an'factories
needs an occasiona% da# off. &eta%s are s'+ject to disease and
infection, and ha(e +een $oisoned and restored +# antidotes. /indo"
!%ass, es$ecia%%# stained !%ass, is s'+ject to a disease s$readin! fro)
$ane to $ane.
&en acc'sto)ed to hand%in! and 'sin! too%s and )achiner# nat'ra%%# dro$
into the ha+it of s$ea*in! of these thin!s as if the# "ere a%i(e. The#
see) to reco!ni,e the $resence of "fee%in!" in too%s or )achine, and to
$ercei(e in each a sort of "character" or $ersona%it#, "hich )'st +e
res$ected, h')ored, or coa.ed in order to !et the +est res'%ts.
Perha$s the )ost (a%'a+%e testi)on# a%on! these %ines, and "hich !oes
(er# far to"ard $ro(in! the cent'ries0o%d theories of the o!is
re!ardin! O)ni$resent Life, co)es fro) Prof. >. Ch'nder 5ose, of the
Ca%c'tta -ni(ersit#, a Hind' ed'cated in the En!%ish -ni(ersities,
'nder the +est teachers, and "ho is no" a %eadin! scientific a'thorit#
in the "estern "or%d, tie has !i(en to the "or%d so)e (er# (a%'a+%e
scientific infor)ation a%on! these %ines in his +oo* entit%ed
"Res$onse in the Li(in! and Non0%i(in!," "hich has ca'sed the "idest
co))ent and created the !reatest interest a)on! the hi!hest scientific
a'thorities. His e.$eri)ents a%on! the %ines of the !atherin! of
e(idence of %ife in the inor!anic for)s ha(e re(o%'tioni,ed the
theories of )odern science, and ha(e done )'ch to f'rther the idea that
%ife is $resent e(er#"here, and that there is no s'ch thin! as dead
He +ases his "or* '$on the theor# that the +est and on%# tr'e test for
the $resence of %ife in )atter is the res$onse of )atter to e.terna%
sti)'%'s. Proceedin! fro) this f'nda)enta% theor# he has $ro(en +#
in0n')era+%e e.$eri)ents that so0ca%%ed inor!anic )atter, )inera%s,
)eta%s, etc., !i(e a res$onse to s'ch sti)'%'s, "hich res$onse is
si)i%ar, if not identica%, to the res$onse of the )atter co)$osin! the
+odies of $%ants, ani)a%s, )en.
He de(ised de%icate a$$arat's for the )eas're)ent of the res$onse to
the o'tside sti)'%'s, the de!ree, and other e(idence +ein! recorded in
traces on a re(o%(in! c#%inder. The tracin!s or c'r(es o+tained fro)
tin and other )eta%s, "hen co)$ared "ith those o+tained fro) %i(in!
)'sc%e, "ere fo'nd to +e identica%. He 'sed a !a%(ano)eter, a (er#
de%icate and acc'rate scientific instr')ent, in his e.$eri)ents. This
instr')ent is so fine%# adj'sted that the faintest c'rrent "i%% ca'se a
def%ection of the re!isterin! need%e, "hich is de%icate%# s"'n! on a
tin# $i(ot. If the !a%(ano)eter +e attached to a h')an ner(e, and the
end of the ner(e +e irritated, the need%e "i%% re!ister.
Prof. 5ose fo'nd that "hen he attached the !a%(ano)eter to +ars of
(ario's )eta%s the# !a(e a si)i%ar res$onse "hen str'c* or t"isted. The
!reater the irritation a$$%ied to the )eta%, the !reater the res$onse
re!istered +# the instr')ent. The ana%o!# +et"een the res$onse of the
)eta% and that of the %i(in! )'sc%e "as start%in!. For instance, j'st
as in the case of the %i(in! ani)a% )'sc%e or ner(e )atter, the
res$onse +eco)es fati!'ed, so in the case of the )eta% the c'r(e
re!istered +# the need%e +eca)e fainter and sti%% fainter, as the +ar
+eca)e )ore and )ore fati!'ed +# the contin'ed irritation. And a!ain,
j'st after s'ch fati!'e the )'sc%e "o'%d +eco)e rested, and "o'%d a!ain
res$ond acti(e%#, so "o'%d the )eta% "hen !i(en a chance to rec'$erate.
Tetan's d'e to shoc*s constant%# re$eated, "as ca'sed and reco(ered.
&eta%s recorded e(idences of fati!'e. 9r'!s ca'sed identica% effects on
)eta%s and ani)a%s00so)e e.citin!3 so)e de$ressin!3 so)e *i%%in!. So)e
$oisono's che)ica%s *i%%ed $ieces of )eta%, renderin! the) i))o+i%e and
therefore inca$a+%e of re!isterin! records on the a$$arat's. In so)e
cases antidotes "ere $ro)$t%# ad)inistered, and sa(ed the %ife of the
Prof. 5ose a%so cond'cted e.$eri)ents on $%ants in the sa)e "a#. Pieces
of (e!eta+%e )atter "ere fo'nd to +e ca$a+%e of sti)'%ation, fati!'e,
e.cite)ent, de$ression, $oison. &rs. Annie 5esant, "ho "itnessed so)e
of these e.$eri)ents in Ca%c'tta, has "ritten as fo%%o"s re!ardin! the
e.$eri)ents on $%ant %ife4 "There is so)ethin! rather $athetic in
seein! the "a# in "hich the tin# s$ot of %i!ht "hich records the $'%ses
in the $%ant, tra(e%s in e(er "ea*er and "ea*er c'r(es, "hen the $%ant
is 'nder the inf%'ence of $oison, then fa%%s into a fina% des$airin!
strai!ht %ine, and00sto$s. One fee%s as tho'!h a )'rder has +een
co))itted00as indeed it has."
In one of Prof. 5ose2s $'+%ic e.$eri)ents he c%ear%# de)onstrated that
a +ar of iron "as f'%%# as sensiti(e as the h')an +od#, and that it
co'%d +e irritated and sti)'%ated in the sa)e "a#, and fina%%# co'%d +e
$oisoned and *i%%ed. "A)on! s'ch $heno)ena," he as*s, "ho" can "e dra"
the %ine of de)ar*ation, and sa#, 2Here the $h#sica% ends, and there
the $h#sio%o!ica% +e!ins2: No s'ch +arrier e.ists." Accordin! to his
theor#, "hich a!rees "ith the o%dest occ'%t theories, +# the "a#, %ife
is $resent in e(er# o+ject and for) of Nat're, and a%% for)s res$ond to
e.terna% sti)'%'s, "hich res$onse is a $roof of the $resence of %ife in
the for).
Prof. 5ose2s !reat +oo* is f'%% of the )ost start%in! res'%ts of
e.$eri)ents. He $ro(es that the )eta%s )anifest so)ethin! %i*e s%ee$3
can +e *i%%ed3 e.hi+it tor$or and s%'!!ishness3 !et tired or %a,#3 "a*e
'$3 can +e ro'sed into acti(it#3 )a# +e sti)'%ated, stren!thened,
"ea*ened3 s'ffer fro) e.tre)e co%d and heat3 )a# +e dr'!!ed or
into.icated, the different )eta%s )anifestin! a different res$onse to
certain dr'!s, j'st as different )en and ani)a%s )anifest a (ar#in!
de!ree of si)i%ar resistance. The res$onse of a $iece of stee%
s'+jected to the inf%'ence of a che)ica% $oison sho"s a !rad'a%
f%'tterin! and "ea*enin! 'nti% it fina%%# dies a"a#, j'st as ani)a%
)atter does "hen si)i%ar%# $oisoned. /hen re(i(ed in ti)e +# an
antidote, the reco(er# "as si)i%ar%# !rad'a% in +oth )eta% and )'sc%e.
A re)ar*a+%e fact is noted +# the scientist "hen he te%%s 's that the
(er# $oisons that *i%% the )eta%s are the)se%(es a%i(e and )a# +e
*i%%ed, dr'!!ed, sti)'%ated, etc., sho"in! the sa)e res$onse as in the
case of the )eta%s, $ro(in! the e.istence in the) of the sa)e %ife that
is in the )eta%s and ani)a% )atter that the# inf%'ence.
Of co'rse "hen these )eta%s are "*i%%ed" there is )ere%# a *i%%in! of
the )eta% as )eta%00the ato)s and $rinci$%es of "hich the )eta% is
co)$osed re)ainin! f'%%# a%i(e and acti(e, j'st as is the case "ith the
ato) of the h')an +od# after the so'% $asses o't00the +od# is as )'ch
a%i(e after death as d'rin! the %ife of the $erson, the acti(it# of the
$arts +ein! a%on! the %ines of disso%'tion instead of constr'ction in
that case.
/e hear )'ch of the c%ai)s of scientists "ho anno'nce that the# are on
the e(e of "creatin! %ife" fro) non0%i(in! )atter. This is a%%
nonsense00%ife can co)e on%# fro) %ife. Life fro) non0%ife is an
a+s'rdit#. And a%% Life co)es fro) the One Life 'nder%#in! A%%. 5't it
is tr'e that Science has done, is doin!, and "i%% do, so)ethin! (er#
)'ch %i*e "creatin! %ife," +'t of co'rse this is )ere%# chan!in! the
for) of Life into other for)s00the %esser for) into the hi!her00j'st as
one $rod'ces a $%ant fro) a seed, or a fr'it fro) a $%ant. The Life is
a%"a#s there, and res$onds to the $ro$er sti)'%'s and conditions.
A n')+er of scientists are "or*in! on the $ro+%e) of !eneratin! %i(in!
for)s fro) inor!anic )atter. The o%d idea of "s$ontaneo's !eneration,"
for )an# #ears re%e!ated to the scra$0$i%e of Science, is a!ain co)in!
to the front. A%tho'!h the theor# of E(o%'tion co)$e%s its adherents to
acce$t the idea that at one ti)e in the $ast %i(in! for)s s$r'n! fro)
the non0%i(in! 7so0ca%%ed8, #et it has +een !enera%%# +e%ie(ed that the
conditions "hich +ro'!ht a+o't this sta!e of e(o%'tion has fore(er
$assed. 5't the indications no" a%% $oint to the other (ie" that this
sta!e of e(o%'tion is, and a%"a#s has +een, in o$eration, and that ne"
for)s of %ife are constant%# e(o%(in! fro) the inor!anic for)s.
"Creation," so0ca%%ed 7a%tho'!h the "ord is an a+s'rdit# fro) the o!i
$oint of (ie"8, is constant%# +ein! $erfor)ed.
9r. Char%ton 5astian, of London, En!., has %on! +een a $ro)inent
ad(ocate of this theor# of contin'o's s$ontaneo's !eneration. La'!hed
do"n and considered defeated +# the %eadin! scientific )inds of a
!eneration a!o, he sti%% $%'c*i%# *e$t at "or*, and his recent +oo*s
"ere %i*e +o)+she%%s in the orthodo. scientific ca)$. He has ta*en )ore
than fi(e tho'sand $hoto0)icro!ra$hs, a%% sho"in! )ost start%in! facts
in connection "ith the ori!in of %i(in! for)s fro) the inor!anic. He
c%ai)s that the )icrosco$e re(ea%s the de(e%o$)ent in a $re(io's%#
c%ear %i1'id of (er# )in'te +%ac* s$ots, "hich !rad'a%%# en%ar!e and
transfor) into +acteria00%i(in! for)s of a (er# %o" order. Prof. 5'r*e,
of Ca)+rid!e, En!., has de)onstrated that he )a# $rod'ce in steri%i,ed
+o'%%ion, s'+jected to the action of steri%i,ed radi') ch%oride, )in'te
%i(in! +odies "hich )anifest !ro"th and s'+di(ision. Science is +ein!
!rad'a%%# forced to the conc%'sion that %i(in! for)s are sti%% arisin!
in the "or%d +# nat'ra% $rocesses, "hich is not at a%% re)ar*a+%e "hen
one re)e)+ers that nat'ra% %a" is 'nifor) and contin'o's. These recent
disco(eries !o to s"e%% the a%read# %ar!e %ist of )odern scientific
ideas "hich corres$ond "ith the cent'ries0o%d o!i teachin!s. /hen the
Occ'%t e.$%anation that there is Life in e(er#thin!, inor!anic as "e%%
as or!anic, and that e(o%'tion is constant, is heard, then )a# "e see
that these e.$eri)ents si)$%# $ro(e that the for)s of %ife )a# +e
chan!ed and de(e%o$ed00not that Life )a# +e "created."
The che)ica% and )inera% "or%d f'rnish 's "ith )an# instances of the
!ro"th and de(e%o$)ent of for)s c%ose%# rese)+%in! the for)s of the
(e!eta+%e "or%d. /hat is *no"n as ")eta%%ic (e!etation," as sho"n in
the "%ead tree," !i(es 's an interestin! e.a)$%e of this $heno)enon.
The e.$eri)ent is $erfor)ed +# $%acin! in a "ide0nec*ed +ott%e a c%ear
acid'%ated so%'tion of acetate of %ead. The +ott%e is cor*ed, a $iece
of co$$er "ire +ein! fastened to the cor*, fro) "hich "ire is s's$ended
a $iece of ,inc, the %atter han!in! as near%# as $ossi+%e in the center
of the %ead so%'tion. /hen the +ott%e is cor*ed the co$$er "ire
i))ediate%# +e!ins to s'rro'nd itse%f "ith a !ro"th of )eta%%ic %ead
rese)+%in! fine )oss. Fro) this )oss s$rin! +ranches and %i)+s, "hich
in t'rn )anifest a !ro"th si)i%ar to fo%ia!e, 'nti% at %ast a )iniat're
+'sh or tree is for)ed. Si)i%ar ")eta%%ic (e!etation" )a# +e $rod'ced
+# other )eta%%ic so%'tions.
A%% of #o' ha(e noticed ho" cr#sta%s of frost for) on "indo" $anes in
sha$es of %ea(es, +ranches, fo%ia!e, f%o"ers, +%osso)s, etc. Sa%t$eter
"hen s'+jected to the effect of $o%ari,ed %i!ht ass')es for)s c%ose%#
rese)+%in! the for)s of the orchid. Nat're is f'%% of these
A <er)an scientist recent%# $erfor)ed a re)ar*a+%e e.$eri)ent "ith
certain )eta%%ic sa%ts. He s'+jected the sa%ts to the action of a
!a%(anic c'rrent, "hen to his s'r$rise the $artic%es of the sa%ts
!ro'$ed the)se%(es aro'nd the ne!ati(e $o%e of the +atter#, and then
!re" into a sha$e c%ose%# rese)+%in! a )iniat're )'shroo), "ith tin#
ste) and ')+re%%a to$. These )eta%%ic )'shroo)s at first $resented a
trans$arent a$$earance, +'t !rad'a%%# de(e%o$ed co%or, the to$ of the
')+re%%a +ein! a +ri!ht red, "ith a faint rose shade on the 'nder
s'rface. The ste)s sho"ed a $a%e stra" co%or. This "as )ost
interestin!, +'t the i)$ortant fact of the e.$eri)ent consists in the
disco(er# that these )'shroo)s ha(e fine (eins or t'+es r'nnin! a%on!
the ste)s, thro'!h "hich the no'rish)ent, or additiona% )ateria% for
!ro"th, is trans$orted, so that the !ro"th is act'a%%# fro) the inside,
j'st as is the case "ith f'n!'s %ife. To a%% intents and $'r$oses,
these inor!anic )eta%%ic !ro"ths "ere %o" for)s of (e!eta+%e his.
5't the search for Life does not end "ith the for)s of the )inera%
"or%d as "e *no" the). Science has se$arated the )ateria% for)s into
s)a%%er for)s, and a!ain sti%% s)a%%er. And if there is Life in the
for) co)$osed of co'nt%ess $artic%es, then )'st there +e Life in the
$artic%es the)se%(es. For Life cannot co)e fro) non0Life, and if there
+e not Life in the $artic%es, the theor# of O)ni$resent Life )'st fan.
So "e )'st %oo* +e#ond the for) and sha$e of the )inera%00)ist se$arate
it into its constit'ent $arts, and then e.a)ine the $arts for
indications of Life.
Science teaches 's that a%% for)s of )atter are co)$i%ed of )in'te
$artic%es ca%%ed )o%ec'%es. A )o%ec'%e is the s)a%%est $artic%e of
)atter that is $ossi+%e, 'n%ess the che)ica% ato)s co)$osin! the )atter
f%# a$art and the )atter +e reso%(ed into its ori!ina% e%e)ents. For
instance, %et 's ta*e the fa)i%iar instance of a dro$ of "ater. Let 's
di(ide and s'+di(ide the dro$, 'nti% at %ast "e !et to the s)a%%est
$ossi+%e $artic%e of "ater. That s)a%%est $ossi+%e $artic%e "o'%d +e a
")o%ec'%e" of "ater. /e cannot s'+di(ide this )o%ec'%e "itho't ca'sin!
its ato)s of h#dro!en and o.#!en to f%# a$art00and then there "o'%d +e
no "ater at a%%. /e%%, these )o%ec'%es )anifest a so)ethin! ca%%ed
Attraction for each other. The# attract other )o%ec'%es of the sa)e
*ind, and are %i*e"ise attracted. The o$eration of this %a" of
attraction res'%ts in the for)ation of )asses of )atter, "hether those
)asses +e )o'ntains of so%id roc*, or a dro$ of "ater, or a (o%')e of
!as. A%% )asses of )atter are co)$osed of a!!re!ations of )o%ec'%es,
he%d to!ether +# the %a" of attraction. This %a" of attraction is
ca%%ed Cohesion. This Cohesi(e Attraction is not a )ere )echanica%
force, as )an# s'$$ose, +'t is an e.hi+ition of Life action,
)anifestin! in the $resence of the )o%ec'%e of a "%i*e" or "%o(e" for
the si)i%ar )o%ec'%e. And "hen the Life ener!ies +e!in to )anifest on a
certain $%ane, and $roceed to )o'%d the )o%ec'%es into cr#sta%s, so
that "e )a# see the act'a% $rocess 'nder "a#, "e +e!in to rea%i,e (er#
c%ear%# that there is "so)ethin! at "or*" in this +'i%din! '$.
5't "onderf'% as this )a# see) to those 'nfa)i%iar "ith the idea, the
)anifestation of Life a)on! the ato)s is sti%% )ore so. The ato), #o'
"i%% re)e)+er, is the che)ica% 'nit "hich, 'nitin! "ith other ato)s,
)a*es '$ the )o%ec'%e. For instance, if "e ta*e t"o ato)s of the !as
ca%%ed h#dro!en and one ato) of the !as ca%%ed o.#!en, and $%ace the)
near each other, the# "i%% at once r'sh to"ard each other and for) a
$artnershi$, "hich is ca%%ed a )o%ec'%e of "ater. And so it is "ith a%%
ato)s00the# are contin'a%%# for)in! $artnershi$s, or disso%(in! the).
&arria!e and di(orce is a $art of the %ife of the ato)s. These
e(idences of attraction and re$'%sion a)on! the ato)s are recei(in!
)'ch attention fro) caref'% thin*ers, and so)e of the )ost ad(anced
)inds of the a!e see in this $heno)ena the corro+oration of the o%d
o!i idea that there is Life and (ita% action in the s)a%%est $artic%es
of )atter.
The ato)s )anifest (ita% characteristics in their attractions and
re$'%sions. The# )o(e a%on! the %ines of their attractions and for)
)arria!es, and th's co)+inin! the# for) the s'+stances "ith "hich "e
are fa)i%iar. /hen the# co)+ine, re)e)+er, the# do not %ose their
indi(id'a%it# and )e%t into a $er)anent s'+stance, +'t )ere%# 'nite and
#et re)ain distinct. If the co)+ination +e destro#ed +# che)ica%
action, e%ectrica% dischar!e, etc., the ato)s f%# a$art, and a!ain %i(e
their o"n se$arate %i(es, 'nti% the# co)e in contact "ith other ato)s
"ith "hich the# ha(e affinities, and for) a ne" 'nion or $artnershi$.
In )an# che)ica% chan!es the ato)s di(orce the)se%(es, each forsa*in!
its )ate or )ates, and see*in! so)e ne"er affinit# in the sha$e of a
)ore con!enia% ato). The ato)s )anifest a fic*%eness and "i%% a%"a#s
desert a %esser attraction for a !reater one. This is no )ere +it of
i)a!er#, or scientific $oetr#. It is a scientific state)ent of the
action of ato)s a%on! the %ines of (ita% )anifestation.
The !reat <er)an scientist, Hae*e%, has said4 "I cannot i)a!ine the
si)$%est che)ica% and $h#sica% $rocesses "itho't attri+'tin! the
)o(e)ent of the )ateria% $artic%es to 'nconscio's sensation. The idea
of Che)ica% Affinit# consists in the fact that the (ario's che)ica%
e%e)ents $ercei(e differences in the 1'a%ities of other e%e)ents, and
e.$erience $%eas're or re('%sion at contact "ith the), and'te
their res$ecti(e )o(e)ents on this !ro'nd." He a%so sa#s4 "/e )a#
ascri+e the fee%in! of $%eas're or $ain 7satisfaction or
dissatisfaction8 to a%% ato)s, and there+# ascri+e the e%ecti(e
affinities of che)istr# to the attraction +et"een %i(in! ato)s and
re$'%sion +et"een hatin! ato)s." He a%so sa#s that "the sensations in
ani)a% and $%ant %ife are connected +# a %on! series of e(o%'tionar#
sta!es "ith the si)$%er for)s of sensation that "e find in the
inor!anic e%e)ents, and that re(ea% the)se%(es in che)ica% affinit#."
Nae!%i sa#s4 "If the )o%ec'%es $ossess so)ethin! that is re%ated,
ho"e(er distant%#, to sensation, it )'st +e co)forta+%e for the) to +e
a+%e to fo%%o" their attractions and re$'%sions, and 'nco)forta+%e for
the) "hen the# are forced to do other"ise."
/e )i!ht fi%% $a!e after $a!e "ith 1'otations fro) e)inent thin*ers
!oin! to $ro(e the correctness of the o%d o!i teachin!s that Life is
O)ni$resent. &odern Science is ra$id%# ad(ancin! to this $osition,
%ea(in! +ehind her the o%d idea of "dead )atter." E(en the ne" theories
of the e%ectron00the %itt%e $artic%es of e%ectrica% ener!# "hich are
no" +e%ie(ed to constit'te the +ase of the ato)00does not chan!e this
idea, for the e%ectrons )anifest attraction, and res$onse thereto, and
for) the)se%(es into !ro'$s co)$osin! the ato). And e(en if "e $ass
+e#ond )atter into the )#stica% Ether "hich Science ass')es to +e the
)ateria% +ase of thin!s, "e )'st +e%ie(e that there is %ife there too,
and that as Prof. 9o%+ear sa#s4 "The Ether has +esides the f'nction of
ener!# and )otion, other inherent $ro$erties, o't of "hich co'%d
e)er!e, 'nder $ro$er circ')stances, other $heno)ena, s'ch as %ife,
)ind, or "hate(er )a# +e in the s'+strat')," and, that as Prof. Co$e
has hinted, that the +asis of Life %ies +ac* of the ato)s and )a# +e
fo'nd in the -ni(ersa% Ether.
So)e scientists !o e(en f'rther, and assert that not on%# is Life
$resent in e(er#thin!, +'t that &ind is $resent "here Life is. @eri%#,
the drea)s of the o!i fathers are co)in! tr'e, and fro) the ran*s of
the )ateria%ists are co)in! the )ateria% $roofs of the s$irit'a%
teachin!s. Listen to these "ords fro) 9r. Sa%ee+#, in his recent
(a%'a+%e scientific "or*, "E(o%'tion, the &aster 6e#." He sa#s4
"Life is $otentia% in )atter3 %ife0ener!# is not a thin! 'ni1'e and
created at a $artic'%ar ti)e in the $ast. If e(o%'tion +e tr'e, %i(in!
)atter has +een e(o%(ed +# nat'ra% $rocesses fro) )atter "hich is,
a$$arent%#, not a%i(e. 5't if %ife is $otentia% in )atter, it is a
tho'sand ti)es )ore e(ident that &ind is $otentia% in Life. The
e(o%'tionist is i)$e%%ed to +e%ie(e that &ind is $otentia% in )atter.
7I ado$t that for) of "ords for the )o)ent, +'t not "itho't f't're
criticis).8 The )icrosco$ic ce%%, a )in'te s$ec* of )atter that is to
+eco)e )an, has in it the $ro)ise and the !er) of )ind. &a# "e not then
dra" the inference that the e%e)ents of )ind are $resent in those
che)ica% e%e)ents00car+on, o.#!en, h#dro!en, nitro!en, s'%$h'r,
$hos$hor's, sodi'), $otassi'), ch%orine00that are fo'nd in the ce%%.
Not on%# )'st "e do so, +'t "e )'st !o f'rther, since "e *no" that each
of these e%e)ents, and e(er# other, is +'i%t '$ o't of one in(aria+%e
'nit, the e%ectron, and "e )'st therefore assert that &ind is $otentia%
in the 'nit of &atter00the e%ectron itse%f... It is to assert the
s'+%i)e tr'th first $ercei(ed +# S$ino,a, that &ind and &atter are the
"ar$ and "oof of "hat <oethe ca%%ed 2the %i(in! !ar)ent of <od.2 5oth
are co)$%e)entar# e.$ressions of the -n*no"a+%e Rea%it# "hich 'nder%ies
There is no s'ch thin! as non0(ita% attraction or re$'%sion. A%%
inc%inations for or a!ainst another o+ject, or thin!, is an e(idence of
Life. Each thin! has s'fficient %ife ener!# to ena+%e it to carr# on
its "or*. And as each for) ad(ances +# e(o%'tion into a hi!her for), it
is a+%e to ha(e )ore of the Life ener!# )anifest thro'!h it. As its
)ateria% )achiner# is +'i%t '$, it +eco)es a+%e to )anifest a !reater
and hi!her de!ree of Life. It is not that one thin! has a %o" %ife, or
another a hi!h %ife00this cannot +e, for there is +'t One Life. It is
%i*e the c'rrent of e%ectricit# that is a+%e to r'n the )ost de%icate
)achiner# or )anifest a %i!ht in the incandescent %a)$. <i(e it the
or!an or )achiner# of )anifestation, and it )anifests00!i(e it a %o"
for), and it "i%% )anifest a %o" de!ree00!i(e it a hi!h for), and it
"i%% )anifest a hi!h de!ree. The sa)e stea) $o"er r'ns the c%')s#
en!ine, or the $erfect a$$arat's "hich dri(es the )ost de%icate
)echanis). And so it is "ith the One Life00its )anifestations )a# see)
%o" and c%')s#, or hi!h and $erfect00+'t it a%% de$ends '$on the
)ateria% or )enta% )achiner# thro'!h "hich it "or*s. There is +'t One
Life, )anifestin! in co'nt%ess for)s and sha$es, and de!rees. One Life
'nder%#in! A%%00in A%%.
Fro) the hi!hest for)s of Life do"n thro'!h the ani)a%, (e!eta+%e and
)inera% *in!do)s, "e see Life e(er#"here $resent009eath an i%%'sion.
5ac* of a%% (isi+%e for)s of )ateria% %ife there is sti%% the
+e!innin!s of )anifested %ife $ressin! for"ard for e.$ression and
)anifestation. And 'nderneath a%% is the S$irit of Life00%on!in!,
stri(in!, fee%in!, actin!.
In the )o'ntain and the ocean00the f%o"er and the tree00the s'nset00the
da"n00the s'ns00the stars00a%% is Life00)anifestations of the One Life.
E(er#thin! is A%i(e, 1'ic* "ith %i(in! force, $o"er, action3 thri%%in!
"ith (ita%it#3 thro++in! "ith fee%in!3 fi%%ed "ith acti(it#. A%% is
fro) the One Life00and a%% that is fro) the One Life is A%i(e. There is
no dead s'+stance in the -ni(erse00there can +e none00for Life cannot
9ie. A%% is A%i(e. And Life is in A%%.
Carr# "ith #o' this Centra% Tho'!ht of the Lesson4
CENTRAL THO-<HT4 There is +'t One Life, and its )anifestations
co)$rise a%% the for)s and sha$es of the -ni(erse. Fro) Life co)es +'t
Life00and Life can co)e on%# fro) Life. Therefore "e ha(e the ri!ht to
e.$ect that a%% )anifestations of the One Life sho'%d +e A%i(e. And "e
are not )oc*ed in s'ch +e%ief. Not on%# do the hi!hest Occ'%t Teachin!s
infor) 's that E(er#thin! is A%i(e, +'t &odern Science has $ro(en to 's
that Life is $resent e(er#"here00e(en in that "hich "as for)er%#
considered dead )atter. It no" sees that e(en the ato), and "hat %ies
+ac* of the ato), is char!ed "ith Life Ener!# and Action. For)s and
sha$es )a# chan!e, and do chan!e00+'t Life re)ains eterna% and
infinite. It cannot 9ie00for it is LIFE.
Peace +e "ith thee.
In o'r first %esson of this series, "e stated that a)on! the other
1'a%ities and attri+'tes that "e "ere co)$e%%ed, +# the %a"s of o'r
reason, to thin* that the A+so%'te $ossessed, "as that of O)ni$otence
or A%%0Po"er. In other "ords "e are co)$e%%ed to thin* of the One as
+ein! the so'rce and fo'nt of a%% the Po"er there is, e(er has +een, or
e(er can +e in the -ni(erse. Not on%#, as is !enera%%# s'$$osed, that
the Po"er of the One is !reater than an# other Po"er,00+'t )ore than
this, that there can +e no other $o"er, and that, therefore, each and
e(er#, an# and a%% )anifestations or for)s of Po"er, Force or Ener!#
)'st +e a $art of the !reat one Ener!# "hich e)anates fro) the One.
There is no esca$e fro) this conc%'sion, as start%in! as it )a# a$$ear
to the )ind 'nacc'sto)ed to it. If there is an# $o"er not fro) and of
the One, fro) "hence co)es s'ch $o"er, for there is nothin! e%se
o'tside of the One: /ho or "hat e.ists o'tside of the One that can
)anifest e(en the faintest de!ree of $o"er of an# *ind: A%% $o"er )'st
co)e fro) the A+so%'te, and )'st in its nat're +e +'t one.
&odern Science has reco!ni,ed this tr'th, and one of its f'nda)enta%
$rinci$%es is the -nit# of Ener!#00the theor# that a%% for)s of Ener!#
are, at the %ast, One. Science ho%ds that a%% for)s of Ener!# are
interchan!ea+%e, and fro) this idea co)es the theor# of the
Conser(ation of Ener!# or Corre%ation of Force.
Science teaches that e(er# )anifestation of ener!#, $o"er, or force,
fro) the o$eration of the %a" of !ra(itation, '$ to the hi!hest for) of
)enta% force is +'t the o$eration of the One Ener!# of the -ni(erse.
>'st "hat this Ener!# is, in its inner nat're, Science does not *no".
It has )an# theories, +'t does not ad(ance an# of the) as a %a". It
s$ea*s of the Infinite and Eterna% Ener!# fro) "hich a%% thin!s
$roceed, +'t $rono'nces its nat're to +e 'n*no"a+%e. 5't so)e of the
%atter0da# scientists are (eerin! aro'nd to the teachin!s of the
occ'%tists, and are no" hintin! that it is so)ethin! )ore than a )ere
)echanica% ener!#. The# are s$ea*in! of it in ter)s of )ind. /'ndt, the
<er)an scientist, "hose schoo% of tho'!ht is ca%%ed (o%'ntaris),
considers the )oti(e0force of Ener!# to +e so)ethin! that )a# +e ca%%ed
/i%%. Cr'si's, as far +ac* as 1HEE said4 "/i%% is the do)inatin! force
of the "or%d." And Scho$enha'er +ased his fascinatin! +'t !%oo)#
$hi%oso$h# and )eta$h#sics '$on the 'nder%#in! $rinci$%e of an acti(e
for) of ener!# "hich he ca%%ed the /i%%0to0Li(e, "hich he considered to
+e the Thin!0in0Itse%f, or the A+so%'te. 5a%,ac, the no(e%ist,
considered a so)ethin! a*in to /i%%, to +e the )o(in! force of the
-ni(erse. 5'%"er ad(anced a si)i%ar theor#, and )ade )ention of it in
se(era% of his no(e%s
This idea of an acti(e, creati(e /i%%, at "or* in the -ni(erse,
+'i%din! '$3 tearin! do"n3 re$%acin!3 re$airin!3 chan!in!00a%"a#s at
"or*00e(er acti(e00has +een entertained +# n')ero's $hi%oso$hers and
thin*ers, 'nder different na)es and st#%es. So)e, %i*e Scho$enha'er
ha(e tho'!ht of this /i%% as the fina% thin!00that "hich too* the $%ace
of <od00the First Ca'se. 5't others ha(e seen in this /i%% an acti(e
%i(in! $rinci$%e e)anatin! fro) the A+so%'te or <od, and "or*in! in
accordance "ith the %a"s i)$ressed +# Hi) '$on it. In (ario's for)s,
this %atter idea is seen a%% thro'!h the histor# of $hi%oso$hica%
tho'!ht. C'ds"orth, the En!%ish $hi%oso$her, e(o%(ed the idea of a
so)ethin! ca%%ed the "P%astic Nat're," "hich so c%ose%# a$$roaches the
o!i idea of the Creati(e /i%%, that "e fee% j'stified in 1'otin! a
$assa!e fro) his +oo*. He sa#s4
"It see)s not so a!reea+%e to reason that Nat're, as a distinct thin!
fro) the 9eit#, sho'%d +e 1'ite s'$erseded or )ade to si!nif# nothin!,
<od Hi)se%f doin! a%% thin!s i))ediate%# and )irac'%o's%#3 fro) "hence
it "o'%d fo%%o" a%so that the# are a%% done either forci+%# and
(io%ent%#, or e%se artificia%%# on%#, and none of the) +# an# in"ard
$rinci$%e of their o"n.
"This o$inion is f'rther conf'ted +# that s%o" and !rad'a% $rocess that
in the !eneration of thin!s, "hich "o'%d see) to +e +'t a (ain and id%e
$o)$ or a trif%in! for)a%it# if the )o(in! $o"er "ere o)ni$otent3 as
a%so +# those errors and +'n!%es "hich are co))itted "here the )atter
is ine$t and cont')acio's3 "hich ar!'e that the )o(in! $o"er +e not
irresisti+%e, and that Nat're is s'ch a thin! as is not a%to!ether
inca$a+%e 7as "e%% as h')an art8 of +ein! so)eti)es fr'strated and
disa$$ointed +# the indis$osition of )atter. /hereas an o)ni$otent
)o(in! $o"er, as it co'%d dis$atch its "or* in a )o)ent, so "o'%d it
a%"a#s do it infa%%i+%# and irresisti+%#, no ine$tit'de and
st'++ornness of )atter +ein! e(er a+%e to hinder s'ch a one, or )a*e
hi) +'n!%e or f')+%e in an#thin!.
"/herefore, since neither a%% thin!s are $rod'ced fort'ito's%#, or +#
the 'n!'ided )echanis) of )atter, nor <od hi)se%f )a# +e reasona+%#
tho'!ht to do a%% thin!s i))ediate%# and )irac'%o's%#, it )a# "e%% +e
conc%'ded that there is a P%astic Nat're 'nder hi), "hich, as an
inferior and s'+ordinate instr')ent, doth dr'd!in!%#'te that $art
of his $ro(idence "hich consists in the re!'%ar and order%# )otion of
)atter3 #et so as there is a%so +esides this a hi!her $ro(idence to +e
ac*no"%ed!ed, "hich, $residin! o(er it, doth often s'$$%# the defects
of it, and so)eti)es o(err'%es it, foras)'ch as the P%astic Nat're
cannot act e%ecti(e%# nor "ith discretion."
The o!i Phi%oso$h# teaches of the e.istence of a -ni(ersa% Creati(e
/i%%, e)anatin! fro) the A+so%'te00infi%%ed "ith the $o"er of the
A+so%'te and actin! 'nder esta+%ished nat'ra% %a"s, "hich $erfor)s the
acti(e "or* of creation in the "or%d, si)i%ar to that $erfor)ed +#
"C'ds"orth2s P%astic Nat're," j'st )entioned. This Creati(e /i%% is not
Scho$enha'er2s /i%%0to0Li(e. It is not a Thin!0in0itse%f, +'t a (ehic%e
or instr')ent of the A+so%'te. It is an e)anation of the )ind of the
A+so%'te00a )anifestation in action of its /i%%00a )enta% $rod'ct
rather than a $h#sica%, and, of co'rse, sat'rated "ith the %ife0ener!#
of its $rojector.
This Creati(e /i%% is not a )ere +%ind, )echanica% ener!# or force00it
is far )ore than this. /e can e.$%ain it on%# +# referrin! #o' to the
)anifestation of the /i%% in #o'rse%f. o' "ish to )o(e #o'r ar), and
it )o(es. The i))ediate force )a# see) to +e a )echanica% force, +'t
"hat is +ac* of that force00"hat is the essence of the force: The /i%%?
A%% )anifestations of ener!#00a%% the ca'ses of )otion00a%% forces00are
for)s of the action of the /i%% of the One00the Creati(e /i%%00actin!
'nder nat'ra% %a"s esta+%ished +# the One, e(er )o(in!, actin!,
forcin!, 'r!in!, dri(in!, %eadin!. /e do not )ean that e(er# %itt%e act
is a tho'!ht of the )o)ent on the $art of the A+so%'te, and a reachin!
o't of the /i%% in o+edience to that tho'!ht. On the contrar#, "e )ean
that the One set the /i%% into o$eration as a "ho%e, concei(in! of %a"s
and %i)itations in its action, the /i%% constant%# o$eratin! in
o+edience to that conce$tion, the res'%ts )anifestin! in "hat "e ca%%
nat'ra% %a"3 nat'ra% forces, etc. 5esides this, the A+so%'te is
+e%ie(ed to )anifest its /i%% s$ecia%%# '$on occasions3 and )oreo(er
$er)its its /i%% to +e a$$%ied and 'sed +# the indi(id'a% "i%%s of
indi(id'a% E!os, 'nder the !enera% La" and %a"s, and $%an of the One.
5't #o' )'st not s'$$ose that the /i%% is )anifested on%# in the for)
of )echanica% forces, cohesion, che)ica% attraction, e%ectricit#,
!ra(itation, etc.
It does )ore than this. It is in f'%% o$eration in a%% for)s of %ife,
and %i(in! thin!s. It is $resent e(er#"here. 5ac* of a%% for)s of
)o(e)ent and action, "e find a )o(in! ca'se00's'a%%# a Press're. This
is tr'e of that "hich "e ha(e +een ca%%in! )echanica% forces, and of
a%% for)s of that "hich "e ca%% Life Ener!#. No", note this, this !reat
Press're that #o' "i%% o+ser(e in a%% Life Action, is the Creati(e
/i%%00the /i%% Princi$%e of the One00+endin! to"ard the carr#in! o't of
the <reat P%an of Life.
Loo* "here "e "i%%, on %i(in! for)s, and "e )a# +e!in to reco!ni,e the
$resence of a certain creati(e ener!# at "or*00+'i%din! '$3 )o'%din!,
directin!3 tearin! do"n3 re$%acin!, etc.00a%"a#s acti(e in its efforts
to create, $reser(e and conser(e %ife. This (isi+%e creati(e ener!# is
"hat the o!i Phi%oso$h# ca%%s "the Creati(e /i%%," and "hich for)s the
s'+ject of this %esson. The Creati(e /i%% is that stri(in!, %on!in!,
$ressin! for"ard, 'nfo%din!, $ro!ressin! e(o%'tionar# effort, that a%%
tho'!htf'% $eo$%e see in o$eration in a%% for)s of %ife00thro'!ho't a%%
Nat're. Fro) the %o"est to the hi!hest for)s of %ife, the Effort,
Ener!#, Press're, )a# +e reco!ni,ed in action, creatin!, $reser(in!,
no'rishin!, and i)$ro(in! its for)s. It is that So)ethin! that "e
reco!ni,e "hen "e s$ea* of "Nat're2s Forces" at "or* in $%ant !ro"th
and ani)a% f'nctionin!. If #o' "i%% +'t *ee$ the "ord and
idea00"NAT-RE"00+efore #o', #o' "i%% +e a+%e to )ore c%ear%# for) the
)enta% conce$t of the Creati(e /i%%. The Creati(e /i%% is that "hich
#o' ha(e +een ca%%in! "Nat're at /or*" in the !ro"th of the $%ant3 the
s$ro'tin! of the seed3 the c'r%in! and reachin! of the tendri%3 the
ferti%i,ation of the +%osso)s, etc. o' ha(e seen this /i%% at "or*, if
#o' ha(e "atched !ro"in! thin!s.
/e ca%% this ener!# "the Creati(e /i%%," +eca'se it is the o+jecti(e
)anifestation of the Creati(e Ener!# of the A+so%'te00Its (isi+%e /i%%
)anifested in the direction of $h#sica% %ife. It is as )'ch /i%% in
action, as the /i%% that ca'ses #o'r ar) to )o(e in res$onse to its
$o"er. It is no )ere chance thin!, or )echanica% %a"00it is %ife action
in o$eration.
This Creati(e /i%% not on%# ca'ses )o(e)ent in co)$%eted %ife, +'t a%%
)o(e)ent and action in %ife inde$endent of the $ersona% "i%% of its
indi(id'a% for)s. A%% the $heno)ena of the so0ca%%ed -nconscio's +e%on!
to it. It ca'ses the +od# to !ro"3 attends to the detai%s of
no'rish)ent, assi)i%ation, di!estion, e%i)ination, and a%% of the rest.
It +'i%ds '$ +odies, or!ans, and $arts, and *ee$s the) in o$eration and
The Creati(e /i%% is directed to the o't"ard e.$ression of Life00to the
o+jectification of Life. o' )a# ca%% this ener!# the "-ni(ersa% Life
Ener!#" if #o' "ish, +'t, to those "ho *no" it, it is a /i%%00an
acti(e, %i(in! /i%%, in f'%% o$eration and $o"er, $ressin! for"ard
to"ard the )anifestation of o+jecti(e %ife.
The Creati(e /i%% see)s to +e fi%%ed "ith a stron! 9esire to )anifest.
It %on!s to e.$ress itse%f, and to !i(e +irth to for)s of acti(it#.
9esire %ies 'nder and in a%% for)s of its )anifestations. The e(er
$resent 9esire of the Creati(e /i%% ca'ses %o"er for)s to +e s'cceeded
+# hi!her for)s00and is the )o(in! ca'se of e(o%'tion00it is the
E(o%'tionar# -r!e itse%f, "hich e(er cries to its )anifestations, "&o(e
on3 )o(e '$"ard."
In the Hind' c%assic, the "&aha+arata," 5rah)a created the )ost
+ea'tif'% fe)a%e +ein! e(er *no"n, and ca%%ed her Ti%%ota)a. He
$resented her in t'rn to a%% the !ods, in order to "itness their "onder
and ad)iration. Si(a2s desire to +eho%d her "as so !reat that it
de(e%o$ed in hi) fo'r faces, in s'ccession, as she )ade the to'r of the
asse)+%#3 and Indra2s %on!in! "as so intense that his +od# +eca)e a%%
e#es. In this )#th )a# +e seen e.e)$%ified the effect of 9esire and
/i%% in the for)s of %ife, f'nction and sha$e00a%% fo%%o"in! 9esire and
Need, as in the case of the %on! nec* of the !iraffe "hich ena+%es hi)
to reach for the hi!h +ranches of the trees in his nati(e %and3 and in
the %on! nec* and hi!h %e!s of the fisher +irds, the crane, stor*,
i+is, etc.
The Creati(e /i%% finds "ithin itse%f a desire to create s'ns, and the#
are for)ed. It desired $%anets to re(o%(e aro'nd the s'ns, and the#
"ere thro"n off in o+edience to the %a". It desired $%ant %ife, and
$%ant %ife a$$eared, "or*in! fro) hi!her to %o"er for). Then ca)e
ani)a% %ife, fro) no)ad to )an. So)e of the ani)a% for)s #ie%ded to the
desire to f%#, and "in!s a$$eared !rad'a%%#, and "e ca%%ed it
+ird0%ife. So)e fe%t a desire to +'rro" in the !ro'nd, and %o? ca)e the
)o%es, !o$hers, etc. It "anted a thin*in! creat're, and &an "ith his
"onderf'% +rain "as e(o%(ed. E(o%'tion is )ore than a )ere s'r(i(a% of
the fittest3 nat'ra% se%ection, etc. A%tho'!h it 'ses these %a"s as
too%s and instr')ents, sti%% +ac* of the) is that insistent 'r!e00that
e(er0i)$e%%in! desire00that e(er0acti(e Creati(e /i%%. La)ar* "as
nearer ri!ht than 9ar"in "hen he c%ai)ed that 9esire "as +ac* of it
a%%, and $receded f'nction and for). 9esire "anted for) and f'nction,
and $rod'ced the) +# the acti(it# of the Creati(e /i%%.
This Creati(e /i%% acts %i*e a %i(in! force00and so it is indeed00+'t
it does not act as a reasonin!, inte%%ect'a% So)ethin!, in one
sense00instead it )anifests rather the "fee%in!," "antin!, %on!in!,
instincti(e $hase of )ind, a*in to those "fee%in!s" and res'%tin!
actions that "e find "ithin o'r nat'res. The /i%% acts on the
Instincti(e P%ane.
E(o%'tion sho"s 's Life constant%# $ressin! for"ard to"ard hi!her and
sti%% hi!her for)s of e.$ression. The 'r!e is constant%# '$"ard and
on"ard. It is tr'e that so)e s$ecies sin* o't of si!ht their "or* in
the "or%d ha(in! +een done, +'t the# are s'cceeded +# other s$ecies
)ore in har)on# "ith their en(iron)ent and the needs of their ti)es.
So)e races of )en deca#, +'t others +'i%d on their fo'ndations, and
reach sti%% !reater hei!hts.
The Creati(e /i%% is so)ethin! different fro) Reason or Inte%%ect. 5't
it 'nder%ies these. In the %o"er for)s of %ife, in "hich )ind is in +'t
s)a%% e(idence, the /i%% is in acti(e o$eration, )anifestin! in
Instinct and A'to)atic Life Action, so ca%%ed. It does not de$end '$on
+rains for )anifestation00for these %o"%# for)s of %ife ha(e no
+rains00+'t is in o$eration thro'!h e(er# $art of the +od# of the
%i(in! thin!.
E(idences of the e.istence of the Creati(e /i%% actin! inde$endent%# of
the +rains of ani)a% and $%ant %ife )a# +e had in o(er"he%)in! 1'antit#
if "e "i%% +'t e.a)ine the %ife action in the %o"er for)s of %ife.
The testi)on# of the in(esti!ators a%on! the %ines of the E(o%'tionar#
schoo% of tho'!ht, sho" 's that the Life Princi$%e "as in acti(e
o$eration in %o"%# ani)a% and $%ant %ife )i%%ions of #ears +efore
+rains ca$a+%e of )anifestin! Tho'!ht "ere $rod'ced. Hae*e% infor)s 's
that d'rin! )ore than ha%f of the enor)o's ti)e that has e%a$sed since
or!anic %ife first +eca)e e(ident, no ani)a% s'fficient%# ad(anced to
ha(e a +rain "as in e.istence. 5rains "ere e(o%(ed accordin! to the %a"
of desire or necessit#, in accordance "ith the <reat P%an, +'t the#
"ere not needed for carr#in! on the "onderf'% "or* of the creation and
$reser(ation of the %i(in! for)s. And the# are not toda#. The tin#
infant, and the sense%ess idiot are not a+%e to thin* inte%%i!ent%#,
+'t sti%% their %ife f'nctions !o on re!'%ar%# and accordin! to %a", in
s$ite of the a+sence of thin*in! +rains. And the %ife "or* of the
$%ants, and of the %o"%# for)s of ani)a% %ife, is carried on %i*e"ise.
This "onderf'% thin! that "e ca%% Instinct is +'t another na)e for the
)anifestation of the Creati(e /i%% "hich f%o"s fro) the One Life, or
the A+so%'te.
E(en as far do"n the sca%e of %ife as the &onera, "e )a# see the
Creati(e /i%% in action. The &onera are +'t tin# +its of s%i)#,
je%%#0%i*e s'+stances00)ere s$ec*s of !%'e "itho't or!ans of an# *ind,
and #et the# e.ercise the or!anic $heno)ena of %ife, s'ch as n'trition,
re$rod'ction, sensation and )o(e)ent, a%% of "hich are 's'a%%#
associated "ith an or!ani,ed str'ct're. These creat'res are inca$a+%e
of tho'!ht in the)se%(es, and the $heno)enon is d'e to the action of
the /i%% thro'!h the). This Instincti(e i)$'%se and action is seen
e(er#"here, )anifestin! '$on Hi!her and sti%% hi!her %ines, as hi!her
for)s of or!anis)s are +'i%t '$.
Scientists ha(e 'sed the ter), "A$$etenc#," definin! it as, "the
instincti(e tendenc# of %i(in! or!anis)s to $erfor) certain actions3
the tendenc# of an 'nor!ani,ed +od# to see* that "hich satisfies the
"ants of its or!anis)." No" "hat is this tendenc#: It cannot +e an
effort of reason, for the %o" for) of %ife has nothin! "ith "hich to
reason. And it is i)$ossi+%e to thin* of "$'r$osi(e tendenc#" "itho't
ass')in! the e.istence of )enta% $o"er of so)e *ind. And "here can s'ch
a $o"er +e %ocated if not in the for) itse%f: /hen "e consider that the
/i%% is actin! in and thro'!h a%% for)s of Life, fro) hi!hest to
%o"est00fro) &oneron to &an00"e can at once reco!ni,e the so'rce of the
$o"er and acti(it#. It is the <reat Life Princi$%e00the Creati(e /i%%,
)anifestin! itse%f.
/e can $erha$s +etter for) an idea of the Creati(e /i%%, +# reference
to its o't"ard and (isi+%e for)s of acti(it#. /e cannot see the /i%%
itse%f00the Press're and the -r!e00+'t "e can see its action thro'!h
%i(in! for)s. >'st as "e cannot see a )an +ehind a c'rtain, and #et )a#
$ractica%%# see hi) +# "atchin! the )o(e)ents of his for) as he $resses
'$ a!ainst the c'rtain, so )a# "e see the /i%% +# "atchin! it as it
$resses '$ a!ainst the %i(in! c'rtain of the for)s of %ife. There "as a
$%a# $resented on the A)erican sta!e a fe" #ears a!o, in "hich one of
the scenes $ict'red the $%ace of de$arted s$irits accordin! to the
>a$anese +e%ief. The a'dience co'%d not see the actors re$resentin! the
s$irits, +'t the# co'%d see their )o(e)ents as the# $ressed '$ c%ose to
a thin si%*# c'rtain stretched across the sta!e, and their )otions as
the# )o(ed to and fro +ehind the c'rtain "ere $%ain%# reco!ni,ed. The
dece$tion "as $erfect, and the effect "as start%in!. One a%)ost
+e%ie(ed that he sa" the for)s of for)%ess creat'res. And this is "hat
"e )a# do in (ie"in! the o$eration of the Creati(e /i%%00"e )a# ta*e a
%oo* at the )o(in! for) of the /i%% +ehind the c'rtain of the for)s of
the )anifestation of %ife. /e )a# see it $ressin! and 'r!in! here, and
+endin! there00+'i%din! '$ here, and chan!in! there00a%"a#s actin!,
a%"a#s )o(in!, stri(in!, doin!, in res$onse to that insatia+%e 'r!e and
cra(in!, and %on!in! of its inner desire. Let 's ta*e a fe" $ee$s at
the /i%% )o(in! +ehind the c'rtain?
Co))encin! "ith the cases of the for)in! of the cr#sta%s, as s$o*en of
in o'r %ast %esson, "e )a# $ass on to $%ant %ife. 5't +efore doin! so,
it )a# +e "e%% for 's to ta*e a $artin! %oo* at the /i%% )anifestin!
cr#sta% for)s. One of the %atest scientific "or*s )a*es )ention of the
e.$eri)ents of a scientist "ho has +een de(otin! )'ch attention to the
for)ation of cr#sta%s, and re$orts that he has noticed that certain
cr#sta%s of or!anic co)$o'nds, instead of +ein! +'i%t '$ s#))etrica%%#,
as is 's'a% "ith cr#sta%s, "ere "enation0)or$hic," that is, o$$osed to
each other, in ri!hts and %efts, %i*e hands or !%o(es, or shoes, etc.
These cr#sta%s are ne(er fo'nd a%one, +'t a%"a#s for) in $airs. Can #o'
not see the /i%% +ehind the c'rtain here:
Let 's %oo* for the /i%% in $%ant0%ife. Passin! ra$id%# o(er the
"onderf'% e(idences in the cases of the ferti%i,ation of $%ants +#
insects, the $%ant sha$in! its +%osso) so as to ad)it the entrance of
the $artic'%ar insect that acts as the carrier of its $o%%en, thin* for
a )o)ent ho" the distri+'tion of the seed is $ro(ided for. Fr'it trees
and $%ants s'rro'nd the seed "ith a s"eet co(erin!, that it )a# +e
eaten +# insect and ani)a%, and the seed distri+'ted. Others ha(e a
hard co(erin! to $rotect the seed or n't fro) the "inter frosts, +'t
"hich co(erin! rots "ith the s$rin! rains and a%%o"s the !er) to
s$ro't. Others s'rro'nd the seed "ith a f%eec# s'+stance, so that the
"ind )a# carr# it here and there and !i(e it a chance to find a ho)e
"here it is not so cro"ded. Another tree has a %itt%e $o$0!'n
arran!e)ent, +# )eans of "hich it $o$s its seed to a distance of
se(era% feet.
Other $%ants ha(e seeds that are co(ered "ith a +'rr or "stic*#"
+rist%es, "hich ena+%es the) to attach the)se%(es to the "oo% of shee$
and other ani)a%s, and th's +e carried a+o't and fina%%# dro$$ed in
so)e s$ot far a"a# fro) the $arent $%ant, and th's the scatterin! of
the s$ecies +e acco)$%ished. So)e $%ants sho" the )ost "onderf'% $%ans
and arran!e)ents for this scatterin! of the seed in ne" ho)es "here
there is a +etter o$$ort'nit# for !ro"th and de(e%o$)ent, the
arran!e)ents for this $'r$ose dis$%a#in! so)ethin! (er# )'ch a*in to
"hat "e "o'%d ca%% "in!en'it#" if it "ere the "or* of a reasonin! )ind.
There are $%ants ca%%ed coc*%e0+'rs "hose seed0$ods are $ro(ided "ith
stic*ers in e(er# direction, so that an#thin! +r'shin! a!ainst the) is
s're to $ic* the) '$. At the end of each stic*er is a (er# tin# hoo*,
and these hoo*s fasten the)se%(es ti!ht%# into an#thin! that +r'shes
a!ainst it, ani)a% "oo%, hair, or c%othin!, etc. So)e of these seeds
ha(e +een *no"n to ha(e +een carried to other 1'arters of the !%o+e in
"oo%, etc., there to find ne" ho)es and a "ider fie%d.
Other $%ants, %i*e the thist%e, $ro(ide their seed "ith do"n# "in!s, +#
"hich the "ind carries the) afar to other fie%ds. Other seeds ha(e a
fac'%t# of t')+%in! and ro%%in! a%on! the !ro'nd to !reat distances,
o"in! to their $ec'%iar sha$e and for)ation. The )a$%e $ro(ides its
seed "ith a $ec'%iar arran!e)ent so)ethin! %i*e a $ro$e%%er scre",
"hich "hen the "ind stri*es the trees and %ooses the seed, "hir%s the
%atter thro'!h the air to a distance of a h'ndred #ards or )ore. Other
seeds are $ro(ided "ith f%oatin! a$$arat's, "hich ena+%es the) to
tra(e% )an# )i%es +# strea) or ri(er, or rain "ashes. So)e of these not
on%# f%oat, +'t act'a%%# s"i), ha(in! s$ider0%i*e fi%a)ents, "hich
"ri!!%e %i*e %e!s, and act'a%%# $ro$e% the tin# seed a%on! to its ne"
ho)e. A recent "riter sa#s of these seeds that "so c'rio's%# %ife%i*e
are their )o(e)ents that it is a%)ost i)$ossi+%e to +e%ie(e that these
tin# o+jects, )a*in! !ood $ro!ress thro'!h the "ater, are rea%%# seeds,
and not insects."
The %ea(es of the @en's2 F%#0tra$ fo%d '$on each other and enc%ose the
insect "hich is attracted +# the s"eet j'ice on the %eaf, three
e.tre)e%# sensiti(e +rist%es or hairs !i(in! the $%ant notice that the
insect is to'chin! the). A recent "riter !i(es the fo%%o"in!
descri$tion of a $ec'%iar $%ant. He sa#s4 "On the shores of La*e
Nicara!'a is to +e fo'nd an 'ncann# $rod'ct of the (e!eta+%e *in!do)
*no"n a)on! the nati(es +# the e.$ressi(e na)e of 2the 9e(i%2s Noose.2
9'nstan, the nat'ra%ist, disco(ered it %on! a!o "hi%e "anderin! on the
shores of the %a*e. Attracted +# the cries of $ain and terror fro) his
do!, he fo'nd the ani)a% he%d +# +%ac* stic*# +ands "hich had chafed
the s*in to +%eedin! $oint. These +ands "ere +ranches of a
ne"%#0disco(ered carni(oro's $%ant "hich had +een a$t%# na)ed the 2%and
octo$'s.2 The +ranches are f%e.i+%e, +%ac*, $o%ished and "itho't
%ea(es, and secrete a (iscid f%'id."
o' ha(e seen f%o"ers that c%osed "hen #o' to'ched the). o' re)e)+er
the <o%den Po$$# that c%oses "hen the s'n !oes do"n. Another $%ant, a
(ariet# of orchid, has a %on!, s%ender, f%at ste), or t'+e, a+o't
one0ei!hth of an inch thic*, "ith an o$enin! at the e.tre)e end, and a
series of fine t'+es "here it joins the $%ant. Ordinari%# this t'+e
re)ains coi%ed '$ into a s$ira%, +'t "hen the $%ant needs "ater 7it
's'a%%# !ro"s '$on the tr'n*s of trees o(erhan!in! s"a)$# $%aces8 it
s%o"%# 'ncoi%s the %itt%e t'+e and +ends it o(er 'nti% it di$s into the
"ater, "hen it $roceeds to s'c* '$ the "ater 'nti% it is fi%%ed, "hen
it s%o"%# coi%s aro'nd and dischar!es the "ater direct%# '$on the
$%ant, or its roots. Then it re$eats the $rocess 'nti% the $%ant is
satisfied. /hen the "ater is a+sent fro) 'nder the $%ant the t'+e )o(es
this "a# and that "a# 'nti% it finds "hat it "ants00j'st %i*e the tr'n*
of an e%e$hant. If one to'ches the t'+e or tr'n* of the $%ant "hi%e it
is e.tended for "ater, it sho"s a !reat sensiti(eness and ra$id%# coi%s
itse%f '$. No" "hat ca'ses this %ife action: The $%ant has no +rains,
and cannot ha(e reasoned o't this $rocess, nor e(en ha(e acted '$on
the) +# reasonin! $rocesses. It has nothin! to thin* "ith to s'ch a
hi!h de!ree. It is the /i%% +ehind the c'rtain, )o(in! this "a# and
that "a#, and doin! thin!s.
There "as once a French scientist na)ed 9'ha)e%. He $%anted so)e +eans
in a c#%inder00so)ethin! %i*e a %on! to)ato can %#in! on its side. He
"aited 'nti% the +eans +e!an to s$ro't, and send forth roots do"n"ard,
and shoots '$"ard, accordin! to nat're2s in(aria+%e r'%e. Then he )o(ed
the c#%inder a %itt%e00ro%%ed it o(er an inch or t"o. The ne.t da# he
ro%%ed it o(er a %itt%e )ore. And so on each da#, ro%%in! it o(er a
%itt%e each ti)e. /e%%, after a ti)e 9'ha)e% shoo* the dirt and !ro"in!
+eans o't of the c#%inder, and "hat did he find: This, that the +eans
in their endea(or to !ro" their roots do"n"ard had *e$t on +endin! each
da# do"n"ard3 and in their endea(or to send shoots '$"ard, had *e$t on
+endin! '$"ard a %itt%e each da#, 'nti% at %ast there had +een for)ed
t"o co)$%ete s$ira%s00the one s$ira% +ein! the roots e(er t'rnin!
do"n"ard, and the other the shoots e(er +endin! '$"ard. Ho" did the
$%ant *no" direction: /hat "as the )o(in! $o"er. The Creati(e /i%%
+ehind the c'rtain a!ain, #o' see?
Potatoes in dar* ce%%ars ha(e sent o't roots or s$ro'ts t"ent# and
thirt# feet to reach %i!ht. P%ants "i%% send o't roots )an# feet to
reach "ater. The# *no" "here the "ater and %i!ht are, and "here to
reach the). The tendri%s of a $%ant *no" "here the sta*e or cord is,
and the# reach o't for it and t"ine the)se%(es aro'nd it. -n"ind the),
and the ne.t da# the# are fo'nd a!ain t"ined aro'nd it. &o(e the sta*e
or cord, and the tendri% )o(es after it. The insect0eatin! $%ants are
a+%e to distin!'ish +et"een nitro!eno's and non0nitro!eno's food,
acce$tin! the one and rejectin! the other. The# reco!ni,e that cheese
has the sa)e no'rishin! $ro$erties as the insect, and the# acce$t it,
a%tho'!h it is far different in fee%in!, taste, a$$earance and e(er#
other characteristic fro) their acc'sto)ed food.
Case after case )i!ht +e )entioned and cited to sho" the o$eration of
the /i%% in $%ant0%ife. 5't "onderf'% as are )an# of these cases, the
)ere action of the /i%% as sho"n in the !ro"in! of the $%ant is j'st
as "onderf'%. >'st i)a!ine a tin# seed, and see it s$ro't and dra" to
itse%f the no'rish)ent fro) "ater, air, %i!ht and soi%, then '$"ard
'nti% it +eco)es a !reat tree "ith +ar*, %i)+s, +ranches, %ea(es,
+%osso)s, fr'it and a%%. Thin* of this )irac%e, and consider "hat )'st
+e the $o"er and nat're of that /i%% that ca'ses it.
The !ro"in! $%ant )anifests s'fficient stren!th to crac* !reat stones,
and %ift !reat s%a+s of $a(e)ent, as )a# +e noticed +# e.a)inin! the
side"a%*s of s'+'r+an to"ns and $ar*s. An En!%ish $a$er $rints a re$ort
of fo'r enor)o's )'shroo)s ha(in! %ifted a h'!e s%a+ of $a(in! stone in
a cro"ded street o(erni!ht. Thin* of this e.hi+ition of Ener!# and
Po"er. This "onderf'% fac'%t# of e.ertin! force and )otion and ener!#
is f'nda)enta% in the /i%%, for indeed e(er# $h#sica% chan!e and !ro"th
is the res'%t of )otion, and )otion arises on%# fro) force and
$ress're. /hose force, ener!#, $o"er and )otion: The /i%%2s?
On a%% sides of 's "e )a# see this constant and stead# 'r!e and
$ress're +ehind %i(in! forces, and inor!anic for)s as "e%%00a%"a#s a
)anifestation of Ener!# and Po"er. And a%% this Po"er is in the
/i%%00and the /i%% is +'t the )anifestation of the A%%0Po"er00the
A+so%'te. Re)e)+er this.
And this $o"er )anifests itse%f not on%# in the )atter of !ro"th and
ordinar# )o(e)ents, +'t a%so in so)e other "a#s that see) 1'ite
)#sterio's to e(en )odern Science. Ho" is it that certain +irds are
a+%e to f%# direct%# a!ainst a stron! "ind, "itho't (isi+%e )o(e)ent of
their "in!s: Ho" do the +',,ards f%oat in the air, and )a*e s$eed
"itho't a )otion of the "in!: /hat is the e.$%anation of the )o(e)ents
of certain )icrosco$ic creat'res "ho %ac* or!ans of )o(e)ent: Listen to
this instance re%ated +# the scientist 5enet. He states that the
Po%#c#stids ha(e a )ost $ec'%iar )anner of )o(in!00a sort of s%idin!
)otion, to the ri!ht or %eft, '$"ard, +ac*"ard, side"a#s, sto$$in! and
startin!, fast or s%o", as it "i%%s. It has no %oco)oti(e or!ans, and
no )o(e)ent can +e seen to ta*e $%ace in the +od# fro) "ithin or
"itho't. It si)$%# s%ides. Ho":
Passin! on to the hi!her ani)a% %ife00ho" do e!!s !ro" into chic*ens:
/hat is the $o"er in the !er) of the e!!: Can the !er) thin*, and $%an,
and )o(e, and !ro" into a chic*en: Or is the /i%% at "or* there: And
"hat is tr'e in this case, is tr'e of the +irth and !ro"th of a%%
ani)a% %ife00a%% ani)a% %ife de(e%o$s fro) a sin!%e !er) ce%%. Ho", and
There is a )enta% ener!# resident in the !er) ce%%00of this there can
+e no do'+t. And that )enta% ener!# is the Creati(e /i%% e(er
)anifestin!. Listen to these "ords fro) H'.%e#, the e)inent scientist.
He sa#s4
"The st'dent of Nat're "onders the )ore and is astonished the %ess, the
)ore con(ersant he +eco)es "ith her o$erations3 +'t of a%% the
$erennia% )irac%es she offers to his ins$ection, $erha$s the )ost
"orth# of his ad)iration is the de(e%o$)ent of a $%ant or of an ani)a%
fro) its e)+r#o. E.a)ine the recent%# %aid e!! of so)e co))on ani)a%,
s'ch as a sa%a)ander or a ne"t. It is a )in'te s$heroid in "hich the
+est )icrosco$e "i%% re(ea% nothin! +'t a str'ct're%ess sac, enc%osin!
a !%air# f%'id, ho%din! !ran'%es in s's$ension. 5't stran!e
$ossi+i%ities %ie dor)ant in that se)i0f%'id !%o+'%e. Let a )oderate
s'$$%# of "ar)th reach its "ater# crad%e, and the $%astic )atter
'nder!oes chan!es so ra$id, and so $'r$ose%i*e in their s'ccession,
that one can on%# co)$are the) to those o$erated +# a s*i%%ed )ode%%er
'$on a for)%ess %')$ of c%a#. As "ith an in(isi+%e tro"e%, the )ass is
di(ided and s'+di(ided into s)a%%er and s)a%%er $ortions, 'nti% it is
red'ced to an a!!re!ation of !ran'%es not too %ar!e to +'i%d "itha% the
finest fa+rics of the nascent or!anis). And, then, it is as if a
de%icate fin!er traced o't the %ine to +e occ'$ied +# the s$ina%
co%')n, and )o'%ded the conto'r of the +od#3 $inchin! '$ the head at
one end, the tai% at the other, and fashionin! f%an* and %i)+ into d'e
sa%a)anderine $ro$ortions, in so artistic a "a# that, after "atchin!
the $rocess ho'r +# ho'r, one is a%)ost in(o%'ntari%# $ossessed +# the
notion that so)e )ore s'+t%e aid to (ision than the achro)atic %ens
"o'%d sho" the hidden artist, "ith his $%an +efore hi), stri(in! "ith
s*i%f'% )ani$'%ation to $erfect his "or*.
"As %ife ad(ances and the #o'n! a)$hi+ian ran!es the "aters, the terror
of his insect conte)$oraries, not on%# are the n'tritio's $artic%es
s'$$%ied +# its $re# 7+# the addition of "hich to its fra)e !ro"th
ta*es $%ace8 %aid do"n, each in its $ro$er s$ot, and in d'e $ro$ortion
to the rest, as to re$rod'ce the for), the co%or, and the si,e,
characteristic of the $arenta% stoc*3 +'t e(en the "onderf'% $o"ers of
re$rod'cin! %ost $arts $ossessed +# these ani)a%s are contro%%ed +# the
sa)e !o(ernin! tendenc#. C't off the %e!s, the tai%, the ja"s,
se$arate%# or a%% to!ether, and as S$a%%an,ani sho"ed %on! a!o, these
$arts not on%# !ro" a!ain, +'t the ne" %i)+ is for)ed on the sa)e t#$e
as those "hich "ere %ost. The ne" ja", or %e!, is a ne"t2s, and ne(er
+# an# accident )ore %i*e that of a fro!2s."
In this $assa!e fro) H'.%e# one )a# see the act'a% "or*in! of the
Creati(e /i%% of the -ni(erse,00)o(in! +ehind the c'rtain00and a (er#
thin c'rtain at that. And this "onderf'% "or* is !oin! on a%% aro'nd
's, a%% the ti)e. &irac%es are +ein! acco)$%ished e(er# second00the#
are so co))on that "e fai% to re!ard the).
And in o'r +odies is the /i%% at "or*: &ost certain%#. /hat +'i%t #o'
'$ fro) sin!%e ce%% to )at'rit#: 9id #o' do it "ith #o'r inte%%ect: Has
not e(er# +it of it +een done "itho't #o'r conscio's *no"%ed!e: It is
on%# "hen thin!s !o "ron!, o"in! to the (io%ation of so)e %a", that #o'
+eco)e a"are of #o'r interna% or!ans. And, #et, sto)ach and %i(er, and
heart and the rest ha(e +een $erfor)in! their "or* steadi%#00"or*in!
a"a# da# and ni!ht, +'i%din! '$, re$airin!, no'rishin!, !ro"in! #o'
into a )an or "o)an, and *ee$in! #o' so'nd and stron!. Are #o' doin!
this "ith #o'r reason or "ith #o'r $ersona% "i%%: No, it is the !reat
Creati(e /i%% of the -ni(erse, -ni(erse,00the e.$ression of the $'r$ose
and $o"er of the One, "or*in! in and thro'!h #o'. It is the One Life
)anifestin! in #o' thro'!h its Creati(e /i%%.
And not on%# is this a%%. The Creati(e /i%% is a%% aro'nd 's in e(er#
force, ener!# and $rinci$%e. The force that "e ca%% )enta% $o"er is the
$rinci$%e of the /i%% directed +# o'r indi(id'a% )inds. In this
state)ent "e ha(e a hint of the !reat )#ster# of &enta% Force and
Po"er, and the so0ca%%ed Ps#chic Pheno)ena. It a%so !i(es 's a *e# to
&enta% Hea%in!. This is not the $%ace to !o into detai% re!ardin! these
$hases00+'t thin* o(er it a +it. This /i%% Po"er of the -ni(erse, in
a%% of its for)s and $hases, fro) E%ectricit# to Tho'!ht0$o"er, is
a%"a#s at the dis$osa% of &an, "ithin %i)its, and s'+ject a%"a#s to the
%a"s of the Creati(e /i%% of the -ni(erse. Those "ho ac1'ire an
'nderstandin! of the %a"s of an# force )a# 'se it. And an# force )a# +e
'sed or )is'sed.
And the nearer in 'nderstandin! and conscio'sness that "e !et to the
One Life and Po"er, the !reater "i%% +e o'r $ossi+%e $o"er, for "e are
th's !ettin! c%oser and c%oser to the so'rce of A%% Po"er. In these
%essons "e ho$e to +e a+%e to te%% #o' ho" #o' )a# co)e into c%oser
to'ch "ith this One Life of "hich #o' and a%% %i(in! thin!s are +'t
for)s, sha$es and channe%s of e.$ression, 'nder the o$eration of the
Creati(e /i%%.
/e tr'st that this %esson )a# ha(e +ro'!ht to #o'r )inds the
rea%i,ation of the Oneness of A%%00the fact that "e are a%% $arts of
the one encirc%in! 'nit#, the heart0thro+s and $'%sations of "hich are
to +e fe%t e(en to the o'ter ed!e of the circ%e of %ife00in &an, in
&onad, in Cr#sta%, in Ato). Tr# to fee% that inner essence of Creati(e
/i%% that is "ithin #o'rse%(es, and endea(or to rea%i,e #o'r co)$%ete
inner 'nit# in it, "ith a%% other for)s of %ife. Tr# to rea%i,e, as
so)e recent "riter has e.$ressed it, "that a%% the %i(in! "or%d is +'t
)an*ind in the )a*in!, and that "e are +'t $art of the A%%." And a%so
re)e)+er that s$%endid (istas of f't're 'nfo%d)ent s$read the)se%(es
o't +efore the !a,e of the a"a*ened so'%, 'nti% the )ind fai%s to !ras$
the "ondro's si!ht.
/e "i%% no" c%ose this %esson +# ca%%in! #o'r attention to its
There is +'t One Po"er in the -ni(erse00One Ener!#00One Force. And that
Po"er, Ener!# and Force is a )anifestation of the One Life. There can
+e no other Po"er, for there is none other than the One fro) "ho) Po"er
)a# co)e. And there can +e no )anifestation of Po"er that is not the
Po"er of the One, for no other Po"er can +e in e.istence. The Po"er of
the One is (isi+%e in its )anifestations to 's in the nat'ra% %a"s and
forces of Nat're00"hich "e ca%% the Creati(e /i%%. This Creati(e /i%%
is the inner )o(in! $o"er, 'r!e and $ress're +ehind a%% for)s and
sha$es of Life. In ato), and )o%ec'%e3 in )onad, in ce%%, in $%ant, in
fish, in ani)a%, in )an,00the Life Princi$%e or Creati(e /i%% is
constant%# in action, creatin!, $reser(in!, and carr#in! on %ife in its
f'nctions. /e )a# ca%% this Instinct or Nat're, +'t it is the Creati(e
/i%% in action. This /i%% is +ac* of a%% Po"er, Ener!#, or Force00+e it
$h#sica%, )echanica% or )enta% force. And a%% Force that "e 'se,
conscio's%# or 'nconscio's%#, co)es fro) the One <reat So'rce of Po"er.
If "e co'%d +'t see c%ear%#, "e "o'%d *no" that +ac* of 's is the Po"er
of the -ni(erse, a"aitin! o'r inte%%i!ent 'ses, 'nder the contro% of
the /i%% of the A%%. There is nothin! to +e afraid of, for "e are
)anifestations of the One Life, fro) "hich a%% Po"er $roceeds, and the
Rea% Se%f is a+o(e the effect, for it is $art of the Ca'se. 5't o(er
and a+o(e00'nder and +ehind00a%% for)s of 5ein!, &atter, Ener!#, Force
and Po"er, is the A5SOL-TE00e(er Ca%)3 e(er Peacef'%3 e(er Content. In
*no"in! this it +eco)es 's to )anifest that s$irit of a+so%'te Tr'st,
Faith and Confidence in the <oodness and -%ti)ate >'stice of That "hich
is the on%# Rea%it# there is.
Peace +e "ith #o'.
In o'r First Lesson of this series "e s$o*e of the One Rea%it#
'nder%#in! a%% Life. This One Rea%it# "as stated to +e hi!her than )ind
or )atter, the nearest ter) that can +e a$$%ied to it +ein! "S$irit."
/e to%d #o' that it "as i)$ossi+%e to e.$%ain j'st "hat "S$irit" is,
for "e ha(e nothin! e%se "ith "hich to co)$are or descri+e it, and it
can +e e.$ressed on%# in its o"n ter)s, and not in the ter)s a$$%ica+%e
to its e)anations or )anifestations. 5't, as "e said in o'r First
Lesson, "e )a# thin* of "S$irit" as )eanin! the "essence" of Life and
5ein!00the Rea%it# 'nder%#in! -ni(ersa% Life, and fro) "hich the %atter
In the Second Lesson "e stated that this "S$irit," "hich "e ca%%ed "The
A+so%'te," e.$ressed itse%f in the -ni(ersa% Life, "hich -ni(ersa% Life
)anifested itse%f in co'nt%ess for)s of %ife and acti(it#. In the sa)e
%esson "e sho"ed #o' that the -ni(erse is a%i(e00that there is not a
sin!%e dead thin! in it00that there can +e no s'ch thin! as a dead
o+ject in the -ni(erse, e%se the theor# and tr'th of the One 'nder%#in!
Life )'st fa%% and +e rejected. In that %esson "e a%so sho"ed #o' that
e(en in the "or%d of inor!anic thin!s there "as e(er )anifest %ife00in
e(er# ato) and $artic%e of inor!anic )atter there is the 'ni(ersa% %ife
ener!# )anifestin! itse%f, and in constant acti(it#.
In the Third Lesson, "e "ent sti%% f'rther into this $hase of the
!enera% s'+ject, and sho"ed #o' that the Creati(e /i%%00that acti(e
$rinci$%e of the -ni(ersa% Life00"as e(er at "or*, +'i%din! '$ ne"
for)s, sha$es and co)+inations, and then tearin! the) do"n for the
$'r$ose of re+'i%din! the )ateria% into ne" for)s, sha$es, and
co)+inations. The Creati(e /i%% is e(er at "or* in its threefo%d
f'nction of creatin!, $reser(in! and destro#in! for)s00the chan!e,
ho"e(er, +ein! )ere%# in the sha$e and for) or co)+ination, the rea%
s'+stance re)ainin! 'nchan!ed in its inner as$ect, not"ithstandin! the
co'nt%ess a$$arent chan!es in its o+jecti(e for)s. Li*e the !reat ocean
the de$ths of "hich re)ain ca%) and 'ndist'r+ed, and the rea% nat're of
"hich is 'nchan!ed in s$ite of the "a(es, and +i%%o"s of s'rface
)anifestation, so does the !reat ocean of the -ni(ersa% Life re)ain
'nchan!ed and 'na%tered in s$ite of the constant $%a# of the Creati(e
/i%% '$on the s'rface. In the sa)e %esson "e !a(e #o' )an# e.a)$%es of
the /i%% in action00of its "ondro's "or*in!s in the (ario's for)s of
%ife and acti(it#00a%% of "hich "ent to sho" #o' that the One Po"er "as
at "or* e(er#"here and at a%% ti)es.
In o'r ne.t %esson00the Fifth Lesson00"e sha%% endea(or to )a*e $%ain
to #o' the hi!hest teachin!s of the o!i Phi%oso$h# re!ardin! the One
Rea%it# and the &an# &anifestations00the One and the &an#00ho" the One
a$$arent%# +eco)es &an#00that !reat 1'estion and $ro+%e) "hich %ies at
the +otto) of the "e%% of tr'th. In that %esson "e sha%% $resent for
#o'r consideration so)e f'nda)enta% and start%in! tr'ths, +'t +efore "e
reach that $oint in o'r teachin!s, "e )'st fasten '$on #o'r )ind the
+asic tr'th that a%% the (ario's )anifestations of Life that "e see on
a%% hands in the -ni(erse are +'t for)s of )anifestation of One
-ni(ersa% Life "hich is itse%f an e)anation of the A+so%'te.
S$ea*in! !enera%%#, "e "o'%d sa# to #o' that the e)anation of the
A+so%'te is in the for) of a !rand )anifestation of One -ni(ersa% Life,
in "hich the (ario's a$$arent se$arate for)s of Life are +'t centers of
Ener!# or Conscio'sness, the se$aration +ein! )ore a$$arent than rea%,
there +ein! a +ond of 'nit# and connection 'nder%#in! a%% the
a$$arent%# se$arated for)s. -n%ess the st'dent !ets this idea fir)%#
fi.ed in his )ind and conscio'sness, he "i%% find it diffic'%t to !ras$
the hi!her tr'ths of the o!i Phi%oso$h#. That a%% Life is One, at the
%ast,00that a%% for)s of )anifestation of Life are in har)onio's -nit#,
'nder%#in!00is one of the !reat +asic tr'ths of the o!i Teachin!, and
a%% the st'dents of that $hi%oso$h# )'st )a*e this +asic tr'th their
o"n +efore the# )a# $ro!ress f'rther. This !ras$in! of the tr'th is
)ore than a )ere )atter of inte%%ect'a% conce$tion, for the inte%%ect
re$orts that a%% for)s of Life are se$arate and distinct fro) each
other, and that there can +e no 'nit# a)idst s'ch di(ersit#. 5't fro)
the hi!her $arts of the )ind co)es the )essa!e of an 'nder%#in! -nit#,
in s$ite of a%% a$$arent di(ersit#, and if one "i%% )editate '$on this
idea he "i%% soon +e!in to rea%i,e the tr'th, and "i%% fee% that he,
hi)se%f, is +'t a center of conscio'sness in a !reat ocean of
Life00that he and a%% other centers are connected +# co'nt%ess
s$irit'a% and )enta% fi%a)ents00and that a%% e)er!e fro) the One. He
"i%% find that the i%%'sion of se$arateness is +'t "a "or*in! fiction
of the -ni(erse," as one "riter has so a$t%# descri+ed it00and that A%%
is One, at the %ast, and 'nder%#in! a%% is One.
So)e of o'r st'dents )a# fee% that "e are ta*in! too %on! a $ath to
%ead '$ to the !reat +asic tr'ths of o'r $hi%oso$h#, +'t "e "ho ha(e
tra(e%ed The Path, and *no" its roc*# $%aces and its shar$ t'rns, fee%
j'stified in insistin! that the st'dent +e %ed to the tr'th !rad'a%%#
and s're%#, instead of atte)$tin! to )a*e short c'ts across dan!ero's
ra(ines and can#ons. /e )'st insist '$on $resentin! o'r teachin!s in
o'r o"n "a#00for this "a# has +een tested and fo'nd !ood. /e *no" that
e(er# st'dent "i%% co)e to rea%i,e that o'r $%an is a "ise one, and
that he "i%% than* 's for !i(in! hi) this !rad'a% and eas# a$$roach to
the "ondro's and a"f'% tr'th "hich is +efore 's. 5# this !rad'a%
$rocess, the )ind +eco)es acc'sto)ed to the %ine of tho'!ht and the
'nder%#in! $rinci$%es, and a%so !rad'a%%# discards "orno't )enta%
sheaths "hich ha(e ser(ed their $'r$oses, and "hich )'st +e discarded
+eca'se the# +e!in to "ei!h hea(i%# '$on the )ind as it reaches the
hi!her a%tit'des of The Path of Attain)ent. Therefore, "e )'st as* #o'
to consider "ith 's, in this %esson, so)e f'rther teachin!s re!ardin!
the -nit# of Life.
A%% the schoo%s of the hi!her Orienta% tho'!ht, as "e%% as )an# of the
!reat $hi%oso$hica% )inds of the /estern "or%d, ha(e a!reed '$on the
conce$tion of the -nit# of Life00the Oneness of A%% Life. The /estern
thin*ers, and )an# of the Eastern $hi%oso$hers arri(ed at this
conc%'sion +# )eans of their Inte%%ect'a% $o"ers, !reat%# hei!htened
and sti)'%ated +# concentration and )editation, "hich %atter $rocess
%i+erated the fac'%ties of the S$irit'a% &ind so that it $assed do"n
*no"%ed!e to the Inte%%ect, "hich then sei,ed '$on the hi!her *no"%ed!e
"hich it fo'nd "ithin itse%f, and a)$%ified and theori,ed '$on the
sa)e. 5't a)on! the Eastern &asters there are other so'rces of
infor)ation o$en, and fro) these so'rces co)e the sa)e re$ort00the
Oneness and -nit# of -ni(ersa% Life. These hi!her so'rces of
infor)ation to "hich "e ha(e a%%'ded, consist of the *no"%ed!e co)in!
fro) those 5ein!s "ho ha(e $assed on to hi!her $%anes of Life than
o'rs, and "hose a"a*ened s$irit'a% fac'%ties and senses ena+%e the) to
see thin!s 1'ite $%ain%# "hich are 1'ite dar* to 's. And fro) these
so'rces, a%so, co)es the )essa!e of the Oneness of Life00of the
e.istence of a "onderf'% -ni(ersa% Life inc%'din! a%% for)s of %ife as
"e *no" it, and )an# for)s and $hases 'n*no"n to 's00)an# centers in
the !reat Ocean of Life. No )atter ho" hi!h the so'rce of in1'ir#, the
ans"er is the sa)e00"A%% Life is One." And this One Life inc%'des
5ein!s as )'ch hi!her than o'rse%(es, as "e are hi!her than the
creat'res in the s%i)e of the ocean0+ed. Inc%'ded in it are +ein!s "ho
"o'%d see) as archan!e%s or !ods to 's, and the# infor) that +e#ond
the) are sti%% hi!her and )ore radiant creat'res, and so on to infinit#
of infinities. And #et a%% are +'t centers of 5ein! in the One
Life00a%% +'t a $art of the !reat -ni(ersa% Life, "hich itse%f is +'t
an e)anation of The A+so%'te.
The )ind of )an shrin*s +ac* a$$a%%ed fro) the conte)$%ation of s'ch
"onders, and #et there are )en "ho dare to atte)$t to s$ea*
a'thoritati(e%# of the attri+'tes and 1'a%ities of "<od," as if He, the
A+so%'te, "ere +'t a )a!nified )an. @eri%#, indeed, "foo%s r'sh in
"here an!e%s fear to tread," as the $oet hath said.
Those "ho "i%% read o'r ne.t %esson and th's !ain an idea of the
s'+%i)e conce$tion of the A+so%'te he%d +# the o!i teachers )a#
sh'dder at the $res')$tion of those )orta%s "ho dare to thin* of the
A+so%'te as $ossessin! "attri+'tes" and "1'a%ities" %i*e 'nto the
)eanest of thin!s in this his e)anated -ni(erse. 5't e(en these
s$irit'a% infants are doin! "e%%00that is, the# are +e!innin! to
thin*, and "hen )an +e!ins to thin* and 1'estion, he +e!ins to
$ro!ress. It is not the fact of these $eo$%e2s i))at're ideas that has
ca'sed these re)ar*s on o'r $art, +'t rather their tendenc# to set '$
their $'n# conce$tions as the a+so%'te tr'th, and then insistin! '$on
forcin! these (ie"s '$on the o'ter "or%d of )en, "ho) the# consider
"$oor i!norant heathen." Per)it each )an to thin* accordin! to his
%i!ht00and he%$ hi) +# offerin! to share "ith hi) the +est that #o'
$ossess00+'t do not atte)$t to force '$on hi) #o'r o"n (ie"s as
a+so%'te tr'th to +e s"a%%o"ed +# hi) 'nder threat of da)nation or
eterna% $'nish)ent. /ho are #o' that dares to s$ea* of $'nish)ent and
da)nation, "hen the s)e%% of the s)o*e of the he%% of )ateria%is) is
sti%% '$on #o'r ro+es. /hen #o' rea%i,e j'st "hat s$irit'a% infants #o'
sti%% are00the +est of #o'00#o' "i%% +%'sh at these thin!s. Ho%d fast
to the +est that #o' *no"00+e !enero's to others "ho see) to "ish to
share #o'r *no"%ed!e00+'t !i(e "itho't +%a)e or fee%in! of
s'$eriorit#00for those "ho) #o' teach toda# )a# +e #o'r teachers
to)orro"00there are )an# s'r$rises of this *ind a%on! The Path. 5e
+ra(e and confident, +'t "hen #o' +e!in to fee% $'ffed '$ +# #o'r
ac1'ire)ent of so)e ne" +it of *no"%ed!e, %et #o'r $ra#er00o'r
$ra#er, for "e too are infants00+e, "Lord, +e )ercif'% 'nto )e, a
The a+o(e "ords are for 's, the st'dents of the o!i Phi%oso$h#00the
teachers of the sa)e00for h')an nat're is the sa)e in s$ite of na)es,
and "e )'st a(oid the "(anit# of (anities"00S$irit'a% Pride and
Arro!ance00that fa'%t "hich has sent )an# a so'% t')+%in! head%on! fro)
a hi!h $osition on The Path, and co)$e%%ed it to a!ain +e!in the
jo'rne#, chastened and +r'ised. The fa%% of L'cifer has )an#
corres$ondences '$on the occ'%t $%ane, and is, indeed, in itse%f an
a%%e!orica% i%%'stration of j'st this %a". Re)e)+er, a%"a#s, that #o'
are +'t a Centre in the Ocean of Life, and that a%% others are Centres
in the sa)e ocean, and that 'nder%#in! +oth and a%% of #o' is the sa)e
ca%) +ed of Life and 6no"%ed!e, the $ro$ert# of a%%. The hi!hest and
the %o"est are $art of the sa)e One Life00each of #o' has the sa)e %ife
+%ood f%o"in! thro'!h #o'r (eins00#o' are connected "ith e(er# other
for) of %ife, hi!h or %o", "ith in(isi+%e +onds, and none is se$arate
fro) another. /e are s$ea*in!, of co'rse, to the $ersona%ities of the
(ario's st'dents "ho are readin! these "ords. The Rea% Se%f of each is
a+o(e the need of s'ch ad(ice and ca'tion, and those "ho are a+%e to
reach the Rea% Se%f in conscio'sness ha(e no need for these "ords, for
the# ha(e o't%i(ed this sta!e of error. To )an#, the conscio'sness of
the One Life00the -ni(ersa% Life00in "hich a%% are centres of
conscio'sness and +ein!00has co)e !rad'a%%# as a fina% ste$ of a %on!
series of tho'!ht and reasonin!, aided +# f%ashes of tr'th fro) the
hi!her re!ions of the )ind. To others it has co)e as a !reat
i%%')ination, or f%ash of Tr'th, in "hich a%% thin!s are seen in their
$ro$er re%ations and $ositions to each other, and a%% as $hases of
+ein! in the One. The ter) "Cos)ic Conscio'sness," "hich has +een 'sed
in the $re(io's series of these %essons, and +# other "riters, )eans
this s'dden f%ash of "*no"in!" in "hich a%% the i%%'sionar# di(idin!
%ines +et"een $ersons and thin!s are +ro*en do"n and the -ni(ersa% Life
is seen to +e act'a%%# e.istent as One Life. To those "ho ha(e reached
this conscio'sness +# either ro'te j'st )entioned00or +# other
ro'tes00there is no sense of %oss of indi(id'a%it# or $o"er or
stren!th. On the contrar# there is a%"a#s a ne" sense of increased
$o"er and stren!th and *no"in!00instead of %osin! Indi(id'a%it#, there
is a sense of ha(in! fo'nd it. One fee%s that he has the "ho%e -ni(erse
at his +ac*, or "ithin hi), rather than that he has %ost his identit#
in the !reat Ocean of Life.
/hi%e "e are s$ea*in! of this $hase of the s'+ject, "e sho'%d %i*e to
as* #o' if #o' ha(e e(er in(esti!ated and in1'ired into the rea%
)eanin! of the )'ch0'sed "ord "Indi(id'a%it#:" Ha(e #o' e(er %oo*ed '$
its ori!in and rea% )eanin!, as !i(en +# the standard a'thorities: /e
are s're that )an# of #o' ha(e no rea% idea of the act'a% )eanin! of
the ter), as stran!e as this state)ent )a# a$$ear to #o' at first
!%ance. Sto$ no", and define the "ord to #o'rse%f, as #o' ha(e +een
acc'sto)ed to thin* of it. Ninet#0fi(e $eo$%e of a h'ndred "i%% te%%
#o' that it )eans so)ethin! %i*e "a stron! $ersona%it#." Let 's see
a+o't this.
/e+ster defines the "ord "Indi(id'a%" as fo%%o"s4 "Not di(ided, or not
to +e di(ided3 e.istin! as one distinct +ein! or o+ject3 sin!%e3 one."
The sa)e a'thorit# infor)s 's that the "ord arises fro) the Latin "ord
indi(id''s, )eanin! "indi(isi+%e3 not di(isi+%e." 9oes not this he%$
#o' to !ain a c%earer idea of the Indi(id'a%it# that *no"s itse%f to +e
a Centre of Conscio'sness in the One Life, rather than a se$arate,
$'n#, insi!nificant thin! a$art fro) a%% other centres or for)s of
Life, or the so'rce of Life: /e thin* it "i%% he%$ to c%ear #o'r )ind
of so)e of the fo! that has not as #et %ifted itse%f.
And "hi%e "e are on the s'+ject of definitions, %et 's ta*e a %itt%e
%oo* at the "ord "Persona%it#," that is !enera%%# +e%ie(ed to +e a
s#non#) of "Indi(id'a%it#," and is often so 'sed. /e+ster te%%s 's that
the "ord "Person" ori!inated fro) the Latin "ord $ersona, )eanin! "a
)as* 'sed +# actors," "hich "ord in t'rn arose fro) t"o other "ords,
$er, )eanin! "thro'!h," and sonare, )eanin! "to so'nd," the t"o
co)+ined "ords )eanin! "to so'nd thro'!h." The sa)e a'thorit# infor)s
's that the archaic )eanin! of the "ord "as "a character or $art, as in
a $%a#3 an ass')ed character." If #o' "i%% thin* of Persona%it# as "a
)as* 'sed +# an actor," or as "a $art in a $%a#," or as so)ethin! 'sed
to "so'nd thro'!h" or to s$ea* thro'!h, +# the rea% Indi(id'a% +ehind
the )as* of Persona%it#, then $erha$s #o' "i%% see a %itt%e f'rther
into the &#ster# of Persona%it# and Indi(id'a%it#.
Oh, dear st'dents, +e not decei(ed +# the )as* of Persona%it# "hich #o'
)a# ha$$en to +e "earin! at this )o)ent, or +# the )as*s "hich are "orn
+# those aro'nd #o'. Rea%i,e that +ac* of #o'r )as* is the !reat
Indi(id'a%00the Indi(isi+%e00the -ni(ersa% Life, in "hich #o' are a
centre of conscio'sness and acti(it#. This does not "i$e o't #o'r
identit#00instead it !i(es #o' a !reater and !rander identit#. Instead
of #o'r sin*in! into a Nir(ana of e.tinction of conscio'sness, #o'r
conscio'sness so en%ar!es as #o' 'nfo%d, that #o' "i%% in the end fee%
#o'r identit# to +e the identit# of the -ni(erse. Instead of #o'r
!ainin! Nothin!ness, #o' !ain A%%ness. A%% s$irit'a% !ro"th and
'nfo%d)ent !i(es #o' a constant%# increasin! sense of re%ationshi$
"ith, and a!ree)ent "ith, the A%%. o' !ro" into A%%ness as #o' 'nfo%d.
5e not decei(ed +# this chatter a+o't Nothin!ness, and %oss of
Indi(id'a%it#, in the Orienta% tho'!ht, a%tho'!h so)e of the
$resentations of its teachin!s )a# so see) to )ean at first readin!.
Re)e)+er a%"a#s that Persona%it# is the )as*, and Indi(id'a%it# the
Rea% One.
o' ha(e often heard $ersons, c%ai)in! to +e ac1'ainted "ith the
teachin!s of Theoso$h# and other e.$ositions of the Orienta% /isdo)
Re%i!ion 7inc%'din! o'r o"n $resentation8, assertin! that the Orienta%
)ind "as e(er +ent '$on attainin! a fina% sta!e of Nothin!ness or
E.tinction in Nir(ana. In addition to "hat "e ha(e said, and to "hat "e
sha%% sa# on this s'+ject, %et 's 1'ote fro) the ins$ired "riter of the
"Secret 9octrine" 7a standard Theoso$hica% "or*8 "hen she sa#s, in
that "or* on $a!e CKG, @o%. I4 "Is this annihi%ation, as so)e thin*:
... To see in Nir(ana annihi%ation, a)o'nts to sa#in! of a )an $%'n!ed
in a so'nd, drea)%ess s%ee$00one that %ea(es no i)$ression on the
$h#sica% )e)or# and +rain, +eca'se the s%ee$er2s Hi!her Se%f is in its
ori!ina% state of a+so%'te conscio'sness d'rin! these ho'rs00that he
too is annihi%ated. The %atter si)i%e ans"ers on%# to one side of the
1'estion00the )ost )ateria%3 since rea+sor$tion is +# no )eans s'ch a
drea)%ess s%ee$, +'t, on the contrar#, a+so%'te e.istence, an
'nconditiona% 'nit#, or a state, to descri+e "hich h')an %an!'a!e is
a+so%'te%# and ho$e%ess%# inade1'ate... Nor is the indi(id'a%it#00nor
e(en the essence of the $ersona%it#, if an# +e %eft +ehind00%ost
+eca'se re0a+sor+ed." As >. /). L%o#d sa#s, in connection "ith the
a+o(e 1'otation, "This see)s conc%'si(e $roof that Theoso$h# does not
re!ard Nir(ana as annihi%ation, +'t as an infinite en%ar!e)ent of
conscio'sness." And "e "o'%d add that this is tr'e not on%# as re!ards
the Nir(ana of the Theoso$hist, +'t a%so of the conscio'sness of the
-nit# of Life00the -ni(ersa% Life. This too is not annihi%ation of
indi(id'a% conscio'sness, +'t an "infinite en%ar!e)ent of
conscio'sness" as this /estern "riter L%o#d has so "e%% e.$ressed it.
The (er# conscio'sness of Life that e(er# )an fee%s "ithin hi), co)es
not fro) so)ethin! +e%on!in! e.c%'si(e%# to hi)se%f as a se$arate or
$ersona% thin!. On the contrar#, it +e%on!s to his Indi(id'a%it#, not
to his Persona%it#, and is a $hase of his conscio'sness or "a"areness"
of his re%ation to the One -ni(ersa% Life "hich 'nder%ies his
e.istence, and in "hich he is a center of conscio'sness. 9o #o' !ras$
this idea: If not, )editate and concentrate '$on it, for it is
i)$ortant. o' )'st %earn to fee% the Life "ithin #o', and to *no"
that it is the Life of the !reat Ocean of -ni(ersa% Life '$on the +oso)
of "hich #o' are +orne as a centre of conscio'sness and ener!#. In this
tho'!ht there is Po"er, Stren!th, Ca%), Peace, and /isdo). Ac1'ire it,
if #o' are "ise. It is indeed a <ift fro) the <ods.
In this %esson "e are not atte)$tin! to +'i%d '$ #o'r idea of the -nit#
of Life +# a series of ar!')ents ta*en fro) a "or%d of $heno)ena in
"hich se$arateness and non0-nit# is a$$arent. No s'ch ar!')ents "o'%d
s'ffice, for it "o'%d +e %i*e tr#in! to $ro(e the e.istence and %a"s of
co%or to a )an +orn +%ind, +# ar!')ents ta*en fro) his "or%d of
dar*ness. On the contrar# "e are a$$ea%in! to that re!ion of the )ind
in "hich is stored the ca$acit# for int'iti(e%# a$$rehendin! tr'th. /e
are endea(orin! to s$ea* in tones "hich "i%% a"a*en a si)i%ar (i+ration
in that $art of #o'r )enta%it#, and if these (i+rations +e started into
+ein!, then "i%% #o' +e a+%e to fee% and *no" the tr'th, and then
"i%% #o'r Inte%%ect ea!er%# sei,e '$on the ne" idea that it finds
"ithin itse%f, and "i%% $roceed to a$$%# the sa)e to the (ario's
$ro+%e)s that ha(e +een +otherin! #o' in the $ast.
This conscio'sness of -nit# )'st co)e fro) the hi!her re!ions of the
)ind, for the Inte%%ect a%one *no"s it not,00it is o't of its fie%d.
>'st as one )a# not *no" that the earth is ro'nd +# )eans of his senses
"hich re$ort 1'ite the contrar#, +'t )a# and does *no" this tr'th +#
a+stract reasonin! and hi!her inte%%ect'a% effort3 so )a# one *no" the
tr'th that A%% Life is indeed One, at the %ast, and 'nder%#in!, +# the
hi!her fac'%ties of the )ind, a%tho'!h his senses and ordinar#
inte%%ect'a% $rocesses fai% to so infor) hi). The senses cannot infor)
)an that the earth is ro'nd, +eca'se the# cannot see it as a "ho%e,
+'t on%# in $art00"hi%e the hi!her reasonin! fac'%ties are a+%e to
(is'a%i,e the earth as a "ho%e, and *no" it )'st +e ro'nd. And the
Inte%%ect, in its ordinar# fie%d can see on%# se$arateness, and cannot
re$ort Oneness, +'t the Hi!her &ind sees Life as a /ho%e, and *no"s it
to +e One. And it is the Hi!her &ind that "e are tr#in! to +rin! into
the fie%d of conscio'sness in the a$$ea% to #o' in this %esson. /e
tr'st that "e )a# +e s'ccessf'%00in fact "e *no" that "e sha%% +e so,
in )an# cases, for "e *no" that the fie%d is read# for the so"in! of
the seed00and that the ca%% has +een heard, and the )essa!e $assed on
to 's to ans"er the ca%%00e%se these "ords "o'%d not ha(e +een "ritten.
The conscio'sness of the -nit# of Life is so)ethin! that )'st +e
e.$erienced +efore the tr'th )a# +e rea%i,ed. It is not necessar# for
one to "ait 'nti% he ac1'ire f'%% Cos)ic Conscio'sness +efore he )a#
rea%i,e, at %east $artia%%#, the Oneness of A%% Life, for he )a# 'nfo%d
!rad'a%%# into the Cos)ic 6no"in!, e.$eriencin! at each sta!e a f'%%er
conce$tion of the 'nder%#in! -nit# of Life, in "hich he is a centre of
conscio'sness and )anifestation. 5't there )'st +e at %east a $artia%
'nfo%d)ent +efore one is a+%e to fee% the sense of -nit#. To those
"ho ha(e not 'nfo%ded s'fficient%# to !ain at %east a !%i))erin! of the
tr'th, e(er#thin! a$$ears se$arate fro) e(er# other thin!, and there is
no -nit# of A%%. It is as if e(er# %eaf on a )i!ht# tree "ere to
consider itse%f a +ein! se$arate and distinct fro) e(er#thin! e%se in
the "or%d, fai%in! to $ercei(e its connection "ith the +ranch or %i)+,
and tree, and its 'nit# in +ein! "ith e(er# other %eaf on the tree.
After a +it the 'nfo%din! conscio'sness of the %eaf ena+%es it to
$ercei(e the ste) that connects it "ith the t"i!. Then it +e!ins to
rea%i,e certain re%ationshi$s, and fee%s its (ita% connection "ith the
t"i! and the fe" other %ea(es attached to the sa)e t"i!. Later on, it
'nfo%ds s'fficient%# to $ercei(e that certain other %eaf0+earin! t"i!s
are connected "ith the sa)e +ranch, and it %earns to fee% its
re%ationshi$ "ith a%% t"i!s and %ea(es s$rin!in! fro) that +ranch. Then
a!ain, a %itt%e %ater on, it +e!ins to rea%i,e that other +ranches
s$rin! fro) the sa)e %i)+ as its +ranch, and the sense of re%ationshi$
and da"nin! -nit# +e!ins to "iden sti%% f'rther. And so it !oes on,
'nti% at %ast, the tin# %eaf%et rea%i,es that the %ife of the tree is
the %ife of a%% of its $arts00%i)+s, +ranches, t"i!s, %ea(es, +%osso)s,
fr'it, seed, etc., and that it, itse%f, is +'t a centre of e.$ression
in the One Life of the tree. 9oes the %eaf fee% %ess i)$ortant and rea%
fro) this disco(er#: /e sho'%d sa# ass'red%# not, for it )'st fee% that
+ehind its tin# for) and %i)ited stren!th is the stren!th and (ita%it#
of the entire or!anis) of the tree. It )'st *no" that the tree is e(er
at "or* e.tractin! no'rish)ent fro) the earth, air, and "ater, and
trans)ittin! that no'rish)ent to its e(er# $art, inc%'din! o'r %itt%e
friend the %eaf%et. It *no"s that the sa$ "i%% rise in the S$rin! to
rene" the )anifestations of %ife, and it *no"s that a%tho'!h its %eaf#
for) )a# "ither and die, sti%% the essence of its %ife00its rea%
Life00does not die +'t re)ains e(er acti(e and stron! a"aitin! its
chance for f't're e.$ression and re0e)+odi)ent. Of co'rse this fi!'re
of the %eaf and the tree fai%s 's if "e atte)$t to carr# it (er# far,
+'t it "i%% !i(e 's at %east a $artia% idea of the re%ationshi$ +et"een
the %ife of the $erson, and the One Life.
So)e of the Orienta% teachers ha(e i%%'strated this idea to their
st'dents +# (ario's fa)i%iar e.a)$%es and fi!'res of s$eech. So)e +id
the st'dent ho%d '$ his hand, and then $oint o't to hi) that each
fin!er is a$$arent%# se$arate and distinct if one does not %oo* do"n to
"here it joins the hand. Each fin!er, if it had conscio'sness, )i!ht
"e%% ar!'e that it "as a se$arate indi(id'a%, ha(in! no re%ationshi$
"ith an# other fin!er. It )i!ht $ro(e this to its o"n satisfaction, and
to that of its %isteners, +# sho"in! that it co'%d )o(e itse%f "itho't
stirrin! the other fin!ers. And so %on! as its conscio'sness "as
confined to its '$$er t"o joints it "o'%d re)ain 'nder the i%%'sion of
se$arateness. 5't "hen its conscio'sness at %ast $er)eated the de$ths
of its +ein!, it "o'%d find that it e)er!ed fro) the sa)e hand fro)
"hich a%so s$r'n! the other fin!ers, and that its rea% %ife and $o"er
"as (ested in the hand rather than in itse%f, and that a%tho'!h
a$$arent%# se$arate and inde$endent, it "as rea%%# +'t a $art of the
hand. And "hen its conscio'sness, thro'!h the conscio'sness of the
hand, +roadened and "idened, it "o'%d $ercei(e its re%ationshi$ "ith,
and interde$endence "ith, the "ho%e +od#, and "o'%d a%so reco!ni,e the
$o"er of the +rain, and its )i!ht# /i%%.
Another fa(orite i%%'stration of the Eastern teachers is the strea) of
"ater f%o"in! o(er a roc*# +ed. The# $oint to the strea) +efore it
co)es to a roc*# $%ace, and sho" the che%a 7st'dent8 that it is One.
Then the# "i%% )o(e a %itt%e "a# do"n the strea) and sho" hi) ho" the
roc*s and stones di(ide the strea) into co'nt%ess %itt%e strea)s, each
of "hich )i!ht i)a!ine itse%f a se$arate and distinct strea), 'nti%
%ater on it a!ain joins the )ain 'nited strea), and finds that it "as
+'t a for) of e.$ression of the One.
Another i%%'stration that is fre1'ent%# 'sed +# the teachers, is that
"hich +ids the st'dent consider hi)se%f as a )in'te ce%%, or
"%itt%e0%ife" as the Hind's ca%% it, in a +od#. It )a# +e a ce%% in the
+%ood $erfor)in! the office of a carrier or )essen!er, or it )a# +e a
"or*in! ce%% in one of the or!ans of the +od#3 or it )a# +e a thin*in!
ce%% in the +rain. At an# rate, the ce%% )anifests ca$acit# for
tho'!ht, action and )e)or#00and a n')+er of secondar# attri+'tes 1'ite
"onderf'% in the "a#. 7See "Hatha o!a," Cha$ter ;@III.8 Each ce%%
)i!ht "e%% consider itse%f as a se$arate indi(id'a%00in a certain sense
it does. It has a certain de!ree of so)ethin! a*in to conscio'sness,
ena+%in! it to $erfor) its "or* correct%# and $ro$er%#, and is ca%%ed
'$on at ti)es to )anifest so)ethin! %i*e j'd!)ent. It )a# "e%% +e
e.c'sed for thin*in! of itse%f as a "$erson" ha(in! a se$arate %ife.
The ana%o!# +et"een its i%%'sions and that of the )an "hen seen +# a
&aster, is (er# c%ose. 5't "e *no" that the %ife of the ce%% is )ere%#
a centre of e.$ression of the %ife of the +od#00that its conscio'sness
is )ere%# a $art of the conscio'sness of the )ind ani)atin! the +od#.
The ce%% "i%% die and a$$arent%# $erish, +'t the essence of it "i%%
re)ain in the %ife of the $erson "hose +od# it occ'$ied, and nothin!
rea%%# dies or $erishes. /o'%d the ce%% fee% an# %ess rea% if it *ne"
that +ehind its Persona%it# as a ce%%, there "as the Indi(id'a%it# of
the &an00that its Rea% Se%f "as the &an, not the ce%%: Of co'rse, e(en
this fi!'re of s$eech can +e carried on%# so far, and then )'st sto$,
for the $ersona%it# of the )an, "hen it is disso%(ed, %ea(es +ehind it
an essence "hich is ca%%ed Character, "hich +eco)es the $ro$ert# of the
E!o and "hich acco)$anies it into after %ife accordin! to the La" of
6ar)a, of "hich "e sha%% s$ea* in f't're %essons. 5't +ac* e(en of
these attri+'tes of Persona%it#, is the E!o "hich e.ists in s$ite of
Persona%it#, and %i(es on and on thro'!ho't )an# Persona%ities, and #et
%earnin! the %essons of each, 'nti% at %ast it rises a+o(e Persona%it#
and enters into hi!her s$here of 6no"in! and 5ein!.
Sti%% another fa(orite i%%'stration of the Hind' teachers is that of
the s'n +eatin! do"n '$on the ocean and ca'sin! a $ortion of the "ater
to rise in the for) of (a$or. This (a$or for)s c%o'ds "hich s$read a%%
o(er the earth, and "hich e(ent'a%%# condense in the for) of rain
dro$s, de", etc. This rain and de" for) strea)s, ri(ers, etc., and
sooner or %ater e(er# dro$ finds its "a# +ac* to &other Ocean "hich is
its Rea% Se%f. Se$arate tho'!h the de"dro$ +e, #et it is a $art of the
Ocean, no )atter ho" far distant it )a# +e, and the attraction of the
Ocean "i%% s're%#, and "itho't fai%, dra" it +ac* to its +oso). And the
de"dro$, if it co'%d *no" the tr'th, "o'%d +e so )'ch ha$$ier and
stron!er, and +ra(er if it co'%d *no" that it "as s'$erior to accident,
ti)e and s$ace, and that it co'%d not esca$e its o"n !ood, and that
nothin! co'%d $re(ent its fina% tri')$h and (ictor# "hen at %ast "the
de"dro$ !%ides into the shinin! sea." Ho" cheerf'%%# it co'%d ha(e )et
its )an# chan!es of for). and the incidents of its jo'rne#, if it co'%d
ha(e !otten rid of the i%%'sion of se$arateness, and *ne" that instead
of +ein! a tin# insi!nificant de"dro$ it "as a $art of the &i!ht#
Ocean00in fact that its Rea% Se%f "as that Ocean itse%f00and that the
Ocean "as contin'a%%# dra"in! it to"ard it, and that the )an# chan!es,
'$ and do"n, "ere in res$onse to that )i!ht# $o"er of attraction "hich
"as s%o"%# +'t irresisti+%# dra"in! it +ac* Ho)e to Rest, Peace, and
As (a%'a+%e as are a%% these i%%'strations, e.a)$%es, and fi!'res of
s$eech, sti%% a%% )'st of necessit# fa%% short of the tr'th in the case
of the So'% of &an00that "ondro's so)ethin! "hich has +een +'i%t '$ +#
the A+so%'te after aeons and aeons of ti)e, and "hich is destined to
$%a# an i)$ortant $art in the !reat Cos)ic 9ra)a "hich it has $%eased
the A+so%'te to thin* into e.istence. 9ra"in! its Life fro) the
-ni(ersa% Life, it has the roots of its +ein! sti%% f'rther +ac* in the
A+so%'te itse%f, as "e sha%% see in the ne.t %esson. <reat and
"onderf'% is it a%%, and o'r )inds are +'t i%%# fitted to recei(e the
tr'th, and )'st +e !rad'a%%# acc'sto)ed to the !%are of the S'n. 5't it
"i%% co)e to a%%00none can esca$e his !%orio's destin#.
The Orienta% "ritin!s are f'%% of a%%'sions to the 'nder%#in! Oneness,
in fact the entire Orienta% $hi%oso$hies rest '$on it. o' )a# find it
e(er#"here if #o' "i%% +'t %oo* for it. The e.$erience of Cos)ic
Conscio'sness, "hich is na'!ht +'t a s'dden or !rad'a% "a"areness" of
the 'nder%#in! -nit# of Life, is e(idenced e(er#"here in the
-$anishads, that "onderf'% series of teachin!s in the Hind' c%assics.
E(er# "riter in the co%%ection !i(es his e(idence re!ardin! this
a"areness of -nit# and Oneness, and the e.$eriences and )enta%
characteristics arisin! fro) the sa)e. The fo%%o"in! 1'otations "i%%
!i(e an idea of the $re(a%ence of this tho'!ht4
"He that +eho%ds a%% +ein!s in the Se%f, and the Se%f in a%% thin!s, he
ne(er t'rns a"a# fro) it."
"/hen to a )an "ho 'nderstands, the Se%f has +eco)e a%% thin!s, "hat
sorro", "hat tro'+%e, can there +e to hi) "ho once +ehe%d that 'nit#."
The Hind' father e.$%ains to his son that the One Life is in a%% for)s
and sha$es, $oints o't o+ject after o+ject, sa#in! to the +o#4 "Tat
t'a) asi, Tho' art that3 That tho' art."
And the &#stics ha(e added their testi)on# to that of others "ho ha(e
e.$erienced this conscio'sness. P%otin's said4 "6no"%ed!e has three
de!rees4 o$inion, science, and i%%')ination. The %ast is a+so%'te
*no"%ed!e fo'nded '$on the identit# of the *no"in! )ind "ith the *no"n
And Ec*hardt, the <er)an )#stic, has to%d his $'$i%s that4 "<od is the
so'% of a%% thin!s. He is the %i!ht that shines in 's "hen the (ei% is
And Tenn#son, in his "onderf'% (erse descri+in! the te)$orar# %iftin!
of the (ei% for hi), has descri+ed a $hase of Cos)ic Conscio'sness in
the fo%%o"in! "ords4
"For *no"%ed!e is the s"a%%o" on the %a*e
That sees and stirs the s'rface0shado" there,
5't ne(er #et hath di$$t into the a+#s),
The A+#s) of a%% A+#s)s, +eneath, "ithin
The +%'e of s*# and sea, the !reen of earth,
And in the )i%%ion0)i%%ionth of a !rain
/hich c%eft and c%eft a!ain for e(er)ore
And e(er (anishin!, ne(er (anishes. . .
And )ore, )# son, for )ore than once "hen I
Sat a%% a%one, re(o%(in! in )#se%f
That "ord "hich is the s#)+o% of )#se%f,
The )orta% s#)+o% of the Se%f "as %oosed,
And $ast into the Na)e%ess, as a c%o'd
&e%ts into Hea(en. I to'ched )# %i)+s, the %i)+s
/ere stran!e, not )ine00and #et no shado" of do'+t,
5't 'tter c%earness, and thro'!h %oss of Se%f
The !ain of s'ch %ar!e %ife as )atched "ith o'rs
/ere S'n to s$ar*, 'nshado"a+%e in "ords,
The)se%(es +'t shado"s of a shado"0"or%d."
And not on%# a)on! the )#stics and $oets is this 'ni(ersa% tr'th
e.$erienced and e.$ressed, +'t a)on! the !reat $hi%oso$hers of a%% a!es
)a# "e find this teachin! of the -nit# of Life ori!ina%%# (oiced in the
-$anishads. The <recian thin*ers ha(e e.$ressed the tho'!ht3 the
Chinese $hi%oso$hers ha(e added their testi)on#3 the )odern
$hi%oso$hers, S$ino,a, 5er*e%e#, 6ant, He!e%, Scho$enha'er, Hart)an,
Ferrier, Ro#ce, a%tho'!h differin! "ide%# in their theories, a%% ha(e
e.$ressed as a f'nda)enta% tr'th the -nit# of Life00a One Life
'nder%#in!. The +asic teachin!s of the @edas are recei(in! confir)ation
at the hands of &odern Science, "hich "hi%e ca%%in! itse%f
Rationa%istic and inc%inin! to a &ateria%istic conce$tion of the
-ni(erse, sti%% finds itse%f co)$e%%ed to sa#, "At the %ast, A%% is
And in near%# e(er# h')an so'% there is a secret cha)+er in "hich the
te.t of this *no"%ed!e %ies hidden, and in the rare )o)ents in "hich
the cha)+er door is o$ened in res$onse to $oetr#, )'sic, art, dee$
re%i!io's fee%in!, or those 'nacco'nta+%e "a(es of '$%ift that co)e to
a%%, the tr'th is reco!ni,ed for the )o)ent and the so'% fee%s at $eace
and is content in the fee%in! that it is at har)on# "ith the A%%. The
sense of 5ea't#, ho"e(er e.$ressed, "hen *een%# e.$erienced, has a
tendenc# to %ift 's o't of o'r conscio'sness of se$arateness into
another $%ane of )ind in "hich the *e#note is -nit#. The hi!her the
h')an fee%in!, the nearer is the conscio's rea%i,ation of the
'nder%#in! -nit#.
This rea%i,ation of the -nit# of Life00the Oneness of Life00the <reat
Life00e(en "hen +'t faint%# e.$erienced, renders Life 1'ite a different
thin! to the $erson. He fee%s no %on!er that he is a )ere "$art" of
so)ethin! that )a# +e destro#ed00or that he is a tin# $ersona%
so)ethin!, se$arate fro) and o$$osed to a%% the rest of the
-ni(erse00+'t that he is, instead, a -nit of E.$ression00a Centre of
Conscio'sness00in the <reat One Life. He rea%i,es that he has the
Po"er, and Stren!th, and Life, and /isdo) of the /ho%e +ac* of hi),
'$on "hich he )a# %earn to dra" as he 'nfo%ds. He rea%i,es that he is
at Ho)e, and that he cannot +e thr'st o't, for there is no o'tside of
the A%%. He fee%s "ithin hi)se%f the certaint# of infinite Life and
+ein!, for his Life is the a%% Life, and that cannot die. The $ett#
cares, and "orries, and !riefs, and $ains of e(er#da# $ersona% %ife are
seen for "hat the# are, and the# cease to threaten and do)inate hi) as
of o%d. He sees the thin!s of $ersona%it# as )ere%# the cost')e and
tra$$in!s of the $art in the $%a# of %ife that he is actin! o't, and he
*no"s that "hen he discards the) he "i%% sti%% +e "I."
/hen one rea%%# fee%s the conscio'sness of the One Life 'nder%#in!, he
ac1'ires a confident tr'st and faith, and a ne" sense of freedo) and
stren!th co)es to hi), for is he not indeed de%i(ered fro) the +onda!e
of fear that has ha'nted hi) in his "or%d of se$arateness. He fee%s
"ithin hi) the s$irit'a% $'%se of the -ni(ersa% Life, and at once he
thri%%s "ith a sense of ne"0fo'nd $o"er and +ein!. He +eco)es
reconci%ed "ith Life in a%% its $hases, for he *no"s these thin!s as
+'t te)$orar# $hases in the "or*in! o't of so)e !reat -ni(ersa% $%an,
instead of thin!s $er)anent and fi.ed and +e#ond re)ed#. He +e!ins to
fee% the ass'rance of -%ti)ate >'stice and <od, and the o%d ideas of
Inj'stice and E(i% +e!in to fade fro) hi). He "ho enters into the
conscio'sness of the -ni(ersa% Life, indeed enters into a $resent
rea%i,ation of the Life E(er%astin!. A%% fear of +ein! "%ost" or
"eterna%%# da)ned" fades a"a#, and one instincti(e%# rea%i,es that he
is "sa(ed" +eca'se he is of the One Life and cannot +e %ost. A%% the
fear of +ein! %ost arises fro) the sense of i%%'sion of se$arateness or
a$artness fro) the One Life. Once the conscio'sness of -nit# is !ained,
fear dro$s fro) the so'% %i*e a "orno't !ar)ent.
/hen the idea and conscio'sness of the -nit# ta*es $ossession of one,
he fee%s a ne" sense of cheerf'%ness and o$ti)is) entire%# different
fro) an# other fee%in! that he has e(er e.$erienced. He %oses that
distr'st and hardness "hich see)s to c%in! to so )an# in this a!e "ho
ha(e arri(ed at the Inte%%ect'a% sta!e of de(e%o$)ent, and ha(e +een
'na+%e to $ro!ress f'rther. A ne" sense of $eace and har)on# co)es to
one, and i%%')inates his entire character and %ife. The +itterness
en!endered +# the i%%'sion of se$arateness is ne'tra%i,ed +# the
s"eetness of the sense of -nit#. /hen one enters into this
conscio'sness he finds that he has the *e# to )an# a ridd%e of %ife
that has heretofore $er$%e.ed hi). &an# dar* corners are
i%%')inated00)an# hard sa#in!s are )ade c%ear. +eco)e
'nderstanda+%e tr'ths, and the $airs of o$$osites that d"e%% in a%%
ad(anced inte%%ect'a% conce$tions, see) to +end aro'nd their ends and
for) the)se%(es into a circ%e.
To the one "ho 'nderstands the -nit#, a%% Nat're see)s a*in and
friend%#. There is no sense of anta!onis) or o$$osition00e(er#thin! is
seen to fit into its $%ace, and "or* o't its a$$ointed tas* in the
-ni(ersa% $%an. A%% Nat're is seen to +e friend%#, "hen $ro$er%#
'nderstood, and &an re!ains that sense of har)onio's en(iron)ent and
at0ho)e0ness that he %ost "hen he entered the sta!e of
se%f0conscio'sness. The %o"er ani)a% and the chi%dren fee% this -nit#,
in their $oor i)$erfect "a#, +'t &an %ost this Paradise "hen he
disco(ered <ood and E(i%. 5't Paradise Lost +eco)es Paradise Re!ained
"hen &an enters into this ne" sta!e of conscio'sness. 5't 'n%i*e the
ani)a% or chi%d, "hich instincti(e%# fee%s the -nit#, the a"a*ened so'%
of )an $ossesses the -nit# conscio'sness, co'$%ed "ith inte%%i!ent
co)$rehension, and 'nfo%din! s$irit'a% $o"er. He has fo'nd that "hich
he %ost, to!ether "ith the acc')'%ated interest of the a!es. This ne"
*in!do) of Conscio'sness is +efore the race. A%% )'st enter into it in
ti)e00a%% "i%% enter into it00)an# are enterin! into it no", +# !rad'a%
sta!es. This da"nin! sense of -nit# is that "hich is ca'sin! the
s$irit'a% 'nrest "hich is no" a!itatin! the "or%d, and /hich in ti)e
"i%% +rin! the race to a rea%i,ation of the Fatherhood of <od and the
5rotherhood of &an, and his *inshi$ to E(er# Li(in! Thin!. /e are
enterin! into this ne" c#c%e of h')an 'nfo%d)ent, and the !reatest
chan!es are +efore the race. e "ho read these "ords are in the
fore)ost ran*s of the ne" dis$ensation, e%se #o' "o'%d not +e
interested in this s'+ject. o' are the %ea(en "hich is desi!ned to
%i!hten the hea(# )ass of the "or%d0)ind. P%a# "e%% #o'r $arts. o' are
not a%one. &i!ht# forces and !reat Inte%%i!ences are +ehind #o' in the
"or*. 5e "orth# of the). Peace +e "ith #o'.
Carr# "ith #o' the Centra% Tho'!ht of this %esson4
CENTRAL THO-<HT. There is +'t One Life00a -ni(ersa% Life00in the
"or%d. This One Life is an e)anation fro) the A+so%'te. It infi%%s a%%
for)s, sha$es and )anifestations of Life, and is the Rea% Life that
each i)a!ines to +e his $ersona% $ro$ert#. There is +'t One00and #o'
are centres of conscio'sness and e.$ression in that One. There is a
-nit# and Har)on# "hich +eco)es a$$arent to those "ho enter into the
conscio'sness of the One Life. There is Peace and Ca%) in the tho'!ht.
There is Stren!th and Po"er in the *no"%ed!e. Enter #e into #o'r
6in!do) of Po"er00$ossess #o'rse%(es of #o'r 5irthri!ht of 6no"%ed!e.
In the (er# center of #o'r +ein! #o' "i%% find a ho%# of ho%ies in
"hich d"e%%s the Conscio'sness of the One Life, 'nder%#in!. Enter into
the Si%ence of the Shrine "ithin.
As "e ha(e stated in $re(io's Lessons, a%% $hi%oso$hies "hich thin*ers
ha(e considered "orth# of res$ect, find their fina% e.$ression of Tr'th
in the f'nda)enta% tho'!ht that there is +'t One Rea%it#, 'nder%#in!
a%% the )anifo%d )anifestations of sha$e and for). It is tr'e that the
$hi%oso$hers ha(e differed "ide%# in their conce$tion of that One, +'t,
ne(erthe%ess, the# ha(e a%% a!reed '$on the %o!ica% necessit# of the
f'nda)enta% conce$tion that there is, at %east, +'t One Rea%it#,
'nder%#in! A%%.
E(en the &ateria%ists ha(e conceded this conc%'sion, and the# s$ea* and
thin* of a so)ethin! ca%%ed "&atter," as the One00ho%din! that,
inherent in &atter, is the $otentia%it# of a%% Life. The schoo% of
Ener!ists, ho%din! that &atter in itse%f is non0e.istent, and that it
is )ere%# a )ode of )anifestation of a so)ethin! ca%%ed "Ener!#,"
asserts that this so)ethin! ca%%ed Ener!# is One, f'nda)enta%, rea%,
and se%f0s'fficient.
The (ario's for)s of /estern re%i!io's tho'!ht, "hich ho%d to the
(ario's conce$tions of a Persona% 9eit#, a%so ho%d to a Oneness,
inas)'ch as the# teach that in the +e!innin! there "as <od, on%#, and
that a%% the -ni(erse has +een created +# Hi). The# do not !o into
detai%s re!ardin! this creation, and, 'n%i*e the Orienta% teachers,
the# fai% to distin!'ish +et"een the conce$tion of the creation of
sha$e and for), on the one hand3 and the creation of the s'+stance of
these sha$es and for)s, on the other hand. 5't, e(en acce$tin! the
$re)ises of these $eo$%e "ho ho%d to the Persona% 9eit# conce$tion, it
"i%% +e seen that the Reason re1'ires the acce$tance of one or t"o
ideas, (i,., 718 That the 9eit# created the s'+stance of these sha$es
and for)s fro) Nothin!3 or e%se 7C8 that he created the) o't of his
o"n s'+stance00o't of Hi)se%f, in fact. Let 's consider, +rief%#,
these t"o conce$tions.
In the first conce$tion, i.e., Creation fro) Nothin!, "e are +ro'!ht
face to face "ith an i)$re!na+%e o+stac%e, inas)'ch as the h')an reason
$ositi(e%# ref'ses to thin* of An#thin! co)in! fro) Nothin!. /hi%e it
is $erfect%# tr'e that the finite h')an )ind cannot 'nderta*e to %i)it
the $o"ers of the Infinite3 or to insist that the $ossi+i%ities of the
9i(ine Po"er )'st +e )eas'red and %i)ited +# the finite $o"er of
&an00sti%% it )'st hear*en to the re$ort of its o"n hi!hest fac'%ties,
and sa# "I cannot Thin* it," or e%se +%ind%# acce$t the teachin!s of
other finite )inds "hich are e1'a%%# 'na+%e to "Thin* it," and "hich
ha(e no s'$erior so'rces of infor)ation. The Infinite Po"er has endo"ed
's "ith reasonin! fac'%ties, and e(ident%# e.$ects 's to 'se the) to
their f'%% ca$acit#00e%se the !ift "ere a )oc*er#. And in the a+sence
of infor)ation fro) hi!her so'rces than the Reason, "e )'st 'se the
Reason in thin*in! of this )atter, or e%se ref'se to thin* of it at
In (ie" of the a+o(e tho'!ht, %et 's then consider the re$ort of the
Reason, re!ardin! this )atter, And then, after ha(in! done so, %et 's
a$$%# the test of this re$ort of the Reason, to the hi!hest teachin! of
the o!i Phi%oso$h#, and see ho" the %atter stands the test. And, after
ha(in! done this, "e "i%% a$$%# the test of the Hi!her Conscio'sness to
the sa)e teachin!s. Re)e)+er this a%"a#s, that "hi%e there is *no"%ed!e
that transcends Reason00that is *no"%ed!e that co)es fro) the Hi!her
Re!ions of the &ind00sti%% e(en s'ch infor)ation of the S$irit'a% &ind
does not r'n contrar# to Reason, a%tho'!h it !oes +e#ond it. There is
har)on# +et"een the S$irit'a% &ind and the Hi!hest Reason.
Ret'rnin! to the consideration of the )atter of Creation of S'+stance
fro) Nothin!, "e a!ain assert that the Reason is 'na+%e to thin* of
the creation of So)ethin! fro) Nothin!. It finds the state)ent
'nthin*a+%e, and contrar# to a%% the %a"s of tho'!ht. It is tr'e that
the Reason is co)$e%%ed to acce$t as a fina% tr'th, )an# thin!s that it
cannot 'nderstand +# reason of its finit'de00+'t this is not one of
the). There is no %o!ica% necessit# for the Reason to acce$t an# s'ch
conce$tion as this00there is no "arrant in the Reason for an# s'ch
theor#, idea or conc%'sion. Let 's sto$ here, for a )o)ent, and e.a)ine
into this difference00it )a# he%$ 's to thin* c%earer, hereafter.
/e find it i)$ossi+%e to 'nderstand the fact of the Infinite 5ein!
ha(in! a%"a#s e.isted00and 5ein! "itho't Ca'se. /e find it i)$ossi+%e
to concei(e of the nat're of an Eterna%, Ca'se%ess, and Infinite
5ein!00to concei(e the nat're of, s'ch a 5ein!, re)e)+er.
5't, "hi%e this is so, sti%% o'r Reason, +# its o"n %a"s, co)$e%s 's to
thin* that there )'st +e s'ch a 5ein!, so %on! as "e thin* at a%%.
For, if "e thin* at a%%, "e )'st thin* of there +ein! a F'nda)enta%
Rea%it#00and "e )'st thin* of that Rea%it# as +ein! "itho't Ca'se
7+eca'se there can +e no Ca'se for the First Ca'se83 and "e )'st
thin* of that Rea%it# as +ein! Eterna% 7+eca'se It co'%d not ha(e
s$r'n! into 5ein! fro) Nothin!, and therefore )'st ha(e a%"a#s +een83
and "e )'st thin* of that Rea%it# as Infinite 7+eca'se there is
nothin! o'tside of Itse%f to %i)it It8. Thin* o(er this state)ent for a
)o)ent00'nti% #o' !ras$ it f'%%#.
5't there is no s'ch necessit#, or co)$'%sion, in the case of the
1'estion of Creation fro) Nothin!ness. On the contrar#, the necessit#
and co)$'%sion is a%% the other "a#. Not on%# is the Reason 'na+%e to
thin* of Creation fro) Nothin!00not on%# does a%% its %a"s for+id it
to ho%d s'ch a conce$tion00+'t, )ore than this, it finds "ithin itse%f
a conce$tion, f'%%0!ro"n and $otent, "hich contradicts this idea. It
finds "ithin itse%f the stron! certaint# that /hate(er Rea%%# Is has
A%"a#s 5een, and that a%% transient and finite sha$es, for)s, and
)anifestations, )'st $roceed fro) that "hich is Rea%, Infinite,
Ca'se%ess, and Infinite00and )oreo(er )'st +e co)$osed of the
s'+stance of that Rea%it#, for there is nothin! e%se Rea% fro) "hich
the# co'%d ha(e +een co)$osed3 and their co)$osition fro) Nothin! is
'nthin*a+%e, for Nothin! is Nothin!, and a%"a#s "i%% +e Nothin!.
"Nothin!" is )ere%# a na)e of denia% of e.istence00an a+so%'te denia%
of s'+stantia%it# of an# de!ree, *ind or for)00an a+so%'te denia% of
Rea%it#. And fro) s'ch co'%d co)e on%# Nothin!00fro) Nothin!, Nothin!
Therefore, findin! "ithin itse%f the $ositi(e re$ort that A%%, and
An#thin! There Is, )'st +e co)$osed of the S'+stance of the Rea%it#,
the Reason is co)$e%%ed to thin* that the -ni(erse is co)$osed of the
S'+stance of the One Rea%it#00"hether "e ca%% that One Rea%it#, +# the
na)e of The A+so%'te3 or "hether "e ca%% it <od. /e )'st +e%ie(e that
fro) this A+so%'te0<od a%% thin!s in the -ni(erse ha(e f%o"n o't, or
+een e)anated, rather than created00+e!otten, rather than ")ade."
This does not )ean the Pantheistic idea that the -ni(erse is <od00+'t
rather that <od, "hi%e e.istin! se$arate and a$art fro) His -ni(erse,
in his Essence, and 5ein!, is ne(erthe%ess in His -ni(erse, and His
-ni(erse in Hi). And this, no )atter "hat conce$tion of <od or 9eit#
is had00or "hether one thin*s of The A+so%'te as Princi$%e. The Tr'th
is the sa)e00Tr'th no )atter +# "hat na)es it is ca%%ed, or +# "hat
)isconce$tion it is s'rro'nded. The Tr'th is that One is in A%%, and
A%% is in One00s'ch is the re$ort of the hi!hest Reason of &an00s'ch
is the re$ort of the I%%')ined00s'ch is the Hi!hest Teachin!s that ha(e
co)e do"n to the race fro) the !reat so'%s that ha(e trodden The Path
of Attain)ent.
And no" %et 's s'+)it the o!i Phi%oso$h# to these conce$tions, and
re$orts of the Reason. And %et 's disco(er j'st "hat )ore the o!i
Phi%oso$h# has to sa# concernin! the nat're of the S'+stance of the
9i(ine, "hich infi%%s a%% Life00and ho" it so%(es the Ridd%e of the
S$hin., concernin! the One in A%%3 and A%% in One. /e ho$e to sho" #o'
that the Ridd%e is ca$a+%e of so%'tion, and that the o%d o!i teachers
ha(e %on! a!o !ras$ed that for "hich the h')an )ind has e(er so'!ht.
This $hase of the Teachin!s is the hi!hest, and it is 's'a%%# hinted
at, rather than e.$ressed, in the "ritin!s on the s'+ject00o"in! to
dan!er of conf'sion and )isconce$tion. 5't in these Lessons "e sha%%
s$ea* the Tr'th $%ain%#, and "itho't fear00for s'ch is the &essa!e
"hich has +een !i(en 's to de%i(er to o'r st'dents00and "e "i%% $erfor)
the Ri!ht action, %ea(in! the Res'%t, or Fr'its of the Action, "here it
+e%on!s, accordin! to the hi!her teachin!s fo'nd in the "5ha!a(ad
<ita," and in the Hi!her Teachin!s of the o!i Phi%oso$h#.
The f'nda)enta% Tr'th e)+edded in the /isdo)0Phi%oso$hies of the
East00the Hi!her o!i Teachin!s00is the i)$re!na+%e doctrine of the One
Se%f in the )an# se%(es00the )an# se%(es in the One Se%f. This
f'nda)enta% Tr'th 'nder%ies a%% the Orienta% Phi%oso$hies "hich are
esoteric in their nat're.
Not"ithstandin! the cr'de and often re$'%si(e conce$tions and $ractices
of the )asses of the $eo$%e "ho re$resent the e.oteric, or $o$'%ar,
$hase of the teachin!s 7and these t"o $hases are to +e fo'nd in a%%
re!ions8 sti%% there is a%"a#s this Inner 9octrine of the One Se%f, to
+e fo'nd to those "ho %oo* for it.
Not on%# is this tr'e a)on! the Hind's3 +'t e(en a)on! the &aho))edans,
of a%% co'ntries, there is an Inner Circ%e of &#stics, *no"n as the
S'fis, ho%din! to this Tr'th. And the inner teachin!s of the
$hi%oso$hies of a%% a!es and races, ha(e he%d %i*e"ise. And the hi!hest
tho'!ht of the $hi%oso$hers of the /estern races, has fo'nd ref'!e in
this idea of the O(er0so'%, or -ni(ersa% Se%f. 5't, it is on%# a)on!
the o!is that "e find an atte)$t )ade to e.$%ain the rea% nat're of
the )anifestation of the One in &an#00the ho%din! of the &an# for)s in
the One Se%f.
5efore $roceedin! to the consideration of ho" the One +eco)es as
&an#, as e.$o'nded +# the Hi!her o!i Teachin!s, it +eco)es necessar#
to s$ea* of a )atter '$on "hich there has +een )'ch conf'sion and
)is'nderstandin!, not on%# on the $art of the st'dents of (ario's
Orienta% Phi%oso$hies, +'t a%so '$on the $art of so)e of the teachers
the)se%(es. /e a%%'de to the connection +et"een THE ONE00THE
A5SOL-TE00in Its ESSENCE00and that "hich has +een ca%%ed the One Life3
the -ni(ersa% Life, etc.
&an# "riters ha(e s$o*en of the -ni(ersa% Life, and The One, as +ein!
identica%00+'t s'ch is a !rie(o's error, findin! no "arrant in the
Hi!hest o!i Teachin!s. It is tr'e that a%% %i(in! for)s d"e%% in, and
are infi%%ed "ith the -ni(ersa% Life00that A%% Life is One. /e ha(e
ta'!ht this tr'th, and it is indeed Tr'th, "itho't 1'a%ification. 5't
there is sti%% a Hi!her Tr'th00the Hi!hest Tr'th, in fact00and that is,
that e(en this -ni(ersa% Life is not the One, +'t, instead, is in
itse%f a )anifestation of, and e)anation fro), THE ONE. There is a
!reat difference here000see that #o' $ercei(e and 'nderstand it, +efore
$roceedin! f'rther.
THE ONE00THE A5SOL-TE00accordin! to the Hi!hest Teachin!s, is P're
S$irit, and not Life, &ind, or 5ein! as "e 'nderstand the) in o'r
finite and )orta% e.$ressions. 5't, sti%% a%% Life, &ind, and 5ein!, as
"e 'nderstand the), s$rin! fro), f%o" fro), and e)anate fro), the
One00and )ore than this, )a# +e s$o*en of as ref%ections of the Life,
&ind, and 5ein! of The One, if "e )a# +e $er)itted to a$$%# the na)es
of finite )anifestations to the Infinite Rea%it#.
So, the Hi!hest Teachin! is that the -ni(ersa% Life infi%%in! a%%
%i(in! thin!s, is not, in itse%f, the 5ein! and Life of THE ONE00+'t is
rather a !reat f'nda)enta% e)anation of The One, the )anner and nat're
of "hich "i%% +e s$o*en of as "e $roceed. Re)e)+er this, $%ease.
Leadin! '$ to the S'$re)e Idea of the One in A%%00A%% in One00%et 's
e.a)ine into the re$ort of the Reason '$on the nat're of the
S'+stance00the 9i(ine S'+stance00fro) "hich a%% %i(in! for)s are
sha$ed3 and fro) "hich a%% that "e *no" as Finite &ind is %i*e"ise
co)$osed. Ho" can these i)$erfect and finite for)s +e co)$osed of a
9i(ine and Perfect S'+stance: This is the 1'estion that )'st occ'r to
the )inds of those "ho are ca$a+%e of dee$ tho'!ht on the s'+ject00and
it is a 1'estion that )'st +e ans"ered. And it can +e ans"ered00and
is ans"ered in the Hi!her o!i Phi%oso$h#. Let 's e.a)ine the re$orts
of the Reason, a %itt%e f'rther00then sha%% "e +e read# for the
Of "hat can the S'+stance of the Infinite +e co)$osed: Can it +e
&atter: es, if #o' are satisfied "ith the reasonin! of the
&ateria%ists, and cannot see f'rther into the Tr'th? These teach that
&atter is <od, and that <od is &atter. 5't if #o' +e a)on! those "ho
reject the &ateria%istic teachin!s, #o' "i%% not +e satisfied "ith this
ans"er. E(en if #o' inc%ine to"ard a Non0)enta% Infinite, sti%% if #o'
are fa)i%iar "ith the res'%ts of )odern scientific in(esti!ation, and
*no" that Science has seen &atter reso%(e itse%f into so)ethin! %i*e
E%ectric Ener!#, #o' "i%% *no" that the Tr'th )'st %ie +ehind and
+e#ond &atter.
Then is it P're Ener!#: #o' )a# as*. P're Ener!#: "hat2s that: Can #o'
thin* of Ener!# a$art fro) )ateria% )anifestation: Ha(e #o' e(er *no"n
of s'ch a thin!: 9o #o' not *no" that e(en the E%ectron Theor#, "hich
is attractin! the attention of ad(anced &odern Science, and "hich ho%ds
that a%% thin!s are co)$osed of )in'te $artic%es of E%ectric Ener!#,
ca%%ed E%ectrons, fro) "hich the Ato)s are +'i%t00do #o' not *no" that
e(en this theor# reco!ni,es the necessit# of a "so)ethin! %i*e &atter,
on%# infinite%# finer," "hich the# ca%% the Ether, to enfo%d the
E%ectric Ener!# as a 'nit00to !i(e it a +od#, as it "ere: And can #o'
esca$e fro) the fact that the )ost ad(anced scientific )inds find
confrontin! the)00the fact that in a%% Ener!#, and !o(ernin! its
actions, there 2is )anifested "so)ethin! %i*e &ind":
And does not a%% this teach thin*ers that j'st as Ener!# creates fro)
itse%f, that "hich is ca%%ed &atter, and then 'ses it as a (ehic%e of
e.$ression and action00so does this "So)ethin! %i*e &ind" create fro)
itse%f that "hich "e ca%% Ener!#, and $roceeds to 'se it, "ith its
acco)$an#in! $hase of &atter, for its e.$ression: 9oes not a%% ad(anced
research sho" 's that in a%% &atter and Ener!# there are e(idences of
the o$eration of this "So)ethin! %i*e &ind": And if this +e so, are "e
not j'stified as re!ardin! &atter and Ener!# as )ere Effects00and to
%oo* to this "So)ethin! %i*e &ind" as the )ore f'nda)enta% S'+stance:
/e thin* so00and Science is +e!innin! to thin* so, too. And soon "i%%
Science +e re!ardin! "ith the )ost $rofo'nd res$ect, the &eta$h#sica% that "A%% is &ind."
o' "i%% see +# reference to o'r "Ad(anced Co'rse in o!i Phi%oso$h#,
etc.," the !enera% o!i teachin!s re!ardin! the E)anation of the One,
*no"n res$ecti(e%# as &ind, Ener!#, and &atter. o' "i%% see that the
o!is teach that &ind, Ener!#, and &atter co)$rise a threefo%d
e)anation of the A+so%'te. o' "i%% a%so see that it is ta'!ht that
&ind "as the Parent0E)anation00the -ni(ersa% &ind3 and that the
-ni(ersa% Ener!# "as the Second0E)anation 7$roceedin! fro) &ind83 and
that the -ni(ersa% &atter "as the Third E)anation 7$roceedin! fro)
Ener!#8 In the sa)e +oo* #o' "i%% find that the Teachin! is that a+o(e
&atter, Ener!#, and &ind, is the Essence of the A+so%'te, "hich is
ca%%ed S$irit00the nat're of "hich is non0'nderstanda+%e to the )ind of
&an, the hi!hest conce$tion of "hich is the hi!hest )anifestation of
itse%f00&ind. 5't as "e cannot co)$rehend s$irit other"ise, "e are
j'stified in thin*in! of it as So)ethin! %i*e Infinite &ind00So)ethin!
as )'ch hi!her than Finite &ind as that is hi!her than )ere ener!#.
No", then00"e ha(e seen the fo%%# of thin*in! of the 9i(ine S'+stance
as &atter or Ener!#. And "e ha(e co)e to *no" it as S$irit, so)ethin!
%i*e &ind, on%# infinite%# hi!her, +'t "hich sti%% )a# +e tho'!ht of in
ter)s of Infinite &ind, for "e can ha(e no hi!her ter)s in o'r thin*in!
o$erations. So "e )a# then ass')e that this 9i(ine Nat're or s'+stance
is SPIRIT, "hich "e "i%% thin* of as Infinite &ind, for "ant of a
+etter for) of conce$tion.
/e ha(e seen the fo%%# of thin*in! of the 9i(ine Essentia% S'+stance as
the 5od# of <od. /e ha(e %i*e"ise seen the fo%%# of thin*in! of it as
the @ita% Ener!# of <od. And "e ha(e fo'nd that "e co'%d not esca$e
thin*in! of it as the S$irit, or infinite &ind of <od. 5e#ond this "e
cannot thin* inte%%i!ent%#.
5't do #o' not see that a%% this e.ercise of the Reason has +ro'!ht 's
to the $oint "here "e )'st thin* that this 9i(ine S'+stance, "hich the
A+so%'te0<od 'ses in the )anifestation of -ni(ersa% Life3 the -ni(erse3
and a%% the for)s, and sha$es, and )anifestations of %ife and thin!s in
the -ni(erse00this 9i(ine S'+stance "hich )'st +e in A%% Thin!s00and
in "hich A%% Thin!s )'st rest, e(en as the +'++%e rests on the
Ocean00that this can +e nothin! %ess than S$irit, and that this S$irit
can +e tho'!ht of on%# as Infinite &ind:
And, if this +e so, then indeed )'st A%% +e &ind, and &ind +e
A%%00)eanin!, of co'rse, the Infinite &ind, not the finite
)anifestation that "e ca%% &ind.
Then, if this reasonin! has +een correct, then )'st "e thin* that A%%
Life00a%% the -ni(erse00E(er#thin! e.ce$t the A+so%'te itse%f00)'st +e
he%d in the Infinite &ind of the A+so%'te?
And, so, +# the e.ercise of o'r Reason00+# %istenin! to, and e.a)inin!
its re$orts, "e ha(e +een +ro'!ht face to face00e#e to e#e00heart to
heart00"ith the Teachin! of the I%%')ined Ones, "hich has co)e do"n to
's as the Hi!hest Teachin! of the o!i Phi%oso$h#? For this, indeed, is
the hi!hest conce$tion of Tr'th in the o!i Teachin!s00this, that ALL
Rea% Thin! a+o't &an is THE SPIRIT in(o%(ed in the Tho'!ht0For), the
rest is )ere Persona%it#, "hich chan!es and ceases to +e. The S$irit in
the So'% of &an, is the SO-L OF THE SO-L, "hich is ne(er +orn3 ne(er
chan!eth3 ne(er dieth00this is The Rea% Se%f of &an, in "hich, indeed,
he is "One "ith the Father."
This is the $oint "here the Reasonin! &ind of &an has co)e to a sense
of A!ree)ent "ith the Hi!hest o!i Teachin!s. Let 's no" $ass on to the
Teachin!s the)se%(es00%et 's %isten to The &essa!e of Tr'th.
In this consideration of the Hi!hest o!i Phi%oso$h#, and its teachin!,
"e "o'%d a!ain sa# to o'r st'dents, that "hich "e said to the) in "The
Ad(anced Co'rse"00that "e do not atte)$t to teach the ""h#" of the
&anifestation of The A+so%'te, +'t rest content "ith de%i(erin! the
&essa!e of the o!i Sa!es, "hich dea%s "ith the "ho"." As "e stated in
the %essons referred to, "e inc%ine to that schoo% of the Hi!her
Teachin!s, "hich ho%ds that the "/h#" of the Infinite &anifestation
)'st, of necessit#, rest "ith the Infinite a%one, and that the finite
)ind cannot ho$e to ans"er the 1'estion. /e ho%d that in a%% the
-ni(ersa% &ind, or in an# of its &ind &anifestations, there is to +e
fo'nd no ans"er to this 1'estion? /ra$$ed in the Essence of the
A+so%'te S$irit, a%one, is this Fina% Ans"er?
The Sa!es, and &asters, fro) their hi!h s$irit'a% $oints of
o+ser(ation, $ossess )an# tr'ths re!ardin! the "ho"" side of the
1'estion that "o'%d a$$ear a%)ost %i*e Infinite /isdo) itse%f, co)$ared
"ith o'r $'n# *no"%ed!e. 5't e(en these !reat so'%s re$ort that the# do
not $ossess the ans"er to the Fina% L'estion00the "/h#" of the Infinite
&anifestation. And so "e )a# +e e.c'sed fro) atte)$tin! to ans"er
it00and "itho't sha)e or sense of shortco)in! do "e sti%% sa#, to this
1'estion, "/e do not *no"?"
In order that the Fina% L'estion )a# +e f'%%# 'nderstood %et 's
consider it for a )o)ent. /e find the L'estion arisin! fro) the
fo%%o"in! condition4
The h')an Reason is co)$e%%ed to ad)it that there is an Infinite,
Eterna%, Ca'se%ess REALIT 'nder%#in! a%% for)s of )anifestation in the
$heno)ena% "or%d. It is %i*e"ise co)$e%%ed to ad)it that this REALIT
)'st co)$rise A%% that Rea%%# Is00and that there can +e nothin! Rea%
o'tside of Itse%f. Arisin! fro) this is the Tr'th, that a%% for)s of
$heno)ena% )anifestation, )'st e)anate fro) the One Rea%it#, for
there is nothin! e%se Rea% fro) "hich the# co'%d e)anate. And the
t"in0Tr'th that these for)s of )anifestation, )'st a%so +e in the
5ein! of the One Rea%it#, for there is no"here o'tside of the A%%
"herein the# )i!ht find a $%ace. So this One Rea%it# is seen to +e
"That fro) "hich A%% Thin!s f%o""3 and "That in "hich A%% Thin!s %i(e,
and )o(e and ha(e their +ein!."
Therefore A%% Thin!s e)anate fro), and are contained in the One
Rea%it#. /e sha%% consider "j'st ho"" %ater on, +'t the 1'estion "hich
confronts 's, and "hich has +een ca%%ed the "Fina% L'estion"00and that
"hich "e $rono'nce 'nans"era+%e00is this4 "/h# has the Infinite
)anifested and e)anated Finite for)s of +ein!:" o' "i%% see the nat're
of the 1'estion "hen #o' sto$ to consider4 718 The Infinite cannot ha(e
9esire, for that is a Finite 1'a%it#3 7C8 It cannot %ac* an#thin!, for
that "o'%d ta*e a"a# fro) its Infinit#3 7D8 and e(en if it did %ac*
an#thin!, fro) "hence co'%d it e.$ect to ac1'ire it3 for there is
nothin! o'tside of itse%f00if It %ac*s an#thin!, it )'st contin'e to
a%"a#s %ac* it, for there is no o'tside so'rce fro) "hich It co'%d
o+tain an#thin! "hich it does not a%read# $ossess. And 9esire "o'%d +e,
of co'rse, a "antin! for so)ethin! "hich it %ac*ed00so It co'%d not
9esire 'n%ess it Lac*ed00and it "o'%d *no" that 9esire "o'%d +e
ho$e%ess, e(en if indeed it did Lac*.
So #o' see that if "e re!ard the Infinite Rea%it# as Perfect, "e )'st
dro$ a%% ideas of It 9esirin! or Lac*in!00and of it <ro"in! or
I)$ro(in!00or of it o+tainin! )ore Po"er, or 6no"%ed!e. These ideas are
ridic'%o's, for an A+so%'te, Infinite Rea%it#, )'st $ossess
A%%06no"%ed!e3 A%%0Po"er3 A%%0Presence, e%se it is not A+so%'te and
Infinite. And, if It does not $ossess these attri+'tes of 5ein!, then
It can ne(er ho$e to ac1'ire the), for there is No"here fro) "hence
the# co'%d +e ac1'ired00there is no So'rce o'tside of the A%%0So'rce. A
Finite Thin!, )a# %ac*, and desire, and i)$ro(e and de(e%o$, for there
is the -ni(ersa% So'rce fro) "hich it )a# dra". 5't the Infinite has no
-ni(ersa% So'rce, for it is Its o"n So'rce. 9o #o' see the nat're of
the Fina% L'estion: If not "e "i%% a!ain state it00it is this4
"/h# sho'%d the Infinite Rea%it#, "hich $ossesses a%% that )a# +e
$ossessed, and "hich in itse%f is the on%# So'rce of Thin!s00/H sho'%d
It 9esire to )anifest a -ni(erse fro) and "ithin Itse%f:"
A %itt%e consideration "i%% sho" #o' that there is no inte%%i!ent
ans"er to the "/h#," either in #o'r o"n )inds, or in the "ritin!s and
teachin!s of the !reatest )inds. The )atter is i)$ortant, to those "ho
are confronted e(er# da# "ith so)e of the )an# atte)$ts to ans"er this
Fina% L'estion00it is "e%% that o'r st'dents infor) the) re!ardin! the
f'ti%it# of s'ch 1'estionin!. And "ith this end in (ie", "e sha%%
herein !i(e a fe" of the "ise "!'esses" at the ans"er, and o'r reasons
for considerin! the) inade1'ate. /e as* the st'dent to consider
caref'%%# these re)ar*s, for +# so doin! he "i%% $ost hi)se%f, and "i%%
+e sa(ed )'ch tedio's and $er$! "anderin! a%on! the dan!ero's
$%aces in the S"a)$ of &eta$h#sics, fo%%o"in! the "i%%0o20the0"is$ of
Finite &ind )as1'eradin! as the Infinite /isdo)? 5e"are of the Fa%se
Li!hts? The# %ead to the 1'a!)ire and 1'ic*sands of tho'!ht?
Let 's no" consider so)e of these "!'esses" at the ans"er to the Fina%
L'estion. So)e thin*ers ha(e he%d that the A+so%'te "as +o'nd +# a
9i(ine Necessit# to )anifest itse%f as &an#. The ans"er to this is that
the A+so%'te co'%d not +e +o'nd +# an#thin!, inner or o'ter, e%se it
"o'%d not +e A+so%'te and Infinite, +'t "o'%d +e Re%ati(e and Finite.
Another set of thin*ers ha(e he%d that the A+so%'te fo'nd "ithin itse%f
a 9esire to &anifest as &an#. Fro) "hence co'%d co)e s'ch an
action0ca'sin! 9esire: The A+so%'te co'%d %ac* nothin!, and there "o'%d
+e nothin! for it to desire to !ain, other than that "hich It a%read#
$ossessed. One does not desire thin!s one a%read# has, +'t on%# "hat he
Another schoo% "o'%d te%% 's that the Infinite "ished to E.$ress
itse%f in the $heno)ena% "or%d. /h#: S'ch a $heno)ena% "or%d co'%d on%#
+e ref%ection of Its $o"er, "itnessed on%# +# Itse%f, and co'%d contain
nothin! that "as not a%read# contained in the A%%. To "hat end "o'%d
s'ch a "ish tend: /hat "o'%d +e acco)$%ished or !ained: The Infinite
A%% co'%d not +eco)e an#thin! )ore than It a%read# "as00so "h# the "ish
for e.$ression: So)e sa# that the "ho%e $heno)ena% "or%d is +'t &a#a,
or I%%'sion, and does not at a%%. Then "ho e%se than the Infinite
ca'sed the I%%'sion, and "h# the necessit#: This ans"er on%# re)o(es
the 1'estion +ac* one $oint, and does not rea%%# ans"er it. So)e "o'%d
sa# that the -ni(erse is the "drea) of the Infinite." Can "e concei(e
the Infinite 5ein! as e.ercisin! the finite fac'%t# of "drea)in!"00is
not this chi%dish:
Others "o'%d ha(e 's +e%ie(e that the A+so%'te is ind'%!in! in a "!a)e"
or "$%a#," "hen he )a*es -ni(erses, and those inha+itin! the). Can
an#one rea%%# +e%ie(e this of The A+so%'te00$%a#in! %i*e a chi%d, "ith
)en and "o)en, "or%ds and s'ns, as Its +%oc*s and tin0so%diers: /h#
sho'%d the Infinite "$%a#":00does It need a)'se)ent and "f'n" %i*e a
chi%d: Poor &an, "ith his atte)$ts to read the Ridd%e of the Infinite?
/e *no" of teachers "ho !ra(e%# instr'ct their $'$i%s in the idea that
the A+so%'te and Infinite One )anifests -ni(erses and -ni(ersa% Life,
and a%% that f%o"s fro) the), +eca'se It "ishes to "!ain e.$erience"
thro'!h o+jecti(e e.istence. This idea, in )an# for)s has +een so
fre1'ent%# ad(anced that it is "orth "hi%e to consider its a+s'rdit#.
In the first $%ace, "hat "e.$erience" co'%d +e !ained +# the A+so%'te
and Infinite One: /hat co'%d It e.$ect to !ain and %earn, that it did
not a%read# *no" and $ossess: One can !ain e.$erience on%# fro) others,
and o'tside thin!s00not fro) onese%f entire%# se$arated fro) the
o'tside "or%d of thin!s. And there "o'%d +e no "o'tside" for the
Infinite. These $eo$%e "o'%d ha(e 's +e%ie(e that The A+so%'te e)anated
a -ni(erse fro) Itse%f00"hich co'%d contain nothin! e.ce$t that "hich
"as o+tained fro) Itse%f00and then $roceeded to !ain e.$erience fro)
it. Ha(in! no "o'tside" fro) "hich it co'%d o+tain e.$eriences and
sentences and sensations, it $roceeded to )a*e 7fro) Itse%f8 an
i)itation one00that is "hat this ans"er a)o'nts to. Can #o' acce$t it:
The "ho%e tro'+%e in a%% of these ans"ers, or atte)$ted ans"ers, is
that the ans"erer first concei(es of the A+so%'te0Infinite 5ein!, as a
Re%ati(e0Finite &an, and then $roceeds to e.$%ain "hat this 5i! &an
"o'%d do. This is +'t an e.a!!erated for) of anthro$o)or$his)00the
conce$tion of <od as a &an raised to !reat $ro$ortions. It is +'t an
e.tension of the idea "hich !a(e +irth to the sa(a!e conce$tions of
9eit# as a cr'e% chief or )i!ht# "arrior, "ith h')an $assions, hates,
and re(en!e3 %o(e, $assions, and desires.
Arisin! fro) the sa)e ca'se, and a*in to the theories ad(anced a+o(e
are si)i%ar ones, "hich ho%d that the A+so%'te cannot d"e%% a%one, +'t
)'st fore(er +rin! forth so'%s fro) Itse%f00this "as the idea of
P%otin's, the <ree* $hi%oso$her. Others ha(e tho'!ht that the
Infinite "as $ossessed of s'ch a cons')in! %o(e, that It )anifested
o+jects '$on "hich it co'%d +esto" Its affections. Others ha(e tho'!ht
that It "as %oneso)e, and desired co)$anionshi$. So)e ha(e s$o*en of
the A+so%'te as "sacrificin!" itse%f, in +eco)in! &an#, instead of
re)ainin! One. Others ha(e ta'!ht that the Infinite so)eho" has +eco)e
entan!%ed in Its &anifestations, and had %ost the *no"%ed!e of Its
Oneness00hence their teachin!s of "I A) <od." Others, ho%din! to a
si)i%ar idea, te%% 's that the Infinite is de%i+erate%# ")as1'eradin!"
as the &an#, in order to foo% and )#stif# Itse%f00a sho" of Itse%f3 +#
Itse%f, and for Itse%f? Is not this S$ec'%ati(e &eta$h#sics r'n "i%d:
Can one in ca%) tho'!ht so re!ard the Infinite and A+so%'te
Lac*in! Nothin!00Perfect One00as actin! and $erfor)in! th's, and fro)
these )oti(es: Is not this as chi%dish as the chi%dishness of the
sa(a!e, and +ar+arians, in their &')+o0>')+o conce$tions: Let 's %ea(e
this $hase of the s'+ject.
The Hi!her o!i Teachin!s ho%d to no s'ch ideas or theories. It ho%ds
that the Ans"er to the Secret is (ested in the Infinite a%one, and that
finite "!'esses" re!ardin! the "/h#" are f'ti%e and $itif'%. It ho%ds
that "hi%e one sho'%d 'se the Reason to the f'%%, sti%% there are
$hases of 5ein! that can +e considered on%# in Lo(e, Faith, and
Confidence in THAT fro) "hich A%% Thin!s f%o", and in "hich "e %i(e and
)o(e and ha(e o'r +ein!. It reco!ni,es that the thin!s of the S$irit,
are *no"n +# the &ind. It e.$%ores the re!ions of the -ni(ersa% &ind to
its 't)ost %i)its, fear%ess%#00+'t it $a'ses +efore the C%osed 9oor of
The S$irit, re(erent%# and %o(in!%#.
5't, re)e)+er this00that "hi%e the Hi!her o!i Teachin!s contain no
"!'ess," or s$ec'%ati(e theor#, re!ardin! the "/h#" of the 9i(ine
&anifestation, sti%% the# do not den# the e.istence of a "/h#". In
fact, the# e.$ress%# ho%d that the A+so%'te &anifestation of the &an#
is in $'rs'ance of so)e "ondro's 9i(ine P%an, and that the -nfo%d)ent
of the P%an $roceeds a%on! "e%%0esta+%ished and order%# %ines, and
accordin! to La". The# tr'st in the /isdo) and Lo(e of the A+so%'te
5ein!, and )anifest a $erfect Confidence, Tr'st and Peacef'% Patience
in the -%ti)ate >'stice, and Fina% @ictor# of the 9i(ine P%an. No do'+t
dist'r+s this idea00it $a#s no attention to the a$$arent contradictions
in the finite $heno)ena% "or%d, +'t sees that a%% thin!s are $roceedin!
to"ard so)e far0a"a# !oa%, and that "A%% is /e%% "ith the -ni(erse".
5't the# do not thin* for a )o)ent, or teach in the s%i!htest de!ree,
that a%% this -nfo%d)ent, and P%an of the -ni(erse, has for its o+ject
an# ad(anta!e, +enefit or !ain to the A+so%'te00s'ch a tho'!ht "o'%d +e
fo%%#, for the A+so%'te is a%read# Perfect, and Its Perfection cannot
+e added to, or ta*en a"a# fro). 5't the# do $ositi(e%# teach that
there is a !reat +eneficia% $'r$ose in a%% the P%an, accr'in! in the
end to the de(e%o$ed so'%s that ha(e e(o%(ed thro'!h the "or*in!s of
the $%an. These so'%s do not $ossess the 1'a%ities of the
Infinite00the# are Finite, and th's are ca$a+%e of recei(in! +enefits3
of !ro"in!, de(e%o$in!, 'nfo%din!, attainin!. And, therefore, the o!is
teach that this +'i%din! '$ of <reat So'%s see)s to +e the idea of the
Infinite, so far as )a# +e !ained fro) an o+ser(ation of the /or*in!s
of the P%an. The A+so%'te cannot need these <reat So'%s for Its o"n
$%eas're, and therefore their +'i%din!0'$ )'st +e for their o"n
ad(anta!e, ha$$iness and +enefit.
The o!is teach, on this s'+ject, that there can +e on%# ONE Rea%
Perfect 5ein!00Perfect "itho't e.$erience00Perfect fro) the
5e!innin!00+'t on%# ONE? In other "ords, the# teach that there can +e
no s'ch thin! as A+so%'te Perfection, o'tside of the A+so%'te
Itse%f00and that not e(en the A+so%'te 5ein! can create another
A+so%'te 5ein!, for in that case there "o'%d +e no A+so%'te 5ein! at
a%%, +'t on%# t"o Re%ati(e 5ein!s.
Thin* o(er this for a )o)ent, and #o' "i%% see its tr'th. The A5SOL-TE
)'st a%"a#s +e "the One "itho't a Second", as the o!is e.$ress
it00there cannot +e t"o Perfect ones. And so, a%% Finite 5ein!s,
+ein! Finite, )'st "or* their "a# '$ to"ard the $%ane of Perfection +#
The Path of Life, "ith a%% of its %essons, tas*s, cares, $ains, and
stri(in!s. This is the on%# "a# o$en to the)00and e(en the A+so%'te
cannot ha(e it other"ise, and sti%% +e the A+so%'te. There is a fine
$oint here00the A+so%'te is A%%0Po"erf'%, +'t e(en that A%%0Po"er is
not s'fficient to ena+%e It to destro# Its A+so%'te 5ein!. And so, #o'
"ho ha(e "ondered, $erha$s #o' )a# no" 'nderstand o'r "ords in the
First Lesson of this series, in "hich "e said that the )essa!e of the
A+so%'te to so)e of the I%%')ined has +een4 "A%% is +ein! done in the
+est and on%# $ossi+%e "a#00I a) doin! the +est I can00a%% is "e%%00and
in the end "i%% so a$$ear."
And, as "e a%so said in that First Lesson4 "The A+so%'te, instead of
+ein! an indifferent and 'n)o(ed s$ectator to its o"n creation, is a
stri(in!, %on!in!, acti(e, s'fferin!, rejoicin!, fee%in! S$irit,
$arta*in! of the fee%in!s of Its )anifestations, rather than ca%%o's%#
"itnessin! the). It %i(es in 's00"ith 's00thro'!h 's. 5ac* of a%% the
$ain in the "or%d, )a# +e fo'nd a !reat fee%in! and s'fferin! %o(e."
And in this tho'!ht there is co)fort to the do'+tin! so'%00$eace to the
tro'+%ed )ind.
In the Lesson, "e sha%% $roceed to de%i(er to #o' the f'rther
&essa!e of Tr'th, concernin! "ho"" the One A+so%'te )anifests Its
&enta% I)a!es as -ni(erse3 -ni(ersa% Life3 and For)s and Sha$es3 and
Indi(id'a%ities, and Persona%ities. /e had ho$ed to inc%'de the "ho%e
&essa!e in this Fifth Lesson, +'t no" find that "e ha(e )ere%# %aid the
ste$s +# "hich the st'dent )a# reach the Essentia% Tr'th.
5't, %est the st'dent )a# +e %eft in an 'ncertain state of )ind,
a"aitin! the conc%'sion of the consideration of the s'+ject00and %est
he )a# thin* that "e intend teachin! hi) that the -ni(erse, and a%% in
it, inc%'din! hi)se%f are "9rea)s," +eca'se "e ha(e said that A%%
Thin!s are Tho'!ht0For)s in the &ind of the A+so%'te00%est this
)is'nderstandin! )a# arise, "e "ish to add a fe" $artin! "ords to "hat
"e ha(e said.
/e "ish to i)$ress '$on the )ind of the st'dent that tho'!h a%% Thin!s
are +'t Tho'!ht0For)s in the &ind of the A+so%'te 5ein!, and that "hi%e
it is tr'e that the entire -ni(erse of -ni(erses is si)$%# a
Tho'!ht0For) he%d in the &ind of the A+so%'te00sti%% this fact does not
)ean that a%% Thin!s are "i%%'sions" or "drea)s." Re)e)+er this, no"
and fore(er, O St'dent00that that "hich is he%d in the A+so%'te &ind as
a Tho'!ht0For) IS, and is a%% there IS, o'tside of the A+so%'te Itse%f.
/hen the A+so%'te for)s a Tho'!ht0For), It for)s it o't of Its o"n
)enta% s'+stance00"hen the A+so%'te "ho%ds an#thin! in Its &ind," It
ho%ds it in Itse%f00for the A+so%'te is ALL0&IN9.
The A+so%'te is not a )ateria% 5ein!, fro) "hich &ateria% 5ein!s are
created. It is a S$irit'a% 5ein!00a 5ein! "hose S'+stance is a*in to
that "hich "e ca%% "&ind," on%# raised to Infinit# and A+so%'te
Perfection and Po"er. And this is the on%# "a# it can "create"00+#
creatin! a Tho'!ht0For) in Its &enta%, or S$irit'a% S'+stance. The
faintest "Tho'!ht" of the A+so%'te is )ore rea% and d'ra+%e than
an#thin! that )an can create00in fact, )an can "create" nothin!, for
a%% the hard and rea% )ateria% he 'ses in his "creations," s'ch as
stee%, dia)onds, !ranite, are +'t so)e of the )inor For)s, "tho'!ht"
into +ein! +# the A+so%'te.
And a%so re)e)+er this, that the A+so%'te cannot "thin*" of an#thin!,
"itho't $'ttin! Itse%f in that thin!, as its Essence. >'st as a )an2s
&enta% I)a!es are not on%# in his )ind, +'t his )ind is in the),
/h#, #o' do'+tin! and ti)oro's ones, does not e(en the finite
"thin*in!" of &an )anifest itse%f in $h#sica% and )ateria% chan!es of
for) and sha$e:00does not a )an2s e(er# tho'!ht act'a%%# "create"
$h#sica% for)s and sha$es, in his +rain0ce%%s and $h#sica% tiss'e: o'
"ho are readin! these "ords00#ea, "hi%e #o' are readin! these
"ords00are "creatin!" chan!es of for) and sha$e in #o'r +rain0ce%%s,
and $h#sica% or!anis). o'r )ind is constant%# at "or*, a%so, in
+'i%din! '$ #o'r $h#sica% +od#, a%on! the %ines of the Instincti(e &ind
7see $re(io's series of %essons800#o' are )enta%%# creatin! in a
)iniat're 'ni(erse, e(er# )o)ent of #o'r %ife. And #et, the idea of the
A+so%'te "creatin!" a -ni(erse +# $'re Tho'!ht, in Its o"n &ind, and
thereafter ca'sin! the "or* of the -ni(erse to $roceed accordin! to
La", +# si)$%# "/i%%in!" it so, ca'ses #o' to "onder, and $erha$s to
O, #e of %itt%e faith, #o' "o'%d den# to the A+so%'te e(en the $o"er
#o' $ossess #o'rse%f. o' $%an thin!s in #o'r )ind e(er# da#, and then
$roceed to ca'se the) to a$$ear in )ateria% )anifestation, and #et #o'
do'+t the a+i%it# of the A+so%'te to do %i*e"ise. /h# e(en the $oets,
or "riters of fiction, create characters in their )inds00and these see)
so rea%, that e(en #o' i)a!ine the) to +e act'a% entities, and #o' "ee$
o(er their $ains, and s)i%e at their jo#s00and #et a%% this is on the
finite $%ane. /h#, e(en the "i)a!inations" of #o'r $ett# finite,
'nde(e%o$ed )inds, ha(e s'fficient $o"er to )a*e #o'r $h#sica% +odies
sic*, or "e%%, or e(en to ca'se #o' to "die," fro) so)e i)a!ined
ai%)ent. And #et #o' do'+t the $o"er of the A+so%'te, to "thin*" thin!s
into +ein!? o' tin# st'dents in the !reat 6inder!arten of Life00#o'
)'st %earn +etter %essons fro) #o'r %itt%e +%oc*s and !a)es. And #o'
"i%%00this is the La".
And #o' "ho are fi%%ed "ith the sense of #o'r s)a%%ness, and
"'nrea%it#"00*no" #o' that so %on! as #o' are "he%d in the &ind of
<od," then so %on! are #o' "re)e)+ered" +# Hi). And so %on! as #o' are
re)e)+ered +# Hi), no rea% har) can +efa%% #o', and #o'r Rea%it# is
second on%# to His o"n. E(en tho'!h #o' $ass o't of #o'r )orta%
fra)e00doth he re)e)+er #o' in His &ind, and *ee$in! #o' there, he
ho%ds #o' safe and 'nhar)ed. The !reatest satisfaction that can co)e to
one, is to +e a+%e to f'%%# rea%i,e that he, or she, is he%d fir)%# IN
THE &IN9 OF THE INFINITE 5EIN<. To s'ch co)es the *no"%ed!e that in
THAT LIFE there can +e NO 9EATH.
Peace +e "ith #o' in this Rea%i,ation. &a# #o' )a*e it #o'r o"n?
In o'r %ast %esson "e !a(e #o' the Inner Teachin!s of the o!i
Phi%oso$h#, re%atin! to the rea% nat're of the -ni(erse, and a%% that
is therein contained. /e tr'st that #o' ha(e $ondered "e%% and
caref'%%# the state)ents contained in that %esson, for in the) is to +e
fo'nd the essence of the hi!hest o!i teachin!s. /hi%e "e ha(e
endea(ored to $resent these hi!h tr'ths to #o' in the si)$%est $ossi+%e
for), #et 'n%ess #o'r )inds ha(e +een trained to !ras$ the tho'!ht, #o'
)a# ha(e tro'+%e in f'%%# assi)i%atin! the essence of the teachin!s.
5't, +e not disco'ra!ed, for #o'r )ind "i%% !rad'a%%# 'nfo%d %i*e the
f%o"er, and the S'n of Tr'th "i%% reach into its in)ost recesses. 9o
not +e tro'+%ed if #o'r co)$rehension see)s d'%%, or #o'r $ro!ress
s%o", for a%% thin!s "i%% co)e to #o' in ti)e. o' cannot esca$e the
Tr'th, nor can the Tr'th esca$e #o'. And it "i%% not co)e to #o' one
)o)ent sooner than #o' are read# to recei(e it, nor "i%% it +e de%a#ed
one )o)ent in its co)in!, "hen #o' are read# for it. S'ch is the La",
and none can esca$e it, nor a%ter it, nor )odif# it. A%% is /e%%, and
A%% is -nder the La"00nothin! e(er "ha$$ens."
To )an#, the tho'!ht that the -ni(erse and a%% that is therein
contained, are si)$%# "Tho'!ht For)s" in the Infinite &ind00&enta%
Creations of the A+so%'te, )a# see) start%in!, and a sense of 'nrea%it#
)a# $er(ade one. This is ine(ita+%e, +'t the reaction "i%% co)e. To
so)e "ho ha(e !ras$ed this )i!ht# tr'th there has co)e a fee%in! that
"A%% is Nothin!," "hich idea is e)+odied in their teachin!s and
"ritin!s. 5't this is )ere%# the Ne!ati(e Phase of the Tr'th00there is
a Positi(e Phase "hich co)es as one ad(ances.
The Ne!ati(e Phase sho"s 's that a%% that "e ha(e considered as rea%
and $er)anent00the fo'ndations of the -ni(erse itse%f00is +'t a )enta%
i)a!e in the )ind of the A+so%'te, and therefore %ac*s the f'nda)enta%
rea%it# that "e had $re(io's%# associated "ith it. And rea%i,in! this,
"e are at first a$t to fee% that, indeed "a%% is nothin!," and to fa%%
into a state of a$ath#, and %ac* of desire to $%a# o'r $art in the
"or%d. 5't, then, ha$$i%# the reaction sets in, sooner or %ater, and "e
+e!in to see the Positi(e Phase of the Tr'th. This Positi(e Phase sho"s
's that "hi%e a%% the for)s, sha$es, and $heno)ena of the -ni(erse are
+'t $arts of a !reat sho"0"or%d, sti%% the essence of a%% )'st +e
Rea%it#, itse%f, e%se there "o'%d not +e e(en the "a$$earance" of a
-ni(erse. 5efore a thin! can +e a &enta% I)a!e, there )'st +e a &ind to
ho%d that &enta% I)a!e, and a 5EIN< to $ossess that &ind. And, the (er#
essence of that 5EIN< )'st $er(ade and +e i))anent in e(er# I)a!e in
that &ind. >'st as o' are rea%%# in #o'r &enta% I)a!es, as "e%% as
the# in o', so )'st the A+so%'te +e in Its &enta% I)a!es, or
Creations, or Tho'!ht For)s, as tr'%# as the# are in the &ind of the
A+so%'te. 9o #o' see this $%ain%#: Thin* "e%% o(er it00$onder it
"e%%00for in it %ies the Tr'th.
And so, this Positi(e Phase of the Tr'th, is far fro) de$ressin!00it is
the )ost sti)'%atin! conce$tion one can ho%d, if he +'t !ras$s it in
its entiret# and f'%ness. E(en if it +e tr'e that a%% these sha$es,
and for)s, and a$$earances, and $heno)ena, and $ersona%ities, +e +'t
i%%'sion as co)$ared to the inner Rea%it#00"hat of it: Are #o' not then
ass'red that the S$irit "ithin o'rse%f is the S$irit of the
A+so%'te00that the Rea%it# "ithin o' is the Rea%it# of the
A+so%'te00that #o' ARE, +eca'se the A+so%'te IS, and cannot +e
other"ise: 9oes not the Peace, and Ca%), and Sec'rit#, and 5%iss that
co)es to #o' "ith this Rea%i,ation, far )ore than co'nter+a%ance the
$ett# nothin!s that #o' ha(e discarded: /e thin* that there can +e +'t
one ans"er to this, "hen #o' ha(e f'%%# Rea%i,ed the Tr'th.
/hat !i(es #o' the !reatest Satisfaction and Content in Life: Let 's
see. /e%%, there is the Satisfaction of I))orta%it#. The h')an )ind
instincti(e%# cra(es this. /e%%, "hat that e(en the hi!hest finite
conce$tions of F't're Life ha(e !i(en #o', can co)$are "ith the
ass'rance of Act'a% 5ein!, in and of the A+so%'te: /hat are #o'r $ett#
conce$tions of "hea(ens," "$aradises," "ha$$#0h'ntin!0!ro'nds," "di(ine
re!ions of the +%essed," and the other ideas of the (ario's re%i!io's
sects, "hen co)$ared "ith the conce$tions of #o'r Infinite and Eterna%
E.istence in S$irit00#o'r re%ation "ith The One00that conce$tion of
Infinite /isdo), 5ein!, and 5%iss: /hen #o' !ras$ this tr'th, #o' "i%%
see that #o' are "in Eternit# ri!ht No"," and are I))orta% e(en this
)o)ent, as #o' ha(e a%"a#s +een.
No", "hat "e ha(e said a+o(e is not intended to den# the
"hea(en0"or%ds," or $%anes. On the contrar#, #o' "i%% find )'ch in the
teachin!s re!ardin! these, "hich the o!is enter into "ith )'ch detai%.
5't, "e )ean that +ac* of a%% the "hea(ens" and "ce%estia% $%anes,"
there is a sti%% hi!her state of +ein! +ein!00the "A+so%'te 5ein!."
E(en the "hea(ens," and "hea(en0"or%ds," and re!ions of the 9e(as, or
Archan!e%s, are +'t re%ati(e states00there is a state hi!her than e(en
these e.a%ted re%ati(e states, and that is the State of the Conscio's
-nit# and Identit# "ith the One. /hen one enters into that State, he
+eco)es )ore than &an00)ore than !ods00he is then "in the +oso) of the
And no", +efore $roceedin! to a consideration of the $heno)ena%
)anifestation of the A+so%'te00the e(o%(in! of the -ni(erse in the
Infinite &ind00"e "i%% a!ain ca%% #o'r attention to the fact that
'nder%ies a%% the -ni(erse of for)s, sha$es and a$$earances, and that
is, as "e stated in o'r %ast %esson4
A%% &anifestations and E)anations of the A+so%'te are &enta% Creations
of the A+so%'te00Tho'!ht0For)s he%d in the Infinite &ind00the Infinite
S$irit in the)00and the# in the Infinite S$irit. And, the on%# Rea%
Thin! a+o't &an is the S$irit in(o%(ed in the Tho'!ht0For)00the rest is
)ere Persona%it#, "hich chan!es and ceases to +e. The S$irit in the
So'% of &an, is the So'% of the So'%, "hich is ne(er +orn3 ne(er
chan!eth3 ne(er dieth00this is The Rea% Se%f of &an, in "hich, indeed,
he is "One "ith the Father."
And, no" %et 's consider the o!i Teachin!s re!ardin! the creation of
the -ni(erse, and the e(o%'tion of the %i(in! for)s thereon. /e sha%%
endea(or to !i(e #o' the stor# as $%ain%# as )a# +e, ho%din! fast to
the )ain tho'!ht, and a(oidin! the side0$aths of detai%s, etc., so far
as is $ossi+%e.
In the first $%ace, "e )'st i)a!ine o'rse%(es +ac* to the +e!innin! of
a "9a# of 5rah),"00the first da"n of that 9a#, "hich is +rea*in! fro)
the dar*ness of a "Ni!ht of 5rah)." 5efore "e $roceed f'rther, "e )'st
te%% #o' so)ethin! a+o't these "9a#s and Ni!hts of 5rah)," of "hich #o'
ha(e seen )'ch )ention in the Orienta% "ritin!s.
The o!i Teachin!s contain )'ch re!ardin! the "9a#s and Ni!hts of
5rah)3" the "In0+reathin! and O't0+reathin! of the Creati(e Princi$%e3"
the $eriods of "&an(antara," and the $eriods of "Pra%a#a." This
tho'!ht r'ns thro'!h a%% the Orienta% tho'!ht, a%tho'!h in different
for)s, and "ith (ario's inter$retations. The tho'!ht refers to the
occ'%t tr'th that there is in Cos)ic Nat're a%ternate $eriods of
Acti(it# and Inacti(it#009a#s and Ni!hts00In0+reathin!s and
O't0+reathin!s00/a*ef'%ness and S%ee$. This f'nda)enta% %a" )anifests
in a%% Nat're, fro) -ni(erses to Ato)s. Let 's see it no" in its
a$$%ication to -ni(erses.
At this $oint "e "o'%d ca%% the attention of the st'dent that in )an#
of the $resentations of the Hind' Teachin!s the "riters s$ea* as if the
A+so%'te, Itse%f, "ere s'+ject to this %a" of Rh#th), and had Its
Periods of Rest and /or*, %i*e Its )anifestations. This is incorrect.
The hi!hest teachin!s do not so ho%d, a%tho'!h at first !%ance it "o'%d
so a$$ear. The teachin! rea%%# is that "hi%e the Creati(e Princi$%e
)anifests this rh#th), sti%% e(en this $rinci$%e, !reat tho'!h it +e,
is a )anifestation of the A+so%'te, and not the A+so%'te itse%f. The
hi!hest Hind' teachin!s are fir) and 'n)ista*a+%e a+o't this $oint.
And, another $oint, in "hich there is )'ch )ista*en teachin!. In the
$eriods of Creati(e Inacti(it# in a -ni(erse it )'st not +e s'$$osed
that there is no Acti(it# an#"here. On the contrar#, there is ne(er a
cessation of Acti(it# on the $art of the A+so%'te. /hi%e it is Creati(e
Ni!ht in one -ni(erse, or S#ste) of -ni(erses, there is intense
acti(it# of &id09a# in others. /hen "e sa# "The -ni(erse" "e )ean the
-ni(erse of So%ar S#ste)s00)i%%ions of s'ch s#ste)s00that co)$ose the
$artic'%ar 'ni(erse of "hich "e ha(e an# *no"%ed!e. The hi!hest
teachin!s te%% 's that this -ni(erse is +'t one of a S#ste) of
-ni(erses, )i%%ions in n')+er00and that this S#ste) is +'t one, in a
hi!her S#ste), and so on and on, to infinit#. As one Hind' Sa!e hath
said4 "/e%% do "e *no" that the A+so%'te is constant%# creatin!
-ni(erses in Its Infinite &ind00and constant%# destro#in! the)00and,
tho'!h )i%%ions '$on )i%%ions of aeons inter(ene +et"een creation and
destr'ction, #et doth it see) %ess than the t"in*%e of an e#e to The
A+so%'te One."
And so the "9a# and Ni!ht of 5rah)" )eans on%# the state)ent of the
a%ternatin! $eriods of Acti(it# and Inacti(it# in so)e one $artic'%ar
-ni(erse, a)idst the Infinite -ni(ersa%it#. o' "i%% find a )ention of
these $eriods of Acti(it# and Inacti(it# in the "5ha!a(ad <ita," the
!reat Hind' e$ic. The fo%%o"in! 1'otations, and $a!e references, re%ate
to the edition $'+%ished +# the o!i P'+%ication Societ#, "hich "as
co)$i%ed and ada$ted +# the "riter of these %essons. In that edition of
the "5ha!a(ad <ita," on $a!e HH, #o' "i%% find these "ords attri+'ted
to 6rishna, the A+so%'te One in h')an incarnation4
"The "or%ds and 'ni(erses00#ea, e(en the "or%d of 5rah), a sin!%e da#
of "hich is %i*e 'nto a tho'sand '!as 7fo'r +i%%ion #ears of the
earth8, and his ni!ht as )'ch00these "or%ds )'st co)e and !o... The
9a#s of 5rah) are s'cceeded +# the Ni!hts of 5rah). In these 5rah)ic
9a#s a%% thin!s e)er!e fro) in(isi+i%it#, and +eco)e (isi+%e. And, on
the co)in! of the 5rah)ic Ni!ht, a%% (isi+%e thin!s a!ain )e%t into
in(isi+i%it#. The -ni(erse ha(in! once e.isted, )e%teth a"a#3 and %o?
is a!ain re0created."
And, in the sa)e edition, on $a!e KJ, "e find these "ords, attri+'ted
to the sa)e s$ea*er4
"At the end of a 6a%$a00a 9a# of 5rah)00a $eriod of Creati(e
Acti(it#00I "ithdra" into )# nat're, a%% thin!s and +ein!s. And, at the
+e!innin! of another 6a%$a, I e)anate a%% thin!s and +ein!s, and
re0$erfor) )# creati(e act."
/e )a# sa# here, in $assin!, that &odern Science no" ho%ds to the
theor# of $eriods of Rh#th)ic Chan!e3 of Rise and Fa%%3 of E(o%'tion
and 9isso%'tion.
It ho%ds that, +e!innin! at so)e ti)e in the $ast aeons of ti)e, there
"as the +e!innin! of an '$"ard or e(o%'tionar# )o(e)ent, "hich is no"
'nder "a#3 and that, accordin! to the %a" of Nat're, there )'st co)e a
ti)e "hen the hi!hest $oint "i%% +e reached, and then "i%% co)e the
+e!innin! of the do"n"ard $ath, "hich in ti)e )'st co)e to an end,
+ein! s'cceeded +# a %on! $eriod of inacti(it#, "hich "i%% then +e
fo%%o"ed +# the +e!innin! of a ne" $eriod of Creati(e Acti(it# and
E(o%'tion00"a 9a# of 5rah)."
This tho'!ht of this %a" of Rh#th), in its -ni(ersa% for), has +een
entertained +# the thin*ers of a%% ti)es and races. Her+ert S$encer
e.$ress%# he%d to it in his "First Princi$%es," e.$ressin! it in )an#
"a#s a*in to this4 "E(o%'tion )'st co)e to a c%ose in co)$%ete
e1'i%i+ri') or rest3" and a!ain, "It is not infera+%e fro) the !enera%
$ro!ress to"ards e1'i%i+ri'), that a state of 'ni(ersa% 1'iescence or
death "i%% +e reached3 +'t that if a $rocess of reasonin! ends in that
conc%'sion, a f'rther $rocess of reasonin! $oints to rene"a%s of
acti(it# and %ife3" and a!ain, "Rh#th) in the tota%it# of
chan!es00a%ternate eras of e(o%'tion and disso%'tion." The Ancient
/estern Phi%oso$hers a%so ind'%!ed in this idea. Herac%it's ta'!ht that
the 'ni(erse )anifested itse%f in c#c%es, and the Stoics ta'!ht that
"the "or%d )o(es in an end%ess c#c%e, thro'!h the sa)e sta!es." The
fo%%o"ers of P#tha!oras "ent e(en f'rther, and c%ai)ed that "the
s'cceedin! "or%ds rese)+%e each other, do"n to the )in'test detai%,"
this %atter idea, ho"e(er00the idea of the "Eterna% Rec'rrence"00"hi%e
he%d +# a n')+er of thin*ers, is not he%d +# the o!i teachers, "ho
teach infinite $ro!ression00an E(o%'tion of E(o%'tion, as it "ere. The
o!i teachin!s, in this %ast )entioned $artic'%ar, are rese)+%ed )ore
+# the %ine of Lot,e2s thin*in!, as e.$ressed in this sentence fro) his
&icro0cos)os4 "The series of Cos)ic Periods, ... each %in* of "hich
is +o'nd to!ether "ith e(er# other3 ... the s'ccessi(e order of these
sections sha%% co)$ose the 'nit# of an on"ard0ad(ancin! )e%od#." And,
so thro'!h the $a!es of Herac%it's, the Stoics, the P#tha!oreans,
E)$edoc%es, @ir!i%, do"n to the $resent ti)e, in Niet,sche, and his
fo%%o"ers, "e find this tho'!ht of -ni(ersa% Rh#th)00that f'nda)enta%
conce$tion of the ancient o!i Phi%oso$h#.
And, no", ret'rnin! to the )ain $ath of o'r tho'!ht00%et 's stand here
at the +e!innin! of the da"n of a 9a# of 5rah). It is (eri%# a
+e!innin!, for there is nothin! to +e seen00there is nothin! +'t S$ace.
No trace of &atter, Force or &ind, as "e *no" these ter)s. In that
$ortion of Infinite S$ace00that is, of co'rse, in that "$ortion" of the
Infinite &ind of the A+so%'te One, for e(en S$ace is a "conce$tion" of
that &ind, there is "Nothin!." This is "the dar*est )o)ent, j'st +efore
the da"n."
Then co)es the +rea*in! of the da"n of the 5rah)ic 9a#. The A+so%'te
+e!ins the "creation" of a -ni(erse. And, ho" does It create: There can
+e no creation of so)ethin! o't of nothin!. And e.ce$t the A+so%'te
Itse%f there is +'t Nothin!.
Therefore The A+so%'te )'st create the -ni(erse o't of Its o"n
"s'+stance," if "e can 'se the "ord "s'+stance" in this connection.
"S'+stance" )eans, %itera%%#, "that "hich stands 'nder," +ein! deri(ed
fro) the t"o Latin "ords, s'+, )eanin! "'nder," and stare, )eanin!
"to stand." The En!%ish "ord "'nderstand" )eans, %itera%%#, "to stand
'nder"00the t"o "ords rea%%# )eanin! the sa)e. This is )ore than a
So the A+so%'te )'st create the -ni(erse fro) its o"n s'+stance, "e
ha(e seen. /e%%, "hat is this "s'+stance" of the A+so%'te: Is it
&atter: No? for &atter "e *no" to +e, in itse%f, )ere%# a )anifestation
of Force, or Ener!#. Then, is it Force or Ener!#: No? +eca'se Force and
Ener!#, in itse%f, cannot $ossess &ind, and "e )'st thin* of the
A+so%'te as $ossessin! &ind, for it )anifests &ind, and "hat is
)anifested )'st +e in the &anifestor, or &anifestin! A!ent. Then this
"s'+stance" )'st +e &ind: /e%%, #es, in a "a#00and #et not &ind as "e
*no" it, finite and i)$erfect. 5't so)ethin! %i*e &ind, on%# Infinite
in de!ree and nat're00so)ethin! s'fficient%# !reater than &ind as "e
*no" it, to ad)it of it +ein! the Ca'se of &ind. 5't, "e are co)$e%%ed
to thin* of it as "Infinite &ind," for o'r finite &inds can ho%d no
hi!her conce$tion. So "e are content to sa# that this "s'+stance" fro)
"hich the A+so%'te )'st create the -ni(erse is a so)ethin! that "e "i%%
ca%% Infinite &ind. Fi. this in #o'r )ind, $%ease, as the first ste$ in
o'r conce$tion.
5't, ho" can the Infinite &ind +e 'sed to create finite )inds, sha$es,
for)s, and thin!s, "itho't it +ein! %essened in 1'antit#00ho" can #o'
ta*e so)ethin! fro) so)ethin!, and sti%% ha(e the ori!ina% so)ethin!
%eft: An i)$ossi+i%it#? And, "e cannot thin* of the A+so%'te as
"di(idin! Itse%f '$" into t"o or )ore $ortions00for if s'ch "ere the
case, there "o'%d +e t"o or )ore A+so%'tes, or e%se None. There cannot
+e t"o A+so%'tes, for if the A+so%'te "ere to di(ide itse%f so there
"o'%d +e no A+so%'te, +'t on%# t"o Re%ati(es00t"o Finites instead of
One Infinite. 9o #o' see the a+s'rdit#:
Then ho" can this "or* of Creation +e acco)$%ished, in (ie" of these
diffic'%ties "hich are a$$arent e(en to o'r finite )inds: o' )a#
thresh this 1'estion o(er and o(er a!ain in #o'r )inds00)en ha(e done
so in a%% ti)es00and #o' "i%% not find the ans"er e.ce$t in the
f'nda)enta% Idea of the o!i Teachin!s. And this F'nda)enta% Idea is
that the creation is $'re%# a &enta% Creation, and the -ni(erse is the
&enta% I)a!e, or Tho'!ht0For), in the &ind of the A+so%'te00in the
Infinite &ind, itse%f. No other "creation" is $ossi+%e. And so this,
sa# the o!i &asters, this is the Secret of -ni(ersa% Creation. The
-ni(erse is of, and in, the Infinite &ind, and this is the on%# "a#
it co'%d +e so. So, fi. in #o'r )ind this second ste$ in o'r
5't then, #o' as* 's, fro) "hence co)es Force, &atter, and Finite &ind:
/e%% as*ed, !ood st'dent00#o'r ans"er sha%% +e forthco)in!. Here it is.
Finite &ind3 Force or Ener!#3 and &atter3 in the)se%(es ha(e no
e.istence. The# are )ere%# &enta% I)a!es, or Tho'!ht0For)s in the
Infinite &ind of the A+so%'te. Their "ho%e e.istence and a$$earance
de$ends '$on their &enta% Conce$tion and Retention in the Infinite
&ind. In It the# ha(e their +irth, rise, !ro"th, dec%ine and death.
Then "hat is Rea% a+o't &E, #o' )a# as*00s're%# I ha(e a (i(id
conscio'sness of Rea%it#00is this )ere%# an i%%'sion, or shado": No,
not so? that sense of Rea%it# "hich #o' $ossess and "hich e(er#
creat're or thin! $ossesses00that sense of "I A)"00is the $erce$tion +#
the &enta% I)a!e of the Rea%it# of its Essence00and that Essence is the
S$irit. And that S$irit is the S-5STANCE OF THE A5SOL-TE e)+odied in
Its conce$tion, the &enta% I)a!e. It is the $erce$tion +# the Finite,
of its Infinite Essence. Or, the $erce$tion +# the Re%ati(e of its
A+so%'te Essence. Or, the $erce$tion +# o', or I, or an# other )an or
"o)an, of the Rea% Se%f, "hich 'nder%ies a%% the sha) se%f or
Persona%it#. It is the ref%ection of the S'n, in the de"0dro$, and
tho'sands of de"0dro$s00see)in!%# tho'sands of S'ns, and #et +'t One.
And #et, that ref%ection of the S'n in the de"dro$ is )ore than a
"ref%ection," for it is the s'+stance of the S'n itse%f00and #et the
S'n shines on hi!h, one and 'ndi(ided, #et )anifestin! in )i%%ions of
de"0dro$s. It is on%# +# fi!'res of s$eech that "e can s$ea* of the
-ns$ea*a+%e Rea%it#.
To )a*e it $erha$s $%ainer to so)e of #o', %et 's re)ind #o' that e(en
in #o'r finite &enta% I)a!es there is e(ident )an# for)s of %ife. o'
)a# thin* of a )o(in! ar)# of tho'sands of )en. And #et the on%# "I" in
these )en is #o'r o"n "I." These characters in #o'r )ind )o(e and %i(e
and ha(e their +ein!, and #et there is nothin! in the) e.ce$t "o'?"
The characters of Sha*es$eare, 9ic*ens, Thac*era#, 5a%,ac, and the
rest, "ere s'ch stron! &enta% I)a!es that not on%# their creators "ere
carried a"a# +# their $o"er, and a$$arent a+i%it#, +'t e(en #o' "ho
read of the), )an# #ears after, $erha$s, fee% the a$$arent rea%it#, and
"ee$, or s)i%e, or !ro" an!r# o(er their actions. And, #et there "as no
Ha)%et, o'tside of Sha*es$eare2s )ind3 no &ica"+er o'tside of 9ic*ens3
no Pere <oriot o'tside of 5a%,ac.
These i%%'strations are +'t finite e.a)$%es of the Infinite, +'t sti%%
the# "i%% !i(e #o' an idea of the tr'th that "e are tr#in! to 'nfo%d in
#o'r )ind. 5't #o' )'st not i)a!ine that o' and I, and a%% others, and
thin!s, are +'t )ere "i)a!inations," %i*e o'r created
characters00that "o'%d +e a )ost 'nha$$# +e%ief. The )enta% creations
he%d +# o' and I, and other finite )inds, are +'t finite creations of
finite )inds, "hi%e /E, o'rse%(es, are the finite creations of an
INFINITE &IN9. /hi%e o'r, and 9ic*ens2, and 5a%,ac2s, and Sha*es$eare2s
creations %i(e and )o(e and ha(e their +ein!, the# ha(e no other "I"
than o'r Finite &inds, "hi%e "e, the characters in the 9i(ine 9ra)a,
Stor#, or E$ic, ha(e for o'r "I"00o'r Rea% Se%f00the A5SOL-TE REALIT.
The# ha(e )ere%# a +ac*!ro'nd of o'r finite $ersona%ities, and )inds,
+efore "hich the# )a# des$ort the)se%(es. 'nti%, a%as? the (er#
+ac*!ro'nd fades a"a# to d'st, and +oth +ac*!ro'nd and shado"s
disa$$ear. 5't, "e ha(e +ehind o'r $ersona%ities the Eterna% 5ac*!ro'nd
of Rea%it#, "hich chan!eth not, neither doth it 9isa$$ear. Shado"s on a
screen tho'!h o'r Persona%ities )a# +e, #et the Screen is Rea% and
Eterna%. Ta*e a"a# the finite screen and the shado"s disa$$ear00+'t o'r
Screen re)ains fore(er.
/e are &enta% I)a!es in the Infinite &ind00the Infinite &ind ho%ds 's
safe00"e cannot +e %ost00"e cannot +e h'rt00"e can ne(er disa$$ear,
'n%ess "e +e a+sor+ed in the Infinite &ind itse%f, and then "e STILL
ARE? The Infinite &ind ne(er for!ets00it ne(er can o(er%oo* 's00it is
a"are of o'r $resence, and +ein!, a%"a#s. /e are safe00"e are
sec're00"e ARE? >'st as "e co'%d not +e created fro) Nothin!00so "e
cannot +e con(erted into Nothin!. /e are in the A%%00and there is no
At the da"n of the 5rah)ic 9a#, The A+so%'te +e!ins the creation of a
ne" -ni(erse, or the recreation of one, j'st as #o' )a# care to state
it. The hi!hest o!i Teachin!s infor) 's that the infor)ation re%atin!
to this e(ent 7"hich is, of co'rse, +e#ond the $ersona% *no"%ed!e of
)an as "e *no" hi)8 has +een $assed do"n to the race fro) teachers, "ho
ha(e recei(ed it fro) sti%% hi!her teachers, and so on, and on and on,
hi!her and hi!her, 'nti% it is +e%ie(ed to ha(e ori!inated "ith so)e of
those "onderf'%%# de(e%o$ed so'%s "hich ha(e (isited the earth fro)
hi!her $%anes of 5ein!, of "hich there are )an#. In these %essons "e
are )a*in! no c%ai)s of this sort, +'t $ass on the teachin!s to #o',
+e%ie(in! that their tr'th "i%% a$$ea% to those "ho are read# for the),
"itho't an# atte)$t to attri+'te to the) an a'thorit# s'ch as j'st
)entioned. O'r reference to this hi!h so'rce of the teachin!s "as )ade
+eca'se of its !enera% acce$tance in the Eastern co'ntries, and +#
occ'%tists !enera%%#.
The o!i teachin!s infor) 's that, in the 5e!innin!, The A+so%'te
for)ed a &enta% I)a!e, or Tho'!ht0For), of an -ni(ersa% &ind00that is,
of an -ni(ersa% Princi$%e of &ind. And here the distinction is )ade
+et"een this -ni(ersa% &ind Princi$%e, or -ni(ersa% &ind0St'ff, as so)e
ha(e ca%%ed it, and the Infinite &ind itse%f. The Infinite &ind is
so)ethin! infinite%# a+o(e this creation of the -ni(ersa% &ind
Princi$%e, the %atter +ein! as )'ch an "e)anation" as is &atter. Let
there +e no )ista*e a+o't this. The Infinite &ind is S$irit00the
-ni(ersa% &ind Princi$%e is "&ind0St'ff" of "hich a%% Finite &ind is a
$art. This -ni(ersa% &ind Princi$%e "as the first conce$tion of The
A+so%'te, in the $rocess of the creation of the -ni(erse. It "as the
"St'ff" fro) "hich a%% Finite &ind for)s, and is for)ed. It is the
-ni(ersa% &enta% Ener!#. 6no" it as s'ch00+'t do not confo'nd it "ith
S$irit, "hich "e ha(e ca%%ed Infinite &ind, +eca'se "e had no other
ter). There is a s'+t%e difference here, "hich is )ost i)$ortant to a
caref'% 'nderstandin! of the s'+ject.
The o!i teachin!s infor) 's that fro) this &enta% Princi$%e there "as
de(e%o$ed the -ni(ersa% Princi$%e of Force or Ener!#. And that fro)
this -ni(ersa% Force Princi$%e there de(e%o$ed the -ni(ersa% Princi$%e
of &atter. The Sanscrit ter)s for these Three Princi$%es are as
fo%%o"s4 Chitta, or the -ni(ersa% &ind S'+stance, or Princi$%e3
Prana, or the -ni(ersa% Ener!# Princi$%e3 and A*asa, or the
-ni(ersa% Princi$%e of &atter. /e ha(e s$o*en of these Three
Princi$%es, or Three <reat &anifestations, in o'r "Ad(anced Co'rse" of
%essons, "hich fo%%o"ed o'r "Fo'rteen Lessons," se(era% #ears a!o, +'t
it +eco)es necessar# for 's to refer to the) a!ain at this $%ace in
connection "ith the $resent $resentation of the s'+ject. As "as stated
in the %essons j'st )entioned, these Three &anifestations, or
Princi$%es, are rea%%# one, and shade into each other. This )atter has
+een f'%%# to'ched '$on in the conc%'din! %essons of the aforesaid
"Ad(anced Co'rse," to "hich "e )'st refer #o' for f'rther detai%s, in
order to a(oid re$etition here. o' "i%% find a "onderf'%
corres$ondence +et"een these cent'ries0o%d o!i teachin!s, and the
%atest conce$tions of &odern Science.
/e%%, to ret'rn to the )ain $ath once )ore, the Teachin!s infor) 's
that The A+so%'te "tho'!ht" into +ein!00that is, he%d the &enta% I)a!e,
or Tho'!ht0For), of00Chitta, or -ni(ersa% &ind Princi$%e. This
Chitta "as finite, of co'rse, and "as +o'nd and !o(erned +# the La"s
of Finite &ind, i)$osed '$on it +# the /i%% of The A+so%'te. E(er#thin!
that is Finite is !o(erned +# La"s i)$osed +# the !reat LA/ "hich "e
ca%% The A+so%'te. Then +e!an the <reat IN@OL-TION "hich "as necessar#
+efore E(o%'tion "as $ossi+%e. The "ord "In(o%(e," #o' *no", )eans "to
"ra$ '$3 to co(er3 to hide3 etc.3" and the "ord "E(o%(e" )eans "to
'n"ra$3 to 'nfo%d3 to 'n0ro%%3 etc." 5efore a thin! can +e "e(o%(ed,"
or "'nfo%ded," it )'st first ha(e +een "in(o%(ed" or "fo%ded0in, or
"ra$$ed '$, etc." E(er#thin! )'st +e "in(o%(ed" +efore it can +e
"e(o%(ed3" re)e)+er this, $%ease00it is tr'e on a%% $%anes, )enta%,
$h#sica%, and s$irit'a%. A thin! )'st +e "$'t in" +efore it )a# +e
"ta*en o't." This tr'th, if re)e)+ered and a$$%ied to )eta$h#sica%
$ro+%e)s, "i%% thro" the c%earest %i!ht '$on the dar*est $ro+%e)s. &a*e
it #o'r o"n.
Therefore +efore the $rocess of E(o%'tion fro) the !ross for)s of
&atter '$ to the hi!her, and then on to the &enta%, fro) hi!her to
hi!her, and then on the S$irit'a% $%ane00that E(o%'tion "hich "e see
+ein! $erfor)ed +efore o'r si!ht toda#00+efore that E(o%'tion +eca)e
$ossi+%e there "as a necessar# In(o%'tion, or ""ra$$in!0'$." The S$irit
of the A+so%'te first "in(o%(ed" itse%f in its &enta% I)a!e3
Tho'!ht0For), or Creation, of the &ind Princi$%e, j'st as #o' )a#
"in(o%(e" #o'rse%f in an earnest tho'!ht in dee$ )editation. 9id #o'
ne(er "%ose #o'rse%f" in tho'!ht, or "for!et #o'rse%f" in an idea: Ha(e
#o' not s$o*en of #o'rse%f as ha(in! +een ""ra$$ed in tho'!ht:" /e%%,
then #o' can see so)ethin! of "hat is here )eant, at %east so far as
the $rocess of "in(o%'tion" is concerned. o' in(o%(e #o'rse%f in #o'r
)editations00the A+so%'te in(o%(es Itse%f in Its &enta% Creations00+'t,
re)e)+er the one is Finite, and the other Infinite, and the res'%ts are
corres$ondin!%# "ea* or stron!.
O+e#in! the %a"s i)$osed '$on it, the &enta% Princi$%e then in(o%(ed
itse%f in the Ener!# Princi$%e, or Prana, and the -ni(ersa% Ener!#
s$ran! into e.istence. Then, in o+edience to the sa)e La"s, the Prana
in(o%(ed itse%f in the A*asa, or -ni(ersa% &atter Princi$%e. Of
co'rse each "in(o%(in!" $ractica%%# "created" the ""ra$$er," "sheath"
of the %o"er Princi$%e. 9o #o' see this: Each, therefore, de$ends '$on
the Princi$%e hi!her than itse%f, "hich +eco)es its "Parent Princi$%e,"
as the o!is e.$ress it. And in this $rocess of In(o%'tion the e.tre)e
for) of &atter "as reached +efore the $rocess of E(o%'tion +eca)e
$ossi+%e. The e.tre)e for) of !ross &atter is not *no"n to 's toda#, on
this $%anet, for "e ha(e $assed +e#ond it. 5't the teachin!s infor) 's
that s'ch for)s "ere as )'ch !rosser that the !rossest &atter that "e
*no" toda#, as the %atter is !ross in co)$arison "ith the )ost etherea%
(a$ors *no"n to &odern Science. The h')an )ind cannot !ras$ this
e.tre)e of the sca%e, an# )ore than it can the e.tre)e hi!h de!ree of
At this $oint "e )'st ca%% #o'r attention to certain occ'%t teachin!s,
"ide%# disse)inated, "hich the hi!hest o!i teachers disco'ntenance,
and contradict. /e a%%'de to the teachin! that in the $rocess of
In(o%'tion there "as a "de!eneration" or "de(o%'tion" fro) hi!her to
%o"er for)s of %ife, 'nti% the !ross state of &atter "as reached. S'ch
a teachin! is horri+%e, "hen considered in detai%. It "o'%d )ean that
The A+so%'te de%i+erate%# created hi!h for)s of %ife, arch0an!e%s, and
hi!her than these00!ods in fact00and then ca'sed the) to "de(o%(e"
'nti% the %o"est state "as reached. This "o'%d )ean the e.act o$$osite
of E(o%'tion, and "o'%d )ean a "!oin! do"n" in accordance "ith the
9i(ine /i%%, j'st as E(o%'tion is a "!oin! '$" in accordance "ith the
9i(ine /i%%.
This is contrar# to )an2s +est instincts, and the ad(anced o!i
teachin!s infor) 's that it is +'t an i%%'sion or error that )en ha(e
created +# endea(orin! to so%(e s$irit'a% )#steries +# $'re%#
inte%%ect'a% $rocesses. The tr'e teachin! is that the $rocess of
In(o%'tion "as acco)$%ished +# a Princi$%e in(o%(in! itse%f in the
%o"er Princi$%e created "ithin itse%f, and so on 'nti% the %o"est $%ane
"as reached. Note the difference00"Princi$%es as Princi$%es" did this,
and not as Indi(id'a% For)s of Life or 5ein!. There "as no )ore a
"de(o%'tion" in this $rocess than there "as in The A+so%'te in(o%(in!
itse%f in the &enta% I)a!e of the &ind Princi$%e. There "as no
"de(o%'tion" or "!oin! do"n"00on%# an "in(o%'tion" or ""ra$$in! '$," of
Princi$%e, "ithin Princi$%e00the Indi(id'a% Life not ha(in! as #et
a$$eared, and not +ein! $ossi+%e of a$$earance 'nti% the E(o%'tionar#
$rocess +e!an.
/e tr'st that "e ha(e )ade this $oint c%ear to #o', for it is an
i)$ortant )atter. If the A+so%'te first )ade hi!her +ein!s, and then
ca'sed the) to "de(o%'te" into %o"er and %o"er for)s, then the "ho%e
$rocess "o'%d +e a cr'e%, $'r$ose%ess thin!, "orth# on%# of so)e of the
+ase conce$tions of 9eit# concei(ed of +# )en in their i!norance. No?
the "ho%e effort of the 9i(ine /i%% see)s to +e in the direction of
"raisin! '$" Indi(id'a% E!os to hi!her and sti%% hi!her for)s. And in
order to $rod'ce s'ch E!os the $rocess of "In(o%'tion" of Princi$%es
see)s to ha(e +een ca'sed, and the s'+se1'ent "onderf'% E(o%'tionar#
$rocess instit'ted. /hat that "Reason" is, is -n*no"a+%e, as "e ha(e
said o(er and o(er a!ain. /e cannot $r# into the Infinite &ind of the
A+so%'te, +'t "e )a# for) certain conc%'sions +# o+ser(in! and st'd#in!
the La"s of the -ni(erse, "hich see) to +e )o(in! in certain
directions. Fro) the )anifested /i%% of the 9i(ine One, "e )a# at %east
ha,ard an idea as to its $'r$oses. And these $'r$oses see) to +e a%"a#s
in an "'$"ard" %iftin! and e(o%'tion. E(en the co)in! of the "Ni!ht of
5rah)" is no e.ce$tion to this state)ent, as "e sha%% see in f't're
Fro) the startin! of the $rocess of In(o%'tion fro) the &enta%
Princi$%e, do"n to the e.tre)e do"n"ard $oint of the !rossest
&anifestation of &atter, there "ere )an# sta!es. Fro) the hi!hest
de!ree of the Finite &ind, do"n to %o"er and sti%% %o"er de!rees3 then
on to the $%ane of Force and Ener!#, fro) hi!her to %o"er de!rees of
Princi$%e "ithin Princi$%e3 then on to the $%ane of &atter, the
In(o%'tionar# 'r!e $roceeded to "or*. /hen the $%ane of &atter "as
reached, it, of co'rse, sho"ed its hi!hest de!ree of )anifested
&atter00the )ost s'+t%e for) of Ether, or A*asa. Then do"n, do"n,
do"n, "ent the de!rees of &atter, 'nti% the !rossest $ossi+%e for) "as
reached, and then there "as a )o)ent2s $a'se, +efore the E(o%'tionar#
$rocess, or '$"ard0)o(e)ent, +e!an. The i)$'%se of the Ori!ina% /i%%,
or Tho'!ht, had e.ha'sted its do"n"ard 'r!e, and no" +e!an the '$"ard
'r!e or tendenc#. 5't here "as )anifested a ne" feat're.
This ne" feat're "as "The Tendenc# to"ard Indi(id'a%i,ation." 9'rin!
the do"n"ard trend the )o(e)ent "as en )asse, that is, +# Princi$%e
as Princi$%e, "itho't an# "s$%ittin! '$" into $ortions, or centers.
5't "ith the first '$"ard )o(e)ent there "as e(idenced a tendenc#
to"ard creatin! Centers of Ener!#, or -nits of acti(it#, "hich then
)anifested itse%f, as the e(o%'tionar# )o(e)ent contin'ed, fro)
e%ectrons to ato)s3 fro) ato)s to )an. The !ross )atter "as 'sed as
)ateria% for the for)ation of finer and )ore co)$%e. for)s3 and these
in t'rn co)+ined, and for)ed hi!her, and so on, and on. And the for)s
of Ener!# o$erated in the sa)e "a#. And the )anifestations of centers
of &ind or conscio'sness in the sa)e "a#. 5't a%% in connection.
&atter, Ener!# and &ind for)ed a Trinit# of Princi$%es, and "or*ed in
connection. And the "or* "as a%"a#s in the direction of ca'sin! hi!her
and hi!her "for)s" to arise00hi!her and hi!her -nits00hi!her and hi!her
Centers. 5't in e(er# for), center or 'nit, there "as )anifested the
Three Princi$%es, &ind, Ener!#, and &atter. And "ithin each "as the
e(er $resent S$irit. For S$irit )'st +e in A%%00j'st as A%% )'st +e
in S$irit.
And, so this E(o%'tionar# $rocess has contin'ed e(er since, and )'st
contin'e for aeons #et. The A+so%'te is raisin! itse%f '$ into Itse%f
hi!her and hi!her E!os, and is $ro(idin! the) "ith hi!her and hi!her
sheaths in "hich to )anifest. And, as "e sha%% see in these %essons, as
"e $ro!ress, this e(o%'tion is not on%# a%on! the $h#sica% %ines, +'t
a%so a%on! the )enta%. And it concerns itse%f not on%# "ith "+odies,"
+'t "ith "so'%s," "hich a%so e(o%(e, fro) ti)e to ti)e, and +odies are
!i(en these so'%s in order that the# )a# "or* o't their e(o%'tion. And
the "ho%e end and ai) of it a%% see)s to +e that E!os )a# reach the
sta!e "here the# are conscio's of the Rea% Se%f00of the S$irit "ithin
the), and its re%ation to the S$irit of the A+so%'te, and then !o on
and on and on, to $%anes of %ife and +ein!, and acti(ities of "hich
e(en the )ost ad(anced of the race )a# on%# drea).
As so)e of the Ancient o!i Teachers ha(e said4 "&en are e(o%(in! into
s'$er0)en3 and s'$er0)en into !ods3 and !ods into s'$er0!ods3 and
s'$er0!ods into So)ethin! sti%% hi!her3 'nti% fro) the %o"est +it of
)atter enc%osin! %ife, 'nto the hi!hest +ein!00#ea, e(en 'nto The
A+so%'te00there is an Infinite Ladder of 5ein!00and #et the One S$irit
$er(ades a%%3 is in a%%, as the a%% is in It."
The Creati(e /i%%, of "hich "e ha(e s$o*en in these %essons, is in f'%%
o$eration a%% thro'!h Life. The Nat'ra% La"s are %a"s of Life i)$osed
+# The A+so%'te in his &enta% I)a!e. The# are the Nat'ra% La"s of this
-ni(erse, j'st as other -ni(erses ha(e other La"s. 5't The A+so%'te
Itse%f has no La"s affectin! It00It, in Itse%f is LA/.
And these La"s of Life, and Nat're, a%on! its (ar#in! $%anes, &ateria%,
of Ener!#3 and &enta%3 are a%so, in the 9i(ine &ind, e%se the# "o'%d
not +e at a%%, e(en in a$$earance. And "hen the# are transcended, or
a$$arent%# defied +# so)e )an of ad(anced de(e%o$)ent, it is on%#
+eca'se s'ch a )an is a+%e to rise a+o(e the $%ane '$on "hich s'ch %a"s
are o$erati(e. 5't e(en this transcendin! is, in itse%f, in accordance
"ith so)e hi!her %a".
And so, "e see that A%%, hi!h and %o"00!ood and +ad00si)$%e or
co)$%e.00a%% are contained /ithin the &ind of the One. <ods, an!e%s,
ade$ts, sa!es, hea(ens, $%anes,00a%%, e(er#thin!00is "ithin the
-ni(erse, and the -ni(erse is /ithin the &ind of the One. And a%% is
$roceedin! in accordance "ith La". And a%% is )o(in! '$"ard and on"ard,
a%on! the %ines of E(o%'tion. A%% is /e%%. /e are he%d fir)%# in The
&ind of the One.
And, j'st as the tendenc# "as fro) the !enera% Princi$%e to"ard the
$artic'%ar Indi(id'a% So'%, so is there a Reconci%iation %ater on, for
the Indi(id'a% so'%, as it de(e%o$s and 'nfo%ds, %oses its sense of
Se$arateness, and +e!ins to fee% its identit# "ith the One S$irit, and
)o(es a%on! the %ines of 'nfo%d)ent, 'nti% it +eco)es in Conscio's
-nion "ith <od. S$irit'a% E(o%'tion does not )ean the "!ro"th of the
S$irit," for the S$irit cannot !ro"00it is a%read# Perfect. The ter)
)eans the 'nfo%d)ent of the Indi(id'a% &ind, 'nti% it can reco!ni,e the
S$irit /ithin. Let 's c%ose this %esson "ith the
There is +'t ONE. That ONE is S$irit. In the Infinite &ind of that ONE
SPIRIT there arose the &enta% I)a!e or Tho'!ht0For) of this -ni(erse.
5e!innin! "ith the Tho'!ht of the Princi$%e in &ind3 and $assin! on to
the Princi$%e of Ener!#3 and then on to the Princi$%e of &atter3
$roceeded the In(o%'tionar# Process of Creation. Then, '$"ard +e!an the
E(o%'tionar# Process, and Indi(id'a% Centers or -nits "ere for)ed. And
the tendenc#, and e(o%'tionar# 'r!e is e(er in the direction of
"'nfo%din!" "ithin the E!o of the Rea%i,ation of the Ind"e%%in! S$irit.
As "e thro" off sheath after sheath, "e a$$roach nearer and nearer to
the SPIRIT "ithin 's, "hich is the One S$irit $er(adin! a%% thin!s.
This is the &eanin! of Life00the Secret of E(o%'tion. A%% the -ni(erse
is contained /ithin the &ind of The One. There is Nothin! o'tside of
that Infinite &ind. There is no O'tside, for the One is A%% in A%%3
S$ace, Ti)e, and La"s, +ein! +'t &enta% I)a!es in that &ind, as are
%i*e"ise a%% sha$es and for)s, and $heno)ena. And as the E!o 'nfo%ds
into a rea%i,ation of Itse%f00Its Rea% Se%f00so does its /isdo) and
Po"er e.$and. It th's enters into a !reater and !reater de!ree of its
Inheritance. /ithin the &ind of the One, is A%% there is. And I, and
Tho', and A%% Thin!s are HERE "ithin that Infinite &ind. /e are a%"a#s
"he%d in &ind" +# The A+so%'te00are a%"a#s safe here. There is nothin!
to har) 's, in Rea%it#, for o'r Rea% Se%f is the Rea% Se%f of the
Infinite &ind. A%% is /ithin the &ind of the One. E(en the tiniest ato)
is 'nder the La", and $rotected +# the La". And the LA/ is A%% there
Is. And in that La" "e )a# rest Content and -nafraid. &a# this
Rea%i,ation +e O-RS.
/e ha(e no" reached a )ost interestin! $oint in this co'rse of %essons,
and a $eriod of fascinatin! st'd# %ies +efore 's fro) no" 'nti% the
c%ose of the co'rse. /e ha(e ac1'ainted o'rse%(es "ith the f'nda)enta%
$rinci$%es, and "i%% no" $roceed to "itness these $rinci$%es in acti(e
o$eration. /e ha(e st'died the o!i Teachin!s concernin! the Tr'th
'nder%#in! a%% thin!s, and sha%% no" $ass on to a consideration of the
$rocess of Cos)ic E(o%'tion3 the C#c%ic La"s3 the La" of S$irit'a%
E(o%'tion, or Reincarnation3 the La" of S$irit'a% Ca'se and Effect, or
6ar)a3 etc. In this %esson "e +e!in the stor# of the '$"ard $ro!ress
of the -ni(erse, and its for)s, sha$es, and forces, fro) the $oint of
the ")o)ent2s $a'se" fo%%o"in! the ceasin! of the $rocess of
In(o%'tion00the $oint at "hich Cos)ic E(o%'tion +e!ins. O'r $ro!ress is
no" steadi%# '$"ard, so far as the e(o%'tion of Indi(id'a% Centres is
concerned. /e sha%% see the $rinci$%es ret'rnin! to the Princi$%e00the
centres ret'rnin! to the !reat Centre fro) "hich the# e)anated d'rin!
the $rocess of In(o%'tion. /e sha%% st'd# the %on!, !rad'a%, +'t stead#
ascent of &an, in his jo'rne# to"ard !od0hood. /e sha%% see the
5'i%din! of an -ni(erse, and the <ro"th of the So'%.
In o'r %ast %esson "e ha(e seen that at the da"n of a 5rah)ic 9a#, the
A+so%'te +e!ins the creation of a ne" -ni(erse. The Teachin!s infor) 's
that in the +e!innin!, the A+so%'te for)s a &enta% I)a!e, or
Tho'!ht0For) of an -ni(ersa% &ind Princi$%e, or -ni(ersa% &ind0St'ff,
as so)e of the teachers e.$ress it. Then this -ni(ersa% &ind Princi$%e
creates "ithin itse%f the -ni(ersa% Ener!# Princi$%e. Then this
-ni(ersa% Ener!# Princi$%e creates "ithin itse%f the -ni(ersa% &atter
Princi$%e. Th's, Ener!# is a $rod'ct of &ind3 and &atter a $rod'ct of
The Teachin!s then f'rther infor) 's that fro) the rare, ten'o's,
s'+t%e for) of &atter in "hich the -ni(ersa% &atter Princi$%e first
a$$eared, there "as $rod'ced for)s of &atter %ess rare3 and so +# eas#
sta!es, and de!rees, there a$$eared !rosser and sti%% !rosser for)s of
)atter, 'nti% fina%%# there co'%d +e no f'rther in(o%'tion into !rosser
for)s, and the In(o%'tionar# Process ceased. Then ens'ed the ")o)ent2s
$a'se" of "hich the o!i teachers te%% 's. At that $oint &atter e.isted
as )'ch !rosser that the !rossest for) of &atter no" *no"n to 's, as
the %atter is "hen co)$ared to the )ost s'+t%e (a$ors *no"n to science.
It is i)$ossi+%e to descri+e these %o"er for)s of )atter, for the# ha(e
a!es since disa$$eared fro) (ie", and "e "o'%d ha(e no "ords "ith "hich
to descri+e the). /e can 'nderstand the sit'ation on%# +# co)$arisons
si)i%ar to the a+o(e.
S'cceedin! the )o)ent2s $a'se, there +e!an the E(o%'tionar# Process, or
Cos)ic E(o%'tion, "hich has !one on e(er since, and "hich "i%% !o on
for a!es to co)e. Fro) the !rossest for)s of &atter there e(o%(ed for)s
a %itt%e )ore refined, and so on and on. Fro) the si)$%e e%e)entar(
for)s, e(o%(ed )ore co)$%e. and intricate for)s. And fro) these for)s
co)+inations +e!an to +e for)ed. And the 'r!e "as e(er '$"ard.
5't re)e)+er this, that a%% of this E(o%'tionar# Process is +'t a
Ret'rnin! Ho)e. It is the Ascent after the 9escent. It is not a
Creation +'t an -nfo%d)ent. The 9escent "as )ade +# $rinci$%es as
$rinci$%es00the Ascent is +ein! )ade +# Indi(id'a%i,ed Centres e(o%(ed
fro) the $rinci$%es. &atter )anifests finer and finer for)s, and
e.hi+its a !reater and !reater s'+ser(ience to Ener!# or Force. And
Ener!# or Force sho"s a !reater and !reater de!ree of ")ind" in it.
5't, re)e)+er this, that there is &ind in e(en the !rossest for) of
&atter. This )'st +e so, for "hat s$rin!s fro) a thin! )'st contain the
e%e)ents of its ca'se.
And the Cos)ic E(o%'tion contin'es, and )'st contin'e for aeons of
ti)e. Hi!her and hi!her for)s of &ind are +ein! )anifested, and sti%%
hi!her and hi!her for)s "i%% a$$ear in the sca%e, as the $rocess
contin'es. The e(o%'tion is not on%# a%on! )ateria% %ines, +'t has
$assed on to the )enta% $%anes, and is no" o$eratin! a%on! the
s$irit'a% %ines as "e%%. And the end, and ai) see)s to +e that each
E!o, after the e.$eriences of )an# %i(es, )a# 'nfo%d and de(e%o$ to a
$oint "here it )a# +eco)e conscio's of its Rea% Se%f, and rea%i,e its
identit# "ith the One Life, and the S$irit.
At this $oint "e )a# +e confronted "ith the o+jection of the st'dent of
)ateria% science, "ho "i%% as* "h# "e +e!in o'r consideration of Cos)ic
E(o%'tion at a $oint in "hich )atter has reached the %i)it of its
%o"est (i+rations, )anifestin! in the !rossest $ossi+%e for) of )atter.
These st'dents )a# $oint to the fact that Science +e!ins its
consideration of e(o%'tion "ith the ne+'%ae, or faint c%o'd%i*e,
(a$oro's )atter, fro) "hich the $%anets "ere for)ed. 5't there is on%#
an a$$arent contradiction here. The ne+'%ae "ere $art of the Process
of In(o%'tion, and Science is ri!ht "hen it ho%ds that the !ross for)s
"ere $rod'ced fro) the finer. 5't the $rocess of chan!e fro) finer to
!rosser "as In(o%'tion, not E(o%'tion. 9o #o' see the difference:
E(o%'tion +e!ins at the $oint "hen the sta!e of -nfo%d)ent co))enced.
/hen the !ross for)s +e!in to #ie%d to the ne" '$"ard 'r!e, and 'nfo%d
into finer for)s00then +e!ins E(o%'tion.
/e sha%% $ass o(er the $eriod of E(o%'tion in "hich &atter "as e(o%(in!
into finer and sti%% finer for)s, 'nti% at %ast it reached a de!ree of
(i+ration ca$a+%e of s'$$ortin! that "hich "e ca%% "%ife." Of co'rse
there is "%ife" in a%% )atter00e(en in the ato), as "e ha(e sho"n in
$re(io's %essons. 5't "hen "e s$ea* of "%ife," as "e no" do, "e )ean
"hat are !enera%%# ca%%ed "%i(in! for)s." The o!i Teachin!s infor) 's
that the %o"est for)s of "hat "e ca%% "%ife" "ere e(o%(ed fro) for)s of
hi!h cr#sta% %ife, "hich indeed the# (er# )'ch rese)+%e. /e ha(e s$o*en
of this rese)+%ance, in the $re(io's %essons of this series. And, so "e
sha%% +e!in at the $oint "here "%i(in! for)s" +e!an.
S$ea*in! no" of o'r o"n $%anet, the Earth, "e find )atter e)er!in! fro)
the )o%ten state in "hich it )anifested for a!es. <rad'a%%# coo%in! and
stratif#in!, the Earth contained none of those for)s that "e ca%%
%i(in! for)s. The te)$erat're of the Earth in that $eriod is esti)ated
at a+o't 1F,JJJ ti)es hotter than +oi%in! "ater, "hich "o'%d, of
co'rse, render i)$ossi+%e the e.istence of an# of the $resent *no"n
for)s of %ife. 5't the o!i Teachin!s infor) 's that e(en in the )o%ten
)ass there "ere e%e)entar# for)s that "ere to +eco)e the ancestra%
for)s of the %ater %i(in! for)s. These e%e)entar# for)s "ere co)$osed
of a (a$oro's, $ec'%iar for) of )atter, of )in'te si,e,00%itt%e )ore
than the ato)s, in fact, and #et, j'st a %itt%e )ore ad(anced. Fro)
these e%e)entar# for)s, there !rad'a%%# e(o%(ed, as the Earth coo%ed
and so%idified, other for)s, and so on 'nti% at %ast the first "%i(in!
for)" )anifested.
As the !%o+e coo%ed at the $o%es, there "as !rad'a%%# created a
tro$ica% c%i)ate, in "hich the te)$erat're "as s'fficient%# coo% to
s'$$ort certain r'di)entar# for)s of %ife. In the roc*s in the far
northern %atit'des, there are fo'nd a+'ndant traces of fossi%s, "hich
!oes to $ro(e the correctness of the o!i Teachin!s of the ori!in of
%ife at the north $o%e, fro) "hich the %i(in! for)s !rad'a%%# s$read
so'th to"ard the e1'ator, as the Earth2s s'rface coo%ed.
The e%e)entar# e(o%(in! %ife for)s "ere of a (er# si)$%e str'ct're, and
"ere +'t a de!ree a+o(e the cr#sta%s. The# "ere co)$osed of identica%%#
the sa)e s'+stance as the cr#sta%s, the on%# difference +ein! that
the# dis$%a#ed a !reater de!ree of )ind. For that )atter, e(en the
hi!hest $h#sica% for) *no"n to 's toda# is co)$osed of si)$%e che)ica%
)ateria%s. And these che)ica% )ateria%s are o+tained, either direct%#
or indirect%#, fro) the air, "ater, or earth. The $rinci$a% )ateria%s
co)$osin! the $h#sica% +odies of $%ants, ani)a%s, and )an, are o.#!en,
car+on, h#dro!en, nitro!en, "ith a sti%% s)a%%er $ro$ortion of s'%$h'r
and $hos$hor's, and traces of a fe" other e%e)ents. The )ateria% $art
of a%% %i(in! thin!s is a%i*e00the difference %ies in the de!ree of
&ind contro%%in! the )atter in "hich it is e)+odied.
Of these $h#sica% )ateria%s, car+on is the )ost i)$ortant to the %i(in!
for)s. It see)s to $ossess $ro$erties ca$a+%e of dra"in! to it the
other e%e)ents, and forcin! the) into ser(ice. Fro) car+on $roceeds
"hat is ca%%ed "$roto$%as)," the )ateria% of "hich the ce%%s of ani)a%
and (e!eta+%e %ife is co)$osed. Fro) $roto$%as) the a%)ost infinite
(arieties of %i(in! for)s ha(e +een +'i%t '$ +# the $rocess of
E(o%'tion, "or*in! !rad'a%%# and +# eas# sta!es. E(er# %i(in! for) is
)ade '$, or co)$osed, of a )'%tit'de of sin!%e ce%%s, and their
co)+inations. And e(er# for) ori!inates in a sin!%e ce%% "hich ra$id%#
)'%ti$%ies and re$rod'ces itse%f 'nti% the for) of the a)oe+a3 the
$%ant3 the ani)a%3 the )an, is co)$%eted. A%% %i(in! for)s are +'t a
sin!%e ce%% )'%ti$%ied. And e(er# ce%% is co)$osed of $roto$%as).
Therefore "e )'st %oo* for the +e!innin! of %ife in the !rade of )atter
ca%%ed $roto$%as). In this +oth )odern Science and the o!i Teachin!s
a!ree f'%%#.
In in(esti!atin! $roto$%as) "e are )ade to rea%i,e the "onderf'%
1'a%ities of its $rinci$a% constit'ent00Car+on. Car+on is the "onder
"or*er of the e%e)ents. &anifestin! in (ario's for)s, as the dia)ond,
!ra$hite, coa%, $roto$%as)00is it not entit%ed to res$ect: The o!i
Teachin!s infor) (is that in Car+on "e ha(e that for) of )atter "hich
"as e(o%(ed as the $h#sica% +asis of %ife. If an# of #o' do'+t that
inor!anic )atter )a# +e transfor)ed into %i(in! for)s, %et 's refer #o'
to the $%ant %ife, in "hich #o' )a# see the $%ants +'i%din! '$ ce%%s
e(er# da# fro) the inor!anic, che)ica% or )inera% s'+stances, in the
earth, air, and "ater. Nat're $erfor)s e(er# da# the )irac%e of
transfor)in! che)ica%s and )inera%s into %i(in! $%ant ce%%s. And "hen
ani)a% or )an eats these $%ant ce%%s, so $rod'ced, the# +eco)e
transfor)ed into ani)a% ce%%s of "hich the +od# is +'i%t '$. /hat it
too* Nat're a!es to do in the +e!innin!, is no" $erfor)ed in a fe"
ho'rs, or )in'tes.
The o!i Teachin!s, a!ain on a%%0fo'rs "ith )odern Science, infor) 's
that %i(in! for)s had their +e!innin! in "ater. In the s%i)# +ed of the
$o%ar seas the si)$%e ce%%0for)s a$$eared, ha(in! their ori!in in the
transitiona% sta!es +efore )entioned. The first %i(in! for)s "ere a
%o"%# for) of $%ant %ife, consistin! of a sin!%e ce%%. Fro) these for)s
"ere e(o%(ed for)s co)$osed of !ro'$s of ce%%s, and so $roceeded the
"or* of e(o%'tion, fro) the %o"er for) to the hi!her, e(er in an '$"ard
As "e ha(e said, the sin!%e ce%% is the $h#sica% centre, or $arent, of
e(er# %i(in! for). It contains "hat is *no"n as the n'c%e's, or
*erne%, "hich see)s to +e )ore hi!h%# or!ani,ed than the rest of the
)ateria% of the ce%%00it )a# +e considered as the "+rain" of the ce%%,
if #o' "ish to 'se #o'r i)a!ination a %itt%e. The sin!%e ce%%
re$rod'ces itse%f +# !ro"th and di(ision, or se$aration. Each ce%%
)anifests the f'nctions of %ife, "hether it +e a sin!%e0ce%%ed
creat're, or a ce%% "hich "ith +i%%ions of others, !oes to )a*e '$ a
hi!her for). It fee%s, feeds, !ro"s, and re$rod'ces itse%f. In the
sin!%e0ce%%ed creat're, the one ce%% $erfor)s a%% of the f'nctions, of
co'rse. 5't as the for)s +eco)e )ore co)$%e., the )an# ce%%s co)$osin!
a for) $erfor) certain f'nctions "hich are a%%otted to it, the di(ision
of %a+or res'%tin! in a hi!her )anifestation. This is tr'e not on%# in
the case of ani)a% for)s, +'t a%so in the case of $%ant for)s. The
ce%%s in the +one, )'sc%e, ner(e0tiss'e and +%ood of the ani)a% differ
accordin! to their offices3 and the sa)e is tr'e in the ce%%s in the
sa$, ste), root, %eaf, seed and f%o"er of the $%ant.
As "e ha(e said, the ce%%s )'%ti$%# +# di(ision, after a $eriod of
!ro"th. The ce%% !ro"s +# )ateria% ta*en into its s'+stance, as food.
/hen s'fficient food has +een $arta*en, and eno'!h ne" )ateria%
acc')'%ated to ca'se the ce%% to attain a certain si,e, then it
di(ides, or se$arates into t"o ce%%s, the di(ision +ein! e1'a%, and the
$oint of c%ea(a!e +ein! at the *erne% or n'c%e's. As the t"o $arts
se$arate, the $roto$%as) of each !ro'$s itse%f aro'nd its n'c%e's,
and t"o %i(in! for)s "here there "as +'t one a )o)ent +efore. And
then each of the t"o ce%%s $roceed to !ro" ra$id%#, and then se$arate,
and so on to the end, each ce%% )'%ti$%#in! into )i%%ions, as ti)e
Ascendin! in the sca%e, "e ne.t find the %i(in! for)s co)$osed of
ce%%0!ro'$s. These ce%%0!ro'$s are for)ed +# sin!%e ce%%s di(idin!, and
then s'+di(idin!, +'t instead of $assin! on their "a# the# !ro'$
the)se%(es in c%'sters, or )asses. There are )i%%ions of for)s of these
ce%%0!ro'$ creat'res, a)on! "hich "e find the s$on!es, $o%#$s, etc.
In the ear%# for)s of %ife it is diffic'%t to distin!'ish +et"een the
ani)a% and the $%ant for)s, in fact the ear%# for)s $arta*e of the
1'a%ities of +oth. 5't as "e ad(ance in the sca%e a %itt%e there is
seen a decided "+ranchin! o't," and one %ar!e +ranch is for)ed of the
e(o%(in! $%ant for)s, and the other of the e(o%(in! ani)a% for)s. The
$%ant0+ranch +e!ins "ith the sea0"eeds, and $asses on to the f'n!i,
%ichens, )osses, ferns, $ines and $a%)0ferns, !rasses, etc., then to
the trees, shr'+s and her+s. The ani)a%0+ranch +e!ins "ith the
)onera, or sin!%e0ce%% for)s, "hich are %itt%e )ore than a dro$ of
stic*#, !%'e0%i*e $roto$%as). Then it $asses on to the a)oe+ae, "hich
+e!ins to sho" a s%i!ht difference in its $arts. Then on the
fora)inifera, "hich secretes a she%% of %i)e fro) the "ater. Then on
a ste$ hi!her to the $o%#c#stina, "hich secretes a she%%, or s*e%eton
of f%int0%i*e )ateria% fro) the "ater. Then co)e the s$on!es. Then the
cora%0ani)a%s, ane)ones and je%%#0fish. Then co)e the sea0%i%ies,
star0fish, etc. Then the (ario's fa)i%ies of "or)s. Then the cra+s,
s$iders, centi$edes, insects. Then co)e the )o%%'sca, "hich inc%'de the
o#sters, c%a)s and other she%%0fish3 snai%s, c'tt%e0fish, sea0s1'irts,
etc. A%% of the a+o(e fa)i%ies of ani)a%0for)s are "hat are *no"n as
"in(erte+rates," that is, "itho't a +ac*+one.
Then "e co)e to the "(erte+rates," or ani)a%s ha(in! a +ac*+one. First
"e see the fish fa)i%# "ith its tho'sands of for)s. Then co)e the
a)$hi+ia, "hich inc%'de the toads, fro!s, etc. Then co)e the re$ti%es,
"hich inc%'de the ser$ents, %i,ards, crocodi%es, t'rt%es, etc. Then
co)e the !reat fa)i%# of +irds, "ith its "onderf'% (ariet# of for)s,
si,es, and characteristics. Then co)e the )a))a%s, the na)e of "hich
co)es fro) the Latin "ord )eanin! "the +reast," the characteristic of
"hich !ro'$ co)es fro) the fact that the# no'rish their #o'n! +# )i%*,
or si)i%ar f%'id, secreted +# the )other. The )a))a%s are the hi!hest
for) of the (erte+rates.
First a)on! the )a))a%s "e find the a$%acenta%s, or those "hich +rin!
forth i))at're #o'n!, "hich are !ro'$ed into t"o di(isions, i.e., 718
the )onotre)es, or one0(ented ani)a%s, in "hich !ro'$ +e%on! the
d'c*0+i%%s, s$in# ant0eaters, etc.3 and 7C8 the )ars'$ia%s, or
$o'ched ani)a%s, in "hich !ro'$ +e%on! the *an!aroo, o$oss'), etc.
The ne.t hi!hest for) a)on! the )a))a%s are *no"n as the $%acenta%s,
or those "hich +rin! forth )at're #o'n!. In this c%ass are fo'nd the
ant0eaters, s%oth, )anatee, the "ha%e and $or$oise, the horse, co",
shee$, and other hoofed ani)a%s3 the e%e$hant, sea%, the do!, "o%f,
%ion, ti!er, and a%% f%esh eatin! ani)a%s3 the hares, rats, )ice, and
ai% other !na"in! ani)a%s3 the +ats, )o%es, and other insect0feeders3
then co)e the !reat fa)i%# of a$es, fro) the s)a%% )on*e#s '$ to the
oran!0o'tan!, chi)$an,ee, and other for)s near%# a$$roachin! )an. And
then co)es the hi!hest, &an, fro) the 6affir, 5'sh0)an, Ca(e0)an, and
9i!!er Indian, '$ thro'!h the )an# sta!es 'nti% the hi!hest for)s of
o'r o"n race are reached.
Fro) the &onera to &an is a %on! $ath, containin! )an# sta!es, +'t it
is a $ath inc%'din! a%% the inter)ediate for)s. The o!i Teachin!s ho%d
to the theor# of e(o%'tion, as )aintained +# )odern Science, +'t it
!oes sti%% f'rther, for it ho%ds not on%# that the $h#sica% for)s are
s'+ject to the e(o%'tionar# $rocess, +'t that a%so the "so'%s" e)+odied
in these for)s are s'+ject to the e(o%'tionar# $rocess. In other "ords
the o!i Teachin!s ho%d that there is a t"in0$rocess of e(o%'tion 'nder
"a#, the )ain o+ject of "hich is to de(e%o$ "so'%s," +'t "hich a%so
finds it necessar# to e(o%(e hi!her and hi!her for)s of $h#sica% +odies
for these constant%# ad(ancin! so'%s to occ'$#.
Let 's ta*e a hast# !%ance at the ascendin! for)s of ani)a% %ife, as
the# rise in the e(o%'tionar# sca%e. 5# so doin! "e can "itness the
!ro"th of the so'%, "ithin the), as )anifested +# the hi!her and hi!her
$h#sica% for)s "hich are 'sed as channe%s of e.$ression +# the so'%s
"ithin. Let 's first st'd# so'%0e(o%'tion fro) the o'ter (ie"$oint,
+efore "e $roceed to e.a)ine it fro) the inner. 5# so doin! "e "i%%
ha(e a f'%%er idea of the $rocess than if "e i!nored the o'ter and
$roceed at once to the inner. 9es$ise not the o'ter for), for it has
a%"a#s +een, and is no", the Te)$%e of the So'%, "hich the %atter is
re)ode%%in! and re+'i%din! in order to acco))odate its constant%#
increasin! needs and de)ands.
Let 's +e!in "ith the Proto,oa, or one0ce%%ed for)s00the %o"est for)
of ani)a% %ife. The %o"est for) of this %o"est c%ass is that re)ar*a+%e
creat're that "e ha(e )entioned in $re(io's %essons00the &oneron.
This creat're %i(es in "ater, the nat'ra% e%e)ent in "hich or!anic %ife
is +e%ie(ed to ha(e had its +e!innin!. It is a (er# tin#, sha$e%ess,
co%or%ess, s%i)#, stic*# )ass00so)ethin! %i*e a tin# dro$ of
!%'e00a%i*e a%% o(er and in its )ass, and "itho't or!ans or $arts of
an# *ind. So)e ha(e c%ai)ed that +e%o" the fie%d of the )icrosco$e
there )a# +e so)ethin! %i*e e%e)entar# or!ans in the &oneron, +'t so
far as the h')an e#e )a# disco(er there is no e(idence of an#thin! of
the *ind. It has no or!ans or $arts "ith "hich to $erfor) $artic'%ar
f'nctions, as is the case "ith the hi!her for)s of %ife. These
f'nctions, as #o' *no", )a# +e c%assed into three !ro'$s, i.e.,
n'trition, re$rod'ction, and re%ation00that is, the f'nction of
feedin!, the f'nction of re$rod'cin! its *ind, and the f'nction of
recei(in! and res$ondin! to the i)$ressions of the o'tside "or%d. A%%
of these three c%asses of f'nctions the &oneron $erfor)s00+'t "ith an#
$art of its +od#, or "ith a%% of it.
E(er# $art, or the "ho%e, of the &oneron a+sor+s food and o.#!en00it is
a%% )o'th and %'n!s. E(er# $art, or the "ho%e, di!ests the food00it is
a%% sto)ach. E(er# $art, or the "ho%e, $erfor)s the re$rod'cti(e
f'nction00it is a%% re$rod'cti(e or!anis). E(er# $art of it senses the
i)$ressions fro) o'tside, and res$onds to it00it is a%% or!ans of
sense, and or!ans of )otion. It en(e%o$s its $re# as a dro$ of !%'e
s'rro'nds a $artic%e of sand, and then a+sor+s the s'+stance of the
$re# into its o"n s'+stance. It )o(es +# $ro%on!in! an# $art of itse%f
o't"ard in a sort of tai%0%i*e a$$enda!e, "hich it 'ses as a "foot," or
"fin!er" "ith "hich to $ro$e% itse%f3 dra" itse%f to, or $'sh itse%f
a"a# fro) an o+ject. This $ro%on!ation is ca%%ed a $se'do$od, or
"fa%se0foot." /hen it !ets thro'!h 'sin! the "fa%se0foot" for the
$artic'%ar $'r$ose, it si)$%# dra"s +ac* into itse%f that $ortion "hich
had +een $rotr'ded for the $'r$ose.
It $erfor)s the f'nctions of di!estion, assi)i%ation, e%i)ination,
etc., $erfect%#, j'st as the hi!her for)s of %ife00+'t it has no or!ans
for the f'nctions, and $erfor)s the) se(era%%#, and co%%ecti(e%# "ith
an#, or a%% $arts of its +od#. /hat the hi!her ani)a%s $erfor) "ith
intricate or!ans and $arts00heart, sto)ach, %'n!s, %i(er, *idne#s,
etc., etc.00this tin# creat're $erfor)s "itho't or!ans, and "ith its
entire +od#, or an# $art thereof. The f'nction of re$rod'ction is
start%in!%# si)$%e in the case of the &oneron. It si)$%# di(ides itse%f
in t"o $arts, and that is a%% there is to it. There is no )a%e or
fe)a%e se. in its case00it co)+ines +oth "ithin itse%f. The
re$rod'cti(e $rocess is e(en far )ore si)$%e than the "+'ddin!" of
$%ants. o' )a# t'rn one of these "onderf'% creat'res inside o't, and
sti%% it !oes on the e(en tenor of its "a#, in no )anner dist'r+ed or
affected. It is si)$%# a "%i(in! dro$ of !%'e," "hich eats, di!ests,
recei(es i)$ressions and res$onds thereto, and re$rod'ces itse%f. This
tin# !%'e0dro$ $erfor)s (irt'a%%# the sa)e %ife f'nctions as do the
hi!her co)$%e. for)s of %i(in! thin!s. /hich is the !reater
")irac%e"00the &oneron or &an:
A s%i!ht ste$ '$"ard fro) the &oneron +rin!s 's to the A)oe+a. The
na)e of this ne" creat're is deri(ed fro) the <ree* "ord )eanin!
"chan!e," and has +een +esto"ed +eca'se the creat're is constant%#
chan!in! its sha$e. This contin'a% chan!e of sha$e is ca'sed +# a
contin'o's $ro%on!ation and dra"in!0in of its $se'do$ods, or
"fa%se0feet," "hich a%so !i(es the creat're the a$$earance of a
")an#0fin!ered" or!anis). This creat're sho"s the first ste$ to"ard
"$arts," for it has so)ethin! %i*e a )e)+rane or "s*in" at its s'rface,
and a "n'c%e's" at its centre, and a%so an e.$andin! and contractin!
ca(it# "ithin its s'+stance, "hich it 'ses for ho%din!, di!estin! and
distri+'tin! its food, and a%so for storin! and distri+'tin! its
o.#!en00an e%e)entar# co)+ination of sto)ach and %'n!s? So #o' see that
the a)oe+a has ta*en a ste$ '$"ard fro) the )oneron, and is +e!innin!
to a$$reciate the con(enience of $arts and or!ans. It is interestin! to
note, in this connection, that "hi%e the ordinar# ce%%s of the hi!her
ani)a% +od# rese)+%e the )onera in )an# "a#s, sti%% the "hite
cor$'sc%es in the +%ood of )an and the ani)a%s +ear a start%in!
rese)+%ance to the a)oe+ae so far as re!ards si,e, !enera% str'ct're,
and )o(e)ents, and are in fact *no"n to Science as "a)oe+oids." The
"hite cor$'sc%es chan!e their sha$e, ta*e in food in an inte%%i!ent
)anner, and %i(e a co)$arati(e%# inde$endent %ife, their )o(e)ents
sho"in! inde$endent "tho'!ht" and ""i%%."
So)e of the a)oe+ae 7the diato)s, for instance8 secrete so%id )atter
fro) the "ater, and +'i%d therefro) she%%s or ho'ses, "hich ser(e to
$rotect the) fro) their ene)ies. These she%%s are f'%% of tin# ho%es,
thro'!h "hich the $se'do$ods are e.tended in their search for food, and
for $'r$oses of )o(e)ent. So)e of these she%%s are co)$osed of secreted
%i)e, and others of a f%int# s'+stance, the "se%ection" of these
s'+stances fro) the ether )inera% $artic%es in the "ater, e(idencin! a
de!ree cf "tho'!ht," and )ind, e(en in these %o"%# creat'res. The
s*e%etons of these tin# creat'res for) (ast de$osits of cha%* and
si)i%ar s'+stances.
Ne.t hi!her in the sca%e are the Inf'soria. These creat'res differ
fro) the a)oe+ae inas)'ch as instead of $se'do$ods, the# ha(e de(e%o$ed
tin# (i+ratin! fi%a)ents, or thread0%i*e a$$enda!es, "hich are 'sed for
dra"in! in their $re# and for )o(in! a+o't. These fi%a)ents are
$er)anent, and are not te)$orar# %i*e the $se'do$ods of the )onera or
a)oe+ae00the# are the first si!ns of $er)anent hands and feet. These
creat'res ha(e a%so disco(ered the $ossi+i%ities of or!ans and $arts,
to a sti%% !reater de!ree than ha(e their co'sins the a)oe+ae, and ha(e
e(o%(ed so)ethin! %i*e a )o'th0o$enin! 7(er# r'di)entar#8 and a%so a
short !'%%et thro'!h "hich the# $ass their food and o.#!en00the# ha(e
de(e%o$ed the first si!ns of a throat, "ind0$i$e and food0$assa!e.
Ne.t co)e the fa)i%# of S$on!es, the soft s*e%etons of "hich for) the
'sef'% artic%e of e(er#da# 'se. There are )an# for)s "ho "ea(e a ho)e
of far )ore de%icac# and +ea't# than their )ore fa)i%iar and ho)e%#
+rothers. The s$on!e creat're itse%f is a s%i)#, soft creat're, "hich
fi%%s in the s$aces in its s$on!# s*e%eton. It is fastened to one s$ot,
and !athers in its food fro) the "ater aro'nd it 7and o.#!en as "e%%8,
+# )eans of n')ero's "hi$0%i*e fi%a)ents ca%%ed ci%ia, "hich f%ash
thro'!h the "ater dri(in! in the food and o.#!en to the inner $ositions
of its +od#. The "ater th's dra"n in, as "e%% as the ref'se fro) the
food, is then dri(en o't in the sa)e )anner. It is interestin! to note
that in the or!anis)s of the hi!her ani)a%s, inc%'din! )an, there are
n')ero's ci%ia $erfor)in! offices in connection "ith n'trition, etc.
/hen Nat're $erfects an instr')ent, it is (er# a$t to retain it, e(en
in the hi!her for)s, a%tho'!h in the %atter its i)$ortance )a# +e
d"arfed +# hi!her ones.
The ne.t ste$ in the ascendin! sca%e of %ife0for)s is occ'$ied +# the
$o%#$s, "hich are fo'nd in "ater, fastened to f%oatin! )atter. The
$o%#$s fasten the)se%(es to this f%oatin! )atter, "ith their )o'ths
do"n"ard, fro) the %atter dan!%in! certain tentac%es, or thin, %on!
ar)s. These tentac%es contain s)a%% thread0%i*e coi%s in contact "ith a
$oisono's f%'id, and enc%osed in a ce%%. /hen the tentac%es co)e in
contact "ith the $re# of the creat're, or "ith an#thin! that is sensed
as a $ossi+%e ene)#, the# contract aro'nd the o+ject and the %itt%e
ce%%s +'rst and the tin# thread0%i*e coi%s are re%eased and t"ist
the)se%(es %i*e a %oo$ aro'nd the o+ject, $oisonin! it "ith the
secreted f%'id. So)e of the $o%#$s secrete f%int0%i*e t'+es, "hich the#
inha+it, and fro) the ends of "hich the# e)er!e %i*e f%o"ers. Fro)
these $arent $o%#$s e)er!e c%'sters of #o'n!, rese)+%in! +'ds. These
+'d0%i*e #o'n! after"ards +eco)e "hat are *no"n as je%%#0fishes, etc.,
"hich in t'rn re$rod'ce the)se%(es00+'t here is a "onder00the
je%%#0fish %a# e!!s, "hich "hen hatched $rod'ce stationar# $o%#$s %i*e
their !rand$arent, and not )o(in! creat'res %i*e their $arents. The
je%%#0fishes ha(e a co)$arati(e%# co)$%e. or!anis). The# ha(e an
intricate s#ste) of cana%0%i*e $assa!es "ith "hich to con(e# their food
and o.#!en to the (ario's $arts. The# a%so ha(e so)ethin! %i*e )'sc%es,
"hich contract and ena+%e the creat're to "s"i)." The# a%so $ossess a
"ner(o's s#ste)," and, )ost "onderf'% of a%%, the# ha(e r'di)entar#
e#es and ears. Their tentac%es, %i*e those of the $arent0$o%#$,
secrete the $oisono's f%'id "hich is dischar!ed into $re# or ene)#.
A*in to the $o%#$s are the sea0ane)ones, "ith their +ea'tif'% co%ors,
and sti%% )ore co)$%e. str'ct're and or!anis), the tentac%es of "hich
rese)+%e the $eta%s of a f%o"er. @ar#in! s%i!ht%# fro) these are the
cora%0creat'res, "hich for) in co%onies and the s*e%etons of "hich for)
the cora% trees and +ranches, and other for)s, "ith "hich "e are
Passin! on to the ne.t hi!hest fa)i%# of %ife0for)s, "e see the
s$in#0+odied sea0creat'res, s'ch as the sea0'rchin, star0fish, etc.,
"hich $ossess a thic*, hard s*in, co(ered +# s$ines or $ric*%#
$rojections. These creat'res a+o'nd in n')ero's s$ecies. The star0fish
has ra#s $rojectin! fro) a co))on centre, "hich !i(es it its na)e,
"hi%e the sea0'rchin rese)+%es a +a%%. The sea0%i%ies, "ith their ste)s
and f%o"ers 7so0ca%%ed8 +e%on! to this fa)i%#, as do a%so the
sea0c'c')+ers, "hose na)e is o+tained fro) their sha$e and !enera%
a$$earance, +'t "hich are ani)a%s $ossessin! a co)$arati(e%# co)$%e.
or!anis), one of the feat'res of "hich is a sto)ach "hich )a# +e
discarded at "i%% and re$%aced +# a ne" one. These creat'res ha(e a
"e%% defined ner(o's s#ste), and ha(e e#es, and so)e of the) e(en
r'di)entar# e#e%ids.
Ascendin! the sca%e of %ife0for)s, "e ne.t o+ser(e the !reat fa)i%# of
the Ann'%osa, or jointed creat'res, "hich co)$rises the (ario's
fa)i%ies of the "or), the cra+, the s$ider, the ant, etc. In this !reat
fa)i%# are !ro'$ed near%# fo'r0fifths of the *no"n %ife0for)s. Their
+odies are "e%% for)ed and the# ha(e ner(o's s#ste)s r'nnin! a%on! the
+od# and consistin! of t"o thin threads, *notted at different $oints
into !an!%ia or )asses of ner(e ce%%s si)i%ar to those $ossessed +# the
hi!her ani)a%s. The# $ossess e#es and other sense or!ans, in so)e cases
hi!h%# de(e%o$ed. The# $ossess or!ans, corres$ondin! to the heart, and
ha(e a "e%%0de(e%o$ed di!esti(e a$$arat's. Note this ad(ance in the
n'triti(e or!anis)4 the )oneron ta*es its food at an# $oint of its
+od#3 the a)oe+a ta*es its food +# )eans of its "fa%se0feet," and
dri(es it thro'!h its +od# +# a rh#th)ic )o(e)ent of its s'+stance3 the
$o%#$ distri+'tes its food to its (ario's $arts +# )eans of the "ater
"hich it a+sor+s "ith the food3 the sea0'rchin and star0fish
distri+'te their food +# cana%s in their +odies "hich o$en direct%#
into the "ater3 in the hi!her for)s of the ann'%osa, the food is
distri+'ted +# a f%'id rese)+%in! +%ood, "hich carries the no'rish)ent
to e(er# $art and or!an, and "hich carries a"a# the "aste )atter, the
+%ood +ein! $ro$e%%ed thro'!h the +od# +# a r'di)entar# heart. The
o.#!en is distri+'ted +# each of these for)s in a corres$ondin! "a#,
the hi!her for)s ha(in! r'di)entar# %'n!s and res$irator# or!ans. Ste$
+# ste$ the %ife0for)s are $erfected, and the or!ans necessar# to
$erfor) certain definite f'nctions are e(o%(ed fro) r'di)entar# to
$erfected for)s.
The fa)i%ies of "or)s are the h')+%est )e)+ers of the !reat fa)i%# of
the Ann'%osa. Ne.t co)e the creat'res ca%%ed Rotifers, "hich are (er#
)in'te. Then co)e the Cr'stacea, so ca%%ed fro) their cr'st%i*e she%%.
This !ro'$ inc%'des the cra+s, %o+sters, etc., and c%ose%# rese)+%es
the insects. In fact, so)e of the +est a'thorities +e%ie(e that the
insects and the cr'stacea s$rin! fro) the sa)e $arent for), and so)e of
the o!i a'thorities ho%d to this +e%ief, "hi%e others do not atte)$t
to $ass '$on it, dee)in! it i))ateria%, inas)'ch as a%% %ife0for)s ha(e
a co))on ori!in. The "estern scientists $a# !reat attention to o't"ard
detai%s, "hi%e the Orienta% )ind is a$t to $ass o(er these detai%s as
of s%i!ht i)$ortance, $referrin! to see* the ca'se +ac* of the o't"ard
for). On one $oint +oth the o!i teachers and the scientists a+so%'te%#
a!ree, and that is that the fa)i%# of insect %ife had its ori!in in
so)e a1'atic creat're. 5oth ho%d that the "in!s of the insect ha(e +een
e(o%(ed fro) or!ans $ri)ari%# 'sed for +reathin! $'r$oses +# the
ancestor "hen it too* short aeria% f%i!hts, the need for )eans of
f%i!ht after"ards actin! to de(e%o$ these r'di)entar# or!ans into
$erfected "in!s. There need +e no )ore "onder e.$ressed at this chan!e
than in the case of the transfor)ation of the insect fro) !r'+ to
chr#sa%is, and then to insect. In fact this $rocess is a re$rod'ction
of the sta!es thro'!h "hich the %ife0for) $assed d'rin! the %on! a!es
+et"een sea0creat're and %and0insect.
/e need not ta*e '$ )'ch of #o'r ti)e in s$ea*in! of the "onderf'%
co)$%e. or!anis) of so)e of the insect fa)i%#, "hich are ne.t on the
sca%e a+o(e the cr'stacea. The "onders of s$ider0%ife00the a%)ost h')an
%ife of the ants00the s$irit of the +eehi(e00and a%% the rest of the
"onders of insect %ife are fa)i%iar to a%% of o'r readers. A st'd# of
so)e !ood +oo* on the %ife of the hi!her for)s of the insect fa)i%#
"i%% $ro(e of (a%'e to an#one, for it "i%% o$en his or her e#es to the
"onderf'% )anifestation of %ife and )ind a)on! these creat'res.
Re)e)+er the re)ar* of 9ar"in, that the +rain of the ant, a%tho'!h not
)'ch %ar!er than a $in $oint, "is one of the )ost )ar(e%o's ato)s of
)atter in the "or%d, $erha$s )ore so than the +rain of )an."
C%ose%# a%%ied to the cr'stacea is the s'+0fa)i%# of the )o%%'sca,
"hich inc%'des the o#ster, c%a)s, and si)i%ar creat'res3 a%so the
snai%s, c'tt%e0fish, s%'!s, na'ti%'s, sea0s1'irts, etc., etc. So)e are
$rotected +# a hard she%%, "hi%e others ha(e a !rist%# o'ter s*in,
ser(in! as an ar)or, "hi%e others sti%% are na*ed. Those ha(in! she%%s
secrete the )ateria% for their constr'ction fro) the "ater. So)e of
the) are fi.ed to roc*s, etc., "hi%e others roa) at "i%%. Stran!e as it
)a# a$$ear at first si!ht, so)e of the hi!her for)s of the )o%%'sca
sho" si!ns of a r'di)entar# (erte+ra, and science has ha,arded the
o$inion that the sea0s1'irts and si)i%ar creat'res "ere descended fro)
so)e ancestor fro) "ho) a%so descended the (erte+rate ani)a%s, of "hich
)an is the hi!hest for) *no"n toda# on this $%anet. /e sha%% )ention
this connection in o'r ne.t %esson, "here "e "i%% ta*e '$ the stor# of
"The Ascent of &an" fro) the %o"%# (erte+rate for)s.
And no", in c%osin! this %esson, "e )'st re)ind the reader that "e are
not teachin! E(o%'tion as it is concei(ed +# )odern science. /e are
(ie"in! it fro) the o$$osite (ie"$oint of the o!i Teachin!. &odern
Science teaches that &ind is a +#0$rod'ct of the e(o%(in! )ateria%
for)s00"hi%e the o!i Teachin!s ho%d that there "as &ind in(o%(ed in
the %o"est for), and that that &ind constant%# $ressin! for"ard for
'nfo%d)ent co)$e%%ed the !rad'a% e(o%'tion, or 'nfo%d)ent of the
s%o"%# ad(ancin! de!rees of or!ani,ation and f'nction. Science teaches
that "f'nction $recedes or!ani,ation," that is, that a for) $erfor)s
certain f'nctions, i)$erfect%# and cr'de%#, +efore it e(o%(es the
or!ans s'ita+%e for the f'nctionin!. For instance the %o"er for)s
di!ested food +efore the# e(o%(ed sto)achs00the %atter co)in! to )eet
the need. 5't the o!i Teachin!s !o f'rther and c%ai) that "desire
$recedes f'nction," that is, that the %o"%# %ife for) "desires" to ha(e
di!esti(e a$$arat's, in order to $roceed in the e(o%'tionar# sca%e,
+efore it +e!ins the f'nctionin! that +rin!s a+o't the )ore co)$%e.
or!anis). There is e(er the "'r!e" of the &ind "hich cra(es 'nfo%d)ent,
and "hich the creat're fee%s as a di) desire, "hich !ro"s stron!er and
stron!er as ti)e !oes on. So)e #ie%d )ore readi%# to the 'r!e, and s'ch
+eco)e the $arents of $ossi+%e hi!her for)s. "&an# are ca%%ed, +'t fe"
are chosen," and so )atters )o(e a%on! s%o"%# fro) !eneration to
!eneration, a fe" for)s ser(in! to carr# on the e(o%'tionar# 'r!e to
their descendants. 5't is a%"a#s the E(o%'tionar# -r!e of the
i)$risoned &ind stri(in! to cast aside its sheaths and to ha(e )ore
$erfect )achiner# "ith "hich, and thro'!h "hich, to )anifest and
e.$ress itse%f: This is the difference +et"een the "E(o%'tion" of
&odern Science and the "-nfo%d)ent" of the o!i Teachin!s. The one is
a%% )ateria%, "ith )ind as a )ere +#0$rod'ct, "hi%e the other is a%%
&ind, "ith )atter as a too% and instr')ent of e.$ression and
As "e ha(e said in this %esson00and as "e sha%% $oint o't to #o' in
detai% in f't're %essons00acco)$an#in! this e(o%'tion of +odies there
is an e(o%'tion of "so'%s" $rod'cin! the for)er. This e(o%'tion of
so'%s is a +asic $rinci$%e of the o!i Teachin!s, +'t it is first
necessar# that #o' ac1'aint #o'rse%(es "ith the e(o%'tion of +odies and
for)s, +efore #o' )a# f'%%# !ras$ the hi!her teachin!s.
O'r ne.t %esson "i%% +e entit%ed "The Ascent of &an," in "hich the rise
of )an00that is, his +od#00fro) the %o"%# for)s of the (erte+rates is
sho"n. In the sa)e %esson "e sha%% +e!in o'r consideration of the
"e(o%'tion of so'%s." /e tr'st that the st'dents are caref'%%# st'd#in!
the detai%s of each %esson, for e(er# %esson has its $art in the !rand
"ho%e of the Teachin!s.
In o'r %ast %esson "e %ed #o' +# s'ccessi(e ste$s fro) the +e!innin!s
of Life in %i(in! for)s '$ to the creat'res c%ose%# rese)+%in! the
fa)i%# of (erte+rates00the hi!hest fa)i%# of %i(in! for)s on this
$%anet. In this $resent %esson "e ta*e '$ the stor# of the "Ascent of
&an" fro) the %o"%# (erte+rate for)s.
The %ar!e s'+0fa)i%# of for)s ca%%ed "The @erte+rates" are
distin!'ished fro) the In(erte+rates +# reason of the for)er $ossessin!
an interna% +on# s*e%eton, the )ost i)$ortant feat're of "hich is the
(erte+ra or s$ina% co%')n. The (erte+rates, +e it re)e)+ered, $ossess
$ractica%%# the sa)e or!ans as the %o"er for)s of %ife, +'t differ fro)
the) )ost )ateria%%# +# the $ossession of the interna% s*e%eton, the
%o"er for)s ha(in! an e.terna% or o'tside s*e%eton, "hich %atter is
)ere%# a hardenin! of the s*in.
The f%e.i+i%it# of the (erte+ra creates a "onderf'% stren!th of
str'ct're, co)+ined "ith an ease of )o(e)ent $ec'%iar to the
(erte+rates, and "hich renders the) the nat'ra% for)s of %ife ca$a+%e
of ra$id de(e%o$)ent and e(o%'tion. 5# )eans of this stren!th, and
ease, these for)s are ena+%ed to )o(e ra$id%# in $'rs'it of their $re#,
and a"a# fro) their $'rs'ers, and a%so to resist o'tside $ress're or
attac*. The# are $rotected in a "a# si)i%ar to the in(erte+rates ha(in!
she%%s, and #et ha(e the additiona% ad(anta!e of eas# )o(e)ent.
9ifferin! in sha$e and a$$earance as do the n')ero's )e)+ers of the
s'+0fa)i%# of (erte+rates, sti%% their str'ct're is easi%# seen to
s$rin! fro) a sin!%e for)00a%% are )odifications of so)e co))on
$attern, the differences arisin! fro) the necessities of the %ife of
the ani)a%, as )anifested thro'!h the desire and necessities of the
Science sho"s the direct re%ationshi$ +et"een the @erte+rates, and the
In(erte+rates +# )eans of se(era% connectin!0%in*s, the )ost noticea+%e
of "hich is the Lance%ot, a creat're rese)+%in! the fish0for), and #et
a%so c%ose%# rese)+%in! the %o"er 7in(erte+rate8 for)s of %ife. This
creat're has no head, and +'t one e#e. It is se)i0trans$arent, and
$ossesses ci%ia for forcin! in the "ater containin! its food. It has
so)ethin! %i*e !i%%s, and a !'%%et %i*e the %o"er for)s. It has no
heart, the +%ood +ein! circ'%ated +# )eans of contractin! (esse%s or
$arts. Strict%# s$ea*in!, it has no +ac*0+one, or (erte+ra, +'t sti%%
Science has +een co)$e%%ed to c%ass it a)on! the (erte+rates +eca'se is
has a !rist%# carti%a!e "here the +ac*0+one is fo'nd in the hi!her
for)s. This !rist%e )a# +e ca%%ed an "e%e)entar# s$ine." It has a
ner(o's s#ste) consistin! of a sin!%e cord "hich s$reads into a
+roadened end near the creat're2s )o'th, and "hich )a# therefore +e
re!arded as "so)ethin! %i*e a +rain." This creat're is rea%%# a
de(e%o$ed for) of In(erte+rate, sha$ed %i*e a @erte+rate, and sho"in!
si!ns of a r'di)entar# s$ine and ner(o's s#ste) of the %atter. It is a
The %o"est for)s of the tr'e @erte+rates are the !reat fa)i%ies of
Fishes. These Fish fa)i%ies inc%'de fishes of hi!h and %o" de!ree, so)e
of the hi!her for)s +ein! as different fro) the %o"est as the# 7the
hi!hest8 are different fro) the Re$ti%e fa)i%#. It is not necessar# to
!o into detai% re!ardin! the nat're of the fish fa)i%ies, for e(er#
st'dent is )ore or %ess fa)i%iar "ith the).
So)e $ec'%iar for)s of fish sho" a shadin! into the Re$ti%e fa)i%#, in
fact the# see) to +e%on! near%# as )'ch to the %atter as to their o"n
!enera% fa)i%#. So)e s$ecies of fish *no"n as the 9i$noi or
"do'+%e0+reathers," ha(e a re)ar*a+%e d'a% s#ste) of +reathin!. That
is, the# ha(e !i%%s for +reathin! "hi%e in the "ater, and a%so ha(e a
$ri)iti(e or e%e)entar# "%'n!" in the sha$e of an air0+%adder, or
"so'nd," "hich the# 'se for +reathin! on %and. The &'d0fish of So'th
A)erica, and a%so other for)s in A'stra%ia and other $%aces, ha(e a
)odification of fins "hich are $ractica%%# "%i)+s," "hich the# act'a%%#
'se for tra(e%in! on %and fro) $ond to $ond. So)e of these fish ha(e
+een *no"n to tra(e% enor)o's distances in search of ne" $oo%s of
"ater, or ne" strea)s, ha(in! +een dri(en fro) their ori!ina% ho)es +#
dro'!hts, or $erha$s +# instincts si)i%ar to the )i!ratin! instinct of
+irds. Ee%s are fish 7a%tho'!h )an# co))on%# for!et this fact8 and
)an# of their s$ecies are a+%e to %ea(e the "ater and tra(e% on %and
fro) $ond to $ond, their +reathin! +ein! $erfor)ed +# a $ec'%iar
)odification of the !i%%s. The c%i)+in! $erch of India are a+%e to %i(e
o't of "ater, and ha(e )odified !i%%s for +reathin! $'r$oses, and
)odified fins for c%i)+in! and "a%*in!. So #o' see that "itho't %ea(in!
the fish fa)i%# $ro$er, "e ha(e e.a)$%es of %and %i(in! creat'res "hich
are a*in to "connectin! %in*s."
5't there are rea% "connectin!0%in*s"2 +et"een the Fish and the
Re$ti%es. Passin! o(er the )an# 1'eer for)s "hich ser(e as %in*s
+et"een the t"o fa)i%ies, "e ha(e +'t to consider o'r co))on fro!2s
histor# for a stri*in! e.a)$%e. The Tad$o%e has !i%%s, has no %i)+s,
'ses its tai% %i*e a fish2s fin, eats $%ants, etc. Passin! thro'!h
se(era% interestin! sta!es the Tad$o%e reaches a sta!e in "hich it is a
fro! "ith a tai%00then it sheds its tai% and is a f'%% f%ed!ed Fro!,
"ith fo'r %e!s3 "e+0feet3 no tai%3 and feedin! on ani)a%s. The Fro! is
a)$hi+io's, that is, a+%e to %i(e on %and or in "ater00and #et it is
co)$e%%ed to co)e to the s'rface of the "ater for air to s'$$%# its
%'n!s. So)e of the a)$hi+io's ani)a%s $ossess +oth %'n!s and !i%%s,
e(en "hen )at'red3 +'t the hi!her (erte+rates %i(in! in the "ater
+reathe thro'!h %'n!s "hich are e(o%(ed fro) the air0+%adder of fishes,
"hich in t'rn ha(e +een e(o%(ed fro) the $ri)iti(e !'%%et of the %o"er
for)s. There are fishes *no"n "hich are "ar)0+%ooded. St'dents "i%%
*ind%# re)e)+er that the /ha%e is not a fish, +'t an a1'atic ani)a%00a
)a))a%, in fact, +rin!in! forth its #o'n! a%i(e, and s'c*%in! it fro)
its +reasts.
So "e readi%# see that it is +'t a ste$, and a short ste$ at that,
+et"een the %and0tra(e%in! and c%i)+in! fishes and the %o"er for)s of
Re$ti%es. The Fro! sho"s 's the $rocess of e(o%'tion +et"een the t"o
fa)i%ies, its %ife histor# re$rod'cin! the !rad'a% e(o%'tion "hich )a#
ha(e re1'ired a!es to $erfect in the case of the s$ecies. o' "i%%
re)e)+er that the e)+r#o sta!es of a%% creat'res re$rod'ce the (ario's
sta!es of e(o%'tion thro'!h "hich the s$ecies has $assed00this is tr'e
in &an as "e%% as in the Fro!.
/e need not tarr# %on! in considerin! the Re$ti%e fa)i%# of %i(in!
for)s. In its (arieties of ser$ents, %i,ards, crocodi%es, t'rt%es,
etc., "e ha(e st'died and o+ser(ed its for)s. /e see the %i)+%ess
sna*es3 the %i,ards "ith acti(e %i)+s3 the h'!e, c%')s#, s%o"
crocodi%es and a%%i!ators00the ar)or0+earin! t'rt%es and tortoises00a%%
+e%on!in! to the one !reat fa)i%# of Re$ti%es, and near%# a%% of the)
+ein! de!enerate descendants of the )i!ht# Re$ti%e for)s of the
!eo%o!ica% A!e of Re$ti%es, in "hich f%o'rished the )i!ht# for)s of the
!iant re$ti%es00the )onsters of %and and "ater. A)idst the dense
(e!etation of that $re0historic a!e, s'rro'nded +# the )ost fa(ora+%e
conditions, these )i!ht# creat'res f%o'rished and %i(ed, their
fossi%i,ed s*e%eton for)s e(idencin! to 's ho" far their descendants
ha(e fa%%en, o"in! to %ess fa(ora+%e conditions, and the de(e%o$)ent of
other %ife0for)s )ore in har)on# "ith their chan!ed en(iron)ent.
Ne.t co)es the !reat fa)i%# of 5irds. The 5irds ascended fro) the
Re$ti%es. This is the Eastern Teachin!, and this is the teachin! of
/estern Science It "as for)er%# ta'!ht in the te.t0+oo*s that the %ine
of ascent "as a%on! the fa)i%# of "in!ed re$ti%es "hich e.isted in the
A!e of Re$ti%es, in the ear%# da#s of the Earth. 5't the %ater "riters
on the s'+ject, in the /estern "or%d, ha(e contradicted this. It is no"
ta'!ht that these ancient "in!ed0re$ti%es "ere feather%ess, and )ore
c%ose%# rese)+%ed the 5at fa)i%# than +irds. 7o' "i%% re)e)+er that a
5at is neither a re$ti%e nor a +ird00it is a )a))a%, +rin!in! forth its
#o'n! a%i(e, and s'c*%in! the) at its +reast. The 5at is )ore %i*e a
)o'se, and its "in!s are si)$%# )e)+rane stretched +et"een its fin!ers,
its feet, and its tai%.8
The %ine of ascent fro) Re$ti%e to 5ird "as a%on! the for)s of the
Re$ti%es that "a%*ed on %and. There are c%ose anato)ica% and
$h#sio%o!ica% re%ations and corres$ondences +et"een the t"o fa)i%ies
7Re$ti%es and 5irds8 "hich "e need not refer to here. And, of co'rse,
)an# )odifications ha(e occ'rred since the "+ranchin!0o't." The sca%es
of the re$ti%es, and the feathers of the +irds, are *no"n to +e +'t
)odifications of the ori!ina% o'ter s*in, as are a%so the hair, c%a"s,
hoofs, nai%s, etc., of a%% ani)a%s. E(en teeth arose in this "a#,
stran!e as it )a# no" see)00the# are a%% secreted fro) the s*in. /hat a
"onderf'% fie%d for tho'!ht00this !rad'a% e(o%'tion fro) the fi%)#
o'ter co(erin! of the %o"est %i(in! for)s to the +ea'tif'% feathers,
+ea*s, and c%a"s of the +ird?
The e(o%(in! of "in!s )eant )'ch to the ascendin! for)s of %ife. The
Re$ti%es "ere co)$e%%ed to %i(e in a narro" circ%e of territor#, "hi%e
the 5irds "ere a+%e to tra(e% o(er the earth in "ide f%i!hts. And
tra(e% a%"a#s de(e%o$s the fac'%ties of o+ser(ation, )e)or#, etc., and
c'%ti(ates the senses of seein!, hearin!, etc. And the creat're is
co)$e%%ed to e.ercise its e(o%(in! "thin*in!" fac'%ties to a !reater
e.tent. And so the 5irds "ere co)$e%%ed +# necessit# of their tra(e%s
to de(e%o$ a !reater de!ree of thin*in! or!anis). The res'%t is that
a)on! +irds "e find )an# instances of inte%%i!ent tho'!ht, "hich cannot
+e dis)issed as ")ere instinct." Nat'ra%ists $%ace the Cro" at the head
of the fa)i%# of 5irds, in $oint of inte%%i!ence, and those "ho ha(e
"atched these creat'res and st'died the )enta% $rocesses, "i%% a!ree
that this is a j'st decision. It has +een $ro(en that Cro"s are ca$a+%e
of co'ntin! '$ to se(era% fi!'res, and in other "a#s the# dis$%a# a
"onderf'% de!ree of a%)ost h')an sa!acit#.
Ne.t a+o(e the 5ird fa)i%# co)es the hi!hest for) of a%%00the &a))a%s.
5't +efore "e +e!in o'r consideration of these hi!h for)s, %et 's ta*e
a hast# !%ance at the "connectin!0%in*s" +et"een the 5irds and the
&a))a%s. The %o"est for)s of the &a))a%s rese)+%e 5irds in )an# "a#s.
So)e of the) are tooth%ess, and )an# of the) ha(e the sa)e $ri)iti(e
intestina% arran!e)ents $ossessed +# the +irds, fro) "hich arises their
na)e, &onotre)es. These &onotre)es )a# +e ca%%ed ha%f0+ird and
ha%f0)a))a%. One of the )ost characteristic of their fa)i%# is the
Ornithorh#nch's, or 9'c*0+i%%, "hich the ear%# nat'ra%ists first
tho'!ht "as a fra'd of the ta.ider)ists, or +ird0st'ffers, and then,
"hen fina%%# con(inced, dee)ed it a "frea*0of0nat're." 5't it is not a
frea* creat're, +'t a "connectin!0%in*" +et"een the t"o !reat fa)i%ies
of creat'res. This ani)a% $resents a start%in! a$$earance to the
o+ser(er "ho "itnesses it for the first ti)e. It rese)+%es a +ea(er,
ha(in! a soft f'rr# coat, +'t a%so has a horn#, f%at +i%% %i*e a d'c*,
its feet +ein! "e++ed, +'t a%so f'rnished "ith c%a"s $rojectin! o(er
the ed!e of the "e+0foot. It %a#s e!!s in an 'nder!ro'nd nest00t"o e!!s
at a ti)e, "hich are %i*e the e!!s of +irds, inas)'ch as the# contain
not on%# the $roto$%as) fro) "hich the e)+r#o is for)ed, +'t a%so the
"#o%*." on "hich the e)+r#o feeds 'nti% hatched. After the #o'n!
9'c*0+i%% is hatched, it feeds fro) teat%ess !%ands in the )other2s
+od#, the )i%* +ein! f'rnished +# the )other +# a $ec'%iar $rocess.
Consider this )irac%e00an ani)a% "hich %a#s e!!s and then "hen her
#o'n! are hatched no'rishes the) "ith )i%*. The )i%*0!%ands in the
)other are e%e)entar# "+reasts."
The a+o(e0)entioned ani)a% is fo'nd in A'stra%ia, the %and of )an#
stran!e for)s and "connectin!0%in*s," "hich ha(e s'r(i(ed there "hi%e
in other $arts of the !%o+e the# ha(e (anished !rad'a%%# fro)
e.istence, cro"ded o't +# the )ore $erfect%# e(o%(ed for)s. 9ar"in has
ca%%ed these s'r(i(in! for)s "%i(in! fossi%s." In that sa)e %and is
a%so fo'nd the Echidna or s$in# ant0eater, "hich %a#s an e!! and then
hatches it in her $o'ch, after "hich she no'rishes it on )i%*, in a
)anner si)i%ar to that of the 9'c*0+i%%. This ani)a%, %i*e the
9'c*0+i%%, is a &onotre)e.
Scientists are di(ided in theories as to "hether the &onotre)es are
act'a%%# descended direct%# fro) the Re$ti%es or 5irds, or "hether
there "as a co))on ancestor fro) "hich Re$ti%es and 5irds and &a))a%s
+ranched off. 5't this is not i)$ortant, for the re%ationshi$ +et"een
Re$ti%es, 5irds and &a))a%s is c%ear%# $ro(en. And the &onotre)es are
certain%# one of the s'r(i(in! for)s of the inter)ediate sta!es.
The ne.t hi!her ste$ in the ascent of &a))a% %ife a+o(e the &onotre)e
is occ'$ied +# the &ars'$ia%s, or )i%*0!i(in!, $o'ched ani)a%s, of
"hich fa)i%# the o$oss') and *an!aroo are "e%% *no"n )e)+ers. The
characteristic feat're of this fa)i%# of creat'res is the $ossession of
an e.terna% $o'ch in the fe)a%e, in "hich the #o'n! are *e$t and
no'rished 'nti% the# can ta*e care of the)se%(es as the #o'n! of other
ani)a%s are a+%e to do. The #o'n! of the &ars'$ia%s are +ro'!ht forth,
or +orn, in an i)$erfect condition, and 'nde(e%o$ed in si,e and
stren!th. There are fossi% re)ains of &ars'$ia%s sho"in! that in $ast
a!es creat'res of this *ind e.isted "hich "ere as %ar!e as e%e$hants.
In the )ore co))on for) of &a))a%s the #o'n! are +ro'!ht forth f'%%#
for)ed, the# ha(in! recei(ed "no'rish)ent, +efore +irth, fro) the
)other2s +od#, thro'!h the $%acenta, the a$$enda!e "hich connects the
fet's "ith the $arent. The P%acenta% &a))a%s "ere the +est e1'i$$ed of
a%% the %ife0for)s for s'r(i(a% and de(e%o$)ent, for the reason that
the #o'n! "ere no'rished d'rin! their critica% $eriod, and the care
that the )a))a% )'st of necessit# !i(e to her #o'n! o$erated in the
direction of affordin! a s$ecia% $rotection far s'$erior to that of the
other for)s. This and other ca'ses acted to $%ace the P%acenta%s in the
"Ro#a% %ine" fro) "hich &an "as e(o%(ed.
The fo%%o"in! fa)i%ies of P%acenta% &a))a%s are reco!ni,ed +# Science,
each ha(in! its o"n str'ct'ra% $ec'%iarities4
The Edentata, or Tooth%ess creat'res, a)on! "hich are the s%oths,
ant0eaters, ar)adi%%os, etc. These ani)a%s see) to +e c%oser to the
&onotre)es than the# are to the &ars'$ia%s3
The Sirenia, so ca%%ed +# reason of their fancif'% rese)+%ance to the
sirens of )#tho%o!#, a)on! "hich are the sea0co"s, )anatees, d'!on!s,
etc., "hich are fish0%i*e in str'ct're and a$$earance, the fore0%i)+s
+ein! sha$ed %i*e $add%es, or fins, and the hind0%i)+s +ein! a+sent or
The Cetacea, or /ha%e Fa)i%#, inc%'din! "ha%es, Por$oises, do%$hins,
etc., "hich are 1'ite fish0%i*e in a$$earance and str'ct're, their
for)s +ein! ada$ted for %ife in the sea, a%tho'!h the# are, of co'rse,
&a))a%s, +rin!in! forth )at'red #o'n! "hich are s'c*%ed at the +reast3
The -n!'%ata, or Hoofed Ani)a%s, "hich co)$rise )an# (aried for)s,
s'ch as the horse, the ta$ir, the rhinoceros, the s"ine, the
hi$$o$ota)'s, the ca)e%, the deer, the shee$, the co", etc., etc.3
The H#racoidea, "hich is a s)a%% fa)i%#, the $rinci$a% )e)+er of
"hich is the cone#, or roc* ra++it, "hich has teeth rese)+%in! those of
the hoofed ani)a%s, in so)e "a#s, and those of the !na"in! ani)a%s in
the others.
The Pro+oscidea, or Tr'n*ed Ani)a%s, "hich fa)i%# is re$resented in
this a!e on%# +# the fa)i%ies of e%e$hants, "hich ha(e a $ec'%iar
a$$enda!e ca%%ed a "tr'n*," "hich the# 'se as an additiona% %i)+3
The Carni(ora, or F%esh0eaters, re$resented +# n')ero's and (ario's
for)s, s'ch as the sea%, the +ear, the "ease%, the "o%f, the do!, the
%ion, the ti!er, the %eo$ard, etc. The "o%f and si)i%ar for)s +e%on! to
the s'+0fa)i%# of do!s3 "hi%e the %ion, ti!er, etc., +e%on! to the
s'+0fa)i%# of cats3
The Rodentia, or <na"ers, co)$risin! the rat, the hare, the +ea(er,
the s1'irre%, the )o'se, etc., etc.3
The Insecti(ora, or Insect Feeders, co)$risin! the )o%e, the shre",
the hed!eho!, etc.3
The Chiro$tera, or Fin!er0/in!ed Ani)a%s, co)$risin! the !reat fa)i%#
of 5ats, etc., "hich are (er# hi!h%# de(e%o$ed ani)a%s3
The Le)'roidea, or Le)'rs, the na)e of "hich is deri(ed fro) the
Latin "ord )eanin! a "!host," +# reason of the Le)'r2s ha+its of
roa)in! a+o't at ni!ht. The Le)'r is a noct'rna% ani)a%, so)e"hat
rese)+%in! the &on*e# in !enera% a$$earance, +'t "ith a %on!, +'sh#
tai% and shar$ )',,%e %i*e a fo.. It is a*in to a s)a%% fo. ha(in!
hands and feet %i*e a )on*e#, the feet +ein! 'sed to !ras$ %i*e a hand,
as is the case "ith the tr'e &on*e# fa)i%#. These creat'res are c%assed
+# so)e nat'ra%ists a)on! the &on*e#s +# reason of +ein! "fo'r0handed,"
"hi%e others are dis$osed to consider as sti%% )ore i)$ortant their
)ar*ed re%ationshi$ "ith, and affinit# to, the )ars'$ia%s, !na"ers and
insect0feeders. On the "ho%e, these creat'res are stran!e%# or!ani,ed
and co)e (er# near to +ein! a "connectin!0%in*" +et"een other for)s.
One of the Le)'rs is "hat is *no"n as the co%'!o, or "f%#in! %e)'r,"
"hich rese)+%es a s1'irre% in )an# $artic'%ars, and #et has a
)e)+rano's "e+ e.tendin! fro) its hands, "hich ena+%es it to )a*e
f%#in! %ea$s o(er !reat distances. This %ast na)ed (ariet# see)s to
f'rnish a %in* +et"een the insect0feeders and the Pri)ates3
The Pri)ates, "hich is a %ar!e fa)i%# co)$risin! the (ario's for)s of
)on*e#s, +a+oons, )an0a$es, s'ch as the !i++on, !ori%%a, chi)$an,ee,
oran!0o'tan!, etc., a%% of "hich ha(e +i! ja"s, s)a%% +rains, and a
stoo$in! $ost're. This fa)i%# a%so inc%'des &AN, "ith his +i! +rain and
erect $ost're, and his )an# races de$endin! '$on sha$e of s*'%%, co%or
of s*in, character of hair, etc.
In considerin! the Ascent of &an 7$h#sica%8 fro) the %o"%# for)s of the
&onera, etc., '$ to his $resent hi!h $osition, the st'dent is str'c*
"ith the contin'it# of the ascent, de(e%o$)ent and 'nfo%d)ent. /hi%e
there are )an# ")issin!0%in*s," o"in! to the disa$$earance of the for)s
"hich for)ed the connection, sti%% there is s'fficient $roof %eft in
the e.istin! for)s to satisf# the fair0)inded in1'irer. The facts of
e)+r#o%o!# a%one are s'fficient $roof of the ascent of &an fro) the
%o"%# for)s. Each and e(er# )an toda# has $assed thro'!h a%% the for)s
of the ascent "ithin a fe" )onths, fro) sin!%e ce%% to the ne"0+orn,
f'%%# for)ed infant.
E)+r#o%o!# teaches 's that the e!!s fro) "hich a%% ani)a% for)s e(o%(e
are a%% $ractica%%# a%i*e so far as one can ascertain +# )icrosco$ic
e.a)ination, no )atter ho" di(erse )a# +e the for)s "hich "i%% e(o%(e
fro) the), and this rese)+%ance is )aintained e(en "hen the e)+r#o of
the hi!her for)s +e!ins to )anifest traces of its f't're for). @on
5aer, the <er)an scientist, "as the first to note this re)ar*a+%e and
s'!!esti(e fact. He stated it in the fo%%o"in! "ords4 "In )# $ossession
are t"o %itt%e e)+r#os, $reser(ed in a%coho%, "hose na)es I ha(e
o)itted to attach, and at $resent I a) 'na+%e to state to "hat c%ass
the# +e%on!. The# )a# +e %i,ards, or s)a%% +irds, or (er# #o'n!
)a))a%s, so co)$%ete is the si)i%arit# in the )ode of the for)ation of
the head and tr'n* in these ani)a%s. The e.tre)ities, ho"e(er, are
sti%% a+sent in these e)+r#os. 5't e(en if the# had e.isted in the
ear%iest sta!e of their de(e%o$)ent, "e sho'%d %earn nothin!, for the
feet of %i,ards and )a))a%s, the "in!s and feet of +irds, no %ess than
the hands and feet of )an, a%% arise fro) the sa)e f'nda)enta% for)."
As has +een said +# Prof. C%odd, "the e)+r#os of a%% %i(in! creat'res
e$ito)i,e d'rin! de(e%o$)ent the series of chan!es thro'!h "hich the
ancestra% for)s $assed if their ascent fro) the si)$%e to the co)$%e.3
the hi!her str'ct'res $assin! thro'!h the sa)e sta!es as the %o"er
str'ct'res '$ to the $oint "hen the# are )ar*ed off fro) the), #et
ne(er +eco)in! in detai% the for) "hich the# re$resent for the ti)e
+ein!. For e.a)$%e, the e)+r#o of )an has at the o'tset !i%%0%i*e s%its
on each side of the nec*, %i*e a fish. These !i(e $%ace to a )e)+rane
%i*e that "hich s'$ersedes !i%%s in the de(e%o$)ent of +irds and
re$ti%es3 the heart is at first a si)$%e $'%satin! cha)+er %i*e that in
"or)s3 the +ac*+one is $ro%on!ed into a )o(a+%e tai%3 the !reat toe is
e.tended, or o$$osa+%e, %i*e o'r th')+s, and %i*e the toes of a$es3 the
+od# three )onths +efore +irth is co(ered a%% o(er "ith hair e.ce$t on
the $a%)s and so%es. At +irth the head is re%ati(e%# %ar!er, and the
ar)s and %e!s re%ati(e%# %on!er than in the ad'%t3 the nose is
+rid!e%ess3 +oth feat'res, "ith others "hich need not +e detai%ed,
+ein! distinct%# a$e0%i*e. Th's does the e!! fro) "hich )an s$rin!s, a
str'ct're on%# one h'ndred and t"ent#0fifth of an inch in si,e,
co)$ress into a fe" "ee*s the res'%ts of )i%%ions of #ears, and set
+efore 's the histor# of his de(e%o$)ent fro) fish0%i*e and re$ti%ian
for)s, and of his )ore i))ediate descent fro) a hair#, tai%ed
1'adr'$ed. That "hich is indi(id'a% or $ec'%iar to hi), the $h#sica%
and )enta% character inherited, is %eft to the s%o"er de(e%o$)ent "hich
fo%%o"s +irth."
This, then, in +rief is the /estern theor# of E(o%'tion00the Ph#sica%
Ascent of &an. /e ha(e !i(en it as f'%%# as )i!ht +e in the s)a%% s$ace
at o'r dis$osa% in these %essons on the o!i Phi%oso$h#. /h#: 5eca'se
"e "ish to $ro(e to the /estern )ind, in the /estern "a#, that /estern
Science corro+orates the Ancient o!i Teachin!s of the -nfo%d)ent of
Li(in! For)s, fro) &onad to &an. The Eastern teachers scorn to "$ro(e"
an#thin! to their $'$i%s, "ho sit at the feet of teachers and acce$t as
tr'th that "hich is ta'!ht the), and "hich has +een handed do"n fro)
the di) a!es %on! $ast. 5't this )ethod "i%% ne(er do for the /estern
st'dent00he )'st ha(e it "$ro(en" to hi) +# $h#sica% facts and
instances, not +# *een, s'+t%e, inte%%ect'a% reasonin! a%one. The
Eastern st'dent "ishes to +e "to%d"00the /estern st'dent "ishes to +e
"sho"n." Herein %ies the racia% differences of )ethod of i)$artin!
*no"%ed!e. And so "e ha(e reco!ni,ed this fact and ha(e hea$ed '$ $roof
after $roof fro) the $a!es of /estern Science, in order to $ro(e to #o'
the reasona+%eness, fro) the /estern $oint of (ie", of the doctrine of
Ph#sica% -nfo%d)ent as ta'!ht for a!es $ast +# the o!i !'r's to
their che%as. o' ha(e no" the Eastern Teachin!s on the s'+ject,
to!ether "ith the testi)on# of /estern Science to the reasona+%eness of
the idea.
5't, a%as? /estern Science, "hi%e $erfor)in! a )ar(e%o's "or* in $i%in!
'$ fact after fact to s'$$ort its ne"%#0disco(ered theor# of E(o%'tion,
in a "a# 'tter%# 'n*no"n to the Orienta% thin*er "ho see*s after
$rinci$%es +# )enta% concentration00"ithin rather than "itho't00"hi%e
act'a%%# $ro(in! +# $h#sica% facts the )enta% conce$tions of the
Orienta% Teachin!s, sti%% )isses the (ita% $oint of the
s'+ject0tho'!ht. In its )ateria%istic tendencies it has fai%ed to
reco!ni,e the )enta% ca'se of the $h#sica% 'nfo%d)ent. It is tr'e
that La)ar*, the rea% /estern disco(erer of E(o%'tion, ta'!ht that
9esire and &enta% Cra(in!, "as the rea% force +ehind E(o%'tion, +'t his
ideas "ere jeered at +# his conte)$oraries, and are not re!arded
serio's%# +# the )ajorit# of E(o%'tionists e(en toda#. And #et he "as
nearer to the tr'th than 9ar"in or an# other /estern E(o%'tionist. And
ti)e "i%% sho" that Science has o(er%oo*ed his !eni's, "hich a%one
thro"s the tr'e %i!ht '$on the s'+ject.
In order to see j'st this difference +et"een the 9ar"inian schoo% and
the o!i Teachin!s %et 's e.a)ine into "hat ca'ses the /estern
E(o%'tionists !i(e for the fact of E(o%'tion itse%f. /e sha%% do this
The 9ar"inians start o't to e.$%ain the ca'ses of the "Ori!in of
S$ecies," "ith the state)ent that "no t"o indi(id'a%s of the sa)e
s$ecies are e.act%# a%i*e3 each tends to (ar#." This is a se%f0e(ident
fact, and is (er# $ro$er%# 'sed as a startin! $oint for @ariation. The
ne.t ste$ is then stated as "(ariations are trans)itted, and therefore
tend to +eco)e $er)anent," "hich a%so is se%f0e(ident, and tends to
$ro(e the reasona+%eness of the !rad'a% e(o%'tion of s$ecies. The ne.t
ste$ in the ar!')ent is "as )an $rod'ces ne" s$ecies and for)s, +#
+reedin!, c'%t're, etc., so has Nat're in a %on!er ti)e $rod'ced the
sa)e effect, in the sa)e "a#." This a%so is reasona+%e, a%tho'!h it
tends to $ersonif# Nat're, and to !i(e it a )ind +efore the
e(o%'tionists ad)it ")ind" "as e(o%(ed.
It "i%% +e as "e%% to 1'ote 9ar"in hi)se%f on this $oint. He sa#s3 "As
)an can $rod'ce, and certain%# has $rod'ced, a !reat res'%t +# his
)ethodica% and 'nconscio's )eans of se%ection, "hat )a# not nat'ra%
se%ection effect: &an can act on%# on e.terna% and (isi+%e characters,
"hi%e Nat're, if I )a# +e a%%o"ed to $ersonif# the nat'ra% $reser(ation
or s'r(i(a% of the fittest, cares nothin! for a$$earances e.ce$t in so
far as the# are 'sef'% to an# +ein!. She can act on e(er# interna%
or!an, on e(er# shade of constit'tiona% difference, on the "ho%e
)achiner# of %ife. &an se%ects on%# for his o"n !ood3 Nat're on%# for
the !ood of the +ein! "hich she tends. E(er# se%ected character is
f'%%# e.ercised +# her, as is i)$%ied +# the fact of their se%ection.
&an *ee$s the nati(es of )an# c%i)ates in the sa)e co'ntr#3 he se%do)
e.ercises each se%ected character in so)e $ec'%iar and fittin! )anner3
he feeds a %on!0+ea*ed and a short0+ea*ed $i!eon on the sa)e food3 he
does not e.ercise a %on!0+ac*ed or %on!0%e!!ed 1'adr'$ed in an#
$ec'%iar )anner3 he e.$oses shee$ "ith %on! hair and short "oo% in the
sa)e c%i)ate. He does not a%%o" the )ost (i!oro's )a%es to str'!!%e for
the fe)a%es. He does not ri!id%# destro# a%% inferior ani)a%s, +'t
$rotects d'rin! each (ar#in! season, so far as %ies in his $o"er, a%%
his $rod'ctions. He often +e!ins his se%ection +# so)e ha%f0)onstro's
for), or at %east +# so)e )odification $ro)inent eno'!h to catch the
e#e or to +e $%ain%# 'sef'% to hi). -nder Nat're the s%i!htest
differences of str'ct're or constit'tion )a#0 "e%% t'rn the nice%#
+a%anced sca%e in the str'!!%e for %ife, and so +e $reser(ed. Ho"
f%eetin! are the "ishes and efforts of )an? ho" short his ti)e? and
conse1'ent%# ho" $oor "i%% +e his res'%ts, co)$ared "ith those
acc')'%ated +# nat're d'rin! "ho%e !eo%o!ica% $eriods? Can "e "onder,
then, that Nat're2s $rod'ctions sho'%d +e far 2tr'er2 in character than
)an2s $rod'ctions3 that the# sho'%d +e infinite%# +etter ada$ted to the
)ost co)$%e. conditions of %ife, and sho'%d $%ain%# +ear the sta)$ of
far hi!her "or*)anshi$:"
9ar"in2s theor# of s'r(i(a% of the fittest is +e!'n +# the state)ent of
the fact that the n')+er of or!anis)s that s'r(i(e are (er# s)a%%
co)$ared "ith the n')+er that are +orn. To 1'ote his o"n "ords, "There
is no e.ce$tion to the r'%e that e(er# or!anic +ein! nat'ra%%#
increases at so hi!h a rate that, if not destro#ed, the earth "o'%d
soon +e co(ered +# the $ro!en# of a sin!%e $air. E(en s%o"0+reedin! )an
has do'+%ed in t"ent#0fi(e #ears, and at this rate in %ess than a
tho'sand #ears there "o'%d %itera%%# not +e standin! roo) for the
$ro!en#." It has +een co)$'ted that if the offs$rin! of the e%e$hant,
"hich is +e%ie(ed to +e the s%o"est +reedin! ani)a% *no"n, "ere to
s'r(i(e, there "o'%d +e a+o't CJ,JJJ,JJJ e%e$hants on the earth in HFJ
#ears. The roe of a sin!%e cod contains ei!ht or nine )i%%ions of e!!s,
and if each e!! "ere to hatch, and the fish s'r(i(e, the sea "o'%d
short%# +eco)e a so%id )ass of codfish. The ho'se f%# is said to ha(e
CJ,JJJ,JJJ descendants in a season, co'ntin! se(era% !enerations of
$ro!en#, fro) its se(era% +roods. And so)e scientist has co)$'ted that
the a$his, or $%ant0%o'se, +reeds so ra$id%#, and in s'ch enor)o's
1'antit#, that the tenth !eneration of one set of $arents "o'%d +e so
%ar!e that it "o'%d contain )ore $ondera+%e ani)a% )atter than "o'%d
the $o$'%ation of China, "hich is esti)ated at FJJ,JJJ,JJJ? And this
"itho't co'ntin! the $ro!en# $recedin! the tenth !eneration?
The res'%t of the a+o(e conditions is (er# $%ain. There )'st ens'e a
Str'!!%e for E.istence, "hich necessitates the S'r(i(a% of the Fittest.
The "ea* are cr'shed o't +# the stron!3 the s"ift o't0distance the
s%o". The indi(id'a% for)s or s$ecies +est ada$ted to their en(iron)ent
and +est e1'i$$ed for the str'!!%e, +e the e1'i$)ent $h#sica% or
)enta%, s'r(i(e those %ess "e%% e1'i$$ed or %ess "e%% ada$ted to
en(iron)ent. Ani)a%s e(o%(in! (ariations in str'ct're that !i(e the)
e(en a s%i!ht ad(anta!e o(er others not so fa(ored, nat'ra%%# ha(e a
+etter chance to s'r(i(e. And this, +rief%#, is "hat E(o%'tionists ca%%
"The S'r(i(a% of the Fittest."
As a$$ertainin! to the Str'!!%e for E.istence, co%or and )i)icr# are
i)$ortant factors. <rant A%%en, in his "or* on 9ar"in, sa#s concernin!
this, and a%so as i%%'stratin! "Nat'ra% Se%ection"4 "In the desert "ith
its )onotono's sand# co%orin!, a +%ac* insect or a "hite insect, sti%%
)ore a red insect or a +%'e insect, "o'%d +e i))ediate%# detected and
de(o'red +# its nat'ra% ene)ies, the +irds and the %i,ards. 5't an#
!re#ish or #e%%o"ish insects "o'%d +e %ess %i*e%# to attract attention
at first si!ht, and "o'%d +e o(er%oo*ed as %on! as there "ere an# )ore
cons$ic'o's indi(id'a%s of their o"n *ind a+o't for the +irds and
%i,ards to feed on. Hence, in a (er# short ti)e the desert "o'%d +e
de$o$'%ated of a%% +'t the !re#est and #e%%o"est insects3 and a)on!
these the +irds "o'%d $ic* o't those "hich differed )ost )ar*ed%# in
h'e and shade fro) the sand aro'nd the). 5't those "hich ha$$ened to
(ar# )ost in the direction of a sand# or s$ott# co%or "o'%d +e )ore
%i*e%# to s'r(i(e, and to +eco)e the $arents of f't're !enerations.
Th's, in the co'rse of %on! a!es, a%% the insects "hich inha+it deserts
ha(e +eco)e sand0co%ored, +eca'se the %ess sand# "ere $er$et'a%%#
$ic*ed o't for destr'ction +# their e(er0"atchf'% foes, "hi%e the )ost
sand# esca$ed, and )'%ti$%ied and re$%enished the earth "ith their o"n
Prof. C%odd, re)ar*in! '$on this fact, adds4 "Th's, then, is e.$%ained
the ta"n# co%or of the %ar!er ani)a%s that inha+it the desert3 the
stri$es '$on the ti!er, "hich $ara%%e% "ith the (ertica% ste)s of
+a)+oo, concea% hi) as he stea%thi%# nears his $re#3 the +ri%%iant
!reen of tro$ica% +irds3 the %eaf0%i*e for) and co%ors of certain
insects3 the dried, t"i!0%i*e for) of )an# cater$i%%ars3 the +ar*0%i*e
a$$earance of tree0fro!s3 the har)on# of the $tar)i!an2s s'))er $%')a!e
"ith the %ichen0co%ored stones '$on "hich it sits3 the d's*# co%or of
creat'res that ha'nt the ni!ht3 the +%'ish trans$arenc# of ani)a%s
"hich %i(e on the s'rface of the sea3 the !ra(e%0%i*e co%or of
f%at0fish that %i(e at the +otto)3 and the !or!eo's tints of those that
s"i) a)on! the cora% reefs."
A%% this does not r'n contrar# to the o!i Phi%oso$h#, a%tho'!h the
%atter "o'%d re!ard these thin!s as +'t the secondar# ca'se for the
(ariation and s'r(i(a% of s$ecies, etc. The Orienta% teachin!s are that
it is the desire of the ani)a% that ca'ses it to ass')e the co%ors
and sha$es in accordance "ith its en(iron)ent, the desire of co'rse
o$eratin! a%on! s'+0conscio's %ines of $h#sica% )anifestation. The
)enta% inf%'ence, "hich is the rea% ca'se of the $heno)ena, and "hich
is ta'!ht as s'ch +# the o!is, is a%)ost %ost si!ht of +# the /estern
E(o%'tionists, "ho are a$t to re!ard &ind as a "+#0$rod'ct" of )atter.
On the contrar#, the o!is re!ard &atter as the $rod'ct of &ind. 5't
there is no conf%ict here as far as re!ards the %a" of the S'r(i(a% of
the Fittest. The insects that )ost desired to +eco)e sand0co%ored
+eca)e so, and "ere th's $rotected, "hi%e their %ess "desiref'%"
+rethren "ere e.ter)inated. The /estern scientist e.$%ains the o't"ard
$heno)ena, +'t does not %oo* for the ca'se +ehind it, "hich is ta'!ht
+# the Orienta% sa!es.
The doctrine of "Se.'a% Se%ection" is another of the %eadin! tenets of
the 9ar"inists. 5rief%#, it )a# +e e.$ressed as the theor# that in the
ri(a%r# and str'!!%e of the )a%es for the fe)a%es the stron!est )a%es
"in the da#, and th's trans)it their $artic'%ar 1'a%ities to their
offs$rin!. A%on! the sa)e %ines is that of the attraction e.erted +#
+ri!ht co%ors in the $%')a!e of the )a%es of +irds, etc., "hich !i(e
the) an ad(anta!e in the e#es of the fe)a%es, and th's, nat'ra%%#, the
+ri!ht co%ors are $er$et'ated.
This, then, is the +rief o't%ine of the Stor# of &an2s Ph#sica%
E(o%'tion, as stated +# /estern Science, and co)$ared "ith the o!i
Teachin!s. The st'dent sho'%d co)$are the t"o ideas, that he )a#
har)oni,e and reconci%e the). It )'st +e re)e)+ered, ho"e(er, that
9ar"in did not teach that &an descended fro) the )on*e#s, or a$es, as
"e *no" the) no". The teachin! of /estern E(o%'tion is that the a$es,
and hi!her for)s of )on*e# %ife descended fro) so)e co))on ancestra%
for), "hich sa)e ancestor "as a%so the ancestor of &an. In other "ords,
&an and A$es are the different +ranches that e)er!ed fro) the co))on
tr'n* a!es a!o. Other for)s do'+t%ess e)er!ed fro) the sa)e tr'n*, and
$erished +eca'se %ess ada$ted to their en(iron)ents. The A$es "ere +est
ada$ted to their o"n en(iron)ents, and &an "as +est ada$ted to his. The
"ea*er +ranches fai%ed.
One )'st re)e)+er that the )ost sa(a!e races *no"n to 's toda# are
$ractica%%# as far different fro) the hi!hest A)erican, E'ro$ean or
Hind' t#$es of &an as fro) the hi!hest A$es. Indeed, it "o'%d see) far
easier for a hi!h A$e to e(o%(e into a 6affir, Hottentot, or 9i!!er
Indian, than for the %atter to e(o%(e into an E)erson, Sha*es$eare, or
Hind' Sa!e. As H'.%e# has sho"n, the +rain0str'ct're of &an co)$ared
"ith that of the Chi)$an,ee sho"s differences +'t s%i!ht "hen co)$ared
"ith the difference +et"een that of the Chi)$an,ee and that of the
Le)'r. The sa)e a'thorit# infor)s 's that in the i)$ortant feat're of
the dee$er +rain f'rro"s, and intricate con(o%'tions, the chas) +et"een
the hi!hest ci(i%i,ed )an and the %o"est sa(a!e is far !reater than
+et"een the %o"est sa(a!e and the hi!hest )an0%i*e a$e. 9ar"in,
descri+in! the F'e!ians, "ho are a)on! the (er# %o"est for)s of
sa(a!es, sa#s4 "Their (er# si!ns and e.$ressions are %ess inte%%i!i+%e
to 's than those of the do)esticated ani)a%. The# are )en "ho do not
$ossess the instinct of those ani)a%s, nor #et a$$ear to +oast of h')an
reason, or at %east of arts conse1'ent '$on that reason."
Professor C%odd, in descri+in! the "$ri)iti(e )an," sa#s4 "9o'+t%ess he
"as %o"er than the %o"est of the sa(a!es of toda#00a $o"erf'%, c'nnin!
+i$ed, "ith *een sense or!ans a%"a#s shar$er, in (irt'e of constant
e.ercise, in the sa(a!e than in the ci(i%i,ed )an 7"ho s'$$%e)ents the)
+# science8, stron! instincts, 'ncontro%%ed and fitf'% e)otions, s)a%%
fac'%t# of "onder, and nascent reasonin! $o"er3 'na+%e to forecast
to)orro", or to co)$rehend #esterda#, %i(in! fro) hand to )o'th on the
"i%d $rod'cts of Nat're, c%othed in s*in and +ar*, or da'+ed "ith c%a#,
and findin! she%ter in trees and ca(es3 i!norant of the si)$%est arts,
sa(e to chi$ a stone )issi%e, and $erha$s to $rod'ce fire3 stron! in
his needs of %ife and (a!'e sense of ri!ht to it and to "hat he co'%d
!et, +'t s%o"%# i)$e%%ed +# co))on $eri%s and $assions to for) ties,
%oose and ha$ha,ard at the o'tset, "ith his *ind, the $o"er of
co)+ination "ith the) de$endin! on so'nds, si!ns and !est'res."
S'ch "as the ancestra% )an. Those "ho are interested in hi) are
referred to the t"o "onderf'% ta%es of the ca(e0)an "ritten in the for)
of stories +# t"o !reat )odern no(e%ists. The +oo*s referred to are 718
"The Stor# of A+," +# Stan%e# /ater%oo, and 7C8 "5efore Ada)," +#
>ac* London. The# )a# +e o+tained fro) an# +oo*se%%er. 5oth are "or*s
of fiction, "ith the scientific facts c%e(er%# inter"o(en into the).
And no" in conc%'sion +efore "e $ass on the s'+ject of "S$irit'a%
E(o%'tion," "hich "i%% for) the s'+ject of o'r ne.t %esson, "e "o'%d
a!ain ca%% #o'r attention to the (ita% difference +et"een the /estern
and the Eastern Teachin!s. The /estern ho%ds to a )echanica% theor# of
%ife, "hich "or*s "itho't the necessit# of antecedent &ind, the %atter
a$$earin! as a "$rod'ct" at a certain sta!e. The Eastern ho%ds that
&ind is +ac* of, 'nder, and antecedent to a%% the "or* of
E(o%'tion00the ca'se, not the effect or $rod'ct. The /estern c%ai)s
that &ind "as $rod'ced +# the str'!!%e of &atter to $rod'ce hi!her
for)s of itse%f. The Eastern c%ai)s that the "ho%e $rocess of
E(o%'tion is ca'sed +# &ind stri(in!, str'!!%in! and $ressin! for"ard
to"ard e.$ressin! itse%f )ore f'%%#00to %i+erate itse%f fro) the
confinin! and retardin! &atter00the str'!!%e res'%tin! in an -nfo%d)ent
"hich ca'ses sheath after sheath of the confinin! )ateria% +onds to +e
thro"n off and discarded, in the effort to re%ease the confined S$irit
"hich is +ehind e(en the &ind. The o!i Teachin!s are that the
E(o%'tionar# -r!e is the $ress're of the confined S$irit stri(in! to
free itse%f fro) the fetters and +onds "hich sore%# o$$ress it.
The str'!!%e and $ain of E(o%'tion is the $art'rition0$an!s of the
S$irit'a% de%i(erance fro) the "o)+ of &atter. Li*e a%% +irth it is
attended +# $ain and s'fferin!, +'t the end j'stifies it a%%. And as
the h')an )other for!ets her $ast s'fferin! in the jo# of "itnessin!
the face, and for), and %ife, of her %o(ed chi%d, so "i%% the so'%
for!et the $ain of the S$irit'a% +irth +# reason of the +ea't# and
no+i%it# of that "hich "i%% +e +orn to and fro) it.
Let 's st'd# "e%% the stor# of Ph#sica% E(o%'tion, +'t %et 's not %ose
o'rse%(es in it, for it is +'t the $re%i)inar# to the stor# of the
-nfo%d)ent of the So'%.
Let 's not des$ise the ta%e of the 5od# of &an00for it is the stor# of
the Te)$%e of the S$irit "hich has +een +'i%t '$ fro) the )ost h')+%e
+e!innin!s, 'nti% it has reached the $resent hi!h sta!e. And #et e(en
this is +'t the +e!innin!, for the "or* "i%% !o on, and on, and on, in
the s$irit of those +ea'tif'% %ines of Ho%)es4
"5'i%d thee )ore state%# )ansions, oh, )# so'%?
As the s"ift seasons ro%%?
Lea(e th# %o"0(a'%ted $ast?
Let each ne" te)$%e, no+%er than the %ast,
Sh't thee fro) hea(en "ith a do)e )ore (ast,
Ti%% tho' at %ast art free,
Lea(in! thine o't!ro"n she%% +# %ife2s 'nrestin! sea."
As "e ha(e said in o'r %ast %esson, "hi%e the o!i Teachin!s thro" an
i)$ortant %i!ht '$on the /estern theor# of E(o%'tion, sti%% there is a
(ita% difference +et"een the /estern scientific teachin!s on the
s'+ject and the Eastern theories and teachin!s. The /estern idea is
that the $rocess is a )echanica%, )ateria% one, and that ")ind" is a
"+#0$rod'ct" of &atter in its e(o%'tion. 5't the Eastern Teachin!s ho%d
that &ind is 'nder, +ac* of, and antecedent to a%% the "or* of
E(o%'tion, and that &atter is a "+#0$rod'ct" of &ind, rather than the
The Eastern Teachin!s ho%d that E(o%'tion is ca'sed +# &ind stri(in!,
str'!!%in!, and $ressin! for"ard to"ard f'%%er and f'%%er e.$ression,
'sin! &atter as a )ateria%, and #et a%"a#s str'!!%in! to free itse%f
fro) the confinin! and retardin! inf%'ence of the %atter. The str'!!%e
res'%ts in an -nfo%d)ent, ca'sin! sheath after sheath of the confinin!
)ateria% +onds to +e thro"n off and discarded, as the S$irit $resses
'$on the &ind, and the &ind )o'%ds and sha$es the &atter. E(o%'tion is
+'t the $rocess of +irth of the Indi(id'a%i,ed S$irit, fro) the "e+ of
&atter in "hich it has +een confined. And the $ains and str'!!%es are
+'t incidents of the s$irit'a% $art'rition.
In this and fo%%o"in! %essons "e sha%% consider the "S$irit'a%
E(o%'tion, of the race00that is the -nfo%d)ent of Indi(id'a%i,ed
S$irit00j'st as "e did the s'+ject Ph#sica% E(o%'tion in the %ast t"o
/e ha(e seen that $recedin! S$irit'a% E(o%'tion, there "as a S$irit'a%
In(o%'tion. The o!i Phi%oso$h# ho%ds that in the 5e!innin!, the
A+so%'te )editated '$on the s'+ject of Creation, and for)ed a &enta%
I)a!e, or Tho'!ht0For), of an -ni(ersa% &ind00that is, of an -ni(ersa%
Princi$%e of &ind. This -ni(ersa% Princi$%e of &ind is the <reat Ocean
of "&ind0St'ff" fro) "hich a%% the $heno)ena% -ni(erse is e(o%(ed. Fro)
this -ni(ersa% Princi$%e of &ind, $roceeded the -ni(ersa% Princi$%e of
Force or Ener!#. And fro) the %atter, $roceeded the -ni(ersa% Princi$%e
of &atter.
The -ni(ersa% Princi$%e of &ind "as +o'nd +# La"s i)$osed '$on it +#
the )enta%0conce$tion of the A+so%'te00the Cos)ic La"s of Nat're. And
these %a"s "ere the co)$e%%in! ca'ses of the <reat In(o%'tion. For
+efore E(o%'tion "as $ossi+%e, In(o%'tion "as necessar#. /e ha(e
e.$%ained that the "ord "in(o%(e" )eans "to "ra$ '$3 to co(er3 to hide,
etc." 5efore a thin! can +e "e(o%(ed," that is "'nfo%ded," it )'st
first +e "in(o%(ed," that is ""ra$$ed '$." A thin! )'st +e $'t in,
+efore it )a# +e ta*en o't.
Fo%%o"in! the %a"s of In(o%'tion i)$osed '$on it, the -ni(ersa% &enta%
Princi$%e in(o%(ed itse%f in the -ni(ersa% Ener!# Princi$%e3 and then
in o+edience to the sa)e %a"s, the %atter in(o%(ed itse%f in the
-ni(ersa% &ateria% Princi$%e. Each sta!e of In(o%'tion, or
"ra$$in!0'$, created for itse%f 7o't of the hi!her $rinci$%e "hich in
+ein! in(o%(ed8 the "ra$$er or sheath "hich is to +e 'sed to "ra$0'$
the hi!her $rinci$%e. And the hi!her for)s of the &ateria% Princi$%e
for)ed sheaths of %o"er for)s, 'nti% for)s of &atter "ere $rod'ced far
)ore !ross than an# *no"n to 's no", for the# ha(e disa$$eared in the
E(o%'tionar# ascent. 9o"n, do"n, do"n "ent the $rocess of In(o%'tion,
'nti% the %o"est $oint "as reached. Then ens'ed a )o)ent2s $a'se,
$recedin! the +e!innin! of the E(o%'tionar# -nfo%d)ent.
Then +e!an the <reat E(o%'tion. 5't, as "e ha(e to%d #o', the -$"ard
)o(e)ent "as distin!'ished +# the "Tendenc# to"ard Indi(id'a%i,ation."
That is, "hi%e the In(o%'ntar# Process "as acco)$%ished +# Princi$%es
as Princi$%es, the -$"ard &o(e)ent "as +e!'n +# a tendenc# to"ard
"s$%ittin! '$," and the creation of "indi(id'a% for)s," and the effort
to $erfect the) and +'i%d '$on the) hi!her and sti%% hi!her s'cceedin!
for)s, 'nti% a sta!e "as reached in "hich the Te)$%e of the S$irit "as
"orth# of +ein! occ'$ied +# &an, the se%f0conscio's e.$ression of the
S$irit. For the co)in! of &an "as the first ste$ of a hi!her for) of
E(o%'tion00the S$irit'a% E(o%'tion. -$ to this ti)e there had +een
si)$%# an E(o%'tion of 5odies, +'t no" there ca)e the E(o%'tion of
And this E(o%'tion of So'%s +eco)es $ossi+%e on%# +# the $rocess of
&ete)$s#chosis 7$rono'nced )e0te)$0si0*o0sis8 "hich is )ore co))on%#
*no"n as Reincarnation, or Re0e)+odi)ent.
It +eco)es necessar# at this $oint to ca%% #o'r attention to the
!enera% s'+ject of &ete)$s#chosis, for the reason that the $'+%ic )ind
is )ost conf'sed re!ardin! this i)$ortant s'+ject. It has the )ost
(a!'e ideas re!ardin! the tr'e teachin!s, and has so)eho" ac1'ired the
i)$ression that the teachin!s are that h')an so'%s are re0+orn into the
+odies of do!s, and other ani)a%s. The "i%dest ideas on this s'+ject
are he%d +# so)e $eo$%e. And, not on%# is this so, +'t e(en a n')+er of
those "ho ho%d to the doctrine of Reincarnation, in so)e of its for)s,
ho%d that their indi(id'a% so'%s "ere once the indi(id'a% so'%s of
ani)a%s, fro) "hich state the# ha(e e(o%(ed to the $resent condition.
This %ast is a $er(ersion of the hi!hest o!i Teachin!s, and "e tr'st
to )a*e sa)e $%ain in these %essons. 5't, first "e )'st ta*e a %oo* at
the !enera% s'+ject of &ete)$s#chosis, that "e )a# see the i)$ortant
$art it has $%a#ed in the fie%d of h')an tho'!ht and +e%ief.
/hi%e to )an# the idea of &ete)$s#chosis )a# see) ne" and 'nfa)i%iar,
sti%% it is one of the o%dest conce$tions of the race, and in a!es $ast
"as the acce$ted +e%ief of the "ho%e of the ci(i%i,ed race of )an of
the $eriod. And e(en toda#, it is acce$ted as Tr'th +# the )ajorit# of
the race
The a%)ost 'ni(ersa% acce$tance of the idea +# the East "ith its
tee)in! %ife, co'nter+a%ances its co)$arati(e non0rece$tion +# the
/estern $eo$%e of the da#. Fro) the ear%# da#s of "ritten or %e!endar#
histor#, &ete)$s#chosis has +een the acce$ted +e%ief of )an# of the
)ost inte%%i!ent of the race. It is fo'nd 'nder%#in! the )a!nificent
ci(i%i,ation of ancient E!#$t, and fro) thence it tra(e%ed to the
/estern "or%d +ein! he%d as the hi!hest tr'th +# s'ch teachers as
P#tha!oras, E)$edoc%es, P%ato, @ir!i% and O(id. P%ato2s 9ia%o!'es are
f'%% of this teachin!. The Hind's ha(e a%"a#s he%d to it. The Persians,
ins$ired +# their %earned &a!i, acce$ted it i)$%icit%#. The ancient
9r'ids, and Priests of <a'%, as "e%% as the ancient inha+itants of
<er)an#, he%d to it. Traces of it )a# +e fo'nd in the re)ains of the
A,tec, Per'(ian and &e.ican ci(i%i,ations.
The E%e'sinian &#steries of <reece, the Ro)an &#steries, and the Inner
9octrines of the Ca++a%a of the He+re"s a%% ta'!ht the Tr'ths of
&ete)$s#chosis. The ear%# Christian Fathers3 the <nostic and
&anichaeans and other sects of the Ear%# Christian $eo$%e, a%% he%d to
the doctrine. The )odern <er)an $hi%oso$hers ha(e treated it "ith the
!reatest res$ect, if indeed the# did not at %east $artia%%# acce$t it.
&an# )odern "riters ha(e considered it !ra(e%#, and "ith res$ect. The
fo%%o"in! 1'otations "i%% !i(e an idea of "ho" the "ind is +%o"in!" in
the /est4
"Of a%% the theories res$ectin! the ori!in of the so'%, &ete)$s#chosis
see)s to )e the )ost $%a'si+%e and therefore the one )ost %i*e%# to
thro" %i!ht on the 1'estion of a %ife to co)e."00Frederic* H. Hed!e.
"It "o'%d +e c'rio's if "e sho'%d find science and $hi%oso$h# ta*in! '$
a!ain the o%d theor# of )ete)$s#chosis, re)ode%%in!2 it to s'it o'r
$resent )odes of re%i!io's and scientific tho'!ht, and %a'nchin! it
a!ain on the "ide ocean of h')an +e%ief. 5't stran!er thin!s ha(e
ha$$ened in the histor# of h')an o$inions."00>a)es Free)an C%ar*e.
"If "e co'%d %e!iti)ate%# deter)ine an# 1'estion of +e%ief +# the
n')+er of its adherents, the 0000 "o'%d a$$%# to )ete)$s#chosis )ore
fit%# than to an# other. I thin* it is 1'ite as %i*e%# to +e re(i(ed
and to co)e to the front as an# ri(a% theor#."00Prof. /). 6ni!ht.
"It see)s to )e, a fir) and "e%%0!ro'nded faith in the doctrine of
Christian )ete)$s#chosis )i!ht he%$ to re!enerate the "or%d. For it
"o'%d +e a faith not hed!ed aro'nd "ith )an# of the diffic'%ties and
o+jections "hich +eset other for)s of doctrine, and it offers distinct
and $'n!ent )oti(es for tr#in! to %ead a )ore Christian %ife, and for
%o(in! and he%$in! o'r +rother0)an."00Prof. Francis 5o"en.
"The doctrine of &ete)$s#chosis )a# a%)ost c%ai) to +e a nat'ra% or
innate +e%ief in the h')an )ind, if "e )a# j'd!e fro) its "ide
diff'sion a)on! the nations of the earth, and its $re(a%ence thro'!ho't
the historica% a!es."00Prof. Francis 5o"en.
"/hen Christianit# first s"e$t o(er E'ro$e, the inner tho'!ht of its
%eaders "as dee$%# tinct'red "ith this tr'th. The Ch'rch tried
ineffect'a%%# to eradicate it, +'t in (ario's sects it *e$t s$ro'tin!
forth +e#ond the ti)e of Eri!ina and 5ona(ent'ra, its )ediae(a%
ad(ocates. E(er# !reat int'itiona% so'%, as Parace%s's, 5oeh)e, and
S"eden+or!, has adhered to it. The Ita%ian %')inaries, <iordano 5r'no
and Ca)$ane%%a. e)+raced it. The +est of <er)an $hi%oso$h# is enriched
+# it. In Scho$enha'er, Lessin!, He!e%, Lei+nit,, Herder, and Fichte,
the #o'n!er, it is earnest%# ad(ocated. The anthro$o%o!ica% s#ste)s of
6ant and Sche%%in! f'rnish $oints of contact "ith it. The #o'n!er
He%)ont, in 9e Re(o%'tione Ani)ar'), add'ces in t"o h'ndred $ro+%e)s
a%% the ar!')ents "hich )a# +e 'r!ed in fa(or of the ret'rn of so'%s
into h')an +odies accordin! to >e"ish ideas. Of En!%ish thin*ers, the
Ca)+rid!e P%atonists defended it "ith )'ch %earnin! and ac'teness, )ost
cons$ic'o's%# Henr# &ore3 and in C'ds"orth and H')e it ran*s as the
)ost rationa% theor# of i))orta%it#. <%an(i%2s L'. Orienta%is de(otes
a c'rio's treatise to it. It ca$ti(ated the )inds of Fo'rier and
Lero'.. Andre Pe,,ani2s +oo* on The P%'ra%it# of the So'%2s Li(es
"or*s o't the s#ste) on the Ro)an Catho%ic idea of e.$iation."00E.9.
/AL6ER, in "Re0Incarnation, a St'd# of For!otten Tr'th."
And in the %atter $art of the Nineteenth Cent'r#, and this the ear%#
$art of the T"entieth Cent'r#, the !enera% $'+%ic has +een )ade
fa)i%iar "ith the idea of &ete)$s#chosis, 'nder the na)e of
Re0incarnation, +# )eans of the !reat (o%')e of %iterat're iss'ed +#
The Theoso$hica% Societ# and its a%%ied fo%%o"in!. No %on!er is the
tho'!ht a no(e%t# to the /estern thin*er, and )an# ha(e fo'nd "ithin
the)se%(es a corro+orati(e sense of its tr'th. In fact, to )an# the
)ere )ention of the idea has +een s'fficient to a"a*en faint shado"#
)e)ories of $ast %i(es, and, to s'ch, )an# heretofore 'nacco'nta+%e
traits of character, tastes, inc%inations, s#)$athies, dis%i*es, etc.,
ha(e +een e.$%ained.
The /estern "or%d has +een )ade fa)i%iar "ith the idea of the re0+irth
of so'%s into ne" +odies, 'nder the ter) of "Re0incarnation," "hich
)eans "a re0entr# into f%esh," the "ord "incarnate" +ein! deri(ed fro)
the "ords "in," and "carnis," )eanin! f%esh00the En!%ish "ord
)eanin! "to c%othe "ith f%esh," etc. The "ord &ete)$s#chosis, "hich "e
'se in this %esson, is concerned rather "ith the "$assa!e of the so'%"
fro) one tene)ent to another, the "f%esh%#" idea +ein! )ere%#
The doctrine of &ete)$s#chosis, or Re0incarnation, to!ether "ith its
acco)$an#in! doctrine, 6ar)a, or S$irit'a% Ca'se and Effect, is one of
the !reat fo'ndation stones of the o!i Phi%oso$h#, as indeed it is of
the entire s#ste) of s#ste)s of Orienta% Phi%oso$h# and Tho'!ht. -n%ess
one 'nderstands &ete)$s#chosis he "i%% ne(er +e a+%e to 'nderstand the
Eastern Teachin!s, for he "i%% +e "itho't the 6e#. o' "ho ha(e read
the 5ha!a(ad <ita, that "onderf'% Hind' E$ic, "i%% re)e)+er ho" the
thread of Re05irth r'ns thro'!h it a%%. o' re)e)+er the "ords of
6rishna to Arj'na4 "As the so'%, "earin! this )ateria% +od#,
e.$erienceth the sta!es of infanc#, #o'th, )anhood, and o%d a!e, e(en
so sha%% it, in d'e ti)e, $ass on to another +od#, and in other
incarnations sha%% it a!ain %i(e, and )o(e and $%a# its $art." "These
+odies, "hich act as en(e%o$in! co(erin!s for the so'%s occ'$#in! the),
are +'t finite thin!s00thin!s of the )o)ent00and not the Rea% &an at
a%%. The# $erish as a%% finite thin!s $erish00%et the) $erish." "As a
)an thro"eth a"a# his o%d !ar)ents, re$%acin! the) "ith ne" and
+ri!hter ones, e(en so the 9"e%%er of the +od#, ha(in! 1'itted its o%d
)orta% fra)e, entereth into others "hich are ne" and fresh%# $re$ared
for it. /ea$ons $ierce not the Rea% &an, nor doth the fire +'rn hi)3
the "ater affecteth hi) not, nor the "ind drieth hi) nor +%o"eth hi)
a"a#. For he is i)$re!na+%e and i)$er(io's to these thin!s of the "or%d
of chan!e00he is eterna%, $er)anent, 'nchan!ea+%e, and
This (ie" of %ife !i(es to the one "ho ho%ds to it, an entire%#
different )enta% attit'de. He no %on!er identifies hi)se%f "ith the
$artic'%ar +od# that he )a# +e occ'$#in!, nor "ith an# other +od# for
that )atter. He %earns to re!ard his +od# j'st as he "o'%d a !ar)ent
"hich he is "earin!, 'sef'% to hi) for certain $'r$oses, +'t "hich "i%%
in ti)e +e discarded and thro"n aside for a +etter one, and one +etter
ada$ted to his ne" re1'ire)ents and needs. So fir)%# is this idea
e)+edded in the conscio'sness of the Hind's, that the# "i%% often sa#
"&# +od# is tired," or "&# +od# is h'n!r#," or "&# +od# is f'%% of
ener!#," rather than that "I a)" this or that thin!. And this
conscio'sness, once attained, !i(es to one a sense of stren!th,
sec'rit# and $o"er 'n*no"n to hi) "ho re!ards his +od# as hi)se%f. The
first ste$ for the st'dent "ho "ishes to !ras$ the idea of
&ete)$s#chosis, and "ho "ishes to a"a*en in his conscio'sness a
certaint# of its tr'th, is to fa)i%iari,e hi)se%f "ith the idea of his
"I" +ein! a thin! inde$endent and a $art fro) his +od#, a%tho'!h 'sin!
the %atter as an a+idin! $%ace and a 'sef'% she%ter and instr')ent for
the ti)e +ein!.
&an# "riters on the s'+ject of &ete)$s#chosis ha(e de(oted )'ch ti)e,
%a+or and ar!')ent to $ro(e the reasona+%eness of the doctrine '$on
$'re%# s$ec'%ati(e, $hi%oso$hica%, or )eta$h#sica% !ro'nds. And "hi%e
"e +e%ie(e that s'ch efforts are $raise"orth# for the reason that )an#
$ersons )'st +e first con(inced in that "a#, sti%% "e fee% that one
)'st rea%%# fee% the tr'th of the doctrine fro) so)ethin! "ithin his
o"n conscio'sness, +efore he "i%% rea%%# +e%ie(e it to +e tr'th. One
)a# con(ince hi)se%f of the %o!ica% necessit# of the doctrine of
&ete)$s#chosis, +'t at the sa)e ti)e he )a# dro$ the )atter "ith a
shr'! of the sho'%ders and a "sti%%, "ho *no"s:" 5't "hen one +e!ins to
fee% "ithin hi)se%f the a"a*enin! conscio'sness of a "so)ethin! in the
$ast," not to s$ea* of the f%ashes of )e)or#, and fee%in! of for)er
ac1'aintance "ith the s'+ject, then, and then on%#, does he +e!in to
&an# $eo$%e ha(e had "$ec'%iar e.$eriences" that are acco'nta+%e on%#
'$on the h#$othesis of &ete)$s#chosis. /ho has not e.$erienced the
conscio'sness of ha(in! fe%t the thin! +efore00ha(in! tho'!ht it
so)e ti)e in the di) $ast: /ho has not "itnessed ne" scenes that a$$ear
o%d, (er# o%d: /ho has not )et $ersons for the first ti)e, "hose
$resence a"a*ened )e)ories of a $ast %#in! far +ac* in the )ist# a!es
of %on! a!o: /ho has not +een sei,ed at ti)es "ith the conscio'sness of
a )i!ht# "o%dness" of so'%: /ho has not heard )'sic, often entire%# ne"
co)$ositions, "hich so)eho" a"a*ens )e)ories of si)i%ar strains,
scenes, $%aces, faces, (oices, %ands, associations and e(ents, so'ndin!
di)%# on the strin!s of )e)or# as the +ree,es of the har)on# f%oats
o(er the): /ho has not !a,ed at so)e o%d $aintin!, or $iece of
stat'ar#, "ith the sense of ha(in! seen it a%% +efore: /ho has not
%i(ed thro'!h e(ents, "hich +ro'!ht "ith the) a certaint# of +ein!
)ere%# a re$etition of so)e shado"# occ'rrences a"a# +ac* in %i(es
%i(ed %on! a!o: /ho has not fe%t the inf%'ence of the )o'ntain, the
sea, the desert, co)in! to the) "hen the# are far fro) s'ch
scenes00co)in! so (i(id%# as to ca'se the act'a% scene of the $resent
to fade into co)$arati(e 'nrea%it#. /ho has not had these
e.$eriences00"e as*:
/riters, $oets, and others "ho carr# )essa!es to the "or%d, ha(e
testified to these thin!s00and near%# e(er# )an or "o)an "ho hears the
)essa!e reco!ni,es it as so)ethin! ha(in! corres$ondence in his or her
o"n %ife. Sir /a%ter Scott te%%s 's in his diar#4 "I cannot, I a) s're,
te%% if it is "orth )ar*in! do"n, that #esterda#, at dinner ti)e, I "as
stran!e%# ha'nted +# "hat I "o'%d ca%% the sense of $ree.istence, (i,.,
a conf'sed idea that nothin! that $assed "as said for the first ti)e3
that the sa)e to$ics had +een disc'ssed and the sa)e $ersons had stated
the sa)e o$inions on the). The sensation "as so stron! as to rese)+%e
"hat is ca%%ed the )ira!e in the desert and a ca%ent're on +oard shi$."
The sa)e "riter, in one of his no(e%s, "<'# &annerin!," )a*es one of
his characters sa#4 "/h# is it that so)e scenes a"a*en tho'!hts "hich
+e%on! as it "ere, to drea)s of ear%# and shado"# reco%%ections, s'ch
as o%d 5rah)in )oonshine "o'%d ha(e ascri+ed to a state of $re(io's
e.istence. Ho" often do "e find o'rse%(es in societ# "hich "e ha(e
ne(er +efore )et, and #et fee% i)$ressed "ith a )#sterio's and
i%%0defined conscio'sness that neither the scene nor the s$ea*ers nor
the s'+ject are entire%# ne"3 na#, fee% as if "e co'%d antici$ate that
$art of the con(ersation "hich has not #et ta*en $%ace."
5'%"er s$ea*s of "that stran!e *ind of inner and s$irit'a% )e)or# "hich
so often reca%%s to 's $%aces and $ersons "e ha(e ne(er seen +efore,
and "hich P%atonists "o'%d reso%(e to +e the 'n1'enched conscio'sness
of a for)er %ife." And a!ain, he sa#s4 "Ho" stran!e is it that at ti)es
a fee%in! co)es o(er 's as "e !a,e '$on certain $%aces, "hich
associates the scene either "ith so)e di) re)e)+ered and drea)%i*e
i)a!es of the Past, or "ith a $ro$hetic and fearf'% o)en of the F't're.
E(er# one has *no"n a si)i%ar stran!e and indistinct fee%in! at certain
ti)es and $%aces, and "ith a si)i%ar ina+i%it# to trace the ca'se." Poe
has "ritten these "ords on the s'+ject4 "/e "a%* a+o't, a)id the
destinies of o'r "or%d e.istence, acco)$anied +# di) +'t e(er $resent
)e)ories of a 9estin# )ore (ast00(er# distant in the +#!one ti)e and
infinite%# a"f'%. /e %i(e o't a #o'th $ec'%iar%# ha'nted +# s'ch
drea)s, #et ne(er )ista*in! the) for drea)s. As )e)ories "e *no" the).
9'rin! o'r #o'th the distinctness is too c%ear to decei(e 's e(en for a
)o)ent. 5't the do'+t of )anhood dis$e%s these fee%in!s as i%%'sions."
Ho)e re%ates an interestin! incident in his %ife, "hich had a )ar*ed
effect '$on his +e%iefs, thereafter. He re%ates that '$on an occasion
"hen he (isited a stran!e ho'se in London he "as sho"n into a roo) to
"ait. He sa#s4 "On %oo*in! aro'nd, to )# astonish)ent e(er#thin!
a$$eared $erfect%# fa)i%iar to )e. I see)ed to reco!ni,e e(er# o+ject.
I said to )#se%f, 2/hat is this: I ha(e ne(er +een here +efore, and #et
I ha(e seen a%% this, and if so, then there )'st +e a (er# $ec'%iar
*not in that sh'tter.2" He $roceeded to e.a)ine the sh'tter, and )'ch
to his a)a,e)ent the *not "as there.
/e ha(e recent%# heard of a si)i%ar case, to%d +# an o%d %ad# "ho
for)er%# %i(ed in the far /est of the -nited States. She states that
'$on one occasion a $art# "as "anderin! on the desert in her $art of
the co'ntr#, and fo'nd the)se%(es o't of "ater. As that $art of the
desert "as 'nfa)i%iar e(en to the !'ides, the $ros$ect for "ater %oo*ed
(er# $oor indeed. After a fr'it%ess search of se(era% ho'rs, one of the
$art#, a $erfect stran!er to that $art of the co'ntr#, s'dden%# $ressed
his hand to his head, and acted in a da,ed )anner, cr#in! o't "I *no"
that a "ater0ho%e is o(er to the ri!ht00this "a#," and a"a# he started
"ith the $art# after hi). After a ha%f0ho'r2s jo'rne# the# reached an
o%d hidden "ater0ho%e that "as 'n*no"n e(en to the o%dest )an in the
$art#. The stran!er said that he did not 'nderstand the )atter, +'t
that he had so)eho" e.$erienced a sensation of ha(in! +een there
+efore, and *no"in! j'st "here the "ater0ho%e "as %ocated. An o%d
Indian "ho "as 1'estioned a+o't the )atter, after"ard, stated that the
$%ace had +een "e%% *no"n to his $eo$%e "ho for)er%# tra(e%%ed )'ch on
that $art of the desert3 and that the# had %e!ends re%atin! to the
"hidden "ater0ho%e," r'nnin! +ac* for )an# !enerations. In this case,
it "as re)ar*ed that the "ater0ho%e "as sit'ated in s'ch a $ec'%iar and
'n's'a% )anner, as to render it a%)ost 'ndisco(era+%e e(en to $eo$%e
fa)i%iar "ith the characteristics of that $art of the co'ntr#. The o%d
%ad# "ho re%ated the stor#, had it direct fro) the %i$s of one of the
$art#, "ho re!arded it as "so)ethin! 1'eer," +'t "ho had ne(er e(en
heard of &ete)$s#chosis.
A corres$ondent of an En!%ish )a!a,ine "rites as fo%%o"s4 "A !ent%e)an
of hi!h inte%%ect'a% attain)ents, no" deceased, once to%d )e that he
had drea)ed of +ein! in a stran!e cit#, so (i(id%# that he re)e)+ered
the streets, ho'ses and $'+%ic +'i%din!s as distinct%# as those of an#
$%ace he e(er (isited. A fe" "ee*s %ater he "as ind'ced to (isit a
$anora)a in Leicester S1'are, "hen he "as start%ed +# seein! the cit#
of "hich he had drea)ed. The %i*eness "as $erfect, e.ce$t that one
additiona% ch'rch a$$eared in the $ict're. He "as so str'c* +# the
circ')stance that he s$o*e to the e.hi+itor, ass')in! for the $'r$ose
the air of a tra(e%%er ac1'ainted "ith the $%ace, "hen he "as infor)ed
that the ch'rch "as a recent erection." The fact of the addition of the
ch'rch, see)s to $%ace the incident "ithin the r'%e of a"a*ened
)e)ories of scenes *no"n in a $ast %ife, for c%air(o#ance, astra%
tra(e%, etc., "o'%d sho" the scene as it "as at the ti)e of the drea),
not as it had +een #ears +efore.
Char%es 9ic*ens )entions a re)ar*a+%e i)$ression in his "or* "Pict'res
fro) Ita%#." "In the fore!ro'nd "as a !ro'$ of si%ent $easant !ir%s,
%eanin! o(er the $ara$et of the %itt%e +rid!e, %oo*in! no" '$ at the
s*#, no" do"n into the "ater3 in the distance a dee$ de%%3 the shado"
of an a$$roachin! ni!ht on e(er#thin!. If I had +een )'rdered there in
so)e for)er %ife I co'%d not ha(e see)ed to re)e)+er the $%ace )ore
thoro'!h%#, or "ith )ore e)$hatic chi%%in! of the +%ood3 and the rea%
re)e)+rance of it ac1'ired in that )in'te is so stren!thened +# the
i)a!inar# reco%%ection that I hard%# thin* I co'%d for!et it."
/e ha(e recent%# )et t"o $eo$%e in A)erica "ho had (er# (i(id )e)ories
of incidents in their $ast %ife. One of these, a %ad#, has a $erfect
horror of %ar!e +odies of "ater, s'ch as the <reat La*es, or the Ocean,
a%tho'!h she "as +orn and has %i(ed the !reater $art of her %ife
in%and, far re)o(ed fro) an# !reat +od# of "ater, She has a distinct
reco%%ection of fa%%in! fro) a %ar!e canoe0sha$e (esse%, of $ec'%iar
%ines, and dro"nin!. She "as 1'ite o(erco)e '$on her first (isit to the
Fie%d &'se') in Chica!o, "here there "ere e.hi+ited a n')+er of )ode%s
of 1'eer (esse%s 'sed +# $ri)iti(e $eo$%e. She $ointed o't one si)i%ar
in sha$e, and %ines, to the one she re)e)+ers as ha(in! fa%%en fro) in
so)e $ast %ife.
The second case )entioned is that of a )arried co'$%e "ho )et each
other in a co'ntr# forei!n to +oth, on their tra(e%s. The# fe%% in %o(e
"ith each other, and +oth ha(e fe%t that their )arria!e "as a re'nion
rather than a ne" attach)ent. The h's+and one da# short%# after their
)arria!e to%d his "ife in a rather sha)ed0faced "a# that he had
occasiona% f%ashes of )e)or# of ha(in! he%d in his ar)s, in the di)
$ast, a "o)an "hose face he co'%d not reca%%, +'t "ho "ore a stran!e
nec*%ace, he descri+in! the detai%s of the %atter. The "ife said
nothin!, +'t after her h's+and had %eft for his office, she "ent to the
attic and 'n$ac*ed an o%d tr'n* containin! so)e odds and ends, re%ics,
heir%oo)s, etc., and dre" fro) it an o%d nec*%ace of $ec'%iar $attern
that her !randfather had +ro'!ht +ac* fro) India, "here he had %i(ed in
his #o'n!er da#s, and "hich had +een in the fa)i%# e(er since. She %aid
the nec*%ace on the ta+%e, so that her h's+and "o'%d see it '$on his
ret'rn. The )o)ent his e#es fe%% '$on it, he t'rned "hite as death, and
!as$ed "&# <od? that2s the nec*%ace?"
A "riter in a /estern jo'rna% !i(es the fo%%o"in! stor# of a So'thern
"o)an. "/hen I "as in Heide%+er!, <er)an#, attendin! a con(ention of
&#stics, in co)$an# "ith so)e friends I $aid )# first (isit to the
r'ined Heide%+er! Cast%e. As I a$$roached it I "as i)$ressed "ith the
e.istence of a $ec'%iar roo) in an inaccessi+%e $ortion of the
+'i%din!. A $a$er and $enci% "ere $ro(ided )e, and I dre" a dia!ra) of
the roo) e(en to its $ec'%iar f%oor. &# dia!ra) and descri$tion "ere
$erfect, "hen "e after"ards (isited the roo). In so)e "a#, not #et
c%ear to )e, I ha(e +een connected "ith that a$art)ent. Sti%% another
i)$ression ca)e to )e "ith re!ard to a +oo*, "hich I "as )ade to fee%
"as in the o%d %i+rar# of the Heide%+er! -ni(ersit#. I not on%# *ne"
"hat the +oo* "as, +'t e(en fe%t that a certain na)e of an o%d <er)an
$rofessor "o'%d +e fo'nd "ritten in it. Co))'nicatin! this fee%in! to
one of the &#stics at the con(ention, a search "as )ade for the (o%')e,
+'t it "as not fo'nd. Sti%% the i)$ression c%'n! to )e, and another
effort "as )ade to find the +oo*3 this ti)e "e "ere re"arded for o'r
$ains. S're eno'!h, there on the )ar!in of one of the %ea(es "as the
(er# na)e I had +een !i(en in s'ch a stran!e )anner. Other thin!s at
the sa)e ti)e "ent to con(ince )e that I "as in $ossession of the so'%
of a $erson "ho had *no"n Heide%+er! t"o or three cent'ries a!o."
A contri+'tor to an o%d )a!a,ine re%ates, a)on! other instances, the
fo%%o"in! re!ardin! a friend "ho re)e)+ers ha(in! died in India d'rin!
the #o'th of so)e for)er %ife. He states4 "He sees the +ron,ed
attendants !athered a+o't his crad%e in their "hite dresses4 the# are
fannin! hi). And as the# !a,e he $asses into 'nconscio'sness. &'ch of
his descri$tion concerned $oints of "hich he *ne" nothin! fro) an#
other so'rce, +'t a%% "as tr'e to the %ife, and ena+%ed )e to fi. on
India as the scene "hich he reca%%ed."
/hi%e co)$arati(e%# fe" a)on! the /estern races are a+%e to re)e)+er
)ore than fra!)ents of their $ast %i(es, in India it is 1'ite co))on
for a )an "e%% de(e%o$ed s$irit'a%%# to c%ear%# re)e)+er the incidents
and detai%s of for)er incarnations, and the e(idence of the a"a*enin!
of s'ch $o"er ca'ses %itt%e )ore than $assin! interest a)on! his
$eo$%e. There is, as "e sha%% see %ater, a )o(e)ent to"ard conscio's
&ete)$s#chosis, and )an# of the race are j'st )o(in! on to that $%ane.
In India the hi!h%# de(e%o$ed indi(id'a%s !ro" into a c%ear
reco%%ection of their $ast %i(es "hen the# reach the a!e of $'+ert#,
and "hen their +rains are de(e%o$ed s'fficient%# to !ras$ the *no"%ed!e
%oc*ed '$ in the de$ths of the so'%. In the )eanti)e the indi(id'a%2s
)e)or# of the $ast is %oc*ed a"a# in the recesses of his )ind, j'st as
are )an# facts and incidents of his $resent %ife so %oc*ed a"a#, to +e
re)e)+ered on%# "hen so)e one )entions the s'+ject, or so)e
circ')stance ser(es to s'$$%# the associati(e %in* to the a$$arent%#
for!otten )atter.
Re!ardin! the fac'%t# of )e)or# in o'r $resent %i(es, "e "o'%d 1'ote
the fo%%o"in! fro) the $en of Prof. /i%%ia) 6ni!ht, $rinted in the
Fortni!ht%# Re(ie". He sa#s4 "&e)or# of the detai%s of the $ast is
a+so%'te%# i)$ossi+%e. The $o"er of the conser(ati(e fac'%t#, tho'!h
re%ati(e%# !reat, is e.tre)e%# %i)ited. /e for!et the %ar!er $ortion of
e.$erience soon after "e ha(e $assed thro'!h it, and "e sho'%d +e a+%e
to reca%% the $artic'%ars of o'r $ast #ears, fi%%in! a%% the )issin!
%in*s of conscio'sness since "e entered on the $resent %ife, +efore "e
"ere in a $osition to re)e)+er o'r ante0nata% e.$erience. 5irth )'st
necessari%# +e $receded +# crossin! the ri(er of o+%i(ion, "hi%e the
ca$acit# for fresh ac1'isition s'r(i(es, and the !arnered "ea%th of o%d
e.$erience deter)ines the a)o'nt and character of the ne"."
Another start%in! e(idence of the $roof of &ete)$s#chosis is afforded
's in the cases of "infant $rodi!ies," etc., "hich def# an# other
e.$%anation. Ta*e the cases of the )anifestation of )'sica% ta%ent in
certain chi%dren at an ear%# a!e, for instance. Ta*e the case of &o,art
"ho at the a!e of fo'r "as a+%e to not on%# $erfor) diffic'%t $ieces on
the $iano, +'t act'a%%# co)$osed ori!ina% "or*s of )erit. Not on%# did
he )anifest the hi!hest fac'%t# of so'nd and note, +'t a%so an
instincti(e a+i%it# to co)$ose and arran!e )'sic, "hich a+i%it# "as
s'$erior to that of )an# )en "ho had de(oted #ears of their %ife to
st'd# and $ractice. The %a"s of har)on#00the science of co))in!%in!
tones, "as to hi) not the "or* of #ears, +'t a fac'%t# +orn in hi).
There are )an# si)i%ar cases of record.
Heredit# does not e.$%ain these instances of !eni's, for in )an# of the
recorded cases, none of the ancestors )anifested an# ta%ent or a+i%it#.
Fro) "ho) did Sha*es$eare inherit his !eni's: Fro) "ho) did P%ato
deri(e his "onderf'% tho'!ht: Fro) "hat ancestor did A+raha) Linco%n
inherit his character00co)in! fro) a %ine of $%ain, $oor, hard0"or*in!
$eo$%e, and $ossessin! a%% of the $h#sica% attri+'tes and
characteristics of his ancestr#, he, ne(erthe%ess, )anifested a )ind
"hich $%aced hi) a)on! the fore)ost of his race. 9oes not
&ete)$s#chosis !i(e 's the on%# $ossi+%e *e#: Is it not reasona+%e to
s'$$ose that the a+i%ities dis$%a#ed +# the infant !eni's, and the
ta%ent of the )en "ho s$rin! fro) o+sc're ori!in, ha(e their root in
the e.$eriences of a $re(io's %ife:
Then ta*e the cases of chi%dren at schoo%. Chi%dren of e(en the sa)e
fa)i%# )anifest different de!rees of rece$ti(it# to certain st'dies.
So)e "ta*e to" one thin!, and so)e to another. So)e find arith)etic so
eas# that the# a%)ost a+sor+ it int'iti(e%#, "hi%e !ra))ar is a hard
tas* for the)3 "hi%e their +rothers and sisters find the e.act re(erse
to +e tr'e. Ho" )an# ha(e fo'nd that "hen the# "o'%d ta*e '$ so)e ne"
st'd#, it is a%)ost %i*e reca%%in! so)ethin! a%read# %earned. 9o #o'
st'dent, "ho are no" readin! these %ines ta*e #o'r o"n case. 9oes not
a%% this Teachin! see) to #o' %i*e the re$etition of so)e %esson
%earned %on! a!o: Is it not %i*e re)e)+erin! so)ethin! a%read# %earned,
rather than the %earnin! of so)e ne" tr'th: /ere #o' not attracted to
these st'dies, in the first $%ace, +# a fee%in! that #o' had *no"n it
a%% +efore, so)e"here, so)eho": 9oes not #o'r )ind %ea$ ahead of the
%esson, and see "hat is co)in! ne.t, %on! +efore #o' ha(e t'rned the
$a!es: These in"ard e(idences of the fact of $re0e.istence are so
stron! that the# o't"ei!h the )ost s*i%%f'% a$$ea% to the inte%%ect.
This int'iti(e *no"%ed!e of the tr'th of &ete)$s#chosis e.$%ains "h#
the +e%ief in it is s"ee$in! o(er the /estern "or%d at s'ch a ra$id
rate. The )ere )ention of the idea, to )an# $eo$%e "ho ha(e ne(er
+efore heard of it, is s'fficient to ca'se the) to reco!ni,e its tr'th.
And tho'!h the# )a# not 'nderstand the %a"s of its o$eration, #et dee$
do"n in their conscio'sness the# find a so)ethin! that con(inces the)
of its tr'th. In s$ite of the o+jections that are 'r!ed a!ainst the
teachin!, it is )a*in! stead# head"a# and $ro!ress.
The $ro!ress of the +e%ief in &ete)$s#chosis ho"e(er has +een !reat%#
retarded +# the )an# theories and do!)as attached to it +# so)e of the
teachers. Not to s$ea* of the de!radin! ideas of re0+irth into the
+odies of ani)a%s, etc., "hich ha(e $o%%'ted the s$rin! of Tr'th, there
are to +e fo'nd )an# other feat'res of teachin! and theor# "hich re$e%
$eo$%e, and ca'se the) to tr# to *i%% o't of the )inds the !%i))er of
Tr'th that the# find there. The h')an so'% instincti(e%# re(o%ts
a!ainst the teachin! that it is +o'nd to the "hee% or re0+irth,
"i%%#0ni%%#, co)$'%sori%#, "itho't choice00co)$e%%ed to %i(e in +od#
after +od# 'nti% !reat c#c%es are $ast. The so'%, $erha$s a%read# sic*
of earth0%ife, and %on!in! to $ass on to hi!her $%anes of e.istence,
fi!hts a!ainst s'ch teachin!. And it does "e%% to so fi!ht, for the
tr'th is nearer to its hearts desire. There is no so'% %on!in! that
does not carr# "ith it the $ro$hec# of its o"n f'%fi%%)ent, and so it
is in this case. It is tr'e that the so'% of one fi%%ed "ith earth%#
desires, and cra(in! for )ateria% thin!s, "i%% +# the (er# force of
those desires +e dra"n +ac* to earth%# re0+irth in a +od# +est s'ited
for the !ratification of the %on!in!s, desires and cra(in!s that it
finds "ithin itse%f. 5't it is %i*e"ise tr'e that the earth0sic* so'%
is not co)$i%ed to ret'rn 'n%ess its o"n desires +rin! it +ac*. 9esire
is the *e# note of &ete)$s#chosis, a%tho'!h '$ to a certain sta!e it
)a# o$erate 'nconscio's%#. The s') of the desires of a so'% re!'%ate
its re0+irth. Those "ho ha(e +eco)e sic*ened of a%% that earth has for
the) at this sta!e of its e(o%'tion, )a#, and do, rest in states of
e.istence far re)o(ed fro) earth scenes, 'nti% the race $ro!resses far
eno'!h to afford the restin! so'% the o$$ort'nities and en(iron)ents
that it so earnest%# cra(es.
And )ore than this, "hen &an reaches a certain sta!e, the $rocess of
&ete)$s#chosis no %on!er re)ains 'nconscio's, +'t he enters into a
conscio's *no"in!, "i%%in! $assa!e fro) one %ife to another. And "hen
that sta!e is reached a f'%% )e)or# of the $ast %i(es is 'nfo%ded, and
%ife to s'ch a so'% +eco)es as the %ife of a da#, s'cceeded +# a ni!ht,
and then the a"a*enin! into another da# "ith f'%% *no"%ed!e and
reco%%ection of the e(ents of the da# +efore. /e are in )ere%# the
+a+#hood of the race no", and the f'%%er %ife of the conscio's so'%
%ies +efore 's. ea, e(en no" it is +ein! entered into +# the fe" of
the race that ha(e $ro!ressed s'fficient%# far on the Path. And #o',
st'dent, "ho fee% "ithin #o' that cra(in! for conscio's re0+irth and
f't're s$irit'a% e(o%'tion, and the distaste for, and horror of, a
f'rther +%ind, 'nconscio's re0$%'n!e into the earth0%ife00*no" #o',
that this %on!in! on #o'r $art is +'t an indication of "hat %ies +efore
#o'. It is the stran!e, s'+t%e, a"a*enin! of the nat're "ithin #o',
"hich +eto*ens the hi!her state. >'st as the #o'n! $erson fee%s "ithin
his or her +od# stran!e e)otions, %on!in!s and stirrin!s, "hich +eto*en
the $assa!e fro) the chi%d state into that of )anhood or "o)anhood, so
do these s$irit'a% %on!in!s, desires and cra(in!s +eto*en the $assa!e
fro) 'nconscio's re0+irth into conscio's *no"in! &ete)$s#chosis, "hen
#o' ha(e $assed fro) the scene of #o'r $resent %a+ors.
In o'r ne.t %esson "e sha%% consider the histor# of the race as its
so'%s $assed on fro) the sa(a!e tri+es to the )an of to0da#. It is the
histor# of the race00the histor# of the indi(id'a%00#o'r o"n histor#,
st'dent00the record of that thro'!h "hich #o' ha(e $assed to +eco)e
that "hich #o' no" are. And as #o' ha(e c%i)+ed ste$ after ste$ '$ the
ard'o's $ath, so "i%% #o', hereafter c%i)+ sti%% hi!her $aths, +'t no
%on!er in 'nconscio'sness, +'t "ith #o'r s$irit'a% e#es "ide o$en to
the Ra#s of Tr'th $o'rin! forth fro) the !reat Centra% S'n00the
Conc%'din! this %esson, "e "o'%d 1'ote t"o se%ections fro) the A)erican
$oet, /hit)an, "hose stran!e !eni's "as 'ndo'+ted%# the res'%t of (a!'e
)e)ories s$rin!in! fro) a $re(io's %ife, and "hich +'rst into
'tterances often not )ore than ha%f 'nderstood +# the )ind that !a(e
the) +irth. /hit)an sa#s4
"Facin! /est fro) Ca%ifornia2s shores,
In1'irin!, tire%ess, see*in! "hat is #et 'nfo'nd,
A, a chi%d, (er# o%d, o(er "a(es, to"ard the ho'se of
)aternit#, the %and of )i!rations, %oo* afar,
Loo* off the shores of )# /estern sea, the circ%e
a%)ost circ%ed4
For startin! /est"ard fro) Hind'stan, fro) the
(a%es of 6ash)ere,
Fro) Asia, fro) the north, fro) <od, the sa!e, and
the hero,
Fro) the so'th, fro) the f%o"er# $enins'%as and
s$ice is%ands,
Lon! ha(in! "andered since, ro'nd the earth ha(in!
No" I face ho)e a!ain, (er# $%eased and jo#o's.
75't "here is "hat I started for so %on! a!o:
And "h# is it #et 'nfo'nd:8"
"I *no" I a) death%ess.
I *no" that this or+it of )ine cannot +e s"e$t +# a
car$enter2s co)$ass3
And "hether I co)e to )# o"n to0da#, or in ten
tho'sand or ten )i%%ion #ears,
I can cheerf'%%# ta*e it no" or "ith e1'a% cheerf'%ness
can "ait."
"As to #o', Life, I rec*on #o' are the %ea(in!s of
)an# deaths.
No do'+t I ha(e died )#se%f ten tho'sand ti)es +efore."
"5irths ha(e +ro'!ht 's richness and (ariet#, and
other +irths ha(e +ro'!ht 's richness and (ariet#."
And this 1'otation fro) the A)erican $oet N.P. /i%%is4
"5't "hat a )#ster# this errin! )ind:
It "a*es "ithin a fra)e of (ario's $o"ers
A stran!er in a ne" and "ondro's "or%d.
It +rin!s an instinct fro) so)e other s$here,
For its fine senses are fa)i%iar a%%,
And "ith the 'nconscio's ha+it of a drea)
It ca%%s and the# o+e#. The $rice%ess si!ht
S$rin!s to its c'rio's or!an, and the ear
Learns stran!e%# to detect the artic'%ate air
In its 'nseen di(isions, and the ton!'e
<ets its )irac'%o's %esson "ith the rest,
And in the )idst of an o+edient thron!
Of "e%% trained )inisters, the )ind !oes forth
To search the secrets of its ne" fo'nd ho)e."
One of the thin!s that re$e% )an# $ersons "ho ha(e had their attention
directed to the s'+ject of &ete)$s#chosis for the first ti)e, is the
idea that the# ha(e e(o%(ed as a so'% fro) indi(id'a% %o"%# for)s,
for instance that the# ha(e at one ti)e +een an indi(id'a% $%ant, and
then an indi(id'a% ani)a% for), and then an indi(id'a% hi!her ani)a%
for), and so on 'nti% no" the# are the $artic'%ar indi(id'a% h')an for)
conte)$%atin! the s'+ject. This idea, "hich has +een ta'!ht +# )an#
teachers, is re$e%%ent to the a(era!e )ind, for o+(io's reasons, and
nat'ra%%# so, for it has no fo'ndation in tr'th.
/hi%e this %esson is $rinci$a%%# concerned "ith the s'+ject of the
S$irit'a% E(o%'tion of the h')an so'%, since it +eca)e a h')an so'%,
sti%% it )a# +e as "e%% to )ention the $re(io's $hase of e(o%'tion,
+rief%#, in order to $re(ent )isconce$tion, and to dis$e% $re(io's%#
ac1'ired error.
The ato), a%tho'!h it $ossesses %ife and a certain de!ree of )ind, and
acts as an indi(id'a% te)$orari%#, has no $er)anent indi(id'a%it# that
reincarnates. /hen the ato) is e(o%(ed it +eco)es a centre of ener!# in
the !reat ato)ic $rinci$%e, and "hen it is fina%%# disso%(ed it
reso%(es itse%f +ac* into its ori!ina% state, and its %ife as an
indi(id'a% ato) ceases, a%tho'!h the e.$erience it has !ained +eco)es
the $ro$ert# of the entire $rinci$%e. It is as if a +od# of "ater "ere
to +e reso%(ed into )i%%ions of tin# de"0dro$s for a ti)e, and each
de"0dro$ "as then to ac1'ire certain o'tside )ateria% in so%'tion. In
that case, each de"0dro$ "hen it a!ain ret'rned to the +od# of "ater,
"o'%d carr# "ith it its forei!n )ateria%, "hich "o'%d +eco)e the
$ro$ert# of the "ho%e. And s'+se1'ent%# for)ed de"0dro$s "o'%d carr# in
their s'+stance a $artic%e of the forei!n )atter +ro'!ht +ac* ho)e +#
the $re(io's !eneration of de"dro$s, and "o'%d th's +e a %itt%e
different fro) their $redecessors. And this $rocess, contin'in! for
)an# !enerations of de"0dro$s, "o'%d '%ti)ate%# ca'se the !reatest
chan!es in the co)$osition of the s'ccessi(e !enerations.
This, in short, is the stor# of the chan!e and i)$ro(in! for)s of %ife.
Fro) the ato)s into the e%e)ents3 fro) the %o"er e%e)ents into those
for)in! $roto$%as)3 fro) the $roto$%as) to the %o"er for)s of ani)a%
%ife3 fro) these %o"er for)s on to hi!her for)s00this is the stor#. 5't
it is a%% a co'nter$art of the de"0dro$ and the +od# of "ater, 'nti%
the h')an so'% is e(o%(ed.
The $%ants and the %o"er for)s of ani)a% %ife are not $er)anent
indi(id'a% so'%s, +'t each fa)i%# is a !ro'$0so'% corres$ondin! to
the +od# of "ater fro) "hich the de"0dro$ arose. Fro) these fa)i%#
!ro'$0so'%s !rad'a%%# +rea* off )inor !ro'$s, re$resentin! s$ecies, and
so on into s'+0s$ecies. At %ast "hen the for)s reach the $%ane of )an,
the !ro'$0so'% +rea*s itse%f '$ into $er)anent indi(id'a% so'%s, and
tr'e &ete)$s#chosis +e!ins. That is, each indi(id'a% h')an so'%
+eco)es a $er)anent indi(id'a% entit#, destined to e(o%(e and $erfect
itse%f a%on! the %ines of s$irit'a% e(o%'tion.
And fro) this $oint +e!ins o'r stor# of S$irit'a% E(o%'tion.
The stor# of &an, the Indi(id'a%, +e!ins a)idst h')+%e s'rro'ndin!s.
Pri)iti(e )an, +'t %itt%e a+o(e the %e(e% of the %o"er ani)a%s in $oint
of inte%%i!ence, has ne(erthe%ess that distin!'ishin! )ar* of
Indi(id'a%it#00"Se%f0Conscio'sness," "hich is the de)ar*ation +et"een
5east and &an. And e(en the %o"est of the %o"est races had at %east a
"trace" of this Se%f0Conscio'sness, "hich )ade of the) indi(id'a%s, and
ca'sed the fra!)ent of the race0so'% to se$arate itse%f fro) the
!enera% $rinci$%e ani)atin! the race, and to fasten its "I" conscio's
'$on itse%f, rather than '$on the 'nder%#in! race0so'%, a%on!
instincti(e %ines. 9o #o' *no" j'st "hat this Se%f0Conscio'sness is,
and ho" it differs fro) the Ph#sica% Conscio'sness of the %o"er
ani)a%s: Perha$s "e had +etter $a'se a )o)ent to consider it at this
The %o"er ani)a%s are of co'rse conscio's of the +odies, and their
"ants, fee%in!s, e)otions, desires, etc., and their actions are in
res$onse to the ani)atin! i)$'%ses co)in! fro) this $%ane of
conscio'sness. 5't it sto$s there. The# "*no"," +'t the# do not "*no"
that the# *no""3 that is, the# ha(e not #et arri(ed at a state in "hich
the# can thin* of the)se%(es as "I," and to reason '$on their tho'!hts
and )enta% o$erations. It is %i*e the conscio'sness of a (er# #o'n!
chi%d, "hich fee%s and *no"s its sensations and "ants, +'t is 'na+%e to
thin* of itse%f as "I," and to t'rn the )enta% !a,e in"ard. In another
+oo* of these series "e ha(e 'sed the i%%'stration of the horse "hich
has +een %eft standin! o't in the co%d s%eet and rain, and "hich
'ndo'+ted%# fee%s and *no"s the 'n$%easant sensations arisin!
therefro), and %on!s to !et a"a# fro) the 'n$%easant en(iron)ent. 5't,
sti%%, he is 'na+%e to ana%#,e his )enta% states and "onder "hether his
)aster "i%% co)e o't to hi) soon, or thin* ho" cr'e% it is to *ee$ hi)
o't of his "ar) co)forta+%e sta+%e3 or "onder "hether he "i%% +e ta*en
o't in the co%d rain a!ain to)orro"3 or fee% en(io's of other horses
"ho are indoors3 or "onder "h# he is *e$t o't co%d ni!hts, etc., etc.
In short, the horse is 'na+%e to thin* as "o'%d a reasonin! )an 'nder
j'st the sa)e circ')stances. He is a"are of the disco)fort, j'st as
"o'%d +e the )an3 and he "o'%d r'n a"a# ho)e, if he "ere a+%e, j'st as
"o'%d the )an. 5't he is not a+%e to $it# hi)se%f, nor to thin* a+o't
his $ersona%it#, as "o'%d a )an00he is not a+%e to "onder "hether %ife
is "orth the %i(in!, etc., as "o'%d a )an. He "*no"s" +'t is not a+%e
to ref%ect '$on the "*no"in!."
In the a+o(e i%%'stration, the $rinci$a% $oint is that the horse does
not "*no" hi)se%f" as an entit#, "hi%e e(en the )ost $ri)iti(e )an is
a+%e to so reco!ni,e hi)se%f as an "I." If the horse "ere a+%e to thin*
in "ords, he "o'%d thin* "fee%," "co%d," "h'rt," etc., +'t he "o'%d +e
'na+%e to thin* "I fee%3 I a) co%d3 I a) h'rt," etc. The tho'!ht
"I" "o'%d +e )issin!.
It is tr'e that the "I" conscio'sness of the $ri)iti(e )an "as s%i!ht,
and "as +'t a de!ree a+o(e the Ph#sica% Conscio'sness of the hi!her
a$es, +'t ne(erthe%ess it had s$r'n! into +ein!, ne(er a!ain to +e
%ost. The $ri)iti(e )an "as %i*e a chi%d a fe" #ears o%d00he "as a+%e
to sa# "I," and to thin* "I." He had +eco)e an indi(id'a% so'%.
And this indi(id'a% so'% inha+ited and ani)ated a +od# +'t %itt%e
re)o(ed fro) that of an a$e. 5't this ne" conscio'sness +e!an to )o'%d
that r'de +od# and the ascent "as +e!'n. Each !eneration sho"ed a
$h#sica% i)$ro(e)ent o(er that of the $recedin! one, accordin! to the
%ines of $h#sica% e(o%'tion, and as the de(e%o$in! so'% de)anded )ore
$erfect and de(e%o$ed +odies the +odies "ere e(o%(ed to )eet the
de)and, for the )enta% de)and has e(er +een the ca'se of the $h#sica%
The so'% of the $ri)iti(e )an reincarnated a%)ost i))ediate%# after the
death of the $h#sica% +od#, +eca'se the e.$eriences !ained "ere )ost%#
a%on! the %ines of the $h#sica%, the )enta% $%anes +ein! scarce%#
+ro'!ht into $%a#, "hi%e the hi!her and s$irit'a% fac'%ties "ere a%)ost
entire%# o+sc'red fro) si!ht. Life after %ife the so'% of the $ri)iti(e
)an %i(ed o't in ra$id s'ccession. 5't in each ne" e)+odi)ent there "as
a s%i!ht ad(ance o(er that of the $re(io's one. E.$erience, or rather
the res'%t of e.$eriences, "ere carried o(er, and $rofited +#. Ne"
%essons "ere %earned and 'n%earned, i)$ro(ed '$on or discarded. And the
race !re" and 'nfo%ded.
After a ti)e the n')+er of ad(ancin! so'%s "hich had o'tstri$$ed their
fe%%o"s in $ro!ress +eca)e s'fficient%# %ar!e for s'+0races to +e
for)ed, and so the +ranchin! off $rocess +e!an. In this "a# the (ario's
races and t#$es "ere for)ed, and the $ro!ress of &an*ind !ained
head"a#. At this $oint "e )a# as "e%% consider the histor# of the Races
of &an*ind, that "e )a# see ho" the !reat tide0"a(e of So'% has e(er
$ressed on"ard, )ar*in! hi!her and sti%% hi!her sta!es of $ro!ress, and
a%so ho" the (ario's )inor "a(es of the !reat "a(e $'shed in and then
receded, on%# to +e fo%%o"ed +# sti%% hi!her "a(es. The stor# is )ost
The o!i Teachin!s infor) 's that the <rand C#c%e of &an2s Life on the
Earth is co)$osed of Se(en C#c%es, of "hich "e are no" %i(in! in the
third0se(enth $art of the Fifth C#c%e. These C#c%es )a# +e s$o*en of as
the <reat Earth Periods, se$arated fro) each other +# so)e !reat
nat'ra% catac%#s) "hich destro#ed the "or*s of the $re(io's races of
)en, and "hich started afresh the $ro!ress ca%%ed "ci(i%i,ation,"
"hich, as a%% st'dents *no", )anifests a rise and fa%% %i*e 'nto that
of the tides.
&an in the First C#c%e e)er!ed fro) a !ross ani)a%0%i*e state into a
condition so)e"hat ad(anced. It "as a s%o" $ro!ress, +'t ne(erthe%ess a
distinct series of ad(ances "ere )ade +# the )ore $ro!ressi(e so'%s "ho
$assed o(er on to the Second C#c%e, e)+od#in! the)se%(es as the r'%in!
races in the sa)e, their %ess $ro!ressi(e +rothers incarnatin! in the
%o"er tri+es of the Second C#c%e. It )'st +e re)e)+ered that the so'%s
"hich do not ad(ance d'rin! a C#c%e reincarnate in the ne.t C#c%e a)on!
the %o"er races. So that e(en in this Fifth C#c%e "e ha(e re)nants of
the $re(io's c#c%es, the %i(es of the )e)+ers of "hich !i(e 's an idea
of "hat %ife in the ear%ier c#c%es )'st ha(e +een.
The o!i Teachin!s !i(e 's +'t %itt%e infor)ation re!ardin! the $eo$%e
of the First and Second C#c%es, +eca'se of the %o" state of these a!es.
The ta%e, if to%d, "o'%d +e the stor# of the Ca(e0d"e%%er, and
Stone0a!e $eo$%e3 the Fire0$eo$%es, and a%% the rest of sa(a!e,
+ar+arian cre"3 there "as +'t %itt%e trace of an#thin! %i*e that "hich
"e ca%% "ci(i%i,ation," a%tho'!h in the %atter $eriods of the Second
C#c%e the fo'ndations for the co)in! ci(i%i,ations "ere fir)%# %aid.
After the catac%#s) "hich destro#ed the "or*s of &an of the Second
C#c%e, and %eft the s'r(i(ors scattered or disor!ani,ed, a"aitin! the
to'ch of the or!ani,in! 'r!e "hich fo%%o"ed short%# after"ard, there
da"ned the first $eriod of the Third C#c%e. The scene of the %ife of
the Third C#c%e "as %aid in "hat is *no"n to Occ'%tists as Le)'ria.
Le)'ria "as a )i!ht# continent sit'ated in "hat is no" *no"n as the
Pacific Ocean, and $arts of the Indian Ocean. It inc%'ded A'stra%ia,
A'stra%asia, and other $ortions of the Pacific is%ands, "hich are in
fact s'r(i(in! $ortions of the !reat continent of Le)'ria, its hi!hest
$oints, the %o"er $ortion ha(in! s'n* +eneath the seas a!es and a!es
Life in Le)'ria is descri+ed as +ein! $rinci$a%%# concerned "ith the
$h#sica% senses, and sens'a% enjo#)ent, on%# a fe" de(e%o$ed so'%s
ha(in! +ro*en thro'!h the fetters of )ateria%it# and reached the
+e!innin!s of the )enta% and s$irit'a% $%anes of %ife. So)e fe" indeed
)ade !reat $ro!ress and "ere sa(ed fro) the !enera% "rec*, in order to
+eco)e the %ea(en "hich "o'%d %i!hten the )ass of )an*ind d'rin! the
ne.t C#c%e. These de(e%o$ed so'%s "ere the teachers of the ne" races,
and "ere %oo*ed '$on +# the %atter as !ods and s'$ernat'ra% +ein!s, and
%e!ends and traditions concernin! the) are sti%% e.istent a)on! the
ancient $eo$%es of o'r $resent da#. &an# of the )#ths of the ancient
$eo$%es arose in this "a#.
The o!i traditions ho%d that j'st $rior to the !reat catac%#s) "hich
destro#ed the races of the Second C#c%e, there "as a +od# of the Chosen
Ones "hich )i!rated fro) Le)'ria to certain is%ands of the sea "hich
are no" $art of the )ain %and of India. These $eo$%e for)ed the n'c%e's
of the Occ'%t Teachin!s of the Le)'rians, and de(e%o$ed into the Fo'nt
of Tr'th "hich has +een f%o"in! e(er since thro'!ho't the s'ccessi(e
$eriods and c#c%es.
/hen Le)'ria $assed a"a#, there arose fro) the de$ths of the ocean the
continent "hich "as to +e the scene of the %ife and ci(i%i,ation of the
Fo'rth C#c%e00the continent of At%antis. At%antis "as sit'ated in a
$ortion of "hat is no" *no"n as the At%antic Ocean, +e!innin! at "hat
is no" *no"n as the Cari++ean Sea and e.tendin! o(er to the re!ion of
"hat is no" *no"n as Africa. /hat are no" *no"n as C'+a and the /est
Indies "ere a)on! the hi!hest $oints of the continent, and no" stand
%i*e )on')ents to its de$arted !reatness.
The ci(i%i,ation of At%antis "as re)ar*a+%e, and its $eo$%e attained
hei!hts "hich see) a%)ost incredi+%e to e(en those "ho are fa)i%iar
"ith the hi!hest achie(e)ents of )an in o'r o"n ti)es. The Chosen Ones
$reser(ed fro) the catac%#s) "hich destro#ed Le)'ria, and "ho %i(ed to
a re)ar*a+%# o%d a!e, had stored '$ "ithin their )inds the "isdo) and
%earnin! of the races that had +een destro#ed, and the# th's !a(e the
At%anteans an enor)o's startin!0ad(anta!e. The# soon attained !reat
ad(ance)ent a%on! a%% the %ines of h')an endea(or. The# $erfected
)echanica% in(entions and a$$%iances, reachin! far ahead of e(en o'r
$resent attain)ents. In the fie%d of e%ectricit# es$ecia%%# the#
reached the sta!es that o'r $resent races "i%% reach in a+o't t"o or
three h'ndred #ears fro) no". A%on! the %ines of Occ'%t Attain)ent
their $ro!ress "as far +e#ond the drea)s of the a(era!e )an of o'r o"n
race, and in fact fro) this arose one of the ca'ses of their do"nfa%%,
for the# $rostit'ted the $o"er to +ase and se%fish 'ses, and 5%ac*
And, so the dec%ine of At%antis +e!an. 5't the end did not co)e at
once, or s'dden%#, +'t !rad'a%%#. The continent, and its s'rro'ndin!
is%ands !rad'a%%# san* +eneath the "a(es of the At%antic Ocean, the
$rocess occ'$#in! o(er 1J,JJJ #ears. The <ree*s and Ro)ans of o'r o"n
C#c%e had traditions re!ardin! the sin*in! of the continent, +'t their
*no"%ed!e referred on%# to the disa$$earance of the s)a%%
re)ainder00certain is%ands00the continent itse%f ha(in! disa$$eared
tho'sands of #ears +efore their ti)e. It is recorded that the E!#$tian
$riests had traditions that the continent itse%f had disa$$eared nine
tho'sand #ears +efore their ti)e. As "as the case "ith the Chosen Ones
of Le)'ria, so "as it "ith the E%ect of At%antis, "ho "ere ta*en a"a#
fro) the doo)ed %and so)e ti)e $rior to its destr'ction. The fe"
ad(anced $eo$%e %eft their ho)es and )i!rated to $ortions of "hat are
no" So'th A)erica and Centra% A)erica, +'t "hich "ere then is%ands of
the sea. These $eo$%e ha(e %eft their traces of their ci(i%i,ation and
"or*s, "hich o'r anti1'aries are disco(erin! to0da#.
/hen the Fifth C#c%e da"ned 7o'r o"n c#c%e, re)e)+er8 these +ra(e and
ad(anced so'%s acted as the race0teachers and +eca)e as "!ods" to those
"ho ca)e after"ard. The races "ere (er# $ro%ific, and )'%ti$%ied (er#
ra$id%# 'nder the )ost fa(ora+%e conditions. The so'%s of the
At%anteans "ere $ressin! for"ard for e)+odi)ent, and h')an for)s "ere
+orn to s'$$%# the de)and. And no" +e!ins the histor# of o'r o"n
C#c%e00the Fifth C#c%e.
5't +efore "e +e!in a consideration of the Fifth C#c%e, %et 's consider
for a )o)ent a fe" $oints a+o't the %a"s o$eratin! to ca'se these !reat
In the first $%ace, each C#c%e has a different theatre for its "or* and
action. The continent of Le)'ria "as not in e.istence d'rin! the Second
C#c%e, and arose fro) the ocean +ed on%# "hen its a$$ointed ti)e ca)e.
And, %i*e"ise the continent of At%antis re$osed +eneath the "a(es "hi%e
the Le)'rian races )anifested d'rin! the Third C#c%e, risin! +# )eans
of a con('%sion of the earth2s s'rface to $%a# its $art d'rin! its o"n
$eriod00the Fo'rth C#c%e00on%# to sin* a!ain +eneath the "a(es to )a*e
"a# for the +irth of the Fifth C#c%e "ith its races. 5# )eans of these
catac%#s)s the races of each C#c%e "ere "i$ed o't "hen the ti)e ca)e,
the fe" E%ect or Chosen ones, that is those "ho ha(e )anifested the
ri!ht to %i(e on, +ein! carried a"a# to so)e fa(ora+%e en(iron)ent
"here the# +eca)e as %ea(en to the )ass00as "!ods" to the ne" races
that 1'ic*%# a$$ear.
It )'st +e re)e)+ered, ho"e(er, that these Chosen Ones are not the on%#
ones sa(ed fro) the destr'ction that o(erta*es the )ajorit# of the
race. On the contrar# a fe" s'r(i(ors are $reser(ed, a%tho'!h dri(en
a"a# fro) their for)er ho)es, and red'ced to "first $rinci$%es of
%i(in!" in order to +eco)e the $arents of the ne" races. The ne" races
s$rin!in! fro) the fittest of these s'r(i(ors 1'ic*%# for) s'+0races,
+ein! co)$osed of the +etter ada$ted so'%s see*in! reincarnation, "hi%e
the %ess fit sin* into +ar+aris), and sho" e(idences of deca#, a%tho'!h
a re)nant dra!s on for tho'sands of #ears, +ein! co)$osed of the so'%s
of those "ho ha(e not ad(anced s'fficient%# to ta*e a $art in the %ife
of the ne" races. These "%eft0o(ers" are in e(idence in o'r o"n ti)es
in the cases of the A'stra%ian sa(a!es, and so)e of the African tri+es,
as "e%% as a)on! the 9i!!er Indians and others of si)i%ar !rade of
In order to 'nderstand the ad(ance of each race it )'st +e re)e)+ered
that the )ore ad(anced so'%s, after $assin! o't of the +od#, ha(e a
)'ch %on!er $eriod of rest in the hi!her $%anes, and conse1'ent%# do
not $resent the)se%(es for reincarnation 'nti% a $eriod 1'ite %ate "hen
co)$ared "ith the hast# reincarnation of the %ess ad(anced so'%s "ho
are h'rried +ac* to re+irth +# reason of the stron! earth%# attach)ents
and desires. In this "a# it ha$$ens that the ear%ier races of each
C#c%e are )ore $ri)iti(e fo%* than those "ho fo%%o" the) as the #ears
ro%% +#. The so'% of an earth0+o'nd $erson reincarnates in a fe" #ears,
and so)eti)es in a fe" da#s, "hi%e the so'% of an ad(anced )an )a#
re$ose and rest on the hi!her $%anes for cent'ries00na#, e(en for
tho'sands of #ears, 'nti% the earth has reached a sta!e in "hich the
a$$ro$riate en(iron)ent )a# +e afforded it.
O+ser(ers, 'nconnected "ith Occ'%tis), ha(e noted certain %a"s "hich
see) to re!'%ate the rise and fa%% of nations00the $rocession of r'%in!
races. The# do not 'nderstand the %a" of &ete)$s#chosis that a%one
!i(es the *e# to the $ro+%e), +'t ne(erthe%ess the# ha(e not fai%ed to
record the e.istence of the %a"s the)se%(es. In order to sho" that
these %a"s are reco!ni,ed +# $ersons "ho are not at a%% inf%'enced +#
the Occ'%t Teachin!s, "e ta*e the %i+ert# of 1'otin! fro) 9ra$er2s
"Histor# of the Inte%%ect'a% 9e(e%o$)ent of E'ro$e."
9r. 9ra$er "rites as fo%%o"s4 "/e are, as "e often sa#, the creat'res
of circ')stances. In that e.$ression there is a hi!her $hi%oso$h# than
)i!ht at first a$$ear. Fro) this )ore acc'rate $oint of (ie" "e sho'%d
therefore consider the co'rse of these e(ents, reco!ni,in! the
$rinci$%e that the affairs of )en $ass for"ard in a deter)inate "a#,
e.$andin! and 'nfo%din! the)se%(es. And hence "e see that the thin!s of
"hich "e ha(e s$o*en as if the# "ere )atters of choice, "ere in rea%it#
forced '$on their a$$arent a'thors +# the necessit# of the ti)es. 5't
in tr'th the# sho'%d +e considered as the $resentation of a certain
$hase of %ife "hich nations in their on"ard co'rse sooner or %ater
ass')e. To the indi(id'a%, ho" "e%% "e *no" that a so+er )oderation of
action, an a$$ro$riate !ra(it# of de)eanor, +e%on!in! to the )at're
$eriod of %ife, chan!e fro) the "anton "i%%f'%ness of #o'th, "hich )a#
+e 'shered in, or its +e!innin!s )ar*ed +# )an# accidenta% incidents3
in one $erha$s +# do)estic +erea(e)ents, in another +# the %oss of
fort'ne, in a third +# i%%0hea%th. /e are correct eno'!h in i)$'tin! to
s'ch tria%s the chan!e of character3 +'t "e ne(er decei(e o'rse%(es +#
s'$$osin! that it "o'%d ha(e fai%ed to ta*e $%ace had these incidents
not occ'rred. There r'ns an irresisti+%e destin# in the )idst of these
(icissit'des. There are ana%o!ies +et"een the %ife of a nation, and
that of an indi(id'a%, "ho, tho'!h he )a# +e in one res$ect the )a*er
of his o"n fort'nes, for ha$$iness or for )iser#, for !ood or for e(i%,
tho'!h he re)ains here or !oes there as his inc%inations $ro)$t, tho'!h
he does this or a+stains fro) that as he chooses, is ne(erthe%ess he%d
fast +# an ine.ora+%e fate00a fate "hich +ro'!ht hi) into the "or%d
in(o%'ntari%#, so far as he "as concerned, "hich $resses hi) for"ard
thro'!h a definite career, the sta!es of "hich are a+so%'te%#
in(aria+%e,00infanc#, chi%dhood, #o'th, )at'rit#, o%d a!e, "ith a%%
their characteristic actions and $assions,00and "hich re)o(es hi) fro)
the scene at the a$$ointed ti)e, in )ost cases a!ainst his "i%%. So
a%so is it "ith nations3 the (o%'ntar# is on%# the o't"ard se)+%ance,
co(erin! +'t hard%# hidin! the $redeter)ined. O(er the e(ents of %ife
"e )a# ha(e contro%, +'t none "hate(er o(er the %a" of its $ro!ress.
There is a !eo)etr# that a$$%ies to nations an e1'ation of their c'r(e
of ad(ance. That no )orta% )an can to'ch."
This re)ar*a+%e $assa!e, j'st 1'oted, sho"s ho" the c%ose o+ser(ers of
histor# note the rise and fa%% of the tides of h')an race $ro!ress,
a%tho'!h i!norant of the rea% 'nder%#in! ca'sin! ener!# or force. A
st'd# of the Occ'%t Teachin!s a%one !i(es one the hidden secret of
h')an actions and thro"s the +ri!ht %i!ht of Tr'th '$on the dar*
corners of $heno)ena.
At the +e!innin! of the Fifth C#c%e 7"hich is the $resent one8, there
"ere not on%# the +e!innin!s of the ne" races "hich a%"a#s s$rin! '$ at
the +e!innin! of each ne" c#c%e and "hich are the fo'ndations for the
co)in! races "hich ta*e ad(anta!e of the fresh conditions and
o$$ort'nities for !ro"th and de(e%o$)ent00+'t there "ere a%so the
descendants of the E%ect Sa(ed fro) the destr'ction of At%antis +#
ha(in! +een %ed a"a# and co%oni,ed far fro) the scene of dan!er. The
ne" races "ere the descendant of the scattered s'r(i(ors of the
At%antean $eo$%es, that is, the co))on r'n of $eo$%e of the ti)e. 5't
the E%ect fe" "ere (er# s'$erior $eo$%e, and i)$arted to their
descendants their *no"%ed!e and "isdo). So that "e see at the +e!innin!
of the Fifth C#c%e hordes of ne", $ri)iti(e $eo$%e in certain %ands,
and in other $%aces ad(anced nations %i*e the ancestors of the Ancient
E!#$tians, Persians, Cha%deans, Hind's, etc.
These ad(anced races "ere o%d so'%s00ad(anced so'%s00the $ro!ressed and
de(e%o$ed so'%s of Ancient Le)'ria and At%antis, "ho %i(ed their %i(es
and "ho are no" either on hi!her $%anes of %ife, or e%se are a)on! 's
to0da# ta*in! a %eadin! $art in the "or%d2s affairs, stri(in! )i!hti%#
to sa(e the $resent races fro) the )isfort'nes "hich o(ertoo* their
The descendants of the $eo$%e "ere the Ass#rians and 5a+#%onians. In
d'e ti)e the $ri)iti(e ne" races de(e%o$ed and the !reat Ro)an,
<recian, and Cartha!inian $eo$%es a$$eared. Then ca)e the rise of other
$eo$%es and nations do"n to the $resent ti)e. Each race or nation has
its rise, its hei!ht of attain)ent, and its dec%ine. /hen a nation
+e!ins to dec%ine it is +eca'se its )ore ad(anced so'%s ha(e $assed on,
and on%# the %ess $ro!ressi(e so'%s are %eft. The histor# of a%%
nations sho" the tr'th of the Occ'%t the ter). &en are forsa*in! o%d
idea%s, creeds and do!)as, and are r'nnin! hither and thither see*in!
so)ethin! the# fee% to +e necessar#, +'t of the nat're of "hich the#
*no" nothin!. The# are fee%in! the h'n!er for Peace00the thirst for
6no"%ed!e00and the# are see*in! satisfaction in a%% directions.
This is not on%# the ine(ita+%e "or*in! of the La" of E(o%'tion, +'t is
a%so a )anifestation of the $o"er and %o(e of the !reat so'%s that ha(e
$assed on to hi!her $%anes of e.istence, and "ho ha(e +eco)e as an!e%s
and arch0an!e%s. These +ein!s are fi%%ed "ith the %o(e of the race, and
are settin! into )otion inf%'ences that are +ein! )anifest in )an#
directions, the tendenc# of "hich are to +rin! the race to a
rea%i,ation of its hi!her $o"er, fac'%ties, and destin#.
As "e ha(e said in other $%aces, one of the !reatest diffic'%ties in
the "a# of the see*er after Tr'th in his consideration of the 1'estion
of S$irit'a% E(o%'tion is the fee%in! that re+irth is +ein! forced '$on
hi), "itho't an# sa# on his $art, and a!ainst his desires. 5't this is
far fro) +ein! correct. It is tr'e that the "ho%e $rocess is accordin!
to the <reat La", +'t that La" o$erates thro'!h the force of 9esire and
Attraction. The so'% is attracted to"ard re+irth +# reason of its
desire or rather the essence of its desires. It is re+orn on%# +eca'se
it has "ithin itse%f the desire for f'rther e.$erience, and o$$ort'nit#
for 'nfo%d)ent. And it is re+orn into certain en(iron)ents so%e%#
+eca'se it has "ithin itse%f 'nsatisfied desires for those
en(iron)ents, etc. The $rocess is j'st as re!'%ar and scientific as is
the attraction of one ato) of )atter for another.
Each so'% has "ithin itse%f certain e%e)ents of desire and attraction,
and it attracts to itse%f certain conditions and e.$eriences, and is in
t'rn attracted +# these thin!s. This is the %a" of %ife, in the +od#
and o't of it. And there is no inj'stice in the %a" it is the essence
of j'stice itse%f, for it !i(es to each j'st "hat is re1'ired to fi%%
the ind"e%%in! desires, or e%se the conditions and e.$eriences desi!ned
to +'rn o't the desires "hich are ho%din! one +ac*, and the destr'ction
of "hich "i%% )a*e $ossi+%e f't're ad(ance)ent.
For instance, if one is +o'nd +# the inordinate desire for )ateria%
"ea%th, the La" of 6ar)a "i%% attract hi) to a re+irth in conditions in
"hich he "i%% +e s'rro'nded +# "ea%th and %'.'r# 'nti% he +eco)es
sic*ened "ith the) and "i%% find his heart fi%%ed "ith the desire to
f%ee fro) the) and to"ard hi!her and )ore satisf#in! thin!s. Of co'rse
the La" of 6ar)a acts in other "a#s, as "e sha%% see in o'r ne.t
%esson00it dea%s "ith one2s de+ts and o+%i!ations, a%so. The La" of
6ar)a is c%ose%# connected "ith &ete)$s#chosis, and one )'st +e
considered in connection "ith the other, a%"a#s.
Not on%# is it tr'e that )an2s re+irths are in strict accordance "ith
the %a" of Attraction and 9esire, +'t it is a%so tr'e that after he
attains a certain sta!e of s$irit'a% 'nfo%d)ent he enters into the
conscio's sta!e of re+irth, and thereafter he is re+orn conscio's%# and
"ith f'%% fore*no"%ed!e. &an# are no" enterin! into this sta!e of
de(e%o$)ent, and ha(e a $artia% conscio'sness of their $ast %i(es,
"hich a%so i)$%ies that the# ha(e had at %east a $artia% conscio'sness
of a$$roachin! re+irth, for the t"o $hases of conscio'sness r'n
Those indi(id'a%s of a race "ho ha(e o'tstri$$ed their fe%%o"s in
s$irit'a% 'nfo%d)ent, are sti%% +o'nd +# the 6ar)a of the $artic'%ar
race to "hich the# +e%on!, '$ to a certain $oint. And as the entire
race, or at %east a %ar!e $ro$ortion of it, )'st )o(e for"ard as a
"ho%e, s'ch indi(id'a%s )'st needs "ait a%so. 5't the# are not
co)$e%%ed to s'ffer a tireso)e ro'nd of contin'ed re+irths a)id
en(iron)ents and conditions "hich the# ha(e o't!ro"n. On the contrar#,
the ad(anced indi(id'a% so'% is a%%o"ed to "ait 'nti% the race reaches
its o"n sta!e of ad(ance)ent, "hen it a!ain joins in the '$"ard
)o(e)ent, in f'%% conscio'sness, ho"e(er. In the interi) he )a# $ass
his "e%% earned rest either on so)e of the hi!her $%anes of rest, or
e%se in conscio's te)$orar# sojo'rn in other )ateria% s$heres he%$in!
in the !reat "or* as a Teacher and "or*er for <ood and S$irit'a%
E(o%'tion a)on! those "ho need s'ch he%$. In fact there are in the
"or%d to0da#, indi(id'a% so'%s "hich ha(e reached si)i%ar sta!es on
other $%anets, and "ho are s$endin! their rest $eriod here a)idst the
co)$arati(e%# %o"er Earth conditions, stri(in! to %ift '$ the Earth
so'%s to !reater hei!hts.
So %on! as $eo$%e a%%o" the)se%(es to +eco)e attached to )ateria%
o+jects, so %on! "i%% the# +e re+orn in conditions in "hich these
o+jects +ind the) fast. It is on%# "hen the so'% frees itse%f fro)
these entan!%in! o+str'ctions that it is +orn in conditions of freedo).
So)e o't!ro" these )ateria% attach)ents +# ri!ht thin*in! and
reasonin!, "hi%e others see) to +e co)$e%%ed to %i(e the) o't, and th's
o't%i(e the), +efore the# are free. At %ast "hen the so'% rea%i,es that
these thin!s are )ere%# incidents of the %o"er $ersona%it#, and ha(e
na'!ht to do "ith the rea% indi(id'a%it#, then, and then on%#, do the#
fa%% fro) it %i*e a "orno't c%oa*, and are %eft +ehind "hi%e it +o'nds
for"ard on The Path fresh fro) the %i!hter "ei!ht +ein! carried.
The o!i Phi%oso$h# teaches that &an "i%% %i(e fore(er, ascendin! fro)
hi!her to hi!her $%anes, and then on and on and on. 9eath is +'t the
$h#sica% s#)+o% of a $eriod of So'% Rest, si)i%ar to s%ee$ of the tired
+od#, and is j'st as )'ch to +e "e%co)ed and !reeted "ith than*s. Life
is contin'o's, and its o+ject is de(e%o$)ent, 'nfo%d)ent and !ro"th. /e
are in Eternit# no" as )'ch as "e e(er sha%% +e. O'r so'%s )a#
o't of the +od# as "e%% as in it, a%tho'!h +odi%# incarnation is
necessar# at this sta!e of o'r de(e%o$)ent. As "e $ro!ress on to hi!her
$%anes of %ife, "e sha%% incarnate in +odies far )ore etherea% than
those no" 'sed +# 's, j'st as in the $ast "e 'sed +odies a%)ost
incredi+%# !rosser and coarser than those "e ca%% o'r o"n to0da#. Life
is far )ore than a thin! of three0score and ten #ears00it is rea%%# a
s'ccession of s'ch %i(es, on an ascendin! sca%e, that "hich "e ca%% o'r
$ersona% se%f to0da# +ein! )ere%# the essence of the e.$eriences of
co'nt%ess %i(es in the $ast.
The So'% is "or*in! steadi%# '$"ard, fro) hi!her to hi!her, fro) !ross
to finer for)s and )anifestations. And it "i%% steadi%# "or* for a!es
to co)e, a%"a#s $ro!ressin!, a%"a#s ad(ancin!, a%"a#s 'nfo%din!. The
-ni(erse contains )an# "or%ds for the So'% to inha+it, and then after
it has $assed on to other -ni(erses, there "i%% sti%% +e Infinit'de
+efore it. The destin# of the So'% of &an is of "ondro's $ro)ise and
$ossi+i%ities00the )ind to0da# cannot +e!in to e(en drea) of "hat is
+efore the So'%. Those "ho ha(e a%read# ad(anced )an# ste$s +e#ond
#o'00those E%der 5rethren00are constant%# e.tendin! to #o' aid in )an#
directions. The# are e.tendin! to #o' the -nseen Hand, "hich %ifts #o'
o(er )an# a hard $%ace and dan!ero's crossin!00+'t #o' reco!ni,e it not
e.ce$t in a (a!'e "a#. There are no" in e.istence, on $%anes infinite%#
hi!her than #o'r o"n, inte%%i!ences of transcendent !%or# and
)a!nificence00+'t the# "ere once &en e(en as #o' are to0da#. The# ha(e
so far $ro!ressed '$on the Path that the# ha(e +eco)e as an!e%s and
archan!e%s "hen co)$ared "ith #o'. And, +%essed tho'!ht, e(en as these
e.a%ted ones "ere once e(en as #o', so sha%% #o', in d'e co'rse of
S$irit'a% E(o%'tion, +eco)e e(en as these )i!ht# ones.
The o!i Phi%oso$h# teaches that o' "ho are readin! these %ines ha(e
%i(ed )an# %i(es $re(io's to the $resent one. o' ha(e %i(ed in the
%o"er for)s, and ha(e "or*ed #o'r "a# ard'o's%# a%on! the Path 'nti%
no" #o' are reachin! the sta!e of S$irit'a% Conscio'sness in "hich the
$ast and f't're "i%% +e!in to a$$ear $%ain to #o' for the first ti)e.
o' ha(e %i(ed as the ca(e0)an00the c%iff0d"e%%er00the sa(a!e00the
+ar+arian. o' ha(e +een the "arrior00the $riest00the &edie(a% scho%ar
and occ'%tist00the $rince00the $a'$er. o' ha(e %i(ed in Le)'ria00in
At%antis00in India00in Persia00in E!#$t00in ancient Ro)e and
<reece00and are no" $%a#in! #o'r $art in the /estern ci(i%i,ation,
associatin! "ith )an# "ith "ho) #o' ha(e had re%ations in #o'r $ast
In c%osin! this %esson, %et 's 1'ote fro) a $re(io's "ritin! fro) the
sa)e $en that "rites this %esson4
"To"ard "hat !oa% is a%% this S$irit'a% E(o%'tion tendin!: /hat does it
a%% )ean: Fro) the %o" $%anes of %ife to the hi!hest00a%% are on The
Path. To "hat state or $%ace does The Path %ead: Let 's atte)$t to
ans"er +# as*in! #o' to i)a!ine a series of )i%%ions of circ%es, one
"ithin the other. Each circ%e )eans a sta!e of Life. The o'ter circ%es
are fi%%ed "ith %ife in its %o"est and )ost )ateria% sta!es00each
circ%e nearer the Centre ho%ds hi!her and hi!her for)s00'nti% &en 7or
"hat "ere once &en8 +eco)e as !ods. Sti%% on, and on, and on. does the
for) of %ife !ro" hi!her, 'nti% the h')an )ind cannot !ras$ the idea.
5't "hat is the Centre: The &IN9 of the entire S$irit'a% 5od#00the
A5SOL-TE? And "e are tra(e%in! to"ard that Centre?"
And a!ain fro) the sa)e so'rce4
"5't +e#ond #o'r $%ane, and +e#ond )ine, are $%ane after $%ane,
connected "ith o'r earth, the s$%endors of "hich )an cannot concei(e.
And there are %i*e"ise )an# $%anes aro'nd the other $%anets of o'r
chain00and there are )i%%ions of other "or%ds00and there are chains of
'ni(erses j'st as there are chains of $%anets00and then !reater !ro'$s
of these chains00and so on !reater and !rander +e#ond the $o"er of )an
to i)a!ine00on and on and on and on00hi!her and hi!her00to
inconcei(a+%e hei!hts. An infinit# of infinities of "or%ds are +efore
's. O'r "or%d and o'r $%anetar# s#ste) and o'r s#ste) of s'ns, and o'r
s#ste) of so%ar s#ste)s, are +'t as !rains of sand on the +each of the
)i!ht# ocean. 5't then #o' cr#, 25't "hat a) I00$oor )orta% thin!00%ost
a)on! a%% this inconcei(a+%e !reatness:2 The ans"er co)es that o' are
that )ost $recio's thin!00a %i(in! so'%. And if #o' "ere destro#ed the
"ho%e s#ste) of 'ni(erses "o'%d cr')+%e, for #o' are as necessar# as
the !reatest $art of it00it cannot do "itho't #o'00#o' cannot +e %ost
or destro#ed00#o' are a $art of it a%%, and are eterna%. 25't,2 #o'
as*, 2+e#ond a%% of this of "hich #o' ha(e to%d )e, "hat is there00"hat
is the Centre of it A%%:2 o'r Teacher2s face ta*es on a ra$t
e.$ression00a %i!ht not of earth +ea)s forth fro) his co'ntenance.
2THE A5SOL-TE?2 he re$%ies.
"6ar)a" is a Sanscrit ter) for that !reat La" *no"n to /estern thin*ers
as S$irit'a% Ca'se and Effect, or Ca'sation. It re%ates to the
co)$%icated affinities for either !ood or e(i% that ha(e +een ac1'ired
+# the so'% thro'!ho't its )an# incarnations. These affinities )anifest
as characteristics end'rin! fro) one incarnation to another, +ein!
added to here, softened or a%tered there, +'t a%"a#s $ressin! for"ard
for e.$ression and )anifestation. And, so, it fo%%o"s that "hat each
one of 's is in this %ife de$ends '$on is "hat "e ha(e +een and ho" "e
ha(e acted in o'r $ast %i(es.
Thro'!ho't the o$erations of the La" of 6ar)a the )anifestation of
Perfect >'stice is a$$arent. /e are not $'nished for o'r sins, as the
c'rrent +e%iefs ha(e it, +'t instead "e are $'nished +# o'r sins. /e
are not re"arded for o'r !ood acts, +'t "e recei(ed o'r re"ard
thro'!h and +# characteristics, 1'a%ities, affinities, etc., ac1'ired
+# reason of o'r ha(in! $erfor)ed these !ood acts in $re(io's %i(es. /e
are o'r o"n j'd!es and'tioners. In o'r $resent %i(es "e are
storin! '$ !ood or +ad 6ar)a "hich "i%% stic* to 's c%ose%#, and "hich
"i%% de)and e.$ression and )anifestation in %i(es to co)e. /hen "e
fasten aro'nd o'rse%(es the e(i% of +ad 6ar)a, "e ha(e ta*en to she%ter
a )onster "hich "i%% !na" into o'r (er# (ita%s 'nti% "e sha*e hi) off
+# de(e%o$in! o$$osite 1'a%ities. And "hen "e dra" to o'rse%(es the
!ood 6ar)a of 9't# "e%% $erfor)ed, *indness "e%% e.$ressed, and <ood
9eeds free%# $erfor)ed "itho't ho$e of re"ard, then do "e "ea(e for
o'rse%(es the +ea'tif'% !ar)ents "hich "e are destined to "ear '$on the
occasion of o'r f't're %i(es.
The o!i Teachin!s re%atin! to the La" of 6ar)a do not teach 's that
Sin is an offense a!ainst the Po"er "hich +ro'!ht 's into +ein!, so
)'ch as it is an offense a!ainst o'rse%(es. /e cannot inj're the
A+so%'te, nor har) It in an# "a#. 5't "e )a# har) each other, and in so
doin! har) o'rse%(es. The o!is teach that Sin is %ar!e%# a )atter of
i!norance and )is'nderstandin! of o'r tr'e nat're, and that the %esson
)'st +e "e%% %earned 'nti% "e are a+%e to see the fo%%# and error of
o'r for)er co'rse, and th's are a+%e to re)ed# o'r $ast errors and to
a(oid their rec'rrence. 5# 6ar)a the effects arisin! fro) o'r sins
c%in! to 's, 'nti% "e +eco)e sic* and "ear# of the), and see* their
ca'se in o'r hearts. /hen "e ha(e disco(ered the e(i% ca'se of these
effects, "e %earn to hate it and tear it fro) 's as a fo'% thin!, and
are thence e(er)ore re%ie(ed of it.
The o!is (ie" the sinnin! so'% as the $arent does the chi%d "ho "i%%
$ersist in $%a#in! "ith for+idden thin!s. The $arent ca'tions the chi%d
a!ainst $%a#in! "ith the sto(e, +'t sti%% the chi%d $ersists in its
diso+edience, and sooner or %ater recei(es a +'rn for its )edd%in!. The
+'rn is not a $'nish)ent for the diso+edience 7a%tho'!h it )a# see)
so to it8 +'t co)es in o+edience to a nat'ra% %a" "hich is in(aria+%e.
To chi%d finds o't that sto(es and +'rns are connected, and +e!ins to
see so)e sense and reason in the ad)onitions of the $arent. The %o(e of
the $arent so'!ht to sa(e the chi%d the $ain of the +'rn, and #et the
chi%d0nat're $ersisted in e.$eri)entin!, and "as ta'!ht the %esson. 5't
the %esson once thoro'!h%# %earned, it is not necessar# to for+id the
chi%d the sto(e, for it has %earned the dan!er for itse%f and
thereafter a(oids it.
And th's it is "ith the h')an so'% $assin! on fro) one %ife to another.
It %earns ne" %essons, !athers ne" e.$eriences, and %earns to reco!ni,e
the $ain that in(aria+%# co)es fro) /ron! Action, and the Ha$$iness
that in(aria+%# co)es fro) Ri!ht Action. As it $ro!resses it %earns ho"
h'rtf'% certain co'rses of action are, and %i*e the +'rnt chi%d it
a(oids the) thereafter.
If "e "i%% +'t sto$ to consider for a )o)ent the re%ati(e de!rees of
te)$tation to 's and to others, "e )a# see the o$erations of $ast 6ar)a
in for)er %i(es. /h# is it that this thin! is "no te)$tation" to #o',
"hi%e it is the !reatest te)$tation to another. /h# is it that certain
thin!s do not see) to ha(e an# attraction for hi), and #et the# attract
#o' so )'ch that #o' ha(e to 'se a%% of #o'r "i%% $o"er to resist the):
It is +eca'se of the 6ar)a in #o'r $ast %i(es. The thin!s that do not
no" te)$t #o', ha(e +een o't%i(ed in so)e for)er %ife, and #o' ha(e
$rofited +# #o'r o"n e.$eriences, or those of others, or e%se thro'!h
so)e teachin! !i(en #o' +# one "ho had +een attracted to #o' +# #o'r
'nfo%din! conscio'sness of Tr'th.
/e are $rofitin! to0da# +# the %essons of o'r $ast %i(es. If "e ha(e
%earned the) "e%% "e are recei(in! the +enefit, "hi%e if "e ha(e t'rned
o'r +ac*s on the "ords of "isdo) offered 's, or ha(e ref'sed to %earn
the %esson $erfect%#, "e are co)$e%%ed to sit on the sa)e o%d
schoo%0+enches and hear the sa)e o%d %esson re$eated 'nti% it is fair%#
dri(en into o'r conscio'sness. /e "onder "h# it is that other $ersons
can $erfor) certain e(i% acts that see) so re$'%si(e to 's, and are a$t
to $ride o'rse%(es '$on o'r s'$erior (irt'e. 5't those "ho *no",
rea%i,e that their 'nfort'nate +rethren ha(e not $aid s'fficient
attention to the %esson of the $ast, and are ha(in! it re$eated to the)
in a )ore drastic for) this ti)e. The# *no" that the (irt'o's ones are
si)$%# rea$in! the +enefit of their o"n a$$%ication in the $ast, +'t
that their %esson is not o(er, and that 'n%ess the# ad(ance and ho%d
fast to that "hich the# ha(e attained, as "e%%, the# "i%% +e
o'tstri$$ed +# )an# of those "hose fai%'re the# are no" (ie"in! "ith
"onder and scorn.
It is hard for 's to f'%%# rea%i,e that "e are "hat "e are +eca'se of
o'r $ast e.$eriences. It is diffic'%t for 's to (a%'e the e.$eriences
that "e are no" !oin! thro'!h, +eca'se "e do not f'%%# a$$reciate the
(a%'e of +itter e.$eriences once %i(ed o't and o't%i(ed. Let 's %oo*
+ac* o(er the e.$eriences of this $resent %ife, for instance. Ho" )an#
+itter e$isodes are there "hich "e "ish had ne(er ha$$ened, and ho" "e
"ish "e co'%d tear the) o't of o'r conscio'sness. 5't "e do not rea%i,e
that fro) these sa)e +itter e.$eriences ca)e *no"%ed!e and "isdo) that
"e "o'%d not $art "ith 'nder an# circ')stances. And #et if "e "ere to
tear a"a# fro) 's the ca'se of these +enefits, "e "o'%d tear a"a# the
+enefits a%so, and "o'%d find o'rse%(es +ac* j'st "here "e "ere +efore
the e.$erience ha$$ened to 's. /hat "e "o'%d %i*e to do is to ho%d on
to the +enefits that ca)e fro) the e.$erience000the *no"%ed!e and
"isdo) that "ere $ic*ed fro) the tree of $ain. 5't "e cannot se$arate
the effect fro) the ca'se in this "a#, and )'st %earn to %oo* +ac* '$on
these +itter e.$eriences as the ca'ses fro) "hich o'r $resent
*no"%ed!e, "isdo) and attain)ent $roceeded. Then )a# "e cease to hate
these thin!s, and to see that !ood )a# co)e fro) e(i%, 'nder the
"or*in!s of the La".
And "hen "e are a+%e to do this, "e sha%% +e a+%e to re!ard the $ainf'%
e.$eriences of o'r $resent da# as the ine(ita+%e o'tco)e of ca'ses a"a#
+ac* in o'r $ast, +'t "hich "i%% "or* s're%# to"ard increased
*no"%ed!e, "isdo) and attain)ent, if "e "i%% +'t see the <ood
'nder%#in! the "or*in! of the La". /hen "e fa%% in "ith the "or*in! of
the La" of 6ar)a "e reco!ni,e its $ain not as an inj'stice or
$'nish)ent, +'t as the +eneficent o$eration of a La" "hich, a%tho'!h
a$$arent%# "or*in! E(i%, has for its end and ai) -%ti)ate <ood.
&an# o+ject to the teachin!s of the La" of 6ar)a +# sa#in! that the
e.$eriences of each %ife not +ein! re)e)+ered, )'st +e 'se%ess and
"itho't (a%'e. This is a (er# foo%ish $osition to ta*e concernin! the
)atter. These e.$eriences a%tho'!h not f'%%# re)e)+ered, are not %ost
to 's at a%%00the# are )ade a $art of the )ateria% of "hich o'r )inds
are co)$osed. The# in the for) of fee%in!s, characteristics,
inc%inations, %i*es and dis%i*es, affinities, attractions, re$'%sions,
etc., etc., and are as )'ch in e(idence as are the e.$eriences of
#esterda# "hich are fresh in o'r )e)or#. Loo* +ac* o(er #o'r $resent
%ife, and tr# to re)e)+er the e.$eriences of the $ast #ears. o' "i%%
find that #o' re)e)+er +'t fe" of the e(ents of #o'r %ife. The $ressin!
and constant e.$eriences of each of the da#s that #o' ha(e %i(ed ha(e
+een, for the )ost $art, for!otten. Tho'!h these e.$eriences )a# ha(e
see)ed (er# (i(id and rea% to #o' "hen the# occ'rred, sti%% the# ha(e
faded into nothin!ness no", and the# are to a%% intents and $'r$oses
%ost to #o'. 5't are the# %ost: Not at a%%. o' are "hat #o' are
+eca'se of the res'%ts of these e.$eriences. o'r character has +een
)o'%ded and sha$ed, %itt%e +# %itt%e, +# these a$$arent%# for!otten
$ains, $%eas'res, sorro"s and ha$$inesses. This tria% stren!thened #o'
a%on! certain %ines3 that one chan!ed #o'r $oint of (ie" and )ade #o'
see thin!s "ith a +roader s"ee$ of (ision. This !rief ca'sed #o' to
fee% the $ain of others3 that disa$$oint)ent s$'rred #o' on to ne"
endea(ors. And each and e(er# one of the) %eft a $er)anent )ar* '$on
#o'r $ersona%it#00'$on #o'r character. A%% )en are "hat the# are +#
reason of "hat the# ha(e %i(ed thro'!h and o't. And tho'!h these
ha$$enin!s, scenes, circ')stances, occ'rrences, e.$eriences, ha(e faded
fro) the )e)or#, their effects are inde%i+%# i)$rinted '$on the fa+ric
of the character, and the )an of to0da# is different fro) "hat he "o'%d
ha(e +een had the ha$$enin! or e.$erience not entered into his %ife.
And this sa)e r'%e a$$%ies to the characteristics +ro'!ht o(er fro)
$ast incarnations. o' ha(e not the )e)or# of the e.$eriences, +'t #o'
ha(e the fr'it in the sha$e of "characteristics," tastes, inc%inations,
etc. o' ha(e a tendenc# to"ard certain thin!s, and a distaste for
others. Certain thin!s attract, "hi%e others re$e% #o'. A%% of these
thin!s are the res'%t of #o'r e.$eriences in for)er incarnations. o'r
(er# taste and inc%ination to"ard occ'%t st'dies "hich has ca'sed #o'
to read these %essons is #o'r %e!ac# fro) so)e for)er %ife in "hich
so)e one s$o*e a "ord or t"o to #o' re!ardin! the s'+ject, and
attracted #o'r interest and desire. o' %earned so)e %itt%e a+o't the
s'+ject then00$erha$s )'ch00and de(e%o$ed a desire for )ore *no"%ed!e
a%on! these %ines, "hich )anifestin! in #o'r $resent %ife has +ro'!ht
#o' in contact "ith f'rther instr'ction. The sa)e inc%ination "i%% %ead
to f'rther ad(ance)ent in this %ife, and sti%% !reater o$$ort'nities in
f't're incarnations. Near%# e(er# one "ho reads these %ines has fe%t
that )'ch of this occ'%t instr'ction i)$arted is +'t a "re0%earnin!" of
so)ethin! $re(io's%# *no"n, a%tho'!h )an# of the thin!s ta'!ht ha(e
ne(er +een heard +efore in this %ife. o' $ic* '$ a +oo* and read
so)ethin!, and *no" at once that it is so, +eca'se in so)e (a!'e "a#
#o' ha(e a conscio'sness of ha(in! st'died and "or*ed o't the $ro+%e)
in so)e $ast $eriod of #o'r %i(es. A%% this is the "or*in! of the La"
of 6ar)a, "hich ca'sed #o' to attract that for "hich #o' ha(e an
affinit#, and "hich a%so ca'ses others to +e attracted to #o'.
&an# are the re'nions of $eo$%e "ho ha(e +een re%ated to each other in
$re(io's %i(es. The o%d %o(es, and o%d hates "or* o't their 6ar)ic
res'%ts in o'r %i(es. /e are +o'nd to those "ho) "e ha(e %o(ed, and
a%so to those "ho) "e )a# ha(e inj'red. The stor# )'st +e "or*ed o't to
the end, a%tho'!h a *no"%ed!e of the La" 'ndo'+ted%# re%ie(es one of
)an# entan!%in! attach)ents and 6ar)ic re%ationshi$s, +# $ointin! o't
the nat're of the re%ation, and ena+%in! one to free hi)se%f )enta%%#
fro) the +ond, "hich $rocess tends to disso%(e )'ch of the 6ar)ic
Life is a !reat schoo% for the %earnin! of %essons. It has )an# !rades,
)an# c%asses, )an# sca%es of $ro!ress. And the %essons )'st +e %earned
"hether "e "i%% or no. If "e ref'se or ne!%ect to %earn the %esson "e
are sent +ac* to acco)$%ish the tas*, a!ain and a!ain, 'nti% the %esson
is fina%%# %earned. Nothin! once %earned is e(er for!otten entire%#.
There is an inde%i+%e i)$rint of the %esson in o'r character, "hich
)anifests as $redis$ositions, tastes, inc%inations, etc. A%% that !oes
to )a*e '$ that "hich "e ca%% "Character" is the "or*in!s of the La" of
6ar)a. There is no s'ch thin! as Chance. Nothin! e(er "ha$$ens." A%% is
re!'%ated +# the La" of Ca'se and Effect or 6ar)a. As a )an so"s so
sha%% he rea$, in a %itera% sense. o' are "hat #o' are to0da#, +#
reason of "hat #o' "ere in #o'r %ast %ife. And in #o'r ne.t %ife #o'
"i%% +e "hat #o' are )a*in! of #o'rse%f to0da#. o' are #o'r o"n j'd!e,
and'tioner00#o'r o"n +esto"er of re"ards. 5't the Lo(e of the
A+so%'te is e(er "or*in! to %ead #o' '$"ard to the Li!ht, and to o$en
#o'r so'% to that *no"%ed!e that, in the "ords of the o!is, "+'rns '$
6ar)a," and ena+%es #o' to thro" off the +'rden of Ca'se and Effect
that #o' ha(e +een carr#in! aro'nd "ith #o', and "hich has "ei!hted #o'
In the Fo'rteen Lessons "e 1'oted fro) &r. 5err# 5enson, a "riter in
the Cent'r# &a!a,ine for &a#, 1KIE. The 1'otation fits so +ea'tif'%%#
into this $%ace, that "e (ent're to re$rod'ce it here once )ore, "ith
#o'r $er)ission. It reads as fo%%o"s4
"A %itt%e +o# "ent to schoo%. He "as (er# %itt%e. A%% that he *ne" he
had dra"n in "ith his )other2s )i%*. His teacher 7"ho "as <od8 $%aced
hi) in the %o"est c%ass, and !a(e hi) these %essons to %earn4 Tho'
sha%t not *i%%. Tho' sha%t do no h'rt to an# %i(in! thin!. Tho' sha%t
not stea%. So the )an did not *i%%3 +'t he "as cr'e%, and he sto%e. At
the end of the da# 7"hen his +eard "as !ra#00"hen the ni!ht "as co)e8
his teacher 7"ho "as <od8 said4 Tho' hast %earned not to *i%%, +'t the
other %essons tho' hast not %earned. Co)e +ac* to)orro".
"On the )orro" he ca)e +ac* a %itt%e +o#. And his teacher 7"ho "as <od8
$'t hi) in a c%ass a %itt%e hi!her, and !a(e hi) these %essons to
%earn4 Tho' sha%t do no h'rt to an# %i(in! thin!. Tho' sha%t not stea%.
Tho' sha%t not cheat. So the )an did no h'rt to an# %i(in! thin!3 +'t
he sto%e and cheated. And at the end of the da# 7"hen his +eard "as
!ra#00"hen the ni!ht "as co)e8 his teacher 7"ho "as <od8 said4 Tho'
hast %earned to +e )ercif'%. 5't the other %essons tho' hast not
%earned. Co)e +ac* to)orro".
"A!ain, on the )orro", he ca)e +ac*, a %itt%e +o#. And his teacher 7"ho
"as <od8 $'t hi) in a c%ass #et a %itt%e hi!her, and !a(e hi) these
%essons to %earn4 Tho' sha%t not stea%. Tho' sha%t not cheat. Tho'
sha%t not co(et. So the )an did not stea%3 +'t he cheated and he
co(eted. And at the end of the da# 7"hen his +eard "as !ra#00"hen the
ni!ht "as co)e8 his teacher 7"ho "as <od8 said4 Tho' hast %earned not
to stea%. 5't the other %essons tho' hast not %earned. Co)e +ac*, )#
chi%d, to)orro".
"This is "hat I ha(e read in the faces of )en and "o)en, in the +oo* of
the "or%d, and in the scro%% of the hea(ens, "hich is "rit "ith stars."
-nder the o$eration of the La" of 6ar)a e(er# )an is )aster of his o"n
destin#00he re"ards hi)se%f00he $'nishes hi)se%f00he +'i%ds, tears do"n
and de(e%o$s his character, a%"a#s, ho"e(er, 'nder the +roodin!
inf%'ence of the A+so%'te "hich is Lo(e Infinite and "hich is
constant%# e.ertin! the '$"ard s$irit'a% 'r!e, "hich is dra"in! the
so'% to"ard its '%ti)ate ha(en of rest. &an )'st, and does, "or* o't
his o"n sa%(ation and destin#, +'t the '$"ard 'r!e is a%"a#s
there00ne(er tirin!00ne(er des$airin!00*no"in! a%"a#s that -%ti)ate
@ictor# +e%on!s to the so'%.
-nder the La" of 6ar)a e(er# action, #ea, e(er# tho'!ht as "e%%, has
its 6ar)ic effect '$on the f't're incarnations of the so'%. And, not
e.act%# in the nat're of $'nish)ent or re"ards, in the !enera%
acce$tation of the ter), +'t as the in(aria+%e o$eration of the La" of
Ca'se and Effect. The tho'!hts of a $erson are %i*e seeds "hich see* to
$ress for"ard into !ro"th, +'d, +%osso) and fr'it. So)e s$rin! into
!ro"th in this %ife, "hi%e others are carried o(er into f't're %i(es.
The actions of this %ife )a# re$resent on%# the $artia% !ro"th of the
tho'!ht seed, and f't're %i(es )a# +e necessar# for its f'%% +%osso)in!
and fr'ition. Of co'rse, the indi(id'a% "ho 'nderstands the Tr'th, and
"ho has )enta%%# di(orced hi)se%f fro) the fr'its of his actions00"ho
has ro++ed )ateria% 9esire of its (ita% force +# seein! it as it is,
and not as a $art of his Rea% Se%f00his seed0tho'!hts do not s$rin!
into +%osso) and fr'it in f't're %i(es, for he has *i%%ed their !er).
The o!is e.$ress this tho'!ht +# the i%%'stration of the +a*ed0seeds.
The# sho" their $'$i%s that "hi%e ordinar# seeds s$ro't, +%osso) and
+ear fr'it, sti%% if one +a*es the seeds their (ita%it# is !one, and
"hi%e the# )a# ser(e the $'r$oses of a no'rishin! )ea% sti%% the# can
ne(er ca'se s$ro't, +%osso) or fr'it. Then the $'$i% is instr'cted in
the nat're of 9esire, and sho"n ho" desires in(aria+%# s$rin! into
$%ant, +%osso) and fr'it, the %ife of the $erson +ein! the soi% in
"hich the# f%o'rish. 5't 9esires 'nderstood, and set off fro) the Rea%
&an, are a*in to +a*ed0seeds00the# ha(e +een s'+jected to the heat of
s$irit'a% "isdo) and are th's ro++ed of their (ita%it#, and are 'na+%e
to +ear fr'it. In this "a# the 'nderstood and )astered 9esire +ears no
6ar)ic fr'it of f't're action.
The o!is teach that there are t"o !reat $rinci$%es at "or* in the
)atter of 6ar)ic La" affectin! the conditions of re+irth. The first
$rinci$%e is that "here+# the $re(ai%in! desires, as$irations, %i*es,
and dis%i*es, %o(es and hates, attractions and re$'%sions, etc., $ress
the so'% into conditions in "hich these characteristics )a# ha(e a
fa(ora+%e and con!enia% soi% for de(e%o$)ent. The second $rinci$%e is
that "hich )a# +e s$o*en of as the 'r!e of the 'nfo%din! S$irit, "hich
is a%"a#s 'r!in! for"ard to"ard f'%%er e.$ression, and the +rea*in!
do"n of confinin! sheaths, and "hich th's e.erts a $ress're '$on the
so'% a"aitin! reincarnation "hich ca'ses it to see* hi!her en(iron)ents
and conditions than its desires and as$iration, as "e%% as its !enera%
characteristics, "o'%d de)and. These t"o a$$arent%# conf%ictin! 7and
#et act'a%%# har)onio's8 $rinci$%es actin! and reactin! '$on each
other, deter)ine the conditions of re+irth, and ha(e a (er# )ateria%
effect '$on the 6ar)ic La". One2s %ife is %ar!e%# a conf%ict +et"een
these t"o forces, the one tendin! to ho%d the so'% to the $resent
conditions res'%tin! fro) $ast %i(es, and the other e(er at "or*
see*in! to '$%ift and e%e(ate it to !reater hei!hts.
The desires and characteristics +ro'!ht o(er fro) the $ast %i(es, of
co'rse, see* f'%%er e.$ression and )anifestation '$on the %ines of the
$ast %i(es. These tendencies si)$%# "ish to +e %et a%one and to !ro"
accordin! to their o"n %a"s of de(e%o$)ent and )anifestation. 5't the
'nfo%din! S$irit, *no"in! that the so'%2s +est interests are a%on! the
%ines of s$irit'a% 'nfo%d)ent and !ro"th, +rin!s a stead# $ress're to
+ear, %ife after %ife, '$on the so'%, ca'sin! it to !rad'a%%# *i%% o't
the %o"er desires and characteristics, and to de(e%o$ 1'a%ities "hich
tend to %ead it '$"ard instead of a%%o"in! it to re)ain on its $resent
%e(e%, there to +rin! to +%osso) and fr'it )an# %o" tho'!hts and
desires. A+so%'te >'stice rei!ns o(er the o$erations of the La" of
6ar)a, +'t +ac* of that and s'$erior e(en to its )i!ht is fo'nd the
Infinite Lo(e of the a+so%'te "hich tends to Redee) the race. It is
that %o(e that is +ac* of a%% the '$"ard tendencies of the so'%, and
"hich "e a%% fee% "ithin o'r inner se%(es in o'r +est )o)ents. The
%i!ht of the S$irit 7Lo(e8 is e(er there.
O'r re%ationshi$ to others in $ast %i(es has its effect '$on the
"or*in! of the La" of 6ar)a. If in the $ast "e ha(e for)ed attach)ents
for other indi(id'a%s, either thro'!h %o(e or hate3 either +# *indness
or cr'e%t#3 these attach)ents )anifest in o'r $resent %ife, for these
$ersons are +o'nd to 's, and "e to the), +# the +onds of 6ar)a, 'nti%
the attach)ent is "orn o't. S'ch $eo$%e "i%% in the $resent %ife ha(e
certain re%ationshi$s to 's, the o+ject of "hich is the "or*in! o't of
the $ro+%e)s in "hich "e are )'t'a%%# concerned, the adj'st)ent of
re%ationshi$, the "s1'arin! '$" of acco'nts, the de(e%o$)ent of +oth.
/e are a$t to +e $%aced in a $osition to recei(e h'rts fro) those "ho)
"e ha(e h'rt in $ast %i(es, and this not thro'!h the idea of re(en!e,
+'t +# the ine.ora+%e "or*in! o't of the La" of Co)$ensation in 6ar)ic
adj'st)ents. And "hen "e are he%$ed, co)forted and recei(e fa(ors fro)
those "ho "e he%$ed in $ast %i(es, it is not )ere%# a re"ard, +'t the
o$eration of the sa)e %a" of >'stice. The $erson "ho h'rts 's in this
"a# )a# ha(e no desire to do so, and )a# e(en +e distressed +eca'se he
is 'sed as an instr')ent in this "a#, +'t the 6ar)ic La" $%aces hi) in
a $osition "here he 'n"ittin!%# and "itho't desire acts so that #o'
recei(e $ain thro'!h hi). Ha(e #o' not fe%t #o'rse%(es h'rtin! another,
a%tho'!h #o' had no desire and intention of so doin!, and, in fact,
"ere sore%# distressed +eca'se #o' co'%d not $re(ent the $ain: This Is
the o$eration of 6ar)a. Ha(e #o' not fo'nd #o'rse%f $%aced "here #o'
'ne.$ected%# "ere )ade the +esto"er of fa(ors '$on so)e a%)ost 'n*no"n
$ersons: This is 6ar)a. The /hee% t'rns s%o"%#, +'t it )a*es the
co)$%ete circ%e.
6ar)a is the co)$anion %a" to &ete)$s#chosis. The t"o are ine.trica+%#
connected, and their o$erations are c%ose%# inter"o(en. Constant and
'n(ar#in! in o$eration, 6ar)a )anifests '$on and in "or%ds, $%anets,
races, nations, fa)i%ies and $ersons E(er#"here in s$ace is the !reat
%a" in o$eration in so)e for). The so0ca%%ed )echanica% o$erations
ca%%ed Ca'sation are as )'ch a $hase of 6ar)a as is the hi!hest $hases
)anifest on the hi!her $%anes of %ife, far +e#ond o'r o"n. And thro'!h
it a%% is e(er the 'r!e to"ard $erfection00the '$"ard )o(e)ent of a%%
%ife. The o!i teachin!s re!ard the -ni(erse as a )i!ht# "ho%e, and the
La" of 6ar)a as the one !reat %a" o$eratin! and )anifestin! thro'!h
that "ho%e.
Ho" different is the "or*in!s of this )i!ht# La" fro) the )an# ideas
ad(anced +# )an to acco'nt for the ha$$enin!s of %ife. &ere Chance is
no e.$%anation, for the caref'% thin*er )'st ine(ita+%# co)e to the
conc%'sion that in an -ni(erse !o(erned +# %a", there can +e no roo)
for Chance. And to s'$$ose that a%% re"ards and $'nish)ents are
+esto"ed +# a $ersona% deit#, in ans"er to $ra#ers, s'$$%ications, !ood
+eha(ior, offerin!s, etc., is to fa%% +ac* into the chi%dhood sta!e of
the race tho'!ht. The o!is teach that the sorro", s'fferin! and
aff%iction "itnessed on a%% sides of 's, as "e%% as the jo#, ha$$iness
and +%essin!s a%so in e(idence, are not ca'sed +# the "i%% or "hi) of
so)e ca$ricio's deit# to re"ard his friends and $'nish his ene)ies00+'t
+# the "or*in! of an in(aria+%e La" "hich )etes o't to each his )eas're
of !ood and i%% accordin! to his 6ar)ic attach)ents and re%ationshi$s.
Those "ho are s'fferin!, and "ho see no ca'se for their $ain, are a$t
to co)$%ain and re+e% "hen the# see others of no a$$arent )erit
enjo#in! the !ood thin!s of %ife "hich ha(e +een denied their
a$$arent%# )ore "orth# +rethren. The ch'rches ha(e no ans"er e.ce$t "It
is <od2s "i%%," and that "the 9i(ine )oti(e )'st not +e 1'estioned."
These ans"ers see) %i*e )oc*er#, $artic'%ar%# "hen the idea of 9i(ine
>'stice is associated "ith the teachin!. There is no other ans"er
co)$ati+%e "ith 9i(ine >'stice other than the La" of 6ar)a, "hich )a*es
each $erson res$onsi+%e for his or her ha$$iness or )iser#. And there
is nothin! so sti)'%atin! to one as to *no" that he has "ithin hi)se%f
the )eans to create for hi)se%f ne"er and +etter conditions of %ife and
en(iron)ent. /e are "hat "e are to0da# +# reason of "hat "e "ere in o'r
#esterda#s. /e "i%% +e in o'r to)orro"s that "hich "e ha(e started into
o$eration to0da#. As "e so" in this %ife, so sha%% "e rea$ in the
ne.t00"e are no" rea$in! that "hich "e ha(e so"n in the $ast. St. Pa'%
(oiced a "or%d tr'th "hen he said4 "5rethren, +e not decei(ed. <od is
not )oc*ed, for "hatsoe(er a )an so"eth that sha%% he a%so rea$."
The teachers di(ide the o$eration of 6ar)a into three !enera% c%asses,
as fo%%o"s4
718 The 6ar)ic )anifestations "hich are no" 'nder "a# in o'r %i(es,
$rod'cin! res'%ts "hich are the effects of ca'ses set into )otion in
o'r $ast %i(es. This is the )ost co))on for), and +est *no"n $hase of
6ar)ic )anifestation.
7C8 The 6ar)a "hich "e are no" ac1'irin! and storin! '$ +# reason of
o'r actions, deeds, tho'!hts and )enta% and s$irit'a% re%ationshi$s.
This stored '$ 6ar)a "i%% s$rin! into o$eration in f't're %i(es, "hen
the +od# and en(iron)ents a$$ro$riate for its )anifestation $resents
itse%f or is sec'red3 or e%se "hen other 6ar)a tendin! to restrict its
o$erations is re)o(ed. 5't one does not necessari%# ha(e to "ait 'nti%
a f't're %ife in order to set into o$eration and )anifestation the
6ar)a of the $resent %ife. For there co)e ti)es in "hich there +ein! no
o+str'ctin! 6ar)a +ro'!ht o(er fro) a $ast %ife, the $resent %ife 6ar)a
)a# +e!in to )anifest.
7D8 The 6ar)a +ro'!ht o(er fro) $ast incarnations, "hich is not a+%e to
)anifest at the $resent ti)e o"in! to the o$$osition $resented +# other
6ar)a of an o$$osite nat're, ser(es to ho%d the first in chec*. It is a
"e%% *no"n $h#sica% %a", "hich %i*e"ise )anifests on the )enta% $%ane,
that t"o o$$osin! forces res'%t in ne'tra%i,ation, that is, +oth of the
forces are he%d in chec*. Of co'rse, tho'!h, a )ore $o"erf'% 6ar)a )a#
)ana!e to o$erate, "hi%e a "ea*er is he%d in chec* +# it.
Not on%# ha(e indi(id'a%s their o"n 6ar)a, +'t fa)i%ies, races, nations
and "or%ds ha(e their co%%ecti(e 6ar)a. In the cases of races, if the
race 6ar)a !enerated in the $ast +e fa(ora+%e on the "ho%e, the race
f%o'rishes and its inf%'ence "idens. If on the contrar# its co%%ecti(e
6ar)a +e +ad, the race !rad'a%%# disa$$ears fro) the face of the earth,
the so'%s constit'tin! it se$aratin! accordin! to their 6ar)ic
attractions, so)e !oin! to this race and so)e to another. Nations are
+o'nd +# their 6ar)a, as an# st'dent of histor# )a# $ercei(e if he
st'dies c%ose%# the tides of nationa% $ro!ress or dec%ine.
The 6ar)a of a nation is )ade '$ of the co%%ecti(e 6ar)a of the
indi(id'a%s co)$osin! it, so far as their tho'!hts and acts ha(e to do
"ith the nationa% s$irit and acts. Nations as nations cease to,
+'t the so'%s of the indi(id'a%s co)$osin! the) sti%% %i(e on and )a*e
their inf%'ence fe%t in ne" races, scenes and en(iron)ents. The ancient
E!#$tians, Persians, &edes, Cha%deans, Ro)ans, <recians and )an# other
ancient races ha(e disa$$eared, +'t their reincarnatin! so'%s are "ith
's to0da#. The )odern re(i(a% of Occ'%tis) is ca'sed +# an inf%'. of
the so'%s of these o%d $eo$%es $o'rin! in on the /estern "or%ds.
The fo%%o"in! 1'otation fro) The Secret 9octrine, that re)ar*a+%e
$iece of occ'%t %iterat're, "i%% +e interestin! at this $oint4
"Nor "o'%d the "a#s of 6ar)a +e inscr'ta+%e "ere )en to "or*
in 'nion and har)on# instead of dis'nion and strife. For o'r
i!norance of those "a#s00"hich one $ortion of )an*ind ca%%s
the "a#s of Pro(idence, dar* and intricate, "hi%e another
sees in the) the action of +%ind fata%is), and a third si)$%e
Chance "ith neither !ods nor de(i%s to !'ide the)00"o'%d
s're%# disa$$ear if "e "o'%d +'t attri+'te a%% these to their
correct ca'se. /ith ri!ht *no"%ed!e, or at an# rate "ith a
confident con(iction that o'r nei!h+ors "i%% no )ore "or*
har) to 's than "e "o'%d thin* of har)in! the), t"o0thirds of
the "or%d2s e(i% "o'%d (anish into thin air. /ere no )an to
h'rt his +rother, 6ar)a0Ne)esis "o'%d ha(e neither ca'se to
"or* for, nor "ea$ons to act thro'!h ... /e c't these
n')ero's "indin!s in o'r destinies dai%# "ith o'r o"n hands,
"hi%e "e i)a!ine that "e are $'rs'in! a trac* on the ro#a%
road of res$ecta+i%it# and d't#, and then co)$%ain of those
"a#s +ein! so intricate and so dar*. /e stand +e"i%dered
+efore the )#ster# of o'r o"n )a*in! and the ridd%es of %ife
that "e "i%% not so%(e, and then acc'se the !reat S$hin. of
de(o'rin! 's. 5't (eri%# there is not an accident in o'r
%i(es, not a )issha$en da# or a )isfort'ne, that co'%d not +e
traced +ac* to o'r o"n doin!s in this or another %ife ...
6no"%ed!e of 6ar)a !i(es the con(iction that if00
2@irt'e in distress and (ice in tri')$h
&a*es atheists of &an*ind,2
it is on%# +eca'se that )an*ind has e(er sh't its e#es to the
!reat tr'th that )an is hi)se%f his o"n sa(ior as his o"n
destro#er3 that he need not acc'se hea(en, and the !ods,
fates and $ro(idence, of the a$$arent inj'stice that rei!ns
in the )idst of h')anit#. 5't %et hi) rather re)e)+er that
+it of <recian "isdo) "hich "arns )an to for+ear acc'sin!
THAT "hich 2>'st tho'!h )#sterio's, %eads 's on 'nerrin!
Thro'!h "a#s 'n)ar*ed fro) !'i%t to $'nish)ent200"hich are
no" the "a#s and the hi!h road on "hich )o(e on"ard the !reat
E'ro$ean nations. The /estern Ar#ans ha(e e(er# nation and
tri+e %i*e their eastern +rethren of the fifth race, their
<o%den and their Iron a!es, their $eriod of co)$arati(e
irres$onsi+i%it#, or the Sat#a a!e of $'rit#, "hi%e no"
se(era% of the) ha(e reached their Iron A!e, the 6a%i '!a,
an a!e +%ac* "ith horrors. This state "i%% %ast ... 'nti% "e
+e!in actin! fro) "ithin instead of e(er fo%%o"in! i)$'%ses
fro) "itho't. -nti% then the on%# $a%%iati(e is 'nion and
har)on#00a 5rotherhood in act' and a%tr'is) not si)$%# in
Ed"in Arno%d, in his "onderf'% $oe), "The Li!ht of Asia," "hich te%%s
the stor# of the 5'ddha, e.$%ains the doctrine of 6ar)a fro) the
5'ddhist stand$oint. /e fee% that o'r st'dents sho'%d +eco)e ac1'ainted
"ith this (ie", so +ea'tif'%%# e.$ressed, and so "e here"ith 1'ote the
$assa!es referred to4
"6ar)a00a%% that tota% of a so'%
/hich is the thin!s it did, the tho'!hts it had,
The 2se%f2 it "o(e "ith "oof of (ie"%ess ti)e
Crossed on the "ar$ in(isi+%e of acts.
"/hat hath +een +rin!eth "hat sha%% +e, and is,
/orse00+etter00%ast for first and first for %ast3
The an!e%s in the hea(ens of !%adness rea$
Fr'its of a ho%# $ast.
"The de(i%s in the 'nder"or%ds "ear o't
9eeds that "ere "ic*ed in an a!e !one +#.
Nothin! end'res4 fair (irt'es "aste "ith ti)e,
Fo'% sins !ro" $'r!ed there+#.
"/ho toi%ed a s%a(e )a# co)e ane" a $rince
For !ent%e "orthiness and )erit "on3
/ho r'%ed a *in! )a# "ander earth in ra!s
For thin!s done and 'ndone.
"5efore +e!innin!, and "itho't an end,
As s$ace eterna% and as s'ret# s're,
Is fi.ed a Po"er di(ine "hich )o(es to !ood,
On%# its %a"s end're.
"It "i%% not +e conte)ned of an# one4
/ho th"arts it %oses, and "ho ser(es it !ains3
The hidden !ood it $a#s "ith $eace and +%iss,
The hidden i%% "ith $ains.
"It seeth e(er#"here and )ar*eth a%%4
9o ri!ht00it reco)$enseth? 9o one "ron!00
The e1'a% retri+'tion )'st +e )ade,
Tho'!h 9HAR&A tarr# %on!.
"It *no"s not "rath nor $ardon3 'tter0tr'e
Its )eas'res )ete, its fa'%t%ess +a%ance "ei!hs3
Ti)es are as na'!ht, to0)orro" it "i%% j'd!e,
Or after )an# da#s.
"5# this the s%a#er2s *nife did sta+ hi)se%f3
The 'nj'st j'd!e hath %ost his o"n defender3
The fa%se ton!'e doo)s its %ie3 the cree$in! thief
And s$oi%er ro+, to render.
"S'ch is the %a" "hich )o(es to ri!hteo'sness,
/hich none at %ast can t'rn aside or sta#3
The heart of it is %o(e, the end of it
Is $eace and cons'))ation s"eet. O+e#?
"The +oo*s sa# "e%%, )# +rothers? each )an2s %ife
The o'tco)e of his for)er %i(in! is3
The +#!one "ron!s +rin! forth sorro" and "oes,
The +#!one ri!ht +reeds +%iss.
"That "hich #e so" #e rea$. See #onder fie%ds?
The sesa)') "as sesa)'), the corn
/as corn. The si%ence and the dar*ness *ne"3
So is a )an2s fate +orn.
"He co)eth, rea$er of the thin!s he so"ed,
Sesa)'), corn, so )'ch cast in $ast +irth3
And so )'ch "eed and $oison0st'ff, "hich )ar
Hi) and the achin! earth.
"If he sha%% %a+or ri!ht%#, rootin! these,
And $%antin! "ho%eso)e seed%in!s "here the# !re",
Fr'itf'% and fair and c%ean the !ro'nd sha%% +e,
And rich the har(est d'e.
"If he "ho %i(eth, %earnin! "hence "oe s$rin!s,
End'reth $atient%#, stri(in! to $a#
His 't)ost de+t for ancient e(i%s done
In %o(e and tr'th a%"a#s3
If )a*in! none to %ac*, he thoro'!h%# $'r!e
The %ie and %'st of se%f forth fro) his +%ood3
S'fferin! a%% )ee*%#, renderin! for offence
Nothin! +'t !race and !ood4
"If he sha%% da# +# da# d"e%% )ercif'%,
Ho%# and j'st and *ind and tr'e3 and rend
9esire fro) "here it c%in!s "ith +%eedin! roots,
Ti%% %o(e of %ife ha(e end4
"He00d#in!00%ea(eth as the s') of hi)
A %ife0co'nt c%osed, "hose i%%s are dead and 1'it,
/hose !ood is 1'ic* and )i!ht#, far and near,
So that fr'its fo%%o" it.
"No need hath s'ch to %i(e as #e na)e %ife3
That "hich +e!an in hi) "hen he +e!an
Is finished4 he hath "ro'!ht the $'r$ose thro'!h
Of "hat did )a*e hi) )an.
"Ne(er sha%% #earnin!s tort're hi), nor sins
Stain hi), nor ache of earth%# jo#s and "oes
In(ade his safe eterna% $eace3 nor deaths
And %i(es rec'r. He !oes
"-nto NIR@ANA. He is one "ith Life
et %i(es not. He is +%est, ceasin! to +e.
O&, &ANI PA9&E O&? the de"dro$ s%i$s
Into the shinin! sea?
"This is the doctrine of the 6ar)a. Learn?
On%# "hen a%% the dross of sin is 1'it,
On%# "hen %ife dies %i*e a "hite f%a)e s$ent.
9eath dies a%on! "ith it."
And so, friends, this is a +rief acco'nt of the o$erations of the La"
of 6ar)a. The s'+ject is one of s'ch "ide sco$e that the +rief s$ace at
o'r dis$osa% ena+%es 's to do %itt%e )ore than to ca%% #o'r attention
to the e.istence of the La", and so)e of its !enera% "or*in!s. /e
ad(ise o'r st'dents to ac1'aint the)se%(es thoro'!h%# "ith "hat has
+een "ritten on this s'+ject +# o'rse%(es and others. In o'r first
series of %essons00the "Fo'rteen Lessons"00the cha$ter or %esson on
S$irit'a% Ca'se and Effect "as de(oted to the s'+ject of 6ar)a. /e
ad(ise o'r st'dents to re0st'd# it. /e a%so s'!!est that &r. Sinnett2s
occ'%t stor# entit%ed "6ar)a" !i(es its readers an e.ce%%ent idea of
the act'a% "or*in! of 6ar)a in the e(er#da# %i(es of $eo$%e of o'r o"n
ti)es. /e reco))end the +oo* to the consideration of o'r st'dents. It
is $'+%ished at a $o$'%ar $rice, and is "e%% "orth the consideration of
e(er# one interested in this "onderf'% s'+ject of Reincarnation and
In this, the %ast %esson of this series, "e "ish to ca%% #o'r attention
to a (ariet# of s'+jects, co)in! 'nder the !enera% head of the o!i
Phi%oso$h#, and #et a$$arent%# se$arated fro) one another. And so "e
ha(e entit%ed this %esson "Occ'%t &isce%%an#," inas)'ch as it is )ade
'$ of +its of infor)ation '$on a (ariet# of s'+jects a%% connected "ith
the !enera% teachin! of the series. The %esson "i%% consist of ans"ers
to a n')+er of 1'estions, as*ed +# (ario's st'dents of the co'rses in
o!i Phi%oso$h# co)in! fro) o'r $en. /hi%e these ans"ers, of necessit#,
)'st +e +rief, sti%% "e "i%% endea(or to condense considera+%e
infor)ation into each, so that read as a "ho%e the %esson "i%% !i(e to
o'r st'dents a (ariet# of infor)ation '$on se(era% i)$ortant s'+jects.
L-ESTION 14 "Are there an# 5rotherhoods of Ad(anced Occ'%tists in
e.istence, in har)on# "ith the o!i Teachin!s: And if so, "hat
infor)ation can #o' !i(e re!ardin! the):"
ANS/ER4 es, there are a n')+er of Occ'%t 5rotherhoods, of (ar#in!
de!rees of ad(ance)ent, scattered thro'!h the (ario's co'ntries of the
earth. These 5rotherhoods a!ree in $rinci$%e "ith the o!i Teachin!s,
a%tho'!h the )ethods of inter$retation )a# (ar# so)e"hat. There is +'t
one TR-TH, "hich +eco)es a$$arent to a%% dee$ st'dents of Occ'%tis),
and therefore a%% tr'e Occ'%tists ha(e a !%i)$se of that Tr'th, and
'$on this !%i)$se is fo'nded their $hi%oso$hies and teachin!s. These
Occ'%t 5rotherhoods (ar# in their nat're. In so)e, the )e)+ers are
!ro'$ed to!ether in retired $ortions of the earth, d"e%%in! in the
co))'nit# %ife. In others the head1'arters are in the %ar!e cities of
the earth, their )e)+ershi$ +ein! co)$osed of residents of those
cities, "ith o't%#in! +ranches. Others ha(e no )eetin! $%aces, their
"or* +ein! )ana!ed fro) head1'arters, their )e)+ers +ein! scattered a%%
o(er the face of the earth, the co))'nication +ein! *e$t '$ +# $ersona%
corres$ondence and $ri(ate%# $rinted and circ'%ated %iterat're.
Ad)ission to these tr'e Occ'%t 5rotherhoods is diffic'%t. The# see*
their )e)+ers, not the )e)+ers the). No a)o'nt of )one#, or inf%'ence,
or ener!# can !ain entrance to these societies. The# see* to i)$art
infor)ation and instr'ction on%# to those "ho are $re$ared to recei(e
it00to those "ho ha(e reached that sta!e of s$irit'a% 'nfo%d)ent that
"i%% ena+%e the) to !ras$ and assi)i%ate the teachin!s of the Inner
Circ%es. /hi%e this is tr'e, it is a%so tr'e that these Societies or
5rotherhoods are en!a!ed in disse)inatin! Occ'%t 6no"%ed!e, s'ited to
the )inds of the $'+%ic, thro'!h (ario's channe%s, and c%oa*ed in
(ario's dis!'ises of na)e, a'thorit# and st#%e. Their idea is to
!rad'a%%# o$en the )ind of the $'+%ic to the !reat tr'ths 'nder%#in!
and +ac* of a%% of these (ario's fra!)entar# teachin!s. And the#
reco!ni,e the fact that one )ind )a# +e reached in a certain "a#, and
another )ind in a second "a#, and so on. And, accordin!%#, the# "ra$
their teachin!s in co(ers %i*e%# to attract the attention of (ario's
$eo$%e, and to ca'se the) to in(esti!ate the contents. 5't, 'nder and
+ac* of a%% of these (ario's teachin!s, is the !reat f'nda)enta% TR-TH.
It has often +een as*ed of 's ho" one )i!ht distin!'ish the rea%
5rotherhoods fro) the s$'rio's ones "hich ha(e ass')ed the na)e and
!enera% st#%e of the tr'e societies, for the $'r$ose of e.$%oitin! the
$'+%ic, and )a*in! )one# fro) their interest in the !reat occ'%t
tr'ths. Ans"erin! this, "e "o'%d sa# that the tr'e Occ'%t 5rotherhoods
and Societies ne(er se%% their *no"%ed!e. It is !i(en free as "ater
to those "ho see* for it, and is ne(er so%d for )one#. The tr'e ade$t
"o'%d as soon thin* of se%%in! his so'% as se%%in! S$irit'a% 6no"%ed!e
for !ain. /hi%e )one# $%a#s its $ro$er $%ace in the "or%d, and the
%a+orer is "orth# of his hire3 and "hi%e the &asters reco!ni,e the
$ro$riet# of the sa%e of +oo*s on Occ'%tis) 7$ro(idin! the $rice is
reasona+%e and not in e.cess of the !enera% )ar*et $rice of +oo*s8 and
"hi%e the# a%so reco!ni,e the $ro$riet# of ha(in! $eo$%e $a# their $art
of the e.$enses of )aintainin! or!ani,ations, )a!a,ines, %ect'rers,
instr'ctors, etc., sti%% the idea sto$s there00it does not e.tend to
the se%%in! of the Inner Secrets of Occ'%tis) for si%(er or !o%d.
Therefore if #o' are so%icited to +eco)e a )e)+er of an# so0ca%%ed
5rotherhood or Occ'%t Societ# for a consideration of )one#, #o' "i%%
*no" at once that the or!ani,ation is not a tr'e Occ'%t Societ#, for it
has (io%ated one of the cardina% $rinci$%es at the start. Re)e)+er the
o%d occ'%t )a.i)4 "/hen the P'$i% is read#, the &aster a$$ears"00and so
it is "ith the 5rotherhoods and Societies00if it is necessar# for #o'r
!ro"th, de(e%o$)ent, and attain)ent, to +e connected "ith one of these
or!ani,ations then, "hen the ti)e co)es00"hen #o' are read#00#o' "i%%
recei(e #o'r ca%%, and then "i%% *no" for a certaint# that those "ho
ca%% are the tr'e )essen!ers of Tr'th.
L-ESTION II4 "Are there an# e.a%ted h')an +ein!s ca%%ed &asters, or
Ade$ts, or are the ta%es re!ardin! the) )ere fa+%es, etc:"
ANS/ER4 Of a tr'th there are certain hi!h%# de(e%o$ed, ad(anced and
e.a%ted so'%s in the f%esh, *no"n as &asters and Ade$ts, a%tho'!h )an#
of the ta%es to%d concernin! the) are )#ths, or $'re fiction
ori!inatin! in the )inds of so)e )odern sensationa% "riters. And,
)oreo(er, these so'%s are )e)+ers of the <reat Lod!e, an or!ani,ation
co)$osed of these a%)ost s'$er0h')an +ein!s00these !reat so'%s that
ha(e ad(anced so (er# far on THE PATH. 5efore +e!innin! to s$ea* of
the), %et 's ans"er a 1'estion often as*ed +# /estern $eo$%e, and that
is, "/h# do not these $eo$%e a$$ear to the "or%d, and sho" their
$o"ers:" Each of #o' )a# ans"er that 1'estion fro) #o'r o"n
e.$eriences. Ha(e #o' e(er +een foo%ish eno'!h to o$en #o'r so'% to the
cro"d, and ha(e it re(ea% the sacred Tr'th that rests there: Ha(e #o'
e(er atte)$ted to i)$art the hi!hest teachin!s *no"n to #o', to $ersons
"ho had not attained s'fficient s$irit'a% de(e%o$)ent to e(en
'nderstand the )eanin! of #o'r "ords: Ha(e #o' e(er co))itted the fo%%#
of thro"in! s$irit'a% $ear%s to )ateria% s"ine: If #o' ha(e had these
e.$eriences, #o' )a# +e!in to faint%# i)a!ine the reasons of these
i%%')ined so'%s for *ee$in! a"a# fro) the cro"d00for d"e%%in! a"a# fro)
the )'%tit'de. No one "ho has not s'ffered the $ain of ha(in! the
('%!ar cro"d re(i%e the hi!hest s$irit'a% tr'ths to hi), can +e!in to
'nderstand the fee%in!s of the s$irit'a%%# i%%')ined indi(id'a%s. It is
not that the# fee% that the# are +etter or )ore e.a%ted than the
h')+%est )an00for these fee%in!s of the $ersona%it# ha(e %on! since
%eft the). It is +eca'se the# see the fo%%# of atte)$tin! to $resent
the hi!hest tr'ths to a $'+%ic "hich is not $re$ared to 'nderstand e(en
the e%e)entar# teachin!s. It is a fee%in! a*in to that of the )aster of
the hi!hest )'sica% conce$tions atte)$tin! to $rod'ce his "onderf'%
co)$ositions +efore a cro"d fit on%# for the "ra!0ti)e" and s%an!#
son!s of the da#.
Then a!ain, these &asters ha(e no desire to ""or* )irac%es" "hich "o'%d
on%# ca'se the $'+%ic to +eco)e sti%% )ore s'$erstitio's than the# no"
are. /hen one !%ances +ac* o(er the fie%d of re%i!ions, and sees ho"
the )irac'%o's acts of so)e of the !reat %eaders ha(e +een $rostit'ted
and 'sed as a fo'ndation for the !rossest cred'%it# and +asest
s'$erstition, he )a# 'nderstand the "isdo) of the )asters in this
res$ect. There is another reason for the non0a$$earance of the &asters,
and that is that there is no occasion for it. The %a"s of S$irit'a%
E(o%'tion are as re!'%ar, constant and fi.ed as are the %a"s of
Ph#sica% E(o%'tion, and an# atte)$t to 'nd'%# force )atters on%#
res'%ts in conf'sion, and the a+orti(e res'%ts soon fade a"a#. The
"or%d is not read# for the a$$earance of the &asters. Their a$$earance
at this ti)e "o'%d not +e in accordance "ith The P%an.
The &asters or Ade$ts are h')an +ein!s "ho ha(e $assed fro) %o"er to
hi!her $%anes of conscio'sness, th's !ainin! "isdo), $o"er and
1'a%ities that see) a%)ost )irac'%o's to the )an of the ordinar#
conscio'sness. A Hind' "riter s$ea*in! of the) has said4 "To hi) "ho
hath tra(e%ed far a%on! The Path, sorro" ceases to tro'+%e3 fetters
cease to +ind3 o+stac%es cease to hinder. S'ch an one is free. For hi)
there is no )ore fe(er or sorro". For hi) there are no )ore 'nconscio's
re0+irths. His o%d 6ar)a is e.ha'sted, and he creates no ne" 6ar)a. His
heart is freed fro) the desire for f't're %ife. No ne" %on!in!s arise
"ithin his so'%. He is %i*e a %a)$ "hich +'rneth fro) the oi% of the
S$irit, and not fro) the oi% of the o'ter "or%d." Li%%ie in his "or* on
5'ddhis), te%%s his readers4 "Si. s'$ernat'ra% fac'%ties "ere e.$ected
of the ascetic +efore he co'%d c%ai) the !rade of Arhat. The# are
constant%# a%%'ded to in the S'tras as the si. s'$ernat'ra%
fac'%ties, 's'a%%# "itho't f'rther s$ecification.... In this transitor#
+od# the inte%%i!ence of &an is enchained. The ascetic findin! hi)se%f
th's conf'sed, directs his )ind to the creation of &anas. He
re$resents to hi)se%f, in tho'!ht, another +od# created fro) this
)ateria% +od#,00a +od# "ith a for), )e)+ers and or!ans. This +od# in
re%ation to the )ateria% +od# is %i*e a s"ord and the sca++ard, or a
ser$ent iss'in! fro) a +as*et in "hich it is confined. The ascetic
then, $'rified and $erfected, +e!ins to $ractice s'$ernat'ra%
fac'%ties. He finds hi)se%f a+%e to $ass thro'!h )ateria% o+stac%es,
"a%%s, ra)$arts, etc.3 he is a+%e to thro" his $hantas)a% a$$earance
into )an# $%aces at once. He ac1'ires the $o"er of hearin! the so'nds
of the 'nseen "or%d as distinct%# as those of the $heno)ena%
"or%d00)ore distinct%# in $oint of fact. A%so +# the $o"er of &anas
he is a+%e to read the )ost secret tho'!hts of others, and to te%%
their characters."
These !reat &asters are a+o(e a%% $ett# sectarian distinctions. The#
)a# ha(e ascended to their e.a%ted $osition a%on! the $aths of the )an#
re%i!ions, or the# )a# ha(e "a%*ed the $ath of no0deno)ination, sect,
or +od#. The# )a# ha(e )o'nted to their hei!hts +# $hi%oso$hica%
reasonin! a%one, or e%se +# scientific in(esti!ation. The# are ca%%ed
+# )an# na)es, accordin! to the (ie"$oint of the s$ea*er, +'t at the
%ast the# are of +'t one re%i!ion3 one $hi%oso$h#3 one +e%ief00TR-TH.
The state of Ade$tshi$ is reached on%# after a %on! and ard'o's
a$$renticeshi$ e.tendin! o(er )an# %i(es. Those "ho ha(e reached the
$innac%e "ere once e(en as o' "ho read these %ines. And so)e of
#o'00#es, $erha$s e(en o' "ho are no" readin! these "ords )a# ha(e
ta*en the first ste$s a%on! the narro" $ath "hich "i%% %ead #o' to
hei!hts e1'a%%# as e.a%ted as those occ'$ied +# e(en the hi!hest of
these !reat +ein!s of "ho) "e are s$ea*in!. -nconscio's%# to #o'rse%f,
the 'r!e of the S$irit has set #o'r feet fir)%# '$on The Path, and "i%%
$'sh #o' for"ard to the end. In order to 'nderstand the occ'%t c'sto)
that finds its f'%% fr'it in the sec%'sion of the &asters, one needs to
+e ac1'ainted "ith the 'ni(ersa% ha+it a)on! tr'e occ'%tists of
refrainin! fro) $'+%ic or ('%!ar dis$%a#s of occ'%t $o"er. /hi%e the
inferior occ'%tists often e.hi+it so)e of the )inor )anifestations to
the $'+%ic, it is a fact that the tr'e ad(anced occ'%tists scr'$'%o's%#
refrain fro) so doin!. In fact, a)on! the hi!hest teachers, it is a
condition i)$osed '$on the $'$i% that he sha%% refrain fro) e.hi+itions
of his de(e%o$in! $o"ers a)on! the 'ninitiated $'+%ic. "The Neo$h#te is
+o'nd o(er to the )ost in(io%a+%e secrec# as to e(er#thin! connected
"ith his entrance and f'rther $ro!ress in the schoo%s. In Asia, in the
sa)e "a#, the che%a, or $'$i% of occ'%tis), no sooner +eco)es a
che%a than he ceases to +e a "itness on +eha%f of the rea%it# of
occ'%t *no"%ed!e," sa#s Sinnett in his !reat "or* on "Esoteric
5'ddhis)," And he then adds4 "I ha(e +een astonished to find, since )#
o"n connection "ith the s'+ject, ho" n')ero's s'ch che%as are. 5't it
is i)$ossi+%e to i)a!ine an# h')an act )ore i)$ro+a+%e than the
'na'thori,ed re(e%ation +# an# s'ch che%a, to $ersons in the o'ter
"or%d, that he is one3 and so the !reat esoteric schoo% of $hi%oso$h#
!'ards its sec%'sion."
L-ESTION III4 "9oes the o!i Phi%oso$h# teach that there is a $%ace
corres$ondin! to the 2Hea(ens2 of the (ario's re%i!ions: Is there an#
+asis for the +e%ief that there is a $%ace rese)+%in! 2Hea(en2:"
ANS/ER4 es, the o!i Phi%oso$h# does teach that there is a rea%
+asis for the $o$'%ar re%i!io's +e%iefs in "Hea(en," and that there are
states of +ein!, the *no"%ed!e of "hich has fi%tered thro'!h to the
)asses in the )ore or %ess distorted theories re!ardin! "hea(ens."
5't the o!is do not teach that these "hea(ens" are $%aces at a%%.
The teachin! is that the# are $%anes of e.istence. It is diffic'%t to
e.$%ain j'st "hat is )eant +# this "ord "$%ane." The nearest a$$roach
to it in En!%ish is the ter) or "ord "State." A $ortion of s$ace )a# +e
occ'$ied +# se(era% $%anes at the sa)e ti)e, j'st as a roo) )a# +e
fi%%ed "ith the ra#s of the s'n, those of a %a)$. ;0ra#s, )a!netic and
e%ectric (i+rations and "a(es, etc., each inter$enetratin! each other
and #et not affectin! or interferin! "ith each other.
On the %o"er $%anes of the Astra% /or%d there are to +e fo'nd the
earth0+o'nd so'%s "hich ha(e $assed o't fro) their for)er +odies, +'t
"hich are attracted to the earth%# scenes +# stron! attractions, "hich
ser(e to "ei!ht the) do"n and to $re(ent the) fro) ascendin! to the
hi!her $%anes. On the hi!her $%anes are so'%s that are %ess +o'nd +#
earth%# attractions, and "ho, accordin!%#, are re%ie(ed of the "ei!ht
res'%tin! therefro). These $%anes rise in an ascendin! sca%e, each
$%ane +ein! hi!her and )ore s$irit'a% than the one %o"er than itse%f.
And d"e%%in! on each $%ane are the so'%s fitted to occ'$# it, +# reason
of their de!ree of s$irit'a% de(e%o$)ent, or e(o%'tion. /hen the so'%
first %ea(es the +od# it fa%%s into a s%ee$0%i*e sta!e, fro) "hich it
a"a*ens to find itse%f on the $%ane for "hich it is fitted, +# reason
of its de(e%o$)ent, attractions, character, etc. The $artic'%ar $%ane
occ'$ied +# each so'% is deter)ined +# the $ro!ress and attain)ent it
has )ade in its $ast %i(es. The so'%s on the hi!her $%anes )a#, and
often do, (isit the $%anes %o"er in the sca%e than their o"n, +'t those
on the %o"er $%anes )a# not (isit those hi!her than their o"n. L'otin!
fro) o'r o"n "ritin!s on this s'+ject, $'+%ished se(era% #ears a!o, "e
re$eat4 This $rohi+ition re!ardin! the (isitin! of hi!her $%anes is not
an ar+itrar# r'%e, +'t a %a" of nat're. If the st'dent "i%% $ardon the
co))on$%ace co)$arison, he )a# !et an 'nderstandin! of it, +# i)a!inin!
a %ar!e screen, or series of screens, s'ch as 'sed for sortin! coa%
into si,es. The %ar!e coa% is ca'!ht +# the first screen3 the ne.t si,e
+# the second3 and so on 'nti% the tin# coa% is reached. No", the %ar!e
coa% cannot !et into the rece$tac%e of the s)a%%er si,es, +'t the s)a%%
si,es )a# easi%# $ass thro'!h the screen and join the %ar!er si,es, if
force +e i)$arted to the). >'st so in the Astra% /or%d, the so'% "ith
the !reatest a)o'nt of )ateria%it#, and !ross nat're, is sto$$ed +# the
s$irit'a% screen of a certain $%ane, and cannot $ass on to the hi!her
ones, "hi%e other so'%s ha(e cast off so)e of the confinin! and
retardin! )ateria% sheaths, and readi%# $ass on to hi!her and finer
$%anes. And it )a# +e readi%# seen that those so'%s "hich d"e%% on the
hi!her $%anes are a+%e to re0(isit the %o"er and !rosser $%anes, "hi%e
the so'%s on the !rosser cannot $enetrate the hi!her +o'ndries of their
$%ane, +ein! sto$$ed +# the s$irit'a% screen. The co)$arison is a cr'de
one, +'t it a%)ost e.act%# $ict'res the e.istin! conditions on the
s$irit'a% "or%d.
So'%s on the '$$er $%anes, )a#, and often do, jo'rne# to the %o"er
$%anes for the $'r$ose of "(isitin!" the so'%s of friends "ho )a# +e
d"e%%in! there, and th's affordin! the) co)fort and conso%ation. In
fact, the teachin! is that in )an# cases a hi!h%# de(e%o$ed so'% (isits
so'%s on the %o"er $%anes in "ho) it is interested, and act'a%%#
i)$arts s$irit'a% teachin! and instr'ction to those so'%s, so that the#
)a# +e re0+orn into )'ch +etter conditions than "o'%d ha(e +een the
case other"ise. A%% of the $%anes ha(e S$irit'a% Instr'ctors fro) (er#
hi!h $%anes, "ho sacrifice their "e%%0earned rest and ha$$iness on
their o"n $%anes in order that the# )a# "or* for the %ess0de(e%o$ed
so'%s on the %o"er $%anes.
As "e ha(e said, the so'% a"a*ens on the $%ane to "hich it is s'ited.
It finds itse%f in the co)$an# of con!enia% so'%s, in "hose co)$an# it
is ena+%ed to $'rs'e those thin!s "hich "ere dear to its heart "hen
a%i(e. It )a# +e a+%e to )a*e considera+%e ad(ance)ent d'rin! its
sojo'rn in "hea(en," "hich "i%% res'%t to its +enefit "hen it is re+orn
on earth. There are co'nt%ess s'+0$%anes, ada$ted to the infinite
re1'ire)ents of the ad(ancin! so'%s in e(er# de!ree of de(e%o$)ent, and
each so'% finds an o$$ort'nit# to de(e%o$ and enjo# to the f'%%est the
hi!hest of "hich it is ca$a+%e, and to a%so $erfect itse%f and to
$re$are itse%f for f't're de(e%o$)ent, so that it )a# +e re0+orn 'nder
the (er# +est $ossi+%e conditions and circ')stances in the ne.t earth
%ife. 5't, a%as, e(en in this hi!her "or%d, a%% so'%s do not %i(e '$ to
the +est that is in the), and instead of )a*in! the +est of their
o$$ort'nities for de(e%o$)ent, and !ro"in! s$irit'a%%#, the# a%%o" the
attractions of their )ateria% nat'res to dra" the) do"n"ard, and too
often s$end )'ch of their ti)e on the $%anes +eneath the), not to he%$
and assist, +'t to %i(e the %ess s$irit'a% %i(es of their friends on
the %o"er $%anes. In s'ch cases the so'% does not rea$ the +enefit of
the sojo'rn in the "after0%ife," +'t is +orn a!ain accordin! to the
attractions of its %o"er, instead of its hi!her nat're, and is
co)$e%%ed to %earn its %esson o(er a!ain.
The o!i teachin!s infor) 's that the %o"er $%anes of the Astra% /or%d
are inha+ited +# so'%s of a (er# !ross and de!raded t#$e, 'nde(e%o$ed
and ani)a%0%i*e. These %o" so'%s %i(e o't the tendencies and
characteristics of their for)er earth %i(es, and reincarnate ra$id%# in
order to $'rs'e their )ateria% attractions. Of co'rse, there is s%o"%#
"or*in! e(en in these 'nde(e%o$ed so'%s an '$"ard tendenc#, +'t it is
so s%o" as to +e a%)ost i)$erce$ti+%e. In ti)e these 'nde(e%o$ed so'%s
!ro" sic* and tired of their )ateria%it#, and then co)es the chance for
a s%i!ht ad(ance. Of co'rse these 'nde(e%o$ed so'%s ha(e no access to
the hi!her $%anes of the Astra% "or%d, +'t are confined to their o"n
de!raded $%ane and to the s'+0$%anes "hich se$arate the Astra% /or%d
fro) the )ateria% "or%d. The# c%in! as c%ose%# as $ossi+%e to the
earth%# scenes, and are se$arated fro) the )ateria% "or%d +# on%# a
thin screen 7if "e )a# 'se the "ord8. The# s'ffer the tanta%i,in!
condition of +ein! "ithin si!ht and hearin! of their o%d )ateria%
scenes and en(iron)ents, and #et 'na+%e to )anifest on the). These
so'%s for) the %o" c%ass of "s$irits" of "hich "e hear so )'ch in
certain circ%es. The# han! aro'nd their o%d scenes of de+a'cher# and
sense !ratification, and often are a+%e to inf%'ence the )inds of
%i(in! $ersons a%on! the sa)e %ine and $%ane of de(e%o$)ent. For
instance, these creat'res ho(er aro'nd %o" sa%oons and $%aces of
i%%0re$'te, inf%'encin! the sodden +rains of %i(in! $ersons to
$artici$ate in the i%%icit !ratifications of the %o"er sens'a% nat're.
So'%s on the hi!her $%anes are not +o'nd +# these earth%# and )ateria%
attractions, and ta*e ad(anta!e of their o$$ort'nities to i)$ro(e
the)se%(es and de(e%o$ s$irit'a%%#. It is a r'%e of the Astra% /or%d
that the hi!her the $%ane occ'$ied +# a so'%, the %on!er the sojo'rn
there +et"een incarnations. A so'% on the %o"est $%anes )a# reincarnate
in a (er# short ti)e, "hi%e on the hi!her $%anes h'ndreds and e(en
tho'sands of #ears )a# e%a$se +efore the so'% is ca%%ed '$on to
e.$erience re0+irth. 5't re0+irth co)es to a%% "ho ha(e not $assed on
to other s$heres of %ife. Sooner or %ater the so'% fee%s that in"ard
'r!e to"ard re0+irth and f'rther e.$erience, and +eco)es dro"s# and
fa%%s into a state rese)+%in! s%ee$, "hen it is ca'!ht '$ in the
c'rrent that is s"ee$in! on to"ard re0+irth, and is !rad'a%%# carried
on to re0+irth in conditions chosen +# its desires and characteristics,
in connection "ith the o$eration of the %a"s of 6ar)a. Fro) the
so'%0s%')+er it $asses thro'!h "hat )a# +e ca%%ed a "death" on the
Astra% $%ane, "hen it is re0+orn on the earth $%ane. 5't, re)e)+er
this, the so'%, "hen it is re0+orn on earth, does not f'%%# a"a*en fro)
its Astra% s%ee$. In infanc# and in ear%# chi%dhood the so'% is +'t
s%o"%# a"a*enin!, !rad'a%%# fro) #ear to #ear, the +rain +ein! +'i%t to
acco))odate this !ro"th. The rare instances of $recocio's chi%dren, and
infant !eni's are cases in "hich the a"a*enin! has +een )ore ra$id than
ordinar#. On the other hand, cases are *no"n "here the so'% does not
a"a*en as ra$id%# as the a(era!e, and the res'%t is that the $erson
does not sho" si!ns of f'%% inte%%ect'a% acti(it# 'nti% near%# )idd%e
a!e. Cases are *no"n "hen )en see)ed to ""a*e '$" "hen the# "ere fort#
#ears of a!e, or e(en %ater in %ife, and "o'%d then ta*e on a freshened
acti(it# and ener!#, s'r$risin! those "ho had *no"n the) +efore.
On so)e of the $%anes of the Astra% "or%d the so'%s d"e%%in! there do
not see) to rea%i,e that the# are "dead," +'t act and %i(e as if the#
"ere in the f%esh.
The# ha(e a *no"%ed!e of the $%anes +eneath the), j'st as "e on earth
*no" of conditions +eneath 's 7s$irit'a%%#8, +'t the# see) to +e in
a%)ost a+so%'te i!norance of the $%anes a+o(e the), j'st as )an# of 's
on earth cannot co)$rehend the e.istence of +ein!s )ore hi!h%#
de(e%o$ed s$irit'a%%# than o'rse%(es. This, of co'rse, is on%# tr'e of
the so'%s "ho ha(e not +een )ade ac1'ainted "ith the )eanin! and nat're
of %ife on the Astra% P%ane. Those "ho ha(e ac1'ired this infor)ation
and *no"%ed!e readi%# 'nderstand their condition and $rofit there+#. It
"i%% +e seen fro) this that it is of the !reatest i)$ortance for
$ersons to +eco)e ac1'ainted "ith the !reat %a"s of Occ'%tis) in their
$resent earth %ife, for the reason that "hen the# $ass o't of the +od#
and enter so)e one of the Astra% P%anes the# "i%% not +e in i!norance
of the condition, +'t "i%% readi%# !ras$ the )eanin! and nat're of
their s'rro'ndin!s and ta*e ad(anta!e of the sa)e in order to de(e%o$
the)se%(es )ore ra$id%#.
It "i%% +e seen fro) "hat has +een "ritten +# 's here and e%se"here
that there are $%anes after $%anes on the Astra% side of %ife. A%% that
has +een drea)t of Hea(en, P'r!ator# or He%% has its corres$ondence
there, a%tho'!h not in the %itera% sense in "hich these thin!s ha(e
+een ta'!ht. For instance, a "ic*ed )an d#in! i))ersed in his desires
and %on!in!s of his %o"er nat're, and +e%ie(in! that he "i%% +e
$'nished in a f't're %ife for sins co))itted on earth00s'ch a one is
(er# a$t to a"a*en on the %o"er $%anes or s'+0$%anes, in conditions
corres$ondin! "ith his for)er fears. He finds the fire and +ri)stone
a"aitin! hi), a%tho'!h these thin!s are )ere%# fi!)ents of his o"n
i)a!ination, and ha(in! no e.istence in rea%it#. &'rderers )a# roa) for
a!es 7a$$arent%#8 $'rs'ed +# the +%eedin! cor$ses of their (icti)s,
'nti% s'ch a horror of the cri)e arises in the )ind that at %ast
sin*in! fro) e.ha'stion into the so'%0s%ee$, their so'%s $ass into
re0+irth "ith s'ch a horror of +%oodshed and cri)e as to )a*e the)
entire%# different +ein!s in the ne" %ife. And, #et the "he%%" that
the# "ent thro'!h e.isted on%# in their i)a!inations. The# "ere their
o"n 9e(i% and He%%. >'st as a )an in earth %ife )a# s'ffer fro)
de%iri') tre)ens, so so)e of these so'%s on the Astra% $%ane s'ffer
a!onies fro) their de%iri') arisin! fro) their for)er cri)es, and the
+e%ief in the $'nish)ent therefor "hich has +een inc'%cated in the)
thro'!h earth teachin!s. And these )enta% a!onies, a%tho'!h terri+%e,
rea%%# are for their +enefit, for +# reason of the) the so'% +eco)es so
sic*ened "ith the tho'!ht and idea of cri)e that "hen it is fina%%#
re0+orn it )anifests a )ar*ed re$'%sion to it, and f%ies to the
o$$osite. In this connection "e "o'%d sa# that the teachin! is that
a%tho'!h the de$ra(ed so'% a$$arent%# e.$eriences a!es of this tor)ent,
#et, in rea%it#, there is +'t the $assa!e of +'t a short ti)e, the
i%%'sion arisin! fro) the se%f0h#$noti,ation of the so'%, j'st as
arises the i%%'sion of the $'nish)ent itse%f.
In the sa)e "a# the so'% often e.$eriences a "hea(en" in accordance
"ith its ho$es, +e%iefs and %on!in!s of earth0%ife. The "hea(en" that
it has %on!ed for and +e%ie(ed in d'rin! its earth0%ife is (er# a$t to
+e at %east $artia%%# re$rod'ced on the Astra% $%ane, and the $io's
so'% of an# and a%% re%i!io's deno)inations finds itse%f in a "hea(en"
corres$ondin! to that in "hich it +e%ie(ed d'rin! its earth0%ife. The
&oha))edan finds his $aradise3 the Christian finds his3 the Indian
finds his00+'t the i)$ression is )ere%# an i%%'sion created +# the
&enta% Pict'res of the so'%. 5't the i%%'sion tends to !i(e $%eas're to
the so'%, and to satisf# certain %on!in!s "hich in ti)e fade a"a#,
%ea(in! the so'% free to reach o't after hi!her conce$tions and idea%s.
/e cannot de(ote )ore s$ace to this s'+ject at this ti)e, and )'st
content o'rse%(es "ith the a+o(e state)ents and e.$%anations. The
$rinci$a% $oint that "e desire to i)$ress '$on #o'r )inds is the fact
that the "hea(en0"or%d" is not a $%ace or state of $er)anent rest and
a+ode for the dise)+odied so'%, +'t is )ere%# a $%ace or te)$orar#
sojo'rn +et"een incarnations, and th's ser(es as a $%ace of rest
"herein the so'% )a# !ather to!ether its forces, ener!ies, desires and
attractions $re$arator# to re0+irth. In this ans"er "e ha(e )ere%#
%i)ited o'rse%(es to a !enera% state)ent of the states and conditions
of the Astra% /or%d, or rather of certain $%anes of that "or%d. The
s'+ject itse%f re1'ires far )ore e.tensi(e treat)ent.
L-ESTION I@4 "Is Nir(ana a state of the tota% e.tinction of
conscio'sness3 and is it a $%ace, state or condition:"
ANS/ER4 The teachin! concernin! Nir(ana, the fina% !oa% of the so'%,
has +een )'ch )is'nderstood, and )'ch error has cre$t into the teachin!
e(en a)on! so)e (er# "orth# teachers. To concei(e of Nir(ana as a
state of e.tinction of conscio'sness "o'%d +e to fa%% into the error of
the $essi)istic schoo% of $hi%oso$h# "hich thin*s of %ife and
conscio'sness as a c'rse, and re!ards the ret'rn into a tota%
'nconscio'sness as the thin! to +e )ost desired. The tr'e teachin! is
that Nir(ana is a state of the f'%%est conscio'sness00a state in
"hich the so'% is re%ie(ed of a%% the i%%'sion of se$arateness and
re%ati(it#, and enters into a state of -ni(ersa% Conscio'sness, or
A+so%'te A"areness, in "hich it is conscio's of Infinit#, and
Eternit#00of a%% $%aces and thin!s and ti)e. Nir(ana instead of +ein!
a state of Nothin!ness, is a state of "E(er#thin!ness." As the so'%
ad(ances a%on! the Path it +eco)es )ore and )ore a"are of its
connection "ith, re%ation to, and identit# "ith the /ho%e. As it !ro"s,
the Se%f en%ar!es and transcends its for)er %i)ited +o'nds. It +e!ins
to rea%i,e that it is )ore than the tin# se$arated ato) that it had
+e%ie(ed itse%f to +e, and it %earns to identif# itse%f in a constant%#
increasin! sca%e "ith the -ni(ersa% Life. It fee%s a sense of Oneness
in a f'%%er de!ree, and it sets its feet fir)%# '$on the Path to"ard
Nir(ana. After )an# "ear# %i(es on this and other $%anets00in this
and other -ni(erses00after it has %on! since %eft +ehind it the sca%e
of h')anit#, and has ad(anced into !od0%i*e states, its conscio'sness
+eco)es f'%%er and f'%%er, and ti)e and s$ace are transcended in a
"onderf'% )anner. And at %ast the !oa% is attained00the +att%e is
"on00and the so'% +%osso)s into a state of -ni(ersa% Conscio'sness, in
"hich Ti)e and P%ace disa$$ear and in "hich e(er# $%ace is Here3 e(er#
$eriod of Ti)e is No"3 and e(er#thin! is "I." This is Nir(ana.
L-ESTION @4 "/hat is that "hich Occ'%tists ca%% 2an Astra% She%%,2 or
si)i%ar na)e: Is it an entit#, or force, or +ein!:"
ANS/ER4 /hen the so'% $asses o't fro) the +od# at the )o)ent of death
it carries "ith it the "Astra% 5od#" as "e%% as the hi!her )enta% and
s$irit'a% $rinci$%es 7see the first three %essons in the "Fo'rteen
Lessons"8. The Astra% 5od# is the co'nter$art of the )ateria% or
$h#sica% +od#, a%tho'!h it is co)$osed of )atter of a )'ch finer and
etherea% nat're than is the $h#sica% +od#. It is in(isi+%e to the
ordinar# e#e, +'t )a# +e seen c%air(o#ant%#. The Astra% 5od# rises fro)
the $h#sica% +od# %i*e a faint, %')ino's (a$or, and for a ti)e is
connected "ith the d#in! $h#sica% +od# +# a thin, (a$or# cord or
thread, "hich fina%%# +rea*s entire%# and the se$aration +eco)es
co)$%ete. The Astra% 5od# is so)e ti)e after"ard discarded +# the so'%
as it $asses on to the hi!her $%anes, as "e ha(e descri+ed a fe" $a!es
f'rther +ac*, and the a+andoned Astra% 5od# +eco)es an "Astra% She%%,"
and is s'+ject to a s%o" disinte!ration, j'st as is the $h#sica% +od#.
It is no )ore the so'% than is the $h#sica% +od#00it is )ere%# a cast
off !ar)ent of fine )atter. It "i%% +e seen readi%# that it is not an
entit#, force or +ein!00it is on%# cast off )atter00a s%o'!hed s*in. It
has no %ife or inte%%i!ence, +'t f%oats aro'nd on the %o"er Astra%
P%ane 'nti% it fina%%# disinte!rates. It has an attraction to"ard its
%ate $h#sica% associate00the $h#sica% +od#00and often ret'rns to the
$%ace "here the %atter is +'ried, "here it is so)eti)es seen +# $ersons
"hose astra% si!ht is te)$orari%# a"a*ened, "hen it is )ista*en for a
"!host" or "s$irit" of the $erson. These Astra% She%%s are often seen
f%oatin! aro'nd o(er !ra(e#ards, +att%efie%ds, etc. And so)eti)es these
she%%s co)in! in contact "ith the $s#chic )a!netis) of a )edi') +eco)e
"!a%(ani,ed" into %ife, and )anifest si!ns of inte%%i!ence, "hich,
ho"e(er, rea%%# co)es fro) the )ind of the )edi'). At so)e seances
these re0(ita%i,ed she%%s )anifest and )ateria%i,e, and ta%* in a
(a!'e, )eanin!%ess )anner, the she%% recei(in! its (ita%it# fro) the
+od# and )ind of the )edi') instead of s$ea*in! fro) an# conscio'sness
of its o"n. This state)ent is not to +e ta*en as an# denia% of tr'e
"s$irit ret'rn," +'t is )ere%# an e.$%anation of certain for)s of
so0ca%%ed "s$irit'a%istic $heno)ena" "hich is "e%% 'nderstood +#
ad(anced "s$irit'a%ists," a%tho'!h )an# see*ers after $s#chic $heno)ena
are in i!norance of it.
L-ESTION @I4 /hat is )eant +# "the 9a#s and Ni!hts of 5rah)"3 the
"C#c%es"3 the "Chain of /or%ds", etc., etc.:
ANS/ER4 In Lesson, of the $resent series, #o' "i%% find a +rief
)ention of the "9a#s and Ni!hts of 5rah)"00those (ast $eriods of the
In0+reathin! and O't0+reathin! of the Creati(e Princi$%e "hich is
$ersonified in the Hind' conce$tion of 5rah)a. o' "i%% see )entioned
there that 'ni(ersa% $hi%oso$hica% conce$tion of the -ni(ersa% Rh#th),
"hich )anifests in a s'ccession of $eriods of -ni(ersa% Acti(it# and
The o!i Teachin!s are that a%% Ti)e is )anifested in C#c%es. &an ca%%s
the )ost co))on for) of C#c%ic Ti)e +# the na)e of "a 9a#," "hich is
the $eriod of ti)e necessar# for the earth2s re(o%'tion on its
Each 9a# is a re$rod'ction of a%% $re(io's 9a#s, a%tho'!h the incidents
of each da# differ fro) those of the other00a%% 9a#s are +'t $eriods of
Ti)e )ar*ed off +# the re(o%'tion of the earth on its And each
Ni!ht is +'t the ne!ati(e side of a 9a#, the $ositi(e side of "hich is
ca%%ed "da#." There is rea%%# no s'ch thin! as a 9a#, that "hich "e
ca%% a "9a#" +ein! si)$%# a record of certain $h#sica% chan!es in the
earth2s $osition re%atin! to its o"n
The second $hase of C#c%ic Ti)e is ca%%ed +# )an +# the na)e "a &onth,"
+# "hich is )eant certain chan!es in the re%ati(e $ositions of the )oon
and the earth. The tr'e )onth consists of t"ent#0ei!ht %'nar da#s. In
this C#c%e 7the &onth8 there is a%so a %i!ht0ti)e or "da#," and a
dar*0ti)e or "ni!ht," the for)er +ein! the fo'rteen da#s of the )oon2s
(isi+i%it#, and the second +ein! the fo'rteen da#s of the )oon2s
The third $hase of C#c%ic Ti)e is that "hich "e ca%% "a ear," +# "hich
is )eant the ti)e occ'$ied +# the earth in its re(o%'tion aro'nd the
s'n. o' "i%% notice that the #ear has its $ositi(e and ne!ati(e
$eriods, a%so, *no"n as S'))er and /inter.
5't the o!is ta*e '$ the stor# "here the astrono)ers dro$ it, at the
ear. 5e#ond the ear there are other and !reater $hases of C#c%ic
Ti)e. The o!is *no" )an# c#c%es of tho'sands of #ears in "hich there
are )ar*ed $eriods of Acti(it# and Inacti(it#. /e cannot !o into detai%
re!ardin! these (ario's c#c%es, +'t )a# )ention another di(ision co))on
to the o!i teachin!s, +e!innin! "ith the <reat ear. The <reat ear is
co)$osed of DGJ earth #ears. T"e%(e tho'sand <reat ears constit'te
"hat is *no"n as a <reat C#c%e, "hich is seen to consist of E,DCJ,JJJ
earth #ears. Se(ent#0one <reat C#c%es co)$ose "hat is ca%%ed a
&an"antara, at the end of "hich the earth +eco)es s'+)er!ed 'nder the
"aters, 'nti% not a (esti!e of %and is %eft 'nco(ered. This state %asts
for a $eriod e1'a% to H1 <reat C#c%es. A 6a%$a is co)$osed of 1E
&an"antaras. The %ar!est and !randest C#c%e )anifested is *no"n as the
&a#a0Pra#%a#a, consistin! of DG,JJJ 6a%$as "hen the A+so%'te
"ithdra"s into Itse%f its entire )anifestations, and d"e%%s a%one in
its a"f'% Infinit# and Oneness, this $eriod +ein! s'cceeded +# a $eriod
e1'a%%# %on!00the t"o +ein! *no"n as the 9a#s and Ni!hts of 5rah).
o' "i%% notice that each of these !reat C#c%es has its "9a#" $eriod
and its "Ni!ht" $eriod00its Period of Acti(it#. and its Period of
Inacti(it#. Fro) 9a# to &a#a0Pra#%a#a, it is a s'ccession of Ni!hts and
9a#s00Creati(e Acti(it# and Creati(e Cessation.
The "Chain of /or%ds," is that !reat !ro'$ of $%anets in o'r o"n so%ar
s#ste), se(en in n')+er, o(er "hich the Procession of Life $asses, in
C#c%es. Fro) !%o+e to !%o+e the !reat "a(e of so'% %ife $asses in
C#c%ic Rh#th). After a race has $assed a certain n')+er of incarnations
'$on one $%anet, it $asses on to another, and %earns ne" %essons, and
then on and on 'nti% fina%%# it has %earned a%% of the %essons $ossi+%e
on this -ni(erse, "hen it $asses on to another -ni(erse, and so on,
fro) hi!her to hi!her 'nti% the h')an )ind is 'na+%e to e(en thin* of
the !rande'r of the destin# a"aitin! each h')an so'% on THE PATH. The
(ario's "or*s $'+%ished +# the Theoso$hica% or!ani,ations !o into
detai% re!ardin! these )atters, "hich re1'ire the s$ace of )an# (o%')es
to ade1'ate%# e.$ress, +'t "e thin* that "e ha(e at %ast indicated the
!enera% nat're of the 1'estion, $ointin! o't to the st'dent the nat're
of the s'+ject, and indicatin! %ines for f'rther st'd# and
And no", dear st'dents, "e ha(e reached the end of this series of
%essons. o' ha(e fo%%o"ed 's c%ose%# for the $ast fo'r #ears, )an# of
#o' ha(in! +een "ith 's as st'dents fro) the start. /e fee% )an# ties
of s$irit'a% re%ationshi$ +indin! #o' to 's, and the $artin!, a%tho'!h
+'t te)$orar#, !i(es a %itt%e $an! to 's00a %itt%e $'%% '$on o'r heart
strin!s. /e ha(e tried to !i(e to #o' a $%ain, $ractica% and si)$%e
e.$osition of the !reat tr'ths of this "or%d0o%d $hi%oso$h#00ha(e
endea(ored to e.$ress in $%ain si)$%e ter)s the !reatest tr'ths *no"n
to )an on earth to0da#, the o!i Phi%oso$h#. And )an# ha(e "ritten 's
that o'r "or* has not +een in (ain, and that "e ha(e +een the )eans of
o$enin! '$ ne" "or%ds of tho'!ht to the), and ha(e aided the) in
castin! off the o%d )ateria% sheaths that had +o'nd the) for so %on!,
and the discardin! of "hich ena+%ed the) to 'nfo%d the +ea'tif'%
+%osso) of S$irit'a%it#. 5e this as it )a#, "e ha(e +een a+%e )ere%# to
!i(e #o' the )ost e%e)entar# instr'ction in this "or%d0$hi%oso$h#, and
are $ainf'%%# conscio's of the s)a%% $ortion of the fie%d that "e ha(e
ti%%ed, "hen co)$ared "ith the infinite e.$anse of Tr'th sti%%
'nto'ched. 5't s'ch are the %i)itations of &an00he can s$ea* on%# of
that "hich %ies i))ediate%# +efore hi), %ea(in! for others the rest of
the "or* "hich is re)ote fro) his $%ace of a+ode. There are $%anes '$on
$%anes of this Tr'th "hich e(er# so'% a)on! #o' "i%% so)e da# )a*e his
or her o"n. It is #o'rs, and #o' "i%% +e i)$e%%ed to reach forth and
ta*e that "hich is intended for #o'. 5e not in too )'ch haste00+e of
!reat $atience00and a%% "i%% co)e to #o', for it is #o'r o"n.
/e ha(e here to )a*e an anno'nce)ent that "i%% $%ease o'r readers,
j'd!in! fro) the )an# %etters that "e ha(e recei(ed d'rin! the se(era%
#ears of o'r "or*. /e "i%% no" enter '$on a ne" $hase of o'r "or* of
$resentin! the !reat tr'ths 'nder%#in! %ife, as ta'!ht +# the !reat
)inds of cent'ries a!o, and caref'%%# trans)itted fro) )aster to
st'dent fro) that ti)e 'nto o'r o"n. /e ha(e conc%'ded o'r $resentation
of the )#stic teachin!s 'nder%#in! the Hind' Phi%oso$hies, and sha%%
no" $ass on to a consideration and $resentation of the !reat &#stic
Princi$%es 'nder%#in! that !reat and !%orio's creed of the /estern
"or%d00the re%i!ion, teachin!s, and $hi%oso$h# of >ES-S THE CHRIST.
These teachin!s, too, as "e sho'%d re)e)+er, are essentia%%# Eastern in
their ori!in, and so'rce, a%tho'!h their effects are )ore $rono'nced in
the /estern "or%d. -nder%#in! the teachin! and $hi%oso$h# of the Christ
are to +e fo'nd the sa)e esoteric $rinci$%es that 'nder%ie the other
!reat s#ste)s of $hi%oso$hies of the East. Co(ered '$ tho'!h the Tr'th
+e +# the additions of the /estern ch'rches and sects, sti%% it re)ains
there +'rnin! +ri!ht%# as e(er, and $%ain%# (isi+%e to one "ho "i%%
+r'sh aside the r'++ish s'rro'ndin! the Sacred F%a)e and "ho "i%% see*
+eneath the for)s and non0essentia%s for the &#stic Tr'ths 'nder%#in!
/e rea%i,e the i)$ortance of the "or* +efore 's, +'t "e shrin* not fro)
the tas*, for "e *no" that "hen the +ri!ht Li!ht of the S$irit, "hich
is fo'nd as the centre of the Christian $hi%oso$h#, is 'nco(ered, there
"i%% +e !reat rejoicin! fro) the )an# "ho "hi%e +e%ie(in! in and
rea%i,in! the (a%'e of the Eastern Teachin!s, sti%% ri!ht%# ho%d their
%o(e, de(otion and ad)iration for Hi) "ho "as in (er# Tr'th the Son of
<od, and "hose )ission "as to raise the /or%d s$irit'a%%# fro) the
)ateria% 1'a!)ire into "hich it "as st')+%in!.
And no", dear $'$i%s, "e )'st c%ose this series of %essons on the o!i
Phi%oso$h#. /e )'st rest ere "e so soon en!a!e '$on o'r ne" and !reat
"or*. /e )'st each ta*e a %itt%e rest, ere "e )eet a!ain on The Path of
Attain)ent. Each of these te)$orar# $artin!s are )i%estones '$on o'r
>o'rne# of S$irit'a% Life. Let each find 's farther ad(anced.
And no" "e send #o' o'r "ishes of Peace. &a# The Peace +e "ith #o' a%%,
no" and fore(er, e(en 'nto NIR@ANA, "hich is PEACE itse%f.

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