List of Regional

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Mathematical Olympiad Programme

National Co-ordinator
Prof. V. M. Sholapurkar
Head of the Department of Mathematics
S.P. College
Pune-411 00
email! deepaksholapurkar"$ %mshola"
&elephone ! 0'0-'41()* +,tn '0(
List of Regional Co-ordinators
No. Regional coordinator Region
-orth .one
1 Prof. /mita0ha &ripathi
Dept of Mathematics
11&$ Hau2 3has$ -e4 Delhi 110 015
Ph.! 60117 - '58(14*5 697
e-mail! at10*("
4e0site !
' Prof D.P.Shukla
C-1:81 sector ; <ankipuram
=uckno4 ''50'1
M0 0(480550*8
email! dpshukla"
>ttar Pradesh
Dr. Mahesh C. <oshi
Department of Mathematics$
3umaun >ni%ersit#$ DS? Campus
-ainital '5 001
Ph.! 608(4'7 ')*'8 69ff7
e-mail! mc@oshi5("
4 Dr. V 3 ;ro%er
Dept of Mathematics$ Pan@a0 >ni%ersit#
Chandigarh 150 014
Ph.! 601)'7 '84810 697$ 01)'-'5'4)( 6A7
e-mail! gro%er%k"$
Dr. Suman ?ala 6<oint Coordinator7
/sst Professor
Department of Mathematics
Pan@a0 >ni%ersit#$ Chandigarh 150014
Ph.! 601)'7 '848'5 697
email! sumanlB)8"
-orth Cestern States
8 Prof. S. D. Sharma$
Professor D Head$ Department of
Central >ni%ersit# of <ammu$
+-+,t. Sainik Colon#$ <ammu-1*0011.
Mo0E 0(41(1)8))$
+-mailE somdattB@ammu"$
Prof. ?ashir /. .argar
Department of Mathematics
>ni%ersit# of 3ashmir
Srinagar$ Ha2rat0al 1(0 005
Mo0.! ((05 (5 ('
e-mail! 2argar0a"
Cest .one
) Prof. < Aamadas
Centre Director
Homi ?ha0ha Centre for Science +ducation
-ear /nushaktinagar ?us Depot
V. -. Pura% Marg$ Mankhurd
Mum0ai F 400 0**
Ph.! 60''7 '88) 85'' 6&elefa,7$
60''7 '80) ''0)
e-mail! director"
* Dr. V V /char#a
C:o ?haskarachar#a Pratishthan
85:14$ +randa4ane$ Damle Path
9ff =a4 College Aoad
Pune 411 004
Ph! 0'0-'84484) : '8410)'4
+mail! %%achar#a"
Maharashtra D ;oa
( Dr. >da#an M. Pra@apati
Head$ Department of Mathematics$
St. Ga%ierHs College$ -a%rangpura
/hmeda0ad F *0 00(.
Mo0! 607 (4'5*4
email! ganitBspardha"
10 Dr. /. 3. Mathur
Aegional Coordinator$ 1-M9
Dept of Mathematics$ >ni%ersit# of Aa@asthan
<aipur 0' 004
Ph.! 601417 )0*(' 697
Mo0.! 607 (148 '(*88
Central .one
11 Dr. Aa@esh Pande$
Senior Aeader$
State 1nstitute of Science +ducation and
&eachers &raining College$ <a0alpur
Madh#a Pradesh 4*'001
Phone -o!0)5 F 1'5'8))5
+-mail! sise@0p8))5"
Dr. 6Smt.7 Sandh#a <ain$
6<oint Co-ordinator7
State 1nstitute of Science +ducation and
&eachers &raining College$ <a0alpur
Madh#a Pradesh 4*'001
Phone -o!0)5 F 1'5'8))5
Mo0ile! 0(*()'*1'
+-mail ! sise@0p8))5"
Madh#a Pradesh
1' Dr. V. 3. Pathak
Head Department of 6Mathematics7
;o%t. P.;. College$ Dhamtari
Chattisgarh 4())
Ph.! 60))'7 '')( 697
Ia,! 60))'7 '')(
e-mail! %kpath'115'"
1 Prof. Md. /2har Hussain
Vice Chancellor
AM9 9ffice$ -orth ?ihar D Patna Aegion
-e4 /2ima0ad Colon#
Cest Sanichara
P.9. Mahendru$ Patna *00 005
Mo0.! 607(40*(1(1
e-mail! a2harhu"
Professor and Head
Department of Mathematics
Veer 3un4ar Singh >ni%ersit#
/ra *0' 01
-orth ?ihar D Patna
14 Prof A 3 Das
Aamni4as$ =al ?agh$
?hagalpur *1' 001$ ?ihar
Ph.! 605417 '511'5: 607
Mo0.! 607 (41*)8*(
email! rkdasBhod"
South ?ihar 6?hagalpur7
18 Dr. 3 C Prasad
3ali Mandir =ane
Sukhdeo -agar FAatu Aoad
P. 9. Hehal
Aanchi F*4 008
Ph.! 605817 ''*0((4 6A7
e-mail! kcprasad1"
Dr. Manohar =al 6<oint coordinator7
;uru -anak Higher Secondar# School
Pee-Pee Compound
Aanchi - *4 001
Ph! 0581-'100) 697$ 0(*81458) 6M7
+ast .one
15 Prof. Sumitra Purka#astha
/pplied Statistics >nit
1ndian Statistical 1nstitute
'0 ?.&. Aoad
3olkata )00 10*
+mail! sumitra"
&el! 0-'8)8 405 697
0 - (*04 (*)85 6M7
Ia,! 0-'8)* 8'50$ 0-'8)) 5('8
Prof. Aana ?arua 6<oint Co-ordinator7
Stat-Math. >nit$
1ndian Statistical 1nstitute$
'0$ ?.& Aoad$
3olkata )0010*
Ph! 607 '8)8 410
0 - (*010**11
e-mail! rana"
Cest ?engal
1) Prof. Hadi0andhu Pattana#ak
/'$ Aashmi &o4ers
-ages4ar &angi$ 9ld &o4n
9dihsa$ 1ndia
Mo0ile -o!-()1'4(10
email! h.pattana#ak"
1* Prof. -. A. Das
Departnment of Mathematics
;auhati >ni%ersit#
;opinath ?ordoloi -agar
;u4ahati -)*1 014 /ssam
Mo0! (*540(1(0)
e-mail! nrd)"
1( Prof. M. ?. Aege
Dept of Mathematics
-orth-+astern Hill >ni%ersit#
Permanent Campus$ Ma4lai
Shillong$ Meghala#a )( 0''
Mo0.! 607(451040)1
e-mail! m0'(rege"
'0 Dr.Sharmistha ?hattachar#a Halder
Aeader $ Dept of Mathematics
&ripura >ni%ersit#6/ Central >ni%ersit#7
&ripura - )((0''
Phone! 0(*5'5)50')
email! halderB)1"
South .one
'1 Ms. Sudha De%i
P; Department of Mathematics
Maris Stella College
Vi@a#a4ada 8'0 00*
Mo0.! 607 ('45550550
e-mail! %sdB)5"
Coastal /P D
'' Prof. &. /maranath$
School of Mathematics and Statistics$
>ni%ersit# of H#dera0ad$
Prof. C. A. Aao Aoad$
;achi0o4li$ H#dera0ad 800 04'

' Dr. ?. Sur#
Stat Math >nit
1ndian Statistical 1nstitute
*th Mile M#sore Aoad$
AV College Post
?angalore 850 08(
0 F (*48 1(8 )'*
+mail ! sur#0ang"
'4 Dr. /m0at Vi@a#kumar
Professor 6Aegional Coordinator 1-M97$
Dept of Mathematics
Cochin >ni%ersit# of Science D &echnolog#
Cochin 5*' 0''$ 3erala
Ph.!604*47 '8))81* 697$604*47 '8)8'** 6A7
Mob.: (0)9447608851
e-mail! %i@a#"
Dr. P. M. Mathe4 6<oint Co-ordinator7
Department of Mathematics
St. <osephJs College
De%agiri P.9.
Calicut. 5) 00*
Ph.! 604(87 5818011
Mo0.! 607 (4(8'08''5
email! mathe4de%giri"
'8 Prof. 3. -. Aanganathan
C1$ Srinidhi /partment
15 /$ ;iri Aoad$ & -agar
Chennai - 500 01)
Mo0.! 607 (5000 *'58
e-mail! knranga"
9ther Centres
'5 Dr. Sadhana Parashar
Director 6/cademic7
Central ?oard of Secondar# +ducation
Shiksha SadanK
1)$ Aouse /%enue
-e4 Delhi 11000'.
Ph! (1-11-''1'50$ ''4'4
Ms. /n@ali Chha0ra
/+9$ C?S+
1)$ Aouse /%enue
-e4 Dehi- 110 00'
Mo0! 607 )** 54 0*
e-mail! an@ali.c0se11"
') Dr. &. C. S. -aidu
<t. Commissioner /cademic
-a%odala#a Vid#ala#a of
-a%oda#a Vid#ala#a Samiti
?-18$ 1nstitutional /rea
Ph.! 60117 '(' (5)*697
Mo0.! 0(( 5*5 5)10
+mail! tcsnaidu'00)"
'* Shri <agat Singh
P;& Maths
3VS Mathematical 9l#mpiad
3endri#a Vid#ala#a -&PC
Sector 4
Ak puram
-e4 Delhi-110 0''
Mo0! 607 (*1*'5('01
e-mail! @agatsingh.k%s1"

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